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grant_west 05-31-2017 10:12 AM

Kathey Griffen's Trump photo
1 Attachment(s)
Yes people are condemning the photo, you Libs are really a piece of work.

05-31-2017 10:24 AM

You realize that almost everybody from the left and right are in unity over this vile photo yes?

ralph 05-31-2017 10:51 AM

Ya, it's in terrible taste, nothing justifies it

Dandy21 05-31-2017 11:02 AM

Sadly, it will probably end up being "good" for her. It keeps her in the spotlight. If a conservative actor (if there is such a thing) did this over the previous 8 years, the industry would have black listed them. Given how liberal Hollywood is, she is probably being praised among her peers.

This is clearly in poor taste and should not be condoned in any way, shape or form. I agree that for the most part, each side of the isle is disapproving this.

05-31-2017 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Dandy21 (Post 1959961)
Sadly, it will probably end up being "good" for her. It keeps her in the spotlight. If a conservative actor (if there is such a thing) did this over the previous 8 years, the industry would have black listed them. Given how liberal Hollywood is, she is probably being praised among her peers.

This is clearly in poor taste and should not be condoned in any way, shape or form. I agree that for the most part, each side of the isle is disapproving this.

Actually I would say she has clearly overstepped the bounds. Hollywood is condemning this as well. ****, even Olbermann said this has no place in politics.

Now lets see how Breitbart handled this. Simply reported, didn't condemn it, and the comments were positive!


grant_west 05-31-2017 11:23 AM

Im gonna take a page right out of the Libral hand book. Anything she has anything to do with I will avoid financially Amy Shumer same deal. Take Steve Colbert for example many were saying he was on his way down and out and he didn't start coming up in the ratings untill he started basing much of his material on Anti Trump stuff . In the media its good for you financially to be Anti Trump.

prowake 05-31-2017 11:23 AM

biggest difference is obama deserves it lol jk

shes a major celebrity. show me another major celeb doing this on the other side.. nope. wont see it

05-31-2017 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1959964)
Im gonna take a page right out of the Libral hand book. Anything she has anything to do with I will avoid financially Amy Shumer same deal. Take Steve Colbert for example many were saying he was on his way down and out and he didn't start coming up in the ratings untill he started basing much of his material on Anti Trump stuff . In the media its good for you financially to be Anti Trump.

You should! That is a very good way of protesting things you don't believe in. I will join in as well.

05-31-2017 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by prowake (Post 1959965)
biggest difference is obama deserves it lol jk

shes a major celebrity. show me another major celeb doing this on the other side.. nope. wont see it

Another ****ing strawman out of you. IQ means nothing if you don't know how to apply it apparently.

prowake 05-31-2017 11:50 AM

well, doesnt my argument kind of negate yours by blanketing it with applicable logic?

i do believe if I drew my remark first, THEN you said yours, it would be a strawman, because you would not be able to address it, like you cannot now.

I can easily address your dumb point by comparing the goofy funny costume to a bloody severed head

there are plenty goofy funny trump costumes and illustrations. Liberals always take it wayyyy too far, by spotlight individuals no less.

05-31-2017 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by prowake (Post 1959970)
well, doesnt my argument kind of negate yours by blanketing it with applicable logic?

i do believe if I drew my remark first, THEN you said yours, it would be a strawman, because you would not be able to address it, like you cannot now.

I can easily address your dumb point by comparing the goofy funny costume to a bloody severed head

there are plenty goofy funny trump costumes and illustrations. Liberals always take it wayyyy too far, by spotlight individuals no less.

Building up an argument that has nothing to do with the topic presented is a strawman. My argument had nothing to do with whether or not it was a celebrity, it was how Breitbart received another similar situation. Again, you clearly never made it far in school.

You think Obama in a noose is a goofy funny costume but a hanging Trump head is wayyy too far? What the **** is the matter with you?

05-31-2017 11:56 AM

CNN fired Kathy Griffin today. There you guys go.

Dandy21 05-31-2017 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1959963)
Actually I would say she has clearly overstepped the bounds. Hollywood is condemning this as well. ****, even Olbermann said this has no place in politics.

Now lets see how Breitbart handled this. Simply reported, didn't condemn it, and the comments were positive!


Nice find on that breitbart article. There is no place for that either. I don't understand how anyone feels it is acceptable to condone actions such as this. Don't get me wrong, not a fan of Obama or Trump. The one thing I can say about Obama is he seems like he would be a cool guy to have a beverage with...at least he was smooth, almost Billy Clinton smooth.

I realize that the beheading is not real, neither is the hanging of Obama, but if these actions continue to be accepted as "free speech", it may not be long until things get out of hand.

Politically, I tend to be conservative (running a family business will do that to you), but the reality is that somehow, someway we need to come together. The media needs to stop the propaganda BS to get ratings and report the actual news. It seems that the truth generally falls between the extreme left and extreme right, but the truth is hard to find.

prowake 05-31-2017 12:03 PM

why is perfectly ok and FUNNY for everyone to say "dumb blonde" jokes even in the presence of blondes?

is it funny because its true or what? Are blondes considered attractive so harsh attacks on intelligence doesnt matter?

dumb nig nog jokes are not excusable in any social gathering besides white racists... why? because many are dumb AND ugly af?

such a mystery

prowake 05-31-2017 12:06 PM

ohhh! i found out why

because blondes are actually more intelligent than any others http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/03...-smartest.html

05-31-2017 1:22 PM


Originally Posted by prowake (Post 1959974)
why is perfectly ok and FUNNY for everyone to say "dumb blonde" jokes even in the presence of blondes?

is it funny because its true or what? Are blondes considered attractive so harsh attacks on intelligence doesnt matter?

dumb nig nog jokes are not excusable in any social gathering besides white racists... why? because many are dumb AND ugly af?

such a mystery

What in the **** are you even talking about?

ord27 05-31-2017 3:19 PM

I've read that CNN didn't fire her, they just removed her from the New Years celebration.

It seems that son of Trump has tweeted CNN wanting to know if she is actually fired/removed from all things CNN.

that was this morning. There is the chance that I am 10 hours behind

grant_west 05-31-2017 3:27 PM

Well, one of Kathy's Sponsors the "Squatty Potty" ya know that foot stool that you put at the Base of your Tiolet to make you Poo better! I guess they flushed that Turd, So does this mean I should go buy one? LOL LOL LOL.

05-31-2017 5:41 PM


Originally Posted by prowake (Post 1959975)
ohhh! i found out why

because blondes are actually more intelligent than any others http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/03...-smartest.html

Dude have you ever even taken a stats class? Do you understand that table in the least bit or no? If you did, I doubt you would be making blanket statements again.

05-31-2017 9:25 PM


Originally Posted by prowake (Post 1959965)
biggest difference is obama deserves it lol jk

shes a major celebrity. show me another major celeb doing this on the other side.. nope. wont see it

Ted Nugent. Holy **** I didn't realize how dead on it is and the fact Trump defended his comments. LOL.

sidekicknicholas 06-01-2017 6:52 AM


Ted Nugent. Holy **** I didn't realize how dead on it is and the fact Trump defended his comments. LOL.
Surprised it took so long to see Teddy brought up. Dude is garbage - some things he has said about the former Pres / other candidates:

* Obama, he's a piece of ****, and I told him to suck on my machine gun. Let's hear it for him. And then I was in New York. I said, "Hey, Hillary, you might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch. Since I'm in California, how about [Senator] Barbara Boxer [D-CA], she might want to suck on my machine gun. And [Senator] Dianne Feinstein [D-CA], ride one of these you worthless whore. Any questions? [Ted Nugent via LiveLeak.com, accessed 10/1/12]

* Nugent On Then-First Lady Hillary Clinton: "You Probably Can't Use The Term 'Toxic ****' In Your Magazine, But That's What She Is." From a 1994 interview

* “We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their [the Obama administration’s] heads off in November,” Nugent said at the time. He added, “If Barack Obama becomes the next president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.”


deneng 06-01-2017 7:28 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1959999)
Well, one of Kathy's Sponsors the "Squatty Potty" ya know that foot stool that you put at the Base of your Tiolet to make you Poo better! I guess they flushed that Turd, So does this mean I should go buy one? LOL LOL LOL.

I love the Squatty Potty. It is a gem. It puts you in the perfect position to pass what is clogging your pipping system. I wish we could say the same for the democratic party. We need something to unclog them from the political system.

06-01-2017 8:31 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960031)
I love the Squatty Potty. It is a gem. It puts you in the perfect position to pass what is clogging your pipping system. I wish we could say the same for the democratic party. We need something to unclog them from the political system.

Yeah...you really have a leg to stand on after the Bush era.

deneng 06-01-2017 8:50 AM


Originally Posted by TheWakeIsReal (Post 1960037)
Yeah...you really have a leg to stand on after the Bush era.

This is 2017. Unclog this idiot.

fly135 06-01-2017 9:40 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960042)
This is 2017. Unclog this idiot.

Hypnotoad says... "Forget the past"

deneng 06-01-2017 9:54 AM

So many Libs in America have said as bad or worse . If CNN's Agnes Morehead had brown skin would she have the same consequences from this stunt?

shawndoggy 06-01-2017 10:23 AM

For all of you guys who decry the influence of Hollywood on the media, how come you care so much about what decidedly D minus celebs like Kathy Griffin and Ted Nugent have to say?

I mean have you seen Morris the Cat's position on the Paris climate treaty? Or what Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial has to say about global sex trafficking?

How about the rumor that Jimmy Walker is dating Ann Coulter (truth... stranger than fiction)?


deneng 06-01-2017 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1960074)
For all of you guys who decry the influence of Hollywood on the media, how come you care so much about what decidedly D minus celebs like Kathy Griffin and Ted Nugent have to say?

I mean have you seen Morris the Cat's position on the Paris climate treaty? Or what Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial has to say about global sex trafficking?

How about the rumor that Jimmy Walker is dating Ann Coulter (truth... stranger than fiction)?


You don't get out much do you. Still waiting for all the A-listers to leave the Country like they promised. Liberals are Evil or Ignorant.

shawndoggy 06-01-2017 1:01 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960089)
You don't get out much do you. .

What does this mean?


get out to places like the Fond du Lac County Fair?

I really don't care what this washed up has been has to say any more than I care what JJ things is dy no MITE! Or what Kathy Griffin has to say, to be honest.

If you are so over hollywood's influence, ignore it and it'll go away.

ralph 06-01-2017 1:16 PM

What i don't see is anyone defending this, where are these so called liberals who are supporting it?

grant_west 06-01-2017 3:11 PM

Ralph: Here is a page out of the liberal handbook. Below is "for the sake of argument"

Support may not come in the form of Vocal support for Kathy. Example "Silence is Compliance" If all of Kathy's sponsors or gigs pulled out and left her at Ground Zero then I guess I could agree with you 100%. Some supporters I'm sure are just hunkered down and gonna wait out the media backlash another week or so this will be old hat.

95sn 06-01-2017 3:31 PM

I believe it. In all the Roasts I have seen Ann Coulter (and all the other B,C and D level actors/comedians) they make her out o be pretty slutty.:)

fly135 06-01-2017 4:03 PM

Wow! Grant has the secret liberal handbook.

onlyinboards 06-01-2017 4:19 PM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1960074)
For all of you guys who decry the influence of Hollywood on the media, how come you care so much about what decidedly D minus celebs like Kathy Griffin and Ted Nugent have to say?

I mean have you seen Morris the Cat's position on the Paris climate treaty? Or what Mikey from the Life Cereal commercial has to say about global sex trafficking?

How about the rumor that Jimmy Walker is dating Ann Coulter (truth... stranger than fiction)?


AGREE! Who friggin cares what A, B or C-List Celebs think. I know I don't

grant_west 06-01-2017 4:45 PM


Wow! Grant has the secret liberal handbook
I never said it was Secrete, but its ok if you want to think that. Where do you think the term COMUNITY ORGANIZER,& Social Justice, came from did they just make it up a few years back?. You libs think everything you do is new & progressive, but in reality, it's the same ol $hit just warmed up again. "People who forget history are bound to repeat it" I wonder if you Libs knew you were just rehashing the past if you would feel so Progressive

ralph 06-01-2017 5:22 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1960135)
Support may not come in the form of Vocal support for Kathy. Example "Silence is Compliance"

Christ G. Lumping people together in to groups and homogenizing them is useful for making complex situations understandable but seriously labeling a large group of people as liberals (or Republican) and then assuming they all think the same thing is pretty childish. The world just isn't that simple.

fly135 06-01-2017 6:10 PM


Originally Posted by ralph (Post 1960144)
Christ G. Lumping people together in to groups and homogenizing them is useful for making complex situations understandable but seriously labeling a large group of people as liberals (or Republican) and then assuming they all think the same thing is pretty childish. The world just isn't that simple.

Exactly. These guys wouldn't know a real issue if it slapped them in the face. If these guys want to freak over KG, fine. But I couldn't give a crap. Just call her a a$$hat and move on. It's not a real issue. Silence isn't complicity. It's not giving a crap. It has nothing to do with jobs, healthcare, education, debt, trade deficits, or anything that matters.

grant_west 06-01-2017 7:11 PM

O Paleeze. where was all the "Libral Outrage" or the moderate Libs speaking out AGAINST all the violence & property damage during these Libral protests ?????? Example Crazy Libs pepper spraying innocent people in the face while giving a TV interview? https://youtu.be/x643kcoc8FU That's right ZERO, Nothing, Nada, Zip. SILENCE. Where was ALL the outrage from you "Nice peacefull Libs" saying this is wrong? I will wait here for a link or a video please break your self finding one.

ralph 06-01-2017 7:47 PM

That's the thing G, people you identify as liberal, don't think of themselves as liberals or indeed when they see people being vandals at a protest, they don't think of them as liberals either. So they just don't feel the need to say anything.

grant_west 06-01-2017 7:56 PM

2 major political party's in the country. D or R they are either one or the other. Personally I like all the acting out and child like behavior. That's gonna get The Republican Party 4 more years thank you very much. Keep acting out, Save Spaces, and Transgender bathrooms the Librals strong points LOL

ralph 06-01-2017 8:23 PM

If you know the system is broken why do you keep reinforcing it?

fly135 06-01-2017 9:14 PM

Ranting about people in the news is your thing Grant. I'm more concerned with policy issues of the govt.

brett33 06-02-2017 6:57 AM

Some people... smh


fly135 06-02-2017 6:57 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1960150)
O Paleeze. where was all the "Libral Outrage" or the moderate Libs speaking out AGAINST all the violence & property damage during these Libral protests ??????

Probably in the same place the "right wing outrage" over Greg Gianforte is being stored.

fly135 06-02-2017 7:00 AM


Originally Posted by brett33 (Post 1960172)

Still think the Mexicans are paying for that wall?

ord27 06-02-2017 9:58 PM

she's now playing the victim.

you can't make this stuff up

06-02-2017 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 1960244)
she's now playing the victim.

you can't make this stuff up

It's almost like its out of Trumps playbook.

ralph 06-02-2017 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by ord27 (Post 1960244)
she's now playing the victim.

you can't make this stuff up

Just saw her on the news crying that her career is over. I must admit i laughed out loud.

deneng 06-03-2017 6:39 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1960142)

I never said it was Secrete, but its ok if you want to think that. Where do you think the term COMUNITY ORGANIZER,& Social Justice, came from did they just make it up a few years back?. You libs think everything you do is new & progressive, but in reality, it's the same ol $hit just warmed up again. "People who forget history are bound to repeat it" I wonder if you Libs knew you were just rehashing the past if you would feel so Progressive

Brainwashing and heavy drug use. It is too easy to blame all the problems of the world on priviliged white. That ship has sailed. It worked for Obama when he decided to give away everything the U.S. had. Time to get a new plan losers . Even better don't get a new plan and keep doing what you are doing now.

fly135 06-03-2017 7:09 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960253)
Even better don't get a new plan and keep doing what you are doing now.

Pretty much the definition of Conservative.

06-03-2017 7:36 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960253)
Brainwashing and heavy drug use. It is too easy to blame all the problems of the world on priviliged white.

You entire campaign was built around blaming other people for your lack of success in recent years. It is everybody else's fault but yours.

deneng 06-03-2017 9:01 AM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1960255)
Pretty much the definition of Conservative.

Pretty much the definition of an old hippy with the same lame excuses. Yes who was in charge the last 8 years?

deneng 06-03-2017 9:03 AM

The old commie whore is crying crocodile tears. Democrat plan to make everyone a victim. Don't you all feel sorry for her?

06-03-2017 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960259)
The old commie whore is crying crocodile tears. Democrat plan to make everyone a victim. Don't you all feel sorry for her?

If you voted for Trump I wouldn't bring up the victim card. Guy has to be the biggest bitch ever.

grant_west 06-03-2017 11:05 AM

Imo great video

Tucker: Kathy Griffin embodies the modern left


wake77 06-04-2017 3:17 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1960265)
Imo great video

Tucker: Kathy Griffin embodies the modern left


You don't know what the F you are talking about. If "Kathy Griffin embodies the modern left" then Dylan Roof and Milo "embody" the right. The people that give a crap about Kathy Griffin are you Repubs with your phony outrage. Personally, I haven't seen anything from Kathy Griffin in the past several years. You morons are doing the opposite of what you should do. You are giving her the publicity and exposure she wanted. Congrats, idiots. You just made her millions of dollars in future earnings.

grant_west 06-04-2017 9:30 PM

Dear "Dong Tard" aka "Libra Tard snow flake" wake 77
Please name the Retards that are gonna give Kathey Griffin the Millions you speak of??!!! Please list them below. Point is no one cares about her or her point of view just like you.

wake77 06-05-2017 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1960360)
Dear "Dong Tard" aka "Libra Tard snow flake" wake 77
Please name the Retards that are gonna give Kathey Griffin the Millions you speak of??!!! Please list them below. Point is no one cares about her or her point of view just like you.

Networks, publishing companies, etc. In case you haven't noticed, we live in a society with a week-long memory. Hell, maybe she'll dye her hair blonde and join Fox and Friends.

You don't "care about her", yet you start a thread and repost the pic? You are a prime example of the "Retard" of which I speak.

wake77 06-07-2017 8:15 AM


grant_west 06-07-2017 11:36 AM

All of thoes images are inappropriate and I won't be defending any of them. Only thing I can say is what some dumb a$$ redneck decides to put in his front yard might not draw the nation attention and media back lash that this brought down on KG. Madonna and her stupid a$$ coments about blowing up the WH I knew the libtard would be ramping up after that. I guess you Libral Idiots found out where the Line was drawen

ord27 06-07-2017 11:42 AM

wrong wake

all of them bothered me.

I'm disappointed in the SS (or the media) that we never heard of anyone going to jail. I would expect even KG to spend the day being interviewed at a fed facility

deneng 06-07-2017 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1960595)

The left has done march's and has paid for this type of support. I don't know of anyone that supports this and that includes Alt. right. You have a twisted evil mind. You need some psychiatric help. Good luck in finding anyone to help you sick bastard.

deneng 06-07-2017 12:44 PM

https://youtu.be/khCtSPO6KCE . Wake here is one of your racist buddies screaming their hate and veil.

wake77 06-07-2017 2:24 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960616)
The left has done march's and has paid for this type of support. I don't know of anyone that supports this and that includes Alt. right. You have a twisted evil mind. You need some psychiatric help. Good luck in finding anyone to help you sick bastard.

Are you honestly saying the "left" is behind those anti-Obama pics?

A man that gets all of his information from Facebook proclaiming someone else needs "psychiatric help". Look in the mirror pal.

deneng 06-07-2017 7:39 PM

Open your eyes that is why you need help. The truth is in front of you . You just refuse to see it. That is either a sickness or you are evil.

fly135 06-08-2017 8:25 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960641)
Open your eyes that is why you need help. The truth is in front of you . You just refuse to see it. That is either a sickness or you are evil.

Dennie keeps trying to convince us he's an idiot and he thinks we don't see it.:rolleyes:

deneng 06-08-2017 8:45 AM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1960662)
Dennie keeps trying to convince us he's an idiot and he thinks we don't see it.:rolleyes:

Go back into your hole Turtle! You make no sense.

fly135 06-08-2017 8:54 AM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960664)
Go back into your hole Turtle! You make no sense.

That's because I don't speak caveman.

wake77 06-08-2017 3:53 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1960641)
Open your eyes that is why you need help. The truth is in front of you . You just refuse to see it. That is either a sickness or you are evil.

I got it. "Dennis Caveman. Conservatives do no wrong."

You are such a moron.

racer808 06-09-2017 12:10 PM

It's amusing watching everyone compare apples to oranges. The effigy's of Obama were done by private people & some that were identified lost their jobs, a Rodeo clown was fired & Hank Williams was removed from TV. This is not a first amendment issue, the first amendment protects from being prosecuted for your speech. NO ONE has been prosecuted for their pictures, speech or pictures. Ms Griffin answers to someone, in her case a news station, a sponsor & her venues. All of which were well within their rights to decide to terminate their relationships with her. Ted Nugent hasn't been relative since the early 90's & doesn't have to answer to anyone so he of course he didn't receive the same blow back.

deneng 06-12-2017 1:26 PM

[QUOTE=fly135;1960667]That's because I don't speak caveman.[/QUOTWhat are you babering about Libtard? What has your pussy all bound up?

06-12-2017 4:31 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1960667)
That's because I don't speak caveman.[/QUOTWhat are you babering about Libtard? What has your pussy all bound up?

I believe he is referring to your lack of literacy that you show on a daily basis here.

deneng 06-14-2017 1:43 PM

Arrest this Evil POS already. Right Wing politicians get of your ass. Left wing Communist Anti-Americal Liberals are not our friends. They fear the revolution in America to save this Country.

shawndoggy 06-14-2017 2:45 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1961103)
Arrest this Evil POS already. Right Wing politicians get of your ass. Left wing Communist Anti-Americal Liberals are not our friends. They fear the revolution in America to save this Country.

How'd that work out for Joe McCarthy?

racer808 06-14-2017 2:48 PM


Originally Posted by shawndoggy (Post 1961115)
How'd that work out for Joe McCarthy?

Amazingly you're too inept to see the vast differences in that comparison. Never mind McCarthy was also proved correct on many of the allegations after his death. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

wake77 06-14-2017 6:03 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1961103)
Arrest this Evil POS already. Right Wing politicians get of your ass. Left wing Communist Anti-Americal Liberals are not our friends. They fear the revolution in America to save this Country.

You support the man that will make the country worse.

deneng 06-15-2017 7:44 AM


Originally Posted by wake77 (Post 1961152)
You support the man that will make the country worse.

Explain yourself. I did vote for Gerry Brown twice, and am sorry i did, but i never voted for Obama. If you are talking about President Trump please explain yourself. That is if you are a open minded individual.

fly135 06-15-2017 8:35 AM

Jeremy, your pay for educating Dennie is that you get to be an "open minded individual". Wonder if that comes with a certificate. Because you'd definitely deserve one if you pull that off.

deneng 06-15-2017 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by fly135 (Post 1961204)
Jeremy, your pay for educating Dennie is that you get to be an "open minded individual". Wonder if that comes with a certificate. Because you'd definitely deserve one if you pull that off.

Lots of name calling turtle. Still did not answer my question. Nice to see you out of your hole by the way.

fly135 06-15-2017 2:00 PM


Originally Posted by deneng (Post 1961252)
Lots of name calling turtle. Still did not answer my question. Nice to see you out of your hole by the way.

LOL at the idea that you are owed an answer to your questions.

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