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boardjnky4 05-27-2014 2:34 PM

Harley Clifford - Crow Mobe 900


Rich_Bruening 05-27-2014 7:50 PM

uhmm...wow. +1 for sure

fusion134 05-27-2014 8:09 PM

Yeah and the next thing you will tell me is that the moon landing was real...

That was nuts.

Moose99 05-27-2014 10:50 PM

I see your Harley Clifford Crow Mobe 9 and raise you a Randall Harris Wrapped Nose Grab Toe Back 7 booted into orbit.


VinnyA 05-28-2014 12:20 AM

That clip from instagram was the same hit from this video posted on June 8th 2012
<iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/43573549" width="500" height="281" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Let's all just admire the fact that Harley put that on instagram shortly after Phil Soven put up his winning Crow 7 on his and then showed the standings.

Harley's Post -> http://instagram.com/p/ob0jnPnmm6/

PS that Randall Harris hit from Al Sur is gnarly. The entire movie was sick but that trick, holy ****.

boardjnky4 05-28-2014 6:10 AM

Didn't realize it was old, just saw it on facebook and it was ridic so I figured I'd share :)

Randall Harris hit is LEGIT. Dude's an animal.

behindtheboat 05-28-2014 1:34 PM

Hard to "admire" that he felt it necessary to do. Can only wonder at why and what the intent was, and really it doesn't matter, but it's funny Phil gets blasted so much for his attitude and competitiveness.

jarrod 05-28-2014 1:47 PM

Not sure if you follow these guys on Instagram, but but they poke at each other with this stuff all the time. Phil would have done the same thing.

behindtheboat 05-28-2014 1:55 PM

Makes sense, I don't really follow people that aren't actual friends. It is interesting on what gets the most views/attention/marketing potential between posting a freeride trick on social media vs winning a major competition. No one is really talking about Phil winning the Masters it seems, where people are talking about something that was actually a re-post from last year. And which actually has more relevance? Just pondering

cwb4me 05-28-2014 2:05 PM

Let's just enjoy watching the talents we are blessed to watch. They are pushing each other and the sport. Who knows where it will end?

VinnyA 05-29-2014 2:15 AM

Perhaps admire didn't carry the best connotation to describe what I wanted to say.
I laughed, although I don't think that this reflects poorly on Phil, he should be proud to have achieved that.
Props to him for being in 1st place right now.

To make this a data point about what's currently important in Wakeboarding though...
Harley's post has a ton of likes 3,522/47,552 followers = .074
Phil's video had a buncha likes 1,049/34,898 followers = .030
*Remember they were both posted within a few hours of each other.

take that as you will lol

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