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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-15-2021, 4:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Wrong wrong wrong. You obviously so focused on narrative that facts can not possibly get in the way.

For starters, if the pandemic was isolated to death toll to those under the 45 age bracket, we would not be talking about this as a pandemic at all. So the point of the auto deaths being 10 times higher is significant. Don't see you trying to ban cars or make everyone drive 25 miles per hour everywhere.

Natural immunity would not require millions to die. It would require letting people under 45 make their own choice. Not vaccinating children. The child deaths are almost not even statistically measurable. Those under 45 are basically that of a flu year. There is not problem in those groups. if people in those groups are health they should be allowed to make the choice moving forward. period.
Stop with the facts. Lefties don’t want the truth. They want fear, control ,power, and dependency

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-15-2021 at 4:28 PM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-16-2021, 5:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Singapore has a total of 192 deaths, 3300 cases. What are you talking about?
you are correct. they vaccinated early, its weening, and spreading fast, they are afraid of new variant and know that the vaccine is not going to cut it. they are stopping mild to moderate hospital care, and only caring for the very sick. so they are seeing vaccinated people back in the hospital and realize that they are going to need to get to heard immunity to have NATURAL antibodies in order to fight this and end this. So the vaccine is only a temporary delay in everyone, at some point, getting it!
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-17-2021, 4:20 PM Reply   
Ahhhh City of Chicago and Cook County residents ….you all must wear masks indoors wherever you go. You should in fact be wearing double according to the Mayor . First responders being docked pay when caught without masks and now she’s moving to fire every city employees who isn’t vaccinated starting with the police department.

That’s weird. She was at the Bears game all day maskless and then a the WNBA championship game maskless. What a great tyrant and face of the. Democratic Party. She hasn’t followed a rule she’s implemented. Wait til the 64 percent of the police and fire who are unvaccinated all get fired. And the 48 percent of other city workers that are non compliant as well. , but don’t worry black , lesbo , Lori can do whatever the $&@ she wants while pissing on your freedoms.

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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-18-2021, 6:06 PM Reply   
There goes all that ”Science “ again. New England states suffering record breaking corona virus outbreaks that have out paced the original wave when a vaccine wasn’t even available . But according the the left that would be impossible as those are the states with some of the highest.vaccination rates in the country????? How can that be ? What gives ? Every day more and more vaccinated people succumbing to their fate. Once again proving when it’s time it’s time. They left would like to argue our most prominent recent covid death of Powell as an outlier due to his pre existing conditions and other health related issues. That’s convenient. They completely omit that argument when someone with those same conditions dies unvaccinated. Wonder why that is? It’s a non story that is pushed to the side immediately when it does follow the narrative.

Anyone wondering what constitutes unbiased journalism and reporting can look to the most recent CNN Couric scandal of editing an major interview with a lady he divoted her life to the country. Her words and message sh wanted the country to hear were altered to fit then CNN agenda. What is the discipline for that ? Will they be cancelled?

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-18-2021 at 6:13 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-19-2021, 8:45 AM Reply   
Couric's interview was wrong and she is being murdered for it, as she should. But you have to remember that CNN and Fox News are not really news organizations. They are comfort blankets for idiots that are easily offended by any opposing view. They spend 10X the amount of time digesting news down to where it is comfortable for their viewership than they do actually reporting. Go look at what happened to FOX news when they called AZ for Biden. People tuned out because they didn't want to hear the truth. Fox fired people over accurate reporting. Cable news is a joke.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-19-2021, 12:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Couric's interview was wrong and she is being murdered for it, as she should. But you have to remember that CNN and Fox News are not really news organizations. They are comfort blankets for idiots that are easily offended by any opposing view. They spend 10X the amount of time digesting news down to where it is comfortable for their viewership than they do actually reporting. Go look at what happened to FOX news when they called AZ for Biden. People tuned out because they didn't want to hear the truth. Fox fired people over accurate reporting. Cable news is a joke.
Pretty sure people are tuning in to FOX. They are killing CNN and the rest in ratings. CNN and the rest died off after they could not blame Trump anymore (even though they are trying).
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-19-2021, 12:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Pretty sure people are tuning in to FOX. They are killing CNN and the rest in ratings. CNN and the rest died off after they could not blame Trump anymore (even though they are trying).
That is some Trumpy Gobbly-goop there. Who gives a crap about ratings. You should be tuning into "news" to get objective information. Fox is not the place to be for that. It was founded to be political mouthpiece for the right. CNN just kinda evolved organically into a joke.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-19-2021, 1:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
That is some Trumpy Gobbly-goop there. Who gives a crap about ratings. You should be tuning into "news" to get objective information. Fox is not the place to be for that. It was founded to be political mouthpiece for the right. CNN just kinda evolved organically into a joke.
I read all news, however your statement that people tuned out is false. It has grown for FOX and went down the drain for the leftists.

I am still interested in when you are coming with objective news. Still only hear leftist talking points from you.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2021, 2:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I read all news, however your statement that people tuned out is false. It has grown for FOX and went down the drain for the leftists.

I am still interested in when you are coming with objective news. Still only hear leftist talking points from you.
he said
Go look at what happened to FOX news when they called AZ for Biden. People tuned out because they didn't want to hear the truth. Fox fired people over accurate reporting. Cable news is a joke.
the word was "F FOX" after they called the election for biden before most other outlets.
Thats the point, nothing about ratings. You can find reasonably objective news plenty of places not called FOX, CNN, RT, Breitbart, NYPost, ....
Try C-span, NPR, AP...
On the WEB
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-19-2021, 2:09 PM Reply   
Kinda crazy that there were more deaths this year, with the vaccine, than last year without. Also. info that 40% of maryland wealths were from fully vaccinated people. I wonder when google will let that cat out of the bag?
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-19-2021, 2:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Kinda crazy that there were more deaths this year, with the vaccine, than last year without. Also. info that 40% of maryland wealths were from fully vaccinated people. I wonder when google will let that cat out of the bag?
Maryland is 85% vaccinated.15% of the population makes up 60% of the deaths. That seems crazy to me.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-19-2021, 5:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Maryland is 85% vaccinated.15% of the population makes up 60% of the deaths. That seems crazy to me.
sounds crazy but seems to be happening. My neighbor is a emergency med doc at our local hospital. we haven't had many dealths, but have had over 20% fully vax'd in the ICU. So i think there is a falling down of this "vaccine" that just is not able to manage coverage unless you are shooting up every few months.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       10-20-2021, 8:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Kinda crazy that there were more deaths this year, with the vaccine, than last year without. Also. info that 40% of maryland wealths were from fully vaccinated people. I wonder when google will let that cat out of the bag?
Dude it's not crazy at all. Look at peak deaths vs. availability of vaccine to gen pop. Deaths peaked in January and declined from there; Vaccine peaked around beginning of May.

Plus consider in 2020 deaths didn't really start to accumulate until April (first wave) so it was really a 9 month year compared to a 12 month year this year. When the year started deaths were at their max daily rate, whereas 2020 took a while to ramp up (even after deaths began in earnest in April).

This don't get vaxxed / get herd immunity theory does have a cost.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-21-2021, 3:33 PM Reply   
well it didn't take long for a Boy, dressed as a girl. raped a girl in a school bathroom in Virgina. thank go the left knows best! Maybe if it was a leftist congressperson, they would be upset enough to stop this insanity. So sad
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       10-22-2021, 6:07 AM Reply   
Nothing to see here folks move along. Lying to congress is now acceptable.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-22-2021, 7:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Nothing to see here folks move along. Lying to congress is now acceptable.
Also, dont believe he is upset with Covid, he is loving it, he loves the entire game, he and his boobs created. it gives them meaning. So he and his band of idiots did gain of function to make a non transmittable virus, transmittable to humans, so they could "study future treatments" then leaked it, by accident or not, onto the world.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-22-2021, 1:37 PM Reply   
What? They lied that the sponsored the covids? Say it isn't so!!!!!
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-24-2021, 3:08 PM Reply   
Dr Bull**** he’s been lying since covid began. His rush to conceal and impede any investigation. Into the lab issued was called out since day 1 by Trump. The media crucified Trump for it. Now that a majority of whatcha known at the time has been finally released it looks like Trump was 100 percent correct.

Fauci’s has been nothing but a political mouthpiece backing the political views and agendas based i what’s most benificiak to him. He’s never used the science. I’m his flip flops have mostly been based on political leanings and changes due to science proving he ver and over again the thus bull**** artist Fauci is simply that. It’s disgusting.

The left just wanted to throw a member of the military in the bright for life for exposing the Biden military team’s epic failure and outright lies to the American people and yet Farci lies under oath to Congress and the American people multiple times and walks around a free man still skewing daily lies and propaganda.

It’s disgusting.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-24-2021, 8:46 PM Reply   
What’s that ????? Moderna shot being suspended in the Scandinavian countries w air of its problems causing enlarged hearts i the age groups of 12-30. Yup get poked or lose everything.

I am sure the 2 most recent deaths in our department could’ve been prevented. Two guys weeks from retirement who were forced to get vaccinated or be fired under latest mandate. Two healthy as could be guys working the street and recently passing their power test , now dead because they were forced to get vaccinated even after both having immunity from actually getting covid. ……..both died two days after receiving their vaccines. One was found unresponsive on his floor the following morning and the other died two days later from blood clots related to vaccine .

Don’t worry tho. The mayor has your best interest in minds. She’s put 190 more in no pay status since those deaths. So for our department. More officers have died from their covid shot than contracting covid.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-24-2021 at 8:54 PM.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       10-25-2021, 2:07 PM Reply   
"So for our department. More officers have died from their covid shot than contracting covid."

Do you have a news link or something to back that up? I ask because the fact is COVID is the #1 killer of cops out there right now. There is news story after story backing that up with actual facts.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-26-2021, 9:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
What’s that ????? Moderna shot being suspended in the Scandinavian countries w air of its problems causing enlarged hearts i the age groups of 12-30. Yup get poked or lose everything.

I am sure the 2 most recent deaths in our department could’ve been prevented. Two guys weeks from retirement who were forced to get vaccinated or be fired under latest mandate. Two healthy as could be guys working the street and recently passing their power test , now dead because they were forced to get vaccinated even after both having immunity from actually getting covid. ……..both died two days after receiving their vaccines. One was found unresponsive on his floor the following morning and the other died two days later from blood clots related to vaccine .

Don’t worry tho. The mayor has your best interest in minds. She’s put 190 more in no pay status since those deaths. So for our department. More officers have died from their covid shot than contracting covid.
This does seem a little far-fetched. It seems like it is news worthy. "The vaccine designed to protect is killing the ones we rely on for protection" <---That is a hell of a headline.

Also, it completely contradicts my experience. I still don't know a single person with an adverse reaction to the vaccine and most people I know are vaccinated at this point. I felt a little crap the day after and then my underarms were a sore the next, but that is it.

My parents have another un-vaccinated friend dying this week.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-26-2021, 11:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
This does seem a little far-fetched. It seems like it is news worthy. "The vaccine designed to protect is killing the ones we rely on for protection" <---That is a hell of a headline.

Also, it completely contradicts my experience. I still don't know a single person with an adverse reaction to the vaccine and most people I know are vaccinated at this point. I felt a little crap the day after and then my underarms were a sore the next, but that is it.

My parents have another un-vaccinated friend dying this week.

It should be news worthy but it’s not. I assure the deaths are very real. You know what is news worthy. The mayor now a withholding out retroactive spay for contract that was negotiated 4 years past due just to punish the police for standing up to her . You know what else it news. The mayor attending a bears game , and sky basketball championship . You know what else is news. Mask mandates and covid number nonsense telling everyone make and lockdowns are here to stay even the covid numbers haven’t spiked one bit.

You know what’s not news. The covid deaths of the two officers who just died because of her vaccine mandate. The 3000 officers we are down , the next 4000 we will be down due to her vaccine mandate policy, The out of control crime rates since our states attorney came to office. The fact the “allleged “ leading health expert on covid lied under oath to congress. The fact businesses are leaving Chicago and Illinois at record paces because of her policies.

Here’s another shining example. NHL has had a vaccine requirement for some time. Over 10 players have been in covid protocol in past 5 days for contracting covid. Once again showing the actual truth not the propaganda.

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Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       10-26-2021, 12:15 PM Reply   
there is a massive herd of migrants headed to the southern border. Biden and Lewinsky...I mean Harris aren't going to stop it. I'm hoping that the right wins the mid terms, and they impeach the entire administration. He's dangerous. He's a joke.
Have yall seen the clip of Obunner saying that he wouldn't be opposed to talking in the ear of a sitting Prez, as a way to be in office a 3rd term? That was before the 2020 election....You can't make this stuff up.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       10-26-2021, 12:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
This does seem a little far-fetched. It seems like it is news worthy. "The vaccine designed to protect is killing the ones we rely on for protection" <---That is a hell of a headline.

Also, it completely contradicts my experience. I still don't know a single person with an adverse reaction to the vaccine and most people I know are vaccinated at this point. I felt a little crap the day after and then my underarms were a sore the next, but that is it.

My parents have another un-vaccinated friend dying this week.
My wife actually had myocarditis with her first shot. Took her to immediate care. They checked her out and she was fine. It went away in a day or so. Actually getting covid can cause long term myocarditis, which is worse. She is the only person I know that has had a bad reaction to it. I was tired for a few days but that was it.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-26-2021, 2:10 PM Reply   
Joe B seems to like to ride not he Amtrac and tell stories about the conductor who retired before old man river was VP. Fact check more made up stories. Joe should join the YMCA and tell camp fire stories, he has so many fake stories, he could go on forever.

Like the time he went to the boarder, fake
like the time he was a licensed 18 wheeler truck driver, fake
like the time he worked in a coal mine. fake
Like the time he hit Corn puff with a chain, fake

Should we keep going?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-26-2021, 4:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
"So for our department. More officers have died from their covid shot than contracting covid."

Do you have a news link or something to back that up? I ask because the fact is COVID is the #1 killer of cops out there right now. There is news story after story backing that up with actual facts.

So now it has to be a headline to be true ?

Why would the Chicago news media print anything that goes against Tyrant Lightfoot’s agenda? Do you want them shut down? It’s cute how you think there is any type of investigative reporting in cesspool of democratic power hungry lunatics, Or that a story that is not toting the company line would make print.

In fact Lightfoot took the police union to court. Her old law partner was the judge. That judge put a gag order on the police union president about posting anything related to covid or the vaccine mandate in order to suppress the information. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. A JUDGE CENSORED THE UNIONS ABILITY TO INFORM THE PUBLIC AND ITS MEMBERS ABOUT WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING PERTAINING TO THE VACCINE AND ITS MANDATE. It’s been appealed to the federal level but that will take weeks if not months to tech an agreement.

The only reason COVID deaths in law enforcement make the news is because those same individuals show the highest resistance to the tyrannical mandates. It’s also completely distracts from the fact more officers were victims of violence in 2020 than in decades prior. YES RECORD SETTING VIOLENCE AGAINST POLICE IN 2020. 2021 is on pace to be just a bit lower , but still in top 3 of last few decades if it keeps same
Pace. We can’t have those headlines telling the truth. Law Enforcement isn’t even in the top 10 of professions hit hardest by covid deaths. So not even sure what the point of your reference is. There was no regard for officers while they were forced to work on the front lines in horrid conditions It would only make sense the group with the highest physical contact has some instances of tragedy. It’s comical how covid is at the front of discussion while record violence against officers in 2020 would seem to never even make a discussion point in any media outlet. One would think the headlines actually match reality , but they don’t once again.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-26-2021 at 4:54 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-26-2021, 4:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Joe B seems to like to ride not he Amtrac and tell stories about the conductor who retired before old man river was VP. Fact check more made up stories. Joe should join the YMCA and tell camp fire stories, he has so many fake stories, he could go on forever.

Like the time he went to the boarder, fake
like the time he was a licensed 18 wheeler truck driver, fake
like the time he worked in a coal mine. fake
Like the time he hit Corn puff with a chain, fake

Should we keep going?
He still keep saying the vaccine will prevent infection and transmission……..keep you completely safe.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-27-2021, 11:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
He still keep saying the vaccine will prevent infection and transmission……..keep you completely safe.

Starguy, like many other officers, believes that health and safety are personal choices, and people who choose to take a risk that may impact their health (and even the health of others) must be free to do so without being crushed under the boot of the state in the form of financial punishment.

“Being a cop is all about freedom. Specifically the freedom to control other’s choices and bodies in a way I would never accept them controlling mine.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

Its always someone else fault. Its Lightfoot, its the judge, that poor union president. The tyranny. I make a living telling others what they can and cant do, its just aint fair someone tells us what to do. Why is he even union pres? Oh the pervious guy died of what again? Oh yeah, Covid.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-27-2021, 1:46 PM Reply   
[/I][/B]QUOTE=95sn;2012891]Starguy, like many other officers, believes that health and safety are personal choices, and people who choose to take a risk that may impact their health (and even the health of others) must be free to do so without being crushed under the boot of the state in the form of financial punishment.

“Being a cop is all about freedom. Specifically the freedom to control other’s choices and bodies in a way I would never accept them controlling mine.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

Its always someone else fault. Its Lightfoot, its the judge, that poor union president. The tyranny. I make a living telling others what they can and cant do, its just aint fair someone tells us what to do. Why is he even union pres? Oh the pervious guy died of what again? Oh yeah, Covid.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Talk about lunacy and lies. Your words read like a text book perversion of the truth with no actual substance to back them up. The biggest being the current union. President taking over because the previous died of covid. Another outright lie from your mouth as usual. The previous president lost his position because he sold his soul for his future to Rahm Emmanuel at the expense of the rank and file. Dean then had multiple serious health conditions he was being treated for prior to catching covid. He caught covid while in the hospital being treated. So once again your attempt to deflect blows up in your face when you actually point out the FACTS of his death which you clearly chose to ignore in attempt to use his death as propaganda.

Your argument of the “health of others “ is complete bull**** if the vaccine works as you claim. Nobody’s health is put in jeopardy should an officer choose to not be vaccinated . It’s a tired useless argument. Giving a violent felon a pass on his crime and allowing no cash bond to career criminals is a biggest risk to public health than any non vaccinated officer.

Being a cop is not about controlling people’s choices you imbecile . The fact you would view what police do as you describe once again proves your mental retardation. Cops don’t force choices on people. They hold people accountable for their bad choices. Once again your feeble mind on full display . Democrats are the ones attempting to control all your choices, Not the police. This isn’t Australia. Dems have completely forgone the judicial process, lawmaking process, and the labor law process to instill policies that teeter on the brink of communism and tyranny.

You’re goddam right it’s someone else’s fault crime is skyrocketing. It’s sure as hell ain’t the police’s fault. The democratic politicians implementing the newest policies , supporting the newest SJW movements , and playing games with their citizen’s public safety is on full display across the nation. Their policies and agenda have driven crime rate increases to records we have not seen ever in the history of the United States. Sine you brought up the blame game , who is responsible for the out of control violent crime sweeping of these democratic cesspools? Who is responsible for the record amount of violent criminals released from prisons due to policy changes ? Who is responsible for the change in eliminating punishments for crime ? Who is responsible for placing some of
the tightest restrictions on pro active policing in the history of the Nation ? I’ll give you a hint ……….There is a single answer for all those questions and it sure as **** ain’t the police.

. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

So police were told to stand idle by the democrats all summer long and let BLM and Antifa destroy American cities , and now you’re crying because they’re doing the same thing for hospital protests? Once again the democratic hypocrisy is in full view for all to see. This is the world and result of the leftist policies, and now you want to cry about them because it’s conflicts with your feelings. They’re simply following the rules the Dems put in place. I don’t see any hospitals burning to the ground yet, so we are still way ahead of the game here.

Still waiting on all the proof of the Trunp orchestrated attacks on the Capitol. The giant insurrections as you claim. You spent months spewing all those lies only to receive a giant wood sized mushroom stamp across your face. You have demonstrated your mental defect about law enforcement over dozens of times here, each obliterated by facts and statistics. Here we are once again obliterating your lunacy.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-27-2021 at 1:56 PM.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       10-27-2021, 2:06 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Joe B seems to like to ride not he Amtrac and tell stories about the conductor who retired before old man river was VP. Fact check more made up stories. Joe should join the YMCA and tell camp fire stories, he has so many fake stories, he could go on forever.

Like the time he went to the boarder, fake
like the time he was a licensed 18 wheeler truck driver, fake
like the time he worked in a coal mine. fake
Like the time he hit Corn puff with a chain, fake

Should we keep going?
pls. for some reason, there are still people holding this idiot in high regard.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-27-2021, 3:28 PM Reply   
Here is a bright look into the future of what’s to come for America following the BIdena nbd progressive left. Look at this budget. A 30% percent increase at a time when revenue is at an all time low. 1.9Billion in covid relief money given to the city by Biden. We are going to quadruple down on paying people for just breathing when businesses are are closing because they can’t find anyone to work. After the biggest tax increase on record under Lightfoot , she’s doubling down again and hitting working families even harder with a giant property tax increase.

Think the city shored up any of it’s obligated pension contributions it hasn’t made for over 15 years with that relief money? Think it thought hey let’s get back on fiscal track ? Yea no. Let’s just spend 30% more this year.

It’s pure democratic lunacy. Getting records amount of cash because their covid policies destroyed their economies. We all called it way before it happened. It’s absolutely disgusting the amount of money being handed over with no regards of how to pay for it. Just keep lighting it on fire .
. $733 million budget gap in the 2022 fiscal year, as well as a $965 million shortfall in the city’s 2020 and 2021 budgets . Pure ****ing evil . Almost billion in budget shortfalls each year with no cuts to spending. In fact we just give more free money away to dredges of society that contribute nothing.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-27-2021 at 3:30 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-27-2021, 4:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
[/I][/B]QUOTE=95sn;2012891]Starguy, like many other officers, believes that health and safety are personal choices, and people who choose to take a risk that may impact their health (and even the health of others) must be free to do so without being crushed under the boot of the state in the form of financial punishment.

“Being a cop is all about freedom. Specifically the freedom to control other’s choices and bodies in a way I would never accept them controlling mine.”

“Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

Its always someone else fault. Its Lightfoot, its the judge, that poor union president. The tyranny. I make a living telling others what they can and cant do, its just aint fair someone tells us what to do. Why is he even union pres? Oh the pervious guy died of what again? Oh yeah, Covid.

Wow. Talk about lunacy and lies. Your words read like a text book perversion of the truth with no actual substance to back them up. The biggest being the current union. President taking over because the previous died of covid. Another outright lie from your mouth as usual. The previous president lost his position because he sold his soul for his future to Rahm Emmanuel at the expense of the rank and file. Dean then had multiple serious health conditions he was being treated for prior to catching covid. He caught covid while in the hospital being treated. So once again your attempt to deflect blows up in your face when you actually point out the FACTS of his death which you clearly chose to ignore in attempt to use his death as propaganda.

Your argument of the “health of others “ is complete bull**** if the vaccine works as you claim. Nobody’s health is put in jeopardy should an officer choose to not be vaccinated . It’s a tired useless argument. Giving a violent felon a pass on his crime and allowing no cash bond to career criminals is a biggest risk to public health than any non vaccinated officer.

Being a cop is not about controlling people’s choices you imbecile . The fact you would view what police do as you describe once again proves your mental retardation. Cops don’t force choices on people. They hold people accountable for their bad choices. Once again your feeble mind on full display . Democrats are the ones attempting to control all your choices, Not the police. This isn’t Australia. Dems have completely forgone the judicial process, lawmaking process, and the labor law process to instill policies that teeter on the brink of communism and tyranny.

You’re goddam right it’s someone else’s fault crime is skyrocketing. It’s sure as hell ain’t the police’s fault. The democratic politicians implementing the newest policies , supporting the newest SJW movements , and playing games with their citizen’s public safety is on full display across the nation. Their policies and agenda have driven crime rate increases to records we have not seen ever in the history of the United States. Sine you brought up the blame game , who is responsible for the out of control violent crime sweeping of these democratic cesspools? Who is responsible for the record amount of violent criminals released from prisons due to policy changes ? Who is responsible for the change in eliminating punishments for crime ? Who is responsible for placing some of
the tightest restrictions on pro active policing in the history of the Nation ? I’ll give you a hint ……….There is a single answer for all those questions and it sure as **** ain’t the police.

. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

So police were told to stand idle by the democrats all summer long and let BLM and Antifa destroy American cities , and now you’re crying because they’re doing the same thing for hospital protests? Once again the democratic hypocrisy is in full view for all to see. This is the world and result of the leftist policies, and now you want to cry about them because it’s conflicts with your feelings. They’re simply following the rules the Dems put in place. I don’t see any hospitals burning to the ground yet, so we are still way ahead of the game here.

Still waiting on all the proof of the Trunp orchestrated attacks on the Capitol. The giant insurrections as you claim. You spent months spewing all those lies only to receive a giant wood sized mushroom stamp across your face. You have demonstrated your mental defect about law enforcement over dozens of times here, each obliterated by facts and statistics. Here we are once again obliterating your lunacy.[/QUOTE]

Who’s rally was it? Trumps (he was the key note speaker)
Who planned it? Trump’s criminal friends that he just pardoned
Why was the crowd there? The crowd believed the election was stolen
Who told them that? Trump
Was it true? No
Who told them that they needed to fight like hell? Trump
Who told them to March to the capital? Trump
Who’s flag were they waiving as they seized the capital? Trump’s
When did the siege stop? When Trump said so.

Explain to me how it was not Trump’s riot? He played a hand in every step of the way. If not his, whose was it? It was planned, it was organized, it was built on a lie. Any reasonable person could see the potential of what they were creating.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-27-2021, 9:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post

Who’s rally was it? Trumps (he was the key note speaker)
Who planned it? Trump’s criminal friends that he just pardoned
Why was the crowd there? The crowd believed the election was stolen
Who told them that? Trump
Was it true? No
Who told them that they needed to fight like hell? Trump
Who told them to March to the capital? Trump
Who’s flag were they waiving as they seized the capital? Trump’s
When did the siege stop? When Trump said so.

Explain to me how it was not Trump’s riot? He played a hand in every step of the way. If not his, whose was it? It was planned, it was organized, it was built on a lie. Any reasonable person could see the potential of what they were creating.

I don’t really need to explain it , the federal investigation by multiple agencies did. ………..But hey don’t let that get in the way of your feelings. . Your timeline is cute propaganda , but once again not the reality. No matter how many times you say it, it still won’t make it fact.

However what is fact is that we have democrats on tape in the news inciting violence for months…….supporting the criminals burning down cities across America , inciting their followers to “get in people’s faces” , “challenge people in public” and “make yourselves heard”. I am
Sure you already went to your state reps office demanding charges be filed against them. Wondering where all the federal investigations were for all those moments in time, you know those moments in time where buildings turned into piles of ashes , citizens were beaten , and police officers were attacked and killed while democrats applauded and encouraged them to continue, Hell we have a money paper trail and rhetoric direct from Kamala defending violent activists and bailing rioters out prison for their actions. I must have missed that federal investigation as well.

Just in case you missed it and need refresher . A significant portion of those arrested for headlines had their charges completed dropped when it came time to prosecute.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-27-2021 at 9:24 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-28-2021, 4:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I don’t really need to explain it , the federal investigation by multiple agencies did. ………..But hey don’t let that get in the way of your feelings. . Your timeline is cute propaganda , but once again not the reality. No matter how many times you say it, it still won’t make it fact.

However what is fact is that we have democrats on tape in the news inciting violence for months…….supporting the criminals burning down cities across America , inciting their followers to “get in people’s faces” , “challenge people in public” and “make yourselves heard”. I am
Sure you already went to your state reps office demanding charges be filed against them. Wondering where all the federal investigations were for all those moments in time, you know those moments in time where buildings turned into piles of ashes , citizens were beaten , and police officers were attacked and killed while democrats applauded and encouraged them to continue, Hell we have a money paper trail and rhetoric direct from Kamala defending violent activists and bailing rioters out prison for their actions. I must have missed that federal investigation as well.

Just in case you missed it and need refresher . A significant portion of those arrested for headlines had their charges completed dropped when it came time to prosecute.
Dish on your alternate facts. Yes, they didn't find Trump criminally liable, but I guess they didn't find the democrats liable either.... That says a lot about the system.

Politicians whip their dumbest and most loyal into frenzy. The politicians skip justice and the idiots pay. Never be too loyal to any politician because I can promise that they are not loyal to you. Just like in your town, some of the idiots don't get prosecuted.

But unless you can correct any of the answers to my questions. That riot was ****-bird's.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-28-2021, 8:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Wow. Talk about lunacy and lies. Your words read like a text book perversion of the truth with no actual substance to back them up. The biggest being the current union. President taking over because the previous died of covid. Another outright lie from your mouth as usual. The previous president lost his position because he sold his soul for his future to Rahm Emmanuel at the expense of the rank and file. Dean then had multiple serious health conditions he was being treated for prior to catching covid. He caught covid while in the hospital being treated. So once again your attempt to deflect blows up in your face when you actually point out the FACTS of his death which you clearly chose to ignore in attempt to use his death as propaganda.

Your argument of the “health of others “ is complete bull**** if the vaccine works as you claim. Nobody’s health is put in jeopardy should an officer choose to not be vaccinated . It’s a tired useless argument. Giving a violent felon a pass on his crime and allowing no cash bond to career criminals is a biggest risk to public health than any non vaccinated officer.

Being a cop is not about controlling people’s choices you imbecile . The fact you would view what police do as you describe once again proves your mental retardation. Cops don’t force choices on people. They hold people accountable for their bad choices. Once again your feeble mind on full display . Democrats are the ones attempting to control all your choices, Not the police. This isn’t Australia. Dems have completely forgone the judicial process, lawmaking process, and the labor law process to instill policies that teeter on the brink of communism and tyranny.

You’re goddam right it’s someone else’s fault crime is skyrocketing. It’s sure as hell ain’t the police’s fault. The democratic politicians implementing the newest policies , supporting the newest SJW movements , and playing games with their citizen’s public safety is on full display across the nation. Their policies and agenda have driven crime rate increases to records we have not seen ever in the history of the United States. Sine you brought up the blame game , who is responsible for the out of control violent crime sweeping of these democratic cesspools? Who is responsible for the record amount of violent criminals released from prisons due to policy changes ? Who is responsible for the change in eliminating punishments for crime ? Who is responsible for placing some of
the tightest restrictions on pro active policing in the history of the Nation ? I’ll give you a hint ……….There is a single answer for all those questions and it sure as **** ain’t the police.

. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

So police were told to stand idle by the democrats all summer long and let BLM and Antifa destroy American cities , and now you’re crying because they’re doing the same thing for hospital protests? Once again the democratic hypocrisy is in full view for all to see. This is the world and result of the leftist policies, and now you want to cry about them because it’s conflicts with your feelings. They’re simply following the rules the Dems put in place. I don’t see any hospitals burning to the ground yet, so we are still way ahead of the game here.

Still waiting on all the proof of the Trunp orchestrated attacks on the Capitol. The giant insurrections as you claim. You spent months spewing all those lies only to receive a giant wood sized mushroom stamp across your face. You have demonstrated your mental defect about law enforcement over dozens of times here, each obliterated by facts and statistics. Here we are once again obliterating your lunacy.
Who’s rally was it? Trumps (he was the key note speaker)
Who planned it? Trump’s criminal friends that he just pardoned
Why was the crowd there? The crowd believed the election was stolen
Who told them that? Trump
Was it true? No
Who told them that they needed to fight like hell? Trump
Who told them to March to the capital? Trump
Who’s flag were they waiving as they seized the capital? Trump’s
When did the siege stop? When Trump said so.

Explain to me how it was not Trump’s riot? He played a hand in every step of the way. If not his, whose was it? It was planned, it was organized, it was built on a lie. Any reasonable person could see the potential of what they were creating.[/QUOTE]

You certainly leave out some key words like "peacefully march to the capital and let them hear your voices"
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-28-2021, 9:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Dish on your alternate facts. Yes, they didn't find Trump criminally liable, but I guess they didn't find the democrats liable either.... That says a lot about the system.

Politicians whip their dumbest and most loyal into frenzy. The politicians skip justice and the idiots pay. Never be too loyal to any politician because I can promise that they are not loyal to you. Just like in your town, some of the idiots don't get prosecuted.

But unless you can correct any of the answers to my questions. That riot was ****-bird's.
They did not find the democrats liable because they never investigated them. Difference is Trump specifically said to go peacefully, where democrats on tape have told supporters to get in peoples faces and not let them be in their towns. Yet you will defend them.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-28-2021, 9:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Who’s rally was it? Trumps (he was the key note speaker)
Who planned it? Trump’s criminal friends that he just pardoned
Why was the crowd there? The crowd believed the election was stolen
Who told them that? Trump
Was it true? No
Who told them that they needed to fight like hell? Trump
Who told them to March to the capital? Trump
Who’s flag were they waiving as they seized the capital? Trump’s
When did the siege stop? When Trump said so.

Explain to me how it was not Trump’s riot? He played a hand in every step of the way. If not his, whose was it? It was planned, it was organized, it was built on a lie. Any reasonable person could see the potential of what they were creating.
You certainly leave out some key words like "peacefully march to the capital and let them hear your voices"[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was a super-lame attempt to pump the brakes on a powder-keg he set up. He could see he was speaking to a crowd of wackos. I don't think he intended to have a crowd drag out congressmen and hang them, but that was what his crowd was willing to do. I don't blame them. They were manipulated and weak minded. If I believed half of what Trump spewed, I would be calling for civil war, but I can see through the total bull****.

There was no fraud and the election was not stolen. Trump literally ran off moderate voters like myself. That is why he lost. He lost the house, the presidency and the senate all in four years. That is a record. He needs to fade away or republicans can plan on more losses. I've said it over and over, but as horny as the "Freedom" Caucus makes the republican base, it is a dead end street. Owning libs is not a policy.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-28-2021, 9:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
They did not find the democrats liable because they never investigated them. Difference is Trump specifically said to go peacefully, where democrats on tape have told supporters to get in peoples faces and not let them be in their towns. Yet you will defend them.
I guess they were smart enough to not be on site while the riots were taking place. Trump high-tailed it as soon as the **** hit the fan, but that was too little too late.

I think all looters and rioters, regardless of politics should face legal consequences.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-28-2021, 10:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I guess they were smart enough to not be on site while the riots were taking place. Trump high-tailed it as soon as the **** hit the fan, but that was too little too late.

I think all looters and rioters, regardless of politics should face legal consequences.
Pretty sure there were protestors on site (which was absolutely not where Trump was) and then some more walked from the rally (which was not at congress) to the congress building.

FBI which is controlled by the Biden administration already said there was no coordinated effort. It was individuals who got caught up and did this. Good ol mob mentality. While I am sure there were a few individual who had the idea of doing something like they did, the majority was caught up in the emotion of the event.

Face it. you are trying to tie anything you can to Trump. We get it, you don't like him and frankly I have yet to see you have a republican or conservative talking point. With that said, Trump said specifically to walk down there (meaning they were not on site) and peacefully let your voices be heard. All this is on video and in the public sphere. Your talking points are simple fabrications.

Truth be told Maxine Waters was on site for the democrat riots.

Waters calls for protesters to 'get more confrontational' if no guilty verdict is reached in Derek Chauvin trial

Maxine Waters’s Long History of Reckless Rhetoric
The California congresswoman has never been a peacemaker. She’s always been on the side of rioting.

Nancy Pelosi joins protests over police killing of George Floyd
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-28-2021, 1:55 PM Reply   
This seems like a great policy. When do American students get 450,000 to bolster their education and well being ? How much money is this administration just going to keep handing out ?

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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-28-2021, 2:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Pretty sure there were protestors on site (which was absolutely not where Trump was) and then some more walked from the rally (which was not at congress) to the congress building.

FBI which is controlled by the Biden administration already said there was no coordinated effort. It was individuals who got caught up and did this. Good ol mob mentality. While I am sure there were a few individual who had the idea of doing something like they did, the majority was caught up in the emotion of the event.

Face it. you are trying to tie anything you can to Trump. We get it, you don't like him and frankly I have yet to see you have a republican or conservative talking point. With that said, Trump said specifically to walk down there (meaning they were not on site) and peacefully let your voices be heard. All this is on video and in the public sphere. Your talking points are simple fabrications.

Truth be told Maxine Waters was on site for the democrat riots.

Waters calls for protesters to 'get more confrontational' if no guilty verdict is reached in Derek Chauvin trial

Maxine Waters’s Long History of Reckless Rhetoric
The California congresswoman has never been a peacemaker. She’s always been on the side of rioting.

Nancy Pelosi joins protests over police killing of George Floyd
Apples and oranges. Trump tried to steal an election, an act of treason. There are laws, none against joining the fight regarding equality nor a law against being anti convicted murderer like Chauvin.
Let me know if you pick up the part where he said "peacefully" and let me know if you think that is a good way to describe his speech, or his stack of lies piled one on top of the next. How many times did he reference peace? how many times did he reference fighting, fighting back, not gonna take it...all the lies about winning an election he lost by a landslide...virtually hundreds of lies in 45 minutes. When the crowd was shouting FIGHT FOR TRUMP! Did they hear "march peacefully"? Or did they hear FIGHT LIKE HELL? THEY STOLE THE ELECTION! Listen and try to count the lies. You believe all those lies? Who's the fool?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-28-2021, 3:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Apples and oranges. Trump tried to steal an election, an act of treason. There are laws, none against joining the fight regarding equality nor a law against being anti convicted murderer like Chauvin.
Let me know if you pick up the part where he said "peacefully" and let me know if you think that is a good way to describe his speech, or his stack of lies piled one on top of the next. How many times did he reference peace? how many times did he reference fighting, fighting back, not gonna take it...all the lies about winning an election he lost by a landslide...virtually hundreds of lies in 45 minutes. When the crowd was shouting FIGHT FOR TRUMP! Did they hear "march peacefully"? Or did they hear FIGHT LIKE HELL? THEY STOLE THE ELECTION! Listen and try to count the lies. You believe all those lies? Who's the fool?
Can you tell me which law he broke? According to you commies, exercising your legal rights is stealing and racism.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-28-2021, 7:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Apples and oranges. Trump tried to steal an election, an act of treason. There are laws, none against joining the fight regarding equality nor a law against being anti convicted murderer like Chauvin.
Let me know if you pick up the part where he said "peacefully" and let me know if you think that is a good way to describe his speech, or his stack of lies piled one on top of the next. How many times did he reference peace? how many times did he reference fighting, fighting back, not gonna take it...all the lies about winning an election he lost by a landslide...virtually hundreds of lies in 45 minutes. When the crowd was shouting FIGHT FOR TRUMP! Did they hear "march peacefully"? Or did they hear FIGHT LIKE HELL? THEY STOLE THE ELECTION! Listen and try to count the lies. You believe all those lies? Who's the fool?
Still you and your TDS.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-28-2021, 7:43 PM Reply   
Ahhh more outlying numbers going against the norm people won’t believe. Ontario has had a vaccine mandate to play sports for some time at their public rinks.
A Mens hockey league made up of around 40 players saw 15 breakthrough covid cases , and another dead otherwise healthy vaccinated individual. More stats that don’t align with the narrative so they must be lies………..nope it’s just reality
37% Infection rate among vaccinated individuals.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-28-2021 at 7:52 PM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-29-2021, 4:41 AM Reply   
looks like some Chicago police are moving to Indian, good for them! Sad, but maybe if all the police leave Chicago, the people of IL will get their heads out of the sand, and vote common sense people into office.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       10-29-2021, 8:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Can you tell me which law he broke? According to you commies, exercising your legal rights is stealing and racism.
I saw a fake book cover on instagram that read: "Everything I don't like is communism, an idiots guide to arguing on the internet."

Every time someone screams "COMMUNISM!!!" that is what is what I think about.

I'd post the meme, but it is a pain to post pictures on WW.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-29-2021, 9:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Can you tell me which law he broke? According to you commies, exercising your legal rights is stealing and racism.
So you are saying you are one of those who believe trumps lies. Still calling democrats commies ? Why, they are capitalists, nothing like communists. His legal rights were to take his case to the courts, he did, they lost every single case, all of them. Treason is a crime against democracy, against the constitution, a crime that betrays the country. He lost an election, lied and told you it was rigged and with the help of several congress persons and his staff pushed that lie so far, You Believe It. Fact, no one has found any of the voter fraud, not through the 80 court cases he lost, none of the recounts, none of the audits, none of the million dollar rewards to find fraud came up with anything other than a few republicans who got caught. The attorneys representing him are losing their law licenses for lying to the courts. How much more clear can it be? You have ZERO proof of your belief, nothing. A guy who was proved to be a conman that had to pay $25 million in his Trump University fraud case, a guy who has a life long history of grifting and lying and thats the guy you believe. lol. sucks to be so gullible, ice down the kool-aid.


the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
"they were convicted of treason"
treachery · lese-majesty · disloyalty · betrayal · faithlessness ·  perfidy 
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-29-2021, 12:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
looks like some Chicago police are moving to Indian, good for them! Sad, but maybe if all the police leave Chicago, the people of IL will get their heads out of the sand, and vote common sense people into office.
Wait til the New York idiocy gets implemented.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-29-2021, 5:09 PM Reply   
This is the guy that got record votes

2nd worst President in history at the moment. Approval ratings floating 38-42 percent. He’s really winning America over . Guys tanked faster than any president on record except 1.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-29-2021 at 5:11 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-01-2021, 2:59 PM Reply   
Wel well well. The Biden administration wants all the peasants in America to be mandated to show their vaccine status and lose their jobs if they refuse yet his policy hides the Covid data pertaining to his administration in secret. Yet another glaring example of the shining hypocrisy. What is the administration and Biden afraid of. I thought this was a public health issue that effects all. The reason they don’t want it released is obviously because it goes against their narrative like so much other data. More rules for thee but not for me

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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-01-2021, 5:35 PM Reply   
Sleepy Joe living up to his name once again. Asleep at the Climate conference. That’s how important good ol joes beloved the number one taking point as the threat to America is…..he doesn’t need to pay attention.

Let’s go further and listen to Biden beg Putin and Saudi Arabia to produce more oil because peoples jobs and lives depend on it. Really Joe. We have the capability as a country to produce our own that you shut down, and now you’re going to beg our alleged enemies and blame them for the gas prices in America???????? This guy is truly an embarrassment.

Anybody have the number of energy workers who’s jobs he made disappear that have been hired by all those green jobs he claimed would appear at the same rates ? Ohhhhhhhh that’s right. No massive green jobs created to place those workers almost a year later. More lies and bull**** destroying American families daily.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-01-2021 at 5:39 PM.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       11-02-2021, 9:46 AM Reply   
Natural immunity isn't necessarily better than the vaccine afterall.

Reviewing scores of research studies and its own unpublished data, the agency found that both infection-induced and vaccine-induced immunity are durable for at least six months - but that vaccines are more consistent in their protection and offer a huge boost in antibodies for people previously infected.

Just be smart and get the vaccine if you haven't. The science and data still show whatever risks there might be are far outweighed by the risks of getting Covid.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-02-2021, 12:03 PM Reply   
And here we have 95SN’s people doing their job to protect the citizens from violent felons. Real great job by the Soros sponsored judges and States Attorney. Love to hear the explanation on how these policies reduce violent crime.

Can’t wait for the explanation of how these policies sweeping the nation are best for public safety
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       11-02-2021, 12:23 PM Reply   
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-02-2021, 7:04 PM Reply   
One down plenty more coming. Youngkin defeats woke Democrat

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Last edited by xstarrider; 11-02-2021 at 7:09 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-02-2021, 8:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
People need to wake the “f” up. These are the standard policies of 2021 being pushed in every major city across the nation. I am sure these policies have nothing to do with the exponential crime rate jumps. It’s definitely the guns.

Here is a great interview just today. Make it to the end. This is from a very liberal media outlet
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-02-2021, 8:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Wow. Talk about lunacy and lies. Your words read like a text book perversion of the truth with no actual substance to back them up. The biggest being the current union. President taking over because the previous died of covid. Another outright lie from your mouth as usual. The previous president lost his position because he sold his soul for his future to Rahm Emmanuel at the expense of the rank and file. Dean then had multiple serious health conditions he was being treated for prior to catching covid. He caught covid while in the hospital being treated. So once again your attempt to deflect blows up in your face when you actually point out the FACTS of his death which you clearly chose to ignore in attempt to use his death as propaganda.

Your argument of the “health of others “ is complete bull**** if the vaccine works as you claim. Nobody’s health is put in jeopardy should an officer choose to not be vaccinated . It’s a tired useless argument. Giving a violent felon a pass on his crime and allowing no cash bond to career criminals is a biggest risk to public health than any non vaccinated officer.

Being a cop is not about controlling people’s choices you imbecile . The fact you would view what police do as you describe once again proves your mental retardation. Cops don’t force choices on people. They hold people accountable for their bad choices. Once again your feeble mind on full display . Democrats are the ones attempting to control all your choices, Not the police. This isn’t Australia. Dems have completely forgone the judicial process, lawmaking process, and the labor law process to instill policies that teeter on the brink of communism and tyranny.

You’re goddam right it’s someone else’s fault crime is skyrocketing. It’s sure as hell ain’t the police’s fault. The democratic politicians implementing the newest policies , supporting the newest SJW movements , and playing games with their citizen’s public safety is on full display across the nation. Their policies and agenda have driven crime rate increases to records we have not seen ever in the history of the United States. Sine you brought up the blame game , who is responsible for the out of control violent crime sweeping of these democratic cesspools? Who is responsible for the record amount of violent criminals released from prisons due to policy changes ? Who is responsible for the change in eliminating punishments for crime ? Who is responsible for placing some of
the tightest restrictions on pro active policing in the history of the Nation ? I’ll give you a hint ……….There is a single answer for all those questions and it sure as **** ain’t the police.

. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to stand idly by while an anti-lockdown protest threatens hospital workers.”

So police were told to stand idle by the democrats all summer long and let BLM and Antifa destroy American cities , and now you’re crying because they’re doing the same thing for hospital protests? Once again the democratic hypocrisy is in full view for all to see. This is the world and result of the leftist policies, and now you want to cry about them because it’s conflicts with your feelings. They’re simply following the rules the Dems put in place. I don’t see any hospitals burning to the ground yet, so we are still way ahead of the game here.

Still waiting on all the proof of the Trunp orchestrated attacks on the Capitol. The giant insurrections as you claim. You spent months spewing all those lies only to receive a giant wood sized mushroom stamp across your face. You have demonstrated your mental defect about law enforcement over dozens of times here, each obliterated by facts and statistics. Here we are once again obliterating your lunacy.
Who’s rally was it? Trumps (he was the key note speaker)
Who planned it? Trump’s criminal friends that he just pardoned
Why was the crowd there? The crowd believed the election was stolen
Who told them that? Trump
Was it true? No
Who told them that they needed to fight like hell? Trump
Who told them to March to the capital? Trump
Who’sLS flag were they waiving as they seized the capital? Trump’s
When did the siege stop? When Trump said so.

Explain to me how it was not Trump’s riot? He played a hand in every step of the way. If not his, whose was it? It was planned, it was organized, it was built on a lie. Any reasonable person could see the potential of what they were creating.[/QUOTE]

So with your patriotism shinning bright, do you believe someone who lies under oath to congress should still be walking free? Clearly lying under oath during a congressional hearing would at least fall under the same rules as one trespassing inside the Capitol while expressing their 1st Amendment rights would it not?

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-02-2021 at 8:53 PM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-03-2021, 3:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
One down plenty more coming. Youngkin defeats woke Democrat

Attachment 46504
This movement will aid support to the concept that "the people" do not like the Biden agenda, prob didn't truly vote for it, in the first place, and people that did vote for Biden, are eating a big **** sandwich.

I guess people are waking up! Black people are not victims, and white people are not oppressors and there are 2 genders, we need to make our own energy, the boarder needs to be secure, POLICE ARE GOOD! Cancel culture is bad, Guns don't kill people People kill people and YES, PARENTS have a right to be involved in their childrens education. The green new deal is NO DEAL, just a death sentence.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 6:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Who’s rally was it? Trumps (he was the key note speaker)
Who planned it? Trump’s criminal friends that he just pardoned
Why was the crowd there? The crowd believed the election was stolen
Who told them that? Trump
Was it true? No
Who told them that they needed to fight like hell? Trump
Who told them to March to the capital? Trump
Who’sLS flag were they waiving as they seized the capital? Trump’s
When did the siege stop? When Trump said so.

Explain to me how it was not Trump’s riot? He played a hand in every step of the way. If not his, whose was it? It was planned, it was organized, it was built on a lie. Any reasonable person could see the potential of what they were creating.

So with your patriotism shinning bright, do you believe someone who lies under oath to congress should still be walking free? Clearly lying under oath during a congressional hearing would at least fall under the same rules as one trespassing inside the Capitol while expressing their 1st Amendment rights would it not?[/QUOTE]

GTFOH. I do not think using an American flag to beat down a cop is very patriotic or an exercise of the first Amendment. There were idiots swept up by the crowd that should be charged with trespassing alone, but if you breached the capital by beating a cop, busting down a door or breaking a window--You were attempting a coup and should be treated as such. There were some bad people in that crowd.

Breaking down the front door a target is criminal, but not in the same universe as trying to stop/hinder a democratic election.

If you lie to congress, you deserve to pay the price. It is that simple. Have a trial and prove it. I'm not some party cheer leader. I don't believe there is a good side and a demonic side like some of the kooks around here.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 6:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
This movement will aid support to the concept that "the people" do not like the Biden agenda, prob didn't truly vote for it, in the first place, and people that did vote for Biden, are eating a big **** sandwich.

I guess people are waking up! Black people are not victims, and white people are not oppressors and there are 2 genders, we need to make our own energy, the boarder needs to be secure, POLICE ARE GOOD! Cancel culture is bad, Guns don't kill people People kill people and YES, PARENTS have a right to be involved in their childrens education. The green new deal is NO DEAL, just a death sentence.
Wake-up culture = Woke culture. Both are stupidity. Kooks need to crawl back in their holes. America needs a balance. Black people can be victims. Police can be good, but can still improve. There is room for meaningful immigration policy and gun policy. Etc...

Youngkin won by sticking to basic republican policies, avoiding culture wars and rejecting Trump. It is a simple strategy that will pay off. Trump and the "freedom" caucus is a losing brand of politics for Republicans. It was proven yesterday. Bring the democrats to the fight that republicans are good (economy) at and don't get caught up in the culture war crap.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-03-2021, 8:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post

GTFOH. I do not think using an American flag to beat down a cop is very patriotic or an exercise of the first Amendment. There were idiots swept up by the crowd that should be charged with trespassing alone, but if you breached the capital by beating a cop, busting down a door or breaking a window--You were attempting a coup and should be treated as such. There were some bad people in that crowd.

Breaking down the front door a target is criminal, but not in the same universe as trying to stop/hinder a democratic election.

If you lie to congress, you deserve to pay the price. It is that simple. Have a trial and prove it. I'm not some party cheer leader. I don't believe there is a good side and a demonic side like some of the kooks around here.
So Fauci lying to congress and Americans to ***** the view of a pandemic, him taking actions and influencing a coverup and blocking an investigation into the origin of the pandemic because he knew it would lead back to him , and him continually lying about the facts to Americans should be front page news just like people walking through the Capitol peacefully protesting , challenging the legitimacy of government in a public place.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-03-2021 at 8:38 AM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 9:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So Fauci lying to congress and Americans to ***** the view of a pandemic, him taking actions and influencing a coverup and blocking an investigation into the origin of the pandemic because he knew it would lead back to him , and him continually lying about the facts to Americans should be front page news just like people walking through the Capitol peacefully protesting , challenging the legitimacy of government in a public place.
Jan 6 was not peaceful. Sure there were a few people so stupid to believe that they were peacefully protesting when they walked into the capital, but those who entered through a broken down door, busted out window our beat the **** out of cops to get there knew what they were taking part in. Come on, you can't be that stupid too. You forgot to add that their challenging of the legitimacy was completely unfounded--Where did they get that idea? Where did that lie come from?

Second, the Fauci story line is a lot less clear. The answer is not obvious. If he lied to congress, he should pay, but you are going to have to prove it and that could be tricky.

The first story is huge and ultra clear to anyone without prejudice. Never in American history have we had anything that close to a coup. We had a man, the sitting president, filling moron's heads with total lies and they acted not them. That is nuts!

You want to back the blue? Or turn your back? Are you the type of cop that would protect the constitution and what was taking place inside that building or the kind that would usher in the mob just because you didn't like the results?
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-03-2021, 10:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Jan 6 was not peaceful. Sure there were a few people so stupid to believe that they were peacefully protesting when they walked into the capital, but those who entered through a broken down door, busted out window our beat the **** out of cops to get there knew what they were taking part in. Come on, you can't be that stupid too. You forgot to add that their challenging of the legitimacy was completely unfounded--Where did they get that idea? Where did that lie come from?

Second, the Fauci story line is a lot less clear. The answer is not obvious. If he lied to congress, he should pay, but you are going to have to prove it and that could be tricky.

The first story is huge and ultra clear to anyone without prejudice. Never in American history have we had anything that close to a coup. We had a man, the sitting president, filling moron's heads with total lies and they acted not them. That is nuts!

You want to back the blue? Or turn your back? Are you the type of cop that would protect the constitution and what was taking place inside that building or the kind that would usher in the mob just because you didn't like the results?
damn the Kool aid is f'n strong over there!

Trump invited people to protest, not storm the capitol.
these unarmed idiots beat the **** out of cops??

at some point you have to realize the propaganda you're being fed isn't truthful.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-03-2021, 10:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
damn the Kool aid is f'n strong over there!

Trump invited people to protest, not storm the capitol.
these unarmed idiots beat the **** out of cops??

at some point you have to realize the propaganda you're being fed isn't truthful.
Clearly he failed to read any of the factual data outlined in the investigation led by the Biden cronies. Even they couldn’t find any evidence. There is more factual evidence of voter fraud than an orchestrated “insurrection”. But don’t let that get in the way of a fake narrative .

Want some real hard facts. Plenty of interesting video circulating and exposing some serious questions on why named individuals that talked in peoples ears , removed barricades , are not being charged.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-03-2021 at 10:57 AM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 11:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
damn the Kool aid is f'n strong over there!

Trump invited people to protest, not storm the capitol.
these unarmed idiots beat the **** out of cops??

at some point you have to realize the propaganda you're being fed isn't truthful.
No, those are generally harmless morons. Not innocent, but morons. They at least passed through more than a few barricades and locked doors to get there.

This is what I am talking about.

Explain what I am seeing here? Free speech? The right to stop the certification of an election that you don't like? The right to assault officers? The right to break into a government building? Right to destroy property....
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-03-2021, 12:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Jan 6 was not peaceful. Sure there were a few people so stupid to believe that they were peacefully protesting when they walked into the capital, but those who entered through a broken down door, busted out window our beat the **** out of cops to get there knew what they were taking part in. Come on, you can't be that stupid too. You forgot to add that their challenging of the legitimacy was completely unfounded--Where did they get that idea? Where did that lie come from?

Second, the Fauci story line is a lot less clear. The answer is not obvious. If he lied to congress, he should pay, but you are going to have to prove it and that could be tricky.

The first story is huge and ultra clear to anyone without prejudice. Never in American history have we had anything that close to a coup. We had a man, the sitting president, filling moron's heads with total lies and they acted not them. That is nuts!

You want to back the blue? Or turn your back? Are you the type of cop that would protect the constitution and what was taking place inside that building or the kind that would usher in the mob just because you didn't like the results?

The 6th was more peaceful than any BLM riot Biden , Harris , Pelosi , Waters and the rest of the leftist mouthpieces supported for over a year with their rhetoric , policies, and money.

The Fauci story evidence is overwhelming, it’s all out in the open being completely ignored. There is more evidence out there regarding his criminal acts than any single insurrectionist on the 6th. That is plain as day. Just because it doesn’t fit the agenda the left wants to push, doesn’t make it not fact. Have you read his emails, followed his testimony , actually looked at the evidence surrounding him ?

The 6th story is clear as day for an normal sane person ………….. It’s was a handful of out of control people, not some crazy coup that was authored by Trump. The quicker you let your brain function properly instead of regurgitating leftist nonsense , the better off you’ll be.

As far as your NYT link above , I won’t fill the 1000’s of assaults committed by BLM protestors against the police and American citizens that he left openly supported and encouraged with their rhetoric and money. Wondering where all the federal investigations of those riots are ? Wonder where all the government resources dropping the hammer on all those insurrectionists burning down federal buildings, businesses , and neighborhoods in the name of democrats are? Wonder where all the resources of the federal government are in major cities that were overtaken by domestic terrorists are ? Just more hypocrisy. The idea that a single event somehow outweighs the 100/100’s that occurred at the hands of the left is insanity.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-03-2021 at 12:49 PM.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-03-2021, 12:41 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
No, those are generally harmless morons. Not innocent, but morons. They at least passed through more than a few barricades and locked doors to get there.

This is what I am talking about.

Explain what I am seeing here? Free speech? The right to stop the certification of an election that you don't like? The right to assault officers? The right to break into a government building? Right to destroy property....
again, you have to look at the source. Big media company based in one of the most liberal cities in the union. I've used all my NYT article previews (not sure how) but can't access your article.

When the media companies came out en masse declaring a Biden victory, you had to be somewhat skeptical. Even after Biden "won", they continue to lambast Trump for various details of his presidency. Who gives a ****? It's history, right?

No, they wanted to cement into your brain that Orange Man Bad, and this dip**** who can't form a sentence is the answer to the country's problems. less than a year in and its' pretty obvious, to me anyway, that all the bad **** the media reported daily was a setup for this nimrod to take office.

Surely you have a bull**** detector that goes off from time to time with regard to politics? or are you blindly consuming everything the left and the media sends your way?

What about how Biden was gonna cure covid in 6 weeks?? still believe that??

If you can't see the forest for the trees, don't know what to tell you. There's reality and there's the bull**** our media reports.

In other news, I'm patiently waiting for DWAC to make a move. God knows we need a break from the left leaning media in this country. But they start beating their 1st amendment drums before you can even begin the conversation. Bull****.

Last edited by denverd1; 11-03-2021 at 12:46 PM.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-03-2021, 12:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Speaking of NYT, here's an article saying the want to cancel classic rock because some lyrics "aren't inclusive". distributed by free beacon.

What in the actual Fk? Sorry but can't take anything they say as legitimate.

Last edited by denverd1; 11-03-2021 at 1:04 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 1:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
again, you have to look at the source. Big media company based in one of the most liberal cities in the union. I've used all my NYT article previews (not sure how) but can't access your article.

When the media companies came out en masse declaring a Biden victory, you had to be somewhat skeptical. Even after Biden "won", they continue to lambast Trump for various details of his presidency. Who gives a ****? It's history, right?

No, they wanted to cement into your brain that Orange Man Bad, and this dip**** who can't form a sentence is the answer to the country's problems. less than a year in and its' pretty obvious, to me anyway, that all the bad **** the media reported daily was a setup for this nimrod to take office.

Surely you have a bull**** detector that goes off from time to time with regard to politics? or are you blindly consuming everything the left and the media sends your way?

What about how Biden was gonna cure covid in 6 weeks?? still believe that??

If you can't see the forest for the trees, don't know what to tell you. There's reality and there's the bull**** our media reports.

In other news, I'm patiently waiting for DWAC to make a move. God knows we need a break from the left leaning media in this country. But they start beating their 1st amendment drums before you can even begin the conversation. Bull****.
The NYT did not create those videos. Skip the text, just watch the videos. Go watch any of the speeches from that day. I watched the whole thing live on TV-various outlets, including Fox with my mouth hanging open. You can't rail on the media just because they showed you something that you did not like. There was no commentary necessary. A day of speeches designed to anger some of the dumbest people in America lead to violence--Not a surprise. I've always said that Trump's anger appeals are dangerous, but I never saw this one coming. Bringing those speeches to within one block of the capitol during a joint meeting of congress was at the very least reckless. The planners had to know that.

Unless you can prove: 1.) the election was stolen 2.) Pence had the power to stop the steal, the whole thing was built on lies.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 1:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
again, you have to look at the source. Big media company based in one of the most liberal cities in the union. I've used all my NYT article previews (not sure how) but can't access your article.

When the media companies came out en masse declaring a Biden victory, you had to be somewhat skeptical. Even after Biden "won", they continue to lambast Trump for various details of his presidency. Who gives a ****? It's history, right?

No, they wanted to cement into your brain that Orange Man Bad, and this dip**** who can't form a sentence is the answer to the country's problems. less than a year in and its' pretty obvious, to me anyway, that all the bad **** the media reported daily was a setup for this nimrod to take office.

Surely you have a bull**** detector that goes off from time to time with regard to politics? or are you blindly consuming everything the left and the media sends your way?

What about how Biden was gonna cure covid in 6 weeks?? still believe that??

If you can't see the forest for the trees, don't know what to tell you. There's reality and there's the bull**** our media reports.

In other news, I'm patiently waiting for DWAC to make a move. God knows we need a break from the left leaning media in this country. But they start beating their 1st amendment drums before you can even begin the conversation. Bull****.
If Biden said he was going to cure Covid in 6 weeks (I hadn't heard that one), I'd have called him a lier. That ship had long sailed.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-03-2021, 1:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by denverd1 View Post
Speaking of NYT, here's an article saying the want to cancel classic rock because some lyrics "aren't inclusive". distributed by free beacon.

What in the actual Fk? Sorry but can't take anything they say as legitimate.
A complete lack of understanding of how the media actually works is driving all of this. That is a column. There is no "they." It is stupid, but it is an opinion or at least a position told by the author.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-03-2021, 3:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
A complete lack of understanding of how the media actually works is driving all of this. That is a column. There is no "they." It is stupid, but it is an opinion or at least a position told by the author.
published by NYT. and now considered "news"
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-03-2021, 3:30 PM Reply   
Virginia voters sent a resounding message to Dems last night. Electing a Rep Gov in a state that Biden won by 11 pts.

Yea, Americans are thrilled with their Com in Chief. (red down triangle)
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-03-2021, 5:48 PM Reply   
So not only did Biden give away BILLIONS in fake unemployment claims , now we see the latest results of the PPP loan debacle. Yes the government needs to run more programs, have more
Involvement. America will be a better place with the federal government operating everything. . They can’t even keep track of the billions they just keep handing out . This is just one small suburb in Chicago, one fully democratic , primarily black suburb to boot.

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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-04-2021, 3:13 AM Reply   
The left has made a deal with the devil. they don't care that the country is not a bunch of WOKEARITA"S and people care about their children. I guess the take away is this. Anyone who does not by into their cancel culture, wokizm and CRT, open boarder, inflation nightmare, YOU ARE RACIST.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-04-2021, 10:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I saw a fake book cover on instagram that read: "Everything I don't like is communism, an idiots guide to arguing on the internet."

Every time someone screams "COMMUNISM!!!" that is what is what I think about.

I'd post the meme, but it is a pain to post pictures on WW.
So basically you can not point me to where the law was broken?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-04-2021, 10:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
So you are saying you are one of those who believe trumps lies. Still calling democrats commies ? Why, they are capitalists, nothing like communists. His legal rights were to take his case to the courts, he did, they lost every single case, all of them. Treason is a crime against democracy, against the constitution, a crime that betrays the country. He lost an election, lied and told you it was rigged and with the help of several congress persons and his staff pushed that lie so far, You Believe It. Fact, no one has found any of the voter fraud, not through the 80 court cases he lost, none of the recounts, none of the audits, none of the million dollar rewards to find fraud came up with anything other than a few republicans who got caught. The attorneys representing him are losing their law licenses for lying to the courts. How much more clear can it be? You have ZERO proof of your belief, nothing. A guy who was proved to be a conman that had to pay $25 million in his Trump University fraud case, a guy who has a life long history of grifting and lying and thats the guy you believe. lol. sucks to be so gullible, ice down the kool-aid.


the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
"they were convicted of treason"
treachery · lese-majesty · disloyalty · betrayal · faithlessness ·  perfidy 
Sounds to me you need to look at the democrat policies if you want a definition of treason to our country.

I don't have to listen to Trump to tell you the election is fraud. The numbers in kalifornia tell you it is. The numerical jump in other districts tell you it was too. I have been laying out for 20 years on this board on what the democrats have been doing in kalifornia to commit fraud and the numbers are playing out before our eyes. For the last election sending millions of ballots to everywhere was made legal by the courts not the legislatures. you will consider them legal ballots however you have zero knowledge of how filled them out or who received them. The numbers and the discrepancy of vote totals strongly suggest fraud. To say so is not a crime. I said this was how this was going to be viewed before a single vote was even cast.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       11-04-2021, 10:53 AM Reply   
mail in ballots. what could go wrong?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-04-2021, 10:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
Natural immunity isn't necessarily better than the vaccine afterall.

Reviewing scores of research studies and its own unpublished data, the agency found that both infection-induced and vaccine-induced immunity are durable for at least six months - but that vaccines are more consistent in their protection and offer a huge boost in antibodies for people previously infected.

Just be smart and get the vaccine if you haven't. The science and data still show whatever risks there might be are far outweighed by the risks of getting Covid.
Not sure it says that it is better. Just says both are durable to 6 months and that having had covid and the vaccine gives you a big immunity boost. Sounds to me if you are young, that it would be better to have both. Seems consistent to me.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-04-2021, 12:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So basically you can not point me to where the law was broken?
I forget the post. You do like to call everything you don't like communism though.

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