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Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-23-2021, 10:45 AM Reply   
Did anyone miss the Politico article on Hunter Bidens laptop story being true and not a "Russian Hoax"?

Surprised I have not seen the praise of ol Joe on the world stage. I mean the English gave him a vote of no confidence, the French have recalled their ambassador, and Joe would not take questions with the PM of Great Britain. Ol Joe is just cooking. Anyone starting to get the point that when the democrats blame others for doing things it is because they are gas lighting people because they are actually doing it?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-23-2021, 12:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Did anyone miss the Politico article on Hunter Bidens laptop story being true and not a "Russian Hoax"?

Surprised I have not seen the praise of ol Joe on the world stage. I mean the English gave him a vote of no confidence, the French have recalled their ambassador, and Joe would not take questions with the PM of Great Britain. Ol Joe is just cooking. Anyone starting to get the point that when the democrats blame others for doing things it is because they are gas lighting people because they are actually doing it?
The U.S. special envoy for Haiti, Ambassador Daniel Foote, has resigned, a senior State Department official said on Thursday
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-23-2021, 12:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
He always cuts out the stuff that proves he is wrong and an idiot to push anti vax crap during a pandemic. They didn't give all the info but they did include this fact.

" Severe illness, however, was more common among the unvaccinated. The hospitalization rate was almost 10 times higher for them compared with those who got the shots".

The entire AP article
No I cut out the bull**** to prove the point of bull**** being spewed. The argument from the left has been the vaccine protects you from contracting and spreading the virus, and non vaccinated people are reason the virus is out of control. Once again proven completely false and full of lies. Just like the idea a cloth mask protects you from covid and the delta variant.

The goal posts have shifted once again. Now it’s “prevent you from hospitalization “. What happened to prevents you from contracting and spreading ? That flew out the window faster than Biden’s border plan. Who the **** cares. It’s a risk people are willing to take. Let them. The government should y be maki g the a choice for you , and it sure as hell should t be taking your career away as part of that choice. Smoking keeps you in the hospital , jumping out of Planes is high risk , Wakeboarding is high risk, being the police is high risk being a fat slob who’s obese is high risk. You know what’s not high risk , being a healthy individual. . Should the government mandate anyone who wakeboards or plays sports has to pay more in insurance premiums? Should it tell people if you wakeboard you can’t work for company A Should the government tell fat slobs they are unemployable ? The fact is the choice to get vaccinated or not only has serious effects the person themselves. It’s not some world virus ending decision. Once again the facts prove the rhetoric completely false. Over and over again the science speaking the truth. The choice to be vaccinated or not has almost zero impact on a vaccinated individual getting sick from the virus. Period end of story.

What was the death rate difference in the prison study their basement dweller ?

Last edited by xstarrider; 09-23-2021 at 12:55 PM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-23-2021, 1:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
No I cut out the bull**** to prove the point of bull**** being spewed. The argument from the left has been the vaccine protects you from contracting and spreading the virus, and non vaccinated people are reason the virus is out of control. Once again proven completely false and full of lies. Just like the idea a cloth mask protects you from covid and the delta variant.

The goal posts have shifted once again. Now it’s “prevent you from hospitalization “. What happened to prevents you from contracting and spreading ? That flew out the window faster than Biden’s border plan. Who the **** cares. It’s a risk people are willing to take. Let them. The government should y be maki g the a choice for you , and it sure as hell should t be taking your career away as part of that choice. Smoking keeps you in the hospital , jumping out of Planes is high risk , Wakeboarding is high risk, being the police is high risk being a fat slob who’s obese is high risk. You know what’s not high risk , being a healthy individual. . Should the government mandate anyone who wakeboards or plays sports has to pay more in insurance premiums? Should it tell people if you wakeboard you can’t work for company A Should the government tell fat slobs they are unemployable ? The fact is the choice to get vaccinated or not only has serious effects the person themselves. It’s not some world virus ending decision. Once again the facts prove the rhetoric completely false. Over and over again the science speaking the truth. The choice to be vaccinated or not has almost zero impact on a vaccinated individual getting sick from the virus. Period end of story.

What was the death rate difference in the prison study their basement dweller ?

10 times the hospitalization rate is now Bull****, 10 times the hospitalization rate, let that sink in. It plainly obvious who the idiot is, who is wrong almost daily. Youre a freaking clown dude. 10 times the hospitalization rate. Your mother must be proud.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-23-2021, 2:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
10 times the hospitalization rate is now Bull****, 10 times the hospitalization rate, let that sink in. It plainly obvious who the idiot is, who is wrong almost daily. Youre a freaking clown dude. 10 times the hospitalization rate. Your mother must be proud.
Again your focus completely elsewhere than the topic at point. Don’t answer single question. They’re simple one word answers. Nicely done. Move from protection , from death rates , from positivity , now to hospitalization. In two months we will be discussing another change. It’s been nothing but lies and a complete omission of the actual data pushing an agenda . What was the death rate of that prison study of vaccinated vs unvaccinated ?

Fauci will hopefully be facing criminal charges for lying to Congress.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-23-2021, 4:24 PM Reply   
The message and goal posts never changed. March 2020....during the Trump administration.
A sharp rise in cases will not only build on itself, dramatically increasing the odds daily of more people becoming infected, it will overwhelm resources. Without sweeping social distancing measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, hospitals will run out of intensive care beds and ventilators, and staff won't be able to keep up with the needs of sick patients. More health care workers themselves will fall ill, and there will be fewer on the front lines to combat COVID-I9

Go with any of your topics, death rates, from positivity, hospitalization.....makes no difference. Odds are always better when vaccinated. Always. Just like you are always wrong.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-24-2021, 2:56 AM Reply   
Geez, what a bad week for the Biden fam, Looks like the Chinese flu, was totally made in the lab, and was intentional. Also, Hunter (the good son) was trying to scam the Lybia for 2m a year, to release seized funds. Then, oh , then, Sleepy owes 500k in unpaid taxes. LOL
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-24-2021, 9:11 AM Reply   
SO funny, co-hosts on the FING view, terrible show, terrible people, all vaccinated, got covid. while the VP harris is suppose to go on tv live. MAYBE its because they are all not wearing masks. lol Stupid, on every level, stupid to think its not spreading, stupid to think its a mask issue, stupid to think anything you do less, locking yourself in the house for the next 4 to 5 years, will stop it.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-24-2021, 10:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
SO funny, co-hosts on the FING view, terrible show, terrible people, all vaccinated, got covid. while the VP harris is suppose to go on tv live. MAYBE its because they are all not wearing masks. lol Stupid, on every level, stupid to think its not spreading, stupid to think its a mask issue, stupid to think anything you do less, locking yourself in the house for the next 4 to 5 years, will stop it.
Irony isnt when vaccinated TV people get Covid, irony is when antivaxxers and or those who dont think the vaccines work get covid and die. Thats what is ironic.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       09-24-2021, 10:42 AM Reply   
now the lie is that border patrol is whipping people.
Biden has now taken away their horses.

I just can't image how ANYBODY is happy with this guy.

He will absolutely go down in history as the worst President ever

what a freakin joke
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-24-2021, 11:26 AM Reply   
This is what irony looks like. One would think god would have protected a man of the cloth, done something, like maybe send a vaccine. Thoughts and prayers.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-24-2021, 12:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
now the lie is that border patrol is whipping people.
Biden has now taken away their horses.

I just can't image how ANYBODY is happy with this guy.

He will absolutely go down in history as the worst President ever

what a freakin joke
It would be comical to watch this from the outside. Unfortunately we are not.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-24-2021, 10:47 PM Reply   
In more serious actual pandemic news. That’s right more kids shot in Chicago than died nationwide from the pandemic. Great work democraps. Your policies are steaming forward nicely.

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Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-25-2021, 4:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
In more serious actual pandemic news. That’s right more kids shot in Chicago than died nationwide from the pandemic. Great work democraps. Your policies are steaming forward nicely.

Attachment 46496
It is sad but the lefties dont want to talk about it, especially because, most are black children, because those black lives dont matter to the left. The people would vote differently if they cared.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-25-2021, 9:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
It is sad but the lefties dont want to talk about it, especially because, most are black children, because those black lives dont matter to the left. The people would vote differently if they cared.
Its sad, there are too many easily available guns and rightys dont want to talk about it, wont do anything about it. See how easy it is.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       09-26-2021, 8:10 AM Reply   
so, 95, you think that limiting or outlawing guns, is going to keep criminals from having a gun?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-26-2021, 9:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
so, 95, you think that limiting or outlawing guns, is going to keep criminals from having a gun?
I think its probably too late to do too much at this point. The horse is out of the barn. There are over 400 million guns in the US. Too many easily accessible guns to the people who shouldnt have them. I have enjoyed gun ownership since very young, mostly hunting guns and target guns, im not anti gun, i still own several. There are things i dont agree with, I dont think the TX law allowing anyone over 21 to open carry is going to make people safer. Im not really sure what the best response is. I just know 400 million guns is too many. Do you have any ideas?
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       09-26-2021, 11:46 AM Reply   
it is pretty easy. I'm not opposed to some sort of psychological screening.
I don't know anyone here that is carrying because of the new law. everyone that I know that wanted to carry, was already doing so.

I too have a couple of hand guns. I'm considering getting into some long range target shooting. If I need to have my background checked before I can purchase a sniper type of rifle, then that's what will happen. I'm thinking that that's just part of it
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       09-27-2021, 6:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I think its probably too late to do too much at this point. The horse is out of the barn. There are over 400 million guns in the US. Too many easily accessible guns to the people who shouldnt have them. I have enjoyed gun ownership since very young, mostly hunting guns and target guns, im not anti gun, i still own several. There are things i dont agree with, I dont think the TX law allowing anyone over 21 to open carry is going to make people safer. Im not really sure what the best response is. I just know 400 million guns is too many. Do you have any ideas?
KS tells TX to hold its beer. Here anyone over 18 can conceal carry. So dumb.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 8:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The message and goal posts never changed. March 2020....during the Trump administration.
A sharp rise in cases will not only build on itself, dramatically increasing the odds daily of more people becoming infected, it will overwhelm resources. Without sweeping social distancing measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, hospitals will run out of intensive care beds and ventilators, and staff won't be able to keep up with the needs of sick patients. More health care workers themselves will fall ill, and there will be fewer on the front lines to combat COVID-I9

Go with any of your topics, death rates, from positivity, hospitalization.....makes no difference. Odds are always better when vaccinated. Always. Just like you are always wrong.
the data from Israel says you are wrong.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-28-2021, 9:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
the data from Israel says you are wrong.
No it doesnt, It says what it always says, you misinterpreted the information and you are wrong again.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 9:55 AM Reply   
Looks like the Generals are telling a different story than Biden when it comes to troop removal from Afghanistan. Sounds like the top 3 recommended keeping 2500 on the ground in country. Biden said he heard no such recommendations.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 9:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No it doesnt, It says what it always says, you misinterpreted the information and you are wrong again.
Nope. Natural immunity is looking to be anywhere from 7 to 20 some times more effective than the spike protein shot. Between vaccinations and people surviving, the numbers will come down. You can only do the chicken little dance for so long.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-28-2021, 10:36 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Looks like the Generals are telling a different story than Biden when it comes to troop removal from Afghanistan. Sounds like the top 3 recommended keeping 2500 on the ground in country. Biden said he heard no such recommendations.
They also said they expected the Afghan army to be intact for several months, not disintegrate in a week. Tell the whole story not just the bits you like.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-28-2021, 10:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Nope. Natural immunity is looking to be anywhere from 7 to 20 some times more effective than the spike protein shot. Between vaccinations and people surviving, the numbers will come down. You can only do the chicken little dance for so long.
You just said the V word. "Between vaccinations and people surviving, the numbers will come down. " The Israeli's said" when you add a vaccine its the best coverage you can get". Its a death wish to solve covid thru natural immunity, too many would die and hospitals would be devastated. Just like they are in many red states. If you vaccinate whether youve had covid or not its the best protection. The Israelis have vaccinated more than any just about any other country. Go back to youre little song and dance now.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 11:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You just said the V word. "Between vaccinations and people surviving, the numbers will come down. " The Israeli's said" when you add a vaccine its the best coverage you can get". Its a death wish to solve covid thru natural immunity, too many would die and hospitals would be devastated. Just like they are in many red states. If you vaccinate whether youve had covid or not its the best protection. The Israelis have vaccinated more than any just about any other country. Go back to youre little song and dance now.
Yep. The Israels have vaccinated the best of anywhere in the world. They also have the stats that prove that the vaccinated are 7 times more likely to get covid vs those with natural immunity.

hospitals begin devastated is a lack of staffing and in quick order would fix it's own problem. If you have a deathly version of covid, you pretty much are gone in less than 3 weeks. It has already been proven that the red states did better than the blue during the first year of covid. Your latest chicken little dance revolves around hospitalizations. Kind of funny we don't hear death stats. Just the fact they are in the hospital. I know it has been pointed out before but you people just parrot the talking points. The talking points went from covid deaths to hospitalizations. Even with that, only 20,000 people died of covid related illness in the under 45 crowd. Only 338 from the under 18 crowd. Over 2500 kids between the ages of 18 and 13 have died from car accidents in the same periods.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 11:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
They also said they expected the Afghan army to be intact for several months, not disintegrate in a week. Tell the whole story not just the bits you like.
Considering there were only 1500 troops in country prior to the pull out, moving it to 2500 seems to have the different facts on those talking points. It has already been disclosed that Biden pressured the president of Afghanistan to say they would hold up when he specifically tried to tell Biden they would not. They were taking province after province leading up to the pull out. How in the world would someone even believe they would hold up when they were not for months.

Biden lied again. period.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-28-2021, 11:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Yep. The Israels have vaccinated the best of anywhere in the world. They also have the stats that prove that the vaccinated are 7 times more likely to get covid vs those with natural immunity.

hospitals begin devastated is a lack of staffing and in quick order would fix it's own problem. If you have a deathly version of covid, you pretty much are gone in less than 3 weeks. It has already been proven that the red states did better than the blue during the first year of covid. Your latest chicken little dance revolves around hospitalizations. Kind of funny we don't hear death stats. Just the fact they are in the hospital. I know it has been pointed out before but you people just parrot the talking points. The talking points went from covid deaths to hospitalizations. Even with that, only 20,000 people died of covid related illness in the under 45 crowd. Only 338 from the under 18 crowd. Over 2500 kids between the ages of 18 and 13 have died from car accidents in the same periods.
Youre making up a bunch of BS to TRY to make a point, fail. Hospitals are only understaffed because they have too many covid vax deniers. What would our hospitals look like if 90+% were vaccinated? How do you plan to get natural immunity w/o killing a million people? The red states did better early because there was no vaccine and the blue states are airport hubs of the world,( NY, LA, Atlanta..... North Dakota isnt, montana, wyoming are not but their hospitals are full now. Why? Close to 1000 deaths daily in the US. Of course deaths are going down, vaccines, better treatments and natural immunity all play a part. Are you under 45? You keep bringing it up. Are only 45 and under important to you? Comparing covid to auto accidents is a fools errand. Would those numbers be different w/o seatbelts? W/o safety equipment like airbags? Speed limits? Dont speed limits interfere with your freedoms? Your liberties? Stop, just stop proving yourself the fool.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 3:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Youre making up a bunch of BS to TRY to make a point, fail. Hospitals are only understaffed because they have too many covid vax deniers. What would our hospitals look like if 90+% were vaccinated? How do you plan to get natural immunity w/o killing a million people? The red states did better early because there was no vaccine and the blue states are airport hubs of the world,( NY, LA, Atlanta..... North Dakota isnt, montana, wyoming are not but their hospitals are full now. Why? Close to 1000 deaths daily in the US. Of course deaths are going down, vaccines, better treatments and natural immunity all play a part. Are you under 45? You keep bringing it up. Are only 45 and under important to you? Comparing covid to auto accidents is a fools errand. Would those numbers be different w/o seatbelts? W/o safety equipment like airbags? Speed limits? Dont speed limits interfere with your freedoms? Your liberties? Stop, just stop proving yourself the fool.
Uh huh. Florida does not have an international attraction called Disney World, Universal Studios or world class beaches? Texas? no one ever goes there?

Seat belts, limits and what ever have zero to do with this discussion. The fact remains that car accidents kill people under the age of 18 by 10 times that of covid. those are simple facts. They are not disputable. Speed limit is 65 around where I live and if you do under 80 you will get ran down.

For people under the age of 45, that number is pretty much under the flu for amount of deaths and that is including the first year with no one knowing what was going on and being exposed for the very first time. People under the age of 45 are not the problem.

Hospitals are staffed to be almost full all the time without covid. That is how they have to run or they go under. Upticks in volume will over run them. it will happen. Just have to deal with it and move on. You certainly don't care when illegals over run hospitals.

End of the day, everyone has pretty much been exposed. Get vaccinated or don't. If you have had it, then it sounds like you are in good shape. If you had it and get the vaccine, then it sounds like you have a great broad band immunity against what they believe is 6 different variants. Sounds like what everyone is saying is if you are vaccinated then you don't have to worry about getting hospitalized. So what is the deal. you don't need a mask and we certainly don't need mandates. If you are over 45 or have known issues, you should get the vaccine. They also should be telling the story of available treatments and quit doing like biden is and trying to limit supplies of known treatments because he wants to push vaccines.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 3:26 PM Reply   
well, well, well..... look at this.

Mayorkas admits 'tragic rise' of delta variant at US-Mexico border 'surprised' him

"We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, that have a rate of illness of approximately 20%," he continued. "When one is speaking of 7,000 or 7,500 people encountered at the border every day, if one takes a look at that the system, it is not built for that in a COVID environment where isolation is required."

I am pretty sure they are getting more than 7500 a day. Let's use his math. They are releasing 1500 covid positive people into the US DAILY. Those 1500 are in close contact with the other 7500 a day more than likely. Day after day this is happening and you wonder why the hospitals are filling up?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-28-2021, 3:49 PM Reply   
Florida Covid still killing twice as many people per day than California, they have half the population.
TX, much the same, almost twice as many daily deaths with 10 million less people than the CA population.
California has the best Covid numbers across the board right now, the state with the most people. Why do you think Newsome demolished the competition in the recall?
You are vastly underestimating Covids effects on hospitals, as did the officials in those massive populations in Idaho and the metropolis of Alaska, both have death panels to decide who gets help, who gets the door. Isnt that what you warned about with socialized medicine? Congrats, you got it. There is no auto accident vaccine Delta, you can avoid dying from it unlike dying in an auto accident.
How long does the natural immunity last? Same at 2 months as it is at 10 months ?a year? You dont know. You add in a vaccine and you have the best protection available. Dont blame Biden for spreading out the monoclonal antibodies to all states, blame the governors who choose to treat a deadly disease(partially because their biggest donor owns the company, DeSantis) instead of a free vaccine that will keep you from needing several thousands of dollars of treatment. Speaking only on the economic impact alone, the average covid hospital stay costs $74,000, the vaccine is free. Hmmm, tough decision?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-28-2021, 3:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
well, well, well..... look at this.

Mayorkas admits 'tragic rise' of delta variant at US-Mexico border 'surprised' him

"We are confronted with a population of people that, as a general matter, that have a rate of illness of approximately 20%," he continued. "When one is speaking of 7,000 or 7,500 people encountered at the border every day, if one takes a look at that the system, it is not built for that in a COVID environment where isolation is required."

I am pretty sure they are getting more than 7500 a day. Let's use his math. They are releasing 1500 covid positive people into the US DAILY. Those 1500 are in close contact with the other 7500 a day more than likely. Day after day this is happening and you wonder why the hospitals are filling up?
Dont worry, its barely like the flu. If you are under 45, ya got nothing to worry about.
Old     (bcd)      Join Date: Jun 2012       09-28-2021, 5:01 PM Reply   
I believe I saw I pictures of them waiting to get in at the border. They were all social distancing and wearing masks. Plus they were outside, so we should all be safe.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 5:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Florida Covid still killing twice as many people per day than California, they have half the population.
TX, much the same, almost twice as many daily deaths with 10 million less people than the CA population.
California has the best Covid numbers across the board right now, the state with the most people. Why do you think Newsome demolished the competition in the recall?
You are vastly underestimating Covids effects on hospitals, as did the officials in those massive populations in Idaho and the metropolis of Alaska, both have death panels to decide who gets help, who gets the door. Isnt that what you warned about with socialized medicine? Congrats, you got it. There is no auto accident vaccine Delta, you can avoid dying from it unlike dying in an auto accident.
How long does the natural immunity last? Same at 2 months as it is at 10 months ?a year? You dont know. You add in a vaccine and you have the best protection available. Dont blame Biden for spreading out the monoclonal antibodies to all states, blame the governors who choose to treat a deadly disease(partially because their biggest donor owns the company, DeSantis) instead of a free vaccine that will keep you from needing several thousands of dollars of treatment. Speaking only on the economic impact alone, the average covid hospital stay costs $74,000, the vaccine is free. Hmmm, tough decision?
Newsome demolished in the recall because there is 25 percent foreign born in the state with voter harvesting and so on. Has nothing to do with covid.

Yep. That is exactly what socialized medicine does.

How long does the covid shot last? Pfizer is saying you may have to get a shot every year. So far natural immunity is superior according to the data in Israel. Who knows how long it lasts.

We know who is not dying of covid. Basically next to no one under the age of 18. lower than than the flu for the 45 and under crowd. VAST Majority in the over 75 crowd. Sounds to me like extremely old people need to be in lock down.

The US put out over $19 billion dollars to fund vaccine development and paid almost another 2 billion to buy vaccines from Pfizer alone. While it is not as expensive on a per person basis, the vaccines are not free.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-28-2021, 5:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Dont worry, its barely like the flu. If you are under 45, ya got nothing to worry about.
Not according to you guys.
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       09-29-2021, 8:02 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Not according to you guys.
Missing work for 10 days is the minimum. Losing your taste for months is very likely. You could always be unlucky and get a blood clot that could easily wipe away a wakeboard season. Have you met a long-hauler? I have. Those natural antibodies are expensive. You could easily have to re-up your natural antibodies every year or so too. I'm sure you'll dodge a few years, but it seems that your are playing a dangerous game.

Or you could get the vaccine and all of those worries drop to near zero. Simple math says that I could easily go years without getting sick from COVID and even if I do, the severity will be less. Hopefully, by then treatments will be refined too--Like Z-Packs for COVID.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-29-2021, 10:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by skiboarder View Post
Missing work for 10 days is the minimum. Losing your taste for months is very likely. You could always be unlucky and get a blood clot that could easily wipe away a wakeboard season. Have you met a long-hauler? I have. Those natural antibodies are expensive. You could easily have to re-up your natural antibodies every year or so too. I'm sure you'll dodge a few years, but it seems that your are playing a dangerous game.

Or you could get the vaccine and all of those worries drop to near zero. Simple math says that I could easily go years without getting sick from COVID and even if I do, the severity will be less. Hopefully, by then treatments will be refined too--Like Z-Packs for COVID.
Missing work for 10 days is a procedural thing. You don't miss 10 days for any other illness. Heck you could be yaking up your guts with anything else on the way to work and they still may not send you home.

I know a guy who lost much of his hearing. He also had heart and blood pressure issues from before. Covid is an expensive game to play and the point is you don't know much about it long term as far as anitbodies. We may be better off allowing anyone 18 and younger to continue to get it and build immunity. The "covid" shot does not protect against covid so you really are not building antibodies against covid. So if you get a break through case, you pretty much have little protection against COVID. The vaccines make your body recognize the spike protein carrier. I guess the question is, once your body is infected with covid, does covid just replicate without the spike protein? Sounds like that is how it works. You are playing the game that you hope your body fights the spike proteins in enough volume that you don't get enough covid hijacking your cells and then your body can hopefully fight the ones that do make it through.

If you simply get covid, your body can recognize covid and spike proteins.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-29-2021, 11:37 AM Reply   
^^"Better off allowing anyone 18 and under to continue to get it"? Where and who do these under 18 folks live with? Dont ya think most all live with parents who are over 18? or is this another bizarro world example?
Better off...with everyone vaccinated. If you get covid, you will survive. I would love to go to Vegas with all the vax deniers, they just dont understand odds.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-29-2021, 1:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
^^"Better off allowing anyone 18 and under to continue to get it"? Where and who do these under 18 folks live with? Dont ya think most all live with parents who are over 18? or is this another bizarro world example?
Better off...with everyone vaccinated. If you get covid, you will survive. I would love to go to Vegas with all the vax deniers, they just dont understand odds.
If the parents are under the age of 45, they most likely do not need to get the vaccine either. If the people they live with or are exposed to are older or have issues, those people should get the vaccine. I thought vaccine was all science and stuff and those people are not going to the hospital. Again, in Israel, the vaccinated are 7 times more likely to develop covid. They certainly are not getting it from all those unvaccinated running around because they are a highly vaccinated population with a good amount of recovered covid patients who have better immunity to covid now (like 20x) as compared to those with the vaccine. The "Science" is more than strongly suggesting that in the long run you are better off allowing the young to go through the natural processes. Maybe in a couple years of more when you get some data showing longer term covid impacts on the young and the impacts of the vaccine, you change course based on the data.
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-29-2021, 5:26 PM Reply   
7 times more likely than who?

And does getting COVID while vaxed not confer the same level of super-immunity?

Honest Qs… would love to see a link to the study?

Last edited by shawndoggy; 09-29-2021 at 5:29 PM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-29-2021, 5:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
7 times more likely than who?

And does getting COVID while vaxed not confer the same level of super-immunity?

Honest Qs… would love to see a link to the study?
Same questions I had as well. Sounds like you need a good shock of covid to the system and I am not sure you get that if you get the vaccine first. Who knows.

The 7 times number comes from the Israel Study. IT has to do with natural immunity being better than the covid shot. Now one could argue if it really is 7 times, however it is not zero or a negative number. It sounds like it is still greater than the vaccine.

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections

Results SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. The increased risk was significant (P<0.001) for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold (95% CI, 4.85 to 7.33) increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI, 5.51 to 9.21) increased risk for symptomatic disease. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.

Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but vaccination remains vital

The research impresses Nussenzweig and other scientists who have reviewed a preprint of the results, posted yesterday on medRxiv. “It’s a textbook example of how natural immunity is really better than vaccination,” says Charlotte Thålin, a physician and immunology researcher at Danderyd Hospital and the Karolinska Institute who studies the immune responses to SARS-CoV-2. “To my knowledge, it’s the first time [this] has really been shown in the context of COVID-19.”
Old     (shawndoggy)      Join Date: Nov 2009       09-29-2021, 6:22 PM Reply   
That makes it sound like you get COVID from being vaxxed. Reality is surviving infection>vaxxed>unvaxxed.

It’s great and not surprising that infection confers natural immunity. That’s really an argument for a more rigorous testing regime, no? How else does one prove COVID except by a positive test?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-29-2021, 8:29 PM Reply   
Ahhhhhh this will solve everything. Chicago is really leading way on the forefront of plans to stop crime. Oh wait. They’ve given up on that. Here is you gunshot kit to help get you to the hospital should you get shot while visiting this cesspool of violence. Don’t worry. Lori has you covered. Rather then arresting and charging criminals with crimes the democrats plan is to install gunshot kits around the city. You seriously can’t make this up.

Name:  26820A7F-B735-44CE-9D5F-044458DF8F87.jpeg
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I guess 5 innocent white people gunned down today in the middle of downtown, during rush hour while simply walking down the street is no big deal. , the under eats driver shot in the neck and face , nah didn’t happen. , the 2 Asians **** by blacks, probably not a hate crime either.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       09-29-2021, 8:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
They also said they expected the Afghan army to be intact for several months, not disintegrate in a week. Tell the whole story not just the bits you like.
Well seeing as how the Afghan army already threw in towel well in advance of the removal l as 60% of major cities in Afghanistan were already seized by the Taliban , Joe and his peeps are idiots, and it shows how much of an imbecile and out of touch with actual foreign policy he really is. Any body following what has been transpiring in Afghanistan since pussy joe took office could’ve predicted the outcome. He and his generals lied to the American people and it was put on front street for all to see his incompetency as a leader. Just another in the dozens of foreign policy failures our idiot in chief has blundered during his political tenure.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 9:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by shawndoggy View Post
That makes it sound like you get COVID from being vaxxed. Reality is surviving infection>vaxxed>unvaxxed.

It’s great and not surprising that infection confers natural immunity. That’s really an argument for a more rigorous testing regime, no? How else does one prove COVID except by a positive test?
From what I have seen on the mRNA vaccine, is it induces your body to make a spike protein. The vaccine goes in your arm and is supposed to stay there while your body mobilizes to fight it. I have seen people make it sound like you have generated some sort of covid immunity, however that is not how I have seen this technology presented. The mRNA in no way is creating COVID in your body, only a protein.

Not sure that requires a testing regime. What is the point?

1) COVID is here to stay
2) some people have natural immunity already
3) according to what is supposedly being documented is those with the vaccine are not as seriously ill
4) There have been less than 350 deaths of those under 18
5) around 20,000 since the beginning from those under 45
6) way over half the deaths are people over 75 year old
7) Just under half the deaths are in the 45 to 65 age group
8) naturally gained immunity from contracting covid is greater than the vaccine (which no one wanted to even consider a few months ago)
9) those who have had covid are 7 times less likely to have a break though case then those with the vaccine

To me, it is becoming pretty clear that those 45 and up should get the vaccine. Just following the number of deaths on this. More than likely we lost the most people who were susceptible already but this group is more susceptible by looking at the numbers. We should not even worry about anyone under 18 and then have the discussion on which people between 18 and 45 should get the vaccine. Seems to me that we would have better long term outcomes if the data is correct. Seems like to me, vaccine mandates for those under 45 (or subset) are cutting off peoples long term health options.

I guess the only argument you could make is will we get mutations from the non vaccinated or those who have not contracted covid (as once again is sounds like the ones who have contracted it are less likely than the vaccinated to get a break through case). Seems to me that people have had to be exposed by now and possibly more than once. Could be wrong, however the mutations so far are from other countries and not the US. Are those countries that isolate doing a disservice?

Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 09-30-2021 at 9:19 AM.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 9:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Ahhhhhh this will solve everything. Chicago is really leading way on the forefront of plans to stop crime. Oh wait. They’ve given up on that. Here is you gunshot kit to help get you to the hospital should you get shot while visiting this cesspool of violence. Don’t worry. Lori has you covered. Rather then arresting and charging criminals with crimes the democrats plan is to install gunshot kits around the city. You seriously can’t make this up.

I guess 5 innocent white people gunned down today in the middle of downtown, during rush hour while simply walking down the street is no big deal. , the under eats driver shot in the neck and face , nah didn’t happen. , the 2 Asians **** by blacks, probably not a hate crime either.
Oakland is over their standard 100 plus murders 30 years running. Sounds to me instead of having vaccine mandates and stay at home orders, they should have stay at home orders for anyone in a democrat ran city. Much safer on the population
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 9:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
From what I have seen on the mRNA vaccine, is it induces your body to make a spike protein. The vaccine goes in your arm and is supposed to stay there while your body mobilizes to fight it. I have seen people make it sound like you have generated some sort of covid immunity, however that is not how I have seen this technology presented. The mRNA in no way is creating COVID in your body, only a protein.

Not sure that requires a testing regime. What is the point?

1) COVID is here to stay
2) some people have natural immunity already
3) according to what is supposedly being documented is those with the vaccine are not as seriously ill
4) There have been less than 350 deaths of those under 18
5) around 20,000 since the beginning from those under 45
6) way over half the deaths are people over 75 year old
7) Just under half the deaths are in the 45 to 65 age group
8) naturally gained immunity from contracting covid is greater than the vaccine (which no one wanted to even consider a few months ago)
9) those who have had covid are 7 times less likely to have a break though case then those with the vaccine

To me, it is becoming pretty clear that those 45 and up should get the vaccine. Just following the number of deaths on this. More than likely we lost the most people who were susceptible already but this group is more susceptible by looking at the numbers. We should not even worry about anyone under 18 and then have the discussion on which people between 18 and 45 should get the vaccine. Seems to me that we would have better long term outcomes if the data is correct. Seems like to me, vaccine mandates for those under 45 (or subset) are cutting off peoples long term health options.

I guess the only argument you could make is will we get mutations from the non vaccinated or those who have not contracted covid (as once again is sounds like the ones who have contracted it are less likely than the vaccinated to get a break through case). Seems to me that people have had to be exposed by now and possibly more than once. Could be wrong, however the mutations so far are from other countries and not the US. Are those countries that isolate doing a disservice?
You failed to include #10 on your list. Direct from the conclusions of your own post.
10. Those who have had covid and got vaccinated have the best protection, Bar none.
Everyone, 5 and up should get vaxxed. The US has no shortage of vaccines, we have more than any country on earth, use them.
If you count people over 45 in the US its close to 35% of the total population, we need to protect all.
Your assuming everyone has been exposed, thats not even pseudoscience, its just your not so well informed opinion.
Fox says 2 mutations are from the US, do we believe them or you?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 9:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Ahhhhhh this will solve everything. Chicago is really leading way on the forefront of plans to stop crime. Oh wait. They’ve given up on that. Here is you gunshot kit to help get you to the hospital should you get shot while visiting this cesspool of violence. Don’t worry. Lori has you covered. Rather then arresting and charging criminals with crimes the democrats plan is to install gunshot kits around the city. You seriously can’t make this up.

Attachment 46497

I guess 5 innocent white people gunned down today in the middle of downtown, during rush hour while simply walking down the street is no big deal. , the under eats driver shot in the neck and face , nah didn’t happen. , the 2 Asians **** by blacks, probably not a hate crime either.
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care. You have a severe gun problem but keep the blinders tight and blame it on the people using readily available guns. Ever read the def of insanity and not doing anything different?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You failed to include #10 on your list. Direct from the conclusions of your own post.
10. Those who have had covid and got vaccinated have the best protection, Bar none.
Everyone, 5 and up should get vaxxed. The US has no shortage of vaccines, we have more than any country on earth, use them.
If you count people over 45 in the US its close to 35% of the total population, we need to protect all.
Your assuming everyone has been exposed, thats not even pseudoscience, its just your not so well informed opinion.
Fox says 2 mutations are from the US, do we believe them or you?
The mutations are not prevalent.

I am pretty sure that through 2 strains and the second being far more infectious than the first, unless you are living in your moms basement, then you have had to be exposed by now.

Sounds to me the data points that those under 45 are naturally pretty much naturally protected. Mission accomplished. Spike proteins are not harmless btw.

The facts are not saying anyone 5 and up should be vaccinated. The science is saying the opposite and that younger people especially would be better of fighting naturally and have a better long term immunity than jumping on the vaccine train. Unlike polio, you can still contract covid even if you are vaccinated. Polio vaccine, once you have had it, you can no long contract nor spread polio. That is huge difference.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care. You have a severe gun problem but keep the blinders tight and blame it on the people using readily available guns. Ever read the def of insanity and not doing anything different?
Yes. We have read the definition of insanity and wonder why the people of those cites still want to live on the democrat plantations. At some point in peoples lives, they have to actually accept their contributions to their way of life. I have yet to see a gun get up, go outside and shoot someone. It is always the people and their choices. They have the choice to stay off drugs. They have the choice to vote out people who are keeping them slaves to the government. Remember, just enough to help but not enough to matter is the democrat mantra.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You failed to include #10 on your list. Direct from the conclusions of your own post.
10. Those who have had covid and got vaccinated have the best protection, Bar none.
Everyone, 5 and up should get vaxxed. The US has no shortage of vaccines, we have more than any country on earth, use them.
If you count people over 45 in the US its close to 35% of the total population, we need to protect all.
Your assuming everyone has been exposed, thats not even pseudoscience, its just your not so well informed opinion.
Fox says 2 mutations are from the US, do we believe them or you?
here is a fundamental point to all of this. Just probably a month ago and to be honest as we speak, you democrats ignore the data and science and are hell bent on throwing people out of jobs and everything else for simply wanting to wait for what they already knew was true. They are rushing to create authoritarian policies when many people already know they have survived covid and who and who is not dying from it. The government moving forward on this when the CDC website already has the statistics of what people know to be true and the fact they will not even acknowledge the data that natural immunity is better. That simply leads to mistrust.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You failed to include #10 on your list. Direct from the conclusions of your own post.
10. Those who have had covid and got vaccinated have the best protection, Bar none.
Everyone, 5 and up should get vaxxed. The US has no shortage of vaccines, we have more than any country on earth, use them.
If you count people over 45 in the US its close to 35% of the total population, we need to protect all.
Your assuming everyone has been exposed, thats not even pseudoscience, its just your not so well informed opinion.
Fox says 2 mutations are from the US, do we believe them or you?
Also this is another fundamental issue. Yes. Number 10 is the best, however you are pushing through authoritarian methods, the inability for healthy young people from ever pursuing number 10. Knowing that over half the population is not drastically impacted by covid and has the ability to explore getting number 10 is a problem. It is a serious problem. It is an over reach and dangerous problem for biden and the democrats in general to pursue this. The fact that they will not even let it ride for a year or 2 to see more data when the facts stat that we can is extremely troubling and dangerous.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 10:29 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
The mutations are not prevalent.

I am pretty sure that through 2 strains and the second being far more infectious than the first, unless you are living in your moms basement, then you have had to be exposed by now.

Sounds to me the data points that those under 45 are naturally pretty much naturally protected. Mission accomplished. Spike proteins are not harmless btw.

The facts are not saying anyone 5 and up should be vaccinated. The science is saying the opposite and that younger people especially would be better of fighting naturally and have a better long term immunity than jumping on the vaccine train. Unlike polio, you can still contract covid even if you are vaccinated. Polio vaccine, once you have had it, you can no long contract nor spread polio. That is huge difference.
They arent prevalent....yet. What will the next variant bring? We dont know, thus the effort to get everyone vaccinated.
Do you have anything whatsoever to document your opinion? ok.
You continue to toss 35% of the population, including yourself to the covid lions. Spike proteins arent harmless and yet none of our hospitals are over run with people suffering from effects from the vaccines, none of them.
Until you can contain and quarantine everyone 5 and up, the best attack is to vaccinate everyone, thats science.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 10:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Yes. We have read the definition of insanity and wonder why the people of those cites still want to live on the democrat plantations. At some point in peoples lives, they have to actually accept their contributions to their way of life. I have yet to see a gun get up, go outside and shoot someone. It is always the people and their choices. They have the choice to stay off drugs. They have the choice to vote out people who are keeping them slaves to the government. Remember, just enough to help but not enough to matter is the democrat mantra.
You are arguing the opposite of your vaccine take. On vaccines you want to have personal choice. On Guns you BLAME personal choice. Is this bizarro world?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care. You have a severe gun problem but keep the blinders tight and blame it on the people using readily available guns. Ever read the def of insanity and not doing anything different?
also. Medical Care? You think people are shooting each other over medial care? It is drugs, gambling and prostitution they are killing each other over. It is the control of those institutions and revenge. It is fundamentally the destruction of the family unit that the democrats have pushed for generations that has taken hold. Kids running in the streets with no value on proper education because the money is easier in a gang and no one at home to stop them when they are at the age of having to decide who to be.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You are arguing the opposite of your vaccine take. On vaccines you want to have personal choice. On Guns you BLAME personal choice. Is this bizarro world?
I don't think you know what you are saying.

You are comparing oranges and oldsmobiles.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 10:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
here is a fundamental point to all of this. Just probably a month ago and to be honest as we speak, you democrats ignore the data and science and are hell bent on throwing people out of jobs and everything else for simply wanting to wait for what they already knew was true. They are rushing to create authoritarian policies when many people already know they have survived covid and who and who is not dying from it. The government moving forward on this when the CDC website already has the statistics of what people know to be true and the fact they will not even acknowledge the data that natural immunity is better. That simply leads to mistrust.
No one is being thrown out of a job. All jobs have prerequisites. Most LEO's are required to be vaccinated against Polio, Mumps, Measles, tetanus, hepatitis, diptheria, rubella and other diseases, it is a condition of employment. Covid vax are no different. Personal choice bro, if you want the job, this is required. George Washington required his troops to be vaccinated, is that also authoritarian policy? The polio vax another authoritarian policy by the devil cabals? Vaccines are for the benefit of All of society, the greator good. Thats why the SC has ruled this way every single time. All the sudden in 2021 vaccines are authoritarian to radical conservatives. Seems the conservatives are moving goalposts, why now?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 10:53 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Also this is another fundamental issue. Yes. Number 10 is the best, however you are pushing through authoritarian methods, the inability for healthy young people from ever pursuing number 10. Knowing that over half the population is not drastically impacted by covid and has the ability to explore getting number 10 is a problem. It is a serious problem. It is an over reach and dangerous problem for biden and the democrats in general to pursue this. The fact that they will not even let it ride for a year or 2 to see more data when the facts stat that we can is extremely troubling and dangerous.
Get off that "authoritarian methods" crap. Its a lie and you know it. Vaccines have been mandated going back to the Revolutionary War. It may have been what saved the Continental Army. Its radical Conservatives that are changing, moving the goalposts. Your ideas are extremely radical and evil for 35% of the population. Let it ride? we see what happens when you let it ride, we know, check Alaska hospitals, Mississippi hospitals, Houston hospitals, Idaho hospitals, Florida hospitals..... all know what the result is. That result and knowing it is extremely troubling and dangerous.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 10:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
also. Medical Care? You think people are shooting each other over medial care? It is drugs, gambling and prostitution they are killing each other over. It is the control of those institutions and revenge. It is fundamentally the destruction of the family unit that the democrats have pushed for generations that has taken hold. Kids running in the streets with no value on proper education because the money is easier in a gang and no one at home to stop them when they are at the age of having to decide who to be.
follow the thread, Starguy posted about mayor Lightfoot installing gunshot kits around the city. I never said anything about shootings due to medical care.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:57 AM Reply   
It took them over 30 years to get the polio vaccine right and I can not find an account where it was mandated at all early on. Matter of fact they killed 10 kids with it and infected thousands with a kalifornia batch. Polio has the pleasure of being terrorizing.

Small pox was not mandated to the public until 1917. That is over 100 years after Washington mandated it to the troops. By the way, Washington only mandated it to the troops who had not had small pox. Those who had it, were not required. Small price to pay for a group of people that Washington wanted to keep alive so they could go line up against another army pointing and shooting guns at them and were expected to shoot back and absolutely die trying or be hanged for running away.

Vaccines mandates have always been radical and I am still trying to find a point that a disease that has such a good survival rate especially in well over half the population should be mandated. Especially when the FACTS are stating they are better off having had the disease. Also, yet again you are missing one very important facts. After it took decades to make those other vaccines mandatory, they had a crap load of data and when you take those vaccines, you in no way can contract or spread the disease.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 10:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
follow the thread, Starguy posted about mayor Lightfoot installing gunshot kits around the city. I never said anything about shootings due to medical care.
from this guy called 95sn:
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 11:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I don't think you know what you are saying.

You are comparing oranges and oldsmobiles.
No, i think i got it right.
On Vax you want personal choice to be law of the land.
On Guns, you blame personal choice.
" have yet to see a gun get up, go outside and shoot someone. It is always the people and their choices. They have the choice to stay off drugs. They have the choice to vote out people who are keeping them slaves to the government. Remember, just enough to help but not enough to matter is the democrat mantra."
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No one is being thrown out of a job. All jobs have prerequisites. Most LEO's are required to be vaccinated against Polio, Mumps, Measles, tetanus, hepatitis, diptheria, rubella and other diseases, it is a condition of employment. Covid vax are no different. Personal choice bro, if you want the job, this is required. George Washington required his troops to be vaccinated, is that also authoritarian policy? The polio vax another authoritarian policy by the devil cabals? Vaccines are for the benefit of All of society, the greator good. Thats why the SC has ruled this way every single time. All the sudden in 2021 vaccines are authoritarian to radical conservatives. Seems the conservatives are moving goalposts, why now?
And yes people are being thrown out of jobs. The people are hired and have met the requirements for the jobs. They are moving the goal posts on the employees and not the other way around.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 11:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
follow the thread, Starguy posted about mayor Lightfoot installing gunshot kits around the city. I never said anything about shootings due to medical care.
from this guy called 95sn:
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care.
I posted replying to this post by starguy, dont be so stupid, this is elementary.

Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Ahhhhhh this will solve everything. Chicago is really leading way on the forefront of plans to stop crime. Oh wait. They’ve given up on that. Here is you gunshot kit to help get you to the hospital should you get shot while visiting this cesspool of violence. Don’t worry. Lori has you covered. Rather then arresting and charging criminals with crimes the democrats plan is to install gunshot kits around the city. You seriously can’t make this up.

Attachment 46497

I guess 5 innocent white people gunned down today in the middle of downtown, during rush hour while simply walking down the street is no big deal. , the under eats driver shot in the neck and face , nah didn’t happen. , the 2 Asians **** by blacks, probably not a hate crime either.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No, i think i got it right.
On Vax you want personal choice to be law of the land.
On Guns, you blame personal choice.
" have yet to see a gun get up, go outside and shoot someone. It is always the people and their choices. They have the choice to stay off drugs. They have the choice to vote out people who are keeping them slaves to the government. Remember, just enough to help but not enough to matter is the democrat mantra."
Pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about. In both cases I am arguing on personal choice. owning a gun is RIGHT btw. People have the choice to use and keep one or not. They are making bad choices to use them in the commission of crimes. There are probably over 1/2 a billion guns in the US in the hands of every day citizens. They are choosing not to use them for crimes. The stats bear out that 3% of the population is committing 50% of the murders. Those 3% live in very distinct areas and have a very distinct ethnic back ground. They have also been subjugated to very targeted government policies for generations. Imagine that. A failed government policy from a particular political party that goes against human nature and ignores facts that has lead the worsening of society.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
follow the thread, Starguy posted about mayor Lightfoot installing gunshot kits around the city. I never said anything about shootings due to medical care.
from this guy called 95sn:
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care.
I posted replying to this post by starguy, dont be so stupid, this is elementary.

Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Ahhhhhh this will solve everything. Chicago is really leading way on the forefront of plans to stop crime. Oh wait. They’ve given up on that. Here is you gunshot kit to help get you to the hospital should you get shot while visiting this cesspool of violence. Don’t worry. Lori has you covered. Rather then arresting and charging criminals with crimes the democrats plan is to install gunshot kits around the city. You seriously can’t make this up.

Attachment 46497

I guess 5 innocent white people gunned down today in the middle of downtown, during rush hour while simply walking down the street is no big deal. , the under eats driver shot in the neck and face , nah didn’t happen. , the 2 Asians **** by blacks, probably not a hate crime either.
Don't worry. They have a large free government healthcare center called Cook County General. What could go wrong.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 11:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And yes people are being thrown out of jobs. The people are hired and have met the requirements for the jobs. They are moving the goal posts on the employees and not the other way around.
The requirements have changed due to a world wide pandemic, wake up. FYI, jobs are all changing regularly. 20 years ago how many companies had internet restrictions? How many people are working at home today than 2 years ago. I dont hear radical conservatives complaining about that? Decades ago people got a job and worked for one company their entire career, today people move jobs all the time. Jobs are changing and outdated all the time, who fills your tank at the gas station? An attendant check the oil? Did the pandemic change the way teachers work? Restaurants? Airlines, cruise industry, music concerts, sporting events..... What didnt change is the real question.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The requirements have changed due to a world wide pandemic, wake up. FYI, jobs are all changing regularly. 20 years ago how many companies had internet restrictions? How many people are working at home today than 2 years ago. I dont hear radical conservatives complaining about that? Decades ago people got a job and worked for one company their entire career, today people move jobs all the time. Jobs are changing and outdated all the time, who fills your tank at the gas station? An attendant check the oil? Did the pandemic change the way teachers work? Restaurants? Airlines, cruise industry, music concerts, sporting events..... What didnt change is the real question.
One thing you are not explaining is companies forcing someone to take something into their bodies especially when the data is saying that they could be more healthy moving forward if they are able to gain natural immunity. May as well let business start having forced abortions too since that impacts availability and increase medial insurance costs.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The requirements have changed due to a world wide pandemic, wake up. FYI, jobs are all changing regularly. 20 years ago how many companies had internet restrictions? How many people are working at home today than 2 years ago. I dont hear radical conservatives complaining about that? Decades ago people got a job and worked for one company their entire career, today people move jobs all the time. Jobs are changing and outdated all the time, who fills your tank at the gas station? An attendant check the oil? Did the pandemic change the way teachers work? Restaurants? Airlines, cruise industry, music concerts, sporting events..... What didnt change is the real question.
So far all I have seen you prove is one case where vaccines were mandatory for an extremely small subset of people to keep them alive long enough so they could die under gun fire or be hanged for not doing so. The other cases you have pointed out on mandates took hundreds of years to decades of actual data before they became mandated. Of those hundreds of years to decades of data, those vaccine keep people from contracting and spreading the disease in which they are vaccinated against.

Trying to figure out where you are winning this discussion?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 11:28 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Pretty sure you don't know what you are talking about. In both cases I am arguing on personal choice. owning a gun is RIGHT btw. People have the choice to use and keep one or not. They are making bad choices to use them in the commission of crimes. There are probably over 1/2 a billion guns in the US in the hands of every day citizens. They are choosing not to use them for crimes. The stats bear out that 3% of the population is committing 50% of the murders. Those 3% live in very distinct areas and have a very distinct ethnic back ground. They have also been subjugated to very targeted government policies for generations. Imagine that. A failed government policy from a particular political party that goes against human nature and ignores facts that has lead the worsening of society.
conservatives often forget the part of the amendment that states "well regulated" fyi, 400,000+ guns describes non regulated. I dont have a problem with anyone owning guns and not using them for crime. The problem is the people, you say 3%, who are using them for crime. How do you plan to police 1/2 a billion guns? Its a problem today. A big problem. Republicans are against any type of control, licensing, mental health check, red flag laws.......thats called unchecked, unregulated.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 11:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier;2012698[I
]One thing you are not explaining is companies forcing someone to take something into their bodies especially when the data is saying that they could be more healthy moving forward if they are able to gain natural immunity. [/I] May as well let business start having forced abortions too since that impacts availability and increase medial insurance costs.
or, they could die from covid. How many times you want to circle around? The greator good for companies is to protect their employees and their customers. WE do not want unvaxxed 1st responders showing up infecting the people, they took an oath to Protect and Serve, not Infect .
Our hospitals are full of unvaccinated people, not people sick from getting vaccines. Why dont you tell me the ratio of people in hospitals that are non vaccinated to people in hospitals due to vaccine effects. I'll wait.
Do you want to tell me about the time a US hospital was over run with abortion cases? Because they are with covid non vaccinated. You are becoming more radicalized fighting a pandemic.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
conservatives often forget the part of the amendment that states "well regulated" fyi, 400,000+ guns describes non regulated. I dont have a problem with anyone owning guns and not using them for crime. The problem is the people, you say 3%, who are using them for crime. How do you plan to police 1/2 a billion guns? Its a problem today. A big problem. Republicans are against any type of control, licensing, mental health check, red flag laws.......thats called unchecked, unregulated.
Sorry. Your version of "well regulated" does not jive with case law and Supreme Court interpretations.

You don't police 1/2 a billion guns. You police the 3 percent who are the problem. You fix the system that has killed their family units and if the violent are too far gone, they get put into the system. It is going to take generations.

You and everyone else does not even bat an eye on the Flu. According to the CDC:

- Flu kills between 10,000 to 61,000 in the US each and every year
- Hospitalizes between 140,000 to 810,000 each and every year
- sickens between 9,300,000 to 45,000,000 each and every year

You guys do not even bat an eye over these numbers. Not a single talking pint anywhere any time. The vaccines do not keep people from contracting and spreading the flu either. No talk of nation wide vaccinations and throwing people out of work because of it.

With that as a baseline. Yes. Covid is worse than that for some but not for the majority. We more than likely had our big death surge because it was simply pushed on the world by our democrats friends the chinese. We know that from a minimum the age of 45 and down we are well withing the flu numbers for deaths. Seems to me we know where the trouble spot is. Focus on them.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 11:46 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
or, they could die from covid. How many times you want to circle around? The greator good for companies is to protect their employees and their customers. WE do not want unvaxxed 1st responders showing up infecting the people, they took an oath to Protect and Serve, not Infect .
Our hospitals are full of unvaccinated people, not people sick from getting vaccines. Why dont you tell me the ratio of people in hospitals that are non vaccinated to people in hospitals due to vaccine effects. I'll wait.
Do you want to tell me about the time a US hospital was over run with abortion cases? Because they are with covid non vaccinated. You are becoming more radicalized fighting a pandemic.
I will tell you the people who are not the problem. 45 and under. If you are one of the ones who are scared, get the vaccine . You tell us over and over and over the vaccinated are not in the hospital. Then get your vaccine and stop worrying about the rest of the people.

The science says after the people are infected they will not go to the hospital again and less likely so than those with the vaccine. It is not radicalization. It is the truth and science. It is fact. Radicalization is living so scared that you can not function to the point you will let anyone do anything to your body and your freedoms in the name of so called safety. Even though the facts state otherwise.

As far as abortions go. There are between 600,000 and 800,000 babies murdered by democrats every year. Don't hear a peep out of you or any of them.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 11:49 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Sorry. Your version of "well regulated" does not jive with case law and Supreme Court interpretations.

You don't police 1/2 a billion guns. You police the 3 percent who are the problem. You fix the system that has killed their family units and if the violent are too far gone, they get put into the system. It is going to take generations.

You and everyone else does not even bat an eye on the Flu. According to the CDC:

- Flu kills between 10,000 to 61,000 in the US each and every year
- Hospitalizes between 140,000 to 810,000 each and every year
- sickens between 9,300,000 to 45,000,000 each and every year

You guys do not even bat an eye over these numbers. Not a single talking pint anywhere any time. The vaccines do not keep people from contracting and spreading the flu either. No talk of nation wide vaccinations and throwing people out of work because of it.

With that as a baseline. Yes. Covid is worse than that for some but not for the majority. We more than likely had our big death surge because it was simply pushed on the world by our democrats friends the chinese. We know that from a minimum the age of 45 and down we are well withing the flu numbers for deaths. Seems to me we know where the trouble spot is. Focus on them.
The flu isnt a pandemic, obviously. There are vaccines for the flu, highly recommended, probably a good decision and not required. See, you are being radicalized. Its all democrats and chinese, not republican govs that outlaw vaccines and mask mandates, FOX that pushed horse paste and hydroxy and not vaccines, Facebook filled with antivax radical agenda. Who has full hospitals?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 12:06 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The flu isnt a pandemic, obviously. There are vaccines for the flu, highly recommended, probably a good decision and not required. See, you are being radicalized. Its all democrats and chinese, not republican govs that outlaw vaccines and mask mandates, FOX that pushed horse paste and hydroxy and not vaccines, Facebook filled with antivax radical agenda. Who has full hospitals?
Who was in the hospitals. According to the statistics, it is people over 45 years old mostly.

I just read an article yesterday from Carlson's show monologue. He specifically says to get the vaccine. Then he also talks about treatments and the dangerous authoritarianism people have turned too.

The democrats gave china most favored trade status. The democrats in government shut down any discussion of the virus coming from the chinese facility. It is the democrats who will not even discuss treatments. It is the democrats who try and call a treatment a horse pill when in truth it got world wide recognition for it's help to humanity and the people who currently take that as a society also happen to have an extremely low covid problem. It sounds to me it is worth the discussion instead of the usual, it is not a vaccine so you are an idiot for even discussion it mantra. It is the democrats who are trying to shut down businesses and force healthy people out of work. It is democrats who are ignoring the science to push these agendas. So yes. It is the democrats who are the danger to our freedoms. They overwhelmingly are and have been in the history of this country. It is the democrats flooding the country with millions of illegals and telling us to our face that they are allowed (without vaccine no less) but you a healthy contributing 25 year old CITIZEN are going to get tossed out on your ear if we don't let us put something in your body.

If anything, you have the radicalized credibility problem. If one thing we have learned over and over is if the democrats are accusing others of doing it, it is them who is really doing it.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       09-30-2021, 12:27 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Who was in the hospitals. According to the statistics, it is people over 45 years old mostly.

I just read an article yesterday from Carlson's show monologue. He specifically says to get the vaccine. Then he also talks about treatments and the dangerous authoritarianism people have turned too.

The democrats gave china most favored trade status. The democrats in government shut down any discussion of the virus coming from the chinese facility. It is the democrats who will not even discuss treatments. It is the democrats who try and call a treatment a horse pill when in truth it got world wide recognition for it's help to humanity and the people who currently take that as a society also happen to have an extremely low covid problem. It sounds to me it is worth the discussion instead of the usual, it is not a vaccine so you are an idiot for even discussion it mantra. It is the democrats who are trying to shut down businesses and force healthy people out of work. It is democrats who are ignoring the science to push these agendas. So yes. It is the democrats who are the danger to our freedoms. They overwhelmingly are and have been in the history of this country. It is the democrats flooding the country with millions of illegals and telling us to our face that they are allowed (without vaccine no less) but you a healthy contributing 25 year old CITIZEN are going to get tossed out on your ear if we don't let us put something in your body.

If anything, you have the radicalized credibility problem. If one thing we have learned over and over is if the democrats are accusing others of doing it, it is them who is really doing it.
California hospitals are fine, we have the strongest covid rules in the country and the best numbers in the country. Is that a coincidence? Where are ALL the hospitals at 90+% capacity? Where? All Republican led, every single one. You keep fighting the correct response when it is proven that everyone who used "hands off" is under water. Again, it is not Authoritarian, its been done in the US since George Washington.
This Tucker Carlson? 2 days ago. He change?

Vaccines are to prevent infection and avoid hospitals and death. Once you get covid, treatment, monoclonal antibodies is the #1 response. Doctors are not political, they treat patients with the best treatment and medicines available. Why discuss treatments when the goal is to avoid in the first place. Horse paste is NOT A COVID TREATMENT. HYDROXY is NOT A TREATMENT. Monoclonal antibodies is treatment. No one is forcing anyone out of work, they are vaccinating a country. How does mandating vaccines a danger? and hospitals full of unvaccinated dying is acceptable? Youre radicalized, unable to think for yourself. Vaccine Bad, Hospitals full of dying unvaccinated Good. WTF?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       09-30-2021, 2:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
California hospitals are fine, we have the strongest covid rules in the country and the best numbers in the country. Is that a coincidence? Where are ALL the hospitals at 90+% capacity? Where? All Republican led, every single one. You keep fighting the correct response when it is proven that everyone who used "hands off" is under water. Again, it is not Authoritarian, its been done in the US since George Washington.
This Tucker Carlson? 2 days ago. He change?

Vaccines are to prevent infection and avoid hospitals and death. Once you get covid, treatment, monoclonal antibodies is the #1 response. Doctors are not political, they treat patients with the best treatment and medicines available. Why discuss treatments when the goal is to avoid in the first place. Horse paste is NOT A COVID TREATMENT. HYDROXY is NOT A TREATMENT. Monoclonal antibodies is treatment. No one is forcing anyone out of work, they are vaccinating a country. How does mandating vaccines a danger? and hospitals full of unvaccinated dying is acceptable? Youre radicalized, unable to think for yourself. Vaccine Bad, Hospitals full of dying unvaccinated Good. WTF?
Funny. I was one of the first people to get the vaccine. I already laid out who should be getting the vaccines and who should wait. I make my determination by looking at the actual data and the science. Hospitals being full is a staffing issue. Oh, ironically a hospital in North Carolina just fired 175 staff members for not getting the vaccine. Odd. People who have fought covid for over a year are all of a sudden a danger to people like you? hmmm....

Mandating a vaccine is a danger because the young can get a better broad band immunity against covid. That is why it is a danger. short term could be fine. Long term more likely than not and you are willing to rob them of it. The stats do not like. They young are not an issue. If you are old or sickly, take the jab. Everything we discussed is you being radical and emotional. I pointed out historical mandate timing. I have laid out the death stats. I have laid who is and is not dying of covid. If you have the vaccine, then carry on, shut your mouth and let people be.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       09-30-2021, 4:29 PM Reply   
the left ideology
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       10-01-2021, 8:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If you cant slow the stream of guns coming into your city, you need to improve medical care. You have a severe gun problem but keep the blinders tight and blame it on the people using readily available guns. Ever read the def of insanity and not doing anything different?
I am
Sure you’re well aware Chicago has some of the the strictest gun ownership policies and background checks in the Nation.

I am sure the crime trends aligning with the democratic Soros backed ASA’s being elected , failing to prosecute violent offenders , along with the Democratic backed BLM movement continuing the war on policing in these violent cities has nothing to do with the crime trends and all about gun ownership. Locking up violent felons for possessing and using illegals guns would never decrease the violence right? If people knew they would be stopped by police or imprisioned with serious consequences for carrying illegal firearms you think they would be running around with them. There is a reason crime trends were low when police e were allowed to police and bad guys went to jail. Yes it’s thats simple. You’re an idiot. Talk to me when you have a logical fact based argument. All you have to do is look at crime trends pre and post Obama. Then look at them as Biden began his run for office. Every city that replaced their Police Chief and States Attorney with a Democrat has seen exponential crime increases. Violent crime has nothing to do with gun policies and everything g to do with liberal agenda. The end.

Last edited by xstarrider; 10-01-2021 at 9:01 AM.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       10-01-2021, 9:31 AM Reply   
well, either the WH is flat out lying about what's happening at the border, as far as the mounted patrol is concerned, or Homeland security on the border has absolutely no regard for Biden's "orders".

Either way....just another example of how much of a joke this administration is...

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