Join Date: Apr 2005
01-28-2020, 11:24 AM
Lol isn’t politics fun? Please do explain the Hunter Biden employment. I’d love to hear it. How is that any different than donating to the Clinton Foundation-the biggest quid pro quo in human history?
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-28-2020, 12:04 PM
Its awesome, especially when one has virtually unlimited verified corruption to recall. Could you (please) explain Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushners resume for running any other small countries.... like anything? Amarosa had a nice resume too didnt she. Remember that fun time when he tried to make Ronny Jackson, his alcoholic and pill pushing Dr. the head of the VA. Ha ha, good times. Remind me of his experience, please. And how many judges that he has offered up have been rated "Non-Qualified" by the American Bar Assoc ??? Im pretty sure Ben Carson has decades of govt experience, right mark? LMK if you need more, there is an awful long list of unqualifieds in the *Trump Administration. Biden Jr sounds exactly like the kind of guy trump would hire, dont ya think?.
Wasnt the Clinton Foundation another of trumps investigations? The Clintons are still up and running so im gonna go out on a limb and assume you meant trumps. That one? The now defunkt Trump Family Foundation, you know the one that was indicted, went to court and found guilty? Trump had to pay over 2 Mil in fines and admit what he did in a public letter of guilt. And you want to investigate democrats. Did you attend Trump University?
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2020, 12:16 PM
hahaha mark and the trumpsters whining about nepotism takes the cake.
Mark every time someone says Biden:
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-28-2020, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Lol isn’t politics fun? Please do explain the Hunter Biden employment. I’d love to hear it. How is that any different than donating to the Clinton Foundation-the biggest quid pro quo in human history?
It's no different, totally corrupt and disgusting pay to play. If you have a problem with it you should have a problem with Trumps kids weaseling there way into foreign affairs and Trump promoting his cheesy resorts for political actors to stay in. It all stinks to high heaven.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-28-2020, 4:37 PM
And now multiple gop senators privately admitting Trump withheld the aid for personal gain, but now they’re saying well it’s just not impeachable. Goalposts moved again lol
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 2:24 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
And now multiple gop senators privately admitting Trump withheld the aid for personal gain, but now they’re saying well it’s just not impeachable. Goalposts moved again lol
Oh, big surprise! That’s that whole mountain/mole hill thing I was talking about. I don’t really care too much about it and neither does most of America. The polls in November will prove or disprove it. The bottom line is none of it would have happened if Biden wasn’t dirty to begin with.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-29-2020, 2:29 AM
Starting the morning off with a big O face I see lol
Please explain how Biden is “dirty” but Trump is squeaky clean haha
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 2:31 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
hahaha mark and the trumpsters whining about nepotism takes the cake.
Mark every time someone says Biden:
You need to buy a friggin dictionary, you moron! Nepotism has never been the issue. It was the blatant, Clintonian pay to play aspect.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 2:32 AM
Classic movie by the way. I’m gonna need you to stop posting on WW okaaay?
Join Date: Jun 2005
01-29-2020, 6:11 AM
Sorry folks, have not watched more then 3 mins of the Russia Russia Russia fake drama impeachment show. I think you Dems Honestly thought you had a chance. “To bad So sad” try again in another 4+ years
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-29-2020, 7:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You need to buy a friggin dictionary, you moron! Nepotism has never been the issue. It was the blatant, Clintonian pay to play aspect.
So, who was in the pay to play. Was Biden Jr. paying someone off? I thought Biden Jr WAS just taking advantage of his last name? No. There was more? Great, please enlighten us all about these crimes.
Sorry folks, have not watched more then 3 mins of the Russia Russia Russia fake drama impeachment show. I think you Dems Honestly thought you had a chance. “To bad So sad” try again in another 4+ years
Are you drunk? You just said you have paid no attention to Trumps Impeachment. How do you comment on something you just admitted you know nothing about? Stoned? Stupid? or what?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 7:53 AM
[QUOTE=95sn;1994640]So, who was in the pay to play. Was Biden Jr. paying someone off? I thought Biden Jr WAS just taking advantage of his last name? No. There was more? Great, please enlighten us all about these crimes.
Drop the crack pipe and put your hands where I can see them, you Grand Marshal of the imbecile parade! Since you're too obtuse or more likely dishonest, pretending to not know what's up, it's Ukraine that was paying, dummy. They were hoping to buy influence. I'm about to start calling you shawndoggy with all your fake, let's-play-dumb questions.
Last edited by markj; 01-29-2020 at 7:55 AM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-29-2020, 8:15 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
So, who was in the pay to play. Was Biden Jr. paying someone off? I thought Biden Jr WAS just taking advantage of his last name? No. There was more? Great, please enlighten us all about these crimes.
Drop the crack pipe and put your hands where I can see them, you Grand Marshal of the imbecile parade! Since you're too obtuse or more likely dishonest, pretending to not know what's up, it's Ukraine that was paying, dummy. They were hoping to buy influence. I'm about to start calling you shawndoggy with all your fake, let's-play-dumb questions.
Really? They paid Biden Jr, for influence? How'd that influence work out? I heard that Biden Sr. had the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor fired. Right? So, whats your next story of corrupt Biden? What was this crime? There must be a crime, right?
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-29-2020, 8:58 AM
The best way to play the Biden issue is to just admit it stinks and the whole political system is corrupt. You have to be willing to hold both sides to a higher standard, drop the partisan BS.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 9:00 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Really? They paid Biden Jr, for influence? How'd that influence work out? I heard that Biden Sr. had the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor fired. Right? So, whats your next story of corrupt Biden? What was this crime? There must be a crime, right?
I got a better question. What crime did Trump commit?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 9:05 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
The best way to play the Biden issue is to just admit it stinks and the whole political system is corrupt. You have to be willing to hold both sides to a higher standard, drop the partisan BS.
That's totally unrealistic when the entire dem party suffers from TDS. They can't see past their seething hate to do anything other than stay locked on like a pit bull on a two-year-old. This is a battle for power. they refuse to accept the fact they lost and will stop at nothing to regain it. It's really that simple.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-29-2020, 9:10 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I got a better question. What crime did Trump commit?
Withheld aid funds approved by congress. Next question?
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-29-2020, 9:11 AM
Originally Posted by markj
That's totally unrealistic when the entire dem party suffers from TDS. They can't see past their seething hate to do anything other than stay locked on like a pit bull on a two-year-old. This is a battle for power. they refuse to accept the fact they lost and will stop at nothing to regain it. It's really that simple.
If you can't see corruption in your own party then you are part of the problem.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 9:28 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Withheld aid funds approved by congress. Next question?
Ha! There has been NO crime committed.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 9:36 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
If you can't see corruption in your own party then you are part of the problem.
At this point, I don't care what they say Trump did. Trump rooting out and wanting to expose Biden's corruption is a GOOD thing and he SHOULD get political points for it. This impeachment was a forgone conclusion predicted by rabid libtard dogs years ago. Many of them bragged on video about planning it! We've all seen it.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-29-2020, 9:38 AM
Watching CNN last week, I learned that I’m partly responsible for President Trump’s legal defense.
On the screen was one of the president’s lawyers, Alan Dershowitz, explaining his new position that impeachment requires “criminal-like behavior.” When the legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin interjected that “every single law professor” disagreed with him, Mr. Dershowitz rejoined that one professor — me! — was “completely” on his side.
Mr. Dershowitz encouraged Mr. Toobin to read a law review article I wrote on the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson, in which a former Supreme Court justice, Benjamin Curtis, successfully argued that no one should ever be punished for doing something that wasn’t a crime. Mr. Dershowitz apparently thought my article supported his view that even if Mr. Trump did everything the House has accused him of doing, the president shouldn’t be convicted because he hasn’t been accused of criminal behavior.
As an academic, my first reaction was to be grateful that someone had actually read one of my articles.
But as a legal academic, my second reaction was confusion. Even if you think impeachment requires a crime, as I do, that belief hardly supports the president’s defense or Mr. Dershowitz’s position. President Trump has been accused of a crime. Two in fact: “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.”
The phrase “abuse of power” appears nowhere in the federal criminal code, which lists thousands of criminal laws passed by Congress over the years. But many crimes aren’t written down in codes. Crimes derived from the “common law” — the body of law developed from judicial opinions and legal treatises rather than statutes — have been a staple of American law for centuries. Today in many states, district attorneys routinely charge people with things like “assault,” “forgery” and “indecent exposure” even where no statute makes those things a crime.
Common-law crimes are no harder to define with precision than crimes written down in a statute. Ask any first-year law students for the common law’s definition of burglary and they’ll (hopefully) be able to tell you: “the breaking and entering of the dwelling house of another in the nighttime with the intent to commit a felony.” If someone is accused of burglary in a state where the crime isn’t defined by statute, no defense lawyer would respond by announcing that burglary is vague or made up. Burglary is an established crime, even where its definition exists only in legal treatises and judicial opinions.
President Trump’s defense falls apart for precisely the same reason. As with burglary, American legal treatises and judicial opinions have long recognized the criminal offense of “abuse of power,” sometimes called “misconduct in office.” In 1846, the first edition of the pre-eminent treatise on American criminal law defined this common-law offense as when “a public officer, entrusted with definite powers to be exercised for the benefit of the community, wickedly abuses or fraudulently exceeds them.” The treatise noted that such an officer “is punishable by indictment, though no injurious effects result to any individual from his misconduct.”
Courts from Michigan to Maryland have recently upheld convictions of government officials for committing this common-law crime — despite objections that the crime has never been codified by statute. And the House, in its first article of impeachment, has accused Mr. Trump of exactly what the law prohibits: He “abused the powers of the presidency” for “corrupt purposes in pursuit of a personal political benefit.”
As for “obstruction of Congress,” that’s not only a common-law crime. Versions of the crime have also been listed in the federal criminal code since the 19th century.
Editors’ Picks
10 Years Later, an Oscar Experiment That Actually Worked
We’re All in the Bathroom Filming Ourselves
‘Saturday Night Live’ Spoofs Trump’s Impeachment Trial
Common-law crimes aren’t as common as they once were because they generally have been replaced by statutes, especially at the federal level. The Supreme Court long ago observed that Congress has never passed a law giving all federal district courts jurisdiction to hear common-law crimes. But in making this observation, the Supreme Court cast no doubt on Congress’s power to punish someone for a common-law crime. Since that decision, Congress itself has repeatedly arrested and punished people for violating the unwritten crimes of contempt and bribery in contexts where the federal contempt of Congress statute doesn’t apply.
As a law professor who occasionally represents indigent criminal defendants, I am deeply troubled by prosecutions under vague, open-ended laws. The principle of legality — that no one should be punished for doing something that wasn’t clearly against the established law — sits at the foundation of any just society. We should all be skeptical of arguments that allow the government to tailor an offense retroactively to suit an obnoxious target.
But that’s not what’s happening to President Trump. And when Mr. Dershowitz defends the president by invoking my own law review article about Justice Benjamin Curtis, he seems to forget that when Curtis made a legality argument to contest President Johnson’s impeachment, Curtis declared, “There can be no crime, there can be no misdemeanor without a law, written or unwritten, express or implied.”
Abuse of power may be “unwritten” in any code, and obstruction of Congress may be “implied” by statutes, but these crimes are now as well established, well defined and destructive of the public trust as bribery or treason. If the president did what the House accuses him of doing, he can and should be punished.
Nikolas Bowie (@nikobowie) is a historian and assistant professor at Harvard Law School.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-29-2020, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by markj
At this point, I don't care what they say Trump did.
That's because your a partisan hack.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
Watching CNN last week, I learned that I’m partly responsible for President Trump’s legal defense.
On the screen was one of the president’s lawyers, Alan Dershowitz, explaining his new position that impeachment requires “criminal-like behavior.” When the legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin interjected that “every single law professor” disagreed with him, Mr. Dershowitz rejoined that one professor — me! — was “completely” on his side.
Mr. Dershowitz encouraged Mr. Toobin to read a law review article I wrote on the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson, in which a former Supreme Court justice, Benjamin Curtis, successfully argued that no one should ever be punished for doing something that wasn’t a crime. Mr. Dershowitz apparently thought my article supported his view that even if Mr. Trump did everything the House has accused him of doing, the president shouldn’t be convicted because he hasn’t been accused of criminal behavior.
As an academic, my first reaction was to be grateful that someone had actually read one of my articles.
But as a legal academic, my second reaction was confusion. Even if you think impeachment requires a crime, as I do, that belief hardly supports the president’s defense or Mr. Dershowitz’s position. President Trump has been accused of a crime. Two in fact: “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.”
The phrase “abuse of power” appears nowhere in the federal criminal code, which lists thousands of criminal laws passed by Congress over the years. But many crimes aren’t written down in codes. Crimes derived from the “common law” — the body of law developed from judicial opinions and legal treatises rather than statutes — have been a staple of American law for centuries. Today in many states, district attorneys routinely charge people with things like “assault,” “forgery” and “indecent exposure” even where no statute makes those things a crime.
Common-law crimes are no harder to define with precision than crimes written down in a statute. Ask any first-year law students for the common law’s definition of burglary and they’ll (hopefully) be able to tell you: “the breaking and entering of the dwelling house of another in the nighttime with the intent to commit a felony.” If someone is accused of burglary in a state where the crime isn’t defined by statute, no defense lawyer would respond by announcing that burglary is vague or made up. Burglary is an established crime, even where its definition exists only in legal treatises and judicial opinions.
President Trump’s defense falls apart for precisely the same reason. As with burglary, American legal treatises and judicial opinions have long recognized the criminal offense of “abuse of power,” sometimes called “misconduct in office.” In 1846, the first edition of the pre-eminent treatise on American criminal law defined this common-law offense as when “a public officer, entrusted with definite powers to be exercised for the benefit of the community, wickedly abuses or fraudulently exceeds them.” The treatise noted that such an officer “is punishable by indictment, though no injurious effects result to any individual from his misconduct.”
Courts from Michigan to Maryland have recently upheld convictions of government officials for committing this common-law crime — despite objections that the crime has never been codified by statute. And the House, in its first article of impeachment, has accused Mr. Trump of exactly what the law prohibits: He “abused the powers of the presidency” for “corrupt purposes in pursuit of a personal political benefit.”
As for “obstruction of Congress,” that’s not only a common-law crime. Versions of the crime have also been listed in the federal criminal code since the 19th century.
Editors’ Picks
10 Years Later, an Oscar Experiment That Actually Worked
We’re All in the Bathroom Filming Ourselves
‘Saturday Night Live’ Spoofs Trump’s Impeachment Trial
Common-law crimes aren’t as common as they once were because they generally have been replaced by statutes, especially at the federal level. The Supreme Court long ago observed that Congress has never passed a law giving all federal district courts jurisdiction to hear common-law crimes. But in making this observation, the Supreme Court cast no doubt on Congress’s power to punish someone for a common-law crime. Since that decision, Congress itself has repeatedly arrested and punished people for violating the unwritten crimes of contempt and bribery in contexts where the federal contempt of Congress statute doesn’t apply.
As a law professor who occasionally represents indigent criminal defendants, I am deeply troubled by prosecutions under vague, open-ended laws. The principle of legality — that no one should be punished for doing something that wasn’t clearly against the established law — sits at the foundation of any just society. We should all be skeptical of arguments that allow the government to tailor an offense retroactively to suit an obnoxious target.
But that’s not what’s happening to President Trump. And when Mr. Dershowitz defends the president by invoking my own law review article about Justice Benjamin Curtis, he seems to forget that when Curtis made a legality argument to contest President Johnson’s impeachment, Curtis declared, “There can be no crime, there can be no misdemeanor without a law, written or unwritten, express or implied.”
Abuse of power may be “unwritten” in any code, and obstruction of Congress may be “implied” by statutes, but these crimes are now as well established, well defined and destructive of the public trust as bribery or treason. If the president did what the House accuses him of doing, he can and should be punished.
Nikolas Bowie (@nikobowie) is a historian and assistant professor at Harvard Law School.
BOOOR-IIING! Not reading that copy and paste book.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-29-2020, 11:14 AM
Yeah, that's why I highlighted the red text for your poor wittle bwain.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
That's because your a partisan hack.
Okay fine. Off with Trump's head! Does that make you like me more? Can I be part of your feel-good libtard club now? Screw you.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-29-2020, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by markj
That's totally unrealistic when the entire dem party suffers from TDS. They can't see past their seething hate to do anything other than stay locked on like a pit bull on a two-year-old. This is a battle for power. they refuse to accept the fact they lost and will stop at nothing to regain it. It's really that simple.
That's totally unrealistic when the entire Republican party suffers from Liberal Derangement syndrome. They cant see past their seething hate to do anything other than shield their ears to truth and support a verified liar and grifter. This is a battle for the constitution of the United States. They refuse to accept the fact that trump blackmailed Ukraine in order to get dirt on his political rival and cheat in a US Federal election. Then he tried to cover it up with assistance from a cable news station and US senators. Its really that simple.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
That's totally unrealistic when the entire Republican party suffers from Liberal Derangement syndrome. They cant see past their seething hate to do anything other than shield their ears to truth and support a verified liar and grifter. This is a battle for the constitution of the United States. They refuse to accept the fact that trump blackmailed Ukraine in order to get dirt on his political rival and cheat in a US Federal election. Then he tried to cover it up with assistance from a cable news station and US senators. Its really that simple.
Big yawn.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-29-2020, 11:24 AM
BOOOR-IIING! Not reading that copy and paste book.
If you would like to be thought of as something more than an unwashed Walmart shopper you may want to quit trying to judge right from wrong on whether its boring for you. They dont have award shows for impeachment testimonies.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
That's totally unrealistic when the entire Republican party suffers from Liberal Derangement syndrome. They cant see past their seething hate to do anything other than shield their ears to truth and support a verified liar and grifter. This is a battle for the constitution of the United States. They refuse to accept the fact that trump blackmailed Ukraine in order to get dirt on his political rival and cheat in a US Federal election. Then he tried to cover it up with assistance from a cable news station and US senators. Its really that simple.
Oh look! Our resident parrot returned! I am still waiting for you to post something original that you haven't ripped off or mostly plagiarized.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
If you would like to be thought of as something more than an unwashed Walmart shopper you may want to quit trying to judge right from wrong on whether its boring for you. They dont have award shows for impeachment testimonies.
Unwashed Walmart shopper??? That's the spirit!!! Now, THAT was original.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-29-2020, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Unwashed Walmart shopper??? That's the spirit!!! Now, THAT was original.
Whats really funny is that the unwashed Walmart shopper I clearly thieved from Hannity.
Im still waiting for you to respond to why Ivanka, Kushner, Donnie jr and eric trump are not taking advantage (like Biden jr.) of their last name. Or why YOU think no crime has been committed. Or, any of the other posts you have made where I immediately slayed your point and you fell silent. There are dozens to choose from.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 3:03 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Whats really funny is that the unwashed Walmart shopper I clearly thieved from Hannity.
Im still waiting for you to respond to why Ivanka, Kushner, Donnie jr and eric trump are not taking advantage (like Biden jr.) of their last name. Or why YOU think no crime has been committed. Or, any of the other posts you have made where I immediately slayed your point and you fell silent. There are dozens to choose from.
Well, there's proof I don't pay attention to Hannity. At least you're now admitting you're an unoriginal parrot.
Not sure what you're talking about on the other stuff, but In general, I have no problem with nepotism unless there's illegal activity involved. It's a fact of life and has been since God created this earth. You didn't slay anything other than your attractiveness to females with your comments. I don't always respond to stupidity. Especially yours.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-29-2020, 3:31 PM
Hey have any of you libtards realized yet that your party is STILL losing from any and all perspectives? I mean, I realize you have your CNN's and all of the networks etc blowing smoke up your wake77's and telling you it's all good-like any good comfort animal would, but when you lay your fat heads on those huge pillows of yours, don't you know in your heart of hearts that you're goin down like the Chiefs on Sunday?
Are you just fighting here out of instinct or do you really think you have a chance to dethrone your Master, Trump Daddy? Honestly, what's the point? It's useless to resist the sheer mass of us normal people. The karma pendulum has swung big time. We outnumber you. Thank God!
Join Date: Oct 2006
01-30-2020, 2:47 AM
We are all losing you fool and there is a point! The only defense the republicans have left is: "Yeah, the president may have lied straight to your face for the past few months, but he is the president and if he wants to send his personal lawyer to undermine a US ambassador to help himself get re-elected, he can."
I wonder what kind of damage a progressive billionaire or socialist could do with that kind of power? There are a lot of socialist dictators out there and we will have a democrat president again, if we like it or not. The job of the legislature is to help check the power of the president, not hand him a blank check.
I want this to be finally sorted by an election, but I also want Trumps lies laid bare (75% of America wants witnesses) and I definitely don't want more power handed over to the executive branch. I don't like schumer or pelosi either, but they are only 1/535. The president is 1/1. If you put a power hungry crazy person in that position and he has free reign to do whatever he wants without consulting congress--We all lose.
And for your assertion that the pendulum has swung. The second smallest margin of victory in history, is not a landslide and it will not hold for long. There are a lot of us out there that are moderate, that elect based on fiscal responsibility and smaller government. We are looking at the current GOP scratching our heads asking why the entire party is cowing to one man? Where is the fiscal responsibility? Who do I vote for now?
Last edited by skiboarder; 01-30-2020 at 2:52 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-30-2020, 3:02 AM
What’s one of the toughest events to get into in this country now? A Trump rally. There’s a reason for that. People are tired of having the leftist media tell us how it is. We’re fed up with smoke and mirrors. Fed up with illegal immigration, the queer agenda, socialism etc etc etc. We needed a cowboy to come in and crack some skulls. We got it now and don’t want to give it up. Is everything perfect and is Trump a little angel? Heck no, but I’m willing to put up with some of his stupid crap in exchange for some other more important benefits.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-30-2020, 3:21 AM
Yes, and it's exactly that kind of shortsightedness that makes immature little runts like you so dangerous. The adults are talking about precedent and the future and all you morons have is "suck it libtards" lol.
And the latest Trump defense? HILARIOUS - "the president thought his personal political gain was in the best interest of the country, therefore it's not impeachable" - LOL. Imagine if Clinton had used that defense - "well it's a stressful job so a littl beej here and there keeps my head clear which is clearly in the best interest of the country." Classic.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-30-2020, 3:39 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
Yes, and it's exactly that kind of shortsightedness that makes immature little runts like you so dangerous. The adults are talking about precedent and the future and all you morons have is "suck it libtards" lol.
And the latest Trump defense? HILARIOUS - "the president thought his personal political gain was in the best interest of the country, therefore it's not impeachable" - LOL. Imagine if Clinton had used that defense - "well it's a stressful job so a littl beej here and there keeps my head clear which is clearly in the best interest of the country." Classic.
When you stop and consider the alternative, you realize it really IS in the best interest of the country for him to win again.  . Sorry if that melts you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-30-2020, 3:44 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
Yes, and it's exactly that kind of shortsightedness that makes immature little runts like you so dangerous. The adults are talking about precedent and the future and all you morons have is "suck it libtards" lol.
And the latest Trump defense? HILARIOUS - "the president thought his personal political gain was in the best interest of the country, therefore it's not impeachable" - LOL. Imagine if Clinton had used that defense - "well it's a stressful job so a littl beej here and there keeps my head clear which is clearly in the best interest of the country." Classic.
When you stop and consider the alternative, you realize it really IS in the best interest of the country for him to win again.  . Sorry if that melts you.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-30-2020, 6:22 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
We are all losing you fool and there is a point! The only defense the republicans have left is: "Yeah, the president may have lied straight to your face for the past few months, but he is the president and if he wants to send his personal lawyer to undermine a US ambassador to help himself get re-elected, he can."
I wonder what kind of damage a progressive billionaire or socialist could do with that kind of power? There are a lot of socialist dictators out there and we will have a democrat president again, if we like it or not. The job of the legislature is to help check the power of the president, not hand him a blank check.
I want this to be finally sorted by an election, but I also want Trumps lies laid bare (75% of America wants witnesses) and I definitely don't want more power handed over to the executive branch. I don't like schumer or pelosi either, but they are only 1/535. The president is 1/1. If you put a power hungry crazy person in that position and he has free reign to do whatever he wants without consulting congress--We all lose.
And for your assertion that the pendulum has swung. The second smallest margin of victory in history, is not a landslide and it will not hold for long. There are a lot of us out there that are moderate, that elect based on fiscal responsibility and smaller government. We are looking at the current GOP scratching our heads asking why the entire party is cowing to one man? Where is the fiscal responsibility? Who do I vote for now?
This, 100%.
Dershowitz lost his mind and should lose his license to practice law, Harvard is embarrassed today.
This guy just made the argument that the president can do anything he wants and its legal, anything. He could give Alaska to Putin in exchange for election help and its ok, hope those Alaskans speak Russian. He could close voting booths in TX and Florida due to "concern of corruption" and eliminate the states from voting. Dershowitz warped opinion would have made Nixons impeachment unwarranted. Its "ok". Talk about a constitutional crisis. US elections are no longer free elections. The day is here. Donald Trump has destroyed the United States. Imagine what happens going forward. The short sightedness of the GOP is staggering. History will not be kind to this administration. You can order Boltons book online today, do they think this will look good in a few weeks when the evidence is available to everyone, the evidence the GOP decided to cover-up from the American people. He was in the room, 1st person testimony, isnt this what the GOP said was needed? Yesterday more info dripped, Lindsey Grahamn was in the loop with Rudy, Parnas, and the rest. Thought he was a juror?
May as well hold the senate vote today, according to Dersh, he can do no wrong. No need for witnesses or for the president to provide any subpoenaed documents that tell the truth. Truth and law is not required in fact it is stifled. An election in 2020 is irrelevant, why even have it? Trump is king and kings remain in power.
Remember this? I recited it and believed in it everyday for decades.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.".
Now... I pledge allegiance to Donald J. Trump. There is no Republic, we stand for our king, there shall be no gods before me except Donald J. Trump who reins forever.
The GOP is a minority, imagine what the dems will do after this. They have numbers and will one day be in power.
Is the DNC on the phone to China yet? Every GOP senator will be in play. They all have skeletons and foreign countries are the best at finding it because they have no rules.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-30-2020, 8:33 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This, 100%.
Dershowitz lost his mind and should lose his license to practice law, Harvard is embarrassed today.
This guy just made the argument that the president can do anything he wants and its legal, anything. He could give Alaska to Putin in exchange for election help and its ok, hope those Alaskans speak Russian. He could close voting booths in TX and Florida due to "concern of corruption" and eliminate the states from voting. Dershowitz warped opinion would have made Nixons impeachment unwarranted. Its "ok". Talk about a constitutional crisis. US elections are no longer free elections. The day is here. Donald Trump has destroyed the United States. Imagine what happens going forward. The short sightedness of the GOP is staggering. History will not be kind to this administration. You can order Boltons book online today, do they think this will look good in a few weeks when the evidence is available to everyone, the evidence the GOP decided to cover-up from the American people. He was in the room, 1st person testimony, isnt this what the GOP said was needed? Yesterday more info dripped, Lindsey Grahamn was in the loop with Rudy, Parnas, and the rest. Thought he was a juror?
May as well hold the senate vote today, according to Dersh, he can do no wrong. No need for witnesses or for the president to provide any subpoenaed documents that tell the truth. Truth and law is not required in fact it is stifled. An election in 2020 is irrelevant, why even have it? Trump is king and kings remain in power.
Remember this? I recited it and believed in it everyday for decades.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.".
Now... I pledge allegiance to Donald J. Trump. There is no Republic, we stand for our king, there shall be no gods before me except Donald J. Trump who reins forever.
The GOP is a minority, imagine what the dems will do after this. They have numbers and will one day be in power.
Is the DNC on the phone to China yet? Every GOP senator will be in play. They all have skeletons and foreign countries are the best at finding it because they have no rules.
Whoa there. Settle yourself. You’re gonna pull a hammy. Calm down. You’re like a combo of a hysterical woman and chicken little.
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-30-2020, 2:05 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This, 100%.
Dershowitz lost his mind and should lose his license to practice law, Harvard is embarrassed today.
This guy just made the argument that the president can do anything he wants and its legal, anything. He could give Alaska to Putin in exchange for election help and its ok, hope those Alaskans speak Russian. He could close voting booths in TX and Florida due to "concern of corruption" and eliminate the states from voting. Dershowitz warped opinion would have made Nixons impeachment unwarranted. Its "ok". Talk about a constitutional crisis. US elections are no longer free elections. The day is here. Donald Trump has destroyed the United States. Imagine what happens going forward. The short sightedness of the GOP is staggering. History will not be kind to this administration. You can order Boltons book online today, do they think this will look good in a few weeks when the evidence is available to everyone, the evidence the GOP decided to cover-up from the American people. He was in the room, 1st person testimony, isnt this what the GOP said was needed? Yesterday more info dripped, Lindsey Grahamn was in the loop with Rudy, Parnas, and the rest. Thought he was a juror?
May as well hold the senate vote today, according to Dersh, he can do no wrong. No need for witnesses or for the president to provide any subpoenaed documents that tell the truth. Truth and law is not required in fact it is stifled. An election in 2020 is irrelevant, why even have it? Trump is king and kings remain in power.
Remember this? I recited it and believed in it everyday for decades.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.".
Now... I pledge allegiance to Donald J. Trump. There is no Republic, we stand for our king, there shall be no gods before me except Donald J. Trump who reins forever.
The GOP is a minority, imagine what the dems will do after this. They have numbers and will one day be in power.
Is the DNC on the phone to China yet? Every GOP senator will be in play. They all have skeletons and foreign countries are the best at finding it because they have no rules.
I will support you, that Dershowitz is an extreme democrat and WE all know liberals say insane crazy things, and this may be the time to move over from the dark side. Its going to be ok. you will find more crazy democrats say crazy things, its just the first time you realize it.
Join Date: Jan 2003
01-30-2020, 10:32 PM
Trumps lawyers, complaining that they couldn't call whomever they wanted in the house proceedings, Now, when they Can call all the witnesses they want, Refuse to call Any witnesses!
One thing is for sure, the longer the "trial without witnesses" goes on, trumps approval ratings goes up.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-31-2020, 3:32 AM
IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE SENATE TO CALL WITNESSES!!! Stop already! the case is not strong enough to support further evidence or witnesses. This will be done late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Pelosi already telling the media its unfair and she did not get her way!
Best thing that happen yesterday - President trump handing out hundreds of pens after signing one of the largest trade agreements run history yesterday. Now that was some funny stuff. touche!
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-31-2020, 4:25 AM
Originally Posted by buffalow
IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE SENATE TO CALL WITNESSES!!! Stop already! the case is not strong enough to support further evidence or witnesses. This will be done late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Pelosi already telling the media its unfair and she did not get her way!
Best thing that happen yesterday - President trump handing out hundreds of pens after signing one of the largest trade agreements run history yesterday. Now that was some funny stuff. touche!
Yeah, and that skank, Pelosi, after claiming to be "somber and prayerful" handed out pens after impeaching Trump..... Quite the contrast in reasons to hand out pens. Trump hands em out after fulfilling a campaign promise and actually accomplishing something and all she's got to show for the last 3 years is a premeditated partisan impeachment scam. Reason number 3,427 not to vote libtard ever.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-31-2020, 6:38 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
The best way to play the Biden issue is to just admit it stinks and the whole political system is corrupt. You have to be willing to hold both sides to a higher standard, drop the partisan BS.
Higher standard? LOL... America's moral compass is a fidget spinner.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-31-2020, 7:50 AM
I was wondering where 95 and Wes were today until I read this.
Join Date: Jan 2003
02-02-2020, 1:55 AM
Originally Posted by buffalow
IT IS NOT THE JOB OF THE SENATE TO CALL WITNESSES!!! Stop already! the case is not strong enough to support further evidence or witnesses.
Not strong enough? The republicans already admit what he did was wrong, just not impeachable. I have already stated when this whole thing started that he should not be impeached. They should have at least waited until the subpoenas were backed up by the courts, but after Trump gets re-elected and loses the popular vote again, the Senate should turn Democratic and they should waste no time in getting Trump removed from office,
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-02-2020, 4:57 AM
Originally Posted by joeshmoe
Not strong enough? The republicans already admit what he did was wrong, just not impeachable. I have already stated when this whole thing started that he should not be impeached. They should have at least waited until the subpoenas were backed up by the courts, but after Trump gets re-elected and loses the popular vote again, the Senate should turn Democratic and they should waste no time in getting Trump removed from office,
The house should have not rushed the process. Simple, and if it were you or anyone facing a similar event, you would want equal rights. There was no hurry to send the articles. there was no emergency or national security issue, that was politics. Both sides plays the game, but as a person, not a president or congressman etc etc. Its scary to think that at any given moment, the house can say or do anything without criminal intent. just like the pres is not able to do anything he or she wants, there are rules, and if you are not going to exhaust the process, you lose.
I am sure the Dems will continue to try to impeach, They have been from the first day. That, in itself, has been a major failure in their fight. Telling the public to hang the man, before he is even in office,
This played out like a hate crime, Hate him because he not part of the swamp, and "keep our club swampy" So help us God! thats what it looks like from the outside in. If they never spewed all their propaganda to impeach for 3 years, throwing any **** on the wall, they would have had a much stronger case.
Join Date: May 2013
02-02-2020, 9:21 AM
The real head scratcher here is how all you hardcore Democrats afford these insanely priced boats
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-02-2020, 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jmorlan
The real head scratcher here is how all you hardcore Democrats afford these insanely priced boats 
Obviously, Democrats are smart.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-03-2020, 8:15 AM
How long til we see the new "Sharpie" addition... adding the state of Missouri to Kansas? Because, very stable genius.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-03-2020, 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
How long til we see the new "Sharpie" addition... adding the state of Missouri to Kansas? Because, very stable genius.
Hey listen. He can't possibly be winning all the time. He's still human. Meanwhile, how's that impeachment workin out for ya? Is Pence Prez yet?
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-03-2020, 12:49 PM
Its a done deal, he is impeached forever.
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Twin Cities
02-03-2020, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-03-2020, 1:09 PM
Guess someone should Fire the SOB. Thats what he said, right?
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Twin Cities
02-03-2020, 1:42 PM
POTUS honoring our anthem - sorry copied the wrong link
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-03-2020, 3:56 PM
Iowa caucus results delayed so the DNC can cook the books..... This is so funny!
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-03-2020, 3:57 PM
Spoiler Alert: There's been a mysterious death of the formerly leading candidate and Hillary won!
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-03-2020, 4:03 PM
Libtards "checking for accuracy." BARF!!! Translation: They gotta make sure the "right person" was "counting properly." Totally crooked D-Bags.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-03-2020, 4:27 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Spoiler Alert: There's been a mysterious death of the formerly leading candidate and Hillary won!
Probably suicided themselves. Happens around Hilary a lot. She has terrible luck in that regard.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-04-2020, 2:18 AM
Do we need even a little bit more evidence that the democrat party are the ones who rig elections, are totally worthless, are completely disorganized (think the failed 5 billion dollar Obama care website) and can’t be trusted to ever run this country again?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-04-2020, 2:19 AM
Meanwhile, a hard day of work ahead for everyone at the DNC headquarters begins...
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-04-2020, 2:22 AM
I predict a libtard day of silence on WW today.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2020, 3:06 AM
What a glorious week this is for the Repubs. First Pelosi has to eat crow for putting the death curse on the 49ers. Causing them to lose and having to send chocolates to KC mayor. Then the Dems absolutely destroy themselves last night in Iowa and are trying to figure out how to spin their mess. Tonight State of the Union and Wednesday Acquittal. Stock market is surging, Trumps approval ratings continue to move up. Someone is the demo party is going to get epstein'ed this week.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2020, 3:08 AM
Democrats this morning....
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-04-2020, 3:10 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-04-2020, 3:11 AM
I wouldn’t trust those chocolates from Pelosi.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2020, 3:14 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2020, 3:15 AM
MarkJ - You know those chocolates will have some laxatives in them!
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-04-2020, 5:27 AM
Another gloious week? An impeached senile pres. A cultish GOP covering up in a charade not a trial. A GOP lawmaker saying its legal to shoot socialists. Trump talking about jailing John Bolton. Seal comanders quiting over the spray tan man. Thats a good week for the law and order party? Now just called The Monarch.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-04-2020, 5:38 AM
Democrats are so dysfunctional that they really need to be two parties and Republicans are so unified that they should disband and just let Trump be their supreme leader.
I just wish a party would balance the budget.... Fiscal responsibility isn't even on the table for 2020.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-04-2020, 5:43 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Democrats are so dysfunctional that they really need to be two parties and Republicans are so unified that they should disband and just let Trump be their supreme leader.
I just wish a party would balance the budget.... Fiscal responsibility isn't even on the table for 2020.
Skiboarder 2020!
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2020, 5:46 AM
Uh Uh your Dem trusty polls are even winning now....for President trump that is. Good thing nobody ever cares about polls..
Quick someone Talk about Kansas City, KS or the Deficit or.....
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-04-2020, 5:47 AM
Originally Posted by buffalow
Democrats this morning....
What a $hitshow. Can't believe how badly Iowa boned this. The longer the delay the more pointless Iowa is. Not really sure what the point of Iowa-as-first even is at this point?
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
02-04-2020, 5:49 AM
Iowa has been pointless for a long time and the caucus process is absurd - hopefully this is the end. Hmm let's see let's kick off the Democratic nominating process in a solidly red state that doesn't at all represent the party in the most ridiculous format possible. But hey the DNC is masterful at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-04-2020, 5:54 AM
Agree caucusing is a little weird. It's actually kinda fun and anyone who participates in this thread would enjoy it, I think. It's more for those who geek out on politics. Definitely disfavors casual voters who want to drop a vote and then leave.
I'll be caucusing here in NV in a couple weeks.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-04-2020, 6:08 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Agree caucusing is a little weird. It's actually kinda fun and anyone who participates in this thread would enjoy it, I think. It's more for those who geek out on politics. Definitely disfavors casual voters who want to drop a vote and then leave.
I'll be caucusing here in NV in a couple weeks.
...and that’s what losers do, so have at it! I genuinely hope you enjoy yourself and especially hope you find the right way soon. Hint: Pull your head out, give a crap about your country like JFK told you to and stop voting libtard.
Join Date: May 2013
02-04-2020, 6:35 PM
Originally Posted by markj
...and that’s what losers do, so have at it! I genuinely hope you enjoy yourself and especially hope you find the right way soon. Hint: Pull your head out, give a crap about your country like JFK told you to and stop voting libtard.
c'mon man be nice. Some people are religious, some people vote democrat. Neither are for me, but I wont bash on someone for it. Hes always been helpful here and genuinely seems like a good dude.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-05-2020, 2:59 AM
Originally Posted by Jmorlan
c'mon man be nice. Some people are religious, some people vote democrat. Neither are for me, but I wont bash on someone for it. Hes always been helpful here and genuinely seems like a good dude.
We just watched the President snub the speaker of the house's handshake and then watched the speaker rip up the presidents speech on live television. That is the kind of behavior you scold children for. What you are seeing is a top-down problem in America. They set the tone and it works its way all the way to the message board on a wakeboard website.
Regardless of policy, I just don't understand why they all have to act like such jackasses.
Join Date: Oct 2014
02-05-2020, 3:43 AM
Agreed, Pelosi could have taken the high road but instead acted like a child. It was so pathetic.