Got a call last nite from Bre and Blake C. up at the Shasta Wakeboard Camp letting me know that Chris has been dropping TS9's as of late along with a variety of other new tricks. Boy have I missed pulling him this summer and I think this is the first time I wasn't in the boat when he learned something new, but I know he's been super happy up there and loves being an instructor for Mike. Being a proud dad never ends no matter how old your kids are!
How much longer will Chris be teaching at the school this Summer. I guess he hooked up with some of my friends this last Friday or Saturday and got a pull behind my their malibu. They told me he was doing toeside 9's. Thats sweet! Would like to cruise by and say hello one of these days.
I don't know Chris, but I do know Doud & Beast. If he hangs with those clowns he is cool in my book. Congrats on the 9s!! WCC is spreading its influence!!!