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Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-15-2012, 12:26 PM Reply
Old     (ottog1979)      Join Date: Apr 2007       06-20-2012, 9:18 AM Reply
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-20-2012, 9:24 AM Reply   
Its the owners fault.
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-20-2012, 10:15 AM Reply
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-20-2012, 10:25 AM Reply   
"– A Virginia infant is listed in stable condition following an attack that involved the family dog, a Jack Russell terrier, according to Corey Byers, Public Information Officer with the Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office."
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-20-2012, 10:29 AM Reply   
Byers said a family member found the dog biting the newborn in the infant’s bassinet Tuesday evening. The child, said to be less than a month old, suffered more than 30 dog bites, Byers said. The baby was initially taken to Fauquier Hospital for treatment, but later flown to Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church.
You don't get flown to another hospital after 30 dog bites for nothing

I like this though
Jack Russell are born to hunt,” said Lillian Leno. “It’s not that they want to hurt a baby, It’s when they hear a baby crying they don’t know if it’s a child or an animal to hunt.”

Leno said it is for that reason she won’t sell a Jack Russell to families with small children. She said she has heard of instances in the past where a Jack Russell attempted to get into a baby’s bassinet, but the child’s mother was able to stop the dog in time.
So starting an anti Jack Russell revolution.
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-20-2012, 11:21 AM Reply   
The grieving mother of an 8-month-old boy killed by a dog bite last week called the death a “tragic accident” and expressed disbelief that the pit bull that seemed to watch over the infant like a protective parent would ultimately end the baby’s life.

“Never in my life I thought that would happen,” the single mother said
Consistent theme amongst owners. Certainly not all but pretty consistent.

When the baby crawled into the bedroom, Zulu bit him on the head once and let go, the mother said.
Again, life ending damage after just one bite! Where as the Jack Russel bit the other child 30 TIMES and he is stable.
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-20-2012, 11:33 AM Reply   
Just a question but can you give me some of your background with these animals because at this point I'm just assuming youre a dog bigot talking out of your ass either out of fear or trying to get a rise

Holy crap these things are little devils

Last edited by williamburell; 06-20-2012 at 11:38 AM. Reason: .
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-20-2012, 11:44 AM Reply   
Small dogs can sure be mean, but the difference is they don't kill people.
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-20-2012, 12:58 PM Reply   
sure they do. I posted 2 links in the above post. Amazing that you have learned the ability to post online without being able to read first. Wait you use the program that types what you say right?
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       06-20-2012, 1:16 PM Reply   
As much.

Hey, I get it. You have pits. You're going to defend them. I hope it works out for you.
Old     (wake77)      Join Date: Jan 2009       06-20-2012, 1:41 PM Reply   
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Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-20-2012, 1:52 PM Reply   
^ding. Everyone wants to blame something besides people.

15k murders a year in the US and we find it hard to believe that people only f'd up 20 dogs enough to kill someone. Blows my mind. It doesn't even require beating a dog to turn them. Just tie them up and walk away like lazy people do every day with everything else
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-20-2012, 2:04 PM Reply   
Just a question but can you give me some of your background with these animals because at this point I'm just assuming youre a dog bigot talking out of your ass either out of fear or trying to get a rise
Assume what you will, I could care less. Regardless of what you have said in earlier post I'm going to have to assume that you don't see the inherant and potential danger of pitbulls. Drawing a correlation to Jack Russlles is akin to saying getting into a backyard brawl with Urkel is the same as getting into one with Kimbo Slice. Dog bigot? No. But I am of the "typical" Pitbull owner, something you are looking more and more like with sophomoric name calling.

I have been attacked and or accosted 4 times by pitbulls. Thats my experience with them. One has been very nice to me and still wound up coming at me twice on different occasions. Never by any other dog or at least I cannot recall which likely means I didn't feel attacked or in danger.

Wake, we have established that the owners share in the blame for these attacks.
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-21-2012, 5:30 AM Reply   
Assume what you will, I could care less. Regardless of what you have said in earlier post I'm going to have to assume that you don't see the inherant and potential danger of pitbulls. Drawing a correlation to Jack Russlles is akin to saying getting into a backyard brawl with Urkel is the same as getting into one with Kimbo Slice. Dog bigot? No. But I am of the "typical" Pitbull owner, something you are looking more and more like with sophomoric name calling.

I have been attacked and or accosted 4 times by pitbulls. Thats my experience with them. One has been very nice to me and still wound up coming at me twice on different occasions. Never by any other dog or at least I cannot recall which likely means I didn't feel attacked or in danger.

Wake, we have established that the owners share in the blame for these attacks
I call bs on you being ACCOSTED 4 times by pits although dogs do sense emotions so maybe they are just picking up on your hatred. What exactly do you mean "came at you". I know you aren't saying a pit bull tried to attack you and you lived to tell about it. You must be an ex seal or something b/c those dogs are like walking armies of death and destruction.

I see the dangers of any dog not just a pitbull. I see the fact that most pit owners suck and thats why I work for a non profit pit bull education group.
I see that some people can't realize that the dog is not inherantly mean but instead trained and abused to become that way much like other breeds have been in the past.
I see that you have very minimal exposure to pits and are pretty much full of it and making decisions based on media induced fear.
I see that people suck and that the people looking to ban pit bulls can't see 3ft in front of their faces to understand that this is a repetitious pattern over decades targeting different animals when the only correlation is that people owned them.

At what point does the responsibility shift to the owner. You guys keep posting the "I never thought my dog could do that" bs. What is the owner supposed to say after their child was killed. Oh I beat the dog alot, kept it chained outside for 18 hours a day, and didn't feed it enough so its natural prey drive as an animal took over. I don't think that would go over as well. People are full of crap. Like I said I find it shocking that more occurences don't happen instead of less. People manage to raise 15,000 killers a day in their own children but only 33 dogs. In my book quite frankly that makes dogs better than people. My dog doesn't look at someone with tattoos and say "oh he must be a rapist" or see a kid in baggy pants and think "oh he must be a thug". Dog's don't judge and they are a product of what we do with them. So sick of people blaming an innocent dog for what humanity does to it. Want a real shock? Go look at what people are sentenced to for abusing animals or neglecting them to the point this happens.

Did I name call? I called you a bigot.

1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people.

Sounds like I hit it on the head actually but yea I was just hoping they would toss this crap thread into the trash. Its an argument that is never won nor will the uneducated ever care to.
Old     (jason_ssr)      Join Date: Apr 2001       06-21-2012, 8:53 AM Reply   
Understanding that something is a killer is not being a bigot, or having a predefined negative view. Cars kill people, but I dont think of cars negatively. I also dont pretend they only kill under the worst of circumstances. I owned hundreds of cars before I was 16yrs old. However when I got one that was big enough to kill others in the public, my responsibility to the rest of society changed. All cars are not equal. Some fit in your pocket, and others are as long as a schoolbus. We all insure our cars, but why are some cars more expensive to insure? is it because the insurance companies dont want you to have a cool car? No, its because some cars end up in bad situations more than others. Its not the cars fault for being born a supercharged V8, but it is one nonetheless.

The problem here in the US is that we personify pets as people, and as part of the family the truth is, that they are not. They are a piece of property. They are nothing but a domesticated animal. We see their actions and we give it human meaning, like trust, loyalty, happiness, anger, saddness. We let them interact like they are just one of our children. They arent. Yes, they can be taught to act civil, but that is not a guarantee of safety, even in the most loving household.

I dont care what dangerous property you own, you can guarantee the safety of the public if you choose to. It may mean you dont get to walk your dog down the neighborhood streets, or play off leash. But, it is your obligation to do so.
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-21-2012, 12:50 PM Reply   
I call bs on you being ACCOSTED 4 times by pits although dogs do sense emotions so maybe they are just picking up on your hatred
One instance I detailed earlier, 2 others were when I was a kid riding my bike by the same dog both times I was able to kick off and ride away fast enough. This same dog wound up being put down for repeatidly attacking cars that drove by. Once was in Mexico (Tecate) on a missions trip when I was with my friend whom was bit. The other was when Roxy charged me while I was on my porch and she had gotten off her leash. Here again I stood up to the dog and kicked at her and she ran back. I have lived next to Roxy for nearly 7 years now. I have been in the same room as Roxy several times, pet her and she still will fly off the handle. Today again on my run, two dogs fenced in a yard, one a pit the other I have no idea. The pit comes blazing up to the fence snapping and popping, barking up a storm and not attacking me simply because a fence got in its way. I made not today how the other dog was acting. It didn't even bark! Nothing! Here we have two different breeds raised by the same owner acting completely different. One docile and the other violently. Hows that work?

My "experience" with them has not been positive and any reasonable person would likely feel the same way.

You guys keep posting the "I never thought my dog could do that" bs. What is the owner supposed to say after their child was killed. Oh I beat the dog alot, kept it chained outside for 18 hours a day, and didn't feed it enough so its natural prey drive as an animal took over. I don't think that would go over as well. People are full of crap.
Nice job insinuating that everyone that lost a child to a violent pitbull attack is a liar, that they all beat their dogs and created a killer. Your representing the hell out of your "non profit" bud.

1) n. bigot: A bigot is someone who holds predefined negative views about a class of people.

Sounds like I hit it on the head actually but yea I was just hoping they would toss this crap thread into the trash. Its an argument that is never won nor will the uneducated ever care to.
So which class of people does the pitbull fall into?
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       06-21-2012, 1:19 PM Reply   
Here again I stood up to the dog and kicked at her and she ran back. I have lived next to Roxy for nearly 7 years now. I have been in the same room as Roxy several times, pet her and she still will fly off the handle. Today again on my run, two dogs fenced in a yard, one a pit the other I have no idea. The pit comes blazing up to the fence snapping and popping, barking up a storm and not attacking me simply because a fence got in its way. I made not today how the other dog was acting. It didn't even bark! Nothing! Here we have two different breeds raised by the same owner acting completely different. One docile and the other violently. Hows that work?
LOL so hold on. The killing machines that are pitbulls were scared off b/c you kicked at them? Either the dog was not attacking you or you are full of crap. If a dog is "attacking" it doesn't run away b/c you kicked it or kicked at it. That would just piss off a dog especially if it was truly such a dangerous dog. Either way the truth is you are full of crap, a wuss, or your story doesn't match up.Also if you keep petting and being around a dog that you think is dangerous or will fly off the handle you are a freaking moron and deserve to get an arm full of teeth. I mean seriously you sit here and talk about the damage these dogs can do and how dangerous they are but then you say you pet one that "flys off the handle". I mean do you run pass these dogs because you missed the short bus?
Nice job insinuating that everyone that lost a child to a violent pitbull attack is a liar, that they all beat their dogs and created a killer. Your representing the hell out of your "non profit" bud.
Screw you dude. You don't know a thing about me or what I do.

I'm done with this horse**** thread. You guys can continue your circle jerk of close minded bull**** by yourselves.

Last edited by williamburell; 06-21-2012 at 1:27 PM.
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-21-2012, 2:26 PM Reply   
LOL so hold on. The killing machines that are pitbulls were scared off b/c you kicked at them? Either the dog was not attacking you or you are full of crap. If a dog is "attacking" it doesn't run away b/c you kicked it or kicked at it. That would just piss off a dog especially if it was truly such a dangerous dog. Either way the truth is you are full of crap, a wuss, or your story doesn't match up.Also if you keep petting and being around a dog that you think is dangerous or will fly off the handle you are a freaking moron and deserve to get an arm full of teeth. I mean seriously you sit here and talk about the damage these dogs can do and how dangerous they are but then you say you pet one that "flys off the handle". I mean do you run pass these dogs because you missed the short bus?
Roxies owner happens to be my friend and when she is around him she is just fine but when he's gone and she gets out (which has happened a few times) she has come at me twice. I know no other reaction to a dog but to get as big as I can, loud and kick to hopefully scare them off. It has worked a few times. Apparently you don't know this breed as well as you think if it should only prove to provoke attack all the more. You are a fool and have proven with every post, especially the last. Funny that you can level personal attacks at me then flip out when I return the favor. Tell ya what cheif I'll take a little video of the two dogs on my run (oh and again nice job insulting the learning disabled) and you can see the difference in the two dogs raised by the same owner.
Old     (steezyshots)      Join Date: Feb 2008       06-22-2012, 11:01 AM Reply   
Pit Bulls were paramount to the creation of the United States. So if you don't like pit bulls you're pretty much saying you don't like America!
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       06-22-2012, 11:41 AM Reply   
So was enslaving and slaughtering Native Americans. As a Native American (yes I actually belong to a tribe) I don't like those things either.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       06-27-2012, 5:55 PM Reply   
And another in San Diego once again:
Old     (jason_ssr)      Join Date: Apr 2001       06-29-2012, 6:42 AM Reply   
guys, when they are not mauling children they are the sweetest dogs ever! Stop acting like they are harmful!!
Old     (wakeboardingdad)      Join Date: Aug 2008       07-04-2012, 7:12 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by williamburell View Post
^ding. Everyone wants to blame something besides people.
Owning a Pitbull or other ferocious dog is very similar to owning weapons. Remember the slogan: Guns don't kill people, people do. Or something like that. The owner must ensure these (guns) weapons are not misused, especially by kids. Just yesterday, I was sleepy so I layed on the couch to watch some judge shows. They had a dog attack suit where a fellow had his two fu-fu dogs doing their biz in a common area of a complex. Then all of a sudden a pitbull comes up, ruins the party and tries to kill fu-fu one. The owner jumped on the pit and rescued fu-fu one only to have the pit decide to chase down and attack fu-fu two. Before the pit caught the second dog the owner arrived and called the dog off. The irony of the defendant's case (who had pictures of her loving pit with sunglasses on and playing with her daughter) was how she chastised the owner of the two fu-fu dogs for not having leashes. All the while, the pit who was the aggressor also had no leash. Why? Because it pulled out of the collar (supposedly). This should not have happened because a dog like that should be in a harness, not a collar. In the gun world, this would be like carrying a revolver, with a hair trigger, cocked and in your Nike b-ball shorts waistband, hoping it would fall out whenever the waistband started inching towards your knees from under your azz. BTW, after seeing the wounds of the first dog, the fu-fu dogs owner's hand and leg and hearing about the previous two dogs that were attacked by the pit, the judge awarded the $3K to the plaintiff.
Old     (dakid)      Join Date: Feb 2001       07-04-2012, 8:12 AM Reply   
guns can't act on their own.
Old     (wakeboardingdad)      Join Date: Aug 2008       07-04-2012, 4:48 PM Reply   
Originally Posted by dakid View Post
guns can't act on their own.
True, but you can't leave a gun lying around hoping everything will be okay, just like you can't let a ferocius animal "lie around" without proper restraint hoping everything will be okay.
Old     (95sn)      Join Date: Sep 2005       07-05-2012, 9:57 AM Reply   
Im planning on getting a dog in the next couple weeks. Went to 2 humane societies in the area to check out the opportunities. Id guesstimate there were 70-75% pits and chi-wah-wahs split fairly evenly in the over 300 dogs at the 2 places. Thought that it was interesting.
Old     (peter_c)      Join Date: Sep 2001       07-05-2012, 11:56 PM Reply   
The only dog to ever attack my sweet 14 year old Brittany was a Pitbull. It ran from across the street and tore her hind quarter off. $1,500 dollars later she will walk with a limp forever and wakes up so stiff she can hardly stand up. I have a reminder every day how much I hate the breed.

BAN PITBULLS! Oh wait they already did in some ways since they have to be spayed or neutered at 4 months old in my home county. Good luck on the home owners insurance too, as they can cancel your policy if you have a Pitbull at home. We are only a few more dead babies away from a total ban. Reality is often harsh.
Old     (Mahoney86)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-12-2012, 11:22 AM Reply   
I must say, it makes me sad to be an american with how ignorant and uneducted people are, its no wonder why the mass population can be so easily swayed by the media.

I will not even get into how i have been an AKC/UKC breeder of Pitbulls and Amstaffs for 10 years, have handled these "viscious" dogs for almost 20years and have spent my entire life around these dogs. I consider myself a very responsible owner and I am not one of these people who tries to hide the fact that these dogs were bred for DOG fighting, it is the dogs history and as the saying goes the only way you can make a better future is by not forgetting the past. These dogs were indeed bred to fight dogs, that is one thing a responsible owner can not forget. Though as vicious as dog fighting was, the dog men of the day had very strict rules about pitbulls being human aggressive. These dogs were bred to be the ultimate companion and the ultimate fighting machine. When a dog was wounded in the pit, its only way out was by the hand of a human being, therfore the breed had to be extremely loving and accepting towards humans. Very strict rules of human aggresion were laid down and if a dog in the pit were to bite a human, it was to be automatically killed. Is this a tough rule, certainly, but it is also RESPONSIBLE. This rule has followed many pitbull owners to this day including myself... If one of my dogs were to ever bite a human, it would be killed, because there is no need for a human biting animal.

Once the sport of dog fighting was finally and thankfully made illegal, the pitbull needed a new job. The dog men of the time carefully bred out dog aggression in their bloodlines, which evolved into the working dog, they were used on farms, as babysitters, in battles for our country, and even at Westminster's dog show every year. Baid traits can be bred out through selective breeding. Almost every single breed in the world today was made out of selective breedings for a specific task. God, Allahah, Jesus, Mother Nature, Jah, whatever your religion be did not make every breed out there, it was done through careful breeding of certain traits. When I do a breeding, i plan the breeding for years, tracking back many generations to ensure my dogs have 0 dog aggression in their lines, they are extrmely family oriented, and are excellent specimens of the breed. Again its responsible. Certainly their are low life scum bags who still fight dogs, and just plain morons out there who think because they have a male and a female dog, they should be bred because it will make them money. THis has become the American way, I see loads of jackasses breeding all these "designer breed dogs" like Cockapoos and Labadoodles because they paid a ton of money for theirs, so they figure why not breed ours. 99.9% of dog owners have no idea about health testing, Bloodlines, Conformation traits etc.... they see $$$ that is all. And unfortunatey because pitbullsare the "must have dog" for tough guys and inner city kids, they are bred like crazy with no regard to temperament or aggressiveness.

I also blamde the ASPCA for a lot of this breeds problems. Years ago there were no dog boutiques and puppy mills. if you wanted a dog you had to know a breeder. THe only way you were finding a breeder was through going to dog shows and fidning a breeder or through a friend or family member who knew a breeder. Buying a dog through a reputable breeder who has registration papers, actively shows/competes with their dogsis who you want to buy a dog from, Not from the local newspaper, or Sally's Puppy Paradise around the corner.

I dont care what breed it is, i would never let them be unsupervised, I would certainly never let them be unsupervised with a child. TRAIN YOUR DOG, period.

But hey, lets do the American way and blame it on someone else right? If its not Eminem its Marilyn Manson and Kids are killing eacother because of video games and children are idolizing rappers who shoot other rapers. We are creating a society that cannot take any blame on itself. Cupcakes are banned in schools because a mother cant force her fat son to stop playing videogames, all children have to get "particpation trophies" even though they are terrible athletes because we dont want anyones feelings to be hurt. Real life happens one day people, there are winners and losers, there are poor and rich.

Its funny almost every one here had no problem inviting this "vicious dog" into your home for years, but now you want him killed

We had no issues with this vicious warrior protecting our soldiers and fighting for our freedoms and til this day is the only cannine to ever recieve a Purple Heart Medal

Now that Im all fired up im stepping off my soap box. We all have our rights and opinions, whether you or for or against the breed, please be intelligent and not some dumb media drone. Become knowledge able.
Old     (jperkinsttu)      Join Date: Mar 2008       07-13-2012, 3:38 AM Reply   
Well said ^^^
Old     (jason_ssr)      Join Date: Apr 2001       07-13-2012, 5:41 AM Reply   
There is no question that there is a right way and a wrong way to breed dogs. However, we dont live in a perfect world and because of that we are all at risk because of someone else improper behavior. Nobody wants them killed. The public wants owners to be held to a higher standard as a form of protection and accountability. I look at it like buying guns. Your average american can walk into a store to buy a gun. The same is true for a dog. Your average American can own a machine gun, but there are a few hoops to jump through and you just cant go to a Walmart and get one. There are background checks, and sign-offs from authorities and tax stamps and waiting periods. Why is this? Its because we realize that all guns are not equal, and some types need a greater responsibility to handle. There arent that many machine guns in civilian hands relative to standard semi autos because these hoops are cost, time and effort prohibitive. However, those who love machine guns and use them in a proper way can have all they want.

If there were something even remotely similar in place for these powerhouse dogs, you and the other responsible lovers of the breed would still be doing your thing, while the less desirables who are causing the issue would move on to something else.

To me, owning a pit is like owning a Corvair. If history serves, it will probaly blow up and hurt you. But if you watch it closely and baby it enough, it might not. Kind of a stupid hobby when you look at it logically. But then again so is having your body dragged across liquid by a spinning blade in an attempt to hurl yourself into the air to do acrobatics, knowing the risk of bodily injury from a fall, the inhalation of the liquid, and the return of the spinning blade to pick you up can all kill you. lol
Old     (Mahoney86)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-13-2012, 7:24 AM Reply   
^^^ at least this was a logical post so +1 on your view. I can respect a different view point when its thought out and educational sounding.

As far as you saying "ou and the other responsible lovers of the breed would still be doing your thing, while the less desirables who are causing the issue would move on to something else." This is totally not true when it comes to Breed Specific Laws. There is no grandfather law or special permission for a responsible owner. If BSL were to be passed in my town, the government does not care whatsoever about how my dogs visit nursing homes on the weekends as therapy dogs, they will say oops sorry its a pit bull, either move to another down or your dog will be taken and killed within 30days... How is that justice? We accuse people of racism and prejudices everyday... Should we force all of the any people who "look" like inner city kids because thats where the majority of shootings and murders happen to limit the chance of a killing in our rural neighborhoods? How ridiculous would that sound....

What people don't realize is the BSL laws ban ANYTHING resembling a pit bull or anything that has a pit bull mix in it.... So anyone with Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bullterriers, American Bulldogs, etc... will a lll be ripped from your home and family. All too often people assume that because a dog has a large head its a pit bull. My Amstaffs and Pitbulls are some of the best specimens of the breed, and the sad thing is when I take the dog to the park or pet store most people ask, hey what breed is that? When I say it is a pit bull, there response is oh wow, i thought they had these massive heads and were really vicious dogs. These dogs are nothing like that.... It just further proves how uneducated and ignorant society has become

Old     (jason_ssr)      Join Date: Apr 2001       07-13-2012, 12:25 PM Reply   
BSL banning a breed is foolish, but "type specific regulations" would not be a bad idea. For example, how many pit attacks in the public are from a dog that "got out". How about regulate restraints? If you have one of these dogs that is deemed a public threat, then he cannot be roaming free in your yard without X type fence of at least Y height, and a Z type latch mechanism. Im sure YOU wouldnt object to other owners as well as yourself being compelled to maintain certain safeguards. You as a good owner probably already do these things. Make other owners accountable as well, and make the penalties for non compliance harsh.

I think the point is, regardless of how they got this way, they are a threat to citizens if not properly managed. We need regulations on that management, so you can keep enjoying your dogs, and we dont have to be concerned with mitigating their risk.
Old     (Mahoney86)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-14-2012, 7:36 PM Reply   
^^^ I think that is totally a good reasonable plan of action. Myself personally yes. I have all 6' tall solid fences. Gates are all self closing and self locking. Beware of dog signs are listed, not because my dogs would hurt anyone, but for my owner precautions, i think anyone who owns ANY breed should be required to have beware of dogs signs because people forget all too often that dogs are still wild animals and could do whatever the please.

My dog runs are also heavy gauge welded wire 6' tall as well, therefore I essentially have 2 barriers that the dogs would have to get out of before it would be possible for them to "get out".

This is a logical approach, just as require all guns in a home to be locked or at least have a trigger lock on them etc...
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       07-16-2012, 10:24 AM Reply   
BSL banning a breed is foolish, but "type specific regulations" would not be a bad idea. For example, how many pit attacks in the public are from a dog that "got out". How about regulate restraints? If you have one of these dogs that is deemed a public threat, then he cannot be roaming free in your yard without X type fence of at least Y height, and a Z type latch mechanism. Im sure YOU wouldnt object to other owners as well as yourself being compelled to maintain certain safeguards. You as a good owner probably already do these things. Make other owners accountable as well, and make the penalties for non compliance harsh.

I think the point is, regardless of how they got this way, they are a threat to citizens if not properly managed. We need regulations on that management, so you can keep enjoying your dogs, and we dont have to be concerned with mitigating their risk. ]
To be honest this needs to be tougher for all breeds. If you take away the gun certain people will just bring a knife. The truth is not enough is done right now with the laws that are in place. I have personally reported evident rings in my area and nothing has been done by the authorities. Its always "we'll check it out" meanwhile I pass 82 cops on the way home doing nothing but hunting down old inspections. Theres just too large of a gap between talk and action in America. As an owner I think its sad I have to run my dogs 20' away from other dogs just in case the other dog starts something. I like in a 100% white suburban neighborhood and 50% of people love my dogs and 50% have never had interaction with the breed but are scared as crap of them b/c of media attention.
Old     (Mahoney86)      Join Date: Jul 2012       07-16-2012, 12:58 PM Reply   
Personally I would rather my dogs be run in a park way away from anyone. Not because I am worried about the reactions people will give me but I cannot even tell you how many people I see walking dogs off the leash or just running loose period and Im not talking about pitbulls Im talking anything from a foofoo dog to a mastiff. You also have no idea if people give their dogs immunizations as they should. I have known too many people have their dogs get sick and die from meeting a dog with Parvo or Mange etc in a public park.

But you are obsoletely right. I see more police giving seat belt, cell phone, inspection tickets then anything else. I guess it is more of an animal control dog and the animal control only cares that the dog is licensed, and well taken care of and well taken care of varies from person to person
Old     (peter_c)      Join Date: Sep 2001       09-26-2012, 9:09 AM Reply   
Time to bring this thread back after another child this time a helpless baby DIES!

From my post above.
We are only a few more dead babies away from a total ban. Reality is often harsh.


Or my dog gets attacked again by a Pitbull for no reason. So far I am at -$1,500 because of the first Pitbull attack, and the Pitbull is still running around the streets ready to attack other dogs and people.

Edit: Added in quote from my previous post.

Last edited by peter_c; 09-26-2012 at 9:13 AM.
Old     (slipknot)      Join Date: Aug 2001       09-27-2012, 12:36 PM Reply   
I have one for you. The other day the neighbor lady came over asking for help, with blood all over her hands, her dogs were fighting in the house. She has a "half pit" half lab that was about 35 lbs that was tearing into her 120 lb Mastiff. These dogs have lived together since the pitmix was a puppy. Both females. Her kids were in the house as well. Her husband was gone, so I helped her out. I entered and tried to get all three dogs out, (another 120 Male Mastiff as well). The two started fighting again. Necks bloddied, tongues bloddy, etc. I managed to get the Pitmix off the neck of the Mastiff by blasting it a few rounds with a broom handle. It then then proceeded to lunge at my chest neck area. I slammed it to the ground with a blast and got the dog cornered outside on the side yard locked it in and waited for Animal Services to arrive. Sad to say the owner of the dog had it put down. Should I have not gotten involved and let the dog kill the other one, it could have happened. Or was in right for helping someone in need of serious help? I am a dog lover as well. It was scary as hell let me tell you.

Last edited by slipknot; 09-27-2012 at 12:38 PM. Reason: error
Old     (JustinMD)      Join Date: Jan 2012       09-27-2012, 10:43 PM Reply   
“Never in my life I thought that would happen,” the single mother said Monday from her Lemon Grove apartment.

And it did. And it will again. And it will most likely be a pit.
Old     (migs)      Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: SF Bay Area       09-28-2012, 8:34 AM Reply   
Just yesterday. Kills grandma:
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       10-10-2012, 1:32 PM Reply   
AGAIN!!! and in San Diego once again, too.

NATIONAL CITY (CNS) - A pit bull attack outside a National City apartment building on Tuesday left a 4-year-old girl hospitalized with extensive injuries and the owner of the dog behind bars.
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       10-10-2012, 8:10 PM Reply   
The kills Grandma story was a 2fer...there was also a baby boy eaten by a pit while he slept.
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       10-10-2012, 8:23 PM Reply
Old     (slipknot)      Join Date: Aug 2001       10-19-2012, 8:25 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by brettw View Post
AGAIN!!! and in San Diego once again, too.

NATIONAL CITY (CNS) - A pit bull attack outside a National City apartment building on Tuesday left a 4-year-old girl hospitalized with extensive injuries and the owner of the dog behind bars.
thank god she is ok, if this would have happened in my yard with my kid, that dog would have had a bullet in the back of it's head in a matter of seconds. But thats what you get in the hood. I know its not the dog, its the owners. LMFAO
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       03-11-2013, 3:30 PM Reply   
Here's how this story just ended. Reading how this owner took 'care' of her dogs and given her blatant negligence, especially with this type of dog and it's known potential for great bodily harm, prison time is well deserved. It's too bad the dogs didn't attack her instead of her neighbor in the 1st place.

SAN DIEGO — A woman whose two pit bulls attacked her 75-year-old next-door neighbor, resulting in her death months later, was sentenced Monday to four years in state prison.

Carla Cornelio, 21, was convicted last month of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Emako Mendoza.

Cornelio’s mother, Alba, was also convicted but will be sentenced later because she is hospitalized with leukemia and a heart condition.

Attorney John O’Connell, representing Carla Cornelio, asked for leniency from the judge prior to sentencing.

“Carla did not commit this attack,” he said. “She did not kill Mrs. Mendoza. She’s a good person, providing for her family when her mother got sick. If it wasn’t for these dogs, you’d never see her in court.”

James Mendoza pleaded with the court to impose the maximum sentence, saying his wife “was completely tore up. I hope they do some suffering, just like my wife did. She suffered a lot.”

The victim had to have her left leg amputated below the knee. Doctors later amputated her right leg.

Superior Court Judge Richard Whitney said he was convinced by trial testimony that at least one of the canines was malnourished.

“The animals were neglected,” the judge said. “The animals were starving. The animals were poorly housed. The animals were feeding themselves.”

A female pit bull involved in the attack had “prominent” bones and the remains of two opossums in her digestive system when euthanized, indicated she had been hunting for food, the judge said.

Witnesses testified that the dogs got through a gap in a fence, ripping a hole near a metal gate that the victim’s husband had installed.

Prosecutor Makenzie Harvey told jurors that the defendants knew their dogs were dangerous because the canines had attacked a man and his puppy six months before the attack on Mendoza, which occurred in her Paradise Hills back yard garden the morning of June 18, 2011.

Mendoza was 76 when she died on Christmas Eve of that year.

The man in the previous dog attack suffered a minor wound but declined to press charges when the Cornelios offered to pay the poodle’s veterinary bills. No charges were filed since there were no witnesses to the attack.

The prosecutor described an enclosure in the Cornelios’ backyard constructed to separate the dogs from the human inhabitants as a “fortress.”

“These pit bulls were not pets,” Harvey said.

She said the Cornelios “were criminally negligent in allowing these dogs to get out and to attack” the woman.

O’Connell asserted that the canines were indeed pets, and noted that some sections of the backyard enclosure were only 4 feet high.

“The contention that these were super vicious dogs was not the case,” O’Connell said.

It was the the second time in 30 years that county animal services officials pursued a felony case against a dog owner.
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       04-13-2013, 8:41 PM Reply   
Somebody's going to prison on this one too. I hope.
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       07-11-2013, 7:37 AM Reply   
Another one in San Diego:

ENCANTO (CBS 8) - An eight-year-old boy is recovering from serious injuries to his arm, cheek, and ear after being bitten by a pit bull, according to San Diego Police.

It happened at Keiller Park near Woodrow Avenue and Lisbon Street in Encanto before 7:00 p.m. Wednesday.

Witnesses say a black-and-white pit bull mauled the young boy in the head shortly before police arrived and shot it three times with a shotgun.

"We could not risk another child being bit or anyone for that matter being bit in this park," said Lt. Brian Goldberg with SDPD.

The boy is expected to recover from his injuries, according to police.

One witness recorded video where the pit bull's last squeal is audible before police officers shot and killed it. She wonders if the police took the appropriate action.

"Why didn't you shoot him three times with a tranquilizer?" asked Rochalle Racine, who lives nearby. "And then put him down peacefully later."

A second pit bull broke the police perimeter after the boy was bit but that dog was eventually captured. Only the pit bull killed by police is said to have bitten the eight-year-old.

Attempts are still being made to identify the dogs' owner(s).

And does anyone not think Rochalle is a COMPLETE idiot???

""Why didn't you shoot him three times with a tranquilizer?" asked Rochalle Racine, who lives nearby. "And then put him down peacefully later."
Old     (wakereviews)      Join Date: Sep 2006       07-11-2013, 8:04 AM Reply   
Is that what she would have thought if it was her kid being mauled? What an idiot.
Old     (newty)      Join Date: May 2005       07-11-2013, 8:06 AM Reply   
I wonder if she'd feel the same if the pit were mauling her face or better yet her child's.
Such stupidity.

Let's see... let the dog maul the child longer and wait for animal control to show up with tranquilizers, or let the cops shoot the dog before any more damage is done. Quite the dilemma.
Old     (jperkinsttu)      Join Date: Mar 2008       07-11-2013, 8:07 AM Reply   
Agreed she's an idiot but you aren't going to ever let this thread go are you?
Old     (slipknot)      Join Date: Aug 2001       07-11-2013, 8:20 AM Reply   
So friggin sad. One of my stupid neighbors has a pit. Who I already had to save her kids and her from it. It was attacking their 120 lb mastiff. I beat it severely to get it off the other dog, then it attacked me. Mind you this dog weighs about 40 lbs. The dog should have been put down, but the owner saved it. Now its back home. If it tries to come and my yard and try anything funny like attack my kids or me or my dog, it will be shot on site right in front of the owner. Smoked for fun!

Here is another one that happened locally

Funny how most of them are in San Diego? So is that 5 or 6 in San Diego?

We got one of the best pit owners right here on film
Old     (machloosy)      Join Date: Mar 2013       07-11-2013, 8:48 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by williamburell View Post
I call bs on you being ACCOSTED 4 times by pits although dogs do sense emotions so maybe they are just picking up on your hatred. What exactly do you mean "came at you". I know you aren't saying a pit bull tried to attack you and you lived to tell about it. You must be an ex seal or something b/c those dogs are like walking armies of death and destruction.
I may be quoting an old post, but I just about lost my coffee reading this. "Walking armies of Death and Destruction" hahahahaha
Old    deltahoosier            07-11-2013, 9:07 AM Reply   
Kid was killed by his own dad's pitbull in San Jose a couple of weeks ago. The father was a police officer. I don't have to teach my boarder collie what to do because it is in the bread over hundreds of years. Pitbulls are dog aggressive and it appears time and time again treat children as lesser in the pack as well. it is a dominance issue. Only difference is my boarder collie tries to dominate, no one dies.

My jack ass neighbor had one pitbull and everything is cool. Now they have 3 and **** is hitting the fan. They have already busted 4 boards in our fence trying to get through to kill my dog.
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       07-18-2013, 1:56 PM Reply   
have been attacked and or accosted 4 times by pitbulls. Thats my experience with them. One has been very nice to me and still wound up coming at me twice on different occasions. Never by any other dog or at least I cannot recall which likely means I didn't feel attacked or in danger.
One instance I detailed earlier, 2 others were when I was a kid riding my bike by the same dog both times I was able to kick off and ride away fast enough. This same dog wound up being put down for repeatidly attacking cars that drove by. Once was in Mexico (Tecate) on a missions trip when I was with my friend whom was bit. The other was when Roxy charged me while I was on my porch and she had gotten off her leash.
can't count. now its 5 times

have one for you. The other day the neighbor lady came over asking for help, with blood all over her hands, her dogs were fighting in the house. She has a "half pit" half lab that was about 35 lbs that was tearing into her 120 lb Mastiff. These dogs have lived together since the pitmix was a puppy. Both females. Her kids were in the house as well. Her husband was gone, so I helped her out. I entered and tried to get all three dogs out, (another 120 Male Mastiff as well). The two started fighting again. Necks bloddied, tongues bloddy, etc. I managed to get the Pitmix off the neck of the Mastiff by blasting it a few rounds with a broom handle. It then then proceeded to lunge at my chest neck area. I slammed it to the ground with a blast and got the dog cornered outside on the side yard locked it in and waited for Animal Services to arrive.
omg now 6 times!

So friggin sad. One of my stupid neighbors has a pit. Who I already had to save her kids and her from it. It was attacking their 120 lb mastiff. I beat it severely to get it off the other dog, then it attacked me. Mind you this dog weighs about 40 lbs. The dog should have been put down, but the owner saved it. Now its back home. If it tries to come and my yard and try anything funny like attack my kids or me or my dog, it will be shot on site right in front of the owner. Smoked for fun!
So hold on........YOU'VE been attacked 6 times by a pit bull and you aren't dead, mamed, or hospitalized. Dude you are full of crap and just trying to add gas to the fire. Grow up. And by the way saying you would smoke a dog for fun makes you sound like psycho *******. I mean I'm not saying you aren't one but it def paints a picture of who you are as a person. No dog lover would EVER say that. You should seek attention from a professional and at minimum remove yourself from the internet.
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       07-18-2013, 1:57 PM Reply   
The father was a police officer. I don't have to teach my boarder collie what to do because it is in the bread over hundreds of years.
Old    deltahoosier            07-19-2013, 10:56 AM Reply   
You can not even quote properly. You try to point to my contention that I don't have to teach my boarder collie what to do because of breeding which is to heard animals as compared to contrast pit bull breeds are breed to kill other dogs.

If you would have liked to quote something and your little link proves in this case:

"Only difference is my boarder collie tries to dominate, no one dies."

You must work for TMZ or something. I guess I know someone who loves pitbulls and is blind to the reality. If you don't believe me, let your home owners insurance know you have pit bulls and see what happens.
Old     (slipknot)      Join Date: Aug 2001       07-23-2013, 9:39 AM Reply   
no William read the whole post before you post, 5 or 6 times in San Diego is what I said, and one personal account across the street from "my kids", and I saved the idiot mother (dog owner) her mastiffs and her children from their own dog. I beat the crap our of it with a broom handle, after it came at me, Yea thats right. And if it gets out and comes to my yard and attacks us, consider it dead. The LWRC is loaded and ready to go. If you had kids and they were at risk from one of these dogs you would do the same, and dont tell me you wouldnt, you would be lying. Remove yourself from the internet if you cant read the all the posts on the thread. And it I would do it for fun if it was attacking my kids, but I would also be saving there lives. Plus I am a doglover, and if any dog was attacking anyone should I let it continue to do so and just watch? I dont need to argue with you. You are way too smart for me obviously and know what you are talking about. And its not gas on the fire, its called real life experiences my friend. Hopefully you dont have to experience being involved with an unruly PIT. I would not want you to be attacked and have one of those jaws locked on yours or your kids necks. I am sorry you dont understand.

Last edited by slipknot; 07-23-2013 at 9:47 AM.
Old     (burban89)      Join Date: Nov 2006       07-23-2013, 1:10 PM Reply   
It is sad that only pits killing people are coming up. I was raised with dobermans and then in my early 20s I starting raising Pits and none of my pits have bitten anyone. My male that I have now has been attacked multiple times by small dogs and he just tries to get away. I keep telling people that if their dog actually does corner him where he cannot run he may fight back.

I have a small child and am very comfortable with her being around my Pit. The dogs that scare me are the little ones, those are the only ones who try to attack her. Chihuahuas especially. I am teaching her not to run up to dogs just for the simple fact ANY dog can ATTACK anyone at any time. I will blame the owner 99% of the time. I take my dog around people and other dogs. he is a playful and non violent animal. He has been provoked and ran away. Just like some people should not have kids, they should not have pets either!

Date Category of Dog Victim's name Victim's age Circumstances
October 30 Dachshund Christopher Johnson 2 weeks The boy died after the 6-year-old dog chewed off his legs while the mother slept in a nearby room. The dog was described as well-behaved by neighbors and friends.[48]

January 21 Labrador Retriever Megan Stack 2 years Early in the morning, her father heard her scream and ran downstairs to find the dog biting her head. The dog, "Toby", was 80 pounds, eight years old, and had been their family dog for nine months. She died of several bites to the head and neck. Experts expressed surprise, noting that the breed had been well known for its gentleness and for being good with children.[55]

March Airedale Terrier Tyler Dean Teter-Chilton 2 weeks The child was asleep in bed before his grandparents heard a noise and then found the dog shaking him in its mouth. The family had owned the dog for 9 years.[72]

October Pomeranian Girl - name withheld 6 weeks An uncle was babysitting the child and left her alone to prepare a bottle for her. When he returned, he found the dog attacking her.[78]

November Husky (2) Josie Simone Hearon 3 weeks Attacked when left alone in a bassinet.[90]

October 2 Great Dane Makayla Paige Sinclair 2 years Killed by 2 chained dogs when she wandered into their owner's yard.[111]

February 21 Beagle-mix Truston Heart Liddle 17 months Wandered with his brother from his parents, a farmer and his wife who were working their land, onto an adjacent farm. Got too close to a chained dog, who, although well-fed and watered, appeared to spend most of his time teathered in place.[117]

May 15 Labrador Retriever-mix,
Julia Beck 87 years Killed by her in-law's two dogs[153]

January 17 Jack Russell Terrier Justin Mozer 6 weeks Killed by his family's dog while sleeping on a king size bed[240]
Old     (williamburell)      Join Date: Sep 2011       07-24-2013, 1:20 PM Reply   
You can not even quote properly. You try to point to my contention that I don't have to teach my boarder collie what to do because of breeding which is to heard animals as compared to contrast pit bull breeds are breed to kill other dogs.

If you would have liked to quote something and your little link proves in this case:

"Only difference is my boarder collie tries to dominate, no one dies."

You must work for TMZ or something. I guess I know someone who loves pitbulls and is blind to the reality. If you don't believe me, let your home owners insurance know you have pit bulls and see what happens.
my apologies. After 50 posts etc it gets blurry. Plus the blind hate from some other posters was getting old and got my old arse grumpy.

My insurance is fully aware of my pits with no issue, my homeowners association has no issue, and my neighbors love my dogs. My dogs commonly play with the neighbors kids/dogs in our culdesac with zero issue.

It is sad that only pits killing people are coming up. I was raised with dobermans and then in my early 20s I starting raising Pits and none of my pits have bitten anyone. My male that I have now has been attacked multiple times by small dogs and he just tries to get away. I keep telling people that if their dog actually does corner him where he cannot run he may fight back.
It is indeed sad. I worked with a lot of rescues that worked with other breeds and I had issues with many dogs. Most of the pits I have worked with were extremely abused but bounced right back to life. It hurts to see a breed attacked for the crimes of the few. To me its a shame that people blame dogs and not people.
Old    deltahoosier            07-24-2013, 2:20 PM Reply   
No harm done. All good.
Old     (ottog1979)      Join Date: Apr 2007       11-13-2013, 3:31 AM Reply

Yet again.
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       11-14-2013, 2:45 PM Reply   
An old lady in my area was recently attached and mauled by two pits that got out. She wound up having a heart attack and dying.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       07-10-2015, 12:01 PM Reply
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-10-2015, 12:05 PM Reply   
care to post the video?? looks there are 8 other breeds to be concerned with as well

Last edited by denverd1; 07-10-2015 at 12:08 PM.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       07-10-2015, 12:20 PM Reply   
There was no video. You just scroll through it. 2nd place was the Rott with 535 human attacks and 85 deaths compared to the pit in first with 3,397 and 295 deaths.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-10-2015, 12:29 PM Reply   
Isn't that kinda like saying there's been more Chevrolet recalls than a competitor? because theres 10x more of them on the road? the huge popularity of the breed has more to do with those numbers than anything else IMO.
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       07-10-2015, 12:37 PM Reply   
No. No it isn't.
Old     (denverd1)      Join Date: May 2004 Location: Tyler       07-10-2015, 1:05 PM Reply   
haha! I knew better than take the bait. I used to care about the debate when I had a pit. He's been gone for several years.

Have a good weekend
Old     (psudy)      Join Date: Dec 2003       07-10-2015, 1:26 PM Reply   
lol. You too!!
Old     (skiboarder)      Join Date: Oct 2006       07-10-2015, 2:07 PM Reply   
Bit and mauled are two different things. There are lot of bites by small dogs, but you don't typically have to worry about a bite killing your kid. Pit bulls destructive capabilities pretty much exceed all other popular breeds--that is what makes them dangerous.
Old     (hatepain)      Join Date: Aug 2006       09-08-2015, 3:58 PM Reply   
Sad story for the family:
Old     (brettw)      Join Date: Jul 2007       10-20-2015, 2:17 PM Reply   
Poor kid. I can't imagine knowing your child went through this.
Old     (Cabledog)      Join Date: Dec 2013       10-23-2015, 11:12 AM Reply   
That just makes me sick to my stomach. The owners are responsible and should not have left the boy alone with them knowing their history.

We used to have a pit. Thor, was his name. What a bad ass dog. We treated him like a pet and a part of the family, not for protection. He was a great dog for several years, but then something snapped in his head and we couldn't keep him in the yard. Would jump the fence or literally eat through it. 2x4's and all. He never bit or attacked anyone but we had to get rid of him after that. Just couldn't accept the liability and destructiveness. Before that he was -is the best dog we ever had.
Old     (ottog1979)      Join Date: Apr 2007       12-03-2015, 12:42 PM Reply   
Yet again...

Don't see this headlines for collies, labs or poodles.
Old     (fouroheight68)      Join Date: May 2006       01-05-2016, 8:24 PM Reply   
Yet again... Happened locally here. Terrible.
Old     (bftskir)      Join Date: Jan 2004       01-06-2016, 8:45 PM Reply   
She's never seen any kind of violent behavior from these dogs. They're just lovable, playful dogs like any other dogs," Marquez said. "Never did she ever see any kind of sign that the dogs could be a danger to anyone, especially her little brother."

Famous last words of most every pitbull owner.
Old     (fouroheight68)      Join Date: May 2006       01-07-2016, 7:43 AM Reply   
Originally Posted by bftskir View Post
She's never seen any kind of violent behavior from these dogs. They're just lovable, playful dogs like any other dogs," Marquez said. "Never did she ever see any kind of sign that the dogs could be a danger to anyone, especially her little brother."

Famous last words of most every pitbull owner.
Did you see her youtube videos of the dogs? They were clearly loved animals from what I can tell, which discounts the theory of "its the owner, not the dogs". What person thinks it's OK to leave a 9 year old unattended all day, much less with 3 dogs, even much more less 3 pit bulls? Much Much more less 3 pitbulls who have had limited interaction with the boy (who recently moved from Florida). This is the definition of criminal negligence.
Old     (ottog1979)      Join Date: Apr 2007       04-23-2016, 8:38 AM Reply
Old     (ralph)      Join Date: Apr 2002       04-23-2016, 12:00 PM Reply   
For me the difference is like having a hand gun or an assault rifle. When things go bad with a pit then the damage is worse. IMO if your dog maims or kills someone you should be charged with careless use or man slaughter. That would certainly make people think twice about buying dogs with potential for mayhem.
Old     (grant_west)      Join Date: Jun 2005       04-23-2016, 6:39 PM Reply   
^^^^ how could you^^^
Pit bulls are the most loving animals!!!!!

LoL what a joke!

Ralph I agree with you 100%

I love how people "ACT" surprised when these pit bull attacks happen. Kind of like a shooting in Oakland at 4am on a Tuesday night . ( I was minding my own business and some on shot me ) Yup you should have been in bed sleeping for work. You wouldn't be have been shot if you were home in bed!

Sorry not one F was given during the reading of that story


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