As of the last day of the event, the promoters were discussing plans for the event next year as if it was going to happen. It will not however be in the same location in downtown Stokton since they are building a hotel on that site sometime between now and next year. They are currently looking at possible locations in Lodi and the logistics of a new location. According to the pros that I talked to, they all loved it since they could attempt and throw tricks for the crowds that they would never do in competition. They all discussed their "safe run" where taking a fall could cost prize money vs. an expo format where they were just out for fun and the crowd. Aaron, I was at the event site working with the promoters and the Arizona rumor is not something that has come from the official Boardstock folk. Possibly someone that wants to put together a grassroots event to get back to the original Bordstock format. Seems like too many people are whining about Boardstock because it has changed formats. I wonder how much bitching and whining there would be if they just changed the name with no accosiaton to the Shasta days and we still had this event in our backyard. Yeah, X-games and Pro Tour events are free, but we don't get those in our area as often as Florida and Boardstock is not being funded by ESPN, Mastercraft, or Vans. Trust me, I have been around this event for the past four years, no one is getting rich from Boradstock.