Join Date: Mar 2018
12-10-2021, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
So you think antifa, BLM, and all the left extremist who have been burning. looting and killing are not trying to start a civil war? The left will lie after the facts are in! lol "I saw you in the bedroom" "wasn't me" Its on camera, wasn't me. Everything that has "come to light" that the left has done over the last 4 years has driven a civil war. There is no reason not to expect a civil war. The left made up a 4 yr Russian Hoax ( also know as a Smolett) Impeachmetn after impeachment, the media is criminal. So why would the people not fight back
Isn't that what the ANTIFA has been doing? Burning and killing, you guys set the stage for it. Although, the right, even crazy extreme right wingers are not burning down things? Or attacking police or looting stores? Why? Isn't that the correct process? the one we have all learned by watching the left?
What if there was a left vs right fight. like a 1 week, no holds barred, let it all out, and see who is left standing. Would that be ok? Kinda put this to an end, and see what it looks like?
Maybe it would stop the burning, looting, fake new, riots, and we, or whoever is left, can move forward, with a civil. common sense life!
You notice ol Nancy has not made a single anti Republican comment in public since Jan 6th? She went decades without doing that. Decided she wanted to get into the act the last 4 years and it almost got her caught by the mob. That is why I keep warning people to just stop with this crap. You don't know who you are pushing. The leftist leaders do. They use the useful idiots for their purpose. Keep feeding you chum and let you go to work. They finally use it to knock a few screws loose and use that as an excuse to consolidate power in the government. Used in almost every transformation of power in every country in recorded history.
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-10-2021, 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Ralph, are out of lockdown?
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-10-2021, 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You get excited and outraged over the dumbest stuff. Biden wasnt president, he was an ordinary citizen, this was 2019. The whole point by smollette was to fool people, and he did. Not everyone. He had little support from day one as evidenced by the wakeworld thread on day 1. Now he has been found guilty and you are incensed. Great. What the hell do you want?
Interesting. You used the line that Biden was not an ordinary citizen when you supported the impeachment of Trump.
He is incensed because YOUR leaders used this situation like all the others to race bait like they usually do.
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-10-2021, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You get excited and outraged over the dumbest stuff. Biden wasnt president, he was an ordinary citizen, this was 2019. The whole point by smollette was to fool people, and he did. Not everyone. He had little support from day one as evidenced by the wakeworld thread on day 1. Now he has been found guilty and you are incensed. Great. What the hell do you want?
Smollette is your post boy, and your party, and left media was all over the race bait, hate, rambling on twitter etc how terrible and evil the right was! Only to find out, the leftist was the person who created the bait. Its everywhere, and the people making the ember a flame is the left. They are creating racism. Making color key to everyone and everything, and using it to burn down our cites, destroy our schools, segregate our children.
True Fake news, we are not a racist country and 99% of the people are not, and have never been, and will only become, if you keep this **** up.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-10-2021, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
And there you go again with your half wit democrat race baiting gaslighting. Proud Boys are not white supremacists unless you count having a black guy leader as a white supremacists. They are there to foil Antifa who are democrat leftist out to destroy our way of life for their revolution.
All Americans have been buying up ammo and guns for decades. Nothing new. It was part of the reason the Japanese did not want to invade America because of the guns.
Shock troops? That is what Obama proposed. Why do you think Obama said out loud he wants a civilian force as strong as the military? What do you think that is about?
Who is hiding from the courts? defending yourself from baseless democrat attacks is hiding from the courts? The democrats are not the courts. They are a disease.
Election laws are actually constitutionally granted to the States. The states got a work around by the democrats using the courts and the crisis of COVID to circumvent the state constitutions which require the state legislatures to make election laws. These so call "new laws" they are putting into place are actually less restrictive than Joe Bidens home state.
We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Democracy is mob rules.
You are a typical tyrannical authoritarian democrat. Defend yourself from a democrat, then you obviously are hiding something right? How dare you defend yourself. Sound just like that idiot prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial. Trying to use constitutional rights against the defendant in a court of law to try and sway people into believing his side of the story.
Keep spinning it however makes you feel good.
I post Bannon and Goetz actively proposing Shock troops live on air and do you say its a bad move? nope, its Obamas fault. WTF? Proud boys are a racist organization, make zero difference the race of the leader. Research them before you make asinine claims. Antifa is exactly that Anti-Facist.
Continuing asinine thoughts, the right buying up all the guns is because "the japanese".
Trump tried to over throw democracy and STEAL an election, its what authoritarians do to stay in power. Its what we predicted he would do before the election, look it up in this very thread. If he was so innocent, all the evidence will prove it, right?
Democracy is our form of Government, it says the people choose the leader, same as a constitutional republic. So what YOU are saying is that no matter who wins an election, the republicans who run the elections have the right to choose their own winner. Ok, ive heard enough from you. Point out anywhere i ever once lobbied for Authoritarian rules. Ever. Clown.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-10-2021, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Interesting. You used the line that Biden was not an ordinary citizen when you supported the impeachment of Trump.
He is incensed because YOUR leaders used this situation like all the others to race bait like they usually do.
Trump was scared of Biden (for good reason), at the time he was barely a longshot at getting the nomination. Trump tried to get dirt on Biden, Trump brought Biden into the convo, dont blame me.
Smollette was the guilty one, smollette was race baiting, his goal was to fool, and it worked on some. The guilty party was convicted and youre mad. boo hoo. He never fooled me, im fine with how things worked out.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-10-2021, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Keep spinning it however makes you feel good.
I post Bannon and Goetz actively proposing Shock troops live on air and do you say its a bad move? nope, its Obamas fault. WTF? Proud boys are a racist organization, make zero difference the race of the leader. Research them before you make asinine claims. Antifa is exactly that Anti-Facist.
Continuing asinine thoughts, the right buying up all the guns is because "the japanese".
Trump tried to over throw democracy and STEAL an election, its what authoritarians do to stay in power. Its what we predicted he would do before the election, look it up in this very thread. If he was so innocent, all the evidence will prove it, right?
Democracy is our form of Government, it says the people choose the leader, same as a constitutional republic. So what YOU are saying is that no matter who wins an election, the republicans who run the elections have the right to choose their own winner. Ok, ive heard enough from you. Point out anywhere i ever once lobbied for Authoritarian rules. Ever. Clown.
Antifa are communists. Labeling yourself anti something does not let you off the hook. They think everyone who does not conform to their communist agenda is by defacto a fascist and you defend them at every turn.
No believing in democrats makes you a racists according to you democrats so you calling an organization racists even if they are multicultural has zero meaning.
How does Trump steal the election? Going to court and using the constitution? did not hear a word from you when Al Gore did the same thing.
Is said the republicans and democrats constitutionally make the election laws in the states as laid out by the constitution. We are a Republic. We are not dictate by the federal government on how to run individual states. If a state wants voter ID, then they should have it. Of course you democrats are running around calling voter ID racist again. Of course it is. I am sure it is anti woman as well considering women got the right to vote well after black men.
Where have you lobbied for authoritarian rule? EVERY SINGLE DAY! every time you say someone is stealing and hiding from the democrats by utilizing their constitutional rights, that is advocating for authoritarianism!!!!
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-10-2021, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Trump was scared of Biden (for good reason), at the time he was barely a longshot at getting the nomination. Trump tried to get dirt on Biden, Trump brought Biden into the convo, dont blame me.
Smollette was the guilty one, smollette was race baiting, his goal was to fool, and it worked on some. The guilty party was convicted and youre mad. boo hoo. He never fooled me, im fine with how things worked out.
I'm not mad. I don't care one way or another over this clown if you democrats did not use it as yet another race baiting opportunity to try and destroy our society. You personnaly may have not but all the people you support and prop up sure did in your name.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-10-2021, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Smollette is your post boy, and your party, and left media was all over the race bait, hate, rambling on twitter etc how terrible and evil the right was! Only to find out, the leftist was the person who created the bait. Its everywhere, and the people making the ember a flame is the left. They are creating racism. Making color key to everyone and everything, and using it to burn down our cites, destroy our schools, segregate our children.
True Fake news, we are not a racist country and 99% of the people are not, and have never been, and will only become, if you keep this **** up.
Thanks for letting me know who my poster boy is. You sure believe a lot of BS, and love spreading the manure. FACT, Look at the Smollette thread, no one believed him, i posted it so you dont have to try to find it. He went to court and lost, looks like he is going to jail. Seems you were one of the ones who believed him. Stop believing everything on you laptop. Do just a little research. 90% of your posts are pure made up garbage. Your on your way to violence. Better check yourself. Bad decisions lead to more bad decisions. Go on vacation, get some rest, get a happy hobby, avoid politics.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-10-2021, 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I'm not mad. I don't care one way or another over this clown if you democrats did not use it as yet another race baiting opportunity to try and destroy our society. You personnaly may have not but all the people you support and prop up sure did in your name.
A stupid, privilged, black gay actor, flat out faked a race baiting crime. No one here ever believed him. Not just after facts came out, im talking from day one. His liberal TV show fired his azz right afterward. He went to court and got his azz handed to him, as expected. And no, "all" the people did not believe him. He was the butt of jokes on all the late night "liberal" TV shows for months. Make what ever you want of it, enjoy.
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-10-2021, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Maybe the republicans should have left the democrats keep slavery? 
The party of Lincoln (Republicans) were yankee liberals from the north in the 1860s. Go slap your history teacher.
Neither party today can claim responsibility for freeing the slaves. Different times and different parties--Just the same names.
Join Date: Jul 2007
12-10-2021, 1:47 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Falling for another failed CNN article huh? How many hundreds of millions is CNN in for now for fake news pay outs and is now for sale?
It's on multiple news outlets including Fox and shouldn't surprise anybody. We know Trump lashes out at anyone he senses any amount of disloyalty from. It pissed Trump off that Netanyahu called Biden to congratulate Biden on winning a fair legitimate election. We already know that anyone who doesn't say the election was stolen is Trump's enemy. This is exactly what we have come to expect from the childish, insulting, petulatant p.o.s.
"Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu were the closest of political allies during the four years they overlapped in office, at least in public. Not anymore. "I haven’t spoken to him since," Trump said of the former Israeli prime minister. "F**k him."" - keeping it classy as always.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-10-2021, 9:15 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Ralph, are out of lockdown?
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-10-2021, 9:16 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Falling for another failed CNN article huh? How many hundreds of millions is CNN in for now for fake news pay outs and is now for sale?
You don't think it's true?
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-12-2021, 4:34 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
The party of Lincoln (Republicans) were yankee liberals from the north in the 1860s. Go slap your history teacher.
Neither party today can claim responsibility for freeing the slaves. Different times and different parties--Just the same names.
Oh, so now we are judging the people, not the party, because the "party" was not the people? Like the Democrats are no longer Democrats today, because they are Socialists and communists, Its now the socialist party, and needs to be address as it is. Based on the actions of the party. Also, it seems you want to judge people by their actions. OH NO, you want equality not equity? You want a persons skin color to be irrelevant ? How dare you? Dont you know, evleryone is to be judged by the color of their skin, not the quality of their character.
thas what the "dems" and left are teaching our children, so I will not allow you lefties to judge people by their character, no no no! Haven't you heard? White people are oppressors and people of color are victims, unable to make rational decisions because of their skin color! Now isn't that sad, that your party, the people you support, the people you voted for are this way. Based on your prior decision making, that would make you a supporter of the republican party, the people who are now the people who abolished slavery. The people who want to see black women stop killing their children, who want equality, who want common sense, who want to teach our children math and science and not indoctrination! Who want safer cities, better school options, lower taxes. manufacturing in OUR COUNTRY, Independence to energy, Secure boarders, and one and one and one! What group do you fall into?
Last edited by dougr; 12-12-2021 at 4:39 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-12-2021, 9:24 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Like the Democrats are no longer Democrats today, because they are Socialists and communists, Its now the socialist party, and needs to be address as it is. Based on the actions of the party.
What's your definition of a communist?
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-13-2021, 6:21 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Oh, so now we are judging the people, not the party, because the "party" was not the people? Like the Democrats are no longer Democrats today, because they are Socialists and communists, Its now the socialist party, and needs to be address as it is. Based on the actions of the party. Also, it seems you want to judge people by their actions. OH NO, you want equality not equity? You want a persons skin color to be irrelevant ? How dare you? Dont you know, evleryone is to be judged by the color of their skin, not the quality of their character.
thas what the "dems" and left are teaching our children, so I will not allow you lefties to judge people by their character, no no no! Haven't you heard? White people are oppressors and people of color are victims, unable to make rational decisions because of their skin color! Now isn't that sad, that your party, the people you support, the people you voted for are this way. Based on your prior decision making, that would make you a supporter of the republican party, the people who are now the people who abolished slavery. The people who want to see black women stop killing their children, who want equality, who want common sense, who want to teach our children math and science and not indoctrination! Who want safer cities, better school options, lower taxes. manufacturing in OUR COUNTRY, Independence to energy, Secure boarders, and one and one and one! What group do you fall into?
What? I can't make sense of your rant. I get that you are angry, but about what I can't really figure out. If you think it is good-guys vs bad-guys, they've all got you where they want you.
Spoiler: Both parties are on the socialist spectrum and neither party is communist. They both collect taxes and neither party is trying to take over the means of production.
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-13-2021, 6:22 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
What's your definition of a communist?
Something he doesn't like....
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-13-2021, 12:24 PM
This kinda stuff is what I suggest the Dems do in 2024. Just fake the whole election.
From the desk of Trumps Whitehouse Chief of Staff.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-13-2021, 5:22 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
What is more concerning is half of the voting public think this behavior is justified or just don't care about it because they love there side more than the idea of democracy.
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-14-2021, 5:57 AM
As a RINO, WTF is Trump trying to pull off in GA? His antics handed the state to democrats and now he is backing a primary between Kemp (a guy who barely beat Abrams in 2018) and Purdue (a guy who lost his senate seat with Trump's help). For all you policy guys, Their policy is exactly the same, one has sold out to trump and paid the price and the other resisted Trump on his election BS. That is the only difference.
He has hijacked the party and He only demands one-way loyalty.
While two guys, who are basically the same, shred each other by nit-picking the subtle differences. Abrams is calmly appealing to the masses.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-14-2021, 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
A stupid, privilged, black gay actor, flat out faked a race baiting crime. No one here ever believed him. Not just after facts came out, im talking from day one. His liberal TV show fired his azz right afterward. He went to court and got his azz handed to him, as expected. And no, "all" the people did not believe him. He was the butt of jokes on all the late night "liberal" TV shows for months. Make what ever you want of it, enjoy.
Not all the people. Just the most powerful politicians in the world did.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-14-2021, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
As a RINO, WTF is Trump trying to pull off in GA? His antics handed the state to democrats and now he is backing a primary between Kemp (a guy who barely beat Abrams in 2018) and Purdue (a guy who lost his senate seat with Trump's help). For all you policy guys, Their policy is exactly the same, one has sold out to trump and paid the price and the other resisted Trump on his election BS. That is the only difference.
He has hijacked the party and He only demands one-way loyalty.
While two guys, who are basically the same, shred each other by nit-picking the subtle differences. Abrams is calmly appealing to the masses.
Trump is backing SoS in all the swing states, some thing a president, current or past has never done. He is only backing those who will push his big lie, the one we see falling apart day by day. All the texts from FOX personalities dont look good and proves their lies. I dont get why these guys choose to back trump. Everyone who gets into that circle ends up having their life fall apart, or a need for a pardon... every single one. Ask Pence.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-14-2021, 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
As a RINO, WTF is Trump trying to pull off in GA? His antics handed the state to democrats and now he is backing a primary between Kemp (a guy who barely beat Abrams in 2018) and Purdue (a guy who lost his senate seat with Trump's help). For all you policy guys, Their policy is exactly the same, one has sold out to trump and paid the price and the other resisted Trump on his election BS. That is the only difference.
He has hijacked the party and He only demands one-way loyalty.
While two guys, who are basically the same, shred each other by nit-picking the subtle differences. Abrams is calmly appealing to the masses.
IF you were going to vote for Abram's you are not listening to any of the Republican people anyway. This is about turn out at best and at worst fraud. You are not pulling people over. People either like what the democrats delivered or they don't. Seems to this point they regret it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-14-2021, 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
They already faked the election in 2020. They kept that old fart locked away from speaking to the public. They changed the election laws in the middle of the election so people did not have to go out and vote. They faked the whole thing already once. They own all the policy now and not many people like it. Hard to hide from it as it is directly impacting people. Before it was simply easy to complain and have the democrats/ fake news make stuff up for 4 years. Now they have to own it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-14-2021, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
You don't think it's true?
I don't think anything they put out is true. They are going to take partial facts (using the term very loosely) and add their spin to it. Don't care what they have to say.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-14-2021, 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Something he doesn't like....
Or simply democrats. I know it is redundant. Just because a party has not achieved it's end result does not mean they are not who their policy proposals say they are.
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-14-2021, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
IF you were going to vote for Abram's you are not listening to any of the Republican people anyway. This is about turn out at best and at worst fraud. You are not pulling people over. People either like what the democrats delivered or they don't. Seems to this point they regret it.
The GOP and Trump specifically got beat by simple political science. Play smart win and elections. Biden won from his basement because he simply did nothing dumb. Trump couldn't help himself. The fraud claim is weaker and weaker every day. Time is wearing down this position like stones on a beach. If the 2020 election was fraudulent, where is the beef?
The fact that two republicans are going to spend their money, time and energy trying to out-republican each other means that they will have shifted further right and have less money and be in a worse position for the real fight--the one that actually counts. Purdue and Kemp are basically the same guy. What policy do they split on? Abrams, who almost won in 2018, just has to sit back and appeal to the new middle. The middle that is further right because of the primary. Can you not understand how the left side's portion grows as the GOP moves further right? Have you taken a single political science course?
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-14-2021, 2:21 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
They already faked the election in 2020. They kept that old fart locked away from speaking to the public. They changed the election laws in the middle of the election so people did not have to go out and vote. They faked the whole thing already once. They own all the policy now and not many people like it. Hard to hide from it as it is directly impacting people. Before it was simply easy to complain and have the democrats/ fake news make stuff up for 4 years. Now they have to own it.
They faked it? You believe that dont you. You cant stop saying it, AND cant find a shred of truth/evidence to prove it. In fact, ALL the evidence proves you are wrong, 100% wrong. You are just trying to support the fat orange liar.
Here is MORE proof who was doing the cheating, just today...3 more republicans arrested. Vote by mail is very legal, its encouraged during a world wide pandemic.
Which is the same that would happen to you had you used 4 ballots you keep talking about. See, they check these things out...to catch cheaters.
You know...if the dems were cheating so much, seems they would be getting arrested...except its always another republican cheater.
Are you actually going to support a verified cheater like trump. He begged the Georgia SoS to "find" 11799 more votes. His attys sent out a list of how they would over turn the 2020 election results. His right hand man Meadows sent out a 38 page power point presentation describing in detail (all lies) how the dems cheated with the help of China, voting machine makers and who ever else. His family and FOX's crew, Hannity, Ingraham, ...all texted begging him to get the rioters to stop on 1/6. He refused. Did nothing.
If dems ever even thought about doing something this illegal the right would be shooting up the country. You on the otherhand are just fine with despicable acts. Tells me everything i need to about you.
Last edited by 95sn; 12-14-2021 at 2:28 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-14-2021, 8:32 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Or simply democrats. I know it is redundant. Just because a party has not achieved it's end result does not mean they are not who their policy proposals say they are.
That's a pretty dumb argument you could say the same about Republicans trying to institute authoritarian fascism, but it's just not true.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
That's a pretty dumb argument you could say the same about Republicans trying to institute authoritarian fascism, but it's just not true.
Can you give me an example? Democrats are trying to open the border. 100% fact. That is a tenant of communism. They are trying to keep authoritarian control over your work life, health and ability to socialize. They are anti religion just like the communists. They fully support the communist group ANTIFA. We can go on.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
The GOP and Trump specifically got beat by simple political science. Play smart win and elections. Biden won from his basement because he simply did nothing dumb. Trump couldn't help himself. The fraud claim is weaker and weaker every day. Time is wearing down this position like stones on a beach. If the 2020 election was fraudulent, where is the beef?
The fact that two republicans are going to spend their money, time and energy trying to out-republican each other means that they will have shifted further right and have less money and be in a worse position for the real fight--the one that actually counts. Purdue and Kemp are basically the same guy. What policy do they split on? Abrams, who almost won in 2018, just has to sit back and appeal to the new middle. The middle that is further right because of the primary. Can you not understand how the left side's portion grows as the GOP moves further right? Have you taken a single political science course?
This would be a good talking point if it were not the exact opposite. They left has moved further and further left and Republicans are starting to pick up traditional conservative democrats who no longer recognize their party. The think you forget is traditionally the party that takes the presidency usually loses in the midterms. Also traditionally the party that wins the white house also gains in congress. That did not happen this last time.
The party out of power has the advantage of bitching and trying to prove to the public that the party in power is not working for them. The democrats also have the advantage of several fake news organizations running nothing but 24/7 coordinated propaganda for them. Only thing they could do to Trump was the fake russian thing and then politicize COVID. The light is being shinned on the russian hoax and more people have died under biden than Trump. Now we have mass inflation and high fuel costs. Guess who has to pay that political cost. Not the Republicans. If covid went away after vaccines and we did not have inflation with just modest fuel price gains, the average person would simply not pay attention and the democrats would have gotten away with it. Instead, all these things are front and center so now the average person starts to pay attention as to why their life is sucking and they get to hear that Republican states have freedom and that the democrats lied about russia and so on. They pay attention to the millions streaming accross the border. It causes momentum. Many democrats may not switch to Republican, but they are not going to go out and vote for a party that is killing their quality of life.
As far as the two Republicans being the same guy, then so be it. We can not change that from here. Let them duke it out and then unify when the real campaign starts.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-15-2021, 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Can you give me an example? Democrats are trying to open the border. 100% fact. That is a tenant of communism. They are trying to keep authoritarian control over your work life, health and ability to socialize. They are anti religion just like the communists. They fully support the communist group ANTIFA. We can go on.
Nope, your talking nonsense. Go down to the border, its a 3 hour wait each way to cross, nothing is open. No one is seeking authoritarian control at this time, we stopped trump and his goons. The dems are trying to extinguish covid, so that you CAN work, so that you CAN be healthy, so you can socialize. Youre selling fear, and doing a weak job. How are dems anti religion, we just elected a very religious catholic. Biden has not made a single comment or action towards anything anti religion. No one is taking control of businesses or any other communist trait. USA is run by capitalists. FYI, Antifa is ANTI-Fascism, ie anti communist, anti authoritarian. Complete nothingness in your post. Someone has you all scared of nothing, nothing at all.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Nope, your talking nonsense. Go down to the border, its a 3 hour wait each way to cross, nothing is open. No one is seeking authoritarian control at this time, we stopped trump and his goons. The dems are trying to extinguish covid, so that you CAN work, so that you CAN be healthy, so you can socialize. Youre selling fear, and doing a weak job. How are dems anti religion, we just elected a very religious catholic. Biden has not made a single comment or action towards anything anti religion. No one is taking control of businesses or any other communist trait. USA is run by capitalists. FYI, Antifa is ANTI-Fascism, ie anti communist, anti authoritarian. Complete nothingness in your post. Someone has you all scared of nothing, nothing at all.
If the border was not open we would not have over 2 million documented cases this year waiting for their hearings never mind the others who did not get apprehended. What you are describing is those who are waiting to cross the border legally. Like I said, kalifonria alone spends over 65 billion a year on illegals on a few million of them. never mind the need for resources like water and housing.
I work just fine and am perfectly healthy even after having covid. Still can not socialize and still can not work without a mask even though we are almost completely vaccinated at our work and the ones who are not are forced to wear a N95 mask and get tested twice a week. We all still have to wear masks.
You are constantly seeking authoritarian control. Heck you personally use people rights under the constitution to try and argue they are guilty. That is authoritarian as it comes.
You did not elect Biden because he is catholic and he is against his own religion on many topics. The democrats as a whole are anti religion.
You are not taking over businesses? Excessive regulation is government control over business.
ANTIFA is anti right wing. They are actually a group of communists that started in pre WW2 germany to fight what they called the right wing. They are firmly communists. You really should learn your history.
I love the irony of selling fear. You did that for 4 years straight.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-15-2021, 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Can you give me an example? Democrats are trying to open the border. 100% fact. That is a tenant of communism. They are trying to keep authoritarian control over your work life, health and ability to socialize. They are anti religion just like the communists. They fully support the communist group ANTIFA. We can go on.
The defining principal of communism is for everything to be owned by the collective, ie no property rights. All land, all businesses everything owned by the state. The democrats are corrupt and incompetent but they don't want communism. Saying they do just makes all your arguments about why they are bad idiotic. About as dumb as a lefty saying that republicans want a religious ethno state.
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-15-2021, 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Democrats are trying to open the border. 100% fact. That is a tenant of communism.
Yeah, when I think China, I think open boarders.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
The defining principal of communism is for everything to be owned by the collective, ie no property rights. All land, all businesses everything owned by the state. The democrats are corrupt and incompetent but they don't want communism. Saying they do just makes all your arguments about why they are bad idiotic. About as dumb as a lefty saying that republicans want a religious ethno state.
Sounds good in your head I suppose, however that is what the current battle in the democrat party is about. The leftists are starting to take over.
Even China does not own everything in China but they certainly do control who does what and when. So does that mean china is not a communist country?
here is a little something for you:
democratic centralism, decision-making practice and disciplinary policy adopted by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and subsequently followed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and by communist parties in other countries.
Democratic centralism purported to combine two opposing forms of party leadership: democracy, which allows for free and open discussion, and central control, which ensures party unity and discipline. At the 10th Congress of the All-Russian Communist Party (1921), the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Ilich Lenin declared that the party was not a debating society in which all opinions were tolerated and freely expressed; it was a “vanguard” party whose role as leader of the revolution demanded extreme discipline and a high level of organization. Unrestrained discussion, he insisted, would produce intraparty disagreements and factions and prevent the party from acting effectively. On the other hand, absolute control by a centralized leadership would discourage new ideas from lower-level party members. Therefore, Lenin argued, free discussion within the party should be tolerated and even encouraged up to a point, but, once a vote was taken, all discussion had to end. The decision of the majority should constitute the current party “line” and be binding upon all members.
The principles of democratic centralism were adopted by the 10th Congress in the form of a resolution written by Lenin, “On Party Unity.” In practice, particularly under the leadership of Joseph Stalin from 1928, democratic centralism was much more “centralist” than “democratic,” as party congresses became infrequent occasions for rubber-stamping decisions made by the top party leadership.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-15-2021, 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
If the border was not open we would not have over 2 million documented cases this year waiting for their hearings never mind the others who did not get apprehended. What you are describing is those who are waiting to cross the border legally. Like I said, kalifonria alone spends over 65 billion a year on illegals on a few million of them. never mind the need for resources like water and housing.
I work just fine and am perfectly healthy even after having covid. Still can not socialize and still can not work without a mask even though we are almost completely vaccinated at our work and the ones who are not are forced to wear a N95 mask and get tested twice a week. We all still have to wear masks.
You are constantly seeking authoritarian control. Heck you personally use people rights under the constitution to try and argue they are guilty. That is authoritarian as it comes.
You did not elect Biden because he is catholic and he is against his own religion on many topics. The democrats as a whole are anti religion.
You are not taking over businesses? Excessive regulation is government control over business.
ANTIFA is anti right wing. They are actually a group of communists that started in pre WW2 germany to fight what they called the right wing. They are firmly communists. You really should learn your history.
I love the irony of selling fear. You did that for 4 years straight.
LOL, by your statement, they apprehended 2 million, thats catching then not opening the border.
Then go out and socialize, who is stopping you, we have zero no socializing rules. Maybe people just dont like you. Im out and about daily. Tell those not vaccinated to get a shot, its easy and free. Then they wont have to take test. They are purposely making their life more difficult w/ no upside.
Dont you think trumps attempt to stay in power after he lost the election a glaring example of authoritarian rule? It wasnt a one day riot it was a months long plot to over throw the US government and our free and fair election.
Biden was elected as a regular church going catholic, most catholics dont agree w/ the church's abortion stand, the pope called Biden a good catholic, thats good enough for me and millions of other catholics.
You dont understand antifa, do you. Your explanation is way off.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-15-2021, 1:01 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Even China does not own everything in China but they certainly do control who does what and when. So does that mean china is not a communist country?
They used to be, they transitioned out of pure communism in the 80's. Technically now they are authoritarian capitalist society.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 1:07 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Yeah, when I think China, I think open boarders.
The tentant of communism is no borders. A borderless society where workers are free to go as the please. So are you saying China is not communist?
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-15-2021, 1:20 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The tentant of communism is no borders. A borderless society where workers are free to go as the please. So are you saying China is not communist?
I'm saying you are McCarthy crazy when it comes to communism. You see it everywhere. If you don't like it, it is: Communist or demonic. You know, completely over the top.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 1:33 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, by your statement, they apprehended 2 million, thats catching then not opening the border.
Then go out and socialize, who is stopping you, we have zero no socializing rules. Maybe people just dont like you. Im out and about daily. Tell those not vaccinated to get a shot, its easy and free. Then they wont have to take test. They are purposely making their life more difficult w/ no upside.
Dont you think trumps attempt to stay in power after he lost the election a glaring example of authoritarian rule? It wasnt a one day riot it was a months long plot to over throw the US government and our free and fair election.
Biden was elected as a regular church going catholic, most catholics dont agree w/ the church's abortion stand, the pope called Biden a good catholic, thats good enough for me and millions of other catholics.
You dont understand antifa, do you. Your explanation is way off.
Most of them turn themselves in so they can get a court date. Then they get released or flown into other states and released never to be seen again. That is the ones who decided to get caught. There has never been a demographic change in the last 30 years in this country that did not include a major all out war.
Again, you have it backwards. The government is making it hard on them with no upside. There is no need for such conditions since we have been working on site since a couple weeks after the initial shut down with very little issue. Adding additional layers while also keep the exact same controls on the others that you have been working with for nearly 2 years that yielded no issues is simply punishment by the government.
No, I do not consider Trump using the constitutional rights afforded him as an authoritarian move in the any form. Just like when Al Gore tried to use his constitutional rights as a form of authoritarianism. We just knew gore was lying and his lawyers said exactly that in his book when it came to trying to count all votes. Biden was sworn in on the agreed upon date just like every other US president.
Biden was not elected because he was a catholic. He happened to be catholic. It still does not change the democrat parties view on religion.
My explanation on ANTIFA is pretty much spot on.
The progenitors of Antifa, in this account, were the German and Italian leftists who, following the First World War, banded together to fight proto-Fascist gangs. In Italy, these leftists gathered under the banner of Arditi del Popolo (“the People’s Daring Ones”), while in Weimar Germany, groups like Antifaschistische Aktion, from which Antifa takes its name, evolved from paramilitary factions of existing political parties
I think part of it is because the anti-fascist resistance came predominantly from leftist movements — including the Communist Party, Socialist Party and anarchists
Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies. A majority of individuals involved are anarchists, communists, and socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries[8] and criticize liberal democracy,[9] although some social democrats also adhere to the antifa movement.[7][9][10] The name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa movement.[11]
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-15-2021, 2:26 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The tentant of communism is no borders. A borderless society where workers are free to go as the please. So are you saying China is not communist?
That's not central to communism. Case in point communists are typically not allowed to leave the country. Hence all the defections.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-15-2021, 2:43 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Most of them turn themselves in so they can get a court date. Then they get released or flown into other states and released never to be seen again. That is the ones who decided to get caught. There has never been a demographic change in the last 30 years in this country that did not include a major all out war.
Again, you have it backwards. The government is making it hard on them with no upside. There is no need for such conditions since we have been working on site since a couple weeks after the initial shut down with very little issue. Adding additional layers while also keep the exact same controls on the others that you have been working with for nearly 2 years that yielded no issues is simply punishment by the government.
No, I do not consider Trump using the constitutional rights afforded him as an authoritarian move in the any form. Just like when Al Gore tried to use his constitutional rights as a form of authoritarianism. We just knew gore was lying and his lawyers said exactly that in his book when it came to trying to count all votes. Biden was sworn in on the agreed upon date just like every other US president.
Biden was not elected because he was a catholic. He happened to be catholic. It still does not change the democrat parties view on religion.
My explanation on ANTIFA is pretty much spot on.
The progenitors of Antifa, in this account, were the German and Italian leftists who, following the First World War, banded together to fight proto-Fascist gangs. In Italy, these leftists gathered under the banner of Arditi del Popolo (“the People’s Daring Ones”), while in Weimar Germany, groups like Antifaschistische Aktion, from which Antifa takes its name, evolved from paramilitary factions of existing political parties
I think part of it is because the anti-fascist resistance came predominantly from leftist movements — including the Communist Party, Socialist Party and anarchists
ndividuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies. A majority of individuals involved are anarchists, communists, and socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries[8] and criticize liberal democracy,[9] although some social democrats also adhere to the antifa movement.[7][9][10] The name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa movement.[11]
wrong again, the current law is Remain in Mexico.
The Government is trying to do everything they can to contain Covid, your work pals are working against that goal. They have nothing to gain except a case of covid, missing work and missing paychecks. Whos way is simpler? Who is doing their part to asist in the greater goal, to address covid?
Point out the part of the constitution that gives trump the right to lie to all americans about his electio loss, To lie about China and voting machines to create distrust.... to send his goons literally to physically stop congress from certifying the vote? Where in the constitution does it say he can create a riot then call an emergency and retain power after he lost? Where in the constitution does it say he can change the rules regarding switching electoral votes? Where does the constitution allow him to beg the Sec of State to create 11800 more votes for him? Is that stuff in there? If so , Biden will never leave. Whats fair for one side is open game for the other.
We are talking about the current Antifa group right? Not some typical Delta BS history lesson from decades and decades ago.
What specifically is the Biden admin doing to keep you from worshiping?
Remind me, when was the last time a president lied about election results refused to show up at the inaugural, refused to concede. Thats trumps legacy. A bad loser curled up in fetal position crying about being a loser.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-15-2021, 3:46 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
wrong again, the current law is Remain in Mexico.
The Government is trying to do everything they can to contain Covid, your work pals are working against that goal. They have nothing to gain except a case of covid, missing work and missing paychecks. Whos way is simpler? Who is doing their part to asist in the greater goal, to address covid?
Point out the part of the constitution that gives trump the right to lie to all americans about his electio loss, To lie about China and voting machines to create distrust.... to send his goons literally to physically stop congress from certifying the vote? Where in the constitution does it say he can create a riot then call an emergency and retain power after he lost? Where in the constitution does it say he can change the rules regarding switching electoral votes? Where does the constitution allow him to beg the Sec of State to create 11800 more votes for him? Is that stuff in there? If so , Biden will never leave. Whats fair for one side is open game for the other.
We are talking about the current Antifa group right? Not some typical Delta BS history lesson from decades and decades ago.
What specifically is the Biden admin doing to keep you from worshiping?
Remind me, when was the last time a president lied about election results refused to show up at the inaugural, refused to concede. Thats trumps legacy. A bad loser curled up in fetal position crying about being a loser.
The current law was just made to be enforced by a judge from the rule during Trump administration days. It was not enforced that way for over a year and that only now counts for the people who turn themselves in. That does not count the thousands a week who come across and are not seeking asylum. There are over 11 million illegals in the country already before all this.
Finding votes is not the same as create votes. Nice twist of language there. not illegal to ask the to recount areas. counts are flawed.
WHen was the last time a person said the election was stolen besides the democrats with Gore?
How about the previous one:
Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’
September 26, 2019
Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.
The former secretary of state, who lost the presidency to Trump, offered a scathing assessment of the president, his 2016 win and the latest allegations that he tried to obtain incriminating information from a foreign government about Joe Biden, a possible 2020 opponent, according to excerpts released by CBS from a wide-ranging pretaped interview for its “Sunday Morning” show,
Clinton was asked whether it angers her that none of the current Democratic candidates invoke her on the campaign trail while Trump’s rally crowds still break out into “lock her up” chants.
“No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”
Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’
Hillary Clinton is sticking with her conviction that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying the details surrounding her loss are still unclear.
“There was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level,” Clinton said during an interview for the latest episode of The Atlantic’s politics podcast, The Ticket. “We still don’t know what really happened.”
For your electors misinformation:
Yes. Electors do not have to vote the way the state voted. They can chose who they elect president and the states themselves can select electors regardless of the vote of the people in said states:
Article II, Section 1, Clauses 2 and 3
Still, the Electors do possess the legal prerogative to vote as they wish, and under extraordinary circumstances they might exercise that prerogative to change the expected outcome dictated by popular election returns.
It has been proven over and over that Trump did not send anyone to the capital. You trying to gaslight everyone especially with the evidence saying it was not and the FBI saying he did not, is just like your other leftist chicken little cries.
The definitions I gave you about ANTIFA also include interviews of current ANTIFA in the US members/ leaders. The flag literally represents communists and anarchists coming together to battle liberal politics. The problem is today, calling a man and man and a woman a woman is considered fascism by these modern day idiots. They call anyone who does not agree with them a fascist. It has nothing to do with nazi's running around. If they had it their way back in pre war Germany they would have been the ones putting people in camps like Stalin did instead of the nazi's. Evil is evil. Only difference is you democrats approve of the evil.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-15-2021, 4:49 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Still, the Electors do possess the legal prerogative to vote as they wish, and under extraordinary circumstances they might exercise that prerogative to change the expected outcome dictated by popular election returns.
Awesome system. Why wouldn't the evil dems just select Biden again if trump beats him 2024 and say oh Trump is a danger to the country?
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-16-2021, 7:48 AM
Civil war gets thrown around here way more than it should and here is a good (and Neutral) article about the Civil War threat in Ireland through the 1970s and 80s.
Here is a great quote:
"Northern Irish society had become viciously polarized between one tribe that felt itself to have suffered oppression and another one fearful that the loss of its power and privilege would lead to annihilation by its ancient enemies."
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-16-2021, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I'm saying you are McCarthy crazy when it comes to communism. You see it everywhere. If you don't like it, it is: Communist or demonic. You know, completely over the top.
Of course. I have to grab your attention and put a position on the table. It is hard to have a fine nuanced discussion on the internet.
The point is, democrats are for one world order which also happens to be a communist position. They are also anti religion which happens to be a communist position. The are pro union which happens to be a communist position. Democrats want the state to educate your children which is also a communist position. Democrats want centralized power which is also a communist position. There are many like minded positions between the two.
Do I believe that all you democrats are communist?. of course not, however I count you as useful idiots for their causes. Get you wanting such and such trinket, so you go along with any program they put out. The point of pointing it out is to get a few that are inclined to maybe self reflect on why are people calling us that or don't like what we are trying to do. Maybe your trinket is not a horrible trinket but along comes the unintended consequences that others can see but maybe you are missing.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-16-2021, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Civil war gets thrown around here way more than it should and here is a good (and Neutral) article about the Civil War threat in Ireland through the 1970s and 80s.
Here is a great quote:
"Northern Irish society had become viciously polarized between one tribe that felt itself to have suffered oppression and another one fearful that the loss of its power and privilege would lead to annihilation by its ancient enemies."
Of course it is written by a leftist. What a bunch of trash that was. It has nothing to do with power and privilege. It has to do with meritocracy, freedoms and law and order. You think the average white American has any power or privilege. Poor people are looked down on as any other group. They just get called different names. Heck white women got to vote well after black men.
What do you think the point of democrats always saying everything is racist is for? It is a new spin on critical theory which is a offshoot of marxism.
From a quote:
In classic Marxist fashion, critical theory divides everyone in society into classes of oppressed and oppressors, but posits that the so-called oppressed stand in the way of revolution when they adhere to the societal belief systems and cultural norms of their so-called oppressors.
Basically democrats have morphed marxist ideology into identifying the oppressors. In this case they have latched onto color of skin as the defining feature of the oppressors. Basically say that only color has built the country this way so it needs to be torn down and distributed to the people. More importantly to the non white people. you see this in their handling of the border. Their goal is to un-white America to stop the oppression of the world by America.
What we really are is a meritocracy. If you have merit, you have the ability to climb the ladder. it takes work and to be humble willing to be knocked down. Europe is only less than a hundred years off of kings and queens. They have replaced much of their governments with politicians that act in much of the same way treating the people as subjects to be told how to live. Much of the 3rd world can not get set up a system of government that isn't simply repressive to keep order. We on the other hand destroyed slavery which was created and sustained by the rest of the world (even to this day in many areas of the world the practice continues.) We have allowed for other races and nationalities to come together and use their merits to succeed. It is not always perfect but we are way ahead of the rest of the world.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-16-2021, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Awesome system. Why wouldn't the evil dems just select Biden again if trump beats him 2024 and say oh Trump is a danger to the country?
As we found out the danger to the country is really the democrats and their made up propaganda. The light is being shined on them daily. Even Adam Shiff the head goon from the impeachment show got called out on a national TV show for going along with the lie. Now we have over 7% inflation in just a couple months. Have more deaths from covid under biden than trump but with way less freedom. a fuel policy that is just a globalist dream but is killing Americans pocketbooks. Wide open borders. I think Americans are understanding who is the danger to America.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-16-2021, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Awesome system. Why wouldn't the evil dems just select Biden again if trump beats him 2024 and say oh Trump is a danger to the country?
The states do not have to let the people vote for president. The states can pass a law that says they will simply appoint electors. The constitution states that the states choose the electors based on how they want to do it. Second, it mandates that federal elections be held on a single day of the federal governments choosing. A state would have to decide to not follow the voters will and simply change the law but it has to be done prior to the federal election day. So, in theory with all this early voting stuff that the democrats got rushed through the courts and not the state legislatures, a state could see the trend in voting and possible change the law prior to the national election day and select electors that would vote for their candidate.
Also, a fun fact. It is a great system. It keeps a couple of big cities from dictating to the rest of the country how they are going to live. Like Chicago does to the rest of Illinois. You have an extremely corrupt and dangerous political situation in Chicago that the rest of the state does not appreciate. However the states elect based on popular vote, thus that is what happens. Same with kalifornia. You have cities where people have no idea where food comes from deciding how the rest of the state is going to get their food.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 12-16-2021 at 12:01 PM.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-16-2021, 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Awesome system. Why wouldn't the evil dems just select Biden again if trump beats him 2024 and say oh Trump is a danger to the country?
On last thing on this. As currently stands. The states allow the political parties to select their electors and then most states award them based on the popular vote of the state. So if a democrat wins the state, the electors loyal to the democrats are sent to vote and visa versa. These electors get appointed at the big national conventions and should be well vetted.
One thing that can and has happened is if a candidate does not receive the 270 electoral votes, the vote is then held by the house of representatives and they vote for the president and the vice president. I don't know if a state can refuse to send electors if fraud was detected but a state legislature can override the vote of the people and send their own electors. Some states did pass a law that says they have to appoint electors based on the popular vote in the state. They also would have to do this before the election based on Article 2 I believe.
Join Date: Jun 2004
12-16-2021, 1:26 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The point is, democrats are for one world order which also happens to be a communist position. They are also anti religion which happens to be a communist position.
Ironic given that religion is also one world order, which fits your definition of a communist position.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-16-2021, 3:30 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The states do not have to let the people vote for president. The states can pass a law that says they will simply appoint electors.
So if the dems are so evil and currently have the numbers why wouldn't they just select the next president and retain power forever?
Join Date: Dec 2009
12-16-2021, 4:47 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
So if the dems are so evil and currently have the numbers why wouldn't they just select the next president and retain power forever?
Ralph, you got out of lockdown?
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-16-2021, 5:56 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Ralph, you got out of lockdown?
Join Date: Oct 2006
12-17-2021, 6:46 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Of course. I have to grab your attention and put a position on the table. It is hard to have a fine nuanced discussion on the internet.
The point is, democrats are for one world order which also happens to be a communist position. They are also anti religion which happens to be a communist position. The are pro union which happens to be a communist position. Democrats want the state to educate your children which is also a communist position. Democrats want centralized power which is also a communist position. There are many like minded positions between the two.
Do I believe that all you democrats are communist?. of course not, however I count you as useful idiots for their causes. Get you wanting such and such trinket, so you go along with any program they put out. The point of pointing it out is to get a few that are inclined to maybe self reflect on why are people calling us that or don't like what we are trying to do. Maybe your trinket is not a horrible trinket but along comes the unintended consequences that others can see but maybe you are missing.
How Trumpy of you. It doesn't have to be true and you don't even have to believe it. It just has to be loud and tickle your basest inclinations.
I believe in the American system and I have struggled and succeeded under democrats and republicans. I prefer Republicans, but the system is more important to me either party. My allegiance is to the USA not to the republicans and definitely not to Trump. That is why I only fly the US flag and sometimes the Texas flag. You seem very willing to attack the system for the sake of a party or a single guy. That is just not me. We are different.
If I truly believed the system was broken, I would do something about it. What you call fraud now is just political gamesmanship. Expanding mail-in voting is no different than gerrymandering. It is kinda bull****, but it is in the rule of fair play and the courts agree. There was no real fraud. Dead people weren't voting and people weren't casting multiple votes in mass. Sure, there were a few criminals (on both sides), but they get nailed. You need 10,000s in very specific places for it to change the results. What is harder to believe? The largest conspiracy in the history of the US was pulled off without leaving a trace or that Trump lost for the same reason Hillary lost in 2016. They both had a near religious base, but as a whole, they were more hated than the other candidate?
When states start sending electors back because they don't like the results, the system is broken. Democrat or Republican, good Americans, loyal to the USA will stand up against it.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-17-2021, 9:01 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
As we found out the danger to the country is really the democrats and their made up propaganda. The light is being shined on them daily. Even Adam Shiff the head goon from the impeachment show got called out on a national TV show for going along with the lie. Now we have over 7% inflation in just a couple months. Have more deaths from covid under biden than trump but with way less freedom. a fuel policy that is just a globalist dream but is killing Americans pocketbooks. Wide open borders. I think Americans are understanding who is the danger to America.
All you do is make up the democratic position on a daily basis, none of what your imagination says is accurate. They're not Marxist, not anti religion, not one world order... You got the pro union part correct, then F'ed up by claiming pro union equals communism. Supporting American workers is now communist? Just nuts thinking. Really, really brainwashed.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-17-2021, 9:44 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
How Trumpy of you. It doesn't have to be true and you don't even have to believe it. It just has to be loud and tickle your basest inclinations.
I believe in the American system and I have struggled and succeeded under democrats and republicans. I prefer Republicans, but the system is more important to me either party. My allegiance is to the USA not to the republicans and definitely not to Trump. That is why I only fly the US flag and sometimes the Texas flag. You seem very willing to attack the system for the sake of a party or a single guy. That is just not me. We are different.
If I truly believed the system was broken, I would do something about it. What you call fraud now is just political gamesmanship. Expanding mail-in voting is no different than gerrymandering. It is kinda bull****, but it is in the rule of fair play and the courts agree. There was no real fraud. Dead people weren't voting and people weren't casting multiple votes in mass. Sure, there were a few criminals (on both sides), but they get nailed. You need 10,000s in very specific places for it to change the results. What is harder to believe? The largest conspiracy in the history of the US was pulled off without leaving a trace or that Trump lost for the same reason Hillary lost in 2016. They both had a near religious base, but as a whole, they were more hated than the other candidate?
When states start sending electors back because they don't like the results, the system is broken. Democrat or Republican, good Americans, loyal to the USA will stand up against it.
No, I am for honesty and you guys are not being honest. That is the whole point. I have lost a childhood friend in high school because he was bullying another kid. I told him he needed to stop. He did not see it that way. I don't like intellectually dishonest people and you two on here are as dishonest as they come. Stories from SN that I was a Republican and same with you, yet I can not find one single policy position that you have discussed that is Republican or even pro American. Just like SN's "I have hated Trump since the 80's" bull crap. Really. Some random guy that hardly anyone knew outside of New York is known by some random child in kalifornia and that child decided he did not like that person? Uh huh. Right..........
As far as fraud. What you call games man ship, other call fraud. Kalifornia has gamed their system to the tune of 6 million extra votes. Interesting that the same number of people who voted in a presidential election voted in a off year recall election for the same party. Very interesting statistically improbable total. You call the vast changing of statistics gamemanship, others call it fraud because only fraud can make things statistically improbable.
I agree, if the states have to start gaming electors it does mean the system is broken. If it is broken it is because it was done on purpose and it is being done on purpose. That is the whole freaking point. That is why the borders are being left open. That is why democrats are constantly trying to sign treaties that tax Americans directly. That is why the demcorats are "gaming the system", because they are trying to break it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-17-2021, 9:49 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
All you do is make up the democratic position on a daily basis, none of what your imagination says is accurate. They're not Marxist, not anti religion, not one world order... You got the pro union part correct, then F'ed up by claiming pro union equals communism. Supporting American workers is now communist? Just nuts thinking. Really, really brainwashed.
Supporting workers is one thing, you have to look at the roots of it and what it ultimately does to business. Some unions are good like the trades where individual workers really do not have anyone to carry a pension, benefits, and keep track of training standards that allow for a well trained flexible work force. Then there is the others that are just there to destroy a company. At the end of the day you have to look at the union leadership and their underlying goals. Most of them are marxist in nature.
As far as democrat position. How would you know? You said you were a Republican so how do you know what the democrat positions were and are? You don't know a single thing other than trying to hate on a single individual. Matter of fact you admitted that you did not even vote, so how can you even pretend to argue that I do not know what the democrat positions are when you can not even articulate who you are.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-17-2021, 9:52 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
Ironic given that religion is also one world order, which fits your definition of a communist position.
I would say catholicism is. Christianity is about individual freedom who choose to come together of their own free will. Not come together under a one world organization in hopes that organization will bless them with the gift of ever lasting life.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-17-2021, 9:58 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
So if the dems are so evil and currently have the numbers why wouldn't they just select the next president and retain power forever?
The democrats do not have the numbers by definition. The democrats when they keep spouting that they won the popular vote, are really telling you they have a huge lead by 6 million people in the state of Kalifornia that has 10's of millions of foreign born voters. The reality is, vast majority of the states are Republican. The state by definition in the constitution retain the rights of governing of their citizens, not the federal government. There is very little in the constitution regarding the federal government and it's governance of the people. The federal is a representative of the states in foreign affairs. That is why I laugh at you clowns saying Trump should have made people do this or that. Or not Biden should make people do this or that. They do not have the power to do anything that you are saying. Biden is trying and he is getting slapped down by the courts and rightfully so. The issue is, the big businesses who are largely headed by demcorats are using that as a que to crack down on their workers. The people don't like that behavior, so ol Joe's numbers are way down.
Join Date: Jun 2004
12-18-2021, 7:27 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Christianity is about individual freedom who choose to come together of their own free will.
LOL, that's not what Christianity is about.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-22-2021, 9:59 AM
Credit where credit is due trump pushes vaccine positive message at last town hall with Bill O'Reilly. Good stuff.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-26-2021, 8:40 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
12-28-2021, 7:07 AM
Pretty simple concept. Get vaccinated, less chance of dying.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-05-2022, 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
LOL, that's not what Christianity is about.
actually it is. it is your individual relationship with God with the belief that he sent his son Jesus as a sacrifice for your sins. You should seek relationships with other believers yes. A church is also where a few people meet. It is not an institution. I don't think you know what religion you are trying to argue about.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-05-2022, 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by psudy
Pretty simple concept. Get vaccinated, less chance of dying.
Yep. I think it needs to be stopped being called a vaccine though. It is a therapeutic and all therapeutics should be on the table. Pre and post infection. The current shot does not stop you from contracting or spreading the disease in which it is meant for.
However you still do not know if there are any future side effects though and that is what most people are worried about so they are willing to play the statistics of waiting considering the vast majority of the deaths are over 65 years old and those over 45 to 65 with other conditions.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 01-05-2022 at 11:59 AM.
Join Date: Dec 2003
01-05-2022, 1:13 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep. I think it needs to be stopped being called a vaccine though. It is a therapeutic and all therapeutics should be on the table. Pre and post infection. The current shot does not stop you from contracting or spreading the disease in which it is meant for.
However you still do not know if there are any future side effects though and that is what most people are worried about so they are willing to play the statistics of waiting considering the vast majority of the deaths are over 65 years old and those over 45 to 65 with other conditions.
While it certainly is appearing that way it is still a vaccine, just more like the flu vaccine. It catches some but not all and helps reduce severity. Below is what my brother(who has PHDs in biochem and Chem E and works exclusively with proteins) sent to my kids(whos mother is against the vaccine).
"The Covid19 vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines, which are new, but people have been developing them for over 30 years. Instead of injecting you with a protein from the virus (the traditional way), you get injected with RNA, which codes for the protein on the virus. Your cells then make that protein, just as they would if you were infected with the virus, except your cells don't make all the rest of the proteins needed to make a whole virus - they just make one tiny part, which your body makes antibodies against, and you gain immunity. RNA is fragile and easily degraded in your body, and in no way changes DNA. In fact, you are getting injected with RNA every time you get the common cold, which is an RNA virus. Your body is well equipped to handle and dispose of it. Also, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also don't contain any preservatives like mercury or thimerosol."
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-05-2022, 1:49 PM
Originally Posted by psudy
While it certainly is appearing that way it is still a vaccine, just more like the flu vaccine. It catches some but not all and helps reduce severity. Below is what my brother(who has PHDs in biochem and Chem E and works exclusively with proteins) sent to my kids(whos mother is against the vaccine).
"The Covid19 vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines, which are new, but people have been developing them for over 30 years. Instead of injecting you with a protein from the virus (the traditional way), you get injected with RNA, which codes for the protein on the virus. Your cells then make that protein, just as they would if you were infected with the virus, except your cells don't make all the rest of the proteins needed to make a whole virus - they just make one tiny part, which your body makes antibodies against, and you gain immunity. RNA is fragile and easily degraded in your body, and in no way changes DNA. In fact, you are getting injected with RNA every time you get the common cold, which is an RNA virus. Your body is well equipped to handle and dispose of it. Also, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines also don't contain any preservatives like mercury or thimerosol."
That is the information as I have researched as well. mRNA has been around for some time. It is not something they just came up with. I was under the impression the flu and colds basically do a mRNA hijack to infect you to begin with. sounds like what your brother sent. I am not against the vaccines, however I do not hold it against anyone who wants to wait and see. I think they have a valid argument.
I guess you are correct on it being a vaccine. Therapeutics are an after infection treatment. There are some therapeutic vaccines for treating cancer for instance. They still should be discussing both. Oddly enough though is people who are against the vaccine will still be getting a dose of therapeutics that they know equally less about than the vaccine. I guess it is just playing the statistics hoping nothing serious happens until there is more data.
Just looked at the new guidelines for our work. Apparently I am no longer considered vaccinated. I am now in the pile of the unvaccinated and am going to be treated accordingly in the responses to exposure and so on. I guess since they already purged the unvaccinated, they now need a new pile of unvaccinated to work against.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-06-2022, 1:03 PM
Happy insurrection day!
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-06-2022, 1:05 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Happy insurrection day!
Happy all anyone has been charged with is Trespassing day.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-06-2022, 1:29 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Happy all anyone has been charged with is Trespassing day.
100% wrong as usual, where do you find this stuff?
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-06-2022, 2:55 PM
I think he must have meant treason and not trespassing, simple mistake and simply not the same at all.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-07-2022, 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
100% wrong as usual, where do you find this stuff?
Not a single person was charge with what either of you have said. Sounds good for political sound bites, but not truthful.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-07-2022, 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I think he must have meant treason and not trespassing, simple mistake and simply not the same at all.
You mean treason like when pelosi said that when actual armed democrat protestors took over the Wisconsin State Senate looking for Republicans, that it was a great showing of the democratic process? You mean that kind of treason?
Or are you talking about last year where unarmed people entered congress, took pictures, did not damage anything and even spoke to a police officer on the floor asking them when they were going to leave?
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-07-2022, 1:39 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Not a single person was charge with what either of you have said. Sounds good for political sound bites, but not truthful.
I didn't say they were charged with anything, you piped up that they were only charged with trespassing with is factually incorrect. Typical rightwinger, don't let facts get in the way of narrative.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-07-2022, 3:13 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Not a single person was charge with what either of you have said. Sounds good for political sound bites, but not truthful.
Hows this for truthful? This is who has already been sentenced, still hundreds and hundreds to go. They go after the low hanging fruit first to better build cases against the more involved. Not a single organizer has been arrested yet, soon. No sound bites, just the facts.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-07-2022, 3:27 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You mean treason like when pelosi said that when actual armed democrat protestors took over the Wisconsin State Senate looking for Republicans, that it was a great showing of the democratic process? You mean that kind of treason?
Or are you talking about last year where unarmed people entered congress, took pictures, did not damage anything and even spoke to a police officer on the floor asking them when they were going to leave?
When folks stop by your house and spread their feces on your walls, is that not damaging your property? When they slam a fire extinguisher into a police officers head, that not damage too? Breaking thru windows, bear spraying cops, beating on police officers...none of that damage? Such fine folks you appear to be defending. How many are required to die before you believe facts? They did over $1.5 million in damages, dont act dumb.
The type of treason im talking about is when a group gets its feelings hurt because they lost another election. Instead of living with the results they set into motion a months long plot to violently over throw the US presidential election. Thought you knew. Its been on the news for over a year.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-07-2022, 3:45 PM
To be clear the Q Sharmon was charged and plead guilty to felony obstruction of an official proceeding, not trespassing.