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downfortheride 03-01-2010 8:11 AM

Northern Utah V19
Well can I say I'm trying to get used to this new site...

Mr. Rogers ~~ It's good to hear that your going to be back in UT again for the summer. So your saying that your not going to have your boat this time around? Let us know when you get back it town and we will for sure get out, heck we have to see that TS Front landed. Drive safe when returning back to UT.

Congrats to Shima and crew for this years Winter Olympics... There were some up's and downs but I got to see Shima sitting in his chair at the closing ceremonies made it all worth it.

davee22ve 03-01-2010 6:58 PM

I am not sure where I am going to stay this year. Once I figure that out I will most likely bring my boat up the guys I am working with requested it. I hope I land that toeside for you its getting frusterating.

downfortheride 03-02-2010 9:28 AM

Mr. Rogers ~~ Well let us know when you get some solid dates down and we can work something out. There is enough good guys here where you can do without your boat for a bit. So your going to be working on the same stretch of road or a whole new project? There is some talk about sessions already so if your here I will hit ya up and see if your down.

davee22ve 03-02-2010 7:32 PM

We are working on the same road and also have a couple of new jobs going on. We may be so busy I will have a hard time making it to the lake. I hope not I enjoy riding to much. Will let you know when I arive.

davee22ve 03-10-2010 6:27 PM

We made it up here through all of the snow and rain. If it gets warm enough and you need a third to ride let me know.480-330-1694

downfortheride 03-11-2010 7:19 PM

Mr. Rogers ~~ Man you got up here early this year! We have our dates set for Mar 20th or 21st to get out and ride. I think we have 3 confirmed and one maybe, I will let you know if the maybe pulls out. Welcome back to UT, hope you brought that AZ sun with ya!

ryan_shima1 03-14-2010 3:24 AM

Josh, I may interested in joining you guys if there's room. Keep me posted.

downfortheride 03-15-2010 8:08 AM

Shima ~~ Congrats to a great year to you and your skaters! have a safe trip back home, your going to enjoy the sun when you get back.

Well guys it looks as if the ice is almost gone from UT lake (we could use an eye from those that live right there) and nothing but sun shine in the forecast. If the weather holds we will be breaking out David's SANTE for a wake up run to start the season. Those interested I will keep you posted on having enough room. Keep an eye out for some updated pics if we get out!

03-16-2010 8:39 AM

If we get out Josh?:confused:
You know we're getting out. The question now is will conditions suck or not? My vote is not!:D

ryan_shima1 03-16-2010 8:58 AM

If you guys go on Saturday, I won't be able to go since Hide's already book snowboarding for her and the kids up at PC. Let me know if you head out on Sunday though.

downfortheride 03-16-2010 9:03 AM

What a great start to the season having a bunch of people excited to ride. Spring starts for the DFTR crew this weekend! :D

03-16-2010 12:31 PM

Ryan ~ Sunday is the plan for right now as it looks to be a much warmer day.

downfortheride 03-16-2010 8:33 PM

Well then Sunday it is...

David -- DFTR
DFTR Josh -- You know
Dewey -- DFTR
Shima -- DFTR

Sunday sessions on!

ryan_shima1 03-17-2010 5:52 AM

Cool, I hope I can join you guys because my right ankle blew up on the plane (swollen in the joint and can barely walk on it - it happened before). I'll let you know by Friday if it's rideable.

Thanks guys!

ryan_shima1 03-18-2010 5:52 PM

Hey guys, better count me out for Sunday, my ankle is not getting better. I'll be in touch when I'm capable of walking again.

downfortheride 03-18-2010 8:23 PM

Shima ~~ That really sucks to hear, take care of that ankle and we'll ride very soon.

Mr. Rogers ~~ I have one more to confirm and I will hit you up about Sunday...

Where the hell is everybody else?

downfortheride 03-19-2010 6:33 PM

Mr. Rogers ~~ Your in if you want a spot on the boat for Sunday, you would make 4 and that's a good crew for early cold riding.

downfortheride 03-22-2010 8:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
So how do you start spring off right? HINT: Good people, great boat, smooth water & a camera!

David is working on getting more and better pics up at www.downfortheride.com

duramat 03-22-2010 4:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)

My not so bueno Saturday afternoon road trip down to Sringville to get my tower fixed. I guess Im looking for some new shoes for the trailer. :)

Im anxious to be getting back out I tell ya!

ryan_shima1 03-22-2010 8:34 PM

That sucks Matt. Same thing happened to me last summer going to Willard. It was my first blow out on the highway, pretty scary.

What's wrong with your tower?

Dave and Josh, thanks for the pics. Looks like you guys had some great time. My ankle is almost back to normal. Let me know the next time you're planning to head out.

downfortheride 03-22-2010 9:02 PM

Matt ~~ We know that feeling all to well with all the Powell trips we take! Hope to best on getting your boat fixed and ready for a kick ass season.

Shima ~~ Thanks, David sure knows how to set up the camera and then work magic in photo shop to make em right. He would have never posted most of them pics but I was kicking his ass to do it. Sunday sessions already in the talk, we'll keep you updated!

I have already talked with a few on here, but the Monday sessions idea has come up again. We will be looking for people that is willing to hit the water early and in the office at a decent time. Keep it in mind if your willing we will get a group email put together and keep the crew busy all summer. I have heard a lot of people say their water time last year was down... Let's change that together!

03-23-2010 8:39 AM

Temp gauge on my Perfect Pass read 48 Sunday, but I'm telling you there's no way it was 48 (maybe 40) :eek:. 65 degree air temps and sun made it tolerable to ride though. I'm down for hitting it again Sunday if the weather holds out like it's supposed to.

Josh I'm all for starting up a Monday crew again, put me on the list!

Hey Matt you don't need a tower to surf, lets hit it! I haven't been on my Blue Lake since the last time I rode Willard with you and Ryan.

duramat 03-23-2010 12:06 PM

Shima it was my first one ever too. I was in the hammer lane (a no no :D)in Bountiful right before the construction and ended up cuttling hard for the belt rought exit right in time! Im looking for new tires now, I dont want to chance it with the others.

Josh, Im so ready for a great season this year! I cant wait to meet some of you guys down that way!

Dave, I hear ya on the tower for surfing!! hopefully though I get it back in about a week and I'll be golden for maybe before I leave if not for sure when Im back in town!! My wife still doesnt know about the Bluelake from last year!! LMAO will be fun explaining that one!:D

Also Dave, the wifes sis just bought a new canon D50,,Im feeling the itch.........so itchin

03-23-2010 1:49 PM


Matt Adams (duramat)
My wife still doesnt know about the Bluelake from last year!! LMAO will be fun explaining that one!

Also Dave, the wifes sis just bought a new canon D50,,Im feeling the itch.........so itchin
LMAO Matt! Forgiveness is always easier to obtain than permission! Just use the line I've been using for years. "Oh that board? Pfff I've had that for years!" :D I learned that one from the wife, "oh those shoes... I've had them for years I just didnt have anything to wear them with".

The HD video capability of the new Canon bodies has me tempted to upgrade. I cant justify 5K for the 1d MkIV, but the 7d keeps tempting me.:cool:

downfortheride 03-23-2010 9:12 PM

Matt ~~ Tell her after you buy all new tires and a new spare, LMAO!

Anybody interested in joining the Monday crew send me a PM with what email address if best for you. In the past I threw a reminder early to mid week to confirm a few riders. It usually ends up with us running to UT Lake to kill it but we have been known to travel to the mountain lakes for a Epic Monday ride to start the work week off right. Let's make 2010 a Northern Utah Year!!!

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 9:31 AM

Hey yall! Finally found some people in Utah to hit the lakes with! Thanks for the PM Josh.

Any of you guys hit up Willard yet!? Been achin to go. haven't had the chance to take the new boat out yet and get used to it. But bought a drysuit for that sunny day to come around! Where do you hold your sessions Josh?

duramat 03-25-2010 9:54 AM

A7, Im looking at it right now!! Beautifull looking dark blue water, however choppy :(
Where you at? Congrats on the new ride! More people to go out with!

Josh, LMAO Im too scared to bring it up, She knows Ive robbed the "Emergency Fund" Envelope in the cookie jar, she just doesnt know as to where it went quite yet! LOL Either way my name is mud :D The crazy things we do to feed this addiction eh??

ryan_shima1 03-25-2010 10:13 AM

Jason, welcome to the thread.

Willard is my home lake, but won't be taking my boat out of storage until around the beginning of May once I'm back full time.

What boat did you get?

Matt, your wife is going to have your head on a platter soon!!!! ;)

ryan_shima1 03-25-2010 10:14 AM

Sorry, should have guessed what boat you have by your screenname.

Nice ride!

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 10:20 AM

Thanks. Ya Willard looks nice either way! Thawed off in March = WIN in my eyes. I'm in Syracuse (Layton) so Willard, Easy Canyon are the main lakes I hit up. Try to stay away from Pinezoo as much as possible.

Last year at the end of the season I pruchased a 2000 Reneill. After using it for about 2-3 months, I didn't like it at all as the wake was TINY for boarding and HUGE for skiing so... I said **** it and went and got me a 2004 Malibu LSV. Bought it out of Cali in Jan and only got to test drive it thus far so. Reall wanting to get it on the lake and see what she can do. Should be an awesome season.

Here's a quick pic.


So how long has everyone else been riding??? I know people over at DFTR have been in the game for quiet some time! Myself, I just started boarding last year (I suck). Got some pretty dope riders in Utah from the looks of it tho!

ryan_shima1 03-25-2010 10:54 AM

Nice ride Jason!

I live in Layton as well. Willard is where I take my boat to ride. Won't even touch Pineview.

I've been riding since 1994, and judge the local competitions here in UT and ID (I use to judge professionally but haven't since the 2003 Gravity Games).

There's good groups of people we ride with both up this way and down where Josh and David ride. It shouldn't be a problem to find a pull or get a crew together this season. Let's hope the weather cooperates this summer.

How do you have your boat ballasted? Do you use the wedge as well?

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 11:09 AM

Since 94, damn lol I hate feeling like a noob but. I am! :( Been skiing since I was 8ish. But back then they didn't have the stuff they have today so, forums like this and what not. Only been on the wakeboard for the 2-3 months I had the Reneil. Got a lot to learn this year, pretty excited.

As far as the boat, it's just the stock MLS for right now... 200# both sides in the rear and 800# up front, and the wedge. I never rode behind an Inboard before so. Just sterm drives. Gonna be awesome, can't wait.

downfortheride 03-25-2010 11:35 AM

Jason ~~ Welcome to the thread! Your going to find a pretty good group of guys on this thread... I myself have been riding for WAY to long but just in the last few years been riding behind Inboards. Your really close to Shima and he in an ace at finding your weak spots and what to try to make your riding a lot better, and the dude has one of the biggest backrolls you will see in person. Nice pickup on the boat, your going to LOVE it! Get your fundamentals down and your going to want to upgrade that ballast. I have seen 750's in the back, 800 middle, a triangle bow sack and lose the wedge. One heck of a fun wake! I don't have a boat myself but for most of the people I ride with and there is room, your more than welcome to ride.

Matt ~~ I can't stop laughing, YOUR DEAD! :D

Shima ~~ Hope the ankle is ok, I know David will be in for another Sunday set!

ryan_shima1 03-25-2010 12:40 PM

Jason, it's all about having fun so no worries about being a noob. If you've got a fun attitude and are respectful, that's all that matters. Like I said, a lot of good people on this forum to ride with.

You're going to have a lot more fun with the LSV then the Reinell. Your consistency will get better because of the performance of the boat, driver and good instruction.

Josh, thanks for the support and kinds words. Keep me posted on a Sunday ride (looks like it's going to be a lot more cold though this weekend). I just got an email this morning that Obrien should be sending me my 2010 setup soon. Can't wait to get it wet.

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 1:26 PM

For sure! I'm sure I'll be seeing all you guys out there sometime this year! I'll have to tag along and see what I can't do yet! lol

I'm already EXTREMELY impressed with the LSV over the stupid Reneill. Don't even compare! I don't think I'm gonna be touching much of the ballast for this year. We'll have to see how fast of a learner I am. Wife wants to learn Wakesurfing to so. I know I'm gonna need to be adding something in the rear for that. Stock wake will get old fast I'd imagine. I'm gonna try and hit up Willard Saturday sometime. See if I can't go freeze my ass off and learn the boat more while there's no one there. :D

downfortheride 03-25-2010 3:55 PM

Jason ~~ Are you down for Sundays at all? David and I are planning to get out and if you would like to take your LSV we would be happy to come join you at willard. Heck David can show you what NOT to do while riding, LMAO! Just tell me you already know the rule about power turning, I don't like to yell at drivers when I'm in the water, LOL!

Shima ~~ The words I say are 100% truthful and everybody will back me up on here! I talked to David today and he said he is down for a Sunday session. Heck there was even talk about heading up to Willard to get some of that deeper water. I will razz him a bit more and keep you updated. But knowing David he is up for anything.

Anybody know how to get an email every time a post is done on the thread?

duramat 03-25-2010 4:11 PM

Jason, awesome! Shima is your man! Theres some good guys on the site, the kind you can leave your young kids and brand new boat with the first night you meet them, while you jump on some other strangers boat to go surfing! SHIMA DA MAN! LOL GOOD TIMES! However the wife wasnt impressed LOL.. (she would of never of found out if it werent for my friends wife ratting me out!) Point is your gonna have fun this summer :D

Some of us have some sacs that we can bring along to dial in your wake/wave on outings with ya.;)

Im hoping to get my boat back soon, saturday if I could? (no garantee) I may have to invite myself along with ya on Saturday! :D Im itching to get out before I head back up to the arctic next week :mad:

Shima, I forgot to tell ya, that a weld on my tower completely busted so its getting worked on right now. I have no idea of it happened but oh well, if Im going to want to see that Flying Hawaiian landing out in the flats ITS GOT TO BE FIXED! :D I cant emphasize enough how much fun I have going out with you and Tag. Ironically I ran into him and his wife at Jeremiahs restaurant on 12th last time I flew home. Him and wife are itchin to get out again too.

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 4:19 PM

I actually gotta go to my "other" church Sunday, (Car meet). Buddy of mine is gonna bring his buffer and cutting compound and do the boat so. Especially cause it's gonna be 10 degrees warmer that day. I'll see whats going on and let you guys know. Car meet ain't till 4ish so. You sure you guys would wanna ride behind a stock wake ;)

And I'm not sure about your power turning rule but, I got a pretty good idea. Remember, I've never owned an Inboard (that can power turn) so. No worries there ;)

I did have one question for you guys.... My boat has a 13.5 x 16 prop on it, I know everyone recommends the ACME 1235. Just curious how this prop is gonna handle it up here at this Attitude rather then down at sea level and all weighted down.

nauti4life 03-25-2010 4:57 PM

Jason call Croft Marine. They are great and know alot about the Malibu's.

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 7:05 PM

So Who's all down to go Sunday then? I'm in if whoever wants to go! use my boat cause I wanna get the hang of her, you guys can bring whatever. Does have a stock Ballast like I said so if ya want bigger, bring bags that we can fill. Doesn't matter to me... Say a time and what marina. (N or S) Let me know.

Ah... I'm excited to get going back to church on Sundays :)

downfortheride 03-25-2010 7:49 PM

Jason ~~ I know me a David is DFTR up that way, heck so close Shima just might be down! For early riding and time I would suggest no more than 4 riders and I will have my kids. They are really good being on a boat (hope shima & David will back me up) for being 10 and 6. I myself would suggest to bring a couple of bags just to skip using the wedge. Although a great idea it just feels like your dragging an anchor. But heck, we can work with what you have and work on getting it dialed in!
About your prop question, I would post that up on the boat thread and see if anybody will help you out. Moe is trying to trick you, hence the Nauti4life name... OMG LMAO... Just playing Moe!!! They used to sell Malibu so heck it's worth a shot.

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 7:59 PM

Well It'll be My wife, me, My brother and his wife. and whoever else.

You really don't like those wedges do ya lol. I've personally never felt the boat with it down. Didn't test it our during the test drive so. From what I've read, throwing the wedge down cleans up the wake. Not to mention adding another 1000# of down force on the boat? I just wanna get the damn boat out!! I'll ski if I have to lol. It's all good to me! :D How many kids ya talking?

ryan_shima1 03-25-2010 8:28 PM

Jason, if my ankle holds up and you have space, I'll be down to help you break in the boat. I have extra sacks and pumps to.

The newer wedges work better then the old wedges. I personally like a sacked out BU w/o the wedge but its your boat man. You call it. With how many people you got going, we'll probably want to put a sack in the boat to keep the boat from porpoising.

Josh's kids are really well behaved on the boat. They've been out on mine and are great.

Let me know a meeting time and which dock, thanks for the invite (if it's an official invite).

A7X_LSV_23 03-25-2010 9:43 PM

I'm sure there will be room... Someone might have to freeze their ass off up in the bow :D I don't think with all the people going we're gonna need any extra sacks. But if ya want em bring em. I've never rode behind a Bu with or without the wedge so. I'll be trying both to see the difference. We can set it up to whatever you guys want.

So pretty much a time and a Marina... That web cam is in the North Marina... I have no idea the condition of the south. I would imagine it's thawed out. That's the Marina I always go to it the South so. Whatever time we decide to go I'm prob gonna run a half hour or hour early and get the boat in the water. Make sure the impeller ain't leaking, etc etc. Any of you guys adjusted the shalf seal and have the 1 7/8" wrenchs for it? I know it needs tightened.

So... South Marina... Around noonish? Or is that to early for you guys?

ryan_shima1 03-25-2010 10:05 PM

Noon at South Marina is fine with me. I have the wrenches for the packing gland but they're in my boat which is stored at my friends house in Farmington. Let me know if you really need them and I can see if they will be around this Sat for me to pick them up.

downfortheride 03-26-2010 2:40 AM

Jason ~~ I rode a newer DD Wakesetter with the wedge down and it was crazy different. I guess I'm just used to 900 lbs in the Super Air and killin it... I have never drove one in a V Drive and maybe I'm being a hater! I ride a VLX in vegas without the wedge and it's a dream... I just can't let my wife on your boat, I can't go into that much debt when she falls in love!

03-26-2010 7:55 AM

Damn the Northern Utah thread is blowin' up! ;) Look at all this activity I missed out on by blowing work early and going to the sweet 16!

Looks like there is enough interest in a Sunday ride to fill two boats. I have no problem dragging mine up to Willard too. Lets do this thing!

03-26-2010 8:00 AM

By the way welcome to the board Jason, nice looking boat! Just tell me your not a Oakland Raiders fan :rolleyes:

downfortheride 03-26-2010 8:27 AM

Jason ~~ I hear them WS really like nose weight, you might want to plan on throwing a bag up front just because. Heck you need to try everything and get your boat dialed for the summer! Sounds like we are a go for noon on Sunday!

David ~~ About time you make it back over here! Hope the lighting will work for some great chase boat sessions! Nothing like that SANTE in deep water! :eek:

nauti4life 03-26-2010 9:25 AM

Jason- What motor does that 23 LSV have? If it is not the 8.1 you would want a 1235 prop for hull shot (stock and/or sacked out). We have one in stock. We also have a packing nut wrench if needed. We still have alot of Malibu parts in stock is needed. I wish I could be there. Post lots of pix.

downfortheride 03-26-2010 9:35 AM

Moe ~~ You going to have a 210 for Demo this season? I havent been behind the 210 since they changed it back in 07. If you can work something out with Kevin I'm sure we can get the shop a few high res pics of it on the water.

A7X_LSV_23 03-26-2010 10:26 AM

The bow already has a huge hard tank under all the seats. There's 350# in the bow, 500# in the center, and 200#x2 in the rear for a total of 1250# plus the 1000# wedge. It's only got the 340hp Monsoon. I've been thinking it's gonna need the ACME 1235 but, Gonna see how it does first and what better way then to have EVERYONE come ;) When it was tested in Cali I was SHOCKED at the hole shot tho! It was crazy, my wife slide from the glove box all the way to the back after punching it! lol We'll see how it does! Kinda tight on money right now so. I know Croft is probably gonna want around $675 for that prop. I can find it for around $500 on the internet, then the tools to do it myself on top of that. I'm one of those guys that likes doing everything myself so. I hate wasting money (putting it in someone elses pocket) when I don't have to :D

I know I'm gonna need to go buy the wrenches for the packing but, it can wait for now. Get on that when it gets warm. We'll see how much water it lets in.

From what I've heard, most people take the VLX over the LSV's, due to the lengths, the LSV's 23' need more weight to get the wave dialed in, and it's usually a wider wake. Where the VLX is tall and narrow. When we bought the boat I was just looking for something in our price range and picked this up for a STEAL! And I'm not Pro like you guys yet so. lol Doesn't really matter to me right now. But i've never heard about anyone with a malibu not using the wedge MINUS with Wakesurfing... And the only time I've heard that, the dude custom made a sac to fit through the whole entire storage compartment all the way to the glove box, 2000#, only on oen side. throws a killer wake but... To much work lol And the new power wedges do work a lot better then the manuals... It's able to adjust from 400# to 1200# of down force weight. There's a vid on Youtube of the actual wake changing, I couldn't find it for ya but. I know it's there lol.

And Thanks David! :) And No I'm not really a football fan, or watching any sports on TV really lol I don't have any time to keep up with that crap.

downfortheride 03-26-2010 11:44 AM

Jason ~~ I'm pumped for ya having to dial in your wake, one day I might have to buy a boat so I can do it. We have a few people on here that has tools and stuff that you can get and use. Ask David how I use stuff, LOL. That boat is 200% better than what your used to! All of us are far from pros on here and don't really sack the boats out. Shima has some serious weight in his supra but riding with David and his SANTE we always just use the 900 stock and Do work!

nauti4life 03-26-2010 12:07 PM

I hope to be doing alot of demo's and lake deliveries this year. I will shout out when I am heading to the lake. Everyone is invited.

wakekat15 03-26-2010 1:53 PM


Originally Posted by dhorton (Post 1564760)
Temp gauge on my Perfect Pass read 48 Sunday, but I'm telling you there's no way it was 48 (maybe 40) :eek:. 65 degree air temps and sun made it tolerable to ride though. I'm down for hitting it again Sunday if the weather holds out like it's supposed to.

Josh I'm all for starting up a Monday crew again, put me on the list!

Hey Matt you don't need a tower to surf, lets hit it! I haven't been on my Blue Lake since the last time I rode Willard with you and Ryan.

Just an FYI that on your Nautique, the temp gauge is mounted near the exhaust/outtake, so it always reads warmer than it really is!

ryan_shima1 03-26-2010 4:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Obrien sent me my new 2010 set up today. It' always nice to come home with boxes at our front door! :D

Board - Vice 136
Bindings - Vice CT
(FYI, 5 straight season on the Vice. Love this board)

Can't wait to get her broken in.

downfortheride 03-26-2010 7:56 PM

Shima ~~ Just like every year, NICE! I can't wait to try out the new 2010 shapes for Wakeology and find one that fits my riding. The CWB AB has been so great to me. New shapes will be out in 2 weeks we hope!!!

davee22ve 03-26-2010 8:25 PM

Jason you will like the stock wake on your boat I have several friends with that boat down in phoenix Az that run stock and I allways enjoy it. I personally like the wedge but with it down your boat will suck the gas.

As for the prop I have a 22ve Tige with the 5.7 340 horse and have the same prop as you and with weight it is doggy. I had it up here last year and wish that i had the prop you are looking at though even with the stock prop my boat will pull out of the water with about 2500 lbs and 9 people. If you have the money I would say reprop it but if the money is questionable your stock prop will be fine as long as you keep to the stock weight.

I will be up here working most of the summer so if you need a third let me know I will also be bringing my boat up in april or may.

A7X_LSV_23 03-26-2010 10:22 PM

I've heard the stock wake is nice as well so. We'll just have to see Sunday.


Who all is planning at meeting up at Willard Bay Sunday at noon so we can get a head count? And who all is bringing a boat beisdes me if anyone?

ryan_shima1 03-26-2010 10:37 PM

Jason, I will be there. If my ankles are acting up, I probably won't ride but would like to still come along if that's ok with you? If not, no worries. Just let me know. Also, do you need the wrenches for the packing gland? I'll need to know by early tomorrow so I can try and pick it up from my friends place.

Look forward to meeting up with you!

Josh, are you going to try them all out or will you try and stick to the board that's closest to the CWB AB? Is Wakeology doing anything in terms of bindings this year?

A7X_LSV_23 03-26-2010 11:03 PM

I don't mind at all who comes. I'm hitting up Marine Products in the morning so, I'll just pick up some wrenches there if they got them. I don't want ya to go out of your way to go and pick em up. But hopefully M-P has some. Ya'll can help me adjust it to where it needs to be. Never done it before so.

I'm excited to see how all you PROS get down ;) Getting free **** and all.

Sick board BTW Ryan. Wrap the ankle up and get out there! Or we can just throw ya in, whatever works.

Oh forgot to mention, I don't have a solid wakeboarding rope, more like a ski rope so. If someone would bring one of those along for sunday that would be sweet. Unless you guys don't care! Won't make a difference to me :) Can anyone else think of something you guys might need???

Oh another thing, my boat doesn't have a warm shower so. If you were wanting to fill up a bucket or warm water, gonna need something to do it with. Gonna ask M-P tomorrow for any fast connects or something that I was hook up to the heat line in the engine long enough to fill a bucket up. But if someone already has a hose with a fast connect on it let me know.

ryan_shima1 03-27-2010 12:30 AM

Thanks Jason! If MP doesn't have the wrenches for sale, I got mine at Home Depot. The mechanics at MP were the ones who actually told me where to buy them since they didn't carry them a couple of years ago.

I'll bring my rope so no worries on that.

Let's hope the weather really holds out for us. Looking forward to it!

downfortheride 03-27-2010 11:35 AM

Jason ~~ I know David and Myself is in and he is planning on dragging his Super Air up also. So our group so far is us two and my two kids. I have an extra rope that I can give ya bro, got just got hooked up with the LG Handle and rope and have an extra.you can use till you pick yourself up one.

A7X_LSV_23 03-27-2010 2:49 PM

Ryan - Went to M-P and they still don't carry those wrenchs. Went to Lowes cause it was close and they didn't really have any wrenches that would work... Unless your talking about a plumbing wrench or something? Not sure, hit me up with some more info.

Josh - Ya, checked out ropes at M-P and I think it's gonna have to wait to buy one! lol I have a wakeboarding rope, it just flexes so. Not a huge deal to me right now. Did however get some waterproof gloves and some socks to go with the drysuit :D Can't wait.

downfortheride 03-27-2010 6:05 PM

Jason ~~ A good rope is pretty important to progress your riding, the one that I'm giving you isnt the best but it works better than a stretchy rope. You can give it a few rides and see if it's something that will work for you and your boat. Like I said I have an extra and willing to help people where needed. Sometimes I wish I never let go of some of the boards that I just gave away but hell somebody is getting into the sport and probably loving it. Anyway just confirmed with David... 12 ish on the south Harbor. :cool:

A7X_LSV_23 03-27-2010 6:58 PM

Sweet man thanks a lot! I guess if you have to twist my arm about I'll take/borrow the rope from ya! ;)

You guys wanna PM me your numbers just in case for tomorrow.

ryan_shima1 03-27-2010 7:02 PM

Jason, not sure what the name of the wrenches are but Lowes didn't carry them, that's why I went to Home Depot. They're pretty cheap looking and are a Y shaped wrench that's adjustable with a wing nut. I also cut the handle down so it was easier to work with in the tight space. I bought two of them, one for each nut.

Do you have a wakesurfer or do you want me to bring mine (Obrien Alias TT)? I also have a surf rope that I can bring. Planning to bring a extra sack and pump.

Do you want to meet at noon or be on the water at noon? (South Marina) - Weather report says South winds but at 11mph, so if the water is high, it might be a little choppy unless we can get right up against the south wall.

A7X_LSV_23 03-27-2010 7:56 PM

I think I know the wrench's your talking. I'll hit up Home Depot another day for em.

I don't have a Wakesurf board but, you prob don't have to bring it tomorrow... Unless ya want to. Doesn't matter to me. I was just thinking a quit trip out so. I'm sure the wives will be freezing her ass off in 2-3 hours out there anyways. We can save that for another/warmer day.

Lets just meet up at Noon at the Lake. I'll hopefully have the boat in the water by the time all you guys show up so. South wind will work. We usually always have to drive clear to the South side near the dike anyways so. Not a big deal.

ryan_shima1 03-27-2010 8:47 PM

Ok sounds good, see you tomorrow and thanks again for the invite!

ryan_shima1 03-28-2010 3:12 PM

Thanks for the pull today Jason! It was great to finally meet you all in person. If you don't mind, pllease email me any pics that came out good from today.

Until next time!

downfortheride 03-28-2010 4:25 PM

Wow what a great day on the water! 2 boats both kicking a good wake and good people to share it with. Can't wait to see how or if (Chase was shooting, LOL) and pics turn out. Myself of David will post up when we have a few pics going on the site.

Jason ~~ Nice to meet all you guys and thanks a ton for the pull behind that beast. I was really surprised about the wake size and shape and If you going to use the wedge I would re prop it just for that whole shot. Great boat and wake!

Shima ~~ It's great to catch up with ya on the water, sucks I didn't see ya throw down. Hell there's plenty of time that we can session and work the bugs out of our systems. Glad I landed that Indy TS FS 180 for ya... Stoked that I did it so smooth for the first time throwing it.

David & Chase ~~ Thanks for the water time guys! What a hell of a time being back on that CWB to throw down. Until next time...

ryan_shima1 03-28-2010 6:37 PM

Good to see you guys too Josh! I'll be in better shape the next time we get together to ride. Nice floaty TS Indy 180 today! Can't wait to get out with you and Dave on the SAN, it's been too long since I've hit his wake.

03-28-2010 7:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is one teaser, I'll post some more up tomorrow on Josh's site. :p

A7X_LSV_23 03-28-2010 7:29 PM

Hitting the water in March = AWESOME!!! Had a blast out there today! After looking at the pictures and the vid, the wake looks a lot better (cleaner and taller) with the wedge down. Even tho it does feel like dragging an anchor.

Ryan - That was a sick set! I do have some pretty good pictures that' I'm going through right now. And a vid I'll Post. The D5000 has pretty good video on it, I'm quite impressed.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV4FykghQSA Image Quality looks a lot better on my computer. Uploaded like **** tho. But ya get the point ;)

Josh - Got some MAJOR air!!! (with the wedge down) Got some sweet pics for ya.

David & Chase - Sweet meeting you two! Can't wait to get out there doing again! Chase had some sweet throw downs as well! Wish I had a bigger lens!

Link to the photos I got:





Again it was great meeting you guys. But umm... Question for you all. When we going again!?

ryan_shima1 03-28-2010 7:37 PM

Thanks for the pics Jason. I may be able to get out one or two more times before I head to HI on April 8th. Just give me a couple of days notice and I'll see what I can plan for.

tylen01 03-28-2010 7:53 PM

Good Ride
Hey it was nice to meet all you guys today. Man I wish I could wakeboard like you guys... Maybe by the end of the season I might be able to do 1 trick... ;)


downfortheride 03-28-2010 8:22 PM

David with some BOOT right there! It's amazing to see this guy progress year after year, just have to have Shima yell at him a few times!

Jason ~~ We have a pretty good and strong Northern thread crew and everybody is super cool and just likes to ride and hang out. I was in your shoes, just looking for people that really likes to ride and I feel onto WW and it's never been the same. Wait till you meet the other Jason on here, he is an F'n crack up! You seem like a cool dude that will fit in right with us. Just be open and willing to ride with anybody and other boats and you will progress. I F'n hate to hear "there to good" type crap, that pushes me to ride better. Shima and his Flyin Hawaiian moves makes me want to get out there and charge just that much more!

Chris ~~ Cute kid!!! Just keep at it and the right fundamentals you will progress faster than most people. It's not the crazy huge wake that makes you fly higher and help you land your tricks. Keep at it, at times it will hurt but others it will be the best feeling in the world. Heck you seen me throw and land the smoothest Indy TS FS 180 (toe side front side) I have ever threw to this day. I threw the handle and put my arms in the air cause I was so excited that I finally did it perfect!!!

Jason & Chris ~~ Take a look at the first pic you posted of Shima... When you hear cut through the wake and don't try and jump off of it, he is killin the saying right there. Line tension and a progressive edge will take you flying in the air!

A7X_LSV_23 03-28-2010 8:58 PM

Hell, I'm down to ride whenever, wherever, with whoever, and with whatever! Don't matter to me! lol Just always been looking for that bunch of guys that don't brag about what they can do and how much money that made that year! Had, notice the HAD, a bunch of friends just like that. Gets old fast! I ain't gonna lie that you guys are good. But that ain't gonna stop me from trying to catch up ;) All about having fun and doin it! Who cares how good ya are. The wake on my boat kicked my ass today on the slalom lol Freaking SUCKED! I'm actually stocked you guys can do all the tricks. Just gonna be that easier for me and my bro with all the help we can get. Always helps more watching people do it.

03-29-2010 8:38 AM

Suck it Josh


downfortheride 03-29-2010 8:11 PM

Does anybody else see that David hates me! ;)

ryan_shima1 03-29-2010 8:15 PM

Lovers quarrel! :D

downfortheride 03-30-2010 6:11 PM

Shima ~~ It's a love hate relationship... Hell I met the dude on the internet!

It don't help that I wear clown shoes when I ride too!

ryan_shima1 03-30-2010 8:34 PM

Internet relationships are tough some times LOL!

A7X_LSV_23 03-31-2010 4:47 AM

So I think Mother nature was teasing us with the Weather we had last Sunday :(.... What a bunch of bulllllll****. Gets us all excited to hit the lake then ERRCH! Here's a week of snow for ya. Ya, thanks lot.

Meeting peeps on the internet is the way of the future! Or something ;) It's like dogs sniffing each others asses first to make sure they check out ok ;)

tylen01 03-31-2010 6:04 AM

Yeah seen that its gonna be crappy. Not a day ago it was showing nice and sunny. bummer. :mad:

downfortheride 03-31-2010 8:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I say this weather is great! Just loading the mountains with more snow and getting people excited to hit the slopes. So let it snow... Hell our lakes can use it to!

Attachment 1622

duramat 03-31-2010 2:36 PM

Well I was hoping I was going to get the boat out this time home, but didn't happen. But I got my tower fixed and some new shoes on the trailer so I'm good for the upcoming Sand Hollow trip when I get back. What's up with this crappy weather, I wasn't expecting snow till I flew into anchorage tonight!

Jason, sorry I had to miss out on the Sunday outing with ya, we'll have to hook up in two weeks when I get back. I'm ready for some surfing and boarding

Dave, Josh, Keep the pics coming! I can't get enough to get me through this dry spell

Shima, Have a good time back in Hawaii! Send me some beach shots and "wildlife" while your there LOL

Hope to see you all when I get back, take care and have fun

ryan_shima1 03-31-2010 2:51 PM

Have a safe trip up to AK Matt and we'll hook up once I'm back in town.


A7X_LSV_23 03-31-2010 4:00 PM

So I gotta ask you boys.... I know everyone has a preference on boards/bindings. Seeing that I haven't ridden many but I know mine is way to big for me 144cm (200lbs +) Was thinking about a new board. Just curious what you guys recommend and why?

ryan_shima1 03-31-2010 4:20 PM

Jason, how heavy are you?

A7X_LSV_23 03-31-2010 4:22 PM

175... I should be riding like a 136cm.

Does going to a smaller board make it more aggressive? Long as your not sinkin it?

ryan_shima1 03-31-2010 5:30 PM

At 175, you can be between a 135 & 140 depending on how wide it is. My board is a 136 but rides like a 142 because it's super wide (and I'm pushing 230lbs.)

Second important question will be the type of rocker profile that will suit your riding style better.

-A continuous rocker will be more consistent & faster which will make it easier to go into the flats. But it may not have much pop when riding a short rope length and slower boat speed.

-A 3 stage rocker will not be as fast and can be unstable on landings, but it gives a good wake to wake pop. This type of rocker suits people who like more of a vertical pop.

-A progressive rocker is in between a continuous and 3 stage. It's got the speed and consistency blended with the abrupt pop.

Most companies these days have a board with each type of those rocker profiles, widths and lengths in their lineup. I know you can find a decent deal online but I like to support local pro shops, especially since they will help out if there are any warranty issues with your purchase. Marine Products has a good variety of different brands (Obrien, Ronix, Liquid Force and CWB).

Hit me up if you have any questions on specific brands or models. Will be glad to help you pick the right board for you.

downfortheride 03-31-2010 5:35 PM

Jason ~~ I say every board reacts different to riding styles and size. I suggest to take advantage of the demo program with Marine products, although out of the way it will help you find the best board for you. And the money you throw towards the demo's goes to your purchase. I'm 170 and rode 135 to 144 and found myself comfortable on a 141. Here in a couple of weeks I might have a couple of the Wakeology's new boards that you can try out and see what you think. David has a CWB Marius that I'm sure he will let you borrow for a session or two.

ryan_shima1 03-31-2010 6:35 PM

I also have 4 different models of Obrien boards you can try Jason - (Vice 136, Valhalla 138, Decade 139 & Natural 144).

downfortheride 03-31-2010 7:06 PM

Jason ~~ Take Shima up on a demo of the Decade and the Natural....

Shima ~~ I would like to strap into that Decade for a set!

A7X_LSV_23 03-31-2010 7:21 PM

I'm guessing we're just gonna have to demo and bunch and really see which one feels the best. What are the reasons you guys like the boards your riding right now?

ryan_shima1 03-31-2010 7:43 PM

Josh, you're always welcome to try any board I have. Next time remind me to bring the decade.

Jason, these are the qualities I like in a board: 1) FAST!!!! 2) Holds a great edge to the wake 3) smooth release from the wake on spins and inverts 4) controllable pop 5) low swing weight 6) soft landings 7) consistent and predictable ride. All the boards I've ridden in the past for a long period of time (including pre-Obrien days - before 2003) had most of these qualities.

This is my 5th straight season on the Vice because the board encompasses all of these. I tried the Decade through the first half of last summer but my consistency just wasn't coming around. I decided to go back to my Vice just to see if it was the board or me that was the reason, and in one session, everything came back to normal on the Vice.

Your style of riding will also determine the type of board design you get, and since I haven't seen you ride yet, it's hard to make a recommendation. Just keep that in mind.

A7X_LSV_23 03-31-2010 8:00 PM


Originally Posted by ryan_shima1 (Post 1568240)
Josh, you're always welcome to try any board I have. Next time remind me to bring the decade.

Jason, these are the qualities I like in a board: 1) FAST!!!! 2) Holds a great edge to the wake 3) smooth release from the wake on spins and inverts 4) controllable pop 5) low swing weight 6) soft landings 7) consistent and predictable ride. All the boards I've ridden in the past for a long period of time (including pre-Obrien days - before 2003) had most of these qualities.

This is my 5th straight season on the Vice because the board encompasses all of these. I tried the Decade through the first half of last summer but my consistency just wasn't coming around. I decided to go back to my Vice just to see if it was the board or me that was the reason, and in one session, everything came back to normal on the Vice.

Your style of riding will also determine the type of board design you get, and since I haven't seen you ride yet, it's hard to make a recommendation. Just keep that in mind.

Good to know. I know I'm prob gonna wait a little bit and try a few out. At least gotta get comfortable at riding switch. Always been a skier so. It's coming really difficult for me. But we'll get there. With some Board time and great friends, we'll get there ;) Thanks for all the help you guys are offering up! I'm stocked to go again! Freaking weather needs to help us out again!

downfortheride 04-01-2010 9:28 AM

Jason ~~ Shima just summed it up right there! I myself rode the parks for 4 yrs, although I could go big and do a few tricks my riding had flat lined. I stumbled on the CWB Absolute 141 a while ago and noticed my riding getting better and better. The parks was a crazy 3 stage and after riding less of a rocker I knew the Parks wasn't for me. I'm working on changing to Wakeology and can't wait to ride their new 2010 shapes and find the right one for me. Your more than welcome to give any board I have a ride to feel it out anytime. Also David has (I think) the 07 Caddy which is a continuous rocker that you need to give a try on, very well built boat with a ton of control.
Now let's get some sun and the drysuits and hit the water!

davee22ve 04-01-2010 10:03 AM

Looks like you guys had a really nice time. Wish that I could have made it I love the malibu wake with the wedge its what I ride half the time at home. If you can get that other prop you will be amazed at how your boat will respond and it will help your fuel as well.

I have got a guy bringing my boat up from Az and told him to drag some of the sunshine and heat with him so that we can get out soon. Let me know when your thinking of going and I will try my best to make it and I will do the same when I am headed out also.

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