Join Date: Jun 2007
01-24-2021, 7:39 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What's funny is you clueless luddites who have no vision.
Pop quiz, what's easier to green up, 10 million tail pipes or 1 power station?
How about incentivizing home owners to put PV on the roof so you move to a distributed power production model rather than centralized?
The future is electric, that's why Tesla is trading at 1600x P:E
What’s idiotic is that the view from your small insignificant area have no real concept of the cost to even consider making this move. The amount of electricity needed to be generated and the amount of energy that it would need to even begin to implement this would be astronomical and impossible. Do you know how much it costs right now to outfit a house with solar panels ? Do you know how long you actually have to keep an electrical vehicle in service to offset the initial cost difference to a compatible gas car ? Do you know how long the average commute is for a single individual in a major city to work? It would be physically impossible to move towards this. That’s why nobody takes anyone spewing this garbage out of their mouth seriously . It’s a pipe dream for those not familiar with reality.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-24-2021, 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What's funny is you clueless luddites who have no vision.
Pop quiz, what's easier to green up, 10 million tail pipes or 1 power station?
How about incentivizing home owners to put PV on the roof so you move to a distributed power production model rather than centralized?
The future is electric, that's why Tesla is trading at 1600x P:E
Yeah, PV roof panels... Speaking of vision, so fugly, so expensive and nowhere to put them in 20 years. Like all dem plans, critical thinking goes out the window. The only important part is making sure everyone knows “you care” about Mother Earth. Solar roof panels are like slapping some spoked hub caps on a brand new Porsche.
The future is NOT electric. No one has the raw materials to even support it. Just ask your wicked stepmother, the UK. You know, the guys who gave you the great teeth.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-25-2021, 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Do you know how much it costs right now to outfit a house with solar panels ?
A 3kW System is about 6k without subsidies
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Do you know how long you actually have to keep an electrical vehicle in service to offset the initial cost difference to a compatible gas car ?
My Tesla was cheaper than the equivalent Audi, BMW or Merc and is pretty much service free. My Audi S4 cost 2k a year just in servicing to keep it on the road and the difference in "fuel cost" is about 90% less here but our gas is more expensive than yours, your saving is about 50% if you are paying $2 a gallon.
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Do you know how long the average commute is for a single individual in a major city to work?
16 miles each way or 32miles return
Originally Posted by xstarrider
It would be physically impossible to move towards this. That’s why nobody takes anyone spewing this garbage out of their mouth seriously . It’s a pipe dream for those not familiar with reality.
A 3kW solar system generates about 12kW per day, to drive an EV 32 miles per day uses around 10kW. So if you want you can 100% offset your commute with a house based system. 3kW is pretty entry level most systems are 5kW.
So yeah, the numbers aren't ridiculous, they actually stack up pretty well and that is without incentives.
Join Date: Jun 2007
01-25-2021, 5:50 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
A 3kW System is about 6k without subsidies
My Tesla was cheaper than the equivalent Audi, BMW or Merc and is pretty much service free. My Audi S4 cost 2k a year just in servicing to keep it on the road and the difference in "fuel cost" is about 90% less here but our gas is more expensive than yours, your saving is about 50% if you are paying $2 a gallon.
16 miles each way or 32miles return
A 3kW solar system generates about 12kW per day, to drive an EV 32 miles per day uses around 10kW. So if you want you can 100% offset your commute with a house based system. 3kW is pretty entry level most systems are 5kW.
So yeah, the numbers aren't ridiculous, they actually stack up pretty well and that is without incentives.
Yup there again , your answers prove your ignorance. Not to mention your description of comparable cars speaks volumes to where you sit financially and really are missing the big picture. See the view form the rest of the working class that drives Hyundai’s , chevys, fords , nissans , and Kias in the country your claiming to be oh such an expert on. Maybe put yourself in the shoes of working class America that have hr plus commutes one way to work travel cross country for sports for their kids. The issue is your narrow mind from a country that contributes nothing globally and has no significant role in a modern day world economy. . You should travel more and see how the rest of the actual contributing countries around the globe operate.
I don’t even have to get into the maintenance and disposal costs associated with battery operated vehicles. I am glad there are EV options for people who can benefit from them and afford them. It’s lunacy and idiocy to think that there is any chance of making them the standard, but hey, aren’t most democratic plans
That way anyways.
Last edited by xstarrider; 01-25-2021 at 5:58 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-25-2021, 5:55 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
.stil waiting on in those Biden supporters to chime in on children’s locker rooms and the science of gender.
LOL @ the "Bathroom Cop".
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-25-2021, 5:59 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
LOL @ the "Bathroom Cop".
if you want to end this insanity, just have every high school male athlete go after female programs and there will be no female sports. really sad we are at this point and we cannot understand the SCIENCE of gender differences that are BIOLOGICAL!
Join Date: Jun 2007
01-25-2021, 6:53 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
LOL @ the "Bathroom Cop".
Another guy that won’t answer the question either. Gee imagine that. Add another ball-less male to the data !
Last edited by xstarrider; 01-25-2021 at 7:02 AM.
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-25-2021, 7:07 AM
This thread should be called.... "Biden triggers Chicken Little".
Join Date: Jun 2004
01-25-2021, 7:10 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Another guy that won’t answer the question either. Gee imagine that. Add another ball-less male to the data !
You don't matter anymore. You've been marginalized.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 8:07 AM
Originally Posted by fly135
You don't matter anymore. You've been marginalized. 
Wow! More typical projection from the left. How many opposite days are there in a year? Seriously, John. At your crusty age, I’d expect you to take issue with the fact that your party can’t stop promoting the explosion of gender dysphoria in this country.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 8:30 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Wow! More typical projection from the left. How many opposite days are there in a year? Seriously, John. At your crusty age, I’d expect you to take issue with the fact that your party can’t stop promoting the explosion of gender dysphoria in this country.
Let me rephrase that. I’d expect you to take issue with your party planting the seeds, watering, fertilizing, nurturing and promoting the growth and expansion of gender dysphoria as well as homosexuality and other deviancies. It really is a disgusting phenomenon in this country, how your Godless party pursues and laps up every form of evil in this world. Check out this article describing why there’s an increase of this mental disorder. It all boils down to the cultural rot brought on by the left.
Last edited by markj; 01-25-2021 at 8:32 AM.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 8:35 AM
Doug and xstar, my liberal media sources totally ignore this! How many million juvenile athlete sex changes have happened since Biden got sworn in? Who should I call? Are girls dunking in HS now?
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-25-2021, 8:53 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Doug and xstar, my liberal media sources totally ignore this! How many million juvenile athlete sex changes have happened since Biden got sworn in? Who should I call? Are girls dunking in HS now?
wait, you mean you have to have an actual sex change? Or do you just have to "feel like a women" because you do not need to have any change, just decide you feel like a boy or girl. and thats that. So any boy can go out for any girls sport, or compete in a girls only sport because they feel like a girl. They do not have to have a sex change. so please stop.
so when a boy in showering with girls, your ok with that? Minors. your ok with that?
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 8:55 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
wait, you mean you have to have an actual sex change? Or do you just have to "feel like a women" because you do not need to have any change, just decide you feel like a boy or girl. and thats that. So any boy can go out for any girls sport, or compete in a girls only sport because they feel like a girl. They do not have to have a sex change. so please stop.
so when a boy in showering with girls, your ok with that? Minors. your ok with that?
I’m asking how many times this has happened?
My kids played HS sports and never ever showered at school. Does that still happen IRL?
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-25-2021, 8:55 AM
Oh, and if was not a problem, and not happening, why would Sleepy go so far as to make an Executive order? Because it is happening, and its a scam, and unfair for the children and ignorant as well as dangerous as it continues to push the envelope on standard social norms until there are not any left. no different from decriminalizing heroin use in cities, so junkies can shoot up in a school play ground and not be held accountable for it.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 9:11 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I’m asking how many times this has happened?
My kids played HS sports and never ever showered at school. Does that still happen IRL?
It’s clear what you’re doing here. You’re trying to make it sound like nothings going on. Like telling the frog that the temp in the pot only went up one degree. You are promoting culture rot. F you for doing that.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:16 AM
Oh no! If we should really be outraged I wanna know.
Me personally, the US homeless population seems to be out of hand. That is a real problem I see with my own eyes.
I don’t have HS aged kids, so I’m asking how often this “boy showering with girls” thing is actually happening? It sounds like it’s something that “conservatives” are getting wound up about so I’m just curious about the evidence of its existence. Is there any?
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:18 AM
Also, do the gay kids still shower with the straights?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 9:24 AM
Your sarcastic, idiotic rhetorical questions are just that. I’m comfortable leaving you there and letting your words speak for themselves. You lost bigly.
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-25-2021, 9:29 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Oh no! If we should really be outraged I wanna know.
Me personally, the US homeless population seems to be out of hand. That is a real problem I see with my own eyes.
I don’t have HS aged kids, so I’m asking how often this “boy showering with girls” thing is actually happening? It sounds like it’s something that “conservatives” are getting wound up about so I’m just curious about the evidence of its existence. Is there any?
the homeless issues is totally out of control, for states that allow it to happen, or promote it. Allowing a few hundred thousand people create tent camps and use the streets a needle depositories and toilets is a problem.
Now for basic standards, you nor anyone, with a brain, wants boys to feel free to go into girls locker rooms or showers etc, no matter if they feel they are of the opposite sex. Once you open this box of worms, you cant stop it, and it becomes the rights of anyone who "decides" they are of the opposite sex because "they way they feel" So now that we dont have genders anymore. we can be whatever we want to be, and change that whenever it suits us. that is the definition of insanity. The left wants it and is promoting it, because it causing devision and disruption. and allows control and dictate the narrative of what "the people should think is correct" But we know its not.
so if you or when you have a child, maybe a girl, you will understand. or If some male, was to go into a changing room, in a gym and watch your wife get undressed.
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Texas
01-25-2021, 9:31 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
so if you or when you have a child, maybe a girl, you will understand. or If some male, was to go into a changing room, in a gym and watch your wife get undressed.
who would allow such a thing, or even worse vote for someone like that. shudder!
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 9:33 AM
So, I can’t help but notice the lack of WTF-type questions that should be asked by the MSM about Biden’s recent statements that there’s nothing we can do about the Kung Flu. That totally flies in the face of his campaign promises. Besides his executive order mandating masks (which he and his family hypocritically broke right afterwards) on federal properties, I haven’t seen this big Kung Flu Plan rollout he promised from his basement. Where did it go?
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:41 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
so if you or when you have a child, maybe a girl, you will understand. or If some male, was to go into a changing room, in a gym and watch your wife get undressed.
distinguish from the lesbians changing with my daughter and the gays showering with my son, please.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 9:42 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Oh no! If we should really be outraged I wanna know.
Me personally, the US homeless population seems to be out of hand. That is a real problem I see with my own eyes.
I don’t have HS aged kids, so I’m asking how often this “boy showering with girls” thing is actually happening? It sounds like it’s something that “conservatives” are getting wound up about so I’m just curious about the evidence of its existence. Is there any?
As one of my favorite examples of libtard idiocy, I took this picture from my truck about a month ago. You can see the people who bought the sign are patting themselves on the back for housing homeless and right below is a mile-long string of homeless tents. Priceless!
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:42 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Your sarcastic, idiotic rhetorical questions are just that. I’m comfortable leaving you there and letting your words speak for themselves. You lost bigly.
LOL, yes, so "sarcastic" to ask for examples of this really happening. The three of you are real wound up about it, so I'm looking for the real world example.
Is it a bigger or smaller problem than homelessness, which we can agree exists?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 9:43 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
distinguish from the lesbians changing with my daughter and the gays showering with my son, please.
Look at you spin your web. Bravo.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:43 AM
Originally Posted by markj
As one of my favorite examples of libtard idiocy, I took this picture from my truck about a month ago. You can see the people who bought the sign are patting themselves on the back for housing homeless and right below is a mile-long string of homeless tents. Priceless!
Not arguing -- homelessness is a problem. I'm curious how you'd solve it?
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:44 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Look at you spin your web. Bravo.
Nice explanation. I'll consider your silence as a concession that there's no there there.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 9:48 AM
Originally Posted by markj
So, I can’t help but notice the lack of WTF-type questions that should be asked by the MSM about Biden’s recent statements that there’s nothing we can do about the Kung Flu. That totally flies in the face of his campaign promises. Besides his executive order mandating masks (which he and his family hypocritically broke right afterwards) on federal properties, I haven’t seen this big Kung Flu Plan rollout he promised from his basement. Where did it go?
Only a moron doesn't understand context. Right now it's a poopshow because of mismanagement before last week. Trump left office with high cases, therefore deaths will be high. There is no snap your fingers fix. Rather a slow progression to bring new positives down and flush out existing cases.
New best practices and better implementation should mitigate against a similarly bad spike in the future. But you can't undo the community spread that's already out there, and nobody ever promised otherwise.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Not arguing -- homelessness is a problem. I'm curious how you'd solve it?
Well, we should start by enforcing the no-camping laws that already exist. A lot of these people are actively CHOOSING to live this lifestyle. Enforcing the laws would eliminate most of it. The problem we have in my sanctuary state is far worse than in yours. I had an experience 3 months ago where I was working in San Franfreako. It gave me the opportunity to listen in on multiple conversations going on in and around a 2-block-long string of homeless tents. I left there totally pissed because the context of their conversations proved they were there by a lifestyle choice. Not desperation. I also sold one of those child carriers you put on the back of your bike on Craigslist. A lady bought it for a homeless guy thinking she was really helping a guy in need. Turned out he was wanting it for his dog that he wanted to tow around. I exchanged her money for the carrier and talked to the guy. He tried to convince me his lifestyle was awesome and free etc. I was speechless. This lady just wasted $80 trying to make herself feel better while aiding and abetting urban blight. Friggin liberals.....
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-25-2021, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by markj
So, I can’t help but notice the lack of WTF-type questions that should be asked by the MSM about Biden’s recent statements that there’s nothing we can do about the Kung Flu. That totally flies in the face of his campaign promises. Besides his executive order mandating masks (which he and his family hypocritically broke right afterwards) on federal properties, I haven’t seen this big Kung Flu Plan rollout he promised from his basement. Where did it go?
Bidens statement was true. Its like turning an ocean liner, it doesnt turn on a dime. You cant stop the people already in the hospital from dying. They got it on Thanksgiving, Christmas, rioting...
If you havent seen the plan, you havnt tried very hard, item 1 on google search of Bidens covid plan.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Only a moron doesn't understand context. Right now it's a poopshow because of mismanagement before last week. Trump left office with high cases, therefore deaths will be high. There is no snap your fingers fix. Rather a slow progression to bring new positives down and flush out existing cases.
New best practices and better implementation should mitigate against a similarly bad spike in the future. But you can't undo the community spread that's already out there, and nobody ever promised otherwise.
Bullwake77!!!!! He friggin campaigned on being the second coming and saying his plan was gonna fix everything. He said his administration would “begin with getting COVID under control.”
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Bidens statement was true. Its like turning an ocean liner, it doesnt turn on a dime. You cant stop the people already in the hospital from dying. They got it on Thanksgiving, Christmas, rioting...
If you havent seen the plan, you havnt tried very hard, item 1 on google search of Bidens covid plan.
Oh yeah? Then why did he just say this?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:08 AM
Face it, libtards. Your boy wake77’d the bed.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Bidens statement was true. Its like turning an ocean liner, it doesnt turn on a dime. You cant stop the people already in the hospital from dying. They got it on Thanksgiving, Christmas, rioting...
If you havent seen the plan, you havnt tried very hard, item 1 on google search of Bidens covid plan.
I just browsed through his plan. Its friggin hilariously written. Totally devoid of substance. It reads like the campaign speech of Napoleon Dynamite. The only part it was missing was, “I’ll make your wildest dreams come true.”
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I just browsed through his plan. Its friggin hilariously written. Totally devoid of substance. It reads like the campaign speech of Napoleon Dynamite. The only part it was missing was, “I’ll make your wildest dreams come true.”
Is Mexico gonna pay for it?
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-25-2021, 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I just browsed through his plan. Its friggin hilariously written. Totally devoid of substance. It reads like the campaign speech of Napoleon Dynamite. The only part it was missing was, “I’ll make your wildest dreams come true.”
Compare and contrast with Former President Trumps robust and substantial plan. Birx said over the weekend Trump just made crap up. At least trump satisfied your immature thoughts when he said our 15 cases would soon be zero. It would simply go away when it got warmer. Hydroxychloroquine, bright light and clorox bleach... Yeah, that was much more substantial. Clown.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Is Mexico gonna pay for it?
You still can’t argue with the substance of any of my claims, can you? Your boy lied from his basement. You know it. You also know the msm was 80% of it too. You also know your side is responsible for our culture rot.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Compare and contrast with Former President Trumps robust and substantial plan. Birx said over the weekend Trump just made crap up. At least trump satisfied your immature thoughts when he said our 15 cases would soon be zero. It would simply go away when it got warmer. Hydroxychloroquine, bright light and clorox bleach... Yeah, that was much more substantial. Clown.
Not one ounce of that erases the truth of what I said or linked. All you can do now is say, “look look look over here.” It goes to your character, pal.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-25-2021, 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Compare and contrast with Former President Trumps robust and substantial plan. Birx said over the weekend Trump just made crap up. At least trump satisfied your immature thoughts when he said our 15 cases would soon be zero. It would simply go away when it got warmer. Hydroxychloroquine, bright light and clorox bleach... Yeah, that was much more substantial. Clown.
You fail to acknowledge Trump was under 24/7 assault from your butt buddies in the MSM. He couldn’t do anything right in their minds-no matter what he did. Do we really need to go over the history of Pelosi’s comments, calling Trump racist for stopping flights from China and then telling the public to “come to Chinatown”? On top of that, you wanna take some things he said joking as literal? Go F yourself, asshat.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-25-2021, 11:15 AM
he was under 24/7 assault because he kept opening his mouth and what came out of it. The media just let everyone know, like he wanted. Did the heat kill covid?
Did hydroxy solve the virus? Its like a miracle, one day it will just disappear. Covid 19 numbers are looking much better, cases are coming way down. Children are virtually immune. Anyone who wants a test can get a test. Virtually anything he said in the first 6 months was un true. But go ahead, believe and belligerently defend trumps plan was substantial, makes you look even more foolish, as if you were trying to F yourself. LOL
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-25-2021, 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You fail to acknowledge Trump was under 24/7 assault from your butt buddies in the MSM. He couldn’t do anything right in their minds-no matter what he did. Do we really need to go over the history of Pelosi’s comments, calling Trump racist for stopping flights from China and then telling the public to “come to Chinatown”? On top of that, you wanna take some things he said joking as literal? Go F yourself, asshat.
LOL so you want to take things out of context (Biden has been President for six days and the pandemic isn’t even over! What a ripoff!), but if someone does/did so with trump (quite arguable given his propensity for verbal diarrhea) they are an asshat?
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-25-2021, 2:42 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Your description of comparable cars speaks volumes to where you sit financially and really are missing the big picture. See the view form the rest of the working class that drives Hyundai’s , chevys, fords , nissans , and Kias in the country your claiming to be oh such an expert on.
Your original point was there wasn't enough electricity in the grid to power the average commute which I've addressed, now you pivot to the costs of the cars. Yes they are expensive today but the costs are falling rapidly, the 25K Tesla is due to be delivered within 3 years but to prepare for mass market acceptance the power infrastructure has to be started to be upgraded now, so it makes sense to incentivize the market to head in that direction.
Originally Posted by MallCop
I don’t even have to get into the maintenance and disposal costs associated with battery operated vehicles.
The current battery technology is rated for 500,000 miles, after that the batteries can be repurposed for solar storage, after that 60% of the raw materials can be recycled.
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-25-2021, 5:43 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Only a moron doesn't understand context. Right now it's a poopshow because of mismanagement before last week. Trump left office with high cases, therefore deaths will be high. There is no snap your fingers fix. Rather a slow progression to bring new positives down and flush out existing cases.
New best practices and better implementation should mitigate against a similarly bad spike in the future. But you can't undo the community spread that's already out there, and nobody ever promised otherwise.
based on the info from the "new" admin, cases are down 30% and hospitals are starting to drop. So lets be totally honest, its got nothing to do with either admin, I has to do with people, and time, we are seeing 1/3 estimated have had it. so if 50 million tested positive estimates are 2x 3x have had it, but not tested.
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-25-2021, 5:45 PM
biden has done nothing, nor should he expected to do anything in a week, and the fact he is very old and partially senile, so dont pick on him too much, he's an old man, lost in DC, and cant find his fuzzy slippers. I feel bad for him, very sad
Join Date: Jun 2007
01-25-2021, 9:59 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Your original point was there wasn't enough electricity in the grid to power the average commute which I've addressed, now you pivot to the costs of the cars. Yes they are expensive today but the costs are falling rapidly, the 25K Tesla is due to be delivered within 3 years but to prepare for mass market acceptance the power infrastructure has to be started to be upgraded now, so it makes sense to incentivize the market to head in that direction.
The current battery technology is rated for 500,000 miles, after that the batteries can be repurposed for solar storage, after that 60% of the raw materials can be recycled.
I suppose the issues with mining that amount of lithium means nothing either.
Will that 25K Tesla tow my boat 400 miles ? Will it make it 1000 miles in 14hrs ?
Again as an alternative to gas for those that want to go that route and feel like they’re doing something positive it’s great. To even remotely make an argument it’s sustainable as the norm is lunacy.
Join Date: Jun 2007
01-25-2021, 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Only a moron doesn't understand context. Right now it's a poopshow because of mismanagement before last week. Trump left office with high cases, therefore deaths will be high. There is no snap your fingers fix. Rather a slow progression to bring new positives down and flush out existing cases.
New best practices and better implementation should mitigate against a similarly bad spike in the future. But you can't undo the community spread that's already out there, and nobody ever promised otherwise.
So what are these new best practices and better implementations of existing issues that will “flatten the curve “ over time when implemented ?
Join Date: Jun 2007
01-25-2021, 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Doug and xstar, my liberal media sources totally ignore this! How many million juvenile athlete sex changes have happened since Biden got sworn in? Who should I call?
I’m asking how many times this has happened?
My kids played HS sports and never ever showered at school. Does that still happen IRL?
Having my daughters in multiple high level team sports, as well as being a member of the governing body that oversees one of those sports , in the past 6 yrs we have have had 18 “transgender “ boys attempt to tryout for our all girls top tier national program teams. In softball we had 3 transgender boys tryout last season for the regional summer all star team. Not a single one had the surgery in any of those instances , but several took estrogen to make them more feminine. We have had guidance in how to handle those situations. We have been successful arguing through our governing bodies to prohibit those athletes from participating on those all female teams due to the science associated with the biological aspects .
Now you can bet there will be an increase in that number.......so now what happens?
In the fairness of both sides , there has been a lot of discussion on female athletes who are using hormone therapy to transition to boys as well. Girls taking those hormones have in some instances shown to gain physical advantages that give them a step above on their performance level. Is that fair ?
My daughters have been showering in lockerooms since they were 11yrs old. Over 50% of the girls also showered then , at 14 75% of the girls showered post game and practice , and at 16 100 % shower post practice and game. It’s really sport dependent. While showering is the focus , BECAUSE YES ANYONE WHO THINKS BOYS CHANGING AND SHOWERING WITH GIRLS AT THESE YOUNG AGES IS OK IS 100% MENTALLY ILL THEMSELVES , the fact of the matter is the much more common scenario would be changing in lockerooms out of clothes and into uniforms , protective equipment etc . Even if your players in these sports aren’t showering , they would still need to change into their uniforms together. Are you ok with boys undressing with girls in the lockeroom ?
I am not sure if you’re really asking questions , or you’re attempting to brush this off as insignificant , but the argument that it really doesn’t happen often so why should we care is ridiculous. If it doesn’t happen often then why would we need an executive order overturning current guidelines? This is a very real issue. It’s not crying wolf. The amount of transgender students in schools is ever increasing as well , and that will only lead to more of these instances .
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-25-2021, 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Will that 25K Tesla tow my boat 400 miles ?
Do you think a lot of the working class that drive 25k Hyundai’s, chevys, fords, nissans, and Kias tow their wakeboard boats 400 miles with them?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-26-2021, 8:57 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Do you think a lot of the working class that drive 25k Hyundai’s, chevys, fords, nissans, and Kias tow their wakeboard boats 400 miles with them?
Hey buddy, if electric is the answer, where are you going to get the materials to build them? Read this before answering. Awhile back, the UK had this brilliant idea to mandate every car in their country of 20,000,000 people had to be electric. Then they realized what idiots they were and switched course a little. Fast forward a few years and my idiot governor made an executive order to mandate we 40,000,000 in Kali can’t have gas-burning cars after 2035. You’d think he’d have done a tiny bit of research before embarrassing himself and signing that executive order, but no. He’s a libtard.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-26-2021, 9:32 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
So what are these new best practices and better implementations of existing issues that will “flatten the curve “ over time when implemented ?
Biggest would be increased access to fast and reliable testing. Test everyone in high exposure jobs once a week; require the positives to quarantine.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-26-2021, 1:45 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Hey buddy, if electric is the answer, where are you going to get the materials to build them?
Yes of course there will need to be a reallocation of raw materials away from oil and to lithium and wot not but there is plenty in the ground and the market will manage the transition no problem, that's what markets do.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-26-2021, 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Biggest would be increased access to fast and reliable testing. Test everyone in high exposure jobs once a week; require the positives to quarantine.
You could already get tested as much as you wanted when Trump was in office. A few weeks ago, they set up an outdoor drive up testing location two miles from my house. No appointment needed. The only thing Biden has done is order a mask mandate that he already violated himself within a few hours. Besides that, it’s all talk. Oh and I love the libterd politicians who are now claiming it’s all better now when we had our deadliest day less than two weeks ago. Lol! So dishonest. So transparent and yet they’ll never get called on it because the left owns the msm.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-26-2021, 4:15 PM
looks like FOX has gone Q. I saw this on Carlsons show last night and couldnt believe they choose to go down this path.
So, March 4th? trump becomes president? Great. What happens on the 5th? another storming of the capitol?
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-26-2021, 4:21 PM
Biden talks to Putin and the administration doesnt hide it. Unlike trump who took the notes and refused to say what the conversations were. Biden releases everything. Calls putin out on the Bounties on american soldiers, the poisoning of his rival, Ukraine and the Solar Winds hack. Just like a real president. Also has his press sec show up and update the press everyday. Wow, like a new world.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-26-2021, 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Biden talks to Putin and the administration doesnt hide it. Unlike trump who took the notes and refused to say what the conversations were. Biden releases everything. Calls putin out on the Bounties on american soldiers, the poisoning of his rival, Ukraine and the Solar Winds hack. Just like a real president. Also has his press sec show up and update the press everyday. Wow, like a new world.
In other words, your paper tiger prez made a tough guy scene for the cameras and then said he’d call him later after the media left and talk seriously. Guaranteed.
My only question is did he learn that Bullwake77 PR tactic from Obama?
So funny you queens all tried to say Trump was in bed with Russia when his policies B-slapped you in the face with the truth that he couldn’t have been more pro-America/anti-Russia.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Biden talks to Putin and the administration doesnt hide it. Unlike trump who took the notes and refused to say what the conversations were. Biden releases everything. Calls putin out on the Bounties on american soldiers, the poisoning of his rival, Ukraine and the Solar Winds hack. Just like a real president. Also has his press sec show up and update the press everyday. Wow, like a new world.
So, you’ve been conveniently gone lately. It’s clear your boy is being rightfully hung out to dry because of his stupid, new policies. Now, we have a new minority in this country that has been getting the shaft according to Hiden: Pacific Islanders. Who woulda ever guessed them? Did I not buy enough Spawnbreezie concert tickets? What’s next? One legged Smogarians? Who else is he gonna declare a victim of the evil white man and mandate that that new minority deserves free stuff? I wonder how many new libtard votes he’s gonna rake in from his latest class of victims. These virtue signals are more like smoke signals in their obvious desire for attention.
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-27-2021, 4:55 AM
Our local school district has put out a statement, basically saying, they will continue normal, healthy education for all children and will not be moving forward with removal of "words that eliminate gender" from their communication protocol. also they will not be promoting educational misinformation regarding race relations or any potential division of equality due to race or ethnicity. So basically, they are going to teach children they are equal and create equality, and not segregate children in groups of color.
i just cannot imagine teacher telling black children they are victims because white children are systemically racist by nature. Thats insanity. So white children bad, black children victims. how do you think thats going to play out?
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-27-2021, 6:07 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Yup there again , your answers prove your ignorance. Not to mention your description of comparable cars speaks volumes to where you sit financially and really are missing the big picture. See the view form the rest of the working class that drives Hyundai’s , chevys, fords , nissans , and Kias in the country your claiming to be oh such an expert on. Maybe put yourself in the shoes of working class America that have hr plus commutes one way to work travel cross country for sports for their kids. The issue is your narrow mind from a country that contributes nothing globally and has no significant role in a modern day world economy. . You should travel more and see how the rest of the actual contributing countries around the globe operate.
I don’t even have to get into the maintenance and disposal costs associated with battery operated vehicles. I am glad there are EV options for people who can benefit from them and afford them. It’s lunacy and idiocy to think that there is any chance of making them the standard, but hey, aren’t most democratic plans
That way anyways.
Nissan leaf is all electric and you can pickup a used one pretty cheap.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-27-2021, 6:09 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
i just cannot imagine teacher telling black children they are victims because white children are systemically racist by nature. Thats insanity. So white children bad, black children victims. how do you think thats going to play out?
But they'll still teach that a lot of black folks died to get there, and that white folks didn't give up their legal rights of superiority willingly, right?
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-27-2021, 6:14 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You could already get tested as much as you wanted when Trump was in office. A few weeks ago, they set up an outdoor drive up testing location two miles from my house. No appointment needed. The only thing Biden has done is order a mask mandate that he already violated himself within a few hours. Besides that, it’s all talk. Oh and I love the libterd politicians who are now claiming it’s all better now when we had our deadliest day less than two weeks ago. Lol! So dishonest. So transparent and yet they’ll never get called on it because the left owns the msm.
Mark, like it or not you live in a rich state. Despite profligate spending, California is running a budget surplus. It's not really fair to compare the resources in your state to those available elsewhere.
Are your schools open and in person yet? It might be doable if there were mandatory weekly testing for students and staff. That's what the private colleges that managed to stay open full time in the fall were doing.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 8:01 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Ya, but then you’re driving a Nissan Leaf.....
I think they need to stop calling them electric cars since they’re mostly-coal cars anyway.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 8:06 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Mark, like it or not you live in a rich state. Despite profligate spending, California is running a budget surplus. It's not really fair to compare the resources in your state to those available elsewhere.
Are your schools open and in person yet? It might be doable if there were mandatory weekly testing for students and staff. That's what the private colleges that managed to stay open full time in the fall were doing.
Thanks to the teacher’s union and a D-bag for a governor, public schools are not open, but our governor’s kids’ school is open and never closed. His kids go to the French Laundry of schools.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 8:08 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Ya, but then you’re driving a Nissan Leaf.....
I think they need to stop calling them electric cars since they’re mostly-coal cars anyway.
Speaking of the Leaf, that car barely noses out the Tesla 3 in terms of ugly.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-27-2021, 8:14 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I think they need to stop calling them electric cars since they’re mostly-coal cars anyway.
What % of electricity do you think is produced with coal in California? Nation wide?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 8:18 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
What % of electricity do you think is produced with coal in California? Nation wide?
Nationwide, coal makes up 63%. I think Cali mostly uses natural gas.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-27-2021, 8:47 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Ya, but then you’re driving a Nissan Leaf.....
I think they need to stop calling them electric cars since they’re mostly-coal cars anyway.
Xstar was comparing to kias and Hyundai’s...
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 8:53 AM
I know. Little segue.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-27-2021, 9:53 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I know. Little segue.
So we can agree that the statement that electric cars are only available to the wealthy is not correct?
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-27-2021, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
So we can agree that the statement that electric cars are only available to the wealthy is not correct?
I acknowledge your anecdotal evidence. Problem is I have next to no interest in coal cars so I’m the wrong person to ask. For all I know, those Leafs are selling for that cheap because they’re garbage or undesirable for a myriad of reasons.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-27-2021, 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I acknowledge your anecdotal evidence. Problem is I have next to no interest in coal cars so I’m the wrong person to ask. For all I know, those Leafs are selling for that cheap because they’re garbage or undesirable for a myriad of reasons.
As opposed to kias and Hyundais which are selling cheap because...?
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Delta remember that $5 gasoline you were complaining about yesterday? Now “they” are just gonna burn it off as a waste byproduct? Cmon man pick a conspiracy to get hysterical about and stick with it. Btw, $5 gas will be great for the domestic oil industry. But, as you are wont to say, “that doesn’t fit the narrative.”
has to go somewhere. The oils have to be refined to get the other products out. Sounds like some may be converted to some sort of petrol chemicals but the fuel will still be produced.
What are 3 products that oil refineries can make out of oil?
After crude oil is removed from the ground, it is sent to a refinery where different parts of the crude oil are separated into useable petroleum products. These petroleum products include gasoline, distillates such as diesel fuel and heating oil, jet fuel, petrochemical feedstocks, waxes, lubricating oils, and asphalt.
The issue of fuel for engines is new issue historically and the markets back in the day simply took it as a loss. Now it is the business plan. You still need heavier oils for other projects. It all depends on what you can get for the price. Maybe they simply raise the cost of asphalt to compensate for the lack of earnings on the refined drum of oil. Maybe the plastics to make the car go way up because of no offset in oil refining. They lighter fuel oil has to do somewhere after refining. That is a simple case of chemistry. You think the Saudi's and Chinese are simply just going to store this stuff for generations? It is either going to get dumped or burned off.
I am sure $5 is great for domestic oil but bad for everyone else. We all know democrats want to make it more expensive to live in the US so they can move production to the 3rd world. Share the wealth and they are children of the world and not just America talk.
Join Date: Sep 2005
01-27-2021, 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Thanks to the teacher’s union and a D-bag for a governor, public schools are not open, but our governor’s kids’ school is open and never closed. His kids go to the French Laundry of schools.
If you drove a Leaf, maybe you could afford the French Laundry School.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:02 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Mark, I'm not that smart. I need you to educate me. How are the Saudis and the Russians gonna move canadian tarsands crude?
We are already a net exporter of oil. How does putting more oil on the global market (thus depressing the price of an already struggling commodity) help folks in the oil industry in the US?
Like I said I'm not that smart. I just can't figure out this jobs argument.
Two things.
Warren Buffet is heavily vested in oil by rail. My guess is much of this is to pay him off for donations
Trump had to step in and get the Saudi's and Russia to stop their trade war to save the American oil industry. Them in a price war make the more expensive to produce American products unavailable for the prices being sold. Now add in keeping the higher transport costs, it will make it harder to compete. Eventually it more than likely will shut it down for good which is a goal of democrats. democrats have made no secret they want to kill the carbon industry. The US was finally competing in this industry and forced a cheaper price per gallon and made it so we did not have to worry about a production cut or geo politics in the mid east.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:06 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Only if you read studies from the oil industry.
Then show us one that tells a different story. BTU is BTU is it not? How much is lost on the grid. How much does it cost to make batteries to make up for the vast amount of energy consumed? Lay it out there for us to digest.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:09 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
OMG its so funny, and retarted at the same time. It will require a nuclear power plant ever 5 miles to go completely electric, never fly over an ocean again. Just like the old days, get on the Titanic and take a trip.
But dont worry, Joe fixed the boys vs girls. so now any teenager can change cloths, get naked, etc in your daughters locker room. Maybe a grown man, can walk into the dressing room your wife is in and try on women underwear together.
ITs out of control. Hope you dont have a daughter athlete with hopes of a scholarship, those days are over when any boy can become a women overnight. Cant wait to see our oylimpics. Will other countries put up with this insanity?
Do they mean to tell us the old East German track athletes that looked like dudes back in the 70's and 80's were just ahead of the curve? Who knew right. It is just so disgusting and evil, I don't even know what to think about it all anymore. People are blinded.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:12 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Wel we heard Joe all campaign long ramming lockdowns down our throats , criticizing Trumps plan because he left a majority of the decisions to states. Joe’s super mask policy was gonna save the day. Joe needed to get in because he will have competent staff to guide us through the pandemic. Did I miss anything else ? Oh year Trumps plan sucked and killed Americans.
What’s Joe’s first talking points you ask, you know to save us from the Scamdemic , open the economy ( gee Joe who shut down the economy and caused the nose dive for an election ?). All of a sudden every covid talk has to do with opening the economy. Then Joe goes further to describe his plan. What’s his miracle plan ,,,,,,,THERE IS NO PLAN.
Seriously can’t make this BULL **** up. This is Joe’s plan. LET IT RUN ITS COURSE !
Attachment 46178
Of course it is the plan. That is what I have been trying to tell these idiots all year. Either you get it then or you get it later. You will get it unless you hope to get the magic shot in time. These other countries were simply lying on their stats but because it was Trump they would like to believe African dictators vs a Republican.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:20 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What's funny is you clueless luddites who have no vision.
Pop quiz, what's easier to green up, 10 million tail pipes or 1 power station?
How about incentivizing home owners to put PV on the roof so you move to a distributed power production model rather than centralized?
The future is electric, that's why Tesla is trading at 1600x P:E
both. BTU and fuel used it BTU and fuel used. If you are claiming that American tail pipes with all the emission components are still poluting then so is the smoke stack from the power station. Only the power station has to transmit the energy. Looks like 65% loss.
Ok. So you have solar panels. Now what. Most of the US does not have 265 days of sun like California. Also you don't have sun at night. We only have 6 months of more day than night . During the winter in the US the average is maybe little over 20 clear days over the 3 months. What happens when the panels no longer put out after 20 to 30 years. They will just be an expensive eye sore with residents unable to afford to take them down and they will be right back on the grid.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:24 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What's funny is you clueless luddites who have no vision.
Pop quiz, what's easier to green up, 10 million tail pipes or 1 power station?
How about incentivizing home owners to put PV on the roof so you move to a distributed power production model rather than centralized?
The future is electric, that's why Tesla is trading at 1600x P:E
Also if future is electric then why are you interested in artificially gutting the other industries to make it possible? If it was, it will do it naturally.
Join Date: Mar 2018
01-27-2021, 1:30 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I’m asking how many times this has happened?
My kids played HS sports and never ever showered at school. Does that still happen IRL?
We had to shower after Gym Class. Some sports would shower after practice. Games not so much. Then again, you live in a state with crappy facilities so there you go.