Join Date: Apr 2005
11-05-2022, 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Biden is really on a roll. Is he the best president ever?
CAP Action??? That is RICH!
That group is nothing more than a dirty, anti-Semitic libtard think tank whose propaganda is only believed by the same idiots who are about to get flogged in the polls. Can't wait.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-05-2022, 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Maybe you should consider telling the rest of your warped party to follow the science of the two sexes.
I never posted a single claim that PP had a gay lover. I posted memes which you can't recognize as humor because you're a humorless dim. That said, if you had an honest bone in your body, you'd admit the jury is still WAY out on what happened and it's VERY clear the story is being cooked to either hide his butt piracy or to try to make up something to hurt the right, gain some sympathy votes and lessen the flogging you're about to get. Why don't they post the body cam footage we all know exists? I'm now willing to say the odds of him being a secret fudge packer grow each day we don't see the body cam footage. Also, why aren't there any break in marks on the French doors? I can see that the doors have alarm contacts, but zero evidence of a break in. Lastly, why has the story of that night changed three times now???
Yeah, he is a radical. Big time. You have to step outside of CNN for news if you want the truth. You have been woefully uninformed about this case from the beginning and it continues. All you keep doing is repeating the democrat false narratives. You should probably turn over a new leaf and be honest enough to say you haven't been following the story very carefully like I said from the beginning about my non-following of the HW democrat smear campaign.
Yeah, you responded and lied about what I said again.
I was objective about believing the charges posed by the dim smear campaign. The rest of this is crap you made up about what I think. You make crap up about me all the time like some clingy psycho ex-girlfriend.
I'm talking about anyone who tried posting anything on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, whatever. Those were all democrat strongholds where any other view besides democrat propaganda was ERASED almost immediately. If people ever reposted things, they got threatened to be kicked off the various platforms for "passing misinformation." It was all democrat BS totalitarianism.
Guess what. Don't believe me? No prob. The polls on Tuesday will shut your pie hole up.
You believe Pelosi has a gay lover because you believe all kinds of false conspiracy theory, dozens and dozens. Why? Because FOX has groomed you for many years, yor brainwashed. And the LOL part is you are in love with another man yourself, trump. Its unconditional, its dangerous. No matter what he says, no matter how far he goes, no matter the lies, you will still love him and place all your faith in another man. Yor own little false god to worship at his feet. Lets see, how do we know the right is conspiracy theory-ing re Pelosi? 1. We could read the police report. 2. We could read the perps own side of the story and what he told police. Why he was there, what his plan was. 3. You could read his blogs. 4.You could listen to the 911 call. 5.We could listen to Pelosi's side of the story. All of those, the closest to the attack, all say the same. Crazy dude broke in to kill/kidnap Nancy. Nancy not there, he attacks Paul Pelosi. He used a hammer to break in, im sure all the gay lovers use hammers to get into their lovers house when the wife is 3000 miles away. They all pack zip ties, rope and hammers. Youre a freaking conspiracy loving clown. You love to believe lies, you push them AND claim objectivity. And yes, posting 3 false memes is pushing a lie and its dangerous. And yes you are clearly radicalized to the violence. Republicans are a violent group and cant be trusted to understand it isnt real. You are one who believes and think its real. Nothing in your world is based in reality anymore.
You think Facebook, the home of endless maga memes is dem controlled? Sad and foolish.
Anyone who was bumped off any facebook or twitter was breaking the rules. Simple as that. No left/right bias. They all agree to the exact same rules, no violence... No one was banned w/o posting lies, like Vaccines dont work, Use horse paste to combat covid, trump promoting violence on 1/6....all that stuff will get you kicked off. If a dem writes violent content they get the same boot. Name someone banned that didnt break the rules they agreed to. And YES, misinformation, aka lies is reason to ban.
There you go with the insane CNN talk again. Hey fool, no one ever uses CNN but YOU. Why cant you stop, is it the years of FOX programing?
So if a guy like walker puts a gun to your daughters head, and votes red, hes yor kinda guy. This explains a lot, really all we need to know.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-05-2022, 11:40 AM
I never posted a single claim that PP had a gay lover. I posted memes which you can't recognize as humor because you're a humorless dim. That said, if you had an honest bone in your body, you'd admit the jury is still WAY out on what happened and it's VERY clear the story is being cooked to either hide his butt piracy or to try to make up something to hurt the right, gain some sympathy votes and lessen the flogging you're about to get. Why don't they post the body cam footage we all know exists? I'm now willing to say the odds of him being a secret fudge packer grow each day we don't see the body cam footage. Also, why aren't there any break in marks on the French doors? I can see that the doors have alarm contacts, but zero evidence of a break in. Lastly, why has the story of that night changed three times now???
Instead of consuming yourself with lies and conspiracy on FOX or the dark web, Why not just look for facts? Too hard? here, read the facts.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-05-2022, 4:29 PM
Democrat Groomer confirmed. Oh wait, it's a republican.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-06-2022, 1:32 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Sickening. I hope he never sees freedom again.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-06-2022, 2:22 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Sickening. I hope he never sees freedom again.
Don't worry, I'm sure he will be on the trump pardon list.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-07-2022, 3:22 PM
So what are we thinking Dems hold the senate and Republicans take the house?
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-08-2022, 9:09 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
So what are we thinking Dems hold the senate and Republicans take the house?
theyre thinking any day now the proof will come out Paul's gay drug addled lover is real. lol.
Join Date: Mar 2018
11-08-2022, 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Biden is really on a roll. Is he the best president ever?
Troll away. Just goes to show you how intellectually dishonest you are.
Join Date: Mar 2018
11-08-2022, 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Don't worry, I'm sure he will be on the trump pardon list.
So you are admitting Trump will be the next president? Well done.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-08-2022, 7:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
So you are admitting Trump will be the next president? Well done.
Hope so just for the comedy factor
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-11-2022, 6:48 AM
So funny. Another dim loser was in his electric car, all alone, window down and mask on. Can’t tell for sure, but I’m pretty sure he’s got a man bun too. Lol
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-11-2022, 6:50 AM
Just like 95 and wake77, he’s in line for one of these as well.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-11-2022, 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Just like 95 and wake77, he’s in line for one of these as well.
Yor gay. Science confirms. The Only one seeking out dudes alone in cars with man-buns. Then take it another step, taking pics of them, im sure he thinks yor ugly AF.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-13-2022, 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yor gay. Science confirms. The Only one seeking out dudes alone in cars with man-buns. Then take it another step, taking pics of them, im sure he thinks yor ugly AF.
Apparently, I touched a nerve on you. I’m betting man bun boy is your doppelgänger.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-13-2022, 10:25 AM
Oh, and speaking of science…
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-13-2022, 8:38 PM
Slim possibility that the dems will also hold the house. Is this the best mid term performance in recent history? Biden really is a strong nomination for best president ever. Imagine if he leagilizes weed. Biden for God king. Almost completely forgotten about that orange baboon you elected previously.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-14-2022, 6:50 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Slim possibility that the dems will also hold the house. Is this the best mid term performance in recent history? Biden really is a strong nomination for best president ever. Imagine if he leagilizes weed. Biden for God king. Almost completely forgotten about that orange baboon you elected previously.
That’s an unoriginal take on the one I posted of him crashing bicycles. Weak sauce. You leftists can’t come up with an original joke to save your lives. Plagiarism is your only hope to ever be funny.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-14-2022, 8:15 PM
Metoo started 5 years ago. This bimbo didn’t get the part from her fellow democrat so now she’s jumping on the metoo bandwagon. She’s already a known homewrecker/ho (just like VP knee pads) that ruined her own marriage in the process of ruining her current husband’s previous marriage. I don’t get why these dims try to claim some righteous indignation after they acted like typical dims. I mean, besides only certain types of murder, only certain types of speech and any time you offend anyone of color, morals are all out the window for dims so why bother claiming them ever? It’s no different than Trump holding up a Bible. They’re all full of 95SN.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-15-2022, 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Metoo started 5 years ago. This bimbo didn’t get the part from her fellow democrat so now she’s jumping on the metoo bandwagon. She’s already a known homewrecker/ho (just like VP knee pads) that ruined her own marriage in the process of ruining her current husband’s previous marriage. I don’t get why these dims try to claim some righteous indignation after they acted like typical dims. I mean, besides only certain types of murder, only certain types of speech and any time you offend anyone of color, morals are all out the window for dims so why bother claiming them ever? It’s no different than Trump holding up a Bible. They’re all full of 95SN.
Was it Jesus again? He the one who advised you to defend Harvey Weinstein? You "Christians" always see the clear right-side on a difficult issue. Carlson, his show running defense for Harvey now? Brilliant, no wonder the midterm Bloodbath. VP knee pads has nothing on Melania does she, hypocrisy much? Carry on with your culture war and righteous indignation its a proven winning strategy. Just check the midterm results. Like TrumpJr. tweeted right before the election, (Tweeted cause no one would know if it was on TruthSocial) "Bloodbath!"
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-15-2022, 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Was it Jesus again? He the one who advised you to defend Harvey Weinstein? You "Christians" always see the clear right-side on a difficult issue. Carlson, his show running defense for Harvey now? Brilliant, no wonder the midterm Bloodbath. VP knee pads has nothing on Melania does she, hypocrisy much? Carry on with your culture war and righteous indignation its a proven winning strategy. Just check the midterm results. Like TrumpJr. tweeted right before the election, (Tweeted cause no one would know if it was on TruthSocial) "Bloodbath!"
Why would I EVER defend HW, the biggest dim of them all? Your whole bunch is rotten to the core.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-15-2022, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Why would I EVER defend HW, the biggest dim of them all? Your whole bunch is rotten to the core.
Posts are time stamped Boomer.
(markj) Join Date: Apr 2005 Yesterday, 8:15 PM Reply
Metoo started 5 years ago. This bimbo didn’t get the part from her fellow democrat so now she’s jumping on the metoo bandwagon.....
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-15-2022, 6:22 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Posts are time stamped Boomer.
(markj) Join Date: Apr 2005 Yesterday, 8:15 PM Reply
Metoo started 5 years ago. This bimbo didn’t get the part from her fellow democrat so now she’s jumping on the metoo bandwagon.....
Not sure what you're saying, Boomer. I'm GenX. YOU are the Boomer, Boomer.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-15-2022, 6:46 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Was it Jesus again? He the one who advised you to defend Harvey Weinstein? You "Christians" always see the clear right-side on a difficult issue. Carlson, his show running defense for Harvey now? Brilliant, no wonder the midterm Bloodbath. VP knee pads has nothing on Melania does she, hypocrisy much? Carry on with your culture war and righteous indignation its a proven winning strategy. Just check the midterm results. Like TrumpJr. tweeted right before the election, (Tweeted cause no one would know if it was on TruthSocial) "Bloodbath!"
Au contraire, my moronic friend. I've never defended HW. I merely pointed out the whole group of people in that business are trash.There's also nothing difficult about this issue. Those people are universally corrupt. The perv lived down the street of the hotel he stayed at. The hotel was his love shack. You dumb as those women and believe they didn't know what was going on or what it meant to go to his room? The term "casting couch" has been around for many decades. Like all dims, HW is/was NOT original. He is/was just one of the current generation of Hollywood dim slime balls.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-15-2022, 6:47 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Posts are time stamped Boomer.
(markj) Join Date: Apr 2005 Yesterday, 8:15 PM Reply
Metoo started 5 years ago. This bimbo didn’t get the part from her fellow democrat so now she’s jumping on the metoo bandwagon.....
Are you stalking me again like a psycho ex-girlfriend??? Dang man, get a life!
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-17-2022, 6:59 AM
LLLLLET’S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLE! With libtards owning the FBI, I doubt anything will come of this. With R’s castration of Biden’s spending ability, we gotta fill the news cycle with something now don’t we?
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-17-2022, 7:53 AM
Originally Posted by markj
That's really going to tighten up the boarder and reduce gas prices. Love how the Republicans get straight to the top issues effecting the American people.
They obviously watched and learned from the Jan 6th stuff, the voting base LOVE partisan investigations.
Join Date: Mar 2018
11-17-2022, 8:22 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
That's really going to tighten up the boarder and reduce gas prices. Love how the Republicans get straight to the top issues effecting the American people.
They obviously watched and learned from the Jan 6th stuff, the voting base LOVE partisan investigations.
Didn't you just tell us people liked what the democrats did? Didn't they just conclude 6 straight years of Russian collusion lies they created then investigated to turn the people against Trump and then do another 2 years of Jan 6? Sounds like the play book the people want right?
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-17-2022, 8:57 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Didn't you just tell us people liked what the democrats did? Didn't they just conclude 6 straight years of Russian collusion lies they created then investigated to turn the people against Trump and then do another 2 years of Jan 6? Sounds like the play book the people want right?
The democrats passed the monumental Infrastructure deal that trump talked about for 4 years. Biden took us out of war that trump talked about doing for 4 years. The Democrats passed the bills that gave billions to law enforcement. Biden payed down the US deficit that trump policies only made higher. Unemployment at lowest level in decades. Democrats are slowly bringing back the economy since trumps Corona virus response killed it. Sometimes its what you dont do. Democrats didnt try a violent and deadly take-over of the US Government on live TV. Trump did.
Dont blame dems for holding trumps feet to the fire after 1/6 committee showed exactly what trump and his people did. Lets wait and see if Biden takes a few truckloads of top secret documents home with him. lol.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-17-2022, 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Didn't you just tell us people liked what the democrats did? Didn't they just conclude 6 straight years of Russian collusion lies they created then investigated to turn the people against Trump and then do another 2 years of Jan 6? Sounds like the play book the people want right?
The "hoax" that keeps on giving.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-21-2022, 3:17 PM
Speaking of a hoax, it's good to know Russia isn't only responsible for Trump's 2016 win and high gas prices. Biden is also blaming them for the 20% price increase of Thanksgiving. Speaking of Thanksgiving, who do you libtards have to thank at Thanksgiving? Yourselves? Your friends? Russia? How does that work when you are either your own gods or godless?
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-21-2022, 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by markj
How does that work when you are either your own gods or godless?
Same way it works out when you worship the Mango Messiah I guess.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-23-2022, 10:01 AM
No need to thank anyone, anything, we are just plain thankful that we havnt been shot yet. Rough week to live in America. Thank God for Freedums.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-28-2022, 7:12 PM
Nothing but the best from the Biden admin. As usual. This guy must have seemed to check all the freak boxes to appeal to the rest of the freak party in charge of this country. You libtards must be so proud for being so inclusive right?
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-29-2022, 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Nothing but the best from the Biden admin. As usual. This guy must have seemed to check all the freak boxes to appeal to the rest of the freak party in charge of this country. You libtards must be so proud for being so inclusive right?
Impressive attempt to change the trending topic to what you and lying FOX thinks is much more pressing for America. Some guy no one will ever hear of steals luggage, wow, riveting. Lets just brush over the former pres having dinner with white supremists and antisemitic losers.
Last edited by 95sn; 11-29-2022 at 10:08 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-29-2022, 2:18 PM
Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Let’s see how much damage those white supremacists have compared to the nationwide libtard riots that went on costing billions. Speaking of white supremacists, Alyssa Milano thinking she was so woke and “giving back” her Tesla because she “didn’t want to support white supremacy” was hilarious. So hilarious that like most ignorant libtards, she didn’t know the original founders of Volkswagen (the brand of her new EV) were in fact Hitler and he Nazi party! Lol lol lol what a maroon!!! Every day brings a new story where Elon stomps out another libtard. I love it!
The left calling everyone white supremacists has lost all its teeth now after years of libtards abusing the term. First it was calling everyone racists and now it’s “graduated” to white supremacists. Either way it’s as toothless as tweaker dems. Also funny when you remember it was dems that kept slaves.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-29-2022, 3:51 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Every day brings a new story where Elon stomps out another libtard. I love it!
You are going to driving a Texas built cybertruck before you know it.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-29-2022, 4:04 PM
We already know what happens after "the nationwide libtard riots", The country dumped trump and elected Biden, who are you calling ignorant? Maybe ole Alyssa shouda bought a new Ford, duh. Tesla run by a current racist lunatic, not 90 years ago like VW. The terms are not over used, fact is the GOP does not want to offend their racist base, the MAGAs. First it was the rapists and murderers Mexico was sending, next The Muslim ban, there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville, Stand Down, Stand Back ...face it Trump and the GOP is the party of racism. How many black republican members of congress? You know your party is racist when you cant name a single black GOP member in congress. Hershel Walker is a pawn AND not in congress. Trump has lost all chance of getting moderate republicans, lost on the independents, he is loading up on the crazy, the Qanon, white supremacists and antisemitic losers like ye. Acts of desperation from one who sees the walls closing in. Bigotry and hate have a clear welcoming place, the GOP.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-29-2022, 9:02 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
You are going to driving a Texas built cybertruck before you know it.
It’s possible, I suppose. We already have a Model 3 and absolutely love it. Never thought I’d want one of those until I drove one. 0-60 never gets old in that car. We got it right as the Biden gas prices kicked in and right before the total cost went up by $10K. Still waiting on the license plates I ordered that will spell out a shortened version of “coal powered.” Had to do that for the ole poke in the libtard’s eyes. I won’t have two EV’s unless I have at least one gasser though. With dems running Kali, you never know when the power grid is gonna take a big 95SN and leave everyone stranded.
Honestly, I struggled at first while contemplating this purchase because I thought friends would think I started hugging trees and sniffing my own farts, but then Elon pissed off the left by allowing free speech so I guess they have a middle/right image now? Who knows? Who cares?
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-29-2022, 9:26 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
We already know what happens after "the nationwide libtard riots", The country dumped trump and elected Biden, who are you calling ignorant? Maybe ole Alyssa shouda bought a new Ford, duh. Tesla run by a current racist lunatic, not 90 years ago like VW. The terms are not over used, fact is the GOP does not want to offend their racist base, the MAGAs. First it was the rapists and murderers Mexico was sending, next The Muslim ban, there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville, Stand Down, Stand Back ...face it Trump and the GOP is the party of racism. How many black republican members of congress? You know your party is racist when you cant name a single black GOP member in congress. Hershel Walker is a pawn AND not in congress. Trump has lost all chance of getting moderate republicans, lost on the independents, he is loading up on the crazy, the Qanon, white supremacists and antisemitic losers like ye. Acts of desperation from one who sees the walls closing in. Bigotry and hate have a clear welcoming place, the GOP.
You’re on a slippery slope there. I’m no Elon fan boy, but I doubt he’s a racist lunatic. Especially since it’s ignorant people like you calling him that. I know your whole party heard the dog whistle and want to attack him because he is ending your party’s ban on free speech. I know that stung you people. It was a huge blow to your side that will have an enormous ripple effect for years. What’s so funny is he’s so much smarter than anyone on your side. So many of you have tried to attack him and he keeps OWNING you. Every one of you. Not one of you has escaped without a bloody nose minimum. It’s great theater watching you snowflakes melt.
Yes, the terms are WAY overused. That’s why they have no teeth unless you’re watching CNN or any other leftist MSM propaganda outlet. You on the left have beaten all life from those words to the point where the only people whose eyes don’t glaze over when you say them are your fellow leftists. All normal people turn their ears off when you start your tired old name calling. Speaking of blacks, your side is hemorrhaging them as well as others. Not sure you’re gonna get all of those 200 years out of them like LBJ promised.
Join Date: Apr 2005
11-29-2022, 9:31 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
We already know what happens after "the nationwide libtard riots", The country dumped trump and elected Biden, who are you calling ignorant? Maybe ole Alyssa shouda bought a new Ford, duh. Tesla run by a current racist lunatic, not 90 years ago like VW. The terms are not over used, fact is the GOP does not want to offend their racist base, the MAGAs. First it was the rapists and murderers Mexico was sending, next The Muslim ban, there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville, Stand Down, Stand Back ...face it Trump and the GOP is the party of racism. How many black republican members of congress? You know your party is racist when you cant name a single black GOP member in congress. Hershel Walker is a pawn AND not in congress. Trump has lost all chance of getting moderate republicans, lost on the independents, he is loading up on the crazy, the Qanon, white supremacists and antisemitic losers like ye. Acts of desperation from one who sees the walls closing in. Bigotry and hate have a clear welcoming place, the GOP.
Al Sharpton called. He wants his speech back.
Join Date: Apr 2002
11-30-2022, 8:04 AM
Originally Posted by markj
It’s possible, I suppose. We already have a Model 3 and absolutely love it. Never thought I’d want one of those until I drove one. 0-60 never gets old in that car. We got it right as the Biden gas prices kicked in and right before the total cost went up by $10K. Still waiting on the license plates I ordered that will spell out a shortened version of “coal powered.” Had to do that for the ole poke in the libtard’s eyes. I won’t have two EV’s unless I have at least one gasser though. With dems running Kali, you never know when the power grid is gonna take a big 95SN and leave everyone stranded.
Honestly, I struggled at first while contemplating this purchase because I thought friends would think I started hugging trees and sniffing my own farts, but then Elon pissed off the left by allowing free speech so I guess they have a middle/right image now? Who knows? Who cares?
WTF, no way you are driving an electric MAGA hat, you're trolling.
Join Date: Sep 2005
11-30-2022, 9:34 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You’re on a slippery slope there. I’m no Elon fan boy, but I doubt he’s a racist lunatic. Especially since it’s ignorant people like you calling him that. I know your whole party heard the dog whistle and want to attack him because he is ending your party’s ban on free speech. I know that stung you people. It was a huge blow to your side that will have an enormous ripple effect for years. What’s so funny is he’s so much smarter than anyone on your side. So many of you have tried to attack him and he keeps OWNING you. Every one of you. Not one of you has escaped without a bloody nose minimum. It’s great theater watching you snowflakes melt.
Yes, the terms are WAY overused. That’s why they have no teeth unless you’re watching CNN or any other leftist MSM propaganda outlet. You on the left have beaten all life from those words to the point where the only people whose eyes don’t glaze over when you say them are your fellow leftists. All normal people turn their ears off when you start your tired old name calling. Speaking of blacks, your side is hemorrhaging them as well as others. Not sure you’re gonna get all of those 200 years out of them like LBJ promised.
Only a lunatic or a fool pays $44Billion for a $25Billin dollar company. And then he started destroying the company he just bought. Fired what 1/2 the workers? Must be good for the economy. He brought back all the fine folks who broke the previous rules, the Covid liars, The conspiracy theory liars, the violence threats, the racists...sounds like good biz policy. Except it isnt, who knew the actual paying advertisers (50% so far) dont want to be associated with the lawless. Musk has slit the throat of that cow and bleeding it out. Your genius will probably take that $25Billion company into bankruptcy within 6 months. Winning.
Screaming out Free speech, isnt what you think it is. Conservatives just want the freedom to be the worst, most vicious versions of themselves without criticism, F that. They’ll hide their bigotry behind whatever they need to (Elons rights, states rights, religious freedom, personal freedom) but in the end, they’re just bad people who don’t want to be told they can’t be racists or homophobes. Freedom means nothing to you. I didnt hear you. Who are all the black congress-folks in the Republican party proving you arnt a bunch of raging racists??? Can you name one? Of course not. normal people, what a joke.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-01-2022, 4:10 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Only a lunatic or a fool pays $44Billion for a $25Billin dollar company. And then he started destroying the company he just bought. Fired what 1/2 the workers? Must be good for the economy. He brought back all the fine folks who broke the previous rules, the Covid liars, The conspiracy theory liars, the violence threats, the racists...sounds like good biz policy. Except it isnt, who knew the actual paying advertisers (50% so far) dont want to be associated with the lawless. Musk has slit the throat of that cow and bleeding it out. Your genius will probably take that $25Billion company into bankruptcy within 6 months. Winning.
Screaming out Free speech, isnt what you think it is. Conservatives just want the freedom to be the worst, most vicious versions of themselves without criticism, F that. They’ll hide their bigotry behind whatever they need to (Elons rights, states rights, religious freedom, personal freedom) but in the end, they’re just bad people who don’t want to be told they can’t be racists or homophobes. Freedom means nothing to you. I didnt hear you. Who are all the black congress-folks in the Republican party proving you arnt a bunch of raging racists??? Can you name one? Of course not. normal people, what a joke.
I’m surprised it’s only 50% since so many companies are just a bunch of woketard boomers like you now. Why don’t you remember your side’s very own words? “It’s a private company.” Elon can do whatever Elon wants with his company. I gotta admit it’s so entertaining watching people like you go into these chronic convulsive conniption fits because you’re not able to stifle free speech any more. All you can do is flail about, nutless, impotently continuing to attack people you disagree with. Lol Hey, at least we can define what a woman is.
As for blacks in congress, it’s still a very small pool of black people who are conservative. The number is growing. Unlike your side, we’re not a bunch of phony virtue signalers with affirmative action. I’m sure we’ll see some soon enough. I think it says more about your side that there are so few black conservative political leaders. Every time one of them attempts to lead, your side goes after them like a pack of rabid hyenas.
Honestly, your rapidity is palpable. I can visualize you flailing. I should thank you for the free entertainment. You’re like a really pissed off Barney Fife.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-01-2022, 4:29 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
WTF, no way you are driving an electric MAGA hat, you're trolling.
Believe it, homeboy. I’ve owned multiple Porsches, BMW’s, Audi’s etc and this is faster than all of them. I especially like the fart machine. It proves Elon has a sense of humor, another thing the left doesn’t understand.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-01-2022, 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by markj
I’m surprised it’s only 50% since so many companies are just a bunch of woketard boomers like you now. Why don’t you remember your side’s very own words? “It’s a private company.” Elon can do whatever Elon wants with his company. I gotta admit it’s so entertaining watching people like you go into these chronic convulsive conniption fits because you’re not able to stifle free speech any more. All you can do is flail about, nutless, impotently continuing to attack people you disagree with. Lol Hey, at least we can define what a woman is.
As for blacks in congress, it’s still a very small pool of black people who are conservative. The number is growing. Unlike your side, we’re not a bunch of phony virtue signalers with affirmative action. I’m sure we’ll see some soon enough. I think it says more about your side that there are so few black conservative political leaders. Every time one of them attempts to lead, your side goes after them like a pack of rabid hyenas.
Honestly, your rapidity is palpable. I can visualize you flailing. I should thank you for the free entertainment. You’re like a really pissed off Barney Fife.
Why blame US companies for pulling their advertising $$ if they think twitter is becoming a cesspool and they want no part of it? Its not woketard boomers, its sound business policy. Would you advertise your business on a child porn site? They dont want to be on a racist site, simple. My side? Sorry, i dont have a horse in this race, no twittter account, no tesla, no spaceships nor any Musk owned corp in my portfolio. Im just watching a rich dude screw-up from the sidelines. It will probably cost him. Makes no diff to me either way.
Why is the pool of conservative blacks so small?? Maybe because the republican base is racist and the black community isnt feeling comfortable voting for someone who wants them living on the other side of town. Unlike the dems who put a black woman in the white house, a black woman on the supreme court and a black man is the leader of Congress in the house. That plus the over 50 sitting congressmen and senators and plenty appointed by the Biden admin in other important posts. Thats not phony, not AA, that is backing what you preach. I heard an interview with H. Walker this am. In addition to the change in the way they spoke to walker, like they lived in the hood, I found it telling that the question they asked were about this weeks Georgia/LSU game. They did not ask any white office seekers a single football question. Just Walker. Why does Walker live in Texas if running in Georgia? seems sketch.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-01-2022, 1:14 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why blame US companies for pulling their advertising $$ if they think twitter is becoming a cesspool and they want no part of it? Its not woketard boomers, its sound business policy. Would you advertise your business on a child porn site? They dont want to be on a racist site, simple. My side? Sorry, i dont have a horse in this race, no twittter account, no tesla, no spaceships nor any Musk owned corp in my portfolio. Im just watching a rich dude screw-up from the sidelines. It will probably cost him. Makes no diff to me either way.
Why is the pool of conservative blacks so small?? Maybe because the republican base is racist and the black community isnt feeling comfortable voting for someone who wants them living on the other side of town. Unlike the dems who put a black woman in the white house, a black woman on the supreme court and a black man is the leader of Congress in the house. That plus the over 50 sitting congressmen and senators and plenty appointed by the Biden admin in other important posts. Thats not phony, not AA, that is backing what you preach. I heard an interview with H. Walker this am. In addition to the change in the way they spoke to walker, like they lived in the hood, I found it telling that the question they asked were about this weeks Georgia/LSU game. They did not ask any white office seekers a single football question. Just Walker. Why does Walker live in Texas if running in Georgia? seems sketch.
It’s still a mostly-free country. They can spend how they want. So can Elon if he wants to buy the company. Heck, he can shut the whole thing down if he wants. He can use $100 bills to wipe his 95SN every day for the rest of his life and never even feel the dent in his wallet. Racist site??? Lol that’s so rich. Who put the dent in your head that made you think that? Now if BLM has a Twitter account, I will agree that it allows open racists.
Why don’t you ask LBJ why the pool of conservative blacks is so small? You phony people forget we put a black man on the SC decades ago so suck it. Remember what you people did to him because he didn’t toe the libtard line? I do. It was disgusting. It’s the same thing you people do to every single black person who doesn’t believe the same lies as you. Yeah, Mr Magoo drug VP Kneepads, a mostly white hooker who sucked her way to the top and is currently married to a white guy. She was the first one to drop out of the libtard primaries because no one in your party liked her. She was picked 100% because of her color only. 100% affirmative action pick. She’s a complete embarrassment to your party and not even liked by your party.
Why are you surprised they wanted to talk football? Are you a woman that doesn’t understand sports or just that stupid? He won the flippin Heisman Trophy playing for Georgia! Go run your own foot over with one of your racist Nazi VW cars for that statement.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-01-2022, 4:06 PM
Musk can do whatever he likes just like anyone else. Also have to accept the repercussions, thats how life works. What he has done is cause a large increase in racist posts. Look it up yourself.
LBJ has been dead for 50 years he isnt a good source. We know who you put on the court, he is the guy who refuses to recuse himself on cases his own wife is involved in, specifically the 1/6 coup attempt. Wasnt he Long Dong Silver? or is that what Anita called him? He is a BINO. lol. Someone sure sounds triggered.
FYI, Walker is running for senate, not the Bulldogs, idiot. He won a Heisman, that and CTE is the complete list of his senate qualifications, for Texas, where he lives.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-01-2022, 5:55 PM
I'm not gonna look at your leftist propaganda BS. Free speech should be free speech. I guess you probably believe the BLM people should get a pass for all their offensive speech right? How bout your fellow libtards who started CHAZ? How bout all the defund the police democrap fools who caused crime rates to spiral? What about all the libtard groups who support the cold-blooded murder of children near birth? Should all the other libtard racists/criminals/goons be "filtered" out and cancelled too? I can't stand most of what comes out of your pie hole, but I support your right to spew stupidity as you see fit. I also can't stand 99.9% of what comes out of every other lying leftist's mouth in virtually every subject, but I'm not gonna support censoring those opinions either. I haven't even Wakeworld-cancelled you when I should have many times. Almost everyone here is DONE with your idiocy.
Sorry pally, you can't unring the LBJ bell that exposed your party's true racist beliefs and intentions which continue through today. He promised to "have those N...... voting Dim for 200 years." You guys have always been the OG racists in this country. You are the slave owners. Always have been, always will be. You just virtue signal to cover it up now. You see EVERYONE as a color only. Every election cycle you predictably wind the crank and open your black-in-the-box pandering routine like clockwork. As blacks get more informed, that's not working quite as well as it used to so now you're ballot harvesting to make up for it. MLK's words of judging someone by the content of their character meant ZERO to you people. That's why your VP Kneepads you're so proud of got people to pay to bail out dangerous criminals so they could go right out and victimize more people. You pander to the lowest common denominator. You're a sick sick group of people.
Yep, you're a woman who doesn't understand sports and what they represent to some men and I'm betting you're out of Vagisil.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-02-2022, 6:46 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Musk can do whatever he likes just like anyone else. Also have to accept the repercussions, thats how life works. What he has done is cause a large increase in racist posts. Look it up yourself.
LBJ has been dead for 50 years he isnt a good source. We know who you put on the court, he is the guy who refuses to recuse himself on cases his own wife is involved in, specifically the 1/6 coup attempt. Wasnt he Long Dong Silver? or is that what Anita called him? He is a BINO. lol. Someone sure sounds triggered.
FYI, Walker is running for senate, not the Bulldogs, idiot. He won a Heisman, that and CTE is the complete list of his senate qualifications, for Texas, where he lives.
The fact that you just called Clarence Thomas a BINO just PROVED what I’m saying about you. You see blacks as a color only. As less than human and unable to ever get outside of the libtard racism of low expectations. No one is an individual with you people. They’re all just monolithic groups that have to stay in their boxes or risk libtard attacks. Disgusting. Thanks for accidentally outing yourself. You are the best known self-owner on WW.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-02-2022, 8:58 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Believe it, homeboy. I’ve owned multiple Porsches, BMW’s, Audi’s etc and this is faster than all of them. I especially like the fart machine. It proves Elon has a sense of humor, another thing the left doesn’t understand.
Welcome to the dark side. Tell delta how wrong he is about electric cars.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-02-2022, 9:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I'm not gonna look at your leftist propaganda BS. Free speech should be free speech. I guess you probably believe the BLM people should get a pass for all their offensive speech right? How bout your fellow libtards who started CHAZ? How bout all the defund the police democrap fools who caused crime rates to spiral? What about all the libtard groups who support the cold-blooded murder of children near birth? Should all the other libtard racists/criminals/goons be "filtered" out and cancelled too? I can't stand most of what comes out of your pie hole, but I support your right to spew stupidity as you see fit. I also can't stand 99.9% of what comes out of every other lying leftist's mouth in virtually every subject, but I'm not gonna support censoring those opinions either. I haven't even Wakeworld-cancelled you when I should have many times. Almost everyone here is DONE with your idiocy.
Sorry pally, you can't unring the LBJ bell that exposed your party's true racist beliefs and intentions which continue through today. He promised to "have those N...... voting Dim for 200 years." You guys have always been the OG racists in this country. You are the slave owners. Always have been, always will be. You just virtue signal to cover it up now. You see EVERYONE as a color only. Every election cycle you predictably wind the crank and open your black-in-the-box pandering routine like clockwork. As blacks get more informed, that's not working quite as well as it used to so now you're ballot harvesting to make up for it. MLK's words of judging someone by the content of their character meant ZERO to you people. That's why your VP Kneepads you're so proud of got people to pay to bail out dangerous criminals so they could go right out and victimize more people. You pander to the lowest common denominator. You're a sick sick group of people.
Yep, you're a woman who doesn't understand sports and what they represent to some men and I'm betting you're out of Vagisil.
Why are you afraid to read anything other than far right reporting? Is that what master tells you? Do the research yourself and report back. Look into the changes since Musk took over, ill wait.
Free speech should be free speech is a great thought, except you forget about all the garbage that foul your little pool. Its fact, its why advertisers are bailing, its bad business to get in bed with the far right. Did you not hear the uproar after trumps Thanksgiving dinner guests??? Why did your boy Elon just dump your MAGA favorite Kanye off twitter? Apparently swastikas are not free speech. He is going to burn twitter to the ground.
Hey, thanks for sharing your feelings but you live in California where abortion is legal, it is not cold blooded and does not involve children unless a child needs to abort a zygote. Your feelings are fine to have but it isnt legal to force them on others, its radical to think otherwise. Abortion is popular and wanted across the entire US. Fact.
So, you want to use a guy who has been dead for over 70 years as proof Dems are racist?? Did you already forget the GOP has zero black reps/senators in 2022, also known as right now, aka, currently?? Are you forgetting who the likely GOP candidate for president in 2024 is? Its that guy, the one who just celebrated thanksgiving with a couple white nationalists and known antisemites, one who just got booted off twitter for posting swastikas. Why do you think the GOP ran Walker?? Cause hes black idiot. 100% color only, he has zero other qualifications other than uh, Heisman good. Is putting a gun to his wifes head and threatening to blow her head off a qualification? Does paying for multiple abortions get you into the prolife movement lead? Does living in TX qualify to run in Georgia? Explain his qualifications for senate if i am wrong. I can wait.
Its funny to watch a FOX brainwashed idiot showing how well the grooming works on the daily. I am judging YOU by your character and you have none.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-02-2022, 10:06 AM
Courtesy FOX Entertainment. Get your Angertainment here.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-02-2022, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Welcome to the dark side. Tell delta how wrong he is about electric cars.
It’s a personal decision for everyone. It might be a terrible choice for him. For me, I had my wife add up what she was having to spend each month for Biden gas. The gas cost alone of the old car (Land Rover) makes the Tesla payment as well as the electricity cost. The other thing that tips the scales is no more oil changes and other costly maintenance. The lynch pin for me to consider other cars was the $2,400 water pump on a car with less than 40K miles. Screw that.
Oh hey, there’s one other thing about that Alysa Milano story just for 95. Not only was VW a company started by Hitler, they also just got busted for INTENTIONALLY polluting with their diesel cars and lying about it a few years ago. Like him, she’s a double idiot. You virtue signalers have to do that because you can’t argue any point successfully and honestly at the same time.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-02-2022, 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why are you afraid to read anything other than far right reporting? Is that what master tells you? Do the research yourself and report back. Look into the changes since Musk took over, ill wait.
Free speech should be free speech is a great thought, except you forget about all the garbage that foul your little pool. Its fact, its why advertisers are bailing, its bad business to get in bed with the far right. Did you not hear the uproar after trumps Thanksgiving dinner guests??? Why did your boy Elon just dump your MAGA favorite Kanye off twitter? Apparently swastikas are not free speech. He is going to burn twitter to the ground.
Hey, thanks for sharing your feelings but you live in California where abortion is legal, it is not cold blooded and does not involve children unless a child needs to abort a zygote. Your feelings are fine to have but it isnt legal to force them on others, its radical to think otherwise. Abortion is popular and wanted across the entire US. Fact.
So, you want to use a guy who has been dead for over 70 years as proof Dems are racist?? Did you already forget the GOP has zero black reps/senators in 2022, also known as right now, aka, currently?? Are you forgetting who the likely GOP candidate for president in 2024 is? Its that guy, the one who just celebrated thanksgiving with a couple white nationalists and known antisemites, one who just got booted off twitter for posting swastikas. Why do you think the GOP ran Walker?? Cause hes black idiot. 100% color only, he has zero other qualifications other than uh, Heisman good. Is putting a gun to his wifes head and threatening to blow her head off a qualification? Does paying for multiple abortions get you into the prolife movement lead? Does living in TX qualify to run in Georgia? Explain his qualifications for senate if i am wrong. I can wait.
Its funny to watch a FOX brainwashed idiot showing how well the grooming works on the daily. I am judging YOU by your character and you have none.
I’ll be back to mop the floor with you later. Time to wipe and go back to work. TTFN.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-02-2022, 1:39 PM
Originally Posted by markj
I’ll be back to mop the floor with you later. Time to wipe and go back to work. TTFN.
Great, dont forget to update on your and Elons lie about the upcoming Pelosi divorce, you know she found out about his gay lover and where he stuck the hammer. Every wipe equals more lost brain cells for you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-02-2022, 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Great, dont forget to update on your and Elons lie about the upcoming Pelosi divorce, you know she found out about his gay lover and where he stuck the hammer. Every wipe equals more lost brain cells for you.
You mean to tell me Nancy is giving up the donkey show and Paul Pelosi has to find a new beard to cover his homosexuality? Say it ain’t so! It sure was nice to flush a big 95SN earlier. Actually felt kind of emotional about it. Feelin better now that it’s gone. It started making me think again about how Delta permanently blocked you. He might be onto something.
Join Date: Mar 2018
12-03-2022, 9:00 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Welcome to the dark side. Tell delta how wrong he is about electric cars.
No wrong at all about electric cars. I think they are great in their limited scope. I would not mind one for the wife because she just goes around town. They are just a horrible pain in the ass for long trips, very expensive when that battery goes out. They are not the savoir that the left thinks they are. If companies want to make them to make them then fine. Don't force it on us and destroy our infrastructure over it.
Join Date: Apr 2002
12-03-2022, 4:15 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
They are not the savoir that the left thinks they are. If companies want to make them to make them then fine. Don't force it on us and destroy our infrastructure over it.
Lol at thinking the vehicle market is driven by anything else but market forces. "The left" is powerless to stop what cars get made, the market will decide and imo within 10 years gas cars will be too expensive to purchase and operate.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-05-2022, 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Lol at thinking the vehicle market is driven by anything else but market forces. "The left" is powerless to stop what cars get made, the market will decide and imo within 10 years gas cars will be too expensive to purchase and operate.
Only way that stays true is if the left manipulates the market by continuing the war on fossil fuels like they have already done.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-05-2022, 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Only way that stays true is if the left manipulates the market by continuing the war on fossil fuels like they have already done.
You have been groomed by fear for too long. Fear of the radical left. Dude just finished saying the left has no control of market forces. So, is elon manipulating the market? Is he part of the left or the right? Your new boyfriend is king of the electric cars you simultaneously own and despise. Your mind is a clustered up clownshow.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-05-2022, 5:00 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You have been groomed by fear for too long. Fear of the radical left. Dude just finished saying the left has no control of market forces. So, is elon manipulating the market? Is he part of the left or the right? Your new boyfriend is king of the electric cars you simultaneously own and despise. Your mind is a clustered up clownshow.
Lie. Lie. "Dude" is wrong and I pointed out how. Elon eliminated your side's monopoly on big tech/media, exposed the conspiracy and your heads are exploding over it. He used to be your side's darling and now that he wants a level playing field where all voices can be heard, you crybullies go into attack mode. So funny you keep talking about the Hunter laptop scandal like that's what it is. It's FAR more than that. It exposes "The Big Guy" big time. Now we're learning how the FBI colluded with Twitter to kill the laptop story. This whole thing is just getting started and there hasn't been any legit investigations yet. We all knew it long ago. It's just about to be proven to everyone. Pop corn ready... (not to be confused with Biden's Corn Pop)
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-05-2022, 5:34 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You have been groomed by fear for too long. Fear of the radical left. Dude just finished saying the left has no control of market forces. So, is elon manipulating the market? Is he part of the left or the right? Your new boyfriend is king of the electric cars you simultaneously own and despise. Your mind is a clustered up clownshow.
Anyone counting on Elon being a right winger is gonna be super disappointed soon enough. He just got fed up with you conspiring, lying loonies on the left being so evil like you are. Gotta love the Twitter dumps and whistleblowers that expose how corrupt the left is and how they absolutely conspired with the FBI. Who said I despised electric cars? I still don’t think they’re even the best for the environment when you consider all things. It worked for me this time because I bought before the big price increases, rebates evaporated and before people realized Biden gas prices were gonna stay here for awhile. People who believed the lying left who told us “high prices were transitory” were the ones who had/have to fork over a lot more cash than I did.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-05-2022, 7:09 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Lie. Lie. "Dude" is wrong and I pointed out how. Elon eliminated your side's monopoly on big tech/media, exposed the conspiracy and your heads are exploding over it. He used to be your side's darling and now that he wants a level playing field where all voices can be heard, you crybullies go into attack mode. So funny you keep talking about the Hunter laptop scandal like that's what it is. It's FAR more than that. It exposes "The Big Guy" big time. Now we're learning how the FBI colluded with Twitter to kill the laptop story. This whole thing is just getting started and there hasn't been any legit investigations yet. We all knew it long ago. It's just about to be proven to everyone. Pop corn ready... (not to be confused with Biden's Corn Pop)
LOL, there he goes, down another conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Time and Time again... Cant help yourself, its programmed in. This is no different than your paul pelosi scandal that also never happened and went away. Coincidence, Elon pushed that one too, he must be a jenius. All you do is get false conspiracy boners and come on here to spout them. Then it all dies off and you start up on the next bait you were tossed like a trained seal. LOL, FBI/Twitter collusion, Exposed, The Big Guy, The Evil Left... all the buzz words yall like so much. FYI #1 A 5 minute Google search would save you time and embarrassment of posting lies and mis-truths.
FYI #2, I never voted for Hunter, not a single Lib did. You can have him. No one cares about hunter biden. He has zero place in any political party other than being the drug addict son of the current prez. But please, feel free to enjoy Hunters dick pics that Elon says you have a constitutional right to see. So funny.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-06-2022, 8:06 PM
Tell that to the whistleblowers who are outing you. Your false labeling and dismissal of people who expose the truth are catching up to your party. The only false part about Pelosi's hammer time were your "he's a right winger" lies. It was your MSM who had to stop reporting that after that inconvenient truth came out and after the election was over and they didn't need to push the lies about him being a right winger for political reasons. That whole thing was just another MSM lying narrative. The guy was a (among many other libtard causes) registered Green Party member living in the libtard Mecca of Berkeley of all places, you dolt. Again, you guys are pure evil.
You go ahead and try to keep diverting attention from The Big Guy by steering the talk to Hunter all day. It don't matter. It's The Big Guy who's goin down. No one on the right cares about Hunter either. It's The Big Guy of the Biden crime family we're after. I'm sure you'd LOVE to sacrifice Hunter like you keep trying to do. That ain't gonna work, pal. Hunter is roadkill except for all those crooked deals that illegally filled the Biden Family coffers. We want The Big Guy and he's goin down.
Join Date: Jul 2007
12-07-2022, 5:02 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Tell that to the whistleblowers who are outing you. Your false labeling and dismissal of people who expose the truth are catching up to your party. The only false part about Pelosi's hammer time were your "he's a right winger" lies. It was your MSM who had to stop reporting that after that inconvenient truth came out and after the election was over and they didn't need to push the lies about him being a right winger for political reasons. That whole thing was just another MSM lying narrative. The guy was a (among many other libtard causes) registered Green Party member living in the libtard Mecca of Berkeley of all places, you dolt. Again, you guys are pure evil.
You go ahead and try to keep diverting attention from The Big Guy by steering the talk to Hunter all day. It don't matter. It's The Big Guy who's goin down. No one on the right cares about Hunter either. It's The Big Guy of the Biden crime family we're after. I'm sure you'd LOVE to sacrifice Hunter like you keep trying to do. That ain't gonna work, pal. Hunter is roadkill except for all those crooked deals that illegally filled the Biden Family coffers. We want The Big Guy and he's goin down.
Do you ever research anything before posting? It doesn't seem like it. Here's more info on Pelosi's attacker, DePape. Long ago he was left and seems to have switched to a right-wing conspiracy theory-believing nutjob.
In 2021, DePape had posted videos by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell that falsely claimed the 2020 U.S. presidential election to have been stolen; across 2022, he linked to COVID-19 vaccine misinformation videos – claiming that the vaccines were deadly and that data was covered up – and alleged that George Floyd had died of a drug overdose rather than being murdered by former officer Derek Chauvin.[50] He credited Gamergate for making him shift in 2014 to right-wing politics. He also expressed a fascination for conservative authors Jordan Peterson and James A. Lindsay.[55][48] One month before the attack, a website written under DePape's name declared that any journalist who challenged Trump's election fraud claims "should be dragged straight out into the street and shot".[56] DePape also attacked Jews, immigrants, people of color, women, LGBTQ people, social justice warriors, Catholics, and Muslims.[54][42][50][57] He promoted a range of antisemitic conspiracy theories, including proclaiming the innocence of Adolf Hitler, denying the Holocaust, and accusing Jews of orchestrating the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[49][53][58] His online posts were also often delusional, once attacking Jesus as "the antichrist" and included references to communication with invisible fairies and the occult.[54][38] His last post, published a day before the attack, was titled "Why Colleges are becoming Cults".[48]
Party affiliation records note DePape to be a Green as of 2014; according to Taub, he was "more on the far left than the far right" during their relationship.[55][46] Experts on extremism and terrorism say that such shifts in views — from left-wing fringe movements to the far-right — can be held as "side switching", a fairly common phenomenon among persons who are radicalized online, who shift between "mutually exclusive or hostile ideologies" through "bridging areas" such as antisemitism, anti-government stance, and misogynist beliefs.[55]
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-07-2022, 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Tell that to the whistleblowers who are outing you. Your false labeling and dismissal of people who expose the truth are catching up to your party. The only false part about Pelosi's hammer time were your "he's a right winger" lies. It was your MSM who had to stop reporting that after that inconvenient truth came out and after the election was over and they didn't need to push the lies about him being a right winger for political reasons. That whole thing was just another MSM lying narrative. The guy was a (among many other libtard causes) registered Green Party member living in the libtard Mecca of Berkeley of all places, you dolt. Again, you guys are pure evil.
You go ahead and try to keep diverting attention from The Big Guy by steering the talk to Hunter all day. It don't matter. It's The Big Guy who's goin down. No one on the right cares about Hunter either. It's The Big Guy of the Biden crime family we're after. I'm sure you'd LOVE to sacrifice Hunter like you keep trying to do. That ain't gonna work, pal. Hunter is roadkill except for all those crooked deals that illegally filled the Biden Family coffers. We want The Big Guy and he's goin down.
LOL, Look at the brainwashed seal on display.
Fact, since day one Pelosi (husband of Dem leader) was attacked by a nutjob, and just like you he believed and pushed false conspiracy theories. He was a big mypillow idiot fanboy, antivax, election conspiracies and on and on. All far right ideology. Green party registration was in 2003, 20 years ago prior to his mental breakdown and means nothing. How many republicans have you called out as RINO's? All registered republicans, just like me. Registration shows nothing. Let me divert your attn here....There is no "The Big GUY" scandal. This story has been around since before the election. Are you claiming someone shut Tucker up?? Who did it? He said he had the "laptop". Didnt he interview the blind computer repair guy live two years ago?? There is nothing new, no damning news about The Big Guy, no matter how hard they try. Still nothing, No Biden Crime Family, just a drug addict son who may or may not have had his laptop stolen. You cannot name a single crime or even a rational claim of an actual crime. Just "The big guy going down, lol. You sound confident, just like you did right before the BIG RED WAVE that the Right was about to unleash on the Libs....til they lost the senate, again, with trumps help, again. lol. Another trump hand-picked candidate lost last night. Just like you did when you tried to claim Pelosi had a gay lover. You are always wrong. Tired of winning yet?
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-09-2022, 8:14 AM
Well, as promised, Elon drops the mic by releasing proof that democrats conspired to stomp out free speech and effect the election. So much for that democrat reflex calling everyone conspiracy theorists. Read it and weep, libtards. You are officially outed as the unamerican scum of the earth we all know you are. I think Don Jr’s response said it best. Beware libtards, humor is at work and we all know that’s a foreign language to you.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-09-2022, 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Well, as promised, Elon drops the mic by releasing proof that democrats conspired to stomp out free speech and effect the election. So much for that democrat reflex calling everyone conspiracy theorists. Read it and weep, libtards. You are officially outed as the unamerican scum of the earth we all know you are. I think Don Jr’s response said it best. Beware libtards, humor is at work and we all know that’s a foreign language to you.
Damn, SECRET BLACKLISTS!!! What a hot take " FOX BREAKING NEWS!!!!!" WOW, Poor little victim, always the victim. Your victimhood complex fuels your anger and rage, FOX knows. it feeds into that, like a drug pusher. Its literally 100% emotional, zero actual thought. Twitter isnt the Govt fool, the 1st amendment protects Twitters right to do what they want. Now, Pick up your stupid conspiracy theory along with trumps soiled diaper and go home.
from 2018...Twitter announces it will hide tweets from trolls.
Now, if twitter calls out to trash the constitution and appoint some one as president, let me know.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-10-2022, 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Damn, SECRET BLACKLISTS!!! What a hot take " FOX BREAKING NEWS!!!!!" WOW, Poor little victim, always the victim. Your victimhood complex fuels your anger and rage, FOX knows. it feeds into that, like a drug pusher. Its literally 100% emotional, zero actual thought. Twitter isnt the Govt fool, the 1st amendment protects Twitters right to do what they want. Now, Pick up your stupid conspiracy theory along with trumps soiled diaper and go home.
from 2018...Twitter announces it will hide tweets from trolls.
Now, if twitter calls out to trash the constitution and appoint some one as president, let me know.
Government agencies were meeting weekly with Twitter and telling them to stifle conservative's free speech and most importantly, the truth about many things. Twitter was acting as an agent for the administration. If the truth about Hunter's laptop and "The Big Guy" was known in 10/2020, Trump would be prez, this country would have millions fewer illegals, food and fuel would be affordable, world peace would prevail, the US economy wouldn't be receding and the Biden crime family would be known for being just that. The only emotion here is disgust at your party's level of straight evil exemplified by your gaslighting, name-calling and cry bullying.
Last edited by markj; 12-10-2022 at 11:11 AM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-10-2022, 11:18 AM
Heee's baaack! Same mentally ill, drag queen Biden pick just doing his thing. He's not just a mentally ill alphabet democrat poster boy, he's a clepto too. The best part is they have him on video wearing a rainbow nuclear symbol T-shirt as he's stealing a chick's luggage. You can't make this stuff up.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-10-2022, 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Government agencies were meeting weekly with Twitter and telling them to stifle conservative's free speech and most importantly, the truth about many things. Twitter was acting as an agent for the administration. If the truth about Hunter's laptop and "The Big Guy" was known in 10/2020, Trump would be prez, this country would have millions fewer illegals, food and fuel would be affordable, world peace would prevail, the US economy wouldn't be receding and the Biden crime family would be known for being just that. The only emotion here is disgust at your party's level of straight evil exemplified by your gaslighting, name-calling and cry bullying.
1st, I asked you to do a google search to check and verify, I see you failed to take the advice. And to think, you could have avoided looking like a pawn. Your media depends on the fact you wont fact check them. Im not in the cult, I will help you out.
Trump was on twitter right up to the time he led an unsuccessful violent attempt to take over the US Govt. You think they should have left him up after that?? The leader of Oath Keepers was just CONVICTED of Seditious Conspiracy, not arrested, not charged, not indicted, Convicted. What do you think the charges will be against Trump???
Hunter story was published by the Post in October 2020, as I recall, Tucker was all over it too, Im sure OAN and Breitbart and all your other far right sources covered it. It was talked about here on WW. Its not a story, its nothing. Thats why it never turned into anything. Its info on a known drug addict, its only a story because who his dad is. There is no "evidence " on The Big Guy, or Biden Crime Family... if there was....Where is it?? Been over 2 years, Rudy had the laptop, right?? Why is Tucker sitting on this???? He got his UPS delivery didnt he? Seems your own people are holding out on you. You blame twitter??WTF??
Why not have the same questions on the Trump Crime Family?? They were just CONVICTED on 17 Criminal counts. Hunter never had a job for the US Govt, but Ivanka did, Jared did, why no issue there?? Trump, Under investigation for 1/6, cheating in the election, State of Georgia, Stealing Classified documents......endless suits and investigations... There is nothing pending on Biden, no crimes, no investigation, no one pleading the 5th, just a surprisingly productive administration. Passed several major bills thru congress, paying down the US debt and easing inflation, gas prices down, down down. Biden, the guy you personally claimed was near dead and wouldnt survive the 1st year of pres and at the same time he is leading the Biden Family Crime Syndicate. Clown.
Trump lost, he tried to steal the election from The People after they spoke, elections matter. He is a dirtbag. He said to throw out the constitution and install him, dines with antisemites and white nationalists...but thats all fine with you , ITS BIDEN!!!!!! You have a very active imagination...and too many un-natural FEELINGS for Yor Daddy. Crybully, lol, Snowflake, keep whining.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-10-2022, 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Heee's baaack! Same mentally ill, drag queen Biden pick just doing his thing. He's not just a mentally ill alphabet democrat poster boy, he's a clepto too. The best part is they have him on video wearing a rainbow nuclear symbol T-shirt as he's stealing a chick's luggage. You can't make this stuff up.
This guy may be a problem. Maybe give the walking papers, Youre Fired! The good news its one deputy assistant secretary not a top person, nothing like the dozens of trump cabinet members and appointees who were fired, replaced or forced to resign for cause or for embarrassment. Longest list in the history of US Presidents. @worstinhistory
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-10-2022, 7:40 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This guy may be a problem. Maybe give the walking papers, Youre Fired! The good news its one deputy assistant secretary not a top person, nothing like the dozens of trump cabinet members and appointees who were fired, replaced or forced to resign for cause or for embarrassment. Longest list in the history of US Presidents. @worstinhistory
For some crazy reason, you never read these stories in the MSM. Gee, I wonder why when they are so “fair and balanced” and never partisan like you say. I can’t remember the other tranny Biden cabinet pick. We don’t hear that much from him lately. He must be content trying on dresses trying to get everyone else to believe he’s a she.
Last edited by markj; 12-10-2022 at 7:43 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-10-2022, 7:52 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
1st, I asked you to do a google search to check and verify, I see you failed to take the advice. And to think, you could have avoided looking like a pawn. Your media depends on the fact you wont fact check them. Im not in the cult, I will help you out.
Trump was on twitter right up to the time he led an unsuccessful violent attempt to take over the US Govt. You think they should have left him up after that?? The leader of Oath Keepers was just CONVICTED of Seditious Conspiracy, not arrested, not charged, not indicted, Convicted. What do you think the charges will be against Trump???
Hunter story was published by the Post in October 2020, as I recall, Tucker was all over it too, Im sure OAN and Breitbart and all your other far right sources covered it. It was talked about here on WW. Its not a story, its nothing. Thats why it never turned into anything. Its info on a known drug addict, its only a story because who his dad is. There is no "evidence " on The Big Guy, or Biden Crime Family... if there was....Where is it?? Been over 2 years, Rudy had the laptop, right?? Why is Tucker sitting on this???? He got his UPS delivery didnt he? Seems your own people are holding out on you. You blame twitter??WTF??
Why not have the same questions on the Trump Crime Family?? They were just CONVICTED on 17 Criminal counts. Hunter never had a job for the US Govt, but Ivanka did, Jared did, why no issue there?? Trump, Under investigation for 1/6, cheating in the election, State of Georgia, Stealing Classified documents......endless suits and investigations... There is nothing pending on Biden, no crimes, no investigation, no one pleading the 5th, just a surprisingly productive administration. Passed several major bills thru congress, paying down the US debt and easing inflation, gas prices down, down down. Biden, the guy you personally claimed was near dead and wouldnt survive the 1st year of pres and at the same time he is leading the Biden Family Crime Syndicate. Clown.
Trump lost, he tried to steal the election from The People after they spoke, elections matter. He is a dirtbag. He said to throw out the constitution and install him, dines with antisemites and white nationalists...but thats all fine with you , ITS BIDEN!!!!!! You have a very active imagination...and too many un-natural FEELINGS for Yor Daddy. Crybully, lol, Snowflake, keep whining.
Google? Lol You mean one of the other big tech libtard lap dog companies?
Yeah, Elon is releasing the evidence of what went on now. There’s a new release every day now that reveals libtard conspiracy after conspiracy. Your CNN-type buddies in the leftist MSM can’t edit it first like they used to if people get it straight from Elon. I know that’s eating holes in your side. The walls are closing in on you people. Just wait for the new Congress to start.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-11-2022, 7:53 AM
…and the hits keep coming from Elon. Looks like Big Mike had a lot of pull to ban Trump.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-11-2022, 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by markj
For some crazy reason, you never read these stories in the MSM. Gee, I wonder why when they are so “fair and balanced” and never partisan like you say. I can’t remember the other tranny Biden cabinet pick. We don’t hear that much from him lately. He must be content trying on dresses trying to get everyone else to believe he’s a she.
I asked you twice in the last few days ago to Google first, then form an opinion. You keep refusing, keep doubling down on the way down that far right rabbit-hole. Everytime you continue looking like a fool. "MSM not fair to far right liars".
Its a fact most people just dont care about a minor govt employee with a theft problem. You on the other hand love the angertainment of it. "Fair and Balanced" is a FOX lie.
Last edited by 95sn; 12-11-2022 at 10:18 AM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-11-2022, 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Google? Lol You mean one of the other big tech libtard lap dog companies?
Yeah, Elon is releasing the evidence of what went on now. There’s a new release every day now that reveals libtard conspiracy after conspiracy. Your CNN-type buddies in the leftist MSM can’t edit it first like they used to if people get it straight from Elon. I know that’s eating holes in your side. The walls are closing in on you people. Just wait for the new Congress to start.
Wake me up when you have the hard evidence of THe BiG GuY doing,... i dont know something other than telling his drug addict son that he loves him. Everything Musk released is old news or Hunter Dick pics . LOL at you, thinking using trigger language like"CNN-type", Leftist MSM" means something... that works only on FoX idiots. Youre solemente weiner boy.
Yes, the new congress, cant wait. Republicans run on Inflation, Inflation, Inflation...Crime, Crime Crime, Fuel Prices, Fuel Prices, Fuel Prices, The Border, The Border.....ok we got the house by a razor thin majority, LETS INVESTGATE FAUCI!!!
Join Date: Sep 2005
12-11-2022, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Did you read your "Hits keep on coming " piece?? Are you trying to say that after 1/6, the day trump led a violent insurrection against the US Government that you feel Twitter should NOT have banned him? Is that your point?
Im pretty confident the overwhelming majority of the US population would agree with Mrs. Obama.
"Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior—and go even further than they have already by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technologies from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection," Obama wrote in a lengthy statement posted to Twitter on Jan. 7.
You appear to be fully radicalized if you think US corps should help over throw the US. Im sorry that US companies are not required to go full Rambo on the US GOvt because trumps ego is too fragile, too delicate to take his loss like a man. F'ed up dude. Maybe you should read it again,or for the first time. Idiot.
Join Date: Apr 2005
12-17-2022, 10:02 AM
This is what dims want America to be. A complete deviant freak show. Utterly sickening.