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Old    nvp28            03-20-2006, 10:41 AM Reply   
Anyone have some feed back on closed toe boots? When I first saw them I thought broken toes. Anyone had any problems like that or do like them better than open toe. Let me know I'm thinking about getting some new bindings soon and would like the feed back.
Old     (rob_kc)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-20-2006, 11:00 AM Reply   
I agree w/you on the toes Nick. I've had my foot slide through my bindings to where my heel was showing on the toe bed. More than once. With no place for your toes to go......CRUNCH? As far helping on heel side slayshishs, I don't see that doing much either. It looks like more of a style preference to me. I'm curious to see the feed back on this thread though.
Old     (nwcoast2cascade)      Join Date: Oct 2005       03-20-2006, 11:44 AM Reply   
I rode the HL 3ds's and didn't have a problem. I'm definately a victim of my foot shooting out the front with open toes but for some reason my foot just felt way more secure in a closed toe. To tell ya the truth, going back to open toes feels a little sketchy, like I'm wearing old school wake sandals or something. I'd definately try to get as snug of a fit as possible.

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Old     (sloshake)      Join Date: Mar 2003       03-20-2006, 11:51 AM Reply   
Did you ever take a fall while snowboarding and think "wow, I wish these boots were open toe and my foot didn't just slam against the boot!"

yea, neither did I...
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       03-20-2006, 12:10 PM Reply   
Apples to Oranges.....Not at all the same thing.

Binding straps prevent your foot from moving.
Old     (greenthumb)      Join Date: Mar 2004       03-20-2006, 12:21 PM Reply   
To me there is no debate. Like Gerald said, ever wish you had open toed boots with snowbording? I would rather break a toe (which would probably never happen) than my foot poke through and do some real damage. I have seen the picture of the compound fracture and I would take the broken toe anyday.
Old     (rob_kc)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-20-2006, 12:25 PM Reply   
Gerald, can't compare snowboard bindings to wake bindings. Except for holding you to the board, nowhere close to the same thing. III, the 3ds toe cover looks like it sits on the toes more than the shane, anyone for feedback on the shane? Does the toe area flush up to the toes or is there room for movement?
Old     (olddude)      Join Date: Oct 2003       03-20-2006, 12:28 PM Reply   
Hi All,

Justin and I ride close toed boots, I ride the new Murray's and Justin rides the 3DS's, they're the best most comfortable boots I've ever had on. Two weekends ago, Justin did a raley cut into a double behind a slammed Team Edition and went out of control and came in like a dart, I can't believe that he didn't hurt himself bad. He thought at first that he broke his ankle but rode the next day. I've taken some very intense falls and my toes have never taken a hit.
Old     (rob_kc)      Join Date: Dec 2004       03-20-2006, 12:29 PM Reply   
Daniel, the compound pic was from one foot coming out of the binding and the other staying in. Not going thru the binding. And thanks for sticking that nasty pic back in my head. OUCH!
Old     (sloshake)      Join Date: Mar 2003       03-20-2006, 12:36 PM Reply   
You think it should feel that different? I admit I haven't tried the closed toe yet and was being a bit of a smart @$$, but after reading the previous thread that Murray chimed in on, it makes sense.

If anything, I keep my wakeboard bindings tighter than my snowboard boots as far as how much my foot slides around inside.
Old     (john30)      Join Date: Nov 2003       03-20-2006, 1:42 PM Reply   
I just tried my 3Ds bindings yesterday and I gotta say, I like em...they're pretty bad ass! Lots of support throughout the whole boot. I noticed that the closed toe cuts the chill down quite a bit.
Old     (liquidmx)      Join Date: Jun 2005       03-20-2006, 1:46 PM Reply   
My opinion on it is that an open toe is the weakest link to a point. Meaning someone coming down not fully rotated on a common trick like the front to revert or crow would put their foot through the binding.

Given that this didnt happen on a closed toe boot due to being much tighter and better fitting, what is the next fail safe for that kind of fall, your knee?
Old     (ride152)      Join Date: Nov 2005 Location: Maumee River - Ohio       03-20-2006, 1:47 PM Reply   
I use plenty of soap to get my foot in the bindings.... I know that with the open toe the soap washes away quickly. I wonder if it would stay in the binding with the closed toe....keeping a slippery feel in the binding...

Just a thought......
Old     (jarrod)      Join Date: May 2003       03-20-2006, 2:22 PM Reply   
When your foot slides forward (In my expereince) it has been from a heel side landing and little to hard on edge. Your heel slips forward.

The toe material is soft. I don't think your toes are going to break.
Old     (stanfield)      Join Date: Mar 2004       03-20-2006, 2:36 PM Reply   
Matt, I broke my leg and blew out my knee when my foot slipped forward a bit in my binding.

Every fall is different. You're never going to be able to predict injuries by overanalyzing your gear and IMO injuries like that are just luck of the draw. If anyone had it figured out yet, we'd all be riding the same stuff that kept us healthy.

(Message edited by Stanfield on March 20, 2006)
Old     (thane_dogg)      Join Date: Jun 2002       03-20-2006, 3:22 PM Reply   
I haven't put on a closed toe binding but I would think, that if they made the foot bed a litte harder and the boot fit a little better than a conventional wakeboarding binding, the foot sliding forward would not be an issue.
Old     (smylie)      Join Date: Jun 2002       03-20-2006, 6:42 PM Reply   
i just tried on the murrays today at my local shop, and wow are they comfy! the best feeling i have ever felt with wakeboard bindings. i have a size 9.5-10 foot, and i put the mediums on. my toe went up to the tip. i liked having my foot all the way up there so i am not sloshing around cause that would be weird. i think im gonna get them.
Old     (centralcali)      Join Date: Jan 2005       03-20-2006, 9:59 PM Reply   
I've been riding the Murrays for a few weeks now and I think they are great. They are so comfy, like wearing a pair of Air Jordons on the water. When looking at the Murrays the material covering the toe looks very thin but the inner 'sock' that covers your entire foot makes it more solid than you would think. As far as the soap or slime goes - I was pretty suprized how quickly it washes out. I have never had an issue with soap residual in the bindings before I get pulled up for the first set. When it comes to your foot sliding forward - there is an option 2 strap built into the binding that is tightened down when you crank the boa system. This option 2 strap does help hold your heal down. I know there has been a lot of hype and critisism over these bindings the last several months. All I have to say to the guys "guessing" (and yes you are guessing when you critisize the bindings without wearing them!) and putting them down as a gimmic is to try them on and ride them before you say anything.
Old    nvp28            03-21-2006, 6:41 AM Reply   
Hey, thanks for all the feed back everyone. Anyone have any comments on 3DSs vs. Murrays
Old     (nauty_tique)      Join Date: Nov 2005       03-21-2006, 7:18 AM Reply   
Good reviews, another question though. All the O toes around here are curious if there is or will be an issue with mold/funk build up since they cant breath or dry as well as open toe's. If the soap disapates(above post), I assume there are some kind of perforations or vents in place, which would help with drying out to? Just curious if there are any issues there, probably wont be able to tell much until it's summer time I guess?
Old     (centralcali)      Join Date: Jan 2005       03-21-2006, 9:28 AM Reply   
Nick- I have tried on the 3DS, but have not ridden them. They are comfy to put on as well but are designed to be stiffer.

Mike- good question about the vents. There are holes in the foot bed that allow them to breath. I'm sure they won't dry as fast as an open toe binding, but I don't think there will be an issue with mold. Mine have dried out fine and it is a lot colder right now.

Old     (wawakeboarder5)      Join Date: Feb 2006       03-21-2006, 10:23 AM Reply   
i rode the 3ds and didn't have a problem. they are very very comfy. toes never slid up to hit the front of the bindings or nothing.
Old     (harryhog)      Join Date: Mar 2003       03-21-2006, 10:41 AM Reply   
on the same note, what are the most popular closed toe?

it seems most people are using the 3ds, and not many on the shanes altho' they look the best.

any thoughts?
(apart from try them on......)
Old     (bill)      Join Date: Feb 2001       03-21-2006, 12:37 PM Reply   
the Shanes arent being talked about sincve they havent officially been released yet so im sure once they start getting some water time there will be talk..
Old     (john30)      Join Date: Nov 2003       03-21-2006, 6:54 PM Reply   
There are holes on the bottom of the 3DS that let the water in/out.
Old     (airwarrior04)      Join Date: Aug 2004       03-21-2006, 8:02 PM Reply   
I have murrays on order. Hope I like them they havent been made yet thats why it's taking so long.

I heard only XS-XL hyperlite bindings have been made so far. Not XXL, which happens to be my size


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