Join Date: Jan 2003
03-09-2006, 8:43 AM
anybody in northern ohio have a surfboard that can surf the wake? i just started surfing this year, but do not want to buy a board just yet, so if you have a board, i have the boat.
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-09-2006, 11:58 AM
How about Central Ohio
Join Date: Jan 2003
03-09-2006, 1:00 PM
Ed, anyone from ohio, southeast michigan, even Canada? can bring a surfboard by to go wakesurfing, i have already been surfing(but not behind a boat), so i know i should be able to do it. i also know once i try it behind the boat, i'll probably end up buying a surfboard pretty quick, for when the lake is less than flat.
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-09-2006, 3:08 PM
I surf behind my boat all the time. However I’m a little more than a month away from the first ride of the season. I can get your email from your profile, when we start riding for the season I'll add you to the emails that I shoot out to my crew, you’d be welcome to come ride with us. Right now we’re just hoping the city doesn’t ban wake enhancers on our hotspot, if they do I’ll probably be going up to the Maumee River for some good riding. I’m working on setting up a wakesurf event in Columbus, again if the city doesn’t kill ballast I’ll send more info on the event. I've got a Broadcast 5.6 and I've got a Trick boardz Mojo board on order.
Join Date: Jul 2005
03-09-2006, 3:30 PM
Ed, If you head up to the maumee give me shout I ride on the maumee several times a week. Its about two miles from my house....I don't have a boat...but would be willing to throw you some coin for some pulls! Joe, I have never surfed or wake surfed but would be definatly down for trying. Where are you located? Jake
Join Date: Jul 2005
03-09-2006, 6:16 PM
Ed, They are trying to get rid of ballast systems or fat sacs in columbus?????
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-09-2006, 7:26 PM
We'll see
Join Date: Jan 2003
03-10-2006, 5:33 AM
Ed, that sounds great! have you ever been up to the sandusky bay by cedar point?
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-10-2006, 10:57 AM
Jo, I grew up in Toledo, but only have boated on the Sandusky Bay once back in the early 80s. Cedar Point has a marina and hotel; I’d like to check that out sometime. Actually I’ve been all over Ohio. When I went to college my folks moved to Cincinnati, later to Cleveland (Rocky River), I used to live in Dayton, now Columbus is home. I also used to be in the Ohio National Guard and so I went of to Camp Perry every month for drill. I recall that one of the bridges around the bay looked like it might be a really good protected ski spot.
Join Date: Jan 2003
03-10-2006, 4:06 PM
the iteresting thing about cedar point is that you can anchor off their beach in about two ft. of water and use their beach or go to fridays restaraunt. the good butta is on the west side of that rt.2 bridge when the wind is coming from the east. here is a pic of the maumee river
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-10-2006, 4:56 PM
I used to live close to the Miami Children’s Center, in Maumee, the river was in our neighbors backyard. Is your pic around there, between Maumee and Perrysburg looking upstream towards the island or is that upstream of Mary Jane Thurston?
Join Date: Feb 2004
03-10-2006, 9:29 PM
When do you guys start hitting the maumee in the spring? We went last summer and it was great...even on the weekend we still found good water. Just wondering if there's a lot of floaters in the spring. .
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-11-2006, 10:50 AM
Floaters, do you mean debris, branches, stumps, and the like? We’ve had record rain fall from about 2002 through 2005, there’s been junk in the water about every time I’ve gone out. We just keep an eye out and go. I start riding in Columbus around mid April, I normally only get up to the Maumee River once a season.
Join Date: Aug 2002
03-11-2006, 11:21 AM
That's where I board almost exclusively! Just up stream of Mary Jane Thurston. My buddy owns a camper there. When it rains there is alot of debris in the water but it kind of collects in certain areas that can be mostly avoided.
Join Date: Jul 2005
03-12-2006, 10:35 AM
Hey guys....I went boarding yesterday in the maumee we put in at Mary Jane. Water was around 40 deg COLD COLD COLD. Yea....couldnt wait any longer, have the dry suites and hot shower. Going again today. Whats up with the snowshowers on Tuesday....damn cold fronts.
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-12-2006, 12:08 PM
You da man Jake!
Join Date: Aug 2002
03-12-2006, 3:26 PM
You go jake! Today is great but ya, in the 40's and snow next week. I always say if you don't like the weather in Ohio, just wait, it'll change.
Join Date: Feb 2004
03-12-2006, 9:53 PM
Jake, right on, we went today also. Water was 36 but it sure was nice to get out again. (Indian Lake) Looks like the weather is going to get crappy again for awhile. .
Join Date: Jan 2003
03-13-2006, 6:29 AM
the pic is from mary jane, it really doesn't get any better, anywhere, 74 dgr. water 85air, but that was summertime. Shutup, i still owe you a pull, just pm me when you want to ride at mary jane, i'll bring the boat. Jake, how did you find someone to ride in the cold weather?
Join Date: Jul 2005
03-13-2006, 11:53 AM
Joe, I actually got my buddy into wakeboarding at the end of last summer. He loved it of course and he bought a boat over the winter and we were both itching to get out. Only me and him went, the rest just sat and laughed at us.....
Join Date: Jul 2005
03-13-2006, 1:09 PM
approx. 70 degrees today in southeast Mich, Yahooo!! now if the snow tonight would just stay away...
Join Date: Jan 2003
03-15-2006, 7:25 AM
Ed, give me an e-mail and i will be down in columbus in a heartbeat. So, anybody in northern ohio have a surfboard that can surf the wake? it does not have to be a wakesurfboard i'm pretty sure a regular surfboard will work behind the boat.
Join Date: Feb 2005
03-15-2006, 8:20 AM
Regular board should work, but I've found that until you dial in your wake we tended to ride too close to the back of the boat and so the front tip of a long board might be really too close. However I also expect that larger surf style boards will let you surf smaller wakes. Joe, I'll let you know when we start our season.