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BCPMike0663 01-07-2013 1:13 PM

P90X Revisited
Well I am going back to the X again and wanted see if anyone else wanted to get on the train. Between vacation and my wife being pregnant my diet has not been solid (all she wants is mexican food which is killing me). I cameback from vacation at 168 pounds which is about 10 pounds over weight. I was working out before vacation a few days a week but now that I have hit my mid 30's it obviously was not enough with my diet.

Anyway back on the train. I know Phatboy is on it as well. So far I have done two workouts. Chest and back and Plyo. Both were painful and humbling experiences (especially the plyo). Hopefully in 90 days I will be back in solid shape before our baby arrives.

jarrod 01-07-2013 3:08 PM

I do most of my work at the gym, but supplement with Ab Ripper X twice a week. I slacked off during the holidays, but I'm back at it as of yesterday.

BCPMike0663 01-07-2013 3:42 PM

I got the ripper when I get home tonight. I haven't done it in about 5 months. This should be painful. I was shocked how hard the plyo was for me. Not a good sign. I still had good strength for the pull ups and push ups because I had still been doing some of those videos. But the cardio crushed me.

ord27 01-07-2013 5:39 PM

so good guys! have yall tried Insanity Asylum? that's a great workout too

phatboypimp 01-08-2013 8:04 AM

Start date January 1 - 240lbs goal weight 220lbs. I am back on the diet and the workout program. Last cycle I lost 37lbs. I have been in the gym regularly which tends to add muscle mass for me but my diet has not been great. Especially now that I am on the diet - I am starving all the time. lol

BCPMike0663 01-08-2013 8:53 AM

How is insanity? My wife has bad knees, so when we were working out together there was no way she could do more work outs like plyo. I am changing the P90X program where I am doing two plyos a week (getting rid of Kempo) and I am doing core instead of Yoga. I still do yoga belly though. My schedule goes:
Plyo (yoga Belly)
Push Pull (Ab ripper)
Plyo (ab ripper)
Shoulder by tri
Legs and Back (ab ripper)
Day off
I know I should do the yoga but I just can't stomach it. I am doing the workouts in the morning and it is going to be hard enough to stay dedicated getting up especially with how sore I am right now. It was tough to get up for core this morning.
With the Diet I should be able to be perfect during the week. But weekends until football ends I can see myself drinking some beer during the games.

mnwakerider 01-08-2013 11:09 AM

Glad to hear you guys getting back into it! I started a round of Insanity last night. Agreed; humbling. I have put on around 30+ pounds in the 2 years since I completed three rounds of P90X. I am doing a tough mudder this summer and need to drop LBS to run that.

In the last round of P90X I got my diet dialed in and saw first hand that diet is nearly 80% of your results. I am starting Insanity even more dedicated. I read the nutritioun guide for the first time and made meals for the first couple of days (5 meals a day between 300-400 cal to start). I hope to really see some results in the next 60 days. Good luck everybody!

jhartt3 01-08-2013 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by BCPMike0663 (Post 1801111)
How is insanity? My wife has bad knees, .

It is terrible on your knees. you can try to make it lower impact but if she has bad knees it is not for her

load 01-08-2013 11:33 AM

Mike, another option on the Yoga, Fountain of Youth Yoga, only 45 minutes.

I have not stopped working out just up and down on the diet. I was at 230 for my GORUCK in November and want to be 220 or below for my next one in June, currently at 240.

I have been doing a combo of Les Mills (Extreme & Revolution), P90X (Plyo, Core, Ab Ripper), Yoga. Ruck walks with my full ruck (45lbs). Skiing every weekend. Setting a goal to complete 100,000 pushups for 2013.

I may jump back into a regular round of P90X in a month or so.

BCPMike0663 01-08-2013 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by jhartt3 (Post 1801140)
It is terrible on your knees. you can try to make it lower impact but if she has bad knees it is not for her

That is why we did not try insanity. Now she is prego she is just walking on the treadmill and some light weights. I am lucky I have knees of steel. They have survived 18 years of wake boarding and basketball. I might look into insanity later just thinking what people thought. I look at P90X as basic meat and potatoes of working out. It is nothing special but seems to get results when done with the proper diet.

BCPMike0663 01-08-2013 12:47 PM

Just one more thing. Man am I having problem sitting right now. I am so sore everytime I have to sit or stand it is painful. I can't wait to get through these first ten days.

ord27 01-08-2013 4:10 PM

hey Mike
yup. insanity is hard on the joints
my knees survived, but my feet and ankles had a tough time. It's high impact every workout.

Insanity Asylum is much better. It has lots of agility drills using the floor ladder. I had my 15 year old do it this last off season. As a result, she beat out 2 girls during tryouts, that have beat her for 2 seasons running. (that might not have come out right). Everyone wanted to know what she did....

P90X2 is a nice change of pace. It is more difficult to really rep out to failure, because lots of the pushups are done on medicine balls....1 ball, 2 balls, and using all 4 balls. Your supporting muscles will get a great workout!

BCPMike0663 01-08-2013 4:38 PM

You are kind of the man that started it all. I know you were on the train for a while. Then took some time off. What does your workout schedule look like know if you are back on any programs?

ord27 01-08-2013 8:44 PM

I do a mixed system now like a lot of the guys. I haven't been real consistent here lately. The holidays kind of derailed my last round of p90x. The original is still my favorite. Here lately, I pick and choose my favorite routines from Insanity, P90X, P90X2, and asylum and do a 4 or 5 day a week routine.

To do a full blown routine of any of these programs requires me to eat a lot in order to keep my energy levels up. The eating part is what I really get burned out on. A 4 or 5 day routine seems to suit my lifestyle.

I do still try to hit ab ripper x, 3 times a week.

Doug, that's awesome!!!
you've inspired me to set a push up and pull up goal

mnwakerider 01-09-2013 8:58 AM

Looking for input:

This time around I am working to do more of the diet than ever before.
Question: do you think the shakeology shakes are worth it? More cost effective sub?

My main goal is to currently drop LBS this round to make runs/stamina/endurance better.

alans 01-10-2013 6:26 AM

I started P90X yesterday for the first time. Man am I weak. Cardio is fine from cycling. I have a 4-Year old and twin 8 week olds at home. 5am is tough, but it is the only time I have. I am on my feet all day long at work and it feels great so far to start the day like this.

1/9/12 184.4 lbs

BCPMike0663 01-10-2013 8:50 AM


Originally Posted by alans (Post 1801430)
I started P90X yesterday for the first time. Man am I weak. Cardio is fine from cycling. I have a 4-Year old and twin 8 week olds at home. 5am is tough, but it is the only time I have. I am on my feet all day long at work and it feels great so far to start the day like this.

1/9/12 184.4 lbs

Great to have you aboard. I am also working out in the morning. This is the first time I am doing the work outs in the morning. I have done the program for many years just have slacked in the last six months. It is tough to get up but afterward I have great energy for the rest of the day. Just am really sore this week.

Now to the good bad and the ugly.
The good is that I feel good and have been doing pretty good on the workouts.

THe bad would be that I think I bit off a little more then I could chew with the two plyos. I failed to make the second plyo yesterday. Instead I ran a couple miles and of course did the ripper. This morning I was back at it with legs and back and it went pretty well. I am sure I will have problems sitting again later today. Those darn chair salutations will kill you if you haven't done it in a while.

The ugly would be how sore I am. I don't know if it is from taking such a long break or from just getting older. But when that alarm hits and it is time to work out. I just want to get in a little ball. But I have been doing pretty good at fighting through besides the second plyo.

BCPMike0663 01-10-2013 8:53 AM

One last thing, since this is your first time if you have any questions let us know. There are a lot of helpful people on here. Cliff and Jrod have done the program many times and can give you some good tips. Good luck and keep at it.

Dman726749 01-13-2013 4:03 PM

Just started last week for the first time...man am I sore! What are you guys recommending for a post workout recovery drink?

pesos 01-13-2013 10:35 PM

Trying to get back into it but have been averaging 12 hour workdays so it's been next to impossible. Have completely fallen off abs - still banging out pullups as I move around the house or some combo squats/calf raises with curls/shoulder press. Keeps me from totally feeling or looking like crap but just barely. Hard to keep up energy-wise and my appetite is down so the days I do push harder I end up going to bed starving. Routine is tough! Looking forward to getting it more stable.

ord27 01-14-2013 8:05 AM

great to have you as a P90Xer!!

the hardest think for me the first time was adjusting the diet
I was shocked at how much eating I had to do in order to keep my energy level up

you might discover that you will have to decide on a diet that gets you really lean, or one that gives you the strength to lift heavier or rep out more pull ups

Jrod is much better at explaining that aspect of things than I am

good luck

keep pushing play, especially when you really really don't want to.....

canucked 01-14-2013 10:00 AM

I finshed phase 1 and most of phase 2 of P90X2 before the holidays. I just got back from holidays yestarday and i'm going to do a week of phase 1 and 2 before starting phase 3 since I got fat again.

also, my diet the last month has been a poster of what not to eat (is tequila a food group?)

good luck all.

BCPMike0663 01-14-2013 4:31 PM

I don't use a recovery drink. But I do drink two shakes a day of GNC Amplified whey protein 60. This week I am already getting much less sore. I did plyo last night and push and pull this morning and they went pretty smooth. As for meals if this is the first time doing the program and you want to follow diet I suggest logging your food. A site like Livestrong works great. Good luck.
I got the ripper in about an hour.

BCPMike0663 01-16-2013 9:36 AM

Still truckin away. I am having a hard time getting the second plyo in. I am running a couple miles instead of doing it. Hopefully in the next stage I will get the two plyos in. I think it will help athletic performance and burn fat. I did core this morning. I am a lot less sore this week but I am more tired. I am not used to doing the program in the morning which is kicking my butt a little bit.
Diet has been great during the day but I got to keep the prego happy so dinner has been hit and miss.

phatboypimp 01-16-2013 12:56 PM

Had my best workout last night. I have been awesome on my diet and only missed two days in the opening two weeks. 236lbs.

mnwakerider 01-21-2013 6:42 AM

Nice work bud!

I had a tough week. Didnt get all of my workouts in due to wife's birthday and weekend pond hockey games (6+ hours on saturday). Today is two weeks and I am sticking with diet for 6 days a week and I am down nearly 9 pounds already. Threw on an older suit today and it felt so good to have it fit well in the waist.

Keep it up guys!

BCPMike0663 01-21-2013 10:20 AM

Rough weekend for the X. Skipped plyo yesterday to watch the football games. Instead drank beer and ate pizza. Gotta get back on track today I have push and pull tonight. Going to make up the plyo as well this week.

BCPMike0663 01-28-2013 1:15 PM

Well I have made it to first recovery week. I made up the plyo I missed. I missed one workout in the first three weeks. I did legs and back yesterday and did 132 pull ups. But the diet is proving so much harder this time around. Between football and my wife's cravings it is hard to stay on track. I am good during the work day but the weekends and nights are killing me. I am gonna just do my best because my wife is just not going for plain chicken every night right now and I understand that.
This week for recovery I am going to do core twice and run sprints and a few miles on the tread mill two other days. And of course do yoga belly.

eubanks01 01-28-2013 8:34 PM

Ok, I'm on the bandwagon...starting next week! :-) I didn't make it through a whole round when I tried it over a year ago but I'm going to try it again since I no longer have a gym membership. My diet sucks so I think that is going to be the hardest part. Plus I am the pickiest eater I know so the veggies are a struggle. I will try to use this as accountability and give my updates as well. I am targeting a Sunday (2-3) start date.

BCPMike0663 01-28-2013 9:46 PM


Originally Posted by eubanks01 (Post 1803859)
Ok, I'm on the bandwagon...starting next week! :-) I didn't make it through a whole round when I tried it over a year ago but I'm going to try it again since I no longer have a gym membership. My diet sucks so I think that is going to be the hardest part. Plus I am the pickiest eater I know so the veggies are a struggle. I will try to use this as accountability and give my updates as well. I am targeting a Sunday (2-3) start date.

Have you ever thought of juicing? I am not a big veggie guy. But as I have gotten older I realize I need some of those nutrients in my diet. I am not all crazy on the juicing but I try to do it 3 times a week just to get some of that stuff in me. On the diet it is mostly protein so if you can handle chicken and turkey you should be ok. I will say I thought the juice would taste bad but I actually enjoy it.
I am not doing great on the diet but last time I was dead on when I had the wife involved and my results were pretty awesome. Just hard to live that way forever weighing your food.

sippi 01-29-2013 7:00 AM

I started p90x a week from monday, so i've been on it a week and a day. Plyo day just plain sucks. the rest I like though. nah, actually i don't mind the plyo day, it just hurts, the day i can't stand is frickin kenpo or whatever its called, I did it this weekend, but i think this weekend i'm going to play soccer instead. Just can't get into the taebo feeling of it... hopefully i lose this belly!

BCPMike0663 01-29-2013 8:39 AM


Originally Posted by sippi (Post 1803880)
I started p90x a week from monday, so i've been on it a week and a day. Plyo day just plain sucks. the rest I like though. nah, actually i don't mind the plyo day, it just hurts, the day i can't stand is frickin kenpo or whatever its called, I did it this weekend, but i think this weekend i'm going to play soccer instead. Just can't get into the taebo feeling of it... hopefully i lose this belly!

I say if you can't handle the kenpo give core a chance. Core is a really good workout that I enjoy. It pretty much works everything. I have replaces kempo with core and I run on yoga. I would like to end up doing a second plyo but that is tough. Hopefully after this recovery week I will be able to handle two cores.

sippi 01-29-2013 8:52 AM

That's a good idea, I'll probably do the core instead of kempo, my indoor soccer season is about to start too so i'll be playing in two leagues that's about 2-4 games a week at night, so that'll help with some of the cardio for sure. getting difficult to run around with these college kids now adays haha. i'll give the core a try this sat, yea i'm not into the whole yoga thing, we had to do it in college, soccer coach made us, and never really got into it, so i'll probably run on those mornings or do something else.

eubanks01 01-29-2013 9:55 AM

Good thought Mike. What types of veggies do you juice? Do you mix them together or one at a time and do you put anything in with them? I can do meats fine, but like the said, the greens are tougher for me.

I've been skinny most of my life and my family always had an "eating out" lifestyle so both lead to bad eating habits. Now it's catching up to me in the belly region! I don't think I can stick with the weighing and measuring out of everything I eat but I do want to try better portion control and better choices when I do eat.

Do you guys run at all or feel like you need to mix in other cardios? I guess it depends on your goals. It's funny how different cardio doesn't always translate. Like I can run for a few miles ok but couldn't begin to do some of the long kickboxing stuff my wife does...and vice versa.

sippi 01-29-2013 10:07 AM

have you tried that v8 fusion or whatever its called, suppose to get daily veggies in but it tastes like fruit juice, have never seen the label so i don't know if it has a lot of sugars or anything like that.

as for cardio, i play and coach soccer so i'm always on the move, when i make my players run or do something like that, i do it with them. I also play indoor soccer on two leagues and its competitive, filled with college kids and ex college guys (I'm about to turn 30 so its not as easy as it used to be, but i still got it). I can't stand to just RUN. never have. so i like to play soccer or something like that to get my cardio in.

eubanks01 01-29-2013 10:40 AM

Sippi - Yeah, I need to look into the V8 stuff. I've also played competitive soccer from age 4 through high school and some in college. I would like to get back into it, but the problem is I need to run to get back into some resemblance of playing shape but I hate running as well!

sippi 01-29-2013 10:48 AM

man indoor is the best form of fitness. just start out taking 3 minute shifts and you'll quickly be able to play longer. it really helps me.

BCPMike0663 01-29-2013 10:48 AM

I usually juice some Kale, Spinach, Carrot, apple and cucumber.

Running is definatley not the best exercise. But when I run, I mix it up. I am on a treadmill and will run like a 7 minute mile. Then I sprint for a minute and then walk for two minutes. I will do that for 10 minutes. Then I will walk at a steep incline for 5 minutes. Then walk holding weights for 5 minutes. Basically I just switch it up so it is not just a boring steady pace. Usually I am on there for 45 minutes and get a little over 4 miles.

sippi 01-29-2013 11:19 AM

I will occasionally go to the stadium around town and run/walk the stairs. its a lot better for you and is more "entertaining" than just running. start off walking up and down or what i do is walk/run up, walk over a section and down, and continue that until you make the end. i used to do this alot, my club team in HS used to do this three times a week in the mornings before regionals or something, it was killer, i need to start doing that again. helps a lot if you have a buddy to go with you though.

BCPMike0663 01-29-2013 11:22 AM

Soon Tony will be your buddy if you continue to do the program. Phatboy and I text every day to keep each other motivated. It is nice to have that other person pushing you. It used to be my wife but now she just wants mexican food.

eubanks01 01-29-2013 11:27 AM

Great thoughts guys. Have any of you tried juice products like Naked or Bolthouse? I was thinking that might be a nice alternative and introduction into some juicing without all the cost and effort to buy my own juicer until I get acclimated. My thought was this could used for my afternoon veggies and then I would consume hole for dinner.

I'm gearing up and ready to get started! Something tells me my enthusiasm will fade after about 3 days. :-)

BCPMike0663 01-29-2013 12:34 PM

I am not gonna lie the first two weeks are hell. If you make it through that you should be good to go.

sippi 01-30-2013 6:30 AM

halfway through the second week. it hasn't been as bad as i thought, just sore because i haven't lifted in a while, but that's a good thing. for me the first two weeks have been great on the motivational side. i'm wondered what will happen 5-6 weeks down the line haha. hope i can keep up the motivation. getting used to getting up at 445 everymorning to do it...that was the hardest for me i think. tomorrow is yoga day, so i think i'm going to do my sprint/jog/walk thing for a couple of miles inthe morning and stretch really good.

eubanks01 02-02-2013 8:06 PM

Well, I tried to kick it off today. The workout went fairly well considering I haven't been doing anything but wakeboarding and going on the occasional run for the past 6+ months. That being said, I crashed HARD towards the end of the workout (chest and back). I had this happen a couple of times when I was at the gym for the first time in a while last summer. It looks like this...sudden nausea, dizziness, and some tingling in my limbs. I actually have to just lay down for about 15-20 minutes before I feel somewhat normal. Has anybody experienced this before? Is this expected when I haven't been doing regular strength training? I've known other people to have this when they lift heavy on legs but not other body parts. Maybe I'm just getting old! Any tips on something I should be eating before the workouts or doing differently or do I just need to power through it? Do I need to ease into these workouts and not push it so hard too fast? I really try to breathe well so I don't think that is the issue. Any thoughts would be appreciated as it sucks!

eubanks01 02-02-2013 8:33 PM

Hmm...lots of folks asking the same question online. Maybe you guys can share your pre-workout diets and I can see how mine stacks up. Some folks are saying that it could be caused by an empty stomach and that some carb intake 20-30 minutes prior is a good idea. Also, I need to make sure I'm drinking enough water I know but I don't feel like that is the issue. Other thoughts?

BCPMike0663 02-03-2013 8:45 AM

I don't eat anything special before the workout. But I will say that when I first started many years ago I had some zeros on number of reps. Like dive bombers. I thought I was working out hard before but it took a while to get in X shape.

Did a good work our yesterday but having a huge super bowl party today. Diet is out the window. Go Niners!!!!

jonblarc7 02-04-2013 7:28 AM

I like german potato soup


sippi 02-04-2013 9:29 AM

Yea, i don't eat anything before mine, but that's because i do mine at 430 in the morning right when i wake up. But i do keep hydrated all day and drink water before i go to bed at night, make sure you have a good meal the night before too. light headed and dizzyness sounds like hydration to me. it could be low blood sugar, but it would depend on how long you ate before you worked out and what it was. I'm on week three, dern alarm clock didn't go off this morning, so i have to do my chest and back and ab ripper this afternoon when i get home. I can tell a difference too, because i don't feel as good this morning. not as much energy, missin that soreness in the muscles too.

Blair, that cracks me up, how often do you think Tony hits on her!?!

BCPMike0663 02-04-2013 10:22 AM

Here is a good Tony cast list. Some pretty funny stuff. You can see how Maren makes some of those interesting faces during arm circles.


jonblarc7 02-04-2013 10:22 AM

He does love to talk about her form!!!!!!!!!!!

The first time I did P90 she used to piss me off on push ups. When tony would go around asking everybody what number they were on and she would say 30 all happy and sh!$e, and I was dying on 20. I made it my goal to do more than her LOL (pretty sad)

BCPMike0663 02-04-2013 11:16 AM

Man the diet exploded during the football game.Once the niners were getting destroyed I broke out the Jaeger shots. Took about 4 of those. Hurtin today and don't think I will get a work out in. Got get back on track tommorrow.

sippi 02-04-2013 11:39 AM

Just go for a long walk or something today and get a little sweat to clean out all that stuff haha.

I definitely understand on the pushups (for me it was pull ups), i kept telling myself if i weighed frickin 100 lbs like she does then i could do that many too haha. Nah i suck at pull ups, i'm building up to that, doin the bands that i got is tough and i can get more reps in, rather than doin a few pull ups haha

Do any of you guys use the bands instead of weights, i don't have the money or room for weights so i bought a set of bands at academy sports. i got the Lifeline TNT cable system, its got three bands you can put 1, 2 or all three on there, its tough, i still can't do all three, its ridiculous.

jonblarc7 02-04-2013 12:03 PM

I did the bands for pull ups and liked it better because like you said I could get more reps in and felt like I was getting more of a work out. But I didn't like it on any thing else so I bought some dumbells off craigslist. Becarefull on the bands that clip togather be cause I had the three in one bands too. One day I sat down to do close hand over hand pull usp (or what ever its call) and be for I knew it I had a gash in the top of my head from were one of the clips let lose and hit me in the top of the head. Then it did it to my toe during curls and thats the day I when out and bought three diffrent bands that don't come apart.

sippi 02-04-2013 1:27 PM

Oh wow, yeah these don't have a clip, its hard to explain what they are like unless you were to look them up. I'm going to get another single band for it though (you can get all different sizes), mine came with three 30lbs bands and you can put them all into one, i'm going to get one that is about 50-60 though because you can't really make a loop at the bottom to stand on with two bands, you need one for it, but one is too light, at least the ones that i have. wish i afford a set of dumbells but its just not in the cards right now.

alans 02-06-2013 6:44 AM

Still going strong. Been super busy at work since the boat show. Started week 4 this morning. I did have a couple 2 day weekends, but did lots of cardio on the days off. Feeling better than I have in over 10 years and definitely getting stronger. Only have shed 3-5 lbs, but feel the muscle coming back fast.

eubanks01 02-07-2013 12:11 PM

Doing ok here. Not following the diet very strict but trying to be a lot more aware of what I eat. Skipped yoga yesterday so will pick up with the next work out tonight...hopefully. Bi's and arms was good and didn't get nauseous at all. I think it's the the large muscle groups that bring it on more like legs, back, and chest. Hopefully once I get back in the swing it won't be an issue.

sippi 02-07-2013 12:52 PM

still on it here too. coming on the end of the 3rd week for me. lost 5lbs but feel better and definitely feel stronger than before, can't wait to change the weeks again and see what the next stage is like! gotta do legs tomorrow morning, so looking forward to not being able to walk again saturday haha.

BCPMike0663 02-07-2013 1:40 PM

I have had a horrible week. Only got in one work out in the first 3 days. I am gonna have to bust it out tonight and the rest of the week. I am gonna keep the same workout since I have fallen behind. Next monday I will change the workouts.

Dman726749 02-07-2013 2:38 PM

started day 1 of phase 2 today.....wow thats an ass kicker there!

BCPMike0663 02-07-2013 4:47 PM

I remember the second set of videos are hardcore. I am ready to hit them up next week.

phillywakeboarder 02-08-2013 7:20 AM

Hey everyone! I did a full round of the X in October-December of last year. Unfortunately, I celebrated this accomplishment by doing absolutely nothing for the next 6 weeks. So . . . I'm back for round 2. For those who have trouble getting all the vegetables required by the diet, I strongly recommend the nutribullet. The thing has really helped me, and it makes a kick a$$ protein shake as well. Good luck everyone! Warrior one, warrior two, warrior three, collapse to the floor in a heap . . . .

BCPMike0663 02-11-2013 9:10 AM

Well after a horrible week last week, in which I only got in three works outs. I am back on track. Did legs and back on saturday and got in a 130 pull ups. Did the best plyo I have done since being on the program yesterday. Legs are sore today but I feel good. Today I have back and biceps, looking forword to the change in videos.
Lastly I talked to my wife and this half ass diet thing is not working. I am heading on the chicken diet for a few weeks. Luckily my wife has been through the program so she understands what it takes.

sippi 02-11-2013 1:31 PM

Yea i defnitely had a bad week last week, well toward the end of it. so this week is suppose to be the "recover" week, i'm just going to go through another week of the phase 1 so i can catch back up. i felt like i didn't have the energy or anything when i woke up and didn't do the work out those days last week! I've been working on the diet more, of course my wife who is 5'2 and can eat a frickin cow and never gain an oz is difficult, but she's good about doing her own thing and i'll cook my food while she just eats whatever haha. I've been eating a bunch of chicken and deer meat, which i have an endless supply of, and doing a small garden salad at lunch with chicken, and fruits for snack....that's about as good as it gets for me. I need to go to gnc and find a good protien shake or something for the mornings, because after working out at 430, getting in the shower, getting my kids lunch together, getting him dressed and ready (he's 2), i have not a lot of time for breakfast.

BCPMike0663 02-11-2013 2:34 PM

I drink two protien shakes a day and eat pretty much every two hours. Lots of fruit, protien bar, low fat yogurt. I try to get a lot of small meals so I am not so hungry at the large meals since I just eat one chicken breast and maybe some broccalli for dinner (or I will juice with dinner).

sippi 02-12-2013 8:52 AM

yea, i need to get some protien for a shake. what kind do you use, any of ya'll for that matter, i know mike's not the only one that drinks a protien shake haha. anything to stay away from or that's just nasty, what tates the best.

BCPMike0663 02-12-2013 9:19 AM

I use GNC amplified wheybolic Extreme 60 either vanilla or chocalate. I mix it in a blender with a banana and some frozen strawberries or some yogurt to help the taste.
On another note did back and biceps last night and I can confirm total ass kicker. Even harder then I remember but I think it is because I can now do a lot more pull ups then before. So that tires me out and then the biceps become hell. Feel nice and sore toady.

sippi 02-14-2013 9:10 AM

Man, so last week was week three, i missed some days at the end so i figured i'd just do another phase one week this week. I swear it has been the worst two weeks to work out for me! I got in monday and tuesday, and missed wed and thursday so far. I have to work out in the morning, because i coach and have to take care of my kids after work. The past two nights my little one (2 years old) hasn't felt good and been up all night, making it impossible for me to wake up in the morning at a decent hour to work out. so I guess, tomrrow morning i'm going to do legs and back, i'll do arms and shoulders on sat, rest on sunday then i'll start the phase 2 on monday. hopefully i can stay on track from now on. when i don't work out in the morning, i find myself more tired and no energy throughout the day.

02-18-2013 10:47 AM

i started the first week in january. im doing a modified version of the routine. ive done 8 cycles previously. here is my schedule

first 3 weeks
monday-chest back, abs, 30 mins core work(woodchoppers, kettlebell, hammer swings etc etc etc) 30 mins cardio intervals either spin bike or running.
tuesday- shoulders and arms, one hour cardio, 30 mins stretch
wednesday-legs back, abs, 30 mins core work(woodchoppers, kettlebell, hammer swings deadlifts etc etc etc) 30 mins cardio intervals either spin bike or running.
thurs-satuday repeat of monday-wednesday workouts. i try to throw in a yoga session once a week but not religious about it.
weeks 4-6 follow the lifting schedule but adding the 3 extra days of lifting and the extra workouts after.
just finished week 6.
weeks 7-9 will reflect weeks 1-3 and weeks 10-12 will reflect weeks4-6.

currently doing a paleo/4hour diet. missing carbs like crazy.

BCPMike0663 02-18-2013 10:24 PM

You are an animal. I wish I had extra time to do more workouts but even with it I don't think I could get to your dedicationl level.

As for my own level of fitness. I killed this last week or so. I am really strong now. My pull ups are at really high reps. These two new workouts were really great. They helped me find my weak spot which are my triceps. My triceps were sore for three day after doing the chest and tri video. My plyo workout went really well also. Did jump knee tuck at Dom pace for the full 30 seconds for both rounds.

Now my diet is still killing me. Three day weekend and my wife is now 7 months pregnanat and wants to eat out every meal. Now for this next week I have prepared all my meals today. So the diet should be spot on. So far I have lost about 5 pounds. I would rather not lose anymore but I would like to get better defined abs.

phatboypimp 02-19-2013 12:44 PM

I was on track pretty well from Jan 1 on....but this last 10 days has been weak from a workout standpoint and diet standpoint. Epic Fail. Back on track as of today but I really dropped the ball. I have to figure out how to better balance work and working out.

02-24-2013 10:14 AM

diet diet diet.. imo its way more important than working out. 75% of the equation is diet.
the fastest way for most people to achieve a six pack is to lose 10lbs(just a number) rather than doing a million ab exercises. currently i have a couple hours out of my work day that i am allowed/expected to work out but i know my schedule routine isnt for everyone.

BCPMike0663 02-24-2013 4:27 PM

Well I am dominating the workouts right now. Did Plyo and did yoga belly today. I am really in a good routine right now. For you guys that are in the second phase, do you feel the difference in the workouts? I am so sore after the workouts especially the chest and shoulder videos. My diet is great during the week but the weekends are still problems. This last one was my wife's baby shower, so all the guys went out for pizza and beer. O well I made my chicken and turkey for the week so I should be good to go this next week.

I was thinking about picking up a weight vest for when I go back to the first videos. I think it would be good for the pull ups and push up videos. Anyone ever used one? Is it worth it? Thanks, Mike

phillywakeboarder 02-25-2013 6:19 AM

Well, this is week 2, day 5. Week 1 was rough! This time around I'm using the pushup bar things, and really like them. Hope to not take too many breaks today during the legs/back routine. To me, the pace of that CD is incredibly quick. Good luck everyone!

BCPMike0663 02-28-2013 12:44 PM

Rockin and Rollin throught another week. I have really hit my stride with the workouts. Diet has been pretty strong this week. I have never got to the point of doing two plyos but do run springs and quick mile (under 7 minutes) on the tread mill once a week. Where is everyone else at?

pesos 02-28-2013 12:47 PM

Restarted day 1 today after doing nothing but work 24/7 for forever it seems. Struggling to get 8 reps on the pullups, ugh.

BCPMike0663 03-24-2013 6:31 PM

Just seeing if anyone is still pushing play? I have being going pretty strong. Missed one week because work week from hell but other then that have been on track. Diet has been good during week and rough on the weekends with the wife. She is do April 19th so we are coming down to the end here. I bought a weight vest and I have been adding an extra 12 pounds on push up and pull up days. That thing makes the workouts much harder. I feel in good shape but I think to get to the next level the diet is going to have to be spot on. I don't know if that will work until after the birth and my wife joins the Tony train.

pesos 03-24-2013 6:46 PM

I am 10 days into a mix of Insanity and P90X (mostly insanity as I'm over 200 lbs for the first time in my life). Might have something to do with the evil local market squeezing fresh blood OJ - it's like crack and I've been guzzling 3 gallons a week easy. Other than the juice diet is good but travel for work is making it tough.

03-25-2013 11:04 AM

mike im still at it. this is my lost official week. ill keep doing something when im done of course. my numbers arent exactly where id like them. i use the legs and back day as my barometer. last time i did p90x(about 1 year ago) i hit 226 pulls for the 8 sets during that workout. currently im at 173. i hope i can get 175-176 on my final legs and back day(which is wednesday).

BCPMike0663 03-26-2013 11:57 AM

If you don't mind me asking how much do you weigh and how tall are you? I am 5-9 and 165. I am just trying to see if I need to cut some weight to get the definition I am looking for. Thanks, Mike

acurtis_ttu 03-26-2013 1:12 PM

everyone's build is a bit different. if u have an endomorph body type...youre going to have to work twice as hard to achieve a "lean" look.

at 5-9 165....unless ur built like an NFL cornerback...plan on dropping weight.

03-27-2013 11:58 AM

5'8 153 currently would like to drop another 5lbs for the summer.

phillywakeboarder 03-30-2013 2:34 PM

Week 6, Day 3. Basically, I'm now back to where I was when I finished my first round last December. My ony complaint is the pace of some of the DVDs - legs and back, and back and biceps, in particular. I really wish there was a setting on the DVDs that would allow you to give yourself a 10 or 15 second break between the moves, automatically. I feel that if I don't pause every now and then the resistance workouts kinda become cardio workouts, and it gets tiresome reaching for the remote all the time. "Hammer up, hammer down, like you're building a house . . . ."

phillywakeboarder 03-30-2013 2:45 PM

Hey Mike, if u get a weight vest, let me know how it works out. I was thinking of doing the same. My first thought was for pullups, but now I'm thinking it might be nice to do the leg stuff without weights in my hands. I think there are some that allow you to add/subtract weight, which would be nice.

BCPMike0663 04-01-2013 2:05 PM


Originally Posted by phillywakeboarder (Post 1814242)
Hey Mike, if u get a weight vest, let me know how it works out. I was thinking of doing the same. My first thought was for pullups, but now I'm thinking it might be nice to do the leg stuff without weights in my hands. I think there are some that allow you to add/subtract weight, which would be nice.

I bought the weight vest and I use it for push and pull days along with legs and back. I will tell you it makes the workouts way tougher. I really would recommend if you are in pretty good shape and want to go to the next level. I bought the 20 pound vest. It has little bags that weigh 3/4 pounds so you can adjust your weight. I am adding 11.5 pounds now and it makdes it way harder. Good luck. I got plyo today

annq42 04-02-2013 7:25 AM

The idea behind P90X was that resistance training is a cardio workout. It is suppose to be back to back. I did the DVDs and while they gave a good workout, I found that the overall result was more for look, and my realistic strength for boarding did not improve. Dont get me wrong my cardio was amazing, but I was no stronger than I was before.

richie44rich 04-03-2013 9:10 AM

Hey all, I have been killing P90X \ P90X2 for a little over 6 months now. I have gained a bunch of muscle and cant wait to start wakeboarding. I am 6-1 and went from 227 and am presently just under 185. The only downside so far is that I had to buy a few pairs of new pants as my old ones are too loose. I liked the programs and results so much, I decided to become a beachbody coach so I could assist others with the same goals. Check out my site at beachbodycoach.com/richie44rich and sign up for a free account to make me your coach. We can all do this together and achieve some awesome results!!

phillywakeboarder 04-05-2013 7:18 AM

Man, I don't see how you can do P90X and not get stronger. My first round resulted in a 62% increase in pullups and a 43% increase in pushups. I know there are other mass building programs (like body beast, for example) that'll make you stronger quicker, but I really don't think P90X is a cardio-focused program like, say, insanity. Now, whether any of the gains will help on the water, who knows . . . .

acurtis_ttu 04-05-2013 9:17 AM

I think you need to define stregnth...one veiw is it invloves pushing around weight. Dont' care how tall, how fat, ect....how much weight can you move?

In this sense...when I did p90...i definately noticed a drop in stregth in all measurable exercises. squat/bench/lat pull/shoulder press.

but cardio , flexibility and agility all increased. I also dropped abtou 8-10 lbs.

BCPMike0663 04-09-2013 8:10 AM

Still rolling. Using the weight vest on push and pull days. That thing is straight awesome. If you feel like you have plateued Give the weight vest a shot. It is a great addition. I am about 10 days away from baby so hopefully after my son is born I will be able to keep up with the program.

BCPMike0663 04-22-2013 6:44 AM

Well we had our baby so I took a week off. But I busted out some plyo yesterday and I am getting back on track. I am interested to see if I can keep the pace with the baby. I know my diet will improve now that my wife will not be eating mexican food four days a week.

BCPMike0663 03-06-2017 10:08 AM

Reviving this thread. I ended up having a second child and was slacking on serious exercise for a while. I decided it was time to start up again and started January 1st. Now a little older and a little greyer, I am now 65 days in. I have been pretty strict on the diet, except for an occasional dinner out and some wine. Over all I have seen pretty darn good results. Back over 130 pull ups on Legs and Back days. I leave on a trip in four days, so I will take my recovery on when I am gone.

After all these years I still love the work outs, and it is amazing how your body is a machine. The diet is the key and I have been able to stick to it pretty well.

Hoping to push hard through the 90 days and beyond.

ord27 03-06-2017 6:03 PM

you can do it Mike!
consider some supplements for joint health...

BCPMike0663 03-06-2017 9:18 PM

Ripper and legs and back done!

BCPMike0663 03-20-2017 4:48 PM

Finally got some sets on the water this weekend. Who ever doesn't think P90X helps wakeboarding is crazy. My handle position was so much better and haven't even really wake boarded hard in a couple years. I can't wait until I get my timing back but for now it is back to ripper and legs and back today.

pesos 03-20-2017 6:03 PM

You guys are inspiring. It's been tough stretch fitness/healthwise with 7 moves in 2 years, a few of those while pregnant (my wife, not me) with twins, not to mention the twins themselves. I got as heavy as 210 which is way over the 185-195 I've always been depending on how much I'm lifting (bit over 6'2"). Been swimming and running and doing light weights here and there as well as some juice cleanses and I'm back to 198 and feeling much better. Have a triathlon coming up in a couple months but after that it may be time for some Tony Time.

BCPMike0663 03-26-2017 10:05 AM

Making more progress. Still have a ways to go but the wife called me ripped today which I don't ever remember happening in the past. Just finished ripper and push and pull. Very happy with my progress.

If you are on the fence, hop on the train. It will help your wake boarding and you just feel so much better in general.

ord27 03-27-2017 7:30 AM

agreed Mike
I've gone through the program several times. Some doing the yoga, and some not doing it. I can honestly say, that even though it's a long and boring routine,it made a huge difference in my results and how I felt.

BCPMike0663 03-27-2017 7:50 AM

I am not going to lie, I am skipping the yoga. I do yoga belly and I run on yoga days. I am going on a trip to Tennessee in the next couple weeks and when I comeback. I will try and get on the yoga train.
What I have done well is be consistent with the work outs, and be consistent with the diet. I think the diet is probably the most important change that I have made.

ord27 03-27-2017 7:52 AM

I agree. The diet is sometimes the most difficult past of the program.

keep pushing play!!

pesos 03-27-2017 4:09 PM

Haven't been lifting (other than pullups around the house) but have been doing swim/run and doing well with diet. Dropped another 5 lbs.

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