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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-06-2022, 8:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why do you keep reading the NYPost? I dont claim to understand all the codes etc...Where does it say " Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, Armed robbery, a class B felony, would typically be punishable by a maximum of 25 years in prison, while petty larceny subjects offenders to up to 364 days in jail and a $1,000 fine."?

Also, I am in SoCal, the heart of libtardville. Nothing is closed down due to omicron, even tho hospitals are full of unvaccinated fools.

So to help you understand the “codes “ felonies have different classes class 1,2,3,4 X
Misdemeanor offenses have different classes A,B,C.

Not all states follow the same nomenclature or have same class structure for each crime. , not all counties have same class structure for each crime either.

The recent change by the DA in New York changed the class designation for Armed Robberies with weapons , Burglaries to storage units and stores , and downgraded their class . Downgrading their class means the values for imprisonment and consequences change. That’s why you don’t see that exact terminology in that link you provided. However if you search up the “sentence structure /penalties for each class , you’ll quickly see that listed word for word.

The Washington State DA just did the same thing for people who shoot other people. He downgraded the offense class for drove by shooters …..

Listen to their rhetoric for why they’re doing all this. “It’s unfair to the criminals “””””. Really what about the actual victims of these violent crimes. Apparently their lives don’t matter. These Soros funded DA’s are doing exactly what they’re were bought and paid for to do. Keep violent criminals on the street. Before you go all conspiracy therory on Soros funded , the long paper trail of money to the Domestic Terrorists put in DA’s offices around the Nation has been well documented and isn’t a theory. It’s fact.

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-06-2022 at 8:50 AM.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       01-10-2022, 2:15 PM Reply   
Here is a list of the worst offenders when it comes to trading stocks when writing laws. Both Red & Blue well represented. Weasels, every one of them.
Attached Images
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-11-2022, 6:42 AM Reply   
Care to post any of the actual links to the investigations and what numbers their using to rank ?

I find it hard to believe a guy in office for 4 yrs is ahead of a career leech that’s had a lifetime of politics.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-11-2022, 6:51 AM Reply   
I am sure this has nothing to do with giant coverup we saw regarding Wu Han? I am sure we will be hearing about this entire trial and the illegal acts associated with China and the Wuhan lab attached to this high level Harvard educator. The federal investigation will be rolling full speed into Harvard …. Imagine if the charges were reversed what would happen to this guy in China …………Like I said. I am sure the feds will be locking down Harvard and going through all their books, professors and financial gains with the full support of Biden.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-11-2022, 7:11 AM Reply   
I don't have a problem with a senator making $200K/year or even getting life-long healthcare. That is a bargain. They are 100 of the most powerful people in the world. I have a problem when a senator, making $200K/year, is a multi-millionaire after one 6 year term.

They are allowed to insider trade. Imagine if you knew that a regulation was going to barely pass or barely fail that a company was heavily relying on. Now imagine if you knew you were the deciding vote. They have pages running around all day metering these things. They have access to all kinds of information before the general public. A quick example were the congressmen that made power-moves in the medical companies while the public was being told that COVID would all just go away.

But just like term limits and campaign spending reform guess who would have to pass the law to fix the problem....The people who benefit the most.

The republicans say its the democrats and the democrats say its the republicans, but I strongly believe that most of our problems could be solved with: Campaign finance reform, term-limits and restrictions of stock trades. Let's get it back to where being a congressman is about service, not a career on a gravy train.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-11-2022, 8:32 AM Reply

Is it possible we found something that everyone on wakeworld can agree on?
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-11-2022, 9:15 AM Reply   
I found this hilarious.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-11-2022, 9:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post

Is it possible we found something that everyone on wakeworld can agree on?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-11-2022, 10:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
I found this hilarious.
Why?, I see it as projecting, unable to face the truth. The dems didnt do anything, did they. It was trumps people who are the terrorists. It was trump people trying to put a bullet in Pelosi's head and hang Mike Pence. It was trumps people who believed his stupid lie and attacked. It was violent trump people attacking and beating cops. It was trumps people who are domestic terrorists. It was trump leading the coup attempt, a months long plot to overthrow the US govt. and stay in power. If you find that hilarious, how will you feel when Harris crowns Joe Biden in 2024?
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-11-2022, 3:15 PM Reply   
Because it was the same congress people backing black lives matter riots the entire year while government buildings were burned, many people died, many more police officers were assaulted, and now they are acting like they were just in combat and were fearing for their lives and now have ptsd when in reality they were evacuated well before any of the idiots came inside.

Those idiots just followed the play book laid out by democrats the entire year- riot and just call it peaceful protest and you can do whatever you want with no consequences. That only works of it's for benefit on the democratic party.

Do you understand why it's funny now?

Last edited by bcd; 01-11-2022 at 3:18 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-11-2022, 4:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
Because it was the same congress people backing black lives matter riots the entire year while government buildings were burned, many people died, many more police officers were assaulted, and now they are acting like they were just in combat and were fearing for their lives and now have ptsd when in reality they were evacuated well before any of the idiots came inside.

Those idiots just followed the play book laid out by democrats the entire year- riot and just call it peaceful protest and you can do whatever you want with no consequences. That only works of it's for benefit on the democratic party.

Do you understand why it's funny now?
No, not really. Had any of the BLM idiots tried to overthrow the US Govt to keep their candidate in power then i would agree with you. That is what 1/6 was about. That isnt what happened last summer at all, was it. BLM protests were about Civil Rights not politics. The protests were happening because a bad cop killed a black man by kneeling on his throat for over 9 minutes on film because he tried to pass a fake $20 bill, not politics. Most of the roaches in the violent BLM events arnt democrats and dont even vote. They're criminals, roaches, losers. They saw an opportunity to steal and get away with it. Some got away but thousands were arrested and prosecuted as it should be. I dont see how the dem party benefitted in any way by the violence last summer, How was it pulled from the Dem playbook? When did dems ever do anything to violently steal an election? can you explain your comment?
From what i have read, the trump loyalists did try to kill members of congress and hang Mike Pence, cops had to shoot to kill to slow them down. Trump told them Pence didnt have the courage to toss the election, Pence let them down, so they built a gallows and went looking for him. Didnt you hear the chants? Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence! They did it in attempt to keep the loser of the election in power, and he asked them to do it. All he needed was time to put his plan in place. Im sure you are staying up on all the ways he had set up to stay in the WH, right?
How many death threats should a person in congress expect to get before you feel its ok that they start fearing for their life? 1? 8? couple dozen? Why are trump followers so into violence? When did that become acceptable? People, R and D are getting death threats from trump loyalists on school boards to small town politicians to health officials to state election officials and up the ladder. Its actual evil, actual radicals, actual domestic terrorists and they want to "re-instate" their loser by any means possible. Too bad they're so badly uneducated or misinformed, 7th grade Civics, in this country we elect the president, and the president isnt king.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-11-2022, 4:35 PM Reply   
The argument on why the Jan 6 riot was way worse than black lives matter riots are that it was a direct attack on democracy. They were going to keep the election from happening. Does anyone really think that would happen? Worst case is it would be delayed. They weren't going to take the capitol and then Trump would magically be president.
Our government is made up of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This was a direct attack on the executive branch. Then the BLM riots were direct attacks on the judicial branch. They claimed they wanted justice and rioted immediately after the incidents occurred and didn't allow the judicial process to occur. The officers were all immediately guilty. They didn't even wait for an investigation - the riots just started. Then they continued. For instance a certain member of the US Congress got up before the final jury deliberation on the Derek Chauvin trial and said if they don't get a guilty verdict, they need to get more confrontational:

A few days before the jury convicted Derek Chauvin, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters told protesters in Minnesota that if he wasn’t convicted, they should “get more confrontational.” The trial judge, Peter Cahill, suggested Waters’ comments could be grounds for an appeal and called out elected officials for speaking out in a way that is disrespectful to the judicial branch.

I fail to see the difference, other than what branch of our government the rioters were attacking - executive or judicial. They were all attacks on our government and laws. The difference is the democratic party condoned the BLM riots and no one condoned the Jan 6 one.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-11-2022, 6:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No, not really. Had any of the BLM idiots tried to overthrow the US Govt to keep their candidate in power then i would agree with you. That is what 1/6 was about. That isnt what happened last summer at all, was it. BLM protests were about Civil Rights not politics. The protests were happening because a bad cop killed a black man by kneeling on his throat for over 9 minutes on film because he tried to pass a fake $20 bill, not politics. Most of the roaches in the violent BLM events arnt democrats and dont even vote. They're criminals, roaches, losers. They saw an opportunity to steal and get away with it. Some got away but thousands were arrested and prosecuted as it should be. I dont see how the dem party benefitted in any way by the violence last summer, How was it pulled from the Dem playbook? When did dems ever do anything to violently steal an election? can you explain your comment?
From what i have read, the trump loyalists did try to kill members of congress and hang Mike Pence, cops had to shoot to kill to slow them down. Trump told them Pence didnt have the courage to toss the election, Pence let them down, so they built a gallows and went looking for him. Didnt you hear the chants? Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence! They did it in attempt to keep the loser of the election in power, and he asked them to do it. All he needed was time to put his plan in place. Im sure you are staying up on all the ways he had set up to stay in the WH, right?
How many death threats should a person in congress expect to get before you feel its ok that they start fearing for their life? 1? 8? couple dozen? Why are trump followers so into violence? When did that become acceptable? People, R and D are getting death threats from trump loyalists on school boards to small town politicians to health officials to state election officials and up the ladder. Its actual evil, actual radicals, actual domestic terrorists and they want to "re-instate" their loser by any means possible. Too bad they're so badly uneducated or misinformed, 7th grade Civics, in this country we elect the president, and the president isnt king.
You’re a complete imbecile completely making up . The amount of “trump supporters “ committing violence was already proven to be completely minuscule according to the FBI and DOJ’s own investigation.

The amount of BLM activists that burned down cities , buildings and comitted violence on police officers was much much much greater. They killed innocent civilians and wounded 2600 officers. Yes you read that right. Over 2600 officers were sent to the hospital during the BLM riots. What happened to their offenders ? Most the non prosecuted or charges reduced to misdemeanors. Over 84% of looters caught had their cases dropped in court.

I guess you forget when the womens rights groups broke into the Capitol Hallways to protests.

Maybe you forgot all the lefty’s that stormed the Wisconsin Capitol to overthrow their state. Government. It’s sad you still think the events of Jan 6th were an orchestrated coup of the government led by trunp when just about every piece of evidence and non partisan investigation lead to the same outcome stating it was nothing at all resembling that.

So when will you be calling for the federal investigation to all the cities lost, lives lost, and officers injured throughout the leftist supported BLM riots that ravaged America to sway an election?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-11-2022, 6:12 PM Reply   
In covid news CDC director finally giving some information about what’s they’ve known all along. 75% of the 800 k deaths had more than 4 comorbidities. 75%.
Once again proving the mass hysteria and lockdowns did more harm to the nation than good. It’s downright criminal all the lies and bull**** being fed by leftist propaganda sources.

Yet when asked the answer the simple question of how many of those does are “due to “ covid and how many of those died “ with covid.” She hasn’t a single comment.

On eve again let’s review the fact 70% of those children hospitalized as covid hospitalizations we’re not in the hospital due to covid complications.

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-11-2022 at 6:18 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-12-2022, 9:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
The argument on why the Jan 6 riot was way worse than black lives matter riots are that it was a direct attack on democracy. They were going to keep the election from happening. Does anyone really think that would happen? Worst case is it would be delayed. They weren't going to take the capitol and then Trump would magically be president.
Our government is made up of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This was a direct attack on the executive branch. Then the BLM riots were direct attacks on the judicial branch. They claimed they wanted justice and rioted immediately after the incidents occurred and didn't allow the judicial process to occur. The officers were all immediately guilty. They didn't even wait for an investigation - the riots just started. Then they continued. For instance a certain member of the US Congress got up before the final jury deliberation on the Derek Chauvin trial and said if they don't get a guilty verdict, they need to get more confrontational:

A few days before the jury convicted Derek Chauvin, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters told protesters in Minnesota that if he wasn’t convicted, they should “get more confrontational.” The trial judge, Peter Cahill, suggested Waters’ comments could be grounds for an appeal and called out elected officials for speaking out in a way that is disrespectful to the judicial branch.

I fail to see the difference, other than what branch of our government the rioters were attacking - executive or judicial. They were all attacks on our government and laws. The difference is the democratic party condoned the BLM riots and no one condoned the Jan 6 one.
I'm glad that Jan. 6 and Derrek Chauvin finally made it into the same post.

What made Derrek Chauvin guilty of murder? Was it that he stopped a black man for trying to pass off a fake $20. No, That is breaking the law and Derrek's job is to enforce laws. Was it for detaining him? No. Was it for fighting to the ground when he resisted arrest? No. Was it for using an illegal hold mid-fight? No, low blows happen in the middle of fights. Was it for not easing up when he said, "I can't breathe?" I'm still going to say no. I have younger brothers. That was their go-to. Derrek Chauvin was guilty of murder when after George passed out, he sat on his neck for all those minutes and he had no regard. He stayed the course while the life left him and then no real effort was made to render aid until it was far too late.

What makes Trump guilty/culpable for Jan. 6? Was it the fraudulent basis he and others gathered a crowd? No, He and the others are politicians. Telling half-truths and out-right lies is par for the course. Was it the gas he continued pour on a crowd that was already in a fever-pitch. No, being an egoist he was likely lost in the glow. Was it when mob broke through the barricades while he was still on stage? No, I'll even give him the benefit of the doubt, he may have had no idea and was still planning on "peacefully marching" down to the capitol with his followers. Trump became guilty/culpable for Jan 6 when he was informed that he could not safely march down to the capital because it was under siege and instead retreated to the White House were he watched the events unfold on TV. He was there for more than two hours with his knee on the neck of American democracy. He received reports of what was unfolding, texts directly from those caught in it and his advisors plead for him to do something. He did nothing. He watched police be assaulted. He watched congressmen barricade doors. He watched a woman get shot. After several hours, he finally went on TV and appealed directly to his followers attacking the capitol with, "Go home. We love you. You are special." And they left.

No condemnation. No remorse. In fact, he showed quite the opposite. He praised his followers attacking the capitol and then aired his grievances to support their actions. By not condemning the mob and proving he had the power to stop it, he owns that day. There should be consequences.

What is appropriate is up for debate.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-12-2022, 11:33 AM Reply   
So jan 6 riot was bad and the last multiple years of BLM riots were bad. All illegal riots and there should be consequences for all of them. Glad we agree.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-12-2022, 11:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
So jan 6 riot was bad and the last multiple years of BLM riots were bad. All illegal riots and there should be consequences for all of them. Glad we agree.
YES! THEY ARE ALL BAD! Destroying property completely unrelated to the injustice is bad. Attacking the democratic process, without merit, because you did not like the results is bad.

This isn't a two sided discussion. They are not related in any way what so ever. They can both be wrong for their own reasons. How is this concept so hard for people to understand.

Those behind the organization of the BLM riots should pay. Those behind the Jan 6 riot should pay. It is a matter of right and wrong not a matter of democrat vs republican.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-12-2022, 3:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
YES! THEY ARE ALL BAD! Destroying property completely unrelated to the injustice is bad. Attacking the democratic process, without merit, because you did not like the results is bad.

This isn't a two sided discussion. They are not related in any way what so ever. They can both be wrong for their own reasons. How is this concept so hard for people to understand.

Those behind the organization of the BLM riots should pay. Those behind the Jan 6 riot should pay. It is a matter of right and wrong not a matter of democrat vs republican.
How is it so hard for you to understand that the way things were promoted by the left during the BLM riots that left our nation smoldering , left 2600 officers hurt , 26 innocent civilians murdered ,left 100’s of business and multiple government buildings in rock piles have gone completely in accounted for by the same people that have gone full force after “Trump “ with nothing but lies once again.

So please explain why not a single BLM riot in any city was investigated with the full force of the government ? Explain why a dead cop on Jan 6th got a much different treatment than the multiple dead cops at BLM riots across the nation . Explain why simple trespassers have been held without bond for months while BLM looters, firestarters, shooters and violent offenders destroying government buildings all over the nation walked free ? Maybe I missed all the 2600 plus federal investigations regarding injured police officers as a result of the BLM riots. Maybe I missed the 26 federal investigations to the murdered civilians during the the BLM riots . Maybe I missed the 100’s of federal arson investigations as a result of these prompted riots from the left.

This is comical trying to say Jan 6th is anything but a political hypocrisy once again from the left. They’re treating trespassers at best worse than murders , shooters, and arsonists Anyone who can’t acknowledge the hypocrisy after watching the left’s comments and actions during the 2020 riot fest across America unfold with zero repercussions is lying to themselves and the rest of America. Nobody will ever take you seriously .

You’re right they’re not the same , they’re not even remotely close to the same. One was a year long coordinated domestic terrorist attack on democracy/ law and order supported and funded by the left while the other was a few hour long out of control protest with a few outlying idiots.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-12-2022, 6:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
How is it so hard for you to understand that the way things were promoted by the left during the BLM riots that left our nation smoldering , left 2600 officers hurt , 26 innocent civilians murdered ,left 100’s of business and multiple government buildings in rock piles have gone completely in accounted for by the same people that have gone full force after “Trump “ with nothing but lies once again.

So please explain why not a single BLM riot in any city was investigated with the full force of the government ? Explain why a dead cop on Jan 6th got a much different treatment than the multiple dead cops at BLM riots across the nation . Explain why simple trespassers have been held without bond for months while BLM looters, firestarters, shooters and violent offenders destroying government buildings all over the nation walked free ? Maybe I missed all the 2600 plus federal investigations regarding injured police officers as a result of the BLM riots. Maybe I missed the 26 federal investigations to the murdered civilians during the the BLM riots . Maybe I missed the 100’s of federal arson investigations as a result of these prompted riots from the left.

This is comical trying to say Jan 6th is anything but a political hypocrisy once again from the left. They’re treating trespassers at best worse than murders , shooters, and arsonists Anyone who can’t acknowledge the hypocrisy after watching the left’s comments and actions during the 2020 riot fest across America unfold with zero repercussions is lying to themselves and the rest of America. Nobody will ever take you seriously .

You’re right they’re not the same , they’re not even remotely close to the same. One was a year long coordinated domestic terrorist attack on democracy/ law and order supported and funded by the left while the other was a few hour long out of control protest with a few outlying idiots.
A few outlying idiots with the beaming support of a sitting president.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-13-2022, 4:44 AM Reply   
As opposed to several thousand "peaceful" protesters supported by multiple democratic congress?

The jan 6th riot upset me. How trump handled it before, during, and after really upset me.

But what upsets me more is the fact that people want to argue that it is way different and way worse than the riots that have been allowed to happen for months. People were burning buildings, attacking police officers, and shooting people with little to no consequences. And now they are sentencing Jan 6 people to months of prison time for simply trespassing? Yes other people did other crimes other than trespassing, but a lot were only guilty of that.

Trump got chastised for sending federal law enforcement to cities to try reducing riots. But after 1 riot at DC, there has to be razor wire and the national guard on permanent assignment?
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-13-2022, 6:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
As opposed to several thousand "peaceful" protesters supported by multiple democratic congress?

The jan 6th riot upset me. How trump handled it before, during, and after really upset me.

But what upsets me more is the fact that people want to argue that it is way different and way worse than the riots that have been allowed to happen for months. People were burning buildings, attacking police officers, and shooting people with little to no consequences. And now they are sentencing Jan 6 people to months of prison time for simply trespassing? Yes other people did other crimes other than trespassing, but a lot were only guilty of that.

Trump got chastised for sending federal law enforcement to cities to try reducing riots. But after 1 riot at DC, there has to be razor wire and the national guard on permanent assignment?
Not talking about them. We can though, just for fun. You tribalist are funny. How simple to discuss in terms of us vs them, Good vs evil, democrats vs republicans. The two party system is grinding you all up. Democrats can be worse, but it does not make republicans good or even acceptable.

Worry about your team. The reason I am tough on republicans is that is always my first choice. Democrats can do what they want, they do not get my vote at the state level and up. Republicans will get my endorsement when they start focusing on forward progress and stop crying about the past and democrats. Until then, they are nothing more than the lesser of two evils to me. Focus on the success in red states and cities and stop focusing on the failures in blue states. Lead by example.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       01-13-2022, 7:32 AM Reply   
Technically I think they both suck, democrats are just way worse. I think the 2 party system is just a way to keep the country divided and make people that think they are on a team. Big money pays off both sides and they always get what they want. The rest of the country is just left in the wake.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       01-13-2022, 8:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
Technically I think they both suck, democrats are just way worse. I think the 2 party system is just a way to keep the country divided and make people that think they are on a team. Big money pays off both sides and they always get what they want. The rest of the country is just left in the wake.
Agree 100%.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 9:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bcd View Post
The argument on why the Jan 6 riot was way worse than black lives matter riots are that it was a direct attack on democracy. They were going to keep the election from happening. Does anyone really think that would happen? Worst case is it would be delayed. They weren't going to take the capitol and then Trump would magically be president.
Our government is made up of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This was a direct attack on the executive branch. Then the BLM riots were direct attacks on the judicial branch. They claimed they wanted justice and rioted immediately after the incidents occurred and didn't allow the judicial process to occur. The officers were all immediately guilty. They didn't even wait for an investigation - the riots just started. Then they continued. For instance a certain member of the US Congress got up before the final jury deliberation on the Derek Chauvin trial and said if they don't get a guilty verdict, they need to get more confrontational:

A few days before the jury convicted Derek Chauvin, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters told protesters in Minnesota that if he wasn’t convicted, they should “get more confrontational.” The trial judge, Peter Cahill, suggested Waters’ comments could be grounds for an appeal and called out elected officials for speaking out in a way that is disrespectful to the judicial branch.

I fail to see the difference, other than what branch of our government the rioters were attacking - executive or judicial. They were all attacks on our government and laws. The difference is the democratic party condoned the BLM riots and no one condoned the Jan 6 one.
You keep trying to tie two dissimilar things together, two things that are not equivalent nor alike.
I agree the BLM looters and rioters are criminals and also peaceful protesting is our first amendment right. Criminals should be arrested and prosecuted, always.
The issue of 1/6 is much more than a handful of trump loyalists storming the capitol to stop/delay/stall the counting of electoral votes, as if that was the single goal. The violent offenders should be arrested and prosecuted like any criminal. Thats only part 1. The planning of 1/6 is what makes it different. Maxine Watters did not plan the looting and violence. She didnt send out instructions on what and where to loot. Trump and his sycophants did. They created a 38 page Powerpoint plan (virtually all lies) on exactly how they would do it. They sent it out to republican election officials in swing states to show them how Trump would stay in power.
At least 5 states, all the swing states did in fact send counterfeit election counts to the Library of Congress. All states won by Biden and the counterfeits all showed that trump won in those states. They killed George Floyd over a countrfeit $20. These fine folks counterfeit a presidential election. They deserve arrest and prosecution.
Trumps atty John Eastman provided Pence with a 6 point memo showing he could change the election, how and why.
This was not a one day emotional attack by the fools who believed trumps lies, it is a full on conspiracy to over throw an election and keep trump in power. The evidence already publicly available is overwhelming, wait til the 1/6 commission starts to release what they have uncovered. McCarthey and Gym Jordan who said they have nothing to hide now refuse to cooperate. Why if you have nothing to hide? Same with Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon.....
Why didnt trump stop the rioters?, he watched it for hours on end, hit rewind and watched again. Certainly, anyone who valued police officers and the rule of law would be devastated by his supporters putting a beat down on LEO's and trying to hang the VP. Nope, rewind and watch again, he enjoyed it. He needed a lot of chaos for his plan to work. The more chaos, violence the better as far as he was concerned.
Thats why I believe we shouldnt compare 1/6 to to BLM rioters. It just isnt even close to the same thing.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       01-13-2022, 10:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Worry about your team. The reason I am tough on republicans is that is always my first choice. Democrats can do what they want, they do not get my vote at the state level and up. Republicans will get my endorsement when they start focusing on forward progress and stop crying about the past and democrats. Until then, they are nothing more than the lesser of two evils to me. Focus on the success in red states and cities and stop focusing on the failures in blue states. Lead by example.
That's a healthy attitude imo, when you focus on your own team you start to notice how similar they are to the other team. All culture war nonsense with zero policy. Politicians are more interested in looking after other politicians even of the other side than people who vote for them, it's all theatre. That's why "drain the swap" resonates. Trump just left out the bit about refilling the swap with his cronies and drongo family members.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-13-2022, 10:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No, not really. Had any of the BLM idiots tried to overthrow the US Govt to keep their candidate in power then i would agree with you. That is what 1/6 was about. That isnt what happened last summer at all, was it. BLM protests were about Civil Rights not politics. The protests were happening because a bad cop killed a black man by kneeling on his throat for over 9 minutes on film because he tried to pass a fake $20 bill, not politics. Most of the roaches in the violent BLM events arnt democrats and dont even vote. They're criminals, roaches, losers. They saw an opportunity to steal and get away with it. Some got away but thousands were arrested and prosecuted as it should be. I dont see how the dem party benefitted in any way by the violence last summer, How was it pulled from the Dem playbook? When did dems ever do anything to violently steal an election? can you explain your comment?
From what i have read, the trump loyalists did try to kill members of congress and hang Mike Pence, cops had to shoot to kill to slow them down. Trump told them Pence didnt have the courage to toss the election, Pence let them down, so they built a gallows and went looking for him. Didnt you hear the chants? Hang Mike Pence, Hang Mike Pence! They did it in attempt to keep the loser of the election in power, and he asked them to do it. All he needed was time to put his plan in place. Im sure you are staying up on all the ways he had set up to stay in the WH, right?
How many death threats should a person in congress expect to get before you feel its ok that they start fearing for their life? 1? 8? couple dozen? Why are trump followers so into violence? When did that become acceptable? People, R and D are getting death threats from trump loyalists on school boards to small town politicians to health officials to state election officials and up the ladder. Its actual evil, actual radicals, actual domestic terrorists and they want to "re-instate" their loser by any means possible. Too bad they're so badly uneducated or misinformed, 7th grade Civics, in this country we elect the president, and the president isnt king.
Cops had to shoot to kill to slow them down? YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LYING PIECE OF CRAP OF ALL TIME! I finally saw the video. There was a black police officer on one side of a baracaded door with glass. There was about 5 or so people standing on the other side. They were just standing there. I think she just touched the door and he shot her through the glass door. And btw, the swat team came into the picture from off camera just a few seconds after he shot her. They swat team was on the same side of the door as the protestors. The swat team did not even swoop in and take out this so called dangerous mob. They all just stood there.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-13-2022, 10:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You keep trying to tie two dissimilar things together, two things that are not equivalent nor alike.
I agree the BLM looters and rioters are criminals and also peaceful protesting is our first amendment right. Criminals should be arrested and prosecuted, always.
The issue of 1/6 is much more than a handful of trump loyalists storming the capitol to stop/delay/stall the counting of electoral votes, as if that was the single goal. The violent offenders should be arrested and prosecuted like any criminal. Thats only part 1. The planning of 1/6 is what makes it different. Maxine Watters did not plan the looting and violence. She didnt send out instructions on what and where to loot. Trump and his sycophants did. They created a 38 page Powerpoint plan (virtually all lies) on exactly how they would do it. They sent it out to republican election officials in swing states to show them how Trump would stay in power.
At least 5 states, all the swing states did in fact send counterfeit election counts to the Library of Congress. All states won by Biden and the counterfeits all showed that trump won in those states. They killed George Floyd over a countrfeit $20. These fine folks counterfeit a presidential election. They deserve arrest and prosecution.
Trumps atty John Eastman provided Pence with a 6 point memo showing he could change the election, how and why.
This was not a one day emotional attack by the fools who believed trumps lies, it is a full on conspiracy to over throw an election and keep trump in power. The evidence already publicly available is overwhelming, wait til the 1/6 commission starts to release what they have uncovered. McCarthey and Gym Jordan who said they have nothing to hide now refuse to cooperate. Why if you have nothing to hide? Same with Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon.....
Why didnt trump stop the rioters?, he watched it for hours on end, hit rewind and watched again. Certainly, anyone who valued police officers and the rule of law would be devastated by his supporters putting a beat down on LEO's and trying to hang the VP. Nope, rewind and watch again, he enjoyed it. He needed a lot of chaos for his plan to work. The more chaos, violence the better as far as he was concerned.
Thats why I believe we shouldnt compare 1/6 to to BLM rioters. It just isnt even close to the same thing.
Floyd died of a drug overdose. He broke the law and had taken a deadly concoction of drugs. The optics of the police officer is what was bad, but it did not kill him. Just like OJ will never find the murder unless he starts looking in the mirror. We will never come together with people like you repeating lies.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 11:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Cops had to shoot to kill to slow them down? YOU ARE THE BIGGEST LYING PIECE OF CRAP OF ALL TIME! I finally saw the video. There was a black police officer on one side of a baracaded door with glass. There was about 5 or so people standing on the other side. They were just standing there. I think she just touched the door and he shot her through the glass door. And btw, the swat team came into the picture from off camera just a few seconds after he shot her. They swat team was on the same side of the door as the protestors. The swat team did not even swoop in and take out this so called dangerous mob. They all just stood there.
Great, you will make a great witness, cause you watched a video. Why lie about stuff so easy proved wrong. "5 or so", just standing there. You failed to mention "**** the BLUE, lets Go, Break it down........Whos a Fing liar? Look again.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 11:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Floyd died of a drug overdose. He broke the law and had taken a deadly concoction of drugs. The optics of the police officer is what was bad, but it did not kill him. Just like OJ will never find the murder unless he starts looking in the mirror. We will never come together with people like you repeating lies.
Yeah the 9 and a half minutes kneeling on his neck was to increase airflow right? Idiot, racist and a liar. Trifecta champ.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-13-2022, 1:35 PM Reply   
Has Biden got anything done

SCOTUS once gain kicking Biden and the tyrants in the nuts. 6-3 decision to overturn he and the lefts attempt at tyranny
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       01-13-2022, 1:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You keep trying to tie two dissimilar things together, two things that are not equivalent nor alike.
I agree the BLM looters and rioters are criminals and also peaceful protesting is our first amendment right. Criminals should be arrested and prosecuted, always.
The issue of 1/6 is much more than a handful of trump loyalists storming the capitol to stop/delay/stall the counting of electoral votes, as if that was the single goal. The violent offenders should be arrested and prosecuted like any criminal. Thats only part 1. The planning of 1/6 is what makes it different. Maxine Watters did not plan the looting and violence. She didnt send out instructions on what and where to loot. Trump and his sycophants did. They created a 38 page Powerpoint plan (virtually all lies) on exactly how they would do it. They sent it out to republican election officials in swing states to show them how Trump would stay in power.
At least 5 states, all the swing states did in fact send counterfeit election counts to the Library of Congress. All states won by Biden and the counterfeits all showed that trump won in those states. They killed George Floyd over a countrfeit $20. These fine folks counterfeit a presidential election. They deserve arrest and prosecution.
Trumps atty John Eastman provided Pence with a 6 point memo showing he could change the election, how and why.
This was not a one day emotional attack by the fools who believed trumps lies, it is a full on conspiracy to over throw an election and keep trump in power. The evidence already publicly available is overwhelming, wait til the 1/6 commission starts to release what they have uncovered. McCarthey and Gym Jordan who said they have nothing to hide now refuse to cooperate. Why if you have nothing to hide? Same with Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon.....
Why didnt trump stop the rioters?, he watched it for hours on end, hit rewind and watched again. Certainly, anyone who valued police officers and the rule of law would be devastated by his supporters putting a beat down on LEO's and trying to hang the VP. Nope, rewind and watch again, he enjoyed it. He needed a lot of chaos for his plan to work. The more chaos, violence the better as far as he was concerned.
Thats why I believe we shouldnt compare 1/6 to to BLM rioters. It just isnt even close to the same thing.
Jan 6th was a staged attack, by federal agents, hiding in crowds of peaceful protestors, who pushed and pushed to get people to storm the capital building. They were put there by Pelosi herself and her band of idiots. and she refused to have national guard on site because of it. She was the reason this happened. She was responsible to protect the capital, but refused to because she knew she had put feds inside the crowds to enrage and encourage an attack. No guns found, no, no armed insurrection

No planned attack be "the people" the only planned attack was by the left, who created the prush to get people riled up, and even then, it was peaceful compared to the BLM riots and burins. It was just on a building that was in DC and occupied by the congress. If it was BLM actors attacking a police station with 200 officers, it would of been OK! thats the scary truth
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-13-2022, 1:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
That's a healthy attitude imo, when you focus on your own team you start to notice how similar they are to the other team. All culture war nonsense with zero policy. Politicians are more interested in looking after other politicians even of the other side than people who vote for them, it's all theatre. That's why "drain the swap" resonates. Trump just left out the bit about refilling the swap with his cronies and drongo family members.
No it’s actually the complete unhealthiest attitude to possess. Burying your head into a hole of your own party and ignoring what the other party is pushing leads exactly to where we are today. Too many liberal idiots rely on the news media to make their decisions based on politics. Meanwhile the slide of hand by the left has destroyed law and order and citizens protections form evil. If people would’ve been paying attention. They woulda saw the shift in policies , DA’s , laws , and emboldening of criminals while punishing the actual victims.

Any idiot who says the BLM riots weren’t a completely orchestrated , planned , hostile take over of America is blind as a bat and either completely ignorant or purposefully lying. They bussed thousands of violent terrorists around the country , they pre loaded bricks , gas cans, weapons , and agendas , for **** sake the state police in a weak states had to stop and block bus loads of demstic terrorists trying to get to major democratic strongholds tho continue the distraction. Biden / Harris / Pelosi , waters, and numerous other democratic mouthpieces stoold hand in hand with these groups burning down police stations , court houses , police vehicles , and businesses. The even bailed out those arrested . It’s absurd to say these events were a bunch a random people that showed up with with stacks of weapons , gas cans , cinder locks , bricks , guns , and other iED’s. There are thousands of video clips everywhere of the organized mayhem and their leaders who are very well known extremists . For **** sake they stood outside of trials intimidating jurors , following jurors home , threatening more violence if the verdict didn’t go their way right from the courthouse stairs.

Biden welcomed a violent felon who tried to kill several police officers , commit violence on his baby’s Momma , and then tried to hold her against her will. What does Joe do ????? Puts his family on a pedal stool.

The BLM movement was hand in hand with the Dems starting with Obama using the DOJ to push the BLM terrorist agenda , their push to federalize police departments and implement consent decrees on every major democratic stronghold has led to the record numbers you see today. Anyone with a half a brain can tell you that.

Paying attention to the what the party you support is doing is one part , but ensuring you’re paying attention to both sides equally is what will actually keep America moving forward and essentially prevent the ultimate chaos we see today. There no doubt there are outright criminals in each party , but there is also no doubt here the democrats have aligned with the domestic terrorist groups set on destroying the great American Way of life.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-13-2022, 1:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
jan 6th was a staged attack, by federal agents, hiding in crowds of peaceful protestors, who pushed and pushed to get people to storm the capital building. They were put there by pelosi herself and her band of idiots. And she refused to have national guard on site because of it. She was the reason this happened. She was responsible to protect the capital, but refused to because she knew she had put feds inside the crowds to enrage and encourage an attack. No guns found, no, no armed insurrection

no planned attack be "the people" the only planned attack was by the left, who created the prush to get people riled up, and even then, it was peaceful compared to the blm riots and burins. It was just on a building that was in dc and occupied by the congress. If it was blm actors attacking a police station with 200 officers, it would of been ok! Thats the scary truth
a ****ing men
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-13-2022, 2:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yeah the 9 and a half minutes kneeling on his neck was to increase airflow right? Idiot, racist and a liar. Trifecta champ.
video showed he did not have his knee on his neck. Just like the Jan 6 video where the girl was shot in cold blood, you really need to watch the video's of the things you are commenting on.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-13-2022, 2:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Great, you will make a great witness, cause you watched a video. Why lie about stuff so easy proved wrong. "5 or so", just standing there. You failed to mention "**** the BLUE, lets Go, Break it down........Whos a Fing liar? Look again.
words are words. There was no action. He shot her with no action committed and there was a whole swat team on the other side with the protestors.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-13-2022, 2:54 PM Reply   
Well there goes one BLM activist. Good ol Mosby caught stwakiving covid relief funds to but herself a vacation home in that evil state of Florida. Gee. If I had a dollar for every leftist mouthpiece that has vacationed to Florida during the pandemic while demonizing Florida’s response I’d never have to work in a mall again.

Stealing federal covid relief funds. That probably ranks higher than trespass. , wonder what the penalty will be . Probably just Louie good ol aAl Sharptin and Jessie Jackson , they’ll all never have to pay their taxes.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 4:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Jan 6th was a staged attack, by federal agents, hiding in crowds of peaceful protestors, who pushed and pushed to get people to storm the capital building. They were put there by Pelosi herself and her band of idiots. and she refused to have national guard on site because of it. She was the reason this happened. She was responsible to protect the capital, but refused to because she knew she had put feds inside the crowds to enrage and encourage an attack. No guns found, no, no armed insurrection

No planned attack be "the people" the only planned attack was by the left, who created the prush to get people riled up, and even then, it was peaceful compared to the BLM riots and burins. It was just on a building that was in DC and occupied by the congress. If it was BLM actors attacking a police station with 200 officers, it would of been OK! thats the scary truth
OHHH, looky here we have a Tucker Carlson idiot, err I mean fan. FYI, it wasnt a real documentary, sorry if that wrecks it for you.You have swallowed the bait, hooked solid, completely brainwashed. Congrats. All you need to do now is mow down some evil librals. Best of Luck. Tell me how it all ends.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 4:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Has Biden got anything done

SCOTUS once gain kicking Biden and the tyrants in the nuts. 6-3 decision to overturn he and the lefts attempt at tyranny
Yes, he already passed an Infrastructure Bill trump couldn't do in 4 years. Trump had "Infrastructure week" every month, zip.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 4:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
a ****ing men
LOL, 2 of you suckers fell for tuckers "documentary". OOHHH The Truth, PATRIOT PURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 4:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
video showed he did not have his knee on his neck. Just like the Jan 6 video where the girl was shot in cold blood, you really need to watch the video's of the things you are commenting on.
How many convicted felons are you going to defend today? Why, Are you auditioning for a slimey defense atty role?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-13-2022, 5:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
LOL, 2 of you suckers fell for tuckers "documentary". OOHHH The Truth, PATRIOT PURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.
Didn’t watch a single second

I know how things operate. Been part of 100’s of undercover ooeriations in my 23yr career. When it looks like an elephant , roars like an elephant , and smells like a elepahnt it’s an elephant . No matter how hard the left wants it to be a rino.

Common practice for undercovers to completely disappear , I also know how many undercovers we have roaming crowds during simple protests in Chicago. I can. Only imagine the manpower the FBI had working the crowds on the 6th. Maybe if you educated yourself on operations your wouldn’t look like such a fool commenting on them.

I did also watch your lame video. All that showed is the officers gave up their position in front of the hallway and gave access to the demonstrators. If that hallway was such a protected venue 5-6 guards wouldn’t have walked away. I then watched a scared security guard who’s never seen an iota of action shoot an unarmed female with no means to put that security officer in any fear of death or great bodily harm. Once again I find it comical you’ve consistently defended armed violent felons attempting to kill police officers and innocently civilians with weapons when their acted upon, yet you’re completely ok with an security guard shooting an unarmed individual that presented no threat of great bodily harm or death to anyone. You’re a joke.

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-13-2022 at 5:56 PM.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       01-13-2022, 6:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Jan 6th was a staged attack, by federal agents, hiding in crowds of peaceful protestors, who pushed and pushed to get people to storm the capital building. They were put there by Pelosi herself and her band of idiots. and she refused to have national guard on site because of it. She was the reason this happened. She was responsible to protect the capital, but refused to because she knew she had put feds inside the crowds to enrage and encourage an attack. No guns found, no, no armed insurrection

No planned attack be "the people" the only planned attack was by the left, who created the prush to get people riled up, and even then, it was peaceful compared to the BLM riots and burins. It was just on a building that was in DC and occupied by the congress. If it was BLM actors attacking a police station with 200 officers, it would of been OK! thats the scary truth

WOW! Do you really believe this crap? You should check out the flat earther society if you're not already a member. Entertain us with some of your other wild conspiracy b.s. It'd be interesting to hear.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-13-2022, 6:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Didn’t watch a single second

I know how things operate. Been part of 100’s of undercover ooeriations in my 23yr career. When it looks like an elephant , roars like an elephant , and smells like a elepahnt it’s an elephant . No matter how hard the left wants it to be a rino.

Common practice for undercovers to completely disappear , I also know how many undercovers we have roaming crowds during simple protests in Chicago. I can. Only imagine the manpower the FBI had working the crowds on the 6th. Maybe if you educated yourself on operations your wouldn’t look like such a fool commenting on them.

I did also watch your lame video. All that showed is the officers gave up their position in front of the hallway and gave access to the demonstrators. If that hallway was such a protected venue 5-6 guards wouldn’t have walked away. I then watched a scared security guard who’s never seen an iota of action shoot an unarmed female with no means to put that security officer in any fear of death or great bodily harm. Once again I find it comical you’ve consistently defended armed violent felons attempting to kill police officers and innocently civilians with weapons when their acted upon, yet you’re completely ok with an security guard shooting an unarmed individual that presented no threat of great bodily harm or death to anyone. You’re a joke.
How many of those under cover ops youve been involved in where you are the bad guy? How often does law enforcement push innocent bystanders into beating cops and breaking into buildings to hang the VP and put a bullet in Pelosi? FYI, you were 100% wrong about Chauvin too mr. I know how things operate. FYI, everyone knows the narc in the crowd, they all dress the same, same black sunglasses, same haircut... Its literally a meme.
Yeah. im perfectly fine with a DC police lieutenant shooting an unhinged woman trying to force her way into the capitol to Stop the Steal.
You have me confused w/ someone else, i dont think i ever defend armed violent felons, isnt that a job for trump? He not only defends them, he pardons them. Law and order my azz.

Sweet Ashli. RIP traitor.

Last edited by 95sn; 01-13-2022 at 6:24 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-14-2022, 12:24 AM Reply   
You lie so much you can’t even keep anything straight. You’re giant troll who disappears every time your called on it and can’t come back with some
Kind of anti trump deflector. It’s hysterical. You defended Jacob Blake on multiple occasions. You even said the police shot an unarmed man on multiple occasions regarding him and the incident and that they should be punished.

You then defended Michael brown in the same post or couple posts later. You were called on all of it. Disappeared like you normally do when confronted with actual facts and questions , then came back days later spewing rittenhouse garbage.

Well you’re 0-3

Feel free to look back and read the garbage you posted. Not a single iota of any of your dribble was fact , once again showcasing your disdain for facts, evidence , and reality so you can jerk it to the lies you post. It’s sad , truly sad. If that wasn’t enough …

His mommy drove the high school dropout across state lines, let him and his loaded assault rifle off at the protest. He murdered a guy then ran. After he fell, people tried to disarm him, then he shot one man in the head and another in the chest. Murdered his second victim. Then he strolled past the cops with his gun while people shouted he just killed someone. Police let him walk away and go home. He is under arrest for intentional murder. Will probably spend most of his life behind bars. Nice life for the kid who probably just thought he was supporting the president.
What happened at trial ? Not a single word you posted had any truth to it whatsoever .

You’re an emotional train wreck of a troll that posts with zero regard for the actual truth. It’s clear you’re mentally ill.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-14-2022, 8:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
You lie so much you can’t even keep anything straight. You’re giant troll who disappears every time your called on it and can’t come back with some
Kind of anti trump deflector. It’s hysterical. You defended Jacob Blake on multiple occasions. You even said the police shot an unarmed man on multiple occasions regarding him and the incident and that they should be punished.

You then defended Michael brown in the same post or couple posts later. You were called on all of it. Disappeared like you normally do when confronted with actual facts and questions , then came back days later spewing rittenhouse garbage.

Well you’re 0-3

Feel free to look back and read the garbage you posted. Not a single iota of any of your dribble was fact , once again showcasing your disdain for facts, evidence , and reality so you can jerk it to the lies you post. It’s sad , truly sad. If that wasn’t enough …

His mommy drove the high school dropout across state lines, let him and his loaded assault rifle off at the protest. He murdered a guy then ran. After he fell, people tried to disarm him, then he shot one man in the head and another in the chest. Murdered his second victim. Then he strolled past the cops with his gun while people shouted he just killed someone. Police let him walk away and go home. He is under arrest for intentional murder. Will probably spend most of his life behind bars. Nice life for the kid who probably just thought he was supporting the president.
What happened at trial ? Not a single word you posted had any truth to it whatsoever .

You’re an emotional train wreck of a troll that posts with zero regard for the actual truth. It’s clear you’re mentally ill.
Will probably spend most of his life behind bars. the only part that i was wrong on. And i said "Probably". Right there in front of your nose. Everything else is fact. I disagreed with the trial findings but no reason to cry over spilt milk, i just move forward. They set a terrible precedent for those looking to push violence.
Arnt you the one who wrote Ashli Babbit got shot breaking into a vacant building? Yep, that was you mall cop. Maybe you were just a little emotionally charged at the time.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-14-2022, 10:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
WOW! Do you really believe this crap? You should check out the flat earther society if you're not already a member. Entertain us with some of your other wild conspiracy b.s. It'd be interesting to hear.
Why would you not believe it. The whole kidnapping the Michigan Governor was thrown out. You know why? Half the defendants were working for the FBI and created the whole plot to get other so go along to entrap them.

There were people on the ground in Washington actively encouraging the crowd to go into the building. None of them were brought up on charges. Makes you wonder. Why did pelosi choose to not staff up for this event and declined Trumps offer to have the troops ready? All the things that make you wonder.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-14-2022, 10:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I'm glad that Jan. 6 and Derrek Chauvin finally made it into the same post.

What made Derrek Chauvin guilty of murder? Was it that he stopped a black man for trying to pass off a fake $20. No, That is breaking the law and Derrek's job is to enforce laws. Was it for detaining him? No. Was it for fighting to the ground when he resisted arrest? No. Was it for using an illegal hold mid-fight? No, low blows happen in the middle of fights. Was it for not easing up when he said, "I can't breathe?" I'm still going to say no. I have younger brothers. That was their go-to. Derrek Chauvin was guilty of murder when after George passed out, he sat on his neck for all those minutes and he had no regard. He stayed the course while the life left him and then no real effort was made to render aid until it was far too late.

What makes Trump guilty/culpable for Jan. 6? Was it the fraudulent basis he and others gathered a crowd? No, He and the others are politicians. Telling half-truths and out-right lies is par for the course. Was it the gas he continued pour on a crowd that was already in a fever-pitch. No, being an egoist he was likely lost in the glow. Was it when mob broke through the barricades while he was still on stage? No, I'll even give him the benefit of the doubt, he may have had no idea and was still planning on "peacefully marching" down to the capitol with his followers. Trump became guilty/culpable for Jan 6 when he was informed that he could not safely march down to the capital because it was under siege and instead retreated to the White House were he watched the events unfold on TV. He was there for more than two hours with his knee on the neck of American democracy. He received reports of what was unfolding, texts directly from those caught in it and his advisors plead for him to do something. He did nothing. He watched police be assaulted. He watched congressmen barricade doors. He watched a woman get shot. After several hours, he finally went on TV and appealed directly to his followers attacking the capitol with, "Go home. We love you. You are special." And they left.

No condemnation. No remorse. In fact, he showed quite the opposite. He praised his followers attacking the capitol and then aired his grievances to support their actions. By not condemning the mob and proving he had the power to stop it, he owns that day. There should be consequences.

What is appropriate is up for debate.
I think you are spot on with the George Floyd thing.

I think you have some good points on Jan 6, except Trump was not responsible for the response of the police or military. That was pelosi and the Sergeant at Arms. The Sergeant at Arms works for pelosi.

I am sure Trump loved that people where there for fight for him by protesting. He was fighting for them too. I know Trump has a big ego. That is one of the traits I don't care for in him and why he was not my first choice when he ran. Having an ego is not the same as advocating breaking into the capital. What else was he supposed to do? It was not his job to do law enforcement that day.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-14-2022, 10:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Why would you not believe it. The whole kidnapping the Michigan Governor was thrown out. You know why? Half the defendants were working for the FBI and created the whole plot to get other so go along to entrap them.

There were people on the ground in Washington actively encouraging the crowd to go into the building. None of them were brought up on charges. Makes you wonder. Why did pelosi choose to not staff up for this event and declined Trumps offer to have the troops ready? All the things that make you wonder.
Why dont you post a link to the throwing out of the case against the losers who tried to kidnap and kill the Mich Gov. Love to see that. Or.... are you just making stuff up again today...just like yesterday, and the day before...

Those "actively encouraging the crowd" ... those were trump supporters and they were brought up on charges, over 700 of them. You should research your "claim" that pelosi choose not to staff up.
Here, once again, ill help you out.

Go home and wonder how you could be so gullible.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-14-2022, 10:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I think you are spot on with the George Floyd thing. Yesterday he died of an overdose, how often you going to change your narrative?

I think you have some good points on Jan 6, except Trump was not responsible for the response of the police or military. That was pelosi and the Sergeant at Arms. The Sergeant at Arms works for pelosi. Already proved this is also misinformation.

I am sure Trump loved that people where there for fight for him by protesting. He was fighting for them too. I know Trump has a big ego. That is one of the traits I don't care for in him and why he was not my first choice when he ran. Having an ego is not the same as advocating breaking into the capital. What else was he supposed to do? It was not his job to do law enforcement that day.
The president is the #1 ranking law enforcement officer i the country.
The President
The President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President. The President also appoints the heads of more than 50 independent federal commissions, such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the immediate staff to the President, along with entities such as the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Perhaps, maybe, just maybe he should have transferred power peacefully like every single president before... but no, he planned the coup and followed thru with it. Only a fool believes a convicted grifter. Do you believe him?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-14-2022, 12:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The president is the #1 ranking law enforcement officer i the country.
The President
The President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President. The President also appoints the heads of more than 50 independent federal commissions, such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the immediate staff to the President, along with entities such as the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Perhaps, maybe, just maybe he should have transferred power peacefully like every single president before... but no, he planned the coup and followed thru with it. Only a fool believes a convicted grifter. Do you believe him?
Wrong, Wrong, WRONG!!!!!!

Washington DC is not a state. It has different rules and regulations. You are wrong yet again. The Capitol police are under the congressional jurisdiction.

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. This oversight affords the Department the support and opportunity to continually ensure that the USCP meets the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day.

Capitol Police Board

Karen H. Gibson, United States Senate Sergeant at Arms (Member)
William J. Walker, U.S. House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms (Chair)
J. Brett Blanton, Architect of the Capitol (Member)
J. Thomas Manger, Chief of Police (Ex-Officio Member)

As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.

Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges.

The following divisions comprise the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:

Immediate Office/Member Support
Protocol and Chamber Operations
House Garages & Parking Security
Information Services
Identification Services
Police Services/Law Enforcement
House Security
Emergency Management

As the chief law enforcement officer of the House, the Sergeant at Arms is responsible for security in the House wing of the United States Capitol, the House office buildings, and on adjacent grounds. Under the direction of the Speaker of the House or other presiding officer, the Sergeant at Arms plays an integral role in maintaining order and decorum in the House chamber.

The power was not being transferred at that time and it was transferred peacefully at the specific time and date. Trump and just like Al Gore before him have the legal rights under the constitution to challenge elections and utilize the court system for judgement on these matters. You seem to have an issue with anyone using their rights to protect themselves or to get judgements.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-14-2022, 12:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why dont you post a link to the throwing out of the case against the losers who tried to kidnap and kill the Mich Gov. Love to see that. Or.... are you just making stuff up again today...just like yesterday, and the day before...

Those "actively encouraging the crowd" ... those were trump supporters and they were brought up on charges, over 700 of them. You should research your "claim" that pelosi choose not to staff up.
Here, once again, ill help you out.

Go home and wonder how you could be so gullible.
Your story is a lie. Half truths to throw idiots like you off the trail. Ask the next question and you will get the real answers. I laid it out for you.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-14-2022, 1:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Your story is a lie. Half truths to throw idiots like you off the trail. Ask the next question and you will get the real answers. I laid it out for you.
oh ok. If you say its a lie it must be... fact based on all your pervious misinformation posts.
Whats the matter? You cant find any right wing whacko to back your lie? Meanwhile the case against the terrorists that tried to kidnap and kill the Gov goes forward.
Sure seems like you spend an inordinate amount of time defending felons.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-14-2022, 1:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Wrong, Wrong, WRONG!!!!!!

Washington DC is not a state. It has different rules and regulations. You are wrong yet again. The Capitol police are under the congressional jurisdiction.

The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. This oversight affords the Department the support and opportunity to continually ensure that the USCP meets the safety and security needs of the Congress, the staff, and the many visitors who come to the United States Capitol each day.

Capitol Police Board

Karen H. Gibson, United States Senate Sergeant at Arms (Member)
William J. Walker, U.S. House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms (Chair)
J. Brett Blanton, Architect of the Capitol (Member)
J. Thomas Manger, Chief of Police (Ex-Officio Member)

As an elected officer of the House of Representatives, the Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms reviews and implements all issues relating to the safety and security of Members of Congress and the Capitol complex. The Sergeant at Arms also coordinates extensively with the U.S. Capitol Police and various intelligence agencies to assess threats against Members of Congress and the Capitol complex.

Duties include overseeing the House floor and galleries, the House Appointments Desk, the House garages and parking lots, as well as administering all staff identification badges.

The following divisions comprise the Office of the Sergeant at Arms:

Immediate Office/Member Support
Protocol and Chamber Operations
House Garages & Parking Security
Information Services
Identification Services
Police Services/Law Enforcement
House Security
Emergency Management

As the chief law enforcement officer of the House, the Sergeant at Arms is responsible for security in the House wing of the United States Capitol, the House office buildings, and on adjacent grounds. Under the direction of the Speaker of the House or other presiding officer, the Sergeant at Arms plays an integral role in maintaining order and decorum in the House chamber.

The power was not being transferred at that time and it was transferred peacefully at the specific time and date. Trump and just like Al Gore before him have the legal rights under the constitution to challenge elections and utilize the court system for judgement on these matters. You seem to have an issue with anyone using their rights to protect themselves or to get judgements.

The Speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That's the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance.
Gore took his case to court and then went home. Trump took 60+ cases to the court, lost every one and then went the violent insurrection route. Quite different isnt it. No problem with one using the court system, but when they tell you NO 60 times, clearly you have no case.

Last edited by 95sn; 01-14-2022 at 1:12 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-14-2022, 3:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Will probably spend most of his life behind bars. the only part that i was wrong on. And i said "Probably". Right there in front of your nose. Everything else is fact. I disagreed with the trial findings but no reason to cry over spilt milk, i just move forward. They set a terrible precedent for those looking to push violence.
Arnt you the one who wrote Ashli Babbit got shot breaking into a vacant building? Yep, that was you mall cop. Maybe you were just a little emotionally charged at the time.
Ahhhhh yes once again completely omitting the fact you backed Jacob Blake and Michale brown. Your an expert at deflection. Nothing was interpreted at trial , except the fact your entire statement was a complete lie

Let’s see if you answer this one. Youre protecting your house from getting burnt tintype ground , man runs at you saying he’s going to kill you after stalking you for over 40min. His frrend running with Him screaming is screaming “kill him “ while firing his gun into the air. What is your proper response ?

You don’t even like the idea of police shooting armed violent individuals trying to cause them and innocent civilians harm, but you’re completely fine with them executing an unarmed woman with no weapons or means of inflicting death or great bodily harm on anyone. Could you imagine if police just started shooting every Democrat , BLM and Antifa rioter that Was trespassing on state and federal supported land during 2020

Maybe you missed these trespassers….you know the ones taking over the Capitol in name of democrats

I could litter the page with hundreds of videos showing democrats storming all over capitols buildings. How many of them you think are still in prison for trespassing? How many do you think the feds tracked down ?

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-14-2022 at 3:19 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-14-2022, 3:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The president is the #1 ranking law enforcement officer i the country.
The President
The President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President’s Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government. They are joined in this by other executive agencies such as the CIA and Environmental Protection Agency, the heads of which are not part of the Cabinet, but who are under the full authority of the President. The President also appoints the heads of more than 50 independent federal commissions, such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the immediate staff to the President, along with entities such as the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Perhaps, maybe, just maybe he should have transferred power peacefully like every single president before... but no, he planned the coup and followed thru with it. Only a fool believes a convicted grifter. Do you believe him?

Once again your lack of knowledge about your own countries law enforcement and governmental roles of the highest office is comical. It’s embarrassing you could’t even pass a constitution test to get citizenship if you had to. Some free education for you.

The President is the Conmmander and Chief of the Military.
The Attorney General of United States is highest ranking law enforcement official in the federal government. Welcome to government in America 101 .
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       01-14-2022, 5:59 PM Reply   
So it seems there's absolutely nothing that Trump could have done at all in regards to asking for National Guard troops or anything? Is that the narrative trying to be passed here? Are people seriously arguing he couldn't have done more to de-escalate things on 1/6? Is that what some of you people think?
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       01-14-2022, 8:09 PM Reply   
33% approval rating. Makes you wonder who the idiot 33% are....
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-15-2022, 7:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The Speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That's the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance.
Gore took his case to court and then went home. Trump took 60+ cases to the court, lost every one and then went the violent insurrection route. Quite different isnt it. No problem with one using the court system, but when they tell you NO 60 times, clearly you have no case.
Yes she is. They have a board, however the day to day operations is coordinated with the Speaker of the House. A big event like what was well known to be happening on that day certainly would have to be coordinated with pelosi.

So Trump took cases to court. That is his legal right. Again you like on the insurrection part. The FBI already said Trump had nothing to do with it. They were already in the building before Trump even ended speaking and any and all words said to peacefully march. That is another constitutional right.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-15-2022, 7:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
So it seems there's absolutely nothing that Trump could have done at all in regards to asking for National Guard troops or anything? Is that the narrative trying to be passed here? Are people seriously arguing he couldn't have done more to de-escalate things on 1/6? Is that what some of you people think?
Trump already signed off on having the national guard there. Pelosi did not want them there. Could not have done anymore for that situation. Trump can not order the guard into a police action without being asked.

How was he supposed to de-escalate thing. They were already in the buildings before he even stopped speaking. Once they were in, they were not violent and walking around. Matter of fact a police officer inside the building asked the Qanon Shammon when they were going to leave. Simple polite conversation. I guess the Shammon dude said he was monitoring to make sure no one was messing anything up.

As far as getting to 1/6. I don't agree with it. I am not a protestor type and always have looked down on protestors to a certain degree. With that said, so? Why is it a big deal now to you when you guys supported and funded and even had the highest officers in the federal government help paying to get your extremely violent "protestors" out of jail? You also don't think people were having enough of all the fake political hit jobs being done by the democrats over the last 4 years. I warned you on this very board what you were pushing for and you nearly got it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-15-2022, 7:46 AM Reply   
Oops. Nothing like a policy you sponsored coming back to bite you. So she sponsored police reform in Illinois and helped get rid of bail. Wonder who the first people she called was?

Illinois Dem senator carjacked, shots fired, police say
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-15-2022, 9:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Trump already signed off on having the national guard there. Pelosi did not want them there. Could not have done anymore for that situation. Trump can not order the guard into a police action without being asked.

How was he supposed to de-escalate thing. They were already in the buildings before he even stopped speaking. Once they were in, they were not violent and walking around. Matter of fact a police officer inside the building asked the Qanon Shammon when they were going to leave. Simple polite conversation. I guess the Shammon dude said he was monitoring to make sure no one was messing anything up.

As far as getting to 1/6. I don't agree with it. I am not a protestor type and always have looked down on protestors to a certain degree. With that said, so? Why is it a big deal now to you when you guys supported and funded and even had the highest officers in the federal government help paying to get your extremely violent "protestors" out of jail? You also don't think people were having enough of all the fake political hit jobs being done by the democrats over the last 4 years. I warned you on this very board what you were pushing for and you nearly got it.
So, in your whacked out theory, Pelosi choose to let team trump and all clowns into the capitol to kill her and other members of congress. The US government does nothing w/o written orders. Where are the orders Pelosi signed refusing the Natl Guard? There is none because it never happened. Plus, at the same time Trump played no role in inciting the crowd and had no way to stop or disband them. Except that after 4 hours he asked them to leave, they did. Sure, that makes sense. Why did the Pentagon delay sending in troops? Why did trump fire and replace so many at the pentegon after his election defeat? Sure seemed he purposely kept them away.
If the insurrectionists were not violent and just walking around, who caved in the cops heads with fire extinguishers? Who was in all the videos beating cops with trump flag poles? Who was spraying all the bear spray? Who smeared Chit on the walls? Who pulled down american flags and replaced them with trump flags on the capitol flag pole? Who put 140 DC cops in the hospital? There were 1000's of people there, some just like you say were non violent, too bad the few that were violent were good at it. Its pretty clear who was pushing fake political hit jobs. Trump. Trump is the one who lied about the election. After 60+ court cases lost we KNOW he is lying. When he exhausted his legal options he went too far and choose illegal means and violence to remain in power. He directed republican electors in several states to create fake, counterfeit electoral votes showing trump won in states Biden clearly won.
His WH sent out a 36 page power point document full of provable lies that the election was unfair.
Then he gathered his rabid fans together on 1/6 promising them it would "Be Wild". He had half a dozen speakers lined up to rile them all up and then he took the stage to lite the match and set them off up the hill to the capitol. Just watch the vids of what happened next.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-15-2022, 9:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once again your lack of knowledge about your own countries law enforcement and governmental roles of the highest office is comical. It’s embarrassing you could’t even pass a constitution test to get citizenship if you had to. Some free education for you.

The President is the Conmmander and Chief of the Military.
The Attorney General of United States is highest ranking law enforcement official in the federal government. Welcome to government in America 101 .
Trump hired the Atty General, Rosen. He wasnt pliable enough. Trump tried to replace him with Jeffery Clark .
Except too many at the DOJ threated to resign if trump did it.
Thanks for the help.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-16-2022, 11:21 PM Reply   
Ahhhh here we go. Just one of the 100’s I am sure littered across the nations. Fake testing sites that gave fake results , and got rich while throwing samples in dumpsters. Gotta love Biden’s America and his attention to distributing billions across the nation that were stolen. If this doesn’t give you the impression of our actual covid members maybe the newest investigation that should finish by months end about cooking the books with covid deaths at hopsitals will.

Look at the amount of money gifted to this couple from JB and company. 124MILLION DOLLARS
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 1:34 PM Reply   
On this remembrance of one of he lay influential civil rights activists in American history , let’s not forget what our sitting president thinks of him.

Good ol joe props up a violent POS with a rap sheet and prison time and claims he’s more important than one of the single most influential people in Civil Rights history . GTFOH. Holy ****ing sheet. A guy high on fentanyl robbing people, selling drugs , and comitting 100’s of petty crimes while robbing the earth of its oxygen should be celebrated more than King. That’s the lefts president and who they value the most. The stupidity of Biden and his team on full display here
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-17-2022, 2:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
On this remembrance of one of he lay influential civil rights activists in American history , let’s not forget what our sitting president thinks of him.

Good ol joe props up a violent POS with a rap sheet and prison time and claims he’s more important than one of the single most influential people in Civil Rights history . GTFOH. Holy ****ing sheet. A guy high on fentanyl robbing people, selling drugs , and comitting 100’s of petty crimes while robbing the earth of its oxygen should be celebrated more than King. That’s the lefts president and who they value the most. The stupidity of Biden and his team on full display here
Are you high on fentanyl?, that isnt what he said. Read it again.
"the killing of George Floyd in police custody is having a larger global impact than the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination in 1968."
That, and this was in june 2020, 3 weeks after Chauvin murdered him while trump was in office.
Happy MLK Day.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 2:52 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Are you high on fentanyl?, that isnt what he said. Read it again.
"the killing of George Floyd in police custody is having a larger global impact than the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination in 1968."
That, and this was in june 2020, 3 weeks after Chauvin murdered him while trump was in office.
Happy MLK Day.
So the date he said those words matters ? Once again. You’re an idiot savant. She said exactly what he said comparing the life of A violent oxygen draining dredge of society To one of the greatest civil rights activists in America. Putting them in the same
Sentence shows how mentally retarded the left is.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 2:58 PM Reply   
Cop Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was Never Interviewed by Police Before Being Cleared of Wrongdoing: Report

If a new report from Real Clear Investigations turns out to be true, serious questions may be raised regarding the professional ethics of the investigation into the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was among the crowd that illegally stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Babbitt was killed when a Capitol Police officer fired into the approaching mob.

The new report, released by RCI on Tuesday, claims that Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd — the officer who shot Babbitt — was cleared of all wrongdoing without ever having been interviewed by investigators.

The outlet cited “several sources and documents” it said it had reviewed.

An attorney for the Babbitt family, Terry Roberts, also confirmed the findings.

“He didn’t provide any statement to investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Roberts said.

“It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is.”

Among the documents reviewed by RCI was a January 2021 internal affairs report that showed Byrd “declined to provide a statement.”

A Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman confirmed the story as well, noting that Byrd had refused to cooperate with both the department’s internal affairs unit and the FBI.

“MPD did not formally interview Lt. Byrd,” said Kristen Metzger, deputy communications director for the MPD.

“He didn’t give a statement while under the U.S. Attorney’s Office investigation.”

One of the unicorns of a police involved shootings ever investigated. The actual officer never gave a written or verbal statement in any investigation. That is the first of its kind every in the history of officer involved shooting investigations in America.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-17-2022, 3:18 PM Reply   
Yes it does, Your whole post is badly misinterpreted misinformation trying to slime Biden because you have no life.
1. There is no "sitting president" making a statement.
2. He didnt say floyd was more important
3. Didnt say floyd should be "more celebrated"
4. Biden is President of the entire USA
5. The link is from June 2020, Biden wasnt President in Jue 2020.
Thats a lot of errors in a couple sentences.
Back to the mall.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-17-2022, 3:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Cop Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was Never Interviewed by Police Before Being Cleared of Wrongdoing: Report

If a new report from Real Clear Investigations turns out to be true, serious questions may be raised regarding the professional ethics of the investigation into the shooting of Ashli Babbitt.

Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was among the crowd that illegally stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Babbitt was killed when a Capitol Police officer fired into the approaching mob.

The new report, released by RCI on Tuesday, claims that Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd — the officer who shot Babbitt — was cleared of all wrongdoing without ever having been interviewed by investigators.

The outlet cited “several sources and documents” it said it had reviewed.

An attorney for the Babbitt family, Terry Roberts, also confirmed the findings.

“He didn’t provide any statement to investigators and they didn’t push him to make a statement,” Roberts said.

“It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is.”

Among the documents reviewed by RCI was a January 2021 internal affairs report that showed Byrd “declined to provide a statement.”

A Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman confirmed the story as well, noting that Byrd had refused to cooperate with both the department’s internal affairs unit and the FBI.

“MPD did not formally interview Lt. Byrd,” said Kristen Metzger, deputy communications director for the MPD.

“He didn’t give a statement while under the U.S. Attorney’s Office investigation.”

One of the unicorns of a police involved shootings ever investigated. The actual officer never gave a written or verbal statement in any investigation. That is the first of its kind every in the history of officer involved shooting investigations in America.
I am confident you will be just as correct on this prediction that you were on Chauvin being innocent.
Hey, if Ashli Babbit was breaking in to " a vacant building" as you say, how was there a cop inside waiting to shoot her? Im trying to picture this.
And being such an expert with decades of experience...
I know how things operate. Been part of 100’s of undercover ooeriations in my 23yr career. When it looks like an elephant , roars like an elephant , and smells like a elepahnt it’s an elephant . No matter how hard the left wants it to be a rino.

Common practice for undercovers to completely disappear , I also know how many undercovers we have roaming crowds during simple protests in Chicago. I can. Only imagine the manpower the FBI had working the crowds on the 6th. Maybe if you educated yourself on operations your wouldn’t look like such a fool commenting on them.

I did also watch your lame video. All that showed is the officers gave up their position in front of the hallway and gave access to the demonstrators. If that hallway was such a protected venue 5-6 guards wouldn’t have walked away. I then watched a scared security guard who’s never seen an iota of action shoot an unarmed female with no means to put that security officer in any fear of death or great bodily harm. Once again I find it comical you’ve consistently defended armed violent felons attempting to kill police officers and innocently civilians with weapons when their acted upon, yet you’re completely ok with an security guard shooting an unarmed individual that presented no threat of great bodily harm or death to anyone. You’re a joke.
Did you notice the groups entering in fatigues using military stack formation, hand on shoulder of the guy in front? Those were the Oath Keepers moving in. Thought an expert like yourself would have seen that from a mile away. Looks like an elephant to me.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 4:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I am confident you will be just as correct on this prediction that you were on Chauvin being innocent.
Hey, if Ashli Babbit was breaking in to " a vacant building" as you say, how was there a cop inside waiting to shoot her? Im trying to picture this.
And being such an expert with decades of experience...

Did you notice the groups entering in fatigues using military stack formation, hand on shoulder of the guy in front? Those were the Oath Keepers moving in. Thought an expert like yourself would have seen that from a mile away. Looks like an elephant to me.

What prediction is that ?

There you go making up lies again because you can’t provide a valid fact based response. It’s way too predictable.

Chauvin was convicted on fear , propaganda , pressure to prevent another riot, and jurors not wanting to fear death as they walked about after their decision. End of story. George Floyd was a dead man walking when he decided to fight and struggle with police exploiting his bad heart and the amount of fentanyl in his system. Chauvin was convicted because he failed to render aid. Video showed he wasn’t on his neck for the entire struggle as was claimed millions times over by the BLM lovers. Read the testimony. Wouldn’t expect you to acknowledge the facts. Got any other violent felons you want to support and hail as heroes ?

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-17-2022 at 4:30 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 4:30 PM Reply   
Ahh the latest CDC release.
Seems reasonable.

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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-17-2022, 4:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
There you go making up lies again because you can’t provide a valid fact based response. It’s way too predictable.

Chauvin was convicted on fear , propaganda , and pressure to prevent another riot. End of story. George Floyd was a dead man walking when he decided to fight and struggle with police exploiting his bad heart and the amount of fentanyl in his system. Chauvin was convicted because he failed to render aid. Video showed he wasn’t on his neck as was claimed millions times over by the BLM lovers. Read the testimony. Wouldn’t expect you to acknowledge the facts. Got any other violent felons you want to support and haul as heroes ?
Are you telling me that a" dead man walking" with a "bad heart" AND full of fentanyl took 4 cops to take him down, seems he would just keel over on his own, shoulda let him.
Chauvin was convicted because he kept his knee on a mans back for 4 or 5 minutes after the man was unconscious. Wouldnt expect you to know the facts, just your overly emotional incorrect opinion.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 7:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Are you telling me that a" dead man walking" with a "bad heart" AND full of fentanyl took 4 cops to take him down, seems he would just keel over on his own, shoulda let him.
Chauvin was convicted because he kept his knee on a mans back for 4 or 5 minutes after the man was unconscious. Wouldnt expect you to know the facts, just your overly emotional incorrect opinion.
So we agree. He was convicted because he failed to render aid to man that was unconscious laying in the ground after fighting and being uncooperative with police. Appreciate you one again making yourself look like a fool with your own response.

Once again proving your lack of knowledge about what people hopped up on drugs , adrenaline , and who just don’t want to cooperate can actually accomplish. You’ve already proven you lack of any law knowledge , your lack of police policy knowledge , your lack of use of force knowledge , and now on display is your idiocy of what people hopped up on drugs , adrenaline , and or who just don’t want to cooperate can accomplish if given an opportunity. The facts are exactly as I described and were transcribed in the court. Read the transcripts .

So here your arguing police should be able to handle 6ft 6inch 240lb male on drugs solo , but in same breath saying 3 cops in a hallway couldn’t handle an unarmed 5 ft 5 white woman trespassing ? Makes complete sense

Last edited by xstarrider; 01-17-2022 at 7:51 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-17-2022, 7:44 PM Reply   
In other truth nit 95’s fictional world .

The Times analyzed thousands of
videos from the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol
building to understand how it happened - and
why. Here are some of the key findings:
There were several points of attack, and we
pinpointed at least eight locations where rioters
breached and entered the Capitol building
more than were previously known. In the Senate,
proceedings to certify the election results were
halted almost immediately when a building-wide
lockdown was enacted after the first breach by
rioters. But we found that it took much longer for
the House of Representatives to do the same.
This delay appeared to have contributed to a
rioter's death.
One of the biggest questions hanging over the
aftermath of Jan. 6 was whether the riot had
been planned and carried out by organized
groups. By identifying and tracking key players
throughout the day, we found that most - even
some at the forefront of the action - were ardent,
but disorganized, Trump supporters who had
been swept up in the moment and were acting
Most of the videos we analyzed were filmed by
the rioters. By carefully listening to the unfiltered
chatter within the crowd, we found a clear
feedback loop between President Trump and his
supporters. One unanswered question when we
began this investigation was how the police
managed to reclaim the Capitol building from the
mob. We found that once officers had increased
their numbers, armor and crowd-control
weapons, clearing of the rioters happened quickly
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-18-2022, 10:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
In other truth nit 95’s fictional world .

The Times analyzed thousands of
videos from the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol
building to understand how it happened - and
why. Here are some of the key findings:
There were several points of attack, and we
pinpointed at least eight locations where rioters
breached and entered the Capitol building
more than were previously known. In the Senate,
proceedings to certify the election results were
halted almost immediately when a building-wide
lockdown was enacted after the first breach by
rioters. But we found that it took much longer for
the House of Representatives to do the same.
This delay appeared to have contributed to a
rioter's death.
One of the biggest questions hanging over the
aftermath of Jan. 6 was whether the riot had
been planned and carried out by organized
groups. By identifying and tracking key players
throughout the day, we found that most - even
some at the forefront of the action - were ardent,
but disorganized, Trump supporters who had
been swept up in the moment and were acting
Most of the videos we analyzed were filmed by
the rioters. By carefully listening to the unfiltered
chatter within the crowd, we found a clear
feedback loop between President Trump and his
supporters. One unanswered question when we
began this investigation was how the police
managed to reclaim the Capitol building from the
mob. We found that once officers had increased
their numbers, armor and crowd-control
weapons, clearing of the rioters happened quickly
Not sure what you are trying to say. Ive already said as much. I'll say it again for you. There were thousands of trump supporters there 1/6. Most were not violent. Too many were. The violence that happened that day was just a small part, possibly the smallest part of trumps crimes. The real crime was planning it and trying to pull it all off. That took a lot of top tier GOP people. Over 100 voted not to accept the election results. Those are the ones we need to investigate, indict and imprison. After more than a year, countless recounts of the vote, countless (65) lawsuits by team trump, dozens of audits, more "Forensic" audits, zero fraud has been found despite trumps lies about it. Major Fraud has been confirmed, committed by GOP states sending counterfeit electors to congress with counterfeit electoral votes.

Guess what, all the over 400 new laws being passed in GOP states does nothing to address the actual election fraud that actually did happen. Its the democrats that are evil, radical and out of control.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       01-19-2022, 6:19 AM Reply   
So my daughters boyfriend turned 18 Monday. Tuesday after second period two security guards came into the classroom , asked him to follow them to principals office where he was told he’s no longer allowed on school property for in person learning because he’s now 18 and anyone 18 or older attending school must be vaccinated per state mandate . Somehow simply turning 18 all of sudden turned him into a danger. Explain to me how that makes any sense whatsoever. Now he’s basically out of school or allowed to to compete on his high school sports teams until he’s fully vaxxxed.

****ing insanity.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-19-2022, 6:44 AM Reply   
Not sure what 18 has to do with anything. Schoolers have to be vaccinated for a multitude of stuff before being allowed to attend.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       01-19-2022, 10:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Not sure what 18 has to do with anything. Schoolers have to be vaccinated for a multitude of stuff before being allowed to attend.
Except pretty much all vaccines that the kids needed to take before attending school have been tested and used for a minimum of 20 years to 100 years prior to being mandated.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       01-19-2022, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Except pretty much all vaccines that the kids needed to take before attending school have been tested and used for a minimum of 20 years to 100 years prior to being mandated.
How many Billions of safe shots need to get into arms before you STFU about "It isnt safe" BS?
Know what isnt safe? Walking around unvaccinated. Check out hospitalization numbers of the unvaxxed and then tell me whats unsafe. The RNA vax's are not new, they contain no virus.

When you turn 18, one becomes an adult. Adults play by diff rules than non adults. Why am I explaining age rules to one who really should already know the diff between an adult and a juvenile?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       01-19-2022, 10:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Except pretty much all vaccines that the kids needed to take before attending school have been tested and used for a minimum of 20 years to 100 years prior to being mandated.
Science has come along way in 100 years.

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