Join Date: Mar 2018
06-03-2022, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Im not a wanna be Rambo, Im not trying to start a war with my neighbors, im not trying to scare anyone, i dont wear body armor and pretend im at war. Only thing I ever used it for was shooting jack rabbits in the desert. Not hunting, just shooting them. It doesnt have all the manly tactical army man look to it that rightys like so much. Like I said, id give it up on day one. You on the other hand have a fetish for metal and epoxy that you share with other men. Just like the Bronys only different.
I have a fetish for keeping my rights and understand the history of regimes that disarm their population. I believe the count in around 50 million people murdered by their leaders since the 1900's alone after the leaders disarmed them in the name of safety.
I think you should lead by example. There is no need for you to have such a weapon. What if it jumps up like all the other scary guns and starts shooting up someplace? You really think that adding a stock to your gun makes it any more or less functional as the AR series? You do know that almost everyone who owns the 10-22 modifies it pretty quickly to put on a pistol grip, new trigger and better barrel on it. you can do all that in less than an hour. Maybe you should rethink your life before that rifle and the mind of it's own does something bad.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-03-2022, 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Im not a wanna be Rambo, Im not trying to start a war with my neighbors, im not trying to scare anyone, i dont wear body armor and pretend im at war. Only thing I ever used it for was shooting jack rabbits in the desert. Not hunting, just shooting them. It doesnt have all the manly tactical army man look to it that rightys like so much. Like I said, id give it up on day one. You on the other hand have a fetish for metal and epoxy that you share with other men. Just like the Bronys only different.
Oh. and neither does the other hundred million gun owners with the over 1 billion guns owned in the US. So you have 3% of the population committing 50% of the murders mostly over gang issues like protecting drug turf. Then you have what appears to be a rash lately however it is 3 people out of over a 100 million people and a billion guns and you think we have an issue? We still have more people killed by hammers and fists then we do rifles in the US. The numbers do not even compare. not even an issue statistically speaking. Do I feel for anyone impacted. Yes. Yes I do. And I blame the dirt bags who do it and not the tool they choose. I guess looking at the person instead of a tool makes people have to actually self reflect on how they contribute to society.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-03-2022, 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No. I do not believe you because you have notoriously bad reading comprehension. In your own article, they actually affirmed the 2nd amendment then sent the question to the 7 district court. In the mean time, it takes 2 years for someone to be approved for a hand gun in Chicago in the last I have heard about it.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-03-2022, 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Wanna know who is a freaking liar? ...other than orange mango...Delta Hoosier, thats who.
SOB just said Hammers kill more people than F-ing Guns. Clown show.
Also as dumb as this fine member of congress, the one who got her GED just so she could run (need to have HS Grad...)
If you dont want to be a cop, go flip burgers.
You have a good resume to consult for gang bangers on how to get around gun laws, make ghost guns, print out illegal parts, very valuable to a certain part of the underground society. Loser.
Notice how you changed the definition to guns. I said rifles. guns include handguns, shot guns aka every type of gun. Which proves the point. It is the other guns that are used in crime, not rifles. You guys are trying to ban rifles of a certain type even though you democrats have publicly lobbied to get rid of hand guns and rifles and all guns in the past. Now is is just back to rifles of a certain look while trying to not talk about your history of wanting all guns banned.
Why would I need to consult for gang bangers. These are simple things with parts that are made legally by many manufacturers.
Can you tell me which part is considered the gun on a rifle. I will give you a hint. It is hollow and would only take a cnc machine a couple minutes or a printer maybe an hour or so to make. The rest of the rifle is just considered parts. Legal to own in any form or fashion by any age. It is when you put them together does it become illegal. You really think that gang bangers and people wanting to do harm don't understand this. Does not even matter if you want a gun to track in a crime. Only takes about 5 minutes to put in a new barrel, firing pin and ejector and all forensics is gone (as long as you don't leave finger prints on the ammo). You don't think people know this? it is common knowledge. Oh my. the feds have the serial numbers of a hollow box that they can build in a few minutes. oh dear. How are criminals going to get by.
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-03-2022, 10:13 PM
Whoops! Looks like we better ban all knives immediately! Listen people! Knives kill people!!!
Join Date: Apr 2005
06-03-2022, 10:13 PM
Whoops! Looks like we better ban all knives immediately! Listen people! Knives kill people!!!
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-04-2022, 6:09 PM
Wow, old Joe is killing it in job creation. Way better than that orange baboon you used to have.
Join Date: Jun 2004
06-06-2022, 7:46 AM
Originally Posted by markj
This is evidence to the contrary. It demonstrates you have a better chance of living if the perpetrator doesn't have a gun.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-06-2022, 12:17 PM
10 mass shootings this weekend, your door problem is getting out of control.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-07-2022, 8:32 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Wow, old Joe is killing it in job creation. Way better than that orange baboon you used to have.
Dude. Just stop. We all know the democrat states shut down for the pandemic and they reopened when Joe got in. This does not meet any reality on the ground right now in the US. It costs $40 to $50 dollars now for a large 2 topping pizza out here at a non chain pizza joint. Fuel prices are purposefully push high for the fake green agenda. Inflation has not been like this since the 1970's when Jimmy Carter tried to do the same thing by getting of oil. We have not built a new refinery since the 1970's and many that are operating have moved to biofuels because the democrats have made it clear they will try and shut down their billion dollar investment if they build one. Get back to me in a few months. Tesla and Microsoft already have froze hiring. Musk is looking for a 10% RIF for salaried employees.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-07-2022, 8:38 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
10 mass shootings this weekend, your door problem is getting out of control.
There are 10 mass shootings every weekend in democrat cities. I have been pointing this out on this board since the start of the Iraq war back in the day as a contrast to now people care about people in the US dying.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-07-2022, 6:28 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
There are 10 mass shootings every weekend in democrat cities. I have been pointing this out on this board since the start of the Iraq war back in the day as a contrast to now people care about people in the US dying.
Hey look, the fool who said hammers kill more people than guns(rifles) is at it again. Still pushing fake (wrong) info. Thinks Republican cities have yet to have a shooting even tho most gun deaths happen in red states. lol. Still wrong.
"In 2020, firearms were involved in 79 percent of all homicides and 53 percent of all suicides.
Mississippi, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri and Alabama have the highest firearm mortality rates in the country, according to the CDCTrusted Source.
Alaska, New Mexico, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee and Montana also have high firearm mortality rates.
The states with the lowest gun death rates Trusted Source include Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York."
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-07-2022, 6:46 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Dude. Just stop. We all know the democrat states shut down for the pandemic and they reopened when Joe got in. This does not meet any reality on the ground right now in the US. It costs $40 to $50 dollars now for a large 2 topping pizza out here at a non chain pizza joint. Fuel prices are purposefully push high for the fake green agenda. Inflation has not been like this since the 1970's when Jimmy Carter tried to do the same thing by getting of oil. We have not built a new refinery since the 1970's and many that are operating have moved to biofuels because the democrats have made it clear they will try and shut down their billion dollar investment if they build one. Get back to me in a few months. Tesla and Microsoft already have froze hiring. Musk is looking for a 10% RIF for salaried employees.
Wait you want to adjust the info because of the pandemic? Welcome to the real world.
Meanwhile oil companies showing 300% profits this quarter, highest in history all while Joe Biden sits on his Azz turning the dial he has on his desk that raises fuel prices on Republican Diesel Drivers with 40 Gal tanks and 14 MPG. Also he (Biden) wont allow a single oil company to build a new refinery!! Even in TX lol. He STOPPED the PIPELINE!!! Wait, how much have oil companies returned to investors?? Why does fox entertainment not know? secret to them?
Fool thinks the current inflation has nothing to do with the entire planet shutting down for months to years. Shoulda bought into the sky high stock market when trump told you to. But, But Her Emails, Lock her up!!
Know what else will be a secret to fox entertainment? Not airing the 1/6 hearings? Didnt they run over 1000 hours of Benghazi hearings??? Remember Clinton had the balls to show up and answer every single question. Not a single "I dont recall" nor ever pleading "the 5th" . Guess there is a difference in the 2 parties. One has morals, scruples, standards, the other supports an entire insurrectionist party. Get out the Rebel Flags!!!
Fox News (Entertainment) makes it official: It will NOT show Thursday's 1/6 hearing like all the other major networks. Tucker Carlson's show will air as usual. Carlson promotes conspiracy theories about the riot, calls the committee "illegitimate," and ridicules the committee members.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 9:07 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Hey look, the fool who said hammers kill more people than guns(rifles) is at it again. Still pushing fake (wrong) info. Thinks Republican cities have yet to have a shooting even tho most gun deaths happen in red states. lol. Still wrong.
"In 2020, firearms were involved in 79 percent of all homicides and 53 percent of all suicides.
Mississippi, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri and Alabama have the highest firearm mortality rates in the country, according to the CDCTrusted Source.
Alaska, New Mexico, Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee and Montana also have high firearm mortality rates.
The states with the lowest gun death rates Trusted Source include Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York."
still have not refuted what I said. firearms includes handguns, shotguns and rifles. You are just not smart are you?
democrats still run those cities. Illinois if you go by the rest of the state is Republican however chicago dominates the state. Calinfornia is pretty much Republican but is dominated by LA and San Fran
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 9:16 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Wait you want to adjust the info because of the pandemic? Welcome to the real world.
Meanwhile oil companies showing 300% profits this quarter, highest in history all while Joe Biden sits on his Azz turning the dial he has on his desk that raises fuel prices on Republican Diesel Drivers with 40 Gal tanks and 14 MPG. Also he (Biden) wont allow a single oil company to build a new refinery!! Even in TX lol. He STOPPED the PIPELINE!!! Wait, how much have oil companies returned to investors?? Why does fox entertainment not know? secret to them?
Fool thinks the current inflation has nothing to do with the entire planet shutting down for months to years. Shoulda bought into the sky high stock market when trump told you to. But, But Her Emails, Lock her up!!
Know what else will be a secret to fox entertainment? Not airing the 1/6 hearings? Didnt they run over 1000 hours of Benghazi hearings??? Remember Clinton had the balls to show up and answer every single question. Not a single "I dont recall" nor ever pleading "the 5th" . Guess there is a difference in the 2 parties. One has morals, scruples, standards, the other supports an entire insurrectionist party. Get out the Rebel Flags!!!
Fox News (Entertainment) makes it official: It will NOT show Thursday's 1/6 hearing like all the other major networks. Tucker Carlson's show will air as usual. Carlson promotes conspiracy theories about the riot, calls the committee "illegitimate," and ridicules the committee members.
The numbers are adjusted because democrat governors chose to do the most harm to the people as they could by shutting down their states, contrary to evidence, so they could get rid of Trump. That just shows how sick and dangerous you democrats are.
Yep. Oil companies are going to show even more profits as democrat policies continue. Promise to not let new refineries be built. Saying their goal is to bankrupt the business in the false flag environazi spread the wealth campaigns is what is going to give them record profits. They are pumping a resource out of the ground. There has not been a less of a demand for it, however there is less and less ability to refine it and transport it. Less of it in circulation, the higher the price. Kind of like housing. Keep adding regulations to building, the supply gets less and the price goes up. Pretty simple really. So, yes. Oil companies and people like you who own property are making money hand over fist due to democrat regulations.
good for Fox for not airing that bullsh$t. Only people who are interested in it are people like you. The democrats hired a producer to jazz it up to tell their story. Can't make that up. Stack a committee with only people who are going to agree with you, hire a producer and show it in prime time? You don't think that a Soviet show trial is not going to blow up in their face? nothing like proving to the world that democrats are dangerous to our democracy.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-08-2022, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
still have not refuted what I said. firearms includes handguns, shotguns and rifles. You are just not smart are you?
democrats still run those cities. Illinois if you go by the rest of the state is Republican however chicago dominates the state. Calinfornia is pretty much Republican but is dominated by LA and San Fran
I have 3 times, you just refuse to believe fact. Hammers even with the benefit of adding in all "blunt instruments" still lag by a long shot.
Your claim (ie, lie)... "more people were killed last year with hammers and fists than rifles."
So Dems run 1 city out of 10 with most killings and that proves what? That you are wrong again. Unless Dems are running Alabama, Miss, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri, Alaska, Arkansas, S. Carolina, Tenn and Montana then you are not just wrong but massively wrong. This just for you Delta. In a city of 10 million, there will be more deaths, murder....than in small towns. Why? Because they have a lot more people. Big cities have different and more complex issues than little or small towns. Its common sense, are you saying you have no common sense?
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-08-2022, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
The numbers are adjusted because democrat governors chose to do the most harm to the people as they could by shutting down their states, contrary to evidence, so they could get rid of Trump. That just shows how sick and dangerous you democrats are.
Yep. Oil companies are going to show even more profits as democrat policies continue. Promise to not let new refineries be built. Saying their goal is to bankrupt the business in the false flag environazi spread the wealth campaigns is what is going to give them record profits. They are pumping a resource out of the ground. There has not been a less of a demand for it, however there is less and less ability to refine it and transport it. Less of it in circulation, the higher the price. Kind of like housing. Keep adding regulations to building, the supply gets less and the price goes up. Pretty simple really. So, yes. Oil companies and people like you who own property are making money hand over fist due to democrat regulations.
good for Fox for not airing that bullsh$t. Only people who are interested in it are people like you. The democrats hired a producer to jazz it up to tell their story. Can't make that up. Stack a committee with only people who are going to agree with you, hire a producer and show it in prime time? You don't think that a Soviet show trial is not going to blow up in their face? nothing like proving to the world that democrats are dangerous to our democracy.
Cities that closed down did it to save lives, not to "do the most harm". Unless you have secret recordings showing their evil plan to "do the most harm" you are lying to fake a point. So, do you have evidence of this "planned" harm? Because i have tons of actual proof showing they were trying to save lives. It shows how stupid and easy to fool Republicans are, they swallow Fox entertainments fear campaign. They frighten you into place. Name one thing they have said in the last decade that came to fruition. According to them and the numbers they say are coming over the border, we would be 99% Hispanic country by now. They claimed Obama care would create death panels, that happen yet? Didnt think so.
There hasnt been a major new refinery built in the US in almost 50 years. You act like trump built 10. WTF, why didnt trump daddy build an F'n refinery?? Stop blaming Brandon, makes repubs look like idiots. Name a single rule change Biden made on refineries. Nothing?
No loss of demand for oil? Did you already forget the pandemic you used as excuse for trumps miserable unemployment numbers? The US is the worlds #1 oil producer, just like we have been for years.
LOL Fox. Good for them? They are the way to inform the group that needs the info most, but they choose to hide it? Ever hear how a cult works?? How Russia works?? They control your media.
You are not interested that a group tried to over throw your government? Geez, what a patriot.
How would you know they hired a producer to enhance the experience? Does FoX Entertainment not use producers? If you hate the whole Hollywood thing why have you spent 5 years faithfully supporting a hollywood actor, a coastal elite?
There are republicans and Dems both on that committee, I like how you make up your mind before a minute of coverage has happened. FOX entertainment sure has you frightened. FOX covered the Clinton Benghazi didnt they? Hours and hours on end, right? Was that a soviet exercise too? You sure flip flop a lot.
Brookings Institute has reviewed the public info thus far. Brookings not too political and almost 99% accuracy ratings. So whats your deal, If FOX doesnt say it, it is fake? Quality. Best of luck.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I have 3 times, you just refuse to believe fact. Hammers even with the benefit of adding in all "blunt instruments" still lag by a long shot.
Your claim (ie, lie)... "more people were killed last year with hammers and fists than rifles."
So Dems run 1 city out of 10 with most killings and that proves what? That you are wrong again. Unless Dems are running Alabama, Miss, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri, Alaska, Arkansas, S. Carolina, Tenn and Montana then you are not just wrong but massively wrong. This just for you Delta. In a city of 10 million, there will be more deaths, murder....than in small towns. Why? Because they have a lot more people. Big cities have different and more complex issues than little or small towns. Its common sense, are you saying you have no common sense?
And everytime you reference firearms which includes ALL firearms not just rifles.
The democrats are running the cities in which the crimes happen. They own all centers for power. The police. The prosecutors. The people who are committing the crimes vast majority align and vote democrat. Saying the state is Republican is like saying I am responsible for the DA in San Fran and LA.
Big towns do not have more complex issues than small towns. If anything, small towns have more complex issues. They don't have built in money streams. So what you are telling me is that money thrown at programs and the economy does not improve the standard of living and the quality of people involved? Only difference is the big towns have bought in to democrat talking points and have regulated accordingly. Now you see the outcomes.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Cities that closed down did it to save lives, not to "do the most harm". Unless you have secret recordings showing their evil plan to "do the most harm" you are lying to fake a point. So, do you have evidence of this "planned" harm? Because i have tons of actual proof showing they were trying to save lives. It shows how stupid and easy to fool Republicans are, they swallow Fox entertainments fear campaign. They frighten you into place. Name one thing they have said in the last decade that came to fruition. According to them and the numbers they say are coming over the border, we would be 99% Hispanic country by now. They claimed Obama care would create death panels, that happen yet? Didnt think so.
There hasnt been a major new refinery built in the US in almost 50 years. You act like trump built 10. WTF, why didnt trump daddy build an F'n refinery?? Stop blaming Brandon, makes repubs look like idiots. Name a single rule change Biden made on refineries. Nothing?
No loss of demand for oil? Did you already forget the pandemic you used as excuse for trumps miserable unemployment numbers? The US is the worlds #1 oil producer, just like we have been for years.
LOL Fox. Good for them? They are the way to inform the group that needs the info most, but they choose to hide it? Ever hear how a cult works?? How Russia works?? They control your media.
You are not interested that a group tried to over throw your government? Geez, what a patriot.
How would you know they hired a producer to enhance the experience? Does FoX Entertainment not use producers? If you hate the whole Hollywood thing why have you spent 5 years faithfully supporting a hollywood actor, a coastal elite?
There are republicans and Dems both on that committee, I like how you make up your mind before a minute of coverage has happened. FOX entertainment sure has you frightened. FOX covered the Clinton Benghazi didnt they? Hours and hours on end, right? Was that a soviet exercise too? You sure flip flop a lot.
Brookings Institute has reviewed the public info thus far. Brookings not too political and almost 99% accuracy ratings. So whats your deal, If FOX doesnt say it, it is fake? Quality. Best of luck.
Bad news fluffy. The facts are in. The states that stayed open had a better outcome than states that closed.
Frighten me into place? you are the one afraid to leave your moms basement for over a year. I was out doing what I wanted and did not wear a mask. Same for all the people in the Republican states. Democrats saw this as an opportunity to pick winners and losers. Not saying all of them were devious but like your hero hillary says out loud and on tape, don't waste a good crisis.
Republicans and Democrats on the committee? You have 2 anti Trump Republicans and the democrats would not accept a single approved Republican by the party. Don't even try and sell it dude. Everyone one knows who is on the committee and you certainly don't higher a hollywood producer to make sure it is filmed and edited in the correct fashion. Just stop. This is nothing more than a show trial there comrade.
You are asking how I know that they hired a hollywood producer: Seems to be the worst kept secret in the world that only you don't know about. Fox is a news program. They also have partisan programs on as well at different times. The other networks are all partisan all the time. This is congress. They are supposed to be after the truth, however we know they are not. Thus the show trial.
From the UK:
he Democrats' primetime drama: January 6 committee has hired a former ABC News executive who ran Nightline to produce Thursday's 8pm hearing as if it is a blockbuster documentary, report claims
A former news executive has been recruited by the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol to produce the Democrat-led panel's upcoming primetime hearing, a Monday report claims.
James Goldston is a former president of ABC News. Before that he ran the mammoth-sized operations at Good Morning America and Nightline as executive producer.
And he's now an adviser to the group of lawmakers who are set to present their case that Donald Trump's efforts to undermine democracy culminated in the deadly events of January 6, according to Axios.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 06-08-2022 at 11:47 AM.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Cities that closed down did it to save lives, not to "do the most harm". Unless you have secret recordings showing their evil plan to "do the most harm" you are lying to fake a point. So, do you have evidence of this "planned" harm? Because i have tons of actual proof showing they were trying to save lives. It shows how stupid and easy to fool Republicans are, they swallow Fox entertainments fear campaign. They frighten you into place. Name one thing they have said in the last decade that came to fruition. According to them and the numbers they say are coming over the border, we would be 99% Hispanic country by now. They claimed Obama care would create death panels, that happen yet? Didnt think so.
There hasnt been a major new refinery built in the US in almost 50 years. You act like trump built 10. WTF, why didnt trump daddy build an F'n refinery?? Stop blaming Brandon, makes repubs look like idiots. Name a single rule change Biden made on refineries. Nothing?
No loss of demand for oil? Did you already forget the pandemic you used as excuse for trumps miserable unemployment numbers? The US is the worlds #1 oil producer, just like we have been for years.
LOL Fox. Good for them? They are the way to inform the group that needs the info most, but they choose to hide it? Ever hear how a cult works?? How Russia works?? They control your media.
You are not interested that a group tried to over throw your government? Geez, what a patriot.
How would you know they hired a producer to enhance the experience? Does FoX Entertainment not use producers? If you hate the whole Hollywood thing why have you spent 5 years faithfully supporting a hollywood actor, a coastal elite?
There are republicans and Dems both on that committee, I like how you make up your mind before a minute of coverage has happened. FOX entertainment sure has you frightened. FOX covered the Clinton Benghazi didnt they? Hours and hours on end, right? Was that a soviet exercise too? You sure flip flop a lot.
Brookings Institute has reviewed the public info thus far. Brookings not too political and almost 99% accuracy ratings. So whats your deal, If FOX doesnt say it, it is fake? Quality. Best of luck.
And no. I am not interested in the democrat talking points from democrats about 1/6. It is pretty simple. A bunch of pissed off people went to Washington. They got caught up in the day, somehow were allowed to get into the capital, they were caught and arrested. Case closed. you would have use believe that our government is so fragile that some protestors would stop an election? Yet, your party funds and even bails out "protestors" (most call them paid agitators) who actually burn down parts of cities and shot at cops.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I have 3 times, you just refuse to believe fact. Hammers even with the benefit of adding in all "blunt instruments" still lag by a long shot.
Your claim (ie, lie)... "more people were killed last year with hammers and fists than rifles."
So Dems run 1 city out of 10 with most killings and that proves what? That you are wrong again. Unless Dems are running Alabama, Miss, Louisiana, Wyoming, Missouri, Alaska, Arkansas, S. Carolina, Tenn and Montana then you are not just wrong but massively wrong. This just for you Delta. In a city of 10 million, there will be more deaths, murder....than in small towns. Why? Because they have a lot more people. Big cities have different and more complex issues than little or small towns. Its common sense, are you saying you have no common sense?
Here are the facts:
Year after year. Rifles are NOT used for murders.
right from the FB freaking I.....
Knives outpace rifle by 4x year after year.
blunt objects nearly 2 to 1 year after year
Fists, feet, body parts: Nearly 2 to 1 to 3 to 1 ending in 1.5 to 1. Still more than rifles.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-08-2022, 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
And everytime you reference firearms which includes ALL firearms not just rifles.
The democrats are running the cities in which the crimes happen. They own all centers for power. The police. The prosecutors. The people who are committing the crimes vast majority align and vote democrat. Saying the state is Republican is like saying I am responsible for the DA in San Fran and LA.
Big towns do not have more complex issues than small towns. If anything, small towns have more complex issues. They don't have built in money streams. So what you are telling me is that money thrown at programs and the economy does not improve the standard of living and the quality of people involved? Only difference is the big towns have bought in to democrat talking points and have regulated accordingly. Now you see the outcomes.
The families of the dead could not care less how many hammer deaths there are in the USA. The Uvalde shooter, the Buffalo shooter both carried assault rifles to mass murder. Had they had hammers maybe the police would have been less pussy-like.
Are you Crazy? What cities in Alabama are dem run? or any of the others? If they "owned" all centers for power, how did trump get elected, Why dont they pass gun laws? Green energy? Why are they making abortion illegal? You nutz!
Join Date: Jun 2004
06-08-2022, 1:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Here are the facts:...
According to the facts, firearm deaths dwarf all other causes. And the percentage increase over 2013-2017 is higher than all other causes except narcotics (probably opioids).
Get rid of all guns and keep the rifles. As long as you're restricted to single shot muzzle loaders like the founders intended, we should be fine.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 2:03 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
According to the facts, firearm deaths dwarf all other causes. And the percentage increase over 2013-2017 is higher than all other causes except narcotics (probably opioids).
Get rid of all guns and keep the rifles. As long as you're restricted to single shot muzzle loaders like the founders intended, we should be fine.
So you are after a rifle that kill over 300 of todays population with one trigger pull? I am good with that.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 2:04 PM
Originally Posted by fly135
According to the facts, firearm deaths dwarf all other causes. And the percentage increase over 2013-2017 is higher than all other causes except narcotics (probably opioids).
Get rid of all guns and keep the rifles. As long as you're restricted to single shot muzzle loaders like the founders intended, we should be fine.
They also wrap up suicide into that statistic.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-08-2022, 2:19 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The families of the dead could not care less how many hammer deaths there are in the USA. The Uvalde shooter, the Buffalo shooter both carried assault rifles to mass murder. Had they had hammers maybe the police would have been less pussy-like.
Are you Crazy? What cities in Alabama are dem run? or any of the others? If they "owned" all centers for power, how did trump get elected, Why dont they pass gun laws? Green energy? Why are they making abortion illegal? You nutz!
Now we are back to emotion.
Other shooters used hand guns which was the big push the last decade. The story and outrage always change but the agenda does not. Other mass murderers used cars or basic farm chemicals. You know what the most basic theme is? Bad people doing bad things. There are a billion guns. Sorry, they are just not the issue. Love to see the drug habits of these people. Not much discussion about that.
Trump got elected due to elections of the people not by the centers of power nor the 5 or so metropolitan areas that are democrat group think.
Which city in Alabama is Democrat? Uh Birmingham. Birmingham is 70% black. Blacks vote democrat at a clip of 88% to 83% historically. Now see other stat about 50% of all murders being committed by black Americans. It really is not that hard.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-08-2022, 2:22 PM
The Uvalde and Buffalo massacres were orchestrated by the Democrats, the FBI and other “letter agencies” in order to provide a pretext for gun control.
They are coming for our guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to believe a lot of conspiracies to be republican.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-08-2022, 2:55 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Now we are back to emotion.
Other shooters used hand guns which was the big push the last decade. The story and outrage always change but the agenda does not. Other mass murderers used cars or basic farm chemicals. You know what the most basic theme is? Bad people doing bad things. There are a billion guns. Sorry, they are just not the issue. Love to see the drug habits of these people. Not fmuch discussion about that.
Trump got elected due to elections of the people not by the centers of power nor the 5 or so metropolitan areas that are democrat group think.
Which city in Alabama is Democrat? Uh Birmingham. Birmingham is 70% black. Blacks vote democrat at a clip of 88% to 83% historically. Now see other stat about 50% of all murders being committed by black Americans. It really is not that hard.
If dead kids give you no emotion, i cant help you.
No the story never changes, its always the exact same, some one kills a bunch of people using a gun. Its the exact same story every time. Afterward its always, too many doors, violent vid gaming, Black people, Democrats, Defund the Police, mental health (while simultaneously refusing to fund mental healthcare), legalized weed, unarmed teachers, lack of god, abortion, CRT, Porn, .....Completey failing to connect the single link that the only constant in every single gun death is it requires a gun. They also fail to notice that the more lax gun laws are there is a direct correlation to gun death. Republicans only refuse to do anything most of the country wants them to do. NRA approval is not a majority opinion, its minority that republicans support. "There are a billion guns, but they are not the problem". you are mental. FYI, Democrats aim is to get guns out of all unstable White people, unstable Black people...everyone equally who should not have them. Trump was another minority elected prez, most people didnt want him, he got in on a technical win only. Then when he lost again he decided to take matters into his own hands and over-throw the US Government. And you support that guy. Hey did ANYONE find even a sliver of election fraud he promised? All those rallies he held he stated over and over and over again he had the proof. 100's of audits, recounts, fake electors, busting open Dominion machines, almost 100 loser lawsuits... not a single thing. Nothing. And you believe it, lol.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-08-2022, 10:59 PM
Wow, Biden is doing a great job on the deficit, it's a shame that guy you had in before ran the country like he ran his business and now you are paying the price with rampant inflation but if you stick with Joe it will come right eventually.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 7:26 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The Uvalde and Buffalo massacres were orchestrated by the Democrats, the FBI and other “letter agencies” in order to provide a pretext for gun control.
They are coming for our guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to believe a lot of conspiracies to be republican.
I don't believe that. more stuff you are making up. I just know that democrats have all these bills waiting knowing there will be something and as soon as it happens they try and use the emotion to take it. You really have not caught on yet that running any institution or your life for that matter should not have decisions made on emotion. I certainly do not trust organizations that rely on emotion to manipulate people into giving them what they want. facts simply are not on your side.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 7:36 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
If dead kids give you no emotion, i cant help you.
No the story never changes, its always the exact same, some one kills a bunch of people using a gun. Its the exact same story every time. Afterward its always, too many doors, violent vid gaming, Black people, Democrats, Defund the Police, mental health (while simultaneously refusing to fund mental healthcare), legalized weed, unarmed teachers, lack of god, abortion, CRT, Porn, .....Completey failing to connect the single link that the only constant in every single gun death is it requires a gun. They also fail to notice that the more lax gun laws are there is a direct correlation to gun death. Republicans only refuse to do anything most of the country wants them to do. NRA approval is not a majority opinion, its minority that republicans support. "There are a billion guns, but they are not the problem". you are mental. FYI, Democrats aim is to get guns out of all unstable White people, unstable Black people...everyone equally who should not have them. Trump was another minority elected prez, most people didnt want him, he got in on a technical win only. Then when he lost again he decided to take matters into his own hands and over-throw the US Government. And you support that guy. Hey did ANYONE find even a sliver of election fraud he promised? All those rallies he held he stated over and over and over again he had the proof. 100's of audits, recounts, fake electors, busting open Dominion machines, almost 100 loser lawsuits... not a single thing. Nothing. And you believe it, lol.
funny I can ask the same thing about demonrats. It has been directly linked to democrat policies going all the way back to the 60's on how they have destroyed the nuclear family and the violence that is directly proportional to not having the family unit in tact. it has taken 10s of thousands of black lives through violence since it has been in place. You guys don't care. You are doubling down. Heck tripling down. Now you are trying to spread our wealth by killing our infrastructure. That does not put any pressure on the American family at all.
Great talking points in your head. Fact. Our country is not ruled my mob rule. We have certain rights and having a firearm to counter the federal government or foreign invaders is one of them. Not going anywhere. it would take a 2/3 state majority to get rid of it. over a billion guns in the country. Only people you would impact with your insane laws would be law abiding citizens. it works just so well for the disarmed law abiding populations in chicago.
electoral college is another institution set up by the constitution. You see, the federal government was set up for a combined defense and to be a go between to foreign powers. Other than that, the states retain the rights to governance. Thus the feds had zero power to tell states what to do during covid.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 7:38 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Wow, Biden is doing a great job on the deficit, it's a shame that guy you had in before ran the country like he ran his business and now you are paying the price with rampant inflation but if you stick with Joe it will come right eventually.
you realize that Trumps 2019 was the same as it is now in 2022.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 7:41 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The Uvalde and Buffalo massacres were orchestrated by the Democrats, the FBI and other “letter agencies” in order to provide a pretext for gun control.
They are coming for our guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to believe a lot of conspiracies to be republican.
You have a short drug induced memory loss. Obama and Clinton tried to use the fact they were selling guns to cartels themselves and then one of them made it back and killed a US Agent as an excuse to try and ban semiauto rifles. Never trust a democrat
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 7:50 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
If dead kids give you no emotion, i cant help you.
No the story never changes, its always the exact same, some one kills a bunch of people using a gun. Its the exact same story every time. Afterward its always, too many doors, violent vid gaming, Black people, Democrats, Defund the Police, mental health (while simultaneously refusing to fund mental healthcare), legalized weed, unarmed teachers, lack of god, abortion, CRT, Porn, .....Completey failing to connect the single link that the only constant in every single gun death is it requires a gun. They also fail to notice that the more lax gun laws are there is a direct correlation to gun death. Republicans only refuse to do anything most of the country wants them to do. NRA approval is not a majority opinion, its minority that republicans support. "There are a billion guns, but they are not the problem". you are mental. FYI, Democrats aim is to get guns out of all unstable White people, unstable Black people...everyone equally who should not have them. Trump was another minority elected prez, most people didnt want him, he got in on a technical win only. Then when he lost again he decided to take matters into his own hands and over-throw the US Government. And you support that guy. Hey did ANYONE find even a sliver of election fraud he promised? All those rallies he held he stated over and over and over again he had the proof. 100's of audits, recounts, fake electors, busting open Dominion machines, almost 100 loser lawsuits... not a single thing. Nothing. And you believe it, lol.
Former U.S. Congressman and Philadelphia Political Operative Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud Charges
PHILADELPHIA – United States Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams announced today that former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 79, of Philadelphia, PA, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election for orchestrating schemes to fraudulently stuff the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Pennsylvania elections.
You also have the documentry 2000 mules where they geo tracked 2000 people in 5 swing states that would visit dozens of drop boxes in one car ride.
Like I said you will never prove absolute. Millions of ballots sent out to the ether. No requirement for ID. perfect plan.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-09-2022, 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I don't believe that. more stuff you are making up. I just know that democrats have all these bills waiting knowing there will be something and as soon as it happens they try and use the emotion to take it. You really have not caught on yet that running any institution or your life for that matter should not have decisions made on emotion. I certainly do not trust organizations that rely on emotion to manipulate people into giving them what they want. facts simply are not on your side.
Idiots at Fox entertainment have been telling the idiots watching that Democrats are taking our guns away for over a decade. The results??? More mass shooting than ever in history and more than any other country except maybe Mexico. More guns than people. More states than ever before allowing anyone with a gun to carry w/o a permit, w/o any training, w/o anything, just like the Wild West, except they took the guns when you entered town. Ghost guns available to anyone because republicans in congress afraid to act. Assault rifles available to anyone 18+ at Walmart, Dicks Sporting goods and Guns are us store near you for 18 or older in most red states. Hows that for taking your guns away?? Fox lied again, surprise.
You dont understand jack. It isnt emotional to enact laws when wrong happens over and over, week after week, year after year. Is it emotional when there is one trans swimmer in the country winning races and 25 red states immediately make laws banning trans athletes? Emotional much? You are more manipulated than the finger hole in Pinocchio's azz. We are talking about 100's of innocent dying because republicans love their guns more than life. Sad. LOL, Fox entertainment (and the entire AM radio right wing wackos)is using emotional, fear based arguments and misinformation daily, its all they have. Dems are Evil, Dems are Radical, They take our guns, Covid rules are taking your Freedumbs, masks dont work, Hydroxy, Horse paste, death numbers are fake, Biden is causing gas prices to go up, Climate change fake news, The Voter fraud!!, Obama not a citizen, Obama the worst president in history when we had 2 deaths from Ebola, trump kills off 100,000's from covid and you worship his fake hollywood actor conman azz. He tried a coup de tate and you still lick his jock. Fox entertainment, its like news if news didnt rely on any facts.
Not a single one of those things ever happened. LOL, the puppet being played says" I dont trust organizations that rely on emotion" how about lies?? cause facts, not on your side.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-09-2022, 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Former U.S. Congressman and Philadelphia Political Operative Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud Charges
PHILADELPHIA – United States Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams announced today that former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 79, of Philadelphia, PA, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election for orchestrating schemes to fraudulently stuff the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Pennsylvania elections.
You also have the documentry 2000 mules where they geo tracked 2000 people in 5 swing states that would visit dozens of drop boxes in one car ride.
Like I said you will never prove absolute. Millions of ballots sent out to the ether. No requirement for ID. perfect plan.
Its like I have been saying for years. Voter fraud is pretty rare, and when it happens our LEO's catch the guilty. Your post proves it.
LOL, 2000 Mules is another fake right wing whacko conspiracy made by a convicted felon trump pardoned...and you believe it. lol.
The Associated Press (AP) reported that the film relies on "faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data" provided by True the Vote, a conservative vote-monitoring organization.[6] National Public Radio (NPR) found that True the Vote "made multiple misleading or false claims about its [own] work".[7] AP reported that the film's assertion that True the Vote identified 1,155 paid mules in Philadelphia alone was false. The film presented a single unverified anonymous witness who said she saw people picking up what she "assumed" were payments for ballot collection in Arizona; no evidence of payments was presented in any of the other four states.[6] The film characterizes the alleged operation as "ballot trafficking" with "stash houses", but presents no evidence that ballots were illegally collected to be deposited in drop boxes and does not claim any ballots were unlawful.[6][8][9][10]
Sounds like a blockbuster.
Delta you are an F-ing idiot, I have posted this at least 5 times FOR YOU. You cannot register to vote W/O an ID. Only citizens can vote. When fraud happens, its caught as evidenced by your own post and the couple hundred caught voting trump more than once.
And last but not least, the right wing Heritage Foundation, 1200 cases in last 4 years total. So, which race was changed with 1200 votes over 4 years???
Such a @#%(!, , Mail in ballots are safe, there are voter rolls that balance out. Go ahead, vote more than once using a mail in ballot. Let me know when LEO shows up. Did you even graduate 8th grade?? Jeezus.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Idiots at Fox entertainment have been telling the idiots watching that Democrats are taking our guns away for over a decade. The results??? More mass shooting than ever in history and more than any other country except maybe Mexico. More guns than people. More states than ever before allowing anyone with a gun to carry w/o a permit, w/o any training, w/o anything, just like the Wild West, except they took the guns when you entered town. Ghost guns available to anyone because republicans in congress afraid to act. Assault rifles available to anyone 18+ at Walmart, Dicks Sporting goods and Guns are us store near you for 18 or older in most red states. Hows that for taking your guns away?? Fox lied again, surprise.
You dont understand jack. It isnt emotional to enact laws when wrong happens over and over, week after week, year after year. Is it emotional when there is one trans swimmer in the country winning races and 25 red states immediately make laws banning trans athletes? Emotional much? You are more manipulated than the finger hole in Pinocchio's azz. We are talking about 100's of innocent dying because republicans love their guns more than life. Sad. LOL, Fox entertainment (and the entire AM radio right wing wackos)is using emotional, fear based arguments and misinformation daily, its all they have. Dems are Evil, Dems are Radical, They take our guns, Covid rules are taking your Freedumbs, masks dont work, Hydroxy, Horse paste, death numbers are fake, Biden is causing gas prices to go up, Climate change fake news, The Voter fraud!!, Obama not a citizen, Obama the worst president in history when we had 2 deaths from Ebola, trump kills off 100,000's from covid and you worship his fake hollywood actor conman azz. He tried a coup de tate and you still lick his jock. Fox entertainment, its like news if news didnt rely on any facts.
Not a single one of those things ever happened. LOL, the puppet being played says" I dont trust organizations that rely on emotion" how about lies?? cause facts, not on your side.
You would think we have just open warfare with a billion guns and 330 million people but we don't.
Dems will take our guns. They literally say it out loud. They are on video tape saying it. They are in congress passing laws saying it. It is not made up. It is from their own mouths.
Trans athletes? man your wacko party says jump and you say how high. Women fought hard for rights in this country. They fought hard to be able to participate in sports and have opportunities. They got the right to vote well after black men if you want to be factual. Now you want mentally ill men to take away those opportunities. Your democrat friends at ESPN make a man woman of the year in sports.
Trump killed people with covid? Just tells everyone you are a unhinged dangerous hack.
Don't even know what you are talking about with ebola. I thought you said you were a republican until Trump. now you are going back to defend obama from something made up in your head? Don't know what you think you are thinking however ebola is scary deadly.
Trump tried a coup? more derangement. You are not even in the realm of realism. If you think that the democrats really had something on Trump and this supposed coup that they would not have their AG arresting him? Just like the democrats real coup attempt with russian collusion, this is all just theater for the idiot masses such as yourself.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Its like I have been saying for years. Voter fraud is pretty rare, and when it happens our LEO's catch the guilty. Your post proves it.
LOL, 2000 Mules is another fake right wing whacko conspiracy made by a convicted felon trump pardoned...and you believe it. lol.
The Associated Press (AP) reported that the film relies on "faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data" provided by True the Vote, a conservative vote-monitoring organization.[6] National Public Radio (NPR) found that True the Vote "made multiple misleading or false claims about its [own] work".[7] AP reported that the film's assertion that True the Vote identified 1,155 paid mules in Philadelphia alone was false. The film presented a single unverified anonymous witness who said she saw people picking up what she "assumed" were payments for ballot collection in Arizona; no evidence of payments was presented in any of the other four states.[6] The film characterizes the alleged operation as "ballot trafficking" with "stash houses", but presents no evidence that ballots were illegally collected to be deposited in drop boxes and does not claim any ballots were unlawful.[6][8][9][10]
Sounds like a blockbuster.
Delta you are an F-ing idiot, I have posted this at least 5 times FOR YOU. You cannot register to vote W/O an ID. Only citizens can vote. When fraud happens, its caught as evidenced by your own post and the couple hundred caught voting trump more than once.
And last but not least, the right wing Heritage Foundation, 1200 cases in last 4 years total. So, which race was changed with 1200 votes over 4 years???
Such a @#%(!, , Mail in ballots are safe, there are voter rolls that balance out. Go ahead, vote more than once using a mail in ballot. Let me know when LEO shows up. Did you even graduate 8th grade?? Jeezus.
Mail in ballots are not safe. I don't care who is doing it.
2000 mules is not about one witness. It is about using telephone tracking proving that 2000 people in 5 states drove to every ballot box drop off location in one trip in their cities of question. Pretty simple really. You fill in the blanks as to why. I think it brings of good questions that need to be looked into. We already know the mechanism for fraud. Mail in ballots, voter harvesting and no IDs. it is pretty simple really. Your party has screamed every time a Republican is elected for president that they stole the election so don't even. You want to keep sending out ballots like this. Wait until the Republicans start using it or we can pass ID laws.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-09-2022, 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You would think we have just open warfare with a billion guns and 330 million people but we don't.
Dems will take our guns. They literally say it out loud. They are on video tape saying it. They are in congress passing laws saying it. It is not made up. It is from their own mouths.
Trans athletes? man your wacko party says jump and you say how high. Women fought hard for rights in this country. They fought hard to be able to participate in sports and have opportunities. They got the right to vote well after black men if you want to be factual. Now you want mentally ill men to take away those opportunities. Your democrat friends at ESPN make a man woman of the year in sports.
Trump killed people with covid? Just tells everyone you are a unhinged dangerous hack.
Don't even know what you are talking about with ebola. I thought you said you were a republican until Trump. now you are going back to defend obama from something made up in your head? Don't know what you think you are thinking however ebola is scary deadly.
Trump tried a coup? more derangement. You are not even in the realm of realism. If you think that the democrats really had something on Trump and this supposed coup that they would not have their AG arresting him? Just like the democrats real coup attempt with russian collusion, this is all just theater for the idiot masses such as yourself.
You sure are scared and fear motivated if you think dems are taking ANY guns. Point out a single way they could. A single thing they have done. Any law they passed. Nothing. Guns are more available to anyone, anytime today than any time in history of the country. You sir are lying.
Doesnt change the point, one trans swimmer and red states across the country ban trans, because fear, misinformation. 100's of deaths due to guns, nothing, fact.
Trump lied from day one, covid wasnt a problem, we have it under control, soon there will be zero.....Listen to the tapes of him, lying and saying it wasnt a big deal
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/...172350984.html That is him, his voice right?
Over a million dead in 2 years, thats "no big deal". Need more? Hydroxy, Clorox, light shined thru skin.....idiots.
If you need more info on his coup...pay attn it will be on TV for free. Learn the facts for once in your life. Primetime. See, its diff when a Dem is in office, they dont allow pres to direct his AG what to do, unlike the loser. Garland thus far has been a disappointment, but he did just do this...
A true patriot???
Keep hiding from the truth and believing convicted felons, seems logical to absolutely no one.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-09-2022, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
you realize that Trumps 2019 was the same as it is now in 2022.
Incorrect, it's lower under Biden and now thanks to the mango menace the American people have to service $8T more debt more than they did in 2019. It's a miracle Biden can get it back to 2019 levels.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-09-2022, 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Mail in ballots are not safe. I don't care who is doing it.
2000 mules is not about one witness. It is about using telephone tracking proving that 2000 people in 5 states drove to every ballot box drop off location in one trip in their cities of question. Pretty simple really. You fill in the blanks as to why. I think it brings of good questions that need to be looked into. We already know the mechanism for fraud. Mail in ballots, voter harvesting and no IDs. it is pretty simple really. Your party has screamed every time a Republican is elected for president that they stole the election so don't even. You want to keep sending out ballots like this. Wait until the Republicans start using it or we can pass ID laws.
There is nothing showing mail in ballots isnt safe. If it were problematic one of the Arizona republican led audits and forensic audits or recounts would have found it. Or one of the 2-3 recounts in Wisconsin, or 2 or 3 in Georgia, or any of the other 10-20 recounts and audits that republicans performed. Are you saying every one of those groups is inept???? 60+ lost lawsuits? So none of the actual republican recounts or audits could find anything but a convicted felon with a long history of conspiracy theory flicks is your prized source with the truth? LOL.
You are brainless if thats why you believe. Talk about "pretty simple".
His Title is actually Conspiracy theorist. lol. (and Fox entertainment paid contributor)
No, the film does nothing of what you say and has been completely debunked.
You have zero proof of anything, except who controls your thoughts/beliefs. You are just parroting GOP lies like you are told to do. good bot.
Anyone who believes that BS is a complete F-ing Clownshow.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 1:30 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Incorrect, it's lower under Biden and now thanks to the mango menace the American people have to service $8T more debt more than they did in 2019. It's a miracle Biden can get it back to 2019 levels.
Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that troll
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 2:07 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
There is nothing showing mail in ballots isnt safe. If it were problematic one of the Arizona republican led audits and forensic audits or recounts would have found it. Or one of the 2-3 recounts in Wisconsin, or 2 or 3 in Georgia, or any of the other 10-20 recounts and audits that republicans performed. Are you saying every one of those groups is inept???? 60+ lost lawsuits? So none of the actual republican recounts or audits could find anything but a convicted felon with a long history of conspiracy theory flicks is your prized source with the truth? LOL.
You are brainless if thats why you believe. Talk about "pretty simple".
His Title is actually Conspiracy theorist. lol. (and Fox entertainment paid contributor)
No, the film does nothing of what you say and has been completely debunked.
You have zero proof of anything, except who controls your thoughts/beliefs. You are just parroting GOP lies like you are told to do. good bot.
Anyone who believes that BS is a complete F-ing Clownshow.
That is your opinion and you are welcome to it. You will never ever convince me that biden got more votes than Obama. Mail in ballots are able to be fraudulently filled out and returned. Like I said, wait until Republicans figure it out and hear you and the democrats squeal again that Republicans stole the election just like you have for all the elections back to Bush. if you lose it is always Republicans cheated and they are not legitimate. That is directly from your party masters and it is all on film with them repeating it.
they will not find forensic data on the ballots because all the ballots were legal ballots mailed to millions of people living or otherwise.
Funny thing that democrat was stuffing ballots and bribing people for YEARS and got finally. How many people are doing it and not getting caught? he was stuffing ballots without mail in.
Like I said, follow the math. you don't get moves in vote totals especially like the ones in kalifornia without fraud. The math supports it. It is just finding the details. I know. Math bad!!!! to you.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 2:14 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You sure are scared and fear motivated if you think dems are taking ANY guns. Point out a single way they could. A single thing they have done. Any law they passed. Nothing. Guns are more available to anyone, anytime today than any time in history of the country. You sir are lying.
Doesnt change the point, one trans swimmer and red states across the country ban trans, because fear, misinformation. 100's of deaths due to guns, nothing, fact.
Trump lied from day one, covid wasnt a problem, we have it under control, soon there will be zero.....Listen to the tapes of him, lying and saying it wasnt a big deal
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/...172350984.html That is him, his voice right?
Over a million dead in 2 years, thats "no big deal". Need more? Hydroxy, Clorox, light shined thru skin.....idiots.
If you need more info on his coup...pay attn it will be on TV for free. Learn the facts for once in your life. Primetime. See, its diff when a Dem is in office, they dont allow pres to direct his AG what to do, unlike the loser. Garland thus far has been a disappointment, but he did just do this...
A true patriot???
Keep hiding from the truth and believing convicted felons, seems logical to absolutely no one.
You are a moron. You don't remember the 1994 assault weapons ban?
How about in kalifornia where you are only allowed to own a Gen 3 Glock and other associated designed weapons. You can not own a gen 4 or gen 5 Glock unless you are in law enforcement. Joke is on kalifornia. gen 3 is super easy to modify with tons of parts.
How about kalifornias ban on 50 cal rifles?
How about New York states requirement for a permit to have a pistol or a semi-automatic rifle (of course they make it near impossible to get such weapons permits.
How about Kalifornias current ban on AR 15s?
Are you just simply blind and stupid or just stupid? There are laws abound and attempt abound. What you should be questioning is why is a political party constantly trying to pass laws that everyone knows is against the constitution?
How about the fed governments ban on machine guns to the regular population?
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-09-2022, 2:16 PM
No it isnt my opinion. It is the findings of all the republican led investigations, audits , forensic audits recounts lawsuits and everything else your own party did to prove trumps lie. They did everything legal and illegal including busting open ballot machines and came up empty. Full stop, end.
Go ahead and fill out 2 mail in ballots and see what happens.
Follow the math?? Dude you are following a serial conspiracy theorist, no math involved, no thought involved. Just debunked BS, thats it. 10 movies all the same BS.
Its been Fing years, shut the F up already. Enough of your lazy BS. Biden won the election fair and square, and thats all it takes for fools to believe that's a radical idea. No math involved.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 2:17 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You sure are scared and fear motivated if you think dems are taking ANY guns. Point out a single way they could. A single thing they have done. Any law they passed. Nothing. Guns are more available to anyone, anytime today than any time in history of the country. You sir are lying.
Doesnt change the point, one trans swimmer and red states across the country ban trans, because fear, misinformation. 100's of deaths due to guns, nothing, fact.
Trump lied from day one, covid wasnt a problem, we have it under control, soon there will be zero.....Listen to the tapes of him, lying and saying it wasnt a big deal
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/...172350984.html That is him, his voice right?
Over a million dead in 2 years, thats "no big deal". Need more? Hydroxy, Clorox, light shined thru skin.....idiots.
If you need more info on his coup...pay attn it will be on TV for free. Learn the facts for once in your life. Primetime. See, its diff when a Dem is in office, they dont allow pres to direct his AG what to do, unlike the loser. Garland thus far has been a disappointment, but he did just do this...
A true patriot???
Keep hiding from the truth and believing convicted felons, seems logical to absolutely no one.
You mean like inflation is transitory and putin caused gas prices to go up? FUN FACT. More people died under biden from covid than they did Trump and biden was hand delivered a vaccine by Trump.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-09-2022, 2:23 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
No it isnt my opinion. It is the findings of all the republican led investigations, audits , forensic audits recounts lawsuits and everything else your own party did to prove trumps lie. They did everything legal and illegal including busting open ballot machines and came up empty. Full stop, end.
Go ahead and fill out 2 mail in ballots and see what happens.
Follow the math?? Dude you are following a serial conspiracy theorist, no math involved, no thought involved. Just debunked BS, thats it. 10 movies all the same BS.
Its been Fing years, shut the F up already. Enough of your lazy BS. Biden won the election fair and square, and thats all it takes for fools to believe that's a radical idea. No math involved.
Why would I need to fill in two ballots. I can just hand them to someone else and let them do the dirty work. Or do like you democrats do. Intercept a few thousand or go door to door asking in all the big apartment complexes and get them, fill them out and take them to a drop off. Pretty simple really. You are the only one bringing up elections. You literally bring it up nearly every other day. So once again your drugged out brain deceives you. I only respond to you. You don't see me bitching about it. End of the day, We need voter ID and I have said that for 30 years. you will never convince me other wise. I see how kalifornia has manipulated the voter rolls and election laws. I have shown the massive vote increases for one party by over 6 million in the state. Sorry you don't get near logarithmic increases in voter turn out for one party without something going on. Every time your mouth spouts off about Republicans in a minority. It literally is by the difference by the cheats from kallifornia. that is the difference nationally in vote total.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-09-2022, 2:26 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
You are a moron. You don't remember the 1994 assault weapons ban?
How about in kalifornia where you are only allowed to own a Gen 3 Glock and other associated designed weapons. You can not own a gen 4 or gen 5 Glock unless you are in law enforcement. Joke is on kalifornia. gen 3 is super easy to modify with tons of parts.
How about kalifornias ban on 50 cal rifles?
How about New York states requirement for a permit to have a pistol or a semi-automatic rifle (of course they make it near impossible to get such weapons permits.
How about Kalifornias current ban on AR 15s?
Are you just simply blind and stupid or just stupid? There are laws abound and attempt abound. What you should be questioning is why is a political party constantly trying to pass laws that everyone knows is against the constitution?
How about the fed governments ban on machine guns to the regular population?
The ban was reinstated in 2004, almost 20 years ago. Guns are more available today, than any time in history, just like i said! Since 2004, what happened??? More mass shootings as any 3rd grader could figure out.
Do you have an AR??? and CA has a ban??? Are you admitting crime??
So requiring a permit to own a pistol is too radical an idea for you? You need city approval to install a water heater, a window, a room addition but a gun should be cash and carry??
Now you think machine guns should be available?? You and your kind are a stain on the country.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-09-2022, 5:14 PM
Wow, so many proud patriots storming the capital on Jan 6th. Or was it antifa in maga hats? Hard to tell.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-10-2022, 8:39 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
The ban was reinstated in 2004, almost 20 years ago. Guns are more available today, than any time in history, just like i said! Since 2004, what happened??? More mass shootings as any 3rd grader could figure out.
Do you have an AR??? and CA has a ban??? Are you admitting crime??
So requiring a permit to own a pistol is too radical an idea for you? You need city approval to install a water heater, a window, a room addition but a gun should be cash and carry??
Now you think machine guns should be available?? You and your kind are a stain on the country.
I have a couple of rifles that meet kalifornia's criteria that no longer makes them an assault weapon. ZERO functional difference from how may rounds you can load and how many rounds come out with each trigger pull.
Yes. The constitution does not have a provision for permits issued by the government to own a firearm. That is against the whole point of the constitutional RIGHT to bear arms. The right is there to protect us from a tyrannical government or foreign invaders. If you have to get a permit from the government then by definition it is not a right.
None of those other things are considered YOUR RIGHTS. How about you have to get a permit to type on the internet or to speak with someone outside your family?
Me and my kind are a stain. I feel the same about you commies. You are the ones trying to overturn the constitution and flood the country with non citizens. if there is a stain, you need to look in the mirror.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-10-2022, 8:40 AM
Originally Posted by ralph
Wow, so many proud patriots storming the capital on Jan 6th. Or was it antifa in maga hats? Hard to tell.
Yep. Good for them. Did you check ID's? You don't know who they were or what they represent. They got caught. Not lets go arrest all those democrats who burned down the cities and actually did damage.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-10-2022, 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
I have a couple of rifles that meet kalifornia's criteria that no longer makes them an assault weapon. ZERO functional difference from how may rounds you can load and how many rounds come out with each trigger pull.
Yes. The constitution does not have a provision for permits issued by the government to own a firearm. That is against the whole point of the constitutional RIGHT to bear arms. The right is there to protect us from a tyrannical government or foreign invaders. If you have to get a permit from the government then by definition it is not a right.
None of those other things are considered YOUR RIGHTS. How about you have to get a permit to type on the internet or to speak with someone outside your family?
Me and my kind are a stain. I feel the same about you commies. You are the ones trying to overturn the constitution and flood the country with non citizens. if there is a stain, you need to look in the mirror.
1st, the country should hire you as a consultant to help eliminate all the holes in the laws that allow a simple change from legal to illegal guns. You would be a very valuable resource.
2nd, the constitution clearly states "well regulated" which means provision for any type of regulation in order to own.
If you think dems are overstepping and allowing too many non citizens then the GOP should show up at the table and create real immigration laws. As it stands most of what trump did is still the law at the border. Easy, you are starting to spout Replacement Theory.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-10-2022, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep. Good for them. Did you check ID's? You don't know who they were or what they represent. They got caught. Not lets go arrest all those democrats who burned down the cities and actually did damage.
Actually we do know. There has been a massive FBI campaign to find those who participated in the attack. There are reels and reels of video of these people. Thats how they caught most, turned in by family or friends, social media posts ..... so over 800 arrested, many pled guilty and plenty awaiting their day in court. The actual attack of the capitol was only a part of the plan. What we learned last night was that it wasnt just a speech that riled them up and then it got out of hand. We learned this was the plan from the start, nothing got out of hand, it was trumps plan. Oath Keepers and Proud Boys skipped the speech and headed up to the Capitol before trump even spoke. Spent hours staking out the best spots to break thru. Trump did his part, he got the crowd in a frenzy and sent them up the hill to "fight like hell to keep their country" . This was the plan, to stop the count, stop Pence. This was only one part of trumps overall plan. There are 6 more hearings this month. The whole fake electors scheme, The illegal calls to get AG's and Sec of States in swing states to change the vote counts...all still coming up.
You should stop with the irrational comparisons with robbing a Footlocker and a coup to take over the US government. Makes you sound uneducated.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-10-2022, 2:20 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yep. Good for them. Did you check ID's? You don't know who they were or what they represent. They got caught. Not lets go arrest all those democrats who burned down the cities and actually did damage.
No mate, I didn't check ID's I left that up to the FBI and there motives aren't a mystery they explain it in tape. They believe the election was stolen and went to the capital to stop the transfer of power.
How about Trump handing out pocket pardons as he went out the door, surely you would have a problem with that. Imagine if Biden did that as he left office, you would have a melt down.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-10-2022, 2:34 PM
LOL, not only was FOX Entertainment the only major network to not air the 1/6 committee results, they ran Tucker Carlson and Hannity both commercial free so that the viewers would not even touch the channel on commercial breaks. Pulling out all the stops to keep the audience 100% misinformed. They sure seem scared of something. No Doubt..... The truth.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-10-2022, 2:41 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
No mate, I didn't check ID's I left that up to the FBI and there motives aren't a mystery they explain it in tape. They believe the election was stolen and went to the capital to stop the transfer of power.
How about Trump handing out pocket pardons as he went out the door, surely you would have a problem with that. Imagine if Biden did that as he left office, you would have a melt down.
Whoa there pony. Why would Biden leave office??? This is 'Merica, He's cancelling the 2024 election due to National Security issues, VP Harris will appoint him (or who ever) for a 6 year term.
Join Date: Oct 2005
06-12-2022, 8:48 AM
well, the Jan 6 committee and aired event, is complete partisan politics. It's a sham. I'm sure that you don't agree. The dems are a complete joke. I hope that most Americans can see that
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-12-2022, 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by ord27
well, the Jan 6 committee and aired event, is complete partisan politics. It's a sham. I'm sure that you don't agree. The dems are a complete joke. I hope that most Americans can see that
Interesting take. I watched it and they showed a lot of really damning evidence, people in his own circle were saying the quiet part out loud. Including trumps own Atty Gen'l Bill Barr, his own daughter, his election specialists he hired and told trump he had lost, and many others, did you not believe them?? The committee didnt just "say it" they showed it and backed it up with strong evidence. So I for one, i dont really agree w/ that take. You really dont say why you think this. Just blank statements.
How much did you watch? What is it you dont believe?
I dont think the idea is to change the minds of those all in on the Cult45, they are already a lost cause. Its the independents that need to see what happened,and let those people decide. Its just the first installment they have 6 more this month alone.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-12-2022, 3:07 PM
Originally Posted by ord27
well, the Jan 6 committee and aired event, is complete partisan politics. It's a sham. I'm sure that you don't agree. The dems are a complete joke. I hope that most Americans can see that
All 100% true. Also true, Trump lost fair and square, his narcissistic ego couldn't accept it and tried to subvert the will of the people to get another term. Sad but true.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-12-2022, 3:24 PM
This seems like a healthy society
Last edited by ralph; 06-12-2022 at 3:28 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-13-2022, 2:53 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
This seems like a healthy society
Wearing a mask and distancing was too much, ruined the lives and educations of countless children as i recall...
Damn, second 1/6 hearing did not let up. Its all trumps own people, his campaign people, his attys, his children, his appointees, his Generals, his numbers guys on the election all telling a different story than the grifter and Fox Entertainment. Over $250M all to a non existent ...get this, "Fraud Fund" lol.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-13-2022, 4:32 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Damn, second 1/6 hearing did not let up. Its all trumps own people, his campaign people, his attys, his children, his appointees, his Generals, his numbers guys on the election all telling a different story than the grifter and Fox Entertainment. Over $250M all to a non existent ...get this, "Fraud Fund" lol.
Oh it's a fraud fund alright, just not in the way they thought.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 8:13 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
1st, the country should hire you as a consultant to help eliminate all the holes in the laws that allow a simple change from legal to illegal guns. You would be a very valuable resource.
2nd, the constitution clearly states "well regulated" which means provision for any type of regulation in order to own.
If you think dems are overstepping and allowing too many non citizens then the GOP should show up at the table and create real immigration laws. As it stands most of what trump did is still the law at the border. Easy, you are starting to spout Replacement Theory.
Supreme court already shot down your assertion of what the 2nd amendment means and that was before the current makeup of the court.
I know very little about the firearm industry compared to many others. You have it backwards. people are changing what the idiot lawmakers are making illegal and turning legal gun owners into felons overnight into legal guns that have ZERO functional difference. Only difference is cosmetic. you really think not having a vertical front grip or a handle for the grip changes how a weapon fires? How about that bayonet lug? That sure changed the market getting rid of that. your little rifle can be equipped with a 100 round magazine as well. Your rifle is as deadly as any from 100 yds. Do you think that because you have a stock on it, that it is different from other rifles in this regard? Your rifle is just like the ruger mini 14 and mini 30. They fire the 5.56 and the 7.62. They can also be attached to any "evil" stock and make it look just like your "evil" rifles just by detaching 1 screw for yours and maybe a couple for the others. Oddly enough. Your rifle and the mini 14 is more nefarious because you can buy or convert it to a break down model that allows you to break it in half or put on a folding stock on because of the way the bolt cycles compared to the AR series.
What kills me is people like you want to legislate and have ZERO idea what you are talking about.
We do have good immigration laws on the books. Just like we have over 300 gun laws on the books. democrats just choose to ignore them.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 8:25 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Actually we do know. There has been a massive FBI campaign to find those who participated in the attack. There are reels and reels of video of these people. Thats how they caught most, turned in by family or friends, social media posts ..... so over 800 arrested, many pled guilty and plenty awaiting their day in court. The actual attack of the capitol was only a part of the plan. What we learned last night was that it wasnt just a speech that riled them up and then it got out of hand. We learned this was the plan from the start, nothing got out of hand, it was trumps plan. Oath Keepers and Proud Boys skipped the speech and headed up to the Capitol before trump even spoke. Spent hours staking out the best spots to break thru. Trump did his part, he got the crowd in a frenzy and sent them up the hill to "fight like hell to keep their country" . This was the plan, to stop the count, stop Pence. This was only one part of trumps overall plan. There are 6 more hearings this month. The whole fake electors scheme, The illegal calls to get AG's and Sec of States in swing states to change the vote counts...all still coming up.
You should stop with the irrational comparisons with robbing a Footlocker and a coup to take over the US government. Makes you sound uneducated.
Calls to state election officials are not illegal.
We have been saying for over a year that the riots started prior to Trump's speech being over. Nice of you to finally catch up
Uh. Good luck with trying to tie Trump with oath keepers or anyone. Just like your Russian myth. Matter of fact no one in the media is even making such a claim.
We have tons of video of the rioters that were burning down police stations and federal court houses. Not just a foot locker. Or the CVS or Walgreens they torched or the police officers they shot or shot at. We can go on. Or how about the democrats not arresting the protestors at the supreme court justices houses. There is actually a law against that. They are not enforcing. We all know this is a soviet style show trial. If they had actual evidence, they would already arrested someone. FBI already said trump had nothing to do with it. Dems are desperate.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 8:32 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Interesting take. I watched it and they showed a lot of really damning evidence, people in his own circle were saying the quiet part out loud. Including trumps own Atty Gen'l Bill Barr, his own daughter, his election specialists he hired and told trump he had lost, and many others, did you not believe them?? The committee didnt just "say it" they showed it and backed it up with strong evidence. So I for one, i dont really agree w/ that take. You really dont say why you think this. Just blank statements.
How much did you watch? What is it you dont believe?
I dont think the idea is to change the minds of those all in on the Cult45, they are already a lost cause. Its the independents that need to see what happened,and let those people decide. Its just the first installment they have 6 more this month alone.
So what you are acknowledging is this is politics. Desperate politics.
I think the independents and some democrats are deciding. They are moving away from the crazy not sure if you are male or female democrats who are destroying the country with their fake enviro scam.
Last edited by DeltaHoosier; 06-14-2022 at 8:35 AM.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-14-2022, 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Calls to state election officials are not illegal.
We have been saying for over a year that the riots started prior to Trump's speech being over. Nice of you to finally catch up
Uh. Good luck with trying to tie Trump with oath keepers or anyone. Just like your Russian myth. Matter of fact no one in the media is even making such a claim.
We have tons of video of the rioters that were burning down police stations and federal court houses. Not just a foot locker. Or the CVS or Walgreens they torched or the police officers they shot or shot at. We can go on. Or how about the democrats not arresting the protestors at the supreme court justices houses. There is actually a law against that. They are not enforcing. We all know this is a soviet style show trial. If they had actual evidence, they would already arrested someone. FBI already said trump had nothing to do with it. Dems are desperate.
It sounds like you are saying there is no issue if Joe Biden were to Call Sec of State at a swing state and ask them to "create" more votes, enough for him to beat the opponent, and add them to his vote count. This is what you think?? Its ok? not illegal?
I think the state of Georgia's AG disagrees with you. She has a Grand Jury already hearing evidence of the crimes. You should look it up, reseach it...you know educate yourself.
We all know there were idiots taking advantage of the protests, 1000's were arrested, I think close to 10,000. See how that works??? Break law, get arrested.
Hey, when they burned down all those not just a foot locker, court houses "you claim", was the entire congress, all senators, all 400+ congresspeople and the VP ALL inside counting the votes to confirm a US presidential vote? No? Then you are still full of BS, No one tried to STEAL an election except trump. Just like I said a dozen times. When do you wise up?
A soviet style show trial?? LOL, Clown. The McConnel and republicans CHOSE to block a Senate investigation as was done for 9/11 and Watergate. Then McCarthy in the house tried to install inside hitmen to the committee and (ie guys who are part of the crime) and Pelosi denied him. So instead of adding true patriots to the comm, he cried and pulled all his people. Its their own fault they have little control at this point, 100% self inflicted. And as an FYI to you, the committee cant arrest anyone, they dont have that power. Dems desperate?? Funny. Know who is desperate? TRumps "Truth Social" started because they felt cheated and silenced on Twitter, promised no political discrimination...Hasnt been more than a few months and ALREADY Is removing everything to do with 1/6 on the social media site and banning people. Why??Said he wasnt going to delete content??
Enjoy Cult45 much?
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-14-2022, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
So what you are acknowledging is this is politics. Desperate politics.
I think the independents and some democrats are deciding. They are moving away from the crazy not sure if you are male or female democrats who are destroying the country with their fake enviro scam.
Democrats are just sharing the facts, funny you see that as desperate.
Yes they are deciding alright. If you think a US president who every single expert that he and only he hired all told him he lost and there was no voter fraud. His hand picked AG told him. His political experts told him. His campaign experts told him, his social media people told him, the cyber security experts told him, his internet experts told him, his WH attys told him, the AG in Georgia he picked told him, EVERYONE told him. "You LOST, there is NO FRAUD. Except Rudy and he was drunk. Not a single democrat in the group, all GOP. We heard from each and every one in person, on vid all saying one thing. And "Crazy" said I won, Massive Fraud. Delta Hoosier and millions of others believed, followed and gave $$ to a non existent "Voter Fraud Fund" $250 Million in small donations. Guess who got the $$ ?? Guess who the suckers are? Who do ya think sent that $2fiddy? How many emails did you get AFTER the election?? They showed evidence he was sending out as many as 25 emails per day to GOP mailing list of millions of people to grift off. All After the election. I know I got them. Why would a billionaire steal from the people who love him the most? Hmmm.
Cause they are the biggest idiots.
You should really tune in and watch, you are massively under-informed.
Did you respond as to why FOX was the only major network to not carry it? That instead they ran with Tucker and Hannity back to back with NO Commercial breaks? So no one would channel surf. Its like pleading the 5th in court. They know they are guilty.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
It sounds like you are saying there is no issue if Joe Biden were to Call Sec of State at a swing state and ask them to "create" more votes, enough for him to beat the opponent, and add them to his vote count. This is what you think?? Its ok? not illegal?
I think the state of Georgia's AG disagrees with you. She has a Grand Jury already hearing evidence of the crimes. You should look it up, reseach it...you know educate yourself.
We all know there were idiots taking advantage of the protests, 1000's were arrested, I think close to 10,000. See how that works??? Break law, get arrested.
Hey, when they burned down all those not just a foot locker, court houses "you claim", was the entire congress, all senators, all 400+ congresspeople and the VP ALL inside counting the votes to confirm a US presidential vote? No? Then you are still full of BS, No one tried to STEAL an election except trump. Just like I said a dozen times. When do you wise up?
A soviet style show trial?? LOL, Clown. The McConnel and republicans CHOSE to block a Senate investigation as was done for 9/11 and Watergate. Then McCarthy in the house tried to install inside hitmen to the committee and (ie guys who are part of the crime) and Pelosi denied him. So instead of adding true patriots to the comm, he cried and pulled all his people. Its their own fault they have little control at this point, 100% self inflicted. And as an FYI to you, the committee cant arrest anyone, they dont have that power. Dems desperate?? Funny. Know who is desperate? TRumps "Truth Social" started because they felt cheated and silenced on Twitter, promised no political discrimination...Hasnt been more than a few months and ALREADY Is removing everything to do with 1/6 on the social media site and banning people. Why??Said he wasnt going to delete content??
Enjoy Cult45 much?
Funny. The facts say there will be ZERO criminal referrals from this committee = soviet show trial. All accusations and no facts.
Tried to install hitmen? You mean like adam shift? A guy who ran around for a year saying he had evidence regarding Trump to all the media outlets but did not come up with a single thing. Hitmen like that? Everyone but true believers such as yourself cares about this. You have been wrong now for 4 years straight.
Steal an election. You mean like every election when the democrats try and do it? If they don't win the automatically say the person was illegitimate and won by cheating?
When they lit the police station on fire there were officers still inside. No arrests made from that one. Pelosi should have accepted Trumps offer for national guard. Trump must be the worst election stealer ever if he offered up more protection for congress only to be turned down by Pelosi.
Nice try on any of this. Of course it is someone who owns an assault rifle that does not know he owns an assault rifle is now telling us if some protestors take the capital they automatically get to seat a government like they are playing a board game. clown.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Democrats are just sharing the facts, funny you see that as desperate.
Yes they are deciding alright. If you think a US president who every single expert that he and only he hired all told him he lost and there was no voter fraud. His hand picked AG told him. His political experts told him. His campaign experts told him, his social media people told him, the cyber security experts told him, his internet experts told him, his WH attys told him, the AG in Georgia he picked told him, EVERYONE told him. "You LOST, there is NO FRAUD. Except Rudy and he was drunk. Not a single democrat in the group, all GOP. We heard from each and every one in person, on vid all saying one thing. And "Crazy" said I won, Massive Fraud. Delta Hoosier and millions of others believed, followed and gave $$ to a non existent "Voter Fraud Fund" $250 Million in small donations. Guess who got the $$ ?? Guess who the suckers are? Who do ya think sent that $2fiddy? How many emails did you get AFTER the election?? They showed evidence he was sending out as many as 25 emails per day to GOP mailing list of millions of people to grift off. All After the election. I know I got them. Why would a billionaire steal from the people who love him the most? Hmmm.
Cause they are the biggest idiots.
You should really tune in and watch, you are massively under-informed.
Did you respond as to why FOX was the only major network to not carry it? That instead they ran with Tucker and Hannity back to back with NO Commercial breaks? So no one would channel surf. Its like pleading the 5th in court. They know they are guilty.
bless your little drug altered mind. You believe I gave money to a political campaign. So he believed he was cheated. The numbers say there was cheating going on. So what. He can believe what he wants. Hillary says she was cheated by Trump. Stacy Abrams in Georgia says she was cheated. They both say that till this day. What you and the democrats amount to is a bunch of school girls running around saying "did you hear what Becky said?"
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Democrats are just sharing the facts, funny you see that as desperate.
Yes they are deciding alright. If you think a US president who every single expert that he and only he hired all told him he lost and there was no voter fraud. His hand picked AG told him. His political experts told him. His campaign experts told him, his social media people told him, the cyber security experts told him, his internet experts told him, his WH attys told him, the AG in Georgia he picked told him, EVERYONE told him. "You LOST, there is NO FRAUD. Except Rudy and he was drunk. Not a single democrat in the group, all GOP. We heard from each and every one in person, on vid all saying one thing. And "Crazy" said I won, Massive Fraud. Delta Hoosier and millions of others believed, followed and gave $$ to a non existent "Voter Fraud Fund" $250 Million in small donations. Guess who got the $$ ?? Guess who the suckers are? Who do ya think sent that $2fiddy? How many emails did you get AFTER the election?? They showed evidence he was sending out as many as 25 emails per day to GOP mailing list of millions of people to grift off. All After the election. I know I got them. Why would a billionaire steal from the people who love him the most? Hmmm.
Cause they are the biggest idiots.
You should really tune in and watch, you are massively under-informed.
Did you respond as to why FOX was the only major network to not carry it? That instead they ran with Tucker and Hannity back to back with NO Commercial breaks? So no one would channel surf. Its like pleading the 5th in court. They know they are guilty.
Kind of funny. They already cancelled the next clown show.
And here we have it. A democrat yet again trying to say if someone exercises their constitutional rights, they are guilty of something. I see you typing every day exercising your rights. I am pretty sure you are guilty of something.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-14-2022, 1:49 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Funny. The facts say there will be ZERO criminal referrals from this committee = soviet show trial. All accusations and no facts.
Tried to install hitmen? You mean like adam shift? A guy who ran around for a year saying he had evidence regarding Trump to all the media outlets but did not come up with a single thing. Hitmen like that? Everyone but true believers such as yourself cares about this. You have been wrong now for 4 years straight.
Steal an election. You mean like every election when the democrats try and do it? If they don't win the automatically say the person was illegitimate and won by cheating?
When they lit the police station on fire there were officers still inside. No arrests made from that one. Pelosi should have accepted Trumps offer for national guard. Trump must be the worst election stealer ever if he offered up more protection for congress only to be turned down by Pelosi.
Nice try on any of this. Of course it is someone who owns an assault rifle that does not know he owns an assault rifle is now telling us if some protestors take the capital they automatically get to seat a government like they are playing a board game. clown.
LOL, These are ALL people from the Trump administration, the Trump Campaign, Trumps own children, Trumps hand picked AG... that you are accusing of lying and "no facts". You refuse to believe all the people he chose to represent him. Cult45.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-14-2022, 1:56 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Kind of funny. They already cancelled the next clown show.
And here we have it. A democrat yet again trying to say if someone exercises their constitutional rights, they are guilty of something. I see you typing every day exercising your rights. I am pretty sure you are guilty of something.
Postponed 24 hours, not cancel. Will be live first thing Thursday. Odd that one who is afraid to watch would even know that. To see the clown show, tune into fox at the same exact time.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 2:04 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
LOL, These are ALL people from the Trump administration, the Trump Campaign, Trumps own children, Trumps hand picked AG... that you are accusing of lying and "no facts". You refuse to believe all the people he chose to represent him. Cult45.
Yet nothing criminal has been discussed. Having conversations with someone on if they won or lost and how they feel about that is not criminal. What they say and what Trump thinks is not material. Plenty of other people believed democrats were subverting the elections. I agree with them when they got all the election laws changed via court order and not through the state legislative processes as dictated by the constitution. Add to it the years of democrats rioting without punishment. The fake russian collusion narrative and people pretty much had enough. Some people went down and did something things. They are now caught. They did not go in like democrats with face coverings and plans for not having their pictures taken. They got caught up and are reaping the punishment. Democrats on the other hand have not had any punishment for what they are doing including the very current trying to intimidate judges which is directly against federal law. Still no democrat punishment. Are we going to hear why nancy decided to not take the extra protection or is this about trying to convince people to not like Trump? Don't answer again. We already heard you say it and we know what this is. The first time in history the minority party did not get to select their representatives for a committee like this. People know what is up.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 2:06 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
Postponed 24 hours, not cancel. Will be live first thing Thursday. Odd that one who is afraid to watch would even know that. To see the clown show, tune into fox at the same exact time.
Why would I tune in to a clown show. Democrats are real idiots. Putting their end all to be all Trump Soviet Show Trial against the NBA Finals Game 6. Only people your show trial is reaching is a bunch of old democrats that don't know what sex they are.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-14-2022, 2:06 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
bless your little drug altered mind. You believe I gave money to a political campaign. So he believed he was cheated. The numbers say there was cheating going on. So what. He can believe what he wants. Hillary says she was cheated by Trump. Stacy Abrams in Georgia says she was cheated. They both say that till this day. What you and the democrats amount to is a bunch of school girls running around saying "did you hear what Becky said?"
I said "Delta Hoosier believed" the election fraud BS. Everyone who believed, everyone who gave money was ripped off. 100% grift. No, the numbers never said there was fraud. Lying Donald Trump said there was fraud, 100% of the voter fraud BS originated out of only his mouth. If DJT believed there was fraud, he is clinically insane,25th amendment. If he didnt believe it, its a straight up 100% grift. Clinton nor Abrams never tried a violent insurrection, never collected a penny from supporters to "Stop the Fraud" and then kept all the $$. Neither tried to send alternate electors to steal the election. None of them teamed up with violent militias. None of them brought 60+ lawsuits to challenge the election only to lose 60 cases. Even from judges he appointed. Dude, if you arnt afraid, tune in and see how wrong you have been for years. Seems you not watching makes you a simple minded target for ridicule.
Join Date: Sep 2005
06-14-2022, 2:08 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Yet nothing criminal has been discussed. Having conversations with someone on if they won or lost and how they feel about that is not criminal. What they say and what Trump thinks is not material. Plenty of other people believed democrats were subverting the elections. I agree with them when they got all the election laws changed via court order and not through the state legislative processes as dictated by the constitution. Add to it the years of democrats rioting without punishment. The fake russian collusion narrative and people pretty much had enough. Some people went down and did something things. They are now caught. They did not go in like democrats with face coverings and plans for not having their pictures taken. They got caught up and are reaping the punishment. Democrats on the other hand have not had any punishment for what they are doing including the very current trying to intimidate judges which is directly against federal law. Still no democrat punishment. Are we going to hear why nancy decided to not take the extra protection or is this about trying to convince people to not like Trump? Don't answer again. We already heard you say it and we know what this is. The first time in history the minority party did not get to select their representatives for a committee like this. People know what is up.
You trying to give a book review on a book you never read. Foolish.
Join Date: Apr 2002
06-14-2022, 2:10 PM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Are we going to hear why nancy decided to not take the extra protection or is this about trying to convince people to not like Trump?
No you are not going to here why because it never happened. More debunked Fox talking points
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 2:27 PM
Originally Posted by ralph
Your fact check needs fact checked for honesty. The request went to the sergeant of arms who works for Pelosi.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 2:33 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
You trying to give a book review on a book you never read. Foolish.
You don't think all these Trump hating news teams would love more than to have something criminal come out of this? They can't write or talk about it because their is nothing criminal.
The whole affair has ZERO cross examination of what is being presented. It is just the mean girls/ boys or what ever gender you decide you are talking about irrelevant topics. Oh snap. Ivanka or Burr told Trump he lost. OHS NOSE!!!! See that Trump is going to jail on that one.
Look you even admitted that the riot took place before Trump was finished speaking which means they did not hear Trump speak thus he could not have made them do it like you and your gender fluid friends have said. Case closed. After that, who cares if he had discussions with people on whether or not he was cheated. Those are all relevant questions and you can talk about counters to that what constitutionally available remedies. I know. I know. Someone utilizing their constitutional rights is a sign of guilt to the gender fluids like yourself.
Join Date: Mar 2018
06-14-2022, 2:38 PM
Originally Posted by 95sn
I said "Delta Hoosier believed" the election fraud BS. Everyone who believed, everyone who gave money was ripped off. 100% grift. No, the numbers never said there was fraud. Lying Donald Trump said there was fraud, 100% of the voter fraud BS originated out of only his mouth. If DJT believed there was fraud, he is clinically insane,25th amendment. If he didnt believe it, its a straight up 100% grift. Clinton nor Abrams never tried a violent insurrection, never collected a penny from supporters to "Stop the Fraud" and then kept all the $$. Neither tried to send alternate electors to steal the election. None of them teamed up with violent militias. None of them brought 60+ lawsuits to challenge the election only to lose 60 cases. Even from judges he appointed. Dude, if you arnt afraid, tune in and see how wrong you have been for years. Seems you not watching makes you a simple minded target for ridicule.
I already showed the numbers in kalifornia. logarithmic growth in democrat voter totals in the state and linear growth for Republicans. Historical trends have been linear for generations until the democrats passed motor voter registration, giving illegals licenses and ballot harvesting.
Clinton did not try violence? What do you call all the rioters during Trumps swearing in?
Police injured, more than 200 arrested at Trump inauguration protests in DC
Bursts of chaos erupted on 12th and K streets as black-clad “antifascist” protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police lined up in an eastbound crosswalk.
Anti-Trump protests also broke out Friday in US cities, including New York, Seattle, Dallas, Chicago and Portland, Oregon. Authorities in Seattle say one person was in critical condition at a hospital with a gunshot wound. Demonstrations also took place overseas in Hong Kong, Berlin and London.