Join Date: Apr 2005
07-23-2022, 9:43 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Yor Daddy got it too, he had to be rushed to Walter Reed and loaded up with steroids and drugs just to keep him breathing. All those Herman Cain award winners like meatloaf, all dead. Cracks me up orange fool is such a whiner. Guess thats part of the reason behind him sitting in the WH dining room for hour after hour after hour doing nothing while the nimrods he had just sent to the capitol trying to stop the steal. His aides tried to get him to act, his children tried, his attys tried, senators and congress people begged him, still he did nothing. Nocall to homeland security, no call to capitol police, no call to military, no call to Nat'l Guard, no call to Defense dept, nothing zero. Great leadership. It was as if they were doing exactly as he planned. What kind of president does nothing while the US Capitol is under attack? good smart trump, only f'ing trump. Must be the most vile, corrupt, evil person on the planet.
Hey, you better rush to get your monkey pox vaccine too since the WHO declared it to be a global health emergency.
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-23-2022, 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Further proof that TDS is for life. It’s like a form of mental herpes. How are you gonna react if he’s president again? I’d love to be there when your head explodes.
Concur, when he is 6 ft under, we (the country) should all be safe. LOL, at again he is a two time loser of the US popular vote, meaning most people never wanted him in either election. 3 million short in 2016 and seven million short in 2020, as they say, an inverse trend. Im sure cult45 popularity has gone down again, few in the USA are into fascist authoritarian coup planners like that obese orange dude. Get your discount 2024 flags now! Plan your boat parade and truck trains, Dont forget to donate. Your contribution 500X if you act right now.
Join Date: Apr 2005
07-23-2022, 9:35 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Concur, when he is 6 ft under, we (the country) should all be safe. LOL, at again he is a two time loser of the US popular vote, meaning most people never wanted him in either election. 3 million short in 2016 and seven million short in 2020, as they say, an inverse trend. Im sure cult45 popularity has gone down again, few in the USA are into fascist authoritarian coup planners like that obese orange dude. Get your discount 2024 flags now! Plan your boat parade and truck trains, Dont forget to donate. Your contribution 500X if you act right now.
So funny that after you admit your TDS, you continue to go after him. Not one ounce of shame. It’s just too powerful to hide any more for you. You are literally deranged over him like some psycho ex girlfriend would be over her ex boyfriend. You are the Glenn Close of this fatal attraction. Please stay away from men named Dan and all bunny rabbits.
Well, since you clearly have the mental herpes, you need to be proactive now and make sure you and your buddies all get the monkey pox vaccine before it’s too late!
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-24-2022, 10:07 AM
This clearly shows just how radicalized you and that party have become. Your attempt to shame me because i have a dislike for a US president who refused the peaceful transfer of power for the 1st time in our history, one who planned and attempted to violently take over the Gov't and as you see it I have the problem. Those that are Righteous shall have no shame. Shame is for the bas actors, the losers, the liars, it is for those that still fly trump won flags, that use the term Lets Go Brandon, that still think the grifter should run again. You are the evil in this country. Those in a cult have difficulty seeing fact, as you gloriously display. Monkey pox is generally a gay spread disease, id think a guy who cant stop sucking trumpdaddydick a high risk, you know TDS.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-24-2022, 11:20 AM
Gas prices have fallen 40 days in a row, Biden is really doing an incredible job.
Join Date: Apr 2005
07-24-2022, 1:59 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
This clearly shows just how radicalized you and that party have become. Your attempt to shame me because i have a dislike for a US president who refused the peaceful transfer of power for the 1st time in our history, one who planned and attempted to violently take over the Gov't and as you see it I have the problem. Those that are Righteous shall have no shame. Shame is for the bas actors, the losers, the liars, it is for those that still fly trump won flags, that use the term Lets Go Brandon, that still think the grifter should run again. You are the evil in this country. Those in a cult have difficulty seeing fact, as you gloriously display. Monkey pox is generally a gay spread disease, id think a guy who cant stop sucking trumpdaddydick a high risk, you know TDS.
Listen to you go on like some crazy old aunt locked in a closet! Yeah, we’re all so radical. Like so radical that we go about living our lives by being peaceful and going to work to pay for the excesses of those in your party. We are the producers. You are the takers. You’re also the criminals. You create problems like illegals, inflation, theft in all its forms, rampant crime, an unstable world and plenty of immoral behaviors. You are the murderers in our society. You are the thugs. You are the fools that call themselves wise. I guess we all have our roles to play right?
Join Date: Apr 2005
07-24-2022, 2:04 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Gas prices have fallen 40 days in a row, Biden is really doing an incredible job.
Hmm nope. Plus he’s still got a LOOOOONG way to go to get back to Trump prices. Diesel is still double what I was paying. I’d just like to have the money back that he stole from me with his policies. I’m personally out multiple thousands because of Mr Magoo’s policies. That’s just for fuel. After that, I want my money back from all the inflation that his policies cost me.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-24-2022, 3:40 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Hmm nope. Plus he’s still got a LOOOOONG way to go to get back to Trump prices. Diesel is still double what I was paying. I’d just like to have the money back that he stole from me with his policies. I’m personally out multiple thousands because of Mr Magoo’s policies. That’s just for fuel. After that, I want my money back from all the inflation that his policies cost me.
Look, we have been through this before, try to keep up. Republicans all agree deficit spending causes inflation.
What causes inflation? Deficit spending.
Who went crazy with deficit spending? Trump.
Who is starting to trim it back and get the budget blow out under control? Biden.
It's a shame your gas bill has gone up but don't blame gravity for the apple falling on your head.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-25-2022, 6:51 PM
195 Republicans vote against the right to contraception. Lol, what are these turkeys smoking. Nothing says small government like them having a say if you can take the pill or wear a condom.
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-26-2022, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
once upon a time the right would sort of nibble around middle america's lack of sophistication, carefully calling them "salt of the earth" and "simple, god fearing folk"
until they realized that all of that lack of education and magical thinking was a massive unused resource and they tapped that thick, rich vein of american dumb
i'm talking about the pizzagate-birther-hydroxychloroquine folks
(i mean, how ****ed up is your brain that you could watch trump or taylor greene or gaetz spew gibberish and vitriol and think to yourself "oh yeah, we're definitely the good guys")
and so by weaponizing the fox news crowd they have both deniability and all that red stupid at their fingertips - and they clearly believe their own people are disposable
Red America are uneducated people that vote against their own well being, and are prayed upon by the GOP.
Join Date: Dec 2009
07-28-2022, 5:09 AM
welcome to recession, and the highest inflation in 40 years. Look at it positively, the amount of drugs spewing into the country will allow you to medicate yourself, and mask the pain!
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-28-2022, 1:49 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
welcome to recession, and the highest inflation in 40 years. Look at it positively, the amount of drugs spewing into the country will allow you to medicate yourself, and mask the pain!
Yeah thanks Donald for completely shagging the economy by overheating the bubble at the end of a fiscal expansion, great job. Have fun paying that debt off.
If you can trust citizens with guns they use on other people you can trust them with drugs they use on themselves.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-28-2022, 1:57 PM
What's wrong with these mother****ers, are they holding on to the money to do more corporate bailouts or tax cuts for corporations?
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-28-2022, 3:31 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
GOP, party of our military are suckers and losers according to DJT. Way to be America First.
Remember who they are.
Join Date: Mar 2018
07-29-2022, 1:44 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Looks pretty clear in the article. The Senate passed it then the house democrats added pork and other long term spending projects to it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
07-29-2022, 1:45 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Yeah thanks Donald for completely shagging the economy by overheating the bubble at the end of a fiscal expansion, great job. Have fun paying that debt off.
If you can trust citizens with guns they use on other people you can trust them with drugs they use on themselves.
President does not pass budgets. Democrats were in control of budgets.
Join Date: Mar 2018
07-29-2022, 1:48 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Gas prices have fallen 40 days in a row, Biden is really doing an incredible job.
hardly. Still $6.50 a gallon for diesel.
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-29-2022, 3:46 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Looks pretty clear in the article. The Senate passed it then the house democrats added pork and other long term spending projects to it.
Nope, you are just lying again.
"ohn Cornyn, a Texas Republican, told CNN Republicans did not back the measure because Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, was blocking votes on amendments Republicans wanted.
Cornyn also said Republicans wanted to negotiate more, in order to cut out some of the mandatory spending contained in the bill.
Stewart called that justification “bull****”.
agree with Stewart.
Why is it the only thing R's do is Block democrats helping americans? Just F'ing anti american everything.
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-29-2022, 3:51 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
President does not pass budgets. Democrats were in control of budgets.
It was his major accomplishment of his single term.
all he talked about for months, Hannity couldn't stop pushing it as his accomplishment, Ingraham the same Fox still talks about it. Look it up.
He added to the deficit which is underlying cause of current inflation. That and oil profits thru the roof. Suck it.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-29-2022, 3:51 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
President does not pass budgets. Democrats were in control of budgets.
That's completely wrong Republicans controlled the WH, senate & house when the tax cuts for the rich were passed.
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-29-2022, 3:55 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
hardly. Still $6.50 a gallon for diesel.
Fuel prices dropped every single day for 45 days straight, Fact
Biden said buy an Electric or hybrid. Fact
Delta buys a diesel whines and complains and blames biden for it. Biden a car dealer now too?
Tell me where he touched you little girl...
Join Date: Oct 2005
07-30-2022, 6:19 AM
95, there's no sense in debating how we got here. You and I will never agree. I'm okay with that. I also don't see a point in name calling, so I won't engage in that either.
Having said that;
What do you think of Biden finishing a part of the border wall?
I'm thinking that what the WH said is a load of BS.
If they are really trying to "clean up the mess", why not remove and resell the materials?
Join Date: Sep 2005
07-30-2022, 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
95, there's no sense in debating how we got here. You and I will never agree. I'm okay with that. I also don't see a point in name calling, so I won't engage in that either.
Having said that;
What do you think of Biden finishing a part of the border wall?
I'm thinking that what the WH said is a load of BS.
If they are really trying to "clean up the mess", why not remove and resell the materials?
Ive no issue with buttoning up the AZ wall. If it makes R's happy, im happy.
No idea what WH response was/is, havnt heard.
Join Date: Apr 2002
07-30-2022, 7:38 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Looks pretty clear in the article. The Senate passed it then the house democrats added pork and other long term spending projects to it.
100% untrue. $400m was reclassified from discretionary spending to mandatory spending. That's it, that's the charge. Every dollar in the bill is for sick veterans, you might think that is "pork" but the veterans do not.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-01-2022, 7:04 AM
True story.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-01-2022, 11:01 PM
Did you see Biden just vaporized Ayman al-Zawahiri? A bit rude, Trump was just about to play golf with him.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-02-2022, 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Fuel prices dropped every single day for 45 days straight, Fact
Biden said buy an Electric or hybrid. Fact
Delta buys a diesel whines and complains and blames biden for it. Biden a car dealer now too?
Tell me where he touched you little girl...
Math is not your strong suit is it. gas prices during trump under $3 a gallon. Goes up to near $7 dollars a gallon. Drops to $5.60 a gallon with diesel which is the life blood of our economy still near $6.50 a gallon and the idiot democrats try and tell us Biden is working for us and prices have gone down for so many day in a row. Wow. Dropped like a penny a day.
Yep. Biden did say go buy a electric. He is out of touch. The independent test reports are coming in from magazines and youtube testers on electric vehicles. the results are not good. electric F150 could tow about 130 miles before being depleted. Then it was going to take half a day to recharge. One magazine person took a trip from Chicago to New Orleans. She spent almost 12 hours charging to make it. Sorry. Regular people can not afford $80,000 electric cars that only work half the time. Never mind the environmental mess they are. Watching this one TED Talk, you have to drive your hi range Tesla 800,000 miles to finally break even on the carbon footprint over a regular gas powered car.
More like where did Trump touch you.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-02-2022, 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Did you see Biden just vaporized Ayman al-Zawahiri? A bit rude, Trump was just about to play golf with him.
Funny. They did it in afganhnistan. Not is some mountainous cave. They did it right in the city in a rich part of town. Gee. I wonder who botched the exit from that country that now has Al Queda leadership hanging out in a major city in plane site.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-02-2022, 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
That's completely wrong Republicans controlled the WH, senate & house when the tax cuts for the rich were passed.
And what you laid out was emergency covid spending. The democrats are trying to pass a 15% corporate tax and saying it will only bring in $400 billion over the years. You really think changing the tax structure is going to change the outgoing money like you are saying? I have a bridge to sell you. I would like to know where this so called tax break went. I ended up paying like another 2 to 4 thousand a year in taxes.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-02-2022, 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
100% untrue. $400m was reclassified from discretionary spending to mandatory spending. That's it, that's the charge. Every dollar in the bill is for sick veterans, you might think that is "pork" but the veterans do not.
Then remove the $400 million in discretionary spending if it is not a big deal. The Republicans in mass agreed to a different version. The democrats knew they would not go for it so they put it in there. They do it all the time. It is a show vote. They add something important, then add other crap that is garbage that any sane person would not vote on and then go back and say the other party does not believe in saving children. If the democrats really wanted to fund this, then remove the ride along. Works that way too.
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-02-2022, 1:36 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Math is not your strong suit is it. gas prices during trump under $3 a gallon. Goes up to near $7 dollars a gallon. Drops to $5.60 a gallon with diesel which is the life blood of our economy still near $6.50 a gallon and the idiot democrats try and tell us Biden is working for us and prices have gone down for so many day in a row. Wow. Dropped like a penny a day.
Yep. Biden did say go buy a electric. He is out of touch. The independent test reports are coming in from magazines and youtube testers on electric vehicles. the results are not good. electric F150 could tow about 130 miles before being depleted. Then it was going to take half a day to recharge. One magazine person took a trip from Chicago to New Orleans. She spent almost 12 hours charging to make it. Sorry. Regular people can not afford $80,000 electric cars that only work half the time. Never mind the environmental mess they are. Watching this one TED Talk, you have to drive your hi range Tesla 800,000 miles to finally break even on the carbon footprint over a regular gas powered car.
More like where did Trump touch you.
Funny thing is, that's being nice, they re extremely bad for the CO2 and environment, Cathoid powder will give all your kids cancer. It will end up everywhere, no way to contain or recycle it. Very dangerous, also the CO2 is more than a gas vehicle.
Funny if we just keep using natural gas and nuclear, we could be 99% green, without the dangers of electric junk. Yes, EV will get better and yes, we need to continue to develop better options, but solar panels are dirty to make, and wind mills are even worse, and they both generate nothing, and cant send energy anywhere else, have to use it now, and storage is a joke, Great job dems
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-02-2022, 3:26 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Funny thing is, that's being nice, they re extremely bad for the CO2 and environment, Cathoid powder will give all your kids cancer. It will end up everywhere, no way to contain or recycle it. Very dangerous, also the CO2 is more than a gas vehicle.
Funny if we just keep using natural gas and nuclear, we could be 99% green, without the dangers of electric junk. Yes, EV will get better and yes, we need to continue to develop better options, but solar panels are dirty to make, and wind mills are even worse, and they both generate nothing, and cant send energy anywhere else, have to use it now, and storage is a joke, Great job dems 
Yep. Saw another guy giving a different TED talk. The guy used to be a anti nuclear activist. Now he spends his time explaining how he was wrong and that we need to use nuclear. Laid out all the accidents and how much less they were compared to coal and so on.
I believe it is the same talk I saw was regarding that automobiles are only a 10 to 15% problem for CO2. The real issue is industrial. That would be nominally cured by nuclear. He laid out basically you are going to destroy the environment to try and cure the air and basically not do that either.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-02-2022, 7:44 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Funny thing is, that's being nice, they re extremely bad for the CO2 and environment, Cathoid powder will give all your kids cancer. It will end up everywhere, no way to contain or recycle it. Very dangerous, also the CO2 is more than a gas vehicle.
Not even close to true, who gave you those "facts", your friendly big oil executive?
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-03-2022, 4:32 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep. Saw another guy giving a different TED talk. The guy used to be a anti nuclear activist. Now he spends his time explaining how he was wrong and that we need to use nuclear. Laid out all the accidents and how much less they were compared to coal and so on.
I believe it is the same talk I saw was regarding that automobiles are only a 10 to 15% problem for CO2. The real issue is industrial. That would be nominally cured by nuclear. He laid out basically you are going to destroy the environment to try and cure the air and basically not do that either.
no one wants to talk about the black mass, you have to smelt it to remove the rare earths, and you cannot use oxygen to remove the liquid created from the battery, or it will explode. The smelting process is very toxic and needs a ton of energy (coal or gas) to perform the process.
The battery tech is not going to work, at this point and will cause a massive shortage in 10 years. Like silver and other materials we just dont have. The CO2 to mine all the material and then the process to refine the dead batteries will create more damage than good.
We need to develop hybrid systems and clean diesel or natural gas engines, but that means the green idiots fight drilling and fracking. Its really a joke, as 99% of the argument is bunk, as we have had particle levels way higher over millions of years ago.
CO2 is a problem not a crisis, and can be worked out only when the cost of producing energy is low, and tech can move forward at reasonable costs. IT energy is expensive, tech stops. There are very few recycling companies in the world, that can handle this process, and its insanely expensive, and the materials from it, that have all the value, is the black mass. that, again, has to be smelted to reuse. hence 50% of all batteries are dumped and left to rot. Acid based batteries are recycled, as the #1 end game is lead. Also toxic, but we have found a way to keep the recycling costs low, so aprox 100% of acid based batteries are easily recycled.
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-03-2022, 5:47 AM
Our EPA, prob not trustworthy either, show aprox 6% of electricity output, in 2020, was due to EV cars, EV cars make up aprox 3% of the total "light duty" operation, that's people who have cars, not commercial. If you swap all the gas cars for electric, that needed output would be staggering. hence the need to burn XXXXXX amount of gas, coal and or nuclear (that we dont have) is off the charts, It will add to greenhouse CO2 like we have never seen.
Also you need 480v to run a level 3 DC charging station, not all locations can manage this, and if you are to add enough charging stations to produce the output, you would have to have nuclear power stations everywhere, like every 5 miles. that's only if we rebuilt the entire grid to handle the voltage, and only if it is profitable.
So price of electricity has to go up. Hence a 25k level 3 chagring station, today, makes about 70 bucks a day in profit. Estimate 48 total charges per station at 30 min each for every hour of the day, ( not realistic) and the fact that the cost for level 3 would need to massively increase, or people sit for 3 hours to charge. The math does not work, the CO2 argument is stupid and debunked, the grid will fail. the fossil fuel to charge everything will be much greater and the end user, if we could move in this direction, will pay extreme costs to charge. It politica fodder. Maybe in 100 years from now, we will have a system more viable, but unit energy is uber cheap, its a broken arrow, even if we toss the "save the earth BS " out the window, and understand (in the current environment) we are adding co2 and making it worse.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-03-2022, 9:39 AM
Ralph’s head exploding in 3,2,1……
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-03-2022, 1:29 PM
Originally Posted by markj
Ralph’s head exploding in 3,2,1……
No not at all, the reality is the market is going to drive the change and it's not possible to stop it now.
Things to consider:
The transition is going to take 30 years, there is time to transition off petrol and reinforce clean electricity production, the market forces of demand and supply will cause the transition.
Back filling the grid with roof top solar has many many advantages in terms of being energy independent and lowering the consumers overall energy costs.
95% of most peoples charging will happen at there own homes while they sleep, charge times and high powered chargers while important and not the most important part of owing an EV.
The average commute for an American is 34 miles
Most importantly:
The running cost of an EV is already about half of a petrol or diesel powered vehicle.
The capital cost to build an EV is already at parity to building a petrol car. As battery technology matures and scales it's going to be significantly cheaper to build and EV than a petrol car.
Long story short petrol powered vehicles will not be able to compete financially with owning an EV, you do not need to spin any narrative around CO2 or being "Green" most people don't really care about that, they care about money.
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-03-2022, 4:47 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
No not at all, the reality is the market is going to drive the change and it's not possible to stop it now.
Things to consider:
The transition is going to take 30 years, there is time to transition off petrol and reinforce clean electricity production, the market forces of demand and supply will cause the transition.
Back filling the grid with roof top solar has many many advantages in terms of being energy independent and lowering the consumers overall energy costs.
95% of most peoples charging will happen at there own homes while they sleep, charge times and high powered chargers while important and not the most important part of owing an EV.
The average commute for an American is 34 miles
Most importantly:
The running cost of an EV is already about half of a petrol or diesel powered vehicle.
The capital cost to build an EV is already at parity to building a petrol car. As battery technology matures and scales it's going to be significantly cheaper to build and EV than a petrol car.
Long story short petrol powered vehicles will not be able to compete financially with owning an EV, you do not need to spin any narrative around CO2 or being "Green" most people don't really care about that, they care about money.
Ralphie, at least we agree that the CO2 is nothing but spin. WE will just have to see, will be something as we will not be able to sustain battery manufacturing for 30 years without major recycling projects and very deep, large holes in the earth, with tons of political fall out to mine it. The left doesn't want a pipe running over a river, even if its in the air. Cant wait to see what they say when we go digging giant holes all over the country, bellowing black smoke in the air, to dig up metals that will run out way before we can revamp the grid and develop battery tech that works.
Stop the madness, and start working on solid state cells, scrap lithium, its junk for this application. Everyone knows it
The only value in a charging station is the 60 bucks worth of copper in the cable coming out of it. Best thing to do is cut it off and scrap the copper.
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-03-2022, 5:42 PM
maybe a good time to buy some copper futures, hedge it short, dump 100k at it, then keep spinning it to new contracts until we hit a shortage on it. Going to hit soon, as copper estimates are to triple in next few years. recycling cannot keep up, and mining is limited.
Join Date: Dec 2009
08-03-2022, 6:16 PM
Here some more info, finally congress is potentially, going to stop the Fauci lie, as it is now out, the gain of function was happening, on covid, in china and (possible NC) and was funded, behind the lines, by Fauic and Co. He lied like a rug. Finally doctors are coming out, stating it was man made, in a lab. by gain of function.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-03-2022, 7:34 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Ralphie, at least we agree that the CO2 is nothing but spin.
I don't necessarily agree it's all spin but I'm open minded to both positions.
Originally Posted by dougr
WE will just have to see, will be something as we will not be able to sustain battery manufacturing for 30 years without major recycling projects and very deep, large holes in the earth, with tons of political fall out to mine it.
Yes it's going to require a large amount of mining, what the scale of that is relative to oil "mining" is hard to quantify what is worse but you have to recognize the difference between mining something which has a 10-15 year life vs mining something which is consumable like petrol.
Originally Posted by dougr
Stop the madness, and start working on solid state cells, scrap lithium, its junk for this application. Everyone knows it
The medium term future is some lithium variant of battery, there isn't the technology to scale solid state batteries to the levels required for all of the applications in vehicles and grid level storage.
Join Date: Jul 2007
08-04-2022, 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by dougr
Here some more info, finally congress is potentially, going to stop the Fauci lie, as it is now out, the gain of function was happening, on covid, in china and (possible NC) and was funded, behind the lines, by Fauic and Co. He lied like a rug. Finally doctors are coming out, stating it was man made, in a lab. by gain of function.
This caught my eye because the science is still out on this as an article just popped up the other day saying it was likely naturally created. Here's some info on both theories worth reading, especially before trying to spout off a fact about COVID19 being naturally created or not.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-04-2022, 8:23 PM
Biden has drastically reduced the number of drone strikes over his presidency, is he the best president ever?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-05-2022, 9:17 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Biden has drastically reduced the number of drone strikes over his presidency, is he the best president ever?
Was never anyone's metric on determining a good president, although the president with the most drone strikes received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-05-2022, 9:19 AM
Originally Posted by brettw
This caught my eye because the science is still out on this as an article just popped up the other day saying it was likely naturally created. Here's some info on both theories worth reading, especially before trying to spout off a fact about COVID19 being naturally created or not.
While I don't totally disagree, we literally had one side spouting off that it absolutely not man made. Even censored the ability to talk about it being man made. That is the problem.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-05-2022, 9:25 AM
Originally Posted by dougr
Ralphie, at least we agree that the CO2 is nothing but spin. WE will just have to see, will be something as we will not be able to sustain battery manufacturing for 30 years without major recycling projects and very deep, large holes in the earth, with tons of political fall out to mine it. The left doesn't want a pipe running over a river, even if its in the air. Cant wait to see what they say when we go digging giant holes all over the country, bellowing black smoke in the air, to dig up metals that will run out way before we can revamp the grid and develop battery tech that works.
Stop the madness, and start working on solid state cells, scrap lithium, its junk for this application. Everyone knows it
The only value in a charging station is the 60 bucks worth of copper in the cable coming out of it. Best thing to do is cut it off and scrap the copper.
Just saw what I believe to be an important article the other day in regards to that underwater volcano eruption in Tonga. Apparently that put an additional 10% of the worlds water vapor into the air and unlike other smaller eruptions, they believe this will stay in the air for 5 to 10 years. I have looked into it before and it is worth looking at again, but water vapor is significantly more of a green house gas than CO2.
This is why I have always believed that trying to control CO2 was always political. Control peoples means to live and you control the people. I would argue that spraying water in near aerosol form all over the world to grow food is more of a green house contributor than cars.
Why water Vapour is a more important greenhouse gas than CO2?
It's condensable – it can be changed from a gas into a liquid. Its concentration depends on the temperature of the atmosphere. This makes water vapor the only greenhouse gas whose concentration increases because the atmosphere is warming, and causes it to warm even more.Feb 8, 2022
Steamy Relationships: How Atmospheric Water Vapor Supercharges Earth's Greenhouse Effect
Since the late 1800s, global average surface temperatures have increased by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius). Data from satellites, weather balloons, and ground measurements confirm the amount of atmospheric water vapor is increasing as the climate warms. (The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report states total atmospheric water vapor is increasing 1 to 2% per decade.) For every degree Celsius that Earth’s atmospheric temperature rises, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere can increase by about 7%, according to the laws of thermodynamics.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-05-2022, 10:51 PM
Dark Brandon said let there be jobs. And there were jobs, 500k+ in fact. Is he the best president ever?
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-07-2022, 5:03 PM
Why did Republicans strip out the insulin price cap from the reconciliation bill?
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-08-2022, 12:45 PM
Republicans whining about inflation and the economy, blaming Biden nonstop. So what do they do to help Americans? esp those that are diabetics?
( roughly 38million Americans), they decide to keep insulin prices as high as possible to F their constituents, bend them over and send $$ to Big pharma. Democrats can only do so much to help everyday Americans, Republicans only look out for Big Pharma, Big Oil... cause that is who pays them.
Waiving the rules required 60 votes to succeed. Only seven Republicans sided with Democrats to keep the insulin cap in the bill with a 57-43 vote.
“Republicans have just gone on the record in favor of expensive insulin,” Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden said. “After years of tough talk about taking on insulin makers, Republicans have once against wilted in the face of heat from Big Pharma. Fortunately, the $35 insulin copay cap for insulin in Medicare remains in the bill, so seniors will get relief from high insulin costs. I will continue working to deliver lower insulin costs to all Americans.”
"Republicans just forced out of the reconciliation bill a $35/month out-of-pocket cap for insulin users with private health insurance. What the hell is wrong with them? Really, what the hell is wrong with them?" said Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen in a tweet.
Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr.,representing the 9th District of New Jersey, said in a tweet "Here are the McConnell republican senators who just killed capping insulin at $35. Republicans told millions of Americans who use insulin to go to hell. Remember their names."
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-08-2022, 6:44 PM
Who said the left can't meme?
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-09-2022, 6:14 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Who said the left can't meme?
Everyone. What you leftists don’t have the bandwidth to recognize is that it has to at least have some ties or relation to truth to be funny. That’s why your memes suck. You’re an inherently dishonest people so your humor sucks as bad as you do.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-09-2022, 6:17 AM
Case in point.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-09-2022, 9:05 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Why did Republicans strip out the insulin price cap from the reconciliation bill?
Because price controls NEVER actually control prices. It historically leads to scarcity.
Join Date: Apr 2002
08-09-2022, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Because price controls NEVER actually control prices. It historically leads to scarcity.
Oh OK, don't ask for the government to lower gas prices then.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-09-2022, 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Because price controls NEVER actually control prices. It historically leads to scarcity.
Because the GOP historically supports Big Pharma, not Americans. Look at delta foolishly support them as they stab our families in the back again.
It was a $35 cap on insulin, pretty simple. Any one in your fam use insulin? Me too.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-09-2022, 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Oh OK, don't ask for the government to lower gas prices then.
55 days in a row, fuel prices decrease. Anyone thanking Biden after blaming him daily?
What about killing the #2 leader who planned the 9/11 attack, not a word.
Exited Afghanistan war. Blame.
Pass a huge infrastructure bill to make roads, bridges, airports all safer for years to come, crickets.
About to pass another big bill to fight inflation, cap drug prices, lower health insurance premiums....
trump made billionaires like himself richer, lied about losing election and attempted a coup.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-09-2022, 1:44 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Oh OK, don't ask for the government to lower gas prices then.
I am not asking government to lower gas prices, I am asking government to not create regulations to purposely raise prices. Like the new bill they put in that is going to tax oil imports some more. Killing pipe lines, creating more methane regulations that are going to kill small producers. List is long.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-09-2022, 1:47 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Because the GOP historically supports Big Pharma, not Americans. Look at delta foolishly support them as they stab our families in the back again.
It was a $35 cap on insulin, pretty simple. Any one in your fam use insulin? Me too.
So what happens if and when it costs more than that to produce it? Then what? Company says we are out because we are not going to do it. Or they say, we are losing money on this, so we will produce just so much at a loss. I would hope it would be cheap and people get what they need at a reasonable cost, however price cap is not it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-09-2022, 1:57 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
55 days in a row, fuel prices decrease. Anyone thanking Biden after blaming him daily?
What about killing the #2 leader who planned the 9/11 attack, not a word.
Exited Afghanistan war. Blame.
Pass a huge infrastructure bill to make roads, bridges, airports all safer for years to come, crickets.
About to pass another big bill to fight inflation, cap drug prices, lower health insurance premiums....
trump made billionaires like himself richer, lied about losing election and attempted a coup.
Don't care about that #2 guy. Should have been dead over a decade ago.
Funny you mention prices coming down even though they are still higher than any time ever pretty much. Getting there by depleting our oil reserves instead of allowing the free market to work.
U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve drops to lowest level since 1987
Here is that math is not your strong suit thing again. How does adding billions more debt and creating 87,000 new permanent IRS jobs going to combat inflation? Just proves once again if someone spins you a headline you like, you will believe it.
Dems Poised To Make IRS Larger Than Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol Combined
The IRS is going to be as big as the Marine Corp:
the USMC has around 182,000 active duty members and some 38,500 personnel in reserve.
IRS is going to have around 160,000 or more agents? Still trying to figure out why obama bought 5 million rounds of ammo for the IRS? Which agency did obama have in mind when he said he wanted to create a civilian force the size of the military?
More than half of the IRS's exams in 2021 were of taxpayers with incomes less than $75,000. They are trying to tell us they are only going after people making $400k a year? Uh huh. Does not seem like that even now. What happens when they run out of rich people to harass? Don't think I would want to be in real estate if I were you.
Join Date: Apr 2005
08-10-2022, 7:41 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
55 days in a row, fuel prices decrease. Anyone thanking Biden after blaming him daily?
What about killing the #2 leader who planned the 9/11 attack, not a word.
Exited Afghanistan war. Blame.
Pass a huge infrastructure bill to make roads, bridges, airports all safer for years to come, crickets.
About to pass another big bill to fight inflation, cap drug prices, lower health insurance premiums....
trump made billionaires like himself richer, lied about losing election and attempted a coup.
According to Biden, it’s Putin who raised our prices so it must be Putin that lowered them. Still nowhere near the prices during Trump’s presidency. I can’t wait for all the investigations of dims coming up after the US votes the left out. Why don’t you tell us why Biden hasn’t done a thing to help inflation except make it worse with his drunken spending?
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-10-2022, 9:03 AM
Originally Posted by markj
According to Biden, it’s Putin who raised our prices so it must be Putin that lowered them. Still nowhere near the prices during Trump’s presidency. I can’t wait for all the investigations of dims coming up after the US votes the left out. Why don’t you tell us why Biden hasn’t done a thing to help inflation except make it worse with his drunken spending?
Remind me, what do your stupid little stickers you were so proud of say? Or do you just want to praise Putin some more? There is less illegal shenanigans in DC now that trump is gone too, well worth it. What investigations? Someone do something wrong or are you just planning Durham ll?
Wake up, In addition to everything else his admin has done Biden is paying down the debt trump added on, Facts. Inflation Reduction Act is the name and youre still in the dark.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-10-2022, 9:16 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Don't care about that #2 guy. Should have been dead over a decade ago. Someone isnt Never Forgetting, guess that was so long ago you dont care. .
Funny you mention prices coming down even though they are still higher than any time ever pretty much. Getting there by depleting our oil reserves instead of allowing the free market to work.
U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve drops to lowest level since 1987
Here is that math is not your strong suit thing again. How does adding billions more debt and creating 87,000 new permanent IRS jobs going to combat inflation? Just proves once again if someone spins you a headline you like, you will believe it.
Dems Poised To Make IRS Larger Than Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol Combined
The IRS is going to be as big as the Marine Corp:
the USMC has around 182,000 active duty members and some 38,500 personnel in reserve.
IRS is going to have around 160,000 or more agents? Still trying to figure out why obama bought 5 million rounds of ammo for the IRS? Which agency did obama have in mind when he said he wanted to create a civilian force the size of the military?
More than half of the IRS's exams in 2021 were of taxpayers with incomes less than $75,000. They are trying to tell us they are only going after people making $400k a year? Uh huh. Does not seem like that even now. What happens when they run out of rich people to harass? Don't think I would want to be in real estate if I were you.
55 days straight of lower fuel prices and you still want to whine?? Have at it DebbieD.
You are incorrect re IRS, of course you are. You are parroting the RNC response. The same RNC who decided to not participate in presidential debates. The same RNC who had Authoritarian Victor Orban speak at CPAC, where they had the nuts Jan6 Jail cell guy. Same RNC who said the 1/6 insurrection was " legal political speech". It isnt true, more conspiracy BS for you to swallow. Ask the source, the IRS and not the lying idiots at the RNC, makes you look foolish. Let me help you.
Look who all the sudden is concerned with oil reserves? The same guy who wants the US to dig up and supply all our countries oil needs forever. When the well is dry how oil independent are we? LOL.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-10-2022, 9:22 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
So what happens if and when it costs more than that to produce it? Then what? Company says we are out because we are not going to do it. Or they say, we are losing money on this, so we will produce just so much at a loss. I would hope it would be cheap and people get what they need at a reasonable cost, however price cap is not it.
You should stop defending the 3 companies in the US that make insulin and then rape Americans on the cost. Your explanation isnt even slightly rational nor the issue. Seriously do yourself a favor. Google insulin prices by country. Explain why a drug that was discovered 100 years ago is so expensive i the US and only pennies i other industrial countries.
Dems working to fix it in CA.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-10-2022, 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
55 days straight of lower fuel prices and you still want to whine?? Have at it DebbieD.
You are incorrect re IRS, of course you are. You are parroting the RNC response. The same RNC who decided to not participate in presidential debates. The same RNC who had Authoritarian Victor Orban speak at CPAC, where they had the nuts Jan6 Jail cell guy. Same RNC who said the 1/6 insurrection was " legal political speech". It isnt true, more conspiracy BS for you to swallow. Ask the source, the IRS and not the lying idiots at the RNC, makes you look foolish. Let me help you.
Look who all the sudden is concerned with oil reserves? The same guy who wants the US to dig up and supply all our countries oil needs forever. When the well is dry how oil independent are we? LOL.
The Washington Post literally got the audit information from the IRS. The IRS literally going to have as many people as the US Marines. Who is the IRS planning on invading? The top 1% of the people pay vast majority of the taxes and are considered the elite wealth. Just how many agents you think really are needed to go after that group. Considering they use almost 50% of their interactions against the middle class, you really think they are going to swap that to only rich people?
I have a feeling you don't understand the oil reserves (just like everything else, like saying because there is less investigations that things must be smooth in washington even though it is just the democrats making investigations). Strategic oil reserves are reserves for war time. That is oil pumped and stored for the US to go to war. It is controlled by the US government after being purchased from private industry. It is a national security issue. That is not the same as oil in the ground to be extracted by private companies.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-10-2022, 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You tell me. Many times the people in Europe are taking advantage that US companies absorbed the development and then get to use it without having to cover that cost. What is our regulatory and record keeping requirements for drugs vs them? If that all was true, then the free market would win out. Hundreds of companies would be trying to manufacture it and get a share of the market. Look at the history of price controls. You wont like the answer to it. Never a good idea.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-10-2022, 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
55 days straight of lower fuel prices and you still want to whine?? Have at it DebbieD.
You are incorrect re IRS, of course you are. You are parroting the RNC response. The same RNC who decided to not participate in presidential debates. The same RNC who had Authoritarian Victor Orban speak at CPAC, where they had the nuts Jan6 Jail cell guy. Same RNC who said the 1/6 insurrection was " legal political speech". It isnt true, more conspiracy BS for you to swallow. Ask the source, the IRS and not the lying idiots at the RNC, makes you look foolish. Let me help you.
Look who all the sudden is concerned with oil reserves? The same guy who wants the US to dig up and supply all our countries oil needs forever. When the well is dry how oil independent are we? LOL.
BTW, fuel still over $6 a gallon. How much during Trump?
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-10-2022, 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Hillarious article about Kalifornia getting into the manufacturing game. Not sure if it is legal for the state to compete in private industry, but if it is go for it. He has been in office 3 years and the articles says they are a few more years away from doing it. Huh. So this process is more than likely take 6 plus years to even get up and running for a drug that you claim has been around for 100 years. The technology is out there to make it. The formula is certainly known. Why is it taking so long for something that is SO mature from a knowledge and manufacturing standpoint? That sounds like it would be just turn key and go. Do you mean to tell me that their are obstacles to getting this going? You know. The type that costs money to over come that companies need to pay and then recoup extra so they can develop other products? Your understanding of the world is that of a child.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-10-2022, 2:31 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The Washington Post literally got the audit information from the IRS. The IRS literally going to have as many people as the US Marines. Who is the IRS planning on invading? The top 1% of the people pay vast majority of the taxes and are considered the elite wealth. Just how many agents you think really are needed to go after that group. Considering they use almost 50% of their interactions against the middle class, you really think they are going to swap that to only rich people?
I have a feeling you don't understand the oil reserves (just like everything else, like saying because there is less investigations that things must be smooth in washington even though it is just the democrats making investigations). Strategic oil reserves are reserves for war time. That is oil pumped and stored for the US to go to war. It is controlled by the US government after being purchased from private industry. It is a national security issue. That is not the same as oil in the ground to be extracted by private companies.
You failed to read your own document. It does not say what you are. The only thing that does are the Republicans they quote in it. I already handed you the truth. Your party just wants to spread fear...like they always do. Need more on what the bill actually does for IRS?
And the CBO, who R's hand picked info came, they failed to take all into consideration because that blows their story.
The IRS typically receives $10 for each $1 spent on enforcement. Is your goal to protect Tax Cheats??
What, the strategic reserve cant find more oil to replace what is used? Sounds like a diminishing return issue
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-11-2022, 8:44 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You failed to read your own document. It does not say what you are. The only thing that does are the Republicans they quote in it. I already handed you the truth. Your party just wants to spread fear...like they always do. Need more on what the bill actually does for IRS?
And the CBO, who R's hand picked info came, they failed to take all into consideration because that blows their story.
The IRS typically receives $10 for each $1 spent on enforcement. Is your goal to protect Tax Cheats??
What, the strategic reserve cant find more oil to replace what is used? Sounds like a diminishing return issue
I just love it when you get caught headline reading yet again. You always see a headline and think it proves your point when the details 9 times out of 10 go against you. This time, it is just simply a article behind a pay barrier.
The facts are, nearly 50% of all interactions with the IRS are with middle class people. That is not in question. It is FACTS from the IRS website. Another Fact is the democrats were caught using the IRS to go after political enemies. Another fact was a job posting for the IRS that was looking for people to be agents but also willing to use deadly force. Describing a job with the merger of traditional high end law enforcement and accountant. Not worrying about it. Republicans will have control soon. They will gut it and defund it. Simply put. I pretty much use the EZ form now because owning a house and the SALT cap pretty much makes me a standard deduction person even though it did cost me money each year because of it. Me getting audited is pretty much a zero percent. You on the other hand? Good luck.
I guess you don't understand the strategic reserve issue. It takes a long time to refill. It costs a lot of money to refill. It needs to be around at a moments notice in case of war. It will put the federal government back into competition with the consumers to refill it. All you have done is kick the can down the road a little bit. You did not change any policies that impact prices.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-11-2022, 8:48 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You failed to read your own document. It does not say what you are. The only thing that does are the Republicans they quote in it. I already handed you the truth. Your party just wants to spread fear...like they always do. Need more on what the bill actually does for IRS?
And the CBO, who R's hand picked info came, they failed to take all into consideration because that blows their story.
The IRS typically receives $10 for each $1 spent on enforcement. Is your goal to protect Tax Cheats??
What, the strategic reserve cant find more oil to replace what is used? Sounds like a diminishing return issue
IRS gets $10 from 1$ spent on enforcement. That number will go down when they are saturated with resources for starters. You tell me who is protecting tax cheats. It is your own democrats that removed the portion of the bill that protects billionaires. Again, this 10$ for every 1$ spent comes against the middle class. Remember, rich people have lawyers and accountants. Middle class does not. We get a letter and we figure out how to pay justly or not. Rich? Goes on for years.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-11-2022, 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
BTW, fuel still over $6 a gallon. How much during Trump?
Gas shop better, im paying $4.69 in LA county last fill up. Was there a Russian war against Ukraine when trump was around? Then why expect the same prices?? you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-11-2022, 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I just love it when you get caught headline reading yet again. You always see a headline and think it proves your point when the details 9 times out of 10 go against you. This time, it is just simply a article behind a pay barrier.
The facts are, nearly 50% of all interactions with the IRS are with middle class people. That is not in question. It is FACTS from the IRS website. Another Fact is the democrats were caught using the IRS to go after political enemies. Another fact was a job posting for the IRS that was looking for people to be agents but also willing to use deadly force. Describing a job with the merger of traditional high end law enforcement and accountant. Not worrying about it. Republicans will have control soon. They will gut it and defund it. Simply put. I pretty much use the EZ form now because owning a house and the SALT cap pretty much makes me a standard deduction person even though it did cost me money each year because of it. Me getting audited is pretty much a zero percent. You on the other hand? Good luck.
I guess you don't understand the strategic reserve issue. It takes a long time to refill. It costs a lot of money to refill. It needs to be around at a moments notice in case of war. It will put the federal government back into competition with the consumers to refill it. All you have done is kick the can down the road a little bit. You did not change any policies that impact prices.
Headline reading? Read this.
Hello, Source of claims in writing.
Last week, The Republican National Committee claimed that the increased budget and its subsequent recruitment of nearly 87,000 IRS workers would lead to “poorer” Americans and small businesses being targeted with audits.
Facts from IRS
The IRS says the $80 billion boost will go towards operational upgrades, customer service updates, systems modernization, and “increased enforcement.” According to IRS Commissioner, Charles P. Rettig, the IRS will not increase the number of audits being performed on households earning less than $400,000.
More facts
“These resources are absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans,” Rettig wrote in a letter to Congress. “As we have been planning, our investment of these enforcement resources is designed around Treasury’s directive that audit rates will not rise relative to recent years for households making under $400,000.”
Additionally, the IRS will not be hiring 87,000 auditors as it has been suggested by the RNC and Republican lawmakers. Furthermore, the new hires will be spaced out over the course of 10 years.
The 87,000 new hires are expected to replace staff members who plan to leave within the next five years as more than half of those employed by the IRS are eligible for retirement, Time reported. According to a Treasury Department official, part of the increased budget will not only be used to hire auditors. The agency plans to hire new IT technicians and taxpayer support staff as well.
You still reading??
The 2021 analysis from the Congressional Budget Office was not included with full context on the RNC site. While the CBO did estimate that audit rates would rise for all taxpayers, it also concluded that high-income taxpayers would ultimately bear the brunt of IRS enforcement.
“The proposal, by contrast, would return audit rates to the levels of about 10 years ago; the rate would rise for all taxpayers, but higher-income taxpayers would face the largest increase,” the CBO stated.
“In addition, the Administration’s policies would focus additional IRS resources on enforcement activity aimed at high-wealth taxpayers, large corporations, and partnerships. CBO estimates that if the proposals were enacted, tax compliance would be improved, and more households would meet their obligation under the law.”
Additionally, Rettig suggested last week that the RNC’s claims are unsubstantiated and insisted that strengthening the IRS will lead to more consistent tax law compliance from high-income taxpayers.
“Large corporate and high-net-worth taxpayers often engage teams of sophisticated representatives pursuing unsettled or sometimes questionable interpretations of tax law,” Rettig stated in his letter to Congress.
“The integrity and fairness of our tax administrative system relies upon the ability of our agency to maintain a strong, visible, robust enforcement presence directed to these and other similarly situated non-compliant taxpayers.”
Enough yet? Is the IRS going to be bigger than the Marines?? Are they going to attack low income earners? So, you have a problem arming IRS agents but its totally cool for every 18 year old in the country has a God Given Right to Own half a dozen AR-15's?? Stop it clown.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-11-2022, 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
IRS gets $10 from 1$ spent on enforcement. That number will go down when they are saturated with resources for starters. You tell me who is protecting tax cheats. It is your own democrats that removed the portion of the bill that protects billionaires. Again, this 10$ for every 1$ spent comes against the middle class. Remember, rich people have lawyers and accountants. Middle class does not. We get a letter and we figure out how to pay justly or not. Rich? Goes on for years.
You are protecting tax cheats, You just claimed
Republicans will have control soon. They will gut it and defund it.
$10/$1 is an average of ALL IRS audits, not just the middle class. Stay accurate.
Yeah removing the billionaire tax was not the goal but it happened. Billionaires do not like to pay their share, even tho they can afford it. And they pay a lot of people a lot of $$ to get what they want. You only have Dems in your corner fighting for you.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-11-2022, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You are protecting tax cheats, You just claimed
$10/$1 is an average of ALL IRS audits, not just the middle class. Stay accurate.
Yeah removing the billionaire tax was not the goal but it happened. Billionaires do not like to pay their share, even tho they can afford it. And they pay a lot of people a lot of $$ to get what they want. You only have Dems in your corner fighting for you.
Who says they are tax cheats. Dems are not fighting for us. They are fighting to make America part of the 3rd world. They are globalists. The talking point from democrats is that a army the size of the US Marine core is not going to go after middle class people. Their own states and their behaviours prove without a shadow of a doubt it is not true. They hit middle class as much as rich people. They are also busted using them to harass political opponents.
Just because you can afford something does not mean you need to give it to the government. Many of these cases are clearly opinions thus they litigate. If it was cut and dry, there would be no room for litigation.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-11-2022, 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You are protecting tax cheats, You just claimed
$10/$1 is an average of ALL IRS audits, not just the middle class. Stay accurate.
Yeah removing the billionaire tax was not the goal but it happened. Billionaires do not like to pay their share, even tho they can afford it. And they pay a lot of people a lot of $$ to get what they want. You only have Dems in your corner fighting for you.
Also considering the top 50% pays pretty much all the income taxes, statistically you still have to go after the middle class to drum up taxes (justified or not). Rich people can afford to argue. Middle Class can not. Thus it is more than likely their great record is against those they can bully into paying. Pretty simple really.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-11-2022, 11:44 AM
The top 50% should pay most, they have all the $$. Do you understand numbers? or why one who makes $19K a year pays less than one who brings in $500,000K
The top 26 rich people own more than the bottom 50% of the public. Thus pay your share. LMK when they raid your house an audit you.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-11-2022, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The top 50% should pay most, they have all the $$. Do you understand numbers? or why one who makes $19K a year pays less than one who brings in $500,000K
The top 26 rich people own more than the bottom 50% of the public. Thus pay your share. LMK when they raid your house an audit you.
Top 1% pay 40% of all taxes
Top 10% pay 71% of all taxes.
Pretty sure they are paying their share, however that means the IRS has gone after 50% of the people who pay 29% or less of all the taxes. Care to guess where their highest rate of receipt is from for audits? See previous discussion point about who can afford lawyers and accountants and who can not. They are more likely getting their money from the bottom people.
Join Date: Mar 2018
08-11-2022, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The top 50% should pay most, they have all the $$. Do you understand numbers? or why one who makes $19K a year pays less than one who brings in $500,000K
The top 26 rich people own more than the bottom 50% of the public. Thus pay your share. LMK when they raid your house an audit you.
Also, don't conflate wealth with income like you just did. most wealth is in stocks.
LIke I said, they are most likely going to audit you before me.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-11-2022, 2:13 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Top 1% pay 40% of all taxes
Top 10% pay 71% of all taxes.
Pretty sure they are paying their share, however that means the IRS has gone after 50% of the people who pay 29% or less of all the taxes. Care to guess where their highest rate of receipt is from for audits? See previous discussion point about who can afford lawyers and accountants and who can not. They are more likely getting their money from the bottom people.
The top 1% own over 50% of the wealth in the country, they are not paying their share.
The top 10% own 88% of all stocks. The top 10% own 70% of all the US wealth.
So, no they are not paying their fair share. Toss in the fact they dont sell assets yearly so they accumulate w/o paying tax on their wealth. All I can see from my seat is the IRS needs an infusion of $$ to allocate more to collection and stop tax cheats. Do you think the IRS who you cant get on the phone for anything needs more $$ to function? Clearly the R's are trying to scare you and you fell for it, again. Just like the caravans and the Covid rules they would never give up their power, or Obamacare, or Socialist Dems, or BLM, or Groomers, or Critical Race Theory... ...and the dozens of BS scares fresh off FOX BREAKING NEWS.
Join Date: Sep 2005
08-11-2022, 2:17 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Also, don't conflate wealth with income like you just did. most wealth is in stocks.
LIke I said, they are most likely going to audit you before me.
There is no wealth tax, thats a problem.
· A tax of 1 percent on wealth of $20 million ($40 million for joint filers) to $100 million and 2 percent on wealth in excess of $100 million would raise about $1.6 trillion over the decade.
Ive been audited. I brought in my stuff and we agreed on filing numbers, parted as friends, no penalty, no issue.