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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-10-2022, 1:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Trump is running and it is going to be a war. F%ck you democrats.
Don't go to war with a lame donkey.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-10-2022, 4:33 PM Reply   
Trump just voted worst president in history in latest yougov poll. That's a shame.
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Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       08-10-2022, 5:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Don't care. Trump is running and it is going to be a war. F%ck you democrats.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but this is what I think real TDS looks like.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-10-2022, 8:00 PM Reply   
Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador. Convicted, pardoned by Donald Trump.

Stone guilty on all 7 counts in Muellers indictment, including witness tampering, obstruction, 5 counts of lying to prosecutors, congress, investigators...The Mueller report describes Stone as the conduit between Assange and the Trump Campaign. Convicted on all 7 counts, sentenced and then Pardoned by Donald Trump.
Manafort just admitted handing over polling info to Russians and other felony's he was prosecuted on. Convicted, serving time and then Pardoned by Donald Trump.
Wasn't trump saying to campaign rally audiences, "I have nothing to do with Russia, zero nothing, no deals no nothing." Except he was actively working on Trump Tower Russian Hotel in Moscow, signing intent to build papers in 2015.
Its all proven, convicted in a court of law, that's not a witch hunt. Its proven fact.
It cracks me up what nonsense you believe when im showing you actual documented, irrefutable facts, direct from a court of law. And you believe "witch hunts" and" trump won"... because he told you. hysterical.
When all else fails, shout F%ck you Democrats.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 8:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Trump just voted worst president in history in latest yougov poll. That's a shame.
Uh huh. Sure he was. So, interesting news out of New Zealand. Covid is now your leading cause of death. Congrats.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 8:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador. Convicted, pardoned by Donald Trump.

Stone guilty on all 7 counts in Muellers indictment, including witness tampering, obstruction, 5 counts of lying to prosecutors, congress, investigators...The Mueller report describes Stone as the conduit between Assange and the Trump Campaign. Convicted on all 7 counts, sentenced and then Pardoned by Donald Trump.
Manafort just admitted handing over polling info to Russians and other felony's he was prosecuted on. Convicted, serving time and then Pardoned by Donald Trump.
Wasn't trump saying to campaign rally audiences, "I have nothing to do with Russia, zero nothing, no deals no nothing." Except he was actively working on Trump Tower Russian Hotel in Moscow, signing intent to build papers in 2015.
Its all proven, convicted in a court of law, that's not a witch hunt. Its proven fact.
It cracks me up what nonsense you believe when im showing you actual documented, irrefutable facts, direct from a court of law. And you believe "witch hunts" and" trump won"... because he told you. hysterical.
When all else fails, shout F%ck you Democrats.
Yep. And Comey and company were bragging in interviews on how they sent people over to his office to try and get him to lie so they could charge him. Hate to tell you. A person working in a presidents cabinet speaking to foreign people about policies is not a crime. It is actually their job.

Handing over poling data is not a crime.

The Russian Hotel deal was debunked.

You are not showing any documented facts. The facts have all been debunked. Even Fing Hillary's campaign manager admitted on tape they made it up.

When have I said Trump won? I said the election was a fraud. Not the same.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 10:17 AM Reply   
Comey? the guy who disclosed opening an investigation into HClinton 11 days before the presidential election and not a single "Dim" flipped out and cried "War and F%ck Democrats" No one went crazy on the FBI. No one attacked the DOJ. No one claimed evidence was "planted". Nothing.
Moving the goalposts Again...Now claiming its not illegal to hand over polling info to a foreign country that is attacking the US presidential election. I bet i could find illegality if i tried. But why? One would think just assisting a foreign country attacking the US would be enough. Not for Trump fascists.
The Russians were using a massive internet campaign against Clinton and in favor of trump, its all in the Mueller report you cant get yourself to look at because its too damaging. Manafort fed them info to fine tune their attacks, its all in there. Crime? i don't know but i do know 100% it is anti-USA un-American, 100% trump.. Does that matter to you fascists anymore? or is it just your "go to". is it illegal?
Debunk that hotel deal, ill wait.

I posted 3 close trump pals all convicted of felonies regarding the Russia investigation. All searchable crimes and convictions in Fed courts. Then all got pardons from Donald Trump. You are posting your feelings, thanks for sharing.

You may not have said trump won (even tho you belive it) but you constantly claim Voter fraud for his loss w/o a single shred of evidence. All the actual evidence refutes your wild claims. 60+ lawsuits lost. There was no voter fraud causing trumps loss. Fact.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 10:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Comey? the guy who disclosed opening an investigation into HClinton 11 days before the presidential election and not a single "Dim" flipped out and cried "War and F%ck Democrats" No one went crazy on the FBI. No one attacked the DOJ. No one claimed evidence was "planted". Nothing.
Moving the goalposts Again...Now claiming its not illegal to hand over polling info to a foreign country that is attacking the US presidential election. I bet i could find illegality if i tried. But why? One would think just assisting a foreign country attacking the US would be enough. Not for Trump fascists.
The Russians were using a massive internet campaign against Clinton and in favor of trump, its all in the Mueller report you cant get yourself to look at because its too damaging. Manafort fed them info to fine tune their attacks, its all in there. Crime? i don't know but i do know 100% it is anti-USA un-American, 100% trump.. Does that matter to you fascists anymore? or is it just your "go to". is it illegal?
Debunk that hotel deal, ill wait.

I posted 3 close trump pals all convicted of felonies regarding the Russia investigation. All searchable crimes and convictions in Fed courts. Then all got pardons from Donald Trump. You are posting your feelings, thanks for sharing.

You may not have said trump won (even tho you belive it) but you constantly claim Voter fraud for his loss w/o a single shred of evidence. All the actual evidence refutes your wild claims. 60+ lawsuits lost. There was no voter fraud causing trumps loss. Fact.
Yet again, they were not convicted in connection for Russian Collusion. I notice you like to keep with your talking point but are very carefully in your word smithing on saying Russian Investigation. Of course it was during the investigation. The investigation was based on complete fraud. Thus those people should have not been subject to anything. period. End of story. One of them was prosecuted for a law that was not used since 1799. They were just wanting to harass people. Pure and simple. Show me the man and I will show you the crime.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 11:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Comey? the guy who disclosed opening an investigation into HClinton 11 days before the presidential election and not a single "Dim" flipped out and cried "War and F%ck Democrats" No one went crazy on the FBI. No one attacked the DOJ. No one claimed evidence was "planted". Nothing.
Moving the goalposts Again...Now claiming its not illegal to hand over polling info to a foreign country that is attacking the US presidential election. I bet i could find illegality if i tried. But why? One would think just assisting a foreign country attacking the US would be enough. Not for Trump fascists.
The Russians were using a massive internet campaign against Clinton and in favor of trump, its all in the Mueller report you cant get yourself to look at because its too damaging. Manafort fed them info to fine tune their attacks, its all in there. Crime? i don't know but i do know 100% it is anti-USA un-American, 100% trump.. Does that matter to you fascists anymore? or is it just your "go to". is it illegal?
Debunk that hotel deal, ill wait.

I posted 3 close trump pals all convicted of felonies regarding the Russia investigation. All searchable crimes and convictions in Fed courts. Then all got pardons from Donald Trump. You are posting your feelings, thanks for sharing.

You may not have said trump won (even tho you belive it) but you constantly claim Voter fraud for his loss w/o a single shred of evidence. All the actual evidence refutes your wild claims. 60+ lawsuits lost. There was no voter fraud causing trumps loss. Fact.
Yes comey. The guy who categorized all the crimes committed by Hillary then took a step that he was not authorized to do and dropped any charges because he said no resonable prosecutor would bring charges. Yet Trump is working with a librarian and even got a thank you letter for his cooperation and suggestions by the same FBI on how to secure the info that just reviewed at his house, then bust down the doors a month or so later. bull$hit. Simply bull$hit. Everyone knows what the score is on democrats and the FBI working to take down Trump and anyone who works with Trump. It is going to come back to them. People see what they have and are doing. Desperate actions by desperate people.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Yes comey. The guy who categorized all the crimes committed by Hillary then took a step that he was not authorized to do and dropped any charges because he said no resonable prosecutor would bring charges. Yet Trump is working with a librarian and even got a thank you letter for his cooperation and suggestions by the same FBI on how to secure the info that just reviewed at his house, then bust down the doors a month or so later. bull$hit. Simply bull$hit. Everyone knows what the score is on democrats and the FBI working to take down Trump and anyone who works with Trump. It is going to come back to them. People see what they have and are doing. Desperate actions by desperate people.
Correct!!! No reasonable person would bring charges. You want to be unreasonable???
Then, for good measure Trump tasked Durham to get down into the dirt about origins, and he found NOTHING. Fact.
Still not a single Dem opened fire on an FBI office, did they?
LOL, a thank you note for not cooperating and LEO's forced to get a warrant. You believe clown poop. FYI, he is lying.
FYI, Trump could release the document today and eliminate all the guessing about the basis for search. But he wont because he doesnt want the base to know that he is just a 2-bit con man criminal.
DOJ/FBI cannot speak on the topic, Trump can. But, just like his Deposition yesterday where he answered every question by pleading the 5th. Explain what the 5th is for me. The part about admitting guilt.
FYI, The FBI speaking about the investigation of Clinton 11 days before the election favors Trump. It could have cost Clinton the election, who knows.. The only thing we know for sure is the FBI hobbled the Clinton campaign right before the election. So much for the FBI trying to take trump down. The only desperate party is Trump and he is Chitting his pants as the circle closes tighter and tighter, day after day. Its why you cried yesterday, Trump is running and its a war, F%ck Democrats!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 11:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Yet again, they were not convicted in connection for Russian Collusion. I notice you like to keep with your talking point but are very carefully in your word smithing on saying Russian Investigation. Of course it was during the investigation. The investigation was based on complete fraud. Thus those people should have not been subject to anything. period. End of story. One of them was prosecuted for a law that was not used since 1799. They were just wanting to harass people. Pure and simple. Show me the man and I will show you the crime.
Why does the year the law came into effect have anything to do with anything else? It means it has been illegal in the US since 1799, it forbids any private citizen from engaging in foreign policy business without the permission of the federal government. Thus talking to Russians about sanctions is illegal. The russians that trump said he had nothing to do with while his natl security advisor is negotiating with them to reduce sanctions.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 12:16 PM Reply   
Looks like Merrick Garland has called Trumps bluff. Announces a motion to un-seal the search warrant.
Does Vegas have odds on the grifter filing an objection? Or were going to get a Trump-released version that's clearly manipulated in Sharpie, and then they'll fight the warrant being unsealed.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 12:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why does the year the law came into effect have anything to do with anything else? It means it has been illegal in the US since 1799, it forbids any private citizen from engaging in foreign policy business without the permission of the federal government. Thus talking to Russians about sanctions is illegal. The russians that trump said he had nothing to do with while his natl security advisor is negotiating with them to reduce sanctions.
Because a crap load of people including the democrats have broken that law. It is purely selective prosecution just for the sake of harassment. That is like laws for spitting on a sidewalk because women used to wear long dresses in the 1910's and before. Still on the books but only enforced to harass someone. Being a drug addict, you know all about this sort of thing. It is usually the primary topic of any pass session. Don't play dumb.

You do know that people who are doing their jobs do their jobs then report in on where they are in their jobs. That is literally how organizations work. Then on a second note. So what. It is not illegal or out of any scope of Trumps job to have communications with anyone in the world and any time. That literally what the position of president was created by the states. Going after Flinn who was hired to do that job and was due to perform that job in another month is not out of the scope of his position. It again is harassment and trying to get people on gotcha technicalities. Why does anyone have to explain out this stuff is and how it is perceived and taken by normal people. We all know what this stuff is about. It is about creating noise around Trump. Pure and simple. Always has been. People are over it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 12:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Looks like Merrick Garland has called Trumps bluff. Announces a motion to un-seal the search warrant.
Does Vegas have odds on the grifter filing an objection? Or were going to get a Trump-released version that's clearly manipulated in Sharpie, and then they'll fight the warrant being unsealed.
He did not call Trumps bluff. The judge who signed off on it literally had to sign an order making the DOJ release the warrant. People had to go too that judge with a freedom of information act request to get it. The judge gave them until Monday to respond. Just stop with your stupidity.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-11-2022, 12:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Correct!!! No reasonable person would bring charges. You want to be unreasonable???
Then, for good measure Trump tasked Durham to get down into the dirt about origins, and he found NOTHING. Fact.
Still not a single Dem opened fire on an FBI office, did they?
LOL, a thank you note for not cooperating and LEO's forced to get a warrant. You believe clown poop. FYI, he is lying.
FYI, Trump could release the document today and eliminate all the guessing about the basis for search. But he wont because he doesnt want the base to know that he is just a 2-bit con man criminal.
DOJ/FBI cannot speak on the topic, Trump can. But, just like his Deposition yesterday where he answered every question by pleading the 5th. Explain what the 5th is for me. The part about admitting guilt.
FYI, The FBI speaking about the investigation of Clinton 11 days before the election favors Trump. It could have cost Clinton the election, who knows.. The only thing we know for sure is the FBI hobbled the Clinton campaign right before the election. So much for the FBI trying to take trump down. The only desperate party is Trump and he is Chitting his pants as the circle closes tighter and tighter, day after day. Its why you cried yesterday, Trump is running and its a war, F%ck Democrats!
actually he did find things. A lie by a FBI lawyer, fake facts for FISA warrants, Hillary's campaign manager admitting under oath that they made it up, the Russian who they used as a source admitted they made it up. Just stop.

Again Trump has a letter from the FBI thanking him for the cooperation in June and the FBI broke through the lock they asked him to put on the door. Even democrats are not happy with the optics on this. Too much truth already out there to hide behind.

The Clinton campaign hobbled themselves. They got off easy. Anyone destroy evidence when asked for it by the FBI would be in jail before the hammer hit the first phone except for Hillary. Not a single person went to jail for that. Not even brought to court. Bill Clinton meeting with the AG on a airport tarmac during this? The FBI did her a favor.

Cry yesterday? Yesterday was a great day. Democrats just made the most stupid of stupid mistakes. It just plays into the facts they are using every means they can to bully Trump. America like an underdog. Many people including many black people sympathize with law enforcement used to harass someone.

Yep. F$ck democrats and F$ck you too. Democrats are a danger to our freedoms.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 1:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Because a crap load of people including the democrats have broken that law. It is purely selective prosecution just for the sake of harassment. That is like laws for spitting on a sidewalk because women used to wear long dresses in the 1910's and before. Still on the books but only enforced to harass someone. Being a drug addict, you know all about this sort of thing. It is usually the primary topic of any pass session. Don't play dumb.

You do know that people who are doing their jobs do their jobs then report in on where they are in their jobs. That is literally how organizations work. Then on a second note. So what. It is not illegal or out of any scope of Trumps job to have communications with anyone in the world and any time. That literally what the position of president was created by the states. Going after Flinn who was hired to do that job and was due to perform that job in another month is not out of the scope of his position. It again is harassment and trying to get people on gotcha technicalities. Why does anyone have to explain out this stuff is and how it is perceived and taken by normal people. We all know what this stuff is about. It is about creating noise around Trump. Pure and simple. Always has been. People are over it.
What "Democrat" private citizens are negotiating with foreign countries? He got in trouble not necessarily for doing it but lying about it. IE, the cover-up is often worse than the crime. Its illegal and highly unethical to lie to the FBI on your first week at work. Just for you and your clarification on Flynns crimes. A time line.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 1:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
He did not call Trumps bluff. The judge who signed off on it literally had to sign an order making the DOJ release the warrant. People had to go too that judge with a freedom of information act request to get it. The judge gave them until Monday to respond. Just stop with your stupidity.
Educate yourself bro. The judge asked the DOJ to respond to request to unseal. Why did he do that?
Because you sane ones are Fing Radical nutz.
Garland just today requested release.
"Since the search, Republicans have marshaled an intense defense of the former president, assailing Garland and the FBI as political hatchetmen despite having no insight into the basis of their actions. Some have called for Garland’s impeachment, others have simply vowed to mount an intensive investigation of the department should Republicans retake the majority in January."

Trump could release it today, but he wont. If he does he cant keep making crap they "raided" my house, "they planted evidence", blaming FBI, DOJ, Garland, The judge, Wray....he could clear up everything, but he wont. Ask Brianna Taylor what a "Raid" feels like.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 2:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
actually he did find things. A lie by a FBI lawyer, fake facts for FISA warrants, Hillary's campaign manager admitting under oath that they made it up, the Russian who they used as a source admitted they made it up. Just stop.

Again Trump has a letter from the FBI thanking him for the cooperation in June and the FBI broke through the lock they asked him to put on the door. Even democrats are not happy with the optics on this. Too much truth already out there to hide behind.

The Clinton campaign hobbled themselves. They got off easy. Anyone destroy evidence when asked for it by the FBI would be in jail before the hammer hit the first phone except for Hillary. Not a single person went to jail for that. Not even brought to court. Bill Clinton meeting with the AG on a airport tarmac during this? The FBI did her a favor.

Cry yesterday? Yesterday was a great day. Democrats just made the most stupid of stupid mistakes. It just plays into the facts they are using every means they can to bully Trump. America like an underdog. Many people including many black people sympathize with law enforcement used to harass someone.

Yep. F$ck democrats and F$ck you too. Democrats are a danger to our freedoms.
Durham found something??? Must have been MASSIVE. What was the penalty for all these felonies democrats committed?? The jail sentences, how long they get? Did Biden Pardon them all too?
Seen that letter? Or is it like all trump stories? Like his healthcare plan, his Family Foundation, His casinos, his University...all fake, all cons you fell for.
The issue with Clinton is ...I dont care. Republicans investigated her 8 or 9 times for Benghazi, the emails...Trump had all the authority he needed to do ANYTHING...lock her up, Hang her, drop her in the Atlantic,,,they did nothing. Blame THEM. Im not sticking up for her or her husband.
The Trump Admin sure used private email addresses, and you never ever seemed to care. Why????
Im going to wait til I see the warrant before commenting on trumps home search. You can guess all you want.
After years and years of Democrats calmly explaining to you all of trumps crimes, why surprised the law is finally catching up with him? Why do you now think anyone is Bulling trump, this has been building for years. The Republicans run the FBI and trump appointed the judge that signed off on the warrant, what dem is controlling the executive AND the Judicial branch of Govt? Too many holes in your story, and NO ONE KNOWS the facts yet for your story to be anywhere near accurate. Nice try to bring in the poor black folks getting abused by cops, difference, Trump is rich and white and surrounded by protection 24/7/365, he has zero claims to police abuse. Like I said, he could release the warrant today and show how EVIL the DIMS are. He wont.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-11-2022, 2:06 PM Reply   
Desperate times call for desperate measures and dims are sure desperate. Just wait for the pubic to right the ship in November as payment for all their evil. In the mean time, dims will just keep rearranging the deck chairs on their sinking Titanic. I'm sure 95 wants to be holding the fake steering wheel like Dwight.

Boy I sure am glad Putin lowered our gas prices recently. By dim standards he should be getting the Nobel Peace Prize very shortly right? Actually, maybe I should leave room for the possibility that Biden called him up and threatened him with his really intense quiet voice he likes to use on stage sometimes. Maybe threatened to sic Corn Pop on him or something like that.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 2:47 PM Reply   
Who's desperate?
What Dim has anything to be concerned with? Gas prices dropping. Biden several big wins over the last weeks. Promises, made, promises kept. Covid issues declining. Economy improving.
Trumps home searched. Trump takes the 5th on every single question asked during 5 hour deposition in NY. Trump fanatics freaking out looking for a mole/rat in trumpworld. Right wing whackos trying to shoot up an FBI office. Kansas Abortion referendum backfired. 1/6 closing in. DOJ requesting release of warrant so all can see what, where, who, when.
Yeah, Evil....evil bastards.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-11-2022, 5:11 PM Reply   
Warrant unsealed, FBI looking for classified documents related Nuclear weapons. But yeah, what about Hillary's emails?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-11-2022, 7:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Who's desperate?
What Dim has anything to be concerned with? Gas prices dropping. Biden several big wins over the last weeks. Promises, made, promises kept. Covid issues declining. Economy improving.
Trumps home searched. Trump takes the 5th on every single question asked during 5 hour deposition in NY. Trump fanatics freaking out looking for a mole/rat in trumpworld. Right wing whackos trying to shoot up an FBI office. Kansas Abortion referendum backfired. 1/6 closing in. DOJ requesting release of warrant so all can see what, where, who, when.
Yeah, Evil....evil bastards.
You can't blame Putin for rising prices and then claim victory for them dropping a tad. Promises kept like the war on fossil fuels and our open border crisis? Overwhelming inflation? Economy in recession? Attempted assassinations of SC judges? Public schools teaching immoral behavior is great? Yep... Evil is right.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-11-2022, 7:54 PM Reply   
I never blamed Biden, that was you and your cute little stickers. Im super duper really afraid of the Border Invasion, Double super worried someone will get here willing to work for minimum wage and show up day after day. Cmon Debbie downer youre just pissy cause drump has a heavy diaper and hes stinking up the party. Why worry about schools with the example you set as a man. You're morally bankrupt. You actually believe teachers have some sort of leftist, socialist, liberal, social justice warrior de-coder rule book we all use as a combo "rules to live by" and "child programing guide"?
Evil, as in just passed one bill specifically to pay for veterans' health issues and another to lower prescription drug prices and pay down the debt trump caused with his trickle down tax break. Wanna know how many Republicans voted for those 2 Bills?? Exactly right. Evil.
Is trump really selling US Nuke secrets to Putin and Saudi Arabia?? Is that Evil?
How evil was the dude who shot up the FBI office? He really got around, attended over half dozen Trump rallys, was at 1/6 coup, then shot up the FBI. He had Lets Go Brandon stickers on his truck too. Patriots for Trump.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-11-2022, 8:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Tangerine Terror
You see the mob takes the Fifth
Originally Posted by Mango Menace
If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?
Originally Posted by Orange Messiah
Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Fifth Amendment. Horrible
Originally Posted by Ronald Dumf
When you have your staff taking the Fifth Amendment, taking the Fifth, so they’re not prosecuted, when you have the man that set up the illegal server taking the Fifth, I think it’s disgraceful.
Well if your right your right, can't argue with that.

Oh FYI, Trump just pleaded the 5th, 440 times in his latest deposition about asset valuation fraud case in New York. LOL.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-11-2022, 8:18 PM Reply   
Looks like it had been confirmed the search warranty explicitly specifies documents relating to nuclear weapons.
IMO most likely scenario, Trump left the White House in a hurry because he thought he was going to overturn the election and grabbed these documents by mistake. He found out later he had them and tried to hide the fact he had them because it would look bad. When the FBI hit him up he doubled down saying he didn't have them because he thought he would never be caught. Some CIA spooks confirmed he had them and there exact location. FBI raids and recovers the docs.

If this is the situation does anybody here still support him? How can you have somebody so irresponsible as the commander and chief? Imagine if that was Obama who took these types of docs and hide the fact he had them, would you give him a pass?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-11-2022, 9:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I never blamed Biden, that was you and your cute little stickers. Im super duper really afraid of the Border Invasion, Double super worried someone will get here willing to work for minimum wage and show up day after day. Cmon Debbie downer youre just pissy cause drump has a heavy diaper and hes stinking up the party. Why worry about schools with the example you set as a man. You're morally bankrupt. You actually believe teachers have some sort of leftist, socialist, liberal, social justice warrior de-coder rule book we all use as a combo "rules to live by" and "child programing guide"?
Evil, as in just passed one bill specifically to pay for veterans' health issues and another to lower prescription drug prices and pay down the debt trump caused with his trickle down tax break. Wanna know how many Republicans voted for those 2 Bills?? Exactly right. Evil.
Is trump really selling US Nuke secrets to Putin and Saudi Arabia?? Is that Evil?
How evil was the dude who shot up the FBI office? He really got around, attended over half dozen Trump rallys, was at 1/6 coup, then shot up the FBI. He had Lets Go Brandon stickers on his truck too. Patriots for Trump.
You need to cut back to two joints before you post here. I’m morally bankrupt? Lol how?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-11-2022, 9:30 PM Reply   
Hey I guess Biden did help with gas prices. I stand corrected.
Attached Images
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-11-2022, 9:40 PM Reply   
It’s so funny how after him being gone a year and a half, you dims like 95 are STILL suffering such extreme TDS. He is so in your heads rent free. You have night sweats over him. He’s all you think about day and night because of his potential to come back and kick down your immoral socialist sand castle.

Meanwhile, little ole Ron Dewho? is waiting in the wings ready to roll in a moment’s notice.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-12-2022, 7:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Looks like Merrick Garland has called Trumps bluff. Announces a motion to un-seal the search warrant.
Does Vegas have odds on the grifter filing an objection? Or were going to get a Trump-released version that's clearly manipulated in Sharpie, and then they'll fight the warrant being unsealed.
Whoops! That didn’t age well. Might wanna redact that. Maybe you were super stoned again when you posted that?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 8:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Looks like it had been confirmed the search warranty explicitly specifies documents relating to nuclear weapons.
IMO most likely scenario, Trump left the White House in a hurry because he thought he was going to overturn the election and grabbed these documents by mistake. He found out later he had them and tried to hide the fact he had them because it would look bad. When the FBI hit him up he doubled down saying he didn't have them because he thought he would never be caught. Some CIA spooks confirmed he had them and there exact location. FBI raids and recovers the docs.

If this is the situation does anybody here still support him? How can you have somebody so irresponsible as the commander and chief? Imagine if that was Obama who took these types of docs and hide the fact he had them, would you give him a pass?
And how does one know that considering they are still sealed?

He did not hid the GD documents. The FBI was there looking at them in June and even told him how to secure the room better. He did that and they cut the lock they told him to put on. Why didn't the FBI take the those supposed documents in June when they took the other 15 boxes? They got the warrant on a Friday. Waited until a Monday. They where there in June. You don't send 40 people just to go get this supposed box that they already knew about. Just stop with the lies. They wanted to get this in just before the 90 day period before an election where it is illegal to go after a political rival.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 8:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Educate yourself bro. The judge asked the DOJ to respond to request to unseal. Why did he do that?
Because you sane ones are Fing Radical nutz.
Garland just today requested release.
"Since the search, Republicans have marshaled an intense defense of the former president, assailing Garland and the FBI as political hatchetmen despite having no insight into the basis of their actions. Some have called for Garland’s impeachment, others have simply vowed to mount an intensive investigation of the department should Republicans retake the majority in January."

Trump could release it today, but he wont. If he does he cant keep making crap they "raided" my house, "they planted evidence", blaming FBI, DOJ, Garland, The judge, Wray....he could clear up everything, but he wont. Ask Brianna Taylor what a "Raid" feels like.
For Brianna, don't shoot at the police and they wont shot back. Pretty simple really. Yes, ask about it. Sounds like they lied to get the warrant possibly. Huh. Wonder where we have seen that before?

There is no defense for this. Trump was complying. Last time they sent a couple people over and took some boxes. So the FBI needed 40 people with rifles to carry out 12 to 15 boxes in 9 hours? Supposedly going after 1 box with something they are now saying is important. The person who started all this was a librarian. A democrat who said that 1/6 was the worst day of his life and not to hire a white person for his job when he retires. He was watching TV notice some boxes being taken to Marine 1 and wanted to know what was in the boxes. His own words. Obama has 30,000 papers from the white house. Not raided. Hillary was not raided. Bill Clinton was not raided when he took things. People who are complying with the authorities are not raided to boot. A raid is ordered when they believe there is a chance the items would be destroyed. Trump was not even in the state, they have been there just a couple months ago, they got the warrant on a Friday and waited till Monday to use it. They and you are full of $hit. F$ck off.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 8:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Durham found something??? Must have been MASSIVE. What was the penalty for all these felonies democrats committed?? The jail sentences, how long they get? Did Biden Pardon them all too?
Seen that letter? Or is it like all trump stories? Like his healthcare plan, his Family Foundation, His casinos, his University...all fake, all cons you fell for.
The issue with Clinton is ...I dont care. Republicans investigated her 8 or 9 times for Benghazi, the emails...Trump had all the authority he needed to do ANYTHING...lock her up, Hang her, drop her in the Atlantic,,,they did nothing. Blame THEM. Im not sticking up for her or her husband.
The Trump Admin sure used private email addresses, and you never ever seemed to care. Why????
Im going to wait til I see the warrant before commenting on trumps home search. You can guess all you want.
After years and years of Democrats calmly explaining to you all of trumps crimes, why surprised the law is finally catching up with him? Why do you now think anyone is Bulling trump, this has been building for years. The Republicans run the FBI and trump appointed the judge that signed off on the warrant, what dem is controlling the executive AND the Judicial branch of Govt? Too many holes in your story, and NO ONE KNOWS the facts yet for your story to be anywhere near accurate. Nice try to bring in the poor black folks getting abused by cops, difference, Trump is rich and white and surrounded by protection 24/7/365, he has zero claims to police abuse. Like I said, he could release the warrant today and show how EVIL the DIMS are. He wont.
You mean the judge that had to recuse himself over his self held bias against Trump not long ago? That not a democrat judge?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 9:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Whoops! That didn’t age well. Might wanna redact that. Maybe you were super stoned again when you posted that?
Thanks for that FOX News update. Such a classy upstanding news outlet.
Remember to include a bit of truth to your humor/meme, didnt you say just a day or so age. The Sharpie mention was a nice touch dont ya think? Remember when he used a Sharpie to change the direction of a hurricane?y
Trump has had the documents the whole time, legal for him to release,,,if he wanted. Just like he could release the interpreter's notes from his Putin meetings, his taxes or his healthcare plan. Why is he waiting, other than to whine about getting raided, lying about planting evidence and getting another MAGA nut killed. If trump says it a hoax, its 100% accurate.
If it is what has been reported, Nuke Secrets, he's a traitor. Correlation is not causation, but it sure makes one think about the $2 billion the Saudis gave Kushner and the Saudi LIV golf tournament just held at trump Course in Bedminster last week. US been trying to keep Nukes from the Saudis forever, not trump.
So, why didnt the grifter return the documents when he was asked? Or when they went down there and took 15 boxes including classified info from him months ago? Or when they subpoenaed him for them? Kept refusing to cooperate. Interesting, they had to do a uncooperative search. Just another grift for him, massive security problems for ALL the rest of us. That whole "America First" movement is about putting America first right? Not a single man, right? Dude def does not love America, just $$ and himself. Just like we have said since Day 1.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 9:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You mean the judge that had to recuse himself over his self held bias against Trump not long ago? That not a democrat judge?
LOL, typical.
What are you trying to say?? Do you know why he recused? is it an issue in the current case? You dont know do you. You dont know if it was a trump bias or judges previous knowledge or whatever else it might be. Fling it against the wall, lets see what sticks. Its going to be grifter diaper.
Using your minimum standards self-preservation tactic, Is it illegal for the judge to recuse? Then whats the problem?

Hey, you forgot to comment if all the trumps using personal emails for classified documents is JUST LIKE CLINTON????? Lock them up!! Or why you are surprised trump is under so many investigations, many many of them. Decades of grifting.

Last edited by 95sn; 08-12-2022 at 9:15 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 9:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
For Brianna, don't shoot at the police and they wont shot back. Pretty simple really. Yes, ask about it. Sounds like they lied to get the warrant possibly. Huh. Wonder where we have seen that before?

There is no defense for this. Trump was complying. Last time they sent a couple people over and took some boxes. So the FBI needed 40 people with rifles to carry out 12 to 15 boxes in 9 hours? Supposedly going after 1 box with something they are now saying is important. The person who started all this was a librarian. A democrat who said that 1/6 was the worst day of his life and not to hire a white person for his job when he retires. He was watching TV notice some boxes being taken to Marine 1 and wanted to know what was in the boxes. His own words. Obama has 30,000 papers from the white house. Not raided. Hillary was not raided. Bill Clinton was not raided when he took things. People who are complying with the authorities are not raided to boot. A raid is ordered when they believe there is a chance the items would be destroyed. Trump was not even in the state, they have been there just a couple months ago, they got the warrant on a Friday and waited till Monday to use it. They and you are full of $hit. F$ck off.
Brianna Taylor was ambushed in a "no-knock" warrant. What would Delta do if a group of 7 men broke into his house at 4 AM w/o knocking, just break down the door. Probably just what Taylors BF did, shot at them with a legally owned weapon. Am i right? You going to sit there doing nothing? or bust out the Glock?

He was NOT cooperating, they had to subpoena him and he still failed to comply. Fox and MSMBC Agrees.
Months before the F.B.I. arrived at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump had received a subpoena this spring in search of documents that federal investigators believed he had failed to turn over earlier in the year, when he returned 15 boxes of material to the archives, three people familiar with the matter said. The existence of the subpoena helps to flesh out the sequence of events that led to the search, and suggests that the Justice Department tried methods short of a search warrant to account for the material before taking the politically explosive step of sending F.B.I. agents unannounced to Mar-a-Lago.
Nice. Blame it on Obama. Again, YOU KNOW NOTHING. You are parroting right wing BS. Wait for the details, then we can discuss what a traitor is and if hanging is in order, like for Pence. A raid is ordered for more than one reason, destroying documents is only one. What if he was selling autographs on old top secret documents? What if DOJ/FBI found out about a planned burglary of Mar-a-lago and they knew classified info was unguarded/unsecure there? on and on and on...You Dont Know.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 9:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And how does one know that considering they are still sealed?

He did not hid the GD documents. The FBI was there looking at them in June and even told him how to secure the room better. He did that and they cut the lock they told him to put on. Why didn't the FBI take the those supposed documents in June when they took the other 15 boxes? They got the warrant on a Friday. Waited until a Monday. They where there in June. You don't send 40 people just to go get this supposed box that they already knew about. Just stop with the lies. They wanted to get this in just before the 90 day period before an election where it is illegal to go after a political rival.
LOL, Delta completely forgetting (or lying) about the subpoena trump received to return the documents.
Careless and biased. Belligerently defending the grifter. Good little MAGA.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-12-2022, 10:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Thanks for that FOX News update. Such a classy upstanding news outlet.
Remember to include a bit of truth to your humor/meme, didnt you say just a day or so age. The Sharpie mention was a nice touch dont ya think? Remember when he used a Sharpie to change the direction of a hurricane?y
Trump has had the documents the whole time, legal for him to release,,,if he wanted. Just like he could release the interpreter's notes from his Putin meetings, his taxes or his healthcare plan. Why is he waiting, other than to whine about getting raided, lying about planting evidence and getting another MAGA nut killed. If trump says it a hoax, its 100% accurate.
If it is what has been reported, Nuke Secrets, he's a traitor. Correlation is not causation, but it sure makes one think about the $2 billion the Saudis gave Kushner and the Saudi LIV golf tournament just held at trump Course in Bedminster last week. US been trying to keep Nukes from the Saudis forever, not trump.
So, why didnt the grifter return the documents when he was asked? Or when they went down there and took 15 boxes including classified info from him months ago? Or when they subpoenaed him for them? Kept refusing to cooperate. Interesting, they had to do a uncooperative search. Just another grift for him, massive security problems for ALL the rest of us. That whole "America First" movement is about putting America first right? Not a single man, right? Dude def does not love America, just $$ and himself. Just like we have said since Day 1.
I start cracking up every time you throw out your Gish gallop after I hand your 95SN to you. You’re so predictably dishonest. You claimed Trump was gonnna fight the unsealing. NOPE! Another lie from you. I’m also still waiting for you to expose how I’m morally bankrupt by the way.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 10:51 AM Reply   
I know, those FOX Breaking News updates are deafening.
I didnt claim trump would object, just like I didnt blame Brandon for gas prices. I asked if Vegas had odds,stated that Garland called the bluff, and then a Sharpie joke. Accurate. If trump wanted to, he could have released the warrant on Monday. He didnt.
Looks like Merrick Garland has called Trumps bluff. Announces a motion to un-seal the search warrant.
Does Vegas have odds on the grifter filing an objection? Or were going to get a Trump-released version that's clearly manipulated in Sharpie, and then they'll fight the warrant being unsealed.
You are morally bankrupt due to your strongly held far right radical beliefs and your obvious and clearly stated hate for most people in the world. It is the opposite of Jesus thoughts and teachings and everything in the bible. If you think one MUST be a Christian in order to have an understanding of or be moral or live a moral life, its patently incorrect. Read the bible. Unity is the message.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 12:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Brianna Taylor was ambushed in a "no-knock" warrant. What would Delta do if a group of 7 men broke into his house at 4 AM w/o knocking, just break down the door. Probably just what Taylors BF did, shot at them with a legally owned weapon. Am i right? You going to sit there doing nothing? or bust out the Glock?

He was NOT cooperating, they had to subpoena him and he still failed to comply. Fox and MSMBC Agrees.
Months before the F.B.I. arrived at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump had received a subpoena this spring in search of documents that federal investigators believed he had failed to turn over earlier in the year, when he returned 15 boxes of material to the archives, three people familiar with the matter said. The existence of the subpoena helps to flesh out the sequence of events that led to the search, and suggests that the Justice Department tried methods short of a search warrant to account for the material before taking the politically explosive step of sending F.B.I. agents unannounced to Mar-a-Lago.
Nice. Blame it on Obama. Again, YOU KNOW NOTHING. You are parroting right wing BS. Wait for the details, then we can discuss what a traitor is and if hanging is in order, like for Pence. A raid is ordered for more than one reason, destroying documents is only one. What if he was selling autographs on old top secret documents? What if DOJ/FBI found out about a planned burglary of Mar-a-lago and they knew classified info was unguarded/unsecure there? on and on and on...You Dont Know.
Nope.Wrong on all of it.

The police did announce them selves. Point is. Shoot as someone like the police and you will get shot. The only valid point you could possibly argue is that the reason they were there may have been based on a lie thus subjecting them to being in a position to be killed by the police. Where oh where have I heard this type of thing before? Police sent out for political pretenses. Only to flush out a crime of their own interaction. In this case someone died. In other cases, they simply send them to jail for spitting on the sidewalk offenses because they are the wrong political party. People like you are happy to have another 87,000 of these people out there interacting with the people looking for anything or heaven forbid simply say the wrong thing in front of a Fed or cop and go to jail for lying.

The rest of your fabrication is just that. Fox does not at all agree with anything you just said. He was complying. He even stopped in to say hi to the agents that were there looking into the boxes. They even told him how to secure the boxes to their standard and he did. He got a letter stating they appreciated his working with them.

We know what traitors are. It is democrats like you. Not even liberal attorneys can believe they did this. Selling autographs? Really? You know the president simply had to say as they were walking out the door, that this stuff is not classified and poof it is not. All it takes is for a couple agents to show up and collect the stuff even if they decided to use a warrant. 40 people and 9 hours to collect a couple documents? This was a political hit peace. They wanted to do the whole show to make Trump look bad just prior to the 90 days before an election. People do not raid the Fing president because a liberal librarian wanted to know what was in some boxes when he watched Trump get on a helicopter. Obama has thousands of documents and never got raided. Hillary had actually broke the law as admitted by Comey. She did destroy evidence that they were seeking. She not once was raided. The info on her servers was classified and got hacked and was known to have been compromised to foreign governments. Still not raided. This apparently is pretty common for the past presidents to have these back and forth with the archives. Because it is Trump, they are going to lie again and trying to politically hit him. Pure and simple.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 12:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I know, those FOX Breaking News updates are deafening.
I didnt claim trump would object, just like I didnt blame Brandon for gas prices. I asked if Vegas had odds,stated that Garland called the bluff, and then a Sharpie joke. Accurate. If trump wanted to, he could have released the warrant on Monday. He didnt.

You are morally bankrupt due to your strongly held far right radical beliefs and your obvious and clearly stated hate for most people in the world. It is the opposite of Jesus thoughts and teachings and everything in the bible. If you think one MUST be a Christian in order to have an understanding of or be moral or live a moral life, its patently incorrect. Read the bible. Unity is the message.
Trump does not have a copy of the warrant. They showed up. flashed it to them. Would not give their lawyers a copy. Told the lawyers they could not watch and demanded they turn off the cameras to the facility.

At the end of the day. The warrant does not have anything on it. They need to release the affidavid that shows where they lied to get that democrat low level judge to sign off. According the real pros, the FBI should have used a level 3 judge for such a warrant. They went to a new low level judge who had previously recused himself from a case because he said that he had too much bias against Trump.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 12:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
LOL, Delta completely forgetting (or lying) about the subpoena trump received to return the documents.
Careless and biased. Belligerently defending the grifter. Good little MAGA.
You mean the one when the FBI was there in June. Told Trump how to lock up the documents that THEY left for safe keeping. The one where Trump went down to wish them well and told them to come back if they needed anything? That supoena? I bet cnn or msnbc is not talking about that now are they.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Nope.Wrong on all of it.

The police did announce them selves. Point is. Shoot as someone like the police and you will get shot. The only valid point you could possibly argue is that the reason they were there may have been based on a lie thus subjecting them to being in a position to be killed by the police. Where oh where have I heard this type of thing before? Police sent out for political pretenses. Only to flush out a crime of their own interaction. In this case someone died. In other cases, they simply send them to jail for spitting on the sidewalk offenses because they are the wrong political party. People like you are happy to have another 87,000 of these people out there interacting with the people looking for anything or heaven forbid simply say the wrong thing in front of a Fed or cop and go to jail for lying.

The rest of your fabrication is just that. Fox does not at all agree with anything you just said. He was complying. He even stopped in to say hi to the agents that were there looking into the boxes. They even told him how to secure the boxes to their standard and he did. He got a letter stating they appreciated his working with them.

We know what traitors are. It is democrats like you. Not even liberal attorneys can believe they did this. Selling autographs? Really? You know the president simply had to say as they were walking out the door, that this stuff is not classified and poof it is not. All it takes is for a couple agents to show up and collect the stuff even if they decided to use a warrant. 40 people and 9 hours to collect a couple documents? This was a political hit peace. They wanted to do the whole show to make Trump look bad just prior to the 90 days before an election. People do not raid the Fing president because a liberal librarian wanted to know what was in some boxes when he watched Trump get on a helicopter. Obama has thousands of documents and never got raided. Hillary had actually broke the law as admitted by Comey. She did destroy evidence that they were seeking. She not once was raided. The info on her servers was classified and got hacked and was known to have been compromised to foreign governments. Still not raided. This apparently is pretty common for the past presidents to have these back and forth with the archives. Because it is Trump, they are going to lie again and trying to politically hit him. Pure and simple.
Living life thinking EVERYONE is out to get you must be miserable, no wonder youre always pissy. You are scared of police, democrats, black/brown people, IRS, facts, truth, what else?
lol, you act as if you were standing side by side with dirty diaper donnie... "He was complying. He even stopped in to say hi to the agents that were there looking into the boxes. They even told him how to secure the boxes to their standard and he did. He got a letter stating they appreciated his working with them". LOL.
FBI agents seized classified records from former President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago during its unprecedented raid on Monday, including some marked as top secret, according to documents reviewed by Fox News.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart signed the warrant on Aug. 5, giving the FBI authority to conduct its search "on or before August 19, 2022," and "in the daytime 6:00 am. to 10:00 p.m."

"The locations to be searched include the ‘45 Office,' all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate," the warrant states, but did not give authority to agents to search areas being occupied by Mar-a-Lago members or not used by Trump and staff.

You sure like to use a different judging depending on the topic. Hillary Clinton, " Hillary had actually broke the law as admitted by Comey. She did destroy evidence that they were seeking. She not once was raided. The info on her servers was classified and got hacked and was known to have been compromised to foreign governments. Still not raided. Why would they raid her? She sat for 100's of hours of questioning 8-9 different investigations, never plead the 5th. DJT just plead the 5th 440 times THIS WEEK ALONE. DJT stolen classified and top secret documents discovered at his house, 20 more boxes to add to the 15 boxes last time... and you blame OBAMA. OH, and bring up Clinton again cause 4 years of trump did ZERO NOTHING, and you continue to CRY. Call trump, tell him you are dissatisfied with his handling of Clinton. CultClown.


The warrant gave agents the authority to seize "all physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed" in violation of U.S. Code, including documents with classification markings and presidential records created between Jan. 20, 2017 and Jan. 20, 2021.

According to the property receipt, reviewed by Fox News, FBI agents took approximately 20 boxes of items from the premises, including one set of documents marked as "Various classified/TS/SCI documents," which refers to top secret/ sensitive information.

The property receipt also shows that FBI agents collected four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The property receipt does not reveal any details about those records.

If anything was de-classifieds there would be records of it at the WH or library of Congress. Without records, its typical trump BS backtracking, we've seen it 100s of times. Good luck with that.
The FBI did not publicize the search, kept it all under the table, trump did, after he openly spoke about it, DOJ/FBI responded to media questioning.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 1:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Living life thinking EVERYONE is out to get you must be miserable, no wonder youre always pissy. You are scared of police, democrats, black/brown people, IRS, facts, truth, what else?
lol, you act as if you were standing side by side with dirty diaper donnie... "He was complying. He even stopped in to say hi to the agents that were there looking into the boxes. They even told him how to secure the boxes to their standard and he did. He got a letter stating they appreciated his working with them". LOL.
FBI agents seized classified records from former President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago during its unprecedented raid on Monday, including some marked as top secret, according to documents reviewed by Fox News.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart signed the warrant on Aug. 5, giving the FBI authority to conduct its search "on or before August 19, 2022," and "in the daytime 6:00 am. to 10:00 p.m."

"The locations to be searched include the ‘45 Office,' all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate," the warrant states, but did not give authority to agents to search areas being occupied by Mar-a-Lago members or not used by Trump and staff.

You sure like to use a different judging depending on the topic. Hillary Clinton, " Hillary had actually broke the law as admitted by Comey. She did destroy evidence that they were seeking. She not once was raided. The info on her servers was classified and got hacked and was known to have been compromised to foreign governments. Still not raided. Why would they raid her? She sat for 100's of hours of questioning 8-9 different investigations, never plead the 5th. DJT just plead the 5th 440 times THIS WEEK ALONE. DJT stolen classified and top secret documents discovered at his house, 20 more boxes to add to the 15 boxes last time... and you blame OBAMA. OH, and bring up Clinton again cause 4 years of trump did ZERO NOTHING, and you continue to CRY. Call trump, tell him you are dissatisfied with his handling of Clinton. CultClown.


The warrant gave agents the authority to seize "all physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed" in violation of U.S. Code, including documents with classification markings and presidential records created between Jan. 20, 2017 and Jan. 20, 2021.

According to the property receipt, reviewed by Fox News, FBI agents took approximately 20 boxes of items from the premises, including one set of documents marked as "Various classified/TS/SCI documents," which refers to top secret/ sensitive information.

The property receipt also shows that FBI agents collected four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

The property receipt does not reveal any details about those records.

If anything was de-classifieds there would be records of it at the WH or library of Congress. Without records, its typical trump BS backtracking, we've seen it 100s of times. Good luck with that.
The FBI did not publicize the search, kept it all under the table, trump did, after he openly spoke about it, DOJ/FBI responded to media questioning.
You have never posted any facts or truth since you got on this board. Lied from day one.

You really think 40 agents and cop cars at his house would not be figured out? It was designed to make him look bad. It was a political stunt. Just like the Russian Hoax, both impeachments, Jan 6, and now this. Just like all the fake FISA warrants to go after people around him.

FBI was there and let him keep them in June. There was no need for 40 people to go over there. I wonder what they found in his wifes closet that they were rummaging through? That in the warrant?

Oh... And preserving your rights from partisan hacks is not illegal. Pretty smart really.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Trump does not have a copy of the warrant. They showed up. flashed it to them. Would not give their lawyers a copy. Told the lawyers they could not watch and demanded they turn off the cameras to the facility.

At the end of the day. The warrant does not have anything on it. They need to release the affidavid that shows where they lied to get that democrat low level judge to sign off. According the real pros, the FBI should have used a level 3 judge for such a warrant. They went to a new low level judge who had previously recused himself from a case because he said that he had too much bias against Trump.
You saying you were there or just sitting there lying again? They must supply the perp with a copy. Its the law.
In fact, they never claim not to have a copy, just that they refuse to release. Trumps Atty Christina Bobb signed it, liar. Wanna try another tack now?
Your acting like a level 10 child. At the end of the day...he is a criminal, wake the F up.
FOX NEWS Reports...
According to the property receipt, reviewed by Fox News, FBI agents took approximately 20 boxes of items from the premises, including one set of documents marked as "Various classified/TS/SCI documents," which refers to top secret/ sensitive information.

The property receipt also shows that FBI agents collected four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

Yep nothing.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 1:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You saying you were there or just sitting there lying again? They must supply the perp with a copy. Its the law.
In fact, they never claim not to have a copy, just that they refuse to release. Trumps Atty Christina Bobb signed it, liar. Wanna try another tack now?
Your acting like a level 10 child. At the end of the day...he is a criminal, wake the F up.
FOX NEWS Reports...
According to the property receipt, reviewed by Fox News, FBI agents took approximately 20 boxes of items from the premises, including one set of documents marked as "Various classified/TS/SCI documents," which refers to top secret/ sensitive information.

The property receipt also shows that FBI agents collected four sets of top secret documents, three sets of secret documents, and three sets of confidential documents.

Yep nothing.
Ah yes. "The Source" says. Just more bull$hit from you democrats. Danger to our freedoms. Democrats are the criminals. You need to wake the F$CK UP. I have seen at least 2 shows with Trump attorneys that were there and said they did not get one. End of the day. Trump said release the warrant. The warrant does not have anything on it anyway. We need to affidavit to see how they convinced the judge to do this. That answer will becoming early next year to the next congress.

Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 08-12-2022 at 1:22 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You have never posted any facts or truth since you got on this board. Lied from day one.

You really think 40 agents and cop cars at his house would not be figured out? It was designed to make him look bad. It was a political stunt. Just like the Russian Hoax, both impeachments, Jan 6, and now this. Just like all the fake FISA warrants to go after people around him.

FBI was there and let him keep them in June. There was no need for 40 people to go over there. I wonder what they found in his wifes closet that they were rummaging through? That in the warrant?

Oh... And preserving your rights from partisan hacks is not illegal. Pretty smart really.
No one can make trump look any worse than he does himself. I mean stealing Nuke Documents and offering up to the highest bidder is treasonous. Go ahead, explain to me what is a hoax about trumps coup on 1/6. You were too scared to even watch the hearings. You know nothing because you cried in your basement plugging your ears so you could avoid the pain and the facts.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 1:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No one can make trump look any worse than he does himself. I mean stealing Nuke Documents and offering up to the highest bidder is treasonous. Go ahead, explain to me what is a hoax about trumps coup on 1/6. You were too scared to even watch the hearings. You know nothing because you cried in your basement plugging your ears so you could avoid the pain and the facts.
Now it is nuke documents and selling them? You criminals just keep making more and more stuff up. F$ck off dirty traitors.

No one but you watched the witch hunt. Not a single thing has come out of those hearings now have they? Nope. If they did, they would have people right now. It is what it was. You dirty traitor democrats pushing regular people until they respond. They responded and that is what happened. People all over see what you traitors have done and are doing. Addicted to your own drama. Still going after the one guy you know will punch you in the mouth and they know it. He scares them to death. See you clowns in November.

Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 08-12-2022 at 1:26 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Ah yes. "The Source" says. Just more bull$hit from you democrats. Danger to our freedoms. Democrats are the criminals. You need to wake the F$CK UP. I have seen at least 2 shows with Trump attorneys that were there and said they did not get one.
Dude, you lied (again) and said trump didnt get a copy of the warrant. Problem is his atty's signature is on it. Suck it. Democrats have nothing to with trump crime. Go watch some more "shows".
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 1:28 PM Reply   
Tell the dirty traitor c$nt I am not responding to him anymore. Blocked his dirty lying a$$.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Now it is nuke documents and selling them? You criminals just keep making more and more stuff up. F$ck off dirty traitors.

No one but you watched the witch hunt. Not a single thing has come out of those hearings now have they? Nope. If they did, they would have people right now. It is what it was. You dirty traitor democrats pushing regular people until they respond. They responded and that is what happened. People all over see what you traitors have done and are doing. Addicted to your own drama. Still going after the one guy you know will punch you in the mouth and they know it. He scares them to death. See you clowns in November.
Well as far as i know 20 million watched the first hearing and close to 20 million watched the last, not sure about the 6 in the middle were day time schedules. So 50-100 million would be a conservative estimate. Are you going to be surprised if he gets indicted in the near future? You shouldnt, ive been warning for years about his lawless conduct will come back to bite.
Were they nuke documents or other types of classified, top secret whatever. He was not supposed to have 25 boxes of stuff he had. What democrat forced him to steal all that? Which Democrat made him ignore the subpoena? Which Democrat forced him to take the 5th 440 times on Wednesday? They sure are the evil ones, pulling the strings on a stupid wooden marionette.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Now it is nuke documents and selling them? You criminals just keep making more and more stuff up. F$ck off dirty traitors.

No one but you watched the witch hunt. Not a single thing has come out of those hearings now have they? Nope. If they did, they would have people right now. It is what it was. You dirty traitor democrats pushing regular people until they respond. They responded and that is what happened. People all over see what you traitors have done and are doing. Addicted to your own drama. Still going after the one guy you know will punch you in the mouth and they know it. He scares them to death. See you clowns in November.
Trump lost the election. All democrats did was vote, thats it. Trump etall over reacted and staged a coup to take over the US Govt to stay in power and out of jail. But feel free to blame democrats for it. They were the ones carrying trump and Lets Go Brandon Flags. GTFOOH
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 1:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Ah yes. "The Source" says. Just more bull$hit from you democrats. Danger to our freedoms. Democrats are the criminals. You need to wake the F$CK UP. I have seen at least 2 shows with Trump attorneys that were there and said they did not get one. End of the day. Trump said release the warrant. The warrant does not have anything on it anyway. We need to affidavit to see how they convinced the judge to do this. That answer will becoming early next year to the next congress.
Here it is, proving once again you are a sad little liar. Christina Bobb signature, trumps Atty.

So,how do you feel now?
ts all OBAMAs FAULT, F%ck Democrats!!!!! WARRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 2:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
For Brianna, don't shoot at the police and they wont shot back. Pretty simple really. Yes, ask about it. Sounds like they lied to get the warrant possibly. Huh. Wonder where we have seen that before?

There is no defense for this. Trump was complying. Last time they sent a couple people over and took some boxes. So the FBI needed 40 people with rifles to carry out 12 to 15 boxes in 9 hours? Supposedly going after 1 box with something they are now saying is important. The person who started all this was a librarian. A democrat who said that 1/6 was the worst day of his life and not to hire a white person for his job when he retires. He was watching TV notice some boxes being taken to Marine 1 and wanted to know what was in the boxes. His own words. Obama has 30,000 papers from the white house. Not raided. Hillary was not raided. Bill Clinton was not raided when he took things. People who are complying with the authorities are not raided to boot. A raid is ordered when they believe there is a chance the items would be destroyed. Trump was not even in the state, they have been there just a couple months ago, they got the warrant on a Friday and waited till Monday to use it. They and you are full of $hit. F$ck off.
Obama has 30,000 papers from the white house. Not raided. [/B]Hillary was not raided.
Of course Obama is not getting raided. He did things exactly as required by the rules.
Another of you excuses destroyed by FOX. Rough day bro, Done lying yet?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-12-2022, 6:04 PM Reply   
Espionage act huh? What an outstanding example of the perfect president.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-12-2022, 7:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Tell the dirty traitor c$nt I am not responding to him anymore. Blocked his dirty lying a$$.
Translation, trumps gig is up, I cant handle he lied to us all this time, im heading to the basement to practice fitting into my war costume with GI Joe real look armored vest. I'll be back. MOM, More Meatloaf!!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-13-2022, 10:50 AM Reply   
Guys, everyone relax, it's all a big misunderstanding, the docs Trump took are actually not top secret
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Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       08-13-2022, 11:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Now it is nuke documents and selling them? You criminals just keep making more and more stuff up. F$ck off dirty traitors.

No one but you watched the witch hunt. Not a single thing has come out of those hearings now have they? Nope. If they did, they would have people right now. It is what it was. You dirty traitor democrats pushing regular people until they respond. They responded and that is what happened. People all over see what you traitors have done and are doing. Addicted to your own drama. Still going after the one guy you know will punch you in the mouth and they know it. He scares them to death. See you clowns in November.
Now would be a great time to express your 2nd amendment right and put your military rifle to good use! Trump! 2024!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-13-2022, 12:27 PM Reply

Breitbart Doxxed the names of the FBI agents at the search.
Hey Blue, Do you feel backed???
Garland called out Trump to make the warrant public after Republicans flipped their collective wigs blaming not trump but Law Enforcement, DOJ, FBI...
Trump tried to get one over on Garland by releasing the warrant to Breitbart News w/o redacting FBI agents names.
Trump Doxxed FBI agents doing their job serving a legal search warrant.
Trump is once again inciting violence against LEO's.
Feeling backed, Blue?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-13-2022, 12:33 PM Reply   
Blue lives matter! Except capitol police and the FBI. **** those guy's.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-13-2022, 1:08 PM Reply   
Seeing some fake news that Trump sold information to the Saudis. Ha ha ha, treachery had never between so fun.
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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-13-2022, 3:26 PM Reply   
Wow, I'm having way too much fun
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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-15-2022, 10:46 AM Reply   
Seems like we have a domestic terrorist problem in the US, and they are doing their leaders wishes. Funny, its "the sane ones" the ones who for the last decade called democrats Evil, Dangerous and Radical on FOXNEWS and right here. Now what? Maybe cut the head off the beast?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-15-2022, 5:47 PM Reply   
Outrageous they have taken Trumps passport, they should have given him a one way ticket to Saudi Arabia.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-15-2022, 6:05 PM Reply   
95, you are such a ridiculous yard sale of a human that you aren’t worth any further response from anyone. You have ruined these threads with your totally debased mind. You are the poster boy for who Paul wrote about in Romans 1. You are darn near worthless.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-15-2022, 7:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Paul - Romans 1:28
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge Trump, Trump gave them up to grab them by the pussy.
Paul was on to something!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-15-2022, 8:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Outrageous they have taken Trumps passport, they should have given him a one way ticket to Saudi Arabia.
They’re third world corrupt dims who fear Trump so much that they will give up any and all sense of decency-including theft of a passport just to continue to treat their own TDS. It’s to the point now that they don’t even care that their corruption is in full view. That’s a testament to how desperate they are and how powerful they know Trump is.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-15-2022, 8:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Seeing some fake news that Trump sold information to the Saudis. Ha ha ha, treachery had never between so fun.
This one reminds me of my neighbor’s hilarious socks.
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Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-15-2022, 8:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
This one reminds me of my neighbor’s hilarious socks.
They are rad:
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-15-2022, 9:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
They’re third world corrupt dims who fear Trump so much that they will give up any and all sense of decency-including theft of a passport just to continue to treat their own TDS
So the dems tricked Trump into selecting Christopher Wray as head of the FBI so 5 years later he could confiscate Trumps passport preventing him from fleeing charges for the Espionage act. Wow, you are right they are evil. Pretty good 5-D chess tho.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-16-2022, 4:14 AM Reply   
They would have his head on a platter if they could get away with it. He’s the biggest threat to their one world order. TDS is serious stuff.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       08-16-2022, 6:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
So the dems tricked Trump into selecting Christopher Wray as head of the FBI so 5 years later he could confiscate Trumps passport preventing him from fleeing charges for the Espionage act. Wow, you are right they are evil. Pretty good 5-D chess tho.
That aged about as well as most of 95’s stupid comments. They just returned the passports they stole after getting outed for it.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-16-2022, 1:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
They’re third world corrupt dims who fear Trump so much that they will give up any and all sense of decency-including theft of a passport just to continue to treat their own TDS. It’s to the point now that they don’t even care that their corruption is in full view. That’s a testament to how desperate they are and how powerful they know Trump is.
I smell desperation in every post you make.
Talk about TDS. Everyone is against my poor TDaddy
The Govt asks for its property back after the grifter stole it. He refused. They subpoenaed him to give their property back. He refused again. They came down to retrieve it themselves. What did any corrupt dims do, anything? any proof of anything? or is this just like Voter fraud?? Seems this was an issue of the grifter refusing to return property he illegally took. Fear lol. He stole Govt property and the Govt came to get it back. Simple. Corrupt? Yes he really, really is. Proves it every week time after time after time. Powerful, like Truth Social and Trump Steaks, lol.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-16-2022, 1:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That aged about as well as most of 95’s stupid comments. They just returned the passports they stole after getting outed for it.
Im sure the FBI tried selling the passports on the dark web but failed. lol, SOP to remove passports from perps who may flee. There is also the FACT that US passports are the property of the US Government dum-dum. They returned 2 expired passports and one valid one. Tryna make somethin out of nothin Jr? All the sudden anythin law enforcement does is bad or wrong, Feelin backed up Blue?
Good thing trump upped the penalties for those misusing classified documents while he was in office. He did this because of all the Clinton motivated "Lock Her up" rally cries. He may be the first those new laws get tried out on. Is that schadenfreude?
"Donald Trump himself, as president, signed a law in 2018 stiffening the penalty for mishandling classified information.

The penalty for doing so under Section 1924(a) of title 18 of the United States Code, which deals with the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material, was changed from one year to five years in prison."
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-16-2022, 1:39 PM Reply   
How low can you go?
Eventually the GOP will be forced to decide, Do we stick with trump and his base who are armed and out shooting up and attacking FBI/Police/Law enforcement in trumps name? Or do we move on to save the party?
Looking at the nutsquad members of the house, they're all going down together.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       08-16-2022, 1:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That aged about as well as most of 95’s stupid comments. They just returned the passports they stole after getting outed for it.
The "Dims" play by the rules. Why cant we get the same from trump loyalists, not loyal to the US or the Constitution, to one dude. Seems cult like dont your think?

"Congressional hearings into the January 6, 2021 raid of the US Capitol building continue, focusing on the actions of Donald Trump and members of his administration as they sought to have Trump’s loss turned into a win.

Congressional investigators are looking into the possible involvement of Trump and Pence’s security teams. But subpoenaed communications from targeted Secret Service members have simply disappeared, something that was first reported early last month. Here’s Ken Klippenstein writing for The Intercept.

The Secret Service erased text messages from January 5 and January 6, 2021, according to a letter given to the January 6 committee and reviewed by The Intercept. The letter was originally sent by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General to the House and Senate homeland security committees. Though the Secret Service maintains that the text messages were lost as a result of a “device-replacement program,” the letter says the erasure took place shortly after oversight officials requested the agency’s electronic communications."
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-16-2022, 1:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
Now would be a great time to express your 2nd amendment right and put your military rifle to good use! Trump! 2024!
Sorry. Don't have a class 3 Federal Firearms license. Neither does 99.999% of the country. They do not sell military rifles to the public you dumba$$
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-16-2022, 2:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Outrageous they have taken Trumps passport, they should have given him a one way ticket to Saudi Arabia.
So when you going to kick the bucket from COVID? I thought your lock downs were preventing it. You know. Turning in your rights to keep you safe and all. Now your leading cause of death. I guess staying inside did not save your country after all.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-16-2022, 2:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
So the dems tricked Trump into selecting Christopher Wray as head of the FBI so 5 years later he could confiscate Trumps passport preventing him from fleeing charges for the Espionage act. Wow, you are right they are evil. Pretty good 5-D chess tho.
See ya too Ralph. Too much energy for a troll. Have fun with COVID.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-16-2022, 2:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So when you going to kick the bucket from COVID? I thought your lock downs were preventing it. You know. Turning in your rights to keep you safe and all. Now your leading cause of death. I guess staying inside did not save your country after all.
Lol you alright? You sound a bit triggered. We have let COVID rip now that everyone is vaccinated, people can choose what level of risk is appropriate for them. Our deaths are up to 1800 people, a bit lower than the US @ 1.1 million.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       08-16-2022, 2:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
See ya too Ralph. Too much energy for a troll. Have fun with COVID.
Will do brosif. Have fun with your Orange Traitor.

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