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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       11-22-2020, 4:05 AM Reply   
So the left feels having Trump, evil orange man is worse, than having a geriatric boob that has no clue what day it is? that will step down to Harris due to dementia. How much white rice and tapioca pudding will it take to keep Biden awake?

Its going to be a funny 4 years, as we see this **** show unfold. I think its time to start a new thread, with a side bet on the day Biden will step down, Then everyone can be happy they truly voted for Harris as Pres. Scary
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 4:17 AM Reply   
When are we gonna outlaw cars since our odds of dying in a car crash are higher than death by Kung flu?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 4:31 AM Reply   
What do you get when you combine TDS, Kung flu and libtard leadership? The new NYC.
Old     (onlyinboards)      Join Date: Oct 2014       11-22-2020, 4:31 AM Reply   
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 4:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by onlyinboards View Post
You forgot the question mark, retard.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 4:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Then you’re a bigger idiot than Ralph. Come to Kali where our libtard governor will tell you you can’t come out of your house after 10:00pm while he goes out to dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in the country with 20 of his closest friends from 12 different households.
So what is it that you need to be doing between 10 and ? That you cant? Reservations at French Laundry?
Yeah, Newsome F-ed up. So? Unlike other politicians he admitted he F-ed up, admitted 100% was his fault, what he should have done but didnt. Instead of doubling down hes been eating the most expensive sautéed crow available. Was it 20 people? no. Was it 12 diff households? no. Goof ball.
You could always move to S. Dakota, im sure Gov. Noem will let you do anything you want, anytime you want.

Still havnt explained how trump won, have you.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 5:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
So the left feels having Trump, evil orange man is worse, than having a geriatric boob that has no clue what day it is? that will step down to Harris due to dementia. How much white rice and tapioca pudding will it take to keep Biden awake?

Its going to be a funny 4 years, as we see this **** show unfold. I think its time to start a new thread, with a side bet on the day Biden will step down, Then everyone can be happy they truly voted for Harris as Pres. Scary
Close. Not "the left", Americans fairly and freely voted trump to the curb. That geriatric boob, Biden just destroyed trump in a landslide electoral college win AND popular vote shellacking, by over 5 million votes. If trump can avoid jail (doubtful), and runs in 2024, he'll be older than Biden is now. So, Are you going to be saying that we should take bets on how long he can last til he steps down? Scary stupid.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-22-2020, 5:08 AM Reply   
With marks grasp of "alternative facts" he could work for the trump campaign. With IQ in double digits he is almost over qualified.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 5:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
So what is it that you need to be doing between 10 and ? That you cant? Reservations at French Laundry?
Yeah, Newsome F-ed up. So? Unlike other politicians he admitted he F-ed up, admitted 100% was his fault, what he should have done but didnt. Instead of doubling down hes been eating the most expensive sautéed crow available. Was it 20 people? no. Was it 12 diff households? no. Goof ball.
You could always move to S. Dakota, im sure Gov. Noem will let you do anything you want, anytime you want.

Still havnt explained how trump won, have you.
Did you really just ask that question??? Why don’t you go ahead and ask me why I won’t give up a little freedom? And then next week, a little more freedom? And then next week a little more freedom? After that, they’ll be measuring us for our new brown shirts. F that. Even most of the sheriffs are smart enough to know they can’t legally enforce these asinine lockdowns and have come out openly to announce they won’t be enforcing them. Good luck telling the homeless people they can’t be out and about too. Truth is, the homeless don’t have any money and can’t be fined so they won’t even bother with them.

As for Nuisance “admitting it,” he didn’t admit it until he found out a week later that someone had pics of him and didn’t have a choice! You’re so F’ing dishonest, you want us to believe he admitted it out of conscience? GTFOH! The A-hole spends all kinds of time on a pulpit each week telling us how we gotta do this and do that to stop the spread. Then, he KNOWINGLY went to the birthday party and thought he’d get away with it without anyone finding out-just like his aunt, Nancy Pelosi.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 5:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
With marks grasp of "alternative facts" he could work for the trump campaign. With IQ in double digits he is almost over qualified.
Still haven’t looked up the definition of lockdown, have you, moron?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-22-2020, 5:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Still haven’t looked up the definition of lockdown, have you, moron?
Calm yourself comrade, you won't have to hand your guns in or have an abortion until Jan 20th.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 5:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Calm yourself comrade, you won't have to hand your guns in or have an abortion until Jan 20th.
Why don’t you go away and give your lame, POS national bird some flight instruction?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-22-2020, 5:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Why don’t you go away and give your lame, POS national bird some flight instruction?
Nah, counting numpty tears is way more fun.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 5:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Did you really just ask that question??? Why don’t you go ahead and ask me why I won’t give up a little freedom? And then next week, a little more freedom? And then next week a little more freedom? After that, they’ll be measuring us for our new brown shirts. F that. Even most of the sheriffs are smart enough to know they can’t legally enforce these asinine lockdowns and have come out openly to announce they won’t be enforcing them. Good luck telling the homeless people they can’t be out and about too. Truth is, the homeless don’t have any money and can’t be fined so they won’t even bother with them.

As for Nuisance “admitting it,” he didn’t admit it until he found out a week later that someone had pics of him and didn’t have a choice! You’re so F’ing dishonest, you want us to believe he admitted it out of conscience? GTFOH! The A-hole spends all kinds of time on a pulpit each week telling us how we gotta do this and do that to stop the spread. Then, he KNOWINGLY went to the birthday party and thought he’d get away with it without anyone finding out-just like his aunt, Nancy Pelosi.
Yeah, I hear ya. Cavities are a hoax targeting the teeth of people who don’t buy into their tooth brushing scam too.
Agree, thats a dumb job for the sheriffs to enforce mask mandates. Its not that its illegal to enforce its just that they already have plenty to do. And why would they need to? Is Karen calling? A fine for not wearing a mask? lol, i would just have the maskless help the overworked grave diggers dig the graves for covid dead. Maybe that will remind them its not a dem hoax.

Hey, where is the break down on how trump dominated in 2020?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 6:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yeah, I hear ya. Cavities are a hoax targeting the teeth of people who don’t buy into their tooth brushing scam too.
Agree, thats a dumb job for the sheriffs to enforce mask mandates. Its not that its illegal to enforce its just that they already have plenty to do. And why would they need to? Is Karen calling? A fine for not wearing a mask? lol, i would just have the maskless help the overworked grave diggers dig the graves for covid dead. Maybe that will remind them its not a dem hoax.

Hey, where is the break down on how trump dominated in 2020?
CNN scare tactics won’t work on me like they do on you. It is illegal. It’s not legal to take away anyone’s constitutional rights as much as you want it to be. 18,000 people have had COVID in Sacramento county. 300 died. Back out the people that are as old and crusty as John Anderson as well as those suffering from other severe preexisting conditions and you have a virus that is far less deadly than the regular flu. It IS a hoax. Don’t forget to sell your car now that we know it’s far more dangerous to drive than dying from COVID.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 6:11 AM Reply   
Let me clarify. The overreaction is the hoax.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 6:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
CNN scare tactics won’t work on me like they do on you. It is illegal. It’s not legal to take away anyone’s constitutional rights as much as you want it to be. 18,000 people have had COVID in Sacramento county. 300 died. Back out the people that are as old and crusty as John Anderson as well as those suffering from other severe preexisting conditions and you have a virus that is far less deadly than the regular flu. It IS a hoax. Don’t forget to sell your car now that we know it’s far more dangerous to drive than dying from COVID.
Why are you so strong in your defense of the constitution regarding simple mask wearing in a pandemic yet completely silent on the damage trump is doing defying the election. Isnt there anything in the constitution about elections?
‘This is simply not how the Constitution works’: Federal judge eviscerates Trump lawsuit
A federal judge in Pennsylvania eviscerated President Donald Trump’s attempt to throw out millions of votes Saturday, dismissing his campaign’s lawsuit with a withering opinion that described a dearth of proof to justify the drastic demand.

“This Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence,” U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann wrote. “In the United States of America, this cannot justify the disenfranchisement of a single voter, let alone all the voters of its sixth most populated state. Our people, laws, and institutions demand more.”
"You're alleging that the two individual plaintiffs were denied the right to vote. But at bottom, you're asking this court to invalidate more than 6.8 million votes, thereby disenfranchising every single voter in the Commonwealth. Could you tell me how this result could possibly be justified?"
Trumps own appointed judges are following the constitution and tossing his pointless claims with prejudice. When you lose your first 29 court battles out of 29, maybe you should reconsider. And by reconsider, i dont mean to go around the clear election results and try to change electoral voters to toss election results and appoint trump winner. Pathetic.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 6:30 AM Reply   
[QUOTE=95sn;2004638]Why are you so strong in your defense of the constitution regarding simple mask wearing in a pandemic...

...said the frog in the pot as the temperature slowly rose. Crappy attempt at diverting attention.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       11-22-2020, 6:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Our resident leftist supporters still haven’t answered a single question on how the virus spiked with lockdowns and masks already in place for months. The only response they have is wear a mask.
So you have a problem with people who are only saying wear a mask? Is it because you think masks do nothing? Or do you think masks are going to destroy the economy?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 6:49 AM Reply   
OMGoodness. If Hiden wasn't already weak and pathetic enough, he goes and tops himself with this little gem after crying about how the bad, orange man won't concede. Classic!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 6:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Why are you so strong in your defense of the constitution regarding simple mask wearing in a pandemic...

...said the frog in the pot as the temperature slowly rose. Crappy attempt at diverting attention.
We are not frogs, we are thinking humans attempting to slow a deadly virus that is across the entire world. Wearing a mask wont raise temps, it simply lowers spread. Saves lives.

But enough about that, its all simple common sense. Tell us how trump won, or STFU.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 7:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
OMGoodness. If Hiden wasn't already weak and pathetic enough, he goes and tops himself with this little gem after crying about how the bad, orange man won't concede. Classic!
Weak is a bad loser. Pathetic is that beaten loser refusing the results of a fair election. He can try to kneecap the transition and continue his pity party but Jan 20 he gets escorted out, no need to concede, just get out of the way. All he is doing is sabotaging the president -elect in a pandemic. More americans will die because of your cult leader. Are you going to explain how the pathetic weak, geriatric, senile Sleepy Joe destroyed trump? Your trove of evidence is Rudy-isc. Wipe the hair dye off his face for gods sake.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 7:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post

We are not frogs, we are thinking humans attempting to slow a deadly virus that is across the entire world. Wearing a mask wont raise temps, it simply lowers spread. Saves lives.

But enough about that, its all simple common sense. Tell us how trump won, or STFU.
You ARE the proverbial frog if you give up your freedom so easily.

Where's the science on that? Because I'm a thinking human being, I don't trust people who want to take away our freedom. You still have the freedom to go or not go to any business that mandates masks just like I do. Most do. If you're an at risk person, stay away from crowds. That's what I recommend for old bastards like John.

I still believe Trump won. Fraudulent, mail-in voting and ballot harvesting were major contributors. Plenty of illegal beaners voted in our state, no doubt. Plenty of dead people too.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 7:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Weak is a bad loser. Pathetic is that beaten loser refusing the results of a fair election. He can try to kneecap the transition and continue his pity party but Jan 20 he gets escorted out, no need to concede, just get out of the way. All he is doing is sabotaging the president -elect in a pandemic. More americans will die because of your cult leader. Are you going to explain how the pathetic weak, geriatric, senile Sleepy Joe destroyed trump? Your trove of evidence is Rudy-isc. Wipe the hair dye off his face for gods sake.
Maybe Trump should start a phony investigation like Obama did to him.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 7:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Weak is a bad loser. Pathetic is that beaten loser refusing the results of a fair election. He can try to kneecap the transition and continue his pity party but Jan 20 he gets escorted out, no need to concede, just get out of the way. All he is doing is sabotaging the president -elect in a pandemic. More americans will die because of your cult leader. Are you going to explain how the pathetic weak, geriatric, senile Sleepy Joe destroyed trump? Your trove of evidence is Rudy-isc. Wipe the hair dye off his face for gods sake.
More Americans will die??? LOL Pathetic! Tell that to Fredo's democrat brother who is still hiding the evidence of all the old folks he murdered!!!!!
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       11-22-2020, 7:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
That's what I recommend for old bastards like John.
LOL, I'm living in your head rent free. Tons of empty space.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 7:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
LOL, I'm living in your head rent free. Tons of empty space.
Ive got the penthouse, smells like an outhouse.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 7:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Maybe Trump should start a phony investigation like Obama did to him.
Believe that was the FBI. amirite?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 7:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
LOL, I'm living in your head rent free. Tons of empty space.
Nope. You're just my favorite punching bag today.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 7:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Ive got the penthouse, smells like an outhouse.
The only penthouse you have is the one with the sticky pages under your bed.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 7:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Believe that was the FBI. amirite?
Obama's FBI that was directed by him. Just ask his boy, Comey.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 7:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post

You ARE the proverbial frog if you give up your freedom so easily.

Where's the science on that? Because I'm a thinking human being, I don't trust people who want to take away our freedom. You still have the freedom to go or not go to any business that mandates masks just like I do. Most do. If you're an at risk person, stay away from crowds. That's what I recommend for old bastards like John.

I still believe Trump won. Fraudulent, mail-in voting and ballot harvesting were major contributors. Plenty of illegal beaners voted in our state, no doubt. Plenty of dead people too.
The mask GIVES you the freedom to move, work and act in public its a win/win. If you need confirmation of the freedom a mask supplies, just look at the trump administration and their Covid positives. Trump, his wife, Loeffler in the Georgia senate run off just tested positive. Ben Carson getting out of the hospital. Donnie Jr. in isolation after a positive test, Chuck Grassley, Stephen Miller.... All deniers. How well did the dem hoax routine work for Hermann Cain?

What facts do you base your election beliefs on? FOX?, they called the election early in Sleepy Joes favor. Is it just like your racism, you just want to believe brown man bad?
Old     (onlyinboards)      Join Date: Oct 2014       11-22-2020, 8:06 AM Reply   
Fight the good fight Mark!
Attached Images
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2020, 9:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by onlyinboards View Post
Fight the good fight Mark!
Still crickets on explaining how a spike happens with the same rules in effect for months.

You were already informed on why the seatbelt comparison is complete bull****. Yet you double down on it. Don’t turn into a mentally defunct individual . Once again , seatbelts reduce chance of death by over 50% , reduce severe injury even more. What is the the effective percentage of mask use ?

If masks are the answer , why are we still completely locking down cities with curfews , allowing now interaction between families , and forbidding going to a small businesses?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2020, 9:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post

The mask GIVES you the freedom to move, work and act in public its a win/win. If you need confirmation of the freedom a mask supplies, just look at the trump administration and their Covid positives. Trump, his wife, Loeffler in the Georgia senate run off just tested positive. Ben Carson getting out of the hospital. Donnie Jr. in isolation after a positive test, Chuck Grassley, Stephen Miller.... All deniers. How well did the dem hoax routine work for Hermann Cain?

What facts do you base your election beliefs on? FOX?, they called the election early in Sleepy Joes favor. Is it just like your racism, you just want to believe brown man bad?
That’s not what your leaders are telling you. They’ve locked down you state yet another time , Clearly the spikes happened with mask orders and already restrictive covid protocols in place. Yet “severe outbreaks “ still occurred.

You should be asking yourself how and why , not tripling down on stupid policies that have had no success.

Maybe you missed the story done by a left leaning news source that showed overnight the IDPH mysteriously made 1500 open beds disappear with the push of a button to incite a bigger panic and skew the actual numbers. Then tell me these protocols aren’t political tyranny at its most powerful. People are telling you what to do in your own home , and restricting your freedoms. You’d think after the 3rd or 4th time being implemented you’d start to realize they’re failing and they’re methods are trash. Instead you just keep following a long.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-22-2020 at 9:14 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 10:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
That’s not what your leaders are telling you. They’ve locked down you state yet another time , Clearly the spikes happened with mask orders and already restrictive covid protocols in place. Yet “severe outbreaks “ still occurred.

You should be asking yourself how and why , not tripling down on stupid policies that have had no success.

Maybe you missed the story done by a left leaning news source that showed overnight the IDPH mysteriously made 1500 open beds disappear with the push of a button to incite a bigger panic and skew the actual numbers. Then tell me these protocols aren’t political tyranny at its most powerful. People are telling you what to do in your own home , and restricting your freedoms. You’d think after the 3rd or 4th time being implemented you’d start to realize they’re failing and they’re methods are trash. Instead you just keep following a long.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2020, 11:03 AM Reply   
Again with your bull**** responses. Deflect with random articles instead of answering myths question put forth. Straight out of dems playbook. Hey don’t
Look at us. Look over here. None of those links pertain to the question at hand. Maybe you’ll answer It after the 4th time you’ve ignored it.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-22-2020 at 11:05 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 11:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Still crickets on explaining how a spike happens with the same rules in effect for months.

You were already informed on why the seatbelt comparison is complete bull****. Yet you double down on it. Don’t turn into a mentally defunct individual . Once again , seatbelts reduce chance of death by over 50% , reduce severe injury even more. What is the the effective percentage of mask use ?

If masks are the answer , why are we still completely locking down cities with curfews , allowing now interaction between families , and forbidding going to a small businesses?
Even in California we have lots of boneheads who think they know more than the CDC and virtually all other scientists who recc masks. So, we still have outbreaks because people dont always wear them when they should. Much of the spread is small family and friends gatherings w/o masks or after a couple cocktails masks are removed, people huddle together. Id advise spending your time on a more worthwhile pastime than part time rumor monger.
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       11-22-2020, 12:40 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Still crickets on explaining how a spike happens with the same rules in effect for months.
You were already informed on why the seatbelt comparison is complete bull****. Yet you double down on it. Don’t turn into a mentally defunct individual . Once again , seatbelts reduce chance of death by over 50% , reduce severe injury even more. What is the the effective percentage of mask use ?
If masks are the answer , why are we still completely locking down cities with curfews , allowing now interaction between families , and forbidding going to a small businesses?
When you force people in every State to congregate inside to vote for a national election, That will cause a spike. When Trump hold spread the virus rally's in several States, that will cause a spike. And when children are at school after summer break, that will cause a spike.
I think the analogy of wearing a mask and wearing seat belts is a good one, both save lives. If you do not speed and do not drink and drive you will probably not die on the road, but, you still could get hit by a drunk driver just like you could get hit by Covid by someone who doesn't wear a mask. You can wear a mask, but it's a good idea to keep your distance and stay away from crowds.
40k automobile accidental deaths last year and over 250k deaths already this year by Covid, so over six times as deadly as auto accidents.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-22-2020, 12:56 PM Reply   
Change of season also causes a spike. Less light, cooler, more people inside, all drivers for transmission.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 2:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post

The mask GIVES you the freedom to move, work and act in public its a win/win. If you need confirmation of the freedom a mask supplies, just look at the trump administration and their Covid positives. Trump, his wife, Loeffler in the Georgia senate run off just tested positive. Ben Carson getting out of the hospital. Donnie Jr. in isolation after a positive test, Chuck Grassley, Stephen Miller.... All deniers. How well did the dem hoax routine work for Hermann Cain?

What facts do you base your election beliefs on? FOX?, they called the election early in Sleepy Joes favor. Is it just like your racism, you just want to believe brown man bad?
Wrong again, moron. I don’t need a mask or Trump to give me freedom. The constitution does that. If it’s violated, that’s not on me and I have a civil case to sue. Go ahead and try to knock on my door to tell me too many people are inside. See how much lead you leave with. Feet first.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-22-2020, 2:19 PM Reply   
Then sue Karen. Hire Sidney Powell, i hear shes available now.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 2:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by onlyinboards View Post
Fight the good fight Mark!
Funny meme if it was even a little bit true. Problem is 99.2% of people don’t make it out of car accidents like they do the kung flu... Come back when you have something worthwhile to contribute. Until then, don’t quit your day job... NEXT!!!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-22-2020, 2:22 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Then sue Karen. Hire Sidney Powell, i hear shes available now.
I’d like it more if you knocked on my door..... BLAM!!!
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       11-22-2020, 3:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Funny meme if it was even a little bit true. Problem is 99.2% of people don’t make it out of car accidents like they do the kung flu... Come back when you have something worthwhile to contribute. Until then, don’t quit your day job... NEXT!!!

Right now CA is running about 6 COVID deaths for every traffic fatality. I’m sure if you guys MAGA a little harder you can get that up to 10:1 by the end of the year. I’m gonna say it’s safer to drive a car, even with the risk of a wreck, than getting COVID. Prolly cuz of that socialist seatbelt law too.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-22-2020, 4:28 PM Reply   
Uh oh, Chris Christie just joined the RINO train off the Trump Titanic. Don't forget who these rats are jumping off now, far too late.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2020, 5:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
When you force people in every State to congregate inside to vote for a national election, That will cause a spike. When Trump hold spread the virus rally's in several States, that will cause a spike. And when children are at school after summer break, that will cause a spike.
I think the analogy of wearing a mask and wearing seat belts is a good one, both save lives. If you do not speed and do not drink and drive you will probably not die on the road, but, you still could get hit by a drunk driver just like you could get hit by Covid by someone who doesn't wear a mask. You can wear a mask, but it's a good idea to keep your distance and stay away from crowds.
40k automobile accidental deaths last year and over 250k deaths already this year by Covid, so over six times as deadly as auto accidents.
The spike was happening well before the election.

There were no major Trump rallies in Illinois and California.

Nice try tho , I applaud your effort to try and keep blaming Trump.

You could get hit with pnemonia and the flu before covid showed up. We’re you wearing your mask then ? Social distancing has proven to be much more effective than any bull**** piece of cloth. Here’s a novel idea. Let people decide how they want to live and what risks they want to take. Those who want to live a life in fear locked up In their basement and wear masks 16 out of their 24 hours a day feel free. Let businesses decide what rules they want to employ. Those that choose to not live their life in a false fear of death are free to go about their daily lives. Simple as that. Welcome to America ,, not some tyrannical , communist , dictatorship. The person not wearing a mask isn’t a danger if you follow that. So walk around with your wet sock around your mouth and social distance from those without it. The we can all know who the sheep are.

The health of less than 2% of Americans is y worth ruining 10 times that financially , mentally , academically , and socially. Quit being so narrow minded because you’re old and feeble, ocus on the big picture. Lockdowns and shutdowns are exponentially ruining more people’s lives than the virus is.

92 businesses in downtown Chicago involved in the restaurant and hospitality industry have all voluntarily surrendered their licenses. That’s in past 60 days alone. That also only includes downtown proper , not all the neighborhood family owned businesses. Which means they’re never coming back. That’s multiple jobs to support families , multiple incomes and tax revenues to city , multiple incomes to landlords, multiple jobs to suppliers of food and liquor . All gone forever, for what ? To serve a bunch of tyrants who want nothing but ultimate power and control.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2020, 5:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Right now CA is running about 6 COVID deaths for every traffic fatality. I’m sure if you guys MAGA a little harder you can get that up to 10:1 by the end of the year. I’m gonna say it’s safer to drive a car, even with the risk of a wreck, than getting COVID. Prolly cuz of that socialist seatbelt law too.
More proof their bull**** policies don’t work. How many peoples lives are going dues the ****ter because lockdowns are forcing then to lose everything they worked for daily ? I bet it’s more than 6 a day.

Your risk catching a bullet walking through a black neighborhood in Chicago is probably just as high as catching covid waking through it. Only 725 people murdered so far. Oops sorry those deaths don’t count to the left. My bad.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-22-2020 at 5:19 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-22-2020, 6:43 PM Reply   
Yes. This is a photo of the Mayor of Chicago shopping yesterday at Dicks Sporting Goods outside the city limits in a suburb whilr she tells the rest of the City to stay home, demands small businesses close, and instructs everyone to cancel Thanksgiving. What might she have purchased that was so Essential she needed to defy her own orders one may ask. A paddle board and swimsuits Yes you read that correctly. She purchased an ESSENTIAL paddle board and swimsuits in late November , in Chicago , obviously for her upcoming trip out of state for the Holiday. You seriously can’t make this **** up. More hypocrisy and “Rules are thee not for me” mentality of the left.

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Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       11-23-2020, 12:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
The spike was happening well before the election.
You could get hit with pnemonia and the flu before covid showed up. We’re you wearing your mask then ? Social distancing has proven to be much more effective than any bull**** piece of cloth. Here’s a novel idea. Let people decide how they want to live and what risks they want to take. Those who want to live a life in fear locked up In their basement and wear masks 16 out of their 24 hours a day feel free. Let businesses decide what rules they want to employ. Those that choose to not live their life in a false fear of death are free to go about their daily lives. Simple as that. Welcome to America ,, not some tyrannical , communist , dictatorship. The person not wearing a mask isn’t a danger if you follow that. So walk around with your wet sock around your mouth and social distance from those without it. The we can all know who the sheep are.
Yes, America is still the greatest Nation on the planet, and each business has the Freedom to make a profit, there are Two businesses that are thriving and Both require mask wearing. Sams requires a mask and Home Depot requires a mask, these stores were Never Shut Down. So I guess Your "freedom" stops at the front door of Walmart, me? I have the freedom to go inside and shop. Do you want to fly somewhere in a jet? No Way are you allowed to fly without a mask! I have the freedom to fly on a jet because I will wear a mask. And nobody is locked in their basement, get outdoors, get on your boat, play some tennis, biking, running, swimming, life is great!
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       11-23-2020, 1:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
More proof their bull**** policies don’t work. How many peoples lives are going dues the ****ter because lockdowns are forcing then to lose everything they worked for daily ? I bet it’s more than 6 a day.

Your risk catching a bullet walking through a black neighborhood in Chicago is probably just as high as catching covid waking through it. Only 725 people murdered so far. Oops sorry those deaths don’t count to the left. My bad.

How many murders were there last year, and the year before that? Are those murders because of COVID lockdowns?

Given where the pandemic is right now, your position is that the only thing keeping people from going to concerts and NFL games and amusement parks is the meanie governors and their lockdowns? That restaurants and nightclubs would be full to overflowing?
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-23-2020, 2:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Nice history revision, RINO boy. Fauci himself originally came out saying no one needs to wear masks. You also conveniently leave out Pelosi’s invitation to the country for everyone to come to Chinatown and go to all the restaurants there. Fast forward 8 months later and her nephew tweets for everyone to wear masks in between bites while eating with their own households while he’s out hoopin it up at a big birthday party. Disgusting vermin, you democrats.
How is a Medical professional changing treatment advice political?

I know that that you love to name call because you follow your idol's lead, but what makes me a RINO? That I do not support Trump? Romney and McCain oppose/opposed Trump. They both received the highest endorsement of the Republican party.

I can't wait for the votes to be tallied and the silly lawsuits to run out, the electors to cast their votes and Trump to be extracted. Then we can push guys like you back to the insignificant of margins of the party.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-23-2020, 3:00 AM Reply   
Another tyrannical libtard that shouldn’t be trusted with any power: Oregon’s governor has just encouraged citizens to call the cops on their neighbors they feel are violating the Kung flu rules.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-23-2020, 3:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
How is a Medical professional changing treatment advice political?

I know that that you love to name call because you follow your idol's lead, but what makes me a RINO? That I do not support Trump? Romney and McCain oppose/opposed Trump. They both received the highest endorsement of the Republican party.

I can't wait for the votes to be tallied and the silly lawsuits to run out, the electors to cast their votes and Trump to be extracted. Then we can push guys like you back to the insignificant of margins of the party.
Gee, why don’t you ask your libtard pals in the MSM? They’re the ones that politicized this whole thing in an effort to display their TDS in all its glory in the first place.

RINO’s like you, neither Romney nor McCain ever won the presidency because they were lukewarm swamp dwellers. What makes you one of them is the fact that you don’t have the brains to realize you cut off your nose just to spite your face by not voting for Trump. In no way is it possible to rationally think you’re helping your party by voting for the other guy. Especially this year when we have Uber radical leftists knocking on the door to the power structure of this country and want to tear it apart from the top down to make it into something it was never meant to be. A-holes like you have blood on your hands now.

“Guys like me” make up the majority of the party and guys like you have just enough representation to F it up. It’s actually you who stays in the back of the bus. Even in 2024.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-23-2020, 3:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
How is a Medical professional changing treatment advice political?

I know that that you love to name call because you follow your idol's lead, but what makes me a RINO? That I do not support Trump? Romney and McCain oppose/opposed Trump. They both received the highest endorsement of the Republican party.

I can't wait for the votes to be tallied and the silly lawsuits to run out, the electors to cast their votes and Trump to be extracted. Then we can push guys like you back to the insignificant of margins of the party.
Just to prove what an idiot you are, you just said you can push guys like me to the margins of the party. If that’s true, that would mean guys like you are the overwhelming majority. If that’s true, who voted for Trump? Trump got over 70 million votes. That means you think there are well over 70 million of you? Your numbers don’t add up. Sit down and shut up. And take your losing, milquetoast candidates with you.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-23-2020, 4:29 AM Reply   
For decades, democrats have fought to protect and promote fudge packer’s sexual deviancies by telling us to FIGURATIVELY stay out of people’s houses. Now, those same democrats are fighting to LITERALLY go into our houses to tear apart families and prevent them from gathering. We live in a sick country wherever evil democrats are in power.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       11-23-2020, 4:39 AM Reply   
Jay Kuo:

Welcome to the weird world of voter fraud conspiracy, where apparently Governor Kemp has now been paid off to throw the election to Biden, where Dominion software is to blame for everything (never mind that Democrats still lost ALL the close House races and failed to make much headway in the Senate), and Hugo Chavez is coding from beyond the grave.
The media has been good at pointing out, to any who are listening, that the Trump campaign’s statements outside of the court do not mesh with their statements inside of it. Outside, Rudy Giuliani said that there was massive fraud, and he had Sidney Powell get up and spout conspiracy nonsense about Venezuelan software and communist money (the campaign has since said Powell is no longer part of the legal team.)
Inside the court, however, Giuliani and team sing a different tune. “This is not a fraud case,” he told Judge Brann, who recently dismissed the suit seeking to halt the certification of PA votes. The complaint, when amended the first time, actually removed all counts of fraud because, presumably, they could not support them. Now they want them back in, by leave of Court, which is unlikely to be granted.
Trump continues to tweet, late night, about fake ballots and observers being thrown out of counting rooms, none of which ever happened. His base doesn’t hear about the muted tone of his legal team inside the court house, though. They are on Parler, YouTube threads and private Facebook groups ready for whatever red meat Sidney Powell now throws out to them as evidence—of “biblical proportions” apparently—that will cause Biden to concede sometime today. Or tomorrow. Soon. After being fired, she continued her one woman crusade, actually using the hashtag #KrakenOnSteroids like we are all pimply teenage boys in some horrible remake of the 1980s film “Clash of the Titans.”
I lay this out so that you might have a glimpse into the wild and frightening world of conspiracy that has gotten a grip on millions of Trump supporters. The firing of Sidney Powell is bewildering to them, as much as the silence of Q after the election. What happened to the promised arrest of thousands of child pornographers?! They are now grasping around for the newest theory to cling to, and it’s really remarkable. Meanwhile, they are furious at their own for abandoning Trump and criticizing Powell and promising to boycott the Georgia run-offs which are run by a sell-out GOP.
I can’t tell if the 2020 writers are brilliant or high.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       11-23-2020, 6:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
For decades, democrats have fought to protect and promote fudge packer’s sexual deviancies by telling us to FIGURATIVELY stay out of people’s houses. Now, those same democrats are fighting to LITERALLY go into our houses to tear apart families and prevent them from gathering. We live in a sick country wherever evil democrats are in power.
Mark doth protest too much, methinks.

Back to the name calling. What is your extreme hang-up with homosexuality.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2020, 7:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by joeshmoe View Post
Yes, America is still the greatest Nation on the planet, and each business has the Freedom to make a profit, there are Two businesses that are thriving and Both require mask wearing. Sams requires a mask and Home Depot requires a mask, these stores were Never Shut Down. So I guess Your "freedom" stops at the front door of Walmart, me? I have the freedom to go inside and shop. Do you want to fly somewhere in a jet? No Way are you allowed to fly without a mask! I have the freedom to fly on a jet because I will wear a mask. And nobody is locked in their basement, get outdoors, get on your boat, play some tennis, biking, running, swimming, life is great!
Al very well indeed. However that is not the case at the moment. Businesses are being forced to close by the government. They’re not being given the option to remain open and survive. The government is telling them only certain businesses can remain open . That’s not how it should be at all. The business owner should have the right to choose on how to operate their business . If a business requires a mask , well that’s a choice one gets to make . Mask up and follow their protocol or if that bothers you patronize a business that doesn’t . Simple as that.
Again that’s not how things are operating.

I can’t go shop at my local family /.neighborhood establishments with a mask because they’re forced to remain closed. I can’t go grab a drink at a local bar and watch the game while wearing a mask , I can’t go play an activity and pay the bills for a local athletic field or ice rink while wearing a mask. I can’t go sit at a restaurant while wearing a mask . Over the summer we couldn’t go boating because they closed public ramps and would t allow access to the lake. Gas stations on the lake weren’t allowed to operate.

That’s the issue. It’s should be up to the businesses themselves to decide how they want to handle their business in these times. People should have the choice to patronize those businesses. The left has removed that right and told you and the business owner how to live and operate.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-23-2020 at 7:14 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-23-2020, 7:30 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Al very well indeed. However that is not the case at the moment. Businesses are being forced to close by the government. They’re not being given the option to remain open and survive. The government is telling them only certain businesses can remain open . That’s not how it should be at all. The business owner should have the right to choose on how to operate their business . If a business requires a mask , well that’s a choice one gets to make . Mask up and follow their protocol or if that bothers you patronize a business that doesn’t . Simple as that.
Again that’s not how things are operating.

I can’t go shop at my local family /.neighborhood establishments with a mask because they’re forced to remain closed. I can’t go grab a drink at a local bar and watch the game while wearing a mask , I can’t go play an activity and pay the bills for a local athletic field or ice rink while wearing a mask. I can’t go sit at a restaurant while wearing a mask . Over the summer we couldn’t go boating because they closed public ramps and would t allow access to the lake. Gas stations on the lake weren’t allowed to operate.

That’s the issue. It’s should be up to the businesses themselves to decide how they want to handle their business in these times. People should have the choice to patronize those businesses. The left has removed that right and told you and the business owner how to live and operate.
Where do you want to draw the line on business owners making the decisions. Is it necessary to follow City/state laws? Like permits? How many cockroaches or rats are ok at a restaurant? Let the owner decide? Do they really need hot water to wash dishes? Do we need to vent toilets? Can i just run that extra AC unit with an extension cord? What other rules do you want to change?
If business's want to stay open, seems masking and distance rules would be why they can stay open.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2020, 7:47 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Jay Kuo:

Welcome to the weird world of voter fraud conspiracy, where apparently Governor Kemp has now been paid off to throw the election to Biden, where Dominion software is to blame for everything (never mind that Democrats still lost ALL the close House races and failed to make much headway in the Senate), and Hugo Chavez is coding from beyond the grave.
The media has been good at pointing out, to any who are listening, that the Trump campaign’s statements outside of the court do not mesh with their statements inside of it. Outside, Rudy Giuliani said that there was massive fraud, and he had Sidney Powell get up and spout conspiracy nonsense about Venezuelan software and communist money (the campaign has since said Powell is no longer part of the legal team.)
Inside the court, however, Giuliani and team sing a different tune. “This is not a fraud case,” he told Judge Brann, who recently dismissed the suit seeking to halt the certification of PA votes. The complaint, when amended the first time, actually removed all counts of fraud because, presumably, they could not support them. Now they want them back in, by leave of Court, which is unlikely to be granted.
Trump continues to tweet, late night, about fake ballots and observers being thrown out of counting rooms, none of which ever happened. His base doesn’t hear about the muted tone of his legal team inside the court house, though. They are on Parler, YouTube threads and private Facebook groups ready for whatever red meat Sidney Powell now throws out to them as evidence—of “biblical proportions” apparently—that will cause Biden to concede sometime today. Or tomorrow. Soon. After being fired, she continued her one woman crusade, actually using the hashtag #KrakenOnSteroids like we are all pimply teenage boys in some horrible remake of the 1980s film “Clash of the Titans.”
I lay this out so that you might have a glimpse into the wild and frightening world of conspiracy that has gotten a grip on millions of Trump supporters. The firing of Sidney Powell is bewildering to them, as much as the silence of Q after the election. What happened to the promised arrest of thousands of child pornographers?! They are now grasping around for the newest theory to cling to, and it’s really remarkable. Meanwhile, they are furious at their own for abandoning Trump and criticizing Powell and promising to boycott the Georgia run-offs which are run by a sell-out GOP.
I can’t tell if the 2020 writers are brilliant or high.

Let’s for one second take Trumps chest pounding out of it , because Hillary and the dems were all screaming boater fraud back when Trump won. It’s entire the same script only claiming a different way.

Can you honestly say the voting system in America is as full proof as it should be from tampering , influence , and cheating ? The new rules pushed by the dems of not requiring identification, and not requiring in-person voting without special exceptions have weakened the systems authenticity tremendously. Voter fraud has run rampant for decades. Vote early and vote often has always been the mantra. That was mostly contained to state /local elections in major cities. Dead people voting 5 times , Ballots disappearing from certain wards. Whether the fraud is enough to influence a National election and be the deciding factor has now been the subject of the past two Presedential elections. One put forth by left and now one put forth by the right. Where do we go from here ? The weaker / more illegitimate our elections become , the weaker we become as a Nation. There is no denying that fact whatsoever , so I ask why is there not a huge movement by both sides to tighten voting restrictions and policies ? Why would you not want to bring back voting as one of the most sacred rights one as a citizen can hold Mike it was intended ? Why is one party turning it into a clown show with the continued push to decrease voters to provide proof of identity in order to cast a legitimate vote in something so important to the Nation. Lets even bring the pandemic argument into it. In several states the state mailed out ballots to every registered voter , Who in their right mind thinks that’s the correct policy. If someone wants to choose their option to mail in a vote due to a pandemic. They should be required to request that ballot. We shouldn’t be sending millions of blank ballots out into circulation without direct responses from the voter themselves to request it. It’s that simple The appearance of impropriety and the ability to harvest those ballots is off the charts with a system like that.

Give me 5 reasons we should keep reducing the accountability of voter identification ? How does that help us as a nation?

Do I believe there was enough complete fraud to overturn this election , no , but I do believe there was enough fraud to make it a point of contention to tighten up rules and regulations to make the process more legitimate. Trump lost in my opinion because the left did it’s job of creating chaos. People were just tired of the constant attacks and want some normalcy. With the overwhelming one sided attacks and constant media blitz we also had Trumps personality on repeat for 24hrs a day. We lost because soft conservatives voted against a personality conflict and four more years of anarchy from the left , not because of his policies.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2020, 7:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Where do you want to draw the line on business owners making the decisions. Is it necessary to follow City/state laws? Like permits? How many cockroaches or rats are ok at a restaurant? Let the owner decide? Do they really need hot water to wash dishes? Do we need to vent toilets? Can i just run that extra AC unit with an extension cord? What other rules do you want to change?
If business's want to stay open, seems masking and distance rules would be why they can stay open.
Again you’re in idiot making a mute point. Businesses that would follow required current mask procedures and social distancing measures are not allowed to be open at the moment. Get it through your feeble brain.

Restaurants not allowed to be open
Bars , not allowed to be open
Amusement /athletic activity places , not allowed to be open
Non essential small business not allowed to be open.

Businesses that can remain open have lost a huge chunk of their actual operating hours because of implemented curfews and forced early closures, because we all know the virus only comes out during certain hours.

Explain why 92 businesses and all their employees will never work in their
Establishments again.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-23-2020 at 7:59 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-23-2020, 7:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Let’s for one second take Trumps chest pounding out of it , because Hillary and the dems were all screaming boater fraud back when Trump won. It’s entire the same script only claiming a different way.

Can you honestly say the voting system in America is as full proof as it should be from tampering , influence , and cheating ? The new rules pushed by the dems of not requiring identification, and not requiring in-person voting without special exceptions have weakened the systems authenticity tremendously. Voter fraud has run rampant for decades. Vote early and vote often has always been the mantra. That was mostly contained to state /local elections in major cities. Dead people voting 5 times , Ballots disappearing from certain wards. Whether the fraud is enough to influence a National election and be the deciding factor has now been the subject of the past two Presedential elections. One put forth by left and now one put forth by the right. Where do we go from here ? The weaker / more illegitimate our elections become , the weaker we become as a Nation. There is no denying that fact whatsoever , so I ask why is there not a huge movement by both sides to tighten voting restrictions and policies ? Why would you not want to bring back voting as one of the most sacred rights one as a citizen can hold Mike it was intended ? Why is one party turning it into a clown show with the continued push to decrease voters to provide proof of identity in order to cast a legitimate vote in something so important to the Nation. Lets even bring the pandemic argument into it. In several states the state mailed out ballots to every registered voter , Who in their right mind thinks that’s the correct policy. If someone wants to choose their option to mail in a vote due to a pandemic. They should be required to request that ballot. We shouldn’t be sending millions of blank ballots out into circulation without direct responses from the voter themselves to request it. It’s that simple The appearance of impropriety and the ability to harvest those ballots is off the charts with a system like that.

Give me 5 reasons we should keep reducing the accountability of voter identification ? How does that help us as a nation?
5 reasons? Here is 29. Trump lost 29 lawsuits trying to prove fraud, he and his top flight attys couldnt get a single win. Every loss cements the fact how safe and correct the votes were tallied. Trumps own cyber security dept said the 2020 election was the safest in history. Voter fraud is unfounded. After trumps 2016 popular vote shellacking caused him to form a committee to take a deep dive and find it. They found nothing. The only party creating a clown show is leaving on Jan 20.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       11-23-2020, 7:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Again you’re in idiot making a mute point. Businesses that would follow required current mask procedures and social distancing measures are not allowed to be open at the moment. Get it through your feeble brain.
Correct, because our numbers are out of control. Blame yourself and others like you trying to be weekend scientists listening to clowns on FOX, Newsmax.... You know not what you speak about. Thats why the mask deniers are the reason WE all have to lock down. Thanks for your effort, thanks for putting your interests ahead of the interests of us all. Continue to throw your anti mask parties. Continue to whine, continue to think you know better while being shown how wrong you are on a daily basis.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       11-23-2020, 8:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Trump lost in my opinion because the left did it’s job of creating chaos.
He will never look in the mirror and admit fault, but I think he miscalculated bigly by discouraging his supporters from mailing in their ballots. Certainly GA and AZ were close enough to turn out differently, and maybe NV and PA too. But by basically requiring folks to only show up on election day, he surely left votes on the table.
Old     (onlyinboards)      Join Date: Oct 2014       11-23-2020, 8:39 AM Reply   
XStar I agree with you guys about how f'ed up it is that politicians tell the public to do one thing and then themselves don't follow the rules, i.e Pritzker, Chicago Mayor, CA Gov, etc.

What do you suggest we do with regards to COVID? How do we stop the spread? How do we end this?
Old     (joeshmoe)      Join Date: Jan 2003       11-23-2020, 11:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Al very well indeed. However that is not the case at the moment. Businesses are being forced to close by the government. They’re not being given the option to remain open and survive. The government is telling them only certain businesses can remain open . That’s not how it should be at all. The business owner should have the right to choose on how to operate their business . If a business requires a mask , well that’s a choice one gets to make . Mask up and follow their protocol or if that bothers you patronize a business that doesn’t . Simple as that.
Again that’s not how things are operating.
I can’t go shop at my local family /.neighborhood establishments with a mask because they’re forced to remain closed. I can’t go grab a drink at a local bar and watch the game while wearing a mask , I can’t go play an activity and pay the bills for a local athletic field or ice rink while wearing a mask. I can’t go sit at a restaurant while wearing a mask . Over the summer we couldn’t go boating because they closed public ramps and would t allow access to the lake. Gas stations on the lake weren’t allowed to operate.
I understand your frustration because back in May, they locked up our tennis courts, which we were going to and didn't have a problem keeping distance, never had a problem taking the boat out, in Florida they went by county and it seems everything was shut down. In Florida everything is open now, parks, lakes and restaurants, and schools, so I do not feel any restrictions at this time.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       11-23-2020, 11:12 AM Reply   
Michigan certified the vote today despite Trump's pathetic attempts to prevent it.

The GSA has now confirmed Biden is president-elect and that transition activities are officially beginning.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       11-23-2020, 11:48 AM Reply   
So will Trump effectively run the republican party from exile? Will he be the shadow emperor whose pinky ring must be kissed before anything can happen?
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       11-23-2020, 11:52 AM Reply   
Effectively in one sense yes. Not effectively in another sense.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       11-23-2020, 11:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Effectively in one sense yes. Not effectively in another sense.
in the same "not effectively" sense as his whole administration, as exemplified by his crack legal team of incompetents?
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       11-23-2020, 11:57 AM Reply   
I think cocaine legal team would be more accurate.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-23-2020, 2:49 PM Reply   
Lol, his legal team were a bunch of idiots, as you would expect. "Only the best people" or something.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       11-23-2020, 3:09 PM Reply   
Shortly after my governor implemented his illegal lockdown, some of our good citizens decided to display their appreciation for our governor’s concern for our well being.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       11-23-2020, 4:15 PM Reply   
I love how right wing numpties flip so quickly from law and order, rule of law to social disobedience. Hypocrites
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       11-23-2020, 4:30 PM Reply   
classic innit
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2020, 4:43 PM Reply   
Cuz this isn’t Tyranny
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       11-23-2020, 4:51 PM Reply   
Your idea of tyranny is so ****ing ridiculous bro XD
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2020, 5:59 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
Your idea of tyranny is so ****ing ridiculous bro XD

-arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
-cruel and oppressive government or rule.

Seems to fall right in line with those.

It’s a complete abuse of power. END of Story. We don’t trust you as a business to make the correct decision. So we will force our decision upon you. I am sure you understand the liquor sales tax is one of
the highest taxes in the city at a restaurant to account for revenue to the city . I am
Sure a 10-15,000 dollar loss of liquor sale revenue for the night is fine for a small business. Compound that with the fact they’ll lose a good portion of their normal dinner business as well not being able to serve alcohol No big deal right? You can afford to cough up 30-35k at this point right ?

Here is the newest plan , they already tax your purchase , then you pay the shipping fee , and now they want to tax you an extra fee on top of that. The leftist playbook continues. Tax the shot out of the working class , while failing to cut the budget.

An alderman introduced a plan Monday to tax deliveries by companies, such as Amazon, Zappos, peapod

Bridgeport Ald. Patrick Daley Thompson wants to charge an additional $1.25 for packages delivered by ground to addresses in the city that weigh 50 pounds or less, and $2.50 for heavier deliveries. Prescription medicine and food deliveries from restaurants would be exempted from the extra tax under Thompson’s plan.

Last edited by xstarrider; 11-23-2020 at 6:02 PM.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       11-23-2020, 11:12 PM Reply   
So this is a prime example of the farce known as Covid Restrictions prior to the complete shutdown recently mandated last Monday. These are the outdoor dining’s areas approved by the city. As you see the temps are in the 40’s here in Chicago over November. No patrons could eat inside any restaurant for the past 3 months unless the indoor seats had windows within 3 ft of then that could be completely opened for the past 3 weeks . A small group of estaurants have been given permits in certain areas to completely block streets In order to offer outdoor dining as a way to slow covid. Well now since temps have dropped the city has approved shelters around those outside dinning tables and allowed portable heaters outside near the tables. What have they approved one might ask. 4 WALLED SEALED TENTS TO PROTECT PATRONS DEOM THE ELEMENTS WHILE DINING OUTDOORS. The outdoor dining venues have led to a huge influx of rats around the city. So let me follow the science here............Indoor dining like a human being , not surrounded by rats roaming around your feet , is unhealthy , while outdoor dining in the streets under covered tents is completely ok.

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