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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-20-2022, 10:03 AM Reply   
This is so good, i want to do it again.
Im adding content from someone else C&P.

Maybe it’s how the article is written but I’m not sure people are fully grasping what happened here, so I’m going to try to explain it in simpler terms.

Trump and his attorneys alleged in a Dec. 4 filing in Georgia state court that Fulton County had improperly counted more than 10,000 votes of dead people, felons and unregistered voters.

After that filling, Trump’s lawyer Eastman discovered that the numbers were not accurate as the proceedings moved to federal court.

Eastman sent an email to Trump and his other lawyers that the numbers were inaccurate and advised Trump NOT to sign a verification in federal court swearing to those same inaccurate numbers that he already swore to in Georgia State Court.

Trump ignored Eastman’s advice and knowingly swore to the inaccurate numbers in federal court.

This is why Judge Carter released that email from Eastman warning Trump not to swear to the false numbers, because it proves that Trump knew the numbers were false and he swore to them anyway in federal court, while also repeatedly touting the false numbers in public, which is why Judge Carter wrote:

“The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public. The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

Edit: I see many people asking if Trump could just say he didn’t see the email or that his lawyers didn’t tell him. But the thing is that Trump was already told and made aware that the numbers were inaccurate before the email was sent out. Eastman’s email was a follow up to those conversations and clearly states that Trump already knew that the numbers were inaccurate.

Eastman wrote in a December 30, 2020, email:

“Although the President signed a verification for [the state court filing] back on Dec. 1, he has since been made aware that some of the allegations (and evidence proffered by the experts) has been inaccurate. For him to sign a new verification with that knowledge (and incorporation by reference) would not be accurate."

So Trump cannot say he didn’t know. The email is proof he knew the numbers were inaccurate whether he saw the email or not.

Trump knew he lost and then he lied to his faithful and grifted millions and millions only from those who believed his lies the most, aka the suckers and losers who also bought the flags and other trash, like trump socks.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-20-2022, 10:17 AM Reply   
Just wait for the schizophrenia outbreaks and homeless invasions coming to Florida. Thank Ron DeSantis.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-20-2022, 10:27 AM Reply   
It's not nice, I'll admit, but one of my favorite pastimes is watching you foam at the mouth in your daily, unhinged fumings over the malignant, terminal occupant in your dope-filled cranium. And it's free to watch!!! Win win win!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-20-2022, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Just wait for the schizophrenia outbreaks and homeless invasions coming to Florida. Thank Ron DeSantis.
That's unfortunate.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-20-2022, 11:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That's unfortunate.
Seems it isnt just unfortunate. Its another Red state attempting to unleash a homeless invasion on themselves and a massive wave of schizophrenia. Bad policy. lol.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-21-2022, 11:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Seems it isnt just unfortunate. Its another Red state attempting to unleash a homeless invasion on themselves and a massive wave of schizophrenia. Bad policy. lol.
Thankful we can finally agree on something, although I don’t believe weed does that to everyone who uses it. It affects some more than others. The bigger problem is weed is a gateway to a more laxed attitude about drug enforcement. I mean, how can you tell if someone’s on dope or some other illegal opioids? Dope was the foot in the door for all you pot heads, but is also the slippery slope that helps usher in so many other problems. Looks like Florida will unfortunately be our next experiment.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-23-2022, 12:21 PM Reply   
Trump charges tax payers 5x standard rate for his protection staff. Lol, grifters going to grift I guess.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       10-25-2022, 1:52 PM Reply   
I guess some of you here on W/W are still in full blown Trump "TDS" level 10

The link Ralph posted was not clear (imagine that) the New telling a porky Pie! NO WAY It was unclear to me, Example was the News story taking a room cost of let's say a Presidential Suite and comparing it to a regular room cost & then Making a Headline like they did. its so stupid you cant believe $hit these days

BUT If the Tump organization charged the Not so secret service 5x the cost for the same room that's BS, Orange Man Bad!

I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Insider Trading that Pelosie is doing"
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Hunter Biden corruption" & the link to Potato head
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at 'The Fentanall that's pouring across the US/Mexico Border" & destroying our City's
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "The cost of inflation & $7 a gallon gas here in California"

My point is I bet the Majority of America would trade some Mean Tweets from the Old Orange Man Bad vs the total Train Wreck we have for a administration in a second. You Libtards are a special kind of Retard
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-25-2022, 10:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
I guess some of you here on W/W are still in full blown Trump "TDS" level 10

The link Ralph posted was not clear (imagine that) the New telling a porky Pie! NO WAY It was unclear to me, Example was the News story taking a room cost of let's say a Presidential Suite and comparing it to a regular room cost & then Making a Headline like they did. its so stupid you cant believe $hit these days

BUT If the Tump organization charged the Not so secret service 5x the cost for the same room that's BS, Orange Man Bad!

I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Insider Trading that Pelosie is doing"
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Hunter Biden corruption" & the link to Potato head
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at 'The Fentanall that's pouring across the US/Mexico Border" & destroying our City's
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "The cost of inflation & $7 a gallon gas here in California"

My point is I bet the Majority of America would trade some Mean Tweets from the Old Orange Man Bad vs the total Train Wreck we have for a administration in a second. You Libtards are a special kind of Retard
Good to see you are still kicking G-Dizzle. Hope you are super well and having fun.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-26-2022, 11:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
I guess some of you here on W/W are still in full blown Trump "TDS" level 10

The link Ralph posted was not clear (imagine that) the New telling a porky Pie! NO WAY It was unclear to me, Example was the News story taking a room cost of let's say a Presidential Suite and comparing it to a regular room cost & then Making a Headline like they did. its so stupid you cant believe $hit these days

BUT If the Tump organization charged the Not so secret service 5x the cost for the same room that's BS, Orange Man Bad!

I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Insider Trading that Pelosie is doing"
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Hunter Biden corruption" & the link to Potato head
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at 'The Fentanall that's pouring across the US/Mexico Border" & destroying our City's
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "The cost of inflation & $7 a gallon gas here in California"

My point is I bet the Majority of America would trade some Mean Tweets from the Old Orange Man Bad vs the total Train Wreck we have for a administration in a second. You Libtards are a special kind of Retard
Dear Sir,
"Pelosie"s" husband owns a Venture capitol investment company, they buy and sell stock for a living. Also dems and R's have been abusing the system for decades, the dem led house recently passed legislation to slow their roll. Sadly it is not very strong. Most people, R's and D's, dont think congress should be trading on insider knowledge, congress doesnt care what "we" think. They do what the $$ tells them. Can you point out the Republican legislation to put a stop to this?? Then why blame the other side who is doing something, just shut up until your guys have a plan.
I swear, im never voting for Hunter Biden again!!!!! Are you with me??
Can you find a lib in favor of "fentanall" ? Me neither. More is being caught than ever in history.
Have you found the rheostat switch on Bidens presidential desk controlling the inflation? How does he do it?? There is inflation world wide (because we are coming out of a world wide pandemic, supply chain issues and corporate greed) its worse in most other countries like in Europe and the UK. Is Biden doing their inflation too? An extra 500% mean anything to you?
And the country made their decision on Trump and a second term in 2020. Then trump went full authoritarian and tried to stay in power through force, failed again. He is a 2 time loser in one election. FYI, he lot the popular vote in 2016 too, got in on a dumb, outdated technicality.
TDS is only for those still thinking he got robbed by a rigged election or thinking he is the answer.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-28-2022, 7:52 AM Reply   
It's far deeper than that crackhead, Hunter. The Big Guy (when he's on his Adderall) could tell you all about it.
All libtards are in favor of Fentanyl. Their open border policies and their pro drug policies prove it.
Biden directly caused inflation when he declared war on all fossil fuels which raised the price of everything. That's probably the number one reason your tone deaf party is gonna get swamped by the red tide in November. Another inescapable fact for you to contemplate as you put your head down on that pillow: You guys put HW in office because your policies really are that bad. And that's after a months-long, no-holds-barred, democrat smear campaign. LOL
Silly rabbit, you can't co-opt the term TDS. It only applies to you and other libtards. Full authoritarian is what you dims did with Covid. Not what you history revisionists dishonestly try to lay at Trump's feet.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-28-2022, 10:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
It's far deeper than that crackhead, Hunter. The Big Guy (when he's on his Adderall) could tell you all about it.
All libtards are in favor of Fentanyl. Their open border policies and their pro drug policies prove it.
Biden directly caused inflation when he declared war on all fossil fuels which raised the price of everything. That's probably the number one reason your tone deaf party is gonna get swamped by the red tide in November. Another inescapable fact for you to contemplate as you put your head down on that pillow: You guys put HW in office because your policies really are that bad. And that's after a months-long, no-holds-barred, democrat smear campaign. LOL
Silly rabbit, you can't co-opt the term TDS. It only applies to you and other libtards. Full authoritarian is what you dims did with Covid. Not what you history revisionists dishonestly try to lay at Trump's feet.
Ive never voted for Hunter for anything, I dont know anyone who has. I promise not to ever vote for him in the future if you would stop talking about him, talk about free rent. Jeezus.
You seem to be losing it, slap yourself. Draw the line to a single pro-fentanyl libtard. If the border is "open" then why do we keep catching fentanyl supplies, most in history? Wouldnt that define the best watched border in history? Maybe stop listening to FOX, Parrot.
Biden doesnt run oil companies, but those who are are experiencing more profit than at any time in history, yet you, like a completely UN-tethered fool blame POTUS. Draw the line. You cant miss.
Its history, virtually every single 1st term pres gets shellacked in the midterms, every single time. Even when their policy is working.
Dont blame HW on anyone but those who put him on the ballot and those who vote for him, 100% R's. No one else is dumb enough. Facts are not a smear campaign. They are just facts.
Full authoritarian was when yor Daddy decided to try to violently take over the USA. The voters said no and he refused to take the hint, much like yourself, still in fantasy land. LOL, at "history" Tell trumps side of the story, go ahead, ill listen. Why did he ask his people to show up on the 6th? Why that date? Why did he fire them up with a lie filled speech and then tell them to march up to the capitol when he knew they were armed? Why did they get those 7 swing states to send fake trump electors to congress? Why did he try to put yes men in charge of the DOJ? Why did he call Georgia SoS and ask for 11,800 more votes? Why did he beg and plead Pence to throw the election? Why did Pence refuse? Why after his people attacked the capitol did he not call security, DC cops? Natl Guard? Secret service? Anyone to stop the attack? Explain this, I need to know what "History" will say. How did all the above happen? Can you explain it? Can you explain why trump stole 100's of Top secret documents? And what were his very legal plans with them? Can you explain any of these crime sprees and why you still worship a criminal? TDS.

Last edited by 95sn; 10-28-2022 at 10:10 AM.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-28-2022, 10:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Ive never voted for Hunter for anything, I dont know anyone who has. I promise not to ever vote for him in the future if you would stop talking about him, talk about free rent. Jeezus.
You seem to be losing it, slap yourself. Draw the line to a single pro-fentanyl libtard. If the border is "open" then why do we keep catching fentanyl supplies, most in history? Wouldnt that define the best watched border in history? Maybe stop listening to FOX, Parrot.
Biden doesnt run oil companies, but those who are are experiencing more profit than at any time in history, yet you, like a completely UN-tethered fool blame POTUS. Draw the line. You cant miss.
Its history, virtually every single 1st term pres gets shellacked in the midterms, every single time. Even when their policy is working.
Dont blame HW on anyone but those who put him on the ballot and those who vote for him, 100% R's. No one else is dumb enough. Facts are not a smear campaign. They are just facts.
Full authoritarian was when yor Daddy decided to try to violently take over the USA. The voters said no and he refused to take the hint, much like yourself, still in fantasy land. LOL, at "history" Tell trumps side of the story, go ahead, ill listen. Why did he ask his people to show up on the 6th? Why that date? Why did he fire them up with a lie filled speech and then tell them to march up to the capitol when he knew they were armed? Why did they get those 7 swing states to send fake trump electors to congress? Why did he try to put yes men in charge of the DOJ? Why did he call Georgia SoS and ask for 11,800 more votes? Why did he beg and plead Pence to throw the election? Why did Pence refuse? Why after his people attacked the capitol did he not call security, DC cops? Natl Guard? Secret service? Anyone to stop the attack? Explain this, I need to know what "History" will say. How did all the above happen? Can you explain it? Can you explain why trump stole 100's of Top secret documents? And what were his very legal plans with them? Can you explain any of these crime sprees and why you still worship a criminal? TDS.
He stole Russian nuclear codes, he stole the mona lisa, and the declaration of independence, you know he also stool the area 51 alien from the Roswell crash. I think he also took Bidens daughters diary while he was looking for Corn pops chain, you know the chain Joe beat corn pop with.

I cant understand why the FBI, who was in Mar-a-logo, 2 years ago, who told trump to lock the door on this stuff, didnt take the Alien body back, or the diary? Explain please.

Maybe explain how Pelosi fam have higher stats on trade deals than Warren Buffet or Jp morgan. lol

Here is what everyone can explain, we are in a **** mess, the BOOB BIDEN is lost, we are 20 days away from being out of diesel fuel. inflation is destroying people, Gas prices are going up again, companies are laying off, we have 5 million illegals running wild in our country, the drug trade is off the charts, people are getting pushing into training on the subway,

LIBERALS are having transvestite parties for their children! While trying to kill anything faith related, CRT is rampant, and eveyone and everything is racist! lol

I hope to god Pelosi's attacker is left our of jail with NO BAIL! that would be the best **** sandwich all of the leftiest need to eat.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-28-2022, 11:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
He stole Russian nuclear codes, he stole the mona lisa, and the declaration of independence, you know he also stool the area 51 alien from the Roswell crash. I think he also took Bidens daughters diary while he was looking for Corn pops chain, you know the chain Joe beat corn pop with.

I cant understand why the FBI, who was in Mar-a-logo, 2 years ago, who told trump to lock the door on this stuff, didnt take the Alien body back, or the diary? Explain please.

Maybe explain how Pelosi fam have higher stats on trade deals than Warren Buffet or Jp morgan. lol

Here is what everyone can explain, we are in a **** mess, the BOOB BIDEN is lost, we are 20 days away from being out of diesel fuel. inflation is destroying people, Gas prices are going up again, companies are laying off, we have 5 million illegals running wild in our country, the drug trade is off the charts, people are getting pushing into training on the subway,

LIBERALS are having transvestite parties for their children! While trying to kill anything faith related, CRT is rampant, and eveyone and everything is racist! lol

I hope to god Pelosi's attacker is left our of jail with NO BAIL! that would be the best **** sandwich all of the leftiest need to eat.
So you cant explain a single crime, nice work. Lock him up.
Its simple to explain MaL visit by FBI. Trump lied and did not give up all the stuff he stole. Then he got his attys to lie that they returned all, except at the raid we determined that was a lie too. Your BS story about trump cooperating is just that, a story, by trump. We know he lied because all the top secret documents still there after the 3rd attempt. Enough or do you need more?
You have been saying Biden is "lost" , sleepy, in decline, senile.....since before the election. Yet, everyday he gets up and keeps on working. How long does he have to do this til you discover someone is lying to you?
I already told you about congress and investing, didnt I? What is the Republican plan to stop congress from cheating? If they have none WTF??? tell THEM to do it, not me. Its a Bi-partisan issue.

You sound concerned about inflation, What is the R plan to stop it?? It must be a pretty strong plan to make you want it soo bad. What is it that will make a change? How are they going to do it? All I have heard is tax cuts for corporations, the same corporations with the record profits need more? How does that help?
You sure seem brainwashed by far right media.
Appears the GOP/FOX should be very happy with their ROI. Your guy just almost killed Pelosi's husband because he, like you, are radicalized and believe the BS.
Do you ever take 2 minutes to think why your media keeps on lying to scare you and point out the boogeyman for you? Why they want you blaming someone? You should.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-28-2022, 6:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Ive never voted for Hunter for anything, I dont know anyone who has. I promise not to ever vote for him in the future if you would stop talking about him, talk about free rent. Jeezus.
You seem to be losing it, slap yourself. Draw the line to a single pro-fentanyl libtard. If the border is "open" then why do we keep catching fentanyl supplies, most in history? Wouldnt that define the best watched border in history? Maybe stop listening to FOX, Parrot.
Biden doesnt run oil companies, but those who are are experiencing more profit than at any time in history, yet you, like a completely UN-tethered fool blame POTUS. Draw the line. You cant miss.
Its history, virtually every single 1st term pres gets shellacked in the midterms, every single time. Even when their policy is working.
Dont blame HW on anyone but those who put him on the ballot and those who vote for him, 100% R's. No one else is dumb enough. Facts are not a smear campaign. They are just facts.
Full authoritarian was when yor Daddy decided to try to violently take over the USA. The voters said no and he refused to take the hint, much like yourself, still in fantasy land. LOL, at "history" Tell trumps side of the story, go ahead, ill listen. Why did he ask his people to show up on the 6th? Why that date? Why did he fire them up with a lie filled speech and then tell them to march up to the capitol when he knew they were armed? Why did they get those 7 swing states to send fake trump electors to congress? Why did he try to put yes men in charge of the DOJ? Why did he call Georgia SoS and ask for 11,800 more votes? Why did he beg and plead Pence to throw the election? Why did Pence refuse? Why after his people attacked the capitol did he not call security, DC cops? Natl Guard? Secret service? Anyone to stop the attack? Explain this, I need to know what "History" will say. How did all the above happen? Can you explain it? Can you explain why trump stole 100's of Top secret documents? And what were his very legal plans with them? Can you explain any of these crime sprees and why you still worship a criminal? TDS.
This response is so bad, it only proves you're flailing again and lost the argument. The only thing you forgot to post is a pic of your white surrender flag. Honestly, it's like you took a stupid pill or one of your latchkey kids got ahold of your device and is posting on your behalf while you are on vacation.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-28-2022, 6:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
So you cant explain a single crime, nice work. Lock him up.
Its simple to explain MaL visit by FBI. Trump lied and did not give up all the stuff he stole. Then he got his attys to lie that they returned all, except at the raid we determined that was a lie too. Your BS story about trump cooperating is just that, a story, by trump. We know he lied because all the top secret documents still there after the 3rd attempt. Enough or do you need more?
You have been saying Biden is "lost" , sleepy, in decline, senile.....since before the election. Yet, everyday he gets up and keeps on working. How long does he have to do this til you discover someone is lying to you?
I already told you about congress and investing, didnt I? What is the Republican plan to stop congress from cheating? If they have none WTF??? tell THEM to do it, not me. Its a Bi-partisan issue.

You sound concerned about inflation, What is the R plan to stop it?? It must be a pretty strong plan to make you want it soo bad. What is it that will make a change? How are they going to do it? All I have heard is tax cuts for corporations, the same corporations with the record profits need more? How does that help?
You sure seem brainwashed by far right media.
Appears the GOP/FOX should be very happy with their ROI. Your guy just almost killed Pelosi's husband because he, like you, are radicalized and believe the BS.
Do you ever take 2 minutes to think why your media keeps on lying to scare you and point out the boogeyman for you? Why they want you blaming someone? You should.

come to NYC, i will push you on the tracks, no worries, will get out with no BAIL! but doubt even get arrested, as the police force has been plagued with "defund the police sentiment" and are struggling to get officers.

maybe we can host a transvestite party, at your house, get your kids and wife, line them up and have a trans teach them how to bounce on the cock! Like they are doing on TV every day.

Or we could round up 20 or so illegals and have them live on your lawn, and sell drugs to your kids, and if you dont like it, then YOU ARE A RACIST!

I dont think anyone has to explain Biden is a tool, we see it everyday, crime, inflation, education etc etc

Inflation can be stopped in a blink of an eye. CHEAP ENERGY! Stop telling the oil companies you are gong to phase them out, and allow easy permitting and ease restrictions, and once we tell the rest of the world we are going to open up the pipes, they will drop their prices and everything will come back down to normal.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-28-2022, 8:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
So you cant explain a single crime, nice work. Lock him up.
Its simple to explain MaL visit by FBI. Trump lied and did not give up all the stuff he stole. Then he got his attys to lie that they returned all, except at the raid we determined that was a lie too. Your BS story about trump cooperating is just that, a story, by trump. We know he lied because all the top secret documents still there after the 3rd attempt. Enough or do you need more?
You have been saying Biden is "lost" , sleepy, in decline, senile.....since before the election. Yet, everyday he gets up and keeps on working. How long does he have to do this til you discover someone is lying to you?
I already told you about congress and investing, didnt I? What is the Republican plan to stop congress from cheating? If they have none WTF??? tell THEM to do it, not me. Its a Bi-partisan issue.

You sound concerned about inflation, What is the R plan to stop it?? It must be a pretty strong plan to make you want it soo bad. What is it that will make a change? How are they going to do it? All I have heard is tax cuts for corporations, the same corporations with the record profits need more? How does that help?
You sure seem brainwashed by far right media.
Appears the GOP/FOX should be very happy with their ROI. Your guy just almost killed Pelosi's husband because he, like you, are radicalized and believe the BS.
Do you ever take 2 minutes to think why your media keeps on lying to scare you and point out the boogeyman for you? Why they want you blaming someone? You should.
I realize he’s slumming it in your head, but free rent is free rent and Trump is all over that action. It’s hilarious how many times a day you post “Trump lies.” Your TDS is a spectator sport I love to watch.

What Biden actually does every day is make word salads like it’s going out of style. He’s like the Bobby Flay of word salads.

No one is talking corporate tax cuts that I’ve heard of. That’s just more fear mongering by your leftist MSM sources.

It’s looking more and more like it was one of yours who gave Pelosi the tap on the head. He was recognized by LE as part of a nudist group from Berkeley that protested in SF back in 2013. Need anyone say more? Crazy is crazy. Probably another dope smoker like you who smoked a bit too much and went over the edge. They have had a ton of other drama caused by democrats over the years. Personally, I love it when people have to sit in the mess they create for themselves.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-29-2022, 11:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I realize he’s slumming it in your head, but free rent is free rent and Trump is all over that action. It’s hilarious how many times a day you post “Trump lies.” Your TDS is a spectator sport I love to watch.

What Biden actually does every day is make word salads like it’s going out of style. He’s like the Bobby Flay of word salads.

No one is talking corporate tax cuts that I’ve heard of. That’s just more fear mongering by your leftist MSM sources.

It’s looking more and more like it was one of yours who gave Pelosi the tap on the head. He was recognized by LE as part of a nudist group from Berkeley that protested in SF back in 2013. Need anyone say more? Crazy is crazy. Probably another dope smoker like you who smoked a bit too much and went over the edge. They have had a ton of other drama caused by democrats over the years. Personally, I love it when people have to sit in the mess they create for themselves.
What is the Republican plan to control inflation? You cant stop whining about Bidens responsibility. How many times do I have to ask?
The Republicans have been in charge during 10 of the last recessions since 1950, 10 out of 11. The only things Ive heard out of R mouths is tax cuts for corps, medicare and Social Security cuts. All 3 unpopular choices that do not work as proved by Reaganomics, Bush Sr, Bush II proved it was a myth. Im sure you are all in favor of cutting the socialistic medicare and SS for yor retirement.
You are lying about the domestic terrorist who tried to murder Pelosi. His screed was full of all your exact same false conspiracy theories, Covid a hoax, Qanon, the holocaust was a hoax, Trump was robbed, all the hot republican topics your leaders are pushing. Just like on 1/6 blaming Antifa, except not a single Antifa has been sentenced, just right wing domestic terrorists.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-29-2022, 10:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
What is the Republican plan to control inflation? You cant stop whining about Bidens responsibility. How many times do I have to ask?
The Republicans have been in charge during 10 of the last recessions since 1950, 10 out of 11. The only things Ive heard out of R mouths is tax cuts for corps, medicare and Social Security cuts. All 3 unpopular choices that do not work as proved by Reaganomics, Bush Sr, Bush II proved it was a myth. Im sure you are all in favor of cutting the socialistic medicare and SS for yor retirement.
You are lying about the domestic terrorist who tried to murder Pelosi. His screed was full of all your exact same false conspiracy theories, Covid a hoax, Qanon, the holocaust was a hoax, Trump was robbed, all the hot republican topics your leaders are pushing. Just like on 1/6 blaming Antifa, except not a single Antifa has been sentenced, just right wing domestic terrorists.
You’ve been told MULTIPLE TIMES by more than me. I’m done repeating myself. Get off the dope if your memory is that limited. The rest of your post sounds like it came out of the pie hole of Don Lemon. Spare us all and stop puking out your CNN plagiarisms. You’re honestly getting boring. I’m tired of mopping the floor with you. I need a new mop.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-30-2022, 1:57 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You’ve been told MULTIPLE TIMES by more than me. I’m done repeating myself. Get off the dope if your memory is that limited. The rest of your post sounds like it came out of the pie hole of Don Lemon. Spare us all and stop puking out your CNN plagiarisms. You’re honestly getting boring. I’m tired of mopping the floor with you. I need a new mop.
Typical. Cant say what the plan is because Republicans have none. They literally have no coherent economic plan at all. WTF's the matter with you and CNN, you are the ONLY one posting about CNN, Free rent or you are really that scared of Don Lemon man handling you again?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-31-2022, 12:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Typical. Cant say what the plan is because Republicans have none. They literally have no coherent economic plan at all. WTF's the matter with you and CNN, you are the ONLY one posting about CNN, Free rent or you are really that scared of Don Lemon man handling you again?
CNN is just the generic MSM punching bag for normal thinking adults. You’ve been told at least a dozen times here what started inflation. Go read the last few pages of this thread. I told you I’m done repeating myself to you.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-31-2022, 1:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
CNN is just the generic MSM punching bag for normal thinking adults. You’ve been told at least a dozen times here what started inflation. Go read the last few pages of this thread. I told you I’m done repeating myself to you.
There is nothing "normal" about lying far right conspiracy theorists. Nothing. CNN is never mentioned by anyone but you, and you cant stop yourself.
Stiil cant come up with a single thing yor conspiracy pushing party plans to do to slow inflation. Why?? Because they have no plans. Their goal is dividing the country and push more lies and violence. They're detached from reality. You have to believe in lies to be an R today, you have to believe, you have to say it out loud, trump won, trump was robbed or yor a RINO. When lying is a prerequisite to entrance into the cult..
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       10-31-2022, 2:27 PM Reply   
Can you find a lib in favor of "fentanall" ? Me neither. More is being caught than ever in history.
BIDEN is in Favor of Fentanall and Ill prove it, Trump had a "STAY in Mexico" policy for illegals seeking (political asylum) this "Stay in Mexico" policy stopped the Migrant rush and the Fetranall surge we currently have at the border. When the Idiot we Have in office Reversed the "stay in Mexico policy" TRUMP had put in place what do you think happened at the BORDER. 95 your either very Dishonest or you are not very smart. Do you not Remember or are you choosing to Forget and then play the "What About" argument. I & Many others say Pelosi is Guilty of Insider Trading, and your Reply is Well " What about the Republicans" if you Dems dont realize this country is in a much worse position then when TRUMP was president Your part of the problem
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-31-2022, 3:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
There is nothing "normal" about lying far right conspiracy theorists. Nothing. CNN is never mentioned by anyone but you, and you cant stop yourself.
Stiil cant come up with a single thing yor conspiracy pushing party plans to do to slow inflation. Why?? Because they have no plans. Their goal is dividing the country and push more lies and violence. They're detached from reality. You have to believe in lies to be an R today, you have to believe, you have to say it out loud, trump won, trump was robbed or yor a RINO. When lying is a prerequisite to entrance into the cult..
You are literally a cnn parrot. When Trump becomes president again, he will open up oil production in this country again and you will watch fuel prices deflate. That will begin to kill inflation. In other words, it’ll be like Trump cutting off Biden’s arm and beating him over the head with it. After that, he will close the doors at the border and hopefully begin to deport the illegals that Biden begged to come in.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-31-2022, 3:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
BIDEN is in Favor of Fentanall and Ill prove it, Trump had a "STAY in Mexico" policy for illegals seeking (political asylum) this "Stay in Mexico" policy stopped the Migrant rush and the Fetranall surge we currently have at the border. When the Idiot we Have in office Reversed the "stay in Mexico policy" TRUMP had put in place what do you think happened at the BORDER. 95 your either very Dishonest or you are not very smart. Do you not Remember or are you choosing to Forget and then play the "What About" argument. I & Many others say Pelosi is Guilty of Insider Trading, and your Reply is Well " What about the Republicans" if you Dems dont realize this country is in a much worse position then when TRUMP was president Your part of the problem
lol. That doesnt prove anything. In fact, RiM did virtually nothing to the fentanyl trade. (see link below) Strike 1. During trumps term, fentanyl growth went ballistic since 2015 and hasnt stopped. Here are actual facts proving you wrong. Strike 2. In addition, 75% of shipments go over the border, not where there is "no wall". Strike 3. The largest Fentanyl busts in the US have been during the Biden administration. Strike 4. Not too mention where the demand for fentanyl comes from, the Red Midwest and the deep red Bible belt. Plus the Northeast. Go figure. So, Who isnt very smart? Me or the guy parroting lies from FOX??

When you brought up stock trading,
1. I agreed its a problem.
2. I told you the democrats in the house passed a very weak law to slow their role. Republicans voted against it.
3. I asked what the Republican plan to stop what we both agree is bad for our politicians to do. You failed to respond, mostly because the Republicans (like many dems) dont want to lose the loophole.
But correct me if im wrong.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-31-2022, 3:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You are literally a cnn parrot. When Trump becomes president again, he will open up oil production in this country again and you will watch fuel prices deflate. That will begin to kill inflation. In other words, it’ll be like Trump cutting off Biden’s arm and beating him over the head with it. After that, he will close the doors at the border and hopefully begin to deport the illegals that Biden begged to come in.
Its difficult to parrot an outlet that one does not ever watch, its like impossible. I dont even know why you want to make this connection SO bad. You are the only one posting those 3 letters, solamente tu.
LOL, did you really say trump will be president again? You are 1. in the cult for sure and 2. out of your friggen mind if you think the country will elect the guy who tried to violently take over in 2020. lol.
Wait, you didnt say "elected again" you going to just "re-instate him" Clowns.

The US has been ramping up oil production since it dropped off the map during Covid. Bidens admin is ramping up US production in addition to getting other oil countries to up production. Imagine if we would have turned to alternative fuels years ago.
US Oil production facts.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       10-31-2022, 3:52 PM Reply   
SN: you asked what policy's Do the Republicans have to better stop the Flow of Fentany, Are you Serious? I think you might be on Fentanyl
You think Biden's current Border Policy is better then what we HAD under TRUMP? You are either a crack head or on Fentanyl
The Cartel Loves our current Border situation, The Migrant Rush at the boarder is creating a distraction for border patrol and More Fentanyl is coming across NOW then ever b4 UNDER BIDEN. You said Record Busts are happening under Biden's Watch Ummm NO dhu! that's because they are pushing more then they even had before. I seriously don't know how to respond Democrats have become Zombies, Im all good with political discord but when your talking to a cult member what can you do?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-01-2022, 8:29 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
SN: you asked what policy's Do the Republicans have to better stop the Flow of Fentany, Are you Serious? I think you might be on Fentanyl
You think Biden's current Border Policy is better then what we HAD under TRUMP? You are either a crack head or on Fentanyl
The Cartel Loves our current Border situation, The Migrant Rush at the boarder is creating a distraction for border patrol and More Fentanyl is coming across NOW then ever b4 UNDER BIDEN. You said Record Busts are happening under Biden's Watch Ummm NO dhu! that's because they are pushing more then they even had before. I seriously don't know how to respond Democrats have become Zombies, Im all good with political discord but when your talking to a cult member what can you do?
That’s a great couple of points. We’ve seen an explosion of Fentanyl deaths since Biden opened the borders and threw out the welcome mat. We’ve also seen 95 get more and more loopy since then as well. I just figured he was drinking bong water again. Maybe he’ll be our next Fentanyl death. Very astute observations there, Grant.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-01-2022, 8:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its difficult to parrot an outlet that one does not ever watch, its like impossible. I dont even know why you want to make this connection SO bad. You are the only one posting those 3 letters, solamente tu.
LOL, did you really say trump will be president again? You are 1. in the cult for sure and 2. out of your friggen mind if you think the country will elect the guy who tried to violently take over in 2020. lol.
Wait, you didnt say "elected again" you going to just "re-instate him" Clowns.

The US has been ramping up oil production since it dropped off the map during Covid. Bidens admin is ramping up US production in addition to getting other oil countries to up production. Imagine if we would have turned to alternative fuels years ago.
US Oil production facts.
I watch CNN occasionally. Everyone needs a good laugh once in awhile.

Yes, I said he will be prez again. You think the public will keep putting up with all the democrat crime waves, open borders, high fuel prices, inflation etc etc etc? Honestly, I hope I’m wrong. I’d much rather have DeSantis at the helm. I think by 2024, even dims will be tired of Mr Magoo. That’s if he makes it that long. Just watch what happens to your party in a week. We’re already shaking up the shellac cans.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2022, 9:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
SN: you asked what policy's Do the Republicans have to better stop the Flow of Fentany, Are you Serious? I think you might be on Fentanyl
You think Biden's current Border Policy is better then what we HAD under TRUMP? You are either a crack head or on Fentanyl
The Cartel Loves our current Border situation, The Migrant Rush at the boarder is creating a distraction for border patrol and More Fentanyl is coming across NOW then ever b4 UNDER BIDEN. You said Record Busts are happening under Biden's Watch Ummm NO dhu! that's because they are pushing more then they even had before. I seriously don't know how to respond Democrats have become Zombies, Im all good with political discord but when your talking to a cult member what can you do?
I didnt ask that, did I? About Fentanyl, I said nothing has stopped or slowed the fentanyl market since 2015, its rise is ballistic. Nothing Trump or Biden have done has slowed the traffic. Fact. I posted a graph to prove the fact. I also posted, 75% of the drug comes across the border in cars and trucks where border patrol has complete control. Take a look. I did not make any claims about whos border policy was best. Everything is posted in english directly above, post it if im lying.
I asked what was the Republicans plan to stop the unfair stock trading politicians do. I informed you the democrats did pass legislation but it was too weak. What do Republicans plan to do to stop what we both agree is a problem?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2022, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That’s a great couple of points. We’ve seen an explosion of Fentanyl deaths since Biden opened the borders and threw out the welcome mat. We’ve also seen 95 get more and more loopy since then as well. I just figured he was drinking bong water again. Maybe he’ll be our next Fentanyl death. Very astute observations there, Grant.
"Open Borders" is talking about the illegals who do not come in over the border where 20,000 border agents patrol. Correct? Its those who swim across the river, walk the desert, brought over by coyotees...Correct? Those are the ones talking advantage of Bidens "open border". These are not the people smuggling Fentanyl. Most of the fentanyl comes over the border in cars and trucks where 20,000 border patrol are stationed, IE, not open border. Your argument makes zero sense when you look at reality. Astute my azz.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2022, 10:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I watch CNN occasionally. Everyone needs a good laugh once in awhile.

Yes, I said he will be prez again. You think the public will keep putting up with all the democrat crime waves, open borders, high fuel prices, inflation etc etc etc? Honestly, I hope I’m wrong. I’d much rather have DeSantis at the helm. I think by 2024, even dims will be tired of Mr Magoo. That’s if he makes it that long. Just watch what happens to your party in a week. We’re already shaking up the shellac cans.
I dont EVER tune into CNN, I am about to start posting it daily if you keep crying about it when not a sole has ever using it as a source. And look how afraid you are of something that isnt even present. Trained seal.
I do watch FOX much more, i know what they say. its 24/7, be scared the illegals are causing high prices, taking your jobs, stealing and thieving in your neighborhoods. Biden is causing high fuel prices. Inflation, Crime waves! all scare tactics, mostly lies, some outright, and biased reporting to baited ears. They need the hate at this point.
FYI, Democrats were tired of Biden before he got the Dem ticket. Democrats are a much more diverse group who do not put a man/woman on a pedestal to fawn all over, unlike the idol worshiping on the other side.
How is going to get there? A rigged election? lol
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-01-2022, 12:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
"Open Borders" is talking about the illegals who do not come in over the border where 20,000 border agents patrol. Correct? Its those who swim across the river, walk the desert, brought over by coyotees...Correct? Those are the ones talking advantage of Bidens "open border". These are not the people smuggling Fentanyl. Most of the fentanyl comes over the border in cars and trucks where 20,000 border patrol are stationed, IE, not open border. Your argument makes zero sense when you look at reality. Astute my azz.
It’s ones who walk straight in where a wall would be if Trump was prez. The ones with backpacks full of Fentanyl.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       11-01-2022, 12:28 PM Reply   
Those are the ones talking advantage of Bidens "open border". These are not the people smuggling Fentanyl. Most of the fentanyl comes over the border in cars and trucks where 20,000 border patrol are stationed, IE, not open border.
Ok if we are going to have a discussion you need to Be honest. Your argument is (MOST of the Fentanyl that comes across the borders is by CAR or Truck)

I think what you are trying to say is MOST of the drugs that come across AND ARE CAUGHT are caught at the Us Boarder Crossing Station.

95SN do you KNOW how much drugs are being slipped threw our open border? (Of coarse you don't) Ya know the ones that don't get caught. How do you know that number is not HIGHER then what's Caught at the border. Umm Thank you! Untill you have a clue about what your talking about perhaps it would be best to leave that subject alone. If you would like to educate your self. plenty of videos on You Tube of Border patrol and locals that live on the border can give you a first hand education. Yes your not gonna learn about the Democrats Faild policy's on CNN that you watch
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-01-2022, 12:52 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I dont EVER tune into CNN, I am about to start posting it daily if you keep crying about it when not a sole has ever using it as a source. And look how afraid you are of something that isnt even present. Trained seal.
I do watch FOX much more, i know what they say. its 24/7, be scared the illegals are causing high prices, taking your jobs, stealing and thieving in your neighborhoods. Biden is causing high fuel prices. Inflation, Crime waves! all scare tactics, mostly lies, some outright, and biased reporting to baited ears. They need the hate at this point.
FYI, Democrats were tired of Biden before he got the Dem ticket. Democrats are a much more diverse group who do not put a man/woman on a pedestal to fawn all over, unlike the idol worshiping on the other side.
How is going to get there? A rigged election? lol
That is one seriously sad case of denial. Ok I guess it’s the Proud Boys and Breitbart (sp) causing all those things right? It’s one of your conspiracies. You know, the ones that “are always false” like you say.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2022, 1:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
It’s ones who walk straight in where a wall would be if Trump was prez. The ones with backpacks full of Fentanyl.
You have a vivid imagination, just like fox programed.
1. trump failed at the whole wall biz, nothing new he has a lifelong list of failures. 4 years, Wheres the wall? Did Mexico pay for the imaginary wall too?
2. Drug lords work on a volume business, thus trucks and cars not a backpack filled with fentanyl and dirty underwear.
Put a little thought into your posts, you're embarrassing yourself.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2022, 1:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That is one seriously sad case of denial. Ok I guess it’s the Proud Boys and Breitbart (sp) causing all those things right? It’s one of your conspiracies. You know, the ones that “are always false” like you say.
Since I am i denial, please, tell me this.
The US has Biden caused inflation. Correct?
Name the countries of the world w/o inflation and why they dont. What did they do? Are their economies similar to the US?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2022, 1:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
Ok if we are going to have a discussion you need to Be honest. Your argument is (MOST of the Fentanyl that comes across the borders is by CAR or Truck)

I think what you are trying to say is MOST of the drugs that come across AND ARE CAUGHT are caught at the Us Boarder Crossing Station.

95SN do you KNOW how much drugs are being slipped threw our open border? (Of coarse you don't) Ya know the ones that don't get caught. How do you know that number is not HIGHER then what's Caught at the border. Umm Thank you! Untill you have a clue about what your talking about perhaps it would be best to leave that subject alone. If you would like to educate your self. plenty of videos on You Tube of Border patrol and locals that live on the border can give you a first hand education. Yes your not gonna learn about the Democrats Faild policy's on CNN that you watch
Yes, I showed by graph 75% of fentanyl coming into the US is over the border in cars and trucks. It also comes by air, sea and land. The border is controlled by 20,000 border patrol agents, clearly not "open". I have no idea how much is or is not caught at the border. It has been reported more has been caught recently, (biggest busts, biggest hauls) probably because they are sending more and more, day after day to satisfy the US demand. It also comes direct from China leaving out the mexican middlemen. I didnt make any other claims other than what I documented.
You? you just parrot FoxNews w/o a single source. I think my source is stronger and w/o a pre conceived bias to scare me. Here is a police chief on the border in McAllen,Texas speaking a different tune than you claim.

FYI, other than you and mark, no one here uses CNN as a source because it can be too left biased, just like FOX, overly far right.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-03-2022, 4:10 PM Reply   
Like I've been saying for a while the Tangerine Terror is responsible for the current inflation due to super heating the economy with tax cuts for the rich and historic high budget deficits. In fact I predicted this and constantly reminded the "fiscal conservatives" here that eventually you have to pay the piper, you can't spend more than you earn indefinitely.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-03-2022, 6:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Like I've been saying for a while the Tangerine Terror is responsible for the current inflation due to super heating the economy with tax cuts for the rich and historic high budget deficits. In fact I predicted this and constantly reminded the "fiscal conservatives" here that eventually you have to pay the piper, you can't spend more than you earn indefinitely.
Try telling that to the poor and much of the middle class who can’t afford gas and groceries now-thanks to Biden’s super heating the oil costs in the world. Oh hey, why don’t we just print money, hand it out and call it the “inflation reduction act?” I bet the stupid people will actually believe it since we named it that. Opening energy is the first step to fixing things now. No way that’s happening when we are held hostage by dims and their incessant, emotional whim to mandate everything electric before it’s even been developed. It’s the height of awful leadership and should be a college course on how not to vote for idiots who push this garbage, based on emotions and virtue signaling.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-04-2022, 11:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Try telling that to the poor and much of the middle class who can’t afford gas and groceries now-thanks to Biden’s super heating the oil costs in the world. Oh hey, why don’t we just print money, hand it out and call it the “inflation reduction act?” I bet the stupid people will actually believe it since we named it that. Opening energy is the first step to fixing things now. No way that’s happening when we are held hostage by dims and their incessant, emotional whim to mandate everything electric before it’s even been developed. It’s the height of awful leadership and should be a college course on how not to vote for idiots who push this garbage, based on emotions and virtue signaling.
Why was production so low? Ouch.
Awful leadership.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-04-2022, 12:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Like I've been saying for a while the Tangerine Terror is responsible for the current inflation due to super heating the economy with tax cuts for the rich and historic high budget deficits. In fact I predicted this and constantly reminded the "fiscal conservatives" here that eventually you have to pay the piper, you can't spend more than you earn indefinitely.
Interesting. Tax cuts for the rich made inflation when inflation is too much money in the hands of the spending public. Rich don't spend, they invest. Of course you commies don't believe the Trick Down effects happen so your whole narrative has nothing to stand on.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-04-2022, 3:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Interesting. Tax cuts for the rich made inflation when inflation is too much money in the hands of the spending public. Rich don't spend, they invest. Of course you commies don't believe the Trick Down effects happen so your whole narrative has nothing to stand on.
Tax cuts for the rich increases the deficit=bad. Inflation is a rise in prices, ie a decline in purchasing power. When you look at corporate profits its simple to see why the current inflation. They are raising their prices, that def trickles down. Why do you think the rich investing helps others? Stock buybacks help the rich, not poor, not middle class. Thats what corps do with their tax savings. Trickle up works because middle and poor spend almost everything they have because they have no choice, the rich have choices. Dont be a commie.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-04-2022, 7:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
That's when gas in Kali was barely $2 a gallon. Not $6+ and counting like it is now. Another huge swing and a miss by you. This is a great example of your lies by omission.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-05-2022, 11:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That's when gas in Kali was barely $2 a gallon. Not $6+ and counting like it is now. Another huge swing and a miss by you. This is a great example of your lies by omission.
you cant read, or you just dont understand. Better to stay quiet than look the fool.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       11-08-2022, 10:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
I guess some of you here on W/W are still in full blown Trump "TDS" level 10

The link Ralph posted was not clear (imagine that) the New telling a porky Pie! NO WAY It was unclear to me, Example was the News story taking a room cost of let's say a Presidential Suite and comparing it to a regular room cost & then Making a Headline like they did. its so stupid you cant believe $hit these days

BUT If the Tump organization charged the Not so secret service 5x the cost for the same room that's BS, Orange Man Bad!

I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Insider Trading that Pelosie is doing"
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "the Hunter Biden corruption" & the link to Potato head
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at 'The Fentanall that's pouring across the US/Mexico Border" & destroying our City's
I hope you TDS lunatics are just as outraged at "The cost of inflation & $7 a gallon gas here in California"

My point is I bet the Majority of America would trade some Mean Tweets from the Old Orange Man Bad vs the total Train Wreck we have for a administration in a second. You Libtards are a special kind of Retard
Said by the biggest TrumpTard of them all! Did you buy your Trump card, it was only 50 bucks!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-08-2022, 7:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That's when gas in Kali was barely $2 a gallon. Not $6+ and counting like it is now. Another huge swing and a miss by you. This is a great example of your lies by omission.
Speaking of lies, avg gas price in California was over $3 a gallon not under $2 a gallon in 2020.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-09-2022, 8:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Speaking of lies, avg gas price in California was over $3 a gallon not under $2 a gallon in 2020.
Still paying $6 a gallon for diesel. Regular gas is high $4 to 5$ a gallon. This is only because they were stunting the market to keep prices down for the election. Democrats run on pushing gas as expensive as they can to push electric.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-09-2022, 2:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Speaking of lies, avg gas price in California was over $3 a gallon not under $2 a gallon in 2020.
I was personally paying $2.12 regularly for regular. Sorry to pop your bubble.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-09-2022, 7:37 PM Reply   
What happended to the Orange wave? Bit of a fizzer. Turns out basing your entire platform on conspiracy theories and stolen election fairy tails is even less popular than high gas prices and open boarders. Shocker.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-10-2022, 8:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
What happended to the Orange wave? Bit of a fizzer. Turns out basing your entire platform on conspiracy theories and stolen election fairy tails is even less popular than high gas prices and open boarders. Shocker.
Only people talking that was democrats. I did not hear any Republicans campaign on that. Certainly not the national message. I would say abortion was a big one and the typical tribalism. Single women went democrat at over 60%. Heck last week Politico published an article saying the election machines could be hacked and you have the national democrats saying democracy was under attack. How is democracy under attack? Not voting for democrats?

End of the day, Republicans still will control the house effectively killing Biden's legislative agenda. Still a chance they can still win the Senate. He is socializing industries via regulation which something congress can not do anything about.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-10-2022, 8:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
What happended to the Orange wave? Bit of a fizzer. Turns out basing your entire platform on conspiracy theories and stolen election fairy tails is even less popular than high gas prices and open boarders. Shocker.
You also have to realize that democrats want open borders and high gas prices. They need slave labor and just live in the cities so they don't think they need gas.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       11-10-2022, 11:23 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You also have to realize that democrats want open borders and high gas prices. They need slave labor and just live in the cities so they don't think they need gas.
You know what is amazing? That you believe, for some insane reason, that gas should be the one thing in the world, that is not free, that never increases in price. I guess all of the people that work in the crude oil supply chain should still be paid in 1950's wages.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       11-10-2022, 11:26 AM Reply   
How about that "Red Wave", you dumba$$es? Did MTG get her period that day or something?

I can't believe you morons still honestly believe that Trump has any chance of becoming president again. He lost to Joe Biden. He was just repudiated at the polls on Tuesday. Move on to the next washed up, TV reality host. Maybe Jeff Foxworthy can get a bunch of you guys to march around in a goofy red hat.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-10-2022, 12:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
You know what is amazing? That you believe, for some insane reason, that gas should be the one thing in the world, that is not free, that never increases in price. I guess all of the people that work in the crude oil supply chain should still be paid in 1950's wages.
Hey Jeremy, you’re out of prison now? I bet you were the belle of the ball in that cute sailor outfit. Strange that the cancerous WW tumor, 95SN goes away and you come back to fill in for him. You will always be the OG 95SN. You guys are interchangeable. You two would make a great WWF tag team duo if they had a gay league. Maybe someday…��

No one thinks gas should always be the same price or not follow inflation, but it shouldn’t be the catalyst for inflation. Thanks Biden!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-10-2022, 1:01 PM Reply   
All that CRIME, INFLATION and WIDE OPEN BORDERS scare tactics....Looks like America is done with lies, election deniers and ending abortion rights. Too bad for the GOP. Trump about to go Civil War on Desanctimonious.

LOL, after the big red wave this week, now the GOP has a big orange problem and not much else.

Im sure by now all the facts have come out and proved you correct once again, right markj? Pelosi's gay liberal lover spilled the beans. Friggin lying conspiracy theory pusher. FOX lied to you again, only a fool keeps going back to that well. You will. 100%.
FYI, Everyone knows the wiener inhalers are always the one accusing everyone else, its science.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-10-2022, 7:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
All that CRIME, INFLATION and WIDE OPEN BORDERS scare tactics....Looks like America is done with lies, election deniers and ending abortion rights. Too bad for the GOP. Trump about to go Civil War on Desanctimonious.

LOL, after the big red wave this week, now the GOP has a big orange problem and not much else.

Im sure by now all the facts have come out and proved you correct once again, right markj? Pelosi's gay liberal lover spilled the beans. Friggin lying conspiracy theory pusher. FOX lied to you again, only a fool keeps going back to that well. You will. 100%.
FYI, Everyone knows the wiener inhalers are always the one accusing everyone else, its science.
Funny you mention Pelosi after your party went silent and very suspiciously BURIED the story. Last I heard, PP as well as Bob The Builder who hammered his head were BOTH IN THEIR UNDERWEAR when the cops showed up. WHERE IS THE VIDEO??? Don't SFPD officers wear body cams??? Let's see it!!! That way we can rule out the BULL95SN. Also funny you mention election deniers when it was you dims, as the OG election deniers wrote that book in 2016 in between hyperventilating, clinging to comfort animals, needing Play-Doh, and looking for airfare to Canada after Trump won.

People complacent with crime, intentional inflation and a border crisis will eventually get more of what they voted for. The frog hasn't reached the boiling point yet, but it will. People still have jobs for now. That'll change soon enough. Unlike you dims in previous years, I hope I'm wrong in predicting bad econ news.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-10-2022, 7:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
All that CRIME, INFLATION and WIDE OPEN BORDERS scare tactics....Looks like America is done with lies, election deniers and ending abortion rights. Too bad for the GOP. Trump about to go Civil War on Desanctimonious.

LOL, after the big red wave this week, now the GOP has a big orange problem and not much else.

Im sure by now all the facts have come out and proved you correct once again, right markj? Pelosi's gay liberal lover spilled the beans. Friggin lying conspiracy theory pusher. FOX lied to you again, only a fool keeps going back to that well. You will. 100%.
FYI, Everyone knows the wiener inhalers are always the one accusing everyone else, its science.
At the risk of sounding homophobic, my friends and I have been calling it the big pink wave.

Work has been busy so I haven't been following news so much, but why did your party, who tried using the Pelosi lover story as a battering ram, showing how hateful the right is just up and let that story vanish like a fart in the wind??? It was a favorite false narrative you guys kept in your laps, petting and saying, "myyy prettyyy" to, like it was dropped in your laps by God Himself. You guys actually believed your lies yourselves! So, where did the lie migrate to? Where is it now? Is there a record of a payment or did PP pay with cash? You dims are very clearly hiding some inconvenient truths. Also... I just learned Nancy got herself some bolt-ons relatively recently. That is super unusual for a woman that old. Was she making an effort to try to attract her bi-curious husband back to her? Seems a very likely scenario.

As for Trump, I actually love that he is talking all the smack against DeSantis. He's making a 2024 DeSantis prez run more likely by the minute while making us sane R's feel more comfortable kicking him to the curb without any guilt or loyalty for all the good his policies did for this country.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-10-2022, 7:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
What happended to the Orange wave? Bit of a fizzer. Turns out basing your entire platform on conspiracy theories and stolen election fairy tails is even less popular than high gas prices and open boarders. Shocker.
Hey, have you made any efforts to teach your national bird how to fly yet or is that thing still a flightless loser bird?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-10-2022, 8:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey, have you made any efforts to teach your national bird how to fly yet or is that thing still a flightless loser bird?
The kiwi is strongly anti-establishment. We told that bastard to start flying immediately but it told us to kick rocks. Like all Kiwis it likes to eat, roots and leave.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-10-2022, 9:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
The kiwi is strongly anti-establishment. We told that bastard to start flying immediately but it told us to kick rocks. Like all Kiwis it likes to eat, roots and leave.
Strongly anti-establishment is code for lazy socialist. Just ask our resident lazy pothead, 95.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       11-11-2022, 2:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey Jeremy, you’re out of prison now? I bet you were the belle of the ball in that cute sailor outfit. Strange that the cancerous WW tumor, 95SN goes away and you come back to fill in for him. You will always be the OG 95SN. You guys are interchangeable. You two would make a great WWF tag team duo if they had a gay league. Maybe someday…��

No one thinks gas should always be the same price or not follow inflation, but it shouldn’t be the catalyst for inflation. Thanks Biden!
I see you are still trying to come out of the closet. Projecting your homosexual tendencies onto others.

Anyways, gas was not, or ever "the catalyst for inflation".
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-11-2022, 6:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
I see you are still trying to come out of the closet. Projecting your homosexual tendencies onto others.

Anyways, gas was not, or ever "the catalyst for inflation".
Spoken like a true 95SN.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2022, 7:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
You know what is amazing? That you believe, for some insane reason, that gas should be the one thing in the world, that is not free, that never increases in price. I guess all of the people that work in the crude oil supply chain should still be paid in 1950's wages.
There is a difference between letting the law of supply and demand setting the prices vs the government (democrats) artificially boosting prices through regulation to destroy our economy. I did not say this. You idiot democrats say it out loud all the time. Biden literally just said it again last week. Nothing like running off to the Arab's and socialist South American countries to beg for oil. What is the point? Why sell off our reserves? We all know why. They want the price to go up so much that Americans will buy into this all electric fantasy that includes no oil, no coal, no natural gas and no nuclear. Even if you went all out to replace all this, that transition will not be complete for almost 200 years.

More importantly believing that you can live without oil. You guys are just a bunch of anti science and engineering fruitcakes that don't understand how much oil is embedded in our manufacturing. Still care to address the refining process and where the gas is going to go once you believe that we get rid of it?

Don't you have some drag shows to organize or something?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2022, 7:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
How about that "Red Wave", you dumba$$es? Did MTG get her period that day or something?

I can't believe you morons still honestly believe that Trump has any chance of becoming president again. He lost to Joe Biden. He was just repudiated at the polls on Tuesday. Move on to the next washed up, TV reality host. Maybe Jeff Foxworthy can get a bunch of you guys to march around in a goofy red hat.
Not sure he was repudiated. Sounds like mixed results. What was effective was the democrats putting millions into Republican primaries to push for what they saw was unelectable Republican candidates. Sounds like they were effective on that.

Oddly enough this was the same thing you did to Trump. He was an afterthought until your media arm started to push him to the front thinking he would be the most likely to loose. Only reason Trump lost the second time was the 4 years of fake Russian hoax and negative coverage trying to convince people he was unpalatable. Now we are going to get 2 years of Republicans doing this to Biden and is son's pay to play schemes.

I personally want Desantis, however I will support anyone but a democrat. Just like you supported a guy who would not come out of his basement, a stroke patient, and literally elected a dead guy. Problem is Desantis is only 44 which is pretty young for a president. He has many years ahead of him. Trump just wants to fight anyone anytime including his own party. It is certainly a turn off. If by some form or fashion if Trump could possibly keep his mouth shut, he will win. Biden has already signaled he is going to keep pushing the radical agenda he started. That is why you are all pissy about Trump. I think you want Biden out too and want a reasonable Republican to take control to help stop the radical leftist move of the party. You and many others don't want to swallow the red pill and are fighting it and your excuse is Trump.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2022, 7:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Funny you mention Pelosi after your party went silent and very suspiciously BURIED the story. Last I heard, PP as well as Bob The Builder who hammered his head were BOTH IN THEIR UNDERWEAR when the cops showed up. WHERE IS THE VIDEO??? Don't SFPD officers wear body cams??? Let's see it!!! That way we can rule out the BULL95SN. Also funny you mention election deniers when it was you dims, as the OG election deniers wrote that book in 2016 in between hyperventilating, clinging to comfort animals, needing Play-Doh, and looking for airfare to Canada after Trump won.

People complacent with crime, intentional inflation and a border crisis will eventually get more of what they voted for. The frog hasn't reached the boiling point yet, but it will. People still have jobs for now. That'll change soon enough. Unlike you dims in previous years, I hope I'm wrong in predicting bad econ news.
I don't think people understand but the feds increasing interests rates is designed to cool the economy and get money out of it. When that happens, it is designed to make unemployment go up.

I don't think people are talking about it enough though is this push to $15 and even $20 for fast food workers. We told them, this is what would happen. The goal now is to push them out of the market to get money out of the economy.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2022, 7:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
I see you are still trying to come out of the closet. Projecting your homosexual tendencies onto others.

Anyways, gas was not, or ever "the catalyst for inflation".
Care to explain? Truckers have to pay double the fuel prices now. How does that not get into the foods and items you buy? Then you have the regulations like kali that drive independent truckers out of business that in turn causes less competition.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-11-2022, 10:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Funny you mention Pelosi after your party went silent and very suspiciously BURIED the story. Last I heard, PP as well as Bob The Builder who hammered his head were BOTH IN THEIR UNDERWEAR when the cops showed up. WHERE IS THE VIDEO??? Don't SFPD officers wear body cams??? Let's see it!!! That way we can rule out the BULL95SN. Also funny you mention election deniers when it was you dims, as the OG election deniers wrote that book in 2016 in between hyperventilating, clinging to comfort animals, needing Play-Doh, and looking for airfare to Canada after Trump won.

People complacent with crime, intentional inflation and a border crisis will eventually get more of what they voted for. The frog hasn't reached the boiling point yet, but it will. People still have jobs for now. That'll change soon enough. Unlike you dims in previous years, I hope I'm wrong in predicting bad econ news.
At the risk of sounding homophobic, my friends and I have been calling it the big pink wave.

Work has been busy so I haven't been following news so much, but why did your party, who tried using the Pelosi lover story as a battering ram, showing how hateful the right is just up and let that story vanish like a fart in the wind??? It was a favorite false narrative you guys kept in your laps, petting and saying, "myyy prettyyy" to, like it was dropped in your laps by God Himself. You guys actually believed your lies yourselves! So, where did the lie migrate to? Where is it now? Is there a record of a payment or did PP pay with cash? You dims are very clearly hiding some inconvenient truths. Also... I just learned Nancy got herself some bolt-ons relatively recently. That is super unusual for a woman that old. Was she making an effort to try to attract her bi-curious husband back to her? Seems a very likely scenario.

As for Trump, I actually love that he is talking all the smack against DeSantis. He's making a 2024 DeSantis prez run more likely by the minute while making us sane R's feel more comfortable kicking him to the curb without any guilt or loyalty for all the good his policies did for this country.
You are far deeper into the conspiracies than i had imagined. You believe "my" party went silent?? WTF? It was an attempted murder of a member of congress and her husband, no one has/was/is silent about it. Blaming dems as the election deniers in 2016 because they did what?, nothing. Trump 60+ lawsuits you forgot about? All the "rigged elections rallies, Stop the Steal??? The fake electors in 7 swing states? Who was that?? The Dominion voting machines!!? The call to Georgia begging like a 6 yr old for 11,000 more votes? Who was that? The Fing insurrection you fail to recall? He single-handedly destroyed your red wave, Lost the house and senate in 2018, lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020, perpetual Biggest Loser. Yor really down the hole, one Foxed up radical. You really need to seek out some help, youre obviously not well, too deep in the cult.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-11-2022, 10:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Care to explain? Truckers have to pay double the fuel prices now. How does that not get into the foods and items you buy? Then you have the regulations like kali that drive independent truckers out of business that in turn causes less competition.
If upset about fuel prices, call your rep. The Republicans have voted NO on every single piece of legislation the Dems have created to curb gas prices. Dumb. Other than complain like children, what have R's done to combat high fuel prices??? What is their plan? Not a single F-ing thing. STFU.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-11-2022, 10:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I don't think people understand but the feds increasing interests rates is designed to cool the economy and get money out of it. When that happens, it is designed to make unemployment go up.

I don't think people are talking about it enough though is this push to $15 and even $20 for fast food workers. We told them, this is what would happen. The goal now is to push them out of the market to get money out of the economy.
Instead of scare tactics about unemployment. Tell me what the unemployment numbers really are today?? WHAT??? The lowest in history?? ok, just stop, you look foolish.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-11-2022, 10:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Not sure he was repudiated. Sounds like mixed results. What was effective was the democrats putting millions into Republican primaries to push for what they saw was unelectable Republican candidates. Sounds like they were effective on that.

Oddly enough this was the same thing you did to Trump. He was an afterthought until your media arm started to push him to the front thinking he would be the most likely to loose. Only reason Trump lost the second time was the 4 years of fake Russian hoax and negative coverage trying to convince people he was unpalatable. Now we are going to get 2 years of Republicans doing this to Biden and is son's pay to play schemes.

I personally want Desantis, however I will support anyone but a democrat. Just like you supported a guy who would not come out of his basement, a stroke patient, and literally elected a dead guy. Problem is Desantis is only 44 which is pretty young for a president. He has many years ahead of him. Trump just wants to fight anyone anytime including his own party. It is certainly a turn off. If by some form or fashion if Trump could possibly keep his mouth shut, he will win. Biden has already signaled he is going to keep pushing the radical agenda he started. That is why you are all pissy about Trump. I think you want Biden out too and want a reasonable Republican to take control to help stop the radical leftist move of the party. You and many others don't want to swallow the red pill and are fighting it and your excuse is Trump.
Stop your lying, i will go back and pull your past posts about the history of the midterms. How for the last 100 years the president R or D have been destroyed in the midterms by an average of over 30 seats. Inflation, crime, the border....and the republicans failed to do a darn thing. Seems America cares more about democracy, their own healthcare and less about conspiracy theory and radical lying orange politicians. FYI, infrastructure isnt radical policy. Nor is anything in the Inflation reduction act. These are things America asked for. And please, continue to blame the media for telling people about what trump did/does, isnt that their job? Dont think for a second he is unpopular because most people dont think its a good idea to organize your people to attack congress and try to steal an election,yeah it was the fault of THE MEDIA. Clown.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-11-2022, 10:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
What was effective was the democrats putting millions into Republican primaries to push for what they saw was unelectable Republican candidates. Sounds like they were effective on that.
Lucky for the Dems the Republicans have a bottomless pit of terrible candidates.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2022, 1:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lucky for the Dems the Republicans have a bottomless pit of terrible candidates.
At least they know which bathroom to use. Let's see. Elected a guy that does not know what day it is. Elected a stroke patient. Literally elected a dead guy.

end of the day. We have more in the house and equal to potentially more in the Senate. For president, we have Desantis on deck. May be a little young to run yet. Not sure who the democrats have. Actually. Name a democrat that people would say "yes, that's the one"?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-11-2022, 3:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
At least they know which bathroom to use. Let's see. Elected a guy that does not know what day it is. Elected a stroke patient. Literally elected a dead guy.
All true, yet the Republicans lost to all that. Biden didn't even have to leave is basement to wipe the floor with trump. That's how bad Republicans are.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       11-12-2022, 5:25 PM Reply   
So much for the Red tidal wave, Dems Keep the Senate!
Are you ready to get rid of the big orange turd yet?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-14-2022, 10:05 AM Reply   
Good thing its the sane ones. The MAGA ones running on the Big Lie and hand picked by the orange messiah. Tired of Winning yet?
"Ironic that these morons cry for democracy while urging military support to install their candidate by force..."
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-14-2022, 7:41 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Good thing its the sane ones. The MAGA ones running on the Big Lie and hand picked by the orange messiah. Tired of Winning yet?
"Ironic that these morons cry for democracy while urging military support to install their candidate by force..."
Drag queen show over now, so you had to post? Good luck finding a bathroom.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-15-2022, 8:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
So much for the Red tidal wave, Dems Keep the Senate!
Are you ready to get rid of the big orange turd yet?
Don't know. Which dress you picking out for your celebration?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-15-2022, 8:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Don't know. Which dress you picking out for your celebration?
Does it make you question your world view when people as evil and worthless as the democrats wipe the floor with the godly and beacons of pure light republicans? Maybe you don't understand the world as well as you think.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-15-2022, 10:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Drag queen show over now, so you had to post? Good luck finding a bathroom.
I cant imagine how much it must suck to have your candidates and those who express your views keep losing election after election after election. Especially butthurt after ALL the POLLS had a Massive RED WAVE predicted. Then Democrats owned the Senate w/o HW. Almost all the trump candidates lost, Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Dr. Oz, Masterson.... Good thing orange guy held on to the $94 Million instead of offering it to all his losers. Hes gonna need it considering the big announcement tonight. lol. Enjoy the coming divorce proceedings. LOL.
Back to the airport bathrooms where you know which one hides the butthurt jackpot you desire. Tell Delta to wear his furry dress again.

@Ralph, Did you mean pure "light" republicans? or pure "White" republicans? Both work.


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