Join Date: Sep 2005
10-03-2022, 12:19 PM
‘Voting against your own interests just to own the libs can be tragic’: Florida Republicans beg for hurricane relief after voting against it
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 6:38 AM
This is what’s so scary about invoking the 25th on Mr Magoo. Next in line is worse. After that, it’s the old SF hag with a drunk driving husband. We’re screwed.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 7:42 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Desantis as well as Rubio and many others have been against assistance to other communities when they were hit with disasters. Why isnt that a problem since The VP just gave an opinion on a priority list, never suggested to not help. Why are you outraged now and not when they didnt want to help any color, race in the past?
Its nice that you can create a nice little narrative and completely ignore the fact that as cases, hospitalizations...were reduced numbers each and every covid requirement was reduced til stopped. Make too much sense for a conspiracy guy like yourself? Go back to believing its the deep state with all their advance weather control hitting red states with hurricanes. It isnt knuckleheads building at or below sea-level.
Its politics, Harris panders to communities of color, the grifter panders to Qanon. I'll take pandering to communities of color over right-wing nutcases 7 days a week.
Isnt it time you stopped posting FOX "news" stories? Everyone knows FOX is the biggest lying "news" source on cable. No one here posts far left sources and expect you to read garbage.
Not gonna bother with this. Too many lies to waste time with. PS Just say no to drugs.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-04-2022, 9:50 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Not gonna bother with this. Too many lies to waste time with. PS Just say no to drugs.
Translation. Cant actually call out a single mistruth because there are none and he caught me trying to say Marijuana caused the homeless problem. Plus Rubio et al did vote against relief for hurricane Sandy now they want the $$...and trump/conservatives are losing so bad they must resort to coveting the Q vote. It was probably the alcohol that rotted your brain.
Another fun fact, Trump sued CNN because they called his Big Lie, The Big Lie. Guess he will layout all the truth he held back in the 60+ other lawsuits he lost on the election.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-04-2022, 9:53 AM
Originally Posted by markj
This is whats so scary, a mix of Saturday Night Live skits and mish-mash of out of context VP quotes. Truly scary if you take any of it serious. No wonder FOX loves the uneducated who apparently have no need for logical thought. Did you miss the Comedy Central branding all over it?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 11:50 AM
Did someone fart or is that just the jester trying to speak?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 11:51 AM
Halloween costume winner.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-04-2022, 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Halloween costume winner.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This is whats so scary, a mix of Saturday Night Live skits and mish-mash of out of context VP quotes. Truly scary if you take any of it serious. No wonder FOX loves the uneducated who apparently have no need for logical thought. Did you miss the Comedy Central branding all over it?
Yeah the CC branding is the best part and the biggest reason I posted it. They’re known as another MSM propaganda mouthpiece. That’s a testament to how bad your party has it now. Yep you got some in-house cannibalism goin on. Btw, those aren’t SNL clips and Kamel Toe is known for her Biden-esque word salads. Time for you to cut back to two joints an hour again.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yes he is. Glad you can admit it now.
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-04-2022, 4:00 PM
Lol, Hershal Walker represents the current state of the republican party perfectly.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-04-2022, 8:24 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Lol, Hershal Walker represents the current state of the republican party perfectly.
You mean by getting framed? Or just that he’s getting attacked personally by the left? I heard the accusation. I just haven’t seen any proof. If it’s out there, show it. If not, shut up. As far as NFL players go, he seems pretty clean, but that’s also where a lot of Burn Loot Murder guys also hang out so it’s not saying much. If Herschel walked away from that crowd, God bless him. If his son is telling the truth, he’s got some splainin to do. Hope the rumors aren’t true.
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-05-2022, 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You mean by getting framed? Or just that he’s getting attacked personally by the left? I heard the accusation. I just haven’t seen any proof.
I seriously doubt there is anything you would count as proof.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 4:18 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
I seriously doubt there is anything you would count as proof.
The woman said she has a copy of a check and a get well card. Let’s see them. Let’s see if the handwriting experts agree it’s his writing. Then let the voters decide. Hey at least he’s not part of a corrupt crime family like Mr Magoo is.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 4:23 AM
Furthermore, dims should be happy if he paid to have his child murdered. It’s what they like to do. I know I would count it as a plus if I heard about a pro-murder dim politician who chose to put a child from an unplanned pregnancy up for adoption rather than murdering their child.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 5:40 AM
What a delight to know Mr Magoo is at the wheel of this economy. “Hey, here’s an idea! As soon as I start inflation and record debt, how bout we go print us up some free money, buy some votes with it and call it the inflation reduction act?” -Joe Magoo
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 6:02 AM
Oh just look at the great ideas democrats have when it comes to what they call surplus money. Right before an election, Gov Nuisance has this money burning a hole in his pocket. Does he save it for the impending democrat depression? Nope. Does he finally decide to take the initiative to solve our state’s water crisis? Nope. He buys votes with it to help keep his power. Totally corrupt. Totally depraved. Totally democrat.
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-05-2022, 9:07 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Furthermore, dims should be happy if he paid to have his child murdered.
That's a fundamental misunderstanding of what "the left" have a problem with, unlike the right they value honesty and integrity. If somebody proves to be a lair and hypocrite then they are thought to be unsuitable for office. After trump the right considers this things qualifications!
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:25 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You mean by getting framed? Or just that he’s getting attacked personally by the left? I heard the accusation. I just haven’t seen any proof. If it’s out there, show it. If not, shut up. As far as NFL players go, he seems pretty clean, but that’s also where a lot of Burn Loot Murder guys also hang out so it’s not saying much. If Herschel walked away from that crowd, God bless him. If his son is telling the truth, he’s got some splainin to do. Hope the rumors aren’t true.
Did the evil dems also force him to impregnate 3 other women and not marry them? Many people are saying they had to sue him to get him to support his own kids, probably tough on an NFL salary.
Funny, as a candidate, Walker likes to blame missing dads for social issues. Walker has staked out a staunchly anti-abortion position in the campaign, saying the procedure should be banned with no exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother. The way he lives/lived his life 100% the inverse. Just another Lyin GOP politician.
Did trump back him specifically because he cheated on his wife? Joining his club? Ralph is right, this is 100% GOP Standard operating procedure. Why are you even looking ... "I havant see any proof"? You havnt seen the proof of voter fraud stealing trumps election either. "Seems pretty clean" perhaps the most racist comment youve made in a while. Hes a clean negro. I now understand how to change your opinion on abortion, just have a republican need one, then it's A-okay. It isnt abortion, its only who needs one.
FYI, there is an abortion receipt and a check signed by Walker to the woman.
Walker made $$ in the NFL, that $$ got him out of the hood. Leave God out of it. Just like the old saying, it did not take the hood out of him. Thus 4 kids, 4 baby mommas. But yeah, he looks pretty clean.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:32 AM
Originally Posted by markj
What a delight to know Mr Magoo is at the wheel of this economy. “Hey, here’s an idea! As soon as I start inflation and record debt, how bout we go print us up some free money, buy some votes with it and call it the inflation reduction act?” -Joe Magoo
Remind me what trump did to the deficit in a single term.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:34 AM
Seems pretty clean means what it sounds like. He seems like a guy who didn’t have a lot of baggage. If he’s something else or as bad as you two say, I say, “hang ‘em high.” I don’t care. I know very little about him. It was never meant to sound like Biden’s words about Obummer so don’t go projecting your racist leader’s words on me.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:37 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Remind me what trump did to the deficit in a single term.
Well, he certainly didn’t come up with a lie called inflation reduction act which actually increases inflation. Only a democrat tells those kinds of lies.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:38 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Remind me what trump did to the deficit in a single term.
Deflection looks normal on you as usual. You’ll never acknowledge truth even if it slaps you in the face. You’re a hack.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:45 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Oh just look at the great ideas democrats have when it comes to what they call surplus money. Right before an election, Gov Nuisance has this money burning a hole in his pocket. Does he save it for the impending democrat depression? Nope. Does he finally decide to take the initiative to solve our state’s water crisis? Nope. He buys votes with it to help keep his power. Totally corrupt. Totally depraved. Totally democrat.
This is 1000 times better than giving the breaks only to the top 1%. You know "trickle down". Keep voting against your own better interests. Dont cash the check if you disagree. When oil companies first jacked up gas prices he said he would do this, he did it. Thats called doing what you promise to help all the people. He didnt need to buy votes. Dont be a dolt. Look at the election results when he was elected, smoked the competition. Look at the votes when the crying GOP did the recall. Again he beat the pants off every single R. He will do the same in the coming election, its called a pattern. Win, win, win. Good governing=reelection. PS, im no big Newsom fan either. Describe what is depraved about returning tax money. Dont say democrats didnt help you. He also green lite oil companies to start the winter fuel early saving You and I $$.
Why do you keep bashing Biden and Newsom for doing SOMETHING when its oil companies robbing you? You havnt mentioned them once and that is where the buck stops.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:46 AM
Strategic oil levels are the lowest in 40 years. Way to keep us safe, Magoo!’ Why don’t you get your gas can and go back to the towel heads to beg for more mercy? Never mind letting alternative fuel vehicles to phase in. Kill the oil industry and let the chips fall. It was just a few weeks ago he was bragging about prices coming down THAT HE INFLATED WITH HIS POLICIES. His brain dead policies have cost every American tens of thousands of dollars.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:49 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This is 1000 times better than giving the breaks only to the top 1%. You know "trickle down". Keep voting against your own better interests. Dont cash the check if you disagree. When oil companies first jacked up gas prices he said he would do this, he did it. Thats called doing what you promise to help all the people. He didnt need to buy votes. Dont be a dolt. Look at the election results when he was elected, smoked the competition. Look at the votes when the crying GOP did the recall. Again he beat the pants off every single R. He will do the same in the coming election, its called a pattern. Win, win, win. Good governing=reelection. PS, im no big Newsom fan either. Describe what is depraved about returning tax money. Dont say democrats didnt help you. He also green lite oil companies to start the winter fuel early saving You and I $$.
Why do you keep bashing Biden and Newsom for doing SOMETHING when its oil companies robbing you? You havnt mentioned them once and that is where the buck stops.
Put the bong down and listen. That money should go to water storage. Period.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:50 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Deflection looks normal on you as usual. You’ll never acknowledge truth even if it slaps you in the face. You’re a hack.
Deflection? Im looking at both. We check Biden in 2024 at end of term, correct? Whats fair is fair, Covid hit late in trumps term, look what he did. Look where the deficit was when Obama handed him the keys and where it was when he drove the country off the tracks. Facts are facts.
Join Date: Mar 2018
10-05-2022, 9:53 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
That's a fundamental misunderstanding of what "the left" have a problem with, unlike the right they value honesty and integrity. If somebody proves to be a lair and hypocrite then they are thought to be unsuitable for office. After trump the right considers this things qualifications!
You are such a liar.
Ever wonder every time a Conservative is up and winning to get in office, some democrat comes out of the woodwork with some sort of accusation that is never proven true. Just and accusation. Kind of like the supreme court justices, Trump, etc. Rinse and repeat. I guess the Jerry Springer crowd will never get enough of it. Show as on the air for years for a reason.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:55 AM
You wouldn’t know facts if they slapped your bong off the table and spilled that nasty bong water all over.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:55 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Put the bong down and listen. That money should go to water storage. Period.
Why ALL THE SUDDEN, you worry about drought/climate change...????? Its been an issue for decades.
I dont know the ins and outs about the salmon or the delta smelt or why so much water ends up in the pacific. Vote for those who believe and will create more water storage, i will.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:56 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You are such a liar.
Ever wonder every time a Conservative is up and winning to get in office, some democrat comes out of the woodwork with some sort of accusation that is never proven true. Just and accusation. Kind of like the supreme court justices, Trump, etc. Rinse and repeat. I guess the Jerry Springer crowd will never get enough of it. Show as on the air for years for a reason.
Like Hunters laptop and Hillarys Emails?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:56 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You are such a liar.
Ever wonder every time a Conservative is up and winning to get in office, some democrat comes out of the woodwork with some sort of accusation that is never proven true. Just and accusation. Kind of like the supreme court justices, Trump, etc. Rinse and repeat. I guess the Jerry Springer crowd will never get enough of it. Show as on the air for years for a reason.
So true.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 9:58 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why ALL THE SUDDEN, you worry about drought/climate change...????? Its been an issue for decades.
I dont know the ins and outs about the salmon or the delta smelt or why so much water ends up in the pacific. Vote for those who believe and will create more water storage, i will.
Don’t care about climate change because there’s nothing man can do to change it so you can stop saying that. I do care about water restrictions causing blight though. Kinda like the homeless blight caused by dims.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 9:59 AM
Originally Posted by markj
You wouldn’t know facts if they slapped your bong off the table and spilled that nasty bong water all over.
Great. What are the facts?? What was the deficit when Obama handed trumpy the keys? We can work with your numbers. What was the deficit at end of trumps turn? FYI, the number was bigger post grifter...by a lot.
Seems you are just working with feelings here. What are the numbers champ?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 10:00 AM
I don’t have time to look that up now.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Don’t care about climate change because there’s nothing man can do to change it so you can stop saying that. I do care about water restrictions causing blight though. Kinda like the homeless blight caused by dims.
So only when it interferes with your lifestyle. I get it. NIMBY pretty much.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 10:01 AM
The debt is on track to be exploding far more and at a much greater pace with Magoo. I know that for sure.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
So only when it interferes with your lifestyle. I get it. NIMBY pretty much.
That doesn’t make sense. What? Why don’t you try explaining why dims won’t build water storage?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
So only when it interferes with your lifestyle. I get it. NIMBY pretty much.
It’s a fool’s errand to think we can change the climate. Just ask Amy Klobachar. Oh wait. She says by voting dim, we CAN change the climate. My bad. No water storage affects farmers too. Kali could have an even bigger farm economy if we could store more water.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by markj
That doesn’t make sense. What? Why don’t you try explaining why dims won’t build water storage?
Because I agee, We need way better/more water storage.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by markj
It’s a fool’s errand to think we can change the climate. Just ask Amy Klobachar. Oh wait. She says by voting dim, we CAN change the climate. My bad. No water storage affects farmers too. Kali could have an even bigger farm economy if we could store more water.
What she means (im assuming) GOP doesnt believe there is climate change, even while Floridah has been disintegrated. They refuse to listen to science (remember Covid and Hydroxy and the idiots eating horse paste). The same repubs who voted against Hurricane Sandy relief are begging to send Floriduh $$$. Seems pretty clear when you look at GOP vote history and Dem vote history. Facts. I agree 100% about water storage, CA would be the 4th largest economy in the world.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-05-2022, 11:12 AM
The climate changes. Always has. Deal with it. First it was global cooling. Then it was global warming. Now it’s climate change. Every time the libtard prescription is the same: worldwide misery that starts with the US opening up the fault and walking away. We’ve had numerous volcanos blow off more crap in the air in one day than all of mankind’s exhaust added up. Thinking we are that powerful to change the weather is a joke. There isn’t a single, factual model that takes everything into consideration to prove we can do squat.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-05-2022, 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by markj
The climate changes. Always has. Deal with it. First it was global cooling. Then it was global warming. Now it’s climate change. Every time the libtard prescription is the same: worldwide misery that starts with the US opening up the fault and walking away. We’ve had numerous volcanos blow off more crap in the air in one day than all of mankind’s exhaust added up. Thinking we are that powerful to change the weather is a joke. There isn’t a single, factual model that takes everything into consideration to prove we can do squat.
Are you suggesting the republican politician lied and it isnt dems controlling the weather and targeting red states? That is what she claimed.
Call it what makes you happy. The problem is burning fossil fuels, name isnt important. 87* temps in the gulf are why the hurricanes are more powerful.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 5:21 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Are you suggesting the republican politician lied and it isnt dems controlling the weather and targeting red states? That is what she claimed.
Call it what makes you happy. The problem is burning fossil fuels, name isnt important. 87* temps in the gulf are why the hurricanes are more powerful.
NRDC? Lol!!! None of their propaganda is peer reviewed. They’re just another group of libtard hacks. Why don’t you post some opinions of BLM while you’re at it too? Oh and why don’t you post some quotes from fudge-packing Don Lemon as well? Lol Clown
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 5:40 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Are you suggesting the republican politician lied and it isnt dems controlling the weather and targeting red states? That is what she claimed.
Call it what makes you happy. The problem is burning fossil fuels, name isnt important. 87* temps in the gulf are why the hurricanes are more powerful.
The arrogance of you on the left who say you can control the weather is utterly laughable! The biggest surprise in all of that is how many people you've duped into believing it. I will give you credit (in a Dr Evil kind of way) for playing the long game and indoctrinating children with your lies. So many lies...
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 7:25 AM
As the new day dawns, we have fat boy in NK sending a dozen planes past SK while Biden whips out his gas can begging the Saudis for a spare gallon because he sold all his strategic oil reserves to communist China and killed the oil industry in his own country. Biden may even lift sanctions on Venezuela and beg them for oil. What "leadership" we have in dims. We used to be the ones selling oil to other countries. Biden the traitor cut our own throats and bragged about doing it before he did it. Gas is over $7 near my house now.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 8:03 AM
Have you choked a democrat today?
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-06-2022, 9:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Have you choked a democrat today?
Thats the big oil companies trump gave the tax break. Just trickling it back down on you and telling you its maintenance. Can you read? Does the sign say Biden or ARCO?
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-06-2022, 9:52 AM
Originally Posted by markj
The arrogance of you on the left who say you can control the weather is utterly laughable! The biggest surprise in all of that is how many people you've duped into believing it. I will give you credit (in a Dr Evil kind of way) for playing the long game and indoctrinating children with your lies. So many lies...
Yep, definitely been duped. They believe it. These are your people, the sane ones.
Two far-right pundits are spewing baseless a conspiracy theory about "weather manipulation" — claiming that Hurricane Ian was created by the so-called Deep State to target Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other GOP-led states as "punishment."
The comments were made by DeAnna Lorraine and Lauren Witzke, both former GOP congressional candidates, according to The Independent and RightWing Watch, a group that monitors right-wing activity.
"We understand that the 'deep state,' they have weather manipulation technology," Lorraine said on her Telegram show, per a clip posted by the group on Friday, referring to the hurricane that struck the Sunshine State.
"These huge hurricanes always seem to target red states, red districts, and always at a convenient time — typically right before elections," she added. "Or, in this case, possibly because Ron DeSantis has been stepping out of line a lot and challenging, fighting the 'deep state."
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-06-2022, 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by markj
NRDC? Lol!!! None of their propaganda is peer reviewed. They’re just another group of libtard hacks. Why don’t you post some opinions of BLM while you’re at it too? Oh and why don’t you post some quotes from fudge-packing Don Lemon as well? Lol Clown
Post more facts from fox. Funny how they are almost the only source that agrees with your views. What a coinkydink, they taught you everything you know. Church of the radical far right . LOL.
Global warming is fact, 99% of scientist have been explaining it to you for decades. It proves itself as fact daily, even in your little world running out of water, just like science predicted. Feel free to believe the pseudo-science deniers like doctors w/o borders pushing horse paste and other snake oils.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Thats the big oil companies trump gave the tax break. Just trickling it back down on you and telling you its maintenance. Can you read? Does the sign say Biden or ARCO?
“CNN would like to take this opportunity to thank you profusely for your kind efforts to parrot whatever we say at all times.”
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Post more facts from fox. Funny how they are almost the only source that agrees with your views. What a coinkydink, they taught you everything you know. Church of the radical far right . LOL.
Global warming is fact, 99% of scientist have been explaining it to you for decades. It proves itself as fact daily, even in your little world running out of water, just like science predicted. Feel free to believe the pseudo-science deniers like doctors w/o borders pushing horse paste and other snake oils.
Sorry to hurt your feelings about NRDC. The truth can be painful at times. I realize that one stung a little. Sorry, little buddy.
Join Date: Mar 2018
10-06-2022, 1:55 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Sorry to hurt your feelings about NRDC. The truth can be painful at times. I realize that one stung a little. Sorry, little buddy.
Funny how the environnazi's always pull out the 99% of scientists. There is no consensus. 51% at best
at Tuesday’s meeting of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Sierra Club president Aaron Mair, after an uncomfortable pause of his own, appealed to authority: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists concur and agree that there is global warming and anthropogenic impact,” he stated multiple times.
The “97 percent” statistic first appeared prominently in a 2009 study by University of Illinois master’s student Kendall Zimmerman and her adviser, Peter Doran. Based on a two-question online survey, Zimmerman and Doran concluded that “the debate on the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity is largely nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific bases of long-term climate processes” — even though only 5 percent of respondents, or about 160 scientists, were climate scientists. In fact, the “97 percent” statistic was drawn from an even smaller subset: the 79 respondents who were both self-reported climate scientists and had “published more than 50% of their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” These 77 scientists agreed that global temperatures had generally risen since 1800, and that human activity is a “significant contributing factor.”
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-06-2022, 2:14 PM
Originally Posted by markj
“CNN would like to take this opportunity to thank you profusely for your kind efforts to parrot whatever we say at all times.”
That might have been a slightly clever comeback except the fact you cant show a single time I ever posted anything from CNN. You are 90ish% on only posting Fox links, cause you know, brainwashed parrot and all.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-06-2022, 2:19 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Funny how the environnazi's always pull out the 99% of scientists. There is no consensus. 51% at best
at Tuesday’s meeting of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Oversight, Sierra Club president Aaron Mair, after an uncomfortable pause of his own, appealed to authority: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists concur and agree that there is global warming and anthropogenic impact,” he stated multiple times.
The “97 percent” statistic first appeared prominently in a 2009 study by University of Illinois master’s student Kendall Zimmerman and her adviser, Peter Doran. Based on a two-question online survey, Zimmerman and Doran concluded that “the debate on the authenticity of global warming and the role played by human activity is largely nonexistent among those who understand the nuances and scientific bases of long-term climate processes” — even though only 5 percent of respondents, or about 160 scientists, were climate scientists. In fact, the “97 percent” statistic was drawn from an even smaller subset: the 79 respondents who were both self-reported climate scientists and had “published more than 50% of their recent peer-reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” These 77 scientists agreed that global temperatures had generally risen since 1800, and that human activity is a “significant contributing factor.”
False. Old outdated article.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-06-2022, 7:29 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Have you choked a democrat today?
Soon to come
Gas pricing
Asian 10 per gallon
White 8 per gallon
Black 2 per gallon
Illegal alien FREE!
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-06-2022, 8:46 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Soon to come
Gas pricing
Asian 10 per gallon
White 8 per gallon
Black 2 per gallon
Illegal alien FREE!
BLM sticker on your car? We'll pump as much as you want for free and pay you to drive away peacefully.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 7:27 AM
This started off sounding kinda funny. I always love it when karma knocks on dim's doors. Hey mayor, see what your dim prez' policies do??? Cry us a river! What I can't figure out though is how this can burn through over a billion dollars in one city alone. That's almost $60K per illegal alien of which there are 17,000 in NYC. We have over TWO MILLION illegals that Biden has illegally welcomed into this country since he was made president. Do that math. In all seriousness, Biden should be tried and hung for treason over this. 100% corrupt. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/pol...hde-story.html
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-07-2022, 9:22 AM
Originally Posted by markj
BLM sticker on your car? We'll pump as much as you want for free and pay you to drive away peacefully.
pair of racists
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-07-2022, 9:31 AM
Originally Posted by markj
This started off sounding kinda funny. I always love it when karma knocks on dim's doors. Hey mayor, see what your dim prez' policies dp o??? Cry us a river! What I can't figure out though is how this can burn through over a billion dollars in one city alone. That's almost $60K per illegal alien of which there are 17,000 in NYC. We have over TWO MILLION illegals that Biden has illegally welcomed into this country since he was made president. Do that math. In all seriousness, Biden should be tried and hung for treason over this. 100% corrupt. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/pol...hde-story.html
Thats nothing, The true grift happens at the top. Then they try to cover it up. Get your number right, 2 million is the number of apprehensions, not the number "Biden illegally welcomed in". ie, the number caught. You really should have stayed in school longer.
This is the most recent cover up you should know about. Should trump be tried and hung too? Or, just like the grifter and Herschel the abortion king, rules are only for dems? How much was your PPP "loan"?
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 1:47 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
pair of racists
People of this country spent many years to become color blind. Then, you dims turned that on its head and started separating everyone by color or who gets their fudge packed or is a man that wants to wear a dress and compete in sports against girls. You dims are the racist dividers projecting your own racism onto us. The truth is, you don't even care about minorities. LBJ's quote from 50 years ago said it all. You're just using colored peoples as leverage to access more power. People are disposable to you. Just ask any one of the millions of babies you've murdered.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 1:49 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Thats nothing, The true grift happens at the top. Then they try to cover it up. Get your number right, 2 million is the number of apprehensions, not the number "Biden illegally welcomed in". ie, the number caught. You really should have stayed in school longer.
This is the most recent cover up you should know about. Should trump be tried and hung too? Or, just like the grifter and Herschel the abortion king, rules are only for dems? How much was your PPP "loan"?
Traitor. You should be hooked up right next to Biden too when the floor drops out.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-07-2022, 2:42 PM
Originally Posted by markj
People of this country spent many years to become color blind. Then, you dims turned that on its head and started separating everyone by color or who gets their fudge packed or is a man that wants to wear a dress and compete in sports against girls. You dims are the racist dividers projecting your own racism onto us. The truth is, you don't even care about minorities. LBJ's quote from 50 years ago said it all. You're just using colored peoples as leverage to access more power. People are disposable to you. Just ask any one of the millions of babies you've murdered.
Color blind wouldnt have called out Asians, Black, White and Illegal. Then you take it to the next level with the fudge packers, cross dressers.....and claim you are a Christian. God and I both disagree with you. You keep showing who you are, just a racist X$%&&##.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 2:58 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Color blind wouldnt have called out Asians, Black, White and Illegal. Then you take it to the next level with the fudge packers, cross dressers.....and claim you are a Christian. God and I both disagree with you. You keep showing who you are, just a racist X$%&&##.
Go look at any university entrance quotas, come back and tell me who's counting colors and which ones. After that, you people add butt pirates into the mix of people like they should get the same consideration like a separate race. It's all wrong to start with and then you make it worse. Sick people!
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 3:02 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Color blind wouldnt have called out Asians, Black, White and Illegal. Then you take it to the next level with the fudge packers, cross dressers.....and claim you are a Christian. God and I both disagree with you. You keep showing who you are, just a racist X$%&&##.
It's YOU PEOPLE who attach quantities to races. Doug was just mocking you for what YOU AND YOUR PARTY DOES 24/7! GET IT??? The jokes on YOU!
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-07-2022, 4:13 PM
Biden pardons non violent drug convictions for weed. Is he trying to re-elected or something? Is he offically the best President ever yet?
Join Date: Mar 2018
10-07-2022, 6:02 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Biden pardons non violent drug convictions for weed. Is he trying to re-elected or something? Is he offically the best President ever yet?
Joke is on you. Very few people go to jail for just weed possession. Usually they get you for enough to have the intent to distribute. The feds are not into pulling people over for a joint.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-07-2022, 6:12 PM
Im Black, I identify as Black, and native american, and hispanic and sometimes a senior citizen (free spaghetti dinners) or 6 so I dont pay to get into the amusement park or movie tickets. You understand its equity. dont you dare tell me how I feel. So calling people a racist (which is a total BS game) has the impact level of calling someone poopy face. lol It has no value because everyone is now racist. Not only all white people, but objects are now racists.
The best is when you go into the women's rest room and call all the women Bigots and homophobes because they are offended. Oh, dont forget to call them racist, because you can identify as anything you want. Its great! Handicap spaces, NO PROBLEM, just tell the person, who needs it, they are racists and you feel handicapped. It now works for everything. Cant wait to get my social security early, I think i have been feeling older lately and want my check now!
Next time you are catching a flight, just tell them you are an illegal and have no ID! problem solved. Maybe i will try to get the bank to give me a withdraw, without ID, and tell them I am Tiger woods. When they say I am not, I can call them racists bigots and sue.
Going to pay for groceries with monopoly money tomorrow, see if I can call them clerk racists because of equity. Money is money right? What does it matter that its fake, as long as I feel its real, ITS REAL! So much fun
Last edited by dougr; 10-07-2022 at 6:22 PM.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-07-2022, 6:27 PM
This is too much fun, I walk into the double tree in NYC. there is an old man, with no pants on, none, in front of the lobby as i exit a cab. Police drive by while checking in, nothing! dont even stop! Maybe we should get a mass group of people, roll around in the dirt, and walk the streets of NYC without pants on! I wonder if we would get away with it? Oh, I think we need to have a needle sticking out of our arm, so we def dont get bothered. This is the wonder world of the left, sad, cant make this **** up, its that bad
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-07-2022, 7:03 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Im Black, I identify as Black, and native american, and hispanic and sometimes a senior citizen (free spaghetti dinners) or 6 so I dont pay to get into the amusement park or movie tickets. You understand its equity. dont you dare tell me how I feel. So calling people a racist (which is a total BS game) has the impact level of calling someone poopy face. lol It has no value because everyone is now racist. Not only all white people, but objects are now racists.
The best is when you go into the women's rest room and call all the women Bigots and homophobes because they are offended. Oh, dont forget to call them racist, because you can identify as anything you want. Its great! Handicap spaces, NO PROBLEM, just tell the person, who needs it, they are racists and you feel handicapped. It now works for everything. Cant wait to get my social security early, I think i have been feeling older lately and want my check now!
Next time you are catching a flight, just tell them you are an illegal and have no ID! problem solved. Maybe i will try to get the bank to give me a withdraw, without ID, and tell them I am Tiger woods. When they say I am not, I can call them racists bigots and sue.
Going to pay for groceries with monopoly money tomorrow, see if I can call them clerk racists because of equity. Money is money right? What does it matter that its fake, as long as I feel its real, ITS REAL! So much fun 
No, youre just a racist drunk.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-07-2022, 7:43 PM
I am Black, you are a bigot, you hate me because i am a minority. you cant call me racist. cant be done, because of how i Identify.lol Eat your **** sandwich paint huffer. Take 5, and go try to wash that metallic paint off your face.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 8:37 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No, youre just a racist drunk.
So... Everyone here who grew up and doesn't smoke dope, do drugs or huff paint like you must be a drunk to you huh?  I hope for your sake you can wake up, sober up, grow up, wise up and stop being such a douche some day.
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-07-2022, 9:19 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Joke is on you. Very few people go to jail for just weed possession. Usually they get you for enough to have the intent to distribute. The feds are not into pulling people over for a joint.
i think 6,500 people and there families disagree with you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-07-2022, 9:29 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
i think 6,500 people and there families disagree with you.
Got a link to that story? How is that possible? Did they get caught with a joint in a national park? Doesn't sound right.
Join Date: Apr 2002
10-07-2022, 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Got a link to that story? How is that possible? Did they get caught with a joint in a national park? Doesn't sound right.
Here you go
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-08-2022, 8:32 AM
Originally Posted by markj
So... Everyone here who grew up and doesn't smoke dope, do drugs or huff paint like you must be a drunk to you huh?  I hope for your sake you can wake up, sober up, grow up, wise up and stop being such a douche some day.
Not sure why you thought it necessary to say that or that it was accurate in the least. I didnt call him out because he does or doesnt burn the ganja, we dont know. Maybe he does, maybe not, do you know? Clearly my statement was in direct response to his racist post. Any 4th grader could pick up on the connection A to B. I did assume he was drunk posting to his benefit. If he was not inebriated then he is a bigger racist than I had thought.
What makes you think I have ever huffed paint or do any drug that wasnt grown in my backyard? Not high then. not high now, maybe no one ever taught you about moderation. I dont go overboard on anything, I am quite conservative. Didnt you yourself claim that you were "objective"? Your actual words and thoughts you write are proof of the truth. Biden just pardoned thousands arrested on simple weed possession charges and pushing to change the schedule 1 Fed classification. Im sure you agree Fentanyl is more dangerous than a joint, right? Perhaps you should take your own advice and grow up, stop thinking if a person uses weed that is 100% legal on occasion that they then must be sniffing glue, sniffing spray cans, using 7-11 Spice and shooting heroin 24/7. Makes you look....unhinged.
Join Date: Dec 2009
10-10-2022, 4:35 AM
Police warm weed is being laced with fentanyl and killing people. Go figure. Crime is off the charts, boarders are wide open, bail laws allowing criminals to run the streets, And everyone is worried about climate change! Thank god we took the kids to disney world before 2020, remember Al Gore told the wold florida would be under water by 2020, that was just another BS statement by the left. AOC said we would all be gone in 12 years. How many years has it been? 3? So we have 9 more left!
WE could see a world war, we are close, it just took putting Biden in to get us there.
Join Date: Sep 2005
10-10-2022, 9:24 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Police warm weed is being laced with fentanyl and killing people. Go figure. Crime is off the charts, boarders are wide open, bail laws allowing criminals to run the streets, And everyone is worried about climate change! Thank god we took the kids to disney world before 2020, remember Al Gore told the wold florida would be under water by 2020, that was just another BS statement by the left. AOC said we would all be gone in 12 years. How many years has it been? 3? So we have 9 more left!
WE could see a world war, we are close, it just took putting Biden in to get us there.
Why would they "warm" weed? Without a real fire, it doesnt work.
Always using the fear tactic, lol. Always. Fentanyl doesnt need weeds help to kill folks.
Just another benefit to growing your own, thanks.
One could smoke weed all day, starting from sunrise to sunset w/o overdosing, w/o a hangover, literally w/o anything bad at all happening, maybe a nap. What happens if you drink just beer from sunrise to sunset? A single grain of fentanyl can kill you. Why is weed a schedule 1 drug and fentanyl is only rated as schedule 2?? That is a drug killing people left and right. If your community have bail laws that allow criminals to run the streets you should vote out who you elected and replace with prosecutors who will do better. People worry about climate change because the way it super charges hurricanes, wild fires and other natural disasters. Ask Florida, ask any little town that wild fires burned to the ground. FYI,Florida is under water, still. Someone feels informed enough to write about climate change and make themself look really really uneducated.
Why are you blaming Biden for what Putin, Trumps best friend, is doing in Ukraine? Seems clear someone gave him everything he wanted and Biden wont.
Join Date: Apr 2005
10-10-2022, 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Why would they "warm" weed? Without a real fire, it doesnt work.
Always using the fear tactic, lol. Always. Fentanyl doesnt need weeds help to kill folks.
Just another benefit to growing your own, thanks.
One could smoke weed all day, starting from sunrise to sunset w/o overdosing, w/o a hangover, literally w/o anything bad at all happening, maybe a nap. What happens if you drink just beer from sunrise to sunset? A single grain of fentanyl can kill you. Why is weed a schedule 1 drug and fentanyl is only rated as schedule 2?? That is a drug killing people left and right. If your community have bail laws that allow criminals to run the streets you should vote out who you elected and replace with prosecutors who will do better. People worry about climate change because the way it super charges hurricanes, wild fires and other natural disasters. Ask Florida, ask any little town that wild fires burned to the ground. FYI,Florida is under water, still. Someone feels informed enough to write about climate change and make themself look really really uneducated.
Why are you blaming Biden for what Putin, Trumps best friend, is doing in Ukraine? Seems clear someone gave him everything he wanted and Biden wont.
Yeah, so... You smoke dope all day long, come on Wakeworld and post idiotic stuff with no hangover... That's it! I just figured you out! Rinse repeat. No long term effects except becoming a democrat. I say the lifestyle is not worth the risk of becoming a D.