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Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-17-2022, 7:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
If you dont value the low wage illegals you dont understand. Nice, go back to the 1950's where HS kids spent summers mowing lawns, hysterical if you think it is going on now. Dont worry, americans dont want to do the jobs i did growing up either. Wont wash dishes, dig up cesspools, plumbing, roofing or painting. They want to play on the internet, be influencers or rappers or....
Back in your glory days of yesteryear, the average business owners made 4-5 times what the average worker did. Today the top guys make 100 times what the average worker makes. Profits are way up and so is inflation, surprise.

What "system" do you want addicts in? there is no working system.
I dont disagree with you that they are a problem and cannot stay on the street and destroy, we have a diff of opinion on what works, what doesnt.

Global warming is not just about record high temps (which are accurate) its about extreme weather all over the world. Notice we have 90 temps in LA while the East coast has record freeze. All the hurricanes, one after another, one bigger than the next. Glaciers bigger than the state of Maine breaking off into the sea, melting. Fires year round.... Its all connected.
And who’s to blame for the entitlement and and “non working” generation that wants everything handed to them for simply breathing ? I am sure it’s not the “everyone deserves a trophy “ push from the left. , I am sure it’s not the push from the left to destroy masculinity, I am sure it’s not the leftist educational institutions brainwashing people into entitlement. The world is filled with lazy do nothings who rely on the government to give them everything while they don’t lift a finger. They’re taught from day one they deserve everything and those that have more should be ashamed and be forced to give it up. Try and get into a trade job……..high schools in our area don’t even have shop or hands on work opportunities. The left has pussified America and attempted to eliminate our working class that makes the American Dream thrive. They’ve attempted to delete accountability at every turn .

This workforce generation is a bunch of entitled clowns . They can’t work these hours , I can’t do this , I am overwhelmed , I need a mental health day , I need a safe space . GTFOH. Democratic policies have ended the strive to be better. For **** sake Biden just put a “non binary “ activist clown in the energy department. It’s unreal …..first the Tranny to head the health department , If that wasn’t enough …… this mentally unstable thing will be tapped for his expertise . They left complained about Trumps character……. This thing is a walking dumpster fire . It’s disgusting.

Brinton has raised eyebrows on social media for his open advocacy of sexual fetishism and expressed enthusiasm for “puppy play,” a sexual “kink” involving role-playing as animals, in a post in the student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017.

Yes that’s Biden’s appointee.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-18-2022, 10:29 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
And who’s to blame for the entitlement and and “non working” generation that wants everything handed to them for simply breathing ? I am sure it’s not the “everyone deserves a trophy “ push from the left. , I am sure it’s not the push from the left to destroy masculinity, I am sure it’s not the leftist educational institutions brainwashing people into entitlement. The world is filled with lazy do nothings who rely on the government to give them everything while they don’t lift a finger. They’re taught from day one they deserve everything and those that have more should be ashamed and be forced to give it up. Try and get into a trade job……..high schools in our area don’t even have shop or hands on work opportunities. The left has pussified America and attempted to eliminate our working class that makes the American Dream thrive. They’ve attempted to delete accountability at every turn .

This workforce generation is a bunch of entitled clowns . They can’t work these hours , I can’t do this , I am overwhelmed , I need a mental health day , I need a safe space . GTFOH. Democratic policies have ended the strive to be better. For **** sake Biden just put a “non binary “ activist clown in the energy department. It’s unreal …..first the Tranny to head the health department , If that wasn’t enough …… this mentally unstable thing will be tapped for his expertise . They left complained about Trumps character……. This thing is a walking dumpster fire . It’s disgusting.

Brinton has raised eyebrows on social media for his open advocacy of sexual fetishism and expressed enthusiasm for “puppy play,” a sexual “kink” involving role-playing as animals, in a post in the student newspaper at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2017.

Yes that’s Biden’s appointee.
Its up to the parents to distill the hard work ethic in their kids. If you leave it up to others (teachers, "democratic policies", trophy mentality...) YOU didnt do YOUR job. Its YOUR responsibility to raise your kids. If you cant, dont have them. Your kids are only pussified because YOU raised them that way. My boys worked AND went to school. Played hockey since they were 4 and played in college to get their classes as athletes. Graduated and are working. We chucked 100's of trophys to make space for their degrees. You sure whine a lot, i can see why the kids are pussies. apples dont fall far from the tree.
Why does being a "tranny" disqualify someone from a job? Bigot much?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-18-2022, 11:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Its up to the parents to distill the hard work ethic in their kids. If you leave it up to others (teachers, "democratic policies", trophy mentality...) YOU didnt do YOUR job. Its YOUR responsibility to raise your kids. If you cant, dont have them. Your kids are only pussified because YOU raised them that way. My boys worked AND went to school. Played hockey since they were 4 and played in college to get their classes as athletes. Graduated and are working. We chucked 100's of trophys to make space for their degrees. You sure whine a lot, i can see why the kids are pussies. apples dont fall far from the tree.
Why does being a "tranny" disqualify someone from a job? Bigot much?
Of course a large portion of having successful children falls on parenting. However ,your old decrepit mind is stuck in a time long ago and completely out of touch with the current reality. Hiding in your basement for two years has really left you in the dark. Once gain your have nothing , the democratic policies you support have turned todays youth into entitled mushes. It’s disturbing that you can’t seem to make a logical argument to support the claim they haven’t accomplished just that with their everyone gets a trophy surge. Once again not an iota of actual facts or policies to support your claim dem policies aren’t destroying the work force so you deflect. My kids are just fine since you asked. Both have full rides lined up for hockey to top 10 schools. One made it to the final camp for the USA Womens U18 IHHF World Junior team but didn’t slot the roster , while the other made the USA Women’s U15 National Camp. The older declined multiple offers for field hockey to pursue ice , while the younger declined several softball offers. Once again appreciate you asking. All those years working at the mall are paying off.

As far as the transgender health department appointee ……..I wouldn’t expect your mentally feeble mind to comprehend why putting an individual with mental health issues in a position that is tasked with making policies for the nation regarding mental health is absurd , but then again you think appointing a guy who pretends he’s a wears a mask and acts like a puppy while encouraging sexual experiences with animals is ok as well.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-19-2022, 9:41 AM Reply   
Wanna know how gays get mental health issues? It happens when their parents try to use "conversion therapy" on them. Like Sam Brintons overly religious parents did. You sound like you are really into the animal stuff, cant stop talking about it.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-21-2022, 10:56 PM Reply   
Well the hits just keep on coming with the covid lies and complete skewing of the narrative. It only only took 2 plus years for the truth to actually emerge. Cooking of covid stats to paint false
Narrative , coordinated efforts to suppress any opposing view or research , fake hysteria , nonsensical lockdowns and tyrannical policies all based on a political agenda. Now we have the latest . The CDC being exposed for the political weapon it is. Completely hiding stats from the public and not releasing the scientific data for all to see.

The C.D.C. is a political organization as much as it is a public health organization,” said Samuel Scarpino, managing director of pathogen surveillance at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Pandemic Prevention Institute.

The performance of vaccines and boosters, particularly in younger adults, is among the most glaring omissions in data the C.D.C. has made public.

In many of these examples, the CDC had an excuse for holding back the data, often citing concerns that the information could be misinterpreted, as CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund told the Times. Information about breakthrough infections among vaccinated Americans gave rise to specific concerns that it could lead people to question the vaccines’ effectiveness. But withholding that data hasn’t prevented that problem

Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics’s Committee on Infectious Diseases, expressed frustration over the difficulty of obtaining CDC data on children who were hospitalized with Covid and had other medical conditions.

“They’ve known this for over a year and a half, right, and they haven’t told us,” she said. “I mean, you can’t find out anything from them.”


You don’t say. You mean they suppressed the actual scientific data that goes against what they’rr telling Americans. Keeping the data from actual scientific experts instead of political mouthpieces. Wow who woulda guessed
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-22-2022, 11:13 AM Reply   
Im sure that hiding that info killed 900,000 people. or not.
Your team lost another 2 voters over the weekend. A guy i worked across the street from for decades just passed away, non vaxxer, its a hoax he would say. I guess you could say it was all the CDC's fault.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-23-2022, 3:50 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Im sure that hiding that info killed 900,000 people. or not.
Your team lost another 2 voters over the weekend. A guy i worked across the street from for decades just passed away, non vaxxer, its a hoax he would say. I guess you could say it was all the CDC's fault.
does matter. It is kalifornia. You already gamed the system with laws that are illegal in the rest of the country.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-23-2022, 3:51 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Wanna know how gays get mental health issues? It happens when their parents try to use "conversion therapy" on them. Like Sam Brintons overly religious parents did. You sound like you are really into the animal stuff, cant stop talking about it.
Sound like the guy you are defending is the one into animal stuff, but nice try.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       02-24-2022, 7:53 AM Reply   
Pelosi had said that they wanted Trump out at all cost. Well, they got their wish. They put a weak guy in his place. He has a proven weak foreign policy. He isn't feared. With all of Trump's faults, he at least presented the possibility that he would, without hesitation, push the button. That fear goes a long way.
Reagan presented that same uncertainty.
Biden and the Dems just might have helped start something very big, that will be felt world wide.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-24-2022, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
Pelosi had said that they wanted Trump out at all cost. Well, they got their wish. They put a weak guy in his place. He has a proven weak foreign policy. He isn't feared. With all of Trump's faults, he at least presented the possibility that he would, without hesitation, push the button. That fear goes a long way.
Reagan presented that same uncertainty.
Biden and the Dems just might have helped start something very big, that will be felt world wide.
Do you think its an advantage to have a quick trigger finger on that button? You think the guy praising Putin as "genius" is the strong man?
Donald Trump, speaking to a conservative podcaster on Tuesday, hailed Putin’s moves in Ukraine as “genius.” Referring to Putin’s invasion of eastern Ukraine, Trump said, “Putin declares a big portion of…of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful…I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper…Here’s a guy who’s very savvy.” Later in the interview, Trump continued to gush: “I knew Putin very well. I got along with him great. He liked me. I liked him. I mean, you know, he’s a tough cookie, got a lot of the great charm and a lot of pride. But the way he—and he loves his country, you know? He loves his country.”
The same guy who chose to believe Putin over all the US intelligence in Helsinki? He is praising Putin and his military strategy. The guy who tried to reduce and eliminate the sanctions US placed on Russia because of Crimea. The guy who invited Putin back into the G7? And tried to hold the convention at his failing golf course? He told G7 members Crimea was part of Russia. That guy? "Biden and the Dems" helped putin start something? Interesting take.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       02-24-2022, 10:37 AM Reply   
you don't need a quick trigger, just the threat of uncertainty. I listened to Trump's comments. He was admiring his cunning, but not siding with his decision. Anything else is just media fodder. You can admire how clever and cunning someone is, without siding with them. In fact, if you recognize evil genius, you stand a better chance of defeating or keeping them in check. That's what Trump was saying. Listen to it again without bias. In all of your retort, you failed to praise Biden and the cronies....interesting take for sure
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-24-2022, 11:26 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
you don't need a quick trigger, just the threat of uncertainty. I listened to Trump's comments. He was admiring his cunning, but not siding with his decision. Anything else is just media fodder. You can admire how clever and cunning someone is, without siding with them. In fact, if you recognize evil genius, you stand a better chance of defeating or keeping them in check. That's what Trump was saying. Listen to it again without bias. In all of your retort, you failed to praise Biden and the cronies....interesting take for sure
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-24-2022, 11:30 AM Reply   
Trump sure wears the glove of uncertainty, not something the US, or anyone needs when it comes to nukes or wars. The world sees trump as a Mr Magoo, a bonehead who might do anything, thats not who i want to trust in that position. Need a steady hand.
I may be biased in my listening to the comments praising Putin for the umpteenth time. I would think US president's past and present would take the US side, and not praise the authoritarian attacking an independent country to take it over. too much to ask? I didnt praise Biden, unnecessary, I think he is doing what he can, heavy sanctions, what else is he supposed to do?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-24-2022, 11:38 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Trump sure wears the glove of uncertainty, not something the US, or anyone needs when it comes to nukes or wars. The world sees trump as a Mr Magoo, a bonehead who might do anything, thats not who i want to trust in that position. Need a steady hand.
I may be biased in my listening to the comments praising Putin for the umpteenth time. I would think US president's past and present would take the US side, and not praise the authoritarian attacking an independent country to take it over. too much to ask? I didnt praise Biden, unnecessary, I think he is doing what he can, heavy sanctions, what else is he supposed to do?
Project much. You literally just described Joe Biden. That guy Mr Magoo's his way around every press conference.

Trump did not praise the fact he took over. He praised the strategy. Wait for Europe and America to become behold to their energy. Get a president that historically been on the wrong side of every foreign policy decision over 40 years. Send in the Army to take back what was part of the old Soviet Union and dare anyone to do anything about it.

Like I said, much of these countries pushing the US to "green" economy are pushing us because they know it makes us weak. They don't have natural resources so they know they can hamstring up by making us give that up. Hard to march and army on batteries. This was the same thing they did to Germany. Germany gave up their infrastructure and now rely on Putin. China on the other hand from what I read just signed a contract with Russia for coal to build something like 700 new coal fired plants.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       02-24-2022, 12:38 PM Reply   
pretty much sums it up
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Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       02-24-2022, 2:20 PM Reply   
The attack on Ukraine isn't about just Biden and Putin. It's about Putin and the world - at least a good portion of it. I think some people forget there are other countries involved in these issues, and in this case, in condemning Putin's aggression.

The Mr. Magoo description actually does fit both Trump and Biden to some extent. The difference is that Trump is completely clueless and wreckless. You never know if he may do something completely crazy and screw things up. You probably won't hear him condemn Putin much over this, though. Trump loves the man too much.
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Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-24-2022, 2:43 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
With all of Trump's faults, he at least presented the possibility that he would, without hesitation, push the button. That fear goes a long way.
You couldn't have presented a better reason to get rid of Trump. There is only fear when it's plausible that it could happen. The last thing you want is a face off between two nuclear armed countries with leaders who have fragile egos.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       02-24-2022, 5:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
You probably won't hear him condemn Putin much over this, though. Trump loves the man too much.
He straight up praised him. "Putin is smart, he got all of Ukraine for $2 worth of sanctions"
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       02-25-2022, 5:44 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You couldn't have presented a better reason to get rid of Trump. There is only fear when it's plausible that it could happen. The last thing you want is a face off between two nuclear armed countries with leaders who have fragile egos.
Got that right.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       02-25-2022, 7:17 AM Reply   
I just don't agree with yall.
Biden is a disaster. November will prove that point.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-25-2022, 10:05 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
He straight up praised him. "Putin is smart, he got all of Ukraine for $2 worth of sanctions"
Yep. Putin outsmarted the green activists. He got them on his supply. Took what he believes is his and told all of them to shove a sock in it. You can see this a mile away. Trump even told the German's to their face this is how this is going to work.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-25-2022, 10:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
You couldn't have presented a better reason to get rid of Trump. There is only fear when it's plausible that it could happen. The last thing you want is a face off between two nuclear armed countries with leaders who have fragile egos.
Same fear mongering you guys had over Reagan too. See how that worked out.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-25-2022, 10:07 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
He straight up praised him. "Putin is smart, he got all of Ukraine for $2 worth of sanctions"
Going to pay 2 billion less a year just to transport energy alone. Never mind all the other energy in Ukraine.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-25-2022, 10:08 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
The attack on Ukraine isn't about just Biden and Putin. It's about Putin and the world - at least a good portion of it. I think some people forget there are other countries involved in these issues, and in this case, in condemning Putin's aggression.

The Mr. Magoo description actually does fit both Trump and Biden to some extent. The difference is that Trump is completely clueless and wreckless. You never know if he may do something completely crazy and screw things up. You probably won't hear him condemn Putin much over this, though. Trump loves the man too much.
It is about Biden and the world of green activists. Pure and simple
Old     (fly135)      Join Date: Jun 2004       02-25-2022, 10:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Same fear mongering you guys had over Reagan too. See how that worked out.
Not sure what fear mongering you are talking about. But Reagan did sell weapons to our enemy, fund terrorism in South America, and send the deficit spending into record territory. In light of that, I guess you're now going to tell me Reagan was a lifelong Democrat.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       02-25-2022, 11:31 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by fly135 View Post
Not sure what fear mongering you are talking about. But Reagan did sell weapons to our enemy, fund terrorism in South America, and send the deficit spending into record territory. In light of that, I guess you're now going to tell me Reagan was a lifelong Democrat.
The democrats fear mongered on nuclear war and Reagan was going to start WW3. Even did the fear mongering films of the day about nuclear war. Same stuff they do every time a Republican gets to be president.

World was complex. Had to prop up some bad people to keep worse people out. Sorry the world is not a disney movie for you but it isn't.

For the record Reagan was a prior to his switch. Even was a pretty good union negotiator for the Screen Actors Guild
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       02-25-2022, 12:58 PM Reply   
Here are the facts about Ukraine ,

In 2014 under Obama and Biden the elected Ukraine government was overthrown in what was arguably a coup, led and encouraged by both Obama and his VP Biden after an oil deal was made with Russia and in which the UKraine government was replaced by a more European Union friendly government You know who reaped one of the biggest rewards ? HUNTER BIDEN …He received a Bruisma Oil job that same year. Wonder where all that money landed that was going back and forth? Coincidence ? This is Putins response to the US initiating conflict in his backyard causing 100’s of casualties and ultimately weakening his influence in that country

I am sure they’ll be launching multiple investigations into all the crooked money launderer and aquired by the crooked dealings of The Biden’s shortly , putting those facts on repeat across the news cycle, and holding Biden accountable.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       02-25-2022, 2:02 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Here are the facts about Ukraine ,

In 2014 under Obama and Biden the elected Ukraine government was overthrown in what was arguably a coup, led and encouraged by both Obama and his VP Biden after an oil deal was made with Russia and in which the UKraine government was replaced by a more European Union friendly government You know who reaped one of the biggest rewards ? HUNTER BIDEN …He received a Bruisma Oil job that same year. Wonder where all that money landed that was going back and forth? Coincidence ? This is Putins response to the US initiating conflict in his backyard causing 100’s of casualties and ultimately weakening his influence in that country

I am sure they’ll be launching multiple investigations into all the crooked money launderer and aquired by the crooked dealings of The Biden’s shortly , putting those facts on repeat across the news cycle, and holding Biden accountable.
It wasnt a coup, it was a revolution, 90% of Ukrainians voted to dump Yanukovych, a putin puppet. So what you are saying is that the guy Putin set up to lead Ukraine in Russias favor, Viktor Yanukovych, who then had to flee to Russia after the revolution in 2014 was due to Biden and Obama? Good Job! Get rid of the bad guys.
Oh heres a funfact, who worked for Victor Yanukovych in the russian puppet role? Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign manager. Hmmm, small world.
Old     (bass10after)      Join Date: Feb 2010       02-28-2022, 6:22 PM Reply   
Holy $h^t haven’t been here in a while and the same liberals are still talking about trump 5 years later and still trying to blame him and defend a vegetable!? Lmao - theres not a single accomplishment anyone can name the vegetable has done - everything he’s done has been a complete failure and the only thing people can champion is that he undid a previous policy. “ Oh trump only gave tax breaks for the rich” - The largest taxation in American history is underway in the form of inflation and taxes combined and it’s clear as day. Democratic policy hurts the lowest earners the worst. They don’t give a hoot about green they’re just trying to get to work anyway possible. Only good thing he’s done (albeit wayyyy too late and oh so quitely) is revert back to to some of the previous administration border policy. It’s embarrassing on every level to see how incapable the vegetable and his gender/race based pandering pick for vp are. Susan rice would have been a decent choice but lacked the super sucker “star power”. This isn’t about left or right. I actually think Bill Clinton wasn’t a bad president. I never cared about his cigar, and I think it’s understood nobody really blamed him for it....ehhhem Hillary. They aren’t coming out and undermining the US, but i think it’s apparent world leaders don’t respect the vegetable. Ukraine bought and paid for the vegetable and even he’s alluded to his failures at stopping this. As well as I need ammunition not a ride. I’d be inclined to listen to some of these opposing opinions in here if they’d just come clean and say what nearly 60% of Americans are saying. He’s failing. His failures are in places the previous administration excelled and left the country in good shape. Some areas are debatable but illegal border crossings, inflation, economic prosperity for all earners bottom to top and all races were in better shape previously. It’s ok to say you got duped and voted for a vegetable, a lot of people did. I hope they keep pumping him full of stem cells and Adderall like the campaign trail, because I’ll still take the mushy eggplant over next in line

Last edited by bass10after; 02-28-2022 at 6:30 PM. Reason: ..
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-01-2022, 11:57 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
It wasnt a coup, it was a revolution, 90% of Ukrainians voted to dump Yanukovych, a putin puppet. So what you are saying is that the guy Putin set up to lead Ukraine in Russias favor, Viktor Yanukovych, who then had to flee to Russia after the revolution in 2014 was due to Biden and Obama? Good Job! Get rid of the bad guys.
Oh heres a funfact, who worked for Victor Yanukovych in the russian puppet role? Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign manager. Hmmm, small world.
Putin puppet has pictures of him with combat vest on joining the lines to fight against his master in the Ukraine. Someone may have fallen for fake news.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-01-2022, 3:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
It wasnt a coup, it was a revolution, 90% of Ukrainians voted to dump Yanukovych, a putin puppet. So what you are saying is that the guy Putin set up to lead Ukraine in Russias favor, Viktor Yanukovych, who then had to flee to Russia after the revolution in 2014 was due to Biden and Obama? Good Job! Get rid of the bad guys.
Oh heres a funfact, who worked for Victor Yanukovych in the russian puppet role? Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign manager. Hmmm, small world.
Ya ok. And just like you cried about Trump withholding funds to oust a corrupt regime in UKraine that conspired against him in an election , he’ll he was even impeached ,

Biden did it prior. Biden threatened to withhold 1billion dollars in aid to UKraine while VP unless the UKraine regime fired their prosecutor who wasn’t on board overlooking the crooked dealings of the lefts money and deals with Burisma Oil in UKraine. . You may recognize the Burisma Oil name……….. Hunter Biden began sitting on their board during the time his dad was pressuring the removal of Ukraine prosecutor while that prosecutor was investigating Burisma for corruption.

Fact Obama / Biden threatened to withhold Billions in foreign US money unless the removed their top persecutor who was investigating Burisma Oil for corruption

Fact Biden’s son was appointed to Burisma Oil board right after the prosecutor was removed and UKraine got a Billion in funding.

I am sure the impeachment calls are being made by the left as we speak. Maybe even a federal investigative probe ?

In 2014, Shokin had investigated Burisma for money laundering and tax irregularities, .

Hunter Biden — who joined the board in 2014 and served on it until early 2019

Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-01-2022, 5:39 PM Reply   
Just remember, Joe says the Russians will never win the hearts of the Iranian people. First thing he and I agree on.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-01-2022, 6:00 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Ya ok. And just like you cried about Trump withholding funds to oust a corrupt regime in UKraine that conspired against him in an election , he’ll he was even impeached ,
Trump was blackmailing Ukraine for dirt on Biden, thats what he was impeached for. There was no "corrupt regime" he was ousting?? No one conspired against trump, he was impeached for blackmailing Ukraine.

Biden did it prior. Biden threatened to withhold 1billion dollars in aid to Ukraine while VP unless the UKraine regime fired their prosecutor who wasn’t on board overlooking the crooked dealings of the lefts money and deals with Burisma Oil in UKraine. . You may recognize the Burisma Oil name……….. Hunter Biden began sitting on their board during the time his dad was pressuring the removal of Ukraine prosecutor while that prosecutor was investigating Burisma for corruption.

Fact Obama / Biden threatened to withhold Billions in foreign US money unless the removed their top persecutor who was investigating Burisma Oil for corruption

Fact Biden’s son was appointed to Burisma Oil board right after the prosecutor was removed and UKraine got a Billion in funding.

I am sure the impeachment calls are being made by the left as we speak. Maybe even a federal investigative probe ?

In 2014, Shokin had investigated Burisma for money laundering and tax irregularities, .

Hunter Biden — who joined the board in 2014 and served on it until early 2019



LOL, FACT, you should read up on it instead of believing and spewing clown theory.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-01-2022, 6:10 PM Reply   
How much Adderall did corn pop snort tonight, he's on fire. I thought he was supposed to be in a home for the bewildered by now?
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-01-2022, 7:55 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post

LOL, FACT, you should read up on it instead of believing and spewing clown theory.
Just curious how that made up BS distraction went ? What was the outcome ?

You posted a Wikipedia link to prove you point without an ounce of detail in it. You’re hysterical , no **** Biden’s son wasn’t the target, Barisma was , the corruption the prosecutor uncovered was about to blow them up , then he was forced out with Biden and Obama leading the way to get rich off Ukraine’s energy like the rest of the EU countries wanted. I guess withholding money as a quid pro quo is ok when it’s for you cause, Biden wanted an alleged corrupt prosecutor out of office , and Trump wanted the corrupt left left exposed. The usual leftist hypocrisy on full display. The end.
Old     (xstarrider)      Join Date: Jun 2007       03-01-2022, 7:58 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
How much Adderall did corn pop snort tonight, he's on fire. I thought he was supposed to be in a home for the bewildered by now?
If by on fire you mean because of his outright lie after lie he stood there and told the American Citizens then yes. This guy literally can’t go a paragraph without telling complete fallacies.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-01-2022, 8:59 PM Reply   
Lol OK, if truth telling is something you value why did you like the orange messiah?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-02-2022, 9:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by xstarrider View Post
Just curious how that made up BS distraction went ? What was the outcome ?

You posted a Wikipedia link to prove you point without an ounce of detail in it. You’re hysterical , no **** Biden’s son wasn’t the target, Barisma was , the corruption the prosecutor uncovered was about to blow them up , then he was forced out with Biden and Obama leading the way to get rich off Ukraine’s energy like the rest of the EU countries wanted. I guess withholding money as a quid pro quo is ok when it’s for you cause, Biden wanted an alleged corrupt prosecutor out of office , and Trump wanted the corrupt left left exposed. The usual leftist hypocrisy on full display. The end.
To see the detail, you would need to read it. Alas, too much to ask. You missed the important parts or misunderstand. The prosecutor was corrupt, he was in bed with the pro russian president, prosecutor was not investigating...thats why everyone wanted him out. How did Biden and obama get rich off the scheme? Holding $$ in a quid pro quo is very legal when it is pushing formal US Policy. You want US $$, this is what you need to do to get it. Simple. Shokin was not allegedly corrupt, he was corrupt.
Trump wanted dirt on Biden for his own personal goals (election) so he blackmailed Ukraine.
Like i said, read up on it, educate yourself. Stop spreading russian conspiracy's.
Viktor Shokin
Shokin was appointed by, and loyal to, Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. Representatives of the EU and the United States pressed Poroshenko for his removal[19] as did the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.[20] In March 2016 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former ambassador to Ukraine John E. Herbst stated, "By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin's removal" and that Joe Biden "spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv". During the same hearing, assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland stated, "we have pegged our next $1 billion loan guarantee, first and foremost, to having a rebooting of the reform coalition so that we know who we are working with, but secondarily, to ensuring that the prosecutor general's office gets cleaned up."[7] An overwhelming majority vote in the Ukrainian Parliament in March 2016 led to Shokin's removal from office[21] after an investigation into extortion of another company led to associates who were found in possession of diamonds, cash and other valuables[22] as well as documents and passports belonging to Shokin.[23]
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-02-2022, 11:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
To see the detail, you would need to read it. Alas, too much to ask. You missed the important parts or misunderstand. The prosecutor was corrupt, he was in bed with the pro russian president, prosecutor was not investigating...thats why everyone wanted him out. How did Biden and obama get rich off the scheme? Holding $$ in a quid pro quo is very legal when it is pushing formal US Policy. You want US $$, this is what you need to do to get it. Simple. Shokin was not allegedly corrupt, he was corrupt.
Trump wanted dirt on Biden for his own personal goals (election) so he blackmailed Ukraine.
Like i said, read up on it, educate yourself. Stop spreading russian conspiracy's.
Viktor Shokin
Shokin was appointed by, and loyal to, Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko. Representatives of the EU and the United States pressed Poroshenko for his removal[19] as did the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.[20] In March 2016 testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former ambassador to Ukraine John E. Herbst stated, "By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin's removal" and that Joe Biden "spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv". During the same hearing, assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland stated, "we have pegged our next $1 billion loan guarantee, first and foremost, to having a rebooting of the reform coalition so that we know who we are working with, but secondarily, to ensuring that the prosecutor general's office gets cleaned up."[7] An overwhelming majority vote in the Ukrainian Parliament in March 2016 led to Shokin's removal from office[21] after an investigation into extortion of another company led to associates who were found in possession of diamonds, cash and other valuables[22] as well as documents and passports belonging to Shokin.[23]

It is becoming more and more clear to the public that Russia was fabricated by Clinton and the democrat party at large. Half of us knew it. Now it is being exposed in the legal realm.

The president is the foreign policy. It is in his job description. It is the reason why the position was created in the constitution. If biden can do it as VP, Trump certainly can do it as President. The "reason" the democrats used was just an biased opinion with an agenda attached to it.

The democrats were coming into office after being elected saying they were elected to impeach Trump. They were looking for any reason to try and impeach him. They chose to go down an extremely divisive and dangerous political game. They almost ended up at the end of a mob over it. Like I have said. Democrats are a danger to our freedoms.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-02-2022, 12:20 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post

It is becoming more and more clear to the public that Russia was fabricated by Clinton and the democrat party at large. Half of us knew it. Now it is being exposed in the legal realm.

The president is the foreign policy. It is in his job description. It is the reason why the position was created in the constitution. If biden can do it as VP, Trump certainly can do it as President. The "reason" the democrats used was just an biased opinion with an agenda attached to it.

The democrats were coming into office after being elected saying they were elected to impeach Trump. They were looking for any reason to try and impeach him. They chose to go down an extremely divisive and dangerous political game. They almost ended up at the end of a mob over it. Like I have said. Democrats are a danger to our freedoms.
Russia was fabricated by Clinton? Whats that even mean?
I can follow you to " the president is the foreign policy". Then you lose me. The president is only foreign policy when that policy is in the interest of the country. Thus Biden/Obama withheld $$. Trump was just out only for himself. If trumps blackmail was in the interest of the USA, explain how it benefits the USA to with hold $ and arms? Clearly know we know it was even more important to stop trumps pal, Putin.
Trump was impeached for cause, both times. first for with holding $ and arms that were congressionally approved to send to Ukraine. ...But first, I need a favor...
The second impeachment was due to trying to overturn the free and fair results of a US Federal election with tons of proof.
FYI, the dangerous mob was at the capitol on 1/6, at trumps personal request of them. Its going to be wild!! Radical republicans are the biggest danger to democracy.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-02-2022, 1:03 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Russia was fabricated by Clinton? Whats that even mean?
I can follow you to " the president is the foreign policy". Then you lose me. The president is only foreign policy when that policy is in the interest of the country. Thus Biden/Obama withheld $$. Trump was just out only for himself. If trumps blackmail was in the interest of the USA, explain how it benefits the USA to with hold $ and arms? Clearly know we know it was even more important to stop trumps pal, Putin.
Trump was impeached for cause, both times. first for with holding $ and arms that were congressionally approved to send to Ukraine. ...But first, I need a favor...
The second impeachment was due to trying to overturn the free and fair results of a US Federal election with tons of proof.
FYI, the dangerous mob was at the capitol on 1/6, at trumps personal request of them. Its going to be wild!! Radical republicans are the biggest danger to democracy.
Only people who have been indicted for the Russian collusion hoax are clinton people. The steele dossier was confirmed fake and a person was indicted (a russian) for that. An FBI person was indicted for falsify a report. Now a Clinton Lawyer is being indicted and they have laid out how they spied and used fake messages to create a fake narrative of russian communication with Trump. It is pretty damning and more info is coming out.

Democrats opinion and narrative on what they believe Trump was after with Ukraine. Trump got the money and weapons to them. He is foreign policy. Biden's money that he threatened was authorized by congress. Can't use the same argument both ways. Only person to have actual ties to Ukraine and it is proven is Biden.

FBI already said Trump had zero to do with Jan 6. I blame the democrats for creating such and atmosphere. They did this over 4 years of gaslighting everyone. They are lucky it was not much worse. They also cheated in the states by using the courts and a pandemic to illegally change election laws. Courts don't make laws or policy. They are only there to enforce what the legislatures pass. If anything they can say what they pass is against their constitutions but that is the extent of their powers. Thus what they did was illegal.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-02-2022, 6:33 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Only people who have been indicted for the Russian collusion hoax are clinton people. The steele dossier was confirmed fake and a person was indicted (a russian) for that. An FBI person was indicted for falsify a report. Now a Clinton Lawyer is being indicted and they have laid out how they spied and used fake messages to create a fake narrative of russian communication with Trump. It is pretty damning and more info is coming out.

Democrats opinion and narrative on what they believe Trump was after with Ukraine. Trump got the money and weapons to them. He is foreign policy. Biden's money that he threatened was authorized by congress. Can't use the same argument both ways. Only person to have actual ties to Ukraine and it is proven is Biden.

FBI already said Trump had zero to do with Jan 6. I blame the democrats for creating such and atmosphere. They did this over 4 years of gaslighting everyone. They are lucky it was not much worse. They also cheated in the states by using the courts and a pandemic to illegally change election laws. Courts don't make laws or policy. They are only there to enforce what the legislatures pass. If anything they can say what they pass is against their constitutions but that is the extent of their powers. Thus what they did was illegal.
It was only democrats if you dont count George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Alexander van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo, Roger Stone, 12 Russian military officers and 13 more russians. Would have been plenty more but all the obstruction and pleading the 5th for all those in trumps circle. Plus that little you cant indict a sitting president card he played daily. But yeah way more people working for trump got arrested and convicted. I already predicted the total jail time for Durhams indictments. 90 days MAX and no more damning info is on the way. damning info, lol.

It isnt Dems opinion or narrative, you forget how stupid trump is. It was all recorded, then he himself released the transcripts so we know it is exactly accurate. "But 1st. I need a favor" Do you think i made that up? LOL, no need. He got the $ and weapons to them AFTER he got caught. Timing matters. Biden was working in the light with the approval of obama, the World Bank and other organizations, unlike trump. It isnt the same thing and you know it. You are not THAT stupid.

Wow you blame dems for republicans attacking the capitol. Snowflake. I guess maybe i was wrong, you are that stupid. Stay confident with that FBI said" trump had zero to do with it" BS. Aint gonna last long. In 2 weeks the 1/6 investigation start televising what they have discovered and are still uncovering. You know, stuff FOX would never report. Oughta be fun.
Blah, Blah, Blah the election was stolen. Clown show. lol.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-02-2022, 8:41 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Only people who have been indicted for the Russian collusion hoax are clinton people.
100% incorrect again. Where do you get this stuff, infowars?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 9:42 AM Reply   
"FBI already said Trump had zero to do with Jan 6. I blame the democrats for creating such and atmosphere. They did this over 4 years of gaslighting everyone. They are lucky it was not much worse. They also cheated in the states by using the courts and a pandemic to illegally change election laws. Courts don't make laws or policy. They are only there to enforce what the legislatures pass. If anything they can say what they pass is against their constitutions but that is the extent of their powers. Thus what they did was illegal."

This doesnt age well, and only a day.
trumps Oathkeeper pleads GUILTY to Seditious Conspiracy.

Kinda blows up that whole FBI said trump was innocent BS. Didnt you blame dems? yeah, radical republicans for $800 alex.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
"FBI already said Trump had zero to do with Jan 6. I blame the democrats for creating such and atmosphere. They did this over 4 years of gaslighting everyone. They are lucky it was not much worse. They also cheated in the states by using the courts and a pandemic to illegally change election laws. Courts don't make laws or policy. They are only there to enforce what the legislatures pass. If anything they can say what they pass is against their constitutions but that is the extent of their powers. Thus what they did was illegal."

This doesnt age well, and only a day.
trumps Oathkeeper pleads GUILTY to Seditious Conspiracy.

Kinda blows up that whole FBI said trump was innocent BS. Didnt you blame dems? yeah, radical republicans for $800 alex.
Does not change the facts of what I said at all. The one article is about a group of devious democrats (the exact same democrats who lied about Russia and Ukriane) that are not saying words like "may have". Same sh$t different day. They have just a few more months of this before they are swept out of power.

The other article. So. You have an individual who pled not guilty to a charge? Oh's no's. We already know that fascist like you believe that if anyone uses their rights to defend themselves, you consider them guilty. You have proven that over and over again.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 10:11 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
100% incorrect again. Where do you get this stuff, infowars?
Prove me wrong?

What was anyone around Trump charged with? Lying. Finances. etc.? Not a single one about Russia.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
It was only democrats if you dont count George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Alexander van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo, Roger Stone, 12 Russian military officers and 13 more russians. Would have been plenty more but all the obstruction and pleading the 5th for all those in trumps circle. Plus that little you cant indict a sitting president card he played daily. But yeah way more people working for trump got arrested and convicted. I already predicted the total jail time for Durhams indictments. 90 days MAX and no more damning info is on the way. damning info, lol.

It isnt Dems opinion or narrative, you forget how stupid trump is. It was all recorded, then he himself released the transcripts so we know it is exactly accurate. "But 1st. I need a favor" Do you think i made that up? LOL, no need. He got the $ and weapons to them AFTER he got caught. Timing matters. Biden was working in the light with the approval of obama, the World Bank and other organizations, unlike trump. It isnt the same thing and you know it. You are not THAT stupid.

Wow you blame dems for republicans attacking the capitol. Snowflake. I guess maybe i was wrong, you are that stupid. Stay confident with that FBI said" trump had zero to do with it" BS. Aint gonna last long. In 2 weeks the 1/6 investigation start televising what they have discovered and are still uncovering. You know, stuff FOX would never report. Oughta be fun.
Blah, Blah, Blah the election was stolen. Clown show. lol.
And not a single one about collusion and Trump now was there?

I blame the democrats for their toxic lies for setting the tone that a few people had enough that they felt they needed to do something about it.

Jan 6 committee. The same biased idiots that brought you Russia collusion and the Ukriane phone call. I don't give to Sh$ts as to what those F$uckers claim.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 10:17 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
It was only democrats if you dont count George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Alexander van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo, Roger Stone, 12 Russian military officers and 13 more russians. Would have been plenty more but all the obstruction and pleading the 5th for all those in trumps circle. Plus that little you cant indict a sitting president card he played daily. But yeah way more people working for trump got arrested and convicted. I already predicted the total jail time for Durhams indictments. 90 days MAX and no more damning info is on the way. damning info, lol.

It isnt Dems opinion or narrative, you forget how stupid trump is. It was all recorded, then he himself released the transcripts so we know it is exactly accurate. "But 1st. I need a favor" Do you think i made that up? LOL, no need. He got the $ and weapons to them AFTER he got caught. Timing matters. Biden was working in the light with the approval of obama, the World Bank and other organizations, unlike trump. It isnt the same thing and you know it. You are not THAT stupid.

Wow you blame dems for republicans attacking the capitol. Snowflake. I guess maybe i was wrong, you are that stupid. Stay confident with that FBI said" trump had zero to do with it" BS. Aint gonna last long. In 2 weeks the 1/6 investigation start televising what they have discovered and are still uncovering. You know, stuff FOX would never report. Oughta be fun.
Blah, Blah, Blah the election was stolen. Clown show. lol.
"1st I need a favor" is a social speech pattern and I am sure this not the first time he has used it in casual speech.

Only thing that matters is a bunch of low down treasonous democrats who want to parse every words someone says and twist it to fool the low intelligence people into confirmation bias.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 10:33 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Does not change the facts of what I said at all. The one article is about a group of devious democrats (the exact same democrats who lied about Russia and Ukriane) that are not saying words like "may have". Same sh$t different day. They have just a few more months of this before they are swept out of power.

The other article. So. You have an individual who pled not guilty to a charge? Oh's no's. We already know that fascist like you believe that if anyone uses their rights to defend themselves, you consider them guilty. You have proven that over and over again.
You didnt use any facts.
Article one is about trump and his attys crimes, no dems involved.
#2, My bad, apologies, I posted the wrong link. Here you go.
Plea is guilty as charged.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 10:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Prove me wrong?

What was anyone around Trump charged with? Lying. Finances. etc.? Not a single one about Russia.
When he is lying about his russian ties and threatening witnesses, it doesnt matter. Lawyers take the easy way to a conviction just like when murderer Al Capone is convicted of tax fraud. When Manaforts finance problems come from his Ukrainian lies as part of a russian run ukraine Govt, same....Its all about Russia.
Read up on stuff.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 10:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And not a single one about collusion and Trump now was there?

I blame the democrats for their toxic lies for setting the tone that a few people had enough that they felt they needed to do something about it.

Jan 6 committee. The same biased idiots that brought you Russia collusion and the Ukriane phone call. I don't give to Sh$ts as to what those F$uckers claim.
You dont care if one party has gone rogue and tried to steal an election? Says plenty about you. Me thinks you didnt read it.
The 1/6 comm. is comprised of Republicans and Democrats.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 10:50 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
"1st I need a favor" is a social speech pattern and I am sure this not the first time he has used it in casual speech.

Only thing that matters is a bunch of low down treasonous democrats who want to parse every words someone says and twist it to fool the low intelligence people into confirmation bias.
Sorry, there were no low down treasonous democrats on the call. Just one sad little man blackmailing another countries pres. for his own personal gain. And yes, you are the low intelligence fool trying to twist his gangster speak to support your bias. Try it, use "but first I need a favor" and not be asking for quid pro quo. You cant no matter how much you twist and contort. And you look dumb trying.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 12:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Sorry, there were no low down treasonous democrats on the call. Just one sad little man blackmailing another countries pres. for his own personal gain. And yes, you are the low intelligence fool trying to twist his gangster speak to support your bias. Try it, use "but first I need a favor" and not be asking for quid pro quo. You cant no matter how much you twist and contort. And you look dumb trying.
Funny. The guy on the other end said he did not feel there was any "quid pro quo" at all.

You ask stupid question and say stupid things. I always think how can you see the world and how it works and believe the things you do but here you are.

Democrats will be out in the fall. Won't have to hear another word about it then.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 12:17 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
You dont care if one party has gone rogue and tried to steal an election? Says plenty about you. Me thinks you didnt read it.
The 1/6 comm. is comprised of Republicans and Democrats.
ooohhh boy. Two anti Trump Republicans hand picked by the democrats. Would not let Cruz or Jim Jordan or any other Republican that the Republicans wanted on the committee. Kangaroo court is a kangaroo court no matter how you try and word smith it. Guess what. Those two Republicans will more than likely be out of office come fall as well.
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-03-2022, 1:13 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Prove me wrong?

What was anyone around Trump charged with? Lying. Finances. etc.? Not a single one about Russia.
You mean apart from 12 GRU officers?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 1:56 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You mean apart from 12 GRU officers?
and so. What does that have to do with Trump? Those are Russians. Guess what. The US at any time could arrest almost every diplomat in the country for spying if they choose. That is what they do. They just kicked out some more for it just the other day. It is literally saying water is wet. Many other countries allow people to use their last year of military service to work abroad for industrial spying. It is happening all day every day in the US.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 2:08 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
ooohhh boy. Two anti Trump Republicans hand picked by the democrats. Would not let Cruz or Jim Jordan or any other Republican that the Republicans wanted on the committee. Kangaroo court is a kangaroo court no matter how you try and word smith it. Guess what. Those two Republicans will more than likely be out of office come fall as well.
No Cruz or gym jordan because they voted against approving the electoral count, at least Jordan participated in 1/6. They also voted against even having an investigation. Same dudes who had to have 9 Bengazi investigations didnt think 1/6 was important. See how wrong they were? Plus, you dont allow the perp into the investigation, any good cop will tell you that. There were other options for the R's, but they chose to ignore 1/6, go look at the votes. Cheney, a stone cold conservative republican, #3 Republican and one of the longest serving voted WITH trump over 97% of the time, how is that "anti trump"? Kinzinger, another conservative voted with trump 92%. How is he anti trump? They both voted for trump for pres. Make Chit up much?
see how your fairytale falls apart when you look at facts.
ooohhh boy, youre proving yourself a nutjob everyday.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 2:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
and so. What does that have to do with Trump? Those are Russians. Guess what. The US at any time could arrest almost every diplomat in the country for spying if they choose. That is what they do. They just kicked out some more for it just the other day. It is literally saying water is wet. Many other countries allow people to use their last year of military service to work abroad for industrial spying. It is happening all day every day in the US.
Youre playing childish word games. It does not change the facts. Manafort, dirtbag. Stone, dirtbag. Both convicted of felonies covering up for trump and he pardoned them, kinda like a quid pro quo. lol.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 2:11 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
You mean apart from 12 GRU officers?
And if you look at the indictment in your link in regard to those people. All it said it was related to a Russian Troll farm that was trying to influence the election. Influence is a broad term and has no specific person or person for or against mentioned. Again. Not related to Trump.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 2:14 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Youre playing childish word games. It does not change the facts. Manafort, dirtbag. Stone, dirtbag. Both convicted of felonies covering up for trump and he pardoned them, kinda like a quid pro quo. lol.
From the article:

Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for
politicians and his finances. (NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA!!!!!)

Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign, and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story (NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA!!!!!)
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       03-03-2022, 2:38 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And if you look at the indictment in your link in regard to those people. All it said it was related to a Russian Troll farm that was trying to influence the election. Influence is a broad term and has no specific person or person for or against mentioned. Again. Not related to Trump.
Uh huh, like when trump stood at the podium and asked the Russians to hack Killary's emails and they hacked Killary's emails. No relation. Lol, the world you live in, amazing.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 2:46 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Uh huh, like when trump stood at the podium and asked the Russians to hack Killary's emails and they hacked Killary's emails. No relation. Lol, the world you live in, amazing.
You do not understand sarcasm and neglected the word before and after that quote. Just stop. They had already hacked the emails and little secret. Vast majority of "hacks" are not hacks. They are majority inside jobs.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-03-2022, 2:49 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by ralph View Post
Uh huh, like when trump stood at the podium and asked the Russians to hack Killary's emails and they hacked Killary's emails. No relation. Lol, the world you live in, amazing.
Mueller report equaled no ties to Russia and Trump collusion. What world do you live in? Democrats did not even have enough balls to try and impeach Trump on it and they started the whole election cycle on impeaching him.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 4:37 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
And if you look at the indictment in your link in regard to those people. All it said it was related to a Russian Troll farm that was trying to influence the election. Influence is a broad term and has no specific person or person for or against mentioned. Again. Not related to Trump.
LOL, that "influence" is what you say here every day. tool.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 4:42 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
From the article:

Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for politicians and his finances. (NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA!!!!!)

Roger Stone: In January 2019, Mueller indicted longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone on 7 counts. He accused Stone of lying to the House Intelligence Committee about his efforts to get in touch with WikiLeaks during the campaign, and tampering with a witness who could have debunked his story (NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA!!!!!)
Such a knucklehead, why do you think Stone was hooking up with wikileaks? Because that is who released the stolen DNC info from the Russian hackers. Duh. 100% Russian influence related. Dude you gotta educate yourself, you keep backing into a corner.

Exactly. Do you know who manafort worked for and what he did? Read up.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 4:52 PM Reply   
No ties, lol. In 2015 and 2016 trump was trying to build a huge hotel in Russia yet lied daily saying "I have nothing with Russia", and YOU believed him. Until Michel Cohen, his right hand man spilled the beans. He even called it in advance "trump wont leave office peacefully. Trump does nothing without cheating. Every single thing he has done, he cheated. His wives, his biz parners, his customers, his workers....everything.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-03-2022, 4:54 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Mueller report equaled no ties to Russia and Trump collusion. What world do you live in? Democrats did not even have enough balls to try and impeach Trump on it and they started the whole election cycle on impeaching him.
That report also detailed 11 or 12 different examples of Obstruction too. Muellar also said he operated on the belief that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Its all in the details with liars.
Old     (ord27)      Join Date: Oct 2005       03-04-2022, 8:45 AM Reply   
so, 95, just to be clear, you prefer the quality of your life and the world's , this current 4 years? or the last 4 years?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-04-2022, 9:06 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
That report also detailed 11 or 12 different examples of Obstruction too. Muellar also said he operated on the belief that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Its all in the details with liars.
obstruction is not collusion. I would obstruct too when a false investigation is taking place with only one desired outcome by the people who are doing the lying.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-04-2022, 9:09 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
No ties, lol. In 2015 and 2016 trump was trying to build a huge hotel in Russia yet lied daily saying "I have nothing with Russia", and YOU believed him. Until Michel Cohen, his right hand man spilled the beans. He even called it in advance "trump wont leave office peacefully. Trump does nothing without cheating. Every single thing he has done, he cheated. His wives, his biz parners, his customers, his workers....everything.
So a guy who got caught lying and cheating that will never work in his profession again cut a book deal to get the last big pay day he will ever get again is the one you are hanging your hat on huh?
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-04-2022, 9:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
LOL, that "influence" is what you say here every day. tool.
So are you saying I am part of the Trump Russian collusion conspiracy now?
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-04-2022, 10:10 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by ord27 View Post
so, 95, just to be clear, you prefer the quality of your life and the world's , this current 4 years? or the last 4 years?
It isnt a good question. Due to the once in 100 years pandemic, failing democracy, dirty political leaders... it has been a bad last few years that one cant compare to previous. Plus, Russias war is a black cloud on 2022 even in the US. I preferred the 8 years of Obama if that helps.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-04-2022, 10:13 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
obstruction is not collusion. I would obstruct too when a false investigation is taking place with only one desired outcome by the people who are doing the lying.
Obstruction is a crime in the USA.
If it was a false investigation and there was no crime, what is there to hide. Obviously, he had a lot to hide.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-04-2022, 10:15 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So are you saying I am part of the Trump Russian collusion conspiracy now?
What i said was that you hear Russian conspiracies wherever, FOX, Rightwing am radio, podcast, wherever and then you spew it here. Russians originate it, right wing media pushes it Delta believes it.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-04-2022, 10:35 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
So a guy who got caught lying and cheating that will never work in his profession again cut a book deal to get the last big pay day he will ever get again is the one you are hanging your hat on huh?
Your argument is juvenile. If Cohen is such a bad guy, why did trump have him as his "fixer" for a dozen years before? Did Cohen just all the sudden become a felon overnight? Trump, and i have chronicled this for years surrounds himself with felons, why? Who, other than felons surrounds himself with other felons? How is everyone around him a hotmess of crime but trumps clean? It makes zero sense. It works nowhere but under your tinfoil hat. insane.
Why do you feel the need to belligerently defend a fascist? Trump lost the election. Trump knows he lost the election. Trump creates a lie to fix things and tries to violently overthrow the US government and all you can do is make transparent childish excuses and continue supporting the demise of democracy.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-04-2022, 10:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Obstruction is a crime in the USA.
If it was a false investigation and there was no crime, what is there to hide. Obviously, he had a lot to hide.
Uh huh. No body is jail from the government deciding you did something wrong and wants to prove it. Now add in the additional complexity of the most powerful political party fabricating evidence and shopping it to the CIA and FBI to frame you. Then the FBI has players that don't like you and then proceed to lie some more to manipulate the court into allowing them to spy on you and everyone around you.

That is exactly what happened. If the democrats did not fabricate all this not a single one of those people would have been in jail for anything. Most of those caught up were for their interactions with the FBI. No fabricated evidence from the democrats then there is no interaction with the FBI to interpreted as obstruction or lying or anything. I can not believe you don't understand this stuff. Then again, I believe you do. You are just a douche.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-04-2022, 11:37 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Uh huh. No body is jail from the government deciding you did something wrong and wants to prove it. Now add in the additional complexity of the most powerful political party fabricating evidence and shopping it to the CIA and FBI to frame you. Then the FBI has players that don't like you and then proceed to lie some more to manipulate the court into allowing them to spy on you and everyone around you.

That is exactly what happened. If the democrats did not fabricate all this not a single one of those people would have been in jail for anything. Most of those caught up were for their interactions with the FBI. No fabricated evidence from the democrats then there is no interaction with the FBI to interpreted as obstruction or lying or anything. I can not believe you don't understand this stuff. Then again, I believe you do. You are just a douche.
LOL, Delta believes trump. "They spied on me, the biggest political crime in history". You believe fake news from the biggest liar in history. Trump fired Comey to stop the investigation. Trump obstructed the investigation at every turn. "My guy was framed" you believe, youve said it 100 times. The same guy who lied about the election results, his attys being sued for billions by Dominion, losing their license to practice law for their claims w/o merit, he lost 61 out of 62 court cases, not a single recount changed any results, not a single Audit nor Forensic audit turned up ANY fraud. Not a single source can show ANY fraud. Every single US source, US Cyber security said Election fair, Bill Barr, trumps hand picked AG said No Fraud, every state Sec of State and AG said no fraud. Trumps atty, Eastman is pleading the 5th, as in i will admit to a crime if i answer the question. The 1/6 committee says trump and his goons committed a crime. And what do you continue to believe and spew???? Voter fraud by Dems. Tin foil hat Clown show.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-04-2022, 11:41 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
LOL, Delta believes trump. "They spied on me, the biggest political crime in history". You believe fake news from the biggest liar in history. Trump fired Comey to stop the investigation. Trump obstructed the investigation at every turn. "My guy was framed" you believe, youve said it 100 times. The same guy who lied about the election results, his attys being sued for billions by Dominion, losing their license to practice law for their claims w/o merit, he lost 61 out of 62 court cases, not a single recount changed any results, not a single Audit nor Forensic audit turned up ANY fraud. Not a single source can show ANY fraud. Every single US source, US Cyber security said Election fair, Bill Barr, trumps hand picked AG said No Fraud, every state Sec of State and AG said no fraud. Trumps atty, Eastman is pleading the 5th, as in i will admit to a crime if i answer the question. The 1/6 committee says trump and his goons committed a crime. And what do you continue to believe and spew???? Voter fraud by Dems. Tin foil hat Clown show.
Uh. A federal prosecutor just literally indicted people for just that. He literally used those words when describing what they were doing to Trump. Not only that they were spying inside the white house.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       03-04-2022, 12:26 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier View Post
Uh. A federal prosecutor just literally indicted people for just that. He literally used those words when describing what they were doing to Trump. Not only that they were spying inside the white house.
How many times you going to prove me right? Durhams investigation has proven zip. Like I said 5 times already, its a 90 day Max sentence if he could even convict. Now, actual convictions on Stone, ignore, even tho they are actual convictions on felonies. Clown show Delta.

Like I said you believe 100% conspiracy w/o a shred of being accurate. Everything that has been proven goes against everything you write. Time after time after time. You are fake news.
Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       03-04-2022, 1:57 PM Reply   
Proven zip? he just proved that Clinton and the democrat party where spying and created a false narrative. 90 day sentence for lying to the FBI? I am pretty sure that is a few years bud. Spying on a sitting president and misappropriating government resources in the commission of a crime? Good luck with 90 days.

The other two guys would not have been even approached by law enforcement if not for the fake conspiracy of the democrats. Even then, none of it was about Russia.

I am not sure who you are trying to convince. The voters do not believe you. 66% of democrats polled now want hillary investigated. Democrats did not even have enough balls to try and impeach over the fake russia story. There is not a single thing that supports your claims except for your conspiracy theory and made up narrative how you hated Trump since you were 5 years old.

Like I told you what, 4 years ago. He was still your president. He was not kicked out of office over your conspiracy. He was not arrested. nothing happened. Matter of fact he could be back as your president. So, at this point it is: Reality - 5 years, YOU- zero

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