Join Date: Jun 2005
09-05-2019, 8:01 AM
Remember our Friend Brent ?
Join Date: Nov 2009
09-05-2019, 8:05 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-05-2019, 8:19 AM
Not surprised one bit. Most sane people knew it was a farce in the first place. It's merely one more example of just how evil and deceitful the left is. It's just the tip of the pure evil iceberg.
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-05-2019, 8:53 AM
^^^ Correct, everyone knew it was a Joke. But that did not stop DemaCraps, from putting on a “Made for TV Trial” Like in the video the guy who wrote that book. “Seek & destroy” points out that there was a Left wing political machine that was ready and waiting to attack anyone who was to Be nominated. That’s pure evil!
Can you imagine when RBG kicks the bucket. And TRUMP gets another pick. The poor person is gonna be rung threw the ringer
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-05-2019, 9:33 AM
They already had attack strategies geared up for every top name on this list for the supreme court. Even that evil womans first remarks under oath said she was lying. She said she wanted to talk about what happened to her when her and Brett were in high school. Not what Brett did to her in high school. If you really believe you were a victim and wanted your pound of flesh, right out of the gate you would not use your accusers name separately.
The democrat party really believes that are leading a proletarian revolution. Ironic is the they are bourgeoisie.
Join Date: Nov 2009
09-05-2019, 10:02 AM
oooooh Brett. Sorry Graham wasn't sure who you referring to.
You find it surprising that the fact that he was gonna be SCOTUS associate justice was a factor? Good grief. Look at the very significant public ridicule she has suffered from coming forward. Not sure why it should be surprising that she weighed the significance of his post against her own personal exposure. Remember, she essentially got outed and wanted to remain anonymous in the first place.
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-05-2019, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by shawndoggy
oooooh Brett. Sorry Graham wasn't sure who you referring to.
You find it surprising that the fact that he was gonna be SCOTUS associate justice was a factor? Good grief. Look at the very significant public ridicule she has suffered from coming forward. Not sure why it should be surprising that she weighed the significance of his post against her own personal exposure. Remember, she essentially got outed and wanted to remain anonymous in the first place.
Not if you listen to her lawyer speak. Her lawyer makes if very clear that Ford's goal as well as hers was to spoil anything he ruled on in regards to Roe v Wade. Some democrats are even wondering why this lawyer is saying these things out loud and could be in some hot water.
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-05-2019, 4:04 PM
Please answer the question below .
1. I’m a complete idiot
2. I’m a complete idiot that lives in my Moms basement
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-05-2019, 5:09 PM
Hey Wake77
It’s ok I would be embarrassed to
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-06-2019, 1:44 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Please answer the question below .
1. I’m a complete idiot
2. I’m a complete idiot that lives in my Moms basement
So let's just get this straight. You can't even get the guy's name right for your thread and I'm "a complete idiot"? Google the word (and make sure you take a little extra time to make sure you spell it correctly) IRONY.
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-05-2019, 10:08 AM
Who TF is Brent?
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-06-2019, 4:27 AM
So wake you didn’t like BRENT either. Lol lol lol love how triggered you dema
Craps. Did I not mention his pro noun. Are u upset
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-08-2019, 3:43 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
So wake you didn’t like BRENT either. Lol lol lol love how triggered you dema
Craps. Did I not mention his pro noun. Are u upset
What are you even talking about? What do "pro nouns" have to do with this conversation?
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-08-2019, 9:01 PM
Wake 77
How do you Identify?
3. 48 other versions ?
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-09-2019, 2:14 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Wake 77
How do you Identify?
3. 48 other versions ?
4. perpetually insane but think it's everyone else
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-11-2019, 9:12 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Wake 77
How do you Identify?
3. 48 other versions ?
How do you Identify?
1. Dumbf@ck
2. An embarrassment to your senile parents
3. Both of the above?
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-09-2019, 4:07 AM
5. Gay sailor
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-11-2019, 9:11 AM
Originally Posted by markj
5. Gay sailor
No, that is your dad.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-12-2019, 5:37 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
No, that is your dad.
DERP! Weak. You're so witless and bad at smack talking. I would feel sorry for you, but you just keep asking for it.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-12-2019, 6:17 AM
Originally Posted by markj
DERP! Weak. You're so witless and bad at smack talking. I would feel sorry for you, but you just keep asking for it.
His mother feels sorry for him, we might as well too. I can't imagine how miserable the guy is on the inside. The only time he can look himself in the eyes is when he gets dumped & has to stand in front of the mirror telling himself "you're not small, he just had a worn out butt hole"
Last edited by wombat2wombat; 09-12-2019 at 6:22 AM.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-09-2019, 5:42 AM
That seems pretty spot on, Mark. Good find
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-11-2019, 9:11 AM
Originally Posted by wombat2wombat
That seems pretty spot on, Mark. Good find
We could go to Pornhub to view pics of that daughter of yours.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-12-2019, 2:32 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
We could go to Pornhub to view pics of that daughter of yours.
You're such a sad sad little man. Every person on this forum knows you're nothing but a mental midget. Even if she was on pornhub, that'd make her more successful than you as a failure of teacher who's moved on & still makes s**t fifty an hour
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-11-2019, 9:43 AM
Mark and his old lady:
Join Date: Mar 2018
09-11-2019, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
Mark and his old lady:
Then I need to party with Mark and his old lady. Seem pretty cool to me.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-12-2019, 5:34 AM
Originally Posted by DeltaHoosier
Then I need to party with Mark and his old lady. Seem pretty cool to me.
LOL Any time, bro.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-12-2019, 4:34 AM
What's more disgusting; "Grab her by the pu**y" or a loser on a forum stuck in repetitive attacks on a teenage girl? Thought you were a liberal who supports women, pu**y boy? But when it suits your small mind that's the only insult you can come up with? Basically you're openly admitting you really are everything I say you; Angry lonely mental midget who's probably also friendless over his outbursts.
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-12-2019, 4:55 AM
Wake Just my 2c Better to be on PH then on Grinder like you.
BTW: I didn’t think this thread could go any lower, but just when you think this thread hits Rock Bottom we go even lower! BTW I’m guilty of digging.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-12-2019, 5:27 AM
Originally Posted by grant_west
Wake Just my 2c Better to be on PH then on Grinder like you.
BTW: I didn’t think this thread could go any lower, but just when you think this thread hits Rock Bottom we go even lower! BTW I’m guilty of digging.
It would also mean a teen girl earns more than him & he's just a F*G on grinder.
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-12-2019, 5:32 AM
What the heck is Grinder?
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-13-2019, 2:28 AM
Originally Posted by markj
What the heck is Grinder?
I'm not sure. Ask Grant and Wombat. It seems they are well-versed on it.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-13-2019, 3:46 AM
Originally Posted by wake77
I'm not sure. Ask Grant and Wombat. It seems they are well-versed on it.
How can you be so witless? You fight like a girl. Are you really this uncreative & weak?
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-13-2019, 5:08 AM
Originally Posted by wombat2wombat
How can you be so witless? You fight like a girl. Are you really this uncreative & weak?
Yes. He is. He proves it every day he’s here. It is kind of entertaining watching him flail. Not once has any like-minded, lefty on any thread come to his defense. Not once. Mic drop.
Last edited by markj; 09-13-2019 at 5:14 AM.
Join Date: Sep 2018
09-13-2019, 5:24 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Yes. He is. He proves it every day he’s here. It is kind of entertaining watching him flail. Not once has any like-minded, lefty on any thread come to his defense. Not once. Mic drop.
By far he is the worst troll ever. Proving the left is bunch of mindless witless jacka**es that can't meme either. Too much anger to be funny. Too obtuse to be taken seriously
Join Date: Jun 2005
09-13-2019, 6:09 PM
Ok I get it NOW: so many times Wake has asked What is?......... What is that?......... Who is this?.......... Him pretending to NOT know what “Grinder” is!!!!!! IT all make sense now!!!
Denie & Devert ! LOL LOL LOL
Join Date: Apr 2005
09-17-2019, 5:16 AM
Looks like corn pop (wake77) has run away with his tail between his legs. lol
Join Date: Jan 2009
09-25-2019, 2:38 AM
Originally Posted by markj
Looks like corn pop (wake77) has run away with his tail between his legs. �� lol
Look at the three man circle jerk. Still crushing beer cans on each other's heads and proclaiming how cool they are.