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wakeskatethis 08-18-2011 1:25 PM

Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
Almost 10 years later its time for the truth


wakeboardertj 08-18-2011 1:55 PM

I was thinking about making a similar thread. I watched Loose Change 9/11 twice over the weekend and there's no doubt in my mind it was an inside job. The single most compelling piece of evidence was the super nano thermite particles found in the dust from the WTC's. I don't put it past our government one bit, thieves and murderers.

jtnz 08-18-2011 3:40 PM

I don't believe that the buildings could just fall down like that. After watching controlled demolitions you can see the striking similarities in the way the buildings came down. It is exactly the same.

I'm not an architect, or an engineer, but for a building to naturally fall in that fashion without some kind of influence outside of the fires seems impossible to me after being presented the facts in the video. Maybe the fire would have taken the building down, there is the argument that jet fuel burns hot enough to make the steel fail, but I don't see how it could fall straight down as we saw on September 11th.

08-18-2011 3:49 PM

When I went to the site for my Master's program I was amazed how St. Paul's Chapel was basically untouched, not even a broken window. How did building seven fall when a church built in 1764 located directly across the street survived without a broken window?

rdlangston13 08-18-2011 4:28 PM


Originally Posted by SamIngram (Post 1702596)
When I went to the site for my Master's program I was amazed how St. Paul's Chapel was basically untouched, not even a broken window. How did building seven fall when a church built in 1764 located directly across the street survived without a broken window?

they dont make em like they used to.

and for the record it had more influence than just a fire that contributed to it, a friggin passenger airliner hit the damn thing at over 300 mph! i am amazed how that did not just knock it over right away.

wakeskatethis 08-18-2011 4:37 PM

David = FAIL

No friggin passenger airliner hit the damn wtc7.

brettw 08-18-2011 5:46 PM

I don't believe we landed on the moon either. That whole thing was so obviously staged.

Where's that infowars guy when you need him?

behindtheboat 08-18-2011 10:09 PM

Whatever you believe, it is odd they didn't test some of that, and have hidden results for "public safety". Freaking me out now

rdlangston13 08-19-2011 8:33 AM


Originally Posted by wakeskatethis (Post 1702609)
David = FAIL

No friggin passenger airliner hit the damn wtc7.

my bad, i was referring to the main buildings. dont think i have ever seen any pic or video of building 7. it was on fire and then just fell?

psudy 08-19-2011 8:38 AM

Yep. They couldn't cover up the lack of WMD in Iraq, but taking down buildings on american soil. Easy.

rdlangston13 08-19-2011 8:59 AM


Originally Posted by psudy (Post 1702780)
Yep. They couldn't cover up the lack of WMD in Iraq, but taking down buildings on american soil. Easy.

that's what I am saying, and even if the govt did do it, why would you worry about building 7? i mean you only need the main 2 to go to war.

it would have been much easier to plant wmd's in iraq than to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks.

brettw 08-19-2011 9:06 AM


pierce_bronkite 08-19-2011 9:27 AM

I have never believed in conspiracy theories of the twin towers or the Pentagon but how does building 7 always seem to not come up when 9/11 is mentioned? It like it no one ever knew how and why it collapsed.

wakereviews 08-19-2011 10:47 AM

<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DhHzMttUKO0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&versi on=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DhHzMttUKO0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&versi on=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>

behindtheboat 08-19-2011 10:55 AM

I'm confused. What buildings are being referred to in all of these? ^^^^Is that the same building that eventually collapsed perfectly in on itself?

wakereviews 08-19-2011 11:12 AM

if you watch their 30 minute video (from the links on YouTube from the OP's video) you will see that they segue into WTC1 and 2 from their hypothesis about 7. But you are right, the OP was about building 7. Sorry.

fly135 08-19-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by rdlangston13 (Post 1702789)
that's what I am saying, and even if the govt did do it, why would you worry about building 7? i mean you only need the main 2 to go to war.

it would have been much easier to plant wmd's in iraq than to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks.

Good point. It's hard to fathom why they would blow up building 7 when the main towers were the target. If anything it would increase the chance of getting the whole secret operation blown.

It would also be very difficult IMO to drill the columns and place the explosives in a building without anyone having a clue.

wakeboardertj 08-19-2011 3:21 PM

John, the movie Loose Change 911 has a pretty good hypothesis to how the explosive themite was planted. There was hard evidence of the explosive residue in the dust. Did that magically appear?

wakeskatethis 08-19-2011 7:40 PM

Ian, this is for you. I am sure you know much more than Mr. Avery

guido 08-22-2011 10:34 AM

Makes you wonder doesn't it. Get's even more interesting when you learn what was housed in building 7.

While we're on the subject.... What exactly do you think hit the Pentagon, because it sure wasn't a airliner. I remember thinking on that day that it seemed an odd shape opening for a plane.

"Loose Change" is good. It gets you thinking at the minimum.

mudsurfer 08-23-2011 8:14 PM

I was sitting in my boxers talking to a guy name Larry the other night on my shortwave radio and he said the government had human hybrid babies in building 7, he said they found them in Texas in a old cave left over from the ice age... er aaaa wait... that was the x files movie, sorry... Please disregard....

diamonddad 08-23-2011 11:42 PM

People who believe this conspiracy crap should consider bettering the world by not having children.

wakeboardern1 08-24-2011 6:52 AM


The picture that they frequently used for showing the damage to the pentagon was actually on an inner ring. It was the hole punched by one of the engines. The outer hole is just a massive hole, with plenty of room for the plane to have hit. The conspiracy sites try to say that there's no wing damage on the building, but there is, it's just not the cartoonish holes they're looking for. Wings are not made of heavy heavy materials, and they will sheer off. They also point to unbroken windows and the cable spools that haven't moved out front. First off, if the wings hit a reinforced part of the building, there is going to be a lack of energy transfer to shatter the windows. Secondly, a cruise missile's explosion would have shattered those windows with the overpressure wave. It also would have moved those spools.


And it probably would have taken out the outer ring in a somewhat more, destructive manner.

I also watched Loose Change, and a lot of it was mumbo jumbo that conspiracy theorists attempted to cobble together from limited pictures and what not.
They all complain that there weren't a lot of pictures of the pentagon's damage... Well it is the pentagon and there is classified material in there, I doubt they want to show a lot of pictures of stuff that might have been torn out of the building in the crash. Just saying.

sidekicknicholas 08-24-2011 7:05 AM

WTC 7 did have some curious happenings the day off - one being:


One of the most interesting tenants was then-Mayor Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management, and its emergency command center on the 23rd floor. This floor received 15 million dollars worth of renovations, including independent and secure air and water supplies, and bullet and bomb resistant windows designed to withstand 200 MPH winds. 2 The 1993 bombing must have been part of the rationale for the command center, which overlooked the Twin Towers, a prime terrorist target.

The day of the attack, Guiliani and his entourage set up shop in a different headquarters, abandoning the special bunker designed precisely for such an event

sidekicknicholas 08-24-2011 7:29 AM


Wings are not made of heavy heavy materials, and they will sheer off. They also point to unbroken windows and the cable spools that haven't moved out front. First off, if the wings hit a reinforced part of the building, there is going to be a lack of energy transfer to shatter the windows. Secondly, a cruise missile's explosion would have shattered those windows with the overpressure wave. It also would have moved those spools.
I have a family friend who works in the Pentagon and was there that day - actually was outside at the time of the hit (parking lot across the lawn from the side that got hit) and said he can say with 100% certainty that it was NOT a plane

...also with the blast/explosion -- my guess is they removed any sort of normal warhead/expolsives... just enough to cause some chaos, not total destruction.

*Edit: I don't really have an opinion either way on this stuff whether we completely had it planned or it was all terrorist - I do 100% the governement knows more than they let on -at least of the details leading up to the attack - not that they planned it, but had an idea something was coming.

wakeskatethis 08-24-2011 7:59 AM

So GD... You really believe that WTC7 fell because of fire?

wakeboardern1 08-24-2011 9:49 AM

So if it wasn't a plane, then someone hijacked the plane, killed all the passengers, and then sent a missile into the building... What's the point?

sidekicknicholas 08-24-2011 10:10 AM


So if it wasn't a plane, then someone hijacked the plane, killed all the passengers, and then sent a missile into the building... What's the point?
Is that a serious question?
Have you read any other posts in this entire thread?... in-case you haven't, some people believe that government planned/plotted/executed 9/11 to go to war.

brettw 08-24-2011 10:36 AM

I can't believe there are still conspiracy theorists out there. Don't you think it's a little hard to deny the fact that there were thousands of witnesses that saw planes hit the Pentagon? Has anyone even read through the stuff in this link or is just more fun to carry on with the conspiracy b.s.?


fly135 08-24-2011 11:40 AM

But Brett, a friend of a friend said he saw the Klingons shoot a photon missile at it. And there's lot of conclusive evidence of Vulcan involvement. How do you explain that?

hatepain 08-24-2011 11:44 AM

Popular Mechanics did an issue going over every conspiracy theroy and using science debunked each and everyone of them. There was a good special on the Discovery channel on it. Not sure if many of you guys know this but loose change was done by an 18 year old kid and a couple of his buddies.

sidekicknicholas 08-24-2011 12:08 PM


But Brett, a friend of a friend said he saw the Klingons shoot a photon missile at it. And there's lot of conclusive evidence of Vulcan involvement. How do you explain that?
I 100% think it was a plane, he on the other swears it wasn't.... my guess is in a moment of chaos like that, you have no idea what you're seeing and try and piece it together later from what others say

wakeboardertj 08-24-2011 1:38 PM

So a plane slams into the twin towers, and the whole thing comes down in FREE FALL and everything turned to dust? REALLY? and WTC 7 becomes the first building in history to collapse in free fall from a fire that didn't even burn for more than a couple hours? BS. A building falling in free fall means there is no resistance underneath it, it looks exactly like a controlled demolition because and it was. I don't know how else anyone can explain the findings of thermite reactions in the dust of the WTCs. Even more bogus is that NIST didn't even test for explosive residue.... really?

Dr. Steven Jones - "He cites research conducted at BYU on materials from ground zero, asserting those materials show evidence of thermite, a compound used in military detonations. He says terrorists could have never set those charges" Of course BYU trashed this career for coming out with hard evidence of the thermite reaction.

rdlangston13 08-24-2011 8:29 PM


Originally Posted by wakeboardertj (Post 1703994)
So a plane slams into the twin towers, and the whole thing comes down in FREE FALL and everything turned to dust? REALLY?

i was not there in person but every video I saw showed the two towers started their collapse at the level at which the plane struck. which to me would suggest that the plane had damaged the building and then after the fuel burned the rest of the structure in that area that was not destroyed by the initial impact was significantly weakened by the heat of the fire and could no longer support the weight of the remainder of the building on top. This caused the top to fall and the rest of the structure was never designed to hold hundreds of tons or debris falling on it and it drug the rest of the building down with it. I have no comment on building 7 as I never looked into it much.

The hole in the front of the pentagon was definitely large enough to fit the fuselage of a plane.

The real interesting thing is now that we have a lib in the white house and this is supposed to be a conservative conspiracy, then why doesn't Obama come out with the truth to totally smash the GOP? You know he has access to all the information to do so, if it exists.

One last thought, I really like the argument earlier about WMDs. How is our government good enough to destroy multiple buildings on our own turf but so dumb cannot plant WMDs to justify a war that we started?

wakeskatethis 08-24-2011 8:36 PM

David... Because our government does not care. They do what they want when they want and until the people wake up and understand what is really going on they will keep us slaves of their system. It makes me laugh you half you guys have no clue about WTC7. Research Gulf Of Tonkin - Iran Contra - Iraq War. You might just learn something.

brettw 08-24-2011 9:08 PM

I'm surprised nobody has brought up the theory about the death ray from outerspace that brought down the towers. Those two huge airplanes full of fuel hitting the towers was just a coincidence after all.


rdlangston13 08-25-2011 5:10 AM

Randy...if they just do what they want when they want then why did the "orchestrate" 9/11? I mean they could have just gone to war without it if they do what they want when they want and they do no care what people think.

fly135 08-25-2011 5:49 AM


Originally Posted by rdlangston13 (Post 1704137)
I mean they could have just gone to war without it if they do what they want when they want and they do no care what people think.

Exactly! Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and nobody thought it did. The govt can talk people into going to war any time they want. People should look at history and they might learn something.;)

sidekicknicholas 08-25-2011 5:52 AM


He says terrorists could have never set those charges" Of course BYU trashed this career for coming out with hard evidence of the thermite reaction.
For what its worth I believe Thermite can be applied to something just like paint - or even more easily mixed in with paint. I know I've heard from one of the tin-foil hat shows that all of the tower's support columns were painted like 2 weeks before the attack... with that said I think if thermite was used to bring it down, terrorist could have certainly gotten some into the paint that was used - goes on 100% undetected and then onces a flame is introduced you've got yourself a mess.... do I think this actually happened - probably not.

Anyone know if airport security would detect thermite in a suitcase? Maybe the terrorists checked bags full of thermite and had them in the cargo area of the plane?.... they knew they needed an extra boost once things hit.

All talk of the USA actually planning/helping with the act aside - I totally believe there was more knowledge of the attack than the government let on, and a blind eye was turned -- while they didn't plan/execute the attack I certainly feel there could have been more done to stop it. Seems like the terrorsts were like a bull in a china shop when it came to being quiet about all of this.

jeff_mn 08-25-2011 7:49 AM


Originally Posted by sidekicknicholas (Post 1703880)
I have a family friend who works in the Pentagon and was there that day - actually was outside at the time of the hit (parking lot across the lawn from the side that got hit) and said he can say with 100% certainty that it was NOT a plane

...also with the blast/explosion -- my guess is they removed any sort of normal warhead/expolsives... just enough to cause some chaos, not total destruction.

*Edit: I don't really have an opinion either way on this stuff whether we completely had it planned or it was all terrorist - I do 100% the governement knows more than they let on -at least of the details leading up to the attack - not that they planned it, but had an idea something was coming.

I was on internship at the pentagon on 9/11.. most certainly a plane.

jeff_mn 08-25-2011 7:52 AM

LOL @ "government conspiracy to go to war"

We are Americans.. Are you ****ing kidding? In the day/age of TMZ, Gossip Girl this and that - you think that EVERY single person who was "in" on the "conspiracy" would keep their mouth shut? No one would sell their story to NBC for $100 million?

Get real. that movie was made by an 18 year old kid..

pierce_bronkite 08-25-2011 8:55 AM


Originally Posted by wakeskatethis (Post 1704093)
It makes me laugh you half you guys have no clue about WTC7. Research Gulf Of Tonkin - Iran Contra - Iraq War. You might just learn something.

Dont forget to add The Bay of Pigs Invasion to this list.

wakeskatethis 09-10-2011 9:16 PM


brettw 09-11-2011 6:53 AM

Figures someone would post some ignorant conspiracy bull***** on this day - and on two threads! wtf?



Some people just wont listen or budge when confronted with hard facts.

snyder 09-12-2011 12:20 PM

I was just having a conversation w/a co-worker who watched some documentary on this over the weekend. He said it raises some serious questions for him.... And I thought about this.. What if, since WTC was obviously a high value target for terrorists, just what if, the building WAS wired to blow, but not because it was an inside job, but rather as a last resort/safety net to keep the buildings from falling over if they were attacked again. Seems plausible to me that it would be more easily kept a secret that the buildings were wired, than to orchestrate the entire event. I wouldn't be surprized to find out that more high profile buildings were pre-wired. Also he mentioned the lack of debris found at the flight 93 crash site... simple.. it WAS shot down. But would you rather tell the American public that you shot down a plane full of American citizens, or let them believe that heroes took over the cock-pit and caused it to crash?
Lastly, I have a suspicion that the chopper w/27 SEALS on board was a trade deal brokered for taking out bin laden. Either a pre-negotiated deal, or a "we're pissed that your SEALS took bin laden out under our noses, so you better give us some back or we'll spill the beans on XYZ" kinda deal. It doesn't make sense that that many were on one chopper.

Riteride 09-12-2011 12:50 PM

Who can you trust now a days... Not our Government thats for sure...

brett33 09-12-2011 1:34 PM

There are numerous people (billionaires, rulers of countries, icons, etc.) over time who had made an impact on this Earth and been under the age of 30. For someone to discredit an individual because of his/her age is down right ignorant. The facts are, that 18 year old kid was obviously using his mind in a proactive way, trying to uncover what so many people simply disregarded, which IMO is quite clever. However, if the government was or wasn't behind it, i can promise you one thing, you will never know. Do i trust the government, absolutely not, but hey im just a 25 year old kid... what do i know?

brettw 09-12-2011 1:43 PM

Here's something I'm sure several people here would be very interested in:


guma 09-12-2011 4:52 PM

^^^Most useful post in this thread so far.

I find it funny how people who watch loose change almost always immediately jump ship to the conspiracy side. He (they) did a great job putting it together in that aspect, but when he was put in front of experts he had little to no explanation on facts. I found it amusing watching him squirm and not answer a single question in the recent documentary that aired with experts in their fields debunking everything he stated was fact.

diamonddad 09-14-2011 1:22 AM

Again, please use contraception your entire lives!

Popular Mechanics did a report on the "myths" many years ago:


wakeskatethis 09-15-2011 9:44 PM

I see your Popular Mechanics......and I raise you one.

wakeskatethis 09-15-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by brettw (Post 1707619)
Figures someone would post some ignorant conspiracy bull***** on this day - and on two threads! wtf?



Some people just wont listen or budge when confronted with hard facts.

LOL this is for you BrettW


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