An unfortunate impact of our civil court system is that the wealthy can (and very frequently do) spend an opposing party into settlement.
being "forced to settle" and "winning a defamation lawsuit" are similar but not the same. One indicates abandoning the suit, the other suggests prevailing on the merits.
Yep. That is why people should be careful getting into the fake news business.
I Am curious where all these protests were when Obama was deporting people ? Where was all th daily posts about every single Obama decision ? Where were all the posts about Hillary' daughter benefitting from her parents status ?
Give me 3 logical reasons why Ivonks's position with a company has any effect on what the president does? Give me s valid reason why a daughter of any president should have a position they've held pulled out from under them because their parent has won an election ? Because they don't care for her bathers view and don't want to be associated with anyone from those camp is more likely the reason. However the HYPOCRACY SHOWS THROUGH AGAIN. The left fought hard against private businesses who refused to complete work based on their religious views and / or beliefs that didn't support the demographic the items were for. That's odd. The left can kick someone to the curb for same reasons they vehemently opposed from others.
The murder rate factoid he dropped is actually a fact. The key words missing were "the murder rate of major urban areas". The left when challenging that statement also failed to do their homework.
Nope, try again. What is at the highest rate in 50 years is the rate of change, ie the volatility of the rate, this is normal as the overall rate declines because variations become proportional bigger as the headline number falls.
Regardless, the Don bleets out the crime is at an all time high creating the impression in the stupid that America is dangerous and not great. I'm not sure if he does this on purpose to mislead or if he is just too dopey to understand the numbers. Ironic for someone cracking on about "Fake news" and "dishonest media"
Ralph, do you not recall Obama's "rebuke" of the supreme court at his SOTU speech over Citizens United ruling?
No but I didn't follow Obama so much because I didn't think he was as dangerous. If he did as you describe then I would be against it also. I see so many parallels between 1930's Germany and 2017 US that I am glued to the news feed at the moment.
Considering that is money leaving one country (ours). The money leaving to mexico is as great if not greater than their oil income. All money leaving our local economies.
So I guess you take issue with Americans that stash their money in offshore accounts?
So I guess you take issue with Americans that stash their money in offshore accounts?
Depends if those accounts are invested and how they got the money. Did the money circulate and so on. I am not a fan of money directly leaving the country. That is part of what Trump is trying to fix. If citizens are moving money off shore, then we must have a problem with our tax codes and so on. That is the same with moving Jobs offshore in my opinion. Fix the laws that make it desirable to move money and jobs.
In the case I am describing, changing tax codes does not fix it because it is going to families and so on in another country with zero chance of being spent locally.
White men 31% 63%
White women 43 53
White women college graduates 51 45
White women non-college graduates 34 62
White men college graduates 39 54
White men non-college graduates 23 72
Seriously can we just decide that links to Breitbart (right propaganda) and Huffingtonpost (left propaganda) are all BS and move on with link to actual real news articles?
Hold your horses. I don't read that site. I just googled and found it today. I was not aware that the libnuts were pressuring Nordstroms to drop Ivanka. Explains a lot my arse.
This is interesting. It is strange for the anarchist types to be well coordinated and seemingly trained. Usually, the anarchists are a bunch of thug idiots.
Sam and Bill slam Trump for his "ban" because they must. I on the other hand think it is the first of many steps toward the "civilized world" demanding change.
Sam and Bill slam Trump for his "ban" because they must. I on the other hand think it is the first of many steps toward the "civilized world" demanding change.
What might that kind of change look like? Perhaps they'll start demanding that we don't sell or ship weapons to the ME?
sadly my bet would be that if we stop propping up the local tyrants, that Russia and China would step in to fill the void and we'd lose influence in a region critical to national security. IMHO this is why energy independence is such a huge issue for us. Not just for the environment but also for national security.
Interesting perspective on Iran. White western women runs 1200 miles across the country and documents her experiences.
4 min preview
ANOTHER black panther sitting in congress. Files false report against officers. Surprise it was all on video ! Rush is foUnd completely fabricating allegations against police . Video evidence proving the facts .
What happens to the racist Rush ?????????? Absolutely nothing. What happened to his push holding "police to highest degree of scrutiny" ???? Why was he not charged for fabricating a police complaint and lying under oath? Yup there's that double standard again. Where are all the protests demanding Rush be thrown from his office because of his domestic terrorism ties? Where are all the articles saying "ex black panther". Yup. Double standard again. Anybody see this on CNN ? Any other national news network ? Hmmmmmmmmm
You can bet if the roles were reversed and it was the officers berating Rush it would be plastered everywhere
Interesting perspective on Iran. White western women runs 1200 miles across the country and documents her experiences.
4 min preview
GRUESOME VIDEO: Muslim Mob Tears 27 Year Old Woman Apart Before Killing Her Over False Accusation Of Burning Quran
Seriously though, why does the crybaby loofa-faced sh*tgibbon have to lie about every----single----thing.....
More fake news Wes. Propaganda and so on. Obama pretty much had his full cabinet. There was one pick who was held 5 weeks. That was the Labor Secretary. The AG was 2 weeks and all the rest were confirmed within 1 week of taking office with most of those before he took office.
Trump went with a number of picks who had little or no experience in the agencies they would be tasked to run. In some cases the nominees actively worked against the missions of the agencies.
Another thing that slowed down the process: Candidates for Cabinet posts are typically pre-vetted, working with the Office of Government Ethics to identify and unwind potential conflicts of interest before their names are even announced. But that didn't happen this time. Two Cabinet-level picks still haven't completed that process.
Not to mention picking people who are completely unqualified like DeVos who generated unheard of calls to senators to block the nomination, which as you know came down to the VP breaking the tie.
I Think it's GREAT. TRUMP Calling out these fools. Let the American people see who is Blocking & Stalling, Political Red tape and just in general being a career politician, These Dem's now have a new Lease on life. instead of making forward progress for the American people their new goal in life is going to be to block stall and cause mayhem, Great job dems. Keep working yourself out of a job,
Anyone think "Hey if trump is successful" Its gonna make these dirt bag career politicians look bad and there for better stall and drag feet as to not make him look like he is getting anything done?
Appeals court refuses to reinstate travel ban, setting up Trump to appeal to the Supreme Court. Trump has hurt himself by making stupid statements like it's not a Muslim ban but we're going to prioritize Christian refugees. Which of course itself is silly, because then Muslim refugees would just have to pretend to be Christian... kinda like Mark and a lot of other republicans.
Of course if the supremes end up with a 4-4 tie, the appellate ruling stands.
Appeals court refuses to reinstate travel ban, setting up Trump to appeal to the Supreme Court. Trump has hurt himself by making stupid statements like it's not a Muslim ban but we're going to prioritize Christian refugees. Which of course itself is silly, because then Muslim refugees would just have to pretend to be Christian... kinda like Mark and a lot of other republicans.
Of course if the supremes end up with a 4-4 tie, the appellate ruling stands.
LOL! I see you've got more water for this duck's back. I've been meaning to ask you, how does it feel to keep losing so bad each day? I mean, you gotta turn on that news each day and be reminded that your party pooped the bed plus you have next to zero power. How does that make you feel now? I would think it's like one day you were rich and the next day broke, thanks to a bad investment (The Beast). I also wonder how long it's gonna take for your side to pull up your bootstraps, go back to work and actually produce something of value to this country other than giving conservative talk show hosts something to laugh at multiple times each day. For your sake, I hope you realize the fact that your bitterness only hurts you.
Trump went with a number of picks who had little or no experience in the agencies they would be tasked to run. In some cases the nominees actively worked against the missions of the agencies.
Another thing that slowed down the process: Candidates for Cabinet posts are typically pre-vetted, working with the Office of Government Ethics to identify and unwind potential conflicts of interest before their names are even announced. But that didn't happen this time. Two Cabinet-level picks still haven't completed that process.
Hmmmm interesting you mention " ramming people through without ethics checks"...but believe anyone can come to the country without question.. guess it's only ok if it works in your direction not both ways huh?
Not to mention picking people who are completely unqualified like DeVos who generated unheard of calls to senators to block the nomination, which as you know came down to the VP breaking the tie.
If you think being a teacher makes you qualified to run the entire education program you have got another thing coming. That system is as broken as the rest of our govt and she's basically volunteering to fix it just like our President Trump did. He funded his own own campaign in the belief he can help the country and f@ckin a if he wasn't right! lol I love this. Just because all these dumbsh*t kids 300k in debt went to college and became substitute teachers doesn't make them qualified to pick the Secretary of Education. In fact I'll be happy if they can teach my kid how to turn 1 million of dads money into 1 billion like ol trump did. I'll pay you all to cry in Starbucks just so I don't have to hear you anymore
Trump went with a number of picks who had little or no experience in the agencies they would be tasked to run. In some cases the nominees actively worked against the missions of the agencies.
Another thing that slowed down the process: Candidates for Cabinet posts are typically pre-vetted, working with the Office of Government Ethics to identify and unwind potential conflicts of interest before their names are even announced. But that didn't happen this time. Two Cabinet-level picks still haven't completed that process.
Does not take a sign in from my end. I will read it to you. Obama had all but two of his within one week of him being sworn in. One in two weeks and the last at 5. Trump is not lying like your propaganda says. He is spot on.
I believe Obama's are the worst in history. Filled with Muslim Brotherhood members and pure radicals. Your opinion of how qualified people are do not matter one bit. They truth is, they are delaying his picks and you reported fake news again.
Are you going to talk about how the democrats are forcing night after night of filabusters keeping congress in session 24 hrs a day?
Appeals court refuses to reinstate travel ban, setting up Trump to appeal to the Supreme Court. Trump has hurt himself by making stupid statements like it's not a Muslim ban but we're going to prioritize Christian refugees. Which of course itself is silly, because then Muslim refugees would just have to pretend to be Christian... kinda like Mark and a lot of other republicans.
Of course if the supremes end up with a 4-4 tie, the appellate ruling stands.
Swat: saw your video and story. To answer your question, I think most people know that the Majority of These claims are all Fake, we just don't go out of our way to persecute the people that commit these types of crimes. How many charges have you heard about the people that said they were punched or assaulted buy Trump supporters were charged? ZERO. Just like in your link fase police reports were filed statement taken and they were probed to be made up and yet nothing happens.
Sorry but fingers crossed this culture of Black on White crime= No News but White in Black crime = front page 24/7 coverage is comming to a end. We all know what happend to the boy that dryed wolf.
Conway provoked controversy earlier Thursday when, in a Fox News appearance, she urged viewers to "go buy Ivanka's stuff" in response to retailer Nordstrom dropping the clothing after citing poor sales. Conway called her comments, which came after the president sent an angry tweet aimed at Nordstrom, a "free commercial."
Cummings wrote a letter to Chaffetz shortly afterward, calling on the Oversight Committee to refer Conway’s comments to the OGE for disciplinary action. Chaffetz said soon after that the counselor’s remarks were “clearly over the line.”
In their joint letter, the two congressmen said Shaub should recommend an appropriate punishment to the White House because the case represents an "inherent conflict of interest" for President Trump. The disciplinary action, Chaffetz and Cummings wrote, could include "reprimand, suspension, demotion or dismissal."
"Conway's statements clearly violate the ethical principles for federal employees and are unacceptable," the letter says. "The White House's reported decision to counsel Conway supports this decision."
I guess some court deemed it unconstitutional to restrict visitation based on national origin. Who comes up with this crap? If another nation is failed or compromised such that their visa records are unreliable, then it makes perfect sense to restrict by nation.
The level of intellectual dishonesty in our world amazes me...
Jeff Sessions confirmation. I don't know the dude so I cannot pass judgement. But, as an Attorney General candidate he should NOT be protected by the convention that protects senators debating senators.
Travel Restriction. The law clearly gives this authority to the president to restrict classes of people for national security. Having a judge in WA overrule the president because there may not be a real threat AND/OR it may adversely effect WA commerce is nuts. If states fail such that their Visa reliability is suspect, then the president should have complete authority to curb their Visas. The decision should have ZERO to do with our experience with visitors from those countries.
Of the tools here that are against the travel restriction (vs simply against anything Trump), can you name the 7 countries impacted by the restriction without googling it? Next question, can you explain why we should trust Visa information from these countries?
Can you name the terrorists from those seven countries that have attacked us?
Can you confirm that there aren't terrorist plots in those countries and nobody coming in poses a risk? Because that's the call that rests on the weight of the presidents shoulders and I'm almost certain with the information he is privey too he cannot; therefore neither can you.
That's right. The president has the right to restrict a class of people for the security of the nation. For this to be overturned, the burden of proof should be on the liberals to prove that the president is wrong -- they should be required to prove that ZERO additional threat can come from these 7 terror filled countries that have failed governments.
Of the tools here that are against the travel restriction (vs simply against anything Trump), can you name the 7 countries impacted by the restriction without googling it? Next question, can you explain why we should trust Visa information from these countries?
Now, can you tell us why you are so frightened of people from these countries?
That's right. The president has the right to restrict a class of people for the security of the nation. For this to be overturned, the burden of proof should be on the liberals to prove that the president is wrong -- they should be required to prove that ZERO additional threat can come from these 7 terror filled countries that have failed governments.
How in the hell can anyone "prove that ZERO additional threat" can come from any country? You do realize that Trump's travel ban, even if it was enacted 30 years ago, would have stopped "ZERO" of the terrorist attacks that have taken place on US soil since then.
"The burden of proof" was on Trump to "prove" that there was an imminent threat from nationalists from the countries. He could not do so. Luckily, our court system still uses the law of the land and not political hyperbole in rendering their decisions.
How in the hell can anyone "prove that ZERO additional threat" can come from any country? You do realize that Trump's travel ban, even if it was enacted 30 years ago, would have stopped "ZERO" of the terrorist attacks that have taken place on US soil since then.
"The burden of proof" was on Trump to "prove" that there was an imminent threat from nationalists from the countries. He could not do so. Luckily, our court system still uses the law of the land and not political hyperbole in rendering their decisions.
You mean our court system that's stacked with liberal, activist judges? I guess we just may see what the Supreme Court has to say about it.
ANOTHER black panther sitting in congress. Files false report against officers. Surprise it was all on video ! Rush is foUnd completely fabricating allegations against police . Video evidence proving the facts .
What happens to the racist Rush ?????????? Absolutely nothing. What happened to his push holding "police to highest degree of scrutiny" ???? Why was he not charged for fabricating a police complaint and lying under oath? Yup there's that double standard again.
What's your source of inside information? There was absolutely nothing in that article that amounted to fabrication. It would be incredibly hard to prove that Rush didn't think he was being racially profiled. The investigation concluded that he wasn't, but that doesn't mean he was fabricating the belief he was. If you don't have any more than that article to justify your complaints, then you are more delusional in your accusations than Rush.
Maybe Trump should expend his energy getting those vetting rules in place instead of grandstanding and making a scene with a temporary ban when there was no crisis indicating a need for one.
To the people here saying we should open our borders, What do you have to say about the FACT that of all of the Nations threw out Europe that took part in accepting mass refugees. Over 1/2 that's 55% or more of the population in Each of the country's say it was a bad Idea and or would reverse or hault the practice. (Poland was the highest 75% of the population was or is against it) They All agreee the refugees have hurt their country's. Germany is regretting it big time.
Now why in all your Wisdom, would you think that what has FAILED in Europe would work here?
You Libs are like little kids that want ice creamand candy right B4 bed. And the current administration are like the parents saying yes children we know you want these things but we are the grownups and we say NO! And just like when little kids don't get their way they kick and scream throw a fit, and when that Dosent work they start trying to manipulate the other parent Ect.
It's will take a strong parent to deal with you little children but eventually you will settle down and figure things out. Remember
Last edited by grant_west; 02-10-2017 at 10:06 AM.
To the people here saying we should open our borders,
Nobody is saying open boarders G. The boarders aren't open now, there is a visa system and when you look at the numbers it seems to be working just fine.
Ralph you're perfectly fine with letting people into this country that have no documents to back up who they really are. The restriction Dan is based on reforming our existing system that does not properly vet the people coming in. Many of these countries either have lost documentation for these people or they simply don't have it and we have no idea who we are letting into our country.
How do you say bad hombres in Arabic or Farsi
Still laughing every day.
And as far as your comment that we don't have open borders n
Last edited by grant_west; 02-10-2017 at 12:58 PM.
Dane: I think it just go's to show how what the Media projects and what Reality is are completely opposite. It's as if the Media shows us what the Left wants and hopes the rest of us will just sit on our hands and let the Left run our life's as they have for the last 8 years.
I agree with the other posters in this thread, when they reported that when the Travel Ban was first issued The media reported 24/7 on the small protests at local airports as if it was a HUGE story andnthe entire county was upset.
The Vocal left Minorty is being exposed to be what they Truley are.
[QUOTE=plhorn;1953494]"Republicans are the real snowflakes, they're white, they're cold and if you put enough of them together they shut down public schools." -someone else
Okay, that was funny..... See? We conservatives can laugh at ourselves, even if the joke is on us.
That's right. The president has the right to restrict a class of people for the security of the nation. For this to be overturned, the burden of proof should be on the liberals to prove that the president is wrong -- they should be required to prove that ZERO additional threat can come from these 7 terror filled countries that have failed governments.
nobody here can, nor will they respond to either of our comments regarding this with any logical explanation because it makes too much sense. Never mind the bill was obamas to begin with, nevermind these are countries he picked out, never mind who's in office. I don't give a hoot if its wes in office if he says this needs to happen the protests and opinions of outsiders judges etc don't override him.