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Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-07-2022, 7:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Then I’ll use a pen. Or I’ll get an illegal pencil from a democrat. You on the left keep blaming the tool when it’s the user of the tool. Ever heard of a knife? Ever heard of Jack the Ripper? Murderers have been doing what they do since Cain killed Abel. How foolish to believe taking guns away from legal owners will stop murders. Want to impose some more comprehensive background checks? Fine. I actually thought that already existed.
I've heard of an idiot, and I know you're one. What kind of moron equates the dangers of a knife to an automatic weapon that can kill from a hundred yards? Or a knife that makes cops too afraid to rescue children? F**k background checks. Let states make their own laws controlling guns. If Texas likes killing children, so be it. But we have a dangerous SC that is unleashing gun violence on the whole nation supporting an anachronistic amendment with cherry picking. Americans are too stupid to own guns. The evidence is in your own post equating them with knifes and pens.

This is who you people are. These are the types of things you are ok with. It’s been getting worse ever since the 60’s.
Yep, you're a moron.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-07-2022, 8:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I've heard of an idiot, and I know you're one. What kind of moron equates the dangers of a knife to an automatic weapon that can kill from a hundred yards? Or a knife that makes cops too afraid to rescue children? F**k background checks. Let states make their own laws controlling guns. If Texas likes killing children, so be it. But we have a dangerous SC that is unleashing gun violence on the whole nation supporting an anachronistic amendment with cherry picking. Americans are too stupid to own guns. The evidence is in your own post equating them with knifes and pens.

Yep, you're a moron.
Wow. Hate much? I’m betting you have a “Get off my lawn” sign in front of your apartment. You’re a 70+ year old man, name calling on the internet and can’t even express anything, but hatred. Just like everyone else in your party.

I’m also betting you don’t want to address the facts about how our culture has slipped past the point of no return-thanks to the sin your party has been pushing since the 60’s. The problems like mass shootings and rampant crime start in the home. To make matters worse, your party has been doing the OPPOSITE of what government is ordained to do: punish evil and protect those who do good. Your party has completely rejected God and anything to do with Him. Wrong is now right and right is now wrong with you. Sin absolutely rules the minds of those in your party.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-07-2022, 8:40 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I've heard of an idiot, and I know you're one. What kind of moron equates the dangers of a knife to an automatic weapon that can kill from a hundred yards? Or a knife that makes cops too afraid to rescue children? F**k background checks. Let states make their own laws controlling guns. If Texas likes killing children, so be it. But we have a dangerous SC that is unleashing gun violence on the whole nation supporting an anachronistic amendment with cherry picking. Americans are too stupid to own guns. The evidence is in your own post equating them with knifes and pens.

Yep, you're a moron.
The second amendment has been the law of the land ever since this country started. What has changed in our society since the 60’s to make it seem like not such a good idea to you? Oh that’s right. Personal accountability is required and that’s in direct conflict with your party because you guys don’t want to be accountable for anything. One other thing: How is it you couldn’t care less about the over one million innocent children who are murdered each year?
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-07-2022, 8:45 AM Reply   
The awful recent mass shooting is virtually undetectable compared to the rampant murder-for-convenience your party pushes for.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-07-2022, 12:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Wow. Hate much? I’m betting you have a “Get off my lawn” sign in front of your apartment. You’re a 70+ year old man, name calling on the internet and can’t even express anything, but hatred. Just like everyone else in your party.
Still the moron. LOL!
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-07-2022, 12:07 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
The second amendment has been the law of the land ever since this country started. What has changed in our society since the 60’s to make it seem like not such a good idea to you?
In 2008 a conservative SC decided for the first time that Americans have an individual right to a gun, subverting state laws that try to limit the resulting carnage of practically limitless gun ownership. And stated the purpose of the 2nd amendment was irrelevant to that right. IOW, the stated purpose was superfluous language that could be ignored.

And you, true to your moronic self somehow feels that no matter how many people are murdered by guns, your stance on the abortion issue justifies it.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-07-2022, 1:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Still the moron. LOL!
Still over 70 years old calling people names on the internet. Still can’t do more than call names because your so-called arguments have slim to no truth within.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-07-2022, 1:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
In 2008 a conservative SC decided for the first time that Americans have an individual right to a gun, subverting state laws that try to limit the resulting carnage of practically limitless gun ownership. And stated the purpose of the 2nd amendment was irrelevant to that right. IOW, the stated purpose was superfluous language that could be ignored.

And you, true to your moronic self somehow feels that no matter how many people are murdered by guns, your stance on the abortion issue justifies it.
So in other words, they followed the law like they were supposed to while revealing certain states were depriving citizens of their constitutional rights. Win win.

On the contrary. I think mass shootings are deplorable. I just know that they are caused by a rejection of God and His Word in our culture. I know you don’t like that we are free to own them because guns enable us to protect ourselves as a last line of defense against totalitarian democrat governments which we were all witness to over the last couple years. Lots of guns have been all around in our culture from the very beginning. What’s changed are our morals. Our society is in catastrophic decline. We are following Ancient Rome. Nothing is new under the sun. We have all the hallmarks of a soon-to-be-dissolved country. You can’t keep thumbing your democrat noses to the Word of God. It’s unsustainable and we are already seeing the signs of the removal of God’s blessing on this country. It’s all traceable back to the democrat agenda. Earlier, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy of being totally cool with the sea of baby murders and how those annual numbers make mass shooting murders nothing more than a vapor.

Read Romans 1:18-32 and mark my words. We are in stage 3 of that right now. Exclusively due to democrats.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-07-2022, 4:40 PM Reply   
Romans 1:18-32, AKA, the rise of Trump. 100% Def not a church goer godless and wicked, never gives thanks. Sinful desire, sexual impurity caused 3 wives and who knows how many cheating affairs. The lies, the lust, the greed it literally describes the ex president in great detail. Thanks for that. Only a fool believes one needs to believe in God in order to live a moral life. I know many, many terrible humans who claim to be Christians. As we all do, I know many non religious people who live a Christian life volunteering, always helping and serving others, yet not believers.
Democrats trying to create universal healthcare for everyone in the country. Democrats trying to curb environment ills so everyone can have clean air to breath, clean water to drink. Democrats are clearly higher thinkers, they understand facts, they know if people keep getting killed by gun fire, the issue is too many guns.
There were Good Guys with guns (police) all over the parade route, didnt help. There were 19 officers standing outside that classroom, all had high powered weapons, shields and equipment and those good guys with guns failed to keep children safe. The Buffalo shooter, musta been a true democrat travelling 200 miles specifically killing innocent black people plus the armed store guard. The shooter in El Paso Texas must have also been a democrat since he traveled hundreds of miles to the Walmart to specifically to kill Mexicans, killed 20. Mass shootings are weekly in America, the only country in the world where it happens. Democrats push safe gun laws, Republicans push thoughts prayers and the NRA. The assault weapon ban 20, 30 years ago worked, we know the numbers after they let it expire. Republicans get the benefit to enjoy the things democrats do to support Americans, higher wages, unions, safe food laws, better, safer working conditions. Without democrat states like California to support them, the entire red Bible belt would starve cause those lazy MF'ers have no personal accountability, right?
Murdered children lol, Genisis 2:7. Life begins at first breath, child.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-07-2022, 8:38 PM Reply   
Gas prices have gone down 20 days in a row, Biden is really doing a great job
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-08-2022, 2:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Romans 1:18-32, AKA, the rise of Trump. 100% Def not a church goer godless and wicked, never gives thanks. Sinful desire, sexual impurity caused 3 wives and who knows how many cheating affairs. The lies, the lust, the greed it literally describes the ex president in great detail. Thanks for that. Only a fool believes one needs to believe in God in order to live a moral life. I know many, many terrible humans who claim to be Christians. As we all do, I know many non religious people who live a Christian life volunteering, always helping and serving others, yet not believers.
Democrats trying to create universal healthcare for everyone in the country. Democrats trying to curb environment ills so everyone can have clean air to breath, clean water to drink. Democrats are clearly higher thinkers, they understand facts, they know if people keep getting killed by gun fire, the issue is too many guns.
There were Good Guys with guns (police) all over the parade route, didnt help. There were 19 officers standing outside that classroom, all had high powered weapons, shields and equipment and those good guys with guns failed to keep children safe. The Buffalo shooter, musta been a true democrat travelling 200 miles specifically killing innocent black people plus the armed store guard. The shooter in El Paso Texas must have also been a democrat since he traveled hundreds of miles to the Walmart to specifically to kill Mexicans, killed 20. Mass shootings are weekly in America, the only country in the world where it happens. Democrats push safe gun laws, Republicans push thoughts prayers and the NRA. The assault weapon ban 20, 30 years ago worked, we know the numbers after they let it expire. Republicans get the benefit to enjoy the things democrats do to support Americans, higher wages, unions, safe food laws, better, safer working conditions. Without democrat states like California to support them, the entire red Bible belt would starve cause those lazy MF'ers have no personal accountability, right?
Murdered children lol, Genisis 2:7. Life begins at first breath, child.
1. Well we can agree DJT has major character issues, but as a whole, he certainly didn't govern like he did. Anyway, we weren't voting for a pastor or spiritual leader. We were voting for who would best carry out the role of president. We definitely made the right choice.
2. Speaking of fools, you must have glossed over Romans 1:22 where Paul says, "Claiming to be wise, they became fools....." That verse was written just for YOU in your party who are always claiming to be so smart, evolved and above everyone else.
3. I know many terrible people claiming to be christians too! As the Gospel gets watered down while some churches try to gain acceptance by being more like the world and so-called pastors like Joel Osteen gain popularity, you can expect to see more of that. Just understand this: Those people are not really christians no matter what they claim. Jesus spoke directly about that and delivered the most scary and sobering words in the entire Bible in Matthew 7:21-23.
4. "Democrats are clearly higher thinkers." See note #2
5. The issue is NOT too many guns. The issue is moral decline lead by your party.
6. Regarding shootings, evil has many faces and every single one of those shootings can be directly traced to the removal of God from our homes, lives and culture.
7. If R's are getting any benefits from D's, why are so many fleeing Cali for right-wing states like Florida and Texas? Unions certainly aren't any benefit. In fact, some of the most debased minds in the country are members of the NEA who are voting on calling mothers birthing parents just to satisfy the less than .1% mentally ill trans patients.
8. You know who knows a lot of Scripture? Satan. He tries to bend it or use it deceivingly just like you did by implying it says something that it doesn't. The Genesis 2:7 verse you're wanting to claim supports your pro-child-murder stance is referring to the creation of Adam who was created as a MAN! Not a child or fetus like you are dishonestly claiming. If you want to know what God thinks about baby murder, His Word tells us in Psalm 139:13-15 "You did form my inward parts, you knit me together in my mother's knew me right well; my frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret..." Jeremiah 1:4-5 "Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you." Genesis 25:23 "two nations are in thy womb" (Jacob and Esau) "and two manner of people." Trust me. I can go on. There are MANY MANY more verses supporting life, but they are more than I want to type out.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-08-2022, 2:51 PM Reply   
It would appear these democrat-model-citizens were not up at 4:00 am in Manhattan to go to the early service at a local church.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-09-2022, 7:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I've heard of an idiot, and I know you're one. What kind of moron equates the dangers of a knife to an automatic weapon that can kill from a hundred yards? Or a knife that makes cops too afraid to rescue children? F**k background checks. Let states make their own laws controlling guns. If Texas likes killing children, so be it. But we have a dangerous SC that is unleashing gun violence on the whole nation supporting an anachronistic amendment with cherry picking. Americans are too stupid to own guns. The evidence is in your own post equating them with knifes and pens.

Yep, you're a moron.
Here we witness the fruit that the democrat policy tree produces: feral animals operating in packs, isolating the weak and murdering them in cold blood for sport using none other than… a traffic cone. Should there be a 10 day waiting period for handling traffic cones now?. This is the world that democrats have built and are 100% responsible for.

Last edited by markj; 07-09-2022 at 7:51 AM.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       07-09-2022, 11:56 AM Reply   
When the founding father's came up with the separation of church and state they were thinking of Mark & his fellow christian teliban
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-09-2022, 2:15 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
When the founding father's came up with the separation of church and state they were thinking of Mark & his fellow christian teliban
Our founders wanted there to be no national or state religion because of the Church of England. If you knew what that was all about, (Bloody Mary) you’d understand why our founders were afraid of any state church being established. That was NEVER intended to mean freedom FROM religion. It was freedom OF religion they were after. Lots of dems like to say it’s freedom from religion because they don’t want to feel guilty about the sinful lifestyles they want to lead and would rather lower the bar far enough to where they don’t feel guilty any more. Keep that debased mind going to the next steps and the next thing you know, you’re promoting the biggest oxymoron in the world: gay marriage.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-09-2022, 2:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
When the founding father's came up with the separation of church and state they were thinking of Mark & his fellow christian teliban
Hey bro, I’m spittin truth and that same truth will find all of us. Hopefully before you take the big dirt nap. After that, it’s too late and forever is a long long time.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-09-2022, 4:07 PM Reply   
1.Correct, not voting for a pastor or spiritual leader, its bigger, it the president of USA, there is only 1. Requires dignity, honor, to be respectful, accountable, trustworthy, responsible, competence...All traits he lacks. He took an oath to protect the country, the constitution, then sat on his azz while the people he invited and at his request attacked our capitol. Dereliction of Duty, he did nothing while watching hour after hour after hour.
2. Donald J Trump, the J is for Jenius.
3. I can be a mass murderer and in prison i can say i now believe in Jesus, done deal come on into heaven, nice neck ink bro, I like the nazi cross too!!
4. Republicans and those that live in red states still get the benefit of what the Dem party does for all Americans. Republicans since Ronnie have been taking care of the top and selling you trickle down econ.
5.We cant regulate moral decline as you say, we can regulate guns and mentally ill cant mass murder w/o a gun. simple.
6. You can continue to blame non-believers and that does not help much. Many murderers are believers. This country was founded on a freedom from religion, there is no common denominator between evil and religion or lack of religion. Lets settle this the American way. I will be happy to let you believe and pray all you want as long as you allow me the same right to not believe. If you feel abortion is murder, by all means, never be a part of one advise your family as you wish. Let the rest of the people do what they feel is necc as you do.
7. Its too expensive for many. They sure are not leaving for freedom, those places are taking them away. But you can be armed to the teeth and walk around the mall with your AR an Sig Sauer on your hip, go ahead, join them if you like.
8. Already settled this, You are free to believe breath only relates to Adam even if Bible disagrees with you. Feel free to continue believing what you feel is best. Im good with that. I will continue to believe life begins with a breath.
"This is the moment when all human life begins. Genesis 1 describes the creation of the entire universe. As part of that story, men and women are also formed (Genesis 1:27). Genesis chapter 2 narrows focus on the creation of the first man, giving additional details, and helping us to see that humanity is special among all the rest of creation.

When it comes to religion, why do you christians all the sudden want to change the constitution and restrict freedoms?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The No Religious Test Clause of the United States Constitution is a clause within Article VI, Clause 3: "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." It immediately follows a clause requiring all federal and state office holders to take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution. This clause contains the only explicit reference to religion in the original seven articles of the U.S. Constitution.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-10-2022, 7:24 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Hey bro, I’m spittin truth and that same truth will find all of us. Hopefully before you take the big dirt nap. After that, it’s too late and forever is a long long time.
The superstitious moron strikes again!:

My God is the omnipotent, omniscient creator of the universe. All things things exist due to God's perfect design. Whether it's Hitler or Mother Teresa we all all doing God's will because creation is perfect. There is no reason to dwell on your fate as God sees it. It is as God designed.

Your God is an absentee loser. Your pathetic flawed God has to keep fixing it's mistakes all the time because it couldn't get it right the first time. Or should I say "he", because for some inexplicable reason you superstitious idiots seem to think your God was born with a penis. You know, the one he shonged Mary with apparently because her gay husband Joe didn't want to touch her lady bits. But your God's penis must be incredibly small because after all the priests got done gawking at her underage vagina they declared her still a virgin. Oh and for all of you that think you can tell the difference between an man and a woman because of science, you can't get pregnant and still be a virgin unless someone used a turkey baster on you.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 10:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Romans 1:18-32, AKA, the rise of Trump. 100% Def not a church goer godless and wicked, never gives thanks. Sinful desire, sexual impurity caused 3 wives and who knows how many cheating affairs. The lies, the lust, the greed it literally describes the ex president in great detail. Thanks for that. Only a fool believes one needs to believe in God in order to live a moral life. I know many, many terrible humans who claim to be Christians. As we all do, I know many non religious people who live a Christian life volunteering, always helping and serving others, yet not believers.
Democrats trying to create universal healthcare for everyone in the country. Democrats trying to curb environment ills so everyone can have clean air to breath, clean water to drink. Democrats are clearly higher thinkers, they understand facts, they know if people keep getting killed by gun fire, the issue is too many guns.
There were Good Guys with guns (police) all over the parade route, didnt help. There were 19 officers standing outside that classroom, all had high powered weapons, shields and equipment and those good guys with guns failed to keep children safe. The Buffalo shooter, musta been a true democrat travelling 200 miles specifically killing innocent black people plus the armed store guard. The shooter in El Paso Texas must have also been a democrat since he traveled hundreds of miles to the Walmart to specifically to kill Mexicans, killed 20. Mass shootings are weekly in America, the only country in the world where it happens. Democrats push safe gun laws, Republicans push thoughts prayers and the NRA. The assault weapon ban 20, 30 years ago worked, we know the numbers after they let it expire. Republicans get the benefit to enjoy the things democrats do to support Americans, higher wages, unions, safe food laws, better, safer working conditions. Without democrat states like California to support them, the entire red Bible belt would starve cause those lazy MF'ers have no personal accountability, right?
Murdered children lol, Genisis 2:7. Life begins at first breath, child.
democrats push for criminals to have control. It is done to destabilize society so the government can take control of all parts of life. You will own nothing and like it they say.

Assault weapon ban did nothing. "assault weapns", heck even rifles have less deaths attributed to them than hammers and fists annually. yet another example of a democrats who will say anything.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 10:55 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I've heard of an idiot, and I know you're one. What kind of moron equates the dangers of a knife to an automatic weapon that can kill from a hundred yards? Or a knife that makes cops too afraid to rescue children? F**k background checks. Let states make their own laws controlling guns. If Texas likes killing children, so be it. But we have a dangerous SC that is unleashing gun violence on the whole nation supporting an anachronistic amendment with cherry picking. Americans are too stupid to own guns. The evidence is in your own post equating them with knifes and pens.

Yep, you're a moron.
actually cops are more afraid of people with a knife than they are someone with a gun. vests don't work against knifes unless they are rolling with ceramic plate and that is just frontal typically.

democrats are too stupid to own guns. There, fixed it for you.

yes. The supreme court just unleashed guns on America. How many murders does LA, Oakland, Chicago, New York have each year? What are their gun laws? How about the PM of Japan. What are the gun laws there?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 11:00 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
When the founding father's came up with the separation of church and state they were thinking of Mark & his fellow christian teliban
Try reading the federalist papers regarding state and religion. They do not support your opinion.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-12-2022, 12:21 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
actually cops are more afraid of people with a knife than they are someone with a gun. vests don't work against knifes unless they are rolling with ceramic plate and that is just frontal typically.
Is there no limit to the dumb things you believe? Or is it just the dumb things you are willing to say? I'm sure those cops in Uvalde were too afraid to rescue those kids because they thought a knife is worse than a rifle.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-12-2022, 12:29 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
How about the PM of Japan. What are the gun laws there?
Another excellent example of the ignorant things you say. Ironically (and probably lost on you) your example of Japan goes entirely against your intentions. They have very strict gun laws and a very low murder rate from guns. Now, how about giving the right to control guns back to the states instead of the SC, which as you claimed earlier would give the people more rights.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 2:12 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Is there no limit to the dumb things you believe? Or is it just the dumb things you are willing to say? I'm sure those cops in Uvalde were too afraid to rescue those kids because they thought a knife is worse than a rifle.
Sounds to me the cops were more afraid of not having proper authority to shoot the kid. One even had his site of his rifle on him real early in this process. Democrats going to war on the police have made them to gun shy to do the thing they are trained to do. Thus they waited around for ever.

I guess I am biased by a long time CHP officer who teaches knife fighting techniques and other training material that shows who wins with a someone holding a gun and the other a knife in a close combat situation. More times than not the one holding the gun is dead and can not get the gun out of their holster. While I am sure no one wants to go after someone with a gun either, just pointing to a few things I have learned from people.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-12-2022, 2:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Another excellent example of the ignorant things you say. Ironically (and probably lost on you) your example of Japan goes entirely against your intentions. They have very strict gun laws and a very low murder rate from guns. Now, how about giving the right to control guns back to the states instead of the SC, which as you claimed earlier would give the people more rights.
I notice you say low murder rate from guns. Murder is murder regardless of guns. One thing you are totally ignoring is the societal order of the Japanese people where any adult will paint any kids back porch red if they get out of line with no issues from the police or the other kids parents.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-12-2022, 3:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
democrats push for criminals to have control. It is done to destabilize society so the government can take control of all parts of life. You will own nothing and like it they say.

Assault weapon ban did nothing. "assault weapns", heck even rifles have less deaths attributed to them than hammers and fists annually. yet another example of a democrats who will say anything.
So you are saying you cant own your home, your car or anything else and you think we should ban handguns and hammers. Why not ban racism too?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-12-2022, 3:31 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
actually cops are more afraid of people with a knife than they are someone with a gun. vests don't work against knifes unless they are rolling with ceramic plate and that is just frontal typically.

democrats are too stupid to own guns. There, fixed it for you.

yes. The supreme court just unleashed guns on America. How many murders does LA, Oakland, Chicago, New York have each year? What are their gun laws? How about the PM of Japan. What are the gun laws there?
Cops are just afraid of anyone also armed. Ask the 17 standing outside the classroom door while 1 18 year old shot up a bunch of 9 and 10 year olds and their teachers. If you recall the George Floyd incident, they are afraid of dudes that are in cuffs on the ground not even breathing.

Keep thinking Dems are not armed and that they are stupid.

You make yourself look the fool comparing gun laws. When you have millions and millions of guns, the laws really dont matter much. Every right wing clown, every gang banger all part of the same group, Club shoot first.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-12-2022, 3:47 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Sounds to me the cops were more afraid of not having proper authority to shoot the kid. One even had his site of his rifle on him real early in this process. Democrats going to war on the police have made them to gun shy to do the thing they are trained to do. Thus they waited around for ever.

I guess I am biased by a long time CHP officer who teaches knife fighting techniques and other training material that shows who wins with a someone holding a gun and the other a knife in a close combat situation. More times than not the one holding the gun is dead and can not get the gun out of their holster. While I am sure no one wants to go after someone with a gun either, just pointing to a few things I have learned from people.
Yes im sure most dems wanted the cops to do nothing and wait another hour in the hallway.

Great, lets have a knife / gun fight, i'll give you the knife advantage. Bye bye.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2022, 7:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I guess I am biased by a long time CHP officer who teaches knife fighting techniques and other training material that shows who wins with a someone holding a gun and the other a knife in a close combat situation. More times than not the one holding the gun is dead and can not get the gun out of their holster. While I am sure no one wants to go after someone with a gun either, just pointing to a few things I have learned from people.
I have no issue with the advice that a knife is more dangerous than a holstered gun in close combat. I have issue with you desperately twisting that into "a knife is more dangerous than a gun", which is something even the most ignorant person would disagree with. But it is something that the most ignorant person would say in an argument. Which brings us back to you claiming that democrats will say anything and me responding... that also sounds like you.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2022, 8:01 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
So you are saying you cant own your home, your car or anything else and you think we should ban handguns and hammers. Why not ban racism too?
Not my talking point. It was a talking point from a democrat operative in regards to the new liberal world order where individuals do not own property. You guys also do not want us to own guns, hammers or anything else to defend ourselves.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2022, 8:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yes im sure most dems wanted the cops to do nothing and wait another hour in the hallway.

Great, lets have a knife / gun fight, i'll give you the knife advantage. Bye bye.
actually they do. When you try and put every cop in jail and defund the who departments because they have to confront bad people, the bad people win. What is it about you democraps that do not understand basic cause and effect. You can see this type of thing happening a hundred miles away. Just as the border patrol who are still being investigated a year later and are still being promised disciplinary action for allegedly whipping illegals. Or other cops who are in jail or have to spend their life savings plus some to defend themselves for doing their jobs. Like I said and it is the law, cops are not required to intervene. When you make it political, they are all just going to get as close as they can without getting burned then wait for the politicians to give the go ahead and this is exactly what you got in this case. you can see it coming a lifetime away if you have any common sense. It is done on purpose by the democraps because that is how you destabilized a society.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2022, 8:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
I notice you say low murder rate from guns. Murder is murder regardless of guns.
I like to be precise because people like yourself tend to take things out of context, and then proceed to move off on a tangent because you don't have any argument to refute what's said. And for evidence of that we look at your next statement...

One thing you are totally ignoring is the societal order of the Japanese people where any adult will paint any kids back porch red if they get out of line with no issues from the police or the other kids parents.
You are the one who used the Japanese assassination to support your argument. The example you picked was the exact opposite of support, but instead supported the notion that strict gun laws reduce gun deaths. I just pointed that out. I ignored societal order because it was irrelevant. Now you introduce it as a desperate attempt to cover your mistake. This is why I view you as an idiot. You would have appeared much more intelligent if you has recognized that it was a screw up on your part to use this example without spending 10 sec to think it through first.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2022, 8:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Cops are just afraid of anyone also armed. Ask the 17 standing outside the classroom door while 1 18 year old shot up a bunch of 9 and 10 year olds and their teachers.
They have video of the cops running scared away from the shooter. According to Delta they must of thought he had a knife.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2022, 9:54 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
I like to be precise because people like yourself tend to take things out of context, and then proceed to move off on a tangent because you don't have any argument to refute what's said. And for evidence of that we look at your next statement...

You are the one who used the Japanese assassination to support your argument. The example you picked was the exact opposite of support, but instead supported the notion that strict gun laws reduce gun deaths. I just pointed that out. I ignored societal order because it was irrelevant. Now you introduce it as a desperate attempt to cover your mistake. This is why I view you as an idiot. You would have appeared much more intelligent if you has recognized that it was a screw up on your part to use this example without spending 10 sec to think it through first.
Not a mistake. It points directly on an Island where they have very easy controls over imports of goods and people, someone was still able to acquire a firearm and assassinate this person. By all reports a typical citizen and not some gang banger. I then also point to Chicago, Oakland, LA, New York who have strick guns laws that have enormous amounts of murder.

Social order is not irrelevant when speaking of low overall murder. It points to a people issue in the states and not a gun control issue. They have gun control. They don't have people control.

Bad people will always get a gun if they are motivated. Only thing keeping people from going even more crazy is the threat of a horrible retribution in most cases. In Japan it is a closed society at large with a horrible time in prison. You should look at what their prisons are like. From what I read an America committed several felon crimes and got 10 years in Japanese prison. His first 6 months was reported in a tiny box on his knees and beaten if he laid down or tried to stand. In other cases they know they will be shot themselves because the other people are armed.

It was not a mistake on my part you pompous a$$. It reinforces what people have always been saying. You can get a gun if you are motivated. Anywhere. While some places low gun count appears to limit crime, there are other societal issues at play that factor in. In democrat cities, society is rotten to the core. In Japan, it is not. Japanese have a crap load of great knives. We know that more murders in the US are performed with hammers, fists, knives than rifles. Why doesn't Japan have a knife problem? The UK was trying to ban knives at one point recently.

That keeps your casual person from wanting to get involved in crime.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2022, 9:58 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
They have video of the cops running scared away from the shooter. According to Delta they must of thought he had a knife.
Na. They had democrat politicians to worry about more than the knife. Already reported that one of them had sights set on the kid before he even entered the school but waited for permission.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2022, 10:20 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Not a mistake. It points directly on an Island where they have very easy controls over imports of goods and people, someone was still able to acquire a firearm and assassinate this person. By all reports a typical citizen and not some gang banger. I then also point to Chicago, Oakland, LA, New York who have strick guns laws that have enormous amounts of murder.
You mean because they have easy access to guns and the states have limited control over imports, and now with the latest SC ruling even less control over their own laws. Still not arguing in your favor.

Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Social order is not irrelevant when speaking of low overall murder. It points to a people issue in the states and not a gun control issue. They have gun control. They don't have people control.
Social order isn't relevant if you don't have any information to point to it's relevance. And you didn't present any. It's just another example of you trying to wiggle out of the fact that your claims are idiotic and unsupported.

Bad people will always get a gun if they are motivated.
The easier you make it, the more it will happen. Perfect description of gun rights here in the US. Again, not an argument in your favor, but in the favor of making it harder to get guns. Now you've limited the gun murders to people who are highly motivated, rather than just crazy loose canons.

It was not a mistake on my part you pompous a$$.
You wouldn't look like such an idiot if you paid attention to how stupid you present yourself instead of writing it off as the other person being a pompous a$$.

It reinforces what people have always been saying. You can get a gun if you are motivated.
Strawman. Nobody disputes that you can get a gun anywhere if motivated. The problem is when you can get a gun with little effort.

While some places low gun count appears to limit crime.
So in your mind low gun count in society lowering gun deaths is only an illusion, because there would be no other reason to present it as only "appears" to. I'd really like to see you support that argument because it sounds pretty stupid to say that without any hard evidence.

Why doesn't Japan have a knife problem?
For the same reason we don't. Because knifes aren't as dangerous as guns. You don't see cops leaving 20 kids to the mercy of a knife wielder. And you don't see mass murders with a knife.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-13-2022, 10:27 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Na. They had democrat politicians to worry about more than the knife. Already reported that one of them had sights set on the kid before he even entered the school but waited for permission.
So they wait for permission when school kids are being killed, but don't hesitate to shoot if they feel the least bit threatened. That's pretty much how it's been playing out if you pay attention to what's been going on.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2022, 2:06 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You mean because they have easy access to guns and the states have limited control over imports, and now with the latest SC ruling even less control over their own laws. Still not arguing in your favor.

Social order isn't relevant if you don't have any information to point to it's relevance. And you didn't present any. It's just another example of you trying to wiggle out of the fact that your claims are idiotic and unsupported.

The easier you make it, the more it will happen. Perfect description of gun rights here in the US. Again, not an argument in your favor, but in the favor of making it harder to get guns. Now you've limited the gun murders to people who are highly motivated, rather than just crazy loose canons.

You wouldn't look like such an idiot if you paid attention to how stupid you present yourself instead of writing it off as the other person being a pompous a$$.

Strawman. Nobody disputes that you can get a gun anywhere if motivated. The problem is when you can get a gun with little effort.

So in your mind low gun count in society lowering gun deaths is only an illusion, because there would be no other reason to present it as only "appears" to. I'd really like to see you support that argument because it sounds pretty stupid to say that without any hard evidence.

For the same reason we don't. Because knifes aren't as dangerous as guns. You don't see cops leaving 20 kids to the mercy of a knife wielder. And you don't see mass murders with a knife.
Na. It is well supported you are a pompous a$$.

You cannot get a gun with little effort. That is the point. You still have to pass background checks if you are buying and selling legally. The places you like to point to with low murder are nearly a white european countries or island countries with hi controls and with very strict social order. You remove the biggest democrat cities and our murder rate is as low as anywhere in Europe. Of those cities, it is very hard to get a gun for law abiding citizens. Criminals know this. Thus they take advantage. Even then most of it is gang warfare. So what does that leave? It leaves a culture issue and not a gun issue. You can wish guns away but it does not get rid of them period. Everything you are complaining about with the Supreme Court is pie in the sky stuff. They could make it illegal tomorrow (they couldn't due to the pesky constitution that gets in your marxist little hearts way), it still would not keep guns away. Why don't you go back and argue if they just never invented gun powder.

From a statistic standpoint, knives, fists and hammers are more dangerous than rifles but not hand guns. Sure the knife, fist or hammer is a close up and personal issue where a gun can happen several yards away (they say about 7 yards or less is most shootings). Ok. They still use those other things more than rifles. Does not matter if you considered them more dangerous. The DOJ facts say the other things kill more people.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-13-2022, 2:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
So they wait for permission when school kids are being killed, but don't hesitate to shoot if they feel the least bit threatened. That's pretty much how it's been playing out if you pay attention to what's been going on.
depends on the location. The kid in Texas did not point the weapon at the cops so they did not have to make a snap judgement. Thus they waited on the bureaucracy. Why is there bureaucracy involved. Just the political landscape and you will have the answer. I don't like either but people said this will happen when they start trying to criminalize every police action. They just will not act. When your life is in danger now, the police are minutes away.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2022, 12:23 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
depends on the location. The kid in Texas did not point the weapon at the cops so they did not have to make a snap judgement. Thus they waited on the bureaucracy. Why is there bureaucracy involved. Just the political landscape and you will have the answer. I don't like either but people said this will happen when they start trying to criminalize every police action. They just will not act. When your life is in danger now, the police are minutes away.
For the last 20 years, policy has been to immediately engage the shooter and attack. The police were failures in the Uvalde massacre.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-14-2022, 1:09 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
For the last 20 years, policy has been to immediately engage the shooter and attack. The police were failures in the Uvalde massacre.
Yep. Until the war on police. It is legal to not engage and it is appropriate to wait for approval when the opposite is you go to jail. Not saying I agree with it, however anyone with any sanity knows this type of thing is the result with the PC police reform
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-14-2022, 3:09 PM Reply   
The only way cops go to jail is if they are really bad cops, like the guy who murdered George Floyd. Most can completely F up and and worst case scenario they get hired elsewhere, like Florida. Cops can do almost anything and get away with it. Who else has qualified immunity to protect them from their F ups? War on police,lol, look into it almost every police force has had their funding increased. Only a select few have had funding reduced. Actual facts matter.

Educate yourself on POLICY regarding active shooters, You are lacking.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-15-2022, 12:05 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
The only way cops go to jail is if they are really bad cops, like the guy who murdered George Floyd. Most can completely F up and and worst case scenario they get hired elsewhere, like Florida. Cops can do almost anything and get away with it. Who else has qualified immunity to protect them from their F ups? War on police,lol, look into it almost every police force has had their funding increased. Only a select few have had funding reduced. Actual facts matter.

Educate yourself on POLICY regarding active shooters, You are lacking.
Sure they increased the funding after they gutted it the previous year. You just simply fall for all the BS don't you. Quick trying to gaslight everyone. We literally just went through this a year ago. Seattle is now trying to offer bonuses because they had over 400 quit.

george floyd. Another life long criminal that the left hold up as a hero. Another drug addict on the way to his deathbed if not for passing a fake bill and the cops fing up the stop and placing a knee on his back. They guy would have died on the way to the station or in the ambulance. Instead there were riots, billions in damages, a war on the police and society in general all because of a knee placement and a narrative. Why are we not having those riots now? Cops magically stop messing up now that biden is elected?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-15-2022, 12:41 PM Reply   
Talk about falling for BS, You are the one still believing trump is president, Biden cheated, there was fraud. All w/o a single shrewd of proof. In fact ALL the evidence states it was a fair election, but not good enough for you, FOX First to call AZ which was the beginning of the end for trump.
The Uvalde cops F'ed up, the entire LEO community across the country admits it, but not you mr BS.
No one holding GF as a hero. GF was murdered by a cop for passing a counterfeit 20 bill, that was his crime and the penalty in ALL states is not death. It was the umteenth time this has happened, not the first, fool.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 9:11 AM Reply   
When judges write policy and law overriding state legislatures just prior to an election, that is fraudulent. We will just have to agree to disagree.

Of course the cops screwed up. The allowed the democrat smear machine get to them. They waited for someone of authority to give the command so it was not on their backs. This is what the democrats want. I guess you are not familiar with the civilian review boards in places like oakland.

Na. Floyd is a hero to you leftists. murals, riots, etc. usual ingesting that much drugs is a death sentence. You just happened to have an ahole that knows him there that day.

Not the first time this has happened. Then again, not the first time someone in that culture has had run in with police or make up the 3% that commits 50% of all murders.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-19-2022, 9:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
When judges write policy and law overriding state legislatures just prior to an election, that is fraudulent. We will just have to agree to disagree.

Of course the cops screwed up. The allowed the democrat smear machine get to them. They waited for someone of authority to give the command so it was not on their backs. This is what the democrats want. I guess you are not familiar with the civilian review boards in places like oakland.

Na. Floyd is a hero to you leftists. murals, riots, etc. usual ingesting that much drugs is a death sentence. You just happened to have an ahole that knows him there that day.

Not the first time this has happened. Then again, not the first time someone in that culture has had run in with police or make up the 3% that commits 50% of all murders.
No, its not, all voters have the same options to vote, nothing was taken away. Offering more options is opposite of voter fraud, it is expanded voting for all.
Find any source that backs up your claim on Uvalde cops, the entire LEO community has said the F'ed up big time. 90 officers were there waiting for over an hour, 90 Vs. One 18 year old w/o a day of training. WAke up fool, they were in TEXAS, land of guns and ammo, not Oakland.
Why do you feel qualified to state what Dems believe? who there hero is? Wrong 100%.
100,000's Trump flags flying 2 years after another loss say the lying insurrectionist is your hero. Did more damage to the country than any. LOL, the flags that say trump won. The ask for donation on his ex wifes obituary was a classic touch.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 9:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No, its not, all voters have the same options to vote, nothing was taken away. Offering more options is opposite of voter fraud, it is expanded voting for all.
Find any source that backs up your claim on Uvalde cops, the entire LEO community has said the F'ed up big time. 90 officers were there waiting for over an hour, 90 Vs. One 18 year old w/o a day of training. WAke up fool, they were in TEXAS, land of guns and ammo, not Oakland.
Why do you feel qualified to state what Dems believe? who there hero is? Wrong 100%.
100,000's Trump flags flying 2 years after another loss say the lying insurrectionist is your hero. Did more damage to the country than any. LOL, the flags that say trump won. The ask for donation on his ex wifes obituary was a classic touch.
Allowing ballots in an unregulated and well thought out form is fraud. Biden is president. Never said he was not, however the process was fraudulent. I will never agree with you otherwise so I don't know what you are trying to achieve.

Yep. 90 officers waiting an hour for what? That's right. APPROVAL!!

I listen to what dems have said for 3 decades and seen what their polices are. Pretty simply really.

Lying coup supporters are your hero. Pushing the population to the edge of civil war.

Don't care what Trump does in his personal life.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-19-2022, 11:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Allowing ballots in an unregulated and well thought out form is fraud. Biden is president. Never said he was not, however the process was fraudulent. I will never agree with you otherwise so I don't know what you are trying to achieve.

Yep. 90 officers waiting an hour for what? That's right. APPROVAL!!

I listen to what dems have said for 3 decades and seen what their polices are. Pretty simply really.

Lying coup supporters are your hero. Pushing the population to the edge of civil war.

Don't care what Trump does in his personal life.
Mailing ballots to registered voters is hardly "unregulated", it defines regulated. Again it allowed more to vote in a simpler process. Democracy works better the more people vote. It has been done for decades w/o any fraud. Facts matter, where is the fraud other than in your lazy thoughts? Exactly.

Still cant find anyone to agree with you on Uvalde massacre? Cause youre wrong.
What is a lying coup supporter? One under oath? Brilliant.
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-19-2022, 12:45 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
When judges write policy and law overriding state legislatures just prior to an election, that is fraudulent.
Prove it. There is a lot of autonomy in state elections. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's wrong. Even if the federal govt doesn't like it, it's still the domain of the state to handle. Republicans already get a big handicap where their votes count more. That's how Trump won with less than the majority vote the first time. The election was his to lose and he lost.

Trump has been working the angle of discrediting the election process before he was even President. He always planned to undermine our democratic processes when things didn't look great for him. Win with a minority vote, blame election fraud. Lose in a landslide, blame election fraud. Trump supporters who think Trump won are too stupid to see it, or don't really care because who they want to win means more to them than the democratic foundations of our country.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 3:34 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Prove it. There is a lot of autonomy in state elections. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's wrong. Even if the federal govt doesn't like it, it's still the domain of the state to handle. Republicans already get a big handicap where their votes count more. That's how Trump won with less than the majority vote the first time. The election was his to lose and he lost.

Trump has been working the angle of discrediting the election process before he was even President. He always planned to undermine our democratic processes when things didn't look great for him. Win with a minority vote, blame election fraud. Lose in a landslide, blame election fraud. Trump supporters who think Trump won are too stupid to see it, or don't really care because who they want to win means more to them than the democratic foundations of our country.
You want to go down all the times the democrats have said the election was a fraud since 2000 and as recent as Hillary Clinton? 4 years of Russian collusion hoax helped get Trump elected according to you people. Don't even.

There is nearly complete autonomy is state elections. That is the whole point. You tend to forget this:

245 lawsuits and 50 days to go: How the 2020 campaign is also being waged in the courts

As of August 31, there have been at least 245 coronavirus election cases filed in 45 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, according to Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School, who has been tracking the disputes that seek to shape the election rules. He says he started counting the cases a few months ago. Now, he writes, "I've tracked quite a lot of them. (And I'm 100% sure I'm missing some.)." .................

"These states are making very drastic changes in a very short period of time," she said. "A lot of the litigation on the Republican side is trying to hold the officials' feet to the fire on that point. Not only does the Constitution say the legislature has the responsibility for designating the time, manner and place of the election, but these are really knee-jerk changes."

So now you guys are claiming fraud again now that Republicans are following their state constitutions and fixing the loop holes the courts overstepped and created. Don't sit hear and tell us that the democrats have not been in the news the last year or so saying Republicans are trying to keep brown people from voting. Just stop.

The President has always been elected by the states and not by the mob. Everyone has the same rule set on that and always has. Don't worry. Biden and the democrats are doing such a good Jimmy Carter esq bang up job on the economy, what could the democrats possibly ever worry about.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-19-2022, 3:39 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Mailing ballots to registered voters is hardly "unregulated", it defines regulated. Again it allowed more to vote in a simpler process. Democracy works better the more people vote. It has been done for decades w/o any fraud. Facts matter, where is the fraud other than in your lazy thoughts? Exactly.

Still cant find anyone to agree with you on Uvalde massacre? Cause youre wrong.
What is a lying coup supporter? One under oath? Brilliant.
You are a lying coup supporter.

Funny. They literally quoted the people on the ground there saying they waited for permission to go in.

In total, 376 law enforcement officers — a force larger than the garrison that defended the Alamo — descended upon the school in a chaotic, uncoordinated scene that lasted for more than an hour. The group was devoid of clear leadership, basic communications and sufficient urgency to take down the gunman, the report says.

So why would even the first officers on the scene not shot the guy even when one of them have his sites trained on the shooter? What about the next dozen or the next dozen. How about the next 100? How about the 300 hundred?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-20-2022, 7:18 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You want to go down all the times the democrats have said the election was a fraud since 2000 and as recent as Hillary Clinton? 4 years of Russian collusion hoax helped get Trump elected according to you people. Don't even.
Oh please post them all.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-20-2022, 2:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Oh please post them all.

Hillary Clinton: Trump is an ‘illegitimate president’

Hillary Clinton dismissed President Trump as an “illegitimate president” and suggested that “he knows” that he stole the 2016 presidential election in a CBS News interview to be aired Sunday.

Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’

“There was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level,” Clinton said during an interview for the latest episode of The Atlantic’s politics podcast, The Ticket. “We still don’t know what really happened.”

“There’s just a lot that I think will be revealed. History will discover,” the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nominee continued. “But you don’t win by 3 million votes and have all this other shenanigans and stuff going on and not come away with an idea like, ‘Whoa, something’s not right here.’ That was a deep sense of unease.”

Hillary Clinton says the 2016 election was ‘stolen’ from her

Rage against the machine
Diebold struggles to bounce back from the controversy surrounding its voting machines.

Diebold Indicted: Its spectre still haunts Ohio elections

Yes, Bush v. Gore Did Steal the Election

MLB Moves All-Star Game To Colorado Amid Uproar Over Georgia Voting Law

Georgia's Republican-led overhaul, which supporters say expands some voters' access to early voting, has been widely criticized as hampering access to absentee voting and disproportionately affecting minority communities.

Which is funny because the GA law is actually more liberal than Bidens home state.

These are just a few. Shall we go on?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-20-2022, 4:11 PM Reply   
Post the ones where democrats wanted to force congress to throw out the election, and went to court dozens of times and failed to get a judge to throw it out due to fraud.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-20-2022, 8:27 PM Reply   
Who else started laughing hard after learning AOC and one of the other woketard dems faked being handcuffed a couple days ago while protesting the Roe V Wade decision? You would think since they’re both lawmakers they’d have enough brain cells to know THEY are the ones writing laws and they should be protesting THEMSELVES. The whole fake handcuffs thing just proves how big of a couple of LOSERS these people are. Who would do that??? You can’t even make this stuff up! If any of you on the left had even an ounce of shame, you’d go hide in a hole for at least two years.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-21-2022, 8:32 AM Reply   
Once R's became the anti law and order party, makes it difficult for you to believe why D's cooperate with police and dont try to kill them. Its called peaceful protesting. Weird huh.
All those cop beaters on 1/6 must have made you proud. Us sane ones know. But yeah fake handcuffs should infuriate loser idiots. Attempted shaming for cooperating with LEO's, another new low for R's.
Dems have been passing legis on abortion, gun safety, legal marriage, climate change..., all lost due to 0 Republican cooperation. Sad.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-21-2022, 9:32 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Post the ones where democrats wanted to force congress to throw out the election, and went to court dozens of times and failed to get a judge to throw it out due to fraud.
You mean instead of the ones where the democrats tried to de-legitimize the properly elected president, used the FBI and congress to try and frame said president, then spent 4 years leaking to the press and creating things to impeach that president?
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-21-2022, 10:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
You mean instead of the ones where the democrats tried to de-legitimize the properly elected president, used the FBI and congress to try and frame said president, then spent 4 years leaking to the press and creating things to impeach that president?
Trump was perfectly capable of delegitimizing himself. Nobody spent 4 years claiming he wasn't President. They spent 4 years recognizing that he was a disgrace to the nation.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-21-2022, 9:01 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Trump was perfectly capable of delegitimizing himself. Nobody spent 4 years claiming he wasn't President. They spent 4 years recognizing that he was a disgrace to the nation.
Still TDS much there, John? Yeah, especially with all that world peace, a secured southern border, lower crime, great economy, low interest rates, low inflation, great job market, fat retirement accounts, energy independence, overall feeling of well-being etc etc etc… sure, he really delegitimized himself. Sure he did.

Now just imagine if he had a son like Hunter. I’m sure you people would be happy to leave him alone on that right? Sure you would,
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-21-2022, 9:10 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Once R's became the anti law and order party, makes it difficult for you to believe why D's cooperate with police and dont try to kill them. Its called peaceful protesting. Weird huh.
All those cop beaters on 1/6 must have made you proud. Us sane ones know. But yeah fake handcuffs should infuriate loser idiots. Attempted shaming for cooperating with LEO's, another new low for R's.
Dems have been passing legis on abortion, gun safety, legal marriage, climate change..., all lost due to 0 Republican cooperation. Sad.
Please try to sober up before posting here again. You’re embarrassing yourself. Maybe go borrow some fake handcuffs from your pal, AOC and have a parade where you can all fake like you have cuffs on. The funniest part is you’re so low as to say she’s being shamed for cooperating with LEO’s! So funny! She was USING LEO’s as props, trying to fake like she was being arrested! This also isn’t t the first time she’s done this either. It’s honestly pretty sad that you would try to spin it, but then again, you are democrats…..
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-21-2022, 9:20 PM Reply   
Attention all democrats: Now hear this: I am selling invisible handcuffs at a one time low low price of $400 a set. I know, it’s a little steep, but with Bidenflation, that’s the best we can do. Just PM me your home or cell phone numbers and I will call you with payment instructions. Did I mention the first 10 people will get theirs personally signed with matching, invisible ink by AOC? Yes, you can trust me on that too. Hurry! Get yours before they’re all gone!
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       07-22-2022, 7:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Still TDS much there, John?
If you weren't such an ignorant dumba$$ you would have noticed I wasn't the one who brought up the subject of Trump.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-22-2022, 8:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
If you weren't such an ignorant dumba$$ you would have noticed I wasn't the one who brought up the subject of Trump.
Listen, little Zacchaeus. You DO still have TDS and it doesn’t matter who brought him up. You JUMP at the chance to say anything negative about the only politician you on the left fear like you do because he was so effective at getting his agendas passed while running roughshod over all sacred conventions of the left. It was quite the spectacle. He would regularly, figuratively stick his finger up your collective butt holes, pull it out and make you smell his finger-just for his own amusement. It was hilarious.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 8:19 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Trump was perfectly capable of delegitimizing himself. Nobody spent 4 years claiming he wasn't President. They spent 4 years recognizing that he was a disgrace to the nation.
No one is claiming brandon is not president. Well, actually the people in his office know he is not president. The teleprompter is the president, brandon just does a horrible job of reading what the president is telling him to say. What people are saying is the election was done in a potentially manner. Good brandon is president. I think it was done in the most shady of ways. many people believe that. We still think brandons teleprompter is president just the same.

What the democrats did to Trump was much much worse. Literally disrupting government and society by trying to convince them the Russians stole the election through Trump. Using the highest levels of government to go after government officials and private citizens. pushing the citizens to the point of civil war.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-22-2022, 8:29 AM Reply   
For you Michael Scott fans.
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Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-22-2022, 8:31 AM Reply   
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Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 9:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
Please try to sober up before posting here again. You’re embarrassing yourself. Maybe go borrow some fake handcuffs from your pal, AOC and have a parade where you can all fake like you have cuffs on. The funniest part is you’re so low as to say she’s being shamed for cooperating with LEO’s! So funny! She was USING LEO’s as props, trying to fake like she was being arrested! This also isn’t t the first time she’s done this either. It’s honestly pretty sad that you would try to spin it, but then again, you are democrats…..
Funny he has enough balls to say this. democrats tried to kill a Supreme Court Justice. Now one of them tried to stab a Republican candidate for Governor of New York just yesterday. Of course the attacker is out of jail within a few hours. Burned and looted buildings in many cities, but it is Republicans that are anti law. 3% of the democrats commit 50% of the murders never mind the break down of the rest.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-22-2022, 9:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
No one is claiming brandon is not president. Well, actually the people in his office know he is not president. The teleprompter is the presidents saying is the election was done in a potentially manner. Good brandon is president. I think it ws
What the democrats did to Trump was much much worse. Literally disrupting government and society by trying to convince them the Russians stole the election through Trump. Using the highest levels of government to go after government officials and private citizens. pushing the citizens to the point of civil war.
LOL, no one is claiming Brandon isnt pres? Do you not see the flags and banners plastered across trucks and front porches across the entire country? He is still holding rallies for idiots for voter fraud that he still cannot prove or for an election 3 years away. Everyone of those people believe trump is about to be re-instated (even if there is no such thing as being re-instated). Marge is still out putting stickers on gas pumps but he doesnt have Biden Derangement syndrome, everyone does it. Republicans actively seeking and financing civil war all on their own. Point out any Dems pushing this, you cant. This is all republican aggression because they cant handle the truth and live believing unprovable alternate facts. Dems are trying to legislate climate change, while triple digit temps surround Texas thru the deep Red bible belt. Dems protecting Abortion rights, and all other personal rights the GOP want to take away. Dems trying to pass gun control...see they dont have time for pretend civil war BS. Thought it was the R's with all the guns??, thats what you said last week.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-22-2022, 9:42 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Funny he has enough balls to say this. democrats tried to kill a Supreme Court Justice. Now one of them tried to stab a Republican candidate for Governor of New York just yesterday. Of course the attacker is out of jail within a few hours. Burned and looted buildings in many cities, but it is Republicans that are anti law. 3% of the democrats commit 50% of the murders never mind the break down of the rest.
Yes, made of steel.
Remind me, wasnt it the SC who said it was perfectly legal for right wing whackos to go to abortion clinics to intimidate those seeking legal medical help? That guy who "tried to kill a supreme court justice" didnt try too hard. He took a cab, got out and walked away from the house while calling cops to turn himself in. Did you already forget about the Michigan militia who tried to kill their Gov? Or the 18 year old who killed 10 black people in a supermarket? ...
Seems this country is not a very safe place to allow any one to get as many guns as they want. You do know what happened to roughly 10,000 people who broke the law during protests 2 years ago, right? They were arrested. Isnt that how law and order works? What else did you want?
Glad you gave those numbers, 3% of R's are armed and dangerous, interesting. Funny you think 50% of Dems are dangerous, got a source? Or just making things up with your twisted alternate facts again? How many democrats were at the capitol and who sent them? Who lied and told them the election was stolen? Any proof yet? Still none? Trump Still lying about it, melting down on "Truth Social" ,his cult still believing. Thats what i thought.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 10:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
LOL, no one is claiming Brandon isnt pres? Do you not see the flags and banners plastered across trucks and front porches across the entire country? He is still holding rallies for idiots for voter fraud that he still cannot prove or for an election 3 years away. Everyone of those people believe trump is about to be re-instated (even if there is no such thing as being re-instated). Marge is still out putting stickers on gas pumps but he doesnt have Biden Derangement syndrome, everyone does it. Republicans actively seeking and financing civil war all on their own. Point out any Dems pushing this, you cant. This is all republican aggression because they cant handle the truth and live believing unprovable alternate facts. Dems are trying to legislate climate change, while triple digit temps surround Texas thru the deep Red bible belt. Dems protecting Abortion rights, and all other personal rights the GOP want to take away. Dems trying to pass gun control...see they dont have time for pretend civil war BS. Thought it was the R's with all the guns??, thats what you said last week.
Not a single person believes Trump is and can just be reinstalled. Well, maybe democrats believe it people believe because we all know the democrats tenuous grasp of the constitution.

Republican agreeesion? Attempted murder of a Supreme Court Justice, Attempted stabbing of a Gov Candidate in a blue state, democrat shoots up the Republican Congressional baseball practice, burns police stations with police in it, burns federal court house, burned and looted in the total of over 1 billion dollars in damage, shot and murder 5 cops in texas, shot at cops in MO, detruction of property against religious institutions, fire bombed a pro life center. Shall we go on?

You summed it up pretty well. Dems are trying to legislate the weather. Just proves there is nothing they will not use for power.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 10:22 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yes, made of steel.
Remind me, wasnt it the SC who said it was perfectly legal for right wing whackos to go to abortion clinics to intimidate those seeking legal medical help? That guy who "tried to kill a supreme court justice" didnt try too hard. He took a cab, got out and walked away from the house while calling cops to turn himself in. Did you already forget about the Michigan militia who tried to kill their Gov? Or the 18 year old who killed 10 black people in a supermarket? ...
Seems this country is not a very safe place to allow any one to get as many guns as they want. You do know what happened to roughly 10,000 people who broke the law during protests 2 years ago, right? They were arrested. Isnt that how law and order works? What else did you want?
Glad you gave those numbers, 3% of R's are armed and dangerous, interesting. Funny you think 50% of Dems are dangerous, got a source? Or just making things up with your twisted alternate facts again? How many democrats were at the capitol and who sent them? Who lied and told them the election was stolen? Any proof yet? Still none? Trump Still lying about it, melting down on "Truth Social" ,his cult still believing. Thats what i thought.
He turned away when he saw good guys with a gun. In the mean time, he bought a glock 17, put pads on the bottom of his boots to not make noise, paid and took the time to get from kalifornia to DC. I know, to you kalifornians that must just be on the other side of Reno by about a hour.

Get off the drugs. 3% of the democrats commit 50% of the murders. We don't know the break down of the rest of the 50%. Pretty sure most are democrats too. Technically it is part of the 13% culture, however I doubt babies, old men and majority of the women are not out murdering people so statistically it is around 3% of that population who does it. Then from there it most certainly is a lower percent, however it comes from the one culture. Democrat culture.

I don't care who was at the capitol. I am pretty sure there are at least a few hundred democrats were at the capitol. I would say retards sent them there.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-22-2022, 10:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
He turned away when he saw good guys with a gun. In the mean time, he bought a glock 17, put pads on the bottom of his boots to not make noise, paid and took the time to get from kalifornia to DC. I know, to you kalifornians that must just be on the other side of Reno by about a hour.

Get off the drugs. 3% of the democrats commit 50% of the murders. We don't know the break down of the rest of the 50%. Pretty sure most are democrats too. Technically it is part of the 13% culture, however I doubt babies, old men and majority of the women are not out murdering people so statistically it is around 3% of that population who does it. Then from there it most certainly is a lower percent, however it comes from the one culture. Democrat culture.

I don't care who was at the capitol. I am pretty sure there are at least a few hundred democrats were at the capitol. I would say retards sent them there.
How did a nutjob that wanted to kill a SC justice go buy a gun for the specific purpose of murder? That seems crazy. Make a law or something.
The 3% of dems, arnt. Gangbangers dont vote, they rob, steal and murder. They also mostly kill other gang bangers because thats their job. See, more alternate facts, Gangbanger murderer=Dem. False. Its gang culture not Dem culture fool.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 10:45 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
How did a nutjob that wanted to kill a SC justice go buy a gun for the specific purpose of murder? That seems crazy. Make a law or something.
The 3% of dems, arnt. Gangbangers dont vote, they rob, steal and murder. They also mostly kill other gang bangers because thats their job. See, more alternate facts, Gangbanger murderer=Dem. False. Its gang culture not Dem culture fool.
Na. You don't know what they do for voting. The demographic votes democrat at a 98% clip. statistically speaking, they are democrats.

You ask me how the democrat from kalifornia who traveled over 3000 miles to kill a supreme court justice got it. Bad people can always get something to kill someone with. I wonder if he made the trip over to that side of the country with that illegal who raped that 10 year old? Nothing like ride sharing for the environment.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-22-2022, 11:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Na. You don't know what they do for voting. The demographic votes democrat at a 98% clip. statistically speaking, they are democrats.

You ask me how the democrat from kalifornia who traveled over 3000 miles to kill a supreme court justice got it. Bad people can always get something to kill someone with. I wonder if he made the trip over to that side of the country with that illegal who raped that 10 year old? Nothing like ride sharing for the environment.
Since most felons cant vote, what substantiates your foolish claim?

If we didnt allow anyone to buy guns we would have less gun problems. simple. Yes, im sure they did a rideshare direct from the border.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 11:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Since most felons cant vote, what substantiates your foolish claim?

If we didnt allow anyone to buy guns we would have less gun problems. simple. Yes, im sure they did a rideshare direct from the border.
If water was not wet, then you would always be dry.

If we want to know what is in the bill, then we have to pass it.

If they were felons, they would be in jail already. They are felons yes. Convicted? No. regardless, they still have the democrat mindset.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       07-22-2022, 11:14 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Since most felons cant vote, what substantiates your foolish claim?

If we didnt allow anyone to buy guns we would have less gun problems. simple. Yes, im sure they did a rideshare direct from the border.
Doesn't your boy Brandon have covid now? I thought he said this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. He said he has the first 2 shots and double boosted. I even heard he drew a cootie shot on his hand for good measure. So where is he lying on this one?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-22-2022, 1:25 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Doesn't your boy Brandon have covid now? I thought he said this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. He said he has the first 2 shots and double boosted. I even heard he drew a cootie shot on his hand for good measure. So where is he lying on this one?
In case you dont know, virus's change over time, thus mutations. The current Omicron BA-5 is not the original Covid-19 or the Delta mutation or Omicron, is it? No one is lying, youre just an idiot...or, just parroting your far right idiot media like a good little cult soldier.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-22-2022, 9:34 PM Reply   
I never took the mark and finally tested positive for the Kung Flu a couple weeks ago. Big deal. So glad I never took the mark. Cracks me up that Hiden got it despite his preaching, multiple shots and boosters. All those promises of “you won’t get it if you get vaccinated” were such garbage and us smart people all knew it. The saddest part is how dems used it to ruin our economy thanks to their TDS. I really hope they get their due for it in the polls over the next few decades. The most deceptive, corrupt, satanic, evil people ever allowed to live on this planet.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-23-2022, 8:21 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by markj View Post
I never took the mark and finally tested positive for the Kung Flu a couple weeks ago. Big deal. So glad I never took the mark. Cracks me up that Hiden got it despite his preaching, multiple shots and boosters. All those promises of “you won’t get it if you get vaccinated” were such garbage and us smart people all knew it. The saddest part is how dems used it to ruin our economy thanks to their TDS. I really hope they get their due for it in the polls over the next few decades. The most deceptive, corrupt, satanic, evil people ever allowed to live on this planet.
Yor Daddy got it too, he had to be rushed to Walter Reed and loaded up with steroids and drugs just to keep him breathing. All those Herman Cain award winners like meatloaf, all dead. Cracks me up orange fool is such a whiner. Guess thats part of the reason behind him sitting in the WH dining room for hour after hour after hour doing nothing while the nimrods he had just sent to the capitol trying to stop the steal. His aides tried to get him to act, his children tried, his attys tried, senators and congress people begged him, still he did nothing. Nocall to homeland security, no call to capitol police, no call to military, no call to Nat'l Guard, no call to Defense dept, nothing zero. Great leadership. It was as if they were doing exactly as he planned. What kind of president does nothing while the US Capitol is under attack? good smart trump, only f'ing trump. Must be the most vile, corrupt, evil person on the planet.
Old     (markj)      Join Date: Apr 2005       07-23-2022, 8:34 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Yor Daddy got it too, he had to be rushed to Walter Reed and loaded up with steroids and drugs just to keep him breathing. All those Herman Cain award winners like meatloaf, all dead. Cracks me up orange fool is such a whiner. Guess thats part of the reason behind him sitting in the WH dining room for hour after hour after hour doing nothing while the nimrods he had just sent to the capitol trying to stop the steal. His aides tried to get him to act, his children tried, his attys tried, senators and congress people begged him, still he did nothing. Nocall to homeland security, no call to capitol police, no call to military, no call to Nat'l Guard, no call to Defense dept, nothing zero. Great leadership. It was as if they were doing exactly as he planned. What kind of president does nothing while the US Capitol is under attack? good smart trump, only f'ing trump. Must be the most vile, corrupt, evil person on the planet.
Further proof that TDS is for life. It’s like a form of mental herpes. How are you gonna react if he’s president again? I’d love to be there when your head explodes.

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