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-   -   Malibu Fans answer this... (http://www.wakeworld.com/forum/showthread.php?t=213822)

footin_farley 02-23-2005 9:38 PM

All the discussion on these boards regarding MasterCraft versus Malibu are very entertaining. I would like all the Malibu enthusiasts to answer this question. If Malibu is equal to MasterCraft then why is the average dealer margin on a MC ~18% and the average dealer margin on a Malibu ~35%? <BR> <BR>It seems to me that boats of equal quality and workmanship would have a similar manufacturer's cost. Dealers would in turn be able to offer each boat on its own merit, rather than what really motivates a dealer and that is ...MONEY and most importantly how much they can make of it on each boat. If your business was to sell boats and you could make twice as much selling one over the other, what would you do? I guarantee boat dealers will be all over this post, but it is accurate and unbiased. <BR> <BR>The bottom line is that all boats have their own inherent problems. People expect quality similar to that of a car but that is virtually impossible due to inferior R&amp;D and quality control budgets. <BR> <BR>Malibu makes a quality boat, as does Correct Craft, after that there is a bit of a drop off. However, they are all looking up at MasterCraft in terms of overall quality, workmanship and value. <BR> <BR>The numbers don't lie.

clubmyke 02-23-2005 9:47 PM

very interesting point..... <BR> <BR>mind if i ask where the numbers came from on the <i>"why is the average dealer margin on a MC ~18% and the average dealer margin on a Malibu ~35%? </i> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by clubmyke on February 23, 2005)

footin_farley 02-23-2005 9:53 PM

I used to work for a boat dealer.

02-23-2005 10:04 PM

I do not own either one. I was just at the boat show with four other guys (one owns a mastercraft) all of us were blown away by how much nicer, spacious and just better overall quality the Malibu's were over the mastercraft. Not trying to get involved in a war, buy I'm buying a Malibu. I got underneath the seats, and looked everywhere that you could not see on both boats.....Sorry dude, but seriously, mastercraft is extremly overrated..

footin_farley 02-23-2005 10:08 PM

I don't think you are making a mistake buying a Malibu, that was not my point.

hyperlitenrd 02-23-2005 10:22 PM

We got a bu lsv over a x-30. the x-30 is 10k more equally equiped. The malibu had more function. Alot of small stuff, well some not so small. The captins chair could spin all the way to face the other people in the wrap around. Malibu had a larger wrap around seating. my little brother reminds me that we have 21 cupholders when you have the table in. The tower is much easier to fold down, a one person job if needed. The seating felt better to me. It has the wedge, which lets me further define the wake to how me and my friends like it. The retractable pylon was a big plus. but thats just what I think.

magellan 02-23-2005 10:26 PM

Hang on... I have to grab a beer and some popcorn so I can watch this thread become absolutely nasty. <BR> <BR>Bring it on!

footin_farley 02-23-2005 10:27 PM

Helping me prove my point that there is more margin in a Malibu ("$10K less equally equipped"), thus proving its quality and workmanship is inferior. <BR> <BR>No one has answered my question, you are all too busy justifying your purchase. If you read my earlier post I am not saying Malibu is a bad purchase.

romi 02-23-2005 10:31 PM

The numbers you state would be hard to verify. I work for a manufacturer and margins among competition is not known normally. But you could have the inside info. My best guess to the question would maybe ESOP... if it is then Correct Craft would have a high "dealer" margin as well. There is a lot to say about an ESOP.

footin_farley 02-23-2005 10:37 PM

ESOP? Employee Stock Option Program?? <BR> <BR>What would that have to do with this discussion? <BR> <BR>The numbers are verifiable if you work for a dealer because you see what your costs are on each boat. <BR>

wakeworld 02-23-2005 10:48 PM

I agree that the disparity in those numbers seems pretty out there, but I'm just basing that on the smell test. I have no direct knowledge to back it up. <BR> <BR>However, I can say that just because a boat costs less to produce, doesn't necessarily mean that it's an inferior quality boat. If I tried to build a quality inboard on par with Malibu and MasterCraft in my garage, it would probably cost me several hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so and I doubt that the quality would even be close to what those companies produce. The reason that they can do a better job for less is efficiency. <BR> <BR>Again, playing devil's advocate, do you know the margin on each boat for the manufacturer? Assuming your numbers are correct (and again I have to express some doubt), is it possible that MasterCraft's mark-up to its dealers is 35% while Malibu's mark-up to its dealers is 18%? Then you're looking at the same cost to produce each boat, but a different distribution of margin. <BR> <BR>P.S. I realize those percentages don't really jibe since they are based on different amounts, but you get the picture.

bobbymucic 02-23-2005 10:50 PM

Aren't you confusing dealer cost vs. manufacturer's cost? <BR> I don't follow your logic... <BR> <BR>... <BR>"If Malibu is equal to MasterCraft then why is the average dealer margin on a MC ~18% and the average dealer margin on a Malibu ~35%? " <BR> <BR>If your statement are true about margin, and why they can charge more.. <BR>The simple answer is: <BR><i>because they can <BR></i> <BR> <BR>The market supports the cost. <BR>.. <BR>"Helping me prove my point that there is more margin in a Malibu ("$10K less equally equipped"), thus proving its quality and workmanship is inferior." <BR> <BR>.. <BR>because there is more margin does not mean anything. SUVs make more money than trucks for manufacturers and dealers. Materials and procedures are not much different. Another example, many Toyota and Lexus models are on similar platforms...Lexus is much more expensive and creates more profit. Does that mean it is made of inferior workmanship? <BR> <BR>To be fair, I may be biased since I own a vlx. However, my purchase was heavily influenced by interior layout. <BR> <BR> <BR>Another good example is Sanger... <BR>They build great boat. Any mechanic will tell you how well built they are. However, Sanger cannot charge Malibu, CC, or Mastercraft prices yet..they are not competitive at that price due to the market (people pay for the name). <BR> <BR>If a used sanger V215 was around, I would have considered it as a better buy then my vlx. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>

romi 02-23-2005 10:54 PM

I think will join SoCalrider on this one... <BR> <BR>

mikeski 02-23-2005 11:14 PM

Better businesses always make more money. <BR> <BR>Malibu vs. M/C what a waste of time, buy what makes you happy and bash the rest. <BR> <BR>Drink up.

greatdane 02-23-2005 11:18 PM

this is a dumb thread.

jmo52 02-23-2005 11:20 PM

Malibu, Mastercraft. Who care's. their both kick a$$ boats. For that matter all new boats are cool. People are always gonna disagree.Man some people will choose one brand over another because it has more cup holders.These threads always turn into a pissing match.

supra 02-23-2005 11:37 PM

What your saying is that on AVERAGE that all Malibu dealers are making 35% margins. So if a weaker dealer in lets just say South Dakota(no offense) is making just 20% on every Malibu sold(by the way great job)and a stronger dealer, just to average it out makes 50% mark up.. I must say that I doubt your numbers are correct. Lets be a little more realistic when stating such a strong fact... Malibu as well as MC dealers make on average the same margins.. It depends on the time of year,closeouts,non currents,current hot models etc... Just keep buying boats and keep the economy going. I will take a beer now...

kstateskier 02-24-2005 12:23 AM

Have you ever seen MasterCrafts ad budget compared to Malibu? MC spends a lot of money on advertising, which in turn ups the cost to dealers I would assume.

timmy 02-24-2005 4:50 AM

sounds like waterlover used to work for a MC dealer. Also, his high level of concern here indicates a need to justify overpaying for his boat.

ss_lxi 02-24-2005 5:51 AM

Mastercraft is a good boat, they have just become way over priced. I think the "name" has something to do with it. I have always wanted to be a Mastercraft owner and when the time came I ended up with a Malibu. For me the the Mastercraft just didn't seem as nice on the inside as the Malibu. <BR>They are both quality boats and one is not any better than the other as is Correct Craft and Supra. It all come down to personal preference. <BR>Hey Waterlover, I thought you would like to know <BR>that Malibu out sold Mastercraft 4 to 1 at our local boat show.

jzwake 02-24-2005 6:00 AM

As many said, a less expensive boat does not mean a less quality boat. Maybe Malibu has streamlined their Production much better then MC. And, that number for BU is incorrect (at least for 05) if you are talking dealer margin, as per my insider knowledge. Either way, going by MSRP is worthless as MSRP is part of the biz tactics of the manufacture, look at selling prices. An X-2 is normally sold for slightly more then a VLX when equally equiped. <BR> <BR>it doesn't matter anyway because a Nautique is SO head and shoulders above everything else, as proved with a 3rd JD power award.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/crazy.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>ps: that was a joke. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by jzwake on February 24, 2005) <BR> <BR>(Message edited by jzwake on February 24, 2005)

air_sv211 02-24-2005 6:05 AM

I used to be a MasterCraft owner, now I am a Correct Craft owner. I will never return to the dark side.

kdm 02-24-2005 6:23 AM

No offense, but I think some have missed the boat!!! First, I have a 03 VLX. I love the boat!! If I were to buy a new boat, I would seriously look at matercraft for the simple fact is that their warranty smokes malibu's warranty. I believe part of the reasons you pay higher prices for the mastercraft is because of the great warranty, at least in 05. I believe that correct craft used to have the best warranty, but not in 05. Mastercraft has it hands down. My 2 cents

jzwake 02-24-2005 6:59 AM

I dunno, CC has a 5 year transferable (one time) warranty for 05'.

clubmyke 02-24-2005 7:12 AM

also, cc covers the entire motor (major and minor) for 3 years vs. bu(3 year major,1 year minor) <BR> <BR>what is the mc warrarnty ?

zboomer 02-24-2005 7:39 AM

Malibu's warranty on engine is the standard Indmar warranty. Define "minor" and what is not covered? <BR> <BR>According to the Indmar warranty what is not covered is hoses, pump impeller, and annodes, starter if damaged by submersion, etc. The rest is 36 months, no hour limit. <BR> <BR>Unless another manufacturer has their own warranty, this is the standard Indmar warranty. Malibu warranty lists NO parts exclusions on the powertrain, except maintenance items. <BR> <BR>Malibu posts their warranty on their web site, as does Indmar on theirs. I've read both and just don't see this 3/1 information. <BR> <BR>I've seen you post this data (3/1) numerous times, but where are you getting this data? <BR>

krbaugh 02-24-2005 7:53 AM

That is easy question to answer. The malibu margin is NOT 35%......period end of story <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/uhoh.gif" border=0>

cbrown 02-24-2005 8:52 AM

As stated earlier the Malibu margin is not 35% nor any where near that. Also what are the details on MCs new warranty. Their motor warranty is going to be the same basic Indmar policy but what is new about hull, etc. I looked on their website but could not find anything.

bambamski 02-24-2005 8:53 AM

I don't think it's really worth getting into as you won't convince MC or Malibu "owners" one way or the other. <BR> <BR>I remember shopping for boats years ago and we were talking to the cobalt dealer and he said something that I've always remembered. "Just because a boat has a nice interior don't take for granted that the rest of the boat is built the same. He also said "too many boat companies throw most of the cost of building their boats into what you can see and not enough into what you can't." <BR> <BR>Have you ever really looked at the manufactures brochures? Most of the companies have really pretty DRAWINGS of how their boats are made. Maybe one page, max two. MC has about 8 pages of actual pictures of how their boats are made. Their website goes throught the build process as well with acual pictures. They want you to know the stuff you can't see is as well built as the stuff you can see. Is there a reason Malibu doesn't do that? I don't know. <BR> <BR>Malibu made it's name by building good affordable boats. Someone in a prior post said when talking with a Malibu engineer they said they've closed that gap in recent years. There's still a gap. Do they mold their seats in yet or are they still bolted in? The most popular saying from all the rival salesguys is the way their motor mounts are bolted through their hollow stringers. When I asked the Malibu sales guy that question he said they've never had a problem with the motor mounts. Ok, so is that the best way to do it or just the cheapest? <BR> <BR>You can't "look" at a boat at a boat show. There's no way, and if you look under the seats, I'm sorry but that doesn't consitute a once over in my books. Maybe that's what you think digging into things means, I'm a little more thorough. <BR>

zboomer 02-24-2005 9:23 AM

Malibu will happily take photos of your boat being manufactured, at any step of the process. You can also tour the factory and watch at any time. They are proud of their process, not trying to hide it. <BR> <BR>How many others will do this, and show everything that goes on? Can you get photos of your own MC being built in the factory? If so, I've never seen anybody post any. <BR> <BR>Malibu's "hollow stringer" as MC likes to call it is their "FibECS" Fiberglass engine chassis system. The end result is the engine is through bolted with eight bolts, to this fiberglass "hollow" chassis that runs the length of the boat. The advantage is your wiring, and air flows through the hollow chassis. It's also so rigid that rarely, if ever does the engine alignment have to be adjusted. <BR> <BR>I guess it's a nice invention, or a bad one depending on if you don't do it the same way. <BR> <BR>Zero failures since it was invented over 24,000 boats ago, so kinda hard to fault it, regardless of MC's putting it down. It's also warranted for life. <BR> <BR>If there's now a gap in '05, it's a gap of MC being behind Malibu, not the other way around.

bambamski 02-24-2005 9:38 AM

Michah <BR> <BR>It's all opinion. I have to laugh at someone above saying that Malibu out sold MC four to one.<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> I mean come on, how did he get those reliable facts of his? <BR> <BR>After seeing and going through the V-ride there's no way I'm ever going to be convinced that Malibu is ahead. The V-ride was a joke. Most of the I/O's were finished better than it.

skibum69 02-24-2005 9:56 AM

There are posts from someone on here of one of the first '05 X2s(his) being built that MC sent him. I would say the quality is similar but then again I didn't take my claipers and fiber optic camera with me when I check them out earlier this year. The one cool option Bu has over MC is the heated drivers seat, wish MC would add that

supraman 02-24-2005 10:33 AM

<i><font color="0000ff">Malibu makes a quality boat, as does Correct Craft, after that there is a bit of a drop off. However, they are all looking up at MasterCraft in terms of overall quality, workmanship and value. <BR> <BR>The numbers don't lie.</font></i> <BR> <BR>The information given and insinuated in this thread is fantasy. <BR> <BR>It is true that the numbers don't lie. <BR> <BR>Using the SSI numbers* through Q3 2004 (the most recent available), it is a fact that Mastercraft was NOT the top seller last year. In fact, they haven't been #1 since 2002. The real story in wakeboarding has been other wakeboarding manufacturers coming on strong while the some of the "Big 3" slip. <BR> <BR>Loveswater - do you want to tell everyone who the only "Big 3" brand to grow in 2004 was? <BR> <BR>* - <font size="-2">For those not familiar with SSI - Statistical Surveys, Inc. - SSI is most known for its work in some other transportation fields as a reseller of registration data for things like RVs. They maintain a separate location focusing on the powerboat industry. SSI uses quarterly registration data from state agencies to generate reports ranging from overviews to almost infinite detail at the county level. Their detailed reports are used by builders to see how their brand (and their dealers) are doing in specific areas and as planning tool. Almost all their work is done with industry firms and they keep a pretty low profile (they already know their customers and their customers know them). Occasionally, one of their quarterly or annual overviews of specific segments (ski boats, fiberglass boats, aluminum boats, etc) is printed as an article in the trade magazine Soundings Trade Only. -- taken from <a href="http://www.rbbi.com" target="_blank">www.rbbi.com</a></font>

bambamski 02-24-2005 11:33 AM

So selling the most boats means you build the best quality boat? <BR> <BR>Someone better tell Cobalt that Bayliner builds a way better boat! <BR> <BR>I was going to sell my Ford and buy a BMW. I guess I don't have to now because Ford sells more cars than BMW and are therefore better?<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0>

sjmedic 02-24-2005 11:34 AM

Hey Waterlover...How much is the Alternator for a 2001 Camaro? AND How much is an alternator for a 2001 Corvette? Same alternator, same manufacturer, $150 dollar difference. Your theory of higher price meaning higher quality is irrelevant and naive. Just the simple fact that you worked for a dealer (presumably as a salesman) eliminates you from cogent and unbiased opinions. Customer satisfaction is not based solely on interpretation of overall quality, but functionality and comparable usage. To compare a 2005 X-star to a 2005 VLX is absurd. If $75,000 is justifiable (which it is not), then using your logic, the X-Star should be the most functionally superior boat on the water. Obviously....its not. The majority of new boat purchases are made by word of mouth, good salespeople, and customer loyalty to the product line. Running a close second is research by the purchaser. I would venture to guess that people who do their research and buy a boat based on fact alone.....will buy the best product at the best price.....Sorry, but the top 3 growth manufacturers(as mentioned above) does not include Mastercraft. <BR> Hopefully the question you asked in the first post has been answered by most people who responded. If not, maybe you need to ask a different question.

bambamski 02-24-2005 11:40 AM

I'm bored here at work and find this whole thing kind of fun. <BR> <BR>Howie, lets reverse the situation. The 2005 VLX is now $75 grand and the X-star is 60 grand. How many people will buy the VLX over the X-star??? <BR> <BR>People are buying the more expensive X-star over the VLX but would the opposite happen. I'm thinking not, or Malibu would have done this already.

kdm 02-24-2005 12:57 PM

In regards to my statement about Mastercrafts warranty, I was refering to one aspect. The engines warranties are pretty much the same. Where I was impressed with mastercraft was the lifetime warranty on gelcoat. Stress cracks are an issue with any boat. If you put a tower on a boat, there is ALWAYS be a chance for stress cracks. I have seen a lot of boats that have some type of stress crack(ALL BRANDS INCLUDED). I think that this is a bold step by Mastercraft. Malibu and CC have to step up to the plate. Again, my 2 cents...

supraman 02-24-2005 1:03 PM

Pat -- I can't tell if we're on the same page or not. I totally agree that highest price does not equate to best quality. As some others on this board have said before "You never get <i>more</i> than you pay for and you don't necessarily get what you pay for either." Price is a poor primary indicator of the total quality you are receiving. <BR> <BR>Now to item #2 -- does top sales mean you're the best? Again, no, it doesn't. I felt like Loveswater was saying the numbers clearly illustrate that MC is tops. I just wanted to point out that isn't correct -- at least not by sales units or marketshare. However, I'm not supporting his theory that the top seller is inherently the best boat. <BR> <BR>Finally, as I wrote, I do believe that mid-size companies that are quickly gaining markershare are a significant story in wakeboarding. Heck, if you take the Skier's Choice offering (Moomba + Supra) they already sell more than Correct Craft. In spite of what you read on these boards, tige and Centurion are also coming on VERY strong (at least in terms of the last 12 months).

bambamski 02-24-2005 1:23 PM

Matt, you can't tell the quality or how well something is built by the sales numbers. <BR> <BR>Most of the boat numbers that are reported I think you have to take with a grain of salt as well. Tige for example can't build any more boats than they're presently doing. That's why they're moving to a bigger facility. MC is at full capacity, as is CC. When I was talking with the Skiiers choice dealer owner here in town they can't build enough 21v's for all the orders that are coming in for this year. <BR> <BR>Like you said skiiers choice and Tige for example have had huge growth in the past couple of years where the big three haven't. The big three can't produce 200 or 300 more boats per year to keep increasing by 10% like the smaller companies. What's going to happen when Skiiers choice hits that wall when they can't put out any more boats than the factory will allow? Their price will go up? <BR> <BR>Econ 101. Supply/Demand.

supraman 02-24-2005 1:51 PM

As I wrote, I totally agree with you about not being able to tell quality solely by numbers. However, it is some indication of what the target market considers good value. <BR> <BR>The numbers I'm working off of represent customer registrations from 97% of the US through 3rd quarter, 2003. Maine, Hawaii and one other state are not included due to their reporting methods. I think that boat registrations are actually one of the best measures of success. Anybody can crank out boats and flood the supply chain, but registrations measure which boats are <i>moving</i>. <BR> <BR>Skier's Choice and tige both either recently changed or are about to change facilities for dramatically ramped up production. <BR> <BR>Considering the MC actually sold significantly less boats in 2004 than 2003 and nearly 400 less than their peak in 2000, I seriously doubt they're currently at full capacity. (Unless they're flooding their supply chain -- see, I do get the supply/demand thing <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/biggrin.gif" border=0>)

sjmedic 02-24-2005 2:17 PM

No problem Pat...I accept your challenge (LOL). Just put the name "Matercraft" on the VLX, and you answer your own question. Then charge $75,000 fo it, convince all the Masterheads that it is the best thing on water and al the pros are doing it...and ...Yes. I do think it will sell for that amount!

bambamski 02-24-2005 2:28 PM

<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0><img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/happy.gif" border=0> lol <BR> <BR>

ghostrider_2 02-24-2005 2:33 PM

one thing who the hell can get thier beer in the X-10 or so on in the cup holder??? Did they even try to use these cup holders or are they there just for looks????<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/angry.gif" border=0>

big_ed_x2 02-24-2005 3:29 PM

This thread is just funny!lol <BR> <BR> <BR>Like I said in a different thread,If the x-star was 60k....nobody else would sell boats. <BR> <BR>END OF DISCUSSION!

sjmedic 02-24-2005 4:00 PM

Unless you dont like ugly looking pickle-forks.

brye 02-24-2005 5:45 PM

Malibu has no debt. There for they do not spend XXX% of their profits on a boat toward the interest on their loans. That simple

wkerat 02-24-2005 6:22 PM

Also, if you ever look at retail sheets you will see Mastercraft charges almost double for pretty much the same motors from indmar...This extra dough has to be going somewhere.

footin_farley 02-24-2005 7:09 PM

So now that I let this thread run its course I see the following has occurred: <BR> <BR>Malibu enthusiasts cannot answer a question nor argue a point without making it a personal attack. <BR> <BR>MasterCraft boats were on top for so long they had no where to go but down in overall sales (which happens when you start to lose sales in the mid-market boats to cheaper options). <BR> <BR>No one really got the point I was making based on the responses I saw. <BR> <BR>Corvettes(Malibu) have always aspired to be Porsches(CorrectCraft) and dreamed of being Ferraris(MasterCraft). Reality be told it will never happen. As an X-45 owner, I hope MasterCraft stays exclusive by keeping their prices up. Not everyone deserves to own one. <BR> <BR>Cheers.

sjmedic 02-24-2005 7:13 PM

Spoken as a true brainwashed Masterhead. Too bad you cant use your own post as a mirror, you would have answered your own question long ago.

tidalwake0504 02-24-2005 7:13 PM

This is retarded, everything in this thread is merely opinionated. Once in a while you get a semi honest person that will admit one or two things better about the competetor, but they will NEVER say their boat is not as good overall. Seriously im 16 and you all sound like a bunch of wining bitches. If you have fun on the water, what else matters? I hope all you feel good about yourselves. Seems like a big ego contest to me!

footin_farley 02-24-2005 7:18 PM

How many boats have you owned howie? This is my third MC. Never a problem. And again with the personal attacks...shocker.

footin_farley 02-24-2005 7:20 PM

Colin-discussion boards are all about opinions...that is the point. You are right though, fun on the water is all that matters.

sp0tts 02-24-2005 7:27 PM

I think Colin said it pretty well. I'm sittin in front of my tv with the laptop and I keep hitting the reload button to laugh every time there's a commercial. Some of you argue every day over what boat is better and brand loyalty this and that. Who cares? Let your riding do the talking, not your boat and mouth.

tidalwake0504 02-24-2005 7:29 PM

Waterlover, although this is my first boat im still capable of reading a post by another member and understanding it! i wasnt knocking mc owners, i was knocking everyone in this post. Yes discussion boards are for opinions, but what does it matter you all might as well agree to disagree, noones opinion is going to be changed. We all feel the way we do about our boats because we have great memories on them. waterlover dont just assume that im attacking you because i own a cc. I happen to like MC, we chose cc mainly upon a great dealer down here in miami. <BR> <BR>"Malibu enthusiasts cannot answer a question nor argue a point without making it a personal attack. " <BR>Would that be considered a personal attack? Good job buddy. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by tidalwake0504 on February 24, 2005)

footin_farley 02-24-2005 7:39 PM

Not a personal attack, an observation. <BR> <BR>A personal attack would be if I pointed out that its no shocker that you are 16 because you can't spell and have poor grammar. <BR> <BR>I personally like most boats, what I don't like is when someone compares something inferior as if it is on par with what it is being compared to. Kind of like someone that cheats at golf the entire round and then proceeds to compare their score to yours when your done playing.

wkerat 02-24-2005 7:48 PM

I agree, I have owned, 3 Malibu's, 2 Mastercrafts, 4 Nautiques, and a Supra and you know what none of them made me a better boarder. I still to this day board behind friends mastercrafts and nautiques. I pull the same tricks. Yes, I like my Malibu. Why did I buy it? Because I liked more about it than the other brands for me. Owning all 3 I can tell you they all have weaknesses and honestly are all pretty close now. Form doing stereo installs and taking interiors out and such I think the Malibu's I have seen have shown a slightly better build than the Mastercrafts, but nothing spectacular. Of them all i have had very few problems with any. My last Mastercraft was the worst of all, but I think they had a down year then and since are doing better. Does their price justify it? If you truly like them more, from a build standpoint and functionality wise no, i think they are really just showing the signs of being owned by an investment group which tries to make a profit in a short time and get out. Also I was pointed out by a few dealers that supra and Malibu offer lower pricing because they are part of a large group of boat lines that buy their parts in bulk so they get them cheaper. Also, when i was shopping with my father and looking at cobalts I heard from 2 dealers that cobalt had torn them all apart and that the "big 3" all would cost about the same to make based on the numbers Cobalt used (what they buy the parts for).

tidalwake0504 02-24-2005 7:50 PM

This is a thread, who the hell are you trying to impress? Bad grammer? Whos 16 here? You call it an observation?Looks like a euphemism for being attacking. Did you start this thread merely to piss everyone off? I'm really just curious. This is why threads make me mad, people lose sight of why they got into this sport in the first place. To have fun, get away, enjoy time with friends and family. <BR>Sorry dont be too offended, i may have sounded like a dick, dont mean to be. I was just observing the thread.

footin_farley 02-24-2005 7:56 PM

No worries dude. We all have one thing in common...we love boats.

dholio 02-24-2005 8:26 PM

I think we will see a difference from CC when they get the new factory up and running. They are maxed out right now but when the new factory comes, they will be able to produce more. Will they sell more? Who knows but time will tell. <BR> <BR>Some major differences in the boats come from the fiberglass resisns used (AME 500, AME 100, Polyester/Resin) <BR>34 ounce triple stitched vinyl, 34 ounce single stitch, 38 ounce pre stretched single stitch vinyl <BR>Closed cell foam versus open cell foam <BR>stain resistant top coat vs. no stain resistant top coat <BR>5 year bumper to bumper/3 year engine/lifetime hull, deck and stringers (can't remember the other two but I know that Malibu uses hour restrictions in their warranty. MC is one year on guages and carpet. Sorry I can't remember the rest of the details)

sjmedic 02-24-2005 8:42 PM

Waterlover....Owned a few, never a bad one in the bunch. Just voicing opinions. If anyone got offended, my sincerest apologies. If we cant have passionate discussions about the things we love in life...whats the point of posting at all? Just listen to the professionals and do what they say...right? Sorry, never was one to follow anyone elses trail.....because the lead dog always looks the same. PS I dont ever remember anyone else being called "Bitches" in this thread Colin....grow up.

poser007 02-24-2005 8:55 PM

I have never ridden in a mastercraft but have in a Malibu Sunsetter. This is my take on this subject. Remember the late 1970's Pittsburgh Steelers? Who was a better wide reciever, Lynn Swan or John Stallworth? Does anyone get that. A friend of mine has a 03 Air Warrior and its a great boat, bottom line is we have tons of fun it and does the same thing as M/C Bu or whatever. Were all here to have fun man. Who cares which boat may be a little better for whatever reason, the truth is, its all just our oppinions and nobody really knows. Threads like this one are rediculous in my book. No offense Waterlover <BR>

greg__s 02-24-2005 9:12 PM

Farley - interesting 1st post. welcome <BR> <BR>In regards to your profit margin numbers, I don't think you have any idea who makes what and where. What position did you hold in your past boat dealer employment that made you privy to MC's and Malibu's manufacturing and dealer mark up policy's? I don't think it was one where you would have access to those numbers otherwise you wouldn't be starting a thread with the unsubstantiated statements like the ones you have made. <BR> <BR>You probably have no idea the costs for; R&amp;D, work comp and other insurance's, cost of raw goods, profit sharing, rent, shipping, commission's, lot costs, equipment and factory maintenance and the rest of the things that make up the cost of getting a boat to the customer. Or do you? what was you past position again? <BR> <BR>The top 3, and probably a few more, will give any customer the quality they want and need in their new boat. <BR> <BR>I chose a Bu for my new boat because it was part of the top 3 and its individual characteristics were the right fit for me. I looked really hard at CC because the dealer is local for me and I've had a solid relationship with them for 4 years. I spent a lot of time at both the San Diego and LA shows and didn't find that 'they are all looking up at MasterCraft in terms of overall quality, workmanship and value.' and that is my opinion. I bought a Malibu and you have a MC, great. I just don't think you should come on to a board with your unsubstantiated statements and put the call out for a thread like this.

penny4urthots 02-25-2005 2:48 AM

LMAO- absolutely THE most insane post I have ever read on this site. And David W. thank you for moderating such a non backed ill-researched comment. We are here to educate others and gain knowledge, NOT to throw spin and ignorant garb into people's heads. UNFORTUNATELY, the big 3 manufacturers will always be a target for something from a rival brand, but why... If they are TRULY what they say why do they have the need to cast stones made of porice sandstone at another brand?? What I like and don't like is irrelevent in this particular thread I am just sitting here laughing at someone that seems to me to be absolutely brain washed by the corporate histeria of the boating industry. How sad. You have only the opinion of what "THEY" choose to provide you with. I stopped reading the original post @ the 18% vs. 30% statement. Hahahaa wow, I know as do others here that that is so much of a generalized farse that you may very well have lost any and ALL credibility that you may have attained thus far on WW.com <BR> <BR>* Stumped with bitter amazement am I... Let's al try to learn something from the originator (farley) Don't write a check that your butt can't cash. O r you may end up looking pretty silly with all of that egg on your face.

jzwake 02-25-2005 7:24 AM

MC= Ferrari, CC=porcshe, BU = Corvette??? hilarious. <BR> <BR>I also liked when you said everyone should not be able to own a MC. <BR>Aren't they the most purchased boat? <BR> <BR>I can only speak of the 3 closest MC dealers to me but maybe the reason for the declining sales is as much Shady dealers as increasing prices/price point competition. The 3 closet MC dealers to me are All used car salesmans and play games. ONe flat out lies constantly. Maybe they are finally running out of ways to convience people to buy their product. <BR> <BR>MC makes a good boat but to even try and say it looks down on Some of the other companies is pathetic. <BR> <BR>Here you go, better then JDpower and associates. My lists that make everyone number 1. <BR> <BR>Best Value: <BR>1)Malibu <BR>2)Supra <BR>3)Moomba <BR> <BR>Best Build: <BR>1)CC <BR>2)MC <BR>3)BU <BR> <BR>Best Family wakeboat over 45K: <BR>1)MC (X30-X45) <BR>2)BU (LSV) <BR>3)Supra (24V) <BR> <BR>Best Family wakeboard under 45K: <BR>1)Moomba (xlv) <BR>2)Centurion (avalanche) <BR> <BR>Best wakeboard Direct drive <BR>1)Tige (22r) <BR>2)Supra (Launch) <BR>3)MC (X9) <BR> <BR>Best V drive Boat Under 40K (optioned out) <BR>1)Centurion (lighting) <BR>2)Moomba (LSV) <BR> <BR>Best Wake boat when you must spend the most possible. <BR>1)X star <BR> <BR>Best Wakeboat when you want storage and a top wake and spend under 55K <BR>1)VLX <BR> <BR>Best Wakeboat is you want a top wake, best handling, and Conservative style <BR>1)SAN <BR> <BR>Best Mid 40K V drive <BR>1)Supra (ssv) <BR> <BR>Best Crossover D drive. <BR>1)MC x-9 <BR> <BR>Best Crossover V drive <BR>1)CC 211 <BR>2)Tige 20V <BR> <BR>Best Value boat if you live with in reason to a sanger dealer. <BR>1)Sanger (v210) <BR> <BR>Best Trailerable Wakeboat <BR>1)SAN <BR> <BR>Roomiest wakeboat under 23ft <BR>1)MC Xstar <BR> <BR>The most bling wakeboat (will attract all the 16year olds) <BR>1)MC <BR> <BR>The most conservative looking wakeboat (will attract people who don't live by pimp my ride) <BR>1)CC <BR> <BR>The most Jetson's looking wakeboat <BR>1)BU (with Illusion or blade) <BR> <BR>Seriously, this post is as Pointless as the rest in this thread. Opinions, Surveys, Dealers, Owners share one thing in common: They can all give you the best bias information in the world. <BR> <BR>Feel free to use my rankings when buying your next boat. I'm sure all the manufactures are scampering to get the rankings on thier websites.

bambamski 02-25-2005 9:17 AM

JD power and associates is a joke. If anyone buys a boat based on what they say I'm sorry you are a moron. <BR> <BR>I saw an add the other day on TV calling some Hyundai model of car the best in it's class acording to JD power. A Hyundai, ya I believe they're the best now<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>I've purchased new boats, cars, and trucks and never filled out a JD power and associates form or ever been contacted by them. It's all some stupid marketing ploy that certain companies buy into to help sell their product. <BR> <BR>I laugh every time I see CC advertise that they won some JD power thing. CC makes a great boat, they don't have a clue when it comes to advertising and marketing though.

rkg 02-25-2005 10:16 AM

No clue, but they keep selling. Wierd, huh??? <BR> <BR>Why are you mostly going after Bu? Why not criticize CC? For years, the Super Air was smaller than the X Star (old ,not new one) cost more and yet they keep selling them. <BR> <BR>Nothing more than different strokes, that's why they build them all. <BR> <BR>Comparing a V ride to and x Star is apples and oranges. V ride is to compete with Moomba, Tige Switch series. Compare the VLX to the X Star. Some people do not like the wake on an X Star (not peaky enough), so they go with Super Air (STEEP) or the middle of the VLX.

footin_farley 02-25-2005 10:46 AM

The margin %s I stated were accurate when I was Sales &amp; Operations Manager for a certain boat dealer. I saw exactly how much we paid for MC and how much we sold them for as well as for Malibu and the other boats we sold. We kept metrics (as any good business would) on what products had the most profit margin. I can't imagine we were starkly different than other dealers around the country. That is the only assumption I made in starting this thread...that we were a representative sample based on the volume of boats that we sold. Not sure if that qualifies as getting "egg on my face," but for a ridiculous, "generalized farce" (or is it "farse" skiboredr4life?...learn to spell if you are going to attempt to use an extended vocabulary to make a point)this thread has provoked thought and opinion which was my intent.

jnewcom 02-25-2005 11:35 AM

I think alot of people buy certain boats from their own experience. I have always liked both Mastercraft and Malibu. When I got my first wakeboat in 98, I was dead set on a mastercraft because my friend had one. My dad started looking into Malibu and found a better deal with all the same stuff so I eneded up getting a malibu. Overall the only problem I ever had with the 98 VLX is the alternator. My friend with the Mastercraft had horrible problems all the time. It seemed like every weekend it was always something going wrong with his boat. After all that i would never have anything but a malibu. I have been very happy with malibu boats, and why spend the extra 10k or more when you can have just as good of a boat or better.

toyotafreak 02-25-2005 11:41 AM

Got no vested interest in either side of the argument, but it is fun to watch. JZ, I like your list, but I want my boat to be number one, too ;-) How bout, 'best out-of-production v-drive' or 'most economical', or 'most vanilla'??? <BR> <BR>Back on-topic. It seems to me that those numbers (18&amp;35% dealer markup/gross margin) could ONLY be true in one of two conditions: <BR> <BR>1) the BU factory was not pumping out enough of them to meet demand, AND MC was, AND the BU factory wasn't trying to get their share of the price premium their shortage was causing by increasing invoice price to dealers. In this way, the average buyer might be willing to spend 17% more to be moved up on the list and that premium would go straight to the dealer. Doubt this one's true because the factory would have to adjust either quantity or price, cuz it can't afford to let dealers get paid that well. <BR> <BR>If a shortage of BUs is not the case, than I just don't think that number (the dealer markup) can be true. If so, all the MC dealership owners (just regular guys, right?) would be changing their lines, or at the minimum, new dealers, or existing dealers unhappy with their current lines, or runabout dealers looking to add a towboat line....would all be moving or would have already moved towards BU. <BR> <BR>In the end, the hungrier BU dealers would be cutting their margins to compete against the other BU dealers. More BU dealers come on line to get a piece of that bigger-than-average markup AND the factory gets smart and either ramps up and/or raises invoice cost to get their share of that premium. Net result - dealers will always get the percentage they deserve, and it has more to do with service and reputation than what brand of boat they sell. <BR> <BR> <BR>2) The number of BUs delivered was SUPER small compared to MC or other dealers, because remember that a mfr is only gonna get dealers if the dealer knows he can make a certain amount of profit (remember, he's got fixed costs he's got to cover). To him, profit is (boat sales times dealer margin) minus (factory invoice plus dealer costs). If the number of boats being moved is SUPER low, his markup better be super high. If his total profit is not high enough, he'll start selling Bayslammers. Don't think this one's true, either because they ship a ton of BUs. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>In either case, if these percentages were true, the actual production cost of the boat would have to be DIRT cheap compared to MC, because the actual sales prices of BUs are already a little cheaper than MC (assume 10%), and the dealer's getting 35% of that, so...if BUs cost consumers 10% less than MCs, and the dealer's getting 17% more of that than an MC dealer, then the BU factory is actually getting ~27% less cash per boat than MC. <BR> <BR>AND...BU sells a lot fewer boats than MC, so they're missing out on economies of scale, have less money to spend on advertising, on quality programs, on efficiency enhancements. <BR> <BR>In short, for Mr. Waterlover's stats to be true, then either the European Union is subsidizing BU, or BUs are actually built by Pakistani children, with stolen tools and soybean engine blocks. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>And the supply and demand thing is if you're a smart manufacturer that's at full capacity, and you're also too <b><i>scared</i></b> to take a risk and expand, OR you've had crappy facilities/financial planning OR ended up too slow to respond with increased capacity OR have mismanaged your money OR....then your marketing dudes should be adjusting invoice price upwards until there's no longer a shortage of boats. Foolish to let the dealers reap all the rewards for any length of time. Maybe when you first roll out a product, like when the PTs came out and Chrysler was making a point of letting everybody know they were keeping prices down, but the dealers were making a killing. <BR> <BR> <BR>Ferrari does this kind of crap, but not well in a business sense - if you charge a million bucks for a car because it's bad a$$ and you're only making 200 of them, but they actually sell for higher and at the end there are still people who are told "no more for you", then you shoulda either made 300 or charged $2M. Its either that or they're real smart and figure that the reason they can charge some much is that they've made sure that the super-car dudes are always left wanting. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>} <BR>Now, can I please add one to my THREADS KILLED count?

greg__s 02-25-2005 1:35 PM

Farley - I have never seen a dealer that sells both. I wish I had had access to one before I ordered my VLX. <img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/sad.gif" border=0>

charliep 02-25-2005 1:44 PM

Interesting post. The cost to a dealer is NOT manufacturing cost considering the amount of overhead applied which could vary tremendously by manufacturer. Also, even if you did compare material + labor costs it still doesn't prove quality because methods and amount of automation can vary. Wakeboard boats are luxury items and as such all carry hefty mark-ups and varying manufacturing techniques. Quality is quality and not always correlated to cost, especially in low volume manufacturing like wakeboard boats. If you want to compare manufacturing process to manufacturing process then you could argue quality.

guido 02-25-2005 1:50 PM

You guys have too much time on your hands. Go ride or work or something. Amuzing, but another stupid thread on this topic.

footin_farley 02-25-2005 3:41 PM

Pointless rant Derek. It has nothing to do with supply and demand. It has everything to do with what the market can tolerate. <BR> <BR>MasterCraft knows it can get X amount for its boats. They are the standard that other companies base their pricing off of. Malibu knows it can market the hell out of their product and offer it for just less than an MC regardless of what it costs to make their boats. This price adjustment cuts into what the MC boats can be sold for and thus begins the commoditization of boats. Unfortunately for MC their costs are higher and thus their dealers cannot buy boats from them as cheaply as they can from others such as Malibu. Many customers already have an idea what they want when they walk through the door, but the ones that don't get pushed towards the boat that yields the biggest profit for the dealer. This is the main reason you have seen MC's market share erode over the last few years. <BR> <BR>Guess you better subtract this one off your threads killed list...

ghostrider_2 02-25-2005 3:54 PM

MINE IS BETTER THAN YOURS! <BR>YES YOU DID!! <BR> <BR>man this is just too funny<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0> <BR> <BR>I believe the only reason someone needs to defend thier boat is that they feel- <BR> <BR>1. they got ripped off <BR>2. they let people get into thier heads. <BR>3. they arent totally happy with it. <BR>4. they feel they have to have the best. <BR> <BR>I think you all are crazy for spending that much when my 215 has just as good a wake! and the most important thing about boating is having a good time and the memories you create with family and friends! <BR> <BR>you need to ask yourself did you buy a boat for a status thing or to enjoy the water?<img src="http://www.wakeworld.com/MB/Discus/clipart/rofl.gif" border=0>

auto 02-25-2005 5:38 PM

I liked some things about the new x2. My riding buddy has an 03 x2 that has been problematic to say the least. Me it came down to a simple equation, dealer + QPR. Malibu VLX for me, my new one is ready for shipment.

bigj 02-25-2005 5:45 PM

Its cool that every other post nowadays is about Malibu's. It is apparent that Malibu has command of the lions share of the market and everyone else is shooting for the leader. They say any publicity is good publicity. Keep it up.

jmo52 02-25-2005 7:58 PM

PROPS TO KENNY!!!! These type of threads should be nuked. There should be a law against having 6 out of the first 10 threads about Malibu and Mastercraft. Who's better? The only thing I know is Waterlover is a straight up Lurker. How long were you creepin in WW before you started this pointless thread? Bring it.

big_ed_x2 02-25-2005 9:01 PM

Since I been on WW I seen everybody and their mom bash MC and compare themselves to MC,I was told that you go for the topgun! <BR> <BR>JZWake ~ Your list is almost completly FALSE!!

toyotafreak 02-25-2005 11:52 PM

Not a rant, Farley - see first sentence. But you're right about it being pointless :-) The S&amp;D was in response to a prior post about like 'what's S&amp;D?' Hey, I can till work on the kill, right?

jzwake 02-26-2005 6:56 AM

Big Ed, My list is 100% Perfect. If you did the same rankings, yours would most likely be almost completely wrong. Get my point. <BR> <BR>Let be realistic for one second. Everyone on this board knows that a Bayliner 185 I/O is a Better wakeboat then nothing. Scott byerly realized this in 1994 when "spray" was filmed. He just wanted a boat to ride on his home lake and he said he take a bayliner. <BR> <BR>A real wakeboarder just wants to ride. <BR> <BR>Don't lose sight of that. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by jzwake on February 26, 2005) <BR> <BR>(Message edited by jzwake on February 26, 2005)

big_ed_x2 02-26-2005 7:28 AM

If that's how you feel then you shouldn't put up a list that eveybody's gonna feel is false or most of us! <BR>I got my boat cuzz I love being out on the water so don't change the subject!!

romi 02-26-2005 7:43 AM

Its not the list.. its the point.. its his opinion.. Thats all this is.. Opinions.

sjmedic 02-26-2005 9:56 AM

Hey Waterlover...see what you started? LOL!!! This is great! I think I will change your nickname to "spoon" (Stirring it up.....get it)?

jzwake 02-26-2005 12:49 PM

Thanks Romi. Obbviously he didn't read the post. <BR> <BR>But ok, Would the enjoyment of the water change if your boat used 2in washers as backing plates instead of 2.5 inch. I hope not. <BR> <BR>Enjoy your boating. <BR> <BR>PS. Your the only one who posted my list was wrong. If it makes you happy: <BR> <BR>Best wakeboard boat in mastercrafts line <BR>1) X2 ( I feel Xstars wake and handling leave way too much to be desired, great double ups and storage though) <BR> <BR>Best wakeboard boat with max 90inch beam <BR>1) X2 <BR> <BR>Best Wakeboard boat under 21ft <BR>1) X2

timmy 02-26-2005 1:00 PM

the corvette/porsche/ferrari comment is completely innacurate. it is more like pickup trucks with chevy/ford/dodge, associate whichever to which boat you like. they are all about the same and people like to argue about them. you guys should make calvin stickers so everyone knows your true feelings!

bsow2g 02-26-2005 1:15 PM

all the comparisons ive seen between ford/chevy/dodge have gone like this:Chevy=luxurious, Ford=budget, Dodge=cheap shjt.

timmy 02-26-2005 1:17 PM

haha brian, that exactly points out what I am saying, that is your opinion, definately conflicts mine.

greatdane 02-26-2005 1:20 PM

More interesting questions are: <BR> <BR>1) MC <BR> <BR> a) is the X2 better a better hardcore wakeboat than then XSTAR? <BR> <BR> b) is the price difference justified? <BR> <BR>2) BU <BR> <BR> a) is the new WakeSetter VLX better than the previous WakeSetter VLX? <BR> <BR> b) is the price difference justified? <BR> <BR>3) CC <BR> <BR> a) why is the 10+ year old SAN still one of the best wakeboarding hulls in the world? <BR> <BR> b) why does CC suck at storage so bad? <BR> <BR>4) Sanger <BR> <BR> An xstar is twice the price. <BR> <BR> how can this be justified for any reason other than EGO?

footin_farley 02-27-2005 12:26 AM

X-2 is the best 4 sport boat MC has. <BR>Barefooting <BR>Slalom <BR>Kneeboarding <BR>Wakeboarding <BR> <BR>Not very roomy and porpoises a bit too much for me. Other than that a great boat.

kstateskier 02-27-2005 12:42 AM

4 sport boat??? There is no way I'm slaloming behind an X-2. You wakeboarders don't really understand the crossover boat from a slalom skiers perspective. The X-2 doesn't cut it, it's a recreational slalom boat at best. IMO, the best crossover boat is the Malibu Sunsetter LXi, but like I said, that's from a slalom skiers perspective. As the wakeboard wake wouldn't be that great for those of you at a high level. Also, the X-9 is also a horrible slalom boat. If I had to pick a v-drive to slalom behind at all, it would be the 21 ft. LSV from Malibu. I do agree though that the X-2 is a great boat. Still a great buy, even though it's not the companies marquee wake boat anymore. I've probably spent more time in the X-2 driving than any other wake boat and I like to drive it. I like the smaller size I guess.

kcsideways 02-27-2005 7:24 AM

The new 'Australian University Championship' slalom record which was set behind a} 2004 Supra Launch 22SSV at Mildura, Victoria, Australia, 3502, Saturday 5 February 2005 is: <BR> <BR> <BR>Andrew 'Panda' Morris <BR>3 buoys @ 38' off (ie 3 @ 11.25m) <BR> <BR> <BR>It's by no means a world record; however, considering the level of competition (university titles) , water conditions (less than perfect) and that the event was being towed by the 22SSV (a wakeboarding boat!), it is a very respectable result. <BR>

jzwake 02-27-2005 8:55 AM

as for the American trucks, I agree That chevy,dodge and ford all have their fans and haters. Being a chevy owner who didn't like the last version of the f150 I used to bust on ford some. Honestly, they are even more equal then the MC,CC,BU. But, that is a great comparision from tim. <BR> <BR>GDs questions are good. So i want to post my OPINIONS. <BR>----------- <BR>More interesting questions are: <BR> <BR>1) MC <BR> <BR>a) is the X2 better a better hardcore wakeboat than then XSTAR? I belive SO, the Xstar is better for a big crew but the wake is just not Anything I like. I rode it with fact ballast and 12 people on board and the wake was just not great for me. <BR> <BR>b) is the price difference justified? NO, its not and When I asked a MC dealer (Owner of shop) His only justification is their was nothing out there like it so you should want to pay And extra 15-20K. So that sound like a EGO thing to be referenced later. <BR> <BR>2) BU <BR> <BR>a) is the new WakeSetter VLX better than the previous WakeSetter VLX? NOT sure yet, my first impression with one ride on teh new hull is they are equal. The new bopat is definitly more spacious and they under floor ballast is pleaser. <BR> <BR>b) is the price difference justified? There was bearly any price increase form 04 to 05 on the VLX. The markup was small enough to say it would of happened even if it was not changed (oil costs, inflation). <BR> <BR>3) CC <BR> <BR>a) why is the 10+ year old SAN still one of the best wakeboarding hulls in the world? People like a steeper wake because it allows them to get a little extra boot even without a perfect edge. I love the size of the boat as well, great for me to store and trailer around. I do like the classic styling and look. Just becuase a design is 10 years old doesn;t mean it can't be great. Look at the V210 sanger. <BR> <BR>b) why does CC suck at storage so bad? The storage is scarce, without a doubt. It is adequate for me and my crew. Its a trade off for the small foot print of the hull, and how many people who have a lake front house really use much storage. <BR> <BR>4) Sanger <BR> <BR>An xstar is twice the price. -Yes it is. <BR> <BR>how can this be justified for any reason other than EGO? - Tough to justify. I say it can't but sanger is a myth to most of the US. my closest dealer is 800 miles away. Its been said before of theres boards "How can you justify buying a 50K VLX, SAN, X2 when you can get the sanger for $36K". I hope to have sanger as a option soon and see for myself. <BR> <BR> <BR>

abc33660 02-27-2005 10:04 AM

I do not own any of the big three boats so I will stay out of which boat is better. I am a Chartered Accountant (equivalent to a CPA in the US). <BR> <BR>I disagree with Waterlover's contention that Malibu dealers have to be paid additional margins in order to sell an inferior boat. Based on the work that I do with my automotive clients I know that margins have very little to do with the quality or the cost of a product. It has everything to do with supply and demand. <BR> <BR>Let me give you an example. The Acura MDX has been a very popular mid sized SUV for the last six or seven years. For the first four of five of those years most dealer were able to sell them at MSRP or even over MSRP. Now the Ford Explorer in that same period never sells at MSRP. So according to Waterlover's theory this would imply that since the Explorer has a smaller margin the quality is better than the MDX as the dealer does not need a financial incentive to sell it. <BR> <BR>At least in the automotive business, the best margins are found in the vehicle with the most demand. Also the better margins are usually found in the more expensive vehicles. You should see what the margins are on Lincoln Navigator. <BR> <BR>To put it another way. If every Mastercraft dealer could increase its margins to 50% or 60% without losing sales ... would they? Of course they would ... aren't you all in America the land of capitalism. <BR> <BR>BTW - I own a '05 Tige 22i ... so bash away.

bambamski 02-27-2005 12:16 PM

How many people buy a boat or truck without ever driving what's in the same class? I bet over half, you get stuck on a certain brand and if you've never had any problems with it why change? <BR> <BR>All my neighbors are chevy people, I had a blazer, Z71 and a Yukon. When I was buying my new truck I drove all three and I bought what I liked the best. I get grief all the time about buying my F350 by the neighbors. I think they're retarded for not even driving or considering anything else though. <BR> <BR>Same thing with boats. It's tough to keep an open mind when you're looking at all the different brands as you'll always have preconceived notions about them. When I went to the BU dealer and MC dealer I took a buddy who doesn't know much about boats. He was great to go with because he picked things out that I looked over or had the blinders on for. <BR> <BR>If you're a hardcore MC or BU lover, chances are you'll be able to pick out the smallest falts of each boat with out ever seeing them on your brand. I'm happy with my purchase and think that I bought the best boat for me. I have friends that have BU's and I'll never turn down a ride behind their boats. They put out a great wake, and I'll have as much fun in and behind a BU as I'll have when I take them on my MC. You can't go wrong with any of the big 5 these days. <BR> <BR>The boat wars thing will always be pointless, but they can be kind of fun as well. Only two more months until the ice breaks up... I'll see ya out there

greatdane 02-27-2005 3:07 PM

JZ, nice response. <BR> <BR>Regarding... <i>"how many people who have a lake front house really use much storage"</i> <BR> <BR>I was told by the CC Regional REP that this is likely the reason CC hardly considers storage volume and access. He said that for years CC had poor trailers for similar reasons. <BR> <BR>I related to him that most WEST SIDE consumers are day trippers and a full day on the water demands storage volume and access. <BR> <BR>This is especially true on the delta.

jzwake 02-27-2005 3:51 PM

GD, good to hear you sticking it to the CC people. I get in arguements with a CC rep out here voer the observer seat every boat show (He looks to argue with me as much as I do with him). He tells me wakeboarders want that seat because they can store a board under there. I just laugh and say "No I don't"

clubmyke 02-27-2005 4:22 PM

in looking at current boat trends, the majority of boats have gotten a lot bigger..but then again so has most americans (different subject all together) <BR> <BR>a lot will depend on "your situation"....if you go wakeboarding or boating with 6-10 people, then a bigger boat is the ticket. if 3-6 people then boat storage may note be a issue. <BR> <BR>have to agree that cc doesnt have the most storage. the newer 211 &amp; 226 are better in that regards. but the storage in my 211 is fine for my situation and most importantly it fits in my garage !!!!

big_ed_x2 02-27-2005 4:53 PM

Pat ~ Good post,I Feel like that on everything you touched on! <BR> <BR>Mike ~ Your boat is the shiiiiiznit!!Plenty of storage and super fun boat to be behind!! <BR> <BR>(Message edited by big_ed_x2 on February 27, 2005)

clubmyke 02-27-2005 6:02 PM

thanks big ed... cant wait for my foot to heal and go out on your PIMPED x-2 !!!!!

stephan 02-28-2005 2:14 PM

I just don't see how the markup can be an indicator of boat quality. Isn't it possible that the dealer has a different arrangement from one company to the next? Where the MC deal was front loaded perhaps the BU situation was heavy on the back end ie a % of the sale? How is it that Malibu is so much cheaper coming from the factory? Doesn't the mark up % indicate that MC has to cut it's earnings just to sell boats? If they were to mark them up at the percentage the Malibu does they would be way too expensive &amp; no one would buy them. Malibu as a company is more streamlined &amp; doesn't have to push the #'s that MC does as they make more on each boat. I guarantee you MC wishes they were able to markup the boats like Malibu does. What special technique makes MC cost so much more? Perhaps it's the advertising they have to do so they can sell the numbers that they must to make a profit or perhaps it's the Pro Tour, I know that isn't cheap. <BR> <BR>Waterlover, are you related to John Kerry because you spun this one so it reads to back you up. I see it as showing MC's faults. Also you said that we all have opinions etc. so then why are you adament about having your opinion marked as law?

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