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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-19-2022, 11:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Not sure what 18 has to do with anything. Schoolers have to be vaccinated for a multitude of stuff before being allowed to attend.
16 hrs prior , all good to go , has a birthday, turns 18 ………16hrs later now he’s some kind of walking death trap not allowed on school premise.

Explain the science and research behind that? The science already shows kids are at a much greater risk of dying in car wreck on the way to school than dying of covid. It’s stupid. This is exactly why there is such divide on this retarded nonsense. Anyone with half a brain can see the entire bull**** behind this.

I’d love to hear an explanation of how simply by a birthday has changed your covid status so significantly you can’t attend school any longer. I’d love to hear how keeping a kid from his education , social atmosphere and sending him to isolation is more beneficial to the student and his friends than him attending school. Let’s hear it

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-19-2022 at 11:49 AM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-19-2022, 11:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Science has come along way in 100 years.
It’s come so far that what they told everyone a year ago has turned out to be completely bull**** when tested in real world conditions.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-19-2022, 12:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
16 hrs prior , all good to go , has a birthday, turns 18 ………16hrs later now he’s some kind of walking death trap not allowed on school premise.

Explain the science and research behind that? The science already shows kids are at a much greater risk of dying in car wreck on the way to school than dying of covid. It’s stupid. This is exactly why there is such divide on this retarded nonsense. Anyone with half a brain can see the entire bull**** behind this.

I’d love to hear an explanation of how simply by a birthday has changed your covid status so significantly you can’t attend school any longer. I’d love to hear how keeping a kid from his education , social atmosphere and sending him to isolation is more beneficial to the student and his friends than him attending school. Let’s hear it
Why is it so hard for you to understand the diff between an adult and a juvenile? The question is not a birthday changing his covid status. He is 18, thats an adult in this country. No one other than himself is keeping him from his education. Feel free to blame everyone else for your own self caused problems, Snowflake. In fact this is a learning situation. Get vaxxed, go to school. Do not get vaxxed, causes all kinds of problems for yourself. Do i want to get vaccinated and make life easier or do I want to spend the next 6months+ sticking a que-tip up my nose countless times?
I went to the big Pomona Auto Swap last weekend. Over 5000 people so LA county requires vax. Took me 3 minutes in line, show card, pay my $ and I am in. The non-vaxxed had a 100 yard long line, minimum 1+ hour wait to test to enter. These fools show up at 6 am and cant get in til after 8 because their choice not to vax. Not only that they are still unvaccinated and have much higher chance of ending up in a hospital. I heard several whining about it inside. Dude, You are 100 lbs overweight, smoking and drinking beer at 9:30 in the morning, you are the definition of what Covid attacks.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-19-2022, 1:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
16 hrs prior , all good to go , has a birthday, turns 18 ………16hrs later now he’s some kind of walking death trap not allowed on school premise.

Explain the science and research behind that? The science already shows kids are at a much greater risk of dying in car wreck on the way to school than dying of covid. It’s stupid. This is exactly why there is such divide on this retarded nonsense. Anyone with half a brain can see the entire bull**** behind this.

I’d love to hear an explanation of how simply by a birthday has changed your covid status so significantly you can’t attend school any longer. I’d love to hear how keeping a kid from his education , social atmosphere and sending him to isolation is more beneficial to the student and his friends than him attending school. Let’s hear it
I was agreeing that just because he was 18 shouldn't make a difference. What are the odds your kid will die of small pox, yet you have to have the vaccine. It helps protect everyone. Science is constantly learning so to think they will get everything right when given a new virus is dumb. It takes time, and yes, trial and error. No vaccine is 100% effective.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-19-2022, 2:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
I was agreeing that just because he was 18 shouldn't make a difference. What are the odds your kid will die of small pox, yet you have to have the vaccine. It helps protect everyone. Science is constantly learning so to think they will get everything right when given a new virus is dumb. It takes time, and yes, trial and error. No vaccine is 100% effective.
In many states, for under 18, it requires parental consent to get vaccinated. He no longer needs parental consent.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-19-2022, 5:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why is it so hard for you to understand the diff between an adult and a juvenile? The question is not a birthday changing his covid status. He is 18, thats an adult in this country. No one other than himself is keeping him from his education. Feel free to blame everyone else for your own self caused problems, Snowflake. In fact this is a learning situation. Get vaxxed, go to school. Do not get vaxxed, causes all kinds of problems for yourself. Do i want to get vaccinated and make life easier or do I want to spend the next 6months+ sticking a que-tip up my nose countless times?
I went to the big Pomona Auto Swap last weekend. Over 5000 people so LA county requires vax. Took me 3 minutes in line, show card, pay my $ and I am in. The non-vaxxed had a 100 yard long line, minimum 1+ hour wait to test to enter. These fools show up at 6 am and cant get in til after 8 because their choice not to vax. Not only that they are still unvaccinated and have much higher chance of ending up in a hospital. I heard several whining about it inside. Dude, You are 100 lbs overweight, smoking and drinking beer at 9:30 in the morning, you are the definition of what Covid attacks.
Over 90% of covid deaths had 2 or more comorbities. The number one covid factor for death was obesity. Why are we limiting restrictions simply on vaxx status and not going right after the root cause of covid deaths ?

Seems like maybe they should be asking for annual physical proof , gym attendance records , recent ekg reports , and cholesterol reports before serving people triple cheeseburgers and fries……….maybe they should be firing people who don’t comply to fitness and health standards at companies with over 100 employees is a better recourse. It will reduce cost of insurance , reduce fatigue and increase production. , Maybe fat obese people should be allowed in restaurants , bars. , and bakeries. Maybe fat obese kids shouldn’t be allowed in school because their bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles are influencing others at such a young impressionable age putting those students at risk.

I mean if we are gonna do it. Why not go all in ? Getting rid of fat unhealthy people who deprive society of hospital resources , specialty services , and drain healthcare funds at a severely skewed rate need to be held accountable
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-19-2022, 5:25 PM Reply   
Because it's the unvaxxed that are keeping the pandemic going and it's not safe for the unvaxxed to be in public because they can spread covid. You need to be vaxxed so you don't kill other people.

Oh wait, that's now proven to be completely untrue. I know, you're not allowed to go out on public if you're not vaxxed because you could catch covid and die. We can't have you clogging up our hospitals. We also aren't doing anything about the nurse/healthcare worker shortage.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-19-2022, 6:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Over 90% of covid deaths had 2 or more comorbities. The number one covid factor for death was obesity. Why are we limiting restrictions simply on vaxx status and not going right after the root cause of covid deaths ?

Seems like maybe they should be asking for annual physical proof , gym attendance records , recent ekg reports , and cholesterol reports before serving people triple cheeseburgers and fries……….maybe they should be firing people who don’t comply to fitness and health standards at companies with over 100 employees is a better recourse. It will reduce cost of insurance , reduce fatigue and increase production. , Maybe fat obese people should be allowed in restaurants , bars. , and bakeries. Maybe fat obese kids shouldn’t be allowed in school because their bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles are influencing others at such a young impressionable age putting those students at risk.

I mean if we are gonna do it. Why not go all in ? Getting rid of fat unhealthy people who deprive society of hospital resources , specialty services , and drain healthcare funds at a severely skewed rate need to be held accountable
42.5% of the US is obese, thats a lot of people and the numbers dont change if you only look at LEO's. Add about 30 million that have diabetes. We have an unhealthy country that makes dealing with covid quite difficult. There is a "sugar tax" in some lib run cities like Berkeley, Philly to try to curb childhood obesity and diabetes. I would vote for it nationwide. Id also remove sugar drinks and junk food, chips ... from food stamps.
You do know about cops and doughnut shops right?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-20-2022, 8:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
42.5% of the US is obese, thats a lot of people and the numbers dont change if you only look at LEO's. Add about 30 million that have diabetes. We have an unhealthy country that makes dealing with covid quite difficult. There is a "sugar tax" in some lib run cities like Berkeley, Philly to try to curb childhood obesity and diabetes. I would vote for it nationwide. Id also remove sugar drinks and junk food, chips ... from food stamps.
You do know about cops and doughnut shops right?
We also have a bunch of leftist liars , tyrants and terrorists in power that make handling covid impossible.

But now we are talking about some great policy shifts.

How about if you’re convicted of a felony while in government aide you loose your money , how about if you are a convicted felon you’re ineligible for government aid , how about if you’re on government aid you need to be mandated to be use birth control? How about mandatory drug testing for people on government aid? How about “term limits “ for government aid so people stop living a lifetime on it.

Where are all these policies to build back a better America. Save billions by reducing government handouts in single bill . It would also reduce crime without sending a single POC to prison and reduce children born into poverty. Seems pretty simple and straight forward.

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-20-2022 at 8:19 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 8:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
How many Billions of safe shots need to get into arms before you STFU about "It isnt safe" BS?
Know what isnt safe? Walking around unvaccinated. Check out hospitalization numbers of the unvaxxed and then tell me whats unsafe. The RNA vax's are not new, they contain no virus.

When you turn 18, one becomes an adult. Adults play by diff rules than non adults. Why am I explaining age rules to one who really should already know the diff between an adult and a juvenile?
You are preaching to the choir on this, however this is in peoples minds.

Currently, there is a European paper in review where they are finding if you are X amount of weeks beyond your covid vaccine, it is actually making you more likely to get the new covid strain. I am not sure if it is going to conclude that even if you are more likely to contract this strain that you still have better protection of not.

There is also another article I just saw in scanning my apple feed from one of the major news papers saying that the data is saying last year natural immunity was better than the vaccine for protection.

These types of things, coupled with how many decades the other vaccines are usually on the market before being "required" makes people want to pause before jumping in. Never mind the countless advertisements from lawyers looking to sue such and such drug company for complications of "place designer drug name here".
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 8:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Science has come along way in 100 years.
Has it? We still use the exact same vaccines they produced then.

We also have put out vaccines that cause horrible defects in kids and there are countless law suit after law suit on all sorts of rushed through the "modern process". The vaccine for covid for the young is stupid. Kids are more likely die on the way to school in a car than they are of covid. Couple that with a paper coming out of Europe stating that being a few weeks beyond your covid shot is actually making more likely to get the new strain than unvaccinated can be a little troubling.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 8:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
Because it's the unvaxxed that are keeping the pandemic going and it's not safe for the unvaxxed to be in public because they can spread covid. You need to be vaxxed so you don't kill other people.

Oh wait, that's now proven to be completely untrue. I know, you're not allowed to go out on public if you're not vaxxed because you could catch covid and die. We can't have you clogging up our hospitals. We also aren't doing anything about the nurse/healthcare worker shortage.
Wrong wrong wrong. The vaccinated are more likely to contract the new version than the unvaccinated based on a paper being written in Europe.

You are doing plenty about the doctor and nurse shortage. You are firing them for not being vaccinated even though they worked during the worst part of the pandemic.

I may have missed some of your sarcasm
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-20-2022, 9:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Wrong wrong wrong. The vaccinated are more likely to contract the new version than the unvaccinated based on a paper being written in Europe.
You got this information from a paper that hasn't been written yet?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 9:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You got this information from a paper that hasn't been written yet?
It is written. Apparently under review. They obviously have the data.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 9:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You got this information from a paper that hasn't been written yet?

Omicron largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses

The Omicron variant largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses according to the latest Imperial modelling.

The new report (Report 49) from the Imperial College London COVID-19 response team estimates that the risk of reinfection with the Omicron variant is 5.4 times greater than that of the Delta variant. This implies that the protection against reinfection by Omicron afforded by past infection may be as low as 19%

Vaccine effectiveness against Omicron

The researchers found a significantly increased risk of developing a symptomatic Omicron case compared to Delta for those who were two or more weeks past their second vaccine dose, and two or more weeks past their booster dose (for AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines).
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-20-2022, 9:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Omicron largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses

The Omicron variant largely evades immunity from past infection or two vaccine doses according to the latest Imperial modelling.
Nothing in that paper that I see supports your claim.... "The vaccinated are more likely to contract the new version than the unvaccinated...."

If fact, I don't find anything in that paper surprising except.... "The study finds no evidence of Omicron having lower severity than Delta".

My experience with getting what I presume was Omicron is that it was nothing but a mild cold if you are fully vaccinated.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 10:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Nothing in that paper that I see supports your claim.... "The vaccinated are more likely to contract the new version than the unvaccinated...."

If fact, I don't find anything in that paper surprising except.... "The study finds no evidence of Omicron having lower severity than Delta".

My experience with getting what I presume was Omicron is that it was nothing but a mild cold if you are fully vaccinated.
I agree, however what I have been hearing is the data they are reviewing is that the protection has gone negative for the new variant and not a less degree of positive. We will have to wait and see what is going on.

So, you really think the world can afford to give boosters to 7 billion people 2 times a year? How do you think this all end. We all just stay couped up in a faceless society?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Nothing in that paper that I see supports your claim.... "The vaccinated are more likely to contract the new version than the unvaccinated...."

If fact, I don't find anything in that paper surprising except.... "The study finds no evidence of Omicron having lower severity than Delta".

My experience with getting what I presume was Omicron is that it was nothing but a mild cold if you are fully vaccinated.
I guess the other take away is, so 2 weeks after the initial vaccine or the booster, you have very little protection at the best regardless of the negative swing talk. What do you do?

Turns out that the UK is pretty much dropping most of their restrictions.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-20-2022, 10:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
We also have a bunch of leftist liars , tyrants and terrorists in power that make handling covid impossible.

But now we are talking about some great policy shifts.

How about if you’re convicted of a felony while in government aide you loose your money , how about if you are a convicted felon you’re ineligible for government aid , how about if you’re on government aid you need to be mandated to be use birth control? How about mandatory drug testing for people on government aid? How about “term limits “ for government aid so people stop living a lifetime on it.

Where are all these policies to build back a better America. Save billions by reducing government handouts in single bill . It would also reduce crime without sending a single POC to prison and reduce children born into poverty. Seems pretty simple and straight forward.
Do you read your own posts? Leftist liars, Tyrants, terrorists... What terrorists? lying about what? What tyrants? The entire GOP is refusing to do anything to assist in defeating Covid. Then all they do is complain about the economy, the inflation, movement of goods....all due to covid issues. Vaccines work. Masks work, distancing works. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Clorox do not.
Then you go off on a right wing whacked screed. If the Govt did what you suggest, you think things will improve? or we will have more homeless, more crime due to no other way to survive?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-20-2022, 10:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I agree, however what I have been hearing is the data they are reviewing is that the protection has gone negative for the new variant and not a less degree of positive. We will have to wait and see what is going on.

So, you really think the world can afford to give boosters to 7 billion people 2 times a year? How do you think this all end. We all just stay couped up in a faceless society?
You site a source that you agree isnt accurate nor reviewed. Then cite it again. That just F'n stupid.
You are purposely trying to muddy the water while agreeing you have nothing to back your point.
What we really know is that if you are vaccinated you have a great chance of avoiding hospitals and death. The people in hospitals and dying are overwhelmingly unvaxxed. Those are the facts.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-20-2022, 10:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I guess the other take away is, so 2 weeks after the initial vaccine or the booster, you have very little protection at the best regardless of the negative swing talk. What do you do?

Turns out that the UK is pretty much dropping most of their restrictions.
Takes 2 weeks to be fully vaccinated after shots? Thats not a new take. Thats what they have been telling us since the vax first came out. They give you that info in writing the day you get a shot.
What do you do? You get vaxxed.
The UK, so?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 11:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You site a source that you agree isnt accurate nor reviewed. Then cite it again. That just F'n stupid.
You are purposely trying to muddy the water while agreeing you have nothing to back your point.
What we really know is that if you are vaccinated you have a great chance of avoiding hospitals and death. The people in hospitals and dying are overwhelmingly unvaxxed. Those are the facts.
No. That is the fact of Delta variant facts. The Omnicron variant is not as deadly and not sure how you can make the claim the unvaccinated are the ones dying when everyone has breakthrough cases. The vaccine does not stop the virus, it helps you fight the spike protein. In theory the fighting of the spike protein will lessen your viral load. Not show how you can say that when everyone is getting it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 11:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Takes 2 weeks to be fully vaccinated after shots? Thats not a new take. Thats what they have been telling us since the vax first came out. They give you that info in writing the day you get a shot.
What do you do? You get vaxxed.
The UK, so?
Also they are saying after 2 weeks of getting the shot, the protection is very little. You are only protected immediately after the shot from the new variant. The new variant is overwhelmingly the case load now. So if one was to have rushed down to get the initial vaccine, they are pretty much no better than those who waited at this point. Yes, we do need to determine if unvaccinated are dying at a high rate, however it sounds like not nearly as many are dying of the new variant.

So wasn't the point of vaccination to not spread it and to protect those at home? Now that everyone is getting it vaxxed and unvaxxed, so what is the point?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-20-2022, 11:48 AM Reply   
It makes it less severe. I just got over covid and I am glad I was vaccinated because I think it would have been a lot worse.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 12:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
It makes it less severe. I just got over covid and I am glad I was vaccinated because I think it would have been a lot worse.
Sure. But do we really know? I would like to think so as well. My wife just tested positive and she is vaccinated back in April no booster. So far just s stuffy head and some drainage like a cold so far.

Son in law is vaccinated as of last month. He is home barfing up his guts. Daughter (his wife) recently vaccinated, no signs yet. me so far no signs vaccinated in April no booster. Other daughters husband non vaccinated and has rash and congestion. that daughter unvaccinated. no symptoms. Grand kids 2 and 4. tossed up for a day and some diarrhea. Fine the next day.

hard to pin it all down.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-20-2022, 12:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Also they are saying after 2 weeks of getting the shot, the protection is very little. You are only protected immediately after the shot from the new variant. The new variant is overwhelmingly the case load now. So if one was to have rushed down to get the initial vaccine, they are pretty much no better than those who waited at this point. Yes, we do need to determine if unvaccinated are dying at a high rate, however it sounds like not nearly as many are dying of the new variant.

So wasn't the point of vaccination to not spread it and to protect those at home? Now that everyone is getting it vaxxed and unvaxxed, so what is the point?
Yes that was the original point...for covid 19. Since Delta and Omicron things have changed, obviously. Now the biggest benefit is that it will decrease the severity, probably keep you from being hospitalized and keep you from dying. As psudy just posted. Whats the point? Thats not enough? Most of America is overweight, have diabetes or countless other comorbidities. If they are vaxxed they are much more likely to survive. Those who were early vaxxers were also early booster getters. Everything you write is a circle of stupidity. Are you an "average American?, what is your height and weight? diabetic?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-20-2022, 12:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Sure. But do we really know? I would like to think so as well. My wife just tested positive and she is vaccinated back in April no booster. So far just s stuffy head and some drainage like a cold so far.

Son in law is vaccinated as of last month. He is home barfing up his guts. Daughter (his wife) recently vaccinated, no signs yet. me so far no signs vaccinated in April no booster. Other daughters husband non vaccinated and has rash and congestion. that daughter unvaccinated. no symptoms. Grand kids 2 and 4. tossed up for a day and some diarrhea. Fine the next day.

hard to pin it all down.
It is hard. I look at the local stats they put out of all the people hospitalized. Of the 32(we are a small community) total only 4 were vaccinated.

Mine was worse than a cold more like a bad flu that came and went for a week. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about it hitting my lungs the whole time though.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 12:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yes that was the original point...for covid 19. Since Delta and Omicron things have changed, obviously. Now the biggest benefit is that it will decrease the severity, probably keep you from being hospitalized and keep you from dying. As psudy just posted. Whats the point? Thats not enough? Most of America is overweight, have diabetes or countless other comorbidities. If they are vaxxed they are much more likely to survive. Those who were early vaxxers were also early booster getters. Everything you write is a circle of stupidity. Are you an "average American?, what is your height and weight? diabetic?
I am fat as hell and in perfect health. Perfect blood pressure and generally healthy with good blood work. I am pretty sure I had covid before covid was cool. Never wore a mask anywhere that did not state that I had to wear one. Early and late pandemic the place I would go to did not have mask requirements. Went to parties without masks. I did get the shot when it came out. I did not get the booster.

The data does suggest that with delta that what you say is true. The data also said that people who had covid were better protected than those with the vaccine. Only down side is you had to have covid. Turns out like you pointed out and was pointed out to you, the data seems to be saying it was ll these people with secondary issues that it really impacted. the overwhelming being those over the age of 65. Those 18 and under was not hardly measurable.

yet, here we are. Still punishing children. Shutting down crap and firing healthcare workers over your parties paranoia. Then complaining we have a lack of healthcare staff. Is it just me, that many of these things you guys like to complain about is self induced? No. many people have pointed this out. never fear, there were will legislation coming out soon to fix this. I am pretty sure it will have something to do with the democrat party taking more power away from individuals.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 12:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
It is hard. I look at the local stats they put out of all the people hospitalized. Of the 32(we are a small community) total only 4 were vaccinated.

Mine was worse than a cold more like a bad flu that came and went for a week. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about it hitting my lungs the whole time though.
I hear you. I would be concerned too. I am not saying people should have zero concern. it is just it is going to be an inescapable fact of life so how long are we going to not live life?

At this point, I am not certain if I would believe if they were there for covid vs having covid. We pointed this out on this board last year that they were doing this because there was a profit motive to report COVID. now the CDC admitted the numbers recently were over inflated by 50% because they counted people who were hospitalized for other things and tested for covid. They did not have symptoms of covid. They were simply tested and came back positive. We also know that if you were vaccinated they did not test you so they would not find out if you had covid. Same with my work. If you are vaccinated (which for us now includes a booster) and have a close contact (less than 6ft spacing for more than 15 minutes by definition) you can come to work. You just need to wear a N95 mask in shared spaces.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-20-2022, 12:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Wrong wrong wrong. The vaccinated are more likely to contract the new version than the unvaccinated based on a paper being written in Europe.

You are doing plenty about the doctor and nurse shortage. You are firing them for not being vaccinated even though they worked during the worst part of the pandemic.

I may have missed some of your sarcasm
Sorry, should have used my sarcasm font...
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-20-2022, 1:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I hear you. I would be concerned too. I am not saying people should have zero concern. it is just it is going to be an inescapable fact of life so how long are we going to not live life?

At this point, I am not certain if I would believe if they were there for covid vs having covid. We pointed this out on this board last year that they were doing this because there was a profit motive to report COVID. now the CDC admitted the numbers recently were over inflated by 50% because they counted people who were hospitalized for other things and tested for covid. They did not have symptoms of covid. They were simply tested and came back positive. We also know that if you were vaccinated they did not test you so they would not find out if you had covid. Same with my work. If you are vaccinated (which for us now includes a booster) and have a close contact (less than 6ft spacing for more than 15 minutes by definition) you can come to work. You just need to wear a N95 mask in shared spaces.
Well one of the local ER doctors is a good friend and I can tell you that locally they are in there because of covid. I have heard of the reporting that you speak of though. Not sure if its true but if it is, that is exactly the kind of crap that has blown up in their faces. Why would they do that and not think it would be abused.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-20-2022, 2:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Well one of the local ER doctors is a good friend and I can tell you that locally they are in there because of covid. I have heard of the reporting that you speak of though. Not sure if its true but if it is, that is exactly the kind of crap that has blown up in their faces. Why would they do that and not think it would be abused.
I think that is what the whole uproar is about. Biden and company put out these mandates knowing they were illegal and gamed the books to get people to comply. Eventually people are putting 2 and 2 together. Very little of the facts of all this seemed to mesh. If you have a vaccine and they have said don't worry we are not measuring you because of the vaccine, then of course only the non vaxxed are going to show up as being in the hospital. What they say very well could be true that the unvaxxed are the ones in there. I can believe, however how do you know it is true knowing the other information. It is stuff like that the makes doubt. The thing is I can live with doubt, it is when people are trying to take freedoms and remove you from society by using doubtful methods that is going to blow this all up. I think it is purposeful considering one of our political parties keep saying out loud how they want to transform the country even before this mess and they say never let a crisis go to waste. They literally on the record saying this from the highest positions in government.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       01-20-2022, 5:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Sure. But do we really know? I would like to think so as well. My wife just tested positive and she is vaccinated back in April no booster. So far just s stuffy head and some drainage like a cold so far.

Son in law is vaccinated as of last month. He is home barfing up his guts. Daughter (his wife) recently vaccinated, no signs yet. me so far no signs vaccinated in April no booster. Other daughters husband non vaccinated and has rash and congestion. that daughter unvaccinated. no symptoms. Grand kids 2 and 4. tossed up for a day and some diarrhea. Fine the next day.

hard to pin it all down.
Odds are you guys well be totally fine but good luck and good wishes anyway, can't hurt.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-20-2022, 11:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Well one of the local ER doctors is a good friend and I can tell you that locally they are in there because of covid. I have heard of the reporting that you speak of though. Not sure if its true but if it is, that is exactly the kind of crap that has blown up in their faces. Why would they do that and not think it would be abused.

The entire premise to falsify a covid death was monetary. The end. At some point they grew a conscience when they realized these death numbers were now actually being exploited daily for political gain and nothing more a few said enough is enough.

It only took 800k plus deaths to actually acknowledge what was pointed out in first 4-6 months of the pandemic by the people actually paying attention. A majority of Americans are fed up with the nonsensical bull**** and lies they’ve been told for over two years from the democratic machine that owns the media and can release any of the narrative they want. Have you read the Fauci emails ? Have you read the testimony from in front of congress people have given regarding covid ? Fauci and his right hand man specifically targeted and “cancelled” research that went against anything he said in order to remain the head honcho. Fauci and company basically created a task force to keep their narrative the only one allowed to be heard. Remember when Trump stated he virus was created in a lab in China and everyone demonized him? Turns out he was 100% correct because he had all that info. Instead Fauci chose to go the adversarial route with him because Fauci needed a way to burry all his connections to Wuhan , his pet projects , and his money flow for borderline illegal research funded on false pretenses. It’s amazing the guy that has the most to gain and lose by an investigation into the virus itself he’s the one in charge of disseminating all the info pertaining to it and the investigations into its origins .

The supply chain shortages , workforce depletion , excessive inflation , bare shelves , bare car lots , astronomical price increases of just about everything were all contributed by the instantaneous over reaction and forced lockdowns that had next to zero measurable effect on curbing covid. This was all predicted by forward thinking people who were chastised and called murders at the beginning of the pandemic. People with functioning brains predicted lockdowns would hurt, possibly destroy America severely in the long term and provide minimal gain to combating actual virus Tryrannical power hungry democrats that didn’t give a flying **** about anything but winning an election at all costs are now reaping the fine rewards of their lunacy . Depleted workforces , no goods , no services , no educators , and now no healthcare workers or law enforcement officers. . The federal government lost 1/3 of healthcare staff in some areas with their federal mandates at a time when they are /were needed the most. It’s plain idiocy to have a group of people who worked tirelessly during the pandemic for over year without any vaccines and were able to remain valuable working through some of the most horrific conditions one could imagine, all of sudden be told you don’t know how to take care of yourself or what your doing. One with a 1/4 of a functioning brain would think those on the front lines would be more than qualified at making the best healthcare choices for themselves without grandpa’s mandate. . . Their thanks from Biden and company for their tireless efforts was more stress , more lunacy, and to be told Democrats know their body’s and health better than they do . Your personal choice is no longer yours. **** your tireless work GET VAXXED OR LOSE YOUR JOB. !! Never mind the fact all these frontline workers were exposed daily with limited if any ppe , and a majority ended up being perfectly healthy after working 12 hrs days 7 days a week being exposed hourly .

There isn’t a single mandate that has had a measurable, significant impact on the virus. It’s idiocy and mental illness to keep tripling and quadrupling down on these nonsensical lockdowns /mandates. Vaccination status has nothing to do with being able to catch and pass the virus. Whether your me vaxxxed or not you’re able to contract it and or pass it. So mandating it to live life to the fullest is completely absurd.

The facts are this.

This virus has been a very targeted virus since day one. Not a group of significant deaths are measurable/ impactful enough outside of the the target demographic of piss poor unhealthy old people with more than one comorbidity. That has not swayed a millimeter on the death needle. The amount of deaths outside that “high risk “ group are chump change compared to lives destroyed by lockdowns , mandates , mentally retarded policies put in place for nothing but political gain. It’s sickening and these leaders still mandating and implementing them need to have a needle put in their arm and be held accountable for all the lives they’ve destroyed and will further destroy down the line due to the policies they put in place.

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-20-2022 at 11:29 PM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       01-21-2022, 6:02 AM Reply   
well it only took a year for the majority of the country to realize they voted a man into office who has dementia. He is impaired, unable to articulate words, make dangerous gaffs and is bed ridden 50% of the week. hiding in the basement, while his boobs run the left wing show. Very scary
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-21-2022, 6:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post

The entire premise to falsify a covid death was monetary. The end. At some point they grew a conscience when they realized these death numbers were now actually being exploited daily for political gain and nothing more a few said enough is enough.

It only took 800k plus deaths to actually acknowledge what was pointed out in first 4-6 months of the pandemic by the people actually paying attention. A majority of Americans are fed up with the nonsensical bull**** and lies they’ve been told for over two years from the democratic machine that owns the media and can release any of the narrative they want. Have you read the Fauci emails ? Have you read the testimony from in front of congress people have given regarding covid ? Fauci and his right hand man specifically targeted and “cancelled” research that went against anything he said in order to remain the head honcho. Fauci and company basically created a task force to keep their narrative the only one allowed to be heard. Remember when Trump stated he virus was created in a lab in China and everyone demonized him? Turns out he was 100% correct because he had all that info. Instead Fauci chose to go the adversarial route with him because Fauci needed a way to burry all his connections to Wuhan , his pet projects , and his money flow for borderline illegal research funded on false pretenses. It’s amazing the guy that has the most to gain and lose by an investigation into the virus itself he’s the one in charge of disseminating all the info pertaining to it and the investigations into its origins .

The supply chain shortages , workforce depletion , excessive inflation , bare shelves , bare car lots , astronomical price increases of just about everything were all contributed by the instantaneous over reaction and forced lockdowns that had next to zero measurable effect on curbing covid. This was all predicted by forward thinking people who were chastised and called murders at the beginning of the pandemic. People with functioning brains predicted lockdowns would hurt, possibly destroy America severely in the long term and provide minimal gain to combating actual virus Tryrannical power hungry democrats that didn’t give a flying **** about anything but winning an election at all costs are now reaping the fine rewards of their lunacy . Depleted workforces , no goods , no services , no educators , and now no healthcare workers or law enforcement officers. . The federal government lost 1/3 of healthcare staff in some areas with their federal mandates at a time when they are /were needed the most. It’s plain idiocy to have a group of people who worked tirelessly during the pandemic for over year without any vaccines and were able to remain valuable working through some of the most horrific conditions one could imagine, all of sudden be told you don’t know how to take care of yourself or what your doing. One with a 1/4 of a functioning brain would think those on the front lines would be more than qualified at making the best healthcare choices for themselves without grandpa’s mandate. . . Their thanks from Biden and company for their tireless efforts was more stress , more lunacy, and to be told Democrats know their body’s and health better than they do . Your personal choice is no longer yours. **** your tireless work GET VAXXED OR LOSE YOUR JOB. !! Never mind the fact all these frontline workers were exposed daily with limited if any ppe , and a majority ended up being perfectly healthy after working 12 hrs days 7 days a week being exposed hourly .

There isn’t a single mandate that has had a measurable, significant impact on the virus. It’s idiocy and mental illness to keep tripling and quadrupling down on these nonsensical lockdowns /mandates. Vaccination status has nothing to do with being able to catch and pass the virus. Whether your me vaxxxed or not you’re able to contract it and or pass it. So mandating it to live life to the fullest is completely absurd.

The facts are this.

This virus has been a very targeted virus since day one. Not a group of significant deaths are measurable/ impactful enough outside of the the target demographic of piss poor unhealthy old people with more than one comorbidity. That has not swayed a millimeter on the death needle. The amount of deaths outside that “high risk “ group are chump change compared to lives destroyed by lockdowns , mandates , mentally retarded policies put in place for nothing but political gain. It’s sickening and these leaders still mandating and implementing them need to have a needle put in their arm and be held accountable for all the lives they’ve destroyed and will further destroy down the line due to the policies they put in place.
So who was the whistle blower that showed hospitals were lying about Covid cases? How did they get confidential patient information to prove the hospitals were making up numbers? Keep in mind this first came out when Trump was in office. I find it hard to believe that hospitals all across the country were blatantly committing financial FRAUD for monetary gain, when it could easily be investigated by the government and have them shut down.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-21-2022, 7:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
well it only took a year for the majority of the country to realize they voted a man into office who has dementia. He is impaired, unable to articulate words, make dangerous gaffs and is bed ridden 50% of the week. hiding in the basement, while his boobs run the left wing show. Very scary
The country didn't vote Biden into office. They voted Trump out of office. Give credit where it's due. Neither of the two should be President. But the difference is that the people who voted for Biden tolerate him because they had no choice. Where the people who voted for Trump worship him, and want him back no matter how delusional his rants.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       01-21-2022, 8:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
The country didn't vote Biden into office. They voted Trump out of office. Give credit where it's due. Neither of the two should be President. But the difference is that the people who voted for Biden tolerate him because they had no choice. Where the people who voted for Trump worship him, and want him back no matter how delusional his rants.
wow what an exercise is stupidity. You would rather have a person, who cannot remember what day it is, what state he is in. what his position is. Who will deteriorate more and more over the months to come. Who you would don't let drive to the grocery store (if it was your pap pap) because he could get lost and forget his way home. Vs a pres, like him or not, who had a solid 4 year term. broken countless records. and stabilized our economy, Oh and knows his name, and that Pence was not the president nor did he call him president pence.

So the hatred of a person, who did a great job, based on statistics, is worse. Well its, obviously not, as the country hates Bidens response to everything.

2milion illegals, and they keep coming
CRT in schools
Parents who care about their kids are terrorizists.
everyone is a Racist, for just about anything the left doesn't get their way for
energy prices are insane.
inflation due to printing wasteful levels of money
covid is off the charts MORE PEOPLE died under Biden than Trump, with vaccines.
No testing avaivlbe, due to his admin not keeping up with test kits
2x the price of gas and rising
closing pipelines while aiding in Russia opening them. Total idiot

Trying to destroy voting laws because the left things black people dont have ID's LOL thats the most racist, ignorant thing i have ever heard. Do you think black people are unable to have ID or internet? Because they are black? Wow

And it keeps going and going Its shameful and those who voted for this mess should hide their heads in shame
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-21-2022, 8:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
wow what an exercise is stupidity.
Cannot parse.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-21-2022, 8:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
wow what an exercise is stupidity. You would rather have a person, who cannot remember what day it is, what state he is in. what his position is. Who will deteriorate more and more over the months to come. Who you would don't let drive to the grocery store (if it was your pap pap) because he could get lost and forget his way home. Vs a pres, like him or not, who had a solid 4 year term. broken countless records. and stabilized our economy, Oh and knows his name, and that Pence was not the president nor did he call him president pence.

So the hatred of a person, who did a great job, based on statistics, is worse. Well its, obviously not, as the country hates Bidens response to everything.

2milion illegals, and they keep coming
CRT in schools
Parents who care about their kids are terrorizists.
everyone is a Racist, for just about anything the left doesn't get their way for
energy prices are insane.
inflation due to printing wasteful levels of money
covid is off the charts MORE PEOPLE died under Biden than Trump, with vaccines.
No testing avaivlbe, due to his admin not keeping up with test kits
2x the price of gas and rising
closing pipelines while aiding in Russia opening them. Total idiot

Trying to destroy voting laws because the left things black people dont have ID's LOL thats the most racist, ignorant thing i have ever heard. Do you think black people are unable to have ID or internet? Because they are black? Wow

And it keeps going and going Its shameful and those who voted for this mess should hide their heads in shame
Biden is a joke. He is a lousy president, but America as we know it will stand after his presidency. It is becoming clearer and clearer every day that either Trump was actively trying to subvert an election or at least was willing to let his minions do it with his knowledge. If that doesn't scare you, go throw all your flag shirts in the trash. You hate the institutions of America.

America can survive a terrible president. We cannot survive a non-democratic power grab at the top level.

CRT....If you are offended by the idea that institutional racism may still be reverberating through our justice system, it says a lot more about you than an academic idea. A simple, "I disagree" will suffice. You protest too much. It is as silly as the fake outrage over Dr Suess.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-21-2022, 10:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Odds are you guys well be totally fine but good luck and good wishes anyway, can't hurt.
Thank you. Appreciate it. So far so good. Wife is worried she is losing her taste. Her head is stopped up though so it is most likely that. If you see me dress, I clearly lost my taste decades ago so I am not worried.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-21-2022, 10:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Biden is a joke. He is a lousy president, but America as we know it will stand after his presidency. It is becoming clearer and clearer every day that either Trump was actively trying to subvert an election or at least was willing to let his minions do it with his knowledge. If that doesn't scare you, go throw all your flag shirts in the trash. You hate the institutions of America.

America can survive a terrible president. We cannot survive a non-democratic power grab at the top level.

CRT....If you are offended by the idea that institutional racism may still be reverberating through our justice system, it says a lot more about you than an academic idea. A simple, "I disagree" will suffice. You protest too much. It is as silly as the fake outrage over Dr Suess.
America was built on NOT trusting the institution of state. That is why were are the greatest nation in the history of the world. We were able to take the lessons from history and it's reliance on heads of state and purposely dilute it. Rely on individualism but able to come to together for a common good. Not because some dictator demands it, because we have always moved to do the right things. Government was and is a tool to help, not to dictate.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-21-2022, 10:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Biden is a joke. He is a lousy president, but America as we know it will stand after his presidency. It is becoming clearer and clearer every day that either Trump was actively trying to subvert an election or at least was willing to let his minions do it with his knowledge. If that doesn't scare you, go throw all your flag shirts in the trash. You hate the institutions of America.

America can survive a terrible president. We cannot survive a non-democratic power grab at the top level.

CRT....If you are offended by the idea that institutional racism may still be reverberating through our justice system, it says a lot more about you than an academic idea. A simple, "I disagree" will suffice. You protest too much. It is as silly as the fake outrage over Dr Suess.
CRT is just an offshoot of Critical Theory which is a marxist idea. It places peoples status based on color. Critical Theory places peoples status based on economic class. Same coin. Both are designed to destroy merit based systems. It is a dangerous thing and is not simply about institutional racism. Of which, no. there is no such thing as institutional racism in America. Unless you want to count the fact that Asians are required to test higher than whites and even higher than blacks to get into a good school.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-21-2022, 10:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Biden is a joke. He is a lousy president, but America as we know it will stand after his presidency. It is becoming clearer and clearer every day that either Trump was actively trying to subvert an election or at least was willing to let his minions do it with his knowledge. If that doesn't scare you, go throw all your flag shirts in the trash. You hate the institutions of America.

America can survive a terrible president. We cannot survive a non-democratic power grab at the top level.

CRT....If you are offended by the idea that institutional racism may still be reverberating through our justice system, it says a lot more about you than an academic idea. A simple, "I disagree" will suffice. You protest too much. It is as silly as the fake outrage over Dr Suess.
We are not a democracy for one. We are a Republic. The laws of the country were put into place and any candidate is allowed to exercise them. Al Gore tried. Hillary Tried. Trump tried. Seems to me the only story being told is that Trump was the only bad person of these three. Your story does not add up.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-21-2022, 11:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
We are not a democracy for one. We are a Republic. The laws of the country were put into place and any candidate is allowed to exercise them. Al Gore tried. Hillary Tried. Trump tried. Seems to me the only story being told is that Trump was the only bad person of these three. Your story does not add up.
Trump is the only one who used violence since 1861. Trump is the only one who begged state sec of state to find more votes for him after the election. Trump the only one who had his personal atty hatch a scheme and have fake electors from 7 states trump lost to send counterfeit electoral counts to library of congress. Trump is the only one who had to tape and play a video to ask his violent supporters to stop attacking the capitol after he asked them to take back their country and to fight like hell. Trump is the only one who refused the peaceful transfer power to the winner. Trump is the only one over a year after the election still saying he was robbed. Trumps the only one under criminal investigation.
Trump is the only one who sued over 65 times and lost every single time or the case was tossed due to no standing. Trumps attys are the only ones losing or having suspended law lic due to the cases they brought up. Trumps attys are the only one being sued for billions for lying about voting machines. Trump is the only one who tried to claim the VP has the power to say the election was rigged, he is still in power.
I could go on, do i need to? or are you going to stop pretending gore or Clinton tried to cheat like the big liar?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-21-2022, 11:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
So who was the whistle blower that showed hospitals were lying about Covid cases? How did they get confidential patient information to prove the hospitals were making up numbers? Keep in mind this first came out when Trump was in office. I find it hard to believe that hospitals all across the country were blatantly committing financial FRAUD for monetary gain, when it could easily be investigated by the government and have them shut down.
My ex wifes husband died a couple months ago from a heart issue caused by other circumstances. They were trying to test his body for COVID. She flipped out on them. While I tend to agree that it would be a dangerous game to play for money, however it was very clear he died of a heart attack and had zero symptoms of a virus. They wanted to test a body. Why? You fill in the blank.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-21-2022, 11:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Trump is the only one who used violence since 1861. Trump is the only one who begged state sec of state to find more votes for him after the election. Trump the only one who had his personal atty hatch a scheme and have fake electors from 7 states trump lost to send counterfeit electoral counts to library of congress. Trump is the only one who had to tape and play a video to ask his violent supporters to stop attacking the capitol after he asked them to take back their country and to fight like hell. Trump is the only one who refused the peaceful transfer power to the winner. Trump is the only one over a year after the election still saying he was robbed. Trumps the only one under criminal investigation.
Trump is the only one who sued over 65 times and lost every single time or the case was tossed due to no standing. Trumps attys are the only ones losing or having suspended law lic due to the cases they brought up. Trumps attys are the only one being sued for billions for lying about voting machines. Trump is the only one who tried to claim the VP has the power to say the election was rigged, he is still in power.
I could go on, do i need to? or are you going to stop pretending gore or Clinton tried to cheat like the big liar?
The Fing democrats have thousands of people on the ground every election looking for votes. You never studied election history where the democrats just so happened to "find" enough votes in Cook County (Chicago) late in the election night to beat Nixon? Just stop. This **** happens every elections with democrats. Al Gore and the hanging chads? His God D$mn lawyer in his book said they literally went down there to exclude Republican votes and gather Democrat votes even though their message to the press and the press echoing it was to count every vote. Every one knew that was a lie..... well except people like you apparently.

Only reason anyone has been under any investigation is because the democrat party wants to investigate them and there is no one to stop them. It has nothing to do with crime.

There are no such thing as counterfeit electors. A state can chose to send who they want by the constitution. Just stop with your lies dude.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-21-2022, 11:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The Fing democrats have thousands of people on the ground every election looking for votes. You never studied election history where the democrats just so happened to "find" enough votes in Cook County (Chicago) late in the election night to beat Nixon? Just stop. This **** happens every elections with democrats. Al Gore and the hanging chads? His God D$mn lawyer in his book said they literally went down there to exclude Republican votes and gather Democrat votes even though their message to the press and the press echoing it was to count every vote. Every one knew that was a lie..... well except people like you apparently.

Only reason anyone has been under any investigation is because the democrat party wants to investigate them and there is no one to stop them. It has nothing to do with crime.

There are no such thing as counterfeit electors. A state can chose to send who they want by the constitution. Just stop with your lies dude.
Trump is the one who was recorded threatening the Sec of state in Georgia to find him more votes. Its criminal in every state in the US.
No such thing as fake electors? Really? How Fing stupid are you?
"Under state law, I think clearly you have forgery of a public record, which is a 14-year offense, and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense," Michigan Attorney general Dana Nessel told MSNBC last week, about the fake certificates signed by pro-Trump electors.
FYI, Delta now says Forgery is not a crime, because its his guy who did it.
Also, im pretty sure the state by law has to send electors that align with the votes, anything else is fraudulent. Wanna have faith in elections? Arrest the election criminals and prosecute.
Stop with your stupid childish lies.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-21-2022, 12:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
My ex wifes husband died a couple months ago from a heart issue caused by other circumstances. They were trying to test his body for COVID. She flipped out on them. While I tend to agree that it would be a dangerous game to play for money, however it was very clear he died of a heart attack and had zero symptoms of a virus. They wanted to test a body. Why? You fill in the blank.
Maybe they were trying to find out if Covid had something to do with it? I have heard of many and know of one person that had heart issues from covid that died. It can cause them or make existing conditions much worse. If you have a heart condition and get covid and it kills you, I would still say covid killed you.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-21-2022, 11:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
So who was the whistle blower that showed hospitals were lying about Covid cases? How did they get confidential patient information to prove the hospitals were making up numbers? Keep in mind this first came out when Trump was in office. I find it hard to believe that hospitals all across the country were blatantly committing financial FRAUD for monetary gain, when it could easily be investigated by the government and have them shut down.
You’re looking at it like the hospitals were doing this all on their own. The clearly did this with the blessing of the CDC as well as Fauci’s. What’s happening now is people are fed the **** up with 2 yrs of lies, tyranny , and constant misinformation. The stuff being exposed now all began to happen over 18months ago , and when it was called on then . However the people questioning it , bringing it to light , and asking for the answers were silenced and eliminated from any platform . It’s about time some people on the left grew a conscience and are finally willing to do investigative journalism.

I truly can’t believe how Fauci’s has been able to remain the lead on all this after all his exposures to criminals acts, lying to congress under oath , burying investigations , acting grants based on lies , and not being able to contain anything. If your performance matched his in any job you would’ve been fired over a year ago. The guy’s ego has quadruple in size and you have a bunch of brainwashed sheep literally unable to live their life for themselves kmingingbto his every word. He’s sits at the pulpit and coordinates attacks on anyone that denounces what he says or believes in. Science is a very broad field , scientific answers unilaterally involve groups of scientists and different views to attack issues. Yet here we sit with a single mouthpiece and no other data or scientific research is allowed the light of day without his approval. It’s a complete and utter joke and everyone should be worried how long this gong show has been supported by the left.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       01-22-2022, 7:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
You’re looking at it like the hospitals were doing this all on their own. The clearly did this with the blessing of the CDC as well as Fauci’s. What’s happening now is people are fed the **** up with 2 yrs of lies, tyranny , and constant misinformation. The stuff being exposed now all began to happen over 18months ago , and when it was called on then . However the people questioning it , bringing it to light , and asking for the answers were silenced and eliminated from any platform . It’s about time some people on the left grew a conscience and are finally willing to do investigative journalism.

I truly can’t believe how Fauci’s has been able to remain the lead on all this after all his exposures to criminals acts, lying to congress under oath , burying investigations , acting grants based on lies , and not being able to contain anything. If your performance matched his in any job you would’ve been fired over a year ago. The guy’s ego has quadruple in size and you have a bunch of brainwashed sheep literally unable to live their life for themselves kmingingbto his every word. He’s sits at the pulpit and coordinates attacks on anyone that denounces what he says or believes in. Science is a very broad field , scientific answers unilaterally involve groups of scientists and different views to attack issues. Yet here we sit with a single mouthpiece and no other data or scientific research is allowed the light of day without his approval. It’s a complete and utter joke and everyone should be worried how long this gong show has been supported by the left.

"no other data or scientific research is allowed the light of day without his approval"

You might want to get on google and learn how to do a little research. There are SO many studies and research being done. Information overflow is part of the problem. You're a big fixated on Fauci, obviously, though.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-22-2022, 8:24 AM Reply   
Looks like the media is going to goad the old fart in the WH into starting a war with Russia.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-22-2022, 8:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
"no other data or scientific research is allowed the light of day without his approval"

You might want to get on google and learn how to do a little research. There are SO many studies and research being done. Information overflow is part of the problem. You're a big fixated on Fauci, obviously, though.
I am not sure you’ve followed my covid posts ? But I have pointed out dozens of not more studies being done that completely contradict the information coming out of Fauci’s, the CDC’S , Biden’s , and other democratic lunatics. You’re 100% correct. There is a ton of research from very very reputable and and highly respected researchers. However if that narrative is different than the one they have chosen to quadruple down on it basically doesn’t exist becaue it’s never talked about or acknowledged.

The issue is these topics are never brought to the fore front of our covid discussion , referenced by our people in charge of INFORMATION , or relayed to people in order for them to make their health care choices based on the recommendations . Why do we have zero talk about the medications , and treatment of covid ? Why do we have zero talk about what treatments have worked saving people with little or no side effects ? Why is there no talk about the lack of access , lack of drugs , and lack of information regarding the options for treatment and their efficacies?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-22-2022, 10:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I am not sure you’ve followed my covid posts ? But I have pointed out dozens of not more studies being done that completely contradict the information coming out of Fauci’s, the CDC’S , Biden’s , and other democratic lunatics. You’re 100% correct. There is a ton of research from very very reputable and and highly respected researchers. However if that narrative is different than the one they have chosen to quadruple down on it basically doesn’t exist becaue it’s never talked about or acknowledged.

The issue is these topics are never brought to the fore front of our covid discussion , referenced by our people in charge of INFORMATION , or relayed to people in order for them to make their health care choices based on the recommendations . Why do we have zero talk about the medications , and treatment of covid ? Why do we have zero talk about what treatments have worked saving people with little or no side effects ? Why is there no talk about the lack of access , lack of drugs , and lack of information regarding the options for treatment and their efficacies?
Point one is to stop covid thru vaccinations, masking, distancing. Obviously trying to keep people from getting infected in the first place. The other options you speak about, all the treatments, are for after you already have covid. Its two different conversations. One to stop covid and second, if you get it these are the best options, treatments.
Fauci is saying and recommending the same things as CDC and doing virtually the same as other countries around the world.
Trying to pin Covid on crazy dems makes no sense, it attacks both parties' w/o prejudice.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-22-2022, 11:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Point one is to stop covid thru vaccinations, masking, distancing. Obviously trying to keep people from getting infected in the first place. The other options you speak about, all the treatments, are for after you already have covid. Its two different conversations. One to stop covid and second, if you get it these are the best options, treatments.
Fauci is saying and recommending the same things as CDC and doing virtually the same as other countries around the world.
Trying to pin Covid on crazy dems makes no sense, it attacks both parties' w/o prejudice.
And once again you completely ignore all the facts in your support of liars , criminals and tyrants. If you want to actually speak about who’s responsible for covid , Fauci and the team supporting gain of function research are at the tip . We can debate the necessity of gain of function research all day long. But that’s not the issue. The issue is the limitless overreaching policies that have done nothing to curb the virus , the lies told daily, and the juiced stats that are only in place to push a false narrative.

Lockdowns , mask mandates , school closures and now vaxx mandates have destroyed the country 10fold of what covid has. Failure rates among students , teen suicide , joblessness , mental health cases , have all reached epidemic proportions. Cost of living, inflation, and lack of resources keeps increasing sailing. It’s also now proven the stats all those Dems based their decisions , mandates and policy on were completely juked . Those that called their bull**** since day one were canceled and now you see the path of destruction it has left.

In other news

After delta became the main strain, vaccines alone grew weaker against the virus and natural immunity got much stronger.

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Last edited by xstarrider; 01-22-2022 at 11:57 AM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-22-2022, 11:59 AM Reply   
Meanwhile this is what Americans see daily thanks to Biden and his policies.
Just your average broad daylight Murder shooting
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-22-2022, 1:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
And once again you completely ignore all the facts in your support of liars , criminals and tyrants. If you want to actually speak about who’s responsible for covid , Fauci and the team supporting gain of function research are at the tip . We can debate the necessity of gain of function research all day long. But that’s not the issue. The issue is the limitless overreaching policies that have done nothing to curb the virus , the lies told daily, and the juiced stats that are only in place to push a false narrative.

Lockdowns , mask mandates , school closures and now vaxx mandates have destroyed the country 10fold of what covid has. Failure rates among students , teen suicide , joblessness , mental health cases , have all reached epidemic proportions. Cost of living, inflation, and lack of resources keeps increasing sailing. It’s also now proven the stats all those Dems based their decisions , mandates and policy on were completely juked . Those that called their bull**** since day one were canceled and now you see the path of destruction it has left.

In other news

After delta became the main strain, vaccines alone grew weaker against the virus and natural immunity got much stronger.

Attachment 46535
If you are going to debate w/o facts and using conspiracy theory, youre on your own.
Why dont you just listen to Trump, "Get vaccinated, get boosted, the vaccine works."
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-22-2022, 3:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If you are going to debate w/o facts and using conspiracy theory, youre on your own.
Why dont you just listen to Trump, "Get vaccinated, get boosted, the vaccine works."
So now research from the CDC is conspiracy theory, I thought that’s the god you worship ? Once again the data doesn’t align with your feelings so dismiss it, deflect it , and turn into an ostrich . Well done at highlighting your stupidity and refusal to accept reality.

I don’t worship Trump , he’s not my messiah , I just know what he did for the country is 100 times better than what strutting bumbling sleepy dementia ridden Joe and his party are doing. Remember the left criticizing Trump for being buddy buddy with Putin. Turns out good ol joe has given russia quadruple the money and allowed Russia to flourish more in his watch. One again the facts destroying the narrative.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-22-2022, 6:13 PM Reply   
No, CDC is fine. Cherry picking a fact w/o giving the details like that the study was pre Omicron and does not pertain to Omicron. And, The study ended prior to the widespread implementation of booster doses and does not reflect the immunologic benefit of additional vaccine doses. And, The analysis did not include information on the severity of initial infection and does not reflect the risk of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 infection.
And, this little nugget. Additionally, a recent studyexternal icon shows with increasing time since prior infection, vaccination provides greater protection against COVID-19 compared to prior infection alone, emphasizing the importance of being up to date on COVID-19 vaccination. Later this week, CDC will publish additional data on COVID-19 vaccines and boosters while Omicron has been circulating.
You could just read it yourself.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-23-2022, 12:19 PM Reply   
[[/I]QUOTE=95sn;2013681]Do you read your own posts? Leftist liars, Tyrants, terrorists... What terrorists? lying about what? What tyrants? The entire GOP is refusing to do anything to assist in defeating Covid. Then all they do is complain about the economy, the inflation, movement of goods....all due to covid issues. Vaccines work. Masks work, distancing works. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Clorox do not.
Then you go off on a right wing whacked screed. If the Govt did what you suggest, you think things will improve? or we will have more homeless, more crime due to no other way to survive?[/QUOTE]

. Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

Domestic terrorist group : BLM

Supporters and mouthpieces , BIden Harris Pelosi Waters and dozens of others while they burned city and government buildings to the ground , called for police to die , , looted , burned businesses and destroyed peoples property for a year straight
Biden speaks for himself he used the BLM platform to get elected. Just like Obama good ol joe had all kinds of funding sent their way .

Harris said that "protesters should not let up!" "They're not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they're not gonna stop," she continued. That's right. But they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I'm telling you. "They're not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they're not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they're not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined a BLM protest against the death of George Floyd and police brutality on Wednesday in Washington, DC.

"Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Dem Rep Anaya Presley “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to go around," she concluded.

TYRANT . an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution: : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power
And 100’s of others that lockdown private businesses , closed schools , forced mandates , eliminated social events , sporting events , and have attempted to control people’s life choices through overarching federal and state mandates . Taken away states rights , business rights and citizens constitutional rights.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-23-2022, 2:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
[[/I]QUOTE=95sn;2013681]Do you read your own posts? Leftist liars, Tyrants, terrorists... What terrorists? lying about what? What tyrants? The entire GOP is refusing to do anything to assist in defeating Covid. Then all they do is complain about the economy, the inflation, movement of goods....all due to covid issues. Vaccines work. Masks work, distancing works. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Clorox do not.
Then you go off on a right wing whacked screed. If the Govt did what you suggest, you think things will improve? or we will have more homeless, more crime due to no other way to survive?
. Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

Domestic terrorist group : BLM

Supporters and mouthpieces , BIden Harris Pelosi Waters and dozens of others while they burned city and government buildings to the ground , called for police to die , , looted , burned businesses and destroyed peoples property for a year straight
Biden speaks for himself he used the BLM platform to get elected. Just like Obama good ol joe had all kinds of funding sent their way .

Harris said that "protesters should not let up!" "They're not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they're not gonna stop," she continued. That's right. But they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I'm telling you. "They're not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they're not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they're not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined a BLM protest against the death of George Floyd and police brutality on Wednesday in Washington, DC.

"Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.

Dem Rep Anaya Presley “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to go around," she concluded.

TYRANT . an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution: : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power
And 100’s of others that lockdown private businesses , closed schools , forced mandates , eliminated social events , sporting events , and have attempted to control people’s life choices through overarching federal and state mandates . Taken away states rights , business rights and citizens constitutional rights.[/QUOTE]

Domestic terrorist, Trump supporters on 1/6. Over 700 arrested, dozens already sentenced. Their single leader? POTUS, Donald Trump. Crybaby.
So caught in one lie and taking CDC out of context, then you go on to the next. Using the exact same tact. Take one small point and go off into crazy land. You are taking more out of context quotes on BLM. Why is it wrong for people, anyone, to support Black /lives Matter? The rise of the movement is due to things like the GF killing. Thats why they got behind the movement. And...when looters and roaches showed up they said it was wrong. All violence is wrong.
Apparently, your media choice forgets to put in the context, makes you look uninformed.

Didnt Biden inherit Fauci from Trump? Oh yeah. And trump thru Obama, thru Bush....back to Reagan.
Tyrant, Trump refusing to leave peacefully when he LOST. Thats right, Trump lost. And he lies about it to this day. Trump tried to get the military to seize the voting machines. He riled up his fools and sent them up to the capitol to attack congress and stop the electoral count. Had his personal atty set up fake electors with fraudulent electoral counts claiming Trump won. Called the Sec of State in Georgia and blackmailed him to get 11800 more votes, Felony. Sounds like a tyrant to me. Back to the mall.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-24-2022, 8:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
We are not a democracy for one. We are a Republic. The laws of the country were put into place and any candidate is allowed to exercise them. Al Gore tried. Hillary Tried. Trump tried. Seems to me the only story being told is that Trump was the only bad person of these three. Your story does not add up.
"We are a republic not a democracy" -Every idiot on the internet to sound smart.

Are you seriously comparing the 2000 election that was decided by a few hundred votes where there were technical issues that had to be resolved to 2020? 2020 wasn't even close.

Hillary conceded the day after the election....
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-24-2022, 8:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
America was built on NOT trusting the institution of state. That is why were are the greatest nation in the history of the world. We were able to take the lessons from history and it's reliance on heads of state and purposely dilute it. Rely on individualism but able to come to together for a common good. Not because some dictator demands it, because we have always moved to do the right things. Government was and is a tool to help, not to dictate.
The institution is the constitution and the system, not the people currently in charge. That was the whole point of my post.....
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-24-2022, 8:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
CRT is just an offshoot of Critical Theory which is a marxist idea. It places peoples status based on color. Critical Theory places peoples status based on economic class. Same coin. Both are designed to destroy merit based systems. It is a dangerous thing and is not simply about institutional racism. Of which, no. there is no such thing as institutional racism in America. Unless you want to count the fact that Asians are required to test higher than whites and even higher than blacks to get into a good school.
CRT = Affirmative action of the 90s. It is just something to scare old white guys. Would you rather be a female minority so you can cash in on all this perceived advantage?

My neighbor's parents, when I was a kid, did not ever learn how to swim. When my dad asked why, they said it was because in Mississippi they were not allowed in the city pool as children. That was the 80s and they were in their 30s. Institutionalized racism is not in the distant past. Though it has been erased from the law for the most part, its effects and attitudes still linger.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-24-2022, 9:57 AM Reply   

The first major alleged white supremacy threat case gm to be exploited.

Read the details and the tactics used by the FBI here. At one point there were more FBI UC’ s and paid informants involved than perpetrators with the paid informants and UC’s paving the way. Great look into what’s unfolding there
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-24-2022, 10:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
"We are a republic not a democracy" -Every idiot on the internet to sound smart.
Isn't that the truth. Makes me laugh every time he does that.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-24-2022, 10:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
CRT = Affirmative action of the 90s. It is just something to scare old white guys. Would you rather be a female minority so you can cash in on all this perceived advantage?

My neighbor's parents, when I was a kid, did not ever learn how to swim. When my dad asked why, they said it was because in Mississippi they were not allowed in the city pool as children. That was the 80s and they were in their 30s. Institutionalized racism is not in the distant past. Though it has been erased from the law for the most part, its effects and attitudes still linger.
Here we go with the stories. Well here’s one from current day . My neighbors second cousins twice removed sisters kid was denied entry into several schools and they took less qualified applicants due to affirmative action and racial quotas that reward schools with grants for every minority applicant they enroll. Oh wait, that wasn’t my neighbors second cousins twice removed sisters kid, it was both mine. CRT is absolute bull****. It’s way different than affirmative action. Have you actually read the curriculum and it’s intended desired outcome of the of agenda ? I am guessing not by your response. 1000’s of qualified white applicants are constantly passed over and denied hiring or promotions in the world force today in order to promote or hire significantly less qualified minorities. Our recruiting process at the moment gives you extra points for being a minority applicant and fast tracks minority applicants through the process . City work contracts in Chicago must be given to “minority based contractors” if they’re able to meet the demands. The alleged “institutional racism “ that still exists is due to the democrat policies that continue to exploit , make excuses , continue to belittle, continue to allow the blame to fall on anyone but POC’s themselves at this point in order to return a vote . The biggest exploiters of the race system are the ones implementing 92% of race based policy and programs across the Nation . It’s not for betterment , it’s for control to retain their votes . There are unlimited avenues at being a productive member of society. It has nothing to do with opportunity and everything to do with culture and the lack of accountability.

Our history lessons as currently outlined, well define the movement of our country and how this country was formed and has evolved. Kids don’t need CRT or BLM curriculums to understand how we’ve moved forward as a country. If anything the curriculum we need most is how to hold one’s self accountable for their failures , how handouts and permanent reliability on the government to survive leads to life of poverty, and how any race based policy goes against the actual statement that everyone is equal.

For another look at the exploitation . Read about the the Jordan Subban/Jacob Panetta “racism case “” that just occurred a day or two in the ECHL . A guy who used a tough guy / flex pose calling out a player that only instigates a fight when the refs show up is being canceled because he flexed on a black player. The pose has been used around the league for decades by tough guys calling out rats and for gamesmanship. And all of sudden because the league has gone woke this young man is out of career for a cancel culture internet driven exploitation of a simple taunt with no basis on race.

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-24-2022 at 10:53 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
"We are a republic not a democracy" -Every idiot on the internet to sound smart.

Are you seriously comparing the 2000 election that was decided by a few hundred votes where there were technical issues that had to be resolved to 2020? 2020 wasn't even close.

Hillary conceded the day after the election....
There were still legal challenges by Clinton.

We are a Republic, because we are a Republic. I guess if telling idiots on the internet what we really are is sounding smart, then it is sounding smart. We elect Representatives. We do not nor have we ever directly elected a President through democracy. As much as you want to change the meaning of words to match your feelings, you are wrong.

Yes. I am comparing the 2000 election 2020. Al Gore and his lying lawyer were there trying to exclude Republican votes. He wrote it in his book. The election had to go to the Supreme Court to stop the democrats lying tactics. Did not see the 2020 election have to go that high. They exercised what they could in the courts. It is all legal and they did it. Joe got sworn in. I can't help you marxists spent 4 years straight trying to lie and cheat about Trump from all levels of society then finally go around the laws of various states and get the rules changed for elections just prior where people knew the ballots had zero controls. Burning down out towns and attacking us on every single level. Yes. People were pretty fed up with the democrats by then. Lucky it was not worse than it way to be honest.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
The institution is the constitution and the system, not the people currently in charge. That was the whole point of my post.....
Then why are you bitching about Trump. All the institutions were in place and still are to this day. If all you care about is the institution, which it is pretty clear the founding fathers did not care for institutions as they are inherently corrupt, then why do you care if Trump exercises the institution?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Maybe they were trying to find out if Covid had something to do with it? I have heard of many and know of one person that had heart issues from covid that died. It can cause them or make existing conditions much worse. If you have a heart condition and get covid and it kills you, I would still say covid killed you.
It could not have been the burn pits he worked in Iraq or all the other host of issues in life. It would have been covid? Sounds pretty dishonest to me.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Looks like the media is going to goad the old fart in the WH into starting a war with Russia.
got to repay that money they gave to him and Hunter in some fashion.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Trump is the one who was recorded threatening the Sec of state in Georgia to find him more votes. Its criminal in every state in the US.
No such thing as fake electors? Really? How Fing stupid are you?
"Under state law, I think clearly you have forgery of a public record, which is a 14-year offense, and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense," Michigan Attorney general Dana Nessel told MSNBC last week, about the fake certificates signed by pro-Trump electors.
FYI, Delta now says Forgery is not a crime, because its his guy who did it.
Also, im pretty sure the state by law has to send electors that align with the votes, anything else is fraudulent. Wanna have faith in elections? Arrest the election criminals and prosecute.
Stop with your stupid childish lies.
So a fake person told a fake news outlet about fake certificates? Sounds about right.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
CRT = Affirmative action of the 90s. It is just something to scare old white guys. Would you rather be a female minority so you can cash in on all this perceived advantage?

My neighbor's parents, when I was a kid, did not ever learn how to swim. When my dad asked why, they said it was because in Mississippi they were not allowed in the city pool as children. That was the 80s and they were in their 30s. Institutionalized racism is not in the distant past. Though it has been erased from the law for the most part, its effects and attitudes still linger.
Which means they did not learn to swim in the 1960's Mississippi. yep. Water is wet. And can you show any of us a law that is enforced on the books anywhere in say the last 50 years that is allowed to discriminate on the basis of race outside of affirmative action which is racial discrimination. Well that and the fore mentioned college acceptance testing where Asians have to test higher than any group of people because other minorities and whites apparently bring down the curve.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-24-2022, 3:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Looks like the media is going to goad the old fart in the WH into starting a war with Russia.
You mean the same media that told you Trump was colluding with Russia and that he was destroying the country? That media? The ones who scared everyone to vote in Biden?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-25-2022, 5:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
It could not have been the burn pits he worked in Iraq or all the other host of issues in life. It would have been covid? Sounds pretty dishonest to me.
Was he on his death bed due to those conditions? If not I would say its pretty dishonest too.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       01-25-2022, 7:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You mean the same media that told you Trump was colluding with Russia and that he was destroying the country? That media? The ones who scared everyone to vote in Biden?
Thanks for finally acknowledging that Trump election fraud claims are total BS, and he lost the vote due to what people (media tooled or otherwise) thought of him.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-25-2022, 8:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So a fake person told a fake news outlet about fake certificates? Sounds about right.
No you are all mixed up. Its as if you want to be wrong everyday, or a liar. Your pick.
It was a real POTUS, calling a real SEC of State, blackmailing to create votes out of thin air. Pretty stupid to get recorded committing a felony, dont ya think?

Real people fraudulently calling themselves "the duly appointed electors" Sent counterfeit documents to the Library of Congress stating trump recieved their electoral votes. Happened in Mich, Ariz, Georgia...7 states in all.
Are you pretending this did not happen?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-25-2022, 8:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Was he on his death bed due to those conditions? If not I would say its pretty dishonest too.
He was being treated at the VA for various things related to military service that had impacts on his heart. He actually drove himself down the hospital because he was having minor heart attack symptoms at the time. They even sent everyone home because they thought he would be ok. They drove his car back home because they wanted to keep him a while for observation, then he did 30 minutes later.

Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 01-25-2022 at 8:53 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-25-2022, 8:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Thanks for finally acknowledging that Trump election fraud claims are total BS, and he lost the vote due to what people (media tooled or otherwise) thought of him.
I told you before the election that democrats going to the courts to send out millions of ballots to anyone and everyone would be viewed as fraud. I think it still is fraud. you can't prove it because the ballots are legal, but there is no way to verify who touched them, who filled them out, and who sent them in.

The fake news media did have a big part in the overall feeling about Trump which is a great cover story for those who ballot harvest.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-25-2022, 8:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No you are all mixed up. Its as if you want to be wrong everyday, or a liar. Your pick.
It was a real POTUS, calling a real SEC of State, blackmailing to create votes out of thin air. Pretty stupid to get recorded committing a felony, dont ya think?

Real people fraudulently calling themselves "the duly appointed electors" Sent counterfeit documents to the Library of Congress stating trump recieved their electoral votes. Happened in Mich, Ariz, Georgia...7 states in all.
Are you pretending this did not happen?
Making a phone call is not illegal.

The elector thing is just as I thought. It is a democrat who is trying to go after some people. It is a story from democrats about protecting democrats. Either way, it was not Trump.

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