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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-21-2021, 8:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
What will the headlines read tomorrow?
That the USA is a sick society destroying itself?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2021, 9:38 AM Reply   
Just curious when these states attorneys and judges are going to held accountable for letting violent felons keep walking the streets ? The progressive left at its finest resulting in deaths to Americans that easily could’ve been prevented by being held accountable for previous violent actions.

Kinda puts the hole in the new “ if Kyle was black he would have been convicted” narrative .

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Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       11-22-2021, 10:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Lay it out then. Willing to learn.
Only earned income is taxed at the flat rate. Investment income pays nothing. And the SS part of the tax only applies to earned income less than $142,800 in 2021. I have a feeling that you already know this. So if you are willing to learn, the lesson is use more precise language.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-23-2021, 5:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Just curious when these states attorneys and judges are going to held accountable for letting violent felons keep walking the streets ? The progressive left at its finest resulting in deaths to Americans that easily could’ve been prevented by being held accountable for previous violent actions.

Kinda puts the hole in the new “ if Kyle was black he would have been convicted” narrative .

Attachment 46514
Serious question. How does the 8th amendment fit into all of this? If he paid for past crimes and was yet to be convicted on existing charges, how do you keep him in jail? Bail has to be reasonable. I this whole situation highlights a long list of problems in our judicial system.

I think there is legal precedence if the person is flight risk, but what other options does a judge have? There has been a lot of finger pointing over bail lately (not just this case). But what can a judge actually get away with? Could you set a million dollar bond for some guy who got into a fight and put him in jail for over a year while he waits for trial?
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-23-2021, 6:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
For a 15yr expert you fail to grasp some very simple concepts. When an administration rolls out talking point after talking point of anti oil policies , implements those talking points by eliminating 1000’s of jobs in the oil industry at a time when jobs are scarce because they have the entire country shut down with tyrannical mandates , that tends to impact the future of the investments and production of oil in other parts of the world. The oil in the keystone pipeline was a very dirty oil , it required lots of refining , most of what was refined went overseas . It’s not about the oil in the pipeline per say it’s about the overwhelming actions , rhetoric , and policies being pushed by the administration. Restriction after restriction , EPA standard after EPA standard. The oil industry is a big a politically manufactured game as it legitimate. Simple as that. Biden’s policies along with Obama’s have reduced America’s self reliance and forced our hand back to our enemies and our neighbors plain and simple. And now we are seeing the effects front and center.
Well, Originally I said that there are only three things that a president can do to effect oil prices in the short term and I also said that that Biden was more likely to tap the strategic reserve lowering fuel prices than he was do do anything meaningful to raise fuel prices.

-Near no drilling was currently taking place fed lands
-The keystone pipeline linked up reserves that even at $80 oil are still not viable and its completion was years out.

Real effect:
-Tapping the reserve

I guess I did learn something in my 15 years....
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       11-23-2021, 6:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Serious question. How does the 8th amendment fit into all of this? If he paid for past crimes and was yet to be convicted on existing charges, how do you keep him in jail? Bail has to be reasonable. I this whole situation highlights a long list of problems in our judicial system.

I think there is legal precedence if the person is flight risk, but what other options does a judge have? There has been a lot of finger pointing over bail lately (not just this case). But what can a judge actually get away with? Could you set a million dollar bond for some guy who got into a fight and put him in jail for over a year while he waits for trial?
He was out on bail for trying to run his girlfriend over with a car. Thats attempted murder and should have a little higher hurdle to jump to walk out.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-23-2021, 6:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
He was out on bail for trying to run his girlfriend over with a car. Thats attempted murder and should have a little higher hurdle to jump to walk out.
Okay, but I'm not sure that is how the law works? I don't think bail is a mechanism designed to be a hurdle to freedom. It is set to make sure that you return for trial and collect your bail money. He plead not guilty, he has not had a trial. What would a reasonable bail be? What does setting a higher bail, let's say $100,000 and him going to bail-bondsman achieve? Besides putting money in a bail bondsman's pocket.

I've never been arrested, so I do not know the ins and outs of the process. He had skipped bail before based on his record, does that change anything?

I'm not defending this guy for any of it, but is there a legal mechanism that could have prevented this?

If it makes anyone feel better, I don't think it was right to imprison all the idiots who broke laws on Jan 6 unless there is some provision I don't know about. I've heard "flight risk," but what other reason can a person be held without bail?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       11-23-2021, 11:06 AM Reply   
I always thought the severity of the crime played a factor in bail. If someone is facing a murder charge and 30 years behind bars I would assume they would be at greater risk of fleeing than someone facing something less serious. The fact that he jumped bail prior should(In my mind) equal no bail/higher bail. I believe the theory behind bail bonds men is if someone flees, the bond guy is on the hook and has to capture them as apposed to using law enforcement?? Could be totally wrong though.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2021, 6:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Okay, but I'm not sure that is how the law works? I don't think bail is a mechanism designed to be a hurdle to freedom. It is set to make sure that you return for trial and collect your bail money. He plead not guilty, he has not had a trial. What would a reasonable bail be? What does setting a higher bail, let's say $100,000 and him going to bail-bondsman achieve? Besides putting money in a bail bondsman's pocket.

I've never been arrested, so I do not know the ins and outs of the process. He had skipped bail before based on his record, does that change anything?

I'm not defending this guy for any of it, but is there a legal mechanism that could have prevented this?

If it makes anyone feel better, I don't think it was right to imprison all the idiots who broke laws on Jan 6 unless there is some provision I don't know about. I've heard "flight risk," but what other reason can a person be held without bail?
Clearly you haven’t the slightest inclination how bail works and the way it’s implemented. Which then leads to the fact you have no clue what’s happened under the left regarding violent criminals and their bails.

For starters Bail amounts have a “schedule “. Meaning there is a window set by the Chief Judge of what “bail” is for minor or habitual crimes. Those are set rates usually for very minor misdemeanors . As severity goes you begin to float in a “window “ of what’s acceptable based on past practices . that window is set by chief judge . Varies from state to state county to county, area to area . A judge doesn’t have to follow the “schedule”. They can choose to up or Lower the amount. The states attorney can agree or object , same for the defense. However the bail judge has the ultimate say. There is also several adjustments under the cash policy of how much of the bail amount they have to pay . They can require full cash for the full amount , d bond which is 10% of actual bail amount to walk fee , or an IBOND which is simply a signature. They can also use electronic monitoring in lieu of cash ( ankle bracelet ). Just to give you an idea in cook county Chicago at its highest point last year over 500 prisoners on home electronic monitoring were unaccounted for …….500.

Criminal history is one of the biggest deciding factors in setting bail. . Well it used to be until the left started pushing their no monetary bail bull**** being implemented nationwide in democratic cesspools. The violent acts in one’s past are always taken into consideration along with the current pending charges. The fact you have no clue that is a major factor in coming up with bail speaks volumes to your education on the subject. If an offender has multiple armed robberies , multiple shooting convictions in his background he used to be held no bail or be tasked with a significant amount of bail to ensure he is held in custody to protect the public. Unfortunately the left has argued that monetary bail is racist. .so now you have violent individuals committing crimes while in some instances facing multiple other felonious weapons charges , racking up violent case after violent case, With no accountability to the judges releasing them in no bond or extremely Low bond procedures to keep prisons empty so activists can lump their chest about less minorities in prison completely ignoring the fact more of their constituents are becoming victims of violent crimes themselves.

What’s interesting is when a violent individual is facing trial , his past crimes , unless directly linked to his current , are in admissible in court during a criminal trial. I get that. The offender is on trial for his crime he committed today. The double standard , police officer’s past complaint histories for their entire career are admissible against them as arresting officers. So why is it the officer’s history is allowed to ***** a jury , while the defendant’s is not? Huge double
Standard there pertaining to the same exact argument.

The movement to eliminate cash bail was constructed as a way to prevent broke, non violent offenders , usually your drug addicts , petty thieves , and the revolving doors of low level misdemeanor non violent offenders entering courts from having to be housed til trials. I am indifferent on that subject , I see the benefit of not housing them , but honestly they’re right back out shoplifting and scoring drugs while released pending their trial. Leftist cities have moved the books and statutes of felony theft and now your seeing the result of that. 1000’s and 1000’s of shoplifting mobs overrunning high end boutiques and stores stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise in a single haul. Running into boutiques 13 deep armed with guns.

With the advent of the no cash bail push that has also been applied to violent offenders. The reduction in bail amounts to violent offfenders according to the research has been reduced on average 10-15 times less than before the no cash bail movement. So now you have armed violent offenders being given IBONDS instead of hefty cash bonds. Violent individuals with lengthy rap sheets simply signing their names as bond while being charged with shooting someone , robbing someone , carjacking someone and in some cases murdering someone . Yes you read that right. Murderers with murders in their background , multiple armed violence convictions in their background being sent home with an ankle monitor to roam the streets with no repercussions. Committing more violent felonies , only to be released back on street all over agin pending a trial that in cook county usually takes up to 2 years to go to trial.

In one study it found the recidivism rate was 52% under the new “no cash bail policy”. The left argues that rate isn’t tremendous jump from the 46%. Pre their movement. What the left fails to acknowledge is under multiple studies in small windows 500-700 more violent individuals were released than under the previous system. While the 52% doesn’t seem like a big jump. That 52% is compounded by the fact there are 500-700 more individuals released. Let’s say for argument sake pre “no monetary bail “ movement 1000 people were released. 46% comittted crimes again. That’s 460. No under new policy of not requiring bail , you now have 1700 released and 52% commit crimes again. That’s 884 individuals. That’s almost double , but the left won’t acknowledge that aspect. They simply focus on the percentage jump. They’ve been called to the table on it crickets. In fact in cook county Illinois, along with Other liberal cesspools , chief judges who push this “no cash bail agenda “ have re assigned every bail judge because previous judges pushed back. So instead of taking the advice of the judges on the front lines seeing the terrible effects of these policies the chief judge re assigned every single bail judge in cook county and put in select chosen judges that will follow the no cash bail order . It’s disgusting.

Bond is there to keep the public safe from violent individuals. It used to give judges the ability to protect the citizens from repeat crimes of violent individuals. The idea of blanket policies being rammed down courts by progressive leftists is destroying the judicial system. The lack of accountability to some of the most violent individuals because of some minor adjustments that need/could be made with common sense is ridiculous. Unfortunately it’s not that way any longer due to the progressive left. Now your reaping the rewards of idiocy in these major democratic strongholds pushing this agenda.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-23-2021 at 6:31 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2021, 9:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Well, Originally I said that there are only three things that a president can do to effect oil prices in the short term and I also said that that Biden was more likely to tap the strategic reserve lowering fuel prices than he was do do anything meaningful to raise fuel prices.

-Near no drilling was currently taking place fed lands
-The keystone pipeline linked up reserves that even at $80 oil are still not viable and its completion was years out.

Real effect:
-Tapping the reserve

I guess I did learn something in my 15 years....
Simply a Band-Aid on gunshot wound. Dipping into to the reserves save the issue at the the present moment , but we will be right back here once that supply is cut off due to his lack of policy for the fossil fuel industry. Going all in on electric vehicles is pure retardation. Lithium is one of the hardest minerals to mine , and guess what it takes fossil fuel , lots of it to mine the mineral. Not only that America accounts for less than 1% of lithium mined. It’s basically good ol joe and the Dems running in a hamster wheel of hypocrisy to get to the ev production it wants. It a complete fallacy and any scientific energy expert not bought and paid for will tell you the same.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2021, 9:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Well, Originally I said that there are only three things that a president can do to effect oil prices in the short term and I also said that that Biden was more likely to tap the strategic reserve lowering fuel prices than he was do do anything meaningful to raise fuel prices.

-Near no drilling was currently taking place fed lands
-The keystone pipeline linked up reserves that even at $80 oil are still not viable and its completion was years out.

Real effect:
-Tapping the reserve

I guess I did learn something in my 15 years....
Simply a Band-Aid on gunshot wound. Dipping into to the reserves saves the issue at the present moment , but we will be right back here once that supply is cut off due to his lack of proactive policy and rhetoric for the fossil fuel industry. Going all in on electric vehicles is pure retardation. Lithium is one of the hardest dirtiest minerals to mine , and guess what it takes fossil fuel , lots of it to mine the mineral. Not only that America accounts for less than 1% of lithium mined. It’s basically good ol joe and the Dems running in a hamster wheel of hypocrisy to get to the ev production it wants. It a complete fallacy and any scientific energy expert, not bought and paid for by the left will tell you the same.

I don’t discount the Fact a ride in EV production is good for the environment. It’s a great alternative for those who benefit from it. But once again the communist rule of everyone will be driving electric by a date is simply idiotic and unobtainable. To say the contrary is plain lunacy. Our cities can’t even support fiber optic networks at the moment they’re so overwhelmed. Hell califorbia can’t even support the air conditioners in peoples houses running on hot days.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2021, 10:01 PM Reply   
This says it all. I must have missed all the Dems goingnuts over Pelosi husband’s insider trade deals. Once again the hypocrisy on full display. Cried for years over Trumps tax returns. Now you have about as blatant of a case you can have and poof , the accountability they wanted for Trunp some how magically disappears. Instead they want to add 87k members to the IRS to audit more Americans.

Don’t mind my 25million dollar mansion. IN THE RED DEVIL STATE OF FLORIDA . Guess DeSantis ain’t the anti christ after all .

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Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-24-2021, 6:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Clearly you haven’t the slightest inclination how bail works and the way it’s implemented. Which then leads to the fact you have no clue what’s happened under the left regarding violent criminals and their bails.

For starters Bail amounts have a “schedule “. Meaning there is a window set by the Chief Judge of what “bail” is for minor or habitual crimes. Those are set rates usually for very minor misdemeanors . As severity goes you begin to float in a “window “ of what’s acceptable based on past practices . that window is set by chief judge . Varies from state to state county to county, area to area . A judge doesn’t have to follow the “schedule”. They can choose to up or Lower the amount. The states attorney can agree or object , same for the defense. However the bail judge has the ultimate say. There is also several adjustments under the cash policy of how much of the bail amount they have to pay . They can require full cash for the full amount , d bond which is 10% of actual bail amount to walk fee , or an IBOND which is simply a signature. They can also use electronic monitoring in lieu of cash ( ankle bracelet ). Just to give you an idea in cook county Chicago at its highest point last year over 500 prisoners on home electronic monitoring were unaccounted for …….500.

Criminal history is one of the biggest deciding factors in setting bail. . Well it used to be until the left started pushing their no monetary bail bull**** being implemented nationwide in democratic cesspools. The violent acts in one’s past are always taken into consideration along with the current pending charges. The fact you have no clue that is a major factor in coming up with bail speaks volumes to your education on the subject. If an offender has multiple armed robberies , multiple shooting convictions in his background he used to be held no bail or be tasked with a significant amount of bail to ensure he is held in custody to protect the public. Unfortunately the left has argued that monetary bail is racist. .so now you have violent individuals committing crimes while in some instances facing multiple other felonious weapons charges , racking up violent case after violent case, With no accountability to the judges releasing them in no bond or extremely Low bond procedures to keep prisons empty so activists can lump their chest about less minorities in prison completely ignoring the fact more of their constituents are becoming victims of violent crimes themselves.

What’s interesting is when a violent individual is facing trial , his past crimes , unless directly linked to his current , are in admissible in court during a criminal trial. I get that. The offender is on trial for his crime he committed today. The double standard , police officer’s past complaint histories for their entire career are admissible against them as arresting officers. So why is it the officer’s history is allowed to ***** a jury , while the defendant’s is not? Huge double
Standard there pertaining to the same exact argument.

The movement to eliminate cash bail was constructed as a way to prevent broke, non violent offenders , usually your drug addicts , petty thieves , and the revolving doors of low level misdemeanor non violent offenders entering courts from having to be housed til trials. I am indifferent on that subject , I see the benefit of not housing them , but honestly they’re right back out shoplifting and scoring drugs while released pending their trial. Leftist cities have moved the books and statutes of felony theft and now your seeing the result of that. 1000’s and 1000’s of shoplifting mobs overrunning high end boutiques and stores stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise in a single haul. Running into boutiques 13 deep armed with guns.

With the advent of the no cash bail push that has also been applied to violent offenders. The reduction in bail amounts to violent offfenders according to the research has been reduced on average 10-15 times less than before the no cash bail movement. So now you have armed violent offenders being given IBONDS instead of hefty cash bonds. Violent individuals with lengthy rap sheets simply signing their names as bond while being charged with shooting someone , robbing someone , carjacking someone and in some cases murdering someone . Yes you read that right. Murderers with murders in their background , multiple armed violence convictions in their background being sent home with an ankle monitor to roam the streets with no repercussions. Committing more violent felonies , only to be released back on street all over agin pending a trial that in cook county usually takes up to 2 years to go to trial.

In one study it found the recidivism rate was 52% under the new “no cash bail policy”. The left argues that rate isn’t tremendous jump from the 46%. Pre their movement. What the left fails to acknowledge is under multiple studies in small windows 500-700 more violent individuals were released than under the previous system. While the 52% doesn’t seem like a big jump. That 52% is compounded by the fact there are 500-700 more individuals released. Let’s say for argument sake pre “no monetary bail “ movement 1000 people were released. 46% comittted crimes again. That’s 460. No under new policy of not requiring bail , you now have 1700 released and 52% commit crimes again. That’s 884 individuals. That’s almost double , but the left won’t acknowledge that aspect. They simply focus on the percentage jump. They’ve been called to the table on it crickets. In fact in cook county Illinois, along with Other liberal cesspools , chief judges who push this “no cash bail agenda “ have re assigned every bail judge because previous judges pushed back. So instead of taking the advice of the judges on the front lines seeing the terrible effects of these policies the chief judge re assigned every single bail judge in cook county and put in select chosen judges that will follow the no cash bail order . It’s disgusting.

Bond is there to keep the public safe from violent individuals. It used to give judges the ability to protect the citizens from repeat crimes of violent individuals. The idea of blanket policies being rammed down courts by progressive leftists is destroying the judicial system. The lack of accountability to some of the most violent individuals because of some minor adjustments that need/could be made with common sense is ridiculous. Unfortunately it’s not that way any longer due to the progressive left. Now your reaping the rewards of idiocy in these major democratic strongholds pushing this agenda.
I think I lead with the fact that I don't know that much about bail. I asked a lot of questions. So eager to fight. Dial it back a little.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-24-2021, 12:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Lithium is one of the hardest dirtiest minerals to mine , and guess what it takes fossil fuel , lots of it to mine the mineral.
Some Lithium facts. The worlds biggest reserves are in salt water not rocks and there is plenty of it. And you can recycle it.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-24-2021, 3:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Some Lithium facts. The worlds biggest reserves are in salt water not rocks and there is plenty of it. And you can recycle it.
Ralph your back, you guys out of lockdown?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-24-2021, 9:07 PM Reply   
Sort of, still got heavy controls but restaurants and wot not are opening up end of next week. Can't wait!
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-25-2021, 7:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I think I lead with the fact that I don't know that much about bail. I asked a lot of questions. So eager to fight. Dial it back a little.
Well one would think you be familiar with arguably the number one policy agenda on the table during Biden’s campaign run and his love for BLM when you casted your vote for him. He stood side by side with the biggest domestic terrorist organization during his campaign to presidency spewing their anti-police , America is racist , too many minorities are in prison mantra that he supported and watched while Vice President under Obama. Were you asleep during his BLM and SJW push that caused skyrocketing crime rates and riots across the Nation during his VP tenure ?

The fact you have no idea what’s transpired/is transpiring , how the system works , or what the issues with the policies being pushed by the party you voted into place is somewhat disappointing. It really highlights the blind votes for a man and party attempting to destroy America’s justice system at the cost of American lives and property.

Maybe you’ve missed the recent mobs of dozens of armed individuals storming high end stores across the nation while the left remains completely silent. Maybe you’ve missed the extensive violent crime increases plaguing America’s biggest democratic city’s of color ? Maybe you’ve missed the recent states attorney elections hell bent on destroying any accountability for violent felons ? Maybe you’ve missed the fact incarceration levels are the lowest in 60yrs for violent crimes and the when individuals are sentenced their sentencing is 7-10 less than it was during the biggest crime reduction years across the nation.

Maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh about 10’s of thousands more American citizens seeing guns pointed in their faces around the Nation as a result of the leftist policy agenda. Maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh about exponential increase regarding the millions of dollars of high end property stolen around the country. Maybe I shouldn’t be so passionate about the fact the left has crippled the actions of law enforcement and left them with no means to arrest violent criminals across the Nation. I guess my patience has just finally run out for ignorance and stupidity. My apologies.

In just the past two days (4) different young women , unloading their groceries from their cars with young children under the age of ten in their presence saw guns stuck in their face and their cars stolen from their homes while they pulled in their garages, over 40 cars and trucks stolen right off dealership lots driven right through the glass enclosures that house them. Over million dollars in high end goods stolen right out of the front windows of stores in the biggest retail areas of the city. The mayors response……… “ The stores are to blame for not having enough security protocols in place………followed up by The mayor defended her appointee by noting that all city crime was down, except for murders, shootings , robberies , and carjackings, the Sun-Times reported.” Yea because those other crimes aren’t being reported any longer because our manpower in 30% lower than it was 2 yrs ago. Crime isn’t down in those other stats , it just takes hours to respond to non violent or non “in progress” jobs and people aren’t waiting around.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-25-2021 at 7:24 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-25-2021, 7:43 PM Reply   
Well here is great picture of covid in America today. Completely red in the highest vaccinated areas while those demons in the southern states they hammered for months are sitting pretty . When will common sense and logic prevail. When will people come to terms with the fact covid is here to stay and it’s time to get back to normal living and stop the destruction of American values at the cost of scientific scenarios with unobtainable goals that have consistently fallen well short of their predictions.

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Data right now .
Florida had the lowest per capita rate at 49 cases per 100,000 residents. Louisiana is next at 63 cases per 100,000 people.

How can that be with all those anti vaccinated ?

That means that more than 69 percent of the total U.S. population has received at least one dose. More than 82 percent of the country’s adult population has received at least one dose. More than 99 percent of people 65 years and older have received at least one dose.

Add in herd immunity and those numbers increase exponentially .

More and more scientists agree that it’s time to shift focus to moving back to normalcy. The constant mental fatigue , stress, and negative impact on humans is getting vastly bigger than the serious nature of the pandemic. It’s time to accept the fact Covid will
be a part of everyday life moving forward .

Gee ya think.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-25-2021, 8:23 PM Reply   
And just for the exclamation point.

Covid positivity rates of each state
California 12.8%
Texas 14.8%
Florida 17.3%
New York 13.8 %
Illinois 14.0%

With a margin of error there is almost no distinction since the beginning of the pandemic to today that tyrannical lockdowns , mask mandates, and abuse of power had any significant / measurable effect on containing the virus. There you have the total numbers right in front of you. The carnage of mental health , loss of businesses , loss of wages , destruction to the economy , and most importantly the destruction to America’s youth far outweighs any positive impact these tyrannical, political theater policies and mandates have the public. One has to look no further than the unfilled job vacancies to see the results of idiotic policies and political propaganda.

Biden and the left is a complete failure on the covid front.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-26-2021, 9:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Biden and the left is a complete failure on the covid front.
Curious how is Biden and left's performance is significantly different from trump and the rights performance?
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-26-2021, 11:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Well here is great picture of covid in America today. Completely red in the highest vaccinated areas while those demons in the southern states they hammered for months are sitting pretty . When will common sense and logic prevail. When will people come to terms with the fact covid is here to stay and it’s time to get back to normal living and stop the destruction of American values at the cost of scientific scenarios with unobtainable goals that have consistently fallen well short of their predictions.

Attachment 46516

Data right now .
Florida had the lowest per capita rate at 49 cases per 100,000 residents. Louisiana is next at 63 cases per 100,000 people.

How can that be with all those anti vaccinated ?

That means that more than 69 percent of the total U.S. population has received at least one dose. More than 82 percent of the country’s adult population has received at least one dose. More than 99 percent of people 65 years and older have received at least one dose.

Add in herd immunity and those numbers increase exponentially .

More and more scientists agree that it’s time to shift focus to moving back to normalcy. The constant mental fatigue , stress, and negative impact on humans is getting vastly bigger than the serious nature of the pandemic. It’s time to accept the fact Covid will
be a part of everyday life moving forward .

Gee ya think.

I am sure Biden and his band of Boobs will start to push more restrictions as the new south african strain starts it way through the world. I dont know what makes anyone believe this is something we can control? In the end, even the most extreme lock down theorists are going to have to let it go. there is going to be more variants and more of the same. Unfortunately, China will never pay the price for this tragedy and the world will have to live with this forever.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-27-2021, 4:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
I am sure Biden and his band of Boobs will start to push more restrictions as the new south african strain starts it way through the world. I dont know what makes anyone believe this is something we can control? In the end, even the most extreme lock down theorists are going to have to let it go. there is going to be more variants and more of the same. Unfortunately, China will never pay the price for this tragedy and the world will have to live with this forever.
Biden criticized and called Trump a racist for his covid travel ban, and what is first thing Biden does ?????? Ban travel to South America. You seriously can’t make this baffoonery up.

Round 5 here we come. NY Governor already taking control of your elective surgeries.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-27-2021 at 4:40 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-28-2021, 3:45 PM Reply   
Oh. This one is gonna sting our resident Kommifornia basement dweller.

California , #1 in covid deaths while #1 in tyranny . Wah wah wah wah .

One again proving the fact democratic communist policies did absolutely nothing to protect anyone from the virus . What’s that cases are surging again ? That can’t be . The left has said that’s not possible . Your 5 masks and 7 vaccine boosters are full proof . Meanwhile those those demons in Florida have the lowest positivity rate in the country at the moment. Ahhhh the science.

Add in all their dead junkies piling up and they are definitely the clear winner at killing people. I am sure it has nothing to do with the tyrannical policies destroying peoples lives and mental health or the open borders allowing record drugs across flowing in to the US . Can’t wait for them to release their newest solution of supplying all their drug addicts with Fentynal test strips so the can get high with piece of mind. I am sure it will work just as great as their needle program. Great policy leads to great results 40% increase in overdose deaths in the land of Newsome. That’s an exceptional single year increase. Well done . The left should be so proud
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-29-2021, 8:12 AM Reply   
There goes good ol Joe violating the policies he’s so intent on pushing on the rest of America.

Maskless again as usual , right after the faux Omoricon outrage and travel bans.


Oh that Omicron panic button the left and Farci are ringing……….the symptoms are less severe and shorter lasting then the flu and less severe and shorter lasting than sinus infection. Are people paying attention yet to craziness , lies , and completely politically agenda driven forced panic yet? This information has been available for quite some time.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-29-2021, 10:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
There goes good ol Joe violating the policies he’s so intent on pushing on the rest of America.

Maskless again as usual , right after the faux Omoricon outrage and travel bans.


Oh that Omicron panic button the left and Farci are ringing……….the symptoms are less severe and shorter lasting then the flu and less severe and shorter lasting than sinus infection. Are people paying attention yet to craziness , lies , and completely politically agenda driven forced panic yet? This information has been available for quite some time.
Not just a Mall cop, also a part time immunologist. Like all multi-use tools, bad at everything, good for nothing.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-29-2021, 10:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Not just a Mall cop, also a part time immunologist. Like all multi-use tools, bad at everything, good for nothing.
As usual no data supporting the contrary ! Please provide the information that proves anything from the post you quoted is false !
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-29-2021, 6:28 PM Reply   
The white house xmas gingerbread theme is going to be lit on fire tomorrow in support of the BLM, ANTIFA defund the police. They are going to burn down the police Department in the display, then put a yellow crime tape around the schools, with a big closed sign, then put up a wall around the white house.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-30-2021, 5:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Just curious when these states attorneys and judges are going to held accountable for letting violent felons keep walking the streets ? The progressive left at its finest resulting in deaths to Americans that easily could’ve been prevented by being held accountable for previous violent actions.

Kinda puts the hole in the new “ if Kyle was black he would have been convicted” narrative .

Attachment 46514
Lets be honest, this never happened, its proof in the media. See the problem is simple. a Black man did it, and because of that, it is a non event. The wrong person killed the wrong people. per the left, and because so, it cannot be talked about or covered. If it was a white man, who had anti black facebook , like this man, who had kill whity propaganda, and all the people killed and hurt were black, then it would have occurred.

Cities would burn. There would be riots in the streets, outrage would ensue. Unfortunalty, the left has created a space, where they are removing the responsibility of the person, based on the color of their skin. Just like removing responsibility for a 5yr old who just does not understand.

Very sad moment in time, this has nothing to do with skin color. The media state a car ran over people. How scary, to think a car, drove off, on its own, no one driving it, found a xmas parade, and ran over people.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-30-2021, 9:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its feelings because you failed to use a single fact. I dont know the details of the $450K to illegals, but assume it has something to do with the Govt taking their kids from them at the border. Not just take them, but keep no records so that re-uniting them was near impossible. Unemployment is for the unemployed, wheres the connection feelings guy?
Unemployment 10% when Obama took office after Bush Great Recession, 4.7% after 6 years.
Signed the Affordable Care Act that gave insurance to 20 million that had nothing.
Ended the war in Iraq
Ordered and succeeded in killing Obama Bin Laden
Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession
Saved the U.S. auto industry re Chrysler and GM takeovers.
Began the drawdown in troops in Afghanistan.
Signed DACA into action.
Signed Dodd-Frank Wall St. Reform Act and Consumer Protection Act to regulate financial institutions
Dropped the Veteran Homeless rate by 50%.
Increased Dept of Veterans funding
Boosted Fuel efficiency in cars requirements
Negotiated Iran Nuke deal
Received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Seems like a little more than bought and paid for political activist.
Historically, according to C-Span... Top 10.
Obama did not stop the war in Iraq. Democrats funded it from start to finish.

Only thing Obama saved of the auto industry was them getting their act together.

DACA should not exist

You mean put back some of the regulations that Clinton got rid of on banking?

Iran nuke deal was a disgusting fail for the US.

Typical democrat thing. Received a peace prize because of the color of his skin even though he ordered more drone strikes of any US president ever.

He did not give anyone medical care. He increased medical care by over 25% and took away poor peoples tax returns to pay for their share of a policy that only paid for life defining medical event.

Cars were already getting more efficient.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-30-2021, 10:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
IMO the Rittenhouse verdict was correct, by the law he was acting in self defense.

But having a 17 year old turn up at a protest with a gun is the symptom of a sick culture on a multiple of levels. USA has many problems and is lurching from crisis to crisis. Empire in decline for sure.

I wonder what the opinions here would be if a armed black dude turns up at a Neo Nazi protest and waits for someone to threaten him before shooting them dead, would the opinion would be the same and they would be held up as some sort of hero. Doubtful.
IF the neo nazi's were already on record for destroying town after town and said individual was their to protect property and then him self, we would all stand behind the black dude. It is pretty cut and dry. people do not like neo nazi's either. while they exist, they have been turned into a foot note. Like I pointed out we have way more adult males attending Bro-ny (men who love my little pony) than they had neo nazi's attending the march to be all marches. Hardly and issue. Even then, the only issue was when ANTIFA decided to pull up and start throwing things and causing trouble as they always do. No businesses were targeted by them like the leftist do.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-30-2021, 10:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
That the USA is a sick society destroying itself?
Wrong. The headlines are a car was driven into a crowd of people. Not a mention of the guys multiple racists posts against whites.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-30-2021, 10:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Only earned income is taxed at the flat rate. Investment income pays nothing. And the SS part of the tax only applies to earned income less than $142,800 in 2021. I have a feeling that you already know this. So if you are willing to learn, the lesson is use more precise language.
and is any of this in the discussion of when politicians are hand waving over federal income tax? No. Rich people do not specifically get a break on income taxes like the left keeps pointing out. YOu can not argue that rich people get investment income and then argue they are getting a tax break from income tax schedule changes.

These things you mentioned just keep marching along outside of the income tax debate.

Investment income is not part of the wage structure. It has it's on special tax and is in a different pot. The investment game is propped up to do just that. Encourage investment. When they sell they get taxed on it. We can argue about how much they should be taxed and that is fare game.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-30-2021, 10:22 AM Reply   
Have we discussed smash and grab looting in these democrat run $#1t holes yet?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-30-2021, 10:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Lets be honest, this never happened, its proof in the media. See the problem is simple. a Black man did it, and because of that, it is a non event. The wrong person killed the wrong people. per the left, and because so, it cannot be talked about or covered. If it was a white man, who had anti black facebook , like this man, who had kill whity propaganda, and all the people killed and hurt were black, then it would have occurred.

Cities would burn. There would be riots in the streets, outrage would ensue. Unfortunalty, the left has created a space, where they are removing the responsibility of the person, based on the color of their skin. Just like removing responsibility for a 5yr old who just does not understand.

Very sad moment in time, this has nothing to do with skin color. The media state a car ran over people. How scary, to think a car, drove off, on its own, no one driving it, found a xmas parade, and ran over people.
Wonder if Biden will be making appearances at the hospital and to the families who had loved ones killed and severely injured by a violent extremist the left let run free on society ? I mean he made an appearance to a violent felon that was shot by police after trying to stab them while attempting to place him. Into custody for a sexual assault of a minor warrant while trying to hold his girlfriend hostage .

Didn’t see Biden or his VP supporting the officers cleared of all wrong doing while doing an exceptional job of protecting the public from a violent individual convicted of multiple violent felonies in the process of committing more , , didn’t see him support the minor that was the victim of the sexual assault , didn’t see him support the victim of the attempt kidnapping /domestic abuse from a violent felon, Nope he and his Vice President support the violent criminal. Even had his family at his inauguration . Prime example of where the left stands regarding violent criminals amd actual victims.

Remember all the coverage of Charlottesville , the rhetoric , the faux claims , never ending need for federal charges of hate crimes……… compare to the events in Wisconsin. Just another prime example of the hypocrisy and actual racists in America. The POS even stated it was race based and he targeted then based on his hatred of whites. The double standard based on skin color once again pushed front and center by Biden , the left , and news media on full display once again.

Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-30-2021, 10:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
Have we discussed smash and grab looting in these democrat run $#1t holes yet?
It doesn’t exist. Their lack of policies charging criminals. , eliminating felony charges , lack of cash bonds , and war on police have nothing to do with the increase in these violent looting incidents.

They deserve all the items they’re taking at gunpoint and by force. It’s simply their deserved reparations for the pain and suffering they’ve undergone year after year. You’re a racist for attempting to point out the fact these individuals aren’t somehow entitled to these items.

I mean 17 Walgreens closing their doors due to constant thefts in San Francisco has nothing to do with their soft on crime policies. It’s racism , whites don’t want minorities to have access to Walgreens and healthcare.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-30-2021, 10:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
It doesn’t exist. Their lack of policies charging criminals. , eliminating felony charges , lack of cash bonds , and war on police have nothing to do with the increase in these violent looting incidents.

They deserve all the items they’re taking at gunpoint and by force. It’s simply their deserved reparations for the pain and suffering they’ve undergone year after year. You’re a racist for attempting to point out the fact these individuals aren’t somehow entitled to these items.

I mean 17 Walgreens closing their doors due to constant thefts in San Francisco has nothing to do with their soft on crime policies. It’s racism , whites don’t want minorities to have access to Walgreens and healthcare.
That's what I was thinking! Even getting away with murder.

I expect to see much more of it as there has been no response to the first 6 or 8 incidents
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-30-2021, 11:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
That's what I was thinking! Even getting away with murder.

I expect to see much more of it as there has been no response to the first 6 or 8 incidents
You really want to be sick. Read below. Those are just todays headlines. Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal is racist tho. Because if he were black he’d be in jail right. Cue real life headlines. Not some fantasy world. Almost 100 extra dead bodies in Chicago directly linked to new bail reform policies , those are just the dead bodies. That doesn’t include the 1000’s of other shooting victims , carjacking victims , and armed robbery victims added as well.

My guys arrested a 14yr old last night. He’s been arrested 13 separate times for stealing vehicles in last 10 months. Last 5 being armed carjackings. 4 of those occasions arrested in the same day. Guess where he is right now.

Here are some disturbing videos broad daylight if the carnage

And one feel good story for everyone

Welcome to Biden’s Build Back Better America

Guy out going to clubs while facing multiple different felony gun charges , gets arrested with two more guns -and one more in his car. He gets low bond for a 4th time while he has 8 felonies pending. Mostly weapons charges is allowed to go home.

Court records show he has three separate felony cases pending in the suburbs for possession of stolen motor vehicles, theft of more than $100,000, and similar charges.

Judge Susana Ortiz ordered Alhaw held in lieu of $75,000 in the nightclub case. He must post $7,500 to get out of jail on electronic monitoring under her order.

Man tries to kill his wife while given bond on 3 previous separate domestic battery cases pending

Prosecutors have charged an 18-year-old man with participating in a mass shooting that left two teenagers dead and three other people injured this summer. Detrevion Williams was awaiting trial for vehicular hijacking in juvenile court at the time of the slayings, according to prosecutors. 8 felony armed violence convictions as a juvenile he’s let go to kill again
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-30-2021, 11:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
Have we discussed smash and grab looting in these democrat run $#1t holes yet?
This is done on purpose. Relieve the laws then allow the underbelly of society to do what it already wants to do. This is done to destabilize society.

We have 3% of the population that commits 50% of the murder already. That is people willing to perform the worst of the worst type of crime. Around that 3% is another sum of people who are willing to do less than the full worst type of crime, but supports those who do and are willing to do a multitude of other crimes in support. The threshold is going down on how many are willing to higher end crimes because they are taught they are owed it and there is no punishment for doing so.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-30-2021, 12:48 PM Reply   
Right on cue Cook County Illinois breaks the all time record set back in 1994. The democrats and their policies have reset us back a quarter of a century regarding crime. God bless Lori Lightfoot the democrats and their idiot voters , and the great policies they’ve managed to push through. Well done.

America is in a much more accelerated path.

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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-30-2021, 3:28 PM Reply   
looks like Cuomo is finally following in his brothers footsteps. I guess CNN's best is now their worst, and suspended indefinitely , about time
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-30-2021, 5:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
looks like Cuomo is finally following in his brothers footsteps. I guess CNN's best is now their worst, and suspended indefinitely , about time
So I’ve been listening to MSNBC and CNN for the last 8 days straight. I always make it a point to listen to the other side every few weeks to get a different perspective.

I will say this. As bad as CNN is MSNBC mine as well be the Ohmsr/AOC news network. Holy frikin balls are their reporting and duscussions factless propaganda void of any actual data and info. I mean it’s always been a majority one sided but the blatant lies, repetitive beat down of the same white Supremacy , republicans are evil , trump is bad rhetoric over and over and over.

I’ll discuss two topics here they’ve been hammering.
Their big focus is midterms. Freaking out of 700 republicans have an opportunity to take over state spots as well as federal spots. Their entire discussion , not based on the qualifications of candidates , not a single talk about policies , not single talk about what’s working for Dems and what policies are successful to focus a campaign in….. their entire talks centered around voting rights and fact republicans want to put in policies to verify voters. Entire premise of the Dems winning is based on voter reform and A lazing voter laws and continuing massive mail in ballots. It’s mind numbing listening to that then followed by then wanting vaccinations
ID cards to simply grocery shop , enter stores , eat at restaurants.

Topic 2

Gun violence and the tremendous increase in crime. Obviously that’s all Trumps fault. He’s divided the entire country and assembled white supremacists and called them to arms by encouraging gun ownership. Not a single mention of where crime is actually increasing. Trump is responsible for all the Asian crimes and white supremacy attacks . All the right wants is more guns more guns more guns. Trump positioned America , not w single logical discussion on where crime is increasing , who is committing crimes , what policies are encouraging more crime. Its downright scary regarding their view on crime. Not a single acknowledgment of the fact crime is at records in democratic strongholds occupied by millions of POC’s. The crime increase is purely white supremacy taking over America with gun ownership.

Seriously. It’s frikin completely scary of how far gone they are. Even scarier is this is a good majority of people ‘s only news network.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-30-2021, 10:43 PM Reply   

. Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden said Thursday during his final debate with President Donald Trump.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," Biden said in the opening remarks of the showdown that comes just 12 days before the election.

Good ol joe is 100k plus over that threshold in 2/3 of time. Will joe be stepping down,
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       12-01-2021, 3:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post

. Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden said Thursday during his final debate with President Donald Trump.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," Biden said in the opening remarks of the showdown that comes just 12 days before the election.

Good ol joe is 100k plus over that threshold in 2/3 of time. Will joe be stepping down,
lol, so true, but you know he won't have to step down, he will not finish his 4 years, hence the insanity and destruction he is leaving in his short path. unfortunately, he cannot remember what day it is, so he def cannot remember what he said months ago. Even the left is seeing his falling down. Now the admin does not care, as he is not making any decisions, but maybe the center left will realize what they have done, repent, and either stop voting or vote with a brain.

I will say, I have had so many liberal friends starting to apologize for this mess they have created
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-01-2021, 6:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
lol, so true, but you know he won't have to step down, he will not finish his 4 years, hence the insanity and destruction he is leaving in his short path. unfortunately, he cannot remember what day it is, so he def cannot remember what he said months ago. Even the left is seeing his falling down. Now the admin does not care, as he is not making any decisions, but maybe the center left will realize what they have done, repent, and either stop voting or vote with a brain.

I will say, I have had so many liberal friends starting to apologize for this mess they have created
Holy circle jerk. I hadn't checked in a few days and this place turned into Fox and Friends.

No, Doug, only in your fantasy world are people approaching you and apologizing for this mess (why to you?). If you actually had liberal friends, you'd know that Biden wasn't their first choice either. Your imaginary liberal friends wish they could re-cast their vote for Trump?....Damn, that is really hard to believe.

I'm not defending Biden in the slightest and if the Republicans can untie themselves from the Trump-train tracks, I will do everything I can to vote Biden out. If Trump gets the nomination, democrats could go full-on weekend a Bernies with Biden and still win.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 10:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Holy circle jerk. I hadn't checked in a few days and this place turned into Fox and Friends.

No, Doug, only in your fantasy world are people approaching you and apologizing for this mess (why to you?). If you actually had liberal friends, you'd know that Biden wasn't their first choice either. Your imaginary liberal friends wish they could re-cast their vote for Trump?....Damn, that is really hard to believe.

I'm not defending Biden in the slightest and if the Republicans can untie themselves from the Trump-train tracks, I will do everything I can to vote Biden out. If Trump gets the nomination, democrats could go full-on weekend a Bernies with Biden and still win.
Why would we untie ourselves from Trump. Besides mean tweets, he was spot on about every single issue. I don't like his personality type either, however we need effective leaders not a popularity contest. You anti Trump people sound like the same smucks who voted for Jimmy as 6th grade class president because he promised to add another recess.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-01-2021, 11:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Why would we untie ourselves from Trump. Besides mean tweets, he was spot on about every single issue. I don't like his personality type either, however we need effective leaders not a popularity contest. You anti Trump people sound like the same smucks who voted for Jimmy as 6th grade class president because he promised to add another recess.
Well, Most of America doesn't like him. It has been proven twice. That is the simple reason. And yes, politics is a popularity contest. What the hell else is it?

Mean are a dumbass if you think that is why he lost. He lost because even the republicans that held on through 2016 based on his policy positions jumped ship in 2020 when he proved that the "deal artist" could not make deals.

Last edited by skiboarder; 12-01-2021 at 11:38 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 12:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Well, Most of America doesn't like him. It has been proven twice. That is the simple reason. And yes, politics is a popularity contest. What the hell else is it?

Mean are a dumbass if you think that is why he lost. He lost because even the republicans that held on through 2016 based on his policy positions jumped ship in 2020 when he proved that the "deal artist" could not make deals.
You mean like tackling China, the border, arab countries recognizing Israel, pointing out that NATO countries are not paying their agreed budget toward the pact, illegals, States rights, Supreme Court, gaining energy independents, etc.

That guy did more in 4 years than most in 30.

I can not help those of you who want to elect a president based on the tik tok videos and vote or die MTV campaigns. You better get off here and rush to the next episode of the Bachelor.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 12:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Well, Most of America doesn't like him. It has been proven twice. That is the simple reason. And yes, politics is a popularity contest. What the hell else is it?

Mean are a dumbass if you think that is why he lost. He lost because even the republicans that held on through 2016 based on his policy positions jumped ship in 2020 when he proved that the "deal artist" could not make deals.
half of America did not like Bush either. You will never have half the country because the big population centers are democrat. Vast majority (the greater diversity in the country) overwhelmingly supported Trump. It is the echo chambers in like 5 different population centers that support democrats. Of those echo chambers, they have a high percentage of foreign born voters.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-01-2021, 1:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
half of America did not like Bush either. You will never have half the country because the big population centers are democrat. Vast majority (the greater diversity in the country) overwhelmingly supported Trump. It is the echo chambers in like 5 different population centers that support democrats. Of those echo chambers, they have a high percentage of foreign born voters.
Oh, it's the foreign born predictable.

Trump lost to Biden by same amount of electoral votes that Trump won in his "landslide" victory over Hillary. Either way, if you win electoral and fail to win the popular vote, you have a weak mandate to lead.

Damn near every republican has the same policy as Trump. Why is Trump your only answer? He lost the popular in 2016, failed to execute through is presidency because he was that unliked universally, Republicans lost the house in 2018, He all-out lost the presidency in 2020 and for good measure went to Georgia where he preferred to talk more about election fraud (a lie) than actually campaign for the senators--then republicans lost the senate too. Damn, he is loser. I have no doubt that guys like you would love to give him the nomination for 2024, but all the MAGA flag sales in the world will not take the presidency. Plus, he will be Biden-old by then. He is a horrible choice. Outside of your echo chamber, he is a joke.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 1:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Oh, it's the foreign born predictable.

Trump lost to Biden by same amount of electoral votes that Trump won in his "landslide" victory over Hillary. Either way, if you win electoral and fail to win the popular vote, you have a weak mandate to lead.

Damn near every republican has the same policy as Trump. Why is Trump your only answer? He lost the popular in 2016, failed to execute through is presidency because he was that unliked universally, Republicans lost the house in 2018, He all-out lost the presidency in 2020 and for good measure went to Georgia where he preferred to talk more about election fraud (a lie) than actually campaign for the senators--then republicans lost the senate too. Damn, he is loser. I have no doubt that guys like you would love to give him the nomination for 2024, but all the MAGA flag sales in the world will not take the presidency. Plus, he will be Biden-old by then. He is a horrible choice. Outside of your echo chamber, he is a joke.
I think is important. People with different historical stakes in the game will have different biases to the role of government in their lives. Many foreign born people come from generally failed government and want more of a what they perceive of a good government. While they may believe that is a good thing, move government is actually a precursor to a failing society.

While you would like to think every Republican has the same policies as Trump, we can debate a couple items.

First for example, I loved GWB but he certainly did not have the same polices as Trump.

Most of the typical Republicans after Reagan are internationalists. They were for anyone who could line their pockets. Many times that is moving off shore and taking advantage of near slave labor. GWB was one of those.

Second, they may have the same policies as Trump they don't have the will or the energy to upset the apple cart. Washington is a swamp. He was willing to fight them all.

I could get behind someone else certainly. Trump was my 3rd or 4th person I would vote for and did not vote for him in the primaries when he was first elected. He turned me into a fan when I saw his policies and then saw how much democrats were willing to lie and cheat to get rid of him. That told me he was the one. People don't do that to people they don't see as a threat. That tells me he is the exact opposite to the swamp dwellers and that is who we need to change their culture.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 1:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Oh, it's the foreign born predictable.

Trump lost to Biden by same amount of electoral votes that Trump won in his "landslide" victory over Hillary. Either way, if you win electoral and fail to win the popular vote, you have a weak mandate to lead.

Damn near every republican has the same policy as Trump. Why is Trump your only answer? He lost the popular in 2016, failed to execute through is presidency because he was that unliked universally, Republicans lost the house in 2018, He all-out lost the presidency in 2020 and for good measure went to Georgia where he preferred to talk more about election fraud (a lie) than actually campaign for the senators--then republicans lost the senate too. Damn, he is loser. I have no doubt that guys like you would love to give him the nomination for 2024, but all the MAGA flag sales in the world will not take the presidency. Plus, he will be Biden-old by then. He is a horrible choice. Outside of your echo chamber, he is a joke.
Also, I could get behind Desantis. I like his body of work so far. I would almost prefer him then Trump

Also, I agree the election fraud (which I absolutely believe it is real) is a losing message. It is not going to stop fraud the next time unless there is action for ID to vote. Maybe he needed that message to get states to take that up. I don't know.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-01-2021, 2:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You mean like tackling China, the border, arab countries recognizing Israel, pointing out that NATO countries are not paying their agreed budget toward the pact, illegals, States rights, Supreme Court, gaining energy independents, etc.

That guy did more in 4 years than most in 30.

I can not help those of you who want to elect a president based on the tik tok videos and vote or die MTV campaigns. You better get off here and rush to the next episode of the Bachelor.
Are you clowning us? Trump was/is lousy at everything except extracting $ from rubes and putting fear into republican politicians. As evidenced by his business track record, open grift, get sued, pay off and claim BK, rinse and repeat. Trump University, Trump Wine, Trump beauty pageants, Trump RE, Trump Steaks, Trump Casino.....endless.
If he solved China, why issues today?
If he solved the border, why is there issues today?
If he solved "arab countries, why issues today?
Pointing out NATO countries isnt newsworthy, they publicize who pays what for ever.
We dont have illegals any longer? Trump policy still in place.
McConnel lied and cheated and handed him SC appointees, wow, he was so instrumental and his picks so popular...
We had energy independence for a short time, oil independence oil prices changed...not to mention whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry or oil price isnt friendly? Oil is on the way of horses for travel. We will still have them but way less important.
Get your nose out of trump's jock, he is the one who led a very unconstitutional attack on a federal election he lost and hes STILL lying about it. After 50+ court loses, his attys losing their law license and losing their Azzes in law suits from Dominion...You probably believe it, lol. So much for rational thinking skills. Got any stock market hot tips?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-01-2021, 3:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Oh, it's the foreign born predictable.
Trump lost to Biden by same amount of electoral votes that Trump won in his "landslide" victory over Hillary. Either way, if you win electoral and fail to win the popular vote, you have a weak mandate to lead.

Damn near every republican has the same policy as Trump. Why is Trump your only answer? He lost the popular in 2016, failed to execute through is presidency because he was that unliked universally, Republicans lost the house in 2018, He all-out lost the presidency in 2020 and for good measure went to Georgia where he preferred to talk more about election fraud (a lie) than actually campaign for the senators--then republicans lost the senate too. Damn, he is loser. I have no doubt that guys like you would love to give him the nomination for 2024, but all the MAGA flag sales in the world will not take the presidency. Plus, he will be Biden-old by then. He is a horrible choice. Outside of your echo chamber, he is a joke.
Dont forget about the boat parades
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-01-2021, 3:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Also, I could get behind Desantis. I like his body of work so far. I would almost prefer him then Trump

Also, I agree the election fraud (which I absolutely believe it is real) is a losing message. It is not going to stop fraud the next time unless there is action for ID to vote. Maybe he needed that message to get states to take that up. I don't know.
LOL, Desantis...with Dr Atlas as VP???
Stop fraud?? what fraud?
Wheres the voter fraud you "Absolutely Believe"? Every authority, the actual vote count, the electoral vote count, the courts, US Cyber Security, US intelligence, The FBI, The CIA, The state audits (AZ, Georgia, Michigan.....dozens, the second audits, the 3rd audits, the Forensic Audits ... ALL proved there was no fraud. How about the Pillow guy? how are his lawsuits coming along? Is he in BK yet? jail? But no, you know something no one else knows, right? Wrong, you FEEL like you know...and what do you say about feelings????F those feelings bro. You absolutely believe something w/o ANY proof, in fact ALL the proof says otherwise. Elections are not religion pal, no blind faith involved. Its counting votes. Seems like we should not EVER believe anything you believe because you believe the big lie. There isnt a single credible shred of truth or evidence. Trump keeps saying it, the only president in US history to plan and set off a revolt on democracy. You know directly going against the US Constitution you pretend is so important.
Funny, there is plenty of evidence of trump and his cronies tried to steal the election. But you want him running in 2024, lol.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 3:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Are you clowning us? Trump was/is lousy at everything except extracting $ from rubes and putting fear into republican politicians. As evidenced by his business track record, open grift, get sued, pay off and claim BK, rinse and repeat. Trump University, Trump Wine, Trump beauty pageants, Trump RE, Trump Steaks, Trump Casino.....endless.
If he solved China, why issues today?
If he solved the border, why is there issues today?
If he solved "arab countries, why issues today?
Pointing out NATO countries isnt newsworthy, they publicize who pays what for ever.
We dont have illegals any longer? Trump policy still in place.
McConnel lied and cheated and handed him SC appointees, wow, he was so instrumental and his picks so popular...
We had energy independence for a short time, oil independence oil prices changed...not to mention whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry or oil price isnt friendly? Oil is on the way of horses for travel. We will still have them but way less important.
Get your nose out of trump's jock, he is the one who led a very unconstitutional attack on a federal election he lost and hes STILL lying about it. After 50+ court loses, his attys losing their law license and losing their Azzes in law suits from Dominion...You probably believe it, lol. So much for rational thinking skills. Got any stock market hot tips?
There is more than one arab country you boob. I know back east to you is Vegas, but there is more than one place in the world.

Pretty much the rest of your drivel is one word: Democrats

Sending out millions of ballots into states that have any safeguards like kalifornia is by definition fraud. You do not get statistical leaps in vote totals without it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 3:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
LOL, Desantis...with Dr Atlas as VP???
Stop fraud?? what fraud?
Wheres the voter fraud you "Absolutely Believe"? Every authority, the actual vote count, the electoral vote count, the courts, US Cyber Security, US intelligence, The FBI, The CIA, The state audits (AZ, Georgia, Michigan.....dozens, the second audits, the 3rd audits, the Forensic Audits ... ALL proved there was no fraud. How about the Pillow guy? how are his lawsuits coming along? Is he in BK yet? jail? But no, you know something no one else knows, right? Wrong, you FEEL like you know...and what do you say about feelings????F those feelings bro. You absolutely believe something w/o ANY proof, in fact ALL the proof says otherwise. Elections are not religion pal, no blind faith involved. Its counting votes. Seems like we should not EVER believe anything you believe because you believe the big lie. There isnt a single credible shred of truth or evidence. Trump keeps saying it, the only president in US history to plan and set off a revolt on democracy. You know directly going against the US Constitution you pretend is so important.
Funny, there is plenty of evidence of trump and his cronies tried to steal the election. But you want him running in 2024, lol.
You meant the same people who said the Hunter Biden laptop was also a Russian hoax as well and turns out it is not? Those people said it was not fraud? The same people who said Trump colluded with Russia that are now having to explain their lies? Those people? The vote totals have a statistical jump that has never been seen. Just does not happen. It was fraud. You can not prove it other than statistics because they deemed the ballots to be legally sent and they legally removed the ability to check if the people filling them out were real people or not. So under a legal sense, they can not prove fraud. However you put in ID laws and we will see what happens to those totals.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-01-2021, 3:44 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Are you clowning us? Trump was/is lousy at everything except extracting $ from rubes and putting fear into republican politicians. As evidenced by his business track record, open grift, get sued, pay off and claim BK, rinse and repeat. Trump University, Trump Wine, Trump beauty pageants, Trump RE, Trump Steaks, Trump Casino.....endless.
If he solved China, why issues today?
If he solved the border, why is there issues today?
If he solved "arab countries, why issues today?
Pointing out NATO countries isnt newsworthy, they publicize who pays what for ever.
We dont have illegals any longer? Trump policy still in place.
McConnel lied and cheated and handed him SC appointees, wow, he was so instrumental and his picks so popular...
We had energy independence for a short time, oil independence oil prices changed...not to mention whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry or oil price isnt friendly? Oil is on the way of horses for travel. We will still have them but way less important.
Get your nose out of trump's jock, he is the one who led a very unconstitutional attack on a federal election he lost and hes STILL lying about it. After 50+ court loses, his attys losing their law license and losing their Azzes in law suits from Dominion...You probably believe it, lol. So much for rational thinking skills. Got any stock market hot tips?
Interesting view you have of what is constitutional or not. Suing in court by the very definition is constitutional.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-01-2021, 4:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
There is more than one arab country you boob. I know back east to you is Vegas, but there is more than one place in the world.

Pretty much the rest of your drivel is one word: Democrats

Sending out millions of ballots into states that have any safeguards like kalifornia is by definition fraud. You do not get statistical leaps in vote totals without it.
When are you going to listen? In California you need ID to register to vote. When you show ID to register you eliminate fraud. If you are a registered voter you showed ID and proved it. They sent ballots to registered voters ONLY. Enough. I posted the requirements to vote in California several times, you pretend you didnt see it which is quite adolescent. You have nothing to back your claim of fraud, by definition thats called incompetency or lying, you pick.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-01-2021, 4:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You meant the same people who said the Hunter Biden laptop was also a Russian hoax as well and turns out it is not? Those people said it was not fraud? The same people who said Trump colluded with Russia that are now having to explain their lies? Those people? The vote totals have a statistical jump that has never been seen. Just does not happen. It was fraud. You can not prove it other than statistics because they deemed the ballots to be legally sent and they legally removed the ability to check if the people filling them out were real people or not. So under a legal sense, they can not prove fraud. However you put in ID laws and we will see what happens to those totals.
youre floundering.
Each ballot is checked, each ballot is confirmed by signature. Thats what all the re-counts audits and forensic audits did. They all PROVED no fraud, most showed Biden w/ more votes than the election counts. If you believe anything different, its just your feelings or your blind faith in a conman.
youre floundering.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-01-2021, 4:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Interesting view you have of what is constitutional or not. Suing in court by the very definition is constitutional.
I didnt say suing is unconstitutional. Whats unconstitutional is to subvert the will of the people by planning and attempting an unsuccessful insurrection, unsuccessful as in most everything the grifter ever did. ie see post with a list of trump failures. add The Wall that Mexico is paying for to the list, his biggest promise to the pawns.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       12-01-2021, 9:03 PM Reply   
Wow………imagine that……..the ostrich is full of commentary except when it requires facts, statistics , and data to support his claims and positions. Always nice to see you magically appear when the items up for discussion don’t mushroom stamp you in the face with idiocy. How are those forced curfews preventing crime spikes working out for you ? Imagine that Cali with first case of Omicron. Get you 5th mask in place and head back to your basement to avoid the sniffles.

Requiring in person verification for voting is somehow racist and elitist , but madating ID and a vax card to enter store to buy your required living supplies isn’t ?

Ballot harvesting is completely legal in Commiefornia , there’s not a shred of legitimacy in their voting program as it stands now. It’s a joke to even claim it’s remotely
Void of fraud. If you can’t get off your lazy ass and show up to an election site in order to cast arguable the most important duty as a citizen then you don’t deserve the ability to vote , void some medical or travel exception you would have to petition for. Blanket mailing millions of ballots is a recipe for disaster and fraud . A junior high student could recognize that. The fact you support a system that is the least secure for our election system speaks volumes of your mindset about America. Explain how this is the most legitimate system the Nation should model itself after ? A state in which no personal
Attachment and verification is attached to dropping a ballot.

However, the ballots will still be counted even if the collector does not sign them or keeps them for longer than three days, as long as they are filled out correctly and returned by Election Day, Nov. 3 There is no limit on the number of ballots a harvester can return.

Clown show will go on.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       12-02-2021, 3:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Holy circle jerk. I hadn't checked in a few days and this place turned into Fox and Friends.

No, Doug, only in your fantasy world are people approaching you and apologizing for this mess (why to you?). If you actually had liberal friends, you'd know that Biden wasn't their first choice either. Your imaginary liberal friends wish they could re-cast their vote for Trump?....Damn, that is really hard to believe.

I'm not defending Biden in the slightest and if the Republicans can untie themselves from the Trump-train tracks, I will do everything I can to vote Biden out. If Trump gets the nomination, democrats could go full-on weekend a Bernies with Biden and still win.
LOL, you are a fool. I have an entire family of the left, and just about, every single person i grew up with, on the left, growing up in a low income union town, 80% of the left. So eat your **** sandwich, they are all embarrassed for their vote. Biden is a falling down mess, and his admin is even worse. You can keep hitting your PIPE and hoping its not true. but clicking your high heels 3 times will not take it away
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 9:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
When are you going to listen? In California you need ID to register to vote. When you show ID to register you eliminate fraud. If you are a registered voter you showed ID and proved it. They sent ballots to registered voters ONLY. Enough. I posted the requirements to vote in California several times, you pretend you didnt see it which is quite adolescent. You have nothing to back your claim of fraud, by definition thats called incompetency or lying, you pick.
The voter roles are not managed well. I was able to vote 4 times if I wanted. To in person due to having my long name and my short name that I go by and the mail in ballots they sent. Kalifornia has ballot harvesting. That means anyone can come and collect ballots (filled out or not) and take them to a drop off. That also means people can get a hold of a legal ballot and fill it out how they see fit and send it in outside of the intended recipient. That is how that works.

I was able to register online and in person. I did not show a drivers license.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 9:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I didnt say suing is unconstitutional. Whats unconstitutional is to subvert the will of the people by planning and attempting an unsuccessful insurrection, unsuccessful as in most everything the grifter ever did. ie see post with a list of trump failures. add The Wall that Mexico is paying for to the list, his biggest promise to the pawns.
You mean like a russian hoax?

Trump was building a wall. there is more than one way to pay for a wall. You guys bitched that he was even building it. I don't care who pays for it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 9:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
youre floundering.
Each ballot is checked, each ballot is confirmed by signature. Thats what all the re-counts audits and forensic audits did. They all PROVED no fraud, most showed Biden w/ more votes than the election counts. If you believe anything different, its just your feelings or your blind faith in a conman.
youre floundering.
I don't have blind faith in Trump. I have clear open eyes to how treasonous the democrat party is.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 9:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Wow………imagine that……..the ostrich is full of commentary except when it requires facts, statistics , and data to support his claims and positions. Always nice to see you magically appear when the items up for discussion don’t mushroom stamp you in the face with idiocy. How are those forced curfews preventing crime spikes working out for you ? Imagine that Cali with first case of Omicron. Get you 5th mask in place and head back to your basement to avoid the sniffles.

Requiring in person verification for voting is somehow racist and elitist , but madating ID and a vax card to enter store to buy your required living supplies isn’t ?

Ballot harvesting is completely legal in Commiefornia , there’s not a shred of legitimacy in their voting program as it stands now. It’s a joke to even claim it’s remotely
Void of fraud. If you can’t get off your lazy ass and show up to an election site in order to cast arguable the most important duty as a citizen then you don’t deserve the ability to vote , void some medical or travel exception you would have to petition for. Blanket mailing millions of ballots is a recipe for disaster and fraud . A junior high student could recognize that. The fact you support a system that is the least secure for our election system speaks volumes of your mindset about America. Explain how this is the most legitimate system the Nation should model itself after ? A state in which no personal
Attachment and verification is attached to dropping a ballot.

However, the ballots will still be counted even if the collector does not sign them or keeps them for longer than three days, as long as they are filled out correctly and returned by Election Day, Nov. 3 There is no limit on the number of ballots a harvester can return.

Clown show will go on.
Hey Mushroomstamp guy, point out a single fact, statistic or data point in your diatribe.
I personally " ballot harvested" several ballots in the last election. I picked up several ballots from my trump voting friends and brought them to the collection site. And yes i signed them. It doesnt change the vote inside whether signed by the dropper offer or not, does it. Should that be illegal in your opinion?
Im unaware of any forced curfews locally, certainly dont affect me. Im not busting windows and raiding stores or stealing purses.
There is very little to no voter fraud using mail in ballots. Its a system used by several states for decades w/o issue. There were a few radical republicans that voted twice and were caught. How were they caught? there are safe gaurds knucklehead. You should read up on stuff you want to pontificate on.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 9:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The voter roles are not managed well. I was able to vote 4 times if I wanted. To in person due to having my long name and my short name that I go by and the mail in ballots they sent. Kalifornia has ballot harvesting. That means anyone can come and collect ballots (filled out or not) and take them to a drop off. That also means people can get a hold of a legal ballot and fill it out how they see fit and send it in outside of the intended recipient. That is how that works.

I was able to register online and in person. I did not show a drivers license.
No you weren't able to vote 4 times. If you had you would be caught cheating. Having 4 ballots in your hand does not equal the ability to vote 4 times.
I think i understand ballot harvesting, i partake in it. Again you are stretching the truth til it breaks. A harvester can pick up a ballot, complete or not, they would never know. They pick up a sealed envelope, no idea if its a filled out ballot or blank. Go ahead, get hold of as many ballots as you possibly can, fill them out and drop them off, we shall see what happens. You talk a big game, but are just a lamb. If you registered w/o ID, you cheated the system and perhaps we should contact the FBI. You have to provide driver license number and signature or you cant vote.
Here is the online registration in CA
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 9:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You mean like a russian hoax?

Trump was building a wall. there is more than one way to pay for a wall. You guys bitched that he was even building it. I don't care who pays for it.
No hoax, you are clearly confused.
Yes, there are many, many ways to pay for a wall. Lets return to the good old days of 2016. Remember the rallies? Remember the speeches? Lets all do this together. "Were going to build a wall" , Who is going to pay for it? MEXICO!!!! Thats a Trump Quote how he was going to pay for it.
Now its "I dont care who pays for it", way to move the goal post ...again.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 9:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I don't have blind faith in Trump. I have clear open eyes to how treasonous the democrat party is.
Translation, yes, trump is guilty as sin, he used the constitution as toilet paper, he is the treasonous one, he called the sec of state in Georgia and begged him to "find" 11800 more votes, his attys sent a list to Mike Pence on how to circumvent the electoral vote, he lied and obstructs justice to this day... but i dont care, i hate democrats because republicans are so on the up and up.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 10:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Hey Mushroomstamp guy, point out a single fact, statistic or data point in your diatribe.
I personally " ballot harvested" several ballots in the last election. I picked up several ballots from my trump voting friends and brought them to the collection site. And yes i signed them. It doesnt change the vote inside whether signed by the dropper offer or not, does it. Should that be illegal in your opinion?
Im unaware of any forced curfews locally, certainly dont affect me. Im not busting windows and raiding stores or stealing purses.
There is very little to no voter fraud using mail in ballots. Its a system used by several states for decades w/o issue. There were a few radical republicans that voted twice and were caught. How were they caught? there are safe gaurds knucklehead. You should read up on stuff you want to pontificate on.
Voting by mail in other states historically only done by request and those ballots are not usually counted until the end if the results are still in question.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 10:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Voting by mail in other states historically only done by request and those ballots are not usually counted until the end if the results are still in question.
Check yourself. Many states (18) have full time vote by mail to all voters, including "red" states.
Where is it written in the Constitution that the grifter can call the Sec of State of different states asking for "extra votes"? Isnt that treasonous?
We are still in the middle of a world wide public health emergency, a pandemic that has killed over 5 million people. Odd how they make a way to vote legally AND keep people safer.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 10:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No hoax, you are clearly confused.
Yes, there are many, many ways to pay for a wall. Lets return to the good old days of 2016. Remember the rallies? Remember the speeches? Lets all do this together. "Were going to build a wall" , Who is going to pay for it? MEXICO!!!! Thats a Trump Quote how he was going to pay for it.
Now its "I dont care who pays for it", way to move the goal post ...again.
I don't care about campaign speech rhetoric. Personally I believe you don't either. You are just trying to argue. Mexcio paying for it was never my end line. I want it stopped period. He got elected in part to stop illegals and part of that is a wall so the people on the ground can use the resources else where. kalifornia alone pays over $60 million a year to support illegals. We lose so much direct money to mexico that it is the 3rd leading GNP over oil for their country. That is a problem. Illegals have way bigger influence over American policy than most domestic issues. that is a problem. You build the wall and stop the outgoing of money taking care of mexican citizens in our country, you by defacto make mexico pay for the wall because they now have to take care of their own citizens.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 10:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Check yourself. Many states (18) have full time vote by mail to all voters, including "red" states.
Where is it written in the Constitution that the grifter can call the Sec of State of different states asking for "extra votes"? Isnt that treasonous?
We are still in the middle of a world wide public health emergency, a pandemic that has killed over 5 million people. Odd how they make a way to vote legally AND keep people safer.
You are clearly unfamiliar with the historical record of the democrat party and late vote finding. It is legal to ask and legal to look. remember the whole hanging chad thing? The lead lawyer for the democrats admitted in his book they went down to not count every vote like they said out loud. They went down to try and exclude Republican votes. He literally said it in his book.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 11:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You are clearly unfamiliar with the historical record of the democrat party and late vote finding. It is legal to ask and legal to look. remember the whole hanging chad thing? The lead lawyer for the democrats admitted in his book they went down to not count every vote like they said out loud. They went down to try and exclude Republican votes. He literally said it in his book.
When you cant prove your point, change the topic. The topic was never the historical record of the democratic party. Its not about hanging chads from decades ago. Its 2020 trump treasonous cheating and getting recorded on the phone begging for extra votes in a state he lost. The SoS didnt do it, then got daily death threats from radical republicans for months and months. That whole party is full of radicals and nutjobs.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-02-2021, 11:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I don't care about campaign speech rhetoric. Personally I believe you don't either. You are just trying to argue. Mexcio paying for it was never my end line. I want it stopped period. He got elected in part to stop illegals and part of that is a wall so the people on the ground can use the resources else where. kalifornia alone pays over $60 million a year to support illegals. We lose so much direct money to mexico that it is the 3rd leading GNP over oil for their country. That is a problem. Illegals have way bigger influence over American policy than most domestic issues. that is a problem. You build the wall and stop the outgoing of money taking care of mexican citizens in our country, you by defacto make mexico pay for the wall because they now have to take care of their own citizens.
Old (xstarrider) Join Date: Jun 2007 11-30-2021, 9:43 PM Reply Quick Reply

. Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden said Thursday during his final debate with President Donald Trump.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," Biden said in the opening remarks of the showdown that comes just 12 days before the election.

Good ol joe is 100k plus over that threshold in 2/3 of time. Will joe be stepping down,
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 12:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
When you cant prove your point, change the topic. The topic was never the historical record of the democratic party. Its not about hanging chads from decades ago. Its 2020 trump treasonous cheating and getting recorded on the phone begging for extra votes in a state he lost. The SoS didnt do it, then got daily death threats from radical republicans for months and months. That whole party is full of radicals and nutjobs.
It is not a topic change. It is not illegal to ask. I pointed to a direct example of the democrats doing as well. It is legal to look. It is legal to ask. It legal to challenge. You may not like it. I did not like the democrat efforts, however it is legal.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-02-2021, 12:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Old (xstarrider) Join Date: Jun 2007 11-30-2021, 9:43 PM Reply Quick Reply

. Democratic White House hopeful Joe Biden said Thursday during his final debate with President Donald Trump.

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America," Biden said in the opening remarks of the showdown that comes just 12 days before the election.

Good ol joe is 100k plus over that threshold in 2/3 of time. Will joe be stepping down,
Not my statement. Not my monkey. Not my circus. I think it is hilarious that I need to explain to you that this is a shot at you and all your hysterics over the years. You specifically latched on to the deaths under Trumps watch (pretty much echoing the usually DNC talking points that you usually do) and politicized it. WE over here understand it is political rhetoric and the ability to enact policy is way more complicated because the president does not have legislative authority. It is hilarious yet sad at the same time that you like to latch on to statement like a child who someone said I will see you tomorrow but don't understand that tomorrow is not 2 hours from now.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       12-03-2021, 11:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
not my statement. Not my monkey. Not my circus. I think it is hilarious that i need to explain to you that this is a shot at you and all your hysterics over the years. You specifically latched on to the deaths under trumps watch (pretty much echoing the usually dnc talking points that you usually do) and politicized it. We over here understand it is political rhetoric and the ability to enact policy is way more complicated because the president does not have legislative authority. It is hilarious yet sad at the same time that you like to latch on to statement like a child who someone said i will see you tomorrow but don't understand that tomorrow is not 2 hours from now.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       12-06-2021, 2:47 PM Reply   
You know all those organized smash and grabs/excessive lootings going on ………. ..well those are the stores fault according to Chicago’s Mayor. The stores ding have enough security , enough safeguards , or enough cameras . Seriously you can’t make this bull**** up. She and her party led the fight against stores instituting tight security and allowing security guards to go hands on and effect arrests of shoplifters. She and the Soros Lackey in charge of states attorney’s office also refused to prosecute thefts and instituted a law change in what qualifies as a felony theft.

Her response to the violent mobs that descended the downtown shopping cooridoor over the weekend , pulled a Transit Authority bud driver stuck in traffic from his bus and beat him senseless never happened according h to her. She wasn’t aware she activated the cities emergency plan used under the riots , the plan she’s the sole responsibility of needing approval to activate.

Apparently the 22 random people attacked , 12 officers injured , 3 teens shot ,12 felony gun arrests and 37 stores looted in a 4 hour span never happened. Her response those violent mobs of teens deserve the ability to be down there.

You’ll have to scroll down to see the video of the savage beating

They Mayor’s response to the savage violence
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       12-06-2021, 3:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Not just a Mall cop, also a part time immunologist. Like all multi-use tools, bad at everything, good for nothing.
Gee once again the Segway riding mall cop mushroom stamps the basement dweller. As usual good ol swat crushes the idiot supreme once again. When are you going to learn. Guess my virology degree is just as good as Fauci’s. Amazing how when you actual pay attention to the details, the research , and the posted studies …….. not relying on some political hack dressed as a health expert for information who’s lied since day one to cover his ass and money supply you get the truth .

The nation's leading infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said that preliminary data on the Omicron variant of the coronavirus shows the strain may not be as severe as scientists initially thought. thus far it does not look like there's a great d

And like magic the Omicron virus was already floating around America , infecting t those double vaxxed and boosted , proving once again all the bull**** the left has been feeding everyone is a complete lie. Where will the goal posts move next ? As said 1000 times. Mask policies and lockdowns do nothing . Evidenced once again with the newest data . States with strictest policies breaking records of positivity once again getting hit the hardest. Death rates even more exponentially minuscule .

Now latest research in the UK showing vaccines for children have a greatest risk for severe complications then the virus itself for healthy teens. UK is now advising not to vaccinate healthy teens due to their research

Last edited by xstarrider; 12-06-2021 at 3:28 PM.

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