Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I understand a grocery store closing is super important, but, Just curious, is FOX covering the 45 mass shootings in the US during the last 30 days?
have you democrats been covering the thousands of mass shootings year after year in democrat cities? Want to go over how many murders happen each year in Chicago, Oakland, LA, Washington DC, Baltimore, etc? Not a word from you democrats on those. each of those cities are around 1000 murders a year for decades and many of them are mass shootings.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
I been telling you about trumps $3T budget deficit for 3 years, save your crocodile tears, you spent it, you got to pay it back.
Trump does not pass budgets so there is that.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
I agree. not in the same class.
These calls from Waters have and will result in much more caos and deaths
Turns out the officer who died at the capital actually died of natural causes. 2 strokes the day after. Sorry to hear that regardless, however it means that zero people died from the count I have during the capital event. The other 4 "deaths" the left likes to claim came from people who had medical emergencies that happened to be at the rallies. They were not killed by the rallies. Didn't they quote 5 that died, yet none died because of the rallies. Still not a good look but no one died because of it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
It was a dumb thing to do in general regardless of race or politics and no one on here is supporting her.
A cop on trial for the death of someone in custody is not political.
Trump calling a mob to the capital with lies and them descending on the capital waiving Trump's flags to stop a democratic election is 100% political.
I know you want it to be so, but these are apples and oranges.
Are you seriously saying that "A cop on trial for the death of someone in custody is not political. "? It has everything to do with politics at this moment. It is the fundamental way we look at society. You have sitting congress people tweeting out about it and even showing up on the street to generate violence across state lines after curfew no less. It has everything to do with politics. It is the one where your democrat buddies are trying to push their marxist agenda.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
It was a dumb thing to do in general regardless of race or politics and no one on here is supporting her.
A cop on trial for the death of someone in custody is not political.
Trump calling a mob to the capital with lies and them descending on the capital waiving Trump's flags to stop a democratic election is 100% political.
I know you want it to be so, but these are apples and oranges.
Here is another example of why you are wrong that it is political:
President offered support in Monday call with George Floyd family
"I'm praying that verdict is the right verdict, which I think it's overwhelming, in my view. I wouldn't say that unless the jury was sequestered now.""
He thinks it is overwhelming? The democrats burning down cities are just going to ignore that? They are going to use it as more justification. You guys are just gunning for a war. This is going to make OJ look like a walk in the park.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Diamond, Silk and Starguy, Perfect trifecta of falsehoods.
You fact check website is stating what they believe as fact when in truth they are only offering opinion.
Their own article admits there is a study that the N95 mask does increase CO2 in the blood stream.
I have to where an N85 mask at work and I can tell you it is night and day when I get out of that thing. besides feeling like I am getting air, I also lose the tension headache from having to lock my jaw open for hours on end to force against he mask so I can breath. The mask pulls on my nose which clogs my nose so I have to push my jaw against the mask to keep my mouth open so I can breath.
Join Date: Jun 2007
04-20-2021, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I know you guys don’t particularly play in the youth athletics arena as evident in your posts. But the issues linked in that article pertain to them. It’s a different class of person in a different environment . The data contained in that research is the angle from that side , it doesn’t pertain to millions of obese, unhealthy people walking around wearing 3 masks . The negative impact and long term health effects of high performance athletes being forced to wear masks while competing is what this is bringing to light.
Join Date: Oct 2006
04-20-2021, 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Here is another example of why you are wrong that it is political:
President offered support in Monday call with George Floyd family
"I'm praying that verdict is the right verdict, which I think it's overwhelming, in my view. I wouldn't say that unless the jury was sequestered now.""
He thinks it is overwhelming? The democrats burning down cities are just going to ignore that? They are going to use it as more justification. You guys are just gunning for a war. This is going to make OJ look like a walk in the park.
The president isn't allowed to have an opinion? How is his opinion politics? Does it have to do with policy? Does it shape the outcome in any way? Maxine Waters was dumb because she went as far as to say there would be consequences, escalation. That could shape the jury's thinking: They might vote guilty to save a city from riots, etc.
Democrats aren't burning down cites. Where are the democrat flags? Do you really think the people engaging in the riots actually vote? No they are anarchists and opportunists. There is a real discussion going on here, but you want to point to criminals because it lets you dismiss the whole thing.
My bad democrats are demonic and evil.... agenda, narratives, whatever.
And your back on the war talk....just stop.
Last edited by skiboarder; 04-20-2021 at 12:43 PM.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-20-2021, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
I know you guys don’t particularly play in the youth athletics arena as evident in your posts. But the issues linked in that article pertain to them. It’s a different class of person in a different environment . The data contained in that research is the angle from that side , it doesn’t pertain to millions of obese, unhealthy people walking around wearing 3 masks . The negative impact and long term health effects of high performance athletes being forced to wear masks while competing is what this is bringing to light.
Did you read the actual article tho? It's all speculation. There was no research conducted. It is almost as if the author cited your posts, conformed them into the proper scientific format, and then submitted the hypothesis for publication.
These essentially seem to be freshman dorm stoner conversations (what if my purple is your red?!) gussied up with scientific citation format. The whole journal contains no research just speculative and untested hypotheses.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 1:05 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
The president isn't allowed to have an opinion? How is his opinion politics? Does it have to do with policy? Does it shape the outcome in any way? Maxine Waters was dumb because she went as far as to say there would be consequences, escalation. That could shape the jury's thinking: They might vote guilty to save a city from riots, etc.
Democrats aren't burning down cites. Where are the democrat flags? Do you really think the people engaging in the riots actually vote? No they are anarchists and opportunists. There is a real discussion going on here, but you want to point to criminals because it lets you dismiss the whole thing.
My bad democrats are demonic and evil.... agenda, narratives, whatever.
And your back on the war talk....just stop.
So you need a flag to have a proper side? So as long as you go and burn down a building without a flag, it is all good? Yes democrats are burning down cities. Democrats are in the streets and the democrat leaders are there on the streets encouraging them. The democrats in the NBA and NFL are supporting them. The vice F$cking president set up a f$cking fund to bail them out of jail for f$cking christ sakes.
You are the one not engaging in real discussion because you are the low informed person the democrats take advantage of.
As far that that guys who sits in the presidents seat (because it clearing is not him that is president) does not have an opinion. No. Never. he does not get to weigh in on a ongoing trial. he also does not get to weigh in when his words are going to be used to justify more burning and looting especially when he is absent of facts. He is a danger to those people in those cities and especially the people in law enforcement who have to go up against those democrats in the streets.
At which point does none of those people in the streets vote? So if they are in the street they never vote? They don't influence voters? Which side are the trying to influence? Sure as hell is not the Republicans because we are going to side on the side of sanity, law and order. If you don't think protesters are not used to influence policy and votes, then why are they protesting. Why are the obama's, harris' and waters of the world encouraging them to protest?
You don't think having a few million angry people who are trying to destroy the life of others of a different color based on lies is not going to start a war? Again, more easy talk from someone who is isolated from that in a Republican state who has the good life.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 1:22 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Did you read the actual article tho? It's all speculation. There was no research conducted. It is almost as if the author cited your posts, conformed them into the proper scientific format, and then submitted the hypothesis for publication.
These essentially seem to be freshman dorm stoner conversations (what if my purple is your red?!) gussied up with scientific citation format. The whole journal contains no research just speculative and untested hypotheses.
Well, there is the first order test of those who use them. The difference day and night when it is on verse off. There must be something. May be little but there is some impact. OSHA has a bit to say about respirators. I do not see a limit on daily use right off the bat, however I do see medical monitoring requirements which means they acknowledge the added stress of wearing one.
Respiratory Protection Program
[Company name] is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for its employees. On occasion, employees may be exposed to airborne contaminants. In an effort to limit their exposure, [company name] will do the following:
. Evaluate respiratory hazards in order to select appropriate respiratory protection.
. Ensure employees are medically able to wear respirators.
. Fit test employees with appropriate respirators.
. Establish procedures to ensure employees properly care for and maintain their respirators.
. Ensure high-quality breathing air is supplied for the air-supplying respirators.
. Conduct continuing respirator training.
. Evaluate the program periodically to ensure its effectiveness.
Filtering Face Pieces (Dust Masks)
NIOSH’s certification standard for respirators addresses dust masks and refers to them as filtering face pieces. OSHA defines a filtering face piece as a negative-pressure particulate respirator with a filter as an integral part of the face piece or the entire face piece composed of the filtering medium. These ordinarily are disposable, low-cost respirators for protection against particulates when exposures are below the PEL. Some come with integrated exhalation valves and are rated under the N, P or R standards at 95, 99 or 100 efficiency levels.
If a contractor elects to make use of filtering face pieces mandatory, then all the requirements of the OSHA respiratory protection standard apply. If employees voluntarily choose to wear the respirators, the contractor must make Appendix D of the standard available to them. A copy of the appendix is with the sample written program at the end of this chapter.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 1:24 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
The president isn't allowed to have an opinion? How is his opinion politics? Does it have to do with policy? Does it shape the outcome in any way? Maxine Waters was dumb because she went as far as to say there would be consequences, escalation. That could shape the jury's thinking: They might vote guilty to save a city from riots, etc.
Democrats aren't burning down cites. Where are the democrat flags? Do you really think the people engaging in the riots actually vote? No they are anarchists and opportunists. There is a real discussion going on here, but you want to point to criminals because it lets you dismiss the whole thing.
My bad democrats are demonic and evil.... agenda, narratives, whatever.
And your back on the war talk....just stop.
BTW. I am pretty sure it was not a Republican who did a drive by and shot national guard troops the other night in Minnesota. So you tell me who is trying to cause war?
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 1:37 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Trump does not pass budgets so there is that.
Trumps Republican Congress passed the budget. No pass, do not pass Go Directly to jail.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-20-2021, 2:18 PM
Delta what states have imposed a respirator requirement? I mean I’m sure wearing space helmets would suck too, but nobody is requiring that.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 2:31 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
It was a dumb thing to do in general regardless of race or politics and no one on here is supporting her.
A cop on trial for the death of someone in custody is not political.
Trump calling a mob to the capital with lies and them descending on the capital waiving Trump's flags to stop a democratic election is 100% political.
I know you want it to be so, but these are apples and oranges.
You say no one is supporting her and then support her by making excuses, acting like it doesn’t really count because this or that. Stop your bull95sn. Your side makes every single thing political so spare me the projection.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 2:33 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
maybe apples and oranges, but she should be removed, or at least removed from all committees. Pelosi and others are giving her a pass and making excuses for her.....that makes it political
The GOP tried to censure her, but the hypocrite dems blocked the effort.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 2:52 PM
Originally Posted by markj
The GOP tried to censure her, but the hypocrite dems blocked the effort.
Margorie Taylor Green is a no-committee Qanon mess
Lauren Boebert is a minority party mess
Matt Gaetz is a child rapeing mess
None censored.
Clean up your republican mess reps before you throw the stones
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 2:56 PM
Guilty as charged.
Bye-bye Mr Chauvin.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 3:04 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta what states have imposed a respirator requirement? I mean I’m sure wearing space helmets would suck too, but nobody is requiring that.
It is an employer requirement based on OSHA guidelines. If employers are meeting federal guidelines (OSHA), it sounds like they are supposed to require respirators. Our employer requires N95 for continued occupancy that we must wear N95 masks. We are still required to social distance as much as possible. If the job required regular full face respirators then nothing has changed.
I saw the portion briefly in regards to OSHA requirement/ guideline. Not a legal expert on it, however it is address under OSHA.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 3:11 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Margorie Taylor Green is a no-committee Qanon mess
Lauren Boebert is a minority party mess
Matt Gaetz is a child rapeing mess
None censored.
Clean up your republican mess reps before you throw the stones
It should not be a republican or democrat mess. You have a sitting congress woman who on more than one occasion has publicly called for violence against republicans or violence against the general public. You know, the same people who took such words and went down an shot up a republican congress practice. The same crowd of people who just recently burned and looted a town (multiple towns)
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 3:12 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Guilty as charged.
Bye-bye Mr Chauvin.
Seems like a good time for the blue flu. Give the public what they want.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 3:28 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It is an employer requirement based on OSHA guidelines. If employers are meeting federal guidelines (OSHA), it sounds like they are supposed to require respirators. Our employer requires N95 for continued occupancy that we must wear N95 masks. We are still required to social distance as much as possible. If the job required regular full face respirators then nothing has changed.
I saw the portion briefly in regards to OSHA requirement/ guideline. Not a legal expert on it, however it is address under OSHA.
Whw Wha What about your freedoms?
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 3:38 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Whw Wha What about your freedoms?
what about them? I just don't schedule myself to work on extra projects. I work on what is needed and do that only. I have always worn a mask when required. I don't think you understand the difference between running scared and trying to uphold peoples freedoms. Wearing the mask is very hard on me. Every time I have to do a task, i get extremely dehydrated and my ability to catch my breath is very taxing. those are facts. If I am feeling it, others are too. If a place does not have a mask requirement then I do not wear one. I also got my vaccine, however I am not a fascist like you who wants people to run around with the mark of the beast on them to prove they had one.
By the way, your liberal buddy Bill Maher straight up said Republicans did a better job of protecting the citizens than the democrats did during this pandemic.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 3:43 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
It should not be a republican or democrat mess. You have a sitting congress woman who on more than one occasion has publicly called for violence against republicans or violence against the general public. You know, the same people who took such words and went down an shot up a republican congress practice. The same crowd of people who just recently burned and looted a town (multiple towns)
"get confrontational" is now calling for violence?
Explain "Fight like Hell!" "We will never give up, We will never concede" "We will not let them (Dems) silence your voices", "You have to get your people to fight", "Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing", If they do the wrong thing (Democrats), we should never, ever forget that they did. Never forget. We should never ever forget.......Explain the violence that happened minutes afterward.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 3:44 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Seems like a good time for the blue flu. Give the public what they want.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 3:46 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
what about them? I just don't schedule myself to work on extra projects. I work on what is needed and do that only. I have always worn a mask when required. I don't think you understand the difference between running scared and trying to uphold peoples freedoms. Wearing the mask is very hard on me. Every time I have to do a task, i get extremely dehydrated and my ability to catch my breath is very taxing. those are facts. If I am feeling it, others are too. If a place does not have a mask requirement then I do not wear one. I also got my vaccine, however I am not a fascist like you who wants people to run around with the mark of the beast on them to prove they had one.
By the way, your liberal buddy Bill Maher straight up said Republicans did a better job of protecting the citizens than the democrats did during this pandemic.
You need to get a hobby knife, cut a few slits in it and breathe easy.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 3:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
what about them? I just don't schedule myself to work on extra projects. I work on what is needed and do that only. I have always worn a mask when required. I don't think you understand the difference between running scared and trying to uphold peoples freedoms. Wearing the mask is very hard on me. Every time I have to do a task, i get extremely dehydrated and my ability to catch my breath is very taxing. those are facts. If I am feeling it, others are too. If a place does not have a mask requirement then I do not wear one. I also got my vaccine, however I am not a fascist like you who wants people to run around with the mark of the beast on them to prove they had one.
By the way, your liberal buddy Bill Maher straight up said Republicans did a better job of protecting the citizens than the democrats did during this pandemic.
You can also cut the one-way check valve out of one too.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 3:49 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
what about them? I just don't schedule myself to work on extra projects. I work on what is needed and do that only. I have always worn a mask when required. I don't think you understand the difference between running scared and trying to uphold peoples freedoms. Wearing the mask is very hard on me. Every time I have to do a task, i get extremely dehydrated and my ability to catch my breath is very taxing. those are facts. If I am feeling it, others are too. If a place does not have a mask requirement then I do not wear one. I also got my vaccine, however I am not a fascist like you who wants people to run around with the mark of the beast on them to prove they had one.
By the way, your liberal buddy Bill Maher straight up said Republicans did a better job of protecting the citizens than the democrats did during this pandemic.
Then wearing one to enter a grocery store or other place of biz when others are present should be a walk in the park. Guess we can put the whole masks dont work and the mask is taking away my freedoms BS. Cool.
I get my second shot on Thursday. If i want to see a Dodger or Laker game (not that i can afford it), i need both shots, A negative test w/in last 72 hours and a mask, only one. We all need to get the jabs asap, so many businesses will require it. Glad you got yours too.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 3:52 PM
Originally Posted by markj
You can also cut the one-way check valve out of one too.
I thought you guys wanted to get the pandemic over with, yet all you do is think of more ways to sabotage. Brilliant. Way to get what you want.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 3:54 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
"get confrontational" is now calling for violence?
Explain "Fight like Hell!" "We will never give up, We will never concede" "We will not let them (Dems) silence your voices", "You have to get your people to fight", "Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing", If they do the wrong thing (Democrats), we should never, ever forget that they did. Never forget. We should never ever forget.......Explain the violence that happened minutes afterward.
considering there has been zero violence at Trump rallies, it is easy to consider they too would continue to peacefully assemble.
You democrats have now burned, looted, did drive by on cops, walked up and shot cops in their cars, stopped trafffic, beat up Trump supporters for years now. Sounds pretty fing confrontational and violent to me already. She obviously does not believe those things were confrontational. Telling them to do more or "get" confrontational when they have already done these acts means do it more and do it harder. At a minimum move it up a notch from the previous state of being. So yes, she was asking for big time violence. Considering her and other democraps words are also against white people, it is also pretty easy to find the group to go after.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 3:57 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I thought you guys wanted to get the pandemic over with, yet all you do is think of more ways to sabotage. Brilliant. Way to get what you want.
Yeah let’s shut some more businesses down too and keep virtue signaling. That’ll teach us nasty
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 4:08 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Then wearing one to enter a grocery store or other place of biz when others are present should be a walk in the park. Guess we can put the whole masks dont work and the mask is taking away my freedoms BS. Cool.
I get my second shot on Thursday. If i want to see a Dodger or Laker game (not that i can afford it), i need both shots, A negative test w/in last 72 hours and a mask, only one. We all need to get the jabs asap, so many businesses will require it. Glad you got yours too.
No, it is not a walk in the park and adds physical load. Increased heart rate and harder breathing. that is with a regular mask too.
N95 mask it is worse, however those are actual filters and with that they still want us distanced. We also have to wear gloves as well. However N95 masks have a filtering and a fit certification associated with it. regular masks do not. We also have to report in each day we are on site that we do not have symptoms and have to call a hotline if we have any symptoms. We are required to stay off site for 10 days if we have any symptoms.
We had all those requirements and 5 people got covid in a meeting. They were wearing regular masks and distanced in the same room. So no, masks do not work.
If I have to have vaccines and a negative test to do anything, I will not be going to any of those activities. Not giving millionaires any more money than I need to for basic services. If a business requires a vaccine to go in, then I will not do business there. If the vaccine supposedly works and the prescribed time has gone by to have had a chance to get your vaccine, then what do the vaccinated have to worry about? We have almost 25% of the population was born outside of the US. You really think the 10 million people in kalifornia and an estimated another 3 to 4 million illegals which are primarily in 2 cities (one which you live) had the same immunizations you did? yet, you still do business with them.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 4:09 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Yeah let’s shut some more businesses down too and keep virtue signaling. That’ll teach us nasty
I have a one way check valved n99 I wear in public. We are not allowed check valve masks at work
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Tyler
04-20-2021, 4:11 PM
legislative action immediately following the verdict. Nice one Dems
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 4:22 PM
Originally Posted by denverd1
legislative action immediately following the verdict. Nice one Dems
pelosi thanks Floyd for dying for making reform. What has changed? Another democrat gets drugged up, disobeys the law and dies or gets himself killed. This guy is the next Jesus to democrats.
Join Date: Jun 2007
04-20-2021, 4:47 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I understand a grocery store closing is super important, but, Just curious, is FOX covering the 45 mass shootings in the US during the last 30 days?
Typical racist comment.......,,,,mass shootings only matter to you and dems when they involve groups of white people. The daily black on black mass shootings that have occurred for decades never touched a dem media outlet or even remotely fly on the grader as a talking point. Now all of a sudden you care because white people are victims. How very white privileged of you. Just wondering were your cries for help, the accountability, and legislative push for laws has been for the daily killers committing mass shootings of minorities in low income areas are?
Don’t worry you’ll soon be able to talk those shooters into stopping with social workers because there will be no police responding when Biden and Harris are done.
Last edited by xstarrider; 04-20-2021 at 4:53 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 4:48 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
considering there has been zero violence at Trump rallies, it is easy to consider they too would continue to peacefully assemble.
You democrats have now burned, looted, did drive by on cops, walked up and shot cops in their cars, stopped trafffic, beat up Trump supporters for years now. Sounds pretty fing confrontational and violent to me already. She obviously does not believe those things were confrontational. Telling them to do more or "get" confrontational when they have already done these acts means do it more and do it harder. At a minimum move it up a notch from the previous state of being. So yes, she was asking for big time violence. Considering her and other democraps words are also against white people, it is also pretty easy to find the group to go after.
Zero violence?, your memory is shorter than your pud.
Considering that after the ex said that, thousands of violent fanatics stormed the capitol. You are clueless.
Remind me of the time "radical" "evil" Democrats attacked our capitol to change an election.
How many radicals made a move after her speech? Where are all the evil, lying, radical democrats trying to start a civil war?
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 4:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
No, it is not a walk in the park and adds physical load. Increased heart rate and harder breathing. that is with a regular mask too.
N95 mask it is worse, however those are actual filters and with that they still want us distanced. We also have to wear gloves as well. However N95 masks have a filtering and a fit certification associated with it. regular masks do not. We also have to report in each day we are on site that we do not have symptoms and have to call a hotline if we have any symptoms. We are required to stay off site for 10 days if we have any symptoms.
We had all those requirements and 5 people got covid in a meeting. They were wearing regular masks and distanced in the same room. So no, masks do not work.
If I have to have vaccines and a negative test to do anything, I will not be going to any of those activities. Not giving millionaires any more money than I need to for basic services. If a business requires a vaccine to go in, then I will not do business there. If the vaccine supposedly works and the prescribed time has gone by to have had a chance to get your vaccine, then what do the vaccinated have to worry about? We have almost 25% of the population was born outside of the US. You really think the 10 million people in kalifornia and an estimated another 3 to 4 million illegals which are primarily in 2 cities (one which you live) had the same immunizations you did? yet, you still do business with them.
Seems you may just be a puzzy. Physical load? increased heart rate? What are you a walking heart attack? You know Covid is especially tough on the unhealthy. If masks dont work, why does every doctor where them in every hospital on the planet Earth?
Airlines are 100% going to be asking for proof, too much liability when the public, like yourself are walking stroke victims.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-20-2021, 5:02 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Typical racist comment.......,,,,mass shootings only matter to you and dems when they involve groups of white people. The daily black on black mass shootings that have occurred for decades never touched a dem media outlet or even remotely fly on the grader as a talking point. Now all of a sudden you care because white people are victims. How very white privileged of you. Just wondering were your cries for help, the accountability, and legislative push for laws has been for the daily killers committing mass shootings of minorities in low income areas are?
Don’t worry you’ll soon be able to talk those shooters into stopping with social workers because there will be no police responding when Biden and Harris are done.
Im not pro-ganglife either. Do you agree we should take away every single gun any one involved in a gang ever touched? Including the ones the "girlfriend" is holding for them. If a shots been fired, cut off the trigger finger too.
I said ALL the mass shootings, the ones done by black, white, Brony and any other adj you want to use. Why do you think i left those out? Doesnt fit your narrative? Any other questions?
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 5:26 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Zero violence?, your memory is shorter than your pud.
Considering that after the ex said that, thousands of violent fanatics stormed the capitol. You are clueless.
Remind me of the time "radical" "evil" Democrats attacked our capitol to change an election.
How many radicals made a move after her speech? Where are all the evil, lying, radical democrats trying to start a civil war?
previously to that, ZERO issues have been had at any Trump rally other than democrats beating up Trump supporters in the parking lots. Riots started prior to Trump's speech and it has also been determined that those people already coordinated outside of Trump's speech, so no I reject what you are saying. Trump, any Republican or demorat did not have any reason to believe they would storm the capital. Even with that, zero guns where found. No fires started and as it turned out that zero people actually died because of it. Well, other than the pelosi people shooting that woman.
The democrats did take over the Wisconsin state house to stop a anti union vote. You certainly did not care about that nor did your cnn or msnbc overloards tell you about it.
Prior to your VP bailing out looters and protestors and saying they need to keep going, there was plenty of democrat violence. There was plenty of violence after. There was plenty of violence against Republicans trying to eat in public after Waters first speech. After the one last night there was a drive by shooting of the national guard. Never mind the millions if not billions of dollars in damage caused by your democrats in the streets. Don't try and gas light us. The record is not on your side. We can see exactly which party is destroying our society and which parties leaders who are encouraging it.
What do you think is doing to happen when your party keeps using race baiting and violence against white people and "white" institutions. Pretty soon white people are going to start with their own identity politics. Seems like you people don't like it when whites start using identity politics.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-20-2021, 5:35 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Seems you may just be a puzzy. Physical load? increased heart rate? What are you a walking heart attack? You know Covid is especially tough on the unhealthy. If masks dont work, why does every doctor where them in every hospital on the planet Earth?
Airlines are 100% going to be asking for proof, too much liability when the public, like yourself are walking stroke victims.
pu$$y my a##. You better pack your lunch. You better put down the chronic before you write checks your a## can't cash.
Doctors wear masks to keep from spitting or dropping facial sloughing into an open wound. I have yet gone to a doctor outside of covid that wore a mask. Surgeons wear masks. They are also not running up and down stairs, walking miles and working heavy work. They stand in a nice cool room doing hand work. Just like working in clean rooms. Worked in clean rooms on and off for decades and we have to have masks on. Again, light movement. Mostly hand work with 50 linear feet of air per minute blowing on you. Wearing a mask during elevated work will cause higher heart rate period.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-20-2021, 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
pu$$y my a##. You better pack your lunch. You better put down the chronic before you write checks your a## can't cash.
Doctors wear masks to keep from spitting or dropping facial sloughing into an open wound. I have yet gone to a doctor outside of covid that wore a mask. Surgeons wear masks. They are also not running up and down stairs, walking miles and working heavy work. They stand in a nice cool room doing hand work. Just like working in clean rooms. Worked in clean rooms on and off for decades and we have to have masks on. Again, light movement. Mostly hand work with 50 linear feet of air per minute blowing on you. Wearing a mask during elevated work will cause higher heart rate period.
Of course you absolutely know 95 regularly got the ish beat out of himself in school. He’s got all of the personality of a shovel. He’s that resident retard punching bag for all of us.
I regularly work at state offices as a vendor. I have to climb ladders as I’m doing my work. First thing I do as I climb that ladder is move that mask down below my nose so I can breathe. After working there for awhile, I just let it stay that way unless I’m walking up to someone in close proximity. When you’re doing physical work, humidity builds up and clogs whatever fabric the mask is made of. Your only way to function is to side-step the system and create alternate air passageways. A man’s gotta breathe.
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-21-2021, 7:03 AM
Ah yes. Some more democrat/BLM “wisdom” for you. Can you even imagine being one of those diners trying to eat a taco while a herd of Huxtables came up and started that? The idiot democrat up top leading the stupidity is so dumb that he doesn’t realize his words are like kicking the legs out of a ladder that he’s on himself. Such foolishness you dems are full of.....
Join Date: Jun 2007
04-21-2021, 7:42 AM
Ahhh more facts than the left doesn’t want you to know or discuss. You know the actual crime stats involving police use of force incidents.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 8:20 AM
So now a 16 year old black girl actively stabbing another black girl who then is shot mid stab is now a reason to want to march around and want to riot? You democrats are ridiculous. We need separate countries. I see no common ground with you freaks.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 9:34 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
You like facts? (not that you have ever used facts) How about the original press release from the Minn PD on George Floyds "Medical incident"
Without the video and all the witnesses willing to step forward Chauvin would be out on the street today.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 9:58 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You like facts? (not that you have ever used facts) How about the original press release from the Minn PD on George Floyds "Medical incident"
Without the video and all the witnesses willing to step forward Chauvin would be out on the street today.
Floyd did die of a medical emergency. The prosecutor lied is butt off. Emotion ruled the day.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 10:02 AM
Here you go. This is biden surrounding himself with kalifornia radicals. Using all the same playbooks.
Biden administration orders ICE, CBP to stop using terms 'illegal alien' and 'assimilation'
The start changing the meaning of words, stop tracking. Then they tell you there are none and there is no issue. Democrats goal is to destroy the border. Look at the marxist playbook. It is right in there as to why.
Join Date: Dec 2012
04-21-2021, 11:29 AM
Like Trump admin and the words "climate change" etc etc etc on and on and on. Borders don't mean much without clean air and water.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by whiteflashwatersports1
Like Trump admin and the words "climate change" etc etc etc on and on and on. Borders don't mean much without clean air and water.
Climate change has been happening since the earth was formed. Should people remind you of what happened to humanity during the mini ice age? Wasn't it something like 25% of the earths population died? You do realize that the earth actually had 10,000 times the CO2 in the air as we do today. Also those were the times that the earth was the most healthy with lush green everywhere. We technically are at an earth low for co2. The sun is also at a solar maximum. Look that up in the history of humans. usually when the sun has been at a minimum, you go massive human migrations. The democrats are just doing a great job or scaring you into votes. The air so clean that we have to import high purity Argon because there is not enough contaminates to help scrub it. I will tell you another secret. We don't make the air cleaner by signing treaties that move American jobs to countries that have almost ZERO environmental regulations and then in turn allowing them to have access to our markets. That should be your first clue it is a scam.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 11:54 AM
actually if you believe the historical record as put out by said climate scientist that you say you believe, there is very little correlation between CO2 levels and temperature.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by whiteflashwatersports1
Like Trump admin and the words "climate change" etc etc etc on and on and on. Borders don't mean much without clean air and water.
Let's see what happens when you are not able to control who has control of YOUR water and resources. Control your resources and they control your freedom.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Floyd did die of a medical emergency. The prosecutor lied is butt off. Emotion ruled the day.
a knee on the neck for 10 mins, im sure that may have something to do with his medical incident. Its why he was found guilty in a court of law.
The defense... it was part of his training, the police chief...no not any part of training. Who lied?, other than you.
Join Date: Jun 2007
04-21-2021, 12:10 PM
One of our resident Biden/Harris / Waters / BLM supporters please explain why a police officer responding to w call for help of a 15 yr old menacing a family with knife, saving multiple minority female lives from being killed by said 15yr stabbing them with a knife isn’t hailed as a hero ? Explain to me what you think an officer should do here any different than what this HERO DID . He saved at least two lives , I’d argue an entire family with his heroic actions . Instead he’s being demonized bad his own Chief of Police goes on a pandering tirade of tragedy for the 15yr olds family.
Really...........what about the actual stabbing victims lives , what about the family this savage was attempting to kill, what about the officer , what about the officer,s family.
This is about as clear cut as it gets. Police shoot an armed individual attempting to kill multiple people , all caught on camera , and he’s a racist. Talk about a giant look into the agenda of the left ............here it is.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Let's see what happens when you are not able to control who has control of YOUR water and resources. Control your resources and they control your freedom.
Thats why Biden had to step up when the previous one termer, trump refused to or was afraid to sanction his pal Putin over the solarwinds cyber attack. The russians can F with our water systems, electric grid...when they want. Instead of depending on foreign oil we will move towards made in the USA clean elec power. Made in USA isnt that the republican chant?
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
a knee on the neck for 10 mins, im sure that may have something to do with his medical incident. Its why he was found guilty in a court of law.
The defense... it was part of his training, the police chief...no not any part of training. Who lied?, other than you.
funny. seems to me at the trial, they actually showed his knee on his back via video and that that technique is actually trained and used over 200 times in the last few years.
Police chiefs are politicians and many time do not know what is happening with the rank and file.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Thats why Biden had to step up when the previous one termer, trump refused to or was afraid to sanction his pal Putin over the solarwinds cyber attack. The russians can F with our water systems, electric grid...when they want. Instead of depending on foreign oil we will move towards made in the USA clean elec power. Made in USA isnt that the republican chant?
I am fine with solar. you don't have to move our middle class jobs and over all wealth out of the country to polluting 3rd world countries to do it. That is a democrat chant. They are citizens of the world and that they need to spread the wealth of the top 1%. Any American is the top 1% of the world. They tell you up front what they are going to do to us.
On the flip side. Solar is a lie. Sun don't work at night and I sure as hell don't want to manage more batteries. The processes to make solar are toxic as F$ck. The waste is going to be even greater in 20 years especially when all these houses can not afford to have them taken off and thrown away.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-21-2021, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Climate change has been happening since the earth was formed. Should people remind you of what happened to humanity during the mini ice age? Wasn't it something like 25% of the earths population died? You do realize that the earth actually had 10,000 times the CO2 in the air as we do today. Also those were the times that the earth was the most healthy with lush green everywhere. We technically are at an earth low for co2. The sun is also at a solar maximum. Look that up in the history of humans. usually when the sun has been at a minimum, you go massive human migrations. The democrats are just doing a great job or scaring you into votes. The air so clean that we have to import high purity Argon because there is not enough contaminates to help scrub it. I will tell you another secret. We don't make the air cleaner by signing treaties that move American jobs to countries that have almost ZERO environmental regulations and then in turn allowing them to have access to our markets. That should be your first clue it is a scam.

Delta, I never took you for a mother earth type. You seem to be down with the "earth will be fine even if humanity isn't" hypothesis? I mean your chart shows that temps have been confined to a very narrow band, historically, for the development of humanity. Life has certainly flourished and crashed over the millennia during the different warmer eras, but humanity was never part of those times. The planet will be fine after we've wrung her out and life will persist -- I think we can agree on that. Human life tho...?
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:31 PM
By the way, The Russian paying for American deaths was another lie from the democrats. That was just revealed last week.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta, I never took you for a mother earth type. You seem to be down with the "earth will be fine even if humanity isn't" hypothesis? I mean your chart shows that temps have been confined to a very narrow band, historically, for the development of humanity. Life has certainly flourished and crashed over the millennia during the different warmer eras, but humanity was never part of those times. The planet will be fine after we've wrung her out and life will persist -- I think we can agree on that. Human life tho...?
According you godless types, humans have been around during all that. If you are a true believer in nature, babies are not babies so we can kill them at will because of overpopulation then you should have zero issue with earth doing what earth does.
For what you are saying, human kind in the latest human recorded history has actually almost died off during colder times (which were set off by solar minimums). Temperature historically has never matched co2 concentration. you are being scammed to into globalization. Why? See marxist doctrine.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
funny. seems to me at the trial, they actually showed his knee on his back via video and that that technique is actually trained and used over 200 times in the last few years.
Police chiefs are politicians and many time do not know what is happening with the rank and file.
Watch the video again, im sure you can find it online. Minn police chief is appointed, not elected. He was a patrol cop since 1989 and worked his way up the ranks. Please stop with your clueless BS.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta, I never took you for a mother earth type. You seem to be down with the "earth will be fine even if humanity isn't" hypothesis? I mean your chart shows that temps have been confined to a very narrow band, historically, for the development of humanity. Life has certainly flourished and crashed over the millennia during the different warmer eras, but humanity was never part of those times. The planet will be fine after we've wrung her out and life will persist -- I think we can agree on that. Human life tho...?
By the way, I would fashion myself as more of a conservationist after the Teddy Rosevelt model. Not one of these wacko democrat environazis who use the "weather" to enrich their cronies. You know who is making out like a bandit on this carbon tax lie in Kalifornia? Seirra Club and all the big wealth land owners who could not develope their land anyway. They gamed the system to get paychecks for something they could not monetize anyway and they are getting it off tax payers backs. They just raise the prices on us and then you wonder why there are thousands of people (mostly minorities) living under overpasses in the very cities they grew up in. The moved the cost of basic living outside the norms. I never looked into what they immigration overall to kali was. Now that I see the state population doubled in 40 years with the amount of foreign born making up 25% of the population, it kind of makes sense now. I could see the change, just did not realize it was that drastic.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Watch the video again, im sure you can find it online. Minn police chief is appointed, not elected. He was a patrol cop since 1989 and worked his way up the ranks. Please stop with your clueless BS.
Considering I have heard all about the chiefs at my wife's work going from a "patrol" guy to a politician, she has seen how these guys stab their fellow officers in the back to promote.
I did see the video. I saw it at the trial. His leg was on his back. It may have moved to his neck as he was distracted by the mob, however it should it was clearly on the back and shoulder. It was also used over 200 times in the last few years. it is a trained technique. Also, Floyd requested to be put on the ground.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta, I never took you for a mother earth type. You seem to be down with the "earth will be fine even if humanity isn't" hypothesis? I mean your chart shows that temps have been confined to a very narrow band, historically, for the development of humanity. Life has certainly flourished and crashed over the millennia during the different warmer eras, but humanity was never part of those times. The planet will be fine after we've wrung her out and life will persist -- I think we can agree on that. Human life tho...?
Point is, you are being manipulated for your fears. Didn't obama sell you on hope and change to get your vote? Well, the earth always changes. So why didn't his "change" scare you? you know the change where "white" people will no longer be in charge of a country that "white" people built. Seems to me that should be scary for a white guy like you considering the alternative people they think should be in charge have never ran or invented anything in human history. You seem willing to embrace a culture known for warlords and not great democracies. A culture that proves statistically year after to murder it's own by the thousands even though they live in the wealthiest country on earth and in the history of earth. Why does that change not scare you? Is it because you believe you are one of the "good" ones? Why do you automatically believe that type of change is good, but the weather being different is bad? History tells you that when it is warmer, all living things prosper. Not sure I have seen a period described on earth as the great desert error on earth. It seems to be described as the that cold as heck time or that green and lush time. I don't remember hearing of them coming up with sand in the core samples?
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Watch the video again, im sure you can find it online. Minn police chief is appointed, not elected. He was a patrol cop since 1989 and worked his way up the ranks. Please stop with your clueless BS.
Let me ask you this. Why didn't the EMT's give cpr when they got on scene? That's right, the area was too hostile to perform medical treatment. They decided to move him away from the scene first.
I am not saying the optics of it looked inhuman, however the fact don't add up to the emotions. You are seeing the end of good cops. The inner cites are going to become bigger war zones than they already have this year. '
This is also why Republicans are against more laws that give the state power. This is what happens when you have to give your rights over to the state.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-21-2021, 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
According you godless types, humans have been around during all that.
Huh? I don't think that anyone asserts that humanity has been around more than about 2M years in any capacity (note your chart starts at 4600M), or that humanity has actually *flourished* for more than 10,000 years. That's a very narrow climate band on your chart.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 1:01 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Considering I have heard all about the chiefs at my wife's work going from a "patrol" guy to a politician, she has seen how these guys stab their fellow officers in the back to promote.
I did see the video. I saw it at the trial. His leg was on his back. It may have moved to his neck as he was distracted by the mob, however it should it was clearly on the back and shoulder. It was also used over 200 times in the last few years. it is a trained technique. Also, Floyd requested to be put on the ground.
You calling the the 7 or 8 witnesses a mob? There were 3 other cops there for crowd control. You say you saw the video, how many in the "mob" touched a cop? One of the witnesses was off-duty FD medic, they refused to even let her check his pulse. Let me put you in cuffs, face down, as i lift your hands and put pressure on your neck, tell me you can breathe. For the guy who cant F'n breathe with a little mask on walking through a grocery store, why do you think Floyd could breath, handcuffed with 3 cops on his back. You are delusional fighting both sides to this breathing thing. Idiot.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 1:07 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Let me ask you this. Why didn't the EMT's give cpr when they got on scene? That's right, the area was too hostile to perform medical treatment. They decided to move him away from the scene first.
I am not saying the optics of it looked inhuman, however the fact don't add up to the emotions. You are seeing the end of good cops. The inner cites are going to become bigger war zones than they already have this year. '
This is also why Republicans are against more laws that give the state power. This is what happens when you have to give your rights over to the state.
Because CPR does not work on the dead. The medic testified at the trial, he said Floyd was dead when they got there. Doesnt sound like you educated yourself on the facts of the case.
Derek Smith, a Minneapolis paramedic who was called to provide medical assistance to George Floyd on May 25, testified on Thursday that he believed Floyd was dead when he checked his pulse upon arriving at the scene—as Chauvin and two other officers were still pinning him to the ground.
All the facts add up.
We saw the end of one bad cop.
Most cops ARE good, but the bad apples need to be tossed. Better to toss them before stuff like this happens.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 1:10 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Huh? I don't think that anyone asserts that humanity has been around more than about 2M years in any capacity (note your chart starts at 4600M), or that humanity has actually *flourished* for more than 10,000 years. That's a very narrow climate band on your chart.
sure. If you go back to other periods and the Temp was significantly higher yet the CO2 was similar to today. Even in the last 2 million years, the CO2 and temp are not linked. The temp was cycling even though the CO2 was falling, going flat then rising. There have been notes of solar activity and human migration and mass die offs due to cold as little as 800 AD I believe.
So, there is evidence that says they are selling you bunk, yet you are still willing to sell out your country over this?
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-21-2021, 1:12 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
History tells you that when it is warmer, all living things prosper. Not sure I have seen a period described on earth as the great desert error on earth.
Problem with that thinking is that national borders are static. Sure, when it gets warm, formerly cold areas get more lush. But formerly warm areas also turn hot. When formerly good growing regions become deserts and higher latitudes become better for growing, that is pretty disruptive to our national interest.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 1:16 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Because CPR does not work on the dead. The medic testified at the trial, he said Floyd was dead when they got there. Doesnt sound like you educated yourself on the facts of the case.
Derek Smith, a Minneapolis paramedic who was called to provide medical assistance to George Floyd on May 25, testified on Thursday that he believed Floyd was dead when he checked his pulse upon arriving at the scene—as Chauvin and two other officers were still pinning him to the ground.
All the facts add up.
We saw the end of one bad cop.
Most cops ARE good, but the bad apples need to be tossed. Better to toss them before stuff like this happens.
Then why did he testify that he unhand cuffed him, used one of the officers what went with and started to administer life saving routines? I watched his testimony. The judge even gave him the business for leaning forward into the mic.
So, another drugged out of his mind black guy is the hero of the nation? black woman shoots at cops, gets killed. hero? Black guy with retraining order at the house of the person who called the cops goes into his car to get a weapon, shot. Now a hero? Black teen, getting ready to stab another black teen. Gets shot mid stab. Hero? Where does this upside down world end? This is exactly what gaslighting is. Telling people that people doing the most horrible things are normal and that we need to worship them like they are heros.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 1:23 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Problem with that thinking is that national borders are static. Sure, when it gets warm, formerly cold areas get more lush. But formerly warm areas also turn hot. When formerly good growing regions become deserts and higher latitudes become better for growing, that is pretty disruptive to our national interest.
That is indeed what happens. So you seem to agree then that we need to have this roving border? Then I am correct when I and many republicans say that democrat want to dissolve the border?
Can you tell me historically how borders change? I will tell you. mass war. Why did the borders change? Groups of people decided they did not like the culture of the other people and made borders. You can not have masses of people who don't believe in your way of life coming in and voting you out of your way of life. To what? To the way of life they came from that had zero protections for them, thus the reason they wanted to move here?
Right or wrong, you are going to want a group of people with similar values who want to survive. You hope they have good values and ethics if and when that time comes on earth. If you believe it will get that far. you should learn a lesson from New Orleans. That thing went tribal in less then 3 days.
Can we invite 50 people to live in your house and you have to pay for them?
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-21-2021, 1:32 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
That is indeed what happens. So you seem to agree then that we need to have this roving border? Then I am correct when I and many republicans say that democrat want to dissolve the border?
Well, no, you aren't correct. If you are doing all you can to change the climate, and you acknowledge that earth is warming, and that when warming, good and fertile growing zones naturally migrate to higher latitudes (in our case north), then you are exporting our own resources to Canada for nothing.
One would think that if you want a stable border, you also want to keep what's inside it. If you export your arable land, what's the point? I guess it would probably discourage in-migration.
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 1:35 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Then why did he testify that he unhand cuffed him, used one of the officers what went with and started to administer life saving routines? I watched his testimony. The judge even gave him the business for leaning forward into the mic.
So, another drugged out of his mind black guy is the hero of the nation? black woman shoots at cops, gets killed. hero? Black guy with retraining order at the house of the person who called the cops goes into his car to get a weapon, shot. Now a hero? Black teen, getting ready to stab another black teen. Gets shot mid stab. Hero? Where does this upside down world end? This is exactly what gaslighting is. Telling people that people doing the most horrible things are normal and that we need to worship them like they are heros.
We were discussing the GF trial. No need to change the topic because you were boofed again. Why do your feelings tell you its a good idea to defend a convicted murderer?
I just posted a link to paramedic testimony, did i lie? Read it, or you come off sounding foolish. Includes the details why they moved him into ambulance (thats where the medical supplies are).
No a drugged out guy is not the hero of the nation. A bad cop killed him in broad daylight in front of witnesses and smart cameras. When this has happened in the past, most times the officer is not charged or the charges charged are too hard to prove in court. Thats why the sigh of relief when Guilty came down. It does not happen often. A ray of light for the millions of minorities. Score is still 1 to 100,000. GF is dead, i dont think he will be wearing a medal or get a heros welcome. He passed a fake $20 bill, he did not deserve death.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 2:02 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
We were discussing the GF trial. No need to change the topic because you were boofed again. Why do your feelings tell you its a good idea to defend a convicted murderer?
I just posted a link to paramedic testimony, did i lie? Read it, or you come off sounding foolish. Includes the details why they moved him into ambulance (thats where the medical supplies are).
No a drugged out guy is not the hero of the nation. A bad cop killed him in broad daylight in front of witnesses and smart cameras. When this has happened in the past, most times the officer is not charged or the charges charged are too hard to prove in court. Thats why the sigh of relief when Guilty came down. It does not happen often. A ray of light for the millions of minorities. Score is still 1 to 100,000. GF is dead, i dont think he will be wearing a medal or get a heros welcome. He passed a fake $20 bill, he did not deserve death.
I did not change the topic you idiot. One of your buddies did.
I defend anyone who is accosted by a mob and you are part of the mob. He was guilty by the mob before a single day in court. yet another reason you democrats are so dangerous to our freedoms.
I saw him give his testimony. Why would they need medical supplies on a dead guy there genius? He also called for a grab and go because the scene was hostel. His words. not mine. Why were they so late to the scene? They put it on record that they called early on. usually fire shows up and they arrived much later?
you are still not answering, this technique is trained and used hundreds of times across the country. It is a maximum restrain technique. People on drugs are notorious for getting up fighting. He also asked to be put on the ground instead of in the car. he also ate enough deadly drugs to kill a horse. He was saying he could not breath when he fought them to get in the car too.
yep, the cop killed him alright. None of those other things killed him. It was a cop who had his knee on video on his back and shoulder and not the history of heart conditions and a dose that was over 3 times the recognized lethal dose. You live in a upside down f$cked up world if you think that is justice that a cop went to jail for murder when the guy would have died anyway in the back of the car from a drug overdose. he may have been a bad cop. Who knows. All I saw was another black guy killing himself and democrats using it as race baiting AGAIN.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 2:09 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Well, no, you aren't correct. If you are doing all you can to change the climate, and you acknowledge that earth is warming, and that when warming, good and fertile growing zones naturally migrate to higher latitudes (in our case north), then you are exporting our own resources to Canada for nothing.
One would think that if you want a stable border, you also want to keep what's inside it. If you export your arable land, what's the point? I guess it would probably discourage in-migration.
YOU CAN"T CHANGE IT!!! That is the lie you are telling yourself. Trying to play god. We are just an insect to the planet in magnitude. The historical record tells you that there is no correlation. So what are you democrats trying to do selling out our border and our resources as a preemptive strike for what?
The argument you just made is we, as humans, have the power to change the earth and the sun to our will and in doing so we are better off because that will make for a stable border thus no changes needed. Seems almost reasonable even with the god complex. Then why do you explain the democrats need to open the border and export our wealth and enable those who pollute? If the goal is to control global warming and secure our border, you are doing the 2 most opposite things you can do. If what you are doing is the exact opposite of the stated goal then the stated goal must not be the goal. The goal is in something written down and that is marxism.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 2:12 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Well, no, you aren't correct. If you are doing all you can to change the climate, and you acknowledge that earth is warming, and that when warming, good and fertile growing zones naturally migrate to higher latitudes (in our case north), then you are exporting our own resources to Canada for nothing.
One would think that if you want a stable border, you also want to keep what's inside it. If you export your arable land, what's the point? I guess it would probably discourage in-migration.
also, what about countries that do not like their current situation. Maybe Russia and Canada don't like ****ty winters?
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-21-2021, 2:20 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
YOU CAN"T CHANGE IT!!! That is the lie you are telling yourself. Trying to play god. We are just an insect to the planet in magnitude. The historical record tells you that there is no correlation. So what are you democrats trying to do selling out our border and our resources as a preemptive strike for what?
The argument you just made is we, as humans, have the power to change the earth and the sun to our will and in doing so we are better off because that will make for a stable border thus no changes needed. Seems almost reasonable even with the god complex. Then why do you explain the democrats need to open the border and export our wealth and enable those who pollute? If the goal is to control global warming and secure our border, you are doing the 2 most opposite things you can do. If what you are doing is the exact opposite of the stated goal then the stated goal must not be the goal. The goal is in something written down and that is marxism.
I'm not sure where we disagree, Delta. Do you not believe that we (humans) are releasing far more greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than we did say 300 years ago?
Join Date: Sep 2005
04-21-2021, 2:30 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I did not change the topic you idiot. One of your buddies did.
I defend anyone who is accosted by a mob and you are part of the mob. He was guilty by the mob before a single day in court. yet another reason you democrats are so dangerous to our freedoms.
I saw him give his testimony. Why would they need medical supplies on a dead guy there genius? He also called for a grab and go because the scene was hostel. His words. not mine. Why were they so late to the scene? They put it on record that they called early on. usually fire shows up and they arrived much later?
you are still not answering, this technique is trained and used hundreds of times across the country. It is a maximum restrain technique. People on drugs are notorious for getting up fighting. He also asked to be put on the ground instead of in the car. he also ate enough deadly drugs to kill a horse. He was saying he could not breath when he fought them to get in the car too.
yep, the cop killed him alright. None of those other things killed him. It was a cop who had his knee on video on his back and shoulder and not the history of heart conditions and a dose that was over 3 times the recognized lethal dose. You live in a upside down f$cked up world if you think that is justice that a cop went to jail for murder when the guy would have died anyway in the back of the car from a drug overdose. he may have been a bad cop. Who knows. All I saw was another black guy killing himself and democrats using it as race baiting AGAIN.
Dude, the entire thing is all on video. There was no crowd hostility, point it out if im wrong. The mob never touched anyone. They asked/begged dozens and dozens of times for Chauvin to get off, never touched anyone, never stepped off the sidewalk. We all watched the crime, maybe thats why we felt he was guilty. There was a Fire Dept, paramedic at the scene, the cops would not even let her check his pulse. Why would you need a "Maximum Restrain Technique" when the man is in handcuffs, on his face on the ground and not resisting? And why, once he passed out, 3 or 4 minutes in or so, Chauvin never stopped. An extra 5-6 minutes for Chauvins fun?
I think you need to refresh your memory on the facts of the case because you are all kinds of wrong. When you argue in bad faith, it shows.
Join Date: Mar 2018
04-21-2021, 2:46 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Dude, the entire thing is all on video. There was no crowd hostility, point it out if im wrong. The mob never touched anyone. They asked/begged dozens and dozens of times for Chauvin to get off, never touched anyone, never stepped off the sidewalk. We all watched the crime, maybe thats why we felt he was guilty. There was a Fire Dept, paramedic at the scene, the cops would not even let her check his pulse. Why would you need a "Maximum Restrain Technique" when the man is in handcuffs, on his face on the ground and not resisting? And why, once he passed out, 3 or 4 minutes in or so, Chauvin never stopped. An extra 5-6 minutes for Chauvins fun?
I think you need to refresh your memory on the facts of the case because you are all kinds of wrong. When you argue in bad faith, it shows.
Oh, I don't know. People yelling they are going to F$ck them up and stuff like that. The EMT's said it was too hostel as well thus they did the grab and go. Even that little liberal 2 year on the job firefighter who got flamed admitted it was hostel under oath.
Key word. Felt he was guilty. Being the hand of the state is not a feely kind of job. he was working his script. They put someone prone and control them until they can be transported in the car. he did not want to go in the car so they were stuck. Floyd wanted to be put on the ground. they put him on the ground. They called medical and they were late. The fire department who little miss liberal admitted only should have taken 3 minutes arrived even after the EMT's. They even pulled out the log and they called about (i believe) 5 minutes before your girl even was on the scene and that was before EMT's arrived. My wife's good friend lost their career and almost had to shoot sober a teen who was handcuffed. Kids ripped away, tore all the ligaments in the thumb and then jumped on trying to wrestle for weapons. Almost had to shoot the kid, got it under control. Grip never the same. 4 years of college and 10 years on the force up in smoke.
As a fire fighter, she should know to know interfere in that situation. So she checks a pulse then what? She has no meds. The guys died of a 3x dose of a deadly drug. They also do not know who she is, training, or anything. If the whole system worked the way it should have and according to her very testimony, they fire should have been there in 3 minutes before she even walked on the scene. Then what? We would have had a different issue. He would have been the dead black guy from a drug overdose. The same guy who put a gun in a woman's belly with a gang of men as they robbed her in her house a few years earlier.