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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-10-2022, 11:41 AM Reply   
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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-10-2022, 7:02 PM Reply   
This is getting too easy. And sad.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-10-2022, 8:55 PM Reply   
Lol, that's pretty funny
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-11-2022, 9:49 AM Reply   
Darn those hot mics!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-11-2022, 10:10 AM Reply   
Wow, he said a bad word. Worst President ever.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-11-2022, 10:42 AM Reply   
It’s pretty funny watching him oscillate between semi-lucid and Mr Magoo. Any level of lucidity has proven to bring out a lot of anger. Maybe try some other dementia drugs?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-11-2022, 10:43 AM Reply   
“Sorry, that was just the Adderall talking.“ -Mr Magoo
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-11-2022, 11:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
It’s pretty funny watching him oscillate between semi-lucid and Mr Magoo. Any level of lucidity has proven to bring out a lot of anger. Maybe try some other dementia drugs?
Oh I hear you, I much perfer Trumps completely lucid hot mic's where he grabs them by the pussy because he is a man of God and wot not.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-11-2022, 12:50 PM Reply   
Exactly! LOL
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-13-2022, 2:15 AM Reply   
Biden tells the world, if the Saudi's dont pump oil, there will be a cut off in Arms. Wait, wait, stop the press, Thats Quid pro quo. Remember, impeach trump! he is threatening to cut off Arms support if they dont pump more oil. Well well well, looks like the dems need to impeach now! Saudi doesn't have to pump more oil, its their choice, so When trump asks Ukraine (an insanely corrupt country) to look into the bidens money laundering, which we all know is true, not Russian hoax, he is impeached! Remember, holding Arms aid for info on the Bidens illegal foreign affairs, but when Biden, publicly, says, if they dont pump oil we will take action, and the dems are all screaming "cut off their Arms support" thats ok?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 8:15 AM Reply   
Yeah the two-fist-bumping-murderers video that preceded Biden being on his knees begging for oil was an instant classic. Was that the only stop on his oil begging tour? The big surprise to me was that he didn't say, "I think my son, Beau was killed just a few miles from here." The bigger surprise was him getting away with telling us he wasn't there for oil. I guess when your side owns 95% of the media, you can say whatever lies you want to and get away with it.

Biden is absolutely guilty of and should be impeached for many crimes against America.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-13-2022, 8:30 AM Reply   
Trump knew how to handle the Saudi's, bend the knee and sell them weapons they use for genocide because Americans are sooooo pro-life and wot not.
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Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 10:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Biden tells the world, if the Saudi's dont pump oil, there will be a cut off in Arms. Wait, wait, stop the press, Thats Quid pro quo. Remember, impeach trump! he is threatening to cut off Arms support if they dont pump more oil. Well well well, looks like the dems need to impeach now! Saudi doesn't have to pump more oil, its their choice, so When trump asks Ukraine (an insanely corrupt country) to look into the bidens money laundering, which we all know is true, not Russian hoax, he is impeached! Remember, holding Arms aid for info on the Bidens illegal foreign affairs, but when Biden, publicly, says, if they dont pump oil we will take action, and the dems are all screaming "cut off their Arms support" thats ok?
lol, "Which we all know is true", do tell.
Did Biden ask Mohamad Bone Saw for dirt on trump or Fuel for America? Remember, thats the Def of Quid Pro Quo. Who is telling you this absolutely redic information? makin you look the fool. Saudis can do what they want, team with the free world and be part of it or team with Russia, a pariah state. Seems an easy choice.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yeah the two-fist-bumping-murderers video that preceded Biden being on his knees begging for oil was an instant classic. Was that the only stop on his oil begging tour? The big surprise to me was that he didn't say, "I think my son, Beau was killed just a few miles from here." The bigger surprise was him getting away with telling us he wasn't there for oil. I guess when your side owns 95% of the media, you can say whatever lies you want to and get away with it.

Biden is absolutely guilty of and should be impeached for many crimes against America.
The big surprise is your objectivity. Either Biden is releasing strategic reserves, is causing and is doing nothing to solve high fuel prices or he is "begging the Saudis" to sell more to America. Both is wrong according to you, guy cant win either way. Seems a guy you predicted would be senile and in an old folks home by now seems to never stop, a damn Energizer Bunny.
As far as your 95% media lie... Did Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, and Sheldon Adelson quit recently? Fox, Oann and Newsmax off the air?? Is Alex Jones still on the radio? Didnt the republican professional liar just lose ANOTHER lawsuit? A billion or so in damages so far for what?? Lying? hmmm, SOP. Youre pushing a myth, Conservatives have plenty of right leaning media and the entire am radio dial except for a little sports talk.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 10:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The big surprise is your objectivity. Either Biden is releasing strategic reserves, is causing and is doing nothing to solve high fuel prices or he is "begging the Saudis" to sell more to America. Both is wrong according to you, guy cant win either way. Seems a guy you predicted would be senile and in an old folks home by now seems to never stop, a damn Energizer Bunny.
As far as your 95% media lie... Did Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, and Sheldon Adelson quit recently? Fox, Oann and Newsmax off the air?? Is Alex Jones still on the radio? Didnt the republican professional liar just lose ANOTHER lawsuit? A billion or so in damages so far for what?? Lying? hmmm, SOP. Youre pushing a myth, Conservatives have plenty of right leaning media and the entire am radio dial except for a little sports talk.
You're right, he can't win with either of those loser ideas because they BOTH SUCK. He also can't win because he's PURPOSELY TRYING to hurt our country. He already IS senile. We see the video proof of it now almost daily. Besides the media sources you list, virtually all others are full-libtard from TV shows to news to talk shows to sports to....whatever. 95% was pretty accurate.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 11:09 AM Reply   
Whoopsie! here's a little inconvenient truth pointing out the fact that Biden lied to us again. He told us his fist-bumping trip to the rag head's place was "not for oil." Well, not only was he lying about that (as we all knew), we now learn from the rag heads that he begged them to wait until after the elections to cut production. Now, Biden is threatening them for spilling the beans on him and exposing him as the corrupt liar we all knew he was/is. A little over a year and a half of his presidency and we have countless crisis after crisis, corruption, throwing the US under the bus at every juncture, rampant crime sprees while releasing all the perps, welcoming millions of illegal aliens to invade our country, MASSIVE non-stop inflation, shrinking GDP, huge fuel prices, rapidly rising interest rates, extreme divisions and polarizations promoted between groups of people, highly unstable world peace/politics and the latest is nuclear threats like we haven't seen in over 40 years.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 11:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Trump knew how to handle the Saudi's, bend the knee and sell them weapons they use for genocide because Americans are sooooo pro-life and wot not.
You know what we didn't see in that? We didn't see Trump on his knees holding a gas can, begging that fool to sell us more gas. Hey, plus he got a nifty new gold chain with some bling on the end of it to flash in fronta all da ladies. All Biden got was a fist bump.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 11:52 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You're right, he can't win with either of those loser ideas because they BOTH SUCK. He also can't win because he's PURPOSELY TRYING to hurt our country. He already IS senile. We see the video proof of it now almost daily. Besides the media sources you list, virtually all others are full-libtard from TV shows to news to talk shows to sports to....whatever. 95% was pretty accurate.
why? how does that help dems? or the, you know, New World Order?
If the normal 6 oclock news on network TV is too far left for you, you may be a far right radical. Just a thought.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 11:59 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Whoopsie! here's a little inconvenient truth pointing out the fact that Biden lied to us again. He told us his fist-bumping trip to the rag head's place was "not for oil." Well, not only was he lying about that (as we all knew), we now learn from the rag heads that he begged them to wait until after the elections to cut production. Now, Biden is threatening them for spilling the beans on him and exposing him as the corrupt liar we all knew he was/is. A little over a year and a half of his presidency and we have countless crisis after crisis, corruption, throwing the US under the bus at every juncture, rampant crime sprees while releasing all the perps, welcoming millions of illegal aliens to invade our country, MASSIVE non-stop inflation, shrinking GDP, huge fuel prices, rapidly rising interest rates, extreme divisions and polarizations promoted between groups of people, highly unstable world peace/politics and the latest is nuclear threats like we haven't seen in over 40 years.
Thank God for Fox letting us know the president is doing his job. You just sound uneducated and unhinged but certainly not polarized. Arnt those nuc threats from the guy trump trusted over every single US advisor and all our intelligence agencies? The one guy who he refused to allow a single note taker. Hmmm, I wonder why he didnt want anyone to know what they were talking about. Bad judge of character from a really bad character.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 12:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You know what we didn't see in that? We didn't see Trump on his knees holding a gas can, begging that fool to sell us more gas. Hey, plus he got a nifty new gold chain with some bling on the end of it to flash in fronta all da ladies. All Biden got was a fist bump.
No of course not. They brought a truck load of wheelbarrows to wheel out the cash.
And mohamad bone saw gave the cash against this advisers advice.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-13-2022, 1:06 PM Reply   
Biden and his admin has already stated they would take action against Saudi if they cut products. Its all over the web and news.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 1:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Biden and his admin has already stated they would take action against Saudi if they cut products. Its all over the web and news.
Correct. And....Im in favor of things like that that lower fuel prices. You want to pay more? Weird.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 2:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
why? how does that help dems? or the, you know, New World Order?
If the normal 6 oclock news on network TV is too far left for you, you may be a far right radical. Just a thought.
He can unlock our own oil reserves that are still in the ground, but he's beholden to you radical climate freaks who insist on ruining our economy and making us a third world country and continue to lie and say you're following the science when you're clearly not. Same type of radicalism that created the water crisis in Kali. Yeah, 6:00 network news is what created the vacuum that created Fox. You know that. Everyone knows that. Normal people got tired of being lied to by you dims.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 2:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Correct. And....Im in favor of things like that that lower fuel prices. You want to pay more? Weird.
Well that just shows your and your party's short sightedness. They can keep cutting production all they want and make it an economic war where we all continue to lose. Thanks to typical dim policies. The tab is still running, but I would guess he's cost most Americans at least $10K+ since his inauguration. The ONLY real solution is getting back a real president. After R's take the house, all we need is Mr Magoo 25th'd outa there and Ms Kneepads to catch AIDS from her normal behaviors and BOOM. There ya have it. Problem solved. Good guys are back.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 2:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No of course not. They brought a truck load of wheelbarrows to wheel out the cash.
And mohamad bone saw gave the cash against this advisers advice.
You can take that Huff n Puff attempted hit piece and shove it. It even says the relationship is legal.

Why don't you go buy one of Hunter's paintings?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 2:30 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Thank God for Fox letting us know the president is doing his job. You just sound uneducated and unhinged but certainly not polarized. Arnt those nuc threats from the guy trump trusted over every single US advisor and all our intelligence agencies? The one guy who he refused to allow a single note taker. Hmmm, I wonder why he didnt want anyone to know what they were talking about. Bad judge of character from a really bad character.
If doing his job is getting on his knees and begging a diaper head, so be it. That's not what Trump ever did to anyone. Those nuke threats are coming from a violent dictator that Trump had under control. Putin and every other bad guy was always afraid Trump was "just crazy enough to pull the trigger." Trump had those guys afraid. Same with fat boy in NK. Trump had words with him and shut his 95sn up in no time. Face it. You and all your libtard friends know Putin woulda NEVER dared invading Ukraine if Trump was in office. Trump's fat ego woulda never allowed that kind of unchecked aggression. He also woulda never had the money to if Biden hadn't raised fuel prices with his policies.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 2:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Correct. And....Im in favor of things like that that lower fuel prices. You want to pay more? Weird.
You mean lower them 10% and throw yourself a party like you did something great after your policies raised them 120%? That's what Mr Magoo did. Now they're going back up again. Total loser on the wrong side of virtually every single issue this country faces.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 3:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
He can unlock our own oil reserves that are still in the ground, but he's beholden to you radical climate freaks who insist on ruining our economy and making us a third world country and continue to lie and say you're following the science when you're clearly not. Same type of radicalism that created the water crisis in Kali. Yeah, 6:00 network news is what created the vacuum that created Fox. You know that. Everyone knows that. Normal people got tired of being lied to by you dims.
You are forgetting a few things. 1st getting off oil is the goal of the majority not just the US but in the world, it isnt a radical thought. You are pushing opinion of a quickly shrinking minority. 99+% of scientists believe Global warming is real making you the climate freak. Clearly the 1% of science that agrees with you proves that point, you are a huge minority. Normal people blah, blah, blah...normal people dont believe Trump won, but 74% of R's do. Its a cult.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 3:35 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Well that just shows your and your party's short sightedness. They can keep cutting production all they want and make it an economic war where we all continue to lose. Thanks to typical dim policies. The tab is still running, but I would guess he's cost most Americans at least $10K+ since his inauguration. The ONLY real solution is getting back a real president. After R's take the house, all we need is Mr Magoo 25th'd outa there and Ms Kneepads to catch AIDS from her normal behaviors and BOOM. There ya have it. Problem solved. Good guys are back.
Shortsightedness is those that dont see solar panels on their roof charging their cars/trucks so they can drive for free. Eliminating the demand for oil makes the US more powerful. Not having to work with the Russians/ Saudis/OPEC...because we dont need their oil makes us the Leader and takes their power away.
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-13-2022, 3:37 PM Reply   
NYC just hired a canabus equity Zar, so minorities can get pot for a lower price because pot prices are racist. lol You cant make this **** up. She bragged she was from portlant, YES portland, and worked on helping, yes helping,lol their drug distribution programs. HAHAHA a city that has turned into ****!
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 3:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You can take that Huff n Puff attempted hit piece and shove it. It even says the relationship is legal.

Why don't you go buy one of Hunter's paintings?
some cant handle the truth, like you. You are sounding desperate.
Please, Post some more FOX links. LOL.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 3:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You mean lower them 10% and throw yourself a party like you did something great after your policies raised them 120%? That's what Mr Magoo did. Now they're going back up again. Total loser on the wrong side of virtually every single issue this country faces.
not sure you understand. Lower=better. For the 13th time, Biden does not control oil prices. The oil companies raised them weeks ago "due to unforeseen maintenance", now they are coming down again. You yourself were just saying Biden was crying to the Saudis to pump more to lower prices. You indicate Saudis have more control than Biden. Local oil companies control supply. Whatever works for you changes daily. Tool.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 4:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
If doing his job is getting on his knees and begging a diaper head, so be it. That's not what Trump ever did to anyone. Those nuke threats are coming from a violent dictator that Trump had under control. Putin and every other bad guy was always afraid Trump was "just crazy enough to pull the trigger." Trump had those guys afraid. Same with fat boy in NK. Trump had words with him and shut his 95sn up in no time. Face it. You and all your libtard friends know Putin woulda NEVER dared invading Ukraine if Trump was in office. Trump's fat ego woulda never allowed that kind of unchecked aggression. He also woulda never had the money to if Biden hadn't raised fuel prices with his policies.
You just cant stop defending a common criminal no matter how much crap he pulls. LOL, under control, afraid of trump, thats hysterical. Did you forget they were best friends, want me to post the videos?
He had words for putin, they were "yes sir" "how high should I jump" "thanks for the election win" "what do I do next" "your bald head is very, very warm and soft" you know stuff like that. Thus no one could hear. Your desperation smells like trumps. Another bad week for the grifter.
We actually hear the words coming out of Bidens mouth calling Putin a Killer. Trump asked 100's of times never gave a straight answer about Putin, Because he was AFRAID and Putin had no need to invade a country Trump was busy blackmailing.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 4:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Shortsightedness is those that dont see solar panels on their roof charging their cars/trucks so they can drive for free. Eliminating the demand for oil makes the US more powerful. Not having to work with the Russians/ Saudis/OPEC...because we dont need their oil makes us the Leader and takes their power away.
Correction. Shortsightedness is believing the sales pitch of said solar panels only to discover you've been duped. Shortsightedness is burying your head in the sand when asked about where to dump the expired solar panels and batteries. Eliminating demand falsely is a corrupt practice only followed by corrupt dims in an effort to virtue signal as though "you care" (vomit). If electric is where it's at, let it sink or swim on its own merits. (not saying there aren't good things since I might own one) Not FORCE it on us while the ROW carries on with energy at 110% of the cost we're paying!!! After Trump secured energy independence for us, we were selling it, not importing it-thus greatly reducing our need to deal with dictators and diaper heads.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 4:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
not sure you understand. Lower=better. For the 13th time, Biden does not control oil prices. The oil companies raised them weeks ago "due to unforeseen maintenance", now they are coming down again. You yourself were just saying Biden was crying to the Saudis to pump more to lower prices. You indicate Saudis have more control than Biden. Local oil companies control supply. Whatever works for you changes daily. Tool.
Too many lies in one post. That's past my limit to respond to. You're fired. Next!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 4:28 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You just cant stop defending a common criminal no matter how much crap he pulls. LOL, under control, afraid of trump, thats hysterical. Did you forget they were best friends, want me to post the videos?
He had words for putin, they were "yes sir" "how high should I jump" "thanks for the election win" "what do I do next" "your bald head is very, very warm and soft" you know stuff like that. Thus no one could hear. Your desperation smells like trumps. Another bad week for the grifter.
We actually hear the words coming out of Bidens mouth calling Putin a Killer. Trump asked 100's of times never gave a straight answer about Putin, Because he was AFRAID and Putin had no need to invade a country Trump was busy blackmailing.
Common criminal like Biden, "The Big Guy" or grifter who gets his "donors" to buy his dope addict son's finger paintings? If Hunter is such the "arteeest," why ain't he still finger painting and making even more money with his "art?" Truth is Trump had you dims scared even more than the dictators. You or fools like you posted here many times accusing Trump of being the guy who was gonna start WWIII and he was some war monger etc. That was some SERIOUS projection! Turned out our country hadn't seen peace like that in decades.

You dims are so diplomatically challenged, you can't comprehend anything other than getting on your knees, gas can in-hand to the camel jockeys and then threatening revenge when those diaper heads only give you lip service and functionally tell you to pound sand. You're the classic case of the guy who doesn't get that the joke's on him.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-13-2022, 4:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
NYC just hired a canabus equity Zar, so minorities can get pot for a lower price because pot prices are racist. lol You cant make this **** up. She bragged she was from portlant, YES portland, and worked on helping, yes helping,lol their drug distribution programs. HAHAHA a city that has turned into ****!
Yeeea, boyeeeee! Yo, dis here is Dasheeda. Dats even a new name fo us black peeps ya know, but it's aaaah good. Bro, I will HOOK YOU UP! Nah mean? Once I get dat weed rollin, you be all flying high. Nah mean? Almost forgot. Dis don't apply to you dirty white honkeys. Y'all can go grow y'own y'hear? Mayor Adams da best. Peace!
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-13-2022, 6:40 PM Reply   
Biden asked to not cut production until the midterms are over. lol Its dem political election crime. But wait, it gets better, now that Latino's are starting to shift to the right, we have a new Racisim, Its no longer called white supremacy its now called LIGHT supremacy. So now the left is going after the latino, hispanic as racist because they are lighter skinned and moving away from the left socialists.

Wahts going to happen when the left runs out of racist groups? they will have to flip to eye color. HAHAHA
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 6:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Too many lies in one post. That's past my limit to respond to. You're fired. Next!
tranlation, I cant point out a single lie.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 6:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Common criminal like Biden, "The Big Guy" or grifter who gets his "donors" to buy his dope addict son's finger paintings? If Hunter is such the "arteeest," why ain't he still finger painting and making even more money with his "art?" Truth is Trump had you dims scared even more than the dictators. You or fools like you posted here many times accusing Trump of being the guy who was gonna start WWIII and he was some war monger etc. That was some SERIOUS projection! Turned out our country hadn't seen peace like that in decades.

You dims are so diplomatically challenged, you can't comprehend anything other than getting on your knees, gas can in-hand to the camel jockeys and then threatening revenge when those diaper heads only give you lip service and functionally tell you to pound sand. You're the classic case of the guy who doesn't get that the joke's on him.
If Hunter is a criminal, arrest him. I dont care. Just stop your crying about him.
Dems were only scared of trumps attempt side step the peaceful transition of power and illegally take over the Govt by force. Did you check in on any of the 1/6 hearings or are you afraid too?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-13-2022, 6:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
Biden asked to not cut production until the midterms are over. lol Its dem political election crime. But wait, it gets better, now that Latino's are starting to shift to the right, we have a new Racisim, Its no longer called white supremacy its now called LIGHT supremacy. So now the left is going after the latino, hispanic as racist because they are lighter skinned and moving away from the left socialists.

Wahts going to happen when the left runs out of racist groups? they will have to flip to eye color. HAHAHA
lol, which political election law did he break?
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-13-2022, 9:04 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
You know what we didn't see in that? We didn't see Trump on his knees holding a gas can, begging that fool to sell us more gas. Hey, plus he got a nifty new gold chain with some bling on the end of it to flash in fronta all da ladies. All Biden got was a fist bump.
Trump swapped that chain for a lap dance from Stormy Daniels
Old     (dougr)      Join Date: Dec 2009       10-14-2022, 4:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You just cant stop defending a common criminal no matter how much crap he pulls. LOL, under control, afraid of trump, thats hysterical. Did you forget they were best friends, want me to post the videos?
He had words for putin, they were "yes sir" "how high should I jump" "thanks for the election win" "what do I do next" "your bald head is very, very warm and soft" you know stuff like that. Thus no one could hear. Your desperation smells like trumps. Another bad week for the grifter.
We actually hear the words coming out of Bidens mouth calling Putin a Killer. Trump asked 100's of times never gave a straight answer about Putin, Because he was AFRAID and Putin had no need to invade a country Trump was busy blackmailing.
The biden family is criminal. And we dont have to give an opinion, its on the laptop, in all the text and emails. that the left refuse to acknowledge. The big guy even said, you fire the attorney coming after my son and we will help you! Trump asked, hey, we know the bidens are funneling money from Ukraine, China, Russia, whats the deal with Birizma and the corruption and the relationship Hunter and the big guy had? Oh, so thats not a national security issue? The big guy is getting millions, as well as his fam, by having his herion, crack smoking son "on the board" Please, you are a fool, and everyone with a pulse knows its all Bs.

Did you hear, Hunter is going to be the new, New York symphony Orchestra Conductor. Does he have any experience, no! has he ever conducted, NO! Sounds like we should give him 80k a month, WOW, more thatn the VP of most oil companies. lol No, no corruption here, nothing to see here!

you prop up Biden like no other, If i was a betting man, I bet you would suck his dick.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-14-2022, 8:56 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by dougr View Post
The biden family is criminal. And we dont have to give an opinion, its on the laptop, in all the text and emails. that the left refuse to acknowledge. The big guy even said, you fire the attorney coming after my son and we will help you! Trump asked, hey, we know the bidens are funneling money from Ukraine, China, Russia, whats the deal with Birizma and the corruption and the relationship Hunter and the big guy had? Oh, so thats not a national security issue? The big guy is getting millions, as well as his fam, by having his herion, crack smoking son "on the board" Please, you are a fool, and everyone with a pulse knows its all Bs.

Did you hear, Hunter is going to be the new, New York symphony Orchestra Conductor. Does he have any experience, no! has he ever conducted, NO! Sounds like we should give him 80k a month, WOW, more thatn the VP of most oil companies. lol No, no corruption here, nothing to see here!

you prop up Biden like no other, If i was a betting man, I bet you would suck his dick.
Where is Hunters laptop? Last I heard Tucker lost it when it was coming via Fedex???
LOL at Dougie and his quotes "The big guy even said, you fire the attorney coming after my son and we will help you! " To be honest, I have not heard these tapes of POTUS. Now, the part where you credit trump..."Trump asked, hey, we know the bidens are funneling money from Ukraine, China, Russia, whats the deal with Birizma and the corruption and the relationship Hunter and the big guy had? " There are actual recodings of Drump and that is not what he said. Do you have a copy of the recodings? A tape? a source? or did Tucker tell you? You sure seem to have created this theory in your mind. Even FOX wouldnt say this tripe.
Ill say it again, I dont care about Hunter B, if he did something wrong, arrest him. He was a known drug addict, they do every single kind of crazy thing under the sun for more drugs, nothing would surprise me. Go arrest him if there is evidence of a crime. Im not defending him.
Im not so much defending Biden as explaining to you that a president does not control fuel prices or most of the things you like to blame him for. Just like trump couldn't do anything when oil went to $25/barrel, it was due to lack of demand re the pandemic.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-15-2022, 7:19 PM Reply   
Creepy Joe at it again. Disgusting as usual. Needed to be punched in the throat by her dad. Why can’t he keep his hands off of underage teenage girls?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-18-2022, 6:09 AM Reply   
Mr Magoo strikes again! Or should I say, Ron Burgundy.

I think he was just trying to top his earlier dumb statements.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-18-2022, 12:24 PM Reply   
The democrat disease is spreading. Another dim-led city suffers attacks on cops. Not one arrest made because the tells the cops not to arrest anyone. This is intensional. Dims WANT THIS. They want chaos. They want felons right back on the street right after they commit crimes to commit more crimes. Most of these bikes and quads are stolen as you would expect since none of these thugs wants to get a job. Only way this ever gets fixed is if a R comes in there to cracks some skulls and restore law and order....... Not bloody likely.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 8:51 AM Reply   
Further dim policy infection. This is Gavin Newsome's and Mr Magoo's America. This is what dims fight to create. This is the furthest extension of where their policies lead to: Utter misery.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 9:37 AM Reply   
Thanks for reminding FOX is on the job. What would we do w/o them? Enough of the "reporting" not a single fix mentioned, just complaining Karens.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 9:42 AM Reply   
Why do they arrest you after they register you? Quick, callFOX so we can get the arrests on live TV, hard hitting stuff.

Seniors at The Village, a senior living community, several were arrested for voting twice, they had to take a civics class. Desantis is arresting those who registered in his system. But they're mostly black so there is that.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 9:46 AM Reply   
I wonder who is in favor of losing their medicare and Social Security savings? Thats what republicans are planing to take away. You ok with losing your source of income in retirement? This is what authoritarian governments do. How far will you go to vote your own money away?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 10:02 AM Reply   
oops. Another fine Republican. But yeah its Joe Biden with the problem, a man who has never been arrested or indicted, or a single rational accusation. Meanwhile trump has been indicted on rape charges several times, literally said on tape they let him grab them by the p##$$y and had to pay off two porn stars in (we all saw the signed checks) in order to run in 2016. Dozens of actual real accusations and suits decade after decade after decade. Seems a lifetime habit of sexual misconduct. He literally is being forced by the courts just last week to give a deposition in the E.Jean Carrol case. Way to stay OBJECTIVE.
Hes a saint.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 10:05 AM Reply   
Another dose of facts. Durham wasted millions of tax dollars in years long "Investigation of the Origins".... Remember, "Just wait for the Durham report" Trump lied again, another zero .
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 10:25 AM Reply   
Because they believe the Big Lie w/o a shred of actual proof of a single case of fraud (other than those who voted twice for trump). They are radical nutjobs no longer tethered to any truth, just radical crackpots. Conspiracy theorists, just like Alex Jones, a speaker at 1/6 who just was told to pay a $billion over his lies. Winning.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-19-2022, 10:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
The democrat disease is spreading.
You have never been so right, it's spreading to the GOP!
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 11:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You have never been so right, it's spreading to the GOP!
Yikes!!! What a loser. He must have been hanging out with Toobin again. Guess he'll be changing from a R to a D now.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 11:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Thanks for reminding FOX is on the job. What would we do w/o them? Enough of the "reporting" not a single fix mentioned, just complaining Karens.
We would go back to where we were before the MSM created the vacuum that created Fox in the first place. Duh!
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-19-2022, 11:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Guess he'll be changing from a R to a D now.
Lol, when you do the numbers it's the R who are obsesed with pedophilla, both talking about it and doing it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 11:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I wonder who is in favor of losing their medicare and Social Security savings? Thats what republicans are planing to take away. You ok with losing your source of income in retirement? This is what authoritarian governments do. How far will you go to vote your own money away?
Yeah sorry. I don't believe what any d's say. Especially when there's an election coming up. Just ask the black community. D's scare them into voting for them right before every election cycle. Rinse repeat. The fact that Mr Magoo begged his buddies, the Saudis to wait until after the election to cut back on oil production tells us all we need to know about how corrupt you guys are and how many lies you're willing to tell to get elected.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 11:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lol, when you do the numbers it's the R who are obsesed with pedophilla, both talking about it and doing it.
Do the numbers? What numbers? Who is grooming by promoting kid's drag shows? Hmm? Which party is that?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 11:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
oops. Another fine Republican. But yeah its Joe Biden with the problem, a man who has never been arrested or indicted, or a single rational accusation. Meanwhile trump has been indicted on rape charges several times, literally said on tape they let him grab them by the p##$$y and had to pay off two porn stars in (we all saw the signed checks) in order to run in 2016. Dozens of actual real accusations and suits decade after decade after decade. Seems a lifetime habit of sexual misconduct. He literally is being forced by the courts just last week to give a deposition in the E.Jean Carrol case. Way to stay OBJECTIVE.
Hes a saint.
Hard for the big guy to get arrested when he owns the people who should be investigating and arresting his crooked, corrupt 95SN. Just wait. Like you, he's an unoriginal dim (except for the creepy shoulder groping and sniffing). He'll be pulling a Reagan and "can't remember anything" soon enough.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 11:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I wonder who is in favor of losing their medicare and Social Security savings? Thats what republicans are planing to take away. You ok with losing your source of income in retirement? This is what authoritarian governments do. How far will you go to vote your own money away?
This smells like when Biden tried telling blacks, "R's want put you all back into chains." Friggin liars. All of you.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 12:06 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Yeah sorry. I don't believe what any d's say. Especially when there's an election coming up. Just ask the black community. D's scare them into voting for them right before every election cycle. Rinse repeat. The fact that Mr Magoo begged his buddies, the Saudis to wait until after the election to cut back on oil production tells us all we need to know about how corrupt you guys are and how many lies you're willing to tell to get elected.
of course not, youre a certified radical conspiracy believing whack job.
You dont know what Biden tried to negotiate, your a fox parrot.

Its easy enough to check on your own but FOX will not tell you, Gotta venture outside the echo chamber for truth. Mc Carthy is the source.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 12:13 PM Reply   
I think it’s so funny that the Saudis ratted the big guy out. That was them playing chess while Mr Magoo was playing checkers. BUSTED!!! Lol lol lol What a maroon!

Last edited by markj; 10-19-2022 at 12:19 PM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 12:16 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
of course not, youre a certified radical conspiracy believing whack job.
You dont know what Biden tried to negotiate, your a fox parrot.

Its easy enough to check on your own but FOX will not tell you, Gotta venture outside the echo chamber for truth. Mc Carthy is the source.
Which conspiracy do I believe in again? I can’t remember any.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-19-2022, 12:19 PM Reply   
Can any of you just imagine the look on Mr Magoo’s face when he heard that the Saudis exposed him, stomped on his empty gas can and openly disrespected him? I’m sure the look was just as blank as most of his looks nowadays.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 12:19 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hard for the big guy to get arrested when he owns the people who should be investigating and arresting his crooked, corrupt 95SN. Just wait. Like you, he's an unoriginal dim (except for the creepy shoulder groping and sniffing). He'll be pulling a Reagan and "can't remember anything" soon enough.
Running the DOJ as his own private hit squad didnt work out for trump. Durham wilted and failed. Clinton walking around and not locked up. Shoulder groping? that illegal? derp. Pu$$y grabbing is, so is rape and defamation. And pleading the 5th over 400 times in a single deposition is classy and upstanding.
Biden just lets them do their thing w/o getting involved. He didnt stop Hunters investigation did he? Yeah didnt think so.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 12:36 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Which conspiracy do I believe in again? I can’t remember any.
Most of them.
Biden controls fuel prices
Biden policy caused inflation, even tho inflation is world wide and US in better shape than most.
Democrats are groomers
Biden is running the DOJ for his benefit
If a republican got caught, hes a democrat
All crime is done by democrats
Democrats are "using" blacks
Bidens a pedo, groomer, trump isnt
MSM only lies, FOX is factual
The dems are out to get me and most R's
Biden forcing his donors to buy Hunters "art"
Weed caused the homeless crisis
Weed causes schizophrenia
There is no human caused climate crisis
HW is telling the truth
Trump not guilty of attempting a coup on and leading up to 1/6
Dems are forcing right wing radicals to start civil war on the US
Trumps not a grifter

This could go on forever with all the BS you spread.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-19-2022, 1:13 PM Reply   
Another, Crime of the Century!!

The allegations from Durham’s probe have also not erased the core finding of the Mueller probe — that Russia wanted Trump elected and that Trump’s team welcomed the help — nor have they swayed jurors.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-19-2022, 1:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You have never been so right, it's spreading to the GOP!
a community college district candidate? I am surprised they even put what party they are involved with at that level. Many times it is simply a name and maybe a dozen candidates at one time and people have to select who they want out of the names. Got busted. Good.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       10-19-2022, 1:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Lol, when you do the numbers it's the R who are obsesed with pedophilla, both talking about it and doing it.
Uh huh. So you think Republicans are the ones sponsoring drag shows where grown men are twerking for 8 year olds?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-20-2022, 9:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Most of them.
Biden controls fuel prices
Biden policy caused inflation, even tho inflation is world wide and US in better shape than most.
Democrats are groomers
Biden is running the DOJ for his benefit
If a republican got caught, hes a democrat
All crime is done by democrats
Democrats are "using" blacks
Bidens a pedo, groomer, trump isnt
MSM only lies, FOX is factual
The dems are out to get me and most R's
Biden forcing his donors to buy Hunters "art"
Weed caused the homeless crisis
Weed causes schizophrenia
There is no human caused climate crisis
HW is telling the truth
Trump not guilty of attempting a coup on and leading up to 1/6
Dems are forcing right wing radicals to start civil war on the US
Trumps not a grifter

This could go on forever with all the BS you spread.
Biden's own declaration of war on fossil fuels spoke for itself on his first day in office.
Yes, he did cause fuel prices to rise with his policies. That is what grossly accelerated inflation too since it takes fuel to move products and provide services. As usual, the rest of the world followed us into the Bidenflation rabbit hole. I'll even go further and say those high fuel prices (and knowing how nutless Biden is) gave Putin the money to invade Ukraine.
You keep denying dims are groomers and I'll start posting the regular stories of drag shows you groomer dims put on for kids. Heck, the Biden State Dept just got ratted out today for sponsoring a drag show in some South American country. You people are sick and lost.
Biden isn't just running the DOJ, he's running the FBI as well and you know it. Why else hasn't he been indicted for clearly being the big guy?
R's and d's both get caught all the time for crap. I try not to miss any opportunity to stick a fork in your eye afterwards. Even if it's tongue-in-cheek.
Yes, most crime is done by democrats. It's a statistical fact. Why else would VP Kneepads work so hard to bail her fellow felons out of prison? Birds of a feather.....
Dims using blacks is a long-known offense. Just ask LBJ. He's the OG precedent setter who came up with and promoted the idea in the first place. Man, your memory must keep fading from all of the dope.
Biden was just caught on video again, groping another teenage girl. In fact, the SS was shown on video making the guy stop video taping it. See? They don't show you lackeys these videos on MSM because they know the truth hurts. Look it up.
Both sides of the media tell lies. The right is horrible at it. The left has been doing it for so long, they're pros and do it as a normal course of action. They still have a majority of the population duped. It all starts with public school indoctrination.
Dems are out to get anyone who doesn't toe the line for them. Ever heard the term cancelled?
I don't think Biden forced anyone to buy Hunter's finger paintings any more than the Clintons forced anyone to donate to their phony foundation. It's what people CHOSE to do because they wanted to buy influence.
Weed absolutely helped and keeps helping create the homeless crisis. You may keep lying about it, but the stats don't.
Weed HAS been linked to schizophrenia. I already gave you links earlier.
That's right, there is no human-caused climate crisis, Chicken Little. Get over it already. Put the Kool-Aide down and step back slowly. In my lifetime, there have been many volcanoes that have EACH spewed more crap into the air than all of mankind's pollution combined and they each did it in one for two eruptions.
I don't care about HW no matter how much you keep wanting me to, so buzz off. That said, I guarantee his voting record will/would be far greater for this country than that baby-killing, wife-abusing, fake preacher you keep fawning over.
Good luck proving Trump attempted a coup. Seriously, good luck.
You mean like those radical parents that show up to school board meetings to voice their disgust at their kindergarteners being taught the filthy disgusting democrat sexual habits and deviancies? Those radicals? No idea what real right wing radicals will do. Doesn't matter much and they'll never get far because there are so few of them in the first place. Left wing radicals are FAR greater in number.
PM your address to me and I'll send you a dictionary so you can look up the word grifter, you illiterate.

Last edited by markj; 10-20-2022 at 9:19 AM.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-20-2022, 9:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
a community college district candidate? I am surprised they even put what party they are involved with at that level. Many times it is simply a name and maybe a dozen candidates at one time and people have to select who they want out of the names. Got busted. Good.
Amen. It's always nice to flush out a D in R's clothing.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-20-2022, 9:51 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Biden's own declaration of war on fossil fuels spoke for itself on his first day in office.
Yes, he did cause fuel prices to rise with his policies. That is what grossly accelerated inflation too since it takes fuel to move products and provide services. As usual, the rest of the world followed us into the Bidenflation rabbit hole. I'll even go further and say those high fuel prices (and knowing how nutless Biden is) gave Putin the money to invade Ukraine.
You keep denying dims are groomers and I'll start posting the regular stories of drag shows you groomer dims put on for kids. Heck, the Biden State Dept just got ratted out today for sponsoring a drag show in some South American country. You people are sick and lost.
Biden isn't just running the DOJ, he's running the FBI as well and you know it. Why else hasn't he been indicted for clearly being the big guy?
R's and d's both get caught all the time for crap. I try not to miss any opportunity to stick a fork in your eye afterwards. Even if it's tongue-in-cheek.
Yes, most crime is done by democrats. It's a statistical fact. Why else would VP Kneepads work so hard to bail her fellow felons out of prison? Birds of a feather.....
Dims using blacks is a long-known offense. Just ask LBJ. He's the OG precedent setter who came up with and promoted the idea in the first place. Man, your memory must keep fading from all of the dope.
Biden was just caught on video again, groping another teenage girl. In fact, the SS was shown on video making the guy stop video taping it. See? They don't show you lackeys these videos on MSM because they know the truth hurts. Look it up.
Both sides of the media tell lies. The right is horrible at it. The left has been doing it for so long, they're pros and do it as a normal course of action. They still have a majority of the population duped. It all starts with public school indoctrination.
Dems are out to get anyone who doesn't toe the line for them. Ever heard the term cancelled?
I don't think Biden forced anyone to buy Hunter's finger paintings any more than the Clintons forced anyone to donate to their phony foundation. It's what people CHOSE to do because they wanted to buy influence.
Weed absolutely helped and keeps helping create the homeless crisis. You may keep lying about it, but the stats don't.
Weed HAS been linked to schizophrenia. I already gave you links earlier.
That's right, there is no human-caused climate crisis, Chicken Little. Get over it already. Put the Kool-Aide down and step back slowly. In my lifetime, there have been many volcanoes that have EACH spewed more crap into the air than all of mankind's pollution combined and they each did it in one for two eruptions.
I don't care about HW no matter how much you keep wanting me to, so buzz off. That said, I guarantee his voting record will/would be far greater for this country than that baby-killing, wife-abusing, fake preacher you keep fawning over.
Good luck proving Trump attempted a coup. Seriously, good luck.
You mean like those radical parents that show up to school board meetings to voice their disgust at their kindergarteners being taught the filthy disgusting democrat sexual habits and deviancies? Those radicals? No idea what real right wing radicals will do. Doesn't matter much and they'll never get far because there are so few of them in the first place. Left wing radicals are FAR greater in number.
PM your address to me and I'll send you a dictionary so you can look up the word grifter, you illiterate.
Sorry, im not responding to a load of BS and nonsense gish gallop. I highly recommend a way to prove man-made climate change. Drive into your garage, leave motor running, close door. Wait 1 hour. Proves those emissions are deadly. Even children understand.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-20-2022, 10:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Sorry, im not responding to a load of BS and nonsense gish gallop. I highly recommend a way to prove man-made climate change. Drive into your garage, leave motor running, close door. Wait 1 hour. Proves those emissions are deadly. Even children understand.
The only thing original about you is just how unoriginal your responses are when you get owned. I responded to your line by line post in the same fashion. I didn’t pull your typical, chronic scheme of Gish gallop. I’ll warm the car up if you want to plant the trees and light my garage enough for some photosynthesis to handle the fumes.

Also, please seriously consider a dictionary, Mr College Boy. You keep embarrassing yourself.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-20-2022, 10:48 AM Reply   
I copy/pasted your earlier response, lol.
Tell me more about the 1/6 coup, the entire country watced in on TV. We watched trump give his completely unhinged speech live, he called for violence and then we watched them walk up the hill and unleash on the Capitol police force. Then we watched the 1/6 comm do the legwork and bring out the facts, all under oath. We know exactly what happened. You probably dont because you were too afraid to tune into those hearings, am i right? FOX was the ONLY large news outlet who did not air the 1st hearing. They tried to shield their viewers and failed.

Tell me more how virtually every other country has higher fuel prices than we do and higher inflation, hell explain why inflation is worse in Texas and Florida than in CA. Name the GOP plan to reduce grocery prices, to lower RE prices, to lower Auto prices...People in Florida cant even get flood insurance. Not much different in Houston. Feel free to pack up the truck and make your move Red-ward.
Biden would need to have been criming in order for FBI to get involved, but they would have to wait til he is out of office, right. The POST is not evidence of a crime.
Check fuel prices back in Feb and before that time, then tell me how that got putin cashed up in order to declare war and invade a free country.
LBJ died 50 years ago, wake the F up, times have changed. The GOP has completely reinvented itself as the trump party of liars. How long will that last? Its currently imploding.
I have heard of that cancelled term, isnt that what book burnings and banning is all about? Closing libraries, canceling simple voting policies like the terrible crime of handing water to those waiting in 10 hour long lines to vote. Why are there 10 hour lines?? That is voter suppression and un-american. Funny it only happens in the Black/low income areas, thanks Georgia. How long do you wait to vote?? Yall fine folks already canceled Dr. Fing Seuss and Mr. Potato head for WTF reasons. Cancelled Liz Cheney a stone cold republican because she wouldnt push Trump lie. Same with every single R who voted to impeach on righteous grounds. You've cancelled debates and even cancelled believing in elections. Way to move the party forward.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       10-22-2022, 9:52 AM Reply   
Wow, biden reduced the deficit by 1.4T this year, largest drop ever. The fiscal conservatives have got to be happy with that right?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-22-2022, 11:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Wow, biden reduced the deficit by 1.4T this year, largest drop ever. The fiscal conservatives have got to be happy with that right?
Are those CBO numbers? What else is hidden or omitted in those numbers? Is his effort to buy the votes of people paying off college loans factored in to that number? The claim came from a known, corrupt liar: Mr Magoo. I don't believe anything out of a dim's mouth. Especially one who's propped up like A Weekend at Bernie's and can't even read a teleprompter.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       10-22-2022, 11:29 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
I copy/pasted your earlier response, lol.
Tell me more about the 1/6 coup, the entire country watced in on TV. We watched trump give his completely unhinged speech live, he called for violence and then we watched them walk up the hill and unleash on the Capitol police force. Then we watched the 1/6 comm do the legwork and bring out the facts, all under oath. We know exactly what happened. You probably dont because you were too afraid to tune into those hearings, am i right? FOX was the ONLY large news outlet who did not air the 1st hearing. They tried to shield their viewers and failed.

Tell me more how virtually every other country has higher fuel prices than we do and higher inflation, hell explain why inflation is worse in Texas and Florida than in CA. Name the GOP plan to reduce grocery prices, to lower RE prices, to lower Auto prices...People in Florida cant even get flood insurance. Not much different in Houston. Feel free to pack up the truck and make your move Red-ward.
Biden would need to have been criming in order for FBI to get involved, but they would have to wait til he is out of office, right. The POST is not evidence of a crime.
Check fuel prices back in Feb and before that time, then tell me how that got putin cashed up in order to declare war and invade a free country.
LBJ died 50 years ago, wake the F up, times have changed. The GOP has completely reinvented itself as the trump party of liars. How long will that last? Its currently imploding.
I have heard of that cancelled term, isnt that what book burnings and banning is all about? Closing libraries, canceling simple voting policies like the terrible crime of handing water to those waiting in 10 hour long lines to vote. Why are there 10 hour lines?? That is voter suppression and un-american. Funny it only happens in the Black/low income areas, thanks Georgia. How long do you wait to vote?? Yall fine folks already canceled Dr. Fing Seuss and Mr. Potato head for WTF reasons. Cancelled Liz Cheney a stone cold republican because she wouldnt push Trump lie. Same with every single R who voted to impeach on righteous grounds. You've cancelled debates and even cancelled believing in elections. Way to move the party forward.
More of your typical gish gallop again?

What coup? The one in your and other dim's heads who suffer from terminal TDS? Wanna share the quote from DJT where he calls for violence? The so-called hearings were another libtard sham. Like Russia-gate. Like two politically motivated impeachments. Like 24/7 CNN coverage of anything DJT.

Unlike all you dims, I don't care about other country's inflation or fuel prices. There is a direct line from Biden's killing the oil industry leading to high fuel prices and what ALWAYS follows is inflation starting with higher grocery prices. We also lost our energy independence to boot and instead go begging to Sheik Bonesaw to see if he can spare a gallon until after the election. Funny part was when Mr Magoo got ratted out for it-crooked, corrupt, slimebag that he is.

Yeah so we're 50 years into the 200 that LBJ promised. So far, his plan is working, but those tables may be turning a little, but it takes awhile to get the truth to 13% of the population when theres so much daily reinforcement and handouts to support the propaganda.

Where are there 10 hour lines to vote? That sounds like another one of your parroted lefty lies told by CNN or MSDNC.

The rest of your silly post is just the rantings of a druggie who can't contain a thought.

Last edited by markj; 10-22-2022 at 11:31 AM.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       10-22-2022, 4:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
More of your typical gish gallop again?

What coup? The one in your and other dim's heads who suffer from terminal TDS? Wanna share the quote from DJT where he calls for violence? The so-called hearings were another libtard sham. Like Russia-gate. Like two politically motivated impeachments. Like 24/7 CNN coverage of anything DJT.

Unlike all you dims, I don't care about other country's inflation or fuel prices. There is a direct line from Biden's killing the oil industry leading to high fuel prices and what ALWAYS follows is inflation starting with higher grocery prices. We also lost our energy independence to boot and instead go begging to Sheik Bonesaw to see if he can spare a gallon until after the election. Funny part was when Mr Magoo got ratted out for it-crooked, corrupt, slimebag that he is.

Yeah so we're 50 years into the 200 that LBJ promised. So far, his plan is working, but those tables may be turning a little, but it takes awhile to get the truth to 13% of the population when theres so much daily reinforcement and handouts to support the propaganda.

Where are there 10 hour lines to vote? That sounds like another one of your parroted lefty lies told by CNN or MSDNC.

The rest of your silly post is just the rantings of a druggie who can't contain a thought.
There has only been one president in history to try to steal an election so ...
If you missed it, it culminated on 1/6 but there are so many other parts to it.
Trump and his atty Rudy and others organized 7 swing states to send fake electors to congress. The counterfiters said trump won and the states electoral votes are for trump eventhough Biden won those 7 states. Trump also tried to get the DOJ to push his false claim that he won and election was rigged. They refused so he tried to appoint a completely unqualified "acting" director who was willing to lie for the grifter. The entire DOJ threatened to quit on the spot and trump backed off. That was Jeff Clark, he had already changed his title to "Acting" DOJ head.
We all know he called the Georgia SoS to "find" him 11,800 more votes, he was dumb enough to get recorded. Remember when Biden and Obama did that? sure.
He paid for and his attys filed the paperwork to run Kanye to bleed off some dem votes.
Before the results were in he Claimed he won, just like everyone predicted he would.
He called 2 republican officials in Michigan to get them to stop the certification of the votes, another fail.
He had his attys (Rudy, The Krakken, Sidney Powell lie and try to blame the voting machines until Dominion sued them for a $Billion (FOX also sued by Dominion).
Trump browbeat Pence to refuse to certify the election when everyone knew he didnt have any power to do that, he refused. Its why trumps atty plead the 5th to every question they asked him.
When all that AND over 60 failed lawsuits, many heard by judges he put in place all failed he went further.
He planned the 6th of January. He could have picked any day for his stop the steal rally but on only one day would all of congress be in session to confirm the votes, so he picked that day. He invited them all to hear his lies of failure. They came, and they came armed. He fired them up as best he could and as he finished he told them to march to the capitol.March up there and take your country back. I'll be there with you, he said. So at his request they marched to the capitol and attacked trying to stop the certification of the votes. While his people were attacking the capitol trying to kill Pence, Pelosi and many others trump sat on his azz watching on TV never attempting to tell them to stop. Clearly dereliction of duty. Afterward trump did everything he could to lie and obstruct the investigation. Steve Bannon was just sentenced to jail for refusing to cooperate. Jeff Clark plead the 5th to all questions as did his other attys. Who pleads the 5th??? Why not explain how everything was just a misunderstanding?? Trump knew from the summer he would lose, its why he put his crazy plans into play. Only a full cult member would try to say it didnt happen with so many facts known.
It does not matter about your feelings. The fact you dont care all countries are paying more for fuel and have worse inflation doesnt matter, its still a fact fool. Did Biden also create high fuel prices in the UK and Europe? Draw your direct line, ill wait. Ignore price gouging at the pump, Oil companies sky high profits verify the fact. Ignore completely that Putin one of the worlds largest oil exporters started a war. Why do you believe Saudi media reporting and not US, what kind of anti American are you? Are you hoping for a bad economy because it may harm Dem politics?? If so STFU. You got what you wanted. I for one am willing to pay more for fuel to fight Putin because its the right thing to do.
Republicans in 40 states changed voting laws (because of all the fraud they could not find nor prove), closed voting locations, removed drop boxes and stationed armed "poll watchers" to intimidate POC from voting. This after we had the safest election in history. If you want to find the longest lines, look at the Red states in Black/poor areas. Fact. The rest of your post is clearly from an alcoholic drop out who thinks his whiny opinion is something others want to hear.


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