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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 8:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You have been parroting your antimask, antivax anti covid control agenda for months. 100% parroting FOX agenda, its a hoax, its just the flu, its no problem...We all see your past posts.
It clearly explains several issues. 1. Delta variant. Highly transmissible. 2.Waning immunity. They vaccinated early, already issuing booster of "The gold standard of vaccine". 3. But the principal causes of Israel’s current predicament are the dominance of the extremely infectious Delta variant, which was carried into the country by Israelis returning from foreign vacations during the weeks in which Israel dropped all restrictive measures—along with the worrisome decrease in vaccine efficacy after about six months.
So relaxing covid restriction measures is a bad call. Not vaccinating is a bad decision. We will need boosters. The article you post tells us Covid is even more dangerous and needs even more efforts to control it than previously thought. Thanks for offering that important truth.
So wait ,,,letting 100’s of thousands of illegals carrying covid into the country could explain the huge spike in the south? Holy **** , my mind is blown ! Yet once again putting your blatant hypocrisy on full display. Locking borders in Israel is fine , but doing it in your own country is racist.

Once gain the mental midget known as 95SN.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 8:29 AM Reply   
Now we will see even more of Idiot Joe’s true colors.

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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 8:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
Biden ought to be removed. Harris too. Then let Pelosi be the lame duck. That will end her career too.
that how real, and scary this is, There are multiple idiots in line for even more stupidity. When yo put people in power, with no common sense. a history of stupidity and weak, we end up with this mess.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 8:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You think so? Is that you "educated" opinion, Carlson parroting? or do you have anything believable that may back up your claim? Doug blames it on the black city folk.
IMO, the provisions wouldnt be needed if people would just do the basics. Get vaccinated, mask up in public, distance. Something every state in trouble failed to do. The states that did have no over flowing hospitals, in fact those states that did nothing are shipping their overflow to locations w/o covid spread, ie Dem states.
Just the fact hospitals are filled with illegals, as much as 70% in areas of Texas hit the hardest. That’s fact enough for you. ? Maybe this Texas health stat will help …..Up until recently illegals accounted for over 83% of the positive cases as well.

It’s a good thing your mask will cover that mushroom stamp .
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 8:35 AM Reply   
This is other-worldly. Unbelievable. I would've never believed we'd see this sort of thing in our country a couple years ago. This is downright scary.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-26-2021, 8:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You’re not here to have an honest conversation. I get that now. 95 isn’t either. That’s why you two can just go F yourselves.
How is that not an honest conversation? You want to talk about the chance of death if you catch, but not the rate of spread. One cannot "honestly" be discussed without discussing the other.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-26-2021, 8:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I already did in a previous post.

"Trump initiated abandoning the hole at the end of his term and Biden followed through. "

I gave both Trump and Biden credit.

I doubt that even your politically aligned allies here would agree with you on allowing the Taliban to give safe haven to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Maybe you are conflating "Nation Building" with war. Either way, you're still wrong.
It was known they lost Bin Laden in Afghanistan within the first few weeks. There was nothing in the tribalistic history of that country that says they had the ability to self govern. Considering since WW2 the US doctrine of war is to nation build after invastion, it is not conflated it is one and the same.

I would say I am correct. Iraq is able to govern. Afghanistan, apparently not so much. Fact are up 2 to zero in this one.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 8:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Just the fact hospitals are filled with illegals, as much as 70% in areas of Texas hit the hardest. That’s fact enough for you. ? Maybe this Texas health stat will help …..Up until recently illegals accounted for over 83% of the positive cases as well.

It’s a good thing your mask will cover that mushroom stamp .
Think I just heard a small explosion. Like a firecracker in an empty high school locker room. Pretty sure it was 95’s head after the truth you just stomped into him.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 8:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
By what metric? 290-650,000 deaths a year worldwide from flu. In the US, between 2010 and 2020 we never got more than 67,000 deaths in a year.

Covid killed about 375K here in 2020, more than the flu killed in the US in a decade (359k).
So the one thing never talked about til recently is the death rate/ positive cases. While fair to say covid claimed a lot of extra lives in 2020 , as medical research catches up to the virus, and when you weigh the current statistics of deaths /infection . Covid actually does run in line with the flu as current research dictates. Elimination of the “high risk pool” of obesity /age ( basically unhealthy obese Americans )focusing on healthy Americans 60 and under it’s even less. It’s a much more fair conversation than people want to admit. The vaccine has slowed the deaths of the “targeted “ class considerably. Once again outlining the hysteria as an agenda driven message.

Where is the all the the talk of eating healthy , exercising , staying fit , Science has shown that works better than any vaccine , Yet not a single talking point about it anywhere.

Instead you have fat tubs of **** like this making your health decisions for you.

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Last edited by xstarrider; 08-26-2021 at 9:00 AM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 8:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
How is that not an honest conversation? You want to talk about the chance of death if you catch, but not the rate of spread. One cannot "honestly" be discussed without discussing the other.
Yes they can.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 8:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So the one thing never talked about til recently is the death rate/ positive cases. While fair to say covid claimed a lot of extra lives in 2020 , as medical research catches up to the virus, and when you weigh the current statistics of deaths /infection . Covid actually does run in line with the flu as current research dictates. Elimination of the “high risk pool” of obesity /age ( basically unhealthy obese Americans )focusing on healthy Americans 60 and under it’s even less. It’s a much more fair conversation than people want to admit. The vaccine has slowed the deaths of the “targeted “ class considerably. Once again outlining the hysteria as an agenda driven message.

Where is the all the the talk of eating healthy , exercising , staying fit , Science has shown that works better than any vaccine , Yet not a single talking point about it anywhere.
That’s exactly why my daughter beat it so quickly and without a single prescription.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 9:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
so the big bad police are afraid of a pin prick? And you advise a walk out, nice.
If you cant read the writing on the wall...its coming. One by one more and more will require them, just like schools require the vaccinations for kids to attend school. Army requires for service...
I read Delta Airlines to charge their unvaccinated employees an extra $200 per month. Texas Hospitals to refuse unvaccinated and only take in vaccinated covid patients. Seems completely pragmatic, dont you think?
And where the F did the public get the great idea Ivermectin is ok for human consumption? Oh, yeah...
No the big bad police are as a whole very detailed oriented thinkers, and as a large profession, some of the healthiest individuals that tend to eat well , focus on healthy active lifestyles , and have a mindset to shift through all the bull**** and pull out the truth. Spare the the pics of te fat overweight cops as the strawman, they’re are plenty.. Aside from that most police Careers are done between 50-and 55 which is well below the high risk pool.

I know logic escapes your brain. So I’ll just keep smacking it til it wakes up.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 9:17 AM Reply   
Afgan has no government, there is no one to stop further bombings, We were the government! There is no police, no government military and a band of terrorists running a country, that we handed over, with our Equipment, who are in bed with every single extremist, with one goal, kill Americans and our Allies. IF Biden was an officer, he would be court marshaled and locked up.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-26-2021, 9:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So the one thing never talked about til recently is the death rate/ positive cases. While fair to say covid claimed a lot of extra lives in 2020 , as medical research catches up to the virus, and when you weigh the current statistics of deaths /infection . Covid actually does run in line with the flu as current research dictates. Elimination of the “high risk pool” of obesity /age ( basically unhealthy obese Americans )focusing on healthy Americans 60 and under it’s even less. It’s a much more fair conversation than people want to admit. The vaccine has slowed the deaths of the “targeted “ class considerably. Once again outlining the hysteria as an agenda driven message.

Where is the all the the talk of eating healthy , exercising , staying fit , Science has shown that works better than any vaccine , Yet not a single talking point about it anywhere.

Instead you have fat tubs of **** like this making your health decisions for you.

Attachment 46450
Pretty sure death rate as a subset of the positivity rate has been a metric that PH folks have talked about since the very very beginning.

If you are right that we have a healthier and more immune pop now than we did in 2020, the numbers will be borne out once the current wave peaks and the hospitalized folks croak or don't.

fist bump on the fat shaming... fat and lazy folks drive me nuts too. unfortunately, though, it also describes a metric poop ton of America. You also aren't gonna cure this by getting folks on the treadmill and eating salads. And it's pretty doubtful you are going to find any public health official or politician saying "tough luck you deserve to die because of your years of bad health choices." Fat dudes with asthma vote too. And there are more of them than there are gym rats.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-26-2021, 9:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Afgan has no government, there is no one to stop further bombings, We were the government! There is no police, no government military and a band of terrorists running a country, that we handed over, with our Equipment, who are in bed with every single extremist, with one goal, kill Americans and our Allies. IF Biden was an officer, he would be court marshaled and locked up.
How many more years of nation building do you figure we should've stayed so that Afghanistan would've had a functional government?
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 9:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
How many more years of nation building do you figure we should've stayed so that Afghanistan would've had a functional government?
we should not be nation building at all, but we should have pulled our people, then our allies, then our equipment, then our troops. Then we could have saved thousands of lives, kept our relationships with our Allies, made strategic decisions, secured airbases, and managed a military mission to complete our exit

The people who voted Biden in, knew he was unfit, emotional, mentally, and physically unable to make sound decisions. If he was my grandpa, we would not let him drive to the grocery store, in fear he would get lost or fall asleep at the wheel. Biden has shown the world, he has fallen asleep at the wheel. and his administration is weak, and even the left media, cant hide him anymore.

Now we have to remove him, leaving Queen KAREN Harris, another total idiot then we get Pelosi and her band of boobs closer to the whitehouse. Its the worst nightmare in history.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 10:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
It's from the lips of your President via NY Times:
Have you read his own fact checkers about all his comments on. Afghanistan. His speeches are filled with lies. Even CNN joined in amd did some half ass reporting. The guy is a compulsive liar. For all the TDS Allstars , they seem to have forgotten how they stomped on Trump when he was actually telling the truth. Biden lies completely and nobody says a word.

How’s that plan going now ? Once again. This was plain to see for anyone with any military background or functioning brain. Yet the liar in chief couldn’t think ahead ? Any JR ROTC member could’ve predicted this. You have a skeleton crew in the ground , left dealing with mass exodus of the biggest amount of afghans rushing them they’ve seen in over a decade. This is a giant blunder playing catch-up and costing American lives. The plan was a recipie for disaster and some of the most unsafe conditions in recent times of our military members being left exposed. I know 80 percent, most likely more in this thread, have never been on mission or stood guard on post in utter chaos. But for those members that are on the ground and those that have dealt with it they already know the feeling……..imagine standing there solo, being overrun for hours on end , knowing full well a majority of people around you would love to film your death, and let that sink in

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Last edited by xstarrider; 08-26-2021 at 10:04 AM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 10:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Pretty sure death rate as a subset of the positivity rate has been a metric that PH folks have talked about since the very very beginning.

If you are right that we have a healthier and more immune pop now than we did in 2020, the numbers will be borne out once the current wave peaks and the hospitalized folks croak or don't.

fist bump on the fat shaming... fat and lazy folks drive me nuts too. unfortunately, though, it also describes a metric poop ton of America. You also aren't gonna cure this by getting folks on the treadmill and eating salads. And it's pretty doubtful you are going to find any public health official or politician saying "tough luck you deserve to die because of your years of bad health choices." Fat dudes with asthma vote too. And there are more of them than there are gym rats.
Yes but the rhetoric spewed has not EVER made the distinction or separation of the elderly with severe health conditions that fall into the high risk , vs the rest of America And that statistic depending on what dates you use is as high as over 90percent of deaths associated with the virus. We won’t even go into the democratic policies forced on the nation that exponentiated those deaths either. Most people on the right just want honest and fair discussion and honest and fair choices. THATS IT.

The Farci emails exposed his agenda , the cdc mouthpieces have filled flopped and changed direction , a lot based on political pressure and not data , and nobody has called them to the carpet in the MSM when their lies were exposed. It started as a full on rhetoric assault to win the election, and it has stayed that course , That’s the reason for the division. Israel right now is front and center. The vaccination is showing to be much less effective than we were all led to believe. Instead of hitting that head on we shift to a much smaller portion of local hospitalization and deaths being unvaxxed. Never giving an official outliner explanation of why it’s skewed that way which is plain to see for those in the middle with functioning brains.

Last edited by xstarrider; 08-26-2021 at 10:12 AM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 10:29 AM Reply   
I keep waiting for the response from the sites TDS all star that pedaled his “coordinated Trunp , white supremacy insurrection”. **** narrative about the events of the 6th. Only fitting he’s gone dark about the subject after being blindsided with a giant Wood sized mushroom tip.

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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 10:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Just the fact hospitals are filled with illegals, as much as 70% in areas of Texas hit the hardest. That’s fact enough for you. ? Maybe this Texas health stat will help …..Up until recently illegals accounted for over 83% of the positive cases as well.

It’s a good thing your mask will cover that mushroom stamp .
Got a data point for that 70% number? Ill assume you just made it up. Data on the 83% would be interesting, but you cant, because its not true. Im gonna go out on a limb and suggest the TX Governors antimask mandates and anti vaccine push is responsible.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 10:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I keep waiting for the response from the sites TDS all star that pedaled his “coordinated Trunp , white supremacy insurrection”. **** narrative about the events of the 6th. Only fitting he’s gone dark about the subject after being blindsided with a giant Wood sized mushroom tip.

Attachment 46452

Attachment 46453
I would suggest not putting all your eggs in one basket. There are some real investigations of 1/6 underway and trump was high on the list for subpoenas. Not a good week for the big liar.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 10:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I would suggest not putting all your eggs in one basket. There are some real investigations of 1/6 underway and trump was high on the list for subpoenas. Not a good week for the big liar.
So in other words no comment. Thanks for playing.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 10:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That’s exactly why my daughter beat it so quickly and without a single prescription.
Right, its because Dr. Pragmatic's daughter is a Level 10 Gymnast.
Since FL and TX wont assist getting their populations vaccinated with a simple FDA approved and FREE vaccine, they are pushing Regeneron. At least it does show promise. It is quite expensive and EXPERIMENTAL, NOT Approved by FDA. So much for the lab rat theory. In addition to being expensive it requires 2 shots in the stomach and in each arm. Thats what you think is a better way? 4 unapproved, experimental shots? Whos the Stupid Lab Rat? MY FREEDOMS!!!!!
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 11:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Got a data point for that 70% number? Ill assume you just made it up. Data on the 83% would be interesting, but you cant, because its not true. Im gonna go out on a limb and suggest the TX Governors antimask mandates and anti vaccine push is responsible.

Do some research and read what I posted carefully. The numbers are exactly how I posted , just like in every other data point I provide that you haven’t been able to dispute ever. The stats are the stats.

Dr. Antonio Falcon, a highly regarded physician in the border town of Rio Grande City, Texas told Fox News that his practice has seen a significant "uptick in cases in the last couple of weeks." Falcon's region reported a 900% increase in the number of illegal detainees who tested positive for COVID-19 last month.

The Texas border city of McAllen, just 30 miles south of Rio Grande, reported that more than 7,000 COVID-positive migrants have been released into the city since February, and more than 1,500 in the past week.

In this cloud of COVID, we also have other infectious diseases that we have to be concerned about, and nobody's talking about it," he told Fox News.

"If you do a little research, you'll find that one of the hotspots for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is Central America," Falcon said.

"The same individuals that are bringing COVID across are potentially bringing across very dangerous infections into our community, like multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and that's only one of several other things that can come up from Central America. There's absolutely no control…right now," he said, "and it's just grossly irresponsible to our community."

Elsewhere in the Southwest, border cities including San Diego, El Paso, Texas, and Tucson, Ariz are all experiencing similar surges and hospitals with no resources left to give. .

Last edited by xstarrider; 08-26-2021 at 11:08 AM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 11:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
we should not be nation building at all, but we should have pulled our people, then our allies, then our equipment, then our troops. Then we could have saved thousands of lives, kept our relationships with our Allies, made strategic decisions, secured airbases, and managed a military mission to complete our exit

The people who voted Biden in, knew he was unfit, emotional, mentally, and physically unable to make sound decisions. If he was my grandpa, we would not let him drive to the grocery store, in fear he would get lost or fall asleep at the wheel. Biden has shown the world, he has fallen asleep at the wheel. and his administration is weak, and even the left media, cant hide him anymore.

Now we have to remove him, leaving Queen KAREN Harris, another total idiot then we get Pelosi and her band of boobs closer to the whitehouse. Its the worst nightmare in history.
Once again out of the park.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 11:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post

Do some research and read what I posted carefully. The numbers are exactly how I posted , just like in every other data point I provide that you haven’t been able to dispute ever. The stats are the stats.

Dr. Antonio Falcon, a highly regarded physician in the border town of Rio Grande City, Texas told Fox News that his practice has seen a significant "uptick in cases in the last couple of weeks." Falcon's region reported a 900% increase in the number of illegal detainees who tested positive for COVID-19 last month.

The Texas border city of McAllen, just 30 miles south of Rio Grande, reported that more than 7,000 COVID-positive migrants have been released into the city since February, and more than 1,500 in the past week.

In this cloud of COVID, we also have other infectious diseases that we have to be concerned about, and nobody's talking about it," he told Fox News.

"If you do a little research, you'll find that one of the hotspots for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is Central America," Falcon said.

"The same individuals that are bringing COVID across are potentially bringing across very dangerous infections into our community, like multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, and that's only one of several other things that can come up from Central America. There's absolutely no control…right now," he said, "and it's just grossly irresponsible to our community."

Elsewhere in the Southwest, border cities including San Diego, El Paso, Texas, and Tucson, Ariz are all experiencing similar surges and hospitals with no resources left to give. .

Texas is pushing over 100,000 cases a day and you want to blame it on the 7000 covid positives since Feb? .... and 1500 in a week? Brilliant deduction Watson, now go back to the mall.
Here are your Hotspots, All over the state. Your data shows zero hospitalizations due to migrants
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 11:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Right, its because Dr. Pragmatic's daughter is a Level 10 Gymnast.
Since FL and TX wont assist getting their populations vaccinated with a simple FDA approved and FREE vaccine, they are pushing Regeneron. At least it does show promise. It is quite expensive and EXPERIMENTAL, NOT Approved by FDA. So much for the lab rat theory. In addition to being expensive it requires 2 shots in the stomach and in each arm. Thats what you think is a better way? 4 unapproved, experimental shots? Whos the Stupid Lab Rat? MY FREEDOMS!!!!!
Stop posting here when you’re so loaded.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 12:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Stop posting here when you’re so loaded.
Stop showing up unarmed. F your FEELINGS. FYI, you just got owned, again.
I guess Texas tunes into FOX

There is a human version of the product, but it’s not approved to treat COVID-19, because there’s no clear evidence from any major study that it helps. The poison center will now ask people where they bought it and which formula.

Fox News hosts have pushed the drug as an effective treatment for COVID-19. A non-peer reviewed study that appeared to show a strong benefit was retracted, because of issues with plagiarism and manipulated data.

Phil Valentine, a conservative radio host in Tennessee, had told his audience he found a doctor to prescribe him ivermectin. Valentine later died of COVID-19. His brother said the host regretted not being a strong advocate for vaccination.

Imagine having to answer the docs questions on how you ended up in the hospital. You took what? WTF, Cow and Horse de-wormer? Why? We have a free FDA approved vaccine for that.
Winning the Lab Rat Race one idiot at a time.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 1:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Texas is pushing over 100,000 cases a day and you want to blame it on the 7000 covid positives since Feb? .... and 1500 in a week? Brilliant deduction Watson, now go back to the mall.
Here are your Hotspots, All over the state. Your data shows zero hospitalizations due to migrants
Once again you choose to ignore the blindsiding facts you imbecile. But keep preaching your lunacy. The inherent overload of positives cases outside the country is a large contributing factor to the numbers you see now. Every doctor on the forefront down there brought that the the attention before the spikes happened. You brilliant at once again avoiding the answer to your hypocrisy, I’ll give you that. Promoting open border covid infections in your own country while pointing out the success closed borders have in others.

Escape your basement turn on the lights and walk outside to the real world. You argued and argued the unvaccinated are the reason for the spikes for 5 pages. Now here you have 1000’s of individuals , unvaccinated positive illegals , entering against law, all in close contact and it no big deal.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 2:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Stop showing up unarmed. F your FEELINGS. FYI, you just got owned, again.
I guess Texas tunes into FOX

There is a human version of the product, but it’s not approved to treat COVID-19, because there’s no clear evidence from any major study that it helps. The poison center will now ask people where they bought it and which formula.

Fox News hosts have pushed the drug as an effective treatment for COVID-19. A non-peer reviewed study that appeared to show a strong benefit was retracted, because of issues with plagiarism and manipulated data.

Phil Valentine, a conservative radio host in Tennessee, had told his audience he found a doctor to prescribe him ivermectin. Valentine later died of COVID-19. His brother said the host regretted not being a strong advocate for vaccination.

Imagine having to answer the docs questions on how you ended up in the hospital. You took what? WTF, Cow and Horse de-wormer? Why? We have a free FDA approved vaccine for that.
Winning the Lab Rat Race one idiot at a time.
You own no one here. You shouldn’t even be posting here. You should be sitting down, eating your humble pie and chasing it with a nice tall glass of shut the hell up, you steaming POS.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 2:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Stop showing up unarmed. F your FEELINGS. FYI, you just got owned, again.
I guess Texas tunes into FOX

There is a human version of the product, but it’s not approved to treat COVID-19, because there’s no clear evidence from any major study that it helps. The poison center will now ask people where they bought it and which formula.

Fox News hosts have pushed the drug as an effective treatment for COVID-19. A non-peer reviewed study that appeared to show a strong benefit was retracted, because of issues with plagiarism and manipulated data.

Phil Valentine, a conservative radio host in Tennessee, had told his audience he found a doctor to prescribe him ivermectin. Valentine later died of COVID-19. His brother said the host regretted not being a strong advocate for vaccination.

Imagine having to answer the docs questions on how you ended up in the hospital. You took what? WTF, Cow and Horse de-wormer? Why? We have a free FDA approved vaccine for that.
Winning the Lab Rat Race one idiot at a time.
BTW, I have no idea what that stuff is and I haven’t heard anything about it. It has nothing to do with me and me with it. What a $hitty job you just did pulling that straw man out of your vagina. Next!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 3:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once again you choose to ignore the blindsiding facts you imbecile. But keep preaching your lunacy. The inherent overload of positives cases outside the country is a large contributing factor to the numbers you see now. Every doctor on the forefront down there brought that the the attention before the spikes happened. You brilliant at once again avoiding the answer to your hypocrisy, I’ll give you that. Promoting open border covid infections in your own country while pointing out the success closed borders have in others.

Escape your basement turn on the lights and walk outside to the real world. You argued and argued the unvaccinated are the reason for the spikes for 5 pages. Now here you have 1000’s of individuals , unvaccinated positive illegals , entering against law, all in close contact and it no big deal.
According to the info YOU provided, they had 7000 positive migrant cases since Feb, its August, so 1000 per month. Texas has over 100,000 cases PER DAY proving illegals are not the cause of TX problems, its their Gov.
The Lunacy that I am pushing is get vaccinated, wear a mask in public, spacing. Thats it.
You think thats lunacy? The folks taking Horse Wormers are just fine Patriots? The Governor pushing non approved Regeneron, Not FDA approved Vaccines, So Texans are not happy to get a FDA approved shot in the arm but happy to take two experimental non FDA approved in the stomach and 1 in each arm is SO MUCH Better/Smarter. Reality Bites.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 3:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
BTW, I have no idea what that stuff is and I haven’t heard anything about it. It has nothing to do with me and me with it. What a $hitty job you just did pulling that straw man out of your vagina. Next!
Then shut up, read and educate yourself. I posted my source showing FOX pushing the Horse and cow medicine and the over 500% uptick in poisonings, due to FOX. It 100% has to do with FOX, the source you post virtually daily, you know, your go to to own the libs.
FOX has been pushing Cow De-wormer in addition to their past pushing of Hydroxychloroquine, both relatively useless in treating Covid. Both not approved for treating Covid. They could just have easily pushed trump vaccines which are 100% FDA approved and saved thousands of their viewers lives, but no. IMO, it should be criminal.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-26-2021, 4:02 PM Reply   
thousands of american citizens, not navy seals, not army rangers are going to be left to die in 3 days. How can Biden stand in front of the world and the country and say, we will do everything we can, but stay and get them. WE will make all the phone calls and text messages we can but not stay and get them. Sorry, gotta go now, cant deal with this, just want to go home and have some ice cream! He surrendered our citizens who will become prisoners (if lucky enough not be killed) so the Taliban/ISIS (all the same) can behead them in public, or barter their lives for political gain. This could have been handled a million diffenrt ways, all better than the way it has been.

There is no liberal or conservative that can support what he has done and is going to continue to do. I cant imagine having a loved one trapped their, and hearing, from the president, we are sorry but have to leave them. "they are on their own, maybe they can catch a bus ride to another country"
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 4:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
According to the info YOU provided, they had 7000 positive migrant cases since Feb, its August, so 1000 per month. Texas has over 100,000 cases PER DAY proving illegals are not the cause of TX problems, its their Gov.
The Lunacy that I am pushing is get vaccinated, wear a mask in public, spacing. Thats it.
You think thats lunacy? The folks taking Horse Wormers are just fine Patriots? The Governor pushing nonapproved Regeneron, Not FDA approved Vaccines, So Texans are not happy to get a FDA approved shot in the arm but happy to take two experimental non FDA approved in the stomach and 1 in each arm is SO MUCH Better/Smarter. Reality Bites.
Once gain proving you have no desire for the truth. And your incompetency to actually read and comprehend what was posted [B] THE 7.000 YOUR IDIOCY MARKS AS A BENCHMARK FOR YOU ARGUMENT PERTAINS THE AMOUNT RELEASED TO A SMALL SINGLE BORDER CITY , NOT THE ENTIER STATE YOU FOOL I provided a source form a single news article pertaining to a city. Imagine releasing 7000 positive cases into a community. . Here are more statistics to counter your idiocy . I love drawing your feeble mind in with chum then bitch slapping you over and over and over again.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported nearly 200,000 encounters with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in July, the highest monthly total in more than two decades. A SINGLE MONTH 200,000 illegals.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

That’s 50,000 positive

Other documents and research show transports reaching as high as 40% positivity rates.

That’s 80,000 positives on US soil. And those are only the ones they caught. How many escaped or weren’t tested????????

Yea those numbers are real insignificant. Once again you’re owned on your stupidity . On full display is your failure of comprehending what’s actually transpiring and what the data points actually are because your mind simply does not work. You want things to be a certain way so you couldn’t even read the statistics correctly.

So if someone dumped 7000 positive cases in your city would you leave your basement? Would you consider that a big deal ?

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Last edited by xstarrider; 08-26-2021 at 4:51 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 4:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
thousands of american citizens, not navy seals, not army rangers are going to be left to die in 3 days. How can Biden stand in front of the world and the country and say, we will do everything we can, but stay and get them. WE will make all the phone calls and text messages we can but not stay and get them. Sorry, gotta go now, cant deal with this, just want to go home and have some ice cream! He surrendered our citizens who will become prisoners (if lucky enough not be killed) so the Taliban/ISIS (all the same) can behead them in public, or barter their lives for political gain. This could have been handled a million diffenrt ways, all better than the way it has been.

There is no liberal or conservative that can support what he has done and is going to continue to do. I cant imagine having a loved one trapped their, and hearing, from the president, we are sorry but have to leave them. "they are on their own, maybe they can catch a bus ride to another country"
Your crystal ball is whack.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 4:54 PM Reply   
So we are up to 13 of our servicemen killed and over 60 Afghans dead……100’s more wounded after bombs went off. Those numbers don’t include the now gun fights ensuing .

Great plan Joe. Great plan.

Imagine what the media would be doing if that was under Trump. Oh wait we had over 18 months of not a single combat death under him and his plan.

Last edited by xstarrider; 08-26-2021 at 4:58 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 4:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once gain proving you have no desire for the truth. And your incompetency to actually read and comprehend what was posted [B] THE 7.000 YOUR IDIOCY MARKS AS A BENCHMARK FOR YOU ARGUMENT PERTAINS THE AMOUNT RELEASED TO A SMALL SINGLE BORDER CITY , NOT THE ENTIER STATE YOU FOOL I provided a source form a single news article pertaining to a city. Imagine releasing 7000 positive cases into a community. . Here are more statistics to counter your idiocy . I love drawing your feeble mind in with chum then bitch slapping you over and over and over again.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported nearly 200,000 encounters with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in July, the highest monthly total in more than two decades. A SINGLE MONTH 200,000 illegals.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

That’s 50,000 positive

Other documents and research show transports reaching as high as 40% positivity rates.

That’s 80,000 positives kept on US soil.

Yea those numbers are real insignificant. Once again you’re owned on your stupidity . On full display is your your failure of comprehending what’s actually transpiring and what the data points actually are because your mind simply does not work. You want things to be a certain way so you couldn’t even read the statistics correctly.

So if someone dumped 7000 positive cases in your city would you leave your basement? Would you consider that a big deal ?

Attachment 46454
You are having trouble with your numbers. They dont say what you are.
For example, you go from
Border Patrol reported nearly 200,000 encounters with migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in July,
Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure,
Then conflate the two. Encounters dont equal ending up on a plane. Then you add another pulled out of your azz 40%??? And then place them all
That’s 80,000 positives kept on US soil.
Its sloppy copy and paste. Back to the mall.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 5:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
So we are up to 11 of our servicemen killed and over 60 Afghans dead……100’s more wounded after bombs went off. Those numbers don’t include the now gun fights ensuing .

Great plan Joe. Great plan.
Its a war. How many died of Covid today? Those are Americans on US soil, dying for no reason.
Over 900 died in Florida in one day. World record, congrats Gov DeathSentance. Guess how many were vaccinated. Perspective.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 5:06 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You are having trouble with your numbers. They dont say what you are.
For example, you go from
Then conflate the two. Encounters dont equal ending up on a plane. Then you add another pulled out of your azz 40%??? And then place them all
Its sloppy copy and paste. Back to the mall.
Once again your stupidity at work. Clearly you’re not a statistics or a math guy. Explains your idiotic views pertaining to statistical truths.

One report gives a low percent of 25 percent. Other reports give some as high as 40%.

It’s called objectionable data that you must think and make inferences about. So the positivity rate on those is in the realm of 50-80k.

Factor in those statistics only account for the encounters with Agents , and leave an entire group of illegals that cross with no direct contact of border patrol agents and that . Real world number is even higher.

Do you need me to wipe your ass with your mask for you too ? Once again avoiding the two simple questions pertained to you. Why. Because we all know the answer and you won’t put yours on paper because it just makes you look even dumber. Just give up. You’re owned again.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 5:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its a war. How many died of Covid today? Those are Americans on US soil, dying for no reason.
Over 900 died in Florida in one day. World record, congrats Gov DeathSentance. Guess how many were vaccinated. Perspective.
Keep deflecting. So we are at war and Biden left a skeleton crew of American soldiers to fight? Wait……………. I thought Biden said we were at peace with the Taliban……….” that’s why we’re we’re negotiating not deploying……. You’re so confusing. You flip flop more than the transgender community. So

18 months of War under Trump 0 deaths. 6 mos under Trump 13 dead Americans and climbing. Biden managed to alienate and embarrass our Allies by ghosting them without warning. I’d call that Trump success.

Hey guess what

3000 would’ve died because of heart disease alone .

And 2200 woulda of died from cancer.

Yawn. Your mental feebleness is exhausting.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-26-2021, 5:24 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once again your stupidity at work. Clearly you’re not a statistics or a math guy. Explains your idiotic views pertaining to statistical truths.

One report gives a low percent of 25 percent. Other reports give some as high as 40%.

It’s called objectionable data that you must think and make inferences about. So the positivity rate on those is in the realm of 50-80k.

Factor in those statistics only account for the encounters with Agents , and leave an entire group of illegals that cross with no direct contact of border patrol agents and that . Real world number is even higher.

Do you need me to wipe your ass with your mask for you too ? Once again avoiding the two simple questions pertained to you. Why. Because we all know the answer and you won’t put yours on paper because it just makes you look even dumber. Just give up. You’re owned again.
Just back up and explain how 200,000 ENCOUNTERS ALONG THE BORDER equate to illegals in the US. 100% of ENCOUNTERS could have covid and it doesnt put them in the US. Does it.
According to you, its just the flu unless you are a fat tub of lard. If you are in america, covid isnt a problem, if you are illegal, its the crime of the century.
Pick a side flip flopper.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 5:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its a war. How many died of Covid today? Those are Americans on US soil, dying for no reason.
Over 900 died in Florida in one day. World record, congrats Gov DeathSentance. Guess how many were vaccinated. Perspective.
Looks like we are at war in democratic cities as well then. Bravo Biden

Shot & Killed: 517
Shot & Wounded: 2465
Total Shot: 2982
Total Homicides: 544
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 5:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Just back up and explain how 200,000 ENCOUNTERS ALONG THE BORDER equate to illegals in the US. 100% of ENCOUNTERS could have covid and it doesnt put them in the US. Does it.
According to you, its just the flu unless you are a fat tub of lard. If you are in america, covid isnt a problem, if you are illegal, its the crime of the century.
Pick a side flip flopper.
Once again your lack of knowledge on the subject matter and insufficient brain function of being able to put multiple data points together is on full display. I am tired of feeding you endless facts after endless facts stamping you in the forehead each time. Take some time while trembling in your basement and read up on the subject before you pretend to actually know the details. You’re making a fool of yourself being so far off the data ..I almost feel embarrassed exposing you.

More facts from July.

"In the last 2-3 weeks, the percent positivity rates among all demographics has increased," the document says.

The document also recommends DHS provide more medical staffing at border processing facilities,

DHS document prepared this week for the White House says high positivity rates are "straining the capacity of the NGOs and local governments that DHS currently partners with to care for them."

Wait. The documents tell the White House DHS is overwhelmed with positivity ,


I can’t take reading your stupidity any longer. I’ve had enough for the day. Wood also told me he’s really sore and needs a break.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-26-2021, 6:01 PM Reply   
Just wondering who remembers way back when Obama was President and Osama outlined a plan on why it would benefit the Taliban to have Biden take over because Obama was dead ? Anyone remember all those talking points Osama outlined …..Bueller ? That was 2010 Joe. Doesn’t look like he’s learned anything in 10 plus yrs. actually we could argue 50 yrs of politics.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 7:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Just wondering who remembers way back when Obama was President and Osama outlined a plan on why it would benefit the Taliban to have Biden take over because Obama was dead ? Anyone remember all those talking points Osama outlined …..Bueller ? That was 2010 Joe. Doesn’t look like he’s learned anything in 10 plus yrs. actually we could argue 50 yrs of politics.
...and it's only gotten worse. Next up, VP Sucky Sucky-otherwise known as The Kneeler in Chief.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 7:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Then shut up, read and educate yourself. I posted my source showing FOX pushing the Horse and cow medicine and the over 500% uptick in poisonings, due to FOX. It 100% has to do with FOX, the source you post virtually daily, you know, your go to to own the libs.
FOX has been pushing Cow De-wormer in addition to their past pushing of Hydroxychloroquine, both relatively useless in treating Covid. Both not approved for treating Covid. They could just have easily pushed trump vaccines which are 100% FDA approved and saved thousands of their viewers lives, but no. IMO, it should be criminal.
Does it ever occur to you that your words are no different than a fart in the wind? Seriously. No one here wants to hear your thoughts or anything you have to say. You're NOTHING more than an occasional jester/troll at best and a hated one at that. Everything out of your pie hole is bull$hit.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 10:35 PM Reply   
Libtards, let this pic sink in. It’s your boy as the poster child for world wide defeat by a group that is far outnumbered and far less equipped than you, yet you are so inept that you just sit there and watch in real time as your very own soldiers and citizens both get murdered and you eat your afternoon tapioca. After that, Hiden comes out and tries to tough-talk the “Tollybahn” like he’s gonna draw some fake line in the sand so he can sound relevant while these third world camel jockeys have their way with whomever they choose because they know they’re not dealing with Trump any more-they’re dealing with the real “JV”=Pussy democrats.

This is an outrage. Libtards need to own this. You fuqers voted this as$hole in and the blood of these innocent people is and will be on you as much as on Biden. That goes triple for POS pricks like 95.
Attached Images
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-26-2021, 10:39 PM Reply   
The big question is how much longer will the lap dog MSM keep propping up this president who is almost as big of a loser as 95sn.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-27-2021, 9:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
The big question is how much longer will the lap dog MSM keep propping up this president who is almost as big of a loser as 95sn.
Don't worry. They got their trinket and stopped the mean tweets. All is good in their world.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-27-2021, 10:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Libtards, let this pic sink in. It’s your boy as the poster child for world wide defeat by a group that is far outnumbered and far less equipped than you, yet you are so inept that you just sit there and watch in real time as your very own soldiers and citizens both get murdered and you eat your afternoon tapioca. After that, Hiden comes out and tries to tough-talk the “Tollybahn” like he’s gonna draw some fake line in the sand so he can sound relevant while these third world camel jockeys have their way with whomever they choose because they know they’re not dealing with Trump any more-they’re dealing with the real “JV”=Pussy democrats.

This is an outrage. Libtards need to own this. You fuqers voted this as$hole in and the blood of these innocent people is and will be on you as much as on Biden. That goes triple for POS pricks like 95.

The presser this image came from was utterly ridiculous. His only response to the media was its Trump’s fault. The best is when he reads his taking points and he reads out load the parts that he’s just supposed to do. Like call on specific reporters , or now I am supposed to call on sos and so from this paper. His cognitive brain functions are downright scary. He then gets so flustered starts blinking million times and can’t speak he just flat out gives up. He’s a giant disgrace to the office and America. I can’t believe his party is letting his last years on this earth go down like this for him.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-27-2021, 11:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The presser this image came from was utterly ridiculous. His only response to the media was its Trump’s fault. The best is when he reads his taking points and he reads out load the parts that he’s just supposed to do. Like call on specific reporters , or now I am supposed to call on sos and so from this paper. His cognitive brain functions are downright scary. He then gets so flustered starts blinking million times and can’t speak he just flat out gives up. He’s a giant disgrace to the office and America. I can’t believe his party is letting his last years on this earth go down like this for him.
His family is also to blame, they wanted this, they knew he was not able to manager this. The DNC needed a puppet to slam into office, because Sanders, the communist, was dangerous tot he vote. This is a great opportunity to show the American people why the left should not be allowed to run a government. They should stick to food trucks, Coffee shops, ice cream stands and yoga classes.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-27-2021, 12:21 PM Reply   
Amen to Xstar’s and Doug’s posts. I guess the libtards are hiding with their tails between their legs again as they should be. Seems to be a common thing over the last 8 months. lol
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-27-2021, 1:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Amen to Xstar’s and Doug’s posts. I guess the libtards are hiding with their tails between their legs again as they should be. Seems to be a common thing over the last 8 months. lol
I don't know, seeing how triggered you guys are by having a senile fossil as president is making me start liking Biden.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-27-2021, 2:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
I don't know, seeing how triggered you guys are by having a senile fossil as president is making me start liking Biden.

I can see how a giant militaristic failure of epic proportion could fly right past your head seeing as how your county contributes nothing to the world stage . So the fact sons and daughters were lost due to an imbecile in charge would mean nothing.

What we know now

13 American Soldiers dead
100 Afghans dead

Biden has given the Taliban a list of American Names he wants them to allow safe passage too. Basically game them a hit list to track down . Holy Balls

Biden removed the military without any conversation with our allies discussing a plan, leaving everyone in the dark to scramble.

The prison housing the terrorist leaders we captured and detained were never emptied of high valued targets. They were recently overun and 1000’s of terrorists were freed .

We lost billions in high valued assault equipment and weapons

Lost ties and trust with our allies

But hey. Don’t take us right leaning people’s word for it. Take the democrats of Biden’s former and current administrations evaluations of his non plan to just Hoodini under the disguise of ramped up covid talk regarding schools beginning to distract everyone.


The guy belongs impeached for his incompetency and actions. , he’s clearly a colossal failure and unfit to lead America. They tried to impeach Trump for a phone call. This guy has done more damage to foreign policy in less than 6months than the previous 3 administrations combined. Roll in Kamala Andes her laugh her way to failure too. The we can all welcome Pelosi and watch her lead this country. The freight train of disaster just got up to full speed ahead for this once great Nation.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-27-2021, 2:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
I don't know, seeing how triggered you guys are by having a senile fossil as president is making me start liking Biden.
Enjoy your prison sentence due to covid
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-27-2021, 4:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Enjoy your prison sentence due to covid
3/4 of the country come out of lockdown in Tuesday, Auckland got anther couple of weeks I think. Id rather that than unnecessary death and low level of restrictions forever.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-27-2021, 4:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
I can see how a giant militaristic failure of epic proportion could fly right past your head seeing as how your county contributes nothing to the world stage . So the fact sons and daughters were lost due to an imbecile in charge would mean nothing.
Save me your crocodile tears, you didn't say anything about the 2,500 dead troops during Bush, Obama, or Trump being in charge.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-28-2021, 5:31 AM Reply   
Mark, Delta and the rest of the NorCal crew, hope you survive the smoke the next couple of days. We've been in the tailpipe of the dixie and caldor fires for the past 6 weeks. If you are wondering how many cigs your outdoor activities are equivalent to when the smoke is bad, I've found this calculator:
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-28-2021, 8:04 AM Reply   
Sacramento has been relatively clear all year with maybe 10 days of smoke and nothing like last year. We’re supposed to be smoky today and then it starts clearing with the delta breeze tomorrow evening.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-28-2021, 8:07 AM Reply   
That’s a fun little calculator. Looks like this Marlboro Man will be smoking 1.54 cigs today.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-28-2021, 1:00 PM Reply   
This is who's teaching children in the public school system today. Does any libtard here want to make some excuse for this loser broad? Wanna try to convince me dims don't hate America and turn it into a cess pool?
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       08-29-2021, 4:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That’s a fun little calculator. Looks like this Marlboro Man will be smoking 1.54 cigs today.

Yeah I’m sure I’ve had a carton over the past month. It has been atrocious here.

I had to build a home brew air filter just to be able to exercise in the garage. Fat chance of doing any cardio outside.

Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-29-2021, 9:51 AM Reply   
Ha! Necessity=the mother of invention.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-29-2021, 12:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Save me your crocodile tears, you didn't say anything about the 2,500 dead troops during Bush, Obama, or Trump being in charge.
Crocodile tears ? I buried 3 family members due to operations overseas. I was just as critical then as I am now. It’s clear you have no idea about what the military stands for , how it operates , and how much of a failure this has been by any standard.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-29-2021, 5:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Crocodile tears ? I buried 3 family members due to operations overseas. I was just as critical then as I am now. It’s clear you have no idea about what the military stands for , how it operates , and how much of a failure this has been by any standard.
You would think that would make you antiwar but no, endless war is the default for all numpties.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-30-2021, 12:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You would think that would make you antiwar but no, endless war is the default for all numpties.
You have stepped off a cliff into as$hole territory only known by 95. Enjoy your loneliness, sheep fuqer.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-30-2021, 11:06 AM Reply   
So, Biden's idea of comforting one of the widows of the murdered soldiers in Afghanistan was to bring up his own son's death from cancer and make it about him! How tone deaf can he be??? Way to go, loser! Way to one-up a grieving recent widow.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-30-2021, 4:51 PM Reply   
Guys, if anyone you know can speak Pashto and Dari, the military is dire need of translators on military bases, with thousands of Afghan people, who are all "translators" but cant speak English.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       08-31-2021, 2:36 AM Reply
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       08-31-2021, 6:16 AM Reply   
delta is going to run its coarse, with masks, without masks, with vaccine or without. Its not going to stop until everyone has had it, and until its levels continue to drop and it becomes the next "flu"

The politics have made it worse.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       08-31-2021, 7:36 AM Reply   
Wait you mean Florida isn’t the worst state in the country with vaccination rates and ranks almost dead nuts in the middle. One would think listening to the spin of the MSM it’s quite the opposite. Florida also ranks 2nd or 3rd in high risk elderly population.

As Dougr and several of us others have stated for a long time. Covid is here to stay , you’re not defeating it . Its long overdue to accept it and learn to live with it, not live in fear of it. Past methods and actions have done nothing and here we go quadrupling down on failed mandates once again.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-31-2021, 7:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Wait you mean Florida isn’t the worst state in the country with vaccination rates and ranks almost dead nuts in the middle. One would think listening to the spin of the MSM it’s quite the opposite. Florida also ranks 2nd or 3rd in high risk elderly population.
Perfect example of the power of vaccinations.

"Florida’s vaccination rate is above the national average; and that, despite having a disproportionately old population, Florida sits in the bottom half for deaths among senior citizens."
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       08-31-2021, 8:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
delta is going to run its coarse, with masks, without masks, with vaccine or without. Its not going to stop until everyone has had it, and until its levels continue to drop and it becomes the next "flu"

The politics have made it worse.
I know you truly believe this, but it is clear that it is attacking people disproportionately. Every day you can put it off opens the door for better treatments. I prefer to do what I can to stay at the back of the COVID line.

Our lives are really back to normal. We are all vaccinated (those who can be). We wear masks in crowded indoor spaces and keep hand sanitizer in the car. We are eating out, going to the Movies, etc. There has only been one breakthrough case, my sister-in-law in CA. Her symptoms were so mild that the only reason she was tested is that her 4 year old tested positive--He got it from Pre-school. Her husband tested negative.

COVID is washing over my unvaccinated friends and acquaintances. Some are lucky, some are paying a major price. Just in the last 2 months have healthy people I know started getting really sick. I don't know what to say to them anymore.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-31-2021, 8:29 AM Reply   
So many articles from left and right about Biden botching Afghanistan, so little time. A president destroyed. A picture is worth a thousand words.....
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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-31-2021, 8:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Just in the last 2 months have healthy people I know started getting really sick. I don't know what to say to them anymore.
Well, if you're anything like the AS$HOLE 95sn has shown us, all you gotta do is mock them and be glad when they die. Maybe pee on their tomb stone for good measure just to make another point.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       08-31-2021, 8:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
So many articles from left and right about Biden botching Afghanistan, so little time. A president destroyed. A picture is worth a thousand words.....
This isn't funny. It is sad. So much time, so much money, 2,000 young lives. An entire generation of politicians own responsibility for this **** storm. Bush-->Obama-->Trump-->Biden.

This is just Afghanistan going back to normal. That Blackhawk won't even be flying a few weeks from now if you know anything about what it is like over there.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-31-2021, 9:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Mark, Delta and the rest of the NorCal crew, hope you survive the smoke the next couple of days. We've been in the tailpipe of the dixie and caldor fires for the past 6 weeks. If you are wondering how many cigs your outdoor activities are equivalent to when the smoke is bad, I've found this calculator:
Was worse a couple weeks ago. Off and on again on air quality. Starts well in the morning, gets worse as the heat comes on in the day. Nice blue skies right now.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-31-2021, 9:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
This isn't funny. It is sad. So much time, so much money, 2,000 young lives. An entire generation of politicians own responsibility for this **** storm. Bush-->Obama-->Trump-->Biden.

This is just Afghanistan going back to normal. That Blackhawk won't even be flying a few weeks from now if you know anything about what it is like over there.
Yeah, it should infuriate you. Biden should be out of office immediately. Period. This country can't afford any more of his policies in more ways than one.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-31-2021, 9:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Guys, if anyone you know can speak Pashto and Dari, the military is dire need of translators on military bases, with thousands of Afghan people, who are all "translators" but cant speak English.
Sorry. This crowd only knows jibberish and bullsh$t as their second and third languages.

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