Join Date: Dec 2009
01-31-2021, 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
100%. I believe psychedelics are the next big legalization. Not my style, but they are less harmful than most drugs and I have read that people are replacing microdosing meth (adderall) with microdosing psilocybin (magic mushrooms) with really good results minus all of the sideffects.
Any advice on where to start in psychedelic investment.
what the F is wrong with people. how about no drugs, lets just not do drugs. Why is this so difficult
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-31-2021, 11:15 AM
You can now get an LS swap kit for your tesla, it fixes all the charging issues, no need to stop and charge, pretty crazy, to think you could just put gas in it and keep on going.
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-31-2021, 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
what the F is wrong with people. how about no drugs, lets just not do drugs. Why is this so difficult 
What right does the government have to tell a citizen what they can and can't put in their body? Where is conservatives small government, don't infringe my freedoms on the drugs issue?
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-31-2021, 1:57 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What right does the government have to tell a citizen what they can and can't put in their body? Where is conservatives small government, don't infringe my freedoms on the drugs issue?
you can put whatever you want in your body, but making it legal is a totally different story. BTW, does the NZ allow this? Are you allowed to shoot up, smoke up, burn out?
Join Date: Dec 2009
01-31-2021, 2:00 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What right does the government have to tell a citizen what they can and can't put in their body? Where is conservatives small government, don't infringe my freedoms on the drugs issue?
Join Date: Apr 2002
01-31-2021, 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
you can put whatever you want in your body, but making it legal is a totally different story. BTW, does the NZ allow this? Are you allowed to shoot up, smoke up, burn out?
No there are laws against using recreational drugs here, I'm more pointing out the hypocracy of the right and their selective championing of rights and small government.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-31-2021, 3:17 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What right does the government have to tell a citizen what they can and can't put in their body? Where is conservatives small government, don't infringe my freedoms on the drugs issue?
I’m sure you can tell all kinds of stories of things you’ve put into yours, mister fister.
Join Date: Nov 2009
01-31-2021, 4:06 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
what the F is wrong with people. how about no drugs, lets just not do drugs. Why is this so difficult 
Mushrooms have been getting very good results both with depression and with helping folks with terminal illnesses cope.
I'm dubious about the medicinal properties of cannabis but psychedelics appear to have some real, legitimate uses in the treatment of mental illness.
Join Date: Apr 2005
01-31-2021, 11:33 PM
I’m sure mister fister, Ralph will be looking for it in suppository form. Lol
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-01-2021, 3:41 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Mushrooms have been getting very good results both with depression and with helping folks with terminal illnesses cope.
I'm dubious about the medicinal properties of cannabis but psychedelics appear to have some real, legitimate uses in the treatment of mental illness.
medically prescribed, not free to the public to "enjoy" I am not sure about drugs and mental illness (hence LA) and LA is sad, as most are drug related, and or mental illness, but someone is supplying the drugs and the money. So my guess is they rob and steel to get the money, as they are not holding a 9 to 5. As a general rule. drugs are bad, common sense. Making them legal will not fix mental illnesss or homelessness or build a better society.
Everyone high as a kite, will only increase homelessness and poverty, limit education, increase drop out rates, raise unemployment and increase crime. Although, there has a been a big government conspiracy to make Heroin legal and poison it, So the problem solves itself. I dont know what the answer is, outside of "Dont use drugs"?
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-01-2021, 7:00 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
medically prescribed, not free to the public to "enjoy" I am not sure about drugs and mental illness (hence LA) and LA is sad, as most are drug related, and or mental illness, but someone is supplying the drugs and the money. So my guess is they rob and steel to get the money, as they are not holding a 9 to 5. As a general rule. drugs are bad, common sense. Making them legal will not fix mental illnesss or homelessness or build a better society.
Everyone high as a kite, will only increase homelessness and poverty, limit education, increase drop out rates, raise unemployment and increase crime. Although, there has a been a big government conspiracy to make Heroin legal and poison it, So the problem solves itself. I dont know what the answer is, outside of "Dont use drugs"?
We all do drugs. I'm drinking coffee right now. The part about the war on drugs that is so absurd is that the laws have no scientific consistency. The lines are all arbitrary. This is where I put on my Libertarian hat. If you think booze is fine and dandy and drugs like pot and mushrooms are bad for you, you absolutely do not know what you are talking about. Pot and booze aren't even in the same league when you consider physical harm to the user and crime associated with them. We have booze ads on TV, but there are still parts of the country where they will throw you in jail for having a joint.
Everything can be abused. Consider fast food. There is nothing better than a good fast-food hamburger after a surf-session, but if you eat one every day for lunch--you are going to die a slow gnarly, death. By the prohibition logic, you should have no problem banning large cokes and french fries because heart disease/diabetes makes drug related deaths seem insignificant.
Or you can let people make their own choices of what they put in their body.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-01-2021, 7:10 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
We all do drugs. I'm drinking coffee right now. The part about the war on drugs that is so absurd is that the laws have no scientific consistency. The lines are all arbitrary. This is where I put on my Libertarian hat. If you think booze is fine and dandy and drugs like pot and mushrooms are bad for you, you absolutely do not know what you are talking about. Pot and booze aren't even in the same league when you consider physical harm to the user and crime associated with them. We have booze ads on TV, but there are still parts of the country where they will throw you in jail for having a joint.
Everything can be abused. Consider fast food. There is nothing better than a good fast-food hamburger after a surf-session, but if you eat one every day for lunch--you are going to die a slow gnarly, death. By the prohibition logic, you should have no problem banning large cokes and french fries because heart disease/diabetes makes drug related deaths seem insignificant.
Or you can let people make their own choices of what they put in their body.
you worried about banning things, so why are we trying so hard, lets let it run wild. make it very strong, like insanely strong, and see what happens. at least with a beer you can a known level and feel the gradual affect. with herion, there is no stepping stones nor pot, or mushrooms. you are committed. and sadly addicted. 1 beer will not kill you, one needle may, and if it doesn't you are dead anyways, as you are a junky forever.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 7:43 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-01-2021, 7:58 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
you worried about banning things, so why are we trying so hard, lets let it run wild. make it very strong, like insanely strong, and see what happens. at least with a beer you can a known level and feel the gradual affect. with herion, there is no stepping stones nor pot, or mushrooms. you are committed. and sadly addicted. 1 beer will not kill you, one needle may, and if it doesn't you are dead anyways, as you are a junky forever.
I've going to go way out on a limb and say that you have never tried pot or mushrooms or at least didn't know what you were doing. Kids blackout on beer and drown on their puke all the time. You cannot overdose on pot or mushrooms. You can get so high that you can't get off the couch, wake up and go to work bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Drink that much beer and see how the morning feels.
Heroin just like pain pills should be regulated tightly because they are potentially deadly. But the fact that we put heroin, pot and mushrooms in the same class, but Alcohol gets a pass, is silly. No matter what, addiction is the problem. You can get addicted to huffing paint and it is potentially deadly, that is why they keep the rattle cans locked up. But addiction is the problem not the drugs.
I drank a 13% alcohol beer just yesterday. Beer is getting stronger.
I don't have the free time to do mushrooms anymore and the little pot I keep on hand dries up before I use it. I'm not much of a drinker anymore either. But I don't have a problem with it in the slightest. Damn, when did wakeboarders become such squares? Weed junky...Dude, you have no idea how stupid that makes you sound.
You are committed to old ideas. You need to break the habit. Your football coach lied to you.
Last edited by skiboarder; 02-01-2021 at 8:02 AM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-01-2021, 9:32 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Substitute "Activists" with "Trump supporters" and "Hotel" with "US Capitol" and you describe stupid republicans doing stupid stuff for stupid reasons.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Substitute "Activists" with "Trump supporters" and "Hotel" with "US Capitol" and you describe stupid republicans doing stupid stuff for stupid reasons.
Yeah, the only problem is you've only got one big (way overblown) example (that your MSM puts on repeat and beats us over the head with hourly) and you're pretty much tapped out. We have thousands of examples of democrats with new ones coming every day. If you wanna research something, try researching the amount of damage your party has done to our country within the last calendar year. It's ongoing and has never stopped in some cities. I heard you guys did $77,000,000 in damages in one day last year. Your party's shutdowns cost this country trillions and permanently ruined countless lives all because of severe TDS. Can't wait to watch tomorrow's edition of idiotic democrat destruction to our country and our culture. Might wanna consider another party. Your Kool-aid mustache is showing.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-01-2021, 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Yeah, the only problem is you've only got one big (way overblown) example (that your MSM puts on repeat and beats us over the head with hourly) and you're pretty much tapped out. We have thousands of examples of democrats with new ones coming every day. If you wanna research something, try researching the amount of damage your party has done to our country within the last calendar year. It's ongoing and has never stopped in some cities. I heard you guys did $77,000,000 in damages in one day last year. Your party's shutdowns cost this country trillions and permanently ruined countless lives all because of severe TDS. Can't wait to watch tomorrow's edition of idiotic democrat destruction to our country and our culture. Might wanna consider another party. Your Kool-aid mustache is showing.
Thats a great idea!! Research is your friend.
Wow, the United States has a big problem.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Substitute "Activists" with "Trump supporters" and "Hotel" with "US Capitol" and you describe stupid republicans doing stupid stuff for stupid reasons.
Your party's acceptance and promotion of private as well as public property damage as political speech has done all kinds of permanent damage to not only the business owners affected, but to our culture as well. Your party has spawned and continues to cultivate a criminal culture that screams, "if you don't get what you want, either burn it, loot it or steal from it because you're entitled to whatever you want." You are the single biggest cause of blight of every kind in this country-from homeless cities to riot damage.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Nice, classic, libtard echo chamber you found there. Get real.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
liberal think tank. Talk about an oxymoron.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-01-2021, 11:49 AM
LOL. What has the Republican party spawned? Whose party elected Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert? What happened to the Republican party, its just trump, Q, Stop the Steal and a bunch of seditious traitors living in a made up Fox world. The echo chamber from hell.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-01-2021, 1:17 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I've going to go way out on a limb and say that you have never tried pot or mushrooms or at least didn't know what you were doing. Kids blackout on beer and drown on their puke all the time. You cannot overdose on pot or mushrooms. You can get so high that you can't get off the couch, wake up and go to work bright-eyed and bushy tailed. Drink that much beer and see how the morning feels.
Heroin just like pain pills should be regulated tightly because they are potentially deadly. But the fact that we put heroin, pot and mushrooms in the same class, but Alcohol gets a pass, is silly. No matter what, addiction is the problem. You can get addicted to huffing paint and it is potentially deadly, that is why they keep the rattle cans locked up. But addiction is the problem not the drugs.
I drank a 13% alcohol beer just yesterday. Beer is getting stronger.
I don't have the free time to do mushrooms anymore and the little pot I keep on hand dries up before I use it. I'm not much of a drinker anymore either. But I don't have a problem with it in the slightest. Damn, when did wakeboarders become such squares? Weed junky...Dude, you have no idea how stupid that makes you sound.
You are committed to old ideas. You need to break the habit. Your football coach lied to you.
I say lets legalize it, all of it, and let it kill those who take it. thin the herd, sad as some of our children will die, prob many as its free to play with, just walk into the pot shot and buy a few needles. Maybe we should teach our kids in school how to properly use a syringe. While we teach them they are racists by nature. I really think its sad. I am not saying pot is the devil or drinking is cool, its all dangerous. but when you open the door to all illegal drugs, you open the door to all the nightmares. I would love to see the left put their stamp of approval on heroin, as anyone with a brain knows its insane.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-01-2021, 1:54 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
I say lets legalize it, all of it, and let it kill those who take it. thin the herd, sad as some of our children will die, prob many as its free to play with, just walk into the pot shot and buy a few needles. Maybe we should teach our kids in school how to properly use a syringe. While we teach them they are racists by nature. I really think its sad. I am not saying pot is the devil or drinking is cool, its all dangerous. but when you open the door to all illegal drugs, you open the door to all the nightmares. I would love to see the left put their stamp of approval on heroin, as anyone with a brain knows its insane.
I'm saying that drug legality is arbitrary. The line between legal and not legal makes zero sense from a harm/safety perspective.
Decriminalizing doesn't mean legalizing. They aren't opening heroine dispensaries. Are you just being purposely dense? I don't even agree with needle exchange programs. If you are using heroine, you shouldn't be a criminal, you are mentally ill. It is so dangerous that no one in their right mind would do it. Criminalizing addiction does not save lives. All it does is fill for-profit prisons. They need help and treatment so they do not become criminals.
You are rattling off ideas that we know to not be true. You don't get addicted to drugs by using them once. Hell, I tore an ACL last year and my doctor gave me opioids. I used them for pain and when the acute pain stopped, I stopped using them. I didn't start buying them from a drug dealer. I didn't end up in an alley with a needle in my arm.
The war on drugs did not save lives, it cost lives. It is a failed policy.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-01-2021, 2:00 PM
I dont think they offer needles for sale at pot shops.
You may be missing the point of legalization of some drugs. I think the issue is that addiction is a disease and putting people in jail for disease/addiction wont help in the long run. In lieu of prison they get rehab.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-01-2021, 2:40 PM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
The war on drugs did not save lives, it cost lives. It is a failed policy.
100%, Prohibition doesn't work. Legalize, standardize, tax and sue companies that produce products that cause social harm.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-01-2021, 2:51 PM
We don’t make being an alcoholic a crime. But all of those reefer and mushroom addicts are criminals. Why does the alcoholic get favored treatment?
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-01-2021, 2:57 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
We don’t make being an alcoholic a crime. But all of those reefer and mushroom addicts are criminals. Why does the alcoholic get favored treatment?
Because Jesus made wine
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 6:59 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Because Jesus made wine
Hey it’s nice to see you were able to pull your electric buttplug out long enough to acknowledge Christ’s first recorded miracle. Have a nice day.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-01-2021, 7:07 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
We don’t make being an alcoholic a crime. But all of those reefer and mushroom addicts are criminals. Why does the alcoholic get favored treatment?
Do we make being a pothead a crime? As for mushrooms, can you take just a little and hallucinate just a little? Like enough to still drive? How much pot can you smoke and drive? How do you measure it? See the slippery slope you’re on? Wanna compare some more apples and Oldsmobiles?
Here’s a tip: make your rhetoric have at least enough factual content to make us think. I mean, make a real argument. I’m listening. For the record, I actually believe in the medicinal value of pot.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-01-2021, 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by markj
As for mushrooms, can you take just a little and hallucinate just a little? Like enough to still drive? How much pot can you smoke and drive?
How about if you have a few mushrooms and then don't drive anywhere, is that OK?
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-01-2021, 10:54 PM
All you idiots comparing alcohol to true addiction /hard drugs have no idea wtf you’re talking about. The addictive properties of those controlled substances are insane as is the physical damage to the body . The amount of crime junkies commit to score their next high is off the charts . Take a look around San Fran and see how their decriminalization standards are working out for their junkies. Look at the stats for families who’s kids are dying daily from heroin overdoses cut with Fentanyl.
Alcohol is no where near as addicting as these hardcore drugs, no where near as deadly , and no where near a gateway to criminal history that drug addicts rack up. Take the crime stats of those drunks , vs the the crime stats associated with junkies. ALL RESEARCH points to hard drug users committing felonies to pay for their drug addiction at an exponentially higher rate than alcoholics . PERIOD.... END OF STORY !
Next you morons will just say the solution to reduce crime related to junkies getting their next score is to have the government provide them their drugs .
I don’t have a problem decriminalizing weed. I do have a problem with the federal government and mainstream media promoting it , encouraging people to get cards , and doing everything in their power to get more people enrolled in medical marijuana in order to turn a profit. That’s all the decriminalizing of weed is about. It’s about politicians and wealthy who invested in weed farms , needing to bet as many people enrolled as possible to boost profits. It has nothing to do with it potential healing attributes and everything to do with $$$$$$
Last edited by xstarrider; 02-01-2021 at 11:02 PM.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-02-2021, 3:55 AM
Racist weather is out to get the black man. I saw a white cloud, in the sky, yesterday moving towards a rural area, where black people live. I bet any money that racist cloud is going to rain on them. lol
Democrats are racists, lets develop a strategy to raise the cost of fuel. oil prices, and heating prices, force people to buy electric cars that are insanely expensive, make gas 6 bucks a gallon, and heating oil double. Who is racist?
Idiots! Poor people heat their homes with propane, oil. etc. Living in rural black areas (yes people dont live in downtown Portland) they live in tiny small towns all over this land and cannot afford 60k in solar panels, or have a charging station anywhere near them.
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-02-2021, 4:05 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Do we make being a pothead a crime? As for mushrooms, can you take just a little and hallucinate just a little? Like enough to still drive? How much pot can you smoke and drive? How do you measure it? See the slippery slope you’re on? Wanna compare some more apples and Oldsmobiles?
Here’s a tip: make your rhetoric have at least enough factual content to make us think. I mean, make a real argument. I’m listening. For the record, I actually believe in the medicinal value of pot.
Wow. Your willingness to weigh in on a topic you know nothing about is always impressive. Who told you all of this about pot and mushrooms? Your football coach? 30 years ago?
You can't compare weed/pot to alcohol in terms harm. They aren't even in the same league. Like apples to oldsmobiles. Compare Alcohol related crimes to pot and mushrooms. And yes you can regulate your uptake. Give me your weight and I can give you an exact mg as a baseline.
All drugs, including over the counter allergy medicine, require responsibility. How many idiot kids get their hands on a bottle of vodka and drink the whole thing? You have to be smart about it--know your limits, etc. You probably shouldn't be doing drugs (alcohol included) and be driving at all. But you can count your mgs just like you can count your oz of beer.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-02-2021, 4:14 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Wow. Your willingness to weigh in on a topic you know nothing about is always impressive. Who told you all of this about pot and mushrooms? Your football coach? 30 years ago?
You can't compare weed/pot to alcohol in terms harm. They aren't even in the same league. Like apples to oldsmobiles. Compare Alcohol related crimes to pot and mushrooms. And yes you can regulate your uptake. Give me your weight and I can give you an exact mg as a baseline.
All drugs, including over the counter allergy medicine, require responsibility. How many idiot kids get their hands on a bottle of vodka and drink the whole thing? You have to be smart about it--know your limits, etc. You probably shouldn't be doing drugs (alcohol included) and be driving at all. But you can count your mgs just like you can count your oz of beer.
Why are so excited about illegal drugs, do you actually take mushrooms and smoke pot all the time? If so, you need to get help. Also do you have an issue with football coaches, did someone not let you play on the team? What happened? did that start your adventure into drug use? When did it start? Junior high? high school?
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-02-2021, 4:51 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Why are so excited about illegal drugs, do you actually take mushrooms and smoke pot all the time? If so, you need to get help. Also do you have an issue with football coaches, did someone not let you play on the team? What happened? did that start your adventure into drug use? When did it start? Junior high? high school?
What is your fear/resistance to something you know nothing about? Football coaches usually teach health-class. You got your bad information somewhere and as old as your information is, I assume that is the source. You obviously have zero real-world experience on the matter. If you did, you would know that many drugs are illegal for no good reason.
I explained earlier that I barely even drink anymore--my life is too busy. I started my adventure into booze and drugs when I was mature enough to handle it and I am wiser and more experienced for it.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 5:10 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
All you idiots comparing alcohol to true addiction /hard drugs have no idea wtf you’re talking about.
So you see a lot of mushroom junkies committing crimes?
(nobody is advocating for legalizing meth or heroin...)
Join Date: Jun 2004
02-02-2021, 6:52 AM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
I don’t have a problem decriminalizing weed. I do have a problem with the federal government and mainstream media promoting it , encouraging people to get cards , and doing everything in their power to get more people enrolled in medical marijuana in order to turn a profit. That’s all the decriminalizing of weed is about. It’s about politicians and wealthy who invested in weed farms , needing to bet as many people enrolled as possible to boost profits. It has nothing to do with it potential healing attributes and everything to do with $$$$$$
That is most definitely not what decriminalization is all about. It is decriminalized because the public vote to decriminalize pot. The people voting don't own pot farms or medical dispensaries. Pot use has become widespread enough that the public is now seeing people who use it and realize that they aren't criminals. And where you have medical but not recreational pot then yes, they do enroll as many people as possible to produce profit ( we are capitalists right?), but the people enroll so they can be legal and not subject to criminal prosecution. The mainstream media promotes alcohol use, so what's the issue with the media and marijuana?
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-02-2021, 7:36 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Wow. Your willingness to weigh in on a topic you know nothing about is always impressive. Who told you all of this about pot and mushrooms? Your football coach? 30 years ago?
You can't compare weed/pot to alcohol in terms harm. They aren't even in the same league. Like apples to oldsmobiles. Compare Alcohol related crimes to pot and mushrooms. And yes you can regulate your uptake. Give me your weight and I can give you an exact mg as a baseline.
All drugs, including over the counter allergy medicine, require responsibility. How many idiot kids get their hands on a bottle of vodka and drink the whole thing? You have to be smart about it--know your limits, etc. You probably shouldn't be doing drugs (alcohol included) and be driving at all. But you can count your mgs just like you can count your oz of beer.
Wow. Your willingness to keep rambling nonstop about how you’re an authority on all things drug and alcohol-related leads me to believe you need to put down the meth. You also need to show us where the football coach touched you. Idiot.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-02-2021, 7:39 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
So you see a lot of mushroom junkies committing crimes?
(nobody is advocating for legalizing meth or heroin...)
Nobody? Been to Oregon lately?
Join Date: Oct 2006
02-02-2021, 7:50 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Wow. Your willingness to keep rambling nonstop about how you’re an authority on all things drug and alcohol-related leads me to believe you need to put down the meth. You also need to show us where the football coach touched you. Idiot.
Nah. I'm not the football type. I was busy skating, surfing and wakeboarding. I passed on the silly motivational locker-room talks, team showers and brain injuries.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-02-2021, 8:02 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
Nah. I'm not the football type. I was busy skating, surfing and wakeboarding. I passed on the silly motivational locker-room talks, team showers and brain injuries.
Total douche.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-02-2021, 8:09 AM
Spot on.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 8:43 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Nobody? Been to Oregon lately?
decriminalization and legalization aren't the same thing. Besides pharmacies (which have made a poop ton selling opioids) there aren't heroin stores in Oregon.
I'm sure SOMEONE is advocating for a complete libertarian free marketplace of all drugs (steroids, EPO, speed and other PEDs too right? why not!), but MOST folks aren't, and I'm certainly not.
I don't know whether drugs like meth or heroin can be "enjoyed" by "casual" users, and it seems like the downsides of use SIGNIFICANTLY outweigh the downsides. Weed and hallucinogenics (sp?) on the other hand don't really seem to be in the same category. I'm not saying that they are vitamins and will make you live longer, but as with the functional alcoholic who stays employed and pays their mortgage despite going through a couple of "handles" of seagrams a week, there are plenty of weed smokers to manage to keep their day jobs.
And I'm not really sure that there's a significant user base of mushrooms to even worry about? Seems like more of a special event kind of activity than a "tweaking for my shroom fix" kind of drug.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-02-2021, 9:19 AM
Shooms last, on average, per the data 4 to 6 hours or even longer. Pot, especially edibles can last very long. Denver has seen a 100+% increase in emergency room visits, regarding psychotic behavior. "heart attacks" bad trips etc etc. Also LA and places that turn a blind eye have become a needle dump. My coworkers, who live in CA, WA etc all say the same thing, the cities are overrun by junkies, ****ting on the streets and walking around like zombies while robing and looting to get dope money.
So I dont see drugs as a good thing, nor do i see alcohol as a "good thing" but i can have a beer responsibly, I cannot eat a shroom responsibly or know how it will affect me or for how long or what i may act like or do. No one can take opioids responsibly. We all can agree, we cannot take them for real pain management responsibly, to the extent that we have an opioid epidemic. I think we can agree on that?
As for the lefties that think this is all cool. That dope is cool shrooms are cool, I hope it does not affect your children, and I hope no one sees their loved ones living in tents in LA doped up because a bunch of left wing idiots think its cool to allow illegal drugs to become mainstream.
Now, one of my best high school friends is in jail. robbery, also was sucking D@#$ for herion money, been arrested too many times to count. He got wrapped up in it after taking a job driving commercial trucks across the country. I guess its more common with truck drivers, didn't know that. he had a great family, never did drugs until he was around it, if you dont have it around you, your odds of "sourcing or searching out" heiron or shrooms or pot are very low. But when everyone around is doing it, you tend to follow the cloud. very sad
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Shooms last, on average, per the data 4 to 6 hours or even longer. Pot, especially edibles can last very long. Denver has seen a 100+% increase in emergency room visits, regarding psychotic behavior. "heart attacks" bad trips etc etc. Also LA and places that turn a blind eye have become a needle dump. My coworkers, who live in CA, WA etc all say the same thing, the cities are overrun by junkies, ****ting on the streets and walking around like zombies while robing and looting to get dope money.
So I dont see drugs as a good thing, nor do i see alcohol as a "good thing" but i can have a beer responsibly, I cannot eat a shroom responsibly or know how it will affect me or for how long or what i may act like or do. No one can take opioids responsibly. We all can agree, we cannot take them for real pain management responsibly, to the extent that we have an opioid epidemic. I think we can agree on that?
As for the lefties that think this is all cool. That dope is cool shrooms are cool, I hope it does not affect your children, and I hope no one sees their loved ones living in tents in LA doped up because a bunch of left wing idiots think its cool to allow illegal drugs to become mainstream.
Now, one of my best high school friends is in jail. robbery, also was sucking D@#$ for herion money, been arrested too many times to count. He got wrapped up in it after taking a job driving commercial trucks across the country. I guess its more common with truck drivers, didn't know that. he had a great family, never did drugs until he was around it, if you dont have it around you, your odds of "sourcing or searching out" heiron or shrooms or pot are very low. But when everyone around is doing it, you tend to follow the cloud. very sad
So Vicodin or Percocet? I've been prescribed those opioids and have taken them responsibly. the overwhelming majority of people to whom they are prescribed don't get hooked. It's right up there with coronavirus survivability. Prescription opioids are right up there with firearms, where the VAST majority don't have a problem, but the VERY SMALL minority who do have a problem flame out catastrophically.
Nevada legalized MJ coming on four years ago, and the world hasn't ended. They don't sell heroin at dispensaries. You can buy cbd dog treats tho.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-02-2021, 10:11 AM
Now, one of my best high school friends is in jail. robbery, also was sucking D@#$ for herion money, been arrested too many times to count. He got wrapped up in it after taking a job driving commercial trucks across the country. I guess its more common with truck drivers, didn't know that. he had a great family, never did drugs until he was around it, if you dont have it around you, your odds of "sourcing or searching out" heiron or shrooms or pot are very low. But when everyone around is doing it, you tend to follow the cloud. very sad
So, do you think your friend is better helped sitting in jail or getting sentenced to rehab and getting clean?
You can eat a mushroom responsibly just like you can drink responsibly, weed even easier to consume responsibly. Is alcohol cool too? The 70's called, they want your Weed is a gateway drug theory back. Alcohol is mainstream, you can buy it at every 7-11 across the country and get back in your car for a drink and a drive. Last time I was in FL they had drive thru cocktails. Who are they serving? Who needs to search or source when you can simply drive up? If you need a drive thru to get your drink on you may have a problem.
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-02-2021, 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
So, do you think your friend is better helped sitting in jail or getting sentenced to rehab and getting clean?
You can eat a mushroom responsibly just like you can drink responsibly, weed even easier to consume responsibly. Is alcohol cool too? The 70's called, they want your Weed is a gateway drug theory back. Alcohol is mainstream, you can buy it at every 7-11 across the country and get back in your car for a drink and a drive. Last time I was in FL they had drive thru cocktails. Who are they serving? Who needs to search or source when you can simply drive up? If you need a drive thru to get your drink on you may have a problem.
He has been though rehab multiple times, i guess once you shoot up, you are addicted forever, and will do just about anything to get it. Hence he broke into someones home (for the 100th time) and robbed someone who he attacked in the process. he needs to stay in jail.
As for drive though drinking and driving, I have no idea what thats all about. as for smoking pot. you can smoke and drive, shroom and drive (terrifying to see people driving on anything, but shrooms, please!) I think common sense is out the window as you should not be drinking and driving or smoking and driving or any drug that can hinder your ability to function. But i would love to see 2 beers vs 2 hits and what the affects are, as I dont use drugs, cant smoke pot, cant stay awake, and if I was forced to take 1 hit, would not be able to drive anything.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by skiboarder
I'm saying that drug legality is arbitrary. The line between legal and not legal makes zero sense from a harm/safety perspective.
Decriminalizing doesn't mean legalizing. They aren't opening heroine dispensaries. Are you just being purposely dense? I don't even agree with needle exchange programs. If you are using heroine, you shouldn't be a criminal, you are mentally ill. It is so dangerous that no one in their right mind would do it. Criminalizing addiction does not save lives. All it does is fill for-profit prisons. They need help and treatment so they do not become criminals.
You are rattling off ideas that we know to not be true. You don't get addicted to drugs by using them once. Hell, I tore an ACL last year and my doctor gave me opioids. I used them for pain and when the acute pain stopped, I stopped using them. I didn't start buying them from a drug dealer. I didn't end up in an alley with a needle in my arm.
The war on drugs did not save lives, it cost lives. It is a failed policy.
Not sure how you can say the war on drugs cost lives. As someone with a brother who went to prison and ended up dying from drugs, I can clearly say that his time in prison was the only time he was clean. It clearly was the drugs that killed him.
Only thing that failed is societies need to fuel themselves with illegal drugs. Drugs have not been legal in our lifetime and people know the penalties, yet the draw was so much that people were still willing to risk prison time to do them. So either they are not addictive or they are, however you have a hard time proving to people that people were willing to go to prison just to prove a point. The substances are addictive or there is another talking point and I believe it is valid and truthful. People have never went to jail for a joint. At best they went to jail for having large amounts of drugs at home or having a good quantity in public that triggered intent to sell. No one wanted to jail users. They usually were diverted to rehab or if they were bad enough (which usually led to other issues like driving under the influence or using public fund responses due to their behaviors on drugs), the last resort they have is issuing jail time because that is the only remedy the state has to force you to get clean. So I would not classify the war on drugs as a failure, I would say society is a failure.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-02-2021, 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
decriminalization and legalization aren't the same thing. Besides pharmacies (which have made a poop ton selling opioids) there aren't heroin stores in Oregon.
I'm sure SOMEONE is advocating for a complete libertarian free marketplace of all drugs (steroids, EPO, speed and other PEDs too right? why not!), but MOST folks aren't, and I'm certainly not.
I don't know whether drugs like meth or heroin can be "enjoyed" by "casual" users, and it seems like the downsides of use SIGNIFICANTLY outweigh the downsides. Weed and hallucinogenics (sp?) on the other hand don't really seem to be in the same category. I'm not saying that they are vitamins and will make you live longer, but as with the functional alcoholic who stays employed and pays their mortgage despite going through a couple of "handles" of seagrams a week, there are plenty of weed smokers to manage to keep their day jobs.
And I'm not really sure that there's a significant user base of mushrooms to even worry about? Seems like more of a special event kind of activity than a "tweaking for my shroom fix" kind of drug.
Decriminalization is just the gateway to legalization.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
So you see a lot of mushroom junkies committing crimes?
(nobody is advocating for legalizing meth or heroin...)
Not long ago people were advocating for weed or mushrooms either. Were just advocating for gay people to get screwed out of half their stuff like straight people and now you guys want transvestites to read to our children, fund sex changes and are trying to make us believe there is no X and Y chromosomes and using the full power of the government to push it. You literally are advocating to make it legal for dudes to see your daughter naked against her will. yet you constantly tell us there is no slippery slope.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
100%, Prohibition doesn't work. Legalize, standardize, tax and sue companies that produce products that cause social harm.
You mean the way they sue drug cartels? Didn't learn anything from cigarettes?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
We don’t make being an alcoholic a crime. But all of those reefer and mushroom addicts are criminals. Why does the alcoholic get favored treatment?
because society decided to become unhinged without it. So they gave them one vice. Now you want them to have all vices.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
No there are laws against using recreational drugs here, I'm more pointing out the hypocracy of the right and their selective championing of rights and small government.
Who said the right was for every little thing should be full go? That is a false talking points you and others put in your own head. There is clearly things that should not be in public and drugs is one of them. It should be a back room and rare thing, not down at the city park and on TV. You may be confusing libertarians which want everything to be free and open. Seems like a 12 year olds position in life, but so be it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
All you idiots comparing alcohol to true addiction /hard drugs have no idea wtf you’re talking about. The addictive properties of those controlled substances are insane as is the physical damage to the body . The amount of crime junkies commit to score their next high is off the charts . Take a look around San Fran and see how their decriminalization standards are working out for their junkies. Look at the stats for families who’s kids are dying daily from heroin overdoses cut with Fentanyl.
Alcohol is no where near as addicting as these hardcore drugs, no where near as deadly , and no where near a gateway to criminal history that drug addicts rack up. Take the crime stats of those drunks , vs the the crime stats associated with junkies. ALL RESEARCH points to hard drug users committing felonies to pay for their drug addiction at an exponentially higher rate than alcoholics . PERIOD.... END OF STORY !
Next you morons will just say the solution to reduce crime related to junkies getting their next score is to have the government provide them their drugs .
I don’t have a problem decriminalizing weed. I do have a problem with the federal government and mainstream media promoting it , encouraging people to get cards , and doing everything in their power to get more people enrolled in medical marijuana in order to turn a profit. That’s all the decriminalizing of weed is about. It’s about politicians and wealthy who invested in weed farms , needing to bet as many people enrolled as possible to boost profits. It has nothing to do with it potential healing attributes and everything to do with $$$$$$
Ah..... don't be such a stick in the mud. All those junkies in San Fran have led to lots of high paying jobs in the app industry. They now have apps where they can let the city know where the thousands of sh$t piles are on the sidewalks and streets are. Drug industry baby!!!!
Knew this small gaggle of weed users. Everyone one of them had to use from morning to night and for the longest time tried to argue it was not addictive. My wife finally boxed in the most true believer of them. She asked about edibles or other ways for this "healing factor" that they would advocate and he said, oh no. It is not the same kind of high. Caught ya. All these other arguments was basically trying to main stream the addiction. At least for them. He used to talk about how he was running weed from a guy in Michigan who had the "legal" grow operation. The guy would sell legally to the med places but the stuff that did not qualify for the "med" quality was then sold out the back door. He got caught (the talker, don't know of the grower).
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
People have never went to jail for a joint. At best they went to jail for having large amounts of drugs at home or having a good quantity in public that triggered intent to sell. No one wanted to jail users.
I guess it depends where you live. Possession of any amount of MJ (including "just a joint") was a felony in NV prior to 2001.
because society decided to become unhinged without it. So they gave them one vice. Now you want them to have all vices.
cigs, coffee, gambling, religion, monster, taco bell ... there are plenty of vices. Who are "they"?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I guess it depends where you live. Possession of any amount of MJ (including "just a joint") was a felony in NV prior to 2001.
cigs, coffee, gambling, religion, monster, taco bell ... there are plenty of vices. Who are "they"?
I would like to see the statute on "just a joint". Usually "just a joint" guy had a half burned "just a joint" in the ash tray of the car which means they were driving under the influence. I have never heard of anyone in Cali busted for weed. I have been to dozens of concerts between Cali and Indiana and there is always 2 things there. Cops and weed. Never seen anyone busted for smoking at a concert.
Pretty sure I have never seen anyone pull out a tommy gun and machine gun a rival gang or open up back door establishments to run taco bell.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
I guess it depends where you live. Possession of any amount of MJ (including "just a joint") was a felony in NV prior to 2001.
cigs, coffee, gambling, religion, monster, taco bell ... there are plenty of vices. Who are "they"?
And yet, I bet you knew plenty of people from all around that smoked weed. You more than likely have known someone all your life that smoked, yet there they were smoking weed in a state that supposedly has assigned the harshest of penalties to it. A felony.
So, in my mind there are 2 or 3 truths to it.
1) it is addictive. No sane person is going to throw away their life and rot in jail over smoking weed. Not like it was ever legal in our life time and everyone knows the "just a joint" tail.
2) It was obviously not a situation where "just a joint" got you a felony.
3) both 1 and 2 are true.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
EV's aren't for everyone, like dick flavored icecream or fisting your boy friend petrol powered cars will be around for those that want them.
Aren't the democrats trying to bring that activity to a k though 6 grade school as we speak?
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-02-2021, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You mean the way they sue drug cartels? Didn't learn anything from cigarettes?
If you really want to mess up drug cartels do you know what hammer you hit them with? The Pharmaceutical industry, they will put them out of business in 5 minutes. Cigarettes is a pretty good model to follow IMO, you tax the hell out of it so the social harm is funded by the users. At the end of the day you either believe that nanny state should control this aspect of your life or you don't.
I don't see how you are all about freedom and wot not but are happy to take peoples freedoms because a minority of weak people can't control themselves. Just seems anti-American.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 1:18 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I would like to see the statute on "just a joint". Usually "just a joint" guy had a half burned "just a joint" in the ash tray of the car which means they were driving under the influence. I have never heard of anyone in Cali busted for weed. I have been to dozens of concerts between Cali and Indiana and there is always 2 things there. Cops and weed. Never seen anyone busted for smoking at a concert.
Pretty sure I have never seen anyone pull out a tommy gun and machine gun a rival gang or open up back door establishments to run taco bell.
Scroll down to section 37 and look at the red strikethrough language (class E felony)
Join Date: Dec 2009
02-02-2021, 1:51 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
So Vicodin or Percocet? I've been prescribed those opioids and have taken them responsibly. the overwhelming majority of people to whom they are prescribed don't get hooked. It's right up there with coronavirus survivability. Prescription opioids are right up there with firearms, where the VAST majority don't have a problem, but the VERY SMALL minority who do have a problem flame out catastrophically.
Nevada legalized MJ coming on four years ago, and the world hasn't ended. They don't sell heroin at dispensaries. You can buy cbd dog treats tho.
yes, you take the amount to limit pain, not to go on a 8 hour bender in lala land.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 1:51 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
If you really want to mess up drug cartels do you know what hammer you hit them with? The Pharmaceutical industry, they will put them out of business in 5 minutes. Cigarettes is a pretty good model to follow IMO, you tax the hell out of it so the social harm is funded by the users. At the end of the day you either believe that nanny state should control this aspect of your life or you don't.
I don't see how you are all about freedom and wot not but are happy to take peoples freedoms because a minority of weak people can't control themselves. Just seems anti-American.
I don't know where in the constitution it states that fing your self up and being a drain on the public is a right? Any form of government has to have engaged citizens who choose to participate. The governments role should help foster that attitude.
What you may be confusing it the arguments of the original federalist papers in regards to state rights vs centralized government.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 2:14 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Then weed must be addictive or used by complete idiots. I have two options to get my thrills. Booze or weed. One of these I go to jail, the other I can go to any number of establishments and partake. I think I will take prison for 1000 Alex.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 2:24 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Also if you look at the statute, it also is for those who are underage and address that those charges are almost always probation and treatment. Indiana ran the same thing. Get caught underage and you get put in to probation and treatment. Everyone knows the earlier in life you start drinking and drugs, them more likely hood you will have bigger issues later.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 2:45 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Also if you look at the statute, it also is for those who are underage and address that those charges are almost always probation and treatment. Indiana ran the same thing. Get caught underage and you get put in to probation and treatment. Everyone knows the earlier in life you start drinking and drugs, them more likely hood you will have bigger issues later.
Sortof, but you are reading it wrong. Subsection 2 is the general rule, subsection 4 was the carve out for under 21, and subsection 5 provided for a parole and probation assessment for someone under 21 on their first offense. Over 21 and you're stuck with subsection 2.
New rule "flattened" the crime so no distinction between under 21 and 21 and over. New rule is misdemeanor, misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony (on 4th offense). After the change in 2001, all offenders, regardless of age got the option of drug court (diversion program) on 1st and 2nd offenses.
Join Date: Jun 2007
02-02-2021, 2:58 PM
Gues the plan of implementing tyrannical rule is off and running.
42 executive actions as of few days ago and climbing daily.
Looking more and more like China.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 3:09 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Gues the plan of implementing tyrannical rule is off and running.
42 executive actions as of few days ago and climbing daily.
Looking more and more like China.
Curiously you didn't object to Trump's record setting number of executive orders in his first year tho?
Joe still has a ways to go to get to 55.
Join Date: Apr 2005
02-02-2021, 3:22 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
Had Trump done what Pelosi did, it would be yet another reason for them to want to impeach. The hypocrisy is what gets to me. I know, I say that a lot
So does the hypocrisy on the right get you too? Because I don't really see either party as a shining example of not being hypoctrical. See the problem is that you can always justify why your side is fine to do something that you've previousl decried but when the other side does it, it's "hypocrisy." Most politicians are hypocrites but their respective hype machines (Foxnews, LImbaugh, MSNBC, CNN) are selling you rage, especially the "hypocrisy" of the other side.
Last edited by joshugan; 02-02-2021 at 3:23 PM.
Reason: edit
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 4:34 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
Sortof, but you are reading it wrong. Subsection 2 is the general rule, subsection 4 was the carve out for under 21, and subsection 5 provided for a parole and probation assessment for someone under 21 on their first offense. Over 21 and you're stuck with subsection 2.
New rule "flattened" the crime so no distinction between under 21 and 21 and over. New rule is misdemeanor, misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, felony (on 4th offense). After the change in 2001, all offenders, regardless of age got the option of drug court (diversion program) on 1st and 2nd offenses.
I don't disagree with the change, I just think the talk of it not being addictive is a false one. You don't reasonably do something that you truly believe is going to send you to prison especially if your reasoning centers have not been stunted as you grow into adulthood. Getting high is not a choice if I believe I am going to live in a 10 by 10 with other dudes for a few years. If it is not a choice, then it must be an addiction. Kids don't have good reasoning skills. Adults should understand what is at stake and should correct. Either they are addicted or the enforcement of the crime is no where need for a rational adult to worry for their freedom.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 4:38 PM
Originally Posted by joshugan
So does the hypocrisy on the right get you too? Because I don't really see either party as a shining example of not being hypoctrical. See the problem is that you can always justify why your side is fine to do something that you've previousl decried but when the other side does it, it's "hypocrisy." Most politicians are hypocrites but their respective hype machines (Foxnews, LImbaugh, MSNBC, CNN) are selling you rage, especially the "hypocrisy" of the other side.
Being an adult brings you to a life of hypocrisy naturally. it is the state of being. It is how you deal with Hypocrisy. Number one point, is you don't want your kids to do some of the crap you did. First thing as a new parent for almost every human on earth.
I guess the question is, did Trump's orders open the border when impacts American's lives and did his eliminate thousands of jobs? Don't know. Just asking for a friend.
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-02-2021, 4:40 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I don't know where in the constitution it states that fing your self up and being a drain on the public is a right?
It's right at the start: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Join Date: Apr 2002
02-02-2021, 4:42 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I guess the question is, did Trump's orders open the border when impacts American's lives and did his eliminate thousands of jobs? Don't know. Just asking for a friend.
Well the balance of trade got a lot worse under Trump so you can make a pretty strong case that Yes, yes it did.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 5:02 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
It's right at the start: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Sorry. Just do not see it in the bill of rights
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Third Amendment
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Fourth Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Fifth Amendment
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
Sixth Amendment
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed; which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defence.
Seventh Amendment
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of common law.
Eighth Amendment
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Ninth Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Tenth Amendment
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 5:06 PM
where's that "right to drink alcohol" clause, Delta?
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 5:06 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Well the balance of trade got a lot worse under Trump so you can make a pretty strong case that Yes, yes it did.
You know it takes a few years to turn the ship from the previous years policies. Obama blamed Bush for 8 years. Trump acknowledged the issue and also the fact that jobs were continuing to leave the country. He utilized the structure that had been lawfully put into place and brought the players to the table to renegotiate. That is the only knobs he had to turn considering how bad the internationalists screwed the American Worker.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 5:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You know it takes a few years to turn the ship from the previous years policies. Obama blamed Bush for 8 years. Trump acknowledged the issue and also the fact that jobs were continuing to leave the country. He utilized the structure that had been lawfully put into place and brought the players to the table to renegotiate. That is the only knobs he had to turn considering how bad the internationalists screwed the American Worker.
So you are saying that presidents who use executive orders to pursue the policies that they ran on are well within their powers?
Just like China.
Join Date: Sep 2005
02-02-2021, 5:08 PM
Originally Posted by xstarrider
Gues the plan of implementing tyrannical rule is off and running.
42 executive actions as of few days ago and climbing daily.
Looking more and more like China.
Appears you cant decide to use the sleepy/dementia Joe smears or whine old Joe is working over time removing much of your cult leaders work.
America First.
Last edited by 95sn; 02-02-2021 at 5:12 PM.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 5:11 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
where's that "right to drink alcohol" clause, Delta?
Exactly. They took it away then people started to gun others down in the streets so they decided it degraded society to a violent mob. Alcohol and drugs have been around for centuries. They saw the plight it all puts society into especially when previous civilizations could not afford to have individuals who could not perform to their needed standard in society. They were not a efficient society with zero safety nets so my guess they settled into a position of the least amount of hard to society. Simple cause and effect is enough to judge in that case.
Join Date: Mar 2018
02-02-2021, 5:15 PM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
So you are saying that presidents who use executive orders to pursue the policies that they ran on are well within their powers?
Just like China.
don't believe Trump negotiated treaties based on executive action.
Kind of rich regarding "what presidents ran on". What did Biden run on? He would do a better job and get us out of the COVID issue (which was a lie because he has no authority to do so). He said he would unite the country. So far everything he has done has been the opposite (remember HE is the democrats party according to his words). I don't remember him running on wiping out jobs in the first week and opening the border. I am sure that would have have been talked about.
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-02-2021, 9:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
don't believe Trump negotiated treaties based on executive action.
Kind of rich regarding "what presidents ran on". What did Biden run on? He would do a better job and get us out of the COVID issue (which was a lie because he has no authority to do so). He said he would unite the country. So far everything he has done has been the opposite (remember HE is the democrats party according to his words). I don't remember him running on wiping out jobs in the first week and opening the border. I am sure that would have have been talked about.
china actions were purely executive. There is no treaty. Tariffs were imposed by executive action.
Well, we know one of Biden's campaign promises... get us back in to Paris climate accord. That was one of his executive orders.
LOL at the Tucker Carlson "job killer" b.s. How many farm jobs did trump kill with the trade war with China? Oh yeah not that many because he put farmers on gov't welfare.