Join Date: Apr 2002
05-28-2016, 2:49 PM
I don't see the need for uni sex anything to be honest, what do we think will happen if you mix people of different sex in a bathroom or anywhere else for that matter? IME spontaneous orgies don't happen.
What are we trying to teach children, we have to keep you apart or sex will automatically happen? Just teach them they always have a choice and are responsible for them.
Join Date: Nov 2009
05-28-2016, 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by rdlangston13
It goes far beyond bathrooms, it also includes locker room and showering facilities. Hotel rooms on out of town field trips, and in college, dorm rooms. A girl can show up for her freshman year of college and end up with a 50 year old male room mate who says he feels like a female. there is no surgery or certain appearance requirement they have to meet. Just have to say they feel like a girl. Same goes for the girls, a student can identify as boy in science class, change their mind and identify as a girl in gym class, and the become a boy again for algebra the next period. The order is crazy.
I guess that's totally true, if very unlikely. What should we do about the much more likely scenario of a gay classmate in the locker room or gay roommate in the dorm?
Is there really a college that houses 50 year olds of any sexual orientation with 18 year olds? If so can you please advise which one? My kid will be applying in the fall.
Join Date: Nov 2009
05-28-2016, 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
This type of thing is why I could never vote democrat (no matter how bad the republican might be)
Join Date: Oct 2005
05-29-2016, 12:34 AM
trump isn't who represents me and my party affiliation. I thought that I had made that clear. But, any democrat, certainly doesn't represent who is reflective of my beliefs
Is this that difficult to understand?
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-01-2016, 5:00 PM
06-02-2016, 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
I don't see the need for uni sex anything to be honest, what do we think will happen if you mix people of different sex in a bathroom or anywhere else for that matter? IME spontaneous orgies don't happen.
What are we trying to teach children, we have to keep you apart or sex will automatically happen? Just teach them they always have a choice and are responsible for them.
It is not about orgies. The prison system is absolutely full of sexual predators. I do not want an adult male in the multi stall restroom with my daughters. Period.
Join Date: Apr 2012
06-02-2016, 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Is there really a college that houses 50 year olds of any sexual orientation with 18 year olds? If so can you please advise which one? My kid will be applying in the fall.
College housing is not determined based on your age and there is no age limit. If someone applies for the dorms they are placed in a room and this happens frequently if the student is on any type of financial aid. When I was in school there was a 40 something year old guy living in the dorms with mainly all freshmen...
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-02-2016, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
It is not about orgies. The prison system is absolutely full of sexual predators. I do not want an adult male in the multi stall restroom with my daughters. Period.
If your daughters are in a coed prison I'd say they prolly have bigger issues than whether the person in the stall next to them is male or female.
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-02-2016, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by iShredSAN
College housing is not determined based on your age and there is no age limit. If someone applies for the dorms they are placed in a room and this happens frequently if the student is on any type of financial aid. When I was in school there was a 40 something year old guy living in the dorms with mainly all freshmen...
That's super weird. Where did you go to school?
06-02-2016, 10:43 AM
We had a guy in his 50's in our series of classes for our degree and a few more in their 30's as well. Your kids get mixed with all sorts of people at school.
06-02-2016, 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
If your daughters are in a coed prison I'd say they prolly have bigger issues than whether the person in the stall next to them is male or female.
I don't think you know as much about sexual predator crime as you would like to think you do.
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-02-2016, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
We had a guy in his 50's in our series of classes for our degree and a few more in their 30's as well. Your kids get mixed with all sorts of people at school.
Oh I definitely had nontraditional students in my classes. But the dorms not so much. LOL I cannot imagine the hell that would be me trying to live in my eighteen year old self's dorm now (which was the time of my life at the time).
I don't think you know as much about sexual predator crime as you would like to think you do.
So the only thing stopping a huge wave of potential child molestation is unisex bathrooms? You DO seem to know a lot about it... can you educate us? There are studies to this effect?
It was my understanding that the vast majority of child molestation is by a trusted adult, NOT by a "chester molester" hiding in a bathroom. https://victimsofcrime.org/media/rep...trators-of-csa
Join Date: Sep 2007
06-02-2016, 3:04 PM
Yep. Because sexual predators until now have been sitting around going "I really want to molest a kid, and I would totally do it, except the silhouette icon on that door is wearing a dress. I can't go in. Shucks. I guess I'll just watch TV."
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-03-2016, 1:14 AM
you guys are stupid.
It sounds like the goal is make transgender people comfortable. and allow them to use the locker room that they most identify with . that means that eventually it will be "normal" for a penis to be in the vagina locker room. Young kids will be perfectly accustom to seeing the opposite plumbing when they shower after 5th grade gym class.
isn't that what this is all about?
then why require bathing suits at the beach? why cant Betty go topless in the park?
if school aged kids are to be exposed to this, then what's the point of any of the other decency laws?
if this isn't the case, then even liberals have a line that they wont cross.
if that's true, then what they are saying is......hey, let's not discriminate when it comes to going pee, but a locker room.....that's crossing the line. At that point, yall aren't equal
liberals are so stupid
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-03-2016, 7:06 AM
The religious right began this crusade as an attempt to "get back" at DC over the SC decision last summer. If you need any proof of that, look at where most of these laws originated. TN tried to pass similar legislation. One question that was never answered by lawmakers was, "How do you go about enforcing this ban?". Is there going to be a bathroom security guard that grabs the crotch of any person attempting to enter the women's room? (The reason I only mention the women's room is because that is the only sex that is mentioned in the conversation with this law). Can we expect someone busting into the stall when someone is taking a dump to make sure the person has the right plumbing? It's nonsense. There are already laws in place to protect people from harassment in restrooms. And the whole "now it will be easier for sexual predators" argument is asinine. Sexual predators don't care about laws (doesn't that sound familiar?). Another connection the religious right has made is that transgender = sexual predator.
My stance is I don't check out people when I enter the restroom. I go in, take a leak/*****, wash my hands, and leave. I always accompany my kids to the restroom; law or no law. There is not going to be all of these huge instances of men deciding they want to exploit the ability to be transgender and raid the women's room, that is chicken little BS. True transgender people are going to continue to use the restroom they identify with, and 99.99997% of us will be none the wiser.
Bottomline, this was worthless legislation that was brought up to appease evangelicals. Personally, I feel my kids would be even more perplexed if they see a guy in full women's garb taking a wizz in the urinal. But that's just me.
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-03-2016, 10:38 AM
Cliff -- I kinda agree with you about the locker room scenario. I'm really not sure what the best way to deal with the situation is where full nudity is possible/expected/required. In my own limited experience in a single school district with two high schoolers. the awkward "mandatory showers" that I was required to participate in back in the 80s are no longer required. If kids wanna reek like B.O. (and way too much Axe) all day after gym class, they are allowed to in my area. In short, 'round here, kids don't take group showers at school anymore. And really, if you think about it, where in your normal life would you ever take a group shower ever? My gyms have always been individual stalls.
As for pooping at target or at school... I'd have no problem with a tranny taking a sit down pee in the women's room. I don't know about the bathrooms you guys frequent, but in my experience, there is not a lot of (i.e. "ANY") gratuitous display of genitals. I'll confess, I don't KNOW, but I'm assuming that women aren't having topless pillow fights in the women's room either.
06-03-2016, 10:52 AM
I do know something about that little symbol on the door keeping a pervert out of the women's restroom. There was a guy that followed my wife and daughters to the bathroom in the grandstands at the Scottish Games in Pleasanton, CA. We were trying to find a restroom and the ones they had were up top in a atrium area. Being the event, it was not a hi traffic area. What stopped him, is he stopped to check to see if anyone was going to see if he was entering the women's restroom. That is when I came around the corner. The dude took off in a hurry but I had no real context. My wife said that the guy had followed them to the restroom. The men's restroom was not near that restroom and we were the only people up there.
I hear the stories almost daily of crimes and crimes against women. Many of the crimes are on trains where guys will literally jerk off in front of women and some will even put their junk on women if they are not paying attention. Happens all the time at my wifes work.
Have you ever spoken to a woman and understand how different their life is compared to yours being a male? What goes through your head in a parking lot a night? Well, for women, they are thinking don't walk by the van over there. Park in the light. Do I have my keys on me so I can get in my car fast and so on. They even have special rules for men working as coaches on girls softball teams. There are rules for a reason and usually it is because someone did something that caused someone to make a rule.
Besides, I have seen mens rest rooms. pee and junk all over the place. I don't want my girls dealing with that garbage.
Last edited by deltahoosier; 06-03-2016 at 10:54 AM.
06-03-2016, 10:57 AM
BTW. Anyone democrat riot at a Trump event. The democrat mayor of San Jose goes as far as blaming Trump because he cause the protestors to punch people and through eggs and carry mexican flags and so on......
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-03-2016, 11:35 AM
Delta have you ever been in a womens room? I used to have to clean them for a crappy (haha pun intended) job I had in a prior life. Women make men look like rank amateurs when it comes to "tearing up" a bathroom.
Regarding public masturbation and stalking, you are saying that those things happen right now under current social constructs. They are crimes. They still happen. You are saying that more public masturbation will happen if trans folks use the restrooms of their choice? Why? Will it be the trans people doing the masturbating or the people turned on by the trans people?
Join Date: Apr 2007
06-03-2016, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta have you ever been in a womens room? I used to have to clean them for a crappy (haha pun intended) job I had in a prior life. Women make men look like rank amateurs when it comes to "tearing up" a bathroom.
That's for real! My last company hired a bunch of temp workers for a call center and after the arrival of like 40+ women, the maintenance guy would get a call almost every day of "turd on the floor"!  Effin women are too afraid to sit their butt cheeks on a toilet seat and they were trying to hover and shooting them on the floor.
06-03-2016, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta have you ever been in a womens room? I used to have to clean them for a crappy (haha pun intended) job I had in a prior life. Women make men look like rank amateurs when it comes to "tearing up" a bathroom.
Regarding public masturbation and stalking, you are saying that those things happen right now under current social constructs. They are crimes. They still happen. You are saying that more public masturbation will happen if trans folks use the restrooms of their choice? Why? Will it be the trans people doing the masturbating or the people turned on by the trans people?
Are you serious? The women's rest rooms are that bad? Uggg.
I don't get two craps about transgender people and their pee issues. I am pretty sure you did not either until Obama made it a thing. I do feel for someone who is going through such personal turmoil on a human factor. At the end of the day, they are such a low percentage of people in the world that they can do what they have been doing now. Never heard a stink about it, heard of anyone arrested or even bothered to look.
With that in mind, I bet you a dollar that their are more men in prison for crimes against women than there are transvestites in the world. Remember, men being in prison is a low percentage of the actual reported crime against women and much smaller percent of the unreported sex crimes against women. With women being 50% of the human race, they have a right to not to feel fearful in the restroom. Now you are saying any A-hole can go into a woman's restroom while my wife or daughters are in there and can not be questioned for doing so? Absolutely not.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-05-2016, 6:36 AM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Are you serious? The women's rest rooms are that bad? Uggg.
I don't get two craps about transgender people and their pee issues. I am pretty sure you did not either until Obama made it a thing. I do feel for someone who is going through such personal turmoil on a human factor. At the end of the day, they are such a low percentage of people in the world that they can do what they have been doing now. Never heard a stink about it, heard of anyone arrested or even bothered to look.
With that in mind, I bet you a dollar that their are more men in prison for crimes against women than there are transvestites in the world. Remember, men being in prison is a low percentage of the actual reported crime against women and much smaller percent of the unreported sex crimes against women. With women being 50% of the human race, they have a right to not to feel fearful in the restroom. Now you are saying any A-hole can go into a woman's restroom while my wife or daughters are in there and can not be questioned for doing so? Absolutely not.
Obama didn't "make it a thing", that was right-wing legislators. This was their law to get back at the LGBT community after all of the same-sex marriage bans were struck down. Obama would've never brought it up were it not for these ridiculous laws passed in several southern states. Our republican governor was going to veto TN"s law, so they tabled it until next year. Until Trump felt a bit of backlash and backtracked, his initial comments were:
"should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable with — including at Trump Tower in New York"
"if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use a bathroom, he would be comfortable with her choosing any bathroom she wanted."
"There’s a big move to create new bathrooms for transgender people alone. First of all, I think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country. Leave it the way it is."
Now, you and Cliff can act like this is an Obama thing or a liberal thing, but the right-wing, Christian zealots started this nonsense.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-05-2016, 9:37 AM
I don't care which crappy political "leader" started it. My point is that as individuals, liberals seem to think it's okay for a penis to be in the girls locker room at a school or gym. I don't. If we need to pass laws that restrict that type of political correctness, I will vote in favor every time
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-05-2016, 9:39 AM
conservatives and Christian Zealots are arguing the wrong point, and liberals are avoiding this issue. That's pretty reflective of most issues
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-05-2016, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
I don't care which crappy political "leader" started it. My point is that as individuals, liberals seem to think it's okay for a penis to be in the girls locker room at a school or gym. I don't. If we need to pass laws that restrict that type of political correctness, I will vote in favor every time
Transgenders have been using the restroom they identify with for years now and no one has had an issue. You remind me of how the far-right was acting when they were freaking out because a few Americans that had Ebola were allowed back in the country. All I would hear is how this country was doomed and we were all going to get Ebola. Don't you ever get the feeling that maybe you are being duped by people with a different agenda?
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-05-2016, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
I don't care which crappy political "leader" started it. My point is that as individuals, liberals seem to think it's okay for a penis to be in the girls locker room at a school or gym. I don't. If we need to pass laws that restrict that type of political correctness, I will vote in favor every time
Why do you keep saying 'liberal"? Are you just going to not address the Trump quotes I posted? Remind us who you will vote for in November, Cliff.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-05-2016, 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
Why do you keep saying 'liberal"? Are you just going to not address the Trump quotes I posted? Remind us who you will vote for in November, Cliff.
My money is on Cliff voting for Trump like the majority of the rest of the country will be doing.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-05-2016, 11:06 AM
Can't wait to watch the liberal protests, outrage, weeping and gnashing of teeth after the Trump victory. Lol. He's probably gonna tick a lot of people off on both sides, but get a lot done. He'll have a year or two learning curve to get through first. After that, stuff will get done. Good stuff I'm betting. The biggest reason for him to win is the Supreme Court. This country's collective feet will be on a serious banana peel if we elect a liberal who would appoint any new judges.
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-05-2016, 11:48 AM
I really don't see Trump, a thrice married playboy from NYC, appointing SCOTUS justices with a pure ideologically socially conservative agenda. For purity of thought, Cruz was the guy.
Of course, who knows? Trump changes his mind so often on almost every issue that we really don't have a good idea how he reaches a final decision that he'll have to stick with.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-05-2016, 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Can't wait to watch the liberal protests, outrage, weeping and gnashing of teeth after the Trump victory. Lol. He's probably gonna tick a lot of people off on both sides, but get a lot done. He'll have a year or two learning curve to get through first. After that, stuff will get done. Good stuff I'm betting. The biggest reason for him to win is the Supreme Court. This country's collective feet will be on a serious banana peel if we elect a liberal who would appoint any new judges.
What in Trump's history makes you believe he is going to appoint a conservative SC justice? Let's see; Trump has always been pro-choice, pro-gun control, and liberal on most of the social issues. If Trump wasn't such a dumba$$, I wouldn't have a problem with him winning.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-05-2016, 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by markj
My money is on Cliff voting for Trump like the majority of the rest of the country will be doing. 
You are very deluded if you think the "majority of the country" will vote for Trump.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-05-2016, 1:13 PM
I didn't address them because he is not representative of me and my values. I actually believe that he will lean more left than right. If left with no one to vote for, I will vote against Clinton or Sanders, but, to coin a phrase..."feel very dis-enfranchised". I know, it's probably not accepted that a middle aged, college educated, self employed, bible belt living, white guy be allowed to use that phrase......but I did
Join Date: Jun 2005
06-05-2016, 3:43 PM
I love the trump sound bight from the other day. TRUMP try's paying a compliment to a black trump supporter by addressing him a "My African American right over here" LOL
Ok onto bigger and better TRUMP topics i love what he had to say about Japan and Saudi Arabia. Saying how "we the US can no longer afford to protect these country's for Free!!!! And that they need to pay US for our cost to Gaurd or Protect them"
He went on to say Why are we subsidizing Saudi Arabia? This place is rolling in money. And the US is subsidizing them!!!! WTF these Shieks and Princes can afford to own a 600millin dollar AirBus A-380 then we should not be having to be out of pocket to protect them. Same Gos for Japan.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-05-2016, 4:28 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
I didn't address them because he is not representative of me and my values. I actually believe that he will lean more left than right. If left with no one to vote for, I will vote against Clinton or Sanders, but, to coin a phrase..."feel very dis-enfranchised". I know, it's probably not accepted that a middle aged, college educated, self employed, bible belt living, white guy be allowed to use that phrase......but I did
You're not alone in any of that.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-05-2016, 4:48 PM
Originally Posted by wake77
What in Trump's history makes you believe he is going to appoint a conservative SC justice? Let's see; Trump has always been pro-choice, pro-gun control, and liberal on most of the social issues. If Trump wasn't such a dumba$$, I wouldn't have a problem with him winning.
Duly noted however, I'm basing my beliefs on what he says he believes now, not about his past. I'm making a choice to take him at face value. What other valid choice do we have? I don't think he's dumb enough to go turncoat on the entire group of voters that will be putting him in office. I'm sure he'll have to move more towards the middle to get certain things done, but when it comes to SC justices, I think he'll come through for the right. He has also specifically mentioned appointing conservative justices many times. I guess we'll see. Overall, I think gambling on him is less of a risk than voting for a socialist or a serial criminal. Especially when I loath the platforms of the latter two.
Having said all that, I think his popularity would go into space if he would just shut his mouth more and do what his wife keeps telling him in terms of acting more presidential and less like Triumph the Insult Dog.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-05-2016, 4:49 PM
Originally Posted by wake77
You are very deluded if you think the "majority of the country" will vote for Trump.
Should have said majority of the voters in this country.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-06-2016, 8:00 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Should have said majority of the voters in this country.
Still a very deluded statement. Even if Trump were to win, I am willing to bet that Hillary wins the popular.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-06-2016, 8:02 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
I didn't address them because he is not representative of me and my values. I actually believe that he will lean more left than right. If left with no one to vote for, I will vote against Clinton or Sanders, but, to coin a phrase..."feel very dis-enfranchised". I know, it's probably not accepted that a middle aged, college educated, self employed, bible belt living, white guy be allowed to use that phrase......but I did
That's not what you said, Cliff. You are being very disingenuous with this type of statement. You specifically said this was a "liberal" thing.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-06-2016, 8:04 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
I love the trump sound bight from the other day. TRUMP try's paying a compliment to a black trump supporter by addressing him a "My African American right over here" LOL
Ok onto bigger and better TRUMP topics i love what he had to say about Japan and Saudi Arabia. Saying how "we the US can no longer afford to protect these country's for Free!!!! And that they need to pay US for our cost to Gaurd or Protect them"
He went on to say Why are we subsidizing Saudi Arabia? This place is rolling in money. And the US is subsidizing them!!!! WTF these Shieks and Princes can afford to own a 600millin dollar AirBus A-380 then we should not be having to be out of pocket to protect them. Same Gos for Japan.
You would probably have been happier if Trump would have said "My negro right over here". (And the guy is not a "trump supporter".)
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-07-2016, 1:56 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
Still a very deluded statement. Even if Trump were to win, I am willing to bet that Hillary wins the popular.
Very deluded that Trump will win the popular vote? You might want to consider a dictionary. After reading your last three posts on this thread, it's clear that you're desperate for some good news for your side. Well here's the news, it ain't happening. Your side is gonna get beaten due to the last 7 1/2 years of that retard who has done nothing but screw up our country and it only gets worse from there on out with the existing leftist candidates. Trump is certainly a pill to swallow, but he's so much better than anyone else left standing.
Join Date: Mar 2010
06-07-2016, 2:36 AM
Trump screwed the pooch with his latest Latino Judge comment.
So many unforced errors. Just plain stupid things to say.
1) Trump university judge comment
2) Ted Cruz's wife horror picture re-tweet
3) punish abortion mothers
4) Mc Cain only captured
Sad, because I so like the other stuff...
Not owned by lobbyist.
Making Islam accountable.
Stopping illegal immigration.
Working much better trade deals.
Deterring employment exports.
No more nation building wars.
More Veteran support.
America first policy.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-07-2016, 4:48 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Very deluded that Trump will win the popular vote? You might want to consider a dictionary. After reading your last three posts on this thread, it's clear that you're desperate for some good news for your side. Well here's the news, it ain't happening. Your side is gonna get beaten due to the last 7 1/2 years of that retard who has done nothing but screw up our country and it only gets worse from there on out with the existing leftist candidates. Trump is certainly a pill to swallow, but he's so much better than anyone else left standing.
It always cracks me up to read people proclaiming that Obama "screwed up the country" only to realize that they are Trump supporters. You do realize that Trump publicly supported Obama in 2008 and through much of his presidency? I also find it comical that you say "Obama has done nothing but screwed up the country". Do you remember how bad of shape this country was in when Obama took office in 2009? Of course not, let's create this pipe dream that the US was wonderful when Bush was in the WH.
As far as "good news" is concerned. I am not a Hillary supporter. If she ends up winning the nomination, I will vote for her, because I cannot vote for Trump. It wasn't always that way. Other than Rand Paul and John Kasich, Trump was the only other GOP candidate I would have considered voting for in November. You do realize that this race pretty much hinges on 3 or 4 states? I remember hearing the same things you are saying on this forum in 2012. Grant was convinced that Obama was on his way out and plenty of other people said Romney would win big. I see this race playing out the same way. Trump is going to sink his own campaign.
Join Date: Jun 2005
06-07-2016, 8:43 AM
Jeremy ^^ WRONG^^^
The guy was a Trump supporter. I saw the news story about it. The guy Trump addressed who was black says in no way was he offended and he couldn't understand why it was a New Story, He was even showing off his Trump autographs.
And I was making fun of Trumps stupid statement. I was laughing at his choice of words. One thing for sure you never know what gonna come flying out of his mouth.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-07-2016, 8:58 AM
I call it a liberal thing because....
It might have been the right that started with laws, but it's the left that insists (or refuses to acknowledge) that it's okay to have a penis in a vagina locker room. Anytime that the right tries to make the comment, or create a law that protects the vagina locker room, the media and the left cry foul. We would be much better served if we would recognize the entire problem and not just the talking points
Our left wing media will not allow real discussions.
I still haven't heard a defense that would allow young transgenders to share a locker room with someone of the opposite plumbing. All I have heard is comments about how people think a locker room functions. Laws need to be written with all scenarios in mind
this was a quick reply.....got things to do...
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-08-2016, 4:54 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
I call it a liberal thing because....
It might have been the right that started with laws, but it's the left that insists (or refuses to acknowledge) that it's okay to have a penis in a vagina locker room. Anytime that the right tries to make the comment, or create a law that protects the vagina locker room, the media and the left cry foul. We would be much better served if we would recognize the entire problem and not just the talking points
Our left wing media will not allow real discussions.
I still haven't heard a defense that would allow young transgenders to share a locker room with someone of the opposite plumbing. All I have heard is comments about how people think a locker room functions. Laws need to be written with all scenarios in mind
this was a quick reply.....got things to do...
If what you and the other chicken-littles say is true, how come we haven't heard of any instances where someone with a penis has been showering in a women's locker room? Surely, if what you say is true, there would be countless women ready to come forward and share their shock and horror. You equate transgenders being able to use the restroom they identify with to being someone ready to grope or assault women.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-08-2016, 8:40 AM
don't put words in my mouth. I have never equated this to assault.
my stance has always been about it becoming socially acceptable for school aged kids, at some point in the future, to be able to use the locker room of their choice.
I believe that if we are going to address these social issues, then we need to project the possible outcomes of our legislation and rhetoric, as far into the future as we can.
To me, it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that one day, a transgender kid is going to feel like he/she can share a school shower with someone of the opposite plumbing. Why wouldn't they? Isn't the whole goal to make everyone feel comfortable and not discriminated against? To think that 10-20 years from now, this issue stops at only a Target bathroom.....is reckless and short sighted
Join Date: May 2003
06-08-2016, 9:01 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
don't put words in my mouth. I have never equated this to assault.
my stance has always been about it becoming socially acceptable for school aged kids, at some point in the future, to be able to use the locker room of their choice.
I believe that if we are going to address these social issues, then we need to project the possible outcomes of our legislation and rhetoric, as far into the future as we can.
To me, it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that one day, a transgender kid is going to feel like he/she can share a school shower with someone of the opposite plumbing. Why wouldn't they? Isn't the whole goal to make everyone feel comfortable and not discriminated against? To think that 10-20 years from now, this issue stops at only a Target bathroom.....is reckless and short sighted
Yeah, then where do you draw the line. I just read an article about a boy claiming transgender which competed in a girls track and field event and of course....he won. Once you open up that can, there is no stopping it. And when you do finally draw a line, that's instantly DISCRIMINATION.
Join Date: Dec 2003
06-08-2016, 9:17 AM
^ha! I am going to put a wig on my boy and sign him up for my girls softball team!!!!!
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-08-2016, 9:28 AM
yeah zactly. the parade of horribles includes overzealous sports parents changing the sex of their middle schoolers to do better in HS sports. What's next?!
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-08-2016, 9:41 AM
there is a huge part of this equation that is being left unspoken.
That gets me back to my comment about the left
they don't want to talk about the entire scope of an issue. It never fits the agenda
It's like my sister (gay) and her boycott of Chick fil a. She didn't care that she was hurting the hard working local guy who can't control what his CEO says. But, she actively lobbied and voted for a President that supported an organization (muslim brotherhood) that would have her shot for her beliefs
I don't get it
It's like Trump and his wall. I admit that I don't follow what he says very closely......
but I don't understand what's wrong with a wall
can we all agree that
.........we need to keep terrorists out
.........that we need to have some control on who and how many get in
........that border patrol agents admit that a wall or fence makes their job easier
I'm sure that there are more, but if it's a money issue, then lets talk money. If it's am issue of if we need to control how many, then lets debate that.....etc.
all the left wants to do is cry racist or bigot....
blah blah blah
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-08-2016, 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
there is a huge part of this equation that is being left unspoken.
That gets me back to my comment about the left
they don't want to talk about the entire scope of an issue. It never fits the agenda
It's like my sister (gay) and her boycott of Chick fil a. She didn't care that she was hurting the hard working local guy who can't control what his CEO says. But, she actively lobbied and voted for a President that supported an organization (muslim brotherhood) that would have her shot for her beliefs
I don't get it
Cliff how is this any different than you supporting Trump even though he's OK with transgender peeps using the bathroom of their choice?
mean presumably you supported Bush, who supported the Saudis, who would also shoot you for spreading your beliefs in their country. Sometimes the best you can do is make the least bad choice among very bad choices.
In short, I think it's the principle that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."
Join Date: Jun 2004
06-08-2016, 11:53 AM
"It's like my sister (gay) and her boycott of Chick fil a. She didn't care that she was hurting the hard working local guy who can't control what his CEO says."
Is she hurting the working guy because there are no working guys at the other fast food businesses?
Join Date: May 2003
06-08-2016, 1:28 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
"It's like my sister (gay) and her boycott of Chick fil a. She didn't care that she was hurting the hard working local guy who can't control what his CEO says."
Is she hurting the working guy because there are no working guys at the other fast food businesses?
Always with the clever angle!
Join Date: May 2003
06-08-2016, 1:30 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
there is a huge part of this equation that is being left unspoken.
That gets me back to my comment about the left
they don't want to talk about the entire scope of an issue. It never fits the agenda
It's like my sister (gay) and her boycott of Chick fil a. She didn't care that she was hurting the hard working local guy who can't control what his CEO says. But, she actively lobbied and voted for a President that supported an organization (muslim brotherhood) that would have her shot for her beliefs
I don't get it
It's like Trump and his wall. I admit that I don't follow what he says very closely......
but I don't understand what's wrong with a wall
can we all agree that
.........we need to keep terrorists out
.........that we need to have some control on who and how many get in
........that border patrol agents admit that a wall or fence makes their job easier
I'm sure that there are more, but if it's a money issue, then lets talk money. If it's am issue of if we need to control how many, then lets debate that.....etc.
all the left wants to do is cry racist or bigot....
blah blah blah
I don't understand it either. The Libs act like the biggest problems facing our country are discrimination and inequality. Those things are important but their are much bigger issues.
06-08-2016, 2:14 PM
Libs always are pushing inequality angle. They are useful idiots just like Sharpton and company pushing racial profiling exactly at the same time the muslims got on the planes during 9/11. Someone gets there talking points and heads to the streets. It is always something.
Join Date: Dec 2003
06-08-2016, 2:43 PM
Originally Posted by jarrod
Always with the clever angle!
Its not clever. Its just a useless response to throw off idiots that don't know a thing about franchisees, capital and its impact on local economies. Every useful idiot knows the CEO owns all the locations and their employees think just like him
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-08-2016, 4:59 PM
shawndoggy....again, I am not supporting Trump. Rubio was my guy. But, I WILL vote against Clinton
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-08-2016, 5:58 PM
Originally Posted by jarrod
I don't understand it either. The Libs act like the biggest problems facing our country are discrimination and inequality. Those things are important but their are much bigger issues.
I will have to disagree with your assessment. Look at this country's history; never were we any weaker as a nation, then when we embraced discrimination.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-08-2016, 6:02 PM
Originally Posted by psudy
Its not clever. Its just a useless response to throw off idiots that don't know a thing about franchisees, capital and its impact on local economies. Every useful idiot knows the CEO owns all the locations and their employees think just like him 
So if Cliff's sister's boycott lead to the closure of a fast food restaurant, could the employees not find another minimum wage job? And since Cliff owns a restaurant, it seems to me that he should have been rallying for his sister to help eliminate part of the competition. Isn't that a key principle of capitalism?
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-08-2016, 6:05 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
there is a huge part of this equation that is being left unspoken.
That gets me back to my comment about the left
they don't want to talk about the entire scope of an issue. It never fits the agenda
It's like my sister (gay) and her boycott of Chick fil a. She didn't care that she was hurting the hard working local guy who can't control what his CEO says. But, she actively lobbied and voted for a President that supported an organization (muslim brotherhood) that would have her shot for her beliefs
I don't get it
It's like Trump and his wall. I admit that I don't follow what he says very closely......
but I don't understand what's wrong with a wall
can we all agree that
.........we need to keep terrorists out
.........that we need to have some control on who and how many get in
........that border patrol agents admit that a wall or fence makes their job easier
I'm sure that there are more, but if it's a money issue, then lets talk money. If it's am issue of if we need to control how many, then lets debate that.....etc.
all the left wants to do is cry racist or bigot....
blah blah blah
So why no wall along the Canadian border? Maybe the terrorist will chose an alternate route. Maybe someone smart enough to plan a decent-sized attack is smart enough to figure out how to scale a wall. Why not put a minefield there instead? It would certainly be cheaper and likely more effective.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-08-2016, 10:51 PM
I'm okay with a Canadian wall
are you in favor of a completely porous border?
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-09-2016, 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
I will have to disagree with your assessment. Look at this country's history; never were we any weaker as a nation, then when we embraced discrimination.
Strike one. Puh-lease! Really? How did we ever win WW2 then? There was plenty of discrimination then. That was not one of your best posts..... Man, you're batting .000 today. Get a good night's sleep, eat your Wheaties (the box with Caitlin on it) and try again tomorrow.
Last edited by markj; 06-09-2016 at 12:29 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-09-2016, 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
So why no wall along the Canadian border? Maybe the terrorist will chose an alternate route. Maybe someone smart enough to plan a decent-sized attack is smart enough to figure out how to scale a wall. Why not put a minefield there instead? It would certainly be cheaper and likely more effective.
Strike two. Because we don't have a problem with a leaky Canadian border or Canadians sponging off of us. Duh!
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-09-2016, 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
So if Cliff's sister's boycott lead to the closure of a fast food restaurant, could the employees not find another minimum wage job? And since Cliff owns a restaurant, it seems to me that he should have been rallying for his sister to help eliminate part of the competition. Isn't that a key principle of capitalism?
Strike three! You're outa here! You have this uncanny habit of verbally crapping in your hand, throwing it against the wall and seeing what sticks. Dude. Are you drunk? I'm sure Obamacare has a program for you to help yourself. Sheesh!
Last edited by markj; 06-09-2016 at 12:40 AM.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-09-2016, 5:08 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Strike three! You're outa here! You have this uncanny habit of verbally crapping in your hand, throwing it against the wall and seeing what sticks. Dude. Are you drunk? I'm sure Obamacare has a program for you to help yourself. Sheesh!
Are you insane or something? How does this drivel in anyway apply to what I said in the post you quoted? You struck out a long time ago.
Join Date: Dec 2003
06-09-2016, 8:24 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
So if Cliff's sister's boycott lead to the closure of a fast food restaurant, could the employees not find another minimum wage job? And since Cliff owns a restaurant, it seems to me that he should have been rallying for his sister to help eliminate part of the competition. Isn't that a key principle of capitalism?
I don't know. Could they? What if nobody is hiring. Wouldn't they be better off keeping the job they have..... I guess you didn't understand my post and how the fact that boycotting the franchisee is only hurting him, not the CEO because his franchise fees don't fluctuate based on gross sales.
Join Date: Apr 2007
06-09-2016, 8:26 AM
This thread gets crazier by the day!
Join Date: Jun 2004
06-09-2016, 9:01 AM
Originally Posted by psudy
I don't know. Could they? What if nobody is hiring. Wouldn't they be better off keeping the job they have..... I guess you didn't understand my post and how the fact that boycotting the franchisee is only hurting him, not the CEO because his franchise fees don't fluctuate based on gross sales.
Are you trying to say that Corp revenue has nothing to do with franchise sales? Or are you just being an idiot by specifically referring to solely franchise fees thinking we are too stupid to know that has nothing to with the big picture?
Or maybe you are just referring to the fact that CEOs are usually immune to corp failure and will rake in big money no matter what they say or do.
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-09-2016, 9:12 AM
Originally Posted by psudy
I don't know. Could they? What if nobody is hiring. Wouldn't they be better off keeping the job they have..... I guess you didn't understand my post and how the fact that boycotting the franchisee is only hurting him, not the CEO because his franchise fees don't fluctuate based on gross sales.
So people should not boycott companies? Is that the gist of your argument?
Join Date: Dec 2003
06-09-2016, 9:39 AM
I am not getting into royalties, franchise fees, etc..etc.. The point is boycotting franchises does more harm to your neighbor than it does to the corporate brass.
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-09-2016, 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by psudy
I am not getting into royalties, franchise fees, etc..etc.. The point is boycotting franchises does more harm to your neighbor than it does to the corporate brass.
to a point, sure. But how well do you think new franchise sales go at the corp level if existing franchises all have picket lines in front of them?
Your point is well taken that independent operators often bear the brunt of bad decisions at the corp level, but that's not to say that corp revenues are not influenced by how well or poorly the corp's franchisees to in the marketplace.
06-09-2016, 12:53 PM
Huffington Post writer calls violence 'logical' response to Trump
Original Article:
Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any
Not sure what is going through democrats heads. The fascist left is on the march again. You don't know what you are advocating. It will get real ugly.
Join Date: Mar 2010
06-09-2016, 4:08 PM
As long as the assaults are against the average middle class worker, what's the problem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5kEySXLcws
Join Date: Nov 2009
06-09-2016, 4:19 PM
I really loathe the violence and I'm a touch left of center. Unfortunately Trump rallies have turned into a place where a certain segment goes looking for a fight. Bleh. As disturbing as you guys find this stuff, I, as a self identifying lib, am just as appalled, maybe more so, because I know that it makes my side look really really bad.
From selma to kent state to rodney king to ferguson.... the perpetrators of the TV violence ALWAYS, EVERY SINGLE TIME, look bad. Much better for your cause to have your arse kicked on TV.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-09-2016, 4:21 PM
These are the same *******s that would get bussed up to Berkeley to sit in trees and smash windows. Pathetic.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-09-2016, 6:37 PM
Then, why do the lib leaders constantly pander to these asshats??? They're criminals for Pete's sake!
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
06-09-2016, 7:43 PM
I missed that part of the video.
Join Date: Apr 2007
06-10-2016, 8:19 AM
Explain again why we need a wall to keep terrorists out when only a very small percentage of them has come in illegally through Mexico and the rest were here on visa's (expired or otherwise, they flew in legally)?
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-10-2016, 8:50 AM
who we allow in needs to controlled on all fronts. Visas included
a controlled border, be it a wall or a fence, would help slow down the influx of the unvetted masses, drug trade, terrorists....etc
I don't understand why this isn't something that everyone would want. I can't help but think that those opposed are just on a cry racist bandwagon, and haven't really evaluated its use
Join Date: Sep 2010
06-10-2016, 9:11 AM
Timmy, explain why we are having the whole bathroom issue, when only a small number of transgender people even exist. The whole bathroom issue shouldn't even be an issue. Why change something for the .01%.