Join Date: Apr 2010
04-13-2016, 9:05 AM
Looks like you guys are arguing over who's the worst president. You should be agreeing we are in a serious financial state in this country . Many past elected officials are to blame on both sides. The real problem is we don't have one single viable solution from any of the current candidates running for office. The other real problem is the members of Congress,the Senate and the Supreme Court as well as the POTUS. Find a way to clear the table and start all over with intelligent,responsible, caring and honest new leaders would be an excellent start.
Join Date: Nov 2015
04-13-2016, 9:29 AM
^^^^^^^ wow^^^^^
Yes, we'll stated!!
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-13-2016, 10:07 AM
The real problem is the American people don't have a viable grip on the issues. So they just keep electing people without making any demands on them. It certainly makes sense to look back at previous administrations and question policy so that you don't keep repeating the same mistakes. You're not going to balance the budget by billing a wall or waging war in the ME. And if you balance the budget without protecting American workers from competing with impoverished labor, then you are just going to put a lot of people on welfare, unemployment benefits while at the same time depleting the economy and making worse build upon worse.
You can't clear the table and start over with intelligent, responsible people, because if that were possible you could just vote them in the next election. That's been proven not viable.
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-13-2016, 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla
Pretty clear who the winner (biggest loser) is to me......
Your link was doomed when it proclaimed "Most administrations have run small but manageable deficits" and when I noticed Heritage.org at the bottom.
Join Date: Feb 2014
04-13-2016, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by cwb4me
Looks like you guys are arguing over who's the worst president. You should be agreeing we are in a serious financial state in this country . Many past elected officials are to blame on both sides. The real problem is we don't have one single viable solution from any of the current candidates running for office. The other real problem is the members of Congress,the Senate and the Supreme Court as well as the POTUS. Find a way to clear the table and start all over with intelligent,responsible, caring and honest new leaders would be an excellent start.
Amen brother... If people would quit trying to convince you their team is the best, we would all be so much better.
When the major parties are promoting a crazy person and a corrupt witch as the leading candidates and then arguing they are great candidates..... you know we are all effed.
04-13-2016, 2:41 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
You realize the Republicans pass a budget with a two year spending plan. The democrats did not pass a single budget for 6 years. They used continuing resolutions the whole time.
04-13-2016, 2:47 PM
Originally Posted by wake77
You are sounding kookier by the day. A "federal police force"? That's straight out of the Glen Beck/Alex Jones playbook. I have a question. If Obama has such a grand plan in the works, WTF is he waiting on as far as instilling this police force? He has roughly eight months left in office. BLM is allowed to "still be in action" just as skinheads, the KKK, the guys that took over the national park office in OR, etc. are "allowed to still be in action". Ice T sung "Cop Killer" 20 years ago, but last time I checked, people still have 1st Amendment rights in this country. Sheesh, I guess you utopia of America is a country of a bunch of mindless robots that all think alike. And some cops do "get away with murder" in this country. Police corruption is nothing new. It's been happening since police forces were founded in this country.
Uh Jeremy. It was from an Obama Speech. You really should pay attention as to what your leader is advocating.
Skinheads and KKK are not out burning down towns. They seemed to have shot and killed the leader of the Bundy deal in Oregon and jailed Bundy.
So I have heard two Democrats chime in still defending actions of BLM.
less than 0.1% of police actions are illegal in nature. How many gang bangers and BLM type are illegal? 12% of the population is performing what percent of the violent crime? Why do you democrats continue to defend the indefensible?
04-13-2016, 2:52 PM
Originally Posted by pesos
Jeremy, you can ignore the gorilla - he's made it clear in earlier posts he's not concerned with things like "facts" or "math."
Rod, you are an intelligent guy so I guess you're joking around regarding the mandate which has nothing to do with Medi-cal's decision. Kinda like how you used to call me a hypocrite for supporting gay rights while not participating in gay sex acts.
Not joking on Obamacare. I realize that Medi-Cal is a separate organization, however the overall pot of money coming from the Feds helps complete the picture. Obama would have zero chance to get it through if illegals would have got any benefit from any state or federal healthcare organization. Doesn't the Feds help supplement state money for their exchanges? Wasn't that the big deal when some states refused to take part in Obamacare and not get the federal funds?
Point is, the feds are not unknowing of what the states are going to do. They do talk.
Join Date: Dec 2003
04-13-2016, 2:54 PM
BLM= Bureau of Land Management, or Black lives matter? I think there may be confusion here between Bundy and BLM.
04-13-2016, 2:54 PM
Originally Posted by cwb4me
Looks like you guys are arguing over who's the worst president. You should be agreeing we are in a serious financial state in this country . Many past elected officials are to blame on both sides. The real problem is we don't have one single viable solution from any of the current candidates running for office. The other real problem is the members of Congress,the Senate and the Supreme Court as well as the POTUS. Find a way to clear the table and start all over with intelligent,responsible, caring and honest new leaders would be an excellent start.
Everyone people talk to always says how screwed up the feds are. From both sides of the isle.
What gets me is why anyone would argue to give the Feds more power? Your state has a better idea of what is best for it's citizens so why give the feds the power?
04-13-2016, 2:55 PM
Originally Posted by psudy
BLM= Bureau of Land Management, or Black lives matter? I think there may be confusion here.
Black Lives Matter. I spelled it out earlier.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-13-2016, 3:17 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
You realize the Republicans pass a budget with a two year spending plan. The democrats did not pass a single budget for 6 years. They used continuing resolutions the whole time.
Complain for six years while in minority about particular course of action, get in power, adopt same course of action.
So why is one group better than another? Does it matter? Are we at war with Eurasia or Eastasia?
04-13-2016, 4:09 PM
They passed a budget last year if I read it correctly. They did not this year.
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-13-2016, 5:03 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
So I have heard two Democrats chime in still defending actions of BLM.
No you haven't. This is another example of how flawed your interpretation of reality is.
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
less than 0.1% of police actions are illegal in nature. How many gang bangers and BLM type are illegal? 12% of the population is performing what percent of the violent crime? Why do you democrats continue to defend the indefensible?
Nobody here is supporting BLM engaging in destructive behavior. It's no wonder you say so much dumb s**t. I didn't even bother addressing the previous post where you said I was defending BLM activities. I was discussing the difference between denouncing govt employees who sometimes get away with illegal activity vs criminals. But I knew that you were so entrenched in being willfully ignorant that it would be pointless to address it. But no you have to keep repeating your stupid s**t until a response seems required.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-13-2016, 5:57 PM
A picture is worth a 1000 words
04-13-2016, 6:05 PM
Whatever John. We keep having to entertain your Bush meme's and that the democrats were not for war and so on that I have proven false over and over again.
When given a forum in regards to the violence of the BLM, you guys chose to speak about the cops. Not that they do not speak for you. If a white Christian blew up a abortion clinic, I am darn sure you would be out in force putting Christian conservatives on full blast.
I am now putting democrats on full blast. BLM is absolutely part of the democrat party. You guys rely on 98% of the black vote to get anywhere in elections (as well as suckering 18 year olds). It is absolutely part of your base and the democrat parties platform is to try and keep blacks on the plantation. Obama has been very close to radical marxists such as Bill Ayers (who's living room he started his campaign in). It is proven that George Soros is funding these groups. These occupy protestors and now the BLM people are not denounced by Obama or any major democrat. Obama could easily made a remark or two stating that the cop killing and the rhetoric needs to be stopped. He has not. These are people he is close to and the democrat party are relying on.
How many more cop murders have to happen before he says something or is he going to let it ride because this is what he wants? Most democrats I know of try and defend the negative actions by trying to point to the 0.1% of bad cops. Hell, Republicans even mention adjusting the ways and when's to murder babies, it is a war on women. What do we call this?
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-13-2016, 6:17 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Everyone people talk to always says how screwed up the feds are. From both sides of the isle.
What gets me is why anyone would argue to give the Feds more power? Your state has a better idea of what is best for it's citizens so why give the feds the power?
Oh really? Just about any form of government is screwed up and the only people that politicians work for are the people that helped get them elected. TN has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, some of the lowest wages in the country, at the bottom of the barrel in education and what have our politicians done to improve the state? Well, they passed a bill making some sort of sniper rifle the Official State Gun. They passed a bill making the bible the Official State Book. They are trying to pass some sort of bill where counselors can refuse patients due to "religious concerns". They are trying to pass a bill similar to NC's bathroom bill. They are attempting to fund an effort to put "In God We Trust" on all police cars in the state.
04-13-2016, 6:48 PM
Don't go screwing up Tennessee Jeremy. I may take my California money when I retire and buy one of those houses on or near the water north of Knoxville.
So they passed some bills with wording you don't like. It is not like they are giving your tax dollars to people who broke the law to get into the country. Not like 1/3 of your prison population is violent illegal aliens. Not like your state is paying over $15 billion a year for education and welfare for illegals. You can defend yourself in your state. I am sure you don't have a Air Resource Board making decisions about your life even though they are unelected and unaccountable. Not like they are flushing 40% of your drinking water down the drain because of a smelt. We have major universities and huge amounts of cash floating around due to the banking, hollywood, tourism and video game production among other things yet california still has areas of horrible education. It is a people thing. They just don't want to learn.
As far as your economy goes, what can the government do about it? Just like the argument about paying fast food workers $15 an hour. OK pay them, but I am not forced to buy the inherently more expensive food. I will cook at home more. So, what can Tennessee do to attract business. Increasing taxation would not help. Increasing regulation would not help. All the government can do is remove roadblocks, they can not force the people to produce. It goes to basic economics. If you can not attract outside money, your area dies. Tell you one thing, you may want to be counted lucky to a certain degree that your wages are low. People out here can not afford to live in the town they work in. Everyone commutes 2 to 3 hours a day for work.
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-13-2016, 7:00 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Whatever John. We keep having to entertain your Bush meme's and that the democrats were not for war and so on that I have proven false over and over again.
When given a forum in regards to the violence of the BLM, you guys chose to speak about the cops. Not that they do not speak for you. If a white Christian blew up a abortion clinic, I am darn sure you would be out in force putting Christian conservatives on full blast.
I am now putting democrats on full blast. BLM is absolutely part of the democrat party. You guys rely on 98% of the black vote to get anywhere in elections (as well as suckering 18 year olds). It is absolutely part of your base and the democrat parties platform is to try and keep blacks on the plantation. Obama has been very close to radical marxists such as Bill Ayers (who's living room he started his campaign in). It is proven that George Soros is funding these groups. These occupy protestors and now the BLM people are not denounced by Obama or any major democrat. Obama could easily made a remark or two stating that the cop killing and the rhetoric needs to be stopped. He has not. These are people he is close to and the democrat party are relying on.
How many more cop murders have to happen before he says something or is he going to let it ride because this is what he wants? Most democrats I know of try and defend the negative actions by trying to point to the 0.1% of bad cops. Hell, Republicans even mention adjusting the ways and when's to murder babies, it is a war on women. What do we call this?
More delusions of grandeur from the Nut of Wakeworld. "Cop murders" are down under Obama when compared to Bush (and no, I'm not factoring in 9/11). It's funny how I can't remember Bush giving a speech addressing cop killings. I remember the phony outrage on FoxNews when the Chicago cop killed himself, but later we found out he made it look like he was killed because he was about to be outed for stealing money from a charity. They were all over Obama that night because he didn't speak about the incident.
BLM doesn't speak for me, but I don't pretend for one second that racism is not a problem in this country. You continue to keep head buried in the sand that everyone is treated equally and fairly in this country. That is simple and unadulterated BS.
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-13-2016, 7:11 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Don't go screwing up Tennessee Jeremy. I may take my California money when I retire and buy one of those houses on or near the water north of Knoxville.
So they passed some bills with wording you don't like. It is not like they are giving your tax dollars to people who broke the law to get into the country. Not like 1/3 of your prison population is violent illegal aliens. Not like your state is paying over $15 billion a year for education and welfare for illegals. You can defend yourself in your state. I am sure you don't have a Air Resource Board making decisions about your life even though they are unelected and unaccountable. Not like they are flushing 40% of your drinking water down the drain because of a smelt. We have major universities and huge amounts of cash floating around due to the banking, hollywood, tourism and video game production among other things yet california still has areas of horrible education. It is a people thing. They just don't want to learn.
As far as your economy goes, what can the government do about it? Just like the argument about paying fast food workers $15 an hour. OK pay them, but I am not forced to buy the inherently more expensive food. I will cook at home more. So, what can Tennessee do to attract business. Increasing taxation would not help. Increasing regulation would not help. All the government can do is remove roadblocks, they can not force the people to produce. It goes to basic economics. If you can not attract outside money, your area dies. Tell you one thing, you may want to be counted lucky to a certain degree that your wages are low. People out here can not afford to live in the town they work in. Everyone commutes 2 to 3 hours a day for work.
Look Delta, many of the bills I mentioned are going to have an adverse effect on the economy. Look at what happened in NC. Paypal chose to leave and that is going to take jobs and money from their economy. You can expect similar results here in the Volunteer State should these religious mandates not get vetoed by the Governor. TN attracts business as it is. We certainly don't need to pass these laws that don't apply to 99.5% of the people of the state to gain favor with pastors and religious PACs. I don't understand why you want to toss all of your blanket statements as if I advocated for any of them. I never mentioned a "15 dollar an hour minimum wage". I mentioned actual things that are taking place in the state. One of those bills is also poised to take a billion dollars from federal funding we receive for education. Does that sound like a good idea to you?
04-15-2016, 11:23 AM
Nut of wakeworld? A liberal calling people names? I am shocked. Shocked I tell you. Sounds like someone had a amygdala hijack. Don't worry, you may recover from it as your frontal lobe matures and you actually start thinking instead of reacting.
There have been outright attacks on cops. Many cops do get killed in the line of duty. Always have. What we don't see is people walking up to cops and ambushing them like we do now. We don't have people burning down cities like we do now.
I am glad BLM does not speak for you, however they are the face of your party.
Yes, there is racism. There will always be haves and have nots. You will never change that. However, I don't believe in cultural relativism. Some cultures are poison and I can choose not to accept that way of life.
On the bills you are worried about. So what. Pay Pal and others are idiots and I will not use them now myself. They have zero problem with doing business with countries that chuck gay people off of roofs. Their stance is completely political and were most likely not going to expand anyway. That is the problem with the people. Too afraid to stand up to bullies.
As far as the $15 minimum wage and lumping in things together. They are conceptual talking points. We have broad topic matter so many times it is best to relay ideas through concept with a real life example that one can relate too. I know as a math guy you may be a black and white thinker and my communication method may not make sense to you. I will say it this way. If your approach to anything does not even pass the first order, it will most certainly break down as you get more complex. That is what I am trying to explain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-15-2016, 12:30 PM
"However, I don't believe in cultural relativism."
Cultural relativism doesn't care what you believe. And nobody is forcing you into a way of life you don't want.
I hardly think BLM is the face of the party, but it is a real and legitimate concern for some people. It's the knuckledraggers that mock them with "all lives matter" who create an adversarial relationship and increase the racial tension.
Join Date: Apr 2012
04-15-2016, 7:34 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
It's the knuckledraggers that mock them with "all lives matter" who create an adversarial relationship and increase the racial tension.
Ha they are the ones creating the racial tension not the group specifically defending a certain race and playing down all others. Oh and the rioting in Missouri, etc was all those pesky knuckle draggers.
Question- do you not believe that all lives matter or do you believe that black lives are more important than other lives?
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-15-2016, 7:54 PM
$350 TOUSAND dollar tickets to attend a fundraiser "event" for Hillary tonight in SF. Gross!
Join Date: Apr 2010
04-15-2016, 8:18 PM
All lives matter is common sense. BLM is racial in and of itself.
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-16-2016, 7:03 AM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Nut of wakeworld? A liberal calling people names? I am shocked. Shocked I tell you. Sounds like someone had a amygdala hijack. Don't worry, you may recover from it as your frontal lobe matures and you actually start thinking instead of reacting.
There have been outright attacks on cops. Many cops do get killed in the line of duty. Always have. What we don't see is people walking up to cops and ambushing them like we do now. We don't have people burning down cities like we do now.
I am glad BLM does not speak for you, however they are the face of your party.
Yes, there is racism. There will always be haves and have nots. You will never change that. However, I don't believe in cultural relativism. Some cultures are poison and I can choose not to accept that way of life.
On the bills you are worried about. So what. Pay Pal and others are idiots and I will not use them now myself. They have zero problem with doing business with countries that chuck gay people off of roofs. Their stance is completely political and were most likely not going to expand anyway. That is the problem with the people. Too afraid to stand up to bullies.
As far as the $15 minimum wage and lumping in things together. They are conceptual talking points. We have broad topic matter so many times it is best to relay ideas through concept with a real life example that one can relate too. I know as a math guy you may be a black and white thinker and my communication method may not make sense to you. I will say it this way. If your approach to anything does not even pass the first order, it will most certainly break down as you get more complex. That is what I am trying to explain.
Your boycott of Paypal will do nothing to help the people of NC that stood to benefit from Paypal's business in the state. I also notice that you avoided my comment that more police officers were killed during Bush's watch, than Obama's. I don't recall you making a post commenting that "Bush doesn't like the police" or any faux outrage.
And I guess you missed the Rodney King riots, the Watts riots, riots after a pro team or college team wins a championship, etc. Riots have existed since the founding of this country. I'd say a person would have a hard time discussing US history with you since you conveniently leave out things that don't fit into your narrative.
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-16-2016, 8:40 AM
Originally Posted by iShredSAN
Question- do you not believe that all lives matter or do you believe that black lives are more important than other lives?
Of course all lives matter Capt Obvious. But people that think like you are superficial idiots. Any one with a modicum of intelligence is going to know the answer already. Which begs the question... why are you asking it? It's like the starving Africans claiming that "Starving African lives matter" and some dumb s**t replying with "wealthy people's lives matter too". Nobody thinks that the lives of wealthy people don't matter. But people who are brain dead can't understand the point.
And when a segment of society feels oppressed and then mocked when they attempt to bring light to it, violence is a natural consequence. I'm not justifying people breaking the law. I'm simply pointing out that human nature pretty much is predictable.
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-16-2016, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by cwb4me
All lives matter is common sense. BLM is racial in and of itself.
No s**t Sherlock. It's not like you can't get a clue from the acronym "BLM" to understand it's a racial issue. What demonstrates a lack of common sense is the fact that you feel it's necessary to inform everyone else of what they already know as if it were somehow a pertinent point to make.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-16-2016, 2:01 PM
I wonder if our "liberal friends" here on wake world magically owned a businesses that was looted and or impacted by the retarded BLM idiots. If they would still be as compassionate???
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-16-2016, 3:07 PM
Not at all. I'm not the least bit compassionate about people looting and rioting. If somebody shot a BLM'r who broke into their store I wouldn't feel the least bit sorry for the guy that got shot. What you guys are doing is grasping at straws because you have no other arguments. Nobody here is even showing any support for the BLM movement wrt making excuses for shooting cops, rioting, or looting. Yet you pretend like the liberal agenda is aligned with that illegal behavior. Just because liberals are intelligent enough to show concern for the underlying reasons for the BLM movement, it doesn't mean that they support violence. From our perspective a lot of the violence could be avoided if people who had no clue weren't mocking them with "all lives matter" and acting like they should shut up because their concerns are phony.
Join Date: Nov 2015
04-16-2016, 4:49 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
Not at all. I'm not the least bit compassionate about people looting and rioting. If somebody shot a BLM'r who broke into their store I wouldn't feel the least bit sorry for the guy that got shot. What you guys are doing is grasping at straws because you have no other arguments. Nobody here is even showing any support for the BLM movement wrt making excuses for shooting cops, rioting, or looting. Yet you pretend like the liberal agenda is aligned with that illegal behavior. Just because liberals are intelligent enough to show concern for the underlying reasons for the BLM movement, it doesn't mean that they support violence. From our perspective a lot of the violence could be avoided if people who had no clue weren't mocking them with "all lives matter" and acting like they should shut up because their concerns are phony.
Oh my, a very responsible and dignified group. Why didn't I respect them sooner?
Btw...Martin was proven wrong by a Grand Jury.
Maybe.....Just maybe. A ton of these problems could be solved by actual PARENTING. WTF is your 16 & 17 yo kids doing out at all hours of the night AND in possession of illegal weapons?? Im with Bill Cosby on this one.
Last edited by VanillaGorilla; 04-16-2016 at 4:51 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2010
04-16-2016, 5:35 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
No s**t Sherlock. It's not like you can't get a clue from the acronym "BLM" to understand it's a racial issue. What demonstrates a lack of common sense is the fact that you feel it's necessary to inform everyone else of what they already know as if it were somehow a pertinent point to make.
The point I was making is "All lives Matter" should be the name of a peaceful group who wants to get recognition for all their members. The group would receive a considerable amount of attention and a million times more respect than the BLM group.When we continue to separate citizens by Race,Religion and Political Party, we will never become United citizens.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 8:03 AM
Fly please answer this:
If black lives matter
How come there is Never a March or a Protest or even a peep from the BLM group when it's Black on Black violence. I bet if I turned on the news this morning there would
Be at least 1 shooting in Oakland last night. Last week there was 3 shootings in one night All by blacks to blacks. Why NO protest or March?
Black lives only seem to matter to the BLM movement when it's a White Cop that kills a Black person.
Please answer that
Last edited by grant_west; 04-17-2016 at 8:07 AM.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-17-2016, 8:13 AM
Originally Posted by cwb4me
The point I was making is "All lives Matter" should be the name of a peaceful group who wants to get recognition for all their members. The group would receive a considerable amount of attention and a million times more respect than the BLM group.When we continue to separate citizens by Race,Religion and Political Party, we will never become United citizens.
And so what? You want to change the lyrics of God Bless America to "dieties bless the universe"?
We as humans pick and identify with teams in school, in sports, in religion, in politics, certainly in race, and in nationality.
I am not a big Yankees fan, but I don't get butthurt when their fans cheer for them. I'm not a Trump fan either, but I concede that he has appeal to certain voters. And I'm not black but I can understand why the black community can feel singled out by police.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-17-2016, 8:16 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Fly please answer this:
If black lives matter
How come there is Never a March or a Protest or even a peep from the BLM group when it's Black on Black violence. I bet if I turned on the news this morning there would
Be at least 1 shooting in Oakland last night. Last week there was 3 shootings in one night All by blacks to blacks. Why NO protest or March?
Black lives only seem to matter to the BLM movement when it's a White Cop that kills a Black person.
Please answer that
Because it's possible, just possible, that there are two problems (or more) going on at once?
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 9:14 AM
^^Could one of the 2 problem be ? ^^
The inability to acknowledge the truth.
movments like the BLM group re-write their own reality. Example the saying "Hands up Don't Shoot" a phrase that came from the false whitness statments given to the community and the investigators from Furgerson. That's right the whole movments war cry is based on a false statement or Fiction!
I'm not saying the Police are any champion of the black community but "let's keep it real" when the truth is out and It's acknowledged!! we can THEN build from there.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-17-2016, 9:49 AM
Grant, we know your big issue is illegal immigration. Are you careful to only spend your dollars on produce picked by American citizens? do you go into the kitchen at every restaurant you dine at and ask for green cards?
If you don't do these things is it fair to say that illegal immigration must be a completely invalid issue?
Demanding absolute purity on any issue denies that we are human.
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-17-2016, 9:54 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Fly please answer this:
If black lives matter...
Black lives only seem to matter to the BLM movement when it's a White Cop that kills a Black person.
Please answer that
Because the police are the authority. Black on black violence is criminal behavior and treated as that. If the perpetrators are found and sufficient evidence is present then they are brought to trial. But the perception is if the police are the perpetrators then some internal investigation will rule it justified. Look at the police that drove up to the 12yo kid with an airsoft gun, jumped out, and blew him away. Absolutely no attempt to defuse the situation at all. In Florida a cop gunned down a black guy that was driving his bicycle in traffic after he thought his cell phone was a gun. The whole BLM movement isn't based on the "hands up" lie.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 10:34 AM
my goal is not Prove you wrong. But that seems to be the case here. So is that Name Black Lives Matter incorrect or inaccurate or is the Movement hypocritical??? possabley a little of both.
I agree with you about "Tamar Rice" he was the airsoft kid that had a toy (replica) 1911 gun. I agree the cop that shot him was a idiot. I agree the cop did almost everything wrong. I agree that he did everything wrong. I can't agree that cops have a agenda to straight up murder blacks as the BLM movment suggests. Same could be said about Johan Messrly he is the cop that shot Oscar Grant on the Bart platform years ago. Was he a idiot YES did he f up YES. Did he straying up murder this guy in cold blood NO! But the BLM movment would have you believe that.
Same go's for Eric Garner in New York who was strangled by NYC police. Did the cops F up YES
Did they put the guy in a HeadLock YES! Did he choke the guy to death just for the hell of it NO!
Pretty funny how you stand for BLM movment but you can't seem to even remember the name of "Tamir Rice" the air soft kid as you referred to him as. You would think that if it was so unjust and outrageous you would at least remember his name?
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-17-2016, 10:48 AM
BLM isn't personally an issue for me. Not sure why you think that I must take things personal to have an opinion on the situation. I don't find it particularly funny or relevant to anything that I didn't print his name, although I knew it. For me it's simply a matter of intellectual honesty. I know that there are people out there that have have struggles I don't have to endure. I'm not going to mock them or pretend that I know enough about their situations to discount their grievances as frivolous.
And once again, BLM isn't really even a significant issue in the election.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 11:20 AM
I disagree:
What candidate do you think panders to the black vote the most?
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-17-2016, 12:11 PM
Not the people that pander to the conservative vote. I love the dumba$$ conservative insult that black people vote for those who give them what they want, as if conservatives vote for those who don't give them what they want. That's what voting is all about. You are supposed to vote for those who are going to do what you want them to do. If you're suggesting that conservatives are afraid of minority groups because they will vote democrat, then yeah everyone already knows that.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 1:31 PM
Thanks for not answering my question.
I just love how Hillary tries to pretend to be a "common folk" and panders to the black vote. (BTW the blacks know she is a Phoney) All While hosting fund raisers that the cheapest ticket in the house is $32 thousand. Seems pretty hypocritical trying to pretend to be just like them whe the truth is she is a 1%r But then again most of the people in the liberal movement are. Example, liberals democrats donate less money than most conservatives do to charities. Kind of goes against your narrative doesn't it ? Oh damn there's that truth that gets in the way ! Most of the liberal propaganda out there has conservative Republicans as being rich and greedy racist ! All while the liberals Are " The compassionate saviors of the universe". Someone please tell me where Hillary or Bernie are going to come up with the money for all the programs like free college they are promoting . Last time I checked the government produces nothing ! I'll tell you how they're going to do it they are going to take or borrow the money and pay for these programs and make YOU think that THEY gave you something! They're not taking from Paul to pay Peter . they're taking from Peter to pay Peter .
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-17-2016, 1:43 PM
Same place that Bush came up with all the money to invade Iraq and rebuild Afghanistan. Same place that govt gets the money to replace the money that guys like you and I keep sending overseas. I'm not thinking the govt is giving me something. Neither universal healthcare or free tuition is going to benefit me. By the time we get universal HC I'll be on medicare. The bottom line is that both education and HC needs cost controls. When you go to a universal program cost controls are absolutely essential. In both cases we've had govt injecting money into both of the market sectors without cost controls and we are paying the price. HC is going to eat this nation alive as long as republicans keep thinking it's some kind of free market going on there.
Join Date: Apr 2002
04-17-2016, 2:29 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Thanks for not answering my question.
I just love how Hillary tries to pretend to be a "common folk" and panders to the black vote. (BTW the blacks know she is a Phoney) All While hosting fund raisers that the cheapest ticket in the house is $32 thousand. Seems pretty hypocritical trying to pretend to be just like them whe the truth is she is a 1%r But then again most of the people in the liberal movement are. Example, liberals democrats donate less money than most conservatives do to charities. Kind of goes against your narrative doesn't it ? Oh damn there's that truth that gets in the way ! Most of the liberal propaganda out there has conservative Republicans as being rich and greedy racist ! All while the liberals Are " The compassionate saviors of the universe". Someone please tell me where Hillary or Bernie are going to come up with the money for all the programs like free college they are promoting . Last time I checked the government produces nothing ! I'll tell you how they're going to do it they are going to take or borrow the money and pay for these programs and make YOU think that THEY gave you something! They're not taking from Paul to pay Peter . they're taking from Peter to pay Peter .
. I think everybody wants the same thing people just have different opinions on how to get there. I don't know what it is that makes people organise in to factions like lib or dem but imo it is not helpful if your goal is harmonious cohabitation with fellow humans.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 4:12 PM
Ahhhhh Ralph that's a good question/statement. This is just my 2c and I'll give you my opinion to your question. "The Have's & the "Have Nots" the Have's have gotten where they are threw hard work and determination. The "Have Nots" want what the "Have's" have but either don't want to or don't know how to get it. Rather then seek out the knowledge and skills and sacrifice to
acquire what the "Have's" Have they gravitate to people who lie (politician or preacher or community orginizer collage professor ) that tells them they deserve what the "Have's" Have and the reason they don't have Jack Is because of the Have's! Yup it's not a fault of their own at all. And in fact because of the color of there skin or religious beliefs or sexual orientation they are entitled to some sort of advantage, and the Have's are going to pay for it Big Time! this is the how the Libs think they can even the playing field by playing god. Obama calls it the Fair Share! Some one please tell me what my fair share should be.
Join Date: Apr 2002
04-17-2016, 5:02 PM
I don't know what the answer to fair or not fair is. All I know is I have a great life, got born in to a wonderful family, my parents gave me an excellent foundation and sent me to a school that taught me well and sent me on my way. My start was a good as it gets and I have taken the ball and run with it. I'm grateful for what I have and recognize that the start I have had is A LOT better than others I share the planet with.
As I have aged I have developed an attitude that amassing more than what I need becomes less and less important and I get more and more pleasure from helping others. Does that mean I should force others to have the same attitude. No. Live and let live. But I do believe that it makes for happy people to think of the self a bit less and and embrace the collective bit more. So I encourage people to think about it, not because it is "the right thing to do" or some other altruistic ideal but because it makes the individual happier and helps help the collective. Win Win.
So I don't think the label of Democrat fits me so well, I don't like to think in terms of left and right. Rather works, doesn't work, Better for humanity, worse for humanity, Good for self, bad for self. Of course the challenge to find the path.
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-17-2016, 5:39 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Thanks for not answering my question..
It was a stupid leading question. You don't characterize the politicians you vote for as "pandering" to you. So I did it for you. And since there are only two parties, I answered your question by eliminating the one it wasn't.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
04-17-2016, 6:26 PM
"Example, liberals democrats donate less money than most conservatives do to charities."
Grant, you know that this tired statistic has to do with churchgoers who tithe, right? That money goes right into church buildings, salaries, and other things that directly benefit church members - not exactly charity as I imagine you and I define it... Once you account for that it's actually skewed the other direction...
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-17-2016, 8:43 PM
Ralph that was a very well said and constructed post I don't think too many people could disagree with your way of thinking. You hit the nail directly on the head when you question how it was to be done is the $20,000 dollar question.
You hit on some very key points about your success. #1 being raised in a stable loving family home. I completely agree with you in The things that gave you a head start. Again many can't disagree with the statement "kids raised in a home with both parents have a definite advantage over homes with single parent and dysfunctional homes.
We all know this to be true but somehow saying it is taboo. Look at some communities where mothers have children from four different men. Anybody see a problem with this? Any idea what kind of members of society these kids without fathers are going to be ? But yet why will no one say anything about it ? And then if someone happens to speak against this lifestyle your labeled a racist.
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Location: Texas
04-17-2016, 8:48 PM
I've never heard anyone called racist for saying a single-parent household with 4 kids and 4 baby daddies is going to be a poor environment for the kids to grow up in.
Have you seen the memes of Steph Curry's wife's new cooking show? Hilarious lol
Last edited by pesos; 04-17-2016 at 8:51 PM.
Reason: Stupid autocorrect
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04-17-2016, 8:59 PM
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04-18-2016, 7:52 AM
Originally Posted by pesos
I've never heard anyone called racist for saying a single-parent household with 4 kids and 4 baby daddies is going to be a poor environment for the kids to grow up in.
But if you interpret every thing as racist then I could see how one might think that. There is nothing wrong with stating the point that Grant reiterated from Ralph's post. It's the biggest reason why I have compassion for poor people and kids from those kinds of homes. Like Ralph I came from a home where my parents made sure that I was headed for college and helped me achieve that goal. It's the reason why I don't expect children to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and finance their future to get an education. Instead of raising the goalposts and making it more difficult to get an education, it should be easier. And yeah everyone can't get a college degree so we shouldn't be exporting jobs to impoverished labor and sending our economy overseas.
What's apparent is that conservatives believe that getting what they want at the expense of the health of our nation reins supreme over all other rationale. They blame the poor for the cycle of poverty while believing that we should be more competitive like the Asian sh*tholes they admire. When women are raising babies in fatherless homes they can't make the connection between poverty and the prevalence of such things. It's always a moral failing on the part of someone who they have zero understanding of the difficulties they endure. They can't make the connection between making a living wage working a reasonable number of hours and stable families.
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-18-2016, 8:57 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
We all know this to be true but somehow saying it is taboo. Look at some communities where mothers have children from four different men. Anybody see a problem with this? Any idea what kind of members of society these kids without fathers are going to be ? But yet why will no one say anything about it ? And then if someone happens to speak against this lifestyle your labeled a racist.
Is it racist of me that the first person to come to mind when I read this was Kim Davis?
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-18-2016, 10:09 AM
Shawn ; Kim Davis was IMO the worst. 3 times married and all her baby daddy drama but some how SHE thinks she stands on morel high ground?
Back to the topic at hand, study's have show being poor is not In line with low test scores and youth advancing In the world. What is in line with doomed youth is broken homes with low moral values. I to was raised in a loving home with both parents. I was raised with a religious thread and attended religious youth events all threw my lower grade levels. I feel like I was shown or given the opportunity to choose my way in life. I don't think this would have been possabley if my home was broken and parents were fighting Ect. I'm not religious but feel it was good as a youth to go to church and have been given the information and as a adult I'm glad I had been shown this way of life but choose to live my life on my terms. So I can see and respect both sides of the religious debate.
Just like politics I think to far to the left is wrong and same go's to the right. I can see how educating our youth and investing in our country's infrastructure will help everyone. But before we rebuild we need to recognize the odvious. This county needs to address some " inconvenient truth's" and Only then we can fix them and Move on!
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-18-2016, 3:12 PM
You would think people that demand $15 Minimum wage here in SF they could at least spell your name right on your $10 sandwich. Check out today's lunch!
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-18-2016, 3:51 PM
well, grant... I'd think you if anyone might be understanding of spelling errors.
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04-18-2016, 4:43 PM
Grant you have more than 10 spelling errors in your most recent post alone lol - give sandwich guy a break
Join Date: Jun 2004
04-18-2016, 4:44 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
well, grant... I'd think you if anyone might be understanding of spelling errors.
Grant, always use "through" instead of "threw". Based on your usage here you'll be right 90% of the time and wrong 10%, instead of the other way around.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-18-2016, 5:05 PM
I wonder if I was taught Ebonics in another life?
Join Date: Apr 2005
04-18-2016, 5:26 PM
You walked right into that one, Grant.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-18-2016, 6:44 PM
^^ your right^^^ I'm such a dumb dumb!
Anyone here think that someone is going to pop up as a new candidate come convention time
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04-18-2016, 6:58 PM
As far as I can tell Cruz and Trump have that avenue blocked with Rule 40 or whatever number it is. I think the GOP is stuck with Cruz if they want to maneuver around Trump. It's almost a lose-lose because they are going to fracture off a ton of the extremists, and they're going to be stuck with Cruz who is an extremist in his own right. Seems like either way they ultimately hand the election to Hillary. I imagine they'll focus hard on the senate races, where Trump hurts them a fair amount. There's also still the (unlikely) chance of a 3rd party candidate fracturing the vote even further... Bloomberg, Gary Johnson, or even Trump himself if they work around him to get Cruz in...
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-18-2016, 7:19 PM
Originally Posted by grant_west
You would think people that demand $15 Minimum wage here in SF they could at least spell your name right on your $10 sandwich. Check out today's lunch!
Man, if you are basing a person's wage on their spelling ability, you'd be the most broke man in America. They'd make commercials about you with Sally Struthers narrating.
Join Date: Apr 2002
04-18-2016, 9:17 PM
Yeah Grint, how do you even afford that $10 sandwich. Haha
04-19-2016, 11:49 AM
Man you guys really know how to make a guy feel bad! Constantly pointing out my bad spelling!!! I guess I will stop all this political Mumbo jumbo and go back to my horrible life!
Yeah Grint! Go back to your sh*tty boat with your lame stereo and your crappy GEM car! LOSER!!! 
04-19-2016, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
Your boycott of Paypal will do nothing to help the people of NC that stood to benefit from Paypal's business in the state. I also notice that you avoided my comment that more police officers were killed during Bush's watch, than Obama's. I don't recall you making a post commenting that "Bush doesn't like the police" or any faux outrage.
And I guess you missed the Rodney King riots, the Watts riots, riots after a pro team or college team wins a championship, etc. Riots have existed since the founding of this country. I'd say a person would have a hard time discussing US history with you since you conveniently leave out things that don't fit into your narrative.
You should read for content Jeremy. I did address the uncited source for more cops killed under Bush. The cops were not targeted for hits like they have been in the last few years. They literally are ambushed while sitting in their cars. Also, I am pretty sure 9/11 where the buildings fell on the cops and firefighters biased the numbers.
I did not miss any of the riots. Most of those riots were by what group of people? Sports riots? While their are idiots involved in those, I don't remember city blocks being burned, people ripped out of their cars and beaten, and Koreans on their roofs with guns protecting themselves.
Join Date: Jan 2009
04-19-2016, 2:59 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
You should read for content Jeremy. I did address the uncited source for more cops killed under Bush. The cops were not targeted for hits like they have been in the last few years. They literally are ambushed while sitting in their cars. Also, I am pretty sure 9/11 where the buildings fell on the cops and firefighters biased the numbers.
I did not miss any of the riots. Most of those riots were by what group of people? Sports riots? While their are idiots involved in those, I don't remember city blocks being burned, people ripped out of their cars and beaten, and Koreans on their roofs with guns protecting themselves.
Not true. You can leave out all of the law enforcement killed on 9/11 and police killings are still lower under Obama. You have Google, you can find these numbers just as easily as I did. Let me know if you find something that contradicts anything I said on this matter.
Plenty of sports riots involve white people, as well. How convenient that you want to make this solely a black issue.
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-19-2016, 3:27 PM
Numbers are only part of the equation. I'm sure you could find graphs and numbers to support either side's point of view. Just like flying what your gauges are telling you is 1 thing what the plane is giving you in feed back is another. If Both are in alignment you're good to go. The point is if you only rely on numbers then your only getting one 1/2 of the story. Kind of reminds me of what I call "armchair engineers" full of number but zero practical knowledge.
04-19-2016, 3:58 PM
Originally Posted by wake77
Not true. You can leave out all of the law enforcement killed on 9/11 and police killings are still lower under Obama. You have Google, you can find these numbers just as easily as I did. Let me know if you find something that contradicts anything I said on this matter.
Plenty of sports riots involve white people, as well. How convenient that you want to make this solely a black issue.
I did find something that contradicts you. The police are being freaking AMBUSHED!!!
How is it convenient I am making it a black issue. I am pointing out who are burning down towns. Sports riots are spontaneous events with drunk idiots that don't seem to involve burning down towns and usually have paid protestors involved. You know leftist like Soros who pay protesters $5000 a month in Ferguson to protest and riot.
04-19-2016, 4:00 PM
BTW....FBI: Number of Police Officers Killed On-Duty Up By 89 Percent In 2014
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-19-2016, 5:19 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
When you click the linked story they explain that 2013 was the LOWEST year for police dying in the line of duty during the 35 years since stats had been compiled. So 89% increase is misleading in and of itself.
59 were killed in 2014, while between 1980 and 2014 the average was 64. So 2014 was still below average.
2 of the 8 ambushed cops were killed by god fearing bundy supporting gun nuts in June of 2014, long before the black lives matter movement erupted later in August of 2014 (not sure about the other 6 tho).
So to argue that as a result of BLM that cops are being killed at higher-than-historical rates is pretty specious.
Last edited by shawndoggy; 04-19-2016 at 5:22 PM.
04-19-2016, 6:25 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
When you click the linked story they explain that 2013 was the LOWEST year for police dying in the line of duty during the 35 years since stats had been compiled. So 89% increase is misleading in and of itself.
59 were killed in 2014, while between 1980 and 2014 the average was 64. So 2014 was still below average.
2 of the 8 ambushed cops were killed by god fearing bundy supporting gun nuts in June of 2014, long before the black lives matter movement erupted later in August of 2014 (not sure about the other 6 tho).
So to argue that as a result of BLM that cops are being killed at higher-than-historical rates is pretty specious.
Basically we are heading back to the average over several decades.
Kind of reach to say someone was killed by Bundy people and it is clear the others were not ambushed by bundy people.
Can we say that the war on black people and thus the mild defense of BLM is also specious? Less than 4% of unarmed shootings are white cops against black people. For every black man killed (criminal or innocent) by the cops, there are 40 black people murdered by other black people. 82% of gun deaths in the black community are due to murder. 77% of gun deaths in the white community is by suicide.
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04-19-2016, 7:10 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
04-19-2016, 7:23 PM
Wow, Ted Cruz is a seriously whiny little b... Does he think running to be the leader of the free world should be easy, or that actually BEING it will be any easier? Maybe now he can show a little respect for the current occupants...
Join Date: Nov 2009
04-19-2016, 8:28 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Kind of reach to say someone was killed by Bundy people and it is clear the others were not ambushed by bundy people.
Well I mean if you think the fact that the two were at the bundy standoff and then they shot two cops is a reach, then yeah, I agree, "kind of a reach."
Join Date: Jun 2005
04-19-2016, 8:32 PM
I'm with you on this one Wes: Ted is a little b" he is going all about this the wrong way. He should take a page out of that BEAST Hillarys book and pander to the Uber rich VC's and other Libral elite like Mark Zuckerburg and have them throw Old Ted one of those 350 thousand dollar per ticket Fund Raisers like Hillary did last week in SF her and Bill are famous for their several hundred thousand dollar speeches! That way he can get the money he needs and stop bothering us "Po Folk" wit Dem pesky emails!
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Location: Texas
04-19-2016, 8:35 PM
Originally Posted by deltahoosier
Kind of reach to say someone was killed by Bundy people
Huh? How do you figure?
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
04-19-2016, 8:37 PM
True Grant... We ain't one-at-a-timin here - we's mass communicatin!