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grant_west 02-12-2014 10:56 PM

When Animals Run the Zoo! (Oakland)
Just search Side Show and you will see some of Oaklands "finest" doing what they do best.
Act like complete idiots. Every moring we wake up and throw on the News and bet each other how many people got shot in Oakland over night.

We saw the local news last night and they had videos of the cops showing up to these side shows and quickley realizing they were out numberd and under attack only to run away. That's right the cops are running away from these idiots. Very sad!

Guys shooting guns out of their cars as it's nothing all while on video. Then if a cop hauls one of these idiots out and jacks them up the are accused of Racial Profileing or harassing!!! What a joke!
Legit people are home in bed on a weekday night at 3:30 in the morning sleeping because they have to get up for work. These roaches are out causing all kinds of trouble.

We need to bring our troops home and Invade Oakland.

Here is the video I'm talking about.


mendo247 02-13-2014 7:09 AM

Totally agree. I saw the news on Kron4 the other night. Made me sick to my stomach. This is a big issue. It will continue to happen until some sort of curfew is put in place. Then the national guard will come in to enforce it. The they will try to collect all our guns and the next thing you know Oakland will look like one of the countries we see overseas on the news battling with riot police.

grant_west 02-13-2014 7:47 AM

I hope they can Identfy the guys shooting in the video. You can understand why people in city's like Oakland want Gun Control. What they need is Birth Control. Idiots like the guy just shooting in the Air are Human Garbage and if I thought jail would "fix stupid" then the future might look brighter, but IMO this is a prime example of a group of people that just need to go away. Go a head and fill the jails with thousands of these idiots only for their to be more people just like them If not worse to take their place.

wakedaveup 02-13-2014 7:54 AM

Everytime I see stuff like this I think of the movie Friday where Craigs dad tells him to put the gun down and fight with his hands. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you live to fight another day. These cowards think a gun in their hand makes them a man. Taking an A$$ woppen would make them more of a man and I wish those cops would have lit those guys up with an assualt riffle when they shot at them. I know that would be a media nightmare but some people truly just need to be wiped off the planet.

grant_west 02-13-2014 8:23 AM

Yea and whats even more of a joke is People wondering why Oakland or other police can be heavy handed. They have to confront these types of people day after day. You have to assume the worst and hope for the best when dealing with these people. I would hate to be a cop in Oakland. It would be like being a soldier in hostile territory and your under gunned and out man'd and "O and by the way your suposed to respect the people that want to kill you! Accepting applications, low Pay, Crappy hrs, and the best benifit you get to deal with these types of people on a daily basis.

wakedaveup 02-13-2014 8:28 AM

I hear you man, much respect for those guys, the second video where the mustang tries to get away and the two cops run to the windows in the middle of the crowd.... that was BRAVE haha. Incredibly out numbered and dark out, I bet they all pooped themselves while running to that mustang.

Dmac420sj 02-13-2014 11:35 AM

National guard needs to step in and take control. At a certain point if a community can't respect other members of it their rights need to be stripped and need to be dealt with in a heavy handed fashion in my opinion.

Dmac420sj 02-13-2014 11:36 AM

**** oakland!prime real estate wasted.

markj 02-13-2014 11:13 PM

What's the definition of mass confusion?.................. Father's Day in Oakland.

phathom 02-13-2014 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by grant_west (Post 1864788)
I hope they can Identfy the guys shooting in the video. You can understand why people in city's like Oakland want Gun Control. What they need is Birth Control. Idiots like the guy just shooting in the Air are Human Garbage and if I thought jail would "fix stupid" then the future might look brighter, but IMO this is a prime example of a group of people that just need to go away. Go a head and fill the jails with thousands of these idiots only for their to be more people just like them If not worse to take their place.

Like gun control does anything for criminals who obviously don't obey the laws there anyway. Every single one of those in the videos with a gun and who are firing it are already violating so many laws there in the first place. Does anyone really think that putting more words on paper is going to make these degenerates obey them? They obviously have no respect for the law or other people to begin with. The cops can't enforce the laws there so they don't follow the laws there.
It is a breakdown in society that needs a drastic change.
I do agree about absoultely everything in your post though.

grant_west 02-14-2014 6:42 AM

Surf; I agree it's frustrating to see people abusing their 2nd amendment and giving reason for people to fear guns. All the rules in place and more on the books that do nothing to address what your seeing in the video. People who just don't care. IMO that "Oakland additude" is we don't give a F! It starts with the Raiders and their roach fan base, and they seem to Market to that crowd or be the poster boy for bad behavior. This is the wasted youth that I'm talking about. Oakland is a beautiful place that has many great areas. It's so crappy that a small minority can cause so much drama. I have become so numb to the violence in that portion of the bay Aera that when the news reports someone was shot and killed I instantly think "one more roach dead" and that's a horrible thing to think. The only reason I pay attention is to see if it was some innocent looking person someone hit by a stray bullet inside their house ect.

brichter14 02-14-2014 7:48 PM

Our country is filled with trash like this. White, black, yellow brown whatever it doesnt matter. People being REWARDED by the government for being lazy, unproductive and having more children.

With our current system of corrupt politicians on both sides of the isle only worried about getting reelected, redistricting to ensure their election and doing NOTHING in congress to help the american working people.

Major CHANGE does need to occur.

1. 28th amendment to limit the terms of congress members.
2.29th amendment to abolish gerrymandering of districts
3. Tough requirements for government aid. Include drug tests to that as well as FINES for having children while on welfare. This would include harsh restrictions on food stamps. That means no Taco bell or mtn dew. Just necessities. Get a job to afford luxuries.

Too many parasites, video above proves that.

Froggy 02-15-2014 5:19 AM

30th amendment Congress shall pass no law that dosnt apply to itself.

Laker1234 02-15-2014 5:43 AM

I bet they have insurance!

phathom 02-17-2014 11:50 AM

I would love amendment 28-30 added. Especially 30!

Dmac420sj 02-18-2014 7:51 AM

The laws are one thing. But the laws not being enforced due to fear are the real problem here.

supersonicmi 02-18-2014 3:19 PM

This is such a complicated issue. 28-30 sounds good but it can't just be fixed with a few laws. There are issues in areas like Oakland (where the crime rate has been one of the highest in the nation for a couple decades running) with enforcement, gang culture, teen pregnancy/birth rates, lack of education and the list goes on.... then even if you can enforce the laws, what happens when you lock all the criminals up? there is already overcrowding in the prison system, which also puts strain on the states monetary policy and since CA is broke that's a huge problem... the question is where to spend the money, in outreach/prevention or enforcement or detainment (let's be serious, prisons do not rehabilitate).

The reason that the gov't will never fine people for having children while on welfare is because the children will in the end be who suffer the most... these people wont cut back on their taco bell and mtn dew to pay the fine, but their child might go without some care...

Lastly, its seeing something like this that makes me thankful we have the right to own guns, it provides a means for an honest citizen to protect themselves from someone like that... would suck if the only people who had them were the criminals like those dudes in the video!

phathom 02-18-2014 3:32 PM

I think one big problem is the prison system. Do like Mexico does. Feed them basic rations. If they want more than that, their family has to come provide that for them.
Don't give them luxuries like TVs or anything. Don't pay for them to go to school and get a degree in there.
If prisons were actually hard on criminals you wouldn't have people who wouldn't care if they go back or not. Some go back on purpose because they'd rather be there then out in society paying their way.
If you dropped out of school, you can't hold a steady job, you have no life skills, and you don't qualify for government assistance. Living in a prison where you have your own or shared cell, 3 meals a day, a gym, the opportunity to earn a degree and/or learn a trade you wouldn't before, have an allowance you earn for doing chores around the prison to buy yourself stuff like junk food and movies.
It's the ghetto equivalent of hipster kids living off their parents or with their parents while going to school for years on end. The only differences are 1: a criminal record if/when you get out of the system, 2: tax payers pay for it and have no choice to cut you off or not, 3:not as safe and free

TLDR:Make prisons suck and you'll have people scared/not want to to go to prison.

Dmac420sj 02-18-2014 4:14 PM

Prison sucks! If you don't learn your lesson from being there it's cuz your retarded.

supersonicmi 02-18-2014 5:27 PM


Originally Posted by Dmac420sj (Post 1865282)
Prison sucks! If you don't learn your lesson from being there it's cuz your retarded.


On a lighter note, I have to say that I really thought when I clicked on this thread the first time I was going to see pictures of a elephant running loose in a Zoo like Jumanji or something, that would have been amazing!

barry 02-19-2014 8:33 PM

If prison sucks then why do over 52% of parolees end up back in the system within 9 months? Some will tell you they prefer prison because they can't handle the outside.

Prison sucks for the tax payer, not the criminal.

Dmac420sj 02-20-2014 8:31 AM

^because they are retarded ****s that should have been swallowed!

steezyshots 02-20-2014 10:15 AM

I have an idea for prison, it's called Bingo Prison

For all violent crimes, like Murder, Rape etc

You have a sentence of 3 months. Every time you want to eat, Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner you get a bingo ball. After every meal 5 people get executed based on their bingo ball being drawn. If you can last the 3 months the chance of you returning is slim to none...

phillywakeboarder 02-20-2014 10:24 AM

I thought this was gonna be about the giraffe that got slaughtered and fed to the lions . . . .

jeff_mn 02-21-2014 8:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dmac420sj (Post 1865282)
cuz your retarded.

oh, the irony.

Dmac420sj 02-21-2014 9:54 AM

Jd don't poke fun at my text grammar. But when i start giving a **** about what you think ill let you know first. Okeedohkee

jeff_mn 02-21-2014 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dmac420sj (Post 1865591)
Jd don't poke fun at my text grammar. But when i start giving a **** about what you think ill let you know first. Okeedohkee

If you were only half as cool as you think you are.

Dmac420sj 02-21-2014 10:30 AM

If I was half as cool as I thought you were I'd be freakin awesome!! #goplayhockeyjeffery

supersonicmi 02-21-2014 1:33 PM

Ya know, you 2 could always end this little pissing match you have going the Oakland way... all you need to do is wait till about 3 in the morning, go meet up on a corner somewhere, perform some completely idiotic and poorly maneuvered stunts with your cars and then start shooting at each other... oh yeah, and don't forget to bring a friend to videotape the whole thing... pretty sure that will solve things nicely... besides, then both of you will be as cool as the dudes in the video!

Dmac420sj 02-22-2014 6:34 AM

But I'm more of a 4 wheeler then a drifter! Maybe he can bring his sedan and I can park my jeep on Top of it..

supersonicmi 02-22-2014 8:56 AM

Haha, I like it... adding a personal touch to an already established thing is never a bad idea!

steezyshots 02-25-2014 10:39 AM

Build a cage around Oakland and let the monkeys kill each other

Dmac420sj 02-25-2014 10:52 AM

^lmfao!! Damn!!!

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