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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-18-2016, 12:33 PM Reply   
Eric: wow pot meet kettle, go back threw any of our comunication here on WW YOU are always the one hurling the insults Race baiting or just straight up being rude. And Here your trying to claim moral high ground wow that's rich. Your a staight up hypocrite. Or delusional or at best both. I take what you have to say with zero weight because as in the past you argue just to argue and you can't even answer a direct question, your not trying to debate your not intrested in learning Anything only winning your argument. But what you have clearly proved here is that as bad as Trump is your even more embarrassed to admit you like either of the 2 dems left in the race LOL
Old     (Jmorlan)      Join Date: May 2013       03-18-2016, 3:20 PM Reply   
I'm surprised there isn't more support for a businessman here on 1%world.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-18-2016, 4:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Jmorlan View Post
I'm surprised there isn't more support for a businessman here on 1%world.
Aside from "Trump will look out for himself" what would YOU see, as a businessman, that would make you think Trump would be good for business?

Businesses want rules that are predictable, and rules that are favorable. What's predictable about Trump?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-18-2016, 6:11 PM Reply   
^^^ I read about 5 words in your above post and see that there is no answere to a straight forward question and then I recognized I'm dealing with a complete dousch.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-18-2016, 6:16 PM Reply   
I was talking about Eric being a complet dousch not you Shawn.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-18-2016, 6:19 PM Reply   
Grant was that for me? Gadzooks.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-19-2016, 12:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by Jmorlan View Post
I'm surprised there isn't more support for a businessman here on 1%world.
1%world? Hilarious! You win. That was a classic post. I had to stop reading just so I could laugh out loud. Good job.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-19-2016, 9:47 AM Reply   
The last Republican President decided to build his legacy bringing democracy to the ME. That cost us trillions and left us with a bigger mess than we started with. So in the oft chance that h e l l freezes over and the next President is Republican, is his legacy going to be building a huge wall in the middle of nowhere? Now we all know that Trump will build the BEST wall that the tax payer's money can buy. You know, because that's how Trump does things. What it is with Republicans and their desire to spend massive amounts of taxpayer money in the desert?
Old     (Jmorlan)      Join Date: May 2013       03-19-2016, 10:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
What it is with Republicans and their desire to spend massive amounts of taxpayer money ?
I think we can agree that all politicians certainly are guilty of this, but ESPECIALLY THE DEMOCRATS.

Did you bump your head this morning?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-19-2016, 11:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by Jmorlan View Post
I think we can agree that all politicians certainly are guilty of this, but ESPECIALLY THE DEMOCRATS.

Did you bump your head this morning?
Wooshhh.... right over your head. But since we are taking a segue, Republicans historically raise the deficit spending by much larger percentages than Democrats. Back on point Democrats spend to benefit the citizens of this country, Republicans spend to build their legacies on s**t that is pointless. Or in the case of the ME, destructive.

And please don't edit my posts in your quote. If you want to leave off the end, then at least put an ellipsis there or not put the question mark at the end instead of implying I wrote what you quoted.

Last edited by fly135; 03-19-2016 at 11:10 AM.
Old     (Jmorlan)      Join Date: May 2013       03-19-2016, 12:45 PM Reply   
To benefit the citizens of the country huh? Kind of like the brotha with gold toofs, gold chain, and a brand new charger that just came in my gas station and wanted to pay for snacks with his ebt card?
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-19-2016, 2:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Jmorlan View Post
To benefit the citizens of the country huh? Kind of like the brotha with gold toofs, gold chain, and a brand new charger that just came in my gas station and wanted to pay for snacks with his ebt card?
Did you turn away his business?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-19-2016, 3:01 PM Reply   
Better that than a C-130 cargo plane loaded with greenbacks unloading in the ME. At least the bro was spending that money in your gas station. So the question remains... what is it about Republicans that make them want to spend money in deserts?
Old     (Jmorlan)      Join Date: May 2013       03-19-2016, 4:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
Did you turn away his business?
Sure did. We don't accept ebt.
Old     (cwb4me)      Join Date: Apr 2010       03-19-2016, 7:19 PM Reply   
I guess Conservitives will get blamed for blocking the Freeway in Arizona today as well as the streets of New York. Affecting innocent citizens and their ability to get to hospitals and Airports. That's really looking out for your fellow citizens. Brotherly love at it's best. I know, I know somehow it's Bush's fault. Whenever a liberal citizen has a problem or something doesn't go their way somehow it's a conservatives fault. If a conservative has a problem they accept it and deal with themselves. Personal responsibility is a rare virtue.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-20-2016, 9:23 AM Reply   
"If a conservative has a problem they accept it and deal with themselves."

How's that working out for the Bundys? Are they still in jail?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-20-2016, 10:38 AM Reply   
Bunch is an independent.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-20-2016, 10:38 AM Reply   
*Bundy. Not "Bunch".
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-20-2016, 11:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Bunch is an independent.
Ah, didn't know that independents couldn't be conservatives. Thanks for pointing that out. Did the Republican party trademark the term?
Old     (Jmorlan)      Join Date: May 2013       03-20-2016, 11:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Ah, didn't know that independents couldn't be conservatives. Thanks for pointing that out. Did the Republican party trademark the term?
I also didn't know that a man could be a woman.
But I guess anything goes these days
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-20-2016, 11:40 AM Reply   
I know. An independent thinking they are conservative. How messed up is that?
Old     (Jmorlan)      Join Date: May 2013       03-20-2016, 12:53 PM Reply   
Bruce Jenner was named woman of the year. And apparently there are people who cannot decipher their gender.
So I suppose an independent classifying as a conservative is not out of the ordinary by today's standards lmao
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-20-2016, 2:06 PM Reply   
Jordan I had given you the benefit of the doubt earlier, but now you appear to have removed all doubt that you have no idea that independent and conservative are in no way mutually exclusive.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       03-20-2016, 11:10 PM Reply   
C...C...Can't we all get along? Lol
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       03-21-2016, 10:47 AM Reply   
Every time John schools you guys, you deflect. He talks about the difference between spending money on social welfare that gets spent within our country at locally operated businesses vs. spending money in the dessert of another continent and you guys deflect to BLM blocking a freeway. How about addressing the actual issue that was brought up which is the difference between spending 50 million helping Americans and 3 trillion helping Middle Eastern people? Are you going to address this or are you going to deflect again to how awful it is that a few brown people might be getting money they didn't earn? For every dollar spent fraudulently on social welfare there are 2000 dollars being spent fraudulently on corporate welfare. Your like the person chasing the guy that stole a dime out of your couch cushion while ignoring the guy who is draining thousands from your bank account only because the guy in your bank account is white and the guy in your couch cushion is brown.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-21-2016, 12:19 PM Reply   
Eric talking about deflecting! Coming from the guy who won't or can't say that he is voting for Hillary!

When the government spends $ money on the military that money is spent here in America. On American companys who hire American employees. These people buy houses or pay rent, they pay taxes they buy goods, that In turn recirculates into the economy. I know that working a hard day for a dollar in return is a foreign concept to a compassionate liberal but

When the government spends money on these social welfare programs and gives money away for free. What do we get in return for it?
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       03-21-2016, 12:44 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
When the government spends money on these social welfare programs and gives money away for free. What do we get in return for it?
You don't get a warm, fuzzy feeling?

Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-21-2016, 12:46 PM Reply   
Really? Building roads, hospitals, schools, and sending cargo plane loads of money to the ME is spending money in America? Sending soldiers to the ME is not benefiting America in any way. But taxpayers do pay the cost when the soldiers we sent come home with injuries, mental issues related to war, and permanent disabilities. When the govt spends money on social programs we get food for children who need to eat, medicine and doctors who treat their illnesses, and making sure that people have the minimum to subsist on so that they don't have only crime to meet their needs for survival.

Those bombs that we are using right now to subdue ISIS are incredibly expensive and largely ineffective. Bombing to eliminate ISIS is very difficult because in order to be effective we have to kill a lot of innocent people. Even the Russians are giving up. It's f**k'n expensive. Yes, I know it's Obama that doing the bombing now. But history and the rhetoric about building the military indicates that the Republicans would be even worse.

Our economic problems and govt overspending is the result of exporting our economy to impoverished countries. You cannot fix our problems without addressing the trade deficit. The high cost of upper level education and healthcare are two other important issues related to the sustainability of the economic success of this nation. These *are* the issues that we need to focus on. Not building f*ng walls and fighting wars in the ME.
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       03-21-2016, 1:22 PM Reply   
It looks like an American company did receive a large portion of money for wars but #2 and #3 are Kuwaiti firms:
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-21-2016, 1:26 PM Reply   
^^^ John I agree with you. The ME is a Joke. We need to get out. What's your plan??? But first things first.

You brought the M.E and the expensive bombs so Lets address that. When the government puts in a order for a Laser guided sidewinder. McDonald Douglas (an American company) gets a fat pay check from the government. They employee thousands of Americans who in return pay taxes and contribute to the American way of life. This exact example happens over and over allow the chain with the Govermebt and its spending with American defense contracts. Now in stark contrast we issue welfare checks and where does this money go? I want to see in the constitution where is says the U.S. Government is supposed to give you a job, feed and cloth you. Sure some people need help but for others is a way of life.

If you can't feed um DONT breed um!
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-21-2016, 1:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Eric talking about deflecting! Coming from the guy who won't or can't say that he is voting for Hillary!

When the government spends $ money on the military that money is spent here in America. On American companys who hire American employees. These people buy houses or pay rent, they pay taxes they buy goods, that In turn recirculates into the economy. I know that working a hard day for a dollar in return is a foreign concept to a compassionate liberal but

When the government spends money on these social welfare programs and gives money away for free. What do we get in return for it?
What do poor people do with money? They SPEND it! How many poor folks save up their welfare checks to invest in offshore tax havens? C'mon man, everything you said about corporate welfare (i.e. a ridiculously subsidized military) applies to social welfare too. Poor people get money and benefits and spend them on rent and food right here at home.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-21-2016, 1:51 PM Reply   
"I want to see in the constitution where is says the U.S. Government is supposed to give you a job, feed and cloth you."

"promote the general Welfare"

The Constitution cannot solve our economic problems. The Constitution is not the answer book. It was written over 200 years ago by people who could not possibly understand the issues we face today. They couldn't even understand that blacks were full human beings and women were equal. It's the responsibility of us Americans to do that by recognizing what's best for our country and demanding the politicians address those issues. You can't scream Constitution about every problem.

Yes, you can spend money on American defense contractors to make bombs that are essentially waste material. Or you could use the same money to employ less educated people where the jobs are hardest to find to rebuild our infrastructure. Or in the case of defense spending that nothing more than a waste, you could subsidize American manufacturing so they can compete against the imported products that are destroying our economy. Not that I advocate that, but since we are discussing alternate ways to waste money...

WTF do you think is going to happen to our country when Asian economies use our money that ultimately create our debt to rise economically to be our equals? They won't be willing loan us money so we won't have any. And we won't have the ability to manufacture our own products. And printing money won't work either, because that only works when you are the big fish in the pond. This is the biggest threat to national security that this nation is facing.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-21-2016, 2:27 PM Reply   
You bring up good points my goal is not to try and puch holes in your statement or try and find fault, but I as a Normal Functioning man cant see how someone can't find work. I mean if you have a criminal record and have tattoos on your face they Sure yes it gonna be hard to find work. But that's the result of poor life choices, and goverment spoon feeding the week can't fix stupid. I don't see how it's the governments job to make work for you because your have made poor life choices. And statistics would point that most of the people that i have categorized above guess what I'm sure they all are breeders and have 2-4 kids. The stupid are breeding and taking over LOL.

I do agree 1000% the money we spend bombing the M. E would be way better spent here in the U.S. Building roads and improving our country. Hell even building a thousand foot wall between Mexico and the U.S. Would be money well spent, if it made jobs for the Un employed. But do you think these people that receive welfare want to go do a honest day of work?
Old     (alexair)      Join Date: Oct 2008       03-21-2016, 2:30 PM Reply   
Trump seems better than Smaug?
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       03-21-2016, 2:47 PM Reply   
How is making abortion illegal going to keep those impoverished breeders from having 2-4 kids?
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       03-21-2016, 2:51 PM Reply   
Taking welfare away won't prevent the breeding either. Show me a 3rd world country where poor people are choosing not to breed because children are expensive to raise and there is no government check from their destitute nation. If anything, the birth rate goes up possibly due to the additional ignorance that tends to spread among the poorest of the poor. The more highly educated a poor population is, the lower their birth rate tends to be. The more religious a poor population is, the higher their birth rate tends to be.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-21-2016, 3:02 PM Reply   
"You bring up good points my goal is not to try and puch holes in your statement or try and find fault, but I as a Normal Functioning man cant see how someone can't find work."

People are working *and* getting welfare. People that don't work aren't the biggest recipients of welfare. If we don't fix our flawed economic paradigm then we are going down a path of working people making less and govt assisting more. I agree, any normally functioning person can get a job. But if they have any dependents then it's entirely likely that people we are talking about will qualify for welfare as well. I know other states are more liberal, but in Florida a single person with no dependents can't receive food stamps for all that long no matter what they earn if they don't have a disability. And in this nation it is or should be unacceptable for children to starve.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-22-2016, 2:51 PM Reply   
"And in this nation it is or should be unacceptable for children to starve"
I agree. But let's digress for a moment. How come the root of the problem is never addressed?
We as taxpayers are Guilted or forced into paying for the mistakes or reckless behavior of others.
I agree it should be unacceptable to have starving children. But where is your out rage for people that create or have children with no ability to feed them or putting any kind of accountability on the people that are bringing kids into this world and we are supposed Pay for them. It doesn't cost that much to feed a child. And if you can't even afford basic necessities for a child, you're off to a bad start. Where is the public service announcements and education in curving behavior that brings underprivileged kids into this world. I don't see compassionate conservative's doing anything to curve this trend. Your only answer is throw other peoples money at the problem. This sence of entitlement and lack of personal responsibility is a plague
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-22-2016, 3:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Your only answer is throw other peoples money at the problem.
No, my answer is to put the trade deficit on the public venue and get Americans and other trade countries to realize that this nation cannot continue to tolerate trade inbalances. I'm not saying specifically that tariffs are the answer, but whatever answer you find needs to move us towards balanced trade. Balancing the trade will stem the loss of our economy. And I bet it will also bring higher paying manufacturing jobs back to the country.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-22-2016, 3:42 PM Reply   
^^^ So which one of the remaining candidates do you think could do a better job at fixing the trade deficit's ^^
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-22-2016, 4:05 PM Reply   
Grant, I acknowledge that Trump has made this part of his platform. But Trump is not the kind of person who should be President. Bernie would probably be ineffective because the Republicans will cut the country's nose off to despite a "socialist" President just like they did a black President. My prediction is status quo until the American people get a clue, which I don't have much hope for. Besides Hillary is going to win. I believe Trump is going to do a Romney and go down in flames.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-23-2016, 12:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
No, my answer is to put the trade deficit on the public venue and get Americans and other trade countries to realize that this nation cannot continue to tolerate trade inbalances. I'm not saying specifically that tariffs are the answer, but whatever answer you find needs to move us towards balanced trade. Balancing the trade will stem the loss of our economy. And I bet it will also bring higher paying manufacturing jobs back to the country.
But the average American doesn't want to work in production. That's what Mexicans are for.
Old    deltahoosier            03-23-2016, 2:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
But the average American doesn't want to work in production. That's what Mexicans are for.
Not quite. American's don't want to work for Mexican wages. There is a big difference.
Old    deltahoosier            03-23-2016, 2:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
The last Republican President decided to build his legacy bringing democracy to the ME. That cost us trillions and left us with a bigger mess than we started with. So in the oft chance that h e l l freezes over and the next President is Republican, is his legacy going to be building a huge wall in the middle of nowhere? Now we all know that Trump will build the BEST wall that the tax payer's money can buy. You know, because that's how Trump does things. What it is with Republicans and their desire to spend massive amounts of taxpayer money in the desert?
Is this a deflection from the Democrats failed policies and their fear of says Islamic Terrorism?
Old    deltahoosier            03-23-2016, 3:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Eric talking about deflecting! Coming from the guy who won't or can't say that he is voting for Hillary!

When the government spends $ money on the military that money is spent here in America. On American companys who hire American employees. These people buy houses or pay rent, they pay taxes they buy goods, that In turn recirculates into the economy. I know that working a hard day for a dollar in return is a foreign concept to a compassionate liberal but

When the government spends money on these social welfare programs and gives money away for free. What do we get in return for it?

I agree that money spent on our soil helps our economy. That is the whole issue with the trade deficit and with the millions of illegals that the democrats want in the country for votes. The 3rd leading GDP item is cash money being sent to Mexico from Mexicans working in the United States.

Clearly people don't understand life time programs vs short term programs. War's stink. Everyone agrees, however, there is a difference between funding a war and a life time program. You can not take the military budget and turn around and give it to the poor. You would absolutely kill the middle class and you certainly would not get people to be productive members of society. The country would go into out of control inflation. We would not be making any products to export and would solely be living off printed money. That does not work. You still have to have a balance of importing money and printing money.

On a side note, I love how people like to scream that rich people are what is keeping people poor. You can take a billion dollars away from a billionaire and give that money to everyone and everyone in this country would get $3. Think about that. Redistribution of wealth will not work.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-23-2016, 3:45 PM Reply   
Delta, so many delusions of grandeur in your latest three posts, where can one begin?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-23-2016, 4:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
Is this a deflection from the Democrats failed policies and their fear of says Islamic Terrorism?
I think you meant "saying" so that's how I'm going to answer.

The President being "PC" and not saying "Islamic Terrorism" is absolutely appropriate. Everyone knows what religion is behind terrorism coming from the ME. What the President is doing is being tactful and not using language that will rile the knuckledraggers from their caves and potentially start attacking innocent Muslims. We already have Fox News to do that anyway. Not using the language that conservatives wish he would use has no bearing at all on how govt's respond to terrorists. Only on how the idiots respond.

Don't need a deflection. Republican policies are so bad that they overshadow all else.
Old    deltahoosier            03-23-2016, 5:13 PM Reply   
Really Jeremy? Tell me how money works? Who is doing the terrorism?
Migrants working in the United States sent a staggering $120 billion back to their families last year, it was revealed today.

The amount of money being sent by migrants across the entire world reached $530 billion last year, making it a larger economy than Iran or Argentina, the data from the World Bank showed.

This worldwide figure has tripled in the last ten years and is now three times bigger than the total aid budgets given by countries around the world. It has sparked debate whether this so-called remittance money could be a viable alternative to relying on help from other governments.

In the United States last year, more than $120 billion was sent by workers to families abroad - making it the largest sender of remittances in the world. More than $23 billion went to Mexico, $13.45 billion to China, $10.84 billion to India and $10 billion to the Philippines, among other recipients.
I am wrong, cash money from the US would be 4th on the list of exports (their income source) just ahead of OIL....

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Mexican global shipments during 2015. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Mexico.

Vehicles: US$90.4 billion (23.7% of total exports)
Electronic equipment: $81.2 billion (21.3%)
Machines, engines, pumps: $58.9 billion (15.5%)
Oil: $22.8 billion (6.0%)
Medical, technical equipment: $15.2 billion (4.0%)
Furniture, lighting, signs: $9.9 billion (2.6%)
Plastics: $8.3 billion (2.2%)
Gems, precious metals, coins: $7.1 billion (1.9%)
Iron or steel products: $5.7 billion (1.5%)
Vegetables: $5.6 billion (1.5%)

John. really. Moving to grammar? Throw in hitler and you have your winner...

You really think by not labeling who is doing the terrorism it is going to keep "knuckle draggers" from getting angry. Those "knuckle draggers" already know who is doing the terrorism. Of course, "knuckle dragger" is leftist terms for republicans or do you have some other group to disparage in mind? There is always some sort of bully position from the left to try and discount a valid point. You were even able to throw in the "Fox News" 3rd grade slant in there too. Nothing like trying to belittle groups of people with invalid talking points.

Not using the language republicans want him to use is exactly why he is not doing what he needs to do in response to terrorism. Of course he will not say the words considering he already has members of the Muslim Brotherhood in his cabinet. According to Obama and Hillary, Bengazi was cause by a video released by some guy here in the US (Which they hauled off to jail BTW). IF we know who is behind the attacks, why not have the courage to say it? Is this just like Iraq where all the democrats voted for war, but then did not vote for the war in their speeches? How about a little bit of leadership?

Trust me. You need deflection. Why else would you go down this road this week after muslims bombed yet another country and more democrat violence in the streets. The democrat platform is fascists protecting fascists while hanging out with fascists......
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-23-2016, 7:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
Not quite. American's don't want to work for Mexican wages. There is a big difference.
Nobody (local or international) wants to buy goods bought at the cost required to pay American wages to produce them.

That is the USA's (All of the western world's in fact) economic problem in a nut shell, consumers want to buy cheap stuff but don't want to work for the cheap wages required to make them. If the economy is large enough it can buffer this mismatch for a period but eventually economic tension ensues.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-24-2016, 7:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Nobody (local or international) wants to buy goods bought at the cost required to pay American wages to produce them.
But they want to send American dollars out of the economy to get them. The question is... do we have a duty to protect our country's economy? Or is is killing foreigners the only legitimate protection of our nation that the govt should be allowed to perform?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-24-2016, 7:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
John. really. Moving to grammar? Throw in hitler and you have your winner...
If I wanted to attack grammar, Grant would give me all the entertainment I'd need. I really felt I should explain how I interpreted it because it was so awkward.

Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
You really think by not labeling who is doing the terrorism it is going to keep "knuckle draggers" from getting angry. Those "knuckle draggers" already know who is doing the terrorism.
Yes, they do. Which makes me wonder why it's such an important point that the President remind them? Is this just "deflection" and being ingenuous?

Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
Of course, "knuckle dragger" is leftist terms for republicans or do you have some other group to disparage in mind?
Well I was specifically using it to refer to people who would attack innocent Muslims in this country after being incited to violence by demagoguery. Glad to see my "knuckledragger" label is starting to gain wide acceptance. I didn't realize that it was trending so fast. I just using it recently for Trump followers, and hadn't really seen anyone else applying it . But I can see why Republicans would identify as well.

Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
There is always some sort of bully position from the left to try and discount a valid point.
Well, your previous statement indicated to me that it's not a valid point. The knuckledraggers already know the terrorists are Islamic. So please tell me what makes it a valid point?

Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
You were even able to throw in the "Fox News" 3rd grade slant in there too. Nothing like trying to belittle groups of people with invalid talking points.
Yes, I have a habit of belittling people who have invalid talking points. It just so happens that Fox News is full of people with invalid talking points.

Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
Not using the language republicans want him to use is exactly why he is not doing what he needs to do in response to terrorism.
Yes, I agree that the Republicans are all over this because it's entirely political and has nothing to do with policy or security.

How to know if you are a Knuckledragger.

Q) You've just watched Judge Jeanine on Fox News rant about how Obama won't use the phrase... "Islamic Terrorism".

1) You are upset and feel you need to speak out about our feckless President.
2) You think Judge Jeanine is speaking to idiots.

If you picked "1", you are likely a knuckledragger.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-24-2016, 7:57 AM Reply   
Delta, I was mainly taking issue with your "redistribution of wealth" example. I don't think many sane people are advocating taking a billion dollars from someone, splitting it up, and then giving every American an equal amount. That's just your way of discounting an argument from people that are seeing that the quasi-Capitalistic principles in use today, is not the optimal economic model. And your connection of wartime spending to "social programs" was laughable. The line about "killing the middle class" was BS, because it's already dying. Americans "don't want to work for Mexican wages", but American companies sure don't mind attempting to pay you Mexican wages. Of course, they mask the low wages with a government-subsidized HI plan that makes you feel like you are earning more, until you realize you have to pay 5,000 dollars before you meet your deductible. And then US workers are having to compete with workers from countries that don't mind slave wages. All because we are told we are a "Capitalistic" society and we don't want any change to the status quo. The government is already picking winners and losers and calling it "Free Enterprise", buddy, you just keep choosing to accept the world of make believe.

And what's this crap about "Democratic failed policies" when it comes to terrorism? You do realize that Bush's policy on terrorism is what ignited a lot of this firestorm. We went into two vulnerable countries and totally destabilized them and then sold it as, "We are sharing democracy with the Iraqi people". Building a wall across the Mexican border, preventing Muslims from entering the country, or even "carpet-bombing" cities in the ME will do nothing to remedy the situation.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-24-2016, 8:33 AM Reply   
"Bush's policy on terrorism is what ignited a lot of this firestorm"

How typical , This constant Blame Bush for Past & Present problems! how long do you think you can hang your hat on that argument. Didn't you all vote for Hope and Change! Wasn't Obama supposed to fix all of this wasn't isn't this why you voted for him? 2 terms later under Obama is the M.E so much better? This and much more is the "Failed policy" that many address and recognize but you seem to not see and try and re direct

FACT under Obama ISIS was created spawning genocide and a Mass migration of Muslim & the "Religion of Peace "to Europe and the rest of the world. IMO under Obama took over a smoldering fire in the ME and then poured 55 gallons of gas on it.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-24-2016, 8:44 AM Reply   
The only failed democratic policy when it comes to terrorism is Obama's continuing to try to use our armed forces to bring "freedom" to the ME. But the republican allegations that he isn't doing enough in the ME really make Obama's policy a failed republican policy. If Obama was really doing what liberals wanted he would do less in the ME. Bush's policy definitely scattered the terrorists like roaches and turned the ME into a breeding ground for them.

Delta's "redistribution of a billion" is just an example of him deflecting fram a real policy discussion. When people have no valid point to make they start using absolutes as an example. Since nobody is suggesting taking away "wealth" (wealth is not taxable earnings) and redistributing it , it's a strawman argument.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-24-2016, 8:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
FACT under Obama ISIS was created spawning genocide and a Mass migration of Muslim & the "Religion of Peace "to Europe and the rest of the world. IMO under Obama took over a smoldering fire in the ME and then poured 55 gallons of gas on it.
OK, you are willing to admit that Bush created a "smoldering fire". But what I don't get is how not engaging in an escalation of war is considered "pouring gas". Terrible analogy. A better analogy is Bush created a smoldering fire and because Obama didn't want to continue to waste our military in the ME posing as firemen the fire caught flame and took off.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-24-2016, 9:07 AM Reply   
^^^^ your supposed to be the scholar^^^^ if I have to tell you what to do with a smoldering fire then it's pointless.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-24-2016, 9:19 AM Reply   
Just because I don't piss on it doesn't mean I'm pouring gas.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-24-2016, 9:52 AM Reply   
"Silence is approval"

So John you agree with Sarah Palin: "Let Allah Sort It Out" in Syria "Until We Know What We're Doing"
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-24-2016, 9:55 AM Reply   
That doesn't sound like a self proclaimed "compassionate conservative"
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-24-2016, 9:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
"Bush's policy on terrorism is what ignited a lot of this firestorm"

How typical , This constant Blame Bush for Past & Present problems! how long do you think you can hang your hat on that argument. Didn't you all vote for Hope and Change! Wasn't Obama supposed to fix all of this wasn't isn't this why you voted for him? 2 terms later under Obama is the M.E so much better? This and much more is the "Failed policy" that many address and recognize but you seem to not see and try and re direct

FACT under Obama ISIS was created spawning genocide and a Mass migration of Muslim & the "Religion of Peace "to Europe and the rest of the world. IMO under Obama took over a smoldering fire in the ME and then poured 55 gallons of gas on it.
Grant, I'm not sure if you realize this or not, but Bush went into Iraq and removed Saddam from office under the guise of a "War on Terror". That not only destabilized Iraq, but that entire region. As despicable as Saddam was (and let's not forget that we considered him an ally during the 80's), he kept Iran in check. Ever since then, the area is deteriorating. So while I'm not one to blame Bush for every issue in this country (as you and your guild like to do with Obama), I think blame is rightfully applied in this situation. And don't forget that John McCain wanted to aid and arm ISIS rebels initially when they were fighting Assad.

And are we supposed to take you seriously when you blame Obama for EUROPEAN immigration?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-24-2016, 10:06 AM Reply   
^^^ you know what your right^^^ Isis is the JV team and the Syrian people are fleeing the desert because of Global Warming.
Old    deltahoosier            03-24-2016, 11:10 AM Reply   

You did not make up knuckle dragger. Progressives have been using it for some time. You are just catching up to your socialist peers.

The democrats don't want to label islamic terrorism because they would be forced to change policy on unmitigated islamic immigration into the country. That is why it is so important for us to hear them say it. We do not want to become like those European appeasers.


Thanks for clarifying your response.

Now you are starting to catch up. We all sat here and told you people that the Obamacare crap is a myth and people where going to pay higher rates. All it did was give money away to the healthcare industry and took money out of the local economies.

Yes, supposedly sane people are advocating taking billions away from people. What do you think the Bernie movement is about. What do you think the occupy movements are about. We have actual people believing that if we just took the wealth away from people, that things would be better for them. Or the inverse, if we just kept people from earning that type of wealth, everyone would be better. I put that out there because most people use words that they do not know what it means. It is a simple basic math to show you how far a billion dollars really goes.

My line about killing the middle class is not BS. If the government pumps money directly into the economy, it causes inflation. Question is, where do you want to pump it into? Do you want to pay for people to use skills, know how and hard work or do you want to pay people to sit at home drinking and smoking weed all day?

Two choices:

1) Work and have to always be pushing the product?
2) Collect a check, drink and smoke weed all day?

Which one would majority of the people naturally gravitate too?
If you make it all inclusive (which social programs usually are), could you curb the costs of option 2 as people flock to it?
What happens to economies with unmitigated costs?
What happens to economies when government has to print money to keep up?
Of the two options, which one is easier to turn around. People with skills and drive or prople who most likely have no skills?

You know the answers to these quesitons. (at least sane people do)

To answer the middle class issue. Yes. We all know it is dying.

1) The democrats shaped their wealth spreading agenda to other countries through treaties.
2) As Darren pointed out, people of the world do not want to pay American Costs for most goods.

You have to ask yourself on why it costs American goods so much money?

1) Environmental regulation
2) Lawsuits
3) Cost of benefits
4) Safety compliance
5) etc....

We all know that increasing price pressures on manufacturing cause this, so why do we continue to buy off on democrats wanting more regulations on every thing to do with manufacturing? They have to know it is bad for business. Everyone can see it. You know it and I know it. Hell even John knows it and he has his head squarely in the rump of the democrat party. If all other logical explanations fail, then it only leaves one conclusion:

That means it is done on purpose!!

Why do the democrats want your jobs to leave the country?
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-24-2016, 11:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
^^^ you know what your right^^^ Isis is the JV team and the Syrian people are fleeing the desert because of Global Warming.
You're right, Grant. You have me convinced. They are fleeing the ME because of Obama and because he called "Isis the JV team".
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-24-2016, 11:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post

You did not make up knuckle dragger. Progressives have been using it for some time. You are just catching up to your socialist peers.

The democrats don't want to label islamic terrorism because they would be forced to change policy on unmitigated islamic immigration into the country. That is why it is so important for us to hear them say it. We do not want to become like those European appeasers.


Thanks for clarifying your response.

Now you are starting to catch up. We all sat here and told you people that the Obamacare crap is a myth and people where going to pay higher rates. All it did was give money away to the healthcare industry and took money out of the local economies.

Yes, supposedly sane people are advocating taking billions away from people. What do you think the Bernie movement is about. What do you think the occupy movements are about. We have actual people believing that if we just took the wealth away from people, that things would be better for them. Or the inverse, if we just kept people from earning that type of wealth, everyone would be better. I put that out there because most people use words that they do not know what it means. It is a simple basic math to show you how far a billion dollars really goes.

My line about killing the middle class is not BS. If the government pumps money directly into the economy, it causes inflation. Question is, where do you want to pump it into? Do you want to pay for people to use skills, know how and hard work or do you want to pay people to sit at home drinking and smoking weed all day?

Two choices:

1) Work and have to always be pushing the product?
2) Collect a check, drink and smoke weed all day?

Which one would majority of the people naturally gravitate too?
If you make it all inclusive (which social programs usually are), could you curb the costs of option 2 as people flock to it?
What happens to economies with unmitigated costs?
What happens to economies when government has to print money to keep up?
Of the two options, which one is easier to turn around. People with skills and drive or prople who most likely have no skills?

You know the answers to these quesitons. (at least sane people do)

To answer the middle class issue. Yes. We all know it is dying.

1) The democrats shaped their wealth spreading agenda to other countries through treaties.
2) As Darren pointed out, people of the world do not want to pay American Costs for most goods.

You have to ask yourself on why it costs American goods so much money?

1) Environmental regulation
2) Lawsuits
3) Cost of benefits
4) Safety compliance
5) etc....

We all know that increasing price pressures on manufacturing cause this, so why do we continue to buy off on democrats wanting more regulations on every thing to do with manufacturing? They have to know it is bad for business. Everyone can see it. You know it and I know it. Hell even John knows it and he has his head squarely in the rump of the democrat party. If all other logical explanations fail, then it only leaves one conclusion:

That means it is done on purpose!!

Why do the democrats want your jobs to leave the country?
Look here, Delta. I have no political agenda and I have no desire to read your right-slanted point-of-view as if the GOP can do no wrong and every problem is a result of the Democrats. Both parties are culpable when it comes to many of the issues, because instead of truly addressing problems, they simply continue down the path that their leaders can do no wrong and they are simply there to be the opposite to the other party.

My comment about government-subsidized HC plans had nothing to do with Obamacare. The government has been subsidizing group plans for employers long before Obama ever became president. This is just an example that you are simply here to bang your chest and proclaim, "GOP good, Obama bad". So this leads me to ask you, are you interested in people with ideas, or are you interested in people that march down party lines? Because let me tell you, nothing is going to happen in this country with the latter.

Both parties are guilty of "shipping jobs overseas", not just the Democrats.

And if you believe the Bernie movement is about taking "people's money away", it just shows you are as gullible as the guy that believes Bernie is actually going to give him some money if he won the election.
Old    deltahoosier            03-24-2016, 1:12 PM Reply   
Yes. I believe that the Bernie movement is that. It is about people wanting free stuff. It is about government control. period. You obviously don't listen to his followers.

You do have a political agenda. I have read it over and over again. You have never once said republicans did anything right so please spare me the neutral talk.

When you say the government has been subsidizing group plans for employers, you mean the fact that employers have in fact been paying for those plans as their compensation packages to entice good workers to join their company? This is where you and I differ. I don't see people or business keeping their spoils free from government tax, as a government hand out.

On cheering for the republicans, I hold no delusions there. However, I am on here listening to the drivel that everything was Bush's fault and democrats have the answers garbage on a daily basis. I am going to speak what I believe is truth. This is where you and I differ again. Government does not have the answers. Much of what you want government to do, they can't. That is the point. I want the government in shock absorber position, not in the lead.
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       03-24-2016, 1:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post

You have to ask yourself on why it costs American goods so much money?

1) Environmental regulation
2) Lawsuits
3) Cost of benefits
4) Safety compliance
5) etc....
All of those are good reasons if you ask me because that means we have standards of living in this country.

1)Environmental regulation - Have you seen the air in China? I bet you like breathing clean air, don't you? Oh, doesn't matter, your product is built in China, let them breathe that crap.
2) Lawsuits - yes, some are frivolous but a lot of them are not and you have to be able to hold people/businesses accountable or you wind up with lead in your bottled water or cancer causing substances in your cereal or kids born with defects..
3) Cost of benefits - Take care of those who take care of you. i.e. - healthy workers are more productive than sick or injured ones and without them, you can't make any money!
4) Safety compliance - Sure is nice to go to work and not have to worry about losing your life or a limb and then go home to your family at night, isn't it?
5) etc... - if you make your product in America by an American worker, you support the entire country. Yes it's more expensive but stop being so greedy, there's more to life than how many hundred billion a company can make. People will pay a premium for a well built, American product that supports its workforce. Want to see people asking for a pay raise at fast food restaurants? Bring back manufacturing to the USA and give people that have solid skills a path to a good wage. Not everyone out there is a good fit for college or jobs that require it but there are a lot of people out there that could do those manufacturing jobs with some training.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       03-24-2016, 2:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by deltahoosier View Post
Yes. I believe that the Bernie movement is that. It is about people wanting free stuff. It is about government control. period. You obviously don't listen to his followers.

You do have a political agenda. I have read it over and over again. You have never once said republicans did anything right so please spare me the neutral talk.

When you say the government has been subsidizing group plans for employers, you mean the fact that employers have in fact been paying for those plans as their compensation packages to entice good workers to join their company? This is where you and I differ. I don't see people or business keeping their spoils free from government tax, as a government hand out.

On cheering for the republicans, I hold no delusions there. However, I am on here listening to the drivel that everything was Bush's fault and democrats have the answers garbage on a daily basis. I am going to speak what I believe is truth. This is where you and I differ again. Government does not have the answers. Much of what you want government to do, they can't. That is the point. I want the government in shock absorber position, not in the lead.
It is not, delta. That is the tired myth that is still repeated that people vote democrat because they want free stuff. They said it with Obama and Clinton. I voted for Obama twice and never once was I expecting anything for free. And a few misguided supporters shouldn't be your voice for the entire campaign. Should I base my opinion of the Trump campaign on the guy that sucker-punched the protester?

And I love you and other conservatives' whine about government control.Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee (both considers leaders in the conservative movement) have no problem with the government attempting to control two legal, consenting adults' ability to get married. Or telling a woman she cannot have a legal, medical procedure performed.

Look man, I'm not going to toot the democrat's horn, but if anyone that votes for Trump needs to have their head examined. If Trump shared even one iota of a plan, I would listen, but all he does is parade around this country hurl insults and make himself look like a jackass. But I can't stand Cruz, either. Funny how Obama's birth certificate was the talk of the town, now birth certificate's don't matter. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

And group HI plans leave a lot of handcuffed to their job, even if the job is crappy and the pay is worse. This is particularly true in rural towns and with people that have chronic illness or other medical issues.
Old     (DenverRider)      Join Date: Feb 2013       03-24-2016, 3:18 PM Reply   
We had a self sustaining economy but then people got greedy. Cheaply made products from low paid work forces started to come from Japan and then China. Now, in order to compete with a work force that had to choose to work or starve, we all had to lower our wage expectations BUT there were cheap products to make up for our lower pay. Then compensation was lowered further as more and more companies took the lead and shipped jobs to poor countries. People didn't catch on to the fact that the cheap products broke easily and had to be replaced often until it was too late. By then, the wages were low and you couldn't afford the good stuff any more. Now you are stuck buying the cheap stuff because you can't afford not to but this also maintains your lower wage. Eventually even highly skilled compensation was suppressed because after all, you only have to make more money than the poor people. Then people start blaming taxes for their low pay even though we aren't taxed more than before. You wouldn't want to blame business owners because you worship them like kings and lords. It's not small business' fault but they have to follow suit in order to compete with big business. Capitalism caused this mess and now it is snowballing. Capitalism won't get us out of this mess because you are asking the people that made the mess to clean it up and they have no interest in cleaning up the mess. In order for competition to work, you have to have competitors and nobody since Teddy Roosevelt is willing to do any trust busting. The trusts that need to be busted own the government which, due to legal bribery in the form of campaign contributions, is no longer for the people or by the people. Without campaign finance reform it won't matter who you vote for. Bernie is the only candidate that I've heard mention campaign finance reform. If Bernie doesn't make it, maybe Senator Elizabeth Warren will get it done 8 years from now because she has also been vocal about campaign finance reform. Without it, it won't matter who you vote for.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-24-2016, 4:05 PM Reply   
"All of those are good reasons if you ask me because that means we have standards of living in this country."

People like Delta have the philosophy that the US should be turned into a s**thole so they can siphon from the leaky bucket (our economy) as long as possible.

"When you say the government has been subsidizing group plans for employers, you mean the fact that employers have in fact been paying for those plans as their compensation packages to entice good workers to join their company? This is where you and I differ."

No. What your employer pays is part of your compensation for you doing your job. The govt has been paying 40% of my healthcare for a long time. Well before the ACA was passed. That's what it means by the govt subsidizing HC. The difference is now I have to pay more because all those people who couldn't afford healthcare at any price prior to the ACA can now get it.

"So John you agree with Sarah Palin: "Let Allah Sort It Out" in Syria "Until We Know What We're Doing""

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

"The democrats don't want to label islamic terrorism because they would be forced to change policy on unmitigated islamic immigration into the country."

Oh, so you are in favor of the govt establishing which religions the govt finds unacceptable? How do your Muslims friends that you brag about having feel about you finding them unsuitable for this country? Or are you saying that we need an immigration policy that asks people if they are Muslim extremists? Because we know all extremists will freely admit they're extremists.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-24-2016, 6:39 PM Reply   
so back to Trump... any thoughts on Cruz calling him out for being a "sniveling coward?" I mean what worse thing about him can you say and still get play on the evening news? Cruz also backed away from reaffirming his pledge to support Trump if he's the nominee -- Cruz is now answering the question by not answering the question by saying it's a non issue because he (Cruz) will be the nominee.
Old    deltahoosier            03-24-2016, 6:44 PM Reply   
People like Delta have the philosophy that the US should be turned into a s**thole so they can siphon from the leaky bucket (our economy) as long as possible.
Wrong. I am pointing out what should absolutely be the obvious. Money is easy enough to see how it works. It does not offer delusions. It flows the path of least resistance. Always. End of Story. You create policy that forces basic items to be manufactured at higher costs, the money will absolutely move to a place where it is cheaper if you open the valve. No argument can be made otherwise.

"When you say the government has been subsidizing group plans for employers, you mean the fact that employers have in fact been paying for those plans as their compensation packages to entice good workers to join their company? This is where you and I differ."

No. What your employer pays is part of your compensation for you doing your job. The govt has been paying 40% of my healthcare for a long time. Well before the ACA was passed. That's what it means by the govt subsidizing HC. The difference is now I have to pay more because all those people who couldn't afford healthcare at any price prior to the ACA can now get it.
You basically just repeated what I said. I told you from square one that ACA would not make medical cheaper because people use medical insurance as a service contract not Increase risk, costs go up. Increase payout, costs go up. Increase money into the sector, costs go up. Only way costs go down is rarity of customers/ glut of providers.

"The democrats don't want to label islamic terrorism because they would be forced to change policy on unmitigated islamic immigration into the country."

Oh, so you are in favor of the govt establishing which religions the govt finds unacceptable? How do your Muslims friends that you brag about having feel about you finding them unsuitable for this country? Or are you saying that we need an immigration policy that asks people if they are Muslim extremists? Because we know all extremists will freely admit they're extremists.

The government has done exactly that at least 4 times and has always had a society shaping policy to immigration. Just because you want to believe it does not, does not make it so. I have no problem telling my muslim friend that. Any rational person knows that you need to screen people. My friend is a muslim from Trinidad. Get your muslim fix from places like that. Why the middle east?
Old    deltahoosier            03-24-2016, 7:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
It is not, delta. That is the tired myth that is still repeated that people vote democrat because they want free stuff. They said it with Obama and Clinton. I voted for Obama twice and never once was I expecting anything for free. And a few misguided supporters shouldn't be your voice for the entire campaign. Should I base my opinion of the Trump campaign on the guy that sucker-punched the protester?

And I love you and other conservatives' whine about government control.Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee (both considers leaders in the conservative movement) have no problem with the government attempting to control two legal, consenting adults' ability to get married. Or telling a woman she cannot have a legal, medical procedure performed.

Look man, I'm not going to toot the democrat's horn, but if anyone that votes for Trump needs to have their head examined. If Trump shared even one iota of a plan, I would listen, but all he does is parade around this country hurl insults and make himself look like a jackass. But I can't stand Cruz, either. Funny how Obama's birth certificate was the talk of the town, now birth certificate's don't matter. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

And group HI plans leave a lot of handcuffed to their job, even if the job is crappy and the pay is worse. This is particularly true in rural towns and with people that have chronic illness or other medical issues.
I am not following a few misguided voters. I am listening to Bernie Sanders policy. He is a socialist. He used to vacation in the former USSR. He is about "free" stuff.

I don't consider myself too conservative. I am a Republican. I understand cause and effect. I understand religious people have rights as well as the non religious. Most people (even religious people) don't really care if gay people had a civil union but they absolutely should not allow it in the churches and religious people should not be forced into something that is against their beliefs. The language being used was to try and force the religious to accept it with punitive actions against them if they did not allow it in the church. I firmly believe that the churches should be protected in that and gays should be able to have their union. I don't think it should be one or the other.

Abortion as it is allowed now is murder. Even the FBI recognizes child's finger prints are formed at age 6 weeks in the whom. Abortion is an attack on women with millions of women suffering post abortion after they realized they were sold a bill of goods. Mostly after they have their first child is when the depression really kicks in. It also happens to males. Ever notice people who usually say the world is over populated? I bet you a dollar that those people have had an abortion in their lifetime, regret it but are trying to rationalize it. Abortion was started by a racists who believed being poor and black was a bad thing. Guess what the biggest killer in the minority communities (besides other black people)? Abortion. Hillary says that the founder of planned parenthood, Margrette Sanger, is her hero. Go figure. A racist democrat would find a hero in a person who stated she wanted to keep blacks from breeding. We can go for days on this topic. Beyond that, I don't think it should be completely illegal, but needs to be overhauled into something that is not so barbaric.

You may not try and tie Trump to the sucker puncher guy, but the democrats are. In a odd way, I am fine with it. I am tired of democrats burning down cities, killing cops, protesting everything. I think it is time we start sucker punching democrats that are acting violently. Enough is enough. Time to fight back.

I don't like the way Trump talks, however I will do what you democrats did. I don't care what Trump says or does at this point. I absolutely will not vote for Bernie or Hillary. I will pull the lever for Trump if he gets the nomination. At least he has qualifications unlike Obama and congress can keep him in check.

Oddly enough that you bring up the birth certificate thing. You know who started that? Hillary did during the primaries against Obama.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-25-2016, 8:35 AM Reply   
"No argument can be made otherwise."

Nobody is arguing otherwise. What you are saying is that we need to adopt standards similar to China to compete with China. Hence the claim that you want to turn the US into the same kind of s**thole as China.

"You basically just repeated what I said. I told you from square one that ACA would not make medical cheaper"

No, you are no saying the same thing as me. You questioned what the subsidies were employer not govt. I told you that the govt has been subsidizing 40% of my HI before the ACA.

And yes I know the ACA doesn't and wouldn't make it cheaper for people who were socialized in the workforce before the ACA. It makes HI affordable to those who were previously discriminated against due to health and employment situations.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       03-25-2016, 4:23 PM Reply   
Decision maker....

Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       03-25-2016, 5:13 PM Reply   
If a Trump/Clinton election were held today (via Nate Silver)
Attached Images
Old     (cwb4me)      Join Date: Apr 2010       03-27-2016, 1:36 PM Reply   
Keep Dreaming!
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-27-2016, 7:17 PM Reply   
I want trump to win just so Wes, Wake, and Eric jump off a cliff LOL LOL
Old     (cwb4me)      Join Date: Apr 2010       03-28-2016, 8:43 AM Reply   
Grant I think those guys just want to point out they know everything.if they type it it instantly becomes fact . No references needed. They are superior to all other Wakeworld members. If you don't believe me just ask them. They are the omnipotent members of the New World Order.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-28-2016, 10:00 AM Reply   
^ that's funny. But as much as I may disagree with them from time to time I still appreciate a opposing point of view, (if it's respectful) we may disagree, and it's good to hear the other side of the point of view. Lately I have taken interest in watching debates on you tube. It's cool to see 2 completely different views and both side argue their point with out degrading there apponant. One quote I heard and liked very much was this.

In order to learn you need to listen to things and opinions that you might not like

It was a simple truth. I made my own example. No one likes to read the instructions. (Or at least me) It's only when your frustrated And you give up that you say "ok I better read the instructions" you place your mind in neutral and you start taking in the info or "Learn" how many of can say when we debate back and forth here that our mind is in neutral or learn mode? I know I have been guilty from time to time
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       03-28-2016, 10:11 AM Reply   
^^^^ well said Grant. I read a lot of stuff here (and in this thread in particular) that I don't agree with, but rather than get super riled up about it all the time, I do appreciate getting an understanding and explanation of the opposing point of view. My mind isn't always changed, but at least I do come away with an understanding of WHY people on the other side of an issue think the way they do.

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