Join Date: Sep 2005
02-17-2022, 4:27 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
And guess what. They are going to make more and more as places like kali say you can not buy cars that use fuel in the state starting next decade. Still going to be cars here. They will just boost the cost of fuel up because it will be rare and the there needs to be a profit to supply it or it is not worth it. Now we will have oil and electricity people in our pockets due to the stupid a$$ policies of this state
Move the goal posts again Strawman
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-17-2022, 5:12 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Move the goal posts again Strawman
Goal posts. You mean like nonsense about Trump's visitor logs or disagreement with an accounting firm or he cheated on his wife 3 decades ago or you name what ever it is every other day by the fake news keeping people like you clicking on their links. Those kind of straw men. Not policies like they have inacted that will cost more to live here? More money to leave the local economies. More crime. More homelessness. More businesses leaving. Not unimportant things like that. Trump and his visitor logs is the one.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-17-2022, 6:28 PM
No, You made the claim that accounting corps always, common, happens everyday they dump their clients and report that the work they did should not ne relied upon because its false, that goal post. You couldnt find a single incident of it happening could you little liar. fail.
Trump did everything he could to block the 1/6 committee from getting the visitor logs, why if he has nothing to hide? According to trump "only the guilty have things to hide". He doesnt want them to know who he was meeting with after he lost the election for some reason, you know the other insurrectionists, the plotters and planners. As an FYI, obama made visitor logs open and available daily, as does Biden, its a trump thing to hide info. Cheating on his wife wasnt 30 year ago, although he was cheating on that wife too, and the other one too. Hes never had a wife he didnt cheat on. His cheating with the porn stars was much more recent. In fact was while his wife was in the hospital giving birth to his son, such a nice caring christian gentleman. He was still paying them in 2016. Those goal posts, same every time you back yourself into a corner with your mouth.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-17-2022, 9:57 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No, You made the claim that accounting corps always, common, happens everyday they dump their clients and report that the work they did should not ne relied upon because its false, that goal post. You couldnt find a single incident of it happening could you little liar. fail.
Trump did everything he could to block the 1/6 committee from getting the visitor logs, why if he has nothing to hide? According to trump "only the guilty have things to hide". He doesnt want them to know who he was meeting with after he lost the election for some reason, you know the other insurrectionists, the plotters and planners. As an FYI, obama made visitor logs open and available daily, as does Biden, its a trump thing to hide info. Cheating on his wife wasnt 30 year ago, although he was cheating on that wife too, and the other one too. Hes never had a wife he didnt cheat on. His cheating with the porn stars was much more recent. In fact was while his wife was in the hospital giving birth to his son, such a nice caring christian gentleman. He was still paying them in 2016. Those goal posts, same every time you back yourself into a corner with your mouth.
You’re worried about a guy banging porn stars and supermodels while your guy is putting people who want to **** dogs , donkeys and role play with animals in office. That’s priceless. I’ve read about 30 paragraphs of your hypocrisy. You played ostrich once again when confronted with all the recent unanimous votes taking property rights away from owners and supporting dead east and squatters. Let’s see you bury your head for this.
Brinton has raised eyebrows on social media for his open advocacy of sexual fetishism and expressed enthusiasm for “puppy play,” a sexual “kink” involving role-playing as animals, in a post in the student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-18-2022, 5:53 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
It was done after Hunter was on the board and they were looking into why they would give a ex_VP's son such a lofty sum of money for knowing nothing about energy or even the language he was doing business in.
Durham probe is not a boondoggle. You really don't understand what the democrats did do you? They tried to create a soft coup to unseat Trump. They did it by manipulating the highest levels of government law enforcement. That is extremely dangerous. They had people being elected to congress who's first words were they were going to impeach him. There was nothing to impeach Trump for unless of course you already knew what they were setting up. I can not believe you buy into letting people get away with such corruption with the likes that have never been seen in this country before.
We can talk about what Clinton and the democrat party did and still talk about all the other stuff that is killing main street and the nuclear family. it is not a one or the other issue. You have a bias against Trump and you want what your hero hillary and the other democrats tried to do against Trump to be legit. That way you can keep your bias and justify the words you used for the last few years. What is really happening is your bias is keeping you from seeing that the democrats were close to pushing us into a civil war and were lucky it only ended with Jan 6 and a few people. That is what you should be worried about.
Beating the "lock her up" drum and amplifying investigations that are damn near likely to go no where hypes the furthest right of the party, but it will not win elections. I have been right every time. I said from the beginning that the Trump movement of the party further right would lead to losses for Republicans. In four quick years, the republicans lost everything. You are not going to find more votes on the furthest right. The votes we need are in the middle and the middle doesn't care about conspiracies, investigations, or the evil mainstream media. They are worried about jobs, inflation, debt, etc. Streamline the message and take the midterms.
Or confuse the heck out of everyone by breathing life into pointless investigations and unsubstantiated conspiracy. Let guys like Trump shout down the real important message with whining and anger. Primary incumbent republicans with candidates that cannot win general elections. Like I said, the midterms are the republican's to lose and the morons of the party are poised to do it for them again.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-18-2022, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Beating the "lock her up" drum and amplifying investigations that are damn near likely to go no where hypes the furthest right of the party, but it will not win elections
Is she not in jail yet? Weird I thought that was on Trumps to do list like "build the wall"?
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-18-2022, 10:08 AM
[QUOTE=xstarrider;2014382]You’re worried about a guy banging porn stars and supermodels while your guy is putting people who want to **** dogs , donkeys and role play with animals in office. That’s priceless. I’ve read about 30 paragraphs of your hypocrisy. You played ostrich once again when confronted with all the recent unanimous votes taking property rights away from owners and supporting dead east and squatters. Let’s see you bury your head for this.
Brinton has raised eyebrows on social media for his open advocacy of sexual fetishism and expressed enthusiasm for “puppy play,” a sexual “kink” involving role-playing as animals, in a post in the student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017.
What kind of uneducated bigot are you? The dude is more than qualified for the position. Maybe take 5 seconds and take a look at the nuclear science degrees and MIT doctorate qualifications before you bash someone for their personal preferences. What are you doing in your closet? We dont care. Bigot.
Cheating on every wife you ever had is done only by the morally bankrupt, ask any real Christian about it Exodus 20-17.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-18-2022, 10:15 AM
LOL, Durham already walking back the far right crazies. Nothing burger. As predicted.
Trump and Barr set up Durham so that he could release damaging info before the 2020 election, its 2022, nothing but 3 minor indictments. One guy got probation, sussmann is a weak case, hell probably walk w/ nothing. What?, no complaints about the time and $$ wasted??? And the right is completely unglued. lol. But they got to yell Lock Her Up !!! again. Clownshow.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-18-2022, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, Durham already walking back the far right crazies. Nothing burger. As predicted.
Trump and Barr set up Durham so that he could release damaging info before the 2020 election, its 2022, nothing but 3 minor indictments. One guy got probation, sussmann is a weak case, hell probably walk w/ nothing. What?, no complaints about the time and $$ wasted??? And the right is completely unglued. lol. But they got to yell Lock Her Up !!! again. Clownshow.
That can't be right trump said they deserved the death penalty?
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-18-2022, 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Brinton has raised eyebrows on social media for his open advocacy of sexual fetishism and expressed enthusiasm for “puppy play,” a sexual “kink” involving role-playing as animals, in a post in the student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017.
What kind of uneducated bigot are you? The dude is more than qualified for the position. Maybe take 5 seconds and take a look at the nuclear science degrees and MIT doctorate qualifications before you bash someone for their personal preferences. What are you doing in your closet? We dont care. Bigot.
Cheating on every wife you ever had is done only by the morally bankrupt, ask any real Christian about it Exodus 20-17.
So having sex with women in your bedroom is morally outlandish , but someone engaging in sex with grown men dressed as dogs. , using his position of authority to promote that view , and encouraging others to take part in experiencing sex with animals is completely ok with you. Once again you make your hypocrisy and mental retardation shine bright for all to see .
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-18-2022 at 11:18 PM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-19-2022, 8:57 AM
I am sure it’s just another coincidence a close Epstein associate is found mysteriously dead in prison
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-19-2022, 9:31 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
So having sex with women in your bedroom is morally outlandish , but someone engaging in sex with grown men dressed as dogs. , using his position of authority to promote that view , and encouraging others to take part in experiencing sex with animals is completely ok with you. Once again you make your hypocrisy and mental retardation shine bright for all to see .
Nothing morally outlandish in either. I think you are a little triggered. Where is he using his position to promote or encourage anything other than rocket science? Once again you are a bigot. Anyone not like you=bad. In addition to his position, he is a LGBTQ activist, as his wiki says in black and white for you. Not too much different than yourself, a sworn LEO and a far right activist.
Join Date: Jul 2007
02-22-2022, 4:12 PM
This dumbass continues to kiss Putin's ass.
"Trump subsequently claimed — without evidence, and at odds with all the evidence gathered by U.S. intelligence officials — that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that had interfered in the 2016 election. In Trump's elaborate conspiracy theory, Ukraine did this in order to frame Russia. And what was Trump's source for these claims, according to one senior government official who spoke to the Washington Post? “Putin told me.”"
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-23-2022, 6:26 AM
Originally Posted by brettw
This dumbass continues to kiss Putin's ass.
"Trump subsequently claimed — without evidence, and at odds with all the evidence gathered by U.S. intelligence officials — that it was Ukraine, not Russia, that had interfered in the 2016 election. In Trump's elaborate conspiracy theory, Ukraine did this in order to frame Russia. And what was Trump's source for these claims, according to one senior government official who spoke to the Washington Post? “Putin told me.”"
Putin is a real-life super villain. The guy is set up to be around a long time too. He has visions of reunifying the old Soviet States and he means to do it. Sanctions alone won't work on Russia, they are experts at suffering. I don't know how much longer Putin can be ignored. My preference would be that Europe grow a pair before they have another Hitler on their hands, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I don't see him stopping until he is met with force...
In no way is he someone to be idolized. He is a dictator, with an eye on expansion. I don't know if he will stop with Ukraine.
Join Date: Jun 2004
02-23-2022, 7:45 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Putin is a real-life super villain. The guy is set up to be around a long time too. He has visions of reunifying the old Soviet States and he means to do it. Sanctions alone won't work on Russia, they are experts at suffering. I don't know how much longer Putin can be ignored. My preference would be that Europe grow a pair before they have another Hitler on their hands, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I don't see him stopping until he is met with force...
In no way is he someone to be idolized. He is a dictator, with an eye on expansion. I don't know if he will stop with Ukraine.
When you say "Grow a pair", you mean "Start a war"? How about compromising and agreeing that Ukraine won't be invited into NATO, and see where that goes first. So far we have our idiots in DC, and I mean all of them, saying that any concession is a non starter. Russian isn't going to take over Europe. That would be a mess too big to handle for any country.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-23-2022, 8:37 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
When you say "Grow a pair", you mean "Start a war"? How about compromising and agreeing that Ukraine won't be invited into NATO, and see where that goes first. So far we have our idiots in DC, and I mean all of them, saying that any concession is a non starter. Russian isn't going to take over Europe. That would be a mess too big to handle for any country.
Putin has already started a war in their back yard whether they want it or not. I don't know all of the details, but permanently blocking Ukraine from NATO seems to keep them under Putin's thumb. Also, Putin has a long history of taking, not giving. How long would that concession buy? Russia, by invading Ukraine, is taking over Europe. Is Ukraine sovereign or are we buying into the historical twist that Putin is selling?
I'm not saying it is a US problem, yet. I definitely do not want the US committing to a US lead fight until there is absolutely no choice. Europe and NATO need to do something or all of Ukraine will be his soon. He tested the water with Crimea, it worked and his appetite has grown. He has another 30+ years in power. Do you think Ukraine will keep him satisfied?
Join Date: Jun 2004
02-23-2022, 8:58 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Putin has already started a war in their back yard whether they want it or not. I don't know all of the details, but permanently blocking Ukraine from NATO seems to keep them under Putin's thumb. Also, Putin has a long history of taking, not giving. How long would that concession buy? Russia, by invading Ukraine, is taking over Europe. Is Ukraine sovereign or are we buying into the historical twist that Putin is selling?
I'm not saying it is a US problem, yet. I definitely do not want the US committing to a US lead fight until there is absolutely no choice. Europe and NATO need to do something or all of Ukraine will be his soon. He tested the water with Crimea, it worked and his appetite has grown. He has another 30+ years in power. Do you think Ukraine will keep him satisfied?
What I think is that your approach is the worst one possible. In case you haven't noticed, there is nothing in your post that suggests a solution. You are only insinuating the need (for Europe) to go to war. Your posts is full of "ifs" to justify war. How long would that concession need to work to justify avoiding a war? That's the question you should be asking. Was Afghanistan or Iraq sovereign? How sovereign was Syria when we provided weapons to the insurrectionists? Ukraine is a lot closer to Russia than any of those other countries are to the US, but we had no problem not respecting their sovereignty.
It doesn't cost anything to give Putin what he has already. That being a Ukraine unaffiliated with NATO. If we make that concession and Russia agrees to it, then that sets the stage for firm policy in the future. Something conspicuously absent from all this tough talk is the recognition that the US would not tolerate an adversary building up arms on our border. That was demonstrated in 1962.
Join Date: Oct 2005
02-23-2022, 9:33 AM
well, one thing is for certain.....we don't have the leadership in Washington to handle any of 2022's problems. Our current "leaders" are an absolute disaster. worst ever
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-23-2022, 10:26 AM
I think, fear of Ukraine joining NATO is a fake narrative from putin. Ukraine doesnt qualify for admittance on several fronts and putin knows it. NATO is not a threat to Russia's security, its just Putin talk. He wants to take another country. Just like he did in 2008 and 2014.
Join Date: Jun 2004
02-23-2022, 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I think, fear of Ukraine joining NATO is a fake narrative from putin. Ukraine doesnt qualify for admittance on several fronts and putin knows it. NATO is not a threat to Russia's security, its just Putin talk. He wants to take another country. Just like he did in 2008 and 2014.
All the more reason to offer it up. Call his bluff. You say NATO isn't a threat to Russia's security. What exactly then is the purpose for NATO? What other nation could conceivably be enough of a threat to require the NATO alliance?
WTF is the logic in being unwilling to compromise when you are claiming that the things that don't matter are "non starters" in a negotiation? I know that if Russia was asking for something that didn't matter, I'd have my negotiators jump right on it and prove to the world that we are earnestly working for a deal. All I see are people hanging on the erroneous belief that we are powerful Gods that rule the planet for better good of all. That's pretty much how we get into every war, killing a lot of people, selling a lot of weapons, creating refugees, and looking like fools.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-23-2022, 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
All the more reason to offer it up. Call his bluff. You say NATO isn't a threat to Russia's security. What exactly then is the purpose for NATO? What other nation could conceivably be enough of a threat to require the NATO alliance?
WTF is the logic in being unwilling to compromise when you are claiming that the things that don't matter are "non starters" in a negotiation? I know that if Russia was asking for something that didn't matter, I'd have my negotiators jump right on it and prove to the world that we are earnestly working for a deal. All I see are people hanging on the erroneous belief that we are powerful Gods that rule the planet for better good of all. That's pretty much how we get into every war, killing a lot of people, selling a lot of weapons, creating refugees, and looking like fools.
Trump was exactly right when he told the Germans to their face that them getting on Russia's energy supply was going to be their downfall. The Germans cut out nuclear power and coal and decided to get energy from Russia which their alliance with NATO was designed to protect them from is all about. With the Nordstream pipelines Russia can bypass Ukraine to get fuel to Europe on top of it all. Isnt there a bit of fuel in Ukraine as well? Wasn't that Hitlers goal to head south in that area to seize the oil fields before he split his forces to teach Stalin a lesson by taking Stalingrad which pretty much ended Germany's thrust eastward?
All I know someone is lying. Only people yelling about war is Biden. Europe does not seemed concerned. Ukraine leader just said those exact words after Harris was over there talking. According the the Ukraine leaders words. Russia says they don't want war. Ukraine says they do not want war. Europe says they do not want war. He said someone is lying.
Why was one of Bidens very first things to do was give Russia the OK to build their pipeline and shut down ours? Seems really odd since Trump was the one to shut it down. With all things being on the table and listening to the words that have been said out loud and living in a state that pushes this same bull crap, this is a move by Biden to push gas prices up. The democrats for a few decades now have pushed for high gas prices. Going all the way back to Carter. Gore ran on it. Kalifornia has always tried it. Obama told putin he has not flexibility until after his election. flexibility for what? Biden wants us on electric cars. All the automakers are ramping up production for it. This is all manufactured to push that agenda. Nothing else makes any sense.
Join Date: Jun 2004
02-23-2022, 2:58 PM
Carter was right all along when he stressed the importance of raising efficiency standards for autos. Think of all the crap we could avoided if society was behind that advice. I don't hang all this on Biden. I really don't see him getting beat up over his non negotiating negotiations. Seems like everyone in DC is on the "we need to be tough" page. Strikes me that they are all idiots because they know being "weak" on Russia is a bad look.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-23-2022, 3:24 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
All the more reason to offer it up. Call his bluff. You say NATO isn't a threat to Russia's security. What exactly then is the purpose for NATO? What other nation could conceivably be enough of a threat to require the NATO alliance?
WTF is the logic in being unwilling to compromise when you are claiming that the things that don't matter are "non starters" in a negotiation? I know that if Russia was asking for something that didn't matter, I'd have my negotiators jump right on it and prove to the world that we are earnestly working for a deal. All I see are people hanging on the erroneous belief that we are powerful Gods that rule the planet for better good of all. That's pretty much how we get into every war, killing a lot of people, selling a lot of weapons, creating refugees, and looking like fools.
I see NATO as a defender, not an aggressor. I dont see NATO attacking Russia to take putins land. I see Russia doing it in Georgia, in Crimea and currently. I think this is putins 4th war in 20 years and he won the previous ones. NATO exists to keep putin in check, not to go out stealing strategic land. I think I understand your point about giving up stuff that doesnt matter but NATO/Ukraine may happen in the future and then putin uses that. We lied.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-23-2022, 3:43 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
Carter was right all along when he stressed the importance of raising efficiency standards for autos. Think of all the crap we could avoided if society was behind that advice. I don't hang all this on Biden. I really don't see him getting beat up over his non negotiating negotiations. Seems like everyone in DC is on the "we need to be tough" page. Strikes me that they are all idiots because they know being "weak" on Russia is a bad look.
We should always strive to get better but his other policies were pure trash.
Something does not smell right on this Ukraine thing. Pelosi still pushing the 2016 Russia interference lie. It turns out the guy who shopped the Russian lie to the CIA and company is none other than Bidens current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. They have been setting up this Russian thing for some time now and promoting people who have been pushing it. We went from overboard Russia is our ally during Clinton. We even stopped working on nuclear fuel processing alternatives and other things during that time because of it. Sending people over to work with them. Going in on the space station with them. Now all of a sudden a 180? Ukraine is no democracy either. Those people are as corrupt as anyone and violate their peoples rights.
Something is up. Just listen to their words and policy positions. They know raising fuel prices is not popular but if it is because of Putin, well....... Then that is different. At least in the democrats mind. Biden even tried to sell that point already by saying we need to get used to higher prices to fight Russia because it is our duty.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-23-2022, 3:46 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I see NATO as a defender, not an aggressor. I dont see NATO attacking Russia to take putins land. I see Russia doing it in Georgia, in Crimea and currently. I think this is putins 4th war in 20 years and he won the previous ones. NATO exists to keep putin in check, not to go out stealing strategic land. I think I understand your point about giving up stuff that doesnt matter but NATO/Ukraine may happen in the future and then putin uses that. We lied.
Putin sees anyone aligning with the west especially border states as a national crisis. Russia is a petrol state. They are the new arabs with nukes. It cost Russia 2 billion a year just to pump fuel through Ukraine. Ukraine has seen how Poland and another country have prospered aligning with the west. Putin wants nothing of them doing it.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-24-2022, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Putin sees anyone aligning with the west especially border states as a national crisis. Russia is a petrol state. They are the new arabs with nukes. It cost Russia 2 billion a year just to pump fuel through Ukraine. Ukraine has seen how Poland and another country have prospered aligning with the west. Putin wants nothing of them doing it.
"Putin sees it as a national crisis"... He has no authority over other nations that see the benefits of democracy. They are not provoking or attacking Russia in any way, there is no security issue. Russia's army is 10 times the size. Russia is on Ukrainian territory with 150,000+ troops, tanks, missiles, air raids....
Ukraine is trending toward democracy and Putin hates it. It does not give him authority to attack another country and take it over.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-24-2022, 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
"Putin sees it as a national crisis"... He has no authority over other nations that see the benefits of democracy. They are not provoking or attacking Russia in any way, there is no security issue. Russia's army is 10 times the size. Russia is on Ukrainian territory with 150,000+ troops, tanks, missiles, air raids....
Ukraine is trending toward democracy and Putin hates it. It does not give him authority to attack another country and take it over.
All true, however you fail to understand what Russia has dealt with in their history and they way they view things. They always want a ring around them from historic enemies of Europe. The threat of having NATO at their door step was like when the Soviets put missiles in Cuba against us. We were not going to let that take hold and they were not going to let Ukraine and the west get cozy. Once in the gang, always in the gang. Only way you are getting out is in a body bag. That is Russia's view.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-24-2022, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
"Putin sees it as a national crisis"... He has no authority over other nations that see the benefits of democracy. They are not provoking or attacking Russia in any way, there is no security issue. Russia's army is 10 times the size. Russia is on Ukrainian territory with 150,000+ troops, tanks, missiles, air raids....
Ukraine is trending toward democracy and Putin hates it. It does not give him authority to attack another country and take it over.
And... The other question is this. What are you going to do about it? The democrats are at war with our energy resources. Biden went begging Putin to supply more oil and he told him to get lost. Not sure how "Green" that is begging dictators for more oil when we were putting pressure on their supply and keeping massive profits out of their hands. Trump nailed when he said, general trade and cooperation is one thing. Energy is a completely different thing.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-24-2022, 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
All true, however you fail to understand what Russia has dealt with in their history and they way they view things. They always want a ring around them from historic enemies of Europe. The threat of having NATO at their door step was like when the Soviets put missiles in Cuba against us. We were not going to let that take hold and they were not going to let Ukraine and the west get cozy. Once in the gang, always in the gang. Only way you are getting out is in a body bag. That is Russia's view.
I understand enough of Russias history. Which country in Europe do you think is planning on attacking them? exactly.
NATO is defensive, they are not in any way nor have they done anything aggressive towards Russia.
Not a threat. Russia, in Cuba was an actual threat.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-24-2022, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I understand enough of Russias history. Which country in Europe do you think is planning on attacking them? exactly.
NATO is defensive, they are not in any way nor have they done anything aggressive towards Russia.
Not a threat. Russia, in Cuba was an actual threat.
How so was Russia a threat in Cuba? A little island that we could put a single bomb on and destroy? The Soviets said they were only there for defensive measures too. Now, I agree they were a threat but it all depends on who is telling the story. Russia has theirs and we have ours. Turns out Russia believes their story and have now attacked Ukraine. He has also made remarks about Poland and Belarus. Hmmmm...... Where does this stop? Don't worry. Fuel will be heading to $6 plus dollars a gallon soon I am sure.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-24-2022, 11:52 AM
And right on queue. This is the other idiot climate idea-loge you guys wanted as president. Part of Europe is literally burning by a country that is a petrol state who just signed a big contract with China for coal for a serious number of coal plants and this guy thinks Putin give too rats A$$ about the environment? They are playing chess. They are gearing up securing their energy needs while playing along with the west and this false tree hugging agenda. Making us weak while they gather the resources.
John Kerry excoriated for hoping Putin will focus on climate change amid Ukraine invasion: 'Total clown show'
Former Secretary of State John Kerry was excoriated by critics Thursday for expressing hope that Russian President Vladmir Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.
Kerry's comments came during an appearance Wednesday on BBC Arabic, in which Biden's climate envoy also lamented the potential "emissions consequences" from the war in Ukraine and worried the attention of large countries would be "diverted" from fighting climate change because of the conflict.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-24-2022, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
How so was Russia a threat in Cuba? A little island that we could put a single bomb on and destroy? The Soviets said they were only there for defensive measures too. Now, I agree they were a threat but it all depends on who is telling the story. Russia has theirs and we have ours. Turns out Russia believes their story and have now attacked Ukraine. He has also made remarks about Poland and Belarus. Hmmmm...... Where does this stop? Don't worry. Fuel will be heading to $6 plus dollars a gallon soon I am sure.
No one believes Russias narrative. Putin wanted Crimea and Ukraine back under rule, thats the facts. Actions speak louder than fake news.
High fuel prices? Thanks Putin.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-24-2022, 1:10 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No one believes Russias narrative. Putin wanted Crimea and Ukraine back under rule, thats the facts. Actions speak louder than fake news.
High fuel prices? Thanks Putin.
Yep and everyone let him get away with it by becoming beholden to him. At some point you got to stop blaming others for our stupid policy decisions. Then again, these are purposeful policy decisions by the democrats. The game is unfolding on the American people just like they have planned.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-24-2022, 3:06 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep and everyone let him get away with it by becoming beholden to him. At some point you got to stop blaming others for our stupid policy decisions. Then again, these are purposeful policy decisions by the democrats. The game is unfolding on the American people just like they have planned.
They/we kinda did let him slide on Crimea, mistake they didnt make this time. Russian stock market went down 50% over night, recovered to a 30%+ drop today. The russians may not be too happy now. Im sure putin will tell them they wanted it to drop, its a buying opportunity. I dont blame a lot of American politicians when its clearly Putin doing what only Putin wants. He is the worlds biggest enemy. I dont get you thinking this is some kind of master plan the democrats have, they dont control Putin. They tried to stop him, used every diplomatic tool in the toolbox. Putin's goals and American goals do not align.
Join Date: Jun 2004
02-25-2022, 7:39 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep and everyone let him get away with it by becoming beholden to him. At some point you got to stop blaming others for our stupid policy decisions.
Crimea was too important to Russia. You weren't going to stop that with policy decisions.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-25-2022, 9:46 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
Crimea was too important to Russia. You weren't going to stop that with policy decisions.
I agree with you on Crimea. My point on policy decisions is becoming beholden to them on energy. Europe and America.
And right on queue again. This is all the democrats plan. Russia is just a helpful pawn:
Biden Administration Halts New Drilling in Legal Fight Over Climate Costs
The Interior Department is pausing new federal oil and gas leases and permits after a judge blocked the government from weighing the cost of climate damage in decisions
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-25-2022, 9:47 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
They/we kinda did let him slide on Crimea, mistake they didnt make this time. Russian stock market went down 50% over night, recovered to a 30%+ drop today. The russians may not be too happy now. Im sure putin will tell them they wanted it to drop, its a buying opportunity. I dont blame a lot of American politicians when its clearly Putin doing what only Putin wants. He is the worlds biggest enemy. I dont get you thinking this is some kind of master plan the democrats have, they dont control Putin. They tried to stop him, used every diplomatic tool in the toolbox. Putin's goals and American goals do not align.
Russians have lived a lifetime not being tied to the west. The ruling class over there will be fine. They get plenty from oil. The people will go back to being typical Russian people where they are just pawns in the game.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-25-2022, 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Russians have lived a lifetime not being tied to the west. The ruling class over there will be fine. They get plenty from oil. The people will go back to being typical Russian people where they are just pawns in the game.
The ruling class, oligarchs, is who is getting sanctioned. Yes they have plenty of oil but they dont like losing their $$. UK says they are going to sanction Putin personally. If sanctions are hard enough the russian people wont like it either. Putin is arresting russain anti war protesters since day one and yes they are only pawns Putin doesnt care about. Theyre going to make putin the worlds enemy #1.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-25-2022, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The ruling class, oligarchs, is who is getting sanctioned. Yes they have plenty of oil but they dont like losing their $$. UK says they are going to sanction Putin personally. If sanctions are hard enough the russian people wont like it either. Putin is arresting russain anti war protesters since day one and yes they are only pawns Putin doesnt care about. Theyre going to make putin the worlds enemy #1.
I am sure they don't like loosing their money, but they have plenty. Russia has a history of suffering. What did Obama say to Romney? The 80's called and they want their foreign policy back. That did not age well.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-25-2022, 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The ruling class, oligarchs, is who is getting sanctioned. Yes they have plenty of oil but they dont like losing their $$. UK says they are going to sanction Putin personally. If sanctions are hard enough the russian people wont like it either. Putin is arresting russain anti war protesters since day one and yes they are only pawns Putin doesnt care about. Theyre going to make putin the worlds enemy #1.
Problem solved for the Oligarchs:
Russian Oligarchs Turn To Crypto To Skirt Sanctions
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-25-2022, 1:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Kinda, crypto only dropped 10%
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-02-2022, 11:12 AM
Here is a plan. Quit importing 670,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia. How about we ramp up production here like we were during Trump?
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-02-2022, 8:39 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Here is a plan. Quit importing 670,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia. How about we ramp up production here like we were during Trump?
The US is still energy independent now, just like they were under Trump, nothing has changed.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-03-2022, 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
The US is still energy independent now, just like they were under Trump, nothing has changed.
except biden closing down pipelines, authorizing the russian pipeline, shutting off leases to new areas to drill and so on. Nothing changed at all.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-03-2022, 1:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
except biden closing down pipelines, authorizing the russian pipeline, shutting off leases to new areas to drill and so on. Nothing changed at all.
Correct, in terms of Energy independence nothing has changed at all. But sure, keep hyper ventilating about energy if it makes you happy. If you were really concerned about it you would think that moving to a renewable energy/new nuclear powered economy was a great idea.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-03-2022, 2:16 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Here is a plan. Quit importing 670,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia. How about we ramp up production here like we were during Trump?
You cant stop whining about fuel prices now. What will you do when its $10/gal?
Oil companies havnt been able to ratchet up production after slowing it down because the pandemic. It aint a switch one just pushes to make more fuel available.
Getting off oil will remove all of putins power and increase ours. The less we use, the faster we become independent..... permanently.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-03-2022, 3:37 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You cant stop whining about fuel prices now. What will you do when its $10/gal?
Oil companies havnt been able to ratchet up production after slowing it down because the pandemic. It aint a switch one just pushes to make more fuel available.
Getting off oil will remove all of putins power and increase ours. The less we use, the faster we become independent..... permanently.
pipe dream.....
electric car manufacturing still needs fuel. You still have to power the grid. Need fuel. Sun and wind does not run 24/7. city people will not have a place to charge their cars in high rises either. Going to have extension cords all over the streets. Need oil for plastics and so on. You are not getting off oil no matter what you want to do.
We all know it is not a switch. That is what make treasonous democrat policies so dangerous to America. They keep doing this things that kill plans and supply chain that takes years to recover.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-03-2022, 3:41 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Correct, in terms of Energy independence nothing has changed at all. But sure, keep hyper ventilating about energy if it makes you happy. If you were really concerned about it you would think that moving to a renewable energy/new nuclear powered economy was a great idea.
Sorry. Democrats have been shutting down nuke plants since the 1970's. They hate everything about it. renewables is a joke. Need solar panels as big as your country to run ours. Even then you have no way to keep a grid stable all night. They are a great peak summer energy supplement. great for some things but you can not make it your backbone.
Point is, democrats have always been on the wrong side of our energy independence and we all know why. They want to spread the wealth (to all other countries besides ours)
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-03-2022, 3:42 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Correct, in terms of Energy independence nothing has changed at all. But sure, keep hyper ventilating about energy if it makes you happy. If you were really concerned about it you would think that moving to a renewable energy/new nuclear powered economy was a great idea.
Also, if you chart is correct why are we importing Russian oil?
Join Date: Jan 2003
03-03-2022, 4:06 PM
The World already hates Putin, now, the idiot Russians are bombing the largest nuclear plant which supplies 25% of Ukraine's power! Putin is DONE, someone must put a bullet in his head.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-03-2022, 4:32 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
pipe dream.....
electric car manufacturing still needs fuel. You still have to power the grid. Need fuel. Sun and wind does not run 24/7. city people will not have a place to charge their cars in high rises either. Going to have extension cords all over the streets. Need oil for plastics and so on. You are not getting off oil no matter what you want to do.
We all know it is not a switch. That is what make treasonous democrat policies so dangerous to America. They keep doing this things that kill plans and supply chain that takes years to recover.
We will never get rid of oil, its used in 1000's of applications and manufacturing processes. Also elec wont solve Putin problem today, but for the future it is the way. These are long term goals.
You should be complaining about record oil profits if anything.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-03-2022, 4:34 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Sorry. Democrats have been shutting down nuke plants since the 1970's. They hate everything about it. renewables is a joke. Need solar panels as big as your country to run ours. Even then you have no way to keep a grid stable all night. They are a great peak summer energy supplement. great for some things but you can not make it your backbone.
Point is, democrats have always been on the wrong side of our energy independence and we all know why. They want to spread the wealth (to all other countries besides ours)
Why would that be their goal? How do they benefit? What wealth are they spreading?, you just said they are on the wrong side of energy independence?
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-03-2022, 5:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Also, if you chart is correct why are we importing Russian oil?
Cause you know, the free market. If Russia companies have cheap oil available for whatever reason then an American company can buy it and sell it locally. At the same time an American company can export a bunch of oil to somewhere else and sell it for a premium. Why does this stuff confuse you, it isn't rocket science is it?
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-03-2022, 5:58 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Point is, democrats have always been on the wrong side of our energy independence and we all know why. They want to spread the wealth (to all other countries besides ours)
The facts show the opposite of your point. Obama did the heavy lifting to get to energy independence. But sure, it's all the democrats. Loosen up the tinfoil hat.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-04-2022, 8:29 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Cause you know, the free market. If Russia companies have cheap oil available for whatever reason then an American company can buy it and sell it locally. At the same time an American company can export a bunch of oil to somewhere else and sell it for a premium. Why does this stuff confuse you, it isn't rocket science is it?
Not sure it works like that. American Oil is harder to refine typically. If it were just a profit game, then the democrats who are in charge can simply say no to the oil. Done deal. So either they are lining their pockets with oil money (while saying they are not) or you are wrong.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-04-2022, 8:35 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why would that be their goal? How do they benefit? What wealth are they spreading?, you just said they are on the wrong side of energy independence?
They goal is climate paranoia and an equitable society for all people and not just Americans. You obviously do not listen to the words democrat leaders say out loud do you? Then for good measure you do not pay attention to the policies they put in place that backs up those words.
Tell me. How many nuke plants have been shut down and how many have been built in the last 40 years in the US?
The newest reactor to enter service is Tennessee's Watts Bar Unit 2, which began operation in June 2016. The next-youngest operating reactor is Watts Bar Unit 1, also in Tennessee, which entered service in May 1996. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licenses U.S. commercial nuclear reactors for 40 years.
Of the 99 gigawatts (GW) of total operating nuclear capacity in the country, 95 GW came online between 1970 and 1990. However, planned nuclear capacity additions began to slow as early as the late 1970s because of a number of factors, including slowing electric demand growth, high capital and construction costs, and public opposition. Costs, schedules, and public acceptance were all influenced by the accident at the Three Mile Island plant in 1979. From 1979 through 1988, 67 planned builds were canceled. However, because of the long times required for permitting and building new nuclear reactors, many plants that had begun the process in the 1970s continued to come online through the early 1990s.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-04-2022, 8:37 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
The facts show the opposite of your point. Obama did the heavy lifting to get to energy independence. But sure, it's all the democrats. Loosen up the tinfoil hat.
And guess who had congress during that time of Obama?
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-04-2022, 8:40 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
We will never get rid of oil, its used in 1000's of applications and manufacturing processes. Also elec wont solve Putin problem today, but for the future it is the way. These are long term goals.
You should be complaining about record oil profits if anything.
I am not worried about profits. Profits are easy when you can suck up liquid or dig up a rock that people have to have to survive. If people are using it in record numbers, of course there is going to be record profits. Maybe you should be complaining about kalifornia government having record profits from taxes from the sale of fuel?
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-04-2022, 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
And guess who had congress during that time of Obama?
No need guess, you can just look it up. First term when the trend reversed, consumption was falling and production was rising the democrats had both houses and the presidency. Second term when the trend continued but at a slower pace because consumption and production was rising republicans controlled the house.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-04-2022, 2:05 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
No need guess, you can just look it up. First term when the trend reversed, consumption was falling and production was rising the democrats had both houses and the presidency. Second term when the trend continued but at a slower pace because consumption and production was rising republicans controlled the house.
democrats only had the congress for 2 years under Obama. We also had a collapse of the housing market and the automakers nearly went under at the end of Bush and beginning of Obama.
The Oil people also learned how to perform fraking which really opened up oil and natural gas production. Obama still would not open up areas and tried to kill off short drilling. The price of oil was high enough that it made it profitable to use these less efficient methods. As the country moved out of the recession, demand increased. They were able to increase production despite his policies, not because of them.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-04-2022, 2:34 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
They were able to increase production despite his policies, not because of them.
You need to get your talking points straight, if the president's policies don't effect energy independence why give credit when it's achieved and brick bat when it's not.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-04-2022, 4:48 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
You need to get your talking points straight, if the president's policies don't effect energy independence why give credit when it's achieved and brick bat when it's not.
The president impacts energy policy. Things like cutting off leases and such create uncertainty. Uncertainty drives prices up. Energy friendly policies makes it go down. That is the first part. The second, it outlawing certain technologies such as fracking. Not sure where that stands. I know certain states were moving to outlaw it. That impacts things. Usually democrat states try and outlaw things that can create more energy. Presidents policy to the world impacts oil. democrat policies in the US drives up world prices due to uncertainty. Technology spike in the US in regards to shale oil made it reasonable to produce with a newer process.
You do notice that the production rolled off at the beginning of Trump? That seems to show a technology peak where they overcame Obama's policies. Trump comes in. Changes to friendly policies and production took off again.
Energy is life. you give other countries power over your energy, you give them leverage over you. Just look at Europe.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 03-04-2022 at 4:52 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-04-2022, 6:12 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The president impacts energy policy. Things like cutting off leases and such create uncertainty. Uncertainty drives prices up. Energy friendly policies makes it go down. That is the first part. The second, it outlawing certain technologies such as fracking. Not sure where that stands. I know certain states were moving to outlaw it. That impacts things. Usually democrat states try and outlaw things that can create more energy. Presidents policy to the world impacts oil. democrat policies in the US drives up world prices due to uncertainty. Technology spike in the US in regards to shale oil made it reasonable to produce with a newer process.
You do notice that the production rolled off at the beginning of Trump? That seems to show a technology peak where they overcame Obama's policies. Trump comes in. Changes to friendly policies and production took off again.
Energy is life. you give other countries power over your energy, you give them leverage over you. Just look at Europe.
Sounds like youre making the case for renewables. We have the power.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-08-2022, 8:40 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Sounds like youre making the case for renewables. We have the power.
renewables are fine, however they will not and can not be the backbone of an energy grid. Something you leftist can not understand. They are great warn weather day time supplement. That is about it.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-09-2022, 6:07 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
renewables are fine, however they will not and can not be the backbone of an energy grid. Something you leftist can not understand. They are great warn weather day time supplement. That is about it.
The horse people said the same thing about those new fangled wooden wheel automobiles.
The landline phone people said the same thing.
Cell phones were $1.25/minute for local calls , they had almost no coverage, every other call dropped, too much static when you could hear. Next people said they would never give up their Blackberry. LOL, its called progress, it never stops.
Join Date: Dec 2009
03-10-2022, 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The horse people said the same thing about those new fangled wooden wheel automobiles.
The landline phone people said the same thing.
Cell phones were $1.25/minute for local calls , they had almost no coverage, every other call dropped, too much static when you could hear. Next people said they would never give up their Blackberry. LOL, its called progress, it never stops.
yes, horses and other animals are still a large part of the 3rd world order, or they would not have food. They use them to farm and feed millions of people in foreign lands. We use them everyday, in our country to heard cattle. Its called a cowboy! We can easily go back to horses or human power, although your lefties friends would have a problem with the POOP.
I am guessing you are going to sell your boat to support the green movement? The amount of gas wasted from boating is insane. Maybe you should get an electric boat! OR maybe we can use oil and gas, lower those costs to increase the development of better battery tech and disposal protocols and move clean energy faster, as the cost of all these green things require oil to produce.
Need coal to make windmills, need oil to make clothing, need gas to make steel, need all of it make electricity to make anything. Wait until a pair of jeans cost 300 bucks, its coming.
Why not stop the FAKENESS and backdoor pocket stuffing, from our politicians, who have their hands in the pockets of big tech, big energy, and green development. All the wile ****ing the People.
Last edited by dougr; 03-10-2022 at 12:36 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-10-2022, 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Why not stop the FAKENESS and backdoor pocket stuffing, from our politicians, who have their hands in the pockets of big tech, big energy, and green development. All the wile ****ing the People.
100% agree with this. Just recognize it's both democrats and Republicans with the hand in the cookie jar, and the real money is the existing tech not new technologies. Oil, pharama, War.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-10-2022, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
100% agree with this. Just recognize it's both democrats and Republicans with the hand in the cookie jar, and the real money is the existing tech not new technologies. Oil, pharama, War.
You also have to recognize the stated goal of one of the parties is to spread the US wealth to the world and then look at the policies they put into place to do that.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-10-2022, 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You also have to recognize the stated goal of one of the parties is to spread the US wealth to the world and then look at the policies they put into place to do that.
You would need to place a link to that statement before I recognized that.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-10-2022, 4:06 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You also have to recognize the stated goal of one of the parties is to spread the US wealth to the world and then look at the policies they put into place to do that.
Spreading the technology, the ideas and improvements isnt spreading Americas wealth$.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2022, 8:59 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
You would need to place a link to that statement before I recognized that.
Obama calls for spread of wealth in farewell tour
Obama on wealth inequality: ‘There’s only so much you can eat. There’s only so big a house you can have.’
Obama's tax plan and the redistribution of wealth
"I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2022, 9:02 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Spreading the technology, the ideas and improvements isnt spreading Americas wealth$.
You seem to ignore these climate treaties that directly tax Americans and send money to other countries. Pan Pacific Trade agreements that allow countries to directly sue American Companies in America for trade that impacts China's interests in America.
Paris Climate Accords that spread our wealth and pay taxes to the world.
Kyoto Treaty that the democrats tried to sign that taxed America directly that sent our wealth around the world.
Don't see those a sharing technology.
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-11-2022, 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Did you even listen to those?
1st one, Obama said trade needs to work for us and not against us, support for US workers. Nothing about spreading US wealth.
2nd one was about the wealth inequality in the US, again nothing about spreading US wealth abroad.
#3, again its about wealth inequality in the US. Nothing about sending US $$ out of the US.
Stop with the clown show Debbie
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-11-2022, 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You seem to ignore these climate treaties that directly tax Americans and send money to other countries. Pan Pacific Trade agreements that allow countries to directly sue American Companies in America for trade that impacts China's interests in America.
Paris Climate Accords that spread our wealth and pay taxes to the world.
Kyoto Treaty that the democrats tried to sign that taxed America directly that sent our wealth around the world.
Don't see those a sharing technology.
You should refrain from commenting on topics you dont quite understand. Your takes brings up thoughts of Mark Twain. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2022, 3:11 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You should refrain from commenting on topics you dont quite understand. Your takes brings up thoughts of Mark Twain. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
You tell us what the paris accords do, Pan Pacific Trade Agreement and Kyoto does to the US?
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2022, 3:13 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Did you even listen to those?
1st one, Obama said trade needs to work for us and not against us, support for US workers. Nothing about spreading US wealth.
2nd one was about the wealth inequality in the US, again nothing about spreading US wealth abroad.
#3, again its about wealth inequality in the US. Nothing about sending US $$ out of the US.
Stop with the clown show Debbie
I am sure he said those words too. He and many democrats have talked about spreading the wealth. That is their number one campaign slogan. If you don't know or understand that is there number 1 talking point, then you obviously never paid attention (that is rhetorical, we know you don't pay attention)
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-11-2022, 3:35 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I am sure he said those words too. He and many democrats have talked about spreading the wealth. That is their number one campaign slogan. If you don't know or understand that is there number 1 talking point, then you obviously never paid attention (that is rhetorical, we know you don't pay attention)
When dems talk about spreading the wealth they are talking about the disturbing difference and inequality in incomes across the country. Need proof? Google "Democrat #1 campaign slogan", it doesnt say anything about Sharing $$ with other countries. Try the same with "democrat talking point"...same results, youre wrong.
Join Date: Mar 2018
03-11-2022, 3:54 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
When dems talk about spreading the wealth they are talking about the disturbing difference and inequality in incomes across the country. Need proof? Google "Democrat #1 campaign slogan", it doesnt say anything about Sharing $$ with other countries. Try the same with "democrat talking point"...same results, youre wrong.
Nope. Look at the treaties they sign. You do not need any more proof than that. They all tax Americans while sharing the wealth to the 3rd world. Want to share the details of those treaties?
Join Date: Sep 2005
03-12-2022, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Nope. Look at the treaties they sign. You do not need any more proof than that. They all tax Americans while sharing the wealth to the 3rd world. Want to share the details of those treaties?
Look at them. I see an attempt to move forward, to make the planet last longer for all. You see right wing propaganda because thats what you seek. How much of the taxes you pay go to the Paris Climate Accord? Pan Pacific was never approved, it is non existent fool. As far as I know the Kyoto deal was never ratified in the US. LOL, you dont even know, but damn you are pissed off about it. You are a far right parrot speaking of things you know nothing about. I warned you about staying silent, but you had to open your mouth.
Join Date: Apr 2002
03-12-2022, 12:12 PM
Conservatives aren't interested in conserving the planet silly.