I have seen all the threads about the "me first attitude", "antipowerturing" ect. I know there is a forum on here about stopping power turning but powerturning is only a part of what ruins the water.
Here is my idea and I need your guys help.
First of all the goal: Educate everyone who has an object that floats ie: boats, pwc, ect. and those who partake in tubing, wakeboarding, skiing or whatever it is how to keep the lake fun for everyone.
Im sure simple fliers passed out would atleast educate those who dont know what they are doing. It has been said a thousand times that most of those so called idiots on the lake dont know any better.
Here is where I need your help. If you could just respond with a couple things that boaters need to educated on. Say what they shouldnt do and then say what they should do instead.
Please do not powerturn when retreiving a fallen rider. Slow down to idle and proceed to pick up your rider. (unless of an emergency)
Please do not dock you boat by the launch ramp so that is does not obstruct those trying to load and unload there boat onto a trailer. Instead idle around in the no wake zone while waiting for a trailer, person ect.
If you are new to backing a trailer up or unloading a boat dont be afraid to ask for help. There is almost always someone willing to help you.
If you have any questions visit
www.wakeworld.com and view the discussion forums where you can ask questions ect.