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Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-27-2021, 2:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Thats what people who cant read and or cant comprehend what they read say. The article said that several of the insurrectionists are turning on those who helped plan. Those planners are in congress. We cant have anti democracy, conspiracy theory nut jobs serving in congress. Anti democracy=Anti American. They keep talking about voter fraud, they just cant point any actual non republican made voter fraud. A lot like delta.
Sure they are. The article starts out with the good ol "anonymous sources" quote that your liberal rags are so found of. Then the article goes into rallies before Jan6. Trying to tie any and all rallies into Jan 6. Just stop.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-29-2021, 10:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Sure they are. The article starts out with the good ol "anonymous sources" quote that your liberal rags are so found of. Then the article goes into rallies before Jan6. Trying to tie any and all rallies into Jan 6. Just stop.
Read it again, they clearly explain "anonymous" and why. Thats one of the points of the article, it wasnt just 1/6. This was a planned insurrection, planned by POTUS and his staff. Started before 1/6 and is continuing today. Like 99% of all things trump, it failed.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       10-29-2021, 11:22 AM Reply   
We all moved on from the burning of cities and businesses. I think its time you moved on too. We understand there is hardly any defense you can give to the current state of affairs but surely you can find something.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-29-2021, 12:19 PM Reply   
I can certainly appreciate the thought of moving on. If we expect to continue our democratic experiment we have to rely on fair elections, agree? If ex POTUS is running a scam and gets away with it, democracy falls and we enter Authoritarian territory. Is that what you want? Stealing elections ok with the GOP? Fair game? They did everything they could to actually steal the office of president and failed. Fact, R led States have already re-written and passed laws to say that if they dont like the results, they can call a winner that lost the vote count. Is that what you want evil, radical democrats to do? or just republicans? I need to know where you stand.
Not sure why anyone would compare people protesting (and looting...) over Chauvins murder trial, BLM or whatever name you put on it and a Republican president trying to steal an election and take down democracy. They have nothing in common. Am i missing the connection? In addition, as far as I can remember, no one here or Dems in general supported looting or burning, protesting is a 1st Amendment right. Arrest and try, convict and jail violent protesters. Law and Order.
Trump is still running the GOP, says he is running in 2024 and congress is still lying for him, trying to cover up and stall the investigations. Seems a little different than a protest march for justice on a dirty cop who murdered a man in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses. If you have nothing to hide, why not just cooperate and prove it. Isnt that what the party of L and O always cite?
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       10-29-2021, 12:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Thats what people who cant read and or cant comprehend what they read say. The article said that several of the insurrectionists are turning on those who helped plan.
And by turning on them, they mean actually showing up to a subpoena and telling the Truth!
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       10-29-2021, 2:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I can certainly appreciate the thought of moving on. If we expect to continue our democratic experiment we have to rely on fair elections, agree? If ex POTUS is running a scam and gets away with it, democracy falls and we enter Authoritarian territory. Is that what you want? Stealing elections ok with the GOP? Fair game? They did everything they could to actually steal the office of president and failed. Fact, R led States have already re-written and passed laws to say that if they dont like the results, they can call a winner that lost the vote count. Is that what you want evil, radical democrats to do? or just republicans? I need to know where you stand.
Not sure why anyone would compare people protesting (and looting...) over Chauvins murder trial, BLM or whatever name you put on it and a Republican president trying to steal an election and take down democracy. They have nothing in common. Am i missing the connection? In addition, as far as I can remember, no one here or Dems in general supported looting or burning, protesting is a 1st Amendment right. Arrest and try, convict and jail violent protesters. Law and Order.
Trump is still running the GOP, says he is running in 2024 and congress is still lying for him, trying to cover up and stall the investigations. Seems a little different than a protest march for justice on a dirty cop who murdered a man in broad daylight in front of dozens of witnesses. If you have nothing to hide, why not just cooperate and prove it. Isnt that what the party of L and O always cite?
Arrest and try? Is that why they set up the bail fund? Trump wasn't stealing anything. He's just a little whinny loser that got some idiots riled up. His ego is to large to let things go. My hope is he fades away and we get a good candidate next go around.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-29-2021, 2:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Arrest and try? Is that why they set up the bail fund? Trump wasn't stealing anything. He's just a little whinny loser that got some idiots riled up. His ego is to large to let things go. My hope is he fades away and we get a good candidate next go around.
Like i said, protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment, their fund was used to assist protesters, not looters, burners or roaches.
Our "hopes", align.

We disagree on trumps intentions, i think he really tried to steal an election, still is.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       11-01-2021, 6:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Like i said, protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment, their fund was used to assist protesters, not looters, burners or roaches.
Our "hopes", all ]
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-01-2021, 10:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post

Opinion V. Fact.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       11-01-2021, 11:20 AM Reply   
Maybe you should read the link you posted.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-04-2021, 2:13 PM Reply

Feds Arrest Steele Dossier Researcher

An analyst considered the primary researcher of the Steele dossier was arrested Thursday by federal authorities.

Igor Danchenko, 43, was arrested as part of special counsel John Durham's investigation. The Russian citizen and Virginia resident was charged with "five counts of making false statements to the FBI," according to a release issued by the special counsel's office.

Durham's office added that the charges in the indictment stemmed from statements made by Danchenko relating to the sources he used in providing information to a United Kingdom investigative firm that prepared what are identified in the indictment as "Company Reports."
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-05-2021, 1:46 PM Reply   
No comment huh?

The source for the Steele Dossier now indicted. Hillary's lawyer indicted. Funding from the Clinton Campaign. FBI lawyer convicted for lying.

When are we getting our apology for 4 years of lies and when will Adam Shiff and company be held responsible for lying to the American Public?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-09-2021, 11:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
No comment huh?

The source for the Steele Dossier now indicted. Hillary's lawyer indicted. Funding from the Clinton Campaign. FBI lawyer convicted for lying.

When are we getting our apology for 4 years of lies and when will Adam Shiff and company be held responsible for lying to the American Public?

Looks like the actual “ Coordinated Insurrection “ to attack the legitimacy of Presidency was implemented by the Left and the Clinton campaign. Once again unlike Trump’s “_alleged insurrection “ that has zero evidence , this one has mountains of evidence. WOW Amazing how that works. 4 years of lies and bogus investigations based of a fictional manufactured story to smear the winner . Wonder if all these Jan 6th looneys will be repeating all their rhetoric now that it’s actually Clinton and multiple members of their party caught red handed.

Of course all the points made at the very beginning from those on the front lines are actually being exposed. You mean everything mentioned about the Russia “ hoax” was a complete fallacy paid for and orchestrated by Hillary and company??? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?????

Wonder where those emails and servers are.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-10-2021, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Looks like the actual “ Coordinated Insurrection “ to attack the legitimacy of Presidency was implemented by the Left and the Clinton campaign. Once again unlike Trump’s “_alleged insurrection “ that has zero evidence , this one has mountains of evidence. WOW Amazing how that works. 4 years of lies and bogus investigations based of a fictional manufactured story to smear the winner . Wonder if all these Jan 6th looneys will be repeating all their rhetoric now that it’s actually Clinton and multiple members of their party caught red handed.

Of course all the points made at the very beginning from those on the front lines are actually being exposed. You mean everything mentioned about the Russia “ hoax” was a complete fallacy paid for and orchestrated by Hillary and company??? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?????

Wonder where those emails and servers are.
And the biggest issue with all this is, everyone knows it was all political theater and that is why people were so pissed off. You gas light them for 4 years straight. Pull a fast one on the rules of the election by the courts, send out millions of ballots with zero controls and you wonder why people were pissed off? Then tell them that freaking joe biden somehow got the most votes in the history of the president and it is no wonder a few people lost their minds. They are lucky it was not more.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-10-2021, 12:44 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And the biggest issue with all this is, everyone knows it was all political theater and that is why people were so pissed off. You gas light them for 4 years straight. Pull a fast one on the rules of the election by the courts, send out millions of ballots with zero controls and you wonder why people were pissed off? Then tell them that freaking joe biden somehow got the most votes in the history of the president and it is no wonder a few people lost their minds. They are lucky it was not more.
People need to wake the F up for sure. You know what’s even more comical all the Biden numpty’s here have gone into hibernation mode while their guy and his party get decimated daily. There isn’t a single positive policy coming out. People who supported this imbecile and his party should be embarrassed.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-10-2021, 1:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
People need to wake the F up for sure. You know what’s even more comical all the Biden numpty’s here have gone into hibernation mode while their guy and his party get decimated daily. There isn’t a single positive policy coming out. People who supported this imbecile and his party should be embarrassed.
I would say Jimmy Carter 2.0, however he is so bad that he may just be Jimmy Carter 5.0
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-11-2021, 9:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And the biggest issue with all this is, everyone knows it was all political theater and that is why people were so pissed off. You gas light them for 4 years straight. Pull a fast one on the rules of the election by the courts, send out millions of ballots with zero controls and you wonder why people were pissed off? Then tell them that freaking joe biden somehow got the most votes in the history of the president and it is no wonder a few people lost their minds. They are lucky it was not more.
People need to wake the F up for sure. You know what’s even more comical all the Biden numpty’s here have gone into hibernation mode while their guy and his party get decimated daily. There isn’t a single positive policy coming out. People who supported this imbecile and his party should be embarrassed.
Not hibernating, its just that you guys just believe too much crazy. Not worth educating those that refuse to listen to reason and fact.
Trumps insurrection was real, but you dont believe it. If no problem, why are all of trumps people hiding from testifying, fighting subpoenas? Why wont they step forward and tell the truth? One listen of the speeches preceding and a look at the vids of the attack are obvious of what happened.
There was no voter fraud in 2020 election but you believe it. Zero controls on mail in voting?
Clearly your opinion is false. You hide the facts from yourself. You forget ALL these safeguards??? Didnt all Republicans also get ballots too?
There were 80 court cases that trump lost. There were dozens of recounts that proved the results accurate. There were audits done by the political right that could not come up with any fraud and only showed Biden won by more votes than original. When you believe something that you cant verify, cant prove, all the evidence says youre wrong, FYI, it might not be true.
Covid is not a hoax but the opinion of the right is dont get vaccinated, take AG meds, fight mandates. Listen to Vaxxed Hannity, Vaxxed Carlson tell you to question health experts. All while we have had vax mandates supported by the SC for over 50 years. Non-vaxxed are still filling hospitals and people are still dying. Where is your win?
The world was shut down in one way or another for over a year and there are challenges to getting the country rolling again, blame Biden, like he shut down Chinas production or all the other countries we import from. Blame Biden for school scores. Blame Biden for OPEC prices. Blame Biden for uptick in crime. Blame him, hes president, he has big shoulders, he'll survive, me too.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2021, 9:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Not hibernating, its just that you guys just believe too much crazy. Not worth educating those that refuse to listen to reason and fact.
Trumps insurrection was real, but you dont believe it. If no problem, why are all of trumps people hiding from testifying, fighting subpoenas? Why wont they step forward and tell the truth? One listen of the speeches preceding and a look at the vids of the attack are obvious of what happened.
There was no voter fraud in 2020 election but you believe it. Zero controls on mail in voting?
Clearly your opinion is false. You hide the facts from yourself. You forget ALL these safeguards??? Didnt all Republicans also get ballots too?
There were 80 court cases that trump lost. There were dozens of recounts that proved the results accurate. There were audits done by the political right that could not come up with any fraud and only showed Biden won by more votes than original. When you believe something that you cant verify, cant prove, all the evidence says youre wrong, FYI, it might not be true.
Covid is not a hoax but the opinion of the right is dont get vaccinated, take AG meds, fight mandates. Listen to Vaxxed Hannity, Vaxxed Carlson tell you to question health experts. All while we have had vax mandates supported by the SC for over 50 years. Non-vaxxed are still filling hospitals and people are still dying. Where is your win?
The world was shut down in one way or another for over a year and there are challenges to getting the country rolling again, blame Biden, like he shut down Chinas production or all the other countries we import from. Blame Biden for school scores. Blame Biden for OPEC prices. Blame Biden for uptick in crime. Blame him, hes president, he has big shoulders, he'll survive, me too.
because it is more political theater by a lawless democrat party and more importantly it is their legal rights to do so.

yep. biden is getting the blame just like you blamed Trump for covid. More people have died under biden than Trump and biden had the vaccines from pretty much day one.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-11-2021, 11:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Not hibernating, its just that you guys just believe too much crazy. Not worth educating those that refuse to listen to reason and fact.
Trumps insurrection was real, but you dont believe it. If no problem, why are all of trumps people hiding from testifying, fighting subpoenas? Why wont they step forward and tell the truth? One listen of the speeches preceding and a look at the vids of the attack are obvious of what happened.
There was no voter fraud in 2020 election but you believe it. Zero controls on mail in voting?
Clearly your opinion is false. You hide the facts from yourself. You forget ALL these safeguards??? Didnt all Republicans also get ballots too?
There were 80 court cases that trump lost. There were dozens of recounts that proved the results accurate. There were audits done by the political right that could not come up with any fraud and only showed Biden won by more votes than original. When you believe something that you cant verify, cant prove, all the evidence says youre wrong, FYI, it might not be true.
Covid is not a hoax but the opinion of the right is dont get vaccinated, take AG meds, fight mandates. Listen to Vaxxed Hannity, Vaxxed Carlson tell you to question health experts. All while we have had vax mandates supported by the SC for over 50 years. Non-vaxxed are still filling hospitals and people are still dying. Where is your win?
The world was shut down in one way or another for over a year and there are challenges to getting the country rolling again, blame Biden, like he shut down Chinas production or all the other countries we import from. Blame Biden for school scores. Blame Biden for OPEC prices. Blame Biden for uptick in crime. Blame him, hes president, he has big shoulders, he'll survive, me too.
Hahahahha typical ostrich response. Run and hide You’re the king.

I am sure the democrats closing schools , messing with curriculums ,attempting to push a race based agenda instead of actual education , dodging the science and forcing kids into metal health scenarios 15 times the average in a span of 6 months has nothing to do with test scores and education levels. The biggest jump in history of failing students in less than a year was for sure not the result of tyrannical democratic policies .

So what’s your explanation on all the Russian Hoax indictments , arrests and evidence ? You know the actual “documented , coordinated , and funded leftist insurrection “ that was pushed for 4 years

The hardest part about 15 Days to slow curve is the first 600 apparently. Explain how Biden has had a vaccine and can’t control covid or devise a policy to flatten curve. He’s got vaccines , science and a year of actual data………and yet still not a dent. In fact
. According to Johns Hopkins University’s data on COVID-19 deaths, since Jan. 1, there have been approximately 353,000 deaths from the pandemic. This is about a thousand more COVID-19 deaths than in all of 2020.

That is to say, more people have died from COVID-19 under President Joe Biden than under former President Donald Trump.

Let’s just keep doubling and qualdruing down on failure. Seems like a great plan. You were all over trumps every word. Now Biden is even worse for Covid America …………and you and your party are completely silent. Oh and don’t forget America’s leading scientific expert lied to congress under oats and still remains the mouthpiece of propaganda . Biden was handed America on the downward trend and with vaccines in place. Nothing more than your mental retardation and TDS on full display again.

Now what’s good ol Joes plan. **** the court should do what the house house says or lose everything as a company or lose everything as a citizen. Seems like a great communist strategy to lead America forward.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-11-2021 at 11:49 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-11-2021, 12:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Hahahahha typical ostrich response. Run and hide You’re the king.

I am sure the democrats closing schools , messing with curriculums ,attempting to push a race based agenda instead of actual education , dodging the science and forcing kids into metal health scenarios 15 times the average in a span of 6 months has nothing to do with test scores and education levels. The biggest jump in history of failing students in less than a year was for sure not the result of tyrannical democratic policies .

So what’s your explanation on all the Russian Hoax indictments , arrests and evidence ? You know the actual “documented , coordinated , and funded leftist insurrection “ that was pushed for 4 years

The hardest part about 15 Days to slow curve is the first 600 apparently. Explain how Biden has had a vaccine and can’t control covid or devise a policy to flatten curve. He’s got vaccines , science and a year of actual data………and yet still not a dent. In fact
. According to Johns Hopkins University’s data on COVID-19 deaths, since Jan. 1, there have been approximately 353,000 deaths from the pandemic. This is about a thousand more COVID-19 deaths than in all of 2020.

That is to say, more people have died from COVID-19 under President Joe Biden than under former President Donald Trump.

Let’s just keep doubling and qualdruing down on failure. Seems like a great plan. You were all over trumps every word. Now Biden is even worse for Covid America …………and you and your party are completely silent. Oh and don’t forget America’s leading scientific expert lied to congress under oats and still remains the mouthpiece of propaganda . Biden was handed America on the downward trend and with vaccines in place. Nothing more than your mental retardation and TDS on full display again.

Now what’s good ol Joes plan. **** the court should do what the house house says or lose everything as a company or lose everything as a citizen. Seems like a great communist strategy to lead America forward.
see, exactly like i said. you choose to believe crazy.
So, did all those Republican schools advance during the pandemic? Cause they were open and teaching right?
Do you not recall Barr flat out lying about the Mueller report? You dont recall the dozens of arrests and indictments? All the obstruction?
Mueller taking the stand and he was a joke, they put a mentally degraded dude in charge.
What is the issue with teaching American history? Did we have slaves? What is false about educating about our flawed history?
Yes we have vaccines, and an entire political partys media that are aggressively attacking it on the daily, tho all of them are vaccinated and their companies require all to be vaccinated that walk thru their doors. All corporate not government rules. Seem a little hypocritical?
Downward trend? January, the moth Biden was sworn in, the US broke a record with over 70,0 deaths in a month. Not to mention a thing hitting at the time called Delta

See, there is no educating folks who choose to believe crazy and LIE regularly. Youre a lost F'n cause. Your whole being is based in lies. BTW, doubling down on failure reminds me of your undying devotion to trump, TDS, The only loser in history who lost 2 popular votes, the senate and the house and was impeached twice, all in one term.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2021, 12:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
see, exactly like i said. you choose to believe crazy.
So, did all those Republican schools advance during the pandemic? Cause they were open and teaching right?
Do you not recall Barr flat out lying about the Mueller report? You dont recall the dozens of arrests and indictments? All the obstruction?
Mueller taking the stand and he was a joke, they put a mentally degraded dude in charge.
What is the issue with teaching American history? Did we have slaves? What is false about educating about our flawed history?
Yes we have vaccines, and an entire political partys media that are aggressively attacking it on the daily, tho all of them are vaccinated and their companies require all to be vaccinated that walk thru their doors. All corporate not government rules. Seem a little hypocritical?
Downward trend? January, the moth Biden was sworn in, the US broke a record with over 70,0 deaths in a month. Not to mention a thing hitting at the time called Delta

See, there is no educating folks who choose to believe crazy and LIE regularly. Youre a lost F'n cause. Your whole being is based in lies. BTW, doubling down on failure reminds me of your undying devotion to trump, TDS, The only loser in history who lost 2 popular votes, the senate and the house and was impeached twice, all in one term.
I recall that there was not A SINGLE INDICTMENT in regards to the Russian investigation. They were all about other things.

There were slaves. There were also white slaves. The first slave owner was a black man. The history of the US was not when the first slave entered the US like the democrats are trying to teach. White people are not oppressors and not all brown people are oppressed.

Being vaccinated and objecting to mandates are 2 different issues. I am vaccinated yet I absolutely oppose mandates. I am not mandated to have other vaccines to work or go to businesses.

Impeachment was a political theater. Wait until the Republicans get in charge. maybe the will impeach Brandon 3 times. Republicans are more than likely going to lose the popular vote because kalifornia's election fraud has over 6 million democrat voter margin in one state.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-11-2021, 12:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
see, exactly like i said. you choose to believe crazy.
So, did all those Republican schools advance during the pandemic? Cause they were open and teaching right?
Do you not recall Barr flat out lying about the Mueller report? You dont recall the dozens of arrests and indictments? All the obstruction?
Mueller taking the stand and he was a joke, they put a mentally degraded dude in charge.
What is the issue with teaching American history? Did we have slaves? What is false about educating about our flawed history?
Yes we have vaccines, and an entire political partys media that are aggressively attacking it on the daily, tho all of them are vaccinated and their companies require all to be vaccinated that walk thru their doors. All corporate not government rules. Seem a little hypocritical?
Downward trend? January, the moth Biden was sworn in, the US broke a record with over 70,0 deaths in a month. Not to mention a thing hitting at the time called Delta

See, there is no educating folks who choose to believe crazy and LIE regularly. Youre a lost F'n cause. Your whole being is based in lies. BTW, doubling down on failure reminds me of your undying devotion to trump, TDS, The only loser in history who lost 2 popular votes, the senate and the house and was impeached twice, all in one term.
sorry to tell you. If Trump gets blamed, Brandon gets blamed. Brandon has more deaths on his watch than Trump did. simple fact. To believe otherwise is pure delusion.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-11-2021, 1:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
see, exactly like i said. you choose to believe crazy.
So, did all those Republican schools advance during the pandemic? Cause they were open and teaching right?
Do you not recall Barr flat out lying about the Mueller report? You dont recall the dozens of arrests and indictments? All the obstruction?
Mueller taking the stand and he was a joke, they put a mentally degraded dude in charge.
What is the issue with teaching American history? Did we have slaves? What is false about educating about our flawed history?
Yes we have vaccines, and an entire political partys media that are aggressively attacking it on the daily, tho all of them are vaccinated and their companies require all to be vaccinated that walk thru their doors. All corporate not government rules. Seem a little hypocritical?
Downward trend? January, the moth Biden was sworn in, the US broke a record with over 70,0 deaths in a month. Not to mention a thing hitting at the time called Delta

See, there is no educating folks who choose to believe crazy and LIE regularly. Youre a lost F'n cause. Your whole being is based in lies. BTW, doubling down on failure reminds me of your undying devotion to trump, TDS, The only loser in history who lost 2 popular votes, the senate and the house and was impeached twice, all in one term.

Once again you choose to ignore the actual facts for fallacy . The majority of the indictments related to the investigation launched on lies had nothing to do with actual Russian collusion. You should really pay attention. ,

Actually private schools that remained open , didn’t enforce tyrannical guidelines outperformed those locked down and forced to learn remotely in some Cases 13-1 on failure rates. Students in those schools were also 18 times less likely to experience mental trauma ( depression , anxiety, isolation, insomnia ) caused by the policies. Once again brightly showing you’re ignorance to the actual facts.

Your vaccine argument is tiresome.. as it’s been touted. It’s not about the vaccine. It’s about labor laws, overreach, and improper per implementation. It’s not about the vaccine itself. You’re too stupid and too ignorant to understand the difference. Corporate rules are being forced on them by the government , not by the businesses / companies themselves. Biden has stated he would remove funding and aide , along with other necessities to any company that defies the order. Then his office told every business to defy the court order that put a hood on its implementation. Here is your actual scientific covid chart. Downward trend like stated. Mushroom stamped as usual by the facts.

Name:  17D1C6A9-37CA-4373-B5AC-4882D1220C79.jpg
Views: 2202
Size:  60.6 KB
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-12-2021, 9:52 AM Reply   
Your vaccine argument is tiresome.. as it’s been touted. It’s not about the vaccine. It’s about labor laws, overreach, and improper per implementation. It’s not about the vaccine itself. You’re too stupid and too ignorant to understand the difference. Corporate rules are being forced on them by the government , not by the businesses / companies themselves. Biden has stated he would remove funding and aide , along with other necessities to any company that defies the order. Then his office told every business to defy the court order that put a hood on its implementation. Here is your actual scientific covid chart. Downward trend like stated. Mushroom stamped as usual by the facts.
It is clearly and obviously about the vaccine. Watch. If you get vaccinated you never are concerned with labor laws, overreach, improper implementation, losing your job or of covid. FOX news rules are 100% corporate not Biden rules, they started in July. Did Biden mandate anything in July? Why is that? Why does FOX put Biden to shame in forcing their employees to bend the knee to the FOX tyranny as you call it? Then flip the script for their reality TV hosts? Why dont you just follow FOX rules and ignore Biden? Maybe thats the fix for ole Sleepy Creaky Joe. Should he get up on the bully pulpit and say hey America, I changed my mind, no more USA mandates, now we follow FOX corporate covid policy. What will FOX watchers do next? Brandon FOX?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-12-2021, 12:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
It is clearly and obviously about the vaccine. Watch. If you get vaccinated you never are concerned with labor laws, overreach, improper implementation, losing your job or of covid. FOX news rules are 100% corporate not Biden rules, they started in July. Did Biden mandate anything in July? Why is that? Why does FOX put Biden to shame in forcing their employees to bend the knee to the FOX tyranny as you call it? Then flip the script for their reality TV hosts? Why dont you just follow FOX rules and ignore Biden? Maybe thats the fix for ole Sleepy Creaky Joe. Should he get up on the bully pulpit and say hey America, I changed my mind, no more USA mandates, now we follow FOX corporate covid policy. What will FOX watchers do next? Brandon FOX?
I think it is tyranny that employers force the mandate too. It is even worse when it is the federal government because it is over step of the executive branch to do so. Biden does not have the power to make legislative decisions. Just like you were bitching about Trump not doing it because Trump nor Brandon have the power to do so.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-12-2021, 4:26 PM Reply   
Employers dont mandate, its a requirement to employment. If you dont complete the requirements you need to seek employment elsewhere. I assume business owners do it for many reasons, it protects their workforce and their customers. Biden has not mandated everyone to get vaccinated, as you say. he does not have that power. He does have the power to require Fed employees to be vaxed. He has the power to require those that contract with the feds to be vaxed. He is the boss of the fed workforce so he can require them to be vaxed. He also asked the head of Health and Human Reources to require shots. All those nursing homes and hospitals get fed money, so i think he has that power too. Requiring private biz with 100 or more employees to vaccinate is new but we are under national emergency policy rules and that does give him more power in this arena.
In the real world getting vaxed makes your life easier in many ways, you can work, travel and go anywhere you need or want. If you're not vaxed you are gonna have a difficult time living normal life. Why take the risk of covid AND complicate your life? Doesnt make much sense to me. The fix is easy and free.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-16-2021, 9:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Employers dont mandate, its a requirement to employment. If you dont complete the requirements you need to seek employment elsewhere. I assume business owners do it for many reasons, it protects their workforce and their customers. Biden has not mandated everyone to get vaccinated, as you say. he does not have that power. He does have the power to require Fed employees to be vaxed. He has the power to require those that contract with the feds to be vaxed. He is the boss of the fed workforce so he can require them to be vaxed. He also asked the head of Health and Human Reources to require shots. All those nursing homes and hospitals get fed money, so i think he has that power too. Requiring private biz with 100 or more employees to vaccinate is new but we are under national emergency policy rules and that does give him more power in this arena.
In the real world getting vaxed makes your life easier in many ways, you can work, travel and go anywhere you need or want. If you're not vaxed you are gonna have a difficult time living normal life. Why take the risk of covid AND complicate your life? Doesnt make much sense to me. The fix is easy and free.
So states simply sue the federal government for the fun of it? He did mandate it and the states are suing.

Hate to tell you, getting vaccinated is not going to make your life any different. Only reason it makes your life different is these mandates. No mandates and no bodies life is different. See how that works.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-17-2021, 9:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So states simply sue the federal government for the fun of it? He did mandate it and the states are suing.

Hate to tell you, getting vaccinated is not going to make your life any different. Only reason it makes your life different is these mandates. No mandates and no bodies life is different. See how that works.
If a vax gets you into an airplane, into a concert, into another country, into a restaurant into anywhere the non vaxxed cant get definition it makes your life different, id say better, easier, simpler. I dont hate to tell you. Dont follow the mandate, just do what makes life simple.
Using a fake Vax card is a felony, the party who follows laws knows this.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-17-2021, 10:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If a vax gets you into an airplane, into a concert, into another country, into a restaurant into anywhere the non vaxxed cant get definition it makes your life different, id say better, easier, simpler. I dont hate to tell you. Dont follow the mandate, just do what makes life simple.
Using a fake Vax card is a felony, the party who follows laws knows this.
or you make the policy one that does not need it and life is simple. I have a card, however when someone asks for it I leave the establishment. You do know that we have spelled out how authoritarian you commies are already. Now we have a little person up front wanting to see your papers. You know..... for "safety". All sorts of these kind of acts happened in history based people wanting to feel safe.

funny thing is, you are sure fine with all the people needing to show papers to eat but you don't have to shot papers to vote?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-17-2021, 11:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
or you make the policy one that does not need it and life is simple. I have a card, however when someone asks for it I leave the establishment. You do know that we have spelled out how authoritarian you commies are already. Now we have a little person up front wanting to see your papers. You know..... for "safety". All sorts of these kind of acts happened in history based people wanting to feel safe.

funny thing is, you are sure fine with all the people needing to show papers to eat but you don't have to shot papers to vote?
That policy was tried, it failed. When one policy fails there is a need to update it.
I havnt been asked for my card yet, dont know why you would leave. If their checking there is good chance it's a safer place than one not checking. They are not asking for "your papers" ie your nationality or political view, they are asking for proof of vaccination. And yes, it is for safety, just like speed laws, seatbelts, shoes/shirts and vaccinations to get into school, the army or many jobs ....Is it authoritarian to require food servers to wash their hands after going to the bathroom too? Its for health reasons you know. I dont see anything authoritarian in requiring vaccinations during a pandemic. I do see a former president refusing to peacefully transfer power to the winner and trying to stay in power after losing an election as an attempt at authoritarian rule. Wouldnt you agree if the next dem president tried to stay after an election loss it would be an attempt to destroy our democracy?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-17-2021, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
That policy was tried, it failed. When one policy fails there is a need to update it.
I havnt been asked for my card yet, dont know why you would leave. If their checking there is good chance it's a safer place than one not checking. They are not asking for "your papers" ie your nationality or political view, they are asking for proof of vaccination. And yes, it is for safety, just like speed laws, seatbelts, shoes/shirts and vaccinations to get into school, the army or many jobs ....Is it authoritarian to require food servers to wash their hands after going to the bathroom too? Its for health reasons you know. I dont see anything authoritarian in requiring vaccinations during a pandemic. I do see a former president refusing to peacefully transfer power to the winner and trying to stay in power after losing an election as an attempt at authoritarian rule. Wouldnt you agree if the next dem president tried to stay after an election loss it would be an attempt to destroy our democracy?
Sounds to me the previous policy worked just as well if not better than this current police except the country was still able to produce, producing people were not forced out of work, and we did not have the gistapo running around asking for papers from the undesirable.

I leave on principle. I feel safe if they asked or not. Most people speed on their way down to eat anyway. I can still go anywhere I want without a seat belt and I can speed doing it to. Matter of fact that is how every single American grew up. Guess what. We are still here. They are all great ideas however we should check everyones OBD2 and see if they sped on their way to the resturant. Sorry SN. You went over the speed limit once on the way down. You can not come in. Actually 10x more kids are killed by car crashes then covid. most of that is due to speeding. Maybe you should take this the way I just put out for you. You speed, you don't get to eat or shop.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-19-2021, 1:25 PM Reply   
Well, well, well......

CNN admits Steele dossier has 'significantly diminished' credibility, Trump 'wasn't too far off' about origins
'A series of investigations and lawsuits have discredited many of its central allegations and exposed the unreliability of Steele's sources,' CNN reporter wrote

"Legitimate questions are now being raised about the dossier -- how it was used by Democrats as a political weapon against Trump, how it was handled by the FBI and US intelligence agencies, and how it was portrayed in the mainstream media," Marshall wrote, even confessing Trump was correct all along.

"’Trump swiftly rejected Steele's claims and said a "group of opponents ... put that crap together,’" he wrote. "Nearly five years later, it's clearer than ever that he wasn't too far off about the origins of the dossier."

Huh.... They almost had the courage to say it out loud that Trump was right. Could not completely say it. This was like the Fonz in show Happy Days trying to say he was sorry.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       11-20-2021, 6:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Wait until the Republicans get in charge. maybe the will impeach Brandon 3 times. Republicans are more than likely going to lose the popular vote because kalifornia's election fraud has over 6 million democrat voter margin in one state.
And the Earth is Flat! Right?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       11-30-2021, 11:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
And the Earth is Flat! Right?
politics is a biatch. That is all the democrats did. They had people who were just elected stating their goal was to impeach Trump. Did not even have an issue to do it, just that they were going to do it. That type of thing can go both ways.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       12-04-2021, 7:39 AM Reply   
So, what is Trump up to?

Making Money!
How many of you get e-mails from your very close friend?

I don't think it's a win or lose for Trump, I think it's a win-win for Trump because he will make a couple more 100 million even if he loses with another stop the steal campaign!
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-06-2021, 6:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
So, what is Trump up to?

Making Money!
How many of you get e-mails from your very close friend?

I don't think it's a win or lose for Trump, I think it's a win-win for Trump because he will make a couple more 100 million even if he loses with another stop the steal campaign!
He is a con-man. I've always said that Trump is not dumb, but he definitely thinks you are. I think the financials for his stop the steal fundraiser would be interesting. He's raised 10s of Millions, but where is it being spent? Not on the audit in AZ. Not on the legal expenses of the poor schmucks that ruined their credibility and careers for him. Where is the money and what is it doing. If I was to guess it is slowly being filtered through Trump properties as "administrative expenses".
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       12-06-2021, 9:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
He is a con-man. I've always said that Trump is not dumb, but he definitely thinks you are. I think the financials for his stop the steal fundraiser would be interesting. He's raised 10s of Millions, but where is it being spent? Not on the audit in AZ. Not on the legal expenses of the poor schmucks that ruined their credibility and careers for him. Where is the money and what is it doing. If I was to guess it is slowly being filtered through Trump properties as "administrative expenses".
That weird. Here you are speculating with zero proof , while Pelosi and her husband slap America in the face with his insider deals. . If it wasn’t for hypocrisy, the left would cease to exist .
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-06-2021, 5:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
That weird. Here you are speculating with zero proof , while Pelosi and her husband slap America in the face with his insider deals. . If it wasn’t for hypocrisy, the left would cease to exist .
Well, we have no proof he spent it on election fraud. He spent some on it advertising the idea of election fraud, but not 10s of Millions worth even. So it is somewhere.

Pelosi being a piece of **** 80 year old life long politician who is most likely crooked has nothing to do with Trump making direct appeals to his followers for the funds to fight voter fraud and then not fighting voter fraud in any measurable way. Not Hypocrisy: rotten apples to rotten oranges.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-07-2021, 10:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Well, we have no proof he spent it on election fraud. He spent some on it advertising the idea of election fraud, but not 10s of Millions worth even. So it is somewhere.

Pelosi being a piece of **** 80 year old life long politician who is most likely crooked has nothing to do with Trump making direct appeals to his followers for the funds to fight voter fraud and then not fighting voter fraud in any measurable way. Not Hypocrisy: rotten apples to rotten oranges.
So you have no proof that he did not spend it so the talking point is he is ripping people off? If you send money to a politician you are stupid from the word "go". You ever see the flow of where money to any politician goes to? I doubt it. Why is it Trump just the "one" person who is the cheat? Your blinders are on and expectations are a little too high I'm afraid. I thought all you people on here said Trump was a bad business person?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       12-07-2021, 11:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
If you send money to a politician you are stupid from the word "go". You ever see the flow of where money to any politician goes to? I doubt it.
100% agree, if you think the dems are taking your money and using it ethically you are deluded. The difference with Trump is the veneer that he is using it for what he is asking it for is very thin.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       12-07-2021, 11:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So you have no proof that he did not spend it so the talking point is he is ripping people off? If you send money to a politician you are stupid from the word "go". You ever see the flow of where money to any politician goes to? I doubt it. Why is it Trump just the "one" person who is the cheat? Your blinders are on and expectations are a little too high I'm afraid. I thought all you people on here said Trump was a bad business person?
Because Ripping people off Is good business?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-07-2021, 11:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
100% agree, if you think the dems are taking your money and using it ethically you are deluded. The difference with Trump is the veneer that he is using it for what he is asking it for is very thin.
Only veneer is the one is peoples imagination. Not a single person in this thread knows the financials of any of these people. We have to just assume. I hold no politician in high regard for using money in a precise and ethical manner. For instance, stopping the steal money may not be about direct action. It could be advertisements to influence voters to be angry enough to turn out or influence others to not show up. There are many ways to use money like that that people who do not like Trump say is not used correctly. How would they know and they are already biased so any use of the money would not be up to their standards. If you gave it to him, then it is on you. If he did not violate any laws then so be it.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-07-2021, 11:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
Because Ripping people off Is good business?
Sounds like an opinion to me. How do you know? Is it your money? Are the people who contributed making these comments? I feel that all your efforts are a rip off. I don't like the way you spend your tax returns. According to you democrats, that is my money too. Can I write outrage pieces against you?
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-07-2021, 12:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So you have no proof that he did not spend it so the talking point is he is ripping people off? If you send money to a politician you are stupid from the word "go". You ever see the flow of where money to any politician goes to? I doubt it. Why is it Trump just the "one" person who is the cheat? Your blinders are on and expectations are a little too high I'm afraid. I thought all you people on here said Trump was a bad business person?
What separates him is that the entire premise was an easily verifiable lie. It wasn't some promise that he failed to fulfill or an exaggeration. He promised something that was impossible from the start. Those millions for were not from big political donors, they knew it was a complete waste of money. He conned a lot of people with little to give. Heck, Trump knew it was a waste of money--that is why he didn't spend any of the money raised on it.

I agree that money handed to any politician is wasted. The only thing any politician should get from you is your vote.

A con is not business. What did the people get for their money? Nothing.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       12-07-2021, 1:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
What separates him is that the entire premise was an easily verifiable lie. It wasn't some promise that he failed to fulfill or an exaggeration. He promised something that was impossible from the start. Those millions for were not from big political donors, they knew it was a complete waste of money. He conned a lot of people with little to give. Heck, Trump knew it was a waste of money--that is why he didn't spend any of the money raised on it.

I agree that money handed to any politician is wasted. The only thing any politician should get from you is your vote.

A con is not business. What did the people get for their money? Nothing.
It's hard to get outraged about idiots being separated from there money, surely. If they weren't spending it on Trump they would be spending it on cigarettes, tow nutz, gambling and drinking bud light. Oh the humanity.

Last edited by ralph; 12-07-2021 at 1:15 PM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-07-2021, 1:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
What separates him is that the entire premise was an easily verifiable lie. It wasn't some promise that he failed to fulfill or an exaggeration. He promised something that was impossible from the start. Those millions for were not from big political donors, they knew it was a complete waste of money. He conned a lot of people with little to give. Heck, Trump knew it was a waste of money--that is why he didn't spend any of the money raised on it.

I agree that money handed to any politician is wasted. The only thing any politician should get from you is your vote.

A con is not business. What did the people get for their money? Nothing.
I think I will chalk this up to more claims from people who don't like Trump. So far almost every claim from his haters has been verified false. I will wait and see with this one as well and even so, I don't care. I like his policies. We don't know how much anyone had to give to anything. Saying such and such people only had x amount of money is an emotional plea. This sounds more like Sally Struthers asking you to send money to starving Africans while she is as big as a whale. I get it. I am heavy too, but you have to appreciate irony of the optics and the optics of you guys complaining about Trump is pretty obvious at this point.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-07-2021, 1:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
It's hard to get outraged about idiots being separated from there money, surely. If they weren't spending it on Trump they would be spending it on cigarettes, tow nutz, gambling and drinking bud light. Oh the humanity.
Nice job on the stereo types. Well done. Got a question? How are you guys not inbred living on a small island like that?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       12-07-2021, 1:53 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Nice job on the stereo types. Well done.
Thanks, I am quite proud of them
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       12-07-2021, 2:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
How are you guys not inbred living on a small island like that?
Hey how is your vaccination rate going? Has the local population got any smarter lately?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-07-2021, 2:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Hey how is your vaccination rate going? Has the local population got any smarter lately?
Does it matter if I were to tell you? Inbreeds have a hard time remembering what they are told anyway.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-07-2021, 2:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I think I will chalk this up to more claims from people who don't like Trump. So far almost every claim from his haters has been verified false. I will wait and see with this one as well and even so, I don't care. I like his policies. We don't know how much anyone had to give to anything. Saying such and such people only had x amount of money is an emotional plea. This sounds more like Sally Struthers asking you to send money to starving Africans while she is as big as a whale. I get it. I am heavy too, but you have to appreciate irony of the optics and the optics of you guys complaining about Trump is pretty obvious at this point.
Oh, the you never liked him defense. WTF.

Take all that policy you love and throw it in the trash. In 2016, Republicans had everything in the FED and now they have nothing. That is a record. You got caught up in the con.

Let's start at the beginning. Obama wasn't a great president. Obama-care was on the horizon if he was re-elected. What was Trumps argument against Obama?

“If you are going to be president of the United States you have to be born in this country. And there is a doubt as to whether or not he was… He doesn’t have a birth certificate. He may have one, but there’s something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim. I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that. Or he may not have one. But I will tell you this. If he wasn’t born in this country, it’s one of the great scams of all time.”

As soon as I heard that line, I knew this guy was full of crap. He appealed to worst parts of the republican party and here we are today. Policy....His policy didn't win him the presidency. His appeal to your basest inclinations did.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-08-2021, 9:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Oh, the you never liked him defense. WTF.

Take all that policy you love and throw it in the trash. In 2016, Republicans had everything in the FED and now they have nothing. That is a record. You got caught up in the con.

Let's start at the beginning. Obama wasn't a great president. Obama-care was on the horizon if he was re-elected. What was Trumps argument against Obama?

“If you are going to be president of the United States you have to be born in this country. And there is a doubt as to whether or not he was… He doesn’t have a birth certificate. He may have one, but there’s something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim. I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t want that. Or he may not have one. But I will tell you this. If he wasn’t born in this country, it’s one of the great scams of all time.”

As soon as I heard that line, I knew this guy was full of crap. He appealed to worst parts of the republican party and here we are today. Policy....His policy didn't win him the presidency. His appeal to your basest inclinations did.
So you assume that his Hilary Clinton parroting influenced me? You certainly confirm the "you are a low information voter" comment I made about you. Like I said, I did not even vote for Trump in the primaries so how could he appeal to my worst inclinations if I did not even vote for him. He did not even say for sure anything about Obama in that quote. He just said if it was true then it was a big scam. He is right. If any of it was true then it would have been a big scam. At the time there was questions about that stuff. Trump did not start it. Hillary did and I am pretty sure that was a response to a question.

What is even worst is voting for democrats like you did when you know they are outspoken anti American and pro degenerate.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-08-2021, 11:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I think I will chalk this up to more claims from people who don't like Trump. So far almost every claim from his haters has been verified false. I will wait and see with this one as well and even so, I don't care. I like his policies. We don't know how much anyone had to give to anything. Saying such and such people only had x amount of money is an emotional plea. This sounds more like Sally Struthers asking you to send money to starving Africans while she is as big as a whale. I get it. I am heavy too, but you have to appreciate irony of the optics and the optics of you guys complaining about Trump is pretty obvious at this point.
Hes just pocketing the cash.
He sure helped all the stooges that showed up 1/6, oh he didnt help at all? Did not pay for anyone's attys, more grifting. The GOP is paying for lawyers to rep him tho.

And more proof of his BIG LIE, the election was stolen. One more 10 month investigation done by his own party, again, shows he is still lying...and most of the radical GOP still believes him. lol.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-08-2021, 12:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Hes just pocketing the cash.
He sure helped all the stooges that showed up 1/6, oh he didnt help at all? Did not pay for anyone's attys, more grifting. The GOP is paying for lawyers to rep him tho.

And more proof of his BIG LIE, the election was stolen. One more 10 month investigation done by his own party, again, shows he is still lying...and most of the radical GOP still believes him. lol.
Why would he help them. They broke the law and he did not tell them to break into congress. He is not like the democrats who bail violent felons out of jail for burning down buildings.

OF course they are not going to find it. I already explained to you at least 10 times how that works. There is no way to validate who filled out mail in ballots.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-08-2021, 12:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Why would he help them. They broke the law and he did not tell them to break into congress. He is not like the democrats who bail violent felons out of jail for burning down buildings.

OF course they are not going to find it. I already explained to you at least 10 times how that works. There is no way to validate who filled out mail in ballots.
Yeah he did. "We are going to fight like hell, and if you dont fight like hell we are going to lose our country".
What dems bailed out violent felons for burning down buildings?

The dems are so smart they found a way to steal elections and there is zero proof, zero evidence. Damn! And so dumb they let numerous republicans win off the exact same ballots, hmmm. Derp
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-08-2021, 1:18 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yeah he did. "We are going to fight like hell, and if you dont fight like hell we are going to lose our country".
What dems bailed out violent felons for burning down buildings?

The dems are so smart they found a way to steal elections and there is zero proof, zero evidence. Damn! And so dumb they let numerous republicans win off the exact same ballots, hmmm. Derp
You forgot to post the part where he specifically told supporters to peacefully march and let their voices be heard. I guess those parts don't work for fake news propagandists such as yourself. When is the last time you seen Trump rumble in the streets? He fights like hell in court and in public opinion. He does not lay down against you commie mobs.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-08-2021, 1:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yeah he did. "We are going to fight like hell, and if you dont fight like hell we are going to lose our country".
What dems bailed out violent felons for burning down buildings?

The dems are so smart they found a way to steal elections and there is zero proof, zero evidence. Damn! And so dumb they let numerous republicans win off the exact same ballots, hmmm. Derp

Man twice bailed out by Kamala Harris-backed fund — gets arrested again

Kamala Harris tweeted support for a bail fund, but the money didn’t just assist protesters

One defendant, Jaleel Stallings, was charged with attempted murder after allegedly shooting at police during protests on May 30, county records show. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail, according to MFF interim director Greg Lewin. He said Stallings was among a dozen people MFF helped with direct bail actions after the protests.

Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 12-08-2021 at 1:23 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-08-2021, 1:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So you assume that his Hilary Clinton parroting influenced me? You certainly confirm the "you are a low information voter" comment I made about you. Like I said, I did not even vote for Trump in the primaries so how could he appeal to my worst inclinations if I did not even vote for him. He did not even say for sure anything about Obama in that quote. He just said if it was true then it was a big scam. He is right. If any of it was true then it would have been a big scam. At the time there was questions about that stuff. Trump did not start it. Hillary did and I am pretty sure that was a response to a question.

What is even worst is voting for democrats like you did when you know they are outspoken anti American and pro degenerate.
Oh, so he wasn't talking about Obama. Even if it was a question, the sensible answer was: "That is ridiculous, but what isn't ridiculous is what Obamacare will do to healthcare in America." You know, policy stuff.

Here is another classic appeal to "low information voters" that he sent after Obama presented his birth certificate. Maybe this one is square enough on the nose for you to dodge.

“An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud.”

Obama's policy was easy to attack in 2011, but instead he went with lies.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-08-2021, 1:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You forgot to post the part where he specifically told supporters to peacefully march and let their voices be heard. I guess those parts don't work for fake news propagandists such as yourself. When is the last time you seen Trump rumble in the streets? He fights like hell in court and in public opinion. He does not lay down against you commie mobs.
You fail to understand that the premise for the whole day was a lie.

If an election was being stolen the sensible American thing to do would be to run every politician out of Washington at the end of a spear, but it was not. If I believed half of the crap you defend around here, I would be at the frontlines of coup. So either you lack conviction or you see through the lies too. So what is it?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-08-2021, 2:57 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Oh, so he wasn't talking about Obama. Even if it was a question, the sensible answer was: "That is ridiculous, but what isn't ridiculous is what Obamacare will do to healthcare in America." You know, policy stuff.

Here is another classic appeal to "low information voters" that he sent after Obama presented his birth certificate. Maybe this one is square enough on the nose for you to dodge.

“An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud.”

Obama's policy was easy to attack in 2011, but instead he went with lies.
Good Lord, you love to fixate on the things you don't like don't you. He spoke plenty about policy. You act like Trump only said 3 things in years and they were all hateful in your book. Get a life man. You are looking to confirm your feelings. I get it. I don't like every way Trump went about things too in all regards, however in the right things he went after them better than anyone in a generation.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-08-2021, 2:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
You fail to understand that the premise for the whole day was a lie.

If an election was being stolen the sensible American thing to do would be to run every politician out of Washington at the end of a spear, but it was not. If I believed half of the crap you defend around here, I would be at the frontlines of coup. So either you lack conviction or you see through the lies too. So what is it?
Seems to me you don't know how to regulate your emotions. That is also why I was warning you commies that you were trying to start a civil war with all your fake news and then using the FBI and the government powers to try and frame our president. Trump did not cause that, you did.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-09-2021, 4:47 AM Reply   
I guess you missed the point. The birther statements were from 2011 and Big lie was from 2020. He was full of **** from start to finish. I skipped that whole ride, you were shotgun. You look like a fool, but I am sure your loyalty will be rewarded some day.

Commie....I own my own business, plus a few side hustles.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-09-2021, 9:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Seems to me you don't know how to regulate your emotions. That is also why I was warning you commies that you were trying to start a civil war with all your fake news and then using the FBI and the government powers to try and frame our president. Trump did not cause that, you did.

Enough of avoiding the question and lame personal attacks. I still want to know. You either lack the conviction or you see thru the lies too? Which is it?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-09-2021, 10:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
I guess you missed the point. The birther statements were from 2011 and Big lie was from 2020. He was full of **** from start to finish. I skipped that whole ride, you were shotgun. You look like a fool, but I am sure your loyalty will be rewarded some day.

Commie....I own my own business, plus a few side hustles.
Commies can own things too. They just like to yield their power to the state and like to be heavily regulated by the state. They also are authoritarian. I see nothing in the policies and the people you openly support and their policies. They support China. They support locking down the American people and using the law to do so. They are openly trying to destroy our borders. They promote chaos in the streets per the communist manifesto. I don't see much of a difference in your support for the democrat party and communists to be honest. They have the same goals.

that was not much of a statement on Obama's birth status if that was a statement. It sounds like someone asked him a hypothetical and he said it would be a great scam if it were true. I would say the exact same thing and so would anybody who knows what the constitution says about citizenship and becoming president. You are providing an extremely weak argument. You literally put into evidence that the statement you made your decision on was clearly a hypothetical response. You really need to get your emotions in check if you are swayed by someone asking or even opining about a hypothetical situation and what it would mean.

So what is this ride I was supposedly on. Politicians throwing mud at each other is supposed to change my life? You idiots are the ones who were on the ride believing all this crap put out by fake news and a corrupt FBI and democrat party. That is the story if anything and you were perfectly along for the ride. I don't like bullies especially when the bullies are plain ol idiots like you guys. You and ol SN bought it all hook line and sinker. We all know politicians have some dirt and have to do things to get where they are. To think otherwise is pure willful malicious ignorance. Now all of a sudden, Trump is the one. HE is the one who did such and such and here is the evidence. Turns out it was fabricated. It was fabricated because he was upsetting their apple cart and there move to destroy America as we know it. Obama, Biden and the democrat party openly campaign of transforming America. Have you not paid attention to what that means and the policies they put forward to do so? America was already progressive by over 100 to 200 years over the rest of the world. The only place the democrats can take us is back, not forward and they will do anything to do it. They did it to Trump. They did it to other Republicans via the IRS during Obama. Hell the vice president even called the president a rapist on television to try and win. Just think about that.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-09-2021, 10:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Enough of avoiding the question and lame personal attacks. I still want to know. You either lack the conviction or you see thru the lies too? Which is it?
I have seen through your lies from day one. Just like Ski. You both claim to be Republicans but have not offered one single Republican idea in 4 years. I see you.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-09-2021, 12:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I have seen through your lies from day one. Just like Ski. You both claim to be Republicans but have not offered one single Republican idea in 4 years. I see you.
Avoiding the question tells all.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-09-2021, 1:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Avoiding the question tells all.
And what question. There is nothing to answer about. Only scam that is going on is you and ski. All your Trump stuff was fabricated in the most dangerous way possible. So bad that it nearly set off a civil war and has led to Joe Biden and the destruction of America. Now you want to try and talk about Trump some more about something that you nor I know anything about except you think you know something about because you are falling for the same ol traps. Someone writes and innuendo article and here comes the propaganda again. Just stop. You are either purposefully ignorant or wanting to be part of the problem. Either way you are part of the problem.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-09-2021, 1:51 PM Reply   
Yep, its the democrats who are forcing a civil war, but its only republicans that keep saying it. Republicans are buying up the guns and ammo for the last decade. Tucker on air gaslighting civil war. Who was it that told white supremist' s to stand back, stand by on live TV? Who has all the armed militias across the country? Who is glorifying the guns? like in front of a Christmas tree? Who is supporting NRA nuts? Proud Boys? Three Percenters? Oathkeepers? Boogaloo Boys? Wolverine Watchmen? All right wing radicals who showed up to violently keep thegrifter in power.
Why do you need Shock troops? It isnt some fake news left wing reporting on it. Its trump people planning in the open because the dems are weak and wont do a thing.

Who is hiding from the courts, obstructing just as he did with russia, ukraine impeachments...
Who tried to steal an election to remain in power with the help of dozens of congresspersons and senators? Who is setting up election officials in swing states that gave themselves the power to overturn elections if they dont like the results? Thought we were democracy rules.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       12-09-2021, 3:45 PM Reply   


Much like the rest of the BLM hoax’s fabricated by the left that completely fell apart in court, yet again a BLM /Democratic flagship case is completely decimated when all the evidence is released. I am sure all the democratic mouthpieces and media trash will be issuing blanket apologies. You know all those racist remarks spewed on loops for months , months of stories about racist trump supporters and racist police not believing lies being uttered by a racist clown Jussie Smollette. A trained monkey could’ve seen through his lies from the first 10 min of interviewing him.

Once again evidence destroys the completely fabricated leftist narrative and the actual racists destroying America with lies are on full display. Can’t wait to hear all these leftist mouthpieces calling for the full weight of the federal government to hold Jussie and everyone accountable for staging a federal hate crime and inciting a race war based on complete lies from a person that pre planned this entire hoax. I am sure all the leftist morning brews will be calling for his head and the maximum penalty under law like they were when I they were played for fools yet again. Jussie didn’t seem to care …….he sat in court and still continued to lie his ass off over and over again committing perjury.

Joe Biden once again proved a fool. Can’t wait for his apology to America.

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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       12-09-2021, 4:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yep, its the democrats who are forcing a civil war, but its only republicans that keep saying it. Republicans are buying up the guns and ammo for the last decade. Tucker on air gaslighting civil war. Who was it that told white supremist' s to stand back, stand by on live TV? Who has all the armed militias across the country? Who is glorifying the guns? like in front of a Christmas tree? Who is supporting NRA nuts? Proud Boys? Three Percenters? Oathkeepers? Boogaloo Boys? Wolverine Watchmen? All right wing radicals who showed up to violently keep thegrifter in power.
Why do you need Shock troops? It isnt some fake news left wing reporting on it. Its trump people planning in the open because the dems are weak and wont do a thing.

Who is hiding from the courts, obstructing just as he did with russia, ukraine impeachments...
Who tried to steal an election to remain in power with the help of dozens of congresspersons and senators? Who is setting up election officials in swing states that gave themselves the power to overturn elections if they dont like the results? Thought we were democracy rules.
So you think antifa, BLM, and all the left extremist who have been burning. looting and killing are not trying to start a civil war? The left will lie after the facts are in! lol "I saw you in the bedroom" "wasn't me" Its on camera, wasn't me. Everything that has "come to light" that the left has done over the last 4 years has driven a civil war. There is no reason not to expect a civil war. The left made up a 4 yr Russian Hoax ( also know as a Smolett) Impeachmetn after impeachment, the media is criminal. So why would the people not fight back

Isn't that what the ANTIFA has been doing? Burning and killing, you guys set the stage for it. Although, the right, even crazy extreme right wingers are not burning down things? Or attacking police or looting stores? Why? Isn't that the correct process? the one we have all learned by watching the left?

What if there was a left vs right fight. like a 1 week, no holds barred, let it all out, and see who is left standing. Would that be ok? Kinda put this to an end, and see what it looks like?

Maybe it would stop the burning, looting, fake new, riots, and we, or whoever is left, can move forward, with a civil. common sense life!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-09-2021, 4:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post


Much like the rest of the BLM hoax’s fabricated by the left that completely fell apart in court, yet again a BLM /Democratic flagship case is completely decimated when all the evidence is released. I am sure all the democratic mouthpieces and media trash will be issuing blanket apologies. You know all those racist remarks spewed on loops for months , months of stories about racist trump supporters and racist police not believing lies being uttered by a racist clown Jussie Smollette. A trained monkey could’ve seen through his lies from the first 10 min of interviewing him.

Once again evidence destroys the completely fabricated leftist narrative and the actual racists destroying America with lies are on full display. Can’t wait to hear all these leftist mouthpieces calling for the full weight of the federal government to hold Jussie and everyone accountable for staging a federal hate crime and inciting a race war based on complete lies from a person that pre planned this entire hoax. I am sure all the leftist morning brews will be calling for his head and the maximum penalty under law like they were when I they were played for fools yet again. Jussie didn’t seem to care …….he sat in court and still continued to lie his ass off over and over again committing perjury.

Joe Biden once again proved a fool. Can’t wait for his apology to America.

Attachment 46523
You should go back and look at the Jesse Smollette thread Grant started. No one supported him, He was called out as a liar from the get go. Flagship case, leftist narrative... lol.
Point out all the support for me.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       12-09-2021, 11:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You should go back and look at the Jesse Smollette thread Grant started. No one supported him, He was called out as a liar from the get go. Flagship case, leftist narrative... lol.
Point out all the support for me.
Once again showcasing your life in a basement rather than reality. That pretty much nails down every single top leftist race baiter in power and their immediate overwhelming support for a giant liar

So what you’re saying is you could tell it was completely fabricated , but the alleged elite leaders of the democrap party you support couldn’t. You make this so easy. . Do you ever stop and actually read what you post. That link is the clown show of the biggest racists in nation on full display. Their overwhelming support of criminals on full display .

So how much time shoujd the leftist martyr do in prison ?

Last edited by xstarrider; 12-09-2021 at 11:08 PM.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-10-2021, 6:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
So you think antifa, BLM, and all the left extremist who have been burning. looting and killing are not trying to start a civil war? The left will lie after the facts are in! lol "I saw you in the bedroom" "wasn't me" Its on camera, wasn't me. Everything that has "come to light" that the left has done over the last 4 years has driven a civil war. There is no reason not to expect a civil war. The left made up a 4 yr Russian Hoax ( also know as a Smolett) Impeachmetn after impeachment, the media is criminal. So why would the people not fight back

Isn't that what the ANTIFA has been doing? Burning and killing, you guys set the stage for it. Although, the right, even crazy extreme right wingers are not burning down things? Or attacking police or looting stores? Why? Isn't that the correct process? the one we have all learned by watching the left?

What if there was a left vs right fight. like a 1 week, no holds barred, let it all out, and see who is left standing. Would that be ok? Kinda put this to an end, and see what it looks like?

Maybe it would stop the burning, looting, fake new, riots, and we, or whoever is left, can move forward, with a civil. common sense life!
The civil war discussion is an interesting one to me. What would that even look like? If you are suggesting that the idiots burning cities summer before last and the idiots that were at the Jan. 6th riot all meet in a Utah desert and have it out, I support this 100%. But civil war in general would be tough in 2021. First, you have to realize that about a third of all young men in America would die. Second, how are you going to draw the lines? The US isn't as geographically separated politically like it was 150+ years ago. Do you go through voting records and murder the families of the opposition house by house? Most of Americans aren't extremists--they lean left on some issues and right on others--can they opt out? Would it be state vs state. Remember that almost all states are divided between democrat and republican by less than 10%. The logistics of the proposition just doesn't make sense.

If you are having these kind of fantasies, you need to get your head examined. I had a relative years ago tell me about how a civil war was on the horizon and the patriot right was armed to the teeth and that the left would fall quickly. I quickly reminded him about a little left leaning city in Illinois where not only do they have guns, they actually use them. (it was a joke) But seriously, you really need to ease your finger off the trigger if you are having these thoughts.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       12-10-2021, 6:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post


Much like the rest of the BLM hoax’s fabricated by the left that completely fell apart in court, yet again a BLM /Democratic flagship case is completely decimated when all the evidence is released. I am sure all the democratic mouthpieces and media trash will be issuing blanket apologies. You know all those racist remarks spewed on loops for months , months of stories about racist trump supporters and racist police not believing lies being uttered by a racist clown Jussie Smollette. A trained monkey could’ve seen through his lies from the first 10 min of interviewing him.

Once again evidence destroys the completely fabricated leftist narrative and the actual racists destroying America with lies are on full display. Can’t wait to hear all these leftist mouthpieces calling for the full weight of the federal government to hold Jussie and everyone accountable for staging a federal hate crime and inciting a race war based on complete lies from a person that pre planned this entire hoax. I am sure all the leftist morning brews will be calling for his head and the maximum penalty under law like they were when I they were played for fools yet again. Jussie didn’t seem to care …….he sat in court and still continued to lie his ass off over and over again committing perjury.

Joe Biden once again proved a fool. Can’t wait for his apology to America.

Attachment 46523
This whole thing was kinda over before it started. I think it is super stupid that Biden commented on it (not the president's job) just like the whole Rittenhouse thing. Biden or whoever runs his twitter need to stay in their lane.

Some idiot paid two dudes to beat him up (not a crime) and then filed a false police report (Crime). If race baiting was a crime, holy crap, a lot of people would be in jail. Nail him with the max you can for filing a false police report.

Be careful not to take the bait either. He did a crime and now he is going to do the time, the judicial system worked. You can't add additional punishment for your mental anguish.

I feel bad for those who do actually fall victim to crimes, because of ****-birds like this guy, they might not be as trusted. I heard a quote, "This is what it looks like when the demand for racism outpaces the supply." It is sad.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       12-10-2021, 8:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
The civil war discussion is an interesting one to me. What would that even look like? If you are suggesting that the idiots burning cities summer before last and the idiots that were at the Jan. 6th riot all meet in a Utah desert and have it out, I support this 100%. But civil war in general would be tough in 2021. First, you have to realize that about a third of all young men in America would die. Second, how are you going to draw the lines? The US isn't as geographically separated politically like it was 150+ years ago. Do you go through voting records and murder the families of the opposition house by house? Most of Americans aren't extremists--they lean left on some issues and right on others--can they opt out? Would it be state vs state. Remember that almost all states are divided between democrat and republican by less than 10%. The logistics of the proposition just doesn't make sense.

If you are having these kind of fantasies, you need to get your head examined. I had a relative years ago tell me about how a civil war was on the horizon and the patriot right was armed to the teeth and that the left would fall quickly. I quickly reminded him about a little left leaning city in Illinois where not only do they have guns, they actually use them. (it was a joke) But seriously, you really need to ease your finger off the trigger if you are having these thoughts.
I dont have any ill will or ever want to see death and destruction. I believe 90% of this country wants piece through common sense. but the people who are running the show, are lost, and they are supporting the push to have civil unrest. BLM, ANTIFA, PROUD BOYS etc etc all are a problem. but defunding the police, CRT, racial bating (on everything, including roads now racist) and government overreach, pressure to remove civil liberties, and destroying peoples lives who dont want a shot, because 100 million have had covid, is total cause for a civil war.

Maybe the republicans should have left the democrats keep slavery? Or jim crow, a Dem controlled proposal, or countless dangerous and damaging concepts that the left wants and loves.

Legalizing illegal drugs, so people can destroy themselves, killing gender roles so young girls and young women get trampled in sports by men acting as women. or illegal imagrants getting rights that the American people are being stripped from, right in front of our eyes.

Over tax, unserved, destroy local business to prop up Foreign ones? Let russia sell oil and gas to Europe but not us? Jesus is bad, God is the devil, and church is the house of Satin, kill it? Free the criminals, so they can kill again. rape again, loot again, rob again, no bail, no worries. because the police are the problem?

Now, lets take those 90% and ask, does this sound like common sense? Like moral values you want to instill in your children. Shoot up, its ok, live in a tent, under the bridge, **** on the streets, its ok, not you fault, not your responsibility, its the Government not doing enough?

Pretty sad state we are all in
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-10-2021, 9:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yep, its the democrats who are forcing a civil war, but its only republicans that keep saying it. Republicans are buying up the guns and ammo for the last decade. Tucker on air gaslighting civil war. Who was it that told white supremist' s to stand back, stand by on live TV? Who has all the armed militias across the country? Who is glorifying the guns? like in front of a Christmas tree? Who is supporting NRA nuts? Proud Boys? Three Percenters? Oathkeepers? Boogaloo Boys? Wolverine Watchmen? All right wing radicals who showed up to violently keep thegrifter in power.
Why do you need Shock troops? It isnt some fake news left wing reporting on it. Its trump people planning in the open because the dems are weak and wont do a thing.

Who is hiding from the courts, obstructing just as he did with russia, ukraine impeachments...
Who tried to steal an election to remain in power with the help of dozens of congresspersons and senators? Who is setting up election officials in swing states that gave themselves the power to overturn elections if they dont like the results? Thought we were democracy rules.
And there you go again with your half wit democrat race baiting gaslighting. Proud Boys are not white supremacists unless you count having a black guy leader as a white supremacists. They are there to foil Antifa who are democrat leftist out to destroy our way of life for their revolution.

All Americans have been buying up ammo and guns for decades. Nothing new. It was part of the reason the Japanese did not want to invade America because of the guns.

Shock troops? That is what Obama proposed. Why do you think Obama said out loud he wants a civilian force as strong as the military? What do you think that is about?

Who is hiding from the courts? defending yourself from baseless democrat attacks is hiding from the courts? The democrats are not the courts. They are a disease.

Election laws are actually constitutionally granted to the States. The states got a work around by the democrats using the courts and the crisis of COVID to circumvent the state constitutions which require the state legislatures to make election laws. These so call "new laws" they are putting into place are actually less restrictive than Joe Bidens home state.

We are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Democracy is mob rules.

You are a typical tyrannical authoritarian democrat. Defend yourself from a democrat, then you obviously are hiding something right? How dare you defend yourself. Sound just like that idiot prosecutor in the Rittenhouse trial. Trying to use constitutional rights against the defendant in a court of law to try and sway people into believing his side of the story.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       12-10-2021, 9:55 AM Reply   
Ha ha, Trump is such a narcissist cry baby:
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-10-2021, 9:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
The civil war discussion is an interesting one to me. What would that even look like? If you are suggesting that the idiots burning cities summer before last and the idiots that were at the Jan. 6th riot all meet in a Utah desert and have it out, I support this 100%. But civil war in general would be tough in 2021. First, you have to realize that about a third of all young men in America would die. Second, how are you going to draw the lines? The US isn't as geographically separated politically like it was 150+ years ago. Do you go through voting records and murder the families of the opposition house by house? Most of Americans aren't extremists--they lean left on some issues and right on others--can they opt out? Would it be state vs state. Remember that almost all states are divided between democrat and republican by less than 10%. The logistics of the proposition just doesn't make sense.

If you are having these kind of fantasies, you need to get your head examined. I had a relative years ago tell me about how a civil war was on the horizon and the patriot right was armed to the teeth and that the left would fall quickly. I quickly reminded him about a little left leaning city in Illinois where not only do they have guns, they actually use them. (it was a joke) But seriously, you really need to ease your finger off the trigger if you are having these thoughts.
You tell us what it looks like. We are in the middle of a cold civil war as we speak. Oddly enough if you look at the polling it is you democrats that openly say you will not even work with or be friends with a republican.

Young Dems more likely to despise the other party

By the numbers: 5% of Republicans said they wouldn't be friends with someone from the opposite party, compared to 37% of Democrats.

71% of Democrats wouldn't go on a date with someone with opposing views, versus 31% of Republicans.
30% of Democrats — and 7% of Republicans — wouldn't work for someone who voted differently from them.

Between the lines: Democrats argue that modern GOP positions, spearheaded by former President Trump — are far outside of the mainstream and polite conversation.

Some have expressed unyielding positions on matters of identity — including abortion, LGBTQ rights and immigration — where they argue human rights, and not just policy differences, are at stake.

Women are more likely than men to take a strong partisan stance in their personal choices.

41% of women would go on a date with someone who voted for the opposing candidate, compared to 67% of men.
76% of women would work for someone who voted for the other candidate, vs. 86% of men.
Just 68% of women — compared to 84% of men — would shop at or support the business of someone of the other party.

I agree. Most Americans are not extremists. However the media have turned most of you into extremists. We can see that with how you treated Trump. I see that with many of the democrat party positions. Most of you are fairly middle of the ground however you tend to have some idea of a trinket you want so what do you do? You go along with things like there is no boy and girls, men can compete in womens sports, allow illegal immigration, allowing felons to roam while penalizing upstanding citizens for protecting themselves, and the list goes on and on. YOU allow all this because you want your little trinket but are more than willing to go along with radical ideas to get it. So while most Americans are not radical, you will willing embrace radical ideology to get it. We can take it back to almost any time period on how this works. Most Germans were not radical either. The NAZI party was pretty small part of the population. The general population just wanted solutions to a tough life. They wanted the easy way out and they got it. Just like England and Nevel Chamberland. He wanted the easy way out that he believed a person who was known to say and do anything for power. Came back waving the signed paper saying it is all good. He was a hero because they avoided war so he thought. The communist is Russia? They were a small amount of the population. Just most of the people did not want any trouble until they did. World is full of a small amount of people who turned to radicalism that changed the fortunes of millions.

As far as what a civil war would look like? Who knows. The easy part is the rural goes after the city people would be the line. Rural people could starve out the city and turn it into a 3rd world country in just a couple of weeks. Don't get me wrong it would all be a $hit show and no one would want that, however that is how it would have to go. City people tend to be compliant with power. Rural people are used to making their own decisions.

As far as my thoughts. Not my thoughts. You democrats thoughts. You are the ones who openly support the burning and looting of our towns and even pass the legislation to do so. You are the ones who openly say you are going to transform America. We already are the greatest country in the history of the world and have the most rights in history for individuals. They only way to go is down and we see the democrats year after year trying to cut the fabric of our society that made up the ethics that made us great. What you saw on Jan 6 was those ones who could not contain their emotions any long from the continued attack on them from the democrats and the media. They had enough. Why do you think the democrats are trying to make an example of them? They know their are probably 1,000 to 10,000 for everyone of those who did show up that have similar feelings as those people that decided not to act.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       12-10-2021, 10:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Ha ha, Trump is such a narcissist cry baby:
Falling for another failed CNN article huh? How many hundreds of millions is CNN in for now for fake news pay outs and is now for sale?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       12-10-2021, 10:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Once again showcasing your life in a basement rather than reality. That pretty much nails down every single top leftist race baiter in power and their immediate overwhelming support for a giant liar

So what you’re saying is you could tell it was completely fabricated , but the alleged elite leaders of the democrap party you support couldn’t. You make this so easy. . Do you ever stop and actually read what you post. That link is the clown show of the biggest racists in nation on full display. Their overwhelming support of criminals on full display .

So how much time shoujd the leftist martyr do in prison ?
You get excited and outraged over the dumbest stuff. Biden wasnt president, he was an ordinary citizen, this was 2019. The whole point by smollette was to fool people, and he did. Not everyone. He had little support from day one as evidenced by the wakeworld thread on day 1. Now he has been found guilty and you are incensed. Great. What the hell do you want?

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