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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-28-2022, 3:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Also, there is a next day pill they can use. There is also contraceptives that go for years at a time. much more available than in 1973. Simply fear mongering.
S, Dakota is already trying to outlaw the pills, make no mistake the state needs broodmares. You dont even understand how extreme you radicals are.

Sad excuse for a judge, Thomas has already said contraception, same sex marriage all coming next.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-28-2022, 3:52 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You make no sense, i think because you fail at reasoning.
Remember, there is nothing in the constitution that says the SC needs to be 9.
Stay on point, either its Replacement theory or We are keeping their numbers down thru abortion.
Replacement theory is your conspiracy. If you are talking about flooding the US with 3rd grade level illegals in hopes that their offspring will vote democrat, that is what is happening and what they have done in kalifornia.

Keeping numbers down through murder is democrats play book which was created by a well known eugenicist who hated black people.

Nope Supreme court does not have to be 9. republicans can also expand the court as well. We can play the game all the way up the ladder. Just remember court packing cost FDR pretty good.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-28-2022, 3:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
S, Dakota is already trying to outlaw the pills, make no mistake the state needs broodmares. You dont even understand how extreme you radicals are.

Sad excuse for a judge, Thomas has already said contraception, same sex marriage all coming next.
How extreme we are? because they don't want to allow you democrats to murder babies post birth? I bet you could not even point to South Dakota on a map. Why do you care. Let those people decide. Don't worry. You can still get your sex change and then demand someone sticks some instrument up your new slit and perform an abortion so you too can feel like the woman you always wanted to be.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-28-2022, 3:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
S, Dakota is already trying to outlaw the pills, make no mistake the state needs broodmares. You dont even understand how extreme you radicals are.

Sad excuse for a judge, Thomas has already said contraception, same sex marriage all coming next.
And yes. If those decisions were created by a judge and not congress, those things do need to be revisited.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-28-2022, 4:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Replacement theory is your conspiracy. If you are talking about flooding the US with 3rd grade level illegals in hopes that their offspring will vote democrat, that is what is happening and what they have done in kalifornia.

Keeping numbers down through murder is democrats play book which was created by a well known eugenicist who hated black people.

Nope Supreme court does not have to be 9. republicans can also expand the court as well. We can play the game all the way up the ladder. Just remember court packing cost FDR pretty good.
You have been pushing replacement theory as the way democrats are fraudulently winning elections for years. Go back and look if you dont believe me. All while completely failing to look at number of registered R's and registered D's, you know, the basics.
Yep 9, 15, 25, whatever. Clearly we need to fix due to too much lying recently to get voted in. All trump picks repeated the lie, Roe was settled law. Thomas said it too. Something changed.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-28-2022, 4:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
How extreme we are? because they don't want to allow you democrats to murder babies post birth? I bet you could not even point to South Dakota on a map. Why do you care. Let those people decide. Don't worry. You can still get your sex change and then demand someone sticks some instrument up your new slit and perform an abortion so you too can feel like the woman you always wanted to be.
You speak like someone who does not know their numbers.
91% of abortions are 1st trimester, 91%
98.7% are done before week 20. 98.7%
What are the numbers of these murders happening post birth?
What are they? Seems you are trying to make a point, what is it?
S Dakota, a state with less than 900,000 people yet they have the same amount of Senate representation as CA, a state with 40 MILLION people. More than 40 times!! North Dakota has even less people but those same 2 in the senate, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska all added together still have less than CA alone yet much more representation, thus the PEOpLE do not have rep.
And I know where the state is located, as if it even mattered.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-28-2022, 4:44 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You have been pushing replacement theory as the way democrats are fraudulently winning elections for years. Go back and look if you dont believe me. All while completely failing to look at number of registered R's and registered D's, you know, the basics.
Yep 9, 15, 25, whatever. Clearly we need to fix due to too much lying recently to get voted in. All trump picks repeated the lie, Roe was settled law. Thomas said it too. Something changed.
Roe was never a law. It was a judicial decision. Only congress can make laws with the president signing off on the law or if congress gets enough of a majority to override the president. Laws DO NOT come from the judicial branch. period. end of story. The judicial branch is only allowed to say if a law fits within the constitution or not.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-28-2022, 4:47 PM Reply   
Jan 6th was super entertaining today, highlights for me:

Trump wanted secret service to take the mags down at the rally because a large number of people were armed, were refusing to go through the gates and his crowd size needed pumping up.

He knew that he was directing a large number of armed people to go to the capital building.

He wanted to also go down to the capital building personally but was prevented by the security detail.

He tried to grab the steering wheel and assulted a member of the security detail when traveling back to the white house.

Said Mike Pence deserved to be hanged for processing the vote.

Has tried to intimidate people testifying to the committee.

Did I miss anything?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-28-2022, 4:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You speak like someone who does not know their numbers.
91% of abortions are 1st trimester, 91%
98.7% are done before week 20. 98.7%
What are the numbers of these murders happening post birth?
What are they? Seems you are trying to make a point, what is it?
S Dakota, a state with less than 900,000 people yet they have the same amount of Senate representation as CA, a state with 40 MILLION people. More than 40 times!! North Dakota has even less people but those same 2 in the senate, Wyoming, Montana, Alaska all added together still have less than CA alone yet much more representation, thus the PEOpLE do not have rep.
And I know where the state is located, as if it even mattered.
Yet again, you display your ignorance about the finding of America. Must be that kalifornia public school education.

The goal was never to have mob rule. The states were independent territories that came together and agreed they should form a body to represent them in international affairs. Not a larger country that decided to have states. So kalifornia decided to become a sanctuary state and pack their land with 3rd graders. that is their problem. Does not change the constitution on the amount of senate representation. Kalifornia for all their third worlders want to count them in the part that does matter in population and that is the house of REPRESENTATIVES. Let me guess, the founding of the country and the structure of government was a Republican conspiracy too?

One is too many post birth. They fact it is even on the books is barbaric beyond belief. The fact that anyone would defend it is not someone I want in our society.

if those are the numbers for abortion then you democrats should have kept your mouths shut when they wanted to clamp it at 16 weeks.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-28-2022, 4:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Jan 6th was super entertaining today, highlights for me:

Trump wanted secret service to take the mags down at the rally because a large number of people were armed, were refusing to go through the gates and his crowd size needed pumping up.

He knew that he was directing a large number of armed people to go to the capital building.

He wanted to also go down to the capital building personally but was prevented by the security detail.

He tried to grab the steering wheel and assulted a member of the security detail when traveling back to the white house.

Said Mike Pence deserved to be hanged for processing the vote.

Has tried to intimidate people testifying to the committee.

Did I miss anything?
So he did want to go to the capital. There goes your talking point that he did not want to go there.

Tried to grab the steering wheel? Uh Huh. We got this from someone in the third person again I bet? how does one grab a steering wheel all the way in the back of a limo with a security barrier?

Of course he knew he was directing people to the capital. He literally said to the people at the rally, go to the capital and peacefully let your voices be heard. really. this is what you have to report?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-28-2022, 5:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Of course he knew he was directing people to the capital. He literally said to the people at the rally, go to the capital and peacefully let your voices be heard. really. this is what you have to report?
Lol, sending people you know are armed to the capital to "fight like hell or you won't have a country left". A very stable genius indeed. I can see why you love him.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-28-2022, 5:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Yet again, you display your ignorance about the finding of America. Must be that kalifornia public school education.

The goal was never to have mob rule. The states were independent territories that came together and agreed they should form a body to represent them in international affairs. Not a larger country that decided to have states. So kalifornia decided to become a sanctuary state and pack their land with 3rd graders. that is their problem. Does not change the constitution on the amount of senate representation. Kalifornia for all their third worlders want to count them in the part that does matter in population and that is the house of REPRESENTATIVES. Let me guess, the founding of the country and the structure of government was a Republican conspiracy too?

One is too many post birth. They fact it is even on the books is barbaric beyond belief. The fact that anyone would defend it is not someone I want in our society.

if those are the numbers for abortion then you democrats should have kept your mouths shut when they wanted to clamp it at 16 weeks.
I know history. I know WHY it was done. Clearly its a system that needs fixed. Minority rule is not working. Democrats keep losing elections on technicalities, not votes. How many decades do we have to go back where a R president wasnt a minority pick? Then a minority elected Pres puts 3 into the SC due only to cheating the system, breaking ALL norms. Then that SC over turns decades of precedent. Puts more guns in the streets....
LOL, at guy not understanding he is the 3rd grader who immigrated to CA, Go back to where you are from.
So you have no idea what the numbers of post birth abortions??? Then why bring it up?, is this the only thing you talk about, things you dont know about... like 1/6 hearing, abortion and voter fraud. FYI, im not defending anything, how can i defend if you cant enumerate your point ???
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-28-2022, 5:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So he did want to go to the capital. There goes your talking point that he did not want to go there. LOL, it is no ones talking point

Tried to grab the steering wheel? Uh Huh. We got this from someone in the third person again I bet? how does one grab a steering wheel all the way in the back of a limo with a security barrier?
You didnt watch, you dont know. And you have never seen the inside of "the beast" either.
Of course he knew he was directing people to the capital. He literally said to the people at the rally, go to the capital and peacefully let your voices be heard. really. this is what you have to report?
You left out the part he didnt care they were armed "they arnt here to hurt me" Such a douche, every single piece of info has shown this was 100% planned event. The plan wasnt "peaceful" either. we have the proof, have shown it. People not paying attn and trying to spin look like idiots.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-29-2022, 7:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Oddly enough. Having the states decide is giving more rights to the people.
That is a f*kn odd thing to claim. So when they give control over gun ownership back to the states, gun owners will have more rights.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-30-2022, 6:02 AM Reply   
except that gun ownership is expressly protected by the constitution....and abortion isn't. Come on Fly, you're smarter than that

95, it's now coming out that the witness wasn't even in the car. and, agents that were there are saying that her testimony just isn't true.
Is this not accurate?
plus.....why wasn't she cross examined?

This is just political theater

the 6th was a protest that had some stupid people doing stupid things

history will prove me right
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-30-2022, 7:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
except that gun ownership is expressly protected by the constitution....and abortion isn't. Come on Fly, you're smarter than that
I'm smart enough to know that the 2nd is an anachronism. And that if you consider it's original purpose, which is irrelevant in today's world that the 2nd now endangers the country instead of protecting it. I'm also smart enough to question any court that decides language in the Constitution is superfluous and unimportant, while simultaneously pats themselves on the back for sticking to the original intent of the founders. Not to mention a court politically stacked with members who engaged in deception to get the job.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 8:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lol, sending people you know are armed to the capital to "fight like hell or you won't have a country left". A very stable genius indeed. I can see why you love him.
You believe everything you hear? Someone would be Fing stupid to show up with the capital brandishing a firearm, thus how would anyone know they were armed. Turns out what, 1 person in the thousands had a firearm and they knew that after the fact. Just stop.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 8:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I know history. I know WHY it was done. Clearly its a system that needs fixed. Minority rule is not working. Democrats keep losing elections on technicalities, not votes. How many decades do we have to go back where a R president wasnt a minority pick? Then a minority elected Pres puts 3 into the SC due only to cheating the system, breaking ALL norms. Then that SC over turns decades of precedent. Puts more guns in the streets....
LOL, at guy not understanding he is the 3rd grader who immigrated to CA, Go back to where you are from.
So you have no idea what the numbers of post birth abortions??? Then why bring it up?, is this the only thing you talk about, things you dont know about... like 1/6 hearing, abortion and voter fraud. FYI, im not defending anything, how can i defend if you cant enumerate your point ???
There are no norms. The electoral college has ALWAYS elected the president. Just because kalifornia has elected to stuff the state with 3rd worlders for votes is not an issue for the actual sane states. If you look at the vote totals the democraps "win" by it just so happens to match kalifornias unique "out of historic mathematical norms" voter margin. Only thing out of wack is kalifornia.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 8:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I'm smart enough to know that the 2nd is an anachronism. And that if you consider it's original purpose, which is irrelevant in today's world that the 2nd now endangers the country instead of protecting it. I'm also smart enough to question any court that decides language in the Constitution is superfluous and unimportant, while simultaneously pats themselves on the back for sticking to the original intent of the founders. Not to mention a court politically stacked with members who engaged in deception to get the job.
Don't get it twisted. The democrats are the danger to the country. You have a people problem, not a gun problem.

Deception? You mean like accusing justices of rape and other horrible things to try and keep them out?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-30-2022, 8:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You have a people problem, not a gun problem.
That's why you don't want people to have guns. Your own logic is that guns are fine as long as they're not in the hands of people.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-30-2022, 8:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Deception? You mean like accusing justices of rape and other horrible things to try and keep them out?
That too. Fortunately those people have less power and aren't installed into the highest court of the land for life. Because that's much worse.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-30-2022, 11:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
except that gun ownership is expressly protected by the constitution....and abortion isn't. Come on Fly, you're smarter than that

95, it's now coming out that the witness wasn't even in the car. and, agents that were there are saying that her testimony just isn't true.
Is this not accurate?
plus.....why wasn't she cross examined?

This is just political theater

the 6th was a protest that had some stupid people doing stupid things

history will prove me right
She wasnt in the car. She never claimed to be in the car. Dont know why you ever would think that???
If you watched the hearing, you would know.

She was VERY clear in what she stated. She said she spoke with "Bobby Engle" right after the car ride, she told which room the conversation took place, she stated who was in the room. Bobby who was in the car, Tony Ornato, also in the car was in the room with both when Bobby told her the story. Does that help clear it up for you? None of your claims are accurate to the testimony. Either way, this was a minor part of the over 2 hours of testimony. Is that the only problem your media has with this witness?? Like the part when the secret service told trump that the crowd was armed how many guns and weapons had been confiscated, why the people above were not coming down to the Ellipse (they didnt want their guns confiscated) and Trump didnt care. Told them to turn off the gun detector machines. "Let my people in, they're not here to hurt me" . Who is it ok to use the guns against?? Or the part where the crazies were entering the capitol, looking to kill Pence and trump refused to do anything. In fact trump tweeted Pence was a coward and it was his (Pence) fault. If a president refuses to stop a riot going on at the capitol, even if he caused it...dont you think Dereliction of Duty at minimum? He just sat on his AZZ and watched it on TV. He swore an oath to protect the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Right?

No she was not cross examined, this isnt a court of law AND The republicans REFUSED to participate. Already went over the 3 times they refused to take part in the hearings.

I would ask you again to watch, not sure why you are so afraid. You are so misinformed it makes you look bad. Like claiming she wasnt in the car...when she never said she was. You imply that on 1/6 some stupid people did stupid things. This is so not what happened. And not what these hearings have been about. Those people on 1/6 were a small part of the overall plan to overthrow the election thru half a dozen illegal means, all planned by DJT and his clown posse. Trump tried to get election officials to change vote counts in Georgia. Trump got officials in 7 different states to send false/fake/counterfeit electors to the capitol to vote for trump who lost all 7 of those states. He tried to change the head of the DOJ to a sycophant who would use the DOJ to help push the Big Lie and give it credibility until nearly the entire DOJ threatened to quit on him.
Seriously, you are missing all this and claiming theater all while not watching a single minute of it. This is the definition of parroting your media, isnt it, and honestly it is Fing pretty weak too. The 1/6 hearings ARE what history will say in decades to come. History, as Bill Barr claims, is written by the winners, trump lost.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-30-2022, 12:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You believe everything you hear? Someone would be Fing stupid to show up with the capital brandishing a firearm, thus how would anyone know they were armed. Turns out what, 1 person in the thousands had a firearm and they knew that after the fact. Just stop.
1. If someone is under oath I tend to think they are not likely to be telling the truth
2. Being stupid is a prerequisite to be s trump supporter
3. Police transcripts from the rally indicated a large number of armed people.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-30-2022, 1:41 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
1. If someone is under oath I tend to think they are not likely to be telling the truth
More likely.....
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       06-30-2022, 2:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
1. If someone is under oath I tend to think they are not likely to be telling the truth
2. Being stupid is a prerequisite to be s trump supporter
3. Police transcripts from the rally indicated a large number of armed people.
One of the republicans in a speech yesterday said...
"We are confronting a domestic threat that we have never faced before – and that is a former President who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional Republic, And he is aided by Republican leaders and elected officials who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man."
Republicans "cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution,"
"No party and no people and no nation can defend and perpetuate a constitutional republic if they accept a leader who's gone to war with the rule of law, with the democratic process or with the peaceful transition of power – with the constitution itself."
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-30-2022, 3:04 PM Reply   
95...I just don't care.

Honestly...I would care more, if there wasn't such a massive double standard.....

I could go down the list. It's long. It would start with Bill Clinton getting a slap on the wrist for lying to Congress.

Trump's biggest flaw was to try to lie and cheat the way that career politicians do. He either wasn't nearly as good at it, or he just didn't have the right friends in the right places.

I honestly , without hesitation believe, that if Hillary had done exactly what they are accusing Trump of doing, there would be no hearing. There certainly wouldn't be this type of "hearing". It would just get buried

plus, the party that has been in charge of the witch hunt, might win the hunt....but the country certainly isn't any better off.

I would take a narcissist corrupt Trump over ANY of the dems that now hold power.

They don't want an outsider. They certainly don't want someone who has promised to drain the swamp.

So you can say that I don't have a right to comment because I haven't watched it. But until they have the same public lopsided panel about Hunter/Joe, Waters inciting riots, indictments about the false narratives on Russian collusion, failing to uphold the oath of protecting The US (at the border), knowingly lying about the energy crisis and inflation....etc.....and these are just the ones in the past couple of years...

....then I don't care what one side finds about the other. They either want corruption out of government, or they don't. And it appears they only want it gone from one side....

Last edited by ord27; 06-30-2022 at 3:12 PM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 3:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
1. If someone is under oath I tend to think they are not likely to be telling the truth
2. Being stupid is a prerequisite to be s trump supporter
3. Police transcripts from the rally indicated a large number of armed people.
1) You mean testifying in a careful way of not specifically saying wether you did or did not hear things? The secret service says she is lying. She was also caught in another lie about a memo she said she wrote.

2) I would say being stupid is believing people who have agendas

3) What does armed mean? How would Trump or anyone know that until after the fact. Having anything in your hands at all can mean armed. Want to know how many bottles of water are thrown at democrat riots? They found one person with a deadly weapon to my knowledge. Anything of significance would be hidden because you would be an idiot to brandish it. These people were not like the democrat rioters who have a game plan to cover themselves and make sure they can not be photographed.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 3:41 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
One of the republicans in a speech yesterday said...
"We are confronting a domestic threat that we have never faced before – and that is a former President who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional Republic, And he is aided by Republican leaders and elected officials who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man."
Republicans "cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution,"
"No party and no people and no nation can defend and perpetuate a constitutional republic if they accept a leader who's gone to war with the rule of law, with the democratic process or with the peaceful transition of power – with the constitution itself."
Ok Adam Schiff. And who was this nameless Republican? Actaully it does not matter. They will be ran out shortly.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 3:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
She wasnt in the car. She never claimed to be in the car. Dont know why you ever would think that???
If you watched the hearing, you would know.

She was VERY clear in what she stated. She said she spoke with "Bobby Engle" right after the car ride, she told which room the conversation took place, she stated who was in the room. Bobby who was in the car, Tony Ornato, also in the car was in the room with both when Bobby told her the story. Does that help clear it up for you? None of your claims are accurate to the testimony. Either way, this was a minor part of the over 2 hours of testimony. Is that the only problem your media has with this witness?? Like the part when the secret service told trump that the crowd was armed how many guns and weapons had been confiscated, why the people above were not coming down to the Ellipse (they didnt want their guns confiscated) and Trump didnt care. Told them to turn off the gun detector machines. "Let my people in, they're not here to hurt me" . Who is it ok to use the guns against?? Or the part where the crazies were entering the capitol, looking to kill Pence and trump refused to do anything. In fact trump tweeted Pence was a coward and it was his (Pence) fault. If a president refuses to stop a riot going on at the capitol, even if he caused it...dont you think Dereliction of Duty at minimum? He just sat on his AZZ and watched it on TV. He swore an oath to protect the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Right?

No she was not cross examined, this isnt a court of law AND The republicans REFUSED to participate. Already went over the 3 times they refused to take part in the hearings.

I would ask you again to watch, not sure why you are so afraid. You are so misinformed it makes you look bad. Like claiming she wasnt in the car...when she never said she was. You imply that on 1/6 some stupid people did stupid things. This is so not what happened. And not what these hearings have been about. Those people on 1/6 were a small part of the overall plan to overthrow the election thru half a dozen illegal means, all planned by DJT and his clown posse. Trump tried to get election officials to change vote counts in Georgia. Trump got officials in 7 different states to send false/fake/counterfeit electors to the capitol to vote for trump who lost all 7 of those states. He tried to change the head of the DOJ to a sycophant who would use the DOJ to help push the Big Lie and give it credibility until nearly the entire DOJ threatened to quit on him.
Seriously, you are missing all this and claiming theater all while not watching a single minute of it. This is the definition of parroting your media, isnt it, and honestly it is Fing pretty weak too. The 1/6 hearings ARE what history will say in decades to come. History, as Bill Barr claims, is written by the winners, trump lost.
You mean not watch like the other 320 million people in the country not watching? I am being generous. I am sure many of the people watching are from out of the country.

I don't care. Period. you democrats started out lying about Trump and I have zero reason to believe that this time is the real time. Even so. None of it is illegal. If so. Arrest him. you are not going after a single thing that Biden and his boy have done. Nothing from the Clintons. Nothing from the riots pre and post Jan 6. Have not heard a single peep about you democrats firebombing establishments around the country AGAIN. Don't give 2 sh@ts about what democrats have to say about Trump. He is maybe the 18th thing wrong with the country outside of democrats holding the first 17 spots. Clean up the first bits and there would not be a need for Trump. Until then. Trump makes democrats this scared, then he is the one (mean tweets and all).
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 3:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
That's why you don't want people to have guns. Your own logic is that guns are fine as long as they're not in the hands of people.
There are over a billion guns. Guns in the wrong hands is already illegal. Ship has sailed on the people front. Then there is the other reason for guns and that is enemies foreign and domestic to protect the people.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       06-30-2022, 3:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
That too. Fortunately those people have less power and aren't installed into the highest court of the land for life. Because that's much worse.
Some truth to that. The fact that a party is that nasty and criminal to do that tells me again, that they were the correct people to have on the court. No one goes to those lengths to keep someone away they don't consider a threat. Democrats every single day propose something they know is against the constitution and the use it to try and piss people off. Worst is they put it into law and use the several years of suing until it is removed. That is the way of life in kalifornia.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-30-2022, 4:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Even so. None of it is illegal. If so. Arrest him. you are not going after a single thing that Biden and his boy have done. Nothing from the Clintons
Fantastic point, how come trump didn't lock Hillary up after making it one of his campaign promises?
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-30-2022, 5:36 PM Reply   
the Clintons are too powerful to lock up....

much like a Kennedy
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-01-2022, 7:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Some truth to that. The fact that a party is that nasty and criminal to do that tells me again, that they were the correct people to have on the court. No one goes to those lengths to keep someone away they don't consider a threat.
That's some pretty twisted logical fallacies you've got going there.

Democrats every single day propose something they know is against the constitution and the use it to try and piss people off. Worst is they put it into law and use the several years of suing until it is removed.
Sounds like you're describing the next Republican messiah we've got ruling in Florida.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       07-01-2022, 7:40 AM Reply   
DeSantis , if he runs, will walk away with the Presidency a landslide :-)
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-01-2022, 9:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Fantastic point, how come trump didn't lock Hillary up after making it one of his campaign promises?
You actually believe campaign rhetoric is promises? I bet you were really disappointed when you found out rabbits don't lay eggs.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-01-2022, 9:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
That's some pretty twisted logical fallacies you've got going there.

Sounds like you're describing the next Republican messiah we've got ruling in Florida.
Not at all twisted. Democrats are a danger to our society. The current crop will say and do anything to stop people the think will get in the way of their agenda. If they are willing to use people to say they were raped at a party that they don't remember where or when 30 years ago to try and stop someone then that tells you something about what type of threat they believe they are. Stop the democrats marxist globalist push then we can get back to basics. If a Justice is about that then they are ok by me. The way you stop that push is by having Justices that actually follow the Constitution.

I could be describing Florida. Nice thing is at least you have someone willing to do it for freedoms instead of trying to take things away.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-01-2022, 12:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You actually believe campaign rhetoric is promises? I bet you were really disappointed when you found out rabbits don't lay eggs.
Promises made promises kept! You must be stoked with the Shiney wall he built!!! And the debt he paid off! What a president, best ever!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-01-2022, 12:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The secret service says she is lying. She was also caught in another lie about a memo she said she wrote.
Uh oh.....

How fast will the numpties pivot from "she is lying!" To "doesn't matter!" Lol.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-01-2022, 3:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Promises made promises kept! You must be stoked with the Shiney wall he built!!! And the debt he paid off! What a president, best ever!
Last I heard he built 200 or 300 miles. (you do know there is border walls and fencing on parts of the border already? Probably not). Not bad considering congress was always trying to defund it. Way better than the current guy who has let a few million in so far his term and actually puts them on jets and flys them around the country to drop them off.

Other than that. What is your point. Inflation was very low under Trump and the presidents before him. Nothing like making policies and saying out loud you are going to bankrupt the oil producers as your official policy to really kick off inflation. Then add on the $20 an hour burger flippers.

Of course, you are flipping and flopping topics to which there really is no point.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-01-2022, 3:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Uh oh.....

How fast will the numpties pivot from "she is lying!" To "doesn't matter!" Lol.
Uh huh. sure it did.

on another note that really matters.

High gas prices worth it for 'future of liberal world order,’ White House economics adviser tells CNN

"The military analysts, the Director of National Intelligence say this can be a long war measured in years. I think everybody understands why this is happening. But is it sustainable? What do you say to those families that say, 'Listen, we can't afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years. This is just not sustainable,'" Blackwell questioned.
The Post found the stickers on gas pumps at a Shell Station.

Deese initially responded, "What you heard from the president today was a clear articulation of the stakes. This is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm." The comment caused a stir on social media.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-01-2022, 3:57 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
High gas prices worth it for 'future of liberal world order,’ White House economics adviser tells CNN.
I told you many times over the last 4 years that Trump spending up large like a drunkin sailor, artificially pumping the economy to make himself look good, taking the national debt from 20T to 28T would result is rampant inflation. Now you have to pay the piper. Don't get it twisted, this isn't on Biden.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-01-2022, 5:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Last I heard he built 200 or 300 miles.
200 miles! Ha ha the border is 2,000 miles long. To be fair the 10% he built hasn't fallen down or have a neon "Trump" sign on it so it's better than expected.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-02-2022, 1:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
95...I just don't care.

Honestly...I would care more, if there wasn't such a massive double standard.....

I could go down the list. It's long. It would start with Bill Clinton getting a slap on the wrist for lying to Congress.

Trump's biggest flaw was to try to lie and cheat the way that career politicians do. He either wasn't nearly as good at it, or he just didn't have the right friends in the right places.

I honestly , without hesitation believe, that if Hillary had done exactly what they are accusing Trump of doing, there would be no hearing. There certainly wouldn't be this type of "hearing". It would just get buried

plus, the party that has been in charge of the witch hunt, might win the hunt....but the country certainly isn't any better off.

I would take a narcissist corrupt Trump over ANY of the dems that now hold power.

They don't want an outsider. They certainly don't want someone who has promised to drain the swamp.

So you can say that I don't have a right to comment because I haven't watched it. But until they have the same public lopsided panel about Hunter/Joe, Waters inciting riots, indictments about the false narratives on Russian collusion, failing to uphold the oath of protecting The US (at the border), knowingly lying about the energy crisis and inflation....etc.....and these are just the ones in the past couple of years...

....then I don't care what one side finds about the other. They either want corruption out of government, or they don't. And it appears they only want it gone from one side....
You should care. And it has zero to do with trump being an outsider. He never drained the swamp, he made the swamp stink worse, more of his appointees, cabinet members...were busted in all kinds of Ethical and legal issues and had to be replaced, more than any pres in history. .
An ex president tried to take over the US Government by use of a violent coup. If you dont care about that, what might be more important? There is no double standard, this has never been attempted in this country. No democrat tried it, if they do they deserve the same treatment. Clinton, if you call impeachment a slap on the wrist for a blow job, seems like a reasonable response. The other Clinton blamed for Benghazi also got what was coming.
No trumps biggest flaw was not just the lies. He and his allies planned a coup, to take over the Govt after losing in the election and knowing he lost. After using the courts to prove his case, losing 60+ times. He had his chance. He chose to lie about election fraud that has been proven over and over, never happened. Based on the lies, he took money from his cult. With republican and far right media assistance he and his clown posse organized several ways to illegally steal the election. Called States to get the SoS to "find 11,800 votes". Fired the AG in Georgia. He organized fake electors in 7 different swing states he lost. They brought counterfeit Trump electoral votes to try to steal the election. He tried to change the Head of the DOJ for the 3rd time in 4 weeks on Jan 3rd, months after losing the election because he found a cult member in a low level position that said he would help sell the lie about election fraud...until the entire DOJ threatened to quit and make obvious the reason to change leadership. ON and on went his crazy plans. We know all this is fact.
You care to explain why you dont care that one of your people tried to do this?
FYI, Hunter, not a part of any US Govt job, he is just a US citizen, if he did something illegal, arrest him, FYI, dems dont give AF about Hunter. . unlike trump who brought the whole family to DC. What were the outcomes of anything Waters did/said? Any riots? Wait, nothing but dozens and dozens of mentions on /FOX????? cause she said "get in their face" No one harmed, no Govt taken over, no riot,....see it isnt the same. If you want to know "just the facts" about the russian collusion, read the Mueller report. It is the US Govt official record of what happened. No dem twist/spin on it. Mueller, republican, appointed by a republican, report completed and released by a Republican. Then you would know. Also, no false indictments, the people charged and found guilty is just that, in fact the guilty were pardoned by??? guess who?
This is not how you get the corruption out of Gov't, is it?
We have major inflation, fuel price, supply issues and more going on i dont disagree. These are not isolated to the US, the exact same issues are in Europe, UK and every country on the planet and FYI, Biden isnt running the rest of the planet.
The 2 parties only working against each other is stupid for us to support when we have too much in common, things that help all Americans can/should be done. But there is only gridlock and more Medical debt BK's than any civilized country in the world. We F ourselves so politicians get $ and power while we as Americans pay for it. Bad System.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-02-2022, 3:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
DeSantis , if he runs, will walk away with the Presidency a landslide :-)
Can't wait for DeSantis to primary trump and trump to cry about election fraud when he loses. So much fun.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-03-2022, 7:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The current crop will say and do anything to stop people the think will get in the way of their agenda.
You are describing Trump, the conservative SC members, and yourself.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       07-12-2022, 7:51 AM Reply   
95, I would argue that my standards are just higher than yours.

And....the reality is that the fight against corruption is futile

So, after decades of carrying that torch....I'm going to focus on the matters that only affect me or my business directly...

meanwhile, I'm goin to have a breakfast taco and go about my day
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 10:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
200 miles! Ha ha the border is 2,000 miles long. To be fair the 10% he built hasn't fallen down or have a neon "Trump" sign on it so it's better than expected.
Yep. And part of that also had walls and fencing. he was trying to do more. President does not control the budget. he tried and the democrats stopped him as much as they could. He did re-allocate other money that he could. he also put in policies to keep them in Mexico instead of releasing millions all over the country like biden is doing.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 10:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You are describing Trump, the conservative SC members, and yourself.
Say anything grounded in facts. Democrats... not so much. have you found the 10 year old that was supposedly raped and pregnant yet? Not a work from anyone regarding law enforcement on that. They are all looking. Can't find a single thing on it. other little tid bit. 10 year olds are not ovulating. You literally had this lie come from the presidents mouth. Again. Democrats will say and do anything.

How about biden sending 1 million barrels of oil to the Chinese company that was lining his families pockets? Don't hear too much about that from you guys.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 10:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You should care. And it has zero to do with trump being an outsider. He never drained the swamp, he made the swamp stink worse, more of his appointees, cabinet members...were busted in all kinds of Ethical and legal issues and had to be replaced, more than any pres in history. .
An ex president tried to take over the US Government by use of a violent coup. If you dont care about that, what might be more important? There is no double standard, this has never been attempted in this country. No democrat tried it, if they do they deserve the same treatment. Clinton, if you call impeachment a slap on the wrist for a blow job, seems like a reasonable response. The other Clinton blamed for Benghazi also got what was coming.
No trumps biggest flaw was not just the lies. He and his allies planned a coup, to take over the Govt after losing in the election and knowing he lost. After using the courts to prove his case, losing 60+ times. He had his chance. He chose to lie about election fraud that has been proven over and over, never happened. Based on the lies, he took money from his cult. With republican and far right media assistance he and his clown posse organized several ways to illegally steal the election. Called States to get the SoS to "find 11,800 votes". Fired the AG in Georgia. He organized fake electors in 7 different swing states he lost. They brought counterfeit Trump electoral votes to try to steal the election. He tried to change the Head of the DOJ for the 3rd time in 4 weeks on Jan 3rd, months after losing the election because he found a cult member in a low level position that said he would help sell the lie about election fraud...until the entire DOJ threatened to quit and make obvious the reason to change leadership. ON and on went his crazy plans. We know all this is fact.
You care to explain why you dont care that one of your people tried to do this?
FYI, Hunter, not a part of any US Govt job, he is just a US citizen, if he did something illegal, arrest him, FYI, dems dont give AF about Hunter. . unlike trump who brought the whole family to DC. What were the outcomes of anything Waters did/said? Any riots? Wait, nothing but dozens and dozens of mentions on /FOX????? cause she said "get in their face" No one harmed, no Govt taken over, no riot,....see it isnt the same. If you want to know "just the facts" about the russian collusion, read the Mueller report. It is the US Govt official record of what happened. No dem twist/spin on it. Mueller, republican, appointed by a republican, report completed and released by a Republican. Then you would know. Also, no false indictments, the people charged and found guilty is just that, in fact the guilty were pardoned by??? guess who?
This is not how you get the corruption out of Gov't, is it?
We have major inflation, fuel price, supply issues and more going on i dont disagree. These are not isolated to the US, the exact same issues are in Europe, UK and every country on the planet and FYI, Biden isnt running the rest of the planet.
The 2 parties only working against each other is stupid for us to support when we have too much in common, things that help all Americans can/should be done. But there is only gridlock and more Medical debt BK's than any civilized country in the world. We F ourselves so politicians get $ and power while we as Americans pay for it. Bad System.
You really need to start locally. kalifonia is intentionally screwing the little people. cap and trade that gives money to wealthy land owners such as the sierra club just for doing nothing to land that they literally could do nothing with in the first place. That gets paid by the middle and lower class. Attacking cars when they are only around 10% of the issue with co2. kalifonia is just so obvious on who is getting paid and who has their pockets being lined. Consequently, the amount of crime, homeless and drug addicted continues to climb. Judaical system set up for the criminals to win. Pretty soon the state is going to run out of water. That is going to be fun. Nothing like doubling the population over 3 decades with mostly foreign born people so they can manipulate them for votes, yet not build any infrastructure to support it during the same period. Going to get really interesting over the next decade. Going to be mass migration even more than current.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-12-2022, 12:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
have you found the 10 year old that was supposedly raped and pregnant yet? Not a work from anyone regarding law enforcement on that. They are all looking.
You act like I should care. The apparent source was a pro choice abortion doctor. Biden repeated it because it fit the agenda. Like that never happens in politics. If I obsessed over every bit of crap that goes on like this I would be in as bad of shape as you.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 2:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You act like I should care. The apparent source was a pro choice abortion doctor. Biden repeated it because it fit the agenda. Like that never happens in politics. If I obsessed over every bit of crap that goes on like this I would be in as bad of shape as you.
Not obsessed. Pretty easy pickings really. Just so obvious it is a lie and goes to exactly what I spelled out to your brother SN. Someone makes a fake news story. Some democrap political hack says it out loud as a fact that it was reported and then the useful idiots repeat it. Most basic playbook of the democrap party.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2022, 7:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Not obsessed. Pretty easy pickings really. Just so obvious it is a lie and goes to exactly what I spelled out to your brother SN. Someone makes a fake news story. Some democrap political hack says it out loud as a fact that it was reported and then the useful idiots repeat it. Most basic playbook of the democrap party.
That's the playbook of Fox News as well. That was Trump's playbook for dismantling democracy and replacing it with his own autocracy. The important point here is that you recognize the "playbook" when it goes against your interests, but are completely oblivious when it's aligned with your interests. Both politics and the media are full of lies, half truths, and misdirection. If you are only seeing it on one side then you're not really qualified to use it as an argument.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-14-2022, 6:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Say anything grounded in facts. Democrats... not so much. have you found the 10 year old that was supposedly raped and pregnant yet? Not a work from anyone regarding law enforcement on that. They are all looking. Can't find a single thing on it. other little tid bit. 10 year olds are not ovulating. You literally had this lie come from the presidents mouth. Again. Democrats will say and do anything
Guess you're looking extra stupid now.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2022, 10:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Guess you're looking extra stupid now.
Apparently, Dr. Delta is just as braindead as Trump U Atty Delta. Looks like one party will say or do anything.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2022, 11:02 AM Reply   
Republicans, Small Govt advocates.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-14-2022, 1:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Guess you're looking extra stupid now.
Na. Still trying to figure out how a 10 year old has here period. I would say the egg is on your face a bit. The person they found was an illegal who was raping this "10 year old". Still disgusting. Also the laws in Ohio do allow for that girl to get an abortion so more lies from Biden.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-14-2022, 1:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Na. Still trying to figure out how a 10 year old has here period. I would say the egg is on your face a bit. The person they found was an illegal who was raping this "10 year old". Still disgusting. Also the laws in Ohio do allow for that girl to get an abortion so more lies from Biden.
And not so shockingly you manage to look even more stupid. Who is it that tells you what to think? Because it's clear that you aren't looking at a variety of information sources. The lies are from you parroting your puppet masters. If you made any independent effort whatsoever you'd find in the news reports that the girl was beyond the extremely short limit of six weeks for a legal abortion.

I agree that the news does sometimes repeat misinformation. Like when the media reported the Ukrainians on Snake Island were killed by the Russians, then later it turned out they weren't. And I don't find fault with someone who is repeating information from the news. But repeating conjecture from people editorializing and calling everyone else liars while you repeat lies is what you do.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2022, 3:20 PM Reply   
Conservative opinion on this rape.
1st, it never happened, they are making it all up.
The 10 year old should have been forced to have the rapist's baby.
Jim Bopp, general counsel for the National Right to Life, told Politico that if it were up to him “she would have had the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape, we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child.”
They will go after the doctor who legally performed the abortion.

Because they are the sane ones. F'ing idiots.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2022, 3:42 PM Reply   
Finally, finding all the voter fraud.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-14-2022, 3:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Na. Still trying to figure out how a 10 year old has here period.
Get someone smarter than you to show you how to use Google.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       07-15-2022, 6:12 AM Reply   
I will play the sane republican.....

I don't really blame the right wing media and politicians for claiming that this story was false. There have been dozens of leftist jump to report stories over the past 5 when charges against this guy didn't happen very fast, it did seem very suspect at first. This is true especially following the debunk of the border whipping, where Biden and others were calling for the firing of agents. I am glad to see that the right is at least trying to fight back.

As far as abortion....

I think that the court got it right. Unlike what is being reported from the left, they didn't make it illegal, but simply gave it back to the states. If congress wanted this to remain federal, they have had plenty of chances, and still do. I do believe that most Americans want some sort of legal abortion. I'd even go so far as to say that first trimester is even a reality. Eventually, I believe, that most states' laws will reflect this. It might take a while. I also believe that most Americans are not okay with late term termination.

I do believe that the left has gone too far with the call to protest. I think this is dangerous. They are trying to de-legitimatize the court because things haven't gone their way. They should instead encourage people to vote or encourage congress to change some laws. And yes, this works both ways

As far as energy....
I'm growing tired of the Biden responses. I do agree that his words and some actions are what has caused this crisis. He has attacked big oil from day one.

The only reason that there has been SOME relief , is because this Court has taken epa type of regulatory decisions out of the hands of one guy....and has forced it back to congressional approval.

I'm sure some won't agree, but each his own
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2022, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
I will play the sane republican.....

I don't really blame the right wing media and politicians for claiming that this story was false. There have been dozens of leftist jump to report stories over the past 5 when charges against this guy didn't happen very fast, it did seem very suspect at first. This is true especially following the debunk of the border whipping, where Biden and others were calling for the firing of agents. I am glad to see that the right is at least trying to fight back.

As far as abortion....

I think that the court got it right. Unlike what is being reported from the left, they didn't make it illegal, but simply gave it back to the states. If congress wanted this to remain federal, they have had plenty of chances, and still do. I do believe that most Americans want some sort of legal abortion. I'd even go so far as to say that first trimester is even a reality. Eventually, I believe, that most states' laws will reflect this. It might take a while. I also believe that most Americans are not okay with late term termination.

I do believe that the left has gone too far with the call to protest. I think this is dangerous. They are trying to de-legitimatize the court because things haven't gone their way. They should instead encourage people to vote or encourage congress to change some laws. And yes, this works both ways

As far as energy....
I'm growing tired of the Biden responses. I do agree that his words and some actions are what has caused this crisis. He has attacked big oil from day one.

The only reason that there has been SOME relief , is because this Court has taken epa type of regulatory decisions out of the hands of one guy....and has forced it back to congressional approval.

I'm sure some won't agree, but each his own
When a 10 year old is raped and pregnant, the only sane response should be empathy to the child and to find her help. thats all that is required. Thats not what happened and she did have to go across state lines to get medical care. If you dont believe the story, then shut up til it proven or disproven. Thats all you need to do to not be an A-hole. Pretty small requirement and Gym Jordan and the fox crew would not have to erase their lying tweets in embarrassment. Too much to ask?
Correct, the SC didnt make abortion illegal, they returned the decision to the states. And then immediately 26 states made abortion illegal, so yes, they gave those states the power to make it illegal. Plus, they knew in advance that is exactly what would happen.
The policy in those 26 states is not popular, nor desired by most residents R or D. Its minority rule in action. 95% of abortions ARE done in the 1st tri. 98.7% of abortions are done prior to week 20. Late term abortions are extremely rare. If your girlfriend get preg, you gonna force her to have the baby like those 26 states do?
People are upset w/ SC because they are ruling for minority conservative opinion. Thus most of the country is in disagreement. They have a conservative majority due to politics, appointments by a president who lost the popular vote by over 3 million votes. They (McConnell)cheated Obama out of a pick 10 months prior to election and then hypocritically he ushered in Barrett after the 2020 election was under way, an election that republicans lost again. The last 3 picks all while under consideration and oath all admitted Roe was settled law, then once on the court for lifetime job changed their mind or lied to congress. Thus they de-legitimized the SC all on their own w/o help.
Big oil still raking in 300% increase in profits. Still, oil prices are set internationally not at the presidential level in any way. Unless the US govt takes over the oil industry he cant do much just like trump couldnt do much when oil prices crashed to $20/barrel.
W/o an agreed upon starting line its always hard to agree. Y'all still believe Trump won, Biden cheated and still cant find a sliver of cheating after 2 years of claims. Sure, sane.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2022, 11:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
And not so shockingly you manage to look even more stupid. Who is it that tells you what to think? Because it's clear that you aren't looking at a variety of information sources. The lies are from you parroting your puppet masters. If you made any independent effort whatsoever you'd find in the news reports that the girl was beyond the extremely short limit of six weeks for a legal abortion.

I agree that the news does sometimes repeat misinformation. Like when the media reported the Ukrainians on Snake Island were killed by the Russians, then later it turned out they weren't. And I don't find fault with someone who is repeating information from the news. But repeating conjecture from people editorializing and calling everyone else liars while you repeat lies is what you do.
You don't think a doctor would say that her life was in danger which would make her eligible?

While it is sick regardless, I still find it difficult to believe the girl is 10 when the average age is 12-13 years old. Still a sick person regardless.

The guy is still an illegal who managed to walk 2000 miles to Ohio or was this one that was dropped off by Joe on a charter plane?

The mother of the girl is defending the guy as well.

Don't lay this on the Supreme court. A girl that young raped by a 27 year old should have been at the doctor well before 6 weeks or any days.

The state of Ohio will have the opportunity to amend the abortion law as they see fit.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2022, 11:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
When a 10 year old is raped and pregnant, the only sane response should be empathy to the child and to find her help. thats all that is required. Thats not what happened and she did have to go across state lines to get medical care. If you dont believe the story, then shut up til it proven or disproven. Thats all you need to do to not be an A-hole. Pretty small requirement and Gym Jordan and the fox crew would not have to erase their lying tweets in embarrassment. Too much to ask?
Correct, the SC didnt make abortion illegal, they returned the decision to the states. And then immediately 26 states made abortion illegal, so yes, they gave those states the power to make it illegal. Plus, they knew in advance that is exactly what would happen.
The policy in those 26 states is not popular, nor desired by most residents R or D. Its minority rule in action. 95% of abortions ARE done in the 1st tri. 98.7% of abortions are done prior to week 20. Late term abortions are extremely rare. If your girlfriend get preg, you gonna force her to have the baby like those 26 states do?
People are upset w/ SC because they are ruling for minority conservative opinion. Thus most of the country is in disagreement. They have a conservative majority due to politics, appointments by a president who lost the popular vote by over 3 million votes. They (McConnell)cheated Obama out of a pick 10 months prior to election and then hypocritically he ushered in Barrett after the 2020 election was under way, an election that republicans lost again. The last 3 picks all while under consideration and oath all admitted Roe was settled law, then once on the court for lifetime job changed their mind or lied to congress. Thus they de-legitimized the SC all on their own w/o help.
Big oil still raking in 300% increase in profits. Still, oil prices are set internationally not at the presidential level in any way. Unless the US govt takes over the oil industry he cant do much just like trump couldnt do much when oil prices crashed to $20/barrel.
W/o an agreed upon starting line its always hard to agree. Y'all still believe Trump won, Biden cheated and still cant find a sliver of cheating after 2 years of claims. Sure, sane.
All I hear is whining from you.

So what you are saying it your party supports brutal murder of a developed baby? 1.3% after 20 weeks means that 1 million babies that could have lived outside the mother have been murdered.

So much for abortion in the case of rape. Have there been 82 million rapes in this country? basically 1/4 of the US population has been aborted.

While I do have a problem in general with abortion and definitely how crooked the abortion industry is, there is compromises to be made. There are plenty of morning after products now. not even your authoritarian European buddies allow abortion after 12 weeks. Sounds to me that you just laid out a case that if majority of abortions are in the first trimester, then the ban should start at the first trimester period. you can even argue down to 6 weeks with modern technology and morning after pills. You have fully formed finger prints after 6 weeks according to the FBI.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2022, 11:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
When a 10 year old is raped and pregnant, the only sane response should be empathy to the child and to find her help. thats all that is required. Thats not what happened and she did have to go across state lines to get medical care. If you dont believe the story, then shut up til it proven or disproven. Thats all you need to do to not be an A-hole. Pretty small requirement and Gym Jordan and the fox crew would not have to erase their lying tweets in embarrassment. Too much to ask?
Correct, the SC didnt make abortion illegal, they returned the decision to the states. And then immediately 26 states made abortion illegal, so yes, they gave those states the power to make it illegal. Plus, they knew in advance that is exactly what would happen.
The policy in those 26 states is not popular, nor desired by most residents R or D. Its minority rule in action. 95% of abortions ARE done in the 1st tri. 98.7% of abortions are done prior to week 20. Late term abortions are extremely rare. If your girlfriend get preg, you gonna force her to have the baby like those 26 states do?
People are upset w/ SC because they are ruling for minority conservative opinion. Thus most of the country is in disagreement. They have a conservative majority due to politics, appointments by a president who lost the popular vote by over 3 million votes. They (McConnell)cheated Obama out of a pick 10 months prior to election and then hypocritically he ushered in Barrett after the 2020 election was under way, an election that republicans lost again. The last 3 picks all while under consideration and oath all admitted Roe was settled law, then once on the court for lifetime job changed their mind or lied to congress. Thus they de-legitimized the SC all on their own w/o help.
Big oil still raking in 300% increase in profits. Still, oil prices are set internationally not at the presidential level in any way. Unless the US govt takes over the oil industry he cant do much just like trump couldnt do much when oil prices crashed to $20/barrel.
W/o an agreed upon starting line its always hard to agree. Y'all still believe Trump won, Biden cheated and still cant find a sliver of cheating after 2 years of claims. Sure, sane.
Also, when a "10 year old" is raped, you guys should really start blaming the person who raped her and quit giving the criminals a pass.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2022, 11:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
And not so shockingly you manage to look even more stupid. Who is it that tells you what to think? Because it's clear that you aren't looking at a variety of information sources. The lies are from you parroting your puppet masters. If you made any independent effort whatsoever you'd find in the news reports that the girl was beyond the extremely short limit of six weeks for a legal abortion.

I agree that the news does sometimes repeat misinformation. Like when the media reported the Ukrainians on Snake Island were killed by the Russians, then later it turned out they weren't. And I don't find fault with someone who is repeating information from the news. But repeating conjecture from people editorializing and calling everyone else liars while you repeat lies is what you do.
Also don't really care what you say on it. you have 2 pieces of information that just do not add up. a 10 year old who would be in the very low statistical population to ovulate that young. Next is no arrest of a mandatory report to law enforcement from the doctors and then the arrest of a suspect. So yes. The right response is to call bull$hit until YOU can prove it. Biden lied about the border patrol. Lies about inflation. Lies about his war on fossil fuels. Lied about Russian collusion. So, no. I do not believe something as politically charged as that with 2 very suspect facts on the front of it. If Joe would do his job, maybe that illegal would not have been here to rape her.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2022, 12:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
All I hear is whining from you.

So what you are saying it your party supports brutal murder of a developed baby? 1.3% after 20 weeks means that 1 million babies that could have lived outside the mother have been murdered.

So much for abortion in the case of rape. Have there been 82 million rapes in this country? basically 1/4 of the US population has been aborted.

While I do have a problem in general with abortion and definitely how crooked the abortion industry is, there is compromises to be made. There are plenty of morning after products now. not even your authoritarian European buddies allow abortion after 12 weeks. Sounds to me that you just laid out a case that if majority of abortions are in the first trimester, then the ban should start at the first trimester period. you can even argue down to 6 weeks with modern technology and morning after pills. You have fully formed finger prints after 6 weeks according to the FBI.
A developed baby? Did you know you could freeze that developed baby for 25 years or so and its still viable? Can you do that with a baby? Dont be a fool and whine about 1% of abortions. If their are compromises to be made, then why are republicans attempting to outlaw the practice nationwide?
Why is the AG trying to investigate the doc that did the abortion on the 10 yr old?
Hospitals in TX refusing to assist in emergency situation.
Republicans trying to outlaw morning after pills and/or outlawing them in red states.
In 95% of Europe abortion is legal, 18-24 weeks. Stop your lying or educate yourself.

Some European countries’ laws set the time limit for abortion on request or broad social grounds between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy, whereas others set the limit around the first trimester of pregnancy. However, all these countries’ laws also allow access later in pregnancy in specific circumstances, such as where a woman’s health or life is at risk. The standard practice across Europe is to not impose time limits on these reason-based grounds.

GD, youre an idiot.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2022, 12:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Also, when a "10 year old" is raped, you guys should really start blaming the person who raped her and quit giving the criminals a pass.
But saying it didnt happen was what FOX's Tucker said, what Jordan said, what you said...
Point out where anyone but you gave the perp a pass, see, youre a moron.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-15-2022, 3:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You don't think a doctor would say that her life was in danger which would make her eligible?
That's one difference between you and me. I wouldn't force a raped 10yr old to have a baby just because her life wasn't in danger.

Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The mother of the girl is defending the guy as well.
I can't think of why this is relevant.

Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Don't lay this on the Supreme court. A girl that young raped by a 27 year old should have been at the doctor well before 6 weeks or any days.

The state of Ohio will have the opportunity to amend the abortion law as they see fit.
We used to have a Supreme Court that would stop the state of Ohio from denying abortions for raped 10yr olds. So there is that.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       07-17-2022, 4:46 AM Reply   
okay 95. I hope you have a great weekend
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-17-2022, 11:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
okay 95. I hope you have a great weekend
Hola my friend. Wasnt it you who said that the Secret Service guys refuted Cassidy Hutchenson's testimony, the one where she was under oath and they were not? She said trump went nuts in the limo, They said trump didnt cry about going back to the West wing when he wanted to go to the Capitol. Well it looks like they may not be trustworthy. Not only did they fail to get under oath to state their claims, now it looks like they deleted text messages. Wonder why? This sounds illegal in my unprofessional opinion. You? Wonder whats on those texts when they are recovered, hmmm? Kinzinger used the word "crazy", me i would use Felony, Criminal, obstruction, Conspiracy, Cover-up...
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 8:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
A developed baby? Did you know you could freeze that developed baby for 25 years or so and its still viable? Can you do that with a baby? Dont be a fool and whine about 1% of abortions. If their are compromises to be made, then why are republicans attempting to outlaw the practice nationwide?
Why is the AG trying to investigate the doc that did the abortion on the 10 yr old?
Hospitals in TX refusing to assist in emergency situation.
Republicans trying to outlaw morning after pills and/or outlawing them in red states.
In 95% of Europe abortion is legal, 18-24 weeks. Stop your lying or educate yourself.

Some European countries’ laws set the time limit for abortion on request or broad social grounds between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy, whereas others set the limit around the first trimester of pregnancy. However, all these countries’ laws also allow access later in pregnancy in specific circumstances, such as where a woman’s health or life is at risk. The standard practice across Europe is to not impose time limits on these reason-based grounds.

GD, youre an idiot.
You are calling someone an idiot and then claiming you can freeze a developed baby for 25 years? You only have about 5 or 6 days to freeze a fertilized egg. You can not freeze beyond blastocyst.

Let's look at your precious Roe v Wade

The court divided pregnancy into three trimesters, and declared that the choice to end a pregnancy in the first trimester was solely up to the woman. In the second trimester, the government could regulate abortion, although not ban it, in order to protect the mother’s health.

In the third trimester, the state could prohibit abortion to protect a fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb, except when a woman’s health was in danger.

So looky there. Even Roe v Wade had limitations. The Roe in this is staunchly anti abortion after learning how she was used. At the end of the day. The judicial branch does not make law. They did the right thing as sent it back to the states who retain the authority to manage their states.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 8:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
That's one difference between you and me. I wouldn't force a raped 10yr old to have a baby just because her life wasn't in danger.

I can't think of why this is relevant.

We used to have a Supreme Court that would stop the state of Ohio from denying abortions for raped 10yr olds. So there is that.
You don't think they could find a doctor in Ohio that would say it was dangerous for a "10 year old" to carry a baby?

The mother allowed this rape to happen.

There used to be a time when democrats said that abortion should be rare or for rape or health, not a after party procedure. we now have killed 1/4 or our population. The person who started planned parenthood also got her wish as she did not want blacks or other undesirables to have babies. Remember. Sanger is hillary's hero
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 8:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Hola my friend. Wasnt it you who said that the Secret Service guys refuted Cassidy Hutchenson's testimony, the one where she was under oath and they were not? She said trump went nuts in the limo, They said trump didnt cry about going back to the West wing when he wanted to go to the Capitol. Well it looks like they may not be trustworthy. Not only did they fail to get under oath to state their claims, now it looks like they deleted text messages. Wonder why? This sounds illegal in my unprofessional opinion. You? Wonder whats on those texts when they are recovered, hmmm? Kinzinger used the word "crazy", me i would use Felony, Criminal, obstruction, Conspiracy, Cover-up...
Seems like we agree. Clinton destroyed about 32,000 of those.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-19-2022, 9:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You are calling someone an idiot and then claiming you can freeze a developed baby for 25 years? You only have about 5 or 6 days to freeze a fertilized egg. You can not freeze beyond blastocyst.

Let's look at your precious Roe v Wade

The court divided pregnancy into three trimesters, and declared that the choice to end a pregnancy in the first trimester was solely up to the woman. In the second trimester, the government could regulate abortion, although not ban it, in order to protect the mother’s health.

In the third trimester, the state could prohibit abortion to protect a fetus that could survive on its own outside the womb, except when a woman’s health was in danger.

So looky there. Even Roe v Wade had limitations. The Roe in this is staunchly anti abortion after learning how she was used. At the end of the day. The judicial branch does not make law. They did the right thing as sent it back to the states who retain the authority to manage their states.
You were calling a zygote a developed baby, your term.
Roe made abortion, ie womans healthcare available in all states. The SC just made abortion illegal in 26 states in a single day. Now they are attacking day after pills and contraceptives. What a great place to live. SC's Thomas says marriage laws are next. Thought GOP was about less gov't intrusion?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-19-2022, 9:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Seems like we agree. Clinton destroyed about 32,000 of those.
Thought Cliton showed up and answered questions for over 9 hours? Found not guilty, How much obstruction? How many times did she plead the 5th? Yep, exactly the same.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-19-2022, 9:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You don't think they could find a doctor in Ohio that would say it was dangerous for a "10 year old" to carry a baby?

The mother allowed this rape to happen.

There used to be a time when democrats said that abortion should be rare or for rape or health, not a after party procedure. we now have killed 1/4 or our population. The person who started planned parenthood also got her wish as she did not want blacks or other undesirables to have babies. Remember. Sanger is hillary's hero
Allowed it to happen? You expect a 10 year old and her mom her to fight off her attacker or are you blaming the nasty way a 10 year old dressed? This is part of the small thinking party. Thinking they just use abortion as birth control, just a bunch of sluts. You think daughters of republicans are any different? Doctors right now afraid of helping ectopic pregs, and waiting on fetus to die in the womb before assisting the mothers. You sure believe some mind blowing BS, Fing brainwashed.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 10:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Allowed it to happen? You expect a 10 year old and her mom her to fight off her attacker or are you blaming the nasty way a 10 year old dressed? This is part of the small thinking party. Thinking they just use abortion as birth control, just a bunch of sluts. You think daughters of republicans are any different? Doctors right now afraid of helping ectopic pregs, and waiting on fetus to die in the womb before assisting the mothers. You sure believe some mind blowing BS, Fing brainwashed.
I guess you have not heard about the interview with her by the spanish speaking outlet where she is defending the guy and saying he is not what people are saying.

You sure add a lot of things in your head. Lay off the drugs dude.

We have aborted 1/4 of the US population. You saying there were 82 million rapes? You saying that 82 million women were doing to die in childbirth? The statistics are no where near to being your friend. With the stats being against you on rape and health of the mother, you can fill in the blanks however you want on what women are using abortion for. Like I said, there is room for compromise. Apparently you are not able to hear that. You apparently are not able to hear what states like kalifornia are pushing for including abortion just after birth. Just sick.

So with the supreme court being more conservative, is it now ok for them to legislate from the bench? Asking for a friend.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 10:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You were calling a zygote a developed baby, your term.
Roe made abortion, ie womans healthcare available in all states. The SC just made abortion illegal in 26 states in a single day. Now they are attacking day after pills and contraceptives. What a great place to live. SC's Thomas says marriage laws are next. Thought GOP was about less gov't intrusion?

Supreme Court did not create a law out of thin air. They abolished an unconstitutional law that was created out of thin air.

Then thank your drug addled mind that you live in kalifornia. You can do what you want. Sounds like that sex change is still in the cards. Overall, it looks like it is working out very well for this state. The other states populations don't want to be kalifornia. So be it. that is the charter of the USofA. The states maintain their rights not specifically called out for in the constitution. Pretty simple really. The people in those states will work it out. They had 50 years to see what worked and what did not work. I know, I know. You democrats are not really into people being about to vote for what is best for them, well until you vote something in that really screws everyone else then you simply say if you don't vote in your own best interest you are fool.

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