Join Date: Mar 2018
02-03-2022, 2:46 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Cool story bro, how do you explain All Cause Mortality is up 900k on projections?
projections are based on someone elses proposed numbers and when they gathered the numbers. This projection by some 3rd party source is only taking numbers it can publicly find at the time of writing.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-03-2022, 2:48 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Yes exactly, delaying infection allows you time to wait for vaccines and therapeutics to be developed and allows you to add capacity to the medical system for the peaks.
That is what I said from day one, however you have the other impacts that are just as bad if not worse on the 98% of the people who are not impacted by COVID. Good for your country that you could shut it down for 2 years.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-03-2022, 2:50 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I am healthy, vaccinated and take reasonable precautions. We've done all we cans to save the dummies.
Their opinions won't change. Just the facts they use to support them will... So much effort to remain dumb--it boggles me sometimes.
So are you going to get a covid shot from now to the end of time every 5 to 6 months? Based on what we are doing now, you will have to or you will simply be dropped into the dummy category because the shots are not effective beyond that. Pretty judgemental of you.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-03-2022, 3:12 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
projections are based on someone elses proposed numbers and when they gathered the numbers. This projection by some 3rd party source is only taking numbers it can publicly find at the time of writing.
These numbers are from the CDC, they model the historical death rate, apply it to the population growth to produce the expected mortality rate. There model for 2020-2021 is 900k low. Wonder why?
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-03-2022, 3:13 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
That is what I said from day one, however you have the other impacts that are just as bad if not worse on the 98% of the people who are not impacted by COVID. Good for your country that you could shut it down for 2 years.
Life in NZ hasn't been too bad over the last two years, we have about 3 months of lockdown total but in between that life has been normal apart from international travel. Economy is actually going pretty good, unemployment rate is at all time low 3.8%
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-03-2022, 4:33 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
So are you going to get a covid shot from now to the end of time every 5 to 6 months? Based on what we are doing now, you will have to or you will simply be dropped into the dummy category because the shots are not effective beyond that. Pretty judgemental of you.
I will not be getting a booster every 5-6 months. I went 9 months before I got my first, but now I am on schedule. I do imagine that I will get a booster every year alongside my flu shot in the fall for the foreseeable future. It is a small price to pay to stay healthy. And I am healthy. I have still never had COVID. My run probably won't last forever, but if I can have fewer cases and less severe cases, that is a good thing. I have done my best.
You, on the other hand will get COVID every time your natural immunity wears off. But that's okay. You have the power of the internet and I am sure there is a study somewhere on the other side of the world that will prop up your options and help you ignore the obvious facts in front of your face a little longer. I think that approach is just dumb, but that is just my opinion. If you feel judged, that says more about your confidence than my statement.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-03-2022, 4:42 PM
Originally Posted by Ralph
Cool story bro, how do you explain All Cause Mortality is up 900k on projections?
Cause mortality is based on a projection. I am sure you’ve also noticed that the baseline used in previous years up to 2021 came from entirely different system used to predict cause mortality than te current system. In 2021 they used a completely new model to predict cause mortality , once again adjusting the numbers to give the appearance of a more profound effect.
Nobody is denying covid had an adverse effect on deaths.
Nobody can deny lockdowns and tyrannical policies also had a profound negative effect on those cause mortality increase numbers. Suicides., murders , overdoses are at record numbers in US history. All those deaths are also considered in your cause mortality graph. All related to the lockdowns and tyrannical democratic policies and mismanagement of the virus implemented on Americans. . So are all the deaths related to fear induced phobias of not wanting to go for regular medical help , or not having the ability to seek preventive medical procedures and treatments. So your graph doesn’t paint a guesstimate of just covid .
What leading scientific experts on the front lines and researchers are saying is that the rhetoric and fear mongoring data projected to the people regarding covid is nowhere near accurate, and the numbers/ rhetoric being rammed down peoples throats by the Democratic Party with a political agenda are nowhere near the reality of the actual science obtained through the in depth research coming out daily.
Let’s however focus on your little graph you cherry picked . Quoted straight from the researchers of the graph you posted.
. These estimates come with a great deal of uncertainty given the large amount of data that is missing and the known shortcomings even for data that is available.
We can think of them as our best, educated — but still ballpark — estimates. Some of the specific figures are highly uncertain, as the large uncertainty intervals show.
And we know how well all these predictions and estimations have panned out over the duration of the virus.
One more caviat straight from the publisher
this measure is less comparable across countries due to large differences in populations.
So while you want to point to graph regarding cause mortality as an argument , maybe you should realize that graph is a complete assumption based estimate and is missing huge chunks of data acknowledged by the creators to validate it. It’s also isn’t just a picture of the damage of the virus itself. It paints a big picture and highlights the epic failure of the left and their implemented policies and mandates Nationwide.
I am glad you don’t mind living in a place where your rights as a citizen don’t mean as much to you. I am glad your ok giving up 3 months of your life . Your comparison of a self sustained, island country that has nothing in common with the US with regards to its structure , climate or population means nothing to the reality of covid in America. That’s precisely the issue. There is no one size fits all policy for the world. The quicker that’s acknowledged the better off we will all be.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-03-2022, 4:50 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I will not be getting a booster every 5-6 months. I went 9 months before I got my first, but now I am on schedule. I do imagine that I will get a booster every year alongside my flu shot in the fall for the foreseeable future. It is a small price to pay to stay healthy. And I am healthy. I have still never had COVID. My run probably won't last forever, but if I can have fewer cases and less severe cases, that is a good thing. I have done my best.
You, on the other hand will get COVID every time your natural immunity wears off. But that's okay. You have the power of the internet and I am sure there is a study somewhere on the other side of the world that will prop up your options and help you ignore the obvious facts in front of your face a little longer. I think that approach is just dumb, but that is just my opinion. If you feel judged, that says more about your confidence than my statement.
You, on the other hand will get COVID every time your natural immunity wears off.
Can you point to the scientific research that says every unvaccinated individual will get covid? Can you post the scientific research that says vaccinated individuals won’t get covid while vaccinated or boosted ?
So why did you wait 9 mos and not follow Fauci’s advice , seems dangerous and very riskful to me. Why are you not going to follow the recommendations of being booster every 5-6 mos? Do you not understand all the lives you put at risk by waiting so long to get your booster? How dare you !
Weird I don’t get the flu shot and I don’t get flu. In fact since I’ve gotten the vaccine I have had more sniffles and sore throats in the span of time til this posting today than I have had in last 5-7 yrs combined.
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-03-2022 at 4:58 PM.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-03-2022, 6:04 PM
Well, I'm 40, I got my vaccines in March and wasn't even eligible for the booster until December.
I don't have to research. I know unvaccinated people that have been genuinely sick twice. I kinda shrug. If you are going to be dumb, you better be tough. If you are relying on natural immunity alone, you are more vulnerable. By getting the vaccine, I am re-upping my immunity and skipping the getting sick part as many times as possible. The process will become more refined over time.
You don't get the flu, until you do. I have had it three times in my life. The third time was swine flu and I have gotten the flu-shot consistently ever since. Prior to that I was willy-nilly. If I can make it another 40 years and only get it one more time. I consider it a success. It is all a percentages game like helmets and seatbelts. It is just risk reduction not magic.
How are you going to blame the vaccine for sniffles? Could be a cold, could be allergies, maybe you need to get on a multi-vitamin. I would consult your doctor.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-04-2022, 9:45 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I will not be getting a booster every 5-6 months. I went 9 months before I got my first, but now I am on schedule. I do imagine that I will get a booster every year alongside my flu shot in the fall for the foreseeable future. It is a small price to pay to stay healthy. And I am healthy. I have still never had COVID. My run probably won't last forever, but if I can have fewer cases and less severe cases, that is a good thing. I have done my best.
You, on the other hand will get COVID every time your natural immunity wears off. But that's okay. You have the power of the internet and I am sure there is a study somewhere on the other side of the world that will prop up your options and help you ignore the obvious facts in front of your face a little longer. I think that approach is just dumb, but that is just my opinion. If you feel judged, that says more about your confidence than my statement.
ME has the vaccine. Me had 7 direct members of my family test positive for COVID 2 weeks ago not including all the other people around them who tested positive and I did not get sick at all. Of the people who were positive and symptomatic, 2 were current on vaccines. Just got them a month ago. They got the sickest of all of us. They are also in the 20's. The 2 kids under 5. Not vaccinated. got the second sickest but only lasted a day and they were back to themselves. 2 others in their 20's not vaccinated. Got a little sick. wife (vaccinated in April) was sick for a few days. Lost taste and smell. Not boosted, but vaccinated. Me. vaccinated in April, not boosted. Did not get sick. No symptoms.
That is the break down in my life so far with this. The facts in our little world for this round, the up to date vaccinated got the sickest. Not life threatening but it is what it is. Just a data point.
I don't feel judge because truthfully I don't care how you feel about it personally. you just sound like one of those control freaks is all. I know the obvious facts. less than 2% of the population will be seriously impacted. plays out all the time. Get your booster yearly. Just means you will be 6 to 7 months behind cronically. They already found out natural immunity is best but as we all know it can be a dangerous game. Just like Kenny Rogers told the group in the movie The Gambler. I may only have one bullet, but which one of you is going to get it? That is what the vaccine is really doing. Just giving peace of mind and good for it. People like you on the other hand are all for Fing up everyone elses life for your perceived safety and it is people like you that are dangerous to our freedoms.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-04-2022, 9:48 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Cause mortality is based on a projection. I am sure you’ve also noticed that the baseline used in previous years up to 2021 came from entirely different system used to predict cause mortality than te current system. In 2021 they used a completely new model to predict cause mortality , once again adjusting the numbers to give the appearance of a more profound effect.
Nobody is denying covid had an adverse effect on deaths.
Nobody can deny lockdowns and tyrannical policies also had a profound negative effect on those cause mortality increase numbers. Suicides., murders , overdoses are at record numbers in US history. All those deaths are also considered in your cause mortality graph. All related to the lockdowns and tyrannical democratic policies and mismanagement of the virus implemented on Americans. . So are all the deaths related to fear induced phobias of not wanting to go for regular medical help , or not having the ability to seek preventive medical procedures and treatments. So your graph doesn’t paint a guesstimate of just covid .
What leading scientific experts on the front lines and researchers are saying is that the rhetoric and fear mongoring data projected to the people regarding covid is nowhere near accurate, and the numbers/ rhetoric being rammed down peoples throats by the Democratic Party with a political agenda are nowhere near the reality of the actual science obtained through the in depth research coming out daily.
Let’s however focus on your little graph you cherry picked . Quoted straight from the researchers of the graph you posted.
. These estimates come with a great deal of uncertainty given the large amount of data that is missing and the known shortcomings even for data that is available.
We can think of them as our best, educated — but still ballpark — estimates. Some of the specific figures are highly uncertain, as the large uncertainty intervals show.
And we know how well all these predictions and estimations have panned out over the duration of the virus.
One more caviat straight from the publisher
this measure is less comparable across countries due to large differences in populations.
So while you want to point to graph regarding cause mortality as an argument , maybe you should realize that graph is a complete assumption based estimate and is missing huge chunks of data acknowledged by the creators to validate it. It’s also isn’t just a picture of the damage of the virus itself. It paints a big picture and highlights the epic failure of the left and their implemented policies and mandates Nationwide.
I am glad you don’t mind living in a place where your rights as a citizen don’t mean as much to you. I am glad your ok giving up 3 months of your life . Your comparison of a self sustained, island country that has nothing in common with the US with regards to its structure , climate or population means nothing to the reality of covid in America. That’s precisely the issue. There is no one size fits all policy for the world. The quicker that’s acknowledged the better off we will all be.
Just read an article this morning that San Francisco has double the amount of over dose deaths then covid deaths over the last 2 years. Difference is, they reduce laws on drug use in the city and lock down law abiding citizens for covid.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-04-2022, 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
ME has the vaccine. Me had 7 direct members of my family test positive for COVID 2 weeks ago not including all the other people around them who tested positive and I did not get sick at all. Of the people who were positive and symptomatic, 2 were current on vaccines. Just got them a month ago. They got the sickest of all of us. They are also in the 20's. The 2 kids under 5. Not vaccinated. got the second sickest but only lasted a day and they were back to themselves. 2 others in their 20's not vaccinated. Got a little sick. wife (vaccinated in April) was sick for a few days. Lost taste and smell. Not boosted, but vaccinated. Me. vaccinated in April, not boosted. Did not get sick. No symptoms.
That is the break down in my life so far with this. The facts in our little world for this round, the up to date vaccinated got the sickest. Not life threatening but it is what it is. Just a data point.
I don't feel judge because truthfully I don't care how you feel about it personally. you just sound like one of those control freaks is all. I know the obvious facts. less than 2% of the population will be seriously impacted. plays out all the time. Get your booster yearly. Just means you will be 6 to 7 months behind cronically. They already found out natural immunity is best but as we all know it can be a dangerous game. Just like Kenny Rogers told the group in the movie The Gambler. I may only have one bullet, but which one of you is going to get it? That is what the vaccine is really doing. Just giving peace of mind and good for it. People like you on the other hand are all for Fing up everyone elses life for your perceived safety and it is people like you that are dangerous to our freedoms.
You were doing ok til you brought in KennyR. If you get the vax you really dont need to worry about the one bullet. You may get a little sick but thats about it.
The others all still need to worry about it. His getting vaxxed does not F everything up for others, its the opposite. Others dont have to be concerned with him and he can go about life w/o worry. He is the free one.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2022, 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
I am glad you don’t mind living in a place where your rights as a citizen don’t mean as much to you. I am glad your ok giving up 3 months of your life
It's amazing to me that Americans aren't willing to give up some personal freedoms to save literally thousands of lives.
To see the contrast to our grandfather's generation, the sacrifices they made and our generation complaining about wearing a mask, getting a vaccine and locking down for a few months is embarrassing. People are going around shouting freedom like they are William Wallace.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-04-2022, 2:28 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Just read an article this morning that San Francisco has double the amount of over dose deaths then covid deaths over the last 2 years. Difference is, they reduce laws on drug use in the city and lock down law abiding citizens for covid.
Stop it with the facts.
The excessive death rates are due to covid killing everyone not the result of democratic policies.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-04-2022, 3:01 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Stop it with the facts.
The excessive death rates are due to covid killing everyone not the result of democratic policies.
I think the over doses are due to Mexican cartels, the fact its cheaper to add fentanyl than heroin.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-04-2022, 7:13 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I think the over doses are due to Mexican cartels, the fact its cheaper to add fentanyl than heroin.
So in other words you blame open borders due to the Biden /Harris border policy that has allowed cartels to flood the us with record amounts of illegal drugs. finally something we agree on.
But don’t completely discount the exponentially increased amount of new users/dependents that has occurred under the democratic policy shift to minimize the criminality of serious narcotics.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-04-2022, 7:14 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Well, I'm 40, I got my vaccines in March and wasn't even eligible for the booster until December.
I don't have to research. I know unvaccinated people that have been genuinely sick twice. I kinda shrug. If you are going to be dumb, you better be tough. If you are relying on natural immunity alone, you are more vulnerable. By getting the vaccine, I am re-upping my immunity and skipping the getting sick part as many times as possible. The process will become more refined over time.
You don't get the flu, until you do. I have had it three times in my life. The third time was swine flu and I have gotten the flu-shot consistently ever since. Prior to that I was willy-nilly. If I can make it another 40 years and only get it one more time. I consider it a success. It is all a percentages game like helmets and seatbelts. It is just risk reduction not magic.
How are you going to blame the vaccine for sniffles? Could be a cold, could be allergies, maybe you need to get on a multi-vitamin. I would consult your doctor.
Funny you would pick two risk reducers such as seat belts and helmets to prove a point, because neither are mandated across the Nation…..
Well I have over dozen co workers not vaccinated that haven’t caught covid , well at least have shown no signs whatsoever. I do have 5 coworkers that have been boosted that have caught covid twice. Once while vaccinated and one while boosted.
The simple fact of the matter is there is no fail safe and a mandate guarantees nothing. I am vaccinated , even if I wasn’t forced to get vaccinated I most likely would be vaccinated at this point in time due to the amount of close interactions I have with bustouts. I don’t plan on getting boosted. My kids are not vaccinated and I don’t plan on jabbing them. Especially the one that has never had covid. The fight is the government mandating vaccines that have not lived up to their expectations and the ever changing world around them. The fight is about a mandate of a vaccine who’s efficacy continues to drop exponentially. Not a single claim has held true about them.
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-04-2022 at 7:17 PM.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-04-2022, 7:18 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
It's amazing to me that Americans aren't willing to give up some personal freedoms to save literally thousands of lives.
To see the contrast to our grandfather's generation, the sacrifices they made and our generation complaining about wearing a mask, getting a vaccine and locking down for a few months is embarrassing. People are going around shouting freedom like they are William Wallace.
Because if you knew and understood anything about a free society, you’d know that when you give an inch they move forward an inch and half, and before you know it you lost everything.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2022, 7:35 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Because if you knew and understood anything about a free society, you’d know that when you give an inch they move forward an inch and half, and before you know it you lost everything.
Oh for sure one minute your consenting to wear a mask, nek minute your in a gimp suit juggling some blokes balls.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-04-2022, 7:57 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Oh for sure one minute your consenting to wear a mask, nek minute your in a gimp suit juggling some blokes balls.
You got it wrong again. The mask is the gimp suit.
I am not sure how hard it is to understand the fight is about the tyrannical federal and state mandates that were put in place completely ignoring the law and constitutions of each. We have a process with a legal precedent this country was founded on , and it’s been ignored completely by a political party for political gain. It’s that simple. Allow it to happen with no fight and the next tyrannical mandate will be soon behind
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-04-2022 at 8:05 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-04-2022, 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
We have a process with a legal precedent this country was founded on , and it’s been ignored completely by a political party for political gain.
Uh huh, what covid policies are materially different from the policies set out by the trump wh?
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-05-2022, 4:50 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
It's amazing to me that Americans aren't willing to give up some personal freedoms to save literally thousands of lives.
To see the contrast to our grandfather's generation, the sacrifices they made and our generation complaining about wearing a mask, getting a vaccine and locking down for a few months is embarrassing. People are going around shouting freedom like they are William Wallace.
we give up personal freedoms all the time. Its the hypocrisy of the left, demanding people do what they say but not what they do. The vaccine was never the "problem" it was the way the left leveraged it against the people. Making promises to not mandate healthcare choices, then enforcing mandates, without long term data. This vaccine is and will be the most controversial measure argued for many years, 10 years from now. Science was flipped upside down for politics. The left destroyed peoples lives, jobs, pensions. and homes. Suicide rates skyrocket, companies went bankrupt, drug overdoses are off the charts etc etc etc
Scientists were too afraid to tell the truth! Now they are starting to open up. The damage is already done. Trust is a difficult thing to regain, and the left has destroyed what trust we had in the system. No different than the hypocrisy that occurred in Australia and NZ.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-05-2022, 5:06 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Uh huh, what covid policies are materially different from the policies set out by the trump wh?
making companies require them, by pressuring them, then firing people! that 1. how about firing healthcare workers, who have already had covid. who were the hero's who saved lives, then were ostracized them on every left wing media outlet. Or telling restaurant owner they have to lose their business, and cannot open, because they are not "essential " all the while the leftist, who enforced these "rules for you but not for me" were having dinner parties "that were private" getting their hair cut, in the closed salon, while all salons were "dangerous"
C'mon there are so many examples that you cannot act like it was "the same" Trump was a fool, for one simple reason. HE allowed Fauci to be on his panel. The man behind the funding of the GAIN of FUNCTION that has killed millions, who will never see a jail cell, who covered up the truth, who damaged all our lives while thousands of doctors and scientist new this was a sham kept their mouths shut because they knew they would be CANCELLED! Because the left is a WOKE, cancel culture, destroyer of everything NOT THEIR WAY!
Trump made mistakes, Biden intentionally made damaging policy. More people died under Biden, with Vaccines than the first year of this mess under trump. Facts dont matter anymore, because the left only cares about their agenda, and not the people.
If masked really worked, they would have them on their faces at the football game, but they know they dont, so they take them off. Obviously not afraid of Omicron, and they know the vaccine is not going to stop them getting it or spreading it!
Biden has done everything he can to stop medications to aid in treating covid, so he and his left agenda can force vaccines. Florida is a prime example. So please stop
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-05-2022, 9:10 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Funny you would pick two risk reducers such as seat belts and helmets to prove a point, because neither are mandated across the Nation…..
Well I have over dozen co workers not vaccinated that haven’t caught covid , well at least have shown no signs whatsoever. I do have 5 coworkers that have been boosted that have caught covid twice. Once while vaccinated and one while boosted.
The simple fact of the matter is there is no fail safe and a mandate guarantees nothing. I am vaccinated , even if I wasn’t forced to get vaccinated I most likely would be vaccinated at this point in time due to the amount of close interactions I have with bustouts. I don’t plan on getting boosted. My kids are not vaccinated and I don’t plan on jabbing them. Especially the one that has never had covid. The fight is the government mandating vaccines that have not lived up to their expectations and the ever changing world around them. The fight is about a mandate of a vaccine who’s efficacy continues to drop exponentially. Not a single claim has held true about them.
Texas has seatbelt and helmet laws, but in 2022, what moron doesn't wear a seatbelt.
It is all a reduction of risk. Vaccinated people are at lower risk of being infected, lower risk of hospitalization and lower risk of death. Those are just facts.
If you want to stick it to the man, show some balls and hit them where they will feel it. Cheat on your taxes. Using your health and the health of you family as some kind of political stunt is dumb.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-05-2022, 1:24 PM
And just like that yet another court , This time liberal Illinois overturns their state wide school mask mandate implemented by their 400lb disgustingly obese tyrant ………. Continuing with the overwhelming sweep of court cases .
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-05-2022, 3:51 PM
And now we have the latest dagger into how stupid vaccine mandates are.
A higher proportion of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 during the period of omicron dominance were fully vaccinated compared to the period of delta dominance, according to a new analysis
Omicron-period hospitalizations overall were associated with a lower likelihood of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and death while hospitalized, compared with delta-period hospitalizations.
However, the proportion requiring ICU admission and ventilation did not differ significantly when broken down by vaccination status,
Once again the data showing how the lefts is exploiting the virus. Vaccine mandates to dine , attend events , and socialize are completely pointless and simply don’t follow any science. They only thing they accomplish is highlighting the lefts refusal to accept the actual science and keep making policies based on political propaganda.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-05-2022, 4:05 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Texas has seatbelt and helmet laws, but in 2022, what moron doesn't wear a seatbelt.
It is all a reduction of risk. Vaccinated people are at lower risk of being infected, lower risk of hospitalization and lower risk of death. Those are just facts.
If you want to stick it to the man, show some balls and hit them where they will feel it. Cheat on your taxes. Using your health and the health of you family as some kind of political stunt is dumb.
And yet those reducers are not federally mandated. Shocker. And the efficacy is higher than a vaccine.
I know you’ll be shocked to know I’ve been riding motorcycle helmet free for over 30 yrs. Still put 12k on my Harley with a naked head. It’s feels wonderful.
Since the government is so concerned about everyone’s health…..Biden and the CDC should immediately institute a fitness mandate for employers and terminate anyone that is obese. They should immediately bar them from dinning out, buying sugary foods , and going to events. If you have time tonsocailize and go to an event you have plenty of time to hit the gym instead. Obesity is the leading contributing cause of covid deaths. Mandating healthy lifestyle choices should be at the forefront of policy. Clearly these fat obese unhealthy Americans are what keeps the death role so high.
If you’re on government aid , you must pass a fitness screening. Your government food stamps should only allow you healthy choice options. If you can’t manage a healthy BMI bye bye aid . It’s time to start holding people accountable. Join a gym and shed you fat or the government will take your ability to work away . The long term positive health effects would be 100 fold any vaccine.
Get fit or die I believe is how the current whitehouse would explain it.
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-05-2022 at 4:12 PM.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-06-2022, 5:07 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Texas has seatbelt and helmet laws, but in 2022, what moron doesn't wear a seatbelt.
It is all a reduction of risk. Vaccinated people are at lower risk of being infected, lower risk of hospitalization and lower risk of death. Those are just facts.
If you want to stick it to the man, show some balls and hit them where they will feel it. Cheat on your taxes. Using your health and the health of you family as some kind of political stunt is dumb.
you dont get it. There was an extremely high percentage of blacks, still is, not getting vaccinated, not a left or right agenda. Its due to a higher percentage of blacks not trusting the system. So you think they are going to trust the system more., when they were fired from not getting it? Wow, you must be lost.
More granola, left wing anti vaccine people exist on the left than the right, doing their yoga and seeing their chiropractor for their health needs who did not and won't get the vaccine.
Stop with the vaccine, its now a stupid argument. 80% or more have had it. When childrens hospital tells you to wait to vaccinate your child, and your pediatric doctor pulls you aside and says, "i didn't get our children vaccinated yet"
Whatever you chose to do, is up to you, not the government. If this was the movement from the beginning, it would have been more vaccinated sooner, and maybe less deaths, or we may have obscure cancers in 5 years, with the unvaccinated living while others are dying. Some epidemiologist are saying, the vaccine may present epidemic negative reactions years to come.
So we really dont have a clue and are all lab rats in this.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-07-2022, 6:18 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
And yet those reducers are not federally mandated. Shocker. And the efficacy is higher than a vaccine.
I know you’ll be shocked to know I’ve been riding motorcycle helmet free for over 30 yrs. Still put 12k on my Harley with a naked head. It’s feels wonderful.
Since the government is so concerned about everyone’s health…..Biden and the CDC should immediately institute a fitness mandate for employers and terminate anyone that is obese. They should immediately bar them from dinning out, buying sugary foods , and going to events. If you have time tonsocailize and go to an event you have plenty of time to hit the gym instead. Obesity is the leading contributing cause of covid deaths. Mandating healthy lifestyle choices should be at the forefront of policy. Clearly these fat obese unhealthy Americans are what keeps the death role so high.
If you’re on government aid , you must pass a fitness screening. Your government food stamps should only allow you healthy choice options. If you can’t manage a healthy BMI bye bye aid . It’s time to start holding people accountable. Join a gym and shed you fat or the government will take your ability to work away . The long term positive health effects would be 100 fold any vaccine.
Get fit or die I believe is how the current whitehouse would explain it.
You seriously ride 12,000 miles a year on a motorcycle without a helmet? It feels wonderful to wakeboard without a vest too until you are drifting down to Davy Jones Locker. It is mild inconvenience that can save your life.
Get fit or die is mandated by the laws of nature. Yes, I wish authorities would talk more about the dangers of COVID and how it is fat diabetics driving the deaths outside of the elderly. Why has no one (As far as I know) said point blank, "If you were ever looking for a time to lose weight, stop smoking and start living a healthier lifestyle, it is right now. There is a new threat and being healthy is an important part of the defense."
You keep trying to split things apart. Make it appear there are aways two sides, one or the other, etc. Being healthy and being vaccinated puts you in the best position. One doesn't replace the other.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-07-2022, 8:54 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-07-2022, 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
You seriously ride 12,000 miles a year on a motorcycle without a helmet? It feels wonderful to wakeboard without a vest too until you are drifting down to Davy Jones Locker. It is mild inconvenience that can save your life.
Get fit or die is mandated by the laws of nature. Yes, I wish authorities would talk more about the dangers of COVID and how it is fat diabetics driving the deaths outside of the elderly. Why has no one (As far as I know) said point blank, "If you were ever looking for a time to lose weight, stop smoking and start living a healthier lifestyle, it is right now. There is a new threat and being healthy is an important part of the defense."
You keep trying to split things apart. Make it appear there are aways two sides, one or the other, etc. Being healthy and being vaccinated puts you in the best position. One doesn't replace the other.
As far riding without a helmet , I am an EOD tech and handle the explosive breeching for our SWAT team. I’ve been thrown out of car at 70mph and run over by the car behind us after being shot in the shoulder during a drug deal gone bad. Just a few years ago I was hit by drunk doing 90 while seated in my squad from behind while I was stationary at a red light. Flew about 100 yds down the road while flipping over multiple times while belted in resulting Fractured skull , TBI , blown out shoulder , blown out knee and bunch broken teeth. My current assignment when not being used for search warrants has me tracking and chasing down armed carjacking crews. Sometimes in a covert capacity without a bulletproof vest . When it’s my time it’s my time. The helmet is the least of my worries. . I’ve shoveled up more than my fair share of motorcyclists in helmets. However for some reason I still wear USCGA every outing tho. Makes zero sense , but guess what. It’s my choice.
The two sides created now by the left are get vaxxxed or lose you freedoms to work , eat. , and enjoy events. Dividing the country by race once again during the Biden run up to presidency wasn’t enough. What’s even more absurd is healthcare workers who were deemed essential and praised daily throughout the pandemic ,the same ones who showed up at the peak, in some of the most horrendous conditions, the same ones that didn’t blink once about the risks to hen and their families worked their asses off while the rest of leftist America hid in their basements and locked everyone down. . Their reward for all their outstanding work , a federal vaccine mandate that took their jobs away and reduced the workforce by 30/40% in certain areas. You’re telling me frontline medical workers need federal mandates to make the best health decisions for themselves ? It’s lunacy.
A majority of Americans have gotten vaxxxed. With that said the vaccine has not lived up regarding what it would do for America’s . It’s fallen short at every level . The metrics show deaths have peaked and followed the same trends prior and post vaccine. Take the original vaccine rollout , and compare that to the boosted metrics and you’ll see a substantial drop off. Less than 30% have been fully boosted. I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact what Biden and Fauci promised about the vaccine didn’t deliver. I don’t think Americans have the right to be skeptical at this point ? Hell the metric of deaths under Omicron were completely split between vaxxed and unvaxxed. A majority of Americans live healthy active lifestyles. The benefit of healthy lifestyle choices far outweighs the benefit of a vaccine. The data once again proves it. The reason there is not talk about healthy lifestyle choices is due to the fact that talking point won’t divide Americans for for votes. That talking point doesn’t create hysteria and dependency. That talking point doesn’t allow a line in the sand to separate. That’s precisely why there is no mention at all of discussing the deaths and all the co-morbidities associated/linked with them. There is also no talk about the significant racial disparity of covid deaths. Why won’t they discuss that???????? Because then the millions of healthy Americans who have less than a 1/100th of a percent chance at dying from covid won’t be influenced into picking sides whether they’re democrats or republicans. The entire mandate situation is just another way to pit Americans against each other and further draw a line in the sand on one side or the other with no middle ground for discussion. Has the administration once apologized for the data not matching their rhetoric ? The answer is NO. They’ve tried to bury and eliminate any information that doesn’t tote the party line. That’s a fact backed with 100’s of emails between Farci and his puppets. That’s a fact highlighted by the straight up lies broadcasted to Americans . Fortunately people are waking up and those data points are emerging more and exposing the exploitation on multiple levels, finally overcoming the targeted censorship.
Our state lost their battle with a school mask mandate in court, similar to a majority of other mandate challenges. Schools sent out revisions to policy and removed the mandates. Kids who showed up to school today maskless were attacked by the double maskers. They were ostracized for choosing to do what they felt was ok. Certain Teachers even ostracized them. The calculus teacher began 2nd period today and divided the room into mask /non masked. Made all the no masked kids sit 6 ft apart, kept them from sitting together for their group work while masked students sat 4 to table ,,,,,,,, that was after she made the class begin with a debate over who was right, maskers vs non maskers . Why……..because the teacher is double masker and wanted to belittle those students that went against her feelings. To further make matters worse the gym teacher singled out masked vs unmasked kids by allowing masked students to play athletic competitions like floor hockey and dodgeball while maskless students were told mask uo or go walk the track 6 ft apart and the go into the fitness room and work our separately. KEEP IN MIMD THE MANDATES WERE ELIMINATED AND SCHOOL SENT OUT THE REVISED RULES OF NO LONGER REQUIRING THEM . It’s disgusting what has transpired. There isn’t a single metric of research that masking in schools has had any effect on te spread of virus among students. It’s bad enough kids have had to deal with all the other things associated with tyrannical lockdowns and unscientific shutdowns. Kids who have grown up as friends for 10yrs plus now pitted against each other, families divided based on vaccine and mask status. Places of employment now hostile work environments…….. who are the ones ostracizing and cancelling everyone ?????? LEFTISTS……….. Why you ask ??? Because they have nothing left to actually have discussions about. They went all in and now that all in is blowing up in their face and they refuse to walk any of it back. The actual long term science is going against 90% of the asinine rhetoric and policies put into place. Kids 18 and under had almost zero effect from covid. Spare me the sob stories because those stories existed at the same pace prior to covid. There will always be tragedies. A healthy kid/young adult has a 1/1000th or less of a percent chance of dying or being hospitalized because of it. Areas without school mask mandates and lockdowns had similar metrics to those with them , but the negative results of lockdowns and shutdowns to those students were worse. It’s a joke at this point. However this is right out of the Marxist/ socialist playbook to divide and conquer.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-08-2022, 8:57 AM
who are the ones ostracizing and cancelling everyone ?????? LEFTISTS……….. Why you ask ??? Because they have nothing left to actually have discussions about.
Did the democrats cancel Kinzinger and Cheney for participating in "persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse"?
Legit political discourse like attacking the capitol and cops to steal an election. Sounds legit. And as far as dividing the country by race you blame on Biden, just let Alabama do the dividing by race. Carry on with your emotional trope.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-08-2022, 4:36 PM
I wonder if the new Crack pipes will be signed by Biden. how cool would it be to have a Biden Crack pipe engraved by the whitehouse. Maybe we can get hunter to do a PAINT and PUFF fund raiser. You know, like pass out crack pipes, like the ones he uses. When you see the pictures of Hunter smoking craxk and screwing prostitues, you kinda see how unfair it is for those who are underserved. Maybe we can have a "bring a pipe and prostitute" day at school and hunter can teach the urban community how to DO IT RIGHT! No more tin foil crack pipes for the kids, now you get a special. one of a kind Biden special! How exciting!
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-08-2022, 5:11 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
I wonder if the new Crack pipes will be signed by Biden. how cool would it be to have a Biden Crack pipe engraved by the whitehouse. Maybe we can get hunter to do a PAINT and PUFF fund raiser. You know, like pass out crack pipes, like the ones he uses. When you see the pictures of Hunter smoking craxk and screwing prostitues, you kinda see how unfair it is for those who are underserved. Maybe we can have a "bring a pipe and prostitute" day at school and hunter can teach the urban community how to DO IT RIGHT! No more tin foil crack pipes for the kids, now you get a special. one of a kind Biden special! How exciting!
Biden and the NY state crew are putting up Traphouses and injection centers right across the street from a schools. The kids can watch them all upon arrival and departure. Maybe do field trip over there and do some community service. This **** is unreal.
Originally Posted by 95sn
Did the democrats cancel Kinzinger and Cheney for participating in "persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse"?
Legit political discourse like attacking the capitol and cops to steal an election. Sounds legit. And as far as dividing the country by race you blame on Biden, just let Alabama do the dividing by race. Carry on with your emotional trope.
Hahahhahaha yet again the giant deflector becaue you haven’t a single shred of factual proof to dispel any factoid in the post. You’re way to predictable. How many times have you jerked it to the to the thought of Trump being imprisooned for the insurrection this week?
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-08-2022 at 5:15 PM.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-08-2022, 5:34 PM
Oh, look thousands upon thousands of doctors, all across america have been afraid to be cancelled if they treat covid patients with actual meds that work. So sad , the truth will come out and there better be no consequences to those who stopped treatment, boycotted meds and limited pre hospital care.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-08-2022, 5:43 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Oh, look thousands upon thousands of doctors, all across america have been afraid to be cancelled if they treat covid patients with actual meds that work. So sad , the truth will come out and there better be no consequences to those who stopped treatment, boycotted meds and limited pre hospital care.
It’s all coming out. Every single day a new mail to the giant lie.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-08-2022, 6:44 PM
Sad, but children under the age of 11 are starting to show heart related problems from the vaccine. Our pediatric team and our endocrinologist all recommend waiting on a vaccine for our 8yr old. and she has T1D. She already had omicron, She had a headache for a day, and her blood sugar was eleivated (tell tell sign when she is fighting something) and has pretty much feeling fine. I just dont know what to think anymore. Its scary to think how f'd up this entire pandemic has destroyed our medical providers and this WOKE, cancel culture has turned medicine upside-down. Its ruined doctor patient relationships and has made politics the deciding factor to care.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-08-2022, 9:23 PM
More of the truth
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-08-2022, 9:28 PM
Here’s another great hypocrisy from the Black Caucus . Requiring id’s to vote is racist
But apparently Biden and company requiring ID’s with vaccination cards to demographic that’s is less than 40% vaccinated isn’t. Things that make you go hmm.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-09-2022, 3:18 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Here’s another great hypocrisy from the Black Caucus . Requiring id’s to vote is racist
But apparently Biden and company requiring ID’s with vaccination cards to demographic that’s is less than 40% vaccinated isn’t. Things that make you go hmm.
Currently, if you add up people of color, they make up about half of our countries population. based on the left, these people have no ID, have no internet? So they have no housing, cant drive. cant work, cant fill out a w2 or w4, cant have rent, cant fly, cant stay at a hotel. cant get the vaccine if they want the vaccine, (need an ID to get vaccinated) cant get medicaid, medicare, or welfare. Cant have a phone, no cell phone, no bank account, no anything
I wonder if they think they can read, or write? I find it amazing, that people of color are not angered by this belief? Or maybe it would be easier just to tell the truth. The left wants anyone who breaths, to vote. So illegals, children, felons, and anyone who is just visiting,
ITs all slowly falling down, the flip flop has begun.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-09-2022, 8:55 AM
The science says you must wait 19 days to lift your mandate. The day before Buming Joe’s state of the union. The science is so accurate it’s literally date specific.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-09-2022, 4:06 PM
I am so excited to see you Californians taking in homeless folks. WE should start a "take a pic of your homeless friend tread" And you guys can tell us how its going. i think its great! I just hope you all take one, or maybe the state can mandate you take one in!
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-09-2022, 4:38 PM
Excited? You sound more like one who is attempting to minimize the homeless and what put them on the street.
Why dont you explain how to solve the problem, you know, be part of the solution.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-10-2022, 8:50 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Excited? You sound more like one who is attempting to minimize the homeless and what put them on the street.
Why dont you explain how to solve the problem, you know, be part of the solution.
We are trying to be part of the solution. Get rid of democrats. It is their policies that are killing them. Free crack pipes. Free needles. Endless regulations that drive the price up so high that people can not even afford to participate on the most basic level. Continuing policies and talking points that say race is the only reason you can not succeed. Bringing in illegals by the millions and supporting them by the 10's of billions of dollars a year. The environazi regulations which is killing our economy. I could not even give away a perfectly running car because it had a light on so it could not pass smog. Nope. Had to donate it for parts. Cap and Trade? That is coming back to consumers too. Can't take 15 billion a year off the top to spread to wealthy land owners and not pass that along to the working class. A school system that does not hold merit above all else.
Wait until the no gas vehicles being sold in the state goes into effect in here shortly. Even the no small engine ban goes into effect even sooner. This place is going to be on fire. Speaking of which. No rain. No reservoirs being built for how long? Double the population with mostly foreign born people. Not even a American issue. They did it with intentionally doing it through foreign migration.
Shall we go on?
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 02-10-2022 at 8:55 AM.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-10-2022, 8:52 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Excited? You sound more like one who is attempting to minimize the homeless and what put them on the street.
Why dont you explain how to solve the problem, you know, be part of the solution.
Also the reason people are excited is because it is finally shining a light on what people with half a brain knows about democrat policies. Maybe it will wake people up.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-10-2022, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
We are trying to be part of the solution. Get rid of democrats. It is their policies that are killing them. Free crack pipes. Free needles. Endless regulations that drive the price up so high that people can not even afford to participate on the most basic level. Continuing policies and talking points that say race is the only reason you can not succeed. Bringing in illegals by the millions and supporting them by the 10's of billions of dollars a year. The environazi regulations which is killing our economy. I could not even give away a perfectly running car because it had a light on so it could not pass smog. Nope. Had to donate it for parts. Cap and Trade? That is coming back to consumers too. Can't take 15 billion a year off the top to spread to wealthy land owners and not pass that along to the working class. A school system that does not hold merit above all else.
Wait until the no gas vehicles being sold in the state goes into effect in here shortly. Even the no small engine ban goes into effect even sooner. This place is going to be on fire. Speaking of which. No rain. No reservoirs being built for how long? Double the population with mostly foreign born people. Not even a American issue. They did it with intentionally doing it through foreign migration.
Shall we go on?
Whining does not equal "trying to be part of the solution", its just whining.
Who is getting free crack pipes? You? or more BS?
When did a republican support building a reservoir? Every single one voted against the infrastructure bill biden passed. Why are you whining about spreading the wealth to wealthy land owners? its the only thing trump passed in 4 years.
Poor Delta, couldn't "sell" his POS that couldn't be registered, its someone else's fault.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-10-2022, 2:05 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Whining does not equal "trying to be part of the solution", its just whining.
Who is getting free crack pipes? You? or more BS?
When did a republican support building a reservoir? Every single one voted against the infrastructure bill biden passed. Why are you whining about spreading the wealth to wealthy land owners? its the only thing trump passed in 4 years.
Poor Delta, couldn't "sell" his POS that couldn't be registered, its someone else's fault.
95sn, i am sure you and your fam are going to take in 2 or 3 right? You have the opportunity to back up left wing BS and take a few in. you know, do your liberal responsibility! Just try to get on a list for your drug kit now, dont want homeless Joe having a fit when he doesn't have his fix. Would prob not be pretty. Also electronics are getting hard to get, so best to bolt your TV, fridge and just about anything you own to the wall or floor, just to be safe, as your new found friend may have a sticky finger issue. No worries, those things are less than 900 bucks, so even when they rob you, they won't go to jail, so the police won't take them from your home. Kinda like having a "never to leave Uncle" living in your basement, with a crack problem
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-10-2022, 2:08 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Whining does not equal "trying to be part of the solution", its just whining.
Who is getting free crack pipes? You? or more BS?
When did a republican support building a reservoir? Every single one voted against the infrastructure bill biden passed. Why are you whining about spreading the wealth to wealthy land owners? its the only thing trump passed in 4 years.
Poor Delta, couldn't "sell" his POS that couldn't be registered, its someone else's fault.
Not whining. Telling you what you are doing to Fu$k up the state. I know you are child like and do not understand cause and effect but it is all we can do for you idiots considering you got enough illegals into the state, ballot harvesting, gerrymandering, etc to keep a super majority. You get what you get.
Biden's bill was full of leftist give-aways not just infrastructure, but you fall for the banana in the tail pipe talking points because you are simple like that.
You would NEVER get a reservoir done in this state anymore. Would not matter who voted for it at the national level. They need to be able to give away cap and trade money to the land owners for not developing their land that they could not develop anyway.
Trump did not pass Cap and Trade. That is a kalifornia only policy. It was shot down nationally and you commies in this state voted for it.
I don't care about the car. It ran great and again you can not grasp the simple concept. I could not even give it away to someone who could have used it. I had to donate it. You don't think a poor person would like to have had a well running car that was straight and overall taken care of? It was only worth a few hundred dollars by that point anyway. I was not going to go down and pay a thousand to troubleshoot and fix a VW so I could sell a car for a few hundred. I simply donated it and left it at that. You and your authoritarian attitude is the issue and it is policies like that from the state that is driving the cost of the most basic level of living in the state beyond the average citizen.
Youngest daughter and husband bought a house last year. Decided they are done with the state. Already have start dates on jobs out of state. Bids so far are up nearly $300,000 over what they bought for last year. Good for them. Other Daughter and Son in Law are lining up to do the same next month. You can have this state. You will get what you deserve.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-10-2022, 2:11 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
95sn, i am sure you and your fam are going to take in 2 or 3 right? You have the opportunity to back up left wing BS and take a few in. you know, do your liberal responsibility! Just try to get on a list for your drug kit now, dont want homeless Joe having a fit when he doesn't have his fix. Would prob not be pretty. Also electronics are getting hard to get, so best to bolt your TV, fridge and just about anything you own to the wall or floor, just to be safe, as your new found friend may have a sticky finger issue. No worries, those things are less than 900 bucks, so even when they rob you, they won't go to jail, so the police won't take them from your home. Kinda like having a "never to leave Uncle" living in your basement, with a crack problem 
You are not too far off from this. My wifes coworker got divorced from this abusive dude. She moved out but they still owned the home together. It was her parents home or something like that. He decided he was going to move some randoms in the house and he moved on. She went to get her stuff and take over the house. She was not allowed to get any of her stuff and the people did not have to vacate. This state is wacked out.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-10-2022, 4:20 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
95sn, i am sure you and your fam are going to take in 2 or 3 right? You have the opportunity to back up left wing BS and take a few in. you know, do your liberal responsibility! Just try to get on a list for your drug kit now, dont want homeless Joe having a fit when he doesn't have his fix. Would prob not be pretty. Also electronics are getting hard to get, so best to bolt your TV, fridge and just about anything you own to the wall or floor, just to be safe, as your new found friend may have a sticky finger issue. No worries, those things are less than 900 bucks, so even when they rob you, they won't go to jail, so the police won't take them from your home. Kinda like having a "never to leave Uncle" living in your basement, with a crack problem 
point anywhere, anyplace it has been printed that the lefts policy is to take homeless into their own homes. It isnt. Your made up drunk posting is childish. Grow up.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-10-2022, 4:22 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You are not too far off from this. My wifes coworker got divorced from this abusive dude. She moved out but they still owned the home together. It was her parents home or something like that. He decided he was going to move some randoms in the house and he moved on. She went to get her stuff and take over the house. She was not allowed to get any of her stuff and the people did not have to vacate. This state is wacked out.
You prove daily your lack of education, read up on tenant/landlord law.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-11-2022, 2:55 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
point anywhere, anyplace it has been printed that the lefts policy is to take homeless into their own homes. It isnt. Your made up drunk posting is childish. Grow up.
So the crack pipe is not real, the 900 bucks and no jail is not real, and the left is asking Kali fools to take in homeless. Like it or not, these are your people. you voted for these people. lol that to me is the funniest **** ever.
Biden is 2 steps from a bib and a bottle, and your lefties are going to be on diaper change duty. The sad part is all the damage he and his band of boobs are making.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 9:34 AM
Like it or not, nothing you say ever happens. It has always been all BS and looks like you dont want to improve. How did bib and bottle guy destroy your orangedude in the election? Your guy had boat parades and Biden sat in his basement playing chess. Youve been saying the same for years and he keeps on going like an energizer bunny. The sad part is all the damage the Biden admin has to clean up from the previous loser.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-11-2022, 9:59 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Like it or not, nothing you say ever happens. It has always been all BS and looks like you dont want to improve. How did bib and bottle guy destroy your orangedude in the election? Your guy had boat parades and Biden sat in his basement playing chess. Youve been saying the same for years and he keeps on going like an energizer bunny. The sad part is all the damage the Biden admin has to clean up from the previous loser.
You really believe what you vomit. Scary! Your team is already running away from Biden, 60% of the country says he has done nothing but trash the country. The left is planning on pushing Biden to take a cognitive test (he refuses, obviously, cant blame him, he knows he has decline) so they can try and pull him before the mid terms.
It will be easy to impeach him next year!
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
You really believe what you vomit. Scary! Your team is already running away from Biden, 60% of the country says he has done nothing but trash the country. The left is planning on pushing Biden to take a cognitive test (he refuses, obviously, cant blame him, he knows he has decline) so they can try and pull him before the mid terms.
It will be easy to impeach him next year!
I believe the truth, you appear a strong preference to conspiracy theory. If they "pull Biden before the midterms" as you say. I' ll tell you you were right.
You couldnt find where Biden was handing out crack pipes or that dems want you to take in homeless? But you just posted it was true???? Pretty simple. Its fake news.
So the left is planning on having biden do a cognitive test, got a link to your fake news? Waiting....
You cant verify a thing you spit out, AND you believe it. Who does that? What kind of person not only believes but pushes info they cant even verify?... and have been informed it isnt accurate. In fact the available public info says the opposite, Thats scary or ...crazy.
Biden just did an over 2 hour Q and A couple weeks ago, yesterday an on TV interview with Lester Holt. Sure seems to be hiding. While trump sits in Mar-a-lago eating paper and crapping vengeance.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-11-2022, 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You prove daily your lack of education, read up on tenant/landlord law.
All I know is what she had to go through.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-11-2022, 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I believe the truth, you appear a strong preference to conspiracy theory. If they "pull Biden before the midterms" as you say. I' ll tell you you were right.
You couldnt find where Biden was handing out crack pipes or that dems want you to take in homeless? But you just posted it was true???? Pretty simple. Its fake news.
So the left is planning on having biden do a cognitive test, got a link to your fake news? Waiting....
You cant verify a thing you spit out, AND you believe it. Who does that? What kind of person not only believes but pushes info they cant even verify?... and have been informed it isnt accurate. In fact the available public info says the opposite, Thats scary or ...crazy.
Biden just did an over 2 hour Q and A couple weeks ago, yesterday an on TV interview with Lester Holt. Sure seems to be hiding. While trump sits in Mar-a-lago eating paper and crapping vengeance.
The money is in the form of "smoking paraphernalia". Not too many drugs that get smoked. Free crack pipe giveaways, needle exchanges, urban camping, come pick up the piles of human poop aps for your phone. Got to love kalifornia cities. Gee, I wonder if anyone has any idea how it got in such a mess?
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
All I know is what she had to go through.
Right, and it seems odd doesnt it. Ive been a homeowner/ landlord for decades. I cant get into my houses if there is a tenant in there, even if they havnt paid in months and in eviction process.
Its nothing new nor just in CA, roughly the same rules across the country.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The money is in the form of "smoking paraphernalia". Not too many drugs that get smoked. Free crack pipe giveaways, needle exchanges, urban camping, come pick up the piles of human poop aps for your phone. Got to love kalifornia cities. Gee, I wonder if anyone has any idea how it got in such a mess?
There are no free crack pipes just your fake news.
Needle exchange, there are reasons why, to decrease crime.
Why not offer answers? Just wanna whine?
Its a mess because over 10 million people live in one county. Same as all big cities, D or R run. How should we manage that many in such a small space? Again, how do you fix it? Should we just bus them to Wyoming?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-11-2022, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Right, and it seems odd doesnt it. Ive been a homeowner/ landlord for decades. I cant get into my houses if there is a tenant in there, even if they havnt paid in months and in eviction process.
Its nothing new nor just in CA, roughly the same rules across the country.
So basically you just agreed with me and her situation. Have you been a land lord across the country?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-11-2022, 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
There are no free crack pipes just your fake news.
Needle exchange, there are reasons why, to decrease crime.
Why not offer answers? Just wanna whine?
Its a mess because over 10 million people live in one county. Same as all big cities, D or R run. How should we manage that many in such a small space? Again, how do you fix it? Should we just bus them to Wyoming?
Kalifornia has 47% of the homeless in the country. I did offer answers. YOU just don't like the answers. You don't legalize drugs. You do not accept it in public. You put them in the system where they can get forced help. If they don't, they can stay sober in the system. Get rid of illegals and you would have a crap load of money for such a program. Get rid of cap and trade. Get rid of mandates on electric cars and a non energy grid. Knock down all the hands in the pockets to break ground for building. Get rid of the carb board. reward merit and not color. we can go on and on. At the end of the day you have to foster a society of self reliance and merit and all others are not accepted as the normal.
Needle exchanges do not stop crime. It just make for more needles laying in the streets.
Then what is the line item for smoking paraphernalia? just stop with the gas lighting f$cker. we all know what that is and what it is for.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
So basically you just agreed with me and her situation. Have you been a land lord across the country?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-11-2022, 12:22 PM
Another solution is to quit paying them. I forgot about that. They have been doing that for years.
San Francisco man claims city practically pays to be homeless as California residents sound the alarm on crime
"San Fransicko" author Michael Shellenberger joined "Fox & Friends" Friday, and revealed that he interviewed hundreds of homeless people across the country, including the man depicted in the video. Shellenberger said the man revealed he receives $620 a month in cash welfare as well as $200 a month in food stamps.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Kalifornia has 47% of the homeless in the country. I did offer answers. YOU just don't like the answers. You don't legalize drugs. You do not accept it in public. You put them in the system where they can get forced help. If they don't, they can stay sober in the system. Get rid of illegals and you would have a crap load of money for such a program. Get rid of cap and trade. Get rid of mandates on electric cars and a non energy grid. Knock down all the hands in the pockets to break ground for building. Get rid of the carb board. reward merit and not color. we can go on and on. At the end of the day you have to foster a society of self reliance and merit and all others are not accepted as the normal.
Needle exchanges do not stop crime. It just make for more needles laying in the streets.
Then what is the line item for smoking paraphernalia? just stop with the gas lighting f$cker. we all know what that is and what it is for.
Its 90* in February and you want to decrease climate change regs? What do we do when its 120* in June?
Get rid of illegals? who is going to do low wage jobs like pick your food, mow your lawn or do the dishes? Certainly not Americans.
No one "accepts" drug addiction. You and I not accepting it does nothing to change reality. Filling prisons with drug addicts doesnt fix anything other than making them harder criminals. Def does not make one self sufficient in any category except how to steal better.
If a heroin addict doesnt have a needle, where do they get one...cause they are going to get one.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-11-2022, 6:03 PM
Let’s take a stroll down the democratic history from day one of covid. These two links lay it out as clear as can be.
Now tell me it’s all about the science and people shouldn’t have questions. Those aren’t even the full set of highlights of the constant flip flop and moving the goalposts to create a fear induced , completely fabricated hysteria for political gain. Enjoy the timeline of lies from those democratic experts.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-11-2022, 6:06 PM
It’s all about the science and health of the children.  It could never about the money and the federal government strong-arming its policies attaching them to money on struggling schools.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-11-2022, 6:13 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Right, and it seems odd doesnt it. Ive been a homeowner/ landlord for decades. I cant get into my houses if there is a tenant in there, even if they havnt paid in months and in eviction process.
Its nothing new nor just in CA, roughly the same rules across the country.
And who came up with the law regarding those policies that prevent you from taking control over your own land , home and property?? Thank your local democrat. Seems very logical the actual property owner has less rights than the pieces of trash occupying it. Squatters rights.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-11-2022, 6:15 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Excited? You sound more like one who is attempting to minimize the homeless and what put them on the street.
Why dont you explain how to solve the problem, you know, be part of the solution.
The solution is easy. I outlined it multiple times in previous posts. Hold people accountable for their terrible decisions instead of making excuses for them, and stop rewarding bad behavior with free handouts. Similar to what you always say. Get vaxxxed or die. , Instead I promote get a job or die.
There is a time and place for government handouts , I understand that and fully support them if issue properly. Problem is Dems use free handouts for generational dependancy and votes , not to actually encourage people to pull themselves up and be successful members of society.
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-11-2022 at 6:24 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-11-2022, 6:35 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
And who came up with the law regarding those policies that prevent you from taking control over your own land , home and property?? Thank your local democrat. Seems very logical the actual property owner has less rights than the pieces of trash occupying it. Squatters rights.
Dont be a clown. Landlord/tenant laws go back to the 13th century. Research Feudalism. Idiot.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-11-2022, 9:54 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Dont be a clown. Landlord/tenant laws go back to the 13th century. Research Feudalism. Idiot.
The only clown here is you once again. I’ll even bury you with Biden’s lates 3.5 Trillion spend bill straight from the bill itself. Here is the Dems actually funding , in writing , the rights of degenerates over legit property owners.
$1.25 Billion for Activists, Bureaucrats to Go After Landlords
The activist left insists that housing is a right—and that this supersedes fundamental private property rights, including the ability of property owners to exclude others from squatting or to evict tenants who refuse to honor their rental agreements.
The federal government advanced this notion with its unconstitutional eviction moratorium under the guise of preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Now, Congress wants to fund anti-property activists and regulatory enforcers to the tune of $1.25 billion, including erecting legal hurdles for property owners merely trying to defend their rights in court against delinquent tenants.
Or maybe it’s this Democratic ban on evictions slipped your old brain.
Even with the long odds, more than 60 House Democrats on Friday sent a letter pressing Pelosi and Schumer to act with "the highest levels of urgency” to extend the eviction moratorium as part of an upcoming must-pass bill. Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) were among those who led the letter. Moderates including Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) also signed the request,
I am sure the recent party line denial of property owner rights bill denied by democrats in Colorado slipped your mind.
Maybe this one in the northeast slipped you mind too. You know where every democrat again voted against the rights of property owners.
You’re such a ****ing joke when slapped in the face with reality it’s unreal. Your avoidance and d blatant disregard to acknowledge the facts of what you support is mind numbing. Que a trump insurrection post ! Once again mushroom stamped by decades of votes and history form the democrats in goring legal property owners and supporting degenerates who don’t pay their bills or occupy other’s property.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-12-2022, 6:31 AM
this morning, my neighbor was walking his dog. he stopped to chat. very sad, his 2 grandchildren are in the hostital. both with Myocarditis. 7 and 11. Both got 2 vaccines last was just after new year. The 7yr old is bad Shape. the 11 is doing better. Both had a fever and chills, they thought covid. took to ER, found it. the crazy part is the emergency med and internist stated this was becoming more common and seeing more children with this. The sad part is they dont know if it can be treated
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-13-2022, 4:10 PM
Children from 10-15 are 8x more likely to get Myocarditis from Covid than the Vaccine.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-13-2022, 8:09 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
And yet several countries on the forefront of covid data have decided to suspend vaccination pushes for kids under 18 due to rising cases and uncertainties regarding long term effects and efficacies.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-13-2022, 9:11 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
And yet several countries on the forefront of covid data have decided to suspend vaccination pushes for kids under 18 due to rising cases and uncertainties regarding long term effects and efficacies.
Like who?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-15-2022, 9:07 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Its 90* in February and you want to decrease climate change regs? What do we do when its 120* in June?
Get rid of illegals? who is going to do low wage jobs like pick your food, mow your lawn or do the dishes? Certainly not Americans.
No one "accepts" drug addiction. You and I not accepting it does nothing to change reality. Filling prisons with drug addicts doesnt fix anything other than making them harder criminals. Def does not make one self sufficient in any category except how to steal better.
If a heroin addict doesnt have a needle, where do they get one...cause they are going to get one.
Wow. You are so fing stupid. You sound just like that racist hillary. No, kalifornias may not but Americans already do all that. I used to work in the fields and do landscaping in high school and college. Just like thousands of other teens in the midwest. If you have to prop up a business by the use of illegals and the near slave labor they want to pay them, then that business really has no need to exist.
Funny. The warmest super bowls in history all have come in LA and the game time temps were very similar to what they were on Sunday and they have not had a super bowl in LA in 30 years.
Not my problem where heroin addicts get a needle. Maybe if they are hard to come by they don't toss them all over the streets. Addicts need to be in the system. No one says they have to go to a super max for drugs, but they can not stay on the street and destroy society.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-15-2022, 9:10 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
And yet several countries on the forefront of covid data have decided to suspend vaccination pushes for kids under 18 due to rising cases and uncertainties regarding long term effects and efficacies.
Is said only 86 kids got it because of covid and considering vast majority of kids have no real issue with covid, they were not down filling the hospitals to be counted in the stats. Of the ones who were seen for covid only 86 freaking kids had it.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-15-2022, 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Wow. You are so fing stupid. You sound just like that racist hillary. No, kalifornias may not but Americans already do all that. I used to work in the fields and do landscaping in high school and college. Just like thousands of other teens in the midwest. If you have to prop up a business by the use of illegals and the near slave labor they want to pay them, then that business really has no need to exist.
Funny. The warmest super bowls in history all have come in LA and the game time temps were very similar to what they were on Sunday and they have not had a super bowl in LA in 30 years.
Not my problem where heroin addicts get a needle. Maybe if they are hard to come by they don't toss them all over the streets. Addicts need to be in the system. No one says they have to go to a super max for drugs, but they can not stay on the street and destroy society.
If you dont value the low wage illegals you dont understand. Nice, go back to the 1950's where HS kids spent summers mowing lawns, hysterical if you think it is going on now. Dont worry, americans dont want to do the jobs i did growing up either. Wont wash dishes, dig up cesspools, plumbing, roofing or painting. They want to play on the internet, be influencers or rappers or....
Back in your glory days of yesteryear, the average business owners made 4-5 times what the average worker did. Today the top guys make 100 times what the average worker makes. Profits are way up and so is inflation, surprise.
What "system" do you want addicts in? there is no working system.
I dont disagree with you that they are a problem and cannot stay on the street and destroy, we have a diff of opinion on what works, what doesnt.
Global warming is not just about record high temps (which are accurate) its about extreme weather all over the world. Notice we have 90 temps in LA while the East coast has record freeze. All the hurricanes, one after another, one bigger than the next. Glaciers bigger than the state of Maine breaking off into the sea, melting. Fires year round.... Its all connected.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-15-2022, 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
If you dont value the low wage illegals you dont understand. Nice, go back to the 1950's where HS kids spent summers mowing lawns, hysterical if you think it is going on now. Dont worry, americans dont want to do the jobs i did growing up either. Wont wash dishes, dig up cesspools, plumbing, roofing or painting. They want to play on the internet, be influencers or rappers or....
Back in your glory days of yesteryear, the average business owners made 4-5 times what the average worker did. Today the top guys make 100 times what the average worker makes. Profits are way up and so is inflation, surprise.
What "system" do you want addicts in? there is no working system.
I dont disagree with you that they are a problem and cannot stay on the street and destroy, we have a diff of opinion on what works, what doesnt.
Global warming is not just about record high temps (which are accurate) its about extreme weather all over the world. Notice we have 90 temps in LA while the East coast has record freeze. All the hurricanes, one after another, one bigger than the next. Glaciers bigger than the state of Maine breaking off into the sea, melting. Fires year round.... Its all connected.
sorry but illegals are not working for multi national corps holding them up. Even so, that is so few of the people in relationship to the number or workers. They not not shopping at the same stores.
The only reason people can become rappers and influencers is they pay. They get their money from the small person who works the grave yard shift who buy those products. That is what happens when there is too much money in circulation. People can make money doing nothing important. Dog groomers come time mind as well. Not to pick on dog groomers, however jobs such as this are completely unimportant for survival. They are nice to haves. People in the midwest and the rest of the world do not make a living on this kind of work because the money is not there. Conversely the cost of living in those places is pretty low and the price to making a basic living are low.
As far as the addicts. You can not make people do anything due to their rights. Only way you can withhold their rights is when society decides through law that the actions are not acceptable. At that point, you have the right to remove their rights and institutionalize them. People need to decide what institution if they don't want them on the street because I have never seen a drug addict who is getting their drug on simply say I am stopping today. Most people with resources and the knowledge they are losing something good in their life can not stop. Never mind someone who really has nothing to lose but is still able to get their drug on.
Yep. It is called the weather. Why do you think people from the midwest want to see bowl games in LA? Because it is warm there while we were freezing our b$lls off. It is February. It is in the smack middle of winter in the rest of the country. Yes. They are going to get snow and freezing weather because that is how winter works in the rest of the country. You have simply been sold on fear. Go back to the core data. We are about 3 to 4 degrees C from the historical peaks just before an ice age starts. had nothing to do with man and matter of fact we are way over due for that cycle. Your climate hoax business is a power grab scam. I say hoax because of the politics around it. Weather has always changed. You ever wonder why they say the central valley was a sea floor at one time? Give you a guess.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-16-2022, 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
sorry but illegals are not working for multi national corps holding them up. Even so, that is so few of the people in relationship to the number or workers. They not not shopping at the same stores.
The only reason people can become rappers and influencers is they pay. They get their money from the small person who works the grave yard shift who buy those products. That is what happens when there is too much money in circulation. People can make money doing nothing important. Dog groomers come time mind as well. Not to pick on dog groomers, however jobs such as this are completely unimportant for survival. They are nice to haves. People in the midwest and the rest of the world do not make a living on this kind of work because the money is not there. Conversely the cost of living in those places is pretty low and the price to making a basic living are low.
As far as the addicts. You can not make people do anything due to their rights. Only way you can withhold their rights is when society decides through law that the actions are not acceptable. At that point, you have the right to remove their rights and institutionalize them. People need to decide what institution if they don't want them on the street because I have never seen a drug addict who is getting their drug on simply say I am stopping today. Most people with resources and the knowledge they are losing something good in their life can not stop. Never mind someone who really has nothing to lose but is still able to get their drug on.
Yep. It is called the weather. Why do you think people from the midwest want to see bowl games in LA? Because it is warm there while we were freezing our b$lls off. It is February. It is in the smack middle of winter in the rest of the country. Yes. They are going to get snow and freezing weather because that is how winter works in the rest of the country. You have simply been sold on fear. Go back to the core data. We are about 3 to 4 degrees C from the historical peaks just before an ice age starts. had nothing to do with man and matter of fact we are way over due for that cycle. Your climate hoax business is a power grab scam. I say hoax because of the politics around it. Weather has always changed. You ever wonder why they say the central valley was a sea floor at one time? Give you a guess.
It was 90* for the Superbowl, yesterday it was 56* snow in the hills, hail covered the valley and rain. Its "called the weather". Please dont trash climate change in front of the kids/Gkids they are going to know you never "got it". Gramps was an idiot.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-16-2022, 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
It was 90* for the Superbowl, yesterday it was 56* snow in the hills, hail covered the valley and rain. Its "called the weather". Please dont trash climate change in front of the kids/Gkids they are going to know you never "got it". Gramps was an idiot.
That is what happens in the winter duffus. A cold front moved in. In the midwest if you want different weather, just wait 30 minutes.