Join Date: Jun 2004
01-26-2017, 4:11 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Although it will the American consumer who will actually be paying for the wall i guess.
Apparently Trump thinks that America consumers are Mexicans. Or he thinks they are too stupid to get that point.
Unfortunately the issue of trade deficits is important to the economy. I've been making a point of that many times in the past and had to defend my position on this forum long before Trump was on the radar for this election. I've also argued that Trump doesn't have the demeanor to properly address it. Now he is using a delicate and complicated issue as a means of punishing Mexico for reasons totally unrelated to protecting our jobs and America workers.
Negotiating a trade agreement IMO should be based on contrasting mandated rules for US manufacturers against rules in the other country and the level of the deficit. That's how you define a level playing field. We may run into some embarrassing situations where we have a deficit with countries in Europe that have more stringent rules than we do. Throwing the issue of punishing countries for unrelated criteria into the mix is an example of why I feel Trump is not up solving the problem. Regardless, I hope that Trump proves me wrong about my opinion of him for the sake of the nation although I'm not betting on it.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-26-2017, 4:14 PM
Not to mention how trade is often used to further strategic power positioning, such as in Asia. It's not always simply about the numbers. But this is too subtle for Trumpkin and his followers I suppose.
Join Date: Dec 2005
01-26-2017, 4:38 PM
Don't forget that the current Trade deficit with Mexico is WAY smaller than it was in 1985 (the days that America was great before) as a percent of total imports+exports.
Join Date: Dec 2005
01-26-2017, 4:43 PM
Quick quiz: What started the great depression? A trade tax. We set up protectionism taxes, so they retaliated with their taxes, then less stuff was sold over the border and presto 30% unemployment, and worthless stocks.
Maybe the great depression was when America was great before? That at least makes some sense.
01-26-2017, 6:26 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Did I miss the part of the article where they said Trump's Secretary of State had his own server in his basement and then destroyed evidence? Are you saying there's a direct parallel here to what the beast did?
I would actually say the fact he keeps his Twitter password locked only behind an email account is pretty fuvking substantial considering the power his Twitter account has been shown to have.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-26-2017, 6:29 PM
Again, Trumpkin and Team are probably happy for distractions like the Twitter hacker thing to divert attention away from his conflicts of interest and other ethical issues:
Join Date: Jul 2007
01-26-2017, 9:49 PM
On a side note, does anyone like Kellyanne Conway at all? If so, why?
Join Date: Dec 2005
01-27-2017, 12:54 PM
Regan and Bush Sr. discus illegal mexicans and the border. Worth a watch for you self claimed Reganites.
Last edited by plhorn; 01-27-2017 at 12:56 PM.
Reason: fixed url
Join Date: Oct 2005
01-27-2017, 1:55 PM
I'm a self proclaimed Reaganite. It was a great time in life for me.
The problem with Reagan's comment, is that they don't follow our rules. Even if more visas were offered, they don't all wait to get one.
I vote restricting the border access. I'm okay with amnesty for the non criminal segment, but then determine a # and a process moving forward, and only let that number from each country in each year.....period
and absolutely remove the automatic citizenship for someone born on US soil. I hope Trump removes this soon
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-27-2017, 3:56 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
and absolutely remove the automatic citizenship for someone born on US soil. I hope Trump removes this soon
That sounds like a trip to the SC.
One problem with gathering up illegals and shipping them out is that due process is required. It's not enough to simply say they are not documented. They have to be provided their day in court. That could get expensive.
Join Date: May 2004
01-27-2017, 5:08 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2017, 1:21 AM
Sen John McCain:
"President Donald Trump’s call with Vladimir Putin is scheduled to take place amid widespread speculation that the White House is considering lifting sanctions against Russia. For the sake of America’s national security and that of our allies, I hope President Trump will put an end to this speculation and reject such a reckless course. If he does not, I will work with my colleagues to codify sanctions against Russia into law.
In just the last three years under Vladimir Putin, Russia has invaded Ukraine, annexed Crimea, threatened NATO allies, and intervened militarily in Syria, leaving a trail of death, destruction, and broken promises in his wake.
Russia’s war on Ukraine has killed over 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. Russia supplied the weapons that shot down a commercial aircraft over Ukraine and killed 298 innocent people.
Russia has conducted a massive military buildup along NATO’s eastern flank, conducted large-scale military exercises, violated the borders, airspace, and territorial waters of its neighbors, and intensified its propaganda efforts to undermine the governments of our allies.
Russia has propped up the murderous Assad regime as it has waged war on the Syrian people and killed more than 400,000 civilians. Russia’s military has targeted Syrian hospitals and first responders with precision weapons. Instead of targeting ISIL, Russia has focused its operations against the moderate Syrian opposition, which has only empowered extremist forces in the country.
And in the most flagrant demonstration of Putin’s disdain and disrespect for our nation, Russia deliberately interfered in our recent election with cyberattacks and a disinformation campaign designed to weaken America and discredit Western values.
Each of our last three presidents had high hopes for building a partnership with the Russian government. Each attempt failed, not for lack of good faith and effort on the U.S. side, but because Putin wants to be our enemy. He needs us as his enemy. He will never be our partner, including in fighting ISIL. He believes that strengthening Russia means weakening America. President Trump should remember this when he speaks to Vladimir Putin. He should remember that the man on the other end of the line is a murderer and a thug who seeks to undermine American national security interests at every turn. For our commander-in-chief to think otherwise would be naïve and dangerous."
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 9:39 AM
John McCain; he is our Nancy Pelosi or Barbra Boxer. I think this quote below is fitting.
"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 9:44 AM
President Trump Signs Executive Order Temporarily Halting All Refugees
Winning ! OMG I love it.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-28-2017, 9:44 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."
People who say it should not be done must interrupt those who are doing it.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-28-2017, 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
I know, amazing right, you won't have anymore people like this taking all your privileges. Yippie. Don't worry, you will still be able to arm those who are blowing up their houses.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2017, 11:17 AM
Grant, your glee at the plight of families being torn apart and actual green card holders being kept from their families and jobs disgusts me. You have shown yourself to be a truly disgusting person and a threat to our democracy.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2017, 11:21 AM
What a coincidence; Trump banning countries where he does no business but ignoring the ones where terrorists have actually been active because he DOES do business there.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-28-2017, 11:30 AM
FAKE NEWS. Everybody knows Saudi Arabia are the good sand colored people who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-28-2017, 11:52 AM
I'm curious to see how Trump is gonna handle that little Oompa Loompa in North Korea.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-28-2017, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
FAKE NEWS. Everybody knows Saudi Arabia are the good sand colored people who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11.
I guess Trump is going to freeze weapons sales to the Saudis. Because you know.... they donated to The Clinton Foundation and that sort of activity was evidence that Hillary shouldn't be President.
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 12:23 PM
Hey here is a Novel Idea!!!
Ralph: why don't you champion your country of NZ to take in all the Refugees we don't want. I know you have taken in some. Why not More?
Wes: why don't you take in some of these lovely people. I'm sure they would love to live with you in your Oasis of Hawaii. You can pay for them and feed them, I'm sure they will convert and live in harmony with you and your ways.
Ya see that's the Libs problem. You are always willing to spend other people's money as if yours, you love to rule the people that bring home the bacon and are producers, but unwilling to do it on your own. The people have spoken. We don't want these people that hate us and refuse to bend to our way of life. Your welcome to your opinion however at this point we all don't care  please don't stop the belly akin a wambulance is on its way.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-28-2017, 12:53 PM
Those Syrian refugees exist because of American and Russian imperialism sending weapons to opposing sides. Why not take some responsibility for your deeds?
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-28-2017, 2:30 PM
Fox Headline quotes Gingrich who claims over half the country should be scared to death after Trump's first week. And he believes that's a good thing. LOL!
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-28-2017, 4:40 PM
Can anyone identify a single terrorist attacker, failed or successful including 9/11 or after that originated from any of the countries named in Trump's ban? Because it's looks like we elected a dumba$$ that leads by throwing darts at the wall. Ironically most of the 9/11 attackers are Saudis and we love selling them weapons.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2017, 4:59 PM
Grant, do your homework you piece of sh**. This EO is blocking people with visas and even green cards from being with their families. My wife's conditional green card is up for finalization in a few months. Can't wait to see what your f****** dipsh** cheetoh has done by then. Assuming we're all still around. Fu** you right in the ear, bro. As others have pointed out but you conveniently ignore, the countries chosen are for show and for some strange reason avoid trumps besuiness dealings.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2017, 5:01 PM
p.s. I'm fu***** sick and tired of you and mark the bull**** fake Christian acting as if you have a monopoly on hard work and job creation. I employ more than both of you combined from what I can tell and I've been killing myself for 12 years to do it so once again, go **** yourself you self righteous piece of dickcheese
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 7:02 PM
Wow someone is upset.
Wes invite some refugees over have them make you a bacon omelette chill out
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 7:04 PM
Wes I take it from your reply you don't wanna take in any refugees you want them to come here to America but not live next door to you in your Hawaiian retreat ???
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 7:07 PM
Wes it's ok the only diff between you and I is that I can admit I don't want them next to me and you can't LOL
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-28-2017, 7:49 PM
Hey Wes: I'm sorry I don't read most of your post's because your a dumb ass bit I still do respect your opinion . I did go back and "re read" to see why your you were so spun out, and saw you said somthing about Trumps current policy has a effect of your Wife's immigration status I'm sorry I truly didn't mean for it to hit home. I think I'm out of here as far as this thread go's I'm not trying to get people all freaked out like you seem to be sorry peace out people!
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-28-2017, 8:56 PM
Originally Posted by pesos
p.s. I'm fu***** sick and tired of you and mark the bull**** fake Christian acting as if you have a monopoly on hard work and job creation. I employ more than both of you combined from what I can tell and I've been killing myself for 12 years to do it so once again, go **** yourself you self righteous piece of dickcheese
Dude... Pull out your tampon. Fake christian? What do you think a christian is? Perfect? Well let me tell you there aren't any of those around so you can stop looking. Never has been and there never will be. It's called the human condition. I'm sure you're not far from a local pastor who could give you a great definition of what a christian is. I'd tell you, but I'm sure I'd come up short and forget something. I recommend reading anything by Lee Strobel. That dude is GOOD and I think he used to be an athiest like you.
You employ more people than me? Who cares? When have I ever claimed to be a large employer? Never. Throughout my career, I've employed anywhere from 0-14 depending on how busy I've been over the last 25 years of being business. I'm currently hiring if you need a job. Wait. Don't. I need smarter people than you. JK.
I'm just wondering if you're one of the people I've watched on youtube freaking out on anything and everything Trump has done.
You might wanna consider taking some medication for your current anger. This is still just a sideshoot of an internet forum for wakeboarding. If it starts pissing you off that bad, put down the keyboard. I've done that plenty of times throughout this thread. You've never seen me lose it like you just did. More importantly, you need to deal with all that hate you clearly have. Aren't liberals supposed to be full of understanding for ALL people's opinions?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-28-2017, 9:03 PM
Originally Posted by pesos
Grant, do your homework you piece of sh**. This EO is blocking people with visas and even green cards from being with their families. My wife's conditional green card is up for finalization in a few months. Can't wait to see what your f****** dipsh** cheetoh has done by then. Assuming we're all still around. Fu** you right in the ear, bro. As others have pointed out but you conveniently ignore, the countries chosen are for show and for some strange reason avoid trumps besuiness dealings.
I don't get the green card thing. If you're actually married, your wife should be home free. What am I missing?
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-28-2017, 9:04 PM
Originally Posted by pesos
Grant, do your homework you piece of sh**. This EO is blocking people with visas and even green cards from being with their families. My wife's conditional green card is up for finalization in a few months. Can't wait to see what your f****** dipsh** cheetoh has done by then. Assuming we're all still around. Fu** you right in the ear, bro. As others have pointed out but you conveniently ignore, the countries chosen are for show and for some strange reason avoid trumps besuiness dealings.
What county is your wife from? Friend of mines wife from England in the USA on a green card said she is unaffected.
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Twin Cities
01-28-2017, 9:24 PM
Guys let this thread die ... I haven't read all of it but by now we should all have come to our own conclusions whatever they might be. What I do now is that this has become as toxic as our politics have become - no room for middle ground and compromise. Those who know me know where I stand. Stop replying ...
I'm close to say good bye here because this thread has nothing to do with what this forum once was all about ...
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-28-2017, 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Ralph: why don't you champion your country of NZ to take in all the Refugees we don't want. I know you have taken in some. Why not More?
When the Syrian crisis hit initially the Governent said that our allotment was sufficient and it was better to look after people properly than take more and not integrate them properly. There was a public outcry and the number was doubled for the short term. We don't seem to have the same climate of fear here that you do there. I don't care if they move in next door to me, on the most part i think people are inherently good and i don't fear people i don't know in general.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-28-2017, 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by monkey_butt
I'm close to say good bye here because this thread has nothing to do with what this forum once was all about ...
Just stop opening this thread bro. It's important that people discuss these types of issues imo.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-28-2017, 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Just stop opening this thread bro. It's important that people discuss these types of issues imo.
Yeah this thread would be best described as a demolition derby. Not for wimps.
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 8:45 AM
Is it just me or does it appear the people protesting support the "death to America " countries over the USA?
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 9:10 AM
Airbnb CEO says he will put up refugees for free. Does that mean he will be providing clients residences?
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 9:42 AM
1,000 people protesting last night at Sea-Tac airport. Less than 1% of the area population but the media paints a picture that 1/2 the city is down there. Cops were spraying the anti-American protesters with pepper spray and making arrests. Snowflakes looking for their participation trophies got a face full instead. The socialistic communist city councilwoman was leading the effort and trying to incite a riot. The gay mayor and commie councilwoman are on the news wanting more refugees when the city is already over run with crime, drugs, and homelessness encouraged by decades of liberal rule. Seattle used to be a beautiful city, it's so dirty now. Garbage, needles and urine smell everywhere downtown. Tents and open intravenous drug use on public sidewalks. And they want to bring in more. It's insanity.
I do support legal immigrants/ immigration and visa holders but also believe the temporary ban on new refugees (not current visas) is needed to review vetting protocols.
I hate to say it but anything that gets the liberals so upset is probably good for 90% of Americans.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-29-2017, 9:46 AM
What do you think a christian is?
A person who worships the supernatural and believes their sins are whitewashed by sucking up to their God.
So how long are you guys going to push the Play Doh narrative now that you are claiming Trump needs to protect you. This latest ban on ingress of people from the ME is not about the cost of immigration to our society. It's about fear. Appears that Trump is turning America into a yuge pussy so he can grab it.
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
A person who worships the supernatural and believes their sins are whitewashed by sucking up to their God.
So how long are you guys going to push the Play Doh narrative now that you are claiming Trump needs to protect you. This latest ban on ingress of people from the ME is not about the cost of immigration to our society. It's about fear. Appears that Trump is turning America into a yuge pussy so he can grab it.
Yuge... makes me laugh when you say that. Are his actions extreme. Yes. Do we we need to level set and find middle ground. Yes. After 8 years of open borders and making legal American citizens 2nd priority it takes extreme action to move the needle. The administration will back off this current position but its the first step in negotiations.
Christians or muslim I really don't care. Its the unwillingness to acclimate to our society that concerns me.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-29-2017, 10:10 AM
But this latest ban isn't about the economics of illegal immigration. It's because Trump supporters are afraid. This is the message America is sending out to the world. Trump and his supporters are exhibiting cowardly behavior. Of course we know that Trump isn't the coward. He's the narcissist having a big power orgasm, blowing his load all over the Constitution, and putting his warm comforting hand all over his sycophant pussies. At least that's the way I see it.
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
But this latest ban isn't about the economics of illegal immigration. It's because Trump supporters are afraid. This is the message America is sending out to the world. Trump and his supporters are exhibiting cowardly behavior. Of course we know that Trump isn't the coward. He's the narcissist having a big power orgasm, blowing his load all over the Constitution, and putting his warm comforting hand all over his sycophant pussies. At least that's the way I see it.
I don't feel afraid. But i did feel alienated by the past administration. Probably the way a lot of people feel under the new administration. Far left or far right seem to be the rule of the day. We need strong borders like every other civilized nation but also need empathy and compassion. Neither can be absolute over the other. I live somewhere in the middle but as a country no one seems willing to budge.
Last edited by Cabledog; 01-29-2017 at 10:24 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-29-2017, 10:33 AM
As I already suspected. Since the right thought Obama destroyed America, they are now supporting a president that will destroy America as pay back.
You are not afraid, but don't mind looking like a coward for some ambiguous political goal.
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 10:45 AM
You missed it completely.
Join Date: Dec 2013
01-29-2017, 10:46 AM
Off to ride quads boys. Enjoy your day to all.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-29-2017, 11:38 AM
LOL, just when I beginning to think that at least they can't blame this crap on Obama...
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-29-2017, 11:39 AM
Have you seen what places like Deerborn Michigan look like? They are Muslim Ghettos. They bring nothing to this country because they do NOT want to bend to our way of life. Their #1 contribution is Mosks. They want to re create the same hell hole they came from, with the exception they want all the free offerings our Last administration was so willing to hand out. Deerborn is a example of what happens when people from the ME come here. Why is it so hard for you Libs to look at Europe and see what Refugees from the ME have done to Sweden and Germany and London, what you don't think that's gonna happen here? Your a Fool, and no matter how hard you stomp your feet I don't think we should open the flood gates to the ME because we wanna protect "your feelings"
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-29-2017, 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Your a Fool
This is rich from a guy who can't even be educated on the use of the word "through". Or the contraction of you and are.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2017, 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by brettw
On a side note, does anyone like Kellyanne Conway at all? If so, why?
I think she gets better every day. She just absolutely KILLED IT on Chris Wallace's show a few minutes ago and LIT UP the press without being one bit snarky, rude, unfair, dishonest or condescending like they are to the Trump administration or anyone on the right.
Join Date: Jan 2004
01-29-2017, 2:20 PM
Yes... Alternative spelling... Grant's is pretty entertaining...Not as entertaining than the Moose but still lol
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-29-2017, 2:36 PM
Originally Posted by markj
I think she gets better every day. She just absolutely KILLED IT on Chris Wallace's show a few minutes ago and LIT UP the press without being one bit snarky, rude, unfair, dishonest or condescending like they are to the Trump administration or anyone on the right.
huh. I watched that too. What I saw is that she would be asked a question, speak for about 3 seconds on something related to the topic, then pivot to some other talking point and speak without breathing for another 87 seconds. Then an exasperated Wallace would tell her she didn't answer the question and ask it again. They quit when they had to go to commercial.
If you think Fox News is snarky, rude or unfair to the Trump Admin, well, we see things a lot differently!
I did like how she said that she knows Steve Bannon and that he didn't mean what his words said. WTF is that supposed to mean? It's like "I mean what I say unless what I say seems to be unreasonable/crazy/unfair/dumb, in which case MEDIA BIAS! FAKE NEWS!"
Super Orwellian.
01-29-2017, 4:08 PM
Somebody needs to cover the Statue of Liberty with a sheet until this ban is taken back.
I love the conservatives, call the libs pussies and soft but it's those guys that are so ****ing terrified of an attack happening.
Join Date: Jul 2007
01-29-2017, 4:26 PM
This clown really is an embarrassment.
Oh, and this in response to this:
Last edited by brettw; 01-29-2017 at 4:27 PM.
Reason: cuz
01-29-2017, 4:31 PM
Originally Posted by brettw
I hate Trump as much as anybody but that really is fake news. Those are photoshopped Twitter posts. It says it in the article.
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-29-2017, 4:43 PM
I love the fact that other countries and nations are NOW stepping up!
Canada NOW saying we will take in these POOR refugees. That's great step up You nations that have sucked off the US for years take in these people. LOLshow us Cannada how much better you are then us open your borders take in the un wanted pay for the
Teach the US a lesson LOL
01-29-2017, 4:52 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
I love the fact that other countries and nations are NOW stepping up!
Canada NOW saying we will take in these POOR refugees. That's great step up You nations that have sucked off the US for years take in these people. LOLshow us Cannada how much better you are then us open your borders take in the un wanted pay for the
Teach the US a lesson LOL
Canada had already taken in four times the amount of us. It isn't them showing us up. They're just not pussies at the moment.
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-29-2017, 5:18 PM
Hey just a thought here where is these other countries that are criticizing us where is there Statue of Liberty ? Where are their open border policy.
Try this you total retards go to inda. Try and become a citizen of India. Let us know how that works out
01-29-2017, 5:28 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Hey just a thought here where is these other countries that are criticizing us where is there Statue of Liberty ? Where are their open border policy.
Try this you total retards go to inda. Try and become a citizen of India. Let us know how that works out
Ahh yes. Let's base our policies off India. Real American you are. Like I said, cover the Statue of Liberty up until these pussies go back to American values.
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-29-2017, 6:06 PM
The point is this. Should America be the Worlds "911" how long have Americans towed the line and better question. Is HOW LONG do we or should he Tow the line?? step up other nations! you want (no borders) you want a global policy! Step up put your money where your nations mouth is.
Join Date: Jul 2007
01-29-2017, 7:47 PM
You're right. I totally missed that. This fake news crap has got to stop. Trump is an embarrassing fool, but at least stick to facts.
Join Date: Dec 2005
01-29-2017, 7:55 PM
Let's talk about hypocrisy.
If you voted for Trump because of Hillary's email "problem" but are not upset that the Trump administration is using a private email server and unsecured phones, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe Jesus was a persecuted refugee fleeing Herod, but support the ban on Syrian refugees, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe life begins at conception, but support defunding the country's number one source of prenatal care, Planned Parenthood, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe the mainstream media lies but believe Trump when he spouts verifiable lies, that is hypocrisy.
If you dismiss the AP, Reuters or NPR as biased media but accept everything Fox News says, that is hypocrisy.
If you think all life is sacred, but do not support reasonable gun control, that is hypocrisy.
If you think children are the future, but support reducing funds for SNAP, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in education, but dismiss evolution or climate change as hoax, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the sovereignty of the United States, but support forced incursions on Native American lands, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that we need to drain the swamp in Washington but support Trump's cabinet picks, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the Constitution, but support indiscriminate detainment and torture, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe our troops lives have worth, but support Trump's claims to foreign countries natural resources, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that unborn black babies lives matter, but black lives don't matter, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that we deserve life, liberty and happiness, but support taking away healthcare from millions of American, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that the practice of your religion is more important than the practice of no religion or a different religion, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in equal rights under the law, but don't support marriage equality and non discrimination for LGBTQ+ Americans, that is hypocrisy.
If you are glad that California or New York do not decide national policy for you, but insist on forcing your red state policies on others, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the first amendment, but call people who peacefully protest the President hooligans, that is hypocrisy.
If you are an American but think dissent is disrespectful, that is hypocrisy.
If you think that anything that has happened over the last week is normal or acceptable, then you have not been paying attention.
(**Not written by me. Sharing is encouraged.**)
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-29-2017, 8:37 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
The point is this. Should America be the Worlds "911" how long have Americans towed the line and better question. Is HOW LONG do we or should he Tow the line?? step up other nations! you want (no borders) you want a global policy! Step up put your money where your nations mouth is.
Right! The saudis and israelis can get their weapons from China and Russia, why do they need us? No need for us to waste our money in the ME.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2017, 9:18 PM
Originally Posted by plhorn
Let's talk about hypocrisy.
If you voted for Trump because of Hillary's email "problem" but are not upset that the Trump administration is using a private email server and unsecured phones, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe Jesus was a persecuted refugee fleeing Herod, but support the ban on Syrian refugees, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe life begins at conception, but support defunding the country's number one source of prenatal care, Planned Parenthood, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe the mainstream media lies but believe Trump when he spouts verifiable lies, that is hypocrisy.
If you dismiss the AP, Reuters or NPR as biased media but accept everything Fox News says, that is hypocrisy.
If you think all life is sacred, but do not support reasonable gun control, that is hypocrisy.
If you think children are the future, but support reducing funds for SNAP, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in education, but dismiss evolution or climate change as hoax, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the sovereignty of the United States, but support forced incursions on Native American lands, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that we need to drain the swamp in Washington but support Trump's cabinet picks, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the Constitution, but support indiscriminate detainment and torture, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe our troops lives have worth, but support Trump's claims to foreign countries natural resources, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that unborn black babies lives matter, but black lives don't matter, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that we deserve life, liberty and happiness, but support taking away healthcare from millions of American, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that the practice of your religion is more important than the practice of no religion or a different religion, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in equal rights under the law, but don't support marriage equality and non discrimination for LGBTQ+ Americans, that is hypocrisy.
If you are glad that California or New York do not decide national policy for you, but insist on forcing your red state policies on others, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the first amendment, but call people who peacefully protest the President hooligans, that is hypocrisy.
If you are an American but think dissent is disrespectful, that is hypocrisy.
If you think that anything that has happened over the last week is normal or acceptable, then you have not been paying attention.
(**Not written by me. Sharing is encouraged.**)
Nice effort in conjecture. NOT! What kind of alternate universe, totally warped world do you live in????? I didn't even need to get past half your list before I knew you are totally clueless. It baffles the mind, actually. "You just don't get it, do ya, Scott?" So glad Trump is in office now. This kind of garbage thinking has zero power now.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2017, 9:29 PM
Originally Posted by plhorn
Let's talk about hypocrisy.
If you voted for Trump because of Hillary's email "problem" but are not upset that the Trump administration is using a private email server and unsecured phones, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe Jesus was a persecuted refugee fleeing Herod, but support the ban on Syrian refugees, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe life begins at conception, but support defunding the country's number one source of prenatal care, Planned Parenthood, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe the mainstream media lies but believe Trump when he spouts verifiable lies, that is hypocrisy.
If you dismiss the AP, Reuters or NPR as biased media but accept everything Fox News says, that is hypocrisy.
If you think all life is sacred, but do not support reasonable gun control, that is hypocrisy.
If you think children are the future, but support reducing funds for SNAP, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in education, but dismiss evolution or climate change as hoax, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the sovereignty of the United States, but support forced incursions on Native American lands, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that we need to drain the swamp in Washington but support Trump's cabinet picks, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the Constitution, but support indiscriminate detainment and torture, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe our troops lives have worth, but support Trump's claims to foreign countries natural resources, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that unborn black babies lives matter, but black lives don't matter, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that we deserve life, liberty and happiness, but support taking away healthcare from millions of American, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe that the practice of your religion is more important than the practice of no religion or a different religion, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in equal rights under the law, but don't support marriage equality and non discrimination for LGBTQ+ Americans, that is hypocrisy.
If you are glad that California or New York do not decide national policy for you, but insist on forcing your red state policies on others, that is hypocrisy.
If you believe in the first amendment, but call people who peacefully protest the President hooligans, that is hypocrisy.
If you are an American but think dissent is disrespectful, that is hypocrisy.
If you think that anything that has happened over the last week is normal or acceptable, then you have not been paying attention.
(**Not written by me. Sharing is encouraged.**)
You are now the WW poster boy for the left's sheer inability to understand why you libs lost and will continue to lose until you wake up. You have unseated Wes and the other ReRe's until Wes comes back to claim his position again. After his clear, recent mental breakdown, I doubt we'll hear from him for awhile so that makes you king of the dipsticks. Congrats. Now accept your crown of shame.
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-30-2017, 12:51 AM
Might I suggest those bashing trump take a good look at The visa waiver program and terrorist travel act signed by Obama in Dec. 2015 and approved by congress. All 7 of these banned countries were picked out by none other than Obama himself and this very bill paved the way for the current ban. In fact its what made it possible. In 2011 Obama placed a 6 month travel ban on Iraq which also included refugees that aided the US military and used similar bans at least 5 times during his presidency. A terrorist act was just committed in Canada tonight btw. I don't know how many people have tried to enter canada but it is strict as all get out. A friend of mine stole a cd when he was 14 and was questioned privately for over an hour nearly 10 years after the fact with not a single mark on his adult record. People have taken the united states for granted. There is also 9 other stable countries much closer than the US for those fleeing. i'm not sure why anyone would fly all the way here instead. France, Germany, Italy, UK, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland are all right around those countries and certainly cheaper flights. There are other options in the meantime if its do or die. This also isn't a Muslim ban as being portrayed. Indonesia is the worlds most populous muslim country and is not on the banned list. Furthermore none of these countries are near the top of Muslim immigration into the US. Do your due diligence before following these story lines.... The media is all about the headline and selling stories.
Last edited by bass10after; 01-30-2017 at 1:01 AM.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2017, 1:06 AM
Go fu** yourself Mark. No breakdown here, just no longer going to feign civility in the face of your assholishness and fake Christian hypocrisy. By all means keep gloating about an incredibly thin margin of victory as if it's some kind of statement and doesn't have a sh** ton of asterisks next to it. Glad to see the real Christians have stepped up and joined others in defying Trump's actions. Keep adding to the chit your grandchildren will be embarrassed to admit about you.
In other news white supremacist Bannon has trump put him on the NSC and remove the joint chiefs and director of natl intelligence. We all know Mark is a lost cause but I hope this gives some of you some pause.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2017, 1:22 AM
Bass10 you should take your own advice. The VWP adjustments in 2011 were in direct response to an incident in kentucky regarding two Iraqi nationals. Noting was frozen and CERTAINLY green card holders were not affected. This sloppily written travesty Frump is trying to pass off as constitutional has already been blocked by one judge and it sounds like there are more to come.
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-30-2017, 1:48 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
Bass10 you should take your own advice. The VWP adjustments in 2011 were in direct response to an incident in kentucky regarding two Iraqi nationals. Noting was frozen and CERTAINLY green card holders were not affected. This sloppily written travesty Frump is trying to pass off as constitutional has already been blocked by one judge and it sounds like there are more to come.
I suggest you take my advice and read that bill. If you think waiting until something happened before enacting a 6 month ban is somehow better i'm at a loss for words.... He should have put the ban in place sooner and it would have never happened in the first place. Whats 6 months do after the fact? In case you haven't noticed terrorism is real and this isn't the same country that our grandparents came to on boats. The very freedom of speech you exercise is the reason we are targeted by terrorists. Something needs to change and it might affect those trying to get here for a while, but whats the alternative? Do nothing? The current system has failed the people of this country too many times and many thousands have lost their innocent lives because of it.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2017, 2:10 AM
It wasn't a ban. Guess you can't read. Your hyperbole regarding the scope of terrorist attacks does nothing to further your point. I'm all for improvements and vigilance. That is not what this clumsy sledgehammer does.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2017, 2:22 AM
When Dick Cheney and the pope agree on something and you're on the other side of the line...
In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Cheney said the plan, which Trump announced Monday, "goes against everything we stand for and believe in."
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-30-2017, 3:00 AM
I wouldn't bring the Vatican into this... It isn't exactly known for its swift response to changing with the times and Dick Cheney isn't the brains of any operation... If they agree so be it, that means nothing and certainly doesn't further your point. Vigilance is being proactive and stopping the influx of people from countries known to harbor terrorists until the system to stop them can become reliable for the people here IS being vigilant. Might you offer up your solution instead of empty generalizations that do nothing to show your cognitive ability to provide anything other than sharp criticism? You sure come off as an angry abrasive feller...
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2017, 3:05 AM
Angry is right. You would be too if your family was under attack.
First of all with over 700,000 refugees admitted here how many have committed acts of terror? How many terrorism deaths have been carried out by ppl from these seven countries? You could start by increasing vetting on people from the countries Trump left out (the ones where he has biz interests) if you're really that concerned that the already rigorous process is not enough. But green card hOldest? Gimme a break
Last edited by pesos; 01-30-2017 at 3:08 AM.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2017, 3:42 AM
Originally Posted by bass10after
...A terrorist act was just committed in Canada tonight btw...
You do realize that the terror attack in Canada tonight was AGAINST Muslims worshipping at a Mosque right? And that terrorists also burned down a mosque in Dallas this week? Glad we agree about these acts of terror and that not enough is being done to root out domestic terrorists among us. I saw we start with Stephen Bannon.
01-30-2017, 9:11 AM
What do you know, an attack on Muslims. So it begins.
Anybody else curious why Saudi Arabia and Turkey were left off Trumps list? Maybe cause he does business there? ****ing classic guys. Keep the country safe but not from countries I do business with.
Join Date: Oct 2005
01-30-2017, 9:44 AM
wake, wes....
I'm not trying to fight, so I'm not attacking. I just want yalls take on a couple of things.
Bill Clinton wanted to deport illegals.....there is a video of him saying this
Senator Obama wanted to repair border fences.....there is a video
President Obama placed a temporary ban on refugees
President Obama constructed 700 miles of border fence
Is none of this true?
If it is, why was there no outrage then. What makes this time different?
my thought is, is that both of the former men were brilliant speakers. Brilliant speaking doesn't change the intent
Join Date: Dec 2005
01-30-2017, 9:57 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Nice effort in conjecture. NOT! What kind of alternate universe, totally warped world do you live in????? I didn't even need to get past half your list before I knew you are totally clueless. It baffles the mind, actually. "You just don't get it, do ya, Scott?" So glad Trump is in office now. This kind of garbage thinking has zero power now.
Nice use of logic and facts to persuade me that I'm wrong about this.
Your ability to debate logically and shoot down each point about how much of a hypocrite you are has convinced me completely rethink my beliefs.
on a separate note:
Leviticus 19:34
"The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God."
you fake christian d-bag
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-30-2017, 9:57 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
What makes this time different?
Trump's ban covers lawful immigrants, including returning green card holders. So it is a whole lot more than refugees.
Regarding the wall, errr fence, errr partial fence, it seems like Trump has pretty much caved on his initial 30' high "Great Wall" campaign promise. If we're talking about doing supplemental border fencing in strategic areas at a reasonable cost (since Mexico won't pay for it), can't see many complaining about that, other than to use it to point out that the initial campaign promise was a bit like the second grade class president promising chocolate milk from all of the drinking fountains.