Join Date: Jun 2007
06-10-2020, 1:20 PM
Wow someone posted the actual truth. Sure hope he doesn’t hang himself from a door handle
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-10-2020, 1:27 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I did watch. Does that info jive with the video of the man being pushed and falling? I didnt see a helmet. Did you? He looked pretty frail. Was he in some kind of attack mode i missed? Did he charge? Swing a baton? Throw a projectile? Cuss them out? Anything? Anything aggressive in any way shape or form?
There was nothing IMO, thats why they lost their jobs. The job is protect and serve, not attack old guys. 40 on one? I think you are trying hard to see something that isnt there. Point it out if i missed anything at all aggressive.
Your little poster boy for bad decisions INTENTIONALLY disobeyed multiple lawful orders by police to clear the area. They moved slowly enough for him to get out of the way and comply with the order. He CHOSE to ignore those lawful orders and accosted the police instead. They enforced the law. Stop with your incessant rehash of the obvious. You're boring everyone here with your straw man. Your boy got exactly what he deserved and wanted. He probably did it on purpose to become "another victim of the bad ole police." In your libtard world, there shouldn't be any consequences for lawlessness.
Join Date: Dec 2009
06-10-2020, 1:34 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Your little poster boy for bad decisions INTENTIONALLY disobeyed multiple lawful orders by police to clear the area. They moved slowly enough for him to get out of the way and comply with the order. He CHOSE to ignore those lawful orders and accosted the police instead. They enforced the law. Stop with your incessant rehash of the obvious. You're boring everyone here with your straw man. Your boy got exactly what he deserved and wanted. He probably did it on purpose to become "another victim of the bad ole police." In your libtard world, there shouldn't be any consequences for lawlessness.
He should have had his helmet on. he brought it for a reason, of did he decide not to wear it?
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-10-2020, 1:37 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I agree, illegals should not, are not allowed to vote. They are here, we deserve any fed moneys we are due. If they work, most do, they pay taxes. If you pay taxes you should have a voice. The rules of the census says to count ALL people in the country, including every citizen. Pretty simple.
I think you spend most days smoking pot.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-10-2020, 1:47 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
He should have had his helmet on. he brought it for a reason, of did he decide not to wear it?
I'm pretty sure him and 95sn ride the same short bus and wear similar helmets. That's why 95 can't stop ruminating and harping on this subject that the rest of us have settled. Talk about beating a dead horse...
Join Date: Dec 2009
06-10-2020, 1:51 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
this has a lot of truth, i have no ill will to any race or color, I really don't know who has time to hate. I just don't think people take the time to dig deep enough to see the agenda. We should be able to argue values and philosophy without having to be afraid of someones race.
Join Date: Jun 2007
06-10-2020, 2:11 PM
Ahhh. Now they are attempting to violate the rights of officer’s privacy. Attempting to gain access to their Private personal devices. Wonder if we can evoke the Hillary clause.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-10-2020, 5:09 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Ahhh. Now they are attempting to violate the rights of officer’s privacy. Attempting to gain access to their Private personal devices. Wonder if we can evoke the Hillary clause.
Attachment 45732
Attachment 45733
Whoa. Is it legal to ask for that kind of stuff? Seems like that would be a big court battle.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-10-2020, 5:11 PM
I know the officer’s union wants to sue looters etc for injuries sustained on the job, but then I heard they can then be sued personally as well. Crazy stuff. Just wish there weren’t so many lawless democrats running around.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-10-2020, 6:48 PM
So, in the truth is stranger than fiction file, we have this little Seattle update: Seattle is now known as the Antifa capital of the world. Very fitting considering the Shehawks are from Seattle. Coincidence? Nah... Those people up there are total losers that make Californians look sane. Just take the most narcissistic, hipster libtard you know, add way too much coffee and micro-brews, some bad breath, drug-fueled grunge, a 24/7 Chinese-water-torture-type rain and you've just nailed that city. Also, the newly-conquered and Antifa-claimed, 7 block territory in the middle of lesbian-rich Seattle is called none other than... wait for it... "CHAZ." Very fitting since that happens to be the tranny name of Sonny and Cher's daughter, Chastity. This is some third-world madness goin on. These libtard politicians better get a grip on their people or some good guys are gonna do it for them and not be so nice.
People, this is what's in store for us if Trump were to lose in November. These are the people who would be in charge of everything. Vote wisely.
Join Date: Oct 2006
06-11-2020, 2:34 AM
I have a serious question for the ardent Trump supporters. What if Trump loses the election in November and he goes on Twitter to say that the election was rigged, there was voter fraud and the election was stolen from him and he refuses to concede. Will you stand behind him?
Based on his behavior, that is a very possible response.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 3:40 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I have a serious question for the ardent Trump supporters. What if Trump loses the election in November and he goes on Twitter to say that the election was rigged, there was voter fraud and the election was stolen from him and he refuses to concede. Will you stand behind him?
Based on his behavior, that is a very possible response.
You’re getting our side confused with your lawless side. If he’s voted out, he‘ll get out. He won’t be though. You’re seeing the pendulum swing to the wrong side right now, but it will swing back. Just imagine being a Seattleite who lives inside the blockaded area right now. This is total democrat evil. No way will the people vote that in. Cooler, Republican heads will prevail.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 3:44 AM
Those lawless, Democrat emotions will fade soon because there’s no truth behind their case. Oh, and just wait until Biden’s racist past gets put on front street. Little things like him reading the eulogy in a KKK grand wizard‘S funeral. That’s gonna leave a mark.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 3:47 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I have a serious question for the ardent Trump supporters. What if Trump loses the election in November and he goes on Twitter to say that the election was rigged, there was voter fraud and the election was stolen from him and he refuses to concede. Will you stand behind him?
Based on his behavior, that is a very possible response.
Your rhetorical question is just the current propaganda scare tactic pushed by leftist, MSM. The lies just keep comin.
Join Date: Oct 2006
06-11-2020, 4:08 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You’re getting our side confused with your lawless side. If he’s voted out, he‘ll get out. He won’t be though. You’re seeing the pendulum swing to the wrong side right now, but it will swing back. Just imagine being a Seattleite who lives inside the blockaded area right now. This is total democrat evil. No way will the people vote that in. Cooler, Republican heads will prevail.
You are getting confused by thinking I am rooting for either side at this point. I am socially liberal/moderate and fiscally conservative. The second part means that I currently do not have a party. I vote Independent or Republican consistantly.
Mark, If you want cooler Republican heads to prevail (like I do) you should consider starting with yourself. Trump is a reflection of what the Republican party is becoming and he is far from cool.
It wasn't rhetorical. What are you going to do if that happens.
Last edited by skiboarder; 06-11-2020 at 4:10 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 4:22 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
You are getting confused by thinking I am rooting for either side at this point. I am socially liberal/moderate and fiscally conservative. The second part means that I currently do not have a party. I vote Independent or Republican consistantly.
Mark, If you want cooler Republican heads to prevail (like I do) you should consider starting with yourself. Trump is a reflection of what the Republican party is becoming and he is far from cool.
It wasn't rhetorical. What are you going to do if that happens.
So you side with the rioters, but you don’t want to pay for the damages. Got it.
Me speaking truth does not make me a hot head.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 4:29 AM
You added your last sentence after I responded the first time...
My first response to your question stands. It ain’t gonna happen. Has Trump said he won’t respect the outcome of the election? Who made this garbage up? It’s a scare tactic by the left that you are falling victim to. Be smarter. The only people in recent history known to not go away after a presidential election are democrats.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 4:32 AM
What if Biden goes on CNN and says the election was rigged and refuses to step back or Antifa starts riots until Trump steps down from office after being duly elected again? That is a far more likely scenario.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 5:20 AM
Originally Posted by markj
What if Biden goes on CNN and says the election was rigged and refuses to step back or Antifa starts riots until Trump steps down from office after being duly elected again? That is a far more likely scenario.
Just a few of the dozens of examples:
* When Trump lost the 2016 Iowa caucuses to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, he argued he had been cheated. "Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it," tweeted Trump. "That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!"
* When Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016 -- even while winning the Electoral College and the presidency! -- he said, with zero proof, that 3 to 5 million illegal votes had been cast.
* Following the loss of the House majority in the 2018 election, Trump suggested to House Republicans that they had been victimized by Democratic cheating. "We've gotta watch those vote tallies," Trump told a crowd of Republican lawmakers at a Republican fundraiser in May 2019. "You know, I keep hearing about the election and the various counting measures that they have." He added that Democrats won all of the close elections in 2018; "There's something going on," he said, telling the assembled lawmakers that they needed to "be a little bit more paranoid than you are, OK?"
* In advance of last month's California House special election, which the Republican went on to win, Trump tweeted that "(Democrats) are trying to steal another election. It's all rigged out there."
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 5:27 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Your little poster boy for bad decisions INTENTIONALLY disobeyed multiple lawful orders by police to clear the area. They moved slowly enough for him to get out of the way and comply with the order. He CHOSE to ignore those lawful orders and accosted the police instead. They enforced the law. Stop with your incessant rehash of the obvious. You're boring everyone here with your straw man. Your boy got exactly what he deserved and wanted. He probably did it on purpose to become "another victim of the bad ole police." In your libtard world, there shouldn't be any consequences for lawlessness.
Yep, thats why those cops dont have a job, because an old man accosted them. Biggest group of snowflakes on the planet. 40 cops Vs. one old man and you are still whining. Clearly you are wrong or the cops would be going to work today.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 5:33 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Ahhh. Now they are attempting to violate the rights of officer’s privacy. Attempting to gain access to their Private personal devices. Wonder if we can evoke the Hillary clause.
Attachment 45732
Attachment 45733
Doesnt that say CDP devices? Those dash cams, CDP GPS, uniform cams that belong to CDP? It references Municipal code. Dont you have to keep those cameras running, to record the action? Why wouldnt they want that? Wont it prove you did things right? If an officer is in error, isnt that how we would find out? Dont you want to get rid of the bad apples that make cops look bad? Self policing?
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 5:37 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Whoa. Is it legal to ask for that kind of stuff? Seems like that would be a big court battle.
Are you asking if its legal for the city of Chicago to access their own equipment? Phones, GPS, cameras they own? The equipment meant to keep everyone on an even and transparent keel? Good cops have nothing to worry about but a promotion.
Join Date: Oct 2006
06-11-2020, 5:39 AM
Mark, you are a hot head. You responded 3 times to my one post. But somehow still didn’t answer my question.
Please copy and paste anywhere I said that I sided with the looters. There are more than two sides.
Biden has left the White House peacefully before. He can contest the election, but he is not in the position prevent a peaceful transfer of power. But let’s hypothetically say that he mobilized his secret Antifa army to undermine Trumps win. I would wholeheartedly oppose him. Elections are super difficult to hack—the coordinated effort To change an outcome would be so large that there would be evidence of widespread cheating.
On the other hand, Trump has a long well documented history of not taking responsibility, exaggeration, stoking conspiracy and outright lying especially when things don’t go his way. So again, do you stand with him or not? I am seriously interested in how far his most loyal supports will go to keep him in power.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 5:41 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I think you spend most days smoking pot.
I dont, but i would still recommend it over other choices. Just a plant that grows in the garden with the veggies. Its so much smarter than hanging out with dudes doing synthetic drugs and blowing their minds.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 5:44 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I'm pretty sure him and 95sn ride the same short bus and wear similar helmets. That's why 95 can't stop ruminating and harping on this subject that the rest of us have settled. Talk about beating a dead horse...
Congrats you have it all settled and figured out. The only problem with your conclusion is that it does not jive with reality. The cops were fired. They were wrong. You are wrong. Feel free to continue living in trump fantasy cult camp.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 5:49 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Exactly!!!!!! I think he is wrong on Tarriff as to who pays,but is spot on about the movement and the back and forth organization. Of course, he is not up to speed on the Marxism of the movement.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 6:02 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I have a serious question for the ardent Trump supporters. What if Trump loses the election in November and he goes on Twitter to say that the election was rigged, there was voter fraud and the election was stolen from him and he refuses to concede. Will you stand behind him?
Based on his behavior, that is a very possible response.
Stay off of CNN and MSNBC. I have seen those stupid articles popping up on my news feed on my phone. This is the same play book talking points they pulled out for Bush. Exact same talking point. They really need to update their playbook.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 6:05 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Doesnt that say CDP devices? Those dash cams, CDP GPS, uniform cams that belong to CDP? It references Municipal code. Dont you have to keep those cameras running, to record the action? Why wouldnt they want that? Wont it prove you did things right? If an officer is in error, isnt that how we would find out? Dont you want to get rid of the bad apples that make cops look bad? Self policing?
I am pretty sure the last articles was they wanted the officers personal phones and home computers, but nice try.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 6:17 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Exactly!!!!!! I think he is wrong on Tarriff as to who pays,but is spot on about the movement and the back and forth organization. Of course, he is not up to speed on the Marxism of the movement.
Agree with you on who is paying tariffs.
there is a problem with your conspiracy theory. Trumps FBI led by "General" Barr has been investigating. They have not found any Antifa evidence.
I like how you all researched and confirmed Hillary and George are financing Antifa. Nice work.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 6:25 AM
And Hillary's still selling sex workers out of that pizza joint last I checked.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 6:26 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I am pretty sure the last articles was they wanted the officers personal phones and home computers, but nice try.
Missed that the first time, thanks. Looks like "work related" on personal devices. Seems reasonable, as a fiduciary I have the same requirements, document everything, operate in the interest of the client. No self dealing. Thats what you want, right?
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 6:27 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Missed that the first time, thanks. Looks like "work related" on personal devices. Seems reasonable, as a fiduciary I have the same requirements, document everything, operate in the interest of the client. No self dealing. Thats what you want, right?
This is par for the course.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 6:29 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Stay off of CNN and MSNBC. I have seen those stupid articles popping up on my news feed on my phone. This is the same play book talking points they pulled out for Bush. Exact same talking point. They really need to update their playbook.
I was actually a little concerned, not as much now. "His" military isnt going to surround and protect him.
Milley spoke up, Mattis, spoke up, Esper spoke up.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 6:35 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Missed that the first time, thanks. Looks like "work related" on personal devices. Seems reasonable, as a fiduciary I have the same requirements, document everything, operate in the interest of the client. No self dealing. Thats what you want, right?
which means they have to turn over their devices and of course we know how that goes. So, can then break out the hammers like hillary?
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 6:38 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Agree with you on who is paying tariffs.
there is a problem with your conspiracy theory. Trumps FBI led by "General" Barr has been investigating. They have not found any Antifa evidence.
I like how you all researched and confirmed Hillary and George are financing Antifa. Nice work.
Actaully Obama set up a slush fund from teh BP Oil spill in the gulf. What was it, $5 billion for it? Amazing, in just a few days we had "spontanious" marches around the country and the world mind you and even have the same talking point from Marx about defunding the police. Yes. All these individuals around the world did that in the matter of minutes. It was and always has been organized. That was what Obama was. He was a community organizer. This is what they do and not they have billions to do it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 6:39 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Fake, made up narrative again by democrats and the media. Did the same thing to Bush.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 6:42 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Agree with you on who is paying tariffs.
there is a problem with your conspiracy theory. Trumps FBI led by "General" Barr has been investigating. They have not found any Antifa evidence.
I like how you all researched and confirmed Hillary and George are financing Antifa. Nice work.
uh huh. And the "FBI" is telling businessinsider the details of their ongoing investigation? Right.....
Funny. Antifa has taking over the middle of Seattle. Laura Logan was actually interviewing Antifa members at the rallies. They have a history of command and control at riots in California for over a decade. tell me more.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 6:51 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
which means they have to turn over their devices and of course we know how that goes. So, can then break out the hammers like hillary?
How does it go? What does a police officer have to hide that we should not know about? His Grindr account?
Are you really still pushing the email conspiracy theory? Derp.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 6:57 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Actaully Obama set up a slush fund from teh BP Oil spill in the gulf. What was it, $5 billion for it? Amazing, in just a few days we had "spontanious" marches around the country and the world mind you and even have the same talking point from Marx about defunding the police. Yes. All these individuals around the world did that in the matter of minutes. It was and always has been organized. That was what Obama was. He was a community organizer. This is what they do and not they have billions to do it.
This is interesting. Do you have a source? Are we supposed to be getting paid?
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 7:01 AM
He read it somewhere. Like in an article or something. Like all those articles he mentioned earlier. He could have sworn that's what it said. Really.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 7:02 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Fake, made up narrative again by democrats and the media. Did the same thing to Bush.
I am agreeing with you. This has been brought up, repeatedly. I dont think the military will support his revolt. Do you?
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 8:16 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yep, thats why those cops dont have a job, because an old man accosted them. Biggest group of snowflakes on the planet. 40 cops Vs. one old man and you are still whining. Clearly you are wrong or the cops would be going to work today.
Nice try. Actually, the real reason is it’s their gutless boss that doesn’t have the strength they should to do the right thing. The old man should get a bill for the cleanup of the hazardous waste he left on the sidewalk.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 8:18 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Are you asking if its legal for the city of Chicago to access their own equipment? Phones, GPS, cameras they own? The equipment meant to keep everyone on an even and transparent keel? Good cops have nothing to worry about but a promotion.
No. I’m wondering about #4 on the list demanding their private cell phone data.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-11-2020, 8:24 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I am agreeing with you. This has been brought up, repeatedly. I dont think the military will support his revolt. Do you?
Nah, you will get a few numpties like mark soiling their diapers but the constitution is too strong and Trump too unpopular with the deep state to allow that to happen.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 8:24 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Mark, you are a hot head. You responded 3 times to my one post. But somehow still didn’t answer my question.
Please copy and paste anywhere I said that I sided with the looters. There are more than two sides.
Biden has left the White House peacefully before. He can contest the election, but he is not in the position prevent a peaceful transfer of power. But let’s hypothetically say that he mobilized his secret Antifa army to undermine Trumps win. I would wholeheartedly oppose him. Elections are super difficult to hack—the coordinated effort To change an outcome would be so large that there would be evidence of widespread cheating.
On the other hand, Trump has a long well documented history of not taking responsibility, exaggeration, stoking conspiracy and outright lying especially when things don’t go his way. So again, do you stand with him or not? I am seriously interested in how far his most loyal supports will go to keep him in power.
Apparently, you don’t pick up on my sarcasm or the fact that I’m often flippant. You haven’t been here long so... you’ll figure it out.
The point I was trying to get across was that it was a stupid question to ask and is nothing more than parroting the libtard MSM’s newest false narrative: That Trump won’t leave office if he loses the election. It’s just fear tactics to turn out the libtard vote.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 8:28 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I dont, but i would still recommend it over other choices. Just a plant that grows in the garden with the veggies. Its so much smarter than hanging out with dudes doing synthetic drugs and blowing their minds.
Heeey maaaaan. You could just like grow like some killer poppies too maaan. Right next to the cucumbers maaaaan. Like farrr our maaan.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 8:50 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Heeey maaaaan. You could just like grow like some killer poppies too maaan. Right next to the cucumbers maaaaan. Like farrr our maaan.
Are you saying something?
Heroin needs a long refining process and other chemicals. Weed, its just a weed, grown in the sun and dried. No chems. That was your buddies mistake. Its legal too, unlike synthetic garbage.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 9:35 AM
Not federally legal, Chong.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 9:39 AM
Shrooms are natural too.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 10:04 AM
Shrooms are grown in the shade and dried too. Like your hero said, “at this point, what difference does it make?”
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Nah, you will get a few numpties like mark soiling their diapers but the constitution is too strong and Trump too unpopular with the deep state to allow that to happen.
Piss off, bottom feeder. The narrative is as fake as the Russian hoax so why bother flapping your gums about it?
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This is interesting. Do you have a source? Are we supposed to be getting paid?
Is the BP $20 billion account a ‘slush fund’?
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Nah, you will get a few numpties like mark soiling their diapers but the constitution is too strong and Trump too unpopular with the deep state to allow that to happen.
dumb fake narrative
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I am agreeing with you. This has been brought up, repeatedly. I dont think the military will support his revolt. Do you?
There is no revolt to support. Democrat play book of fear mongering leading to every election to which a Republican is currently in office. Talking about manufacturing fake news.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Nothing about crowd strike. Her team literally took hammers to the cell phones that were requested during the investigation.
nice article, however it has been well established that most "hacking" is actually performed by someone with actual access to the equipment aka inside democrat hit job.
Again with your dangerous authoritarian mindset. Can I send some people over to search your house and any other possessions?
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-11-2020, 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Again with your dangerous authoritarian mindset. Can I send some people over to search your house and any other possessions?
Oh look Delta is back defending the constitution, took a break when "Democrats" we being pepper sprayed by the police so the Orange Messiah could get his photo op with the bible but he's back to it now.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Nothing about crowd strike. Her team literally took hammers to the cell phones that were requested during the investigation.
nice article, however it has been well established that most "hacking" is actually performed by someone with actual access to the equipment aka inside democrat hit job.
Again with your dangerous authoritarian mindset. Can I send some people over to search your house and any other possessions?
Yeah, 95. What are you hiding? What's really growing in your garden? We'd like to see. We just want to make sure you're a good citizen and haven't said anything against the government or any of our specially-protected races of people within. As long as we don't find anything and you're a good virtue signaler, you can go about your life in peace until we decide to inspect you again.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Oh look Delta is back defending the constitution, took a break when "Democrats" we being pepper sprayed by the police so the Orange Messiah could get his photo op with the bible but he's back to it now.
Oh look! The guy with severe country-envy is back being a contrarian again. You're like the toothless, NZ version of WW Antifa here.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 11:46 AM
Bahahahahaha right wing numbnuts just now realizing what one of their favorite bands was actually talking about this entire time lolol
One Twitter user addressed the rock band: “I use to be a fan until your political opinions come out. Music is my sanctuary and the last thing I want to hear is political b******t when i’m listening to music. “As far as i’m concerned you and Pink are completely done. Keep running your mouth and ruining your fan base."
Band member Tom Morello responded: “Scott!! What music of mine were you a fan of that DIDN’T contain “political BS”? I need to know so I can delete it from the catalog”.
One fan wrote: “The people angrily denouncing Rage Against the Machine for Tom Morello's leftist politics is one of the more hilarious things I have ever seen on the internet. WHAT MACHINE DID YOU THINK THEY HAVE BEEN RAGING AGAINST FOR DECADES? THE ICE CREAM MACHINE? THE ATM? LAWNMOWERS?” Another agreed: “What “Machine” did you think he was raging against? The dishwasher?” “Please rage WITH the machine!” joked someone else.
A fourth chose to remind people of Rage Against the Machine’s anti-establishment lyrics. “Some of those who work [police] forces are the same that burn crosses,” they said, quoting lines from “Killing in the Name”. Those who die are justified. By wearing the badge, they're the Chosen Whites” they added. “His political views have been pretty damned transparent, man."
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Oh look Delta is back defending the constitution, took a break when "Democrats" we being pepper sprayed by the police so the Orange Messiah could get his photo op with the bible but he's back to it now.
That is your story of the events. We already well established you and other leftists needs to create fake news. uh, uh.... what if Trump does not leave....uh, uh,.... what will the military do....uh,uh.....
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-11-2020, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
Bahahahahaha right wing numbnuts just now realizing what one of their favorite bands was actually talking about this entire time lolol
One Twitter user addressed the rock band: “I use to be a fan until your political opinions come out. Music is my sanctuary and the last thing I want to hear is political b******t when i’m listening to music. “As far as i’m concerned you and Pink are completely done. Keep running your mouth and ruining your fan base."
Band member Tom Morello responded: “Scott!! What music of mine were you a fan of that DIDN’T contain “political BS”? I need to know so I can delete it from the catalog”.
One fan wrote: “The people angrily denouncing Rage Against the Machine for Tom Morello's leftist politics is one of the more hilarious things I have ever seen on the internet. WHAT MACHINE DID YOU THINK THEY HAVE BEEN RAGING AGAINST FOR DECADES? THE ICE CREAM MACHINE? THE ATM? LAWNMOWERS?” Another agreed: “What “Machine” did you think he was raging against? The dishwasher?” “Please rage WITH the machine!” joked someone else.
A fourth chose to remind people of Rage Against the Machine’s anti-establishment lyrics. “Some of those who work [police] forces are the same that burn crosses,” they said, quoting lines from “Killing in the Name”. Those who die are justified. By wearing the badge, they're the Chosen Whites” they added. “His political views have been pretty damned transparent, man."
Which is ironic, most of these lefty bands live in heavy democrat areas. Irony..... I thing so. Funny that one guy mentions animal farm. That is exactly the democrat playbook
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-11-2020, 1:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Which is ironic, most of these lefty bands live in heavy democrat areas. Irony..... I thing so. Funny that one guy mentions animal farm. That is exactly the democrat playbook
Irony is you not getting the joke. The guy could have said “you should read this great book about ambivalence in Greek mythology. It’s called Atlas Shrugged.”
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-11-2020, 1:11 PM
Things sure are changing fast. NFL seems to have completely admitted they were wrong about the take a knee thing, and no more confederate flags at NASCAR. I think the defenders of “white culture” need to acknowledge that the tide is against you at the moment.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-11-2020, 1:15 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Oh look! The guy with severe country-envy is back being a contrarian again.
Nah I'm very happy to be living in this covid and riot free paradise at the bottom of the world.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 1:25 PM
I'm thinking I go spend 14 days in NZ, then Japan will let me in lol.
Join Date: Dec 2009
06-11-2020, 1:29 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Things sure are changing fast. NFL seems to have completely admitted they were wrong about the take a knee thing, and no more confederate flags at NASCAR. I think the defenders of “white culture” need to acknowledge that the tide is against you at the moment.
there is no white culture, its made up, color does not make you who you are, its your actions. And there are bad people of all colors at all levels. history is not something we can change, or erase. Without it, we will not see our triumphs and failures. We will have this day in history. many years from now. people will look back and see the triumphs and failures. will we erase it? Or will we learn from it?
You and I will be dead, our children or childrens children should know what was once, and what should or should not never be. Taking it away will be the end of ability to grow. We are already losing it. Not teaching civics and real history, is shameful. So as parents, we need to teach out children what was once and what is now, and what we all hope will be.
Imagine if we did not know what the civil war was. I would not understand the pain and hardships african americans endured. To the same, all wars that made this country free and the people free.
This **** we are seeing is not a war, its a game, its not about color its about overthrowing our country. killing civility. No law, No order, so those who do not have moral value and ethical standards can rape and pillage the system.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 1:33 PM
I will admit, it always makes me chuckle when Trump voters bemoan lack of civility lol.
Join Date: Dec 2009
06-11-2020, 1:48 PM
Originally Posted by pesos
I will admit, it always makes me chuckle when Trump voters bemoan lack of civility lol.
I wonder, do you think the people burning downs billions of dollars in property are civil? There has been many deaths that are from he riots, all shameful. Why is it happening? Its it because a black man was wrongfully killed? Or maybe an opportunity to use a sad moment to destroy multiple peoples lives, kill many, destroy homes, businesses and make many sad moments. I would think people would want to greave and heal. Maybe not? Seems like a great opportunity as they ( the protesters) don't know Floyd, never did, never will. They don't care about him, they care about their movement, and that is truly sad. People die everyday, and no one cares. unjust killing.
2 childrens bodies just found, so sad, where are the riots? Oh, its not a cause that brings value to the extreme left, so, I guess there is not reason to riot? You want to protest? Those children deserved better, and that is a warranted protest.
Join Date: Dec 2009
06-11-2020, 1:58 PM
Seattle is under fire, and they have barriers and check points, sounds like the left now wants borders. And its mostly extreme left white liberals. I do know that property values are going up in the south, and people are trying to move as fast as they can. My neighbors son is a realtor. he is getting hundreds of calls daily from Chicago, NY, Seattle etc etc, looking to move the **** out.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 2:26 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Shrooms are grown in the shade and dried too. Like your hero said, “at this point, what difference does it make?”
psychedelics', thats really a little different but yes its completely organic too. Touché.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-11-2020, 2:31 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Seattle is under fire, and they have barriers and check points, sounds like the left now wants borders. And its mostly extreme left white liberals. I do know that property values are going up in the south, and people are trying to move as fast as they can. My neighbors son is a realtor. he is getting hundreds of calls daily from Chicago, NY, Seattle etc etc, looking to move the **** out.
we don't want the leftist agenda here in Texas. Stay where your at please
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 2:33 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
we don't want the leftist agenda here in Texas. Stay where your at please
Sorry Cliff, we're already hereeeeeeeeeeeee
Where are you at again? Frisco?
Join Date: Dec 2009
06-11-2020, 2:46 PM
Originally Posted by pesos
Sorry Cliff, we're already hereeeeeeeeeeeee
Where are you at again? Frisco?
Pesos, your swimming pool looks great, your political outlook sucks, but nice pool. I am sending a group of your political brothers over to swim, don't worry, they will only spray paint it, but won't drain the water
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-11-2020, 2:53 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
That was 2010. They had 4 years to disburse the funds. Have there been IG reports or investigations or indictments due to mis handling the funds? Hello?
Trump fired 5 IG's in the last 90 days trying to keep his illegal activity under wraps. Now they wont reveal who they disbursed the $500B bailout money to. Why? Why fire the IG investigating Pompeo, Why fire the one investigating his personal benefit fund arms sale to the Saudis? Help a brother out.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-11-2020, 4:39 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Pesos, your swimming pool looks great, your political outlook sucks, but nice pool. I am sending a group of your political brothers over to swim, don't worry, they will only spray paint it, but won't drain the water 
Thanks Doug, your politics suck too but I dig your car!
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 5:57 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 6:02 PM
Libtards knock out 70 Kung Flu testing sites??? LOL LOL LOL!!!
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-11-2020, 6:22 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Clean up on aisle 5!
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-11-2020, 6:27 PM
Breaking news: Biden has just declared himself a presidential candidate for the newly developed country of CHAZ.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-12-2020, 4:18 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Irony is you not getting the joke. The guy could have said “you should read this great book about ambivalence in Greek mythology. It’s called Atlas Shrugged.”
I get the joke, I am just saying I am thinking next level that the guy inadvertently laid out what they think. We are all equal so we need to get rid of the farmer, said the pigs!!!!! Well, not all pigs are created equal after they get rid of the farmer. That is exactly the democrat agenda