Looking forward to that same lofty standard being applied to Biden.
Are the Republicans going to create a fake document to try to perform a coup against Biden? Asking for a friend. I am sure there are going to be some tough questions and hopefully an impeachment and conviction when the dust settles on Joe and his son's sell out to the Ukraines and China have their day in congress.
At that point if his son is convicted of anything, he can pardon him. It is within his authority. We can still scream about it, what are we going to do not elect him either?
So are you blaming this on covid or an underlying cause?
I am making a statement of fact. The there is the truth as to why this happened then there are the politics of why this happened. Neither of the two will overlap.
Why you mention kids being distant learning for a couple months should not be a problem, however many of these kids have been isolated for months. Sounds like you may have a city perspective on things. Country kids don't get to see friends during the summers so much.
point is who knows. The fact is it happened. The kid decided to wait until he was in class to make this statement. Usually people want to make statements at or to people or things they feel was a source of their pain so there is that.
No I am not. I can understand the argument of providing a lunch to those that can not afford it while they’re in school , but feeding kids all 3 meals a day is a crock of ****. The school system is an educational system , not a social handout welfare system.
"Our public schools provide breakfast , lunch for almost all , dinner for a large group of select few."
Our schools still provide meals you can pick up. Do yours not?
Do you really think a majority of the kids that qualify for these programs have parents that are willing to go out of their way to get them food ? For the ones that do , do you think those parents have the ability to get those items during their work day ?
In more cases than people want to admit , in the ares these programs exist and get used the
Most , school is actually a better environment for 8-10rs than home is.
This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years. Interestingly, as depicted in the table below, the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19. This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19.
So can we come to your house for a speeding or parking ticket then ask to come inside and look for weed or a gun that your state just happened to change the law regarding a rifle type that now makes you a felon because you did not hear of a change in classification (here is to you kalifornia and AR15's)? This is why you Fing democrat are so dangerous to our freedoms. You mother F$ckers are so politically bent over at this point, you do not care what civil rights you violate as long as you get your authoritarian political rocks off. You are dangerous.
that's disappointing from a father of daughters unless you believe that their highest value is white-normed beauty. As a person to emulate, I'd have my daughter pick Michelle over Melania every day of the week.
Are the Republicans going to create a fake document to try to perform a coup against Biden? Asking for a friend. I am sure there are going to be some tough questions and hopefully an impeachment and conviction when the dust settles on Joe and his son's sell out to the Ukraines and China have their day in congress.
At that point if his son is convicted of anything, he can pardon him. It is within his authority. We can still scream about it, what are we going to do not elect him either?
Rudy Giuliani having his name attached to the Hunter Biden "investigation" ensures that no one is ever going to give any credibility to any of the allegations. Only a moron would believe the Hunter laptop story.
that's disappointing from a father of daughters unless you believe that their highest value is white-normed beauty. As a person to emulate, I'd have my daughter pick Michelle over Melania every day of the week.
Rudy Giuliani having his name attached to the Hunter Biden "investigation" ensures that no one is ever going to give any credibility to any of the allegations. Only a moron would believe the Hunter laptop story.
These are the geniuses running Trump's sham effort to milk his idiot supporters for even more millions before he leaves office lol - was their "star witness" day drinking before this "testimony" lol
Do you really think a majority of the kids that qualify for these programs have parents that are willing to go out of their way to get them food ? For the ones that do , do you think those parents have the ability to get those items during their work day ?
In more cases than people want to admit , in the ares these programs exist and get used the
Most , school is actually a better environment for 8-10rs than home is.
It's Not one or the other, up in Ohio in the city of Lorain, they are doing remote learning And they also have the free food given to all the kids by going out to various locations throughout the community.
Editor’s Note: After The News-Letter published this article on Nov. 22, it was brought to our attention that our coverage of Genevieve Briand’s presentation “COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data” has been used to support dangerous inaccuracies that minimize the impact of the pandemic.
We decided on Nov. 26 to retract this article to stop the spread of misinformation, as we noted on social media. However, it is our responsibility as journalists to provide a historical record. We have chosen to take down the article from our website, but it is available here as a PDF.
That's awful. Hopefully that doesn't become commonplace. Since columbine we still get school shootings. So many in fact that people seem to almost shrug them off.
Back in 2013 we had one locally. A 12 year old brought a gun to school, shot and wounded a kid, shot and killed a teacher, shot and wound another kid, then shot himself in the head, all minutes before class started.
There's been nothing done for those disaffected kids, but we do do drills now so the rest of the kids can practice hiding under their desks.
Hiding under their desk? That stuff is old school, now they try to ambush the terrorist or run around the room creating chaos(can't hit a moving target) That's what they were teaching in Ohio
Hiding under their desk? That stuff is old school, now they try to ambush the terrorist or run around the room creating chaos(can't hit a moving target) That's what they were teaching in Ohio
These are the geniuses running Trump's sham effort to milk his idiot supporters for even more millions before he leaves office lol - was their "star witness" day drinking before this "testimony" lol
So because rules get broken, we shouldn't have them?
I'm not really sure I understand the point of this argument. It's not like regular Americans who don't have paparazzi chasing them around aren't "cheating" every day too. Shoot, I don't think I saw a single mask in the crowd that wasn't on a journalist at last night's mega rally.
Maybe you have an example to the contrary, but the "shutdowns" that I'm familiar with are based on the advice of public health officials. It's not like the pols are adopting these measures as a pure power trip. But maybe I'm wrong and there are some examples out there of pols shutting down against the advice of their local public health authorities? Rather than depend on Americans to follow these directives would you prefer that we impose criminal penalties for non-compliance? COVID police to send people to COVID jail?
(in my state it's the opposite -- we are more open than we probably should be as a concession to reality that our tax base depends on the service sector and government can't do nuthin' without money)
So because rules get broken, we shouldn't have them?
I'm not really sure I understand the point of this argument. It's not like regular Americans who don't have paparazzi chasing them around aren't "cheating" every day too. Shoot, I don't think I saw a single mask in the crowd that wasn't on a journalist at last night's mega rally.
Maybe you have an example to the contrary, but the "shutdowns" that I'm familiar with are based on the advice of public health officials. It's not like the pols are adopting these measures as a pure power trip. But maybe I'm wrong and there are some examples out there of pols shutting down against the advice of their local public health authorities? Rather than depend on Americans to follow these directives would you prefer that we impose criminal penalties for non-compliance? COVID police to send people to COVID jail?
(in my state it's the opposite -- we are more open than we probably should be as a concession to reality that our tax base depends on the service sector and government can't do nuthin' without money)
Not really that surprising, their leader who taught that attitude is still saying he won an election that has been called in favor of President Elect Joe Biden. 75% of republicans in house and senate are still afraid to admit Biden will be President in public. Its only been a month, how long til the very stable genius figures it out? When do they unplug his twitter? https://www.channel3000.com/trump-cl...ed-bidens-win/
yeah I thought that last night's maga rally looked pretty reckless too.
Reckless, yes maybe, but when the left tells people to not do something, that they don't, and won't follow themselves, they become hypocritical douchebags (more than they already are). If you dont tell people what to do, even if wrong to rally, you are not a hypocrite.
Reckless, yes maybe, but when the left tells people to not do something, that they don't, and won't follow themselves, they become hypocritical douchebags (more than they already are). If you dont tell people what to do, even if wrong to rally, you are not a hypocrite.
Brilliant take. We may kill our neighbors but at least were not hypocrites.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Brilliant take. We may kill our neighbors but at least were not hypocrites.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
no, you dont get to tell people what they can or cant do and not follow the rules you apply. Thats why we left Europe to become America. Its actually why people are not as willing to "buy in" as the rule makers cant follow their own rules. Do as I say not as I do, does not work here. They have their own children on vacations to Mexico, they dont even care about their kids. So lets cut the ****
no, you dont get to tell people what they can or cant do and not follow the rules you apply. Thats why we left Europe to become America.
When cops blow through a red light without their sirens on we don't say remove the signal lights. Nobody is saying that the politicians shouldn't follow the rules.
no, you dont get to tell people what they can or cant do and not follow the rules you apply. Thats why we left Europe to become America. Its actually why people are not as willing to "buy in" as the rule makers cant follow their own rules. Do as I say not as I do, does not work here. They have their own children on vacations to Mexico, they dont even care about their kids. So lets cut the ****
We declared independence from England mostly because of taxes and no representation.
You are worrying about all the wrong things friend. Who cares where politicians eat, how does that impact your life? They arnt perfect, either or you or I. Have you gone out to dinner in the last 6 months? Then why freak out? The 280,000 dead people should tell you to live by the rules that save lives, pretty simple. Those lives may be your family or mine, we dont get to choose. Stop trying to politicize health policy. Where do you get the idea they do it to harm you in some way? Is there some a logical master plan why politicians would kill their own economy ? other than a pandemic like this? Due to Covid, We lose as many people a day that died at 9/11, except its preventable. Why are you fighting on the side of Covid 19 and not for American lives? Seems pretty unpatriotic.
that's disappointing from a father of daughters unless you believe that their highest value is white-normed beauty. As a person to emulate, I'd have my daughter pick Michelle over Melania every day of the week.
I’d love to know what qualifies Michelle Obama to be a role model for young women and what qualities of hers you feel young ladies should emulate.
Would those be the numerous sitting board positions she’s had over the years that she received checks for while never showing up . Maybe it’s all those positions she earned by having no qualifications in the fields she over saw. Michelle Obama is the epitome of a political hack. She’s never lifted a finger and lived the privileged life of Chicago politics . Every position she’s ever held was pushed by the the political fortitude of the University of Chicago , one of the biggest political ghost patrolling entities known for black politicians in Chicago.
Last edited by xstarrider; 12-06-2020 at 10:57 PM.
I’d love to know what qualifies Michelle Obama to be a role model for young women and what qualities of hers you feel young ladies should emulate.
OMG! Michelle Obama grew up in a middle class family in south Chicago with very supportive parents, they did not own their own house but put all their money into getting their two kids through Princeton University, Both Michelle and her brother attended All black schools from 1st grade to their senior year in High School, their first day at Princeton was their first day at a school that was Not all Black!
Michelle is Not privileged, you don't go from living in the Ghetto to being a graduate from Princeton University by being privileged, I am sure many of her fellow students at Princeton were privileged, her story should be a template for most people how to succeed in life.
that's disappointing from a father of daughters unless you believe that their highest value is white-normed beauty. As a person to emulate, I'd have my daughter pick Michelle over Melania every day of the week.
OMG! Michelle Obama grew up in a middle class family in south Chicago with very supportive parents, they did not own their own house but put all their money into getting their two kids through Princeton University, Both Michelle and her brother attended All black schools from 1st grade to their senior year in High School, their first day at Princeton was their first day at a school that was Not all Black!
Michelle is Not privileged, you don't go from living in the Ghetto to being a graduate from Princeton University by being privileged, I am sure many of her fellow students at Princeton were privileged, her story should be a template for most people how to succeed in life.
I'm pretty sure starman was lying when he said he'd "love to know", but good answer. Interesting how he claimed... "Maybe it’s all those positions she earned by having no qualifications in the fields she over saw.". How do you accomplish that when you don't have the nepotism advantage that Trump's offspring enjoy? The main answer that comes to mind is that she demonstrated intelligence and character sufficient to (in starman's words) "earn those positions".
Interesting how no one wants to talk about Trump getting in front of his supporters in GA lying about election fraud. Or how Trump is asking the gov of GA to assemble the legislature and undermine democracy. And trying the same thing in other states. Over five years into this thread and Trump has finally provided indisputable evidence of what many of us have been saying since the start.... That Trump is not someone who should ever be in the WH.
I’d love to know what qualifies Michelle Obama to be a role model for young women and what qualities of hers you feel young ladies should emulate.
Would those be the numerous sitting board positions she’s had over the years that she received checks for while never showing up . Maybe it’s all those positions she earned by having no qualifications in the fields she over saw. Michelle Obama is the epitome of a political hack. She’s never lifted a finger and lived the privileged life of Chicago politics . Every position she’s ever held was pushed by the the political fortitude of the University of Chicago , one of the biggest political ghost patrolling entities known for black politicians in Chicago.
Hey in my defense I didn't know that Melania's signature accomplishment was going to be announced today. My bad.
For those of you arguing that testing and asymptomatic spread aren't important here's what Dr. Birx had to say yesterday morning on meet the press:
Most of the coverage of this interview is over Chuck Todd trying to goad her into criticizing the Trump Admin's response (she wouldn't take the bait). But she did share some real facts and she does know what she's talkin about.
I’d love to know what qualifies Michelle Obama to be a role model for young women and what qualities of hers you feel young ladies should emulate.
Would those be the numerous sitting board positions she’s had over the years that she received checks for while never showing up . Maybe it’s all those positions she earned by having no qualifications in the fields she over saw. Michelle Obama is the epitome of a political hack. She’s never lifted a finger and lived the privileged life of Chicago politics . Every position she’s ever held was pushed by the the political fortitude of the University of Chicago , one of the biggest political ghost patrolling entities known for black politicians in Chicago.
Id love to hear how/why or the qualities Melania carries that would make her one that young ladies should emulate, why she is a role model?
Interesting how no one wants to talk about Trump getting in front of his supporters in GA lying about election fraud. Or how Trump is asking the gov of GA to assemble the legislature and undermine democracy. And trying the same thing in other states. Over five years into this thread and Trump has finally provided indisputable evidence of what many of us have been saying since the start.... That Trump is not someone who should ever be in the WH.
Interesting how no one wants to talk about Trump getting in front of his supporters in GA lying about election fraud. Or how Trump is asking the gov of GA to assemble the legislature and undermine democracy. And trying the same thing in other states. Over five years into this thread and Trump has finally provided indisputable evidence of what many of us have been saying since the start.... That Trump is not someone who should ever be in the WH.
Trump supporters surrender reality and chose to believe Donald Trump's mountain of BS. They never held him accountable when he made his claims (i.e. when he proclaimed he won the popular vote in 2016, but illegal voting accounted for the 3 million vote deficit) and now you see the desperation to continue to believe his lies. How can anyone with an IQ over 50 believe anything that Rudy Giuliani, Jen Ellis, Sydney Powell, or even Trump himself spew? They are proclaiming the biggest fraud in American history yet their star witnesses are: A woman that sounded like she chased 2 Xanax's with a White Claw right before her testimony. A guy who's earlier profession included investigating ghosts. A "data scientist" who was so brilliant, he found irregularities in Edison County (a county that does not exist). Another "data scientist" found irregularities in numbers from 2016 compared to 2020 (of course the "irregularities" were he was comparing counties in Minnesota to counties in Michigan). Another witness' testimony was that there had to be fraud because who can tell the differences in Asian-Americans.
Trump could tell his backers anything and they would believe it. It's the reason why most of them still think Trump will be president until 2024.
OMG! Michelle Obama grew up in a middle class family in south Chicago with very supportive parents, they did not own their own house but put all their money into getting their two kids through Princeton University, Both Michelle and her brother attended All black schools from 1st grade to their senior year in High School, their first day at Princeton was their first day at a school that was Not all Black!
Michelle is Not privileged, you don't go from living in the Ghetto to being a graduate from Princeton University by being privileged, I am sure many of her fellow students at Princeton were privileged, her story should be a template for most people how to succeed in life.
Another completely blind or willfully ignorant post. You should really look into her past instead of reading the media’s version . It reads Much like her husbands , Bought and paid for by activists and thrusted into the political spotlight because he was likable. Numerous rubber stamp jobs , to bike a resume with nothing ever earned.
Brilliant take. We may kill our neighbors but at least were not hypocrites.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
You should really read your own pos and t take your own advice . According to the science Your neighbor won’t die unless they’re over 70 with pre existing conditions. Keep living in your fake, fear filled world.
For those of you arguing that testing and asymptomatic spread aren't important here's what Dr. Birx had to say yesterday morning on meet the press:
Most of the coverage of this interview is over Chuck Todd trying to goad her into criticizing the Trump Admin's response (she wouldn't take the bait). But she did share some real facts and she does know what she's talkin about.
Yea never mind the fact his entire focus and premise of a covid interview was an attempt to get here to smear Trump the entire segment rather than provide unbiased information surrounding the virus. Completely dismiss that portion. This is a prime example of the bull**** reporting. Keep blaming Trump while some of the highest ranking Dems in the nation are mirroring the same exact procedures. It’s a complete joke.
She’s not someone I would catapult to the forefront of women role models either, but she’s nowhere near the fraud Michelle Obama is.
Fraud? Like the time at the 2016 Republican Convention when Melania plagiarized Michele Obamas speech? That kind of fraud? Or in 2018 when she again plagiarized Michelle Obama while kicking off her brilliant "BeBest" campaign to stop bulling. Or is it her nude modeling career that got her permanent residency and eventually citizenship an in the EB-1 program designed for "Extraordinary Abilities". Or the way she got her parents Citizenship thru the popular "chain migration" plan trump ran on ending? That fraud?
Yeah, A Princeton Education and Harvard law degree is crap.
Another completely blind or willfully ignorant post. You should really look into her past instead of reading the media’s version . It reads Much like her husbands , Bought and paid for by activists and thrusted into the political spotlight because he was likable. Numerous rubber stamp jobs , to bike a resume with nothing ever earned.
Don't like the Truth? Don't believe a student can come from a black community and graduate from Princeton? Or you don't believe a black middle class family can put their two kids through Princeton?
Yea never mind the fact his entire focus and premise of a covid interview was an attempt to get here to smear Trump the entire segment rather than provide unbiased information surrounding the virus. Completely dismiss that portion. This is a prime example of the bull**** reporting. Keep blaming Trump while some of the highest ranking Dems in the nation are mirroring the same exact procedures. It’s a complete joke.
Yeah I did acknowledge that. It doesn't take away from the facts that she shared. I'm curious whether you learned something from her about the need for testing asymptomatic folks.
Rudy Giuliani having his name attached to the Hunter Biden "investigation" ensures that no one is ever going to give any credibility to any of the allegations. Only a moron would believe the Hunter laptop story.
You mean like the entire idiotic democrat party that believed the fake Trump Russian collusion?
I'm pretty sure starman was lying when he said he'd "love to know", but good answer. Interesting how he claimed... "Maybe it’s all those positions she earned by having no qualifications in the fields she over saw.". How do you accomplish that when you don't have the nepotism advantage that Trump's offspring enjoy? The main answer that comes to mind is that she demonstrated intelligence and character sufficient to (in starman's words) "earn those positions".
Trump supporters surrender reality and chose to believe Donald Trump's mountain of BS. They never held him accountable when he made his claims (i.e. when he proclaimed he won the popular vote in 2016, but illegal voting accounted for the 3 million vote deficit) and now you see the desperation to continue to believe his lies. How can anyone with an IQ over 50 believe anything that Rudy Giuliani, Jen Ellis, Sydney Powell, or even Trump himself spew? They are proclaiming the biggest fraud in American history yet their star witnesses are: A woman that sounded like she chased 2 Xanax's with a White Claw right before her testimony. A guy who's earlier profession included investigating ghosts. A "data scientist" who was so brilliant, he found irregularities in Edison County (a county that does not exist). Another "data scientist" found irregularities in numbers from 2016 compared to 2020 (of course the "irregularities" were he was comparing counties in Minnesota to counties in Michigan). Another witness' testimony was that there had to be fraud because who can tell the differences in Asian-Americans.
Trump could tell his backers anything and they would believe it. It's the reason why most of them still think Trump will be president until 2024.
Yet you guys posted day after day after day of Adam ****s (pretty sure that is how you spell is name) lies for how many years?
As far as 3 million illegal votes? I will buy that. I have been talking about what has been going on in California with illegal immigration for almost 2 decades on this site. Over 11 million illegals in this country who have more than 2.1 kids per couple. Those votes are finally coming in.
Don't like the Truth? Don't believe a student can come from a black community and graduate from Princeton? Or you don't believe a black middle class family can put their two kids through Princeton?
I thought you said she was from the ghetto? Which is it? Did you see the checks or are those checks from activists?
When cops blow through a red light without their sirens on we don't say remove the signal lights. Nobody is saying that the politicians shouldn't follow the rules.
This is hardly the ficticious cop blowing a red light. This is politicians who are signalling that they have no intention to follow their own rules.
Turns out 70% of the New York cases have come from a high end beach party in Mexico. Wonder if it was the poor business owners that are getting shut down that were there?
“I would say that 60 to 70 percent of my positives in the last couple weeks in New York City have been a direct result of either people coming back from Art With Me — or who have been directly exposed to someone who attended Art With Me,” said founder Eleonora Walczak.
Interesting how no one wants to talk about Trump getting in front of his supporters in GA lying about election fraud. Or how Trump is asking the gov of GA to assemble the legislature and undermine democracy. And trying the same thing in other states. Over five years into this thread and Trump has finally provided indisputable evidence of what many of us have been saying since the start.... That Trump is not someone who should ever be in the WH.
You want to fix it? Mandate you have to show up or provide a picture ID just like we do for every single thing we do in life.
You want to fix it? Mandate you have to show up or provide a picture ID just like we do for every single thing we do in life.
It is fixed, Georgia has recounted 3 times and also audited the vote. It was a fair election. Trump and his crew of idiots have lost over 50 cases in courts, courts trump packed. At this point only an idiot would believe anything out of trumps mouth.
This is hardly the ficticious cop blowing a red light. This is politicians who are signalling that they have no intention to follow their own rules.Wow, over reaction a bit? A few pols were each caught one time eating at a restaurant, hardly a signal they have no intention to follow rules. Have you gone out to eat in the last 6 months? The horror.
Turns out 70% of the New York cases have come from a high end beach party in Mexico. Wonder if it was the poor business owners that are getting shut down that were there?
This tells me, Dont go to super spreader events! what does it tell you?
“I would say that 60 to 70 percent of my positives in the last couple weeks in New York City have been a direct result of either people coming back from Art With Me — or who have been directly exposed to someone who attended Art With Me,” said founder Eleonora Walczak.
Other than being "deniers", Why is the White house planning indoor super spreader events inviting 900 over for Christmas?
You mean like the entire idiotic democrat party that believed the fake Trump Russian collusion?
Fake, hes still paying dividends to Putin. Why else would he remove the US from the Open Skies Treaty? Not to mention all the election distrust trump is sowing is Gold to our enemies like Russia. Another Putin gift from Trump. Stone and Flynn both caught red-handed in the russia scheme both out sowing distrust in the election benefitting our enemies. Only a fool could believe Trump/Russia is fake. Just too much evidence for the rational.
So how many "I'd rather see Trump destroy America's democracy than be ruled by baby murderers" do we still have in this thread?
democrats have destroyed America's republic (considering you apparently do not know what system of government you are voting for). I absolutely would prefer Trump compared to the evil that is the democrat party. How is that girlfriend? (remember, you guys don't know what sex you are so we will work both for you)
Yeah I did acknowledge that. It doesn't take away from the facts that she shared. I'm curious whether you learned something from her about the need for testing asymptomatic folks.
So, who are we rounding up and forcing to go take tests when they feel fine? Who is paying for it?
Fake, hes still paying dividends to Putin. Why else would he remove the US from the Open Skies Treaty? Not to mention all the election distrust trump is sowing is Gold to our enemies like Russia. Another Putin gift from Trump. Stone and Flynn both caught red-handed in the russia scheme both out sowing distrust in the election benefitting our enemies. Only a fool could believe Trump/Russia is fake. Just too much evidence for the rational.
Personally I don't believe the Trump Putin links like have been promoted through Russia gate. I think closer to the truth is Trump is a easily manipulated narcissist with zero moral compass, if the opportunity comes up and it is an advantage to him he will take it, regardless of it's Russian, Ukraine, or White Supremacists. Everything is on the table and considered in a totally transactional way, helps Trump = good, hurts trump = bad. No masterplan or grand conspiracy necessary.
Personally I don't believe the Trump Putin links like have been promoted through Russia gate. I think closer to the truth is Trump is a easily manipulated narcissist with zero moral compass, if the opportunity comes up and it is an advantage to him he will take it, regardless of it's Russian, Ukraine, or White Supremacists. Everything is on the table and considered in a totally transactional way, helps Trump = good, hurts trump = bad. No masterplan or grand conspiracy necessary.
Helps America = Good, Hurts America = Bad..... There fixed.
Personally I don't believe the Trump Putin links like have been promoted through Russia gate. I think closer to the truth is Trump is a easily manipulated narcissist with zero moral compass, if the opportunity comes up and it is an advantage to him he will take it, regardless of it's Russian, Ukraine, or White Supremacists. Everything is on the table and considered in a totally transactional way, helps Trump = good, hurts trump = bad. No masterplan or grand conspiracy necessary.
Agree, russia offered, trump accepted.
Trumps not smart enough to mastermind anything, with no moral compass he will take from any source if he thinks it benefits him. I dont believe crazy conspiracy theories.
Yet you guys posted day after day after day of Adam ****s (pretty sure that is how you spell is name) lies for how many years?
As far as 3 million illegal votes? I will buy that. I have been talking about what has been going on in California with illegal immigration for almost 2 decades on this site. Over 11 million illegals in this country who have more than 2.1 kids per couple. Those votes are finally coming in.
You'll believe anything from Trump's mouth. Trump was impeached. That is fact. There was evidence of wrongdoing. Mueller's report stated that Trump was likely guilty of obstruction of justice. Paul Manafort, in jail. Roger Stone, convicted. Several other Trump cronies either in jail or under indictment. That's evidence, pal. Something Trump, you, and the other deluded know nothing about. You think a Tweet or a Facebook meme is evidence. Maybe in Trumpworld.
Trump had his handpicked team to investigate fraud in the 2016 election. They found nothing. Surprise, surprise. They'd probably find the same thing if they examined your head.
Helps America = Good, Hurts America = Bad..... There fixed.
That's hilarious that you think Trump thinks in those terms. I have seen literally zero evidence of that every time he opens his mouth. If you had actually hear him talk you would understand.
To be fair to Delta he has stated earlier he has never heard Trump talk so even by his own words he is completely uninformed about Trumps mouth and what spews out of it.