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Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-10-2016, 10:07 AM Reply   
"How many gun packing thugs you think are Republican" ?

If Trump supporters acted like this OMG the press would be having a field day. It's funny how the Media lists story's like the Video posted above.

The headline will read "Violence at TRUMP rally" it should read Hillary & Bernie supporters show up to Trump rally and attack Trump supporters as the leave the event.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-10-2016, 10:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
The headline will read "Violence at TRUMP rally" it should read Hillary & Bernie supporters show up to Trump rally and attack Trump supporters as the leave the event.
Or at the very least something along the lines of "Protesters Get Violent at Trump Rally."

I'm not sure you can pin the CA protesters on Bernie or Hillary, but if you can (i.e. they were part of a protest group organized by the campaign) then I also agree with you Grant, that the story should pin the violence on the campaign.

Its repugnant.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-10-2016, 11:08 AM Reply   
How do you Trump guys feel about the long line of republicans who seemingly can't wait to throw Trump under the bus after endorsing him? McConnell, Ryan, Rubio (still "supporting" but stands by statement that Trump cannot be trusted with nuke codes), Corker, Flores, et al? And he has to send out Droopy (Ben Carson) to translate what he really means (which is apparently 180* from the normal interpretation of the words that Trump actually speaks)?

Barring some major revelation about Hillary from FBI or DOJ it is beginning to look like Trump is going to get steamrolled in the general.

(yeah, I did probably just jynx it there)
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-10-2016, 11:54 AM Reply   
Attached Images
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       06-10-2016, 1:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Spoone View Post
Timmy, explain why we are having the whole bathroom issue, when only a small number of transgender people even exist. The whole bathroom issue shouldn't even be an issue. Why change something for the .01%.
Oh, that's an easy one! That bathroom issue was to distract the country from other real issues like the 2 dirtbags that are running for Prez! Notice how the Gorilla issue moved us from the Bathroom issue and then Muhammad Ali's death distracted us from the Gorilla issue and who knows what is next.
Old     (CALIV210)      Join Date: Jun 2015       06-10-2016, 1:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
How do you Trump guys feel about the long line of republicans who seemingly can't wait to throw Trump under the bus after endorsing him? McConnell, Ryan, Rubio (still "supporting" but stands by statement that Trump cannot be trusted with nuke codes), Corker, Flores, et al? And he has to send out Droopy (Ben Carson) to translate what he really means (which is apparently 180* from the normal interpretation of the words that Trump actually speaks)?

Barring some major revelation about Hillary from FBI or DOJ it is beginning to look like Trump is going to get steamrolled in the general.

(yeah, I did probably just jynx it there)
The answer to that is they are scared to death one of the "good ole boys" isn't getting the nomination and the select few of them that are so against Trump might not get to continue with the shady back door deal bull$hit they have been accustom too .
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       06-10-2016, 2:08 PM Reply   
I think there is a lot of truth in your statement there. They all feel like since they put in years and years of time kissing everyone and their cousin's butt that someone with no political experience shouldn't be able to come in and steal it from them.
Old     (allzway)      Join Date: Feb 2014       06-10-2016, 3:26 PM Reply   
The republicans are scared of Trump with reason and so are a lot of people. On the other side.. everyone should also be equally scared of the evil and corrupt Hillary. She is a disaster in the making. She make Nixon look like a choir boy with her level ethics.

Normal folks like us would be in prison for her illegal activity. Several military folks that have done less than her are serving time.

This election disgust me. It is amazing that these two useless effs are the best the parties could puke up.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-11-2016, 7:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by allzway View Post
The republicans are scared of Trump with reason and so are a lot of people. On the other side.. everyone should also be equally scared of the evil and corrupt Hillary. She is a disaster in the making. She make Nixon look like a choir boy with her level ethics.

Normal folks like us would be in prison for her illegal activity. Several military folks that have done less than her are serving time.

This election disgust me. It is amazing that these two useless effs are the best the parties could puke up.
If I ripped off customers for thousands of dollars, would I be "serving time"? I find it funny that criticize Hillary for being corrupt and they back Trump.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-11-2016, 4:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
If I ripped off customers for thousands of dollars, would I be "serving time"? I find it funny that criticize Hillary for being corrupt and they back Trump.
Time to turn off the MSNBC. It's rotting your brain.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-12-2016, 5:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Time to turn off the MSNBC. It's rotting your brain.
The standard right-wing answer to someone who dissents. I couldn't tell you the last time my TV was on MSNBC, or any other cable news outlet, for that matter.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-12-2016, 8:04 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
The standard right-wing answer to someone who dissents. I couldn't tell you the last time my TV was on MSNBC, or any other cable news outlet, for that matter.
Well lets add the other communist sympathizer news outlets then:

Washington Post
New York Times
and NPR of course

Watching coverage of orlando night club shooting this morning on Fox... zero actual "reporting." All they are doing is having talking heads call in and pontificate on what ifs. Sickening.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-12-2016, 11:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
Well lets add the other communist sympathizer news outlets then:

Washington Post
New York Times
and NPR of course

Watching coverage of orlando night club shooting this morning on Fox... zero actual "reporting." All they are doing is having talking heads call in and pontificate on what ifs. Sickening.
Since it was a gay nightclub, I'm surprised they weren't applauding the shootings.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-12-2016, 12:24 PM Reply   
That's a little harsh, Jeremy. To me, this is objective reporting.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-12-2016, 12:32 PM Reply   
So Sad about the night club shootings, 50 people dead. And sad that it will play into of re-Inforce what TRUMP has been talking about/promoting about rooting out Radical Islam.

Say what you want about TRUMP but I'm guessing if he was Prez I can almost bet he would be doing way more about this type of attack then Obama, Hillary, Or Sanders all put together.

Worst part is I have always thought of Europe as the place or region with real radical Islamic Issues.
Looks like slowly but surely europe's bad habits are becoming common place here. Un less we act and act strong these types of attacks will not be rare.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-12-2016, 12:33 PM Reply   
At least Fox says it's a possible terrorist attack
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-12-2016, 1:35 PM Reply   
Trump already climbing over corpses to pat himself on the back. No class
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-12-2016, 2:10 PM Reply   
Wow, Grant, scan more than just the headlines. What a tragedy but it does bring about interesting reporting perspectives, I may be wrong, and I never read Fox News before now, but the Fox reporting, which the left complains about so much appears to be more objective The actual Tweet that is making controversy is ""Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart! "" The difference in how the titles read is the interesting part: .Proactive vs reactive
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-12-2016, 2:43 PM Reply   
If "reporting" consists of putting up your own talking head "experts" to complain about how the president not using the somehow magical words "radical islamic terrorism" caused a U.S. citizen to legally acquire firearms to shoot up a gay bar, then yeah, fox appears to be doing A LOT of reporting today.

This guy was as american (more?) than canada-born Ted Cruz.

If the mere knowledge of the existence of people half a world away who have a particular ideology is enough to set off unaffiliated homegrown wannabes, how in the world do we combat that? Bombing syria into a sheet of glass won't get these ideas off of the internet. It only takes a ragtag few people.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-12-2016, 3:26 PM Reply   
Trump and Obama both may have been a bit premature calling the incident "radical Islamic terrorism."". Even though the son is American born, some of the comments I've read from individuals at websites claim the father is an extremist but I've yet to find any proof of that, Yahoo News had the right idea by interviewing the dad. This may not be a terrorist attack at all but a good example how both sides are willing to jump on the political bandwagon. I include myself on the bandwagon.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-12-2016, 4:33 PM Reply   
There are reports the shooter called 911 and pledged support for ISIS.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-12-2016, 7:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by pesos View Post
There are reports the shooter called 911 and pledged support for ISIS.
The only point I would make about that is if you have a unhinged crazy who is looking to justify their lunacy they will hang it on anything that fits. It may be ISIS inspired rather than supported. Not that it makes a difference I guess, but does make it harder to defend against. Not selling assault weapons to people on a watch list would certainly help tho....
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-12-2016, 7:12 PM Reply   
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-12-2016, 7:37 PM Reply   
Oops got cut off. Was gonna say agreed and it's a multi layered thing... Obvious gay-oriented hate which let's be honest is fueled by both religious and secular society, plus the weapon to amplify the body count (and yes I know he could just build a bomb, but a lot of these sickos and crazies don't and that points to another thing - is it the cowardice/hope that they might survive the incident, or the desired thrill of experiencing the kills, neither, some of both?)
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-12-2016, 8:36 PM Reply   
blame it on video games
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-12-2016, 8:47 PM Reply   
It's very sad. terrible. You can already hear the media slant from both sides. I for one, would hope that this is an argument in favor of guns. If someone there was packing, maybe lives would have been saved. But, those opposed will use it as an argument too. Perhaps we make it more difficult to get a gun, but allow people to carry.

and like someone previously, radical islamic behavior isn't really containable. It's the world that we live in now. On one extreme side, we remove the religion entirely from our borders. That, in my conservative opinion, diminishes who we are as a nation
on the other extreme, we address and change how we are viewed from their side. We give into demands and take away all excuses for them to hate us. That's just plain crazy. They don't want to like us.....

Oh well, it's the "free" Heineken talking, pay no attention
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-12-2016, 8:49 PM Reply   
on a lighter note, I put the '79 Stars and Stripes in the water the other day.......ran great.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-12-2016, 9:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Laker1234 View Post
That's a little harsh, Jeremy. To me, this is objective reporting.
I think it is only harsh because I did make a bit of a blanketed statement about Fox News. However, I think it is absolutely true that there are some right-wing evangelicals cheering inside about this tragedy. If the guy wasn't Muslim, he'd be a martyr to many people here in the great state of TN and other parts of the south.
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-12-2016, 9:22 PM Reply   
Part of the problem is i would say most readers, if not all, agree that this guy should not have access to a gun. However, an opportunistic lawyer or some other "feel good" organization would have a problem with him being "singled out""so the lawsuits begin, the media joins in, and the politicians have little choice but to cave because the public is too busy working to notice. Sound about right?
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-12-2016, 9:49 PM Reply   
I'm going to have to watch Fox news to understand that comment but I cannot imagine anyone celebrating such a tragedy. The Stars and Stripes edition was a rock star boat in its day. One of the best slalom/barefoot boats on the market.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-13-2016, 5:29 AM Reply   
This was a tweet from the Lt. Governor of Texas hours after the shooting occurred:

Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-13-2016, 7:45 AM Reply   
Does anyone have any plausible theories on what Trump could possibly do to solve the problem or American citizens getting guns and committing mass murders? Suggestions that Trump is right and will do something don't impress me.

Something just doesn't feel right about this guy targeting gays in the name of ISIS. The very people who an ISIS sympathizer should be most against are the same people who would be feeling silent satisfaction over gays being targeted. Or in the case of a Texas Lt Gov, not so silent.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-13-2016, 8:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Does anyone have any plausible theories on what Trump could possibly do to solve the problem or American citizens getting guns and committing mass murders? Suggestions that Trump is right and will do something don't impress me.

Something just doesn't feel right about this guy targeting gays in the name of ISIS. The very people who an ISIS sympathizer should be most against are the same people who would be feeling silent satisfaction over gays being targeted. Or in the case of a Texas Lt Gov, not so silent.
zactly John. As with San Bernardino, why will getting the military involved in the ME stop a homegrown attack by a US citizen with locally purchased guns and ammo? "Inspired by ISIS" basically means that ISIS gives zero material support or training. Rather, madman just calls in to give a 911 shoutout before rampaging. No way are we going to bomb the ISIS ideology off of the internet for the next unhinged citizen to latch onto.
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       06-13-2016, 10:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Does anyone have any plausible theories on what Trump could possibly do to solve the problem or American citizens getting guns and committing mass murders? Suggestions that Trump is right and will do something don't impress me.
His standard reply is "by using good management".
Old     (timmyb)      Join Date: Apr 2007       06-13-2016, 10:40 AM Reply   
The worst part about this shooter is that he was investigated multiple times but there wasn't enough to convict him of anything so he continued on. I have no idea what the govt could have done in this case. You can't just take away someone's civil liberties because you "think" they might do something so he was able to go out and purchase a couple of guns legally and then his rage/hatred/anger took over and destroyed the lives of 100+ people. They interviewed his ex-wife and she didn't seem too surprised that he was capable of something like this.

So, what could Obama/Trump/Clinton/Johnson do to stop this?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 11:21 AM Reply   
Jeremy and John, the tweet released by the governor was picked on Thursday (before the shootings) to go up on Sunday. I guess he (or rather his staff) tweets Bible verses every Sunday. He was on some island when it posted and didnt even know about the shootings until later. You might wanna do some research before spreading that kind of crap around and commenting on it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 11:24 AM Reply   
In other words, it was just a coincidence.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-13-2016, 11:39 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You might wanna do some research before spreading that kind of crap around and commenting on it.
Least of my concerns.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-13-2016, 12:01 PM Reply   
As far as the question "what could trump do"
Well in my opinion after 9/11 the country because more PC as far as NOT going after people that looked like we were at war with. We had to tip toe around the subject, God forbid we offend anyone "Racial Profiling" OMG we can't do that, even though it has proven to work! I'm not advocating Racial Profiling. I'm just saying If it walks like a duck! But the Libs IMO have turned the criminals into the Victums. And they SEEM to have more rights then the people they attack or effect.

Now TRUMP IMO seems to be more aligned with calling a spade a spade and putting these PC terms to rest and saying what needs to be said the TRUTH. Many time it comes out harsh and off base and many times it mis quoted or sound bights, but thoes of us interested find out the full story behind the sound bight and what he says makes sence.

How can you attack a problem when you can't even Talk about it?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-13-2016, 1:01 PM Reply   
Yep, Trump said "PC was what's wrong with this nation", and proceeded to show us what being non-PC accomplishes.... A bunch of people violently protesting his non-PCness. Totally predictable. I find it amazing how stupid people are with this PC crap. Who in the f**k is dumb enough to believe that Obama calling out "Islamic Terrorism" is going to make Islamic Terrorists go... "Oh no, they figured it out. We'd better stop"? Apparently a lot. LOL
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-13-2016, 1:02 PM Reply   
"How can you attack a problem when you can't even Talk about it?"

What's stopping you from talking about it?
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-13-2016, 1:04 PM Reply   
Here's one plan Trump may consider which is a step in the right direction, "Not allowing people on the No-Fly list to buy guns."
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-13-2016, 1:06 PM Reply   
Yep, that's the one that I can't believe hasn't been implemented yet. Somehow I imagine we can thank the NRA for the delay...
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-13-2016, 1:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
How can you attack a problem when you can't even Talk about it?
Let's talk about the problem.

If we are gonna racially profile, by my count, since Obama has opened the floodgates to terrorists by making America weaker, the racial profile for mass shootings is still mostly white guys, followed by four muslim guys, two asian guys, a muslim woman and a black guy. Notably, it doesn't appear that any of the thieves, rapists and drug dealers that we are going to keep out with The Wall are prone to mass shooting events.

What makes this particular shooting rampage terrorism vs say Charleston, Roseburg, Aurora or Sandy Hook?

How come when the perp is a white guy, the answer is "better enforcement of existing gun laws, better mental health services," but when the perp has a middle eastern name it's terrorism? Sandy Hook.... shrug, whatcha gonna do, crazy people be crazy; San Bernardino.... ermagerd it's the muslims!

How do we solve this problem if we interpret the same actions totally differently depending on the lunatic American's ethnic/religious background?
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-13-2016, 1:58 PM Reply   
Actually it was Ben Carson who made that statement. Trump the one who said he was a "Radical Islamic Terrorist." Clinton has now changed her mind
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-13-2016, 2:06 PM Reply   
Wes, we finally agree on something. I cannot believe anyone would be opposed to that--more research needed.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-13-2016, 2:52 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by Laker1234 View Post
Here's one plan Trump may consider which is a step in the right direction, "Not allowing people on the No-Fly list to buy guns."
What about your 2nd amendment rights? Anybody can be slapped on the no-fly list and apparently there is not much you can do about it.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-13-2016, 3:08 PM Reply   
Ron, looks like BS politics on both sides:
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-13-2016, 3:08 PM Reply   
You got me on that one, John. I'm not sure if that's a PC issue or not but that may be one of those laws that will allow agencies, such as the FBI, to be proactive and fend off a possible terroristic act by prohibiting a purchase until that person can be cleared.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-13-2016, 3:57 PM Reply   
I don't think that it's really a PC issue. It's a matter of denying Constitutional rights without due process. The guy in this attack was a natural born US citizen with nothing really on his record that would have prevented him getting a gun even if there were background checks for psychiatric problems or criminal history.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-13-2016, 5:13 PM Reply   
Attached Images
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-13-2016, 5:57 PM Reply   
never underestimate the ability of people on the internet to be a-holes.
Old     (pesos)      Join Date: Oct 2001 Location: Texas       06-13-2016, 6:17 PM Reply
Old     (Laker1234)      Join Date: Mar 2010       06-13-2016, 6:53 PM Reply   
Jeremy, too bad the FBI couldn't be allowed to "red flag"" people they suspect to be prone to such a violent act. He had been investigated three times and I doubt they would spend that much manpower on someone without a reasonable cause.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-13-2016, 7:37 PM Reply   
WTF is wrong with people? Any loopy bigoted idea can be justified by twisted religion. People need to start thinking for themselves and owning there own ideas. You can't blame Jesus or Mohammad for hating people, that's on you....
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-13-2016, 8:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Jeremy and John, the tweet released by the governor was picked on Thursday (before the shootings) to go up on Sunday. I guess he (or rather his staff) tweets Bible verses every Sunday. He was on some island when it posted and didnt even know about the shootings until later. You might wanna do some research before spreading that kind of crap around and commenting on it.
Yeah, sure markj. Because no politician has ever sent an insensitive message out via social media during a tragedy.

I honestly don't give a sheet what a politician in TX has to say on the issue, especially when they choose to inject their respective dogma into the public realm. And then to act like it was a "mistake" is very insulting to people that have an IQ higher than a raisin.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       06-13-2016, 9:45 PM Reply   
the Texas guy's comments were out of line. If he feels this way, he should certainly keep it to himself.
It's increasingly difficult to side with, or defend any politicians comments or stance on issues. It is very predictable that the right will shout islam and the left will scream gun control. It would be nice to have a President that could land us somewhere in the middle.....

like I said before, feeling very disenfranchised
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-13-2016, 9:48 PM Reply   
So let's Re Cap!

A Racalized Muzlim, gets a Gun (when he shouldn't be allowed to) in what ever manner weather he buys it off the street or he has his neighbor buy if for him (like in San burendino) and then the guy Gos to town with it in a gay night club in Florida
The first thing Jeremey posts a link or TRYS to point to is some stupid link to evangelicals having a party because some Muslim Jack ass went to town in a gay night club.

Talk about dervision! I'm sure more Libral tactics and policy's were to fault that caused this mass killing Vs Conservitive policy's.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-13-2016, 10:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
So let's Re Cap!

A Racalized Muzlim, gets a Gun (when he shouldn't be allowed to) in what ever manner weather he buys it off the street or he has his neighbor buy if for him (like in San burendino) and then the guy Gos to town with it in a gay night club in Florida
The first thing Jeremey posts a link or TRYS to point to is some stupid link to evangelicals having a party because some Muslim Jack ass went to town in a gay night club.

Talk about dervision! I'm sure more Libral tactics and policy's were to fault that caused this mass killing Vs Conservitive policy's.
To be fair, Jeremy's link was to show that hatred and violence towards other humans is not unique to muslims which is pretty hard to argue against. Lib/Conserv finger pointing doesn't make anything better, the sad thing is looking at the current state of America and its occupants its pretty clear nothing is going to change anytime soon.

35 people per day die in america from gun homicide so Orlando was just a busier day than normal, this will blow over in a few weeks and normal service can resume.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 10:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
Yeah, sure markj. Because no politician has ever sent an insensitive message out via social media during a tragedy.

I honestly don't give a sheet what a politician in TX has to say on the issue, especially when they choose to inject their respective dogma into the public realm. And then to act like it was a "mistake" is very insulting to people that have an IQ higher than a raisin.
Again, might wanna fact check things before you go shooting off your mouth. If you "don't give a sheet" about what a politician in TX has to say, why did you regurgitate it and post it here??? Were you lying then or now? You see? I think you DO care and you're not even remotely honest about it. Only after being outed and shown that what you posted was a lie, did you say you didn't care. Your opinions and dogma are bankrupt and always will be. My only hope for you is that you will eventually go out and live in the real world and learn the truth. Not just keep puking up what your liberal professors have been force feeding you. Ever consider a critical thinking class? Might help you. Then again, it depends on who's teaching it.

Last edited by markj; 06-13-2016 at 10:06 PM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 10:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Least of my concerns.
Yeah... Who cares about the truth, right?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 10:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Again, might wanna fact check things before you go shooting off your mouth. If you "don't give a sheet" about what a politician in TX has to say, why did you regurgitate it and post it here??? Were you lying then or now? You see? I think you DO care and you're not even remotely honest about it. Only after being outed and shown that what you posted was a lie, did you say you didn't care. Your opinions and dogma are bankrupt and always will be. My only hope for you is that you will eventually go out and live in the real world and learn the truth. Not just keep puking up what your liberal professors have been force feeding you. Ever consider a critical thinking class? Might help you. Then again, it depends on who's teaching it.
Actually, what you posted wasn't a lie, but the reason you posted it was. Typical for a non-critical thinker.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 10:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
So let's Re Cap!

A Racalized Muzlim, gets a Gun (when he shouldn't be allowed to) in what ever manner weather he buys it off the street or he has his neighbor buy if for him (like in San burendino) and then the guy Gos to town with it in a gay night club in Florida
The first thing Jeremey posts a link or TRYS to point to is some stupid link to evangelicals having a party because some Muslim Jack ass went to town in a gay night club.

Talk about dervision! I'm sure more Libral tactics and policy's were to fault that caused this mass killing Vs Conservitive policy's.
Atrocities commited towards the English language aside, I agree. What puzzles me though, is how does our president deal with this? First, he's a Muslim or at least a Muslim sympathiser. His boy just went and shot up another group that happens to be another constituency of his. Isn't that a conflict of interest within the democratic party? I don't understand why no one else has mentioned this yet.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 10:32 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by wake77 View Post
Yeah, sure markj. Because no politician has ever sent an insensitive message out via social media during a tragedy.

I honestly don't give a sheet what a politician in TX has to say on the issue, especially when they choose to inject their respective dogma into the public realm. And then to act like it was a "mistake" is very insulting to people that have an IQ higher than a raisin.
He never said or acted like it was a mistake, Re Re. Stop being so lazy and look it up for yourself like I did. Otherwise, shut your pie hole. If I wasn't so stupid in terms of knowing how to post a link on this site, I would have done it already just to shut you up. That said, I don't hate or dislike you, even if my posts sound that way. I just think you're misguided and maybe a little brainwashed.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-13-2016, 10:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I don't understand why no one else has mentioned this yet.
Maybe because it is an example of flawed logic. If a white middle aged man bashes up an old granny I don't feel responsible, even tho I am a white middle aged man.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-13-2016, 10:36 PM Reply   
why shouldn't he have been allowed to get a gun? For having evil thoughts? He was a citizen who passed the requisite background check according to the gun shop owner who sold him the guns.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-13-2016, 10:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
why shouldn't he have been allowed to get a gun? For having evil thoughts? He was a citizen who passed the requisite background check according to the gun shop owner who sold him the guns.
No reason at all! Like I said, in a few weeks this will blow over and you guys can resume killing each other at a rate of 35 per day.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 10:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Maybe because it is an example of flawed logic. If a white middle aged man bashes up an old granny I don't feel responsible, even tho I am a white middle aged man.
There isn't any logic involved. It's a simple statement of facts. You can't at least appreciate the irony? It's gotta be a personal conflict inside what's left of our commander in chief. Additionally, after refusing to walk on that banana peel, Billary has now been FORCED to use the term "radical islamists." I love it. Trump finally made her do it.

Last edited by markj; 06-13-2016 at 11:02 PM.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-13-2016, 11:16 PM Reply   
You are correct, no logic is involved

Last edited by ralph; 06-13-2016 at 11:16 PM. Reason: Brain malfunction
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       06-13-2016, 11:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Maybe because it is an example of flawed logic. If a white middle aged man bashes up an old granny I don't feel responsible, even tho I am a white middle aged man.
So using your "logic", do you go around protecting or doing PR work for old white men who bash up old ladies like Obama protects muslim extremists even though you don't bash old ladies up yourself? Obama has been protecting muslim extremists for years! He doesnt even have the balls to even call them what they are!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-14-2016, 1:00 AM Reply   
If you could give some examples of Obama protecting muslim extremists it would help your argument no end. Not that it matters I guess. If it's not clear already I don't believe this is a terrorist attack anymore than any other mass shooting recently in the US.

You can blame who ever you like for these things, until the American people demand change things will continue as they have. I don't know if a change to the gun control laws will"fix" the issue but it must help. The US gun homicide rates are 10x other similar societies rates per capita. That is shameful. Either it is due to the ready access to assault and hand guns or you guys just hate each other more than everybody else. I don't know what the answer is.

It's probably easier to limit the access to devastating weapons than it is to teach people to be tolerant of each other.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       06-14-2016, 1:13 AM Reply   
Just looking at some numbers, the murder rate for the US is 4x other similar societies, where the gun homicide rate is 10x. So it seems to be a combination of not liking each other and ready access to guns. Lots of work to do I guess.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-14-2016, 7:03 AM Reply   
"Obama protects muslim extremists"

Protects them how? You mean protects them with the rule of law and the intelligence to not incite the fringe element to go vigilante on them? In that case, I agree. At least somebody in Washington is doing their job. Otherwise I challenge you to come up with one thing that Obama did to facilitate this guy's attack in Orlando. And if you need to post links I'm sure there's a neighborhood kid that can help you.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-14-2016, 7:16 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yeah... Who cares about the truth, right?
How do you know what you posted is the truth? It's the least of my concerns because Patrick built his own reputation. And if his actions make him look suspect, then I consider that reaping what you sow.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-14-2016, 8:00 AM Reply   
Maybe its just me, but I think its crazy that anyone can walk into a gun store and buy a military grade gun on the same day. Whats the purpose? Home defense? Give me a break. A shotgun works best for that anyway. I am not for banning them, but I think there should be long waiting periods and certain licenses that need to be obtained.

This is coming from someone who owns one as well.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-14-2016, 9:27 AM Reply   
More Examples of PC laws and the ACLU help protecting the Roaches. Why was a Guy that was investigated by the FBI on 2 occasions allowed to own or buy a AR & Glock. First time he told co workers he was associated with Al Qaeda and the second time he was investigated and questioned by the FBI was for being associated or knowing a suicide bomber. But God forbid we ban this guy or place him on a "watch list " that would be racially profileing someone.

Living here in CA we have to pass a background check and waiting period Ect. Lots of paper work Ect. But if you drive over the mountain to Nevada 3+ hrs away you can legally buy a AR and all the high capacity mags and ammo from a Dude out of his trunk in the parking Lott of Walmart! No paperwork no background check. BUT YET. Here in Ca they are trying to pass more useless laws about stupid Bullit buttons and Mag capacity,(um hello they are buying and selling guns out of their trunk Next door) why not do somthing about that First and then worry about the amount of 223 your mag holds, it's just so Stupid!!! I fear This loophole will soon be exploited.
Old     (tweeder)      Join Date: Aug 2015       06-14-2016, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by psudy View Post
Maybe its just me, but I think its crazy that anyone can walk into a gun store and buy a military grade gun on the same day. Whats the purpose? Home defense? Give me a break. A shotgun works best for that anyway. I am not for banning them, but I think there should be long waiting periods and certain licenses that need to be obtained.

This is coming from someone who owns one as well.

I think the AR15 is a great home defense weapon. If a shotgun was soo much better don't you think soldiers and swat would be clearing homes with them instead of the AR15's or other SMG's.

Qualifying firearms as military grade is a terrible measure that could result in almost a ban or license required for every firearm made. The Beretta 9mm, Colt 45 were or are military firearms. Should I have to get a license to own a handgun then? What about hunting rifles? Vietnam saw the use of the 30-06 and 308 hunting rifle for sniper uses, and the current choices of sniper rifles all chamber the same round as every hunting rifle out there and are virtually all the same firearms. Should I be required to own one for a hunting rifle too?

We already have a system in place for people that want to own fully automatic firearms.

I don't see any correlation between states laws and firearm deaths and neither does the washington post.

Which I find more ironic, I don't care about gun deaths. I want to see numbers for the states with the highest amount of gun violence. Not suicides, accidental shootings. I want to see numbers for murders, armed robberies, armed assault etc. Yet I can't find a single statistic for it on Google Search.

In my own belief you can't find that and their is no correlation between gun deaths and states laws because guns are not the problem. Its the cultures we have here in the United States that are the problem. Guns are merely a tool, it is the culture that decides how we use the tool that needs to be fixed. Here is a quote from another forum I frequent that I completely agree with.

Guns are merely a symptom of the problem. Like other diseases sometimes you have to vaccinate yourself with a similar virus in order to protect yourself. If you beat the virus back enough it will mutate and become more resistant and possibly threatening. Guns will turn into bombs (the preferred method in other less gun readily available countries).

Whether its mental health or terrorist blowback no one seems to be concerned with facing the actual problem(s) but rather treating the symptoms.

Last edited by tweeder; 06-14-2016 at 10:15 AM.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       06-14-2016, 10:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by grant_west View Post
More Examples of PC laws and the ACLU help protecting the Roaches. Why was a Guy that was investigated by the FBI on 2 occasions allowed to own or buy a AR & Glock. First time he told co workers he was associated with Al Qaeda and the second time he was investigated and questioned by the FBI was for being associated or knowing a suicide bomber. But God forbid we ban this guy or place him on a "watch list " that would be racially profileing someone.
Grant the "PC laws" you are referring to are the Bill of Rights. Let's say that one of your co-workers saw the crazy stuff you post on wakeworld and called the FBI. FBI comes out and talks to you, finds nothing actionable. Should you lose your right to buy a gun? In the eyes of the law, the Orlando shooter, a natural born citizen, is just like you -- innocent until proven guilty. I cannot believe that you are really advocating trampling on the second amendment like that.

Was the ACLU involved in this guy's FBI investigation? Have a link for that?
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       06-14-2016, 10:18 AM Reply   
^^^^The crazy stuff I post here on W/W. LOL that's a good one! You mean like all the grammar and spelling errors I'm guilty of. LOL your Funny keep posting I like the crazy stuff you post.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       06-14-2016, 10:19 AM Reply   
The level of delusion is strong when Grant starts blaming liberals for lax gun laws and for the govt/FBI not being able to restrict the people's 2nd Amendment rights without due process. Are we in opposite world now?

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