Join Date: Apr 2005
09-22-2022, 7:58 PM
Proof is all over. Regularly. Your deviant pals don't even hide it any more now that their foot is in the door.
The books were each written once each. Then copied from the original manuscripts. No "telephone" happened. One of the things that put the nail in the modern day atheist's coffin is when the Dead Sea Scrolls (copied circa 2000 years ago) were found in the 1940's-1950's. They checked out to be the same as what was regarded as the oldest known copies. That by itself is beyond incredible. No other written word in the history of the entire world has ever held up to the scrutiny that the Bible has. The Bible stands alone as the inerrant Word of God.
He's your democrat murderer. He's just another example of a lost soul who's been lied to by the evil democrats over and over. I don't think you're into wrist slaps either. That would probably violate someone's civil rights in your mind. No, you're into defunding police and releasing felons back out onto the street before they even sit down in a cell. Same as your party's border policies. Just let em pass on back out and into society to commit more crime and create more victims in the name of social justice or equity or whatever other brain-dead reason you pull out of your Faucis.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-22-2022, 8:23 PM
Mass murderer, Gavin Nuisance has stepped both feet directly into hell with his latest satanic billboards advertising the fact that people from other states are welcome to come murder their babies in Cali since their states might have made it illegal. https://www.foxnews.com/us/christian...-jesus-satanic
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-22-2022, 8:37 PM
There is no such thing as satan you loon.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-23-2022, 6:44 AM
You’re in for a bigger surprise than you think. I truly hope you realize it before it’s too late, Ralphie.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-23-2022, 8:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Proof is all over. Regularly. Your deviant pals don't even hide it any more now that their foot is in the door.
The books were each written once each. Then copied from the original manuscripts. No "telephone" happened. One of the things that put the nail in the modern day atheist's coffin is when the Dead Sea Scrolls (copied circa 2000 years ago) were found in the 1940's-1950's. They checked out to be the same as what was regarded as the oldest known copies. That by itself is beyond incredible. No other written word in the history of the entire world has ever held up to the scrutiny that the Bible has. The Bible stands alone as the inerrant Word of God.
He's your democrat murderer. He's just another example of a lost soul who's been lied to by the evil democrats over and over. I don't think you're into wrist slaps either. That would probably violate someone's civil rights in your mind. No, you're into defunding police and releasing felons back out onto the street before they even sit down in a cell. Same as your party's border policies. Just let em pass on back out and into society to commit more crime and create more victims in the name of social justice or equity or whatever other brain-dead reason you pull out of your Faucis.
Silly me, I didnt even know about that early Xerox Patent so they could just "copy" it in 700 different languages without missing a comma. LOL.
So now you are telling me that democrats are supposed to police themselves, hold themselves in jail then handle the trial and judging?? Its N. Dakota, blame any of the republicans in charge there or STFU. Clearly I have nothing to do with it. You make no sense, Whiner. BTW, he did the same thing YOUR Republican who drove his SUV into a BLM protest. Perhaps it has something to do with how the Republicans across the country changed the laws to make it legal to run down protestors? lol
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-23-2022, 9:08 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Mass murderer, Gavin Nuisance has stepped both feet directly into hell with his latest satanic billboards advertising the fact that people from other states are welcome to come murder their babies in Cali since their states might have made it illegal. https://www.foxnews.com/us/christian...-jesus-satanic
You clowns think conception happens after desert on a date.
The more you write murder the less credibility you show. Do you really think laws against abortion stop abortion? It only makes poor women take less safe measures, back allies, doctorless... The women with enough $$ just travel to where it legal, like your home state. You are saving no one.
BTW, thought this was a state issue like the radical group of SC judges said. Now Lady Lindsey Graham working to make it a nationwide ban. Good thing yall arent radical.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-23-2022, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I truly hope you realize it before it’s too late, Ralphie.
That is appreciated, thanks mate.
Join Date: Dec 2009
09-23-2022, 11:15 AM
60% of all abortions, in the states are minorities. See, the left wants these black babies dead. This is their way of eliminated people of color. they hate people of color, and also paying for the 75% of single women mothers, as 75% ish of african american children are without a father. I asked a few of my black friends why.
Response, the mother will get more aid vs child support, housing, healthcare, etc etc So most never even claim the father, and never go after them for support, as it would cost them more, vs the well fair aid. Very sad
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-23-2022, 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
60% of all abortions, in the states are minorities. See, the left wants these black babies dead. This is their way of eliminated people of color. they hate people of color, and also paying for the 75% of single women mothers, as 75% ish of african american children are without a father. I asked a few of my black friends why.
Response, the mother will get more aid vs child support, housing, healthcare, etc etc So most never even claim the father, and never go after them for support, as it would cost them more, vs the well fair aid. Very sad
Liberals do not support things out of cynical beliefs that it will help their side. They support things that are right.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-23-2022, 1:09 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
60% of all abortions, in the states are minorities. See, the left wants these black babies dead. This is their way of eliminated people of color. they hate people of color, and also paying for the 75% of single women mothers, as 75% ish of african american children are without a father. I asked a few of my black friends why.
Response, the mother will get more aid vs child support, housing, healthcare, etc etc So most never even claim the father, and never go after them for support, as it would cost them more, vs the well fair aid. Very sad
Yep. Then double down that corporations want to pay for abortions because it costs them time and productivity to have a new mother at home.
Join Date: Jul 2007
09-23-2022, 4:09 PM
You guys are completely full of **** on this one. This is little more than some people believing women have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Yes, a child's potential life is at stake, but women have to put their bodies through a traumatic pregnancy, and so some people simply believe it's their right to decide if they want to go through that pregnancy or not. "See, the left wants these black babies dead" is a bull**** idiotic statement. That's got to be one of the stupidest posts here. You're a complete idiot if you think that's why much of the left is pro-choice. Corporations favoring abortions to save $$ is equally as stupid. It's about people and corporations giving women a choice.
Join Date: Dec 2009
09-23-2022, 8:39 PM
Originally Posted by brettw
You guys are completely full of **** on this one. This is little more than some people believing women have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Yes, a child's potential life is at stake, but women have to put their bodies through a traumatic pregnancy, and so some people simply believe it's their right to decide if they want to go through that pregnancy or not. "See, the left wants these black babies dead" is a bull**** idiotic statement. That's got to be one of the stupidest posts here. You're a complete idiot if you think that's why much of the left is pro-choice. Corporations favoring abortions to save $$ is equally as stupid. It's about people and corporations giving women a choice.
Heres a better question. Why are there so many black men not committed to their partner or their children? So you believe these black men are all bad? All hate their partner etc etc. or hate their children? Or maybe its a system that hurts their sig other? Why get married, or file for support? Its going to limit aid?
Also, abortion is not illegal, its just been illegally legislated. The people, and the states are the decision makers, not the fed, and now, THE PEOPLE can decide what is or is not acceptable!
I dont believe the majority of people want abortion to be a birth control measure, nor do most believe abortion should be for "any reason" nor do most believe you should be allowed to kill a baby at birth, or late term, or because the mother does not want a girl or a boy etc etc.
Just about every country, but ours, believes that life matters and abortion is limited and only used under extreme conditions and should be regulated.
So lets take your lib mindset, like the left likes to do with the right. We let you kill babies at birth, so why not a 5yrs old. or maybe until they are 18. Whats the difference? We have allowed utter stupidity to occur as it is! Men can now get pregnant! Good lord we are idiots. We allow so much stupidity! we are creating a culture of stupid people!
Teaching things that are false, scientifically false, morally false, and tossing common sense out the window. Everything is now racists. LOL Now diesel tractor trailers are racist! Roads are racist! Anything white is racist! All children, not in a minority group are born racist.
BUT, BUT you can be anything you want to be, all based on your feelings. So F off as you can be black, when really white, because you say you feel black. or a man when you are a women, or 65yrs old when you are 27. You can be white on monday, then black on tuesday, then a women on wednesday and a man on thursday, and now, YES now you can be neither!
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-24-2022, 7:05 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You clowns think conception happens after desert on a date.
The more you write murder the less credibility you show. Do you really think laws against abortion stop abortion? It only makes poor women take less safe measures, back allies, doctorless... The women with enough $$ just travel to where it legal, like your home state. You are saving no one.
BTW, thought this was a state issue like the radical group of SC judges said. Now Lady Lindsey Graham working to make it a nationwide ban. Good thing yall arent radical.
Tell that to your libtard NBC clowns who slipped up and let the truth come out. Can’t wait to watch the backpedaling in a couple days.
I prefer to make any murder of babies as hard and inconvenient as possible. Hopefully, every mom gives up an eye for an eye if she kills her child. Yeah, saving baby’s lives is a really radical concept.  That goes to show just how debased your and every pro-abortion mind is.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-24-2022, 7:17 PM
Originally Posted by brettw
You guys are completely full of **** on this one. This is little more than some people believing women have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Yes, a child's potential life is at stake, but women have to put their bodies through a traumatic pregnancy, and so some people simply believe it's their right to decide if they want to go through that pregnancy or not. "See, the left wants these black babies dead" is a bull**** idiotic statement. That's got to be one of the stupidest posts here. You're a complete idiot if you think that's why much of the left is pro-choice. Corporations favoring abortions to save $$ is equally as stupid. It's about people and corporations giving women a choice.
None of this is about women and their bodies. It’s about the body of the child not getting hacked to pieces and sucked out of the womb-which should be the safest place a baby could ever be. You blood thirsty murderous dims lie and try to say it’s all about the mother and her choice when it’s about the child inside. Typical of self-centered, selfish people, you think you are the center of the universe. You’re your own gods. All that matters is what you want. Heck with everyone else if they’re not convenient for you because it’s always all about you. All you’re doing is building and storing up wrath for yourselves.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-24-2022, 7:23 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Liberals do not support things out of cynical beliefs that it will help their side. They support things that are right.
Ding ding ding!!! We have the winner of the biggest lie of the year! Try applying your lie to the border disaster and then punch yourself in the face for us, jester. SMH
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-24-2022, 7:44 PM
More typical murderous dims showing who they really are. Now they’re shooting old ladies in the back over politics.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-25-2022, 6:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Originally Posted by Faux News
the man who shot her was not a part of her conversation
Originally Posted by Faux News
The victim does not know the identity or motive of her shooter.
What makes you think the shooter votes, let alone is a Dem? When people like you create a narrative like this without cause it just creates more polizaration, mistrust and justification for viloence against a certain group. This is why people here don't take your christian values seriously, they are empty.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-25-2022, 7:52 AM
For the Solar PV nah sayers, Western Ausy just achieved 71% of there power needs from distributed roof top solar. They don't have grid level storage yet so it is a transitory level but this is a pretty good example of what can be achieved just by putting solar on peoples roofs. Once they solar and wind farms with grid level storage then they will be able to run at these levels consistently through the summer. Distributed power production and energy independance at the house level is the future.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-25-2022, 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Tell that to your libtard NBC clowns who slipped up and let the truth come out. Can’t wait to watch the backpedaling in a couple days.
I prefer to make any murder of babies as hard and inconvenient as possible. Hopefully, every mom gives up an eye for an eye if she kills her child. Yeah, saving baby’s lives is a really radical concept.  That goes to show just how debased your and every pro-abortion mind is.
Damn Fox, That is some hard hitting journalism right there.
Over 95% of abortions happen by 15 weeks. Less than 1.5% happen after week 20. Less than 1% after 21 weeks.
I can tell by looking that vid is picturing babies closer to 30+ weeks. Proving once again your flailing wildly for another miss.
Jesus said the goal was to help those in need, not "make it as inconvenient as possible" for those in need. Jesus was also a big supporter of forgiveness, not so much into vengeance. As a bible guy, thought you knew?
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-25-2022, 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Thats terrible that woman was shot. I must have missed a part in the article, the part where you decided to insert your own opinion on the motivation. Apparently YOU know more than the victim.
"The victim does not know the identity or motive of her shooter. The victim is still recovering from her gunshot wound and wishes to remain anonymous while the criminal investigation proceeds," the Michigan Right to Life press release stated.
I bet most of the brainwashed Fox viewers like yourself just believe anything. They get so accustomed to their regular anti lib fix they start to need it daily. Fools believe it all w/o a shred of thought.
Pssst, FOX has been sued in the past for lying on air. Their lawyers argued "a reasonable person would not believe the Tucker"
Fox, that WAS you source, right?
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-25-2022, 6:11 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
What makes you think the shooter votes, let alone is a Dem? When people like you create a narrative like this without cause it just creates more polizaration, mistrust and justification for viloence against a certain group. This is why people here don't take your christian values seriously, they are empty.
His voting record is irrelevant. The killer's own words convict him. He said he did it because the victim was a "far right" something or other.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-25-2022, 6:16 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
For the Solar PV nah sayers, Western Ausy just achieved 71% of there power needs from distributed roof top solar. They don't have grid level storage yet so it is a transitory level but this is a pretty good example of what can be achieved just by putting solar on peoples roofs. Once they solar and wind farms with grid level storage then they will be able to run at these levels consistently through the summer. Distributed power production and energy independance at the house level is the future.
Transitory... Now there's a word we all heard for awhile. It was Biden's favorite word to use when trying to make excuses for the inflation his policies caused. Turned out he was lying the whole time like everyone with a brain knew.
Congrats on your 71%. Let us know how that works out for you when the sun goes down or you have multiple cloudy days in a row.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-25-2022, 6:37 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Damn Fox, That is some hard hitting journalism right there.
Over 95% of abortions happen by 15 weeks. Less than 1.5% happen after week 20. Less than 1% after 21 weeks.
I can tell by looking that vid is picturing babies closer to 30+ weeks. Proving once again your flailing wildly for another miss.
Jesus said the goal was to help those in need, not "make it as inconvenient as possible" for those in need. Jesus was also a big supporter of forgiveness, not so much into vengeance. As a bible guy, thought you knew?
Sad sorry sicko taking Christ's words out of context and spinning them the opposite just for the purpose of dishonestly trying to give your lies some imaginary strength. Just like how you came here dishonestly calling yourself a republican. Such a chronic liar. Every thing you attribute to Jesus and his sayings is false. Time to quit while you're behind. You think Jesus would look at a woman wanting to murder her baby as "someone in need?" You're insane.
Here's another fun fact: Jesus spoke FAR more about hell than heaven. He also affirmed the death penalty for taking a life.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-25-2022, 6:40 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Thats terrible that woman was shot. I must have missed a part in the article, the part where you decided to insert your own opinion on the motivation. Apparently YOU know more than the victim.
I bet most of the brainwashed Fox viewers like yourself just believe anything. They get so accustomed to their regular anti lib fix they start to need it daily. Fools believe it all w/o a shred of thought.
Pssst, FOX has been sued in the past for lying on air. Their lawyers argued "a reasonable person would not believe the Tucker"
Fox, that WAS you source, right?
It's no secret you dims are the children of darkness. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck... I watch about 10 mins of Fox a week.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-25-2022, 7:19 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Thats terrible that woman was shot. I must have missed a part in the article, the part where you decided to insert your own opinion on the motivation. Apparently YOU know more than the victim.
I bet most of the brainwashed Fox viewers like yourself just believe anything. They get so accustomed to their regular anti lib fix they start to need it daily. Fools believe it all w/o a shred of thought.
Pssst, FOX has been sued in the past for lying on air. Their lawyers argued "a reasonable person would not believe the Tucker"
Fox, that WAS you source, right?
I bet you think the guy who shot up the republicans at the baseball practice was just merely target practicing too, right? All your libtard networks have been sued far more. In fact, they've been lying to people for decades. In fact, they CREATED the vacuum which created Fox in the first place, Silly rabbit. I remember this lying libtard story and watched it live.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-26-2022, 6:26 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Congrats on your 71%. Let us know how that works out for you when the sun goes down or you have multiple cloudy days in a row.
It will go back to fossil fuels, that isn't a suprise is it? Whenthe sun is out they use PV, when its not they use Gas. Isn't that an imporvement on only using gas?
And the other point is if you add grid level storage and PV they can get through more of the times that the sun isn't shining. I don't get why you think that is dumb?
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-26-2022, 7:40 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
It will go back to fossil fuels, that isn't a suprise is it? Whenthe sun is out they use PV, when its not they use Gas. Isn't that an imporvement on only using gas?
And the other point is if you add grid level storage and PV they can get through more of the times that the sun isn't shining. I don't get why you think that is dumb?
I don’t think it’s dumb if it can be done cheaply and without creating another problem.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-26-2022, 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I don’t think it’s dumb if it can be done cheaply and without creating another problem.
Ok thats cool. Suprises me the righties aren't super into it because having energy independance is one of those things they are all about.
Join Date: Dec 2009
09-27-2022, 3:21 AM
We all use electric things, but the application needs to be correct. The battery tech is not, its costly, does not "Save" the environment and will die a short death unit a battery, that works, comes to market. Biofuel development has potential as well. The truth is the real problem. Our c02 output is so low, in most western countries, that the impact on the co2 levels will be very limited. Natural gas is 99% co2 free, and abundant. Cars are insanely emission friendly as it is, but getting away from natural gas and oil will cripple the economy (like it is now) and crush development. So everything will go backwards once people start dying from the cold and starving to death. Sad, but we are already starting to see the crunch in Europe.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-27-2022, 6:02 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
The truth is the real problem.
Agree, climate change deniers seem to have no concept of truth.
Originally Posted by dougr
Our c02 output is so low, in most western countries, that the impact on the co2 levels will be very limited.
USA has 2nd biggest output in the World
Originally Posted by dougr
Cars are insanely emission friendly as it is
27% come from Automotive, its the biggest source and getting down will make a significant difference to the overall.
At the same time we need to consider how electricity is produced, it makes no sense to replace automotive with dirty electricity which is why I support new nuclear and rooftop solar with grid level storage. Most righties seem to think enviromentalists want to flip a switch and turn off gas and coal, crash the economy and go back to the stone age. No, this is a transition, will take time and will create huge amounts of jobs in the clean energy industry.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-27-2022, 7:09 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Agree, climate change deniers seem to have no concept of truth.
USA has 2nd biggest output in the World
27% come from Automotive, its the biggest source and getting down will make a significant difference to the overall.
At the same time we need to consider how electricity is produced, it makes no sense to replace automotive with dirty electricity which is why I support new nuclear and rooftop solar with grid level storage. Most righties seem to think enviromentalists want to flip a switch and turn off gas and coal, crash the economy and go back to the stone age. No, this is a transition, will take time and will create huge amounts of jobs in the clean energy industry.
Nope. We disagree on the cause of it.
This is why electric cars should all say “coal powered” on them. I’m with you on nuke power for sure. Do that first, then stop burning as much coal. Let the other forms of energy live or die without government subsidies.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-27-2022, 7:27 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
It will go back to fossil fuels, that isn't a suprise is it? Whenthe sun is out they use PV, when its not they use Gas. Isn't that an imporvement on only using gas?
And the other point is if you add grid level storage and PV they can get through more of the times that the sun isn't shining. I don't get why you think that is dumb?
May or may not be dumb. Depends. Plants that provide grid level power do not like to be cycled. So part of that may depend on what is the start up and idling costs and fuel usage for that. does it create great costs for the continued cycling.
The second is you may help make the air a bit better, however you will be absolutely destroying the environment with the strip mining and the amount of chemicals you need to create the panels. Of the fabs I have seen and worked around, the hazard placards for the buildings are all 4's. That means they are the highest levels of dangers due to the chemicals required. Nasty chemicals like fluorine, silicon tretrachloride, etc. Mass quantities needed.
Not saying it is wrong to incorporate, however I think it is stupid to believe you can just flip the switch like the idiots in kalifornia.
The other argument that you did not bring up however I will address from another comment I saw on a random comments section. Someone was explaining to another person that if we dump cars we will save like so many billions of barrels of oil a year. Not really true. you get about 20% gasoline from a barrel of oil and a small percentage of the other products from it. Still trying to find articles about can you change the percentages of gasoline produced from a barrel.
2 points:
we get all these other products cheaper because the gasoline market is driving production (at least it seems). Basically you get them cheaper. limit the production of gasoline and the price of all these other products will sky rocket. Plastics. Fertilizers. Diesel. Jet Fuel. Asphalt for roads. I don't think the average person realizes what a barrel of oil is used for.
Second point. You still need all these things for daily life. I am pretty sure we use pretty much all of it in our supply chains. So what happens to the gasoline which is a by product of that regardless? They go back to what they were doing back before they had cars. They burn it off. Now they will burn it off. I believe you will destroy your economies and quality of life, yet you will not make a dent in the air quality.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-27-2022, 7:56 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Agree, climate change deniers seem to have no concept of truth.
USA has 2nd biggest output in the World
27% come from Automotive, its the biggest source and getting down will make a significant difference to the overall.
At the same time we need to consider how electricity is produced, it makes no sense to replace automotive with dirty electricity which is why I support new nuclear and rooftop solar with grid level storage. Most righties seem to think environmentalists want to flip a switch and turn off gas and coal, crash the economy and go back to the stone age. No, this is a transition, will take time and will create huge amounts of jobs in the clean energy industry.
Notice how leftist moved from man made global warming to climate change. leftist conflated the 2 things for years and now simply label people on the right as not believing in climate change. No, that is incorrect. We do not believe in the causes of climate change as you commies do. The temperature records say without a doubt the temperature will cycle. Ok. Lets deal with that. going to happen no matter what. Guess what. We are also going to have a ice age. that will be way worse.
Cars overall are only 10% of the worlds issue. I see all the articles trying to frame the US as a 27% issue. It is a 27% issue in the US and 10% world wide. They also are assuming all vehicles are emitting the same base on consumption only. There is no metric for how well tuned and emissions systems. Industrial overall is a bigger issue. Kind of leaves a 90% issue on the table. US also has a much better set of regulations to limit emissions as compared to India, China and others. If you really want to fix things, you go nuclear asap. The fact they will not serious propose that and are trying to do all these other economy killing proposals tells me there is a different game afoot. That leads us back to the lefts globalist push. Kill the US economy, open the borders, etc. If the left is proposing it, it most certainly designed to destroy the US and must be resisted at all costs.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-27-2022, 8:11 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Agree, climate change deniers seem to have no concept of truth.
USA has 2nd biggest output in the World
27% come from Automotive, its the biggest source and getting down will make a significant difference to the overall.
At the same time we need to consider how electricity is produced, it makes no sense to replace automotive with dirty electricity which is why I support new nuclear and rooftop solar with grid level storage. Most righties seem to think enviromentalists want to flip a switch and turn off gas and coal, crash the economy and go back to the stone age. No, this is a transition, will take time and will create huge amounts of jobs in the clean energy industry.
To address the last point you made. No. The leftist environmentalists do want to flip the switch. In little over 2 years the public can not buy a gas powered engine in the state of kalifornia. Lawn equipment and gas powered generators. Oh the irony. Can not buy a generator in the state that has brown outs. In a little over 10 years you can not buy gas powered vehicles in the state. You already can not use a semi truck over 7 years old I believe. that has been in place now for a while. They are proposing that you can not drive a diesel powered truck into the state to the ports.
They have artificially pushed the price of electricity to 3 times that of other states to make their windmills not quiet the boat anchor on the state budgets because they don't produce cheap enough energy.
Basically it is full self destruct mode for the state. Now add to the fact they are giving drivers licenses and now state ID's to all illegals. They also give free healthcare to illegals. They are driving out bigger businesses and the middle class. Heck LA and LA area has nearly 100,000 homeless people alone.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-27-2022, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Sad sorry sicko taking Christ's words out of context and spinning them the opposite just for the purpose of dishonestly trying to give your lies some imaginary strength. Just like how you came here dishonestly calling yourself a republican. Such a chronic liar. Every thing you attribute to Jesus and his sayings is false. Time to quit while you're behind. You think Jesus would look at a woman wanting to murder her baby as "someone in need?" You're insane.
Here's another fun fact: Jesus spoke FAR more about hell than heaven. He also affirmed the death penalty for taking a life.
Jesus and Luke would be very disappointed with your whack beliefs. Ill pray for you.
20 Looking at his disciples, he said:
“Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
21 Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
22 Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,
because of the Son of Man.
23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.
24 “But woe to you who are rich,
for you have already received your comfort.
25 Woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.
26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
Love for Enemies
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-27-2022, 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by markj
I bet you think the guy who shot up the republicans at the baseball practice was just merely target practicing too, right? All your libtard networks have been sued far more. In fact, they've been lying to people for decades. In fact, they CREATED the vacuum which created Fox in the first place, Silly rabbit. I remember this lying libtard story and watched it live.
LOL, you had to go back 30 years to find a lie?? And it was about a fake car test...lol.
For FOX we could go back to any day of the week last week, any day in the last month, the last year....any of Tuckers, Hannity's, Ingraham...all of them every day.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-27-2022, 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
To address the last point you made. No. The leftist environmentalists do want to flip the switch. In little over 2 years the public can not buy a gas powered engine in the state of kalifornia. Lawn equipment and gas powered generators. Oh the irony. Can not buy a generator in the state that has brown outs. In a little over 10 years you can not buy gas powered vehicles in the state. You already can not use a semi truck over 7 years old I believe. that has been in place now for a while. They are proposing that you can not drive a diesel powered truck into the state to the ports.
They have artificially pushed the price of electricity to 3 times that of other states to make their windmills not quiet the boat anchor on the state budgets because they don't produce cheap enough energy.
Basically it is full self destruct mode for the state. Now add to the fact they are giving drivers licenses and now state ID's to all illegals. They also give free healthcare to illegals. They are driving out bigger businesses and the middle class. Heck LA and LA area has nearly 100,000 homeless people alone.
2 years, 7 years, 10 years, that it literally the definition of "Transition". aka, happens over a period of time.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-27-2022, 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The fact they will not serious propose that and are trying to do all these other economy killing proposals tells me there is a different game afoot. That leads us back to the lefts globalist push. Kill the US economy, open the borders, etc. If the left is proposing it, it most certainly designed to destroy the US and must be resisted at all costs.
Loooool. Can't talk for more than 3 sentences without coming back to a consipracy theory. The rights sense making apartus is broken.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-27-2022, 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Loooool. Can't talk for more than 3 sentences without coming back to a consipracy theory. The rights sense making apartus is broken.
Not a conspiracy. It is a stated goal of the democrats. Biden literally has said it out loud that the goal is unrelenting immigration from the southern Americas. It is part of the UN charter to have a centralized government. You do that by getting people who do not believe in the American system to move it, gain voting rights and then vote out the constitution in favor of the UN charter. Democrats have been saying it out loud and working that plan for some time.
For the environment. I am spot on. When fixing the 90% problem with a known and previously/ currently deployed technology would make America stronger, the democrats are pushing to try and fix a 10% problem that most certainly will diminish our ability to fight wars, degrade our ability to be a world leader in manufacturing, and destroy our current way of life. Again the US is WAY bigger than Europe. At least by 2.5 times bigger. Your country is just a fly over state in the US.
I notice you can not refute one point I made.
At the end of the day, if a political organization and their followers have been saying out loud for a generation that they want one world government and no borders then follow it up with laws and proposed laws to that end, you pretty much have to believe them at some point. 90% issue fix makes us stronger. 10% destroys us. Let's go with the 10% problem says the democrats. Always with them.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-27-2022, 1:49 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Not a conspiracy. It is a stated goal of the democrats.
So strange, I checked the DNC website and no mention of open borders, UN Charter and intentionally crashing the US economy, so confused right now.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-27-2022, 6:47 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Jesus and Luke would be very disappointed with your whack beliefs. Ill pray for you.
20 Looking at his disciples, he said:
“Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.
21 Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.
22 Blessed are you when people hate you,
when they exclude you and insult you
and reject your name as evil,
because of the Son of Man.
23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.
24 “But woe to you who are rich,
for you have already received your comfort.
25 Woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.
Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.
26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.
Love for Enemies
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
What whack beliefs? You're so stoned that even YOU don't know what or why you're posting. Glad you're posting scripture at least. It's a start.
Last edited by markj; 09-27-2022 at 6:50 PM.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-27-2022, 6:49 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, you had to go back 30 years to find a lie?? And it was about a fake car test...lol.
For FOX we could go back to any day of the week last week, any day in the last month, the last year....any of Tuckers, Hannity's, Ingraham...all of them every day.
The point of me linking that old story is to show just how long your dim MSM has been lying to us and creating the vacuum which created Fox. Try to keep up between bong loads, Cheech.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-27-2022, 7:04 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
So strange, I checked the DNC website and no mention of open borders, UN Charter and intentionally crashing the US economy, so confused right now.
Yeah, you're just like the other dolts who get tricked by the MSM into voting these traitors in. At least you're honest about your confusion. Always knew I liked you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-28-2022, 6:35 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
So strange, I checked the DNC website and no mention of open borders, UN Charter and intentionally crashing the US economy, so confused right now.
Ralph, Delta just tore you up. Get well soon.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-28-2022, 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Ralph, Delta just tore you up. Get well soon.
Gee, hope I can sleep at night.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-28-2022, 8:50 PM
Right after eating plenty of corn off the Cobb through a picket fence with those AOC teeth, Looks like another foreign dipstick put their NZ foot in their mouth. Too bad Ralph isn’t home to shut her trap for her.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-28-2022, 9:04 PM
She is the prime example of why women should never be allowed to run any country. Emotion-10, logic-0. Just like most libtards.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-28-2022, 9:19 PM
Originally Posted by markj
She is the prime example of why women should never be allowed to run any country. Emotion-10, logic-0. Just like most libtards.
One of the many reasons I've never voted for her
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-29-2022, 6:13 AM
Well, a mere 20 months into his presidency and Biden has officially and undeniably led us into a recession with inflation to add that special touch of misery that only dims know how to deliver. Gas prices jumping back up again $.50 in less than a week. Groceries keep rising. Our president literally called out to a dead person. These things happen weekly now. Nice job, Mr Magoo!
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-29-2022, 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
So strange, I checked the DNC website and no mention of open borders, UN Charter and intentionally crashing the US economy, so confused right now.
They don't mention a lot of things on their website. I am sure they don't mention they are confused on which restroom to take a piss and critical race theory etc, yet they are doing all those things. They have be doing this for a generation. The US population is now 10% illegals. Why would you allow that? Does not take a lot of math to figure it out.
Democrats have been well aligned with the UN for some time. Pretty obvious what they UN charter is about.
Again. Why if you believe there is an issue do you try and solve the 10% problem and not the 90% problem especially when the 10% problem crashes the economy. Crashing the economy is good for people who want the masses to look for the government to solve their issues. AKA kalifornia. Prime example. They create problems, tax the heck of of people then create a program to help the problem they created. It gives just enough relief to those in need but it does not really solve the issue so they get stuck on the handout. rinse and repeat
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-29-2022, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
One of the many reasons I've never voted for her
Why not. You certainly are advocating for that person to run our country.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-29-2022, 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Why not. You certainly are advocating for that person to run our country.
Our conversative party is to the left of the democrats economically and do less of the identity politics stuff so I have always voted for them. Labour is futher left than the party I typically vote for and do identity politics non stop so that's a hard no from me. The conservative party I normally vote for is starting to dabble in culture war nonsense so if I had a different option I would probably vote that way.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-29-2022, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Our conversative party is to the left of the democrats economically and do less of the identity politics stuff so I have always voted for them. Labour is futher left than the party I typically vote for and do identity politics non stop so that's a hard no from me. The conservative party I normally vote for is starting to dabble in culture war nonsense so if I had a different option I would probably vote that way.
Not sure how you can get much more left economically than our democrats. They would go all out if they new they could get away with it. OF course, they are all race bait all the time. Difference is, we have state governments that handle all the detailed spending. So when you hear healthcare and education, that is funded mostly at the state levels. The feds are there for common defense and representative to the states to the rest of the world. So we do not need a leftist federal government beating us up on taxes on top of the states. Country is too big. The feds can not even begin to be efficient at anything. We don't even have the same weather from one side of the country from east to west and north to south. Not even the same things anywhere.
Join Date: Dec 2009
09-30-2022, 6:22 AM
Hey Joe, where is Jackie? I think that says it all!
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-30-2022, 7:03 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Hey Joe, where is Jackie? I think that says it all!
You know, the craziest part of all that is how badly the left tried going after Trump with that 25th Amendment stuff for no reason. With Mr Magoo we have very clear grounds for it and crickets from the MSM. Probably because they know that means VP Kneepads is next in line.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-30-2022, 7:08 AM
He really needs to go by the name Bernie Biden.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-30-2022, 7:38 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Not sure how you can get much more left economically than our democrats.
Thw democrats arent really left economically they are corrupt corperate shills. even Bernie is pretty moderate on the world stage.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-30-2022, 7:49 AM
[QUOTE=ralph;2016055]Thw democrats arent really left economically they are corrupt corperate shills. even Bernie is pretty moderate on the world stage.[/QUOTE
Either you tax people to death or you don't. economic policy is economic policy. It pretty much all boils down to social policy. For us, the feds only have so many knobs they can turn. They still have the states setting individual policies. Kalifornia now has well over 100,000 homeless, millions of illegals, lost a seat in the house due to population decline to other states, considered one of the poorest states when it comes to affordability and money in the pockets of the people. They are pretty far left. Very similar story to the ex Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. Only difference between kalifornia and china is china never developed a middle class and has pretty much a permanent slave class. kalifornia is trying to get there by driving out the middle class and flooding the state with 3rd worlders.
Join Date: Apr 2002
09-30-2022, 8:13 AM
49 Republicans vote against veterans food security bill.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-30-2022, 8:26 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You know, the craziest part of all that is how badly the left tried going after Trump with that 25th Amendment stuff for no reason. With Mr Magoo we have very clear grounds for it and crickets from the MSM. Probably because they know that means VP Kneepads is next in line.
Did Biden try to take over the US Gov't yet? Oh, my bad, he IS in charge.
Remember when trump took a cognitive test and thought he took an intelligence test?
Washington (AFP) - Donald Trump has divulged details of a cognitive test he "aced" -- including a five-word memory challenge he said proved he had the "mental stamina" to lead the US.
"Person. Woman. Man Camera. TV," the US president recited as he revealed details of the much-discussed test to Fox TV on Wednesday.
"The last questions are much more difficult," he said in an interview on "Tucker Carlson Tonight", in which he repeatedly questioned the mental capacity of his Democratic rival Joe Biden.
"Like a memory question. It's like, you'll go: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV," the president said. "So they say, 'Could you repeat that?' So I said, 'Yeah. It's: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.'"
"Then, ten minutes, 15, 20 minutes later they say, 'Remember that first question... Give us that again."
"And you go: 'Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.'"
"And they say 'that's amazing. How did you do that?'"
"I do it because I have, like, a good memory," Trump continued. "Because I'm cognitively there."
Anyway..."Jackie" was a sponsor of the bill he was signing and died last month in a terrible auto accident. So what if he tried to give her, a republican, credit.
I rest easy at night knowing we wont see the president changing the arc of a hurricane with his sharpie and lying about it.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-30-2022, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Did Biden try to take over the US Gov't yet? Oh, my bad, he IS in charge.
Remember when trump took a cognitive test and thought he took an intelligence test?
Washington (AFP) - Donald Trump has divulged details of a cognitive test he "aced" -- including a five-word memory challenge he said proved he had the "mental stamina" to lead the US.
"Person. Woman. Man Camera. TV," the US president recited as he revealed details of the much-discussed test to Fox TV on Wednesday.
"The last questions are much more difficult," he said in an interview on "Tucker Carlson Tonight", in which he repeatedly questioned the mental capacity of his Democratic rival Joe Biden.
"Like a memory question. It's like, you'll go: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV," the president said. "So they say, 'Could you repeat that?' So I said, 'Yeah. It's: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.'"
"Then, ten minutes, 15, 20 minutes later they say, 'Remember that first question... Give us that again."
"And you go: 'Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.'"
"And they say 'that's amazing. How did you do that?'"
"I do it because I have, like, a good memory," Trump continued. "Because I'm cognitively there."
Anyway..."Jackie" was a sponsor of the bill he was signing and died last month in a terrible auto accident. So what if he tried to give her, a republican, credit.
I rest easy at night knowing we wont see the president changing the arc of a hurricane with his sharpie and lying about it.
No, his handlers are in charge. He’s just Bernie being led around by the hand literally. Not hard to believe you’re defending Bernie like all the other dishonest dims acting like it’s no big deal. It’s like you all just listened to the song by Shaggy, “It Wasn’t Me.”
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-30-2022, 10:52 AM
So much more disaster from the left as usual. Like Satan and 95, Gavin Nuisance goes around openly, intentionally twisting Scripture into saying something opposite of what it really says. Well, Johnny Mac lit him up properly with some cold hard truth.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-30-2022, 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
49 Republicans vote against veterans food security bill.
bless your heart. trolling on a name of a bill. Care to publish what is in the bill? Kind of like the inflation reduction act that has zero to do with inflation.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-30-2022, 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
No, his handlers are in charge. He’s just Bernie being led around by the hand literally. Not hard to believe you’re defending Bernie like all the other dishonest dims acting like it’s no big deal. It’s like you all just listened to the song by Shaggy, “It Wasn’t Me.”
LOL, make up your mind. Is it Biden or his handlers? Seems he has plenty of balls to call out the grifters best pal Putin and state clearly we will not accept anything that murderer says, decrees or wants no matter how many fake elections he runs. Russia, led by trumps pal soon to be a pariah state, just like N.Korea...where his other love interest resides. Im defending a president who accidentally used the wrong name of a sponsor to the bill he was signing, the horrors, shes been dead for literally weeks. Unlike those who freely choose to defend a life long criminal who tried to steal an election he clearly lost and violently tried to take over the US gov't.
Wasnt it your Fav pres who went senile while in office, poor Ronnie.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-30-2022, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by markj
So much more disaster from the left as usual. Like Satan and 95, Gavin Nuisance goes around openly, intentionally twisting Scripture into saying something opposite of what it really says. Well, Johnny Mac lit him up properly with some cold hard truth.
The F!, talk about taking the bible out of context. Yikes, Crazytown. As soon as religion want to enter the political opinion market, they lose that friently tax dodge. F him.
Join Date: Sep 2005
09-30-2022, 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
bless your heart. trolling on a name of a bill. Care to publish what is in the bill? Kind of like the inflation reduction act that has zero to do with inflation.
Lazy Copout. Read the bill and speak up about the pork you claim.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-30-2022, 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The F!, talk about taking the bible out of context. Yikes, Crazytown. As soon as religion want to enter the political opinion market, they lose that friently tax dodge. F him.
I don’t understand your drug addled rant. Nice mouth too. Do you kiss your “birthing parent” with that mouth?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-01-2022, 6:28 AM
Another typical democrat who needs his medical license revoked because he simply doesn’t understand science. Someone needs to inform this so-called doctor that there is no such thing as a transgender person. https://www.foxnews.com/media/planne...-evil-ideology
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-01-2022, 6:48 AM
I love it when karma knocks at the door of democrats.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-01-2022, 12:35 PM
Dividing Americans like only a democrat can, VP Kneepads says POC will be getting hurricane relief before whites. Can't make this stuff up.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-01-2022, 1:19 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Because rich white folks should get help first? What are you trying to say? What do you disagree with? Equity assistance is literally the biblical approach. You would need to squeeze your little brain really hard to find a problem with helping those who need it most first as a bad policy.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-01-2022, 1:31 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Dividing would be more like when trumpy was handing out Covid assistance and Blue states could get help "if they ask nicely". Remember when he called the Judge "biased" because he was Mexican? Nice way to bring all together. When he claimed there were good people on both sides after the Charlottesville debacle, that really brought the country together.
When Trump isn’t attacking Democratic governors — already this month he’s described Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as “failing,” accused Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker of “blaming the Federal Government for [his] own shortcomings,” and smeared Washington Gov. Jay Inslee as “a snake” — the president has been insisting that it’s up to them to procure the supplies they need to prevent their hospitals from being overwhelmed.
“They have to get that gear themselves,” Trump told Fox News on Tuesday, referring to Democratic governors, adding that “they shouldn’t be hitting us.” (It’s worth noting that Trump hasn’t criticized Republican governors for their coronavirus responses.)
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-01-2022, 4:08 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Because rich white folks should get help first? What are you trying to say? What do you disagree with? Equity assistance is literally the biblical approach. You would need to squeeze your little brain really hard to find a problem with helping those who need it most first as a bad policy.
Those in need most were EXCLUDED in favor of those who are the right color in her warped mind! THAT'S THE PROBLEM, YOU DOLT!!! Yet another time you misstate the Bible's "approach" too. You're batting 1.000 on that topic. Man, I can't believe your willingness to make a fool of yourself so blatantly and regularly. You are clearly the least self-aware person I've ever communicated with. Your earned title of WW Jester is so appropriate.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-02-2022, 5:05 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Those in need most were EXCLUDED in favor of those who are the right color in her warped mind! THAT'S THE PROBLEM, YOU DOLT!!! Yet another time you misstate the Bible's "approach" too. You're batting 1.000 on that topic. Man, I can't believe your willingness to make a fool of yourself so blatantly and regularly. You are clearly the least self-aware person I've ever communicated with. Your earned title of WW Jester is so appropriate.
The left wants to knock the minorities down. See, if you keep telling them , they are not capable, able people, because of their skin color, at some point, they believe it! The left wants them to feel inferior so they can control them. Hence Equity, not Equality. Telling them its not their fault for anything and the only way they can survive is if the Government gives them more or props them up. Very sad what the left is doing. They are moving back towards the Old days.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-02-2022, 8:07 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
The left wants to knock the minorities down. See, if you keep telling them , they are not capable, able people, because of their skin color, at some point, they believe it! The left wants them to feel inferior so they can control them. Hence Equity, not Equality. Telling them its not their fault for anything and the only way they can survive is if the Government gives them more or props them up. Very sad what the left is doing. They are moving back towards the Old days.
Yes. All for the sake of more power. Pure evil. Pure democrats.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-02-2022, 11:54 AM
Ya both are making me laff, you cant read the article and comprehend a thing. "FEMA is available to ALL Floridians" is the fact you all missed. No one was denied help no one was slow walked, not a single incidence. Race, color was never an issue, except to fools who believe ThePost. Yet you 2 clowns are all bent out of shape over something that never happened. The only one who believes they are not capable due to skin color is Doug, he brings it up like clockwork every couple weeks.
Harris wasnt even in the State of Florida, she was at a Womens meeting in Washington. The Post (and all conservatives) like to create their own drama so they can stay all raged up. Gotta get your hate fix in.
Last couple years your claim was Covid rules gave Dems too much power they would never relinquish, its always fear tactics yall fall for. Well almost every Covid rule has been rescinded. Guess your people lied to you again. No worry, you never learn from the past,they'll do it again and you will buy in hook, line and sinker. Must be fun living in fear of your neighbors and everything else.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-02-2022, 12:10 PM
Like I said....Your people are certifiably nuts, they expect you to believe anything (because you always do). Create a new conspiracy theory out of thin air for the rubes to believe.
Now the Deep State Dems are creating hurricanes and targeting red states. I bet you 2 believe it, Delta would too.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-02-2022, 8:55 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Ya both are making me laff, you cant read the article and comprehend a thing. "FEMA is available to ALL Floridians" is the fact you all missed. No one was denied help no one was slow walked, not a single incidence. Race, color was never an issue, except to fools who believe ThePost. Yet you 2 clowns are all bent out of shape over something that never happened. The only one who believes they are not capable due to skin color is Doug, he brings it up like clockwork every couple weeks.
Harris wasnt even in the State of Florida, she was at a Womens meeting in Washington. The Post (and all conservatives) like to create their own drama so they can stay all raged up. Gotta get your hate fix in.
Last couple years your claim was Covid rules gave Dems too much power they would never relinquish, its always fear tactics yall fall for. Well almost every Covid rule has been rescinded. Guess your people lied to you again. No worry, you never learn from the past,they'll do it again and you will buy in hook, line and sinker. Must be fun living in fear of your neighbors and everything else.
First, you’d better tell your pointy head to look up the word “incidence” there, college boy. Second, Ms. Kneepads said it herself. See the link below. Thankfully, DeSantis’ team showed up to point out her pandering and virtue-signaling ignorance. The only facts that were missed were the ones missed by the aforementioned Ms Kneepads. The location from where she puked her stupidity from is irrelevant too.
The only reason dims have given up a little of their totalitarianism is because there’s an election right around the corner. They’re just chomping at the bit waiting for the next lame excuse to claim that same authority again. It’s hardwired into their DNA.
Bottom line is, with this Florida story, Ms Kneepads broke the “in case of emergency” glass and whipped out the typical democrat rhetoric to pander to blacks right before an election and right on schedule like the libtards do every election cycle. Rinse and repeat. You’re just too brainwashed to see the truth like the rest of us sane people.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-02-2022, 9:00 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Like I said....Your people are certifiably nuts, they expect you to believe anything (because you always do). Create a new conspiracy theory out of thin air for the rubes to believe.
Now the Deep State Dems are creating hurricanes and targeting red states. I bet you 2 believe it, Delta would too.
There you go again… stepping in another pile of your own poop. Read what your fellow libtard said about why people need to vote dim.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-03-2022, 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by markj
First, you’d better tell your pointy head to look up the word “incidence” there, college boy. Second, Ms. Kneepads said it herself. See the link below. Thankfully, DeSantis’ team showed up to point out her pandering and virtue-signaling ignorance. The only facts that were missed were the ones missed by the aforementioned Ms Kneepads. The location from where she puked her stupidity from is irrelevant too.
The only reason dims have given up a little of their totalitarianism is because there’s an election right around the corner. They’re just chomping at the bit waiting for the next lame excuse to claim that same authority again. It’s hardwired into their DNA.
Bottom line is, with this Florida story, Ms Kneepads broke the “in case of emergency” glass and whipped out the typical democrat rhetoric to pander to blacks right before an election and right on schedule like the libtards do every election cycle. Rinse and repeat. You’re just too brainwashed to see the truth like the rest of us sane people.
Desantis as well as Rubio and many others have been against assistance to other communities when they were hit with disasters. Why isnt that a problem since The VP just gave an opinion on a priority list, never suggested to not help. Why are you outraged now and not when they didnt want to help any color, race in the past?
Its nice that you can create a nice little narrative and completely ignore the fact that as cases, hospitalizations...were reduced numbers each and every covid requirement was reduced til stopped. Make too much sense for a conspiracy guy like yourself? Go back to believing its the deep state with all their advance weather control hitting red states with hurricanes. It isnt knuckleheads building at or below sea-level.
Its politics, Harris panders to communities of color, the grifter panders to Qanon. I'll take pandering to communities of color over right-wing nutcases 7 days a week.
Isnt it time you stopped posting FOX "news" stories? Everyone knows FOX is the biggest lying "news" source on cable. No one here posts far left sources and expect you to read garbage.