Join Date: Jan 1997
03-16-2006, 1:05 PM
I'm going to jack up this thread with the size of this image, but it's necessary. If you didn't make it out yesterday, I highly recommend you check this out sometime between today and Sunday. Very fun. Full photo gallery to follow later. More info at http://www.wakeworld.com/getarticle.asp?articleid=631
Join Date: Jan 1997
03-16-2006, 4:20 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
03-16-2006, 4:39 PM
Unbelievable!!!!!!! Those pics are great. And the slider set up. Would have been great to see in person!
03-16-2006, 4:55 PM
Nice work Dave.
Join Date: Nov 2002
03-16-2006, 5:27 PM
Thats just awsome. Nice photo skills dave!
Join Date: Jun 2002
03-16-2006, 5:34 PM
I want to hit it.
Join Date: May 2002
03-16-2006, 6:26 PM
great shots.. but the stands look a little empty... was there a good turnout?
Join Date: Jan 1997
03-16-2006, 6:44 PM
No, the stands were pretty much empty, but there was a pretty good crowd standing and watching. It was the first shows, so we didn't expect that big of a turn out. I think they might need some extra seats this weekend though. While it was going, there was a guy talking on his cell phone telling somebody about it with amazement in his voice. He looked at me and asked, "Are there going to be shows every day?" I said yes and he relayed the info to the person on the phone. It was funny how excited he was and I bet he was a fisherman!
Join Date: Aug 2001
03-16-2006, 7:24 PM
sic picks Dave! I'll be there tomorrow. Don Diego in the background, classic. Thanks to all involved for bringin this to SD
Join Date: Jul 2001
03-16-2006, 8:26 PM
That looks painfull if you fall!
Join Date: Jan 1997
03-16-2006, 8:27 PM
Why don't we try to get as many WakeWorld folks out there as we can for the Sunday shows?? Those should be the best because these guys will have this course dialed by then and it would be cool to see everybody. I'll even bring some free stickers!  Hopefully, I'll see you all there. I just posted up the article as well at http://www.wakeworld.com/getarticle.asp?articleid=631. "If Aaron Rathy were a restaurant, he'd have a "C" hanging in the window."
Join Date: Jan 1997
03-16-2006, 8:33 PM
There were a couple of good bails, but I think they got hay bales in most of the spots to keep the pain to a minimum. Henshaw specifically requested a hay bale be placed in front of the last pool and he fell off the A-frame and smacked right into it on his first run!! Then he turned to Tyler and said, "I'm sure glad I had you put that hay there!" I think the worst part is if they come down off that A-frame head first because that last pool is only a couple feet deep and then they hit concrete. Here's Chad Sharpe after a meeting with the bottom!
Join Date: Mar 2004
03-16-2006, 8:39 PM
Great pics. Hey Geoff, gonna give it another run? Hard to beat the other one though. I'am planning on going tomorrow or Saturday. Guess I should check on the hours, but is there a specific time the better riders will be on? Is it happening even if it rains? See ya there!
Join Date: Apr 2003
03-16-2006, 11:23 PM
Looks pretty sweet. I think I'll head down there Saturday. Is the boat and fishing show any good?
Join Date: Apr 2004
03-16-2006, 11:56 PM
what i want to know is 1 how is the rider pulled? 2 where do you find hay bales? 3 what kind of tarps would you use? i am interested in putting on my own slider jam but i just don't know how you could set up something like this and not cost you an arm and a leg to do it. i am sure you can go out and buy hay bales and if i had 2 grand i could buy one of those box's you attatch to the hitch of your truck and i am sure tarps that big are expensive.
Join Date: May 2004
03-17-2006, 11:55 AM
Chad, 1) Hypoxic Black Box (winch) 2) This event is at the Del Mar fairgrounds and horse racetrack (haybales aplenty) 3) Just reguular blue tarps work just fine as long as they have no holes -Steve PS Putting on an event like this will probably cost you an arm and a leg.
Join Date: Jun 2003
03-17-2006, 1:38 PM
The show is going great. The riders are all having fun and the stands aren't full but there is definately a following. Saturday and sun are the big money days so the crowds should be bigger, and the riders will have it dialed in. A big thanks to, DBG Concepts for buliding the slider and setting up the winch pull, California Watersports, Bart Hall is really making a push for our sport which is great. Liquid Force and Hyperlite and all the riders, Just AWESOME out there.
Join Date: Nov 2004
03-19-2006, 9:12 PM
Tons of fun! My favorite pic...
Join Date: Nov 2004
03-19-2006, 9:13 PM
Ah, one more good one.
Join Date: May 2004
03-19-2006, 9:43 PM
Kevin Henshaw's $1500 pass from the 12:00 show sunday: (sorry about the quality, it was on my digi cam) http://www.wakepics.com/img/18448
03-20-2006, 12:06 AM
Here is another video of Kevin's run...Think Bart threw in another 500 dollars too...soo this is a 2000 dollar run http://www.wakepics.com/view_single.php?medid=18449
Join Date: Oct 2002
03-20-2006, 12:22 AM
Join Date: Jan 1997
03-20-2006, 1:37 AM
I just added 64 more pics from today's events ( http://www.wakeworld.com/Galleries/Gallery.asp?GalleryID=342). This time I used a wide angle lens and I was really able to get up close and get some cool shots. Here are my favorites... I just can't take a bad pic of Shane... Chad Sharpe... Aaron Rathy... Shawn Watson... Kevin Henshaw... Gary from DBG gets sidewayz off the flat box...
Join Date: Jan 2005
03-20-2006, 8:21 AM
Hey Dave, did you get any shots of Jacob Valdez on Saturday?
Join Date: Aug 2001
03-20-2006, 8:50 AM
These are by far the best pics I have seen online of any slider event. Good to see everyone this weekend. What was your favorite? Aaron Rathy doing shovits on the wakeskate up to the funbox and on the slider? That guy is INSANE! Kevin Henshaws huge 360 over the slider to win it Saturday? Or Shane's Ole?
Join Date: Jul 2001
03-20-2006, 9:00 AM
Damn, those guys are gnarly!
Join Date: Jan 1997
03-20-2006, 12:01 PM
Gordie, I didn't make it on Saturday. Nobody told me that Jacob was going to be there. I wish I could have caught that.
Join Date: Oct 2002
03-20-2006, 1:46 PM
I got a few of Jacon but i still have to sort through them all here is one...... Slipknot you were there Sat? Damn must have missed you Mike and I were there almost all day
Join Date: Aug 2001
03-20-2006, 5:36 PM
i was there wakeripper I saw the noon show and had to bolt for a tball game. then back on sunday. best event to come out of SD ever! I hope they do it again. jacob tears it up! way to go jacob!