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Old     (DeltaHoosier)      Join Date: Mar 2018       08-12-2022, 9:03 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by 95sn View Post
Headline reading? Read this.
Hello, Source of claims in writing.
Last week, The Republican National Committee claimed that the increased budget and its subsequent recruitment of nearly 87,000 IRS workers would lead to “poorer” Americans and small businesses being targeted with audits.

Facts from IRS
The IRS says the $80 billion boost will go towards operational upgrades, customer service updates, systems modernization, and “increased enforcement.” According to IRS Commissioner, Charles P. Rettig, the IRS will not increase the number of audits being performed on households earning less than $400,000.
More facts
“These resources are absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans,” Rettig wrote in a letter to Congress. “As we have been planning, our investment of these enforcement resources is designed around Treasury’s directive that audit rates will not rise relative to recent years for households making under $400,000.”

Additionally, the IRS will not be hiring 87,000 auditors as it has been suggested by the RNC and Republican lawmakers. Furthermore, the new hires will be spaced out over the course of 10 years.

The 87,000 new hires are expected to replace staff members who plan to leave within the next five years as more than half of those employed by the IRS are eligible for retirement, Time reported. According to a Treasury Department official, part of the increased budget will not only be used to hire auditors. The agency plans to hire new IT technicians and taxpayer support staff as well.
You still reading??
The 2021 analysis from the Congressional Budget Office was not included with full context on the RNC site. While the CBO did estimate that audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, it also concluded that high-income taxpayers would ultimately bear the brunt of IRS enforcement.

“The proposal, by contrast, would return audit rates to the levels of about 10 years ago; the rate would rise for all taxpayers, but higher-income taxpayers would face the largest increase,” the CBO stated.

“In addition, the Administration’s policies would focus additional IRS resources on enforcement activity aimed at high-wealth taxpayers, large corporations, and partnerships. CBO estimates that if the proposals were enacted, tax compliance would be improved, and more households would meet their obligation under the law.”

Additionally, Rettig suggested last week that the RNC’s claims are unsubstantiated and insisted that strengthening the IRS will lead to more consistent tax law compliance from high-income taxpayers.

“Large corporate and high-net-worth taxpayers often engage teams of sophisticated representatives pursuing unsettled or sometimes questionable interpretations of tax law,” Rettig stated in his letter to Congress.

“The integrity and fairness of our tax administrative system relies upon the ability of our agency to maintain a strong, visible, robust enforcement presence directed to these and other similarly situated non-compliant taxpayers.”

Enough yet? Is the IRS going to be bigger than the Marines?? Are they going to attack low income earners? So, you have a problem arming IRS agents but its totally cool for every 18 year old in the country has a God Given Right to Own half a dozen AR-15's?? Stop it clown.
You don't need to budget for 87,000 new employees if many are leaving . You simply take the money from the ones leaving and give it to the ones replacement them. Not like they all leave at once.

I Trust 18 year olds with Ar before I trust an organization that is supposed to be paper pushers running around with a legal authority to kill you. Yes.

And here is it right in your own Fing quote "While the CBO did estimate that audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, it also concluded that high-income taxpayers would ultimately bear the brunt of IRS enforcement."

Well no $hit Sherlock. And how does one automatically believe that high income taxpayers will get the brunt? They have the lawyers and accountants. They do this every year for sport. That is literally their job is to find loop holes and fight with the IRS. They do it every year now. You know who does not? The middle class and small business. They will simply be steam rolled.


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